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1.- Listen to the recording , take notes and answer the questions:

A. What has the man always wanted to have and why? A computer

B. What is the relationship between the man and his nepew and so like?

The relationship was really well and he really likes the nepew

C. What is his nephew like?

Is a person who is really good with computers

D. Who wishes the man "Happy Birthday"?

His nepew

E. Why does the man get angry with his son?

Because his son told people that his father was useless

F. What does the man do before the wordprocessor collapses?

Get your nepew back

2.- Complete the statements with not more than three words that you
hear in the listening

A. The man wanted a word processor because he wanted to be a writer

B. The man and his son didn't

C. Pressing the "DELETE" button makes real things disappear

D. The "ENTER" buttom makes things back to the real world.

E. The man finds a wordprocessor in his

3.- Listen to the recording again and complete the paragraph with words
you hear

By this time, smoke is starting to come out of the computer and it's getting rather hot.
So, before it's too late, he types in his nephew's name and when he does that the
screen keeps flashing the word overload., but he goes ahead and punches the "Enter"
button. And then the screen goes completely dark. So he sits there wondering what's
happened and suddenly he hears somebody calling him. He and there's his nephew.
And he looks at the word processor with all this smoke slowly coming out of it, and
says, "I don't Know what I thought I was doing when I built that word processor. It's
_______________ ___________________, and it'll never really work".

4.- Think about these questions. Make some notes and record an audio
with your answers. The audio MUST last between 2 and 3 minutes.

1. Imagine you had a machine like the one in the story. If you could eliminate one
problem in the world, what would it be? Why?
I would eliminate racism because it is one of the worst things in the

2. If you could use the machine to create something to make the world a better place,
what sentence would you type in? Why?
I would create a machine so that people in the world always have food

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