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“A Sound of Thunder”

Comprehension Questions
Find the definition and write an ORIGINAL sentence for each word

Word Part of Speech/ Definition Sentence

1. Annihilate With a stamp of your foot,

to destroy a considerable part of you annihilate first one, then a
dozen, then a thousand, a
million, a billion possible mice!"

2. Expendable normally used up or consumed in And the caveman, please note, is

service not just any expendable man, no!

3. Infinitesimal Crushing certain plants could add

immeasurably or incalculably up infinitesimally

4. paradox a self-contradictory statement That'd be a paradox," said the

that at first seems true latter

5. Primeval Eckels turned slowly to

of or relating to the earliest ages regard the primeval garbage
(as of the world or human history) dump, that hill of nightmares and

6. Remit We'll remit half your fee

to desist from

7. Resilient capable of withstanding shock It came on great oiled, resilient,

without permanent deformation striding legs
or rupture

8. Subtle Or maybe it can be changed only

delicate/ elusive in little subtle ways

Comprehension Questions

1. What is the name of the character who wants to hunt?

His name is Eckels

Fill in the blanks:

Time Safari, Inc.
Safaris to any
year in the past. You name the animal.
We take you there.
You shoot it.

2. What is the main reason they try to scare the hunter into following directions?
The instructions are made such as the future wouldn't change. If the hunter, as they said, step on a mouse,
because of the butterfly effect, all the future the humanity knows could change.

3. What is it that the hunter is supposed to stay on specifically?

He is supposed to stay on the path.

4. What could happen if the hunter does not follow directions?

He could alterate an ecosystem, kill an insect, or step on a mouse... It's dangerous because as we
mentionned it earlier, a tiny move could change the future.

5. How are the animals chosen?

The company choses an animal that would have died anyway in the next minutes. They mark them with red
paint and kill the animal at the exact place he would have died.

6. What does the hunter do that he does not at first notice?

He accidentally killed a butterfly

7. Who is president in the year 2055 when they return?

The dictator that originally lost the elections, Deutscher

8. Why does Travis want to kill the hunter?

So that he wouldn't do any damage again

9. What does the hunter offer to do?

he offers to pay 100 000 dollars

10. What is different about the sign upon their return?

The spelling is not the same

11. What can you infer happens to the hunter at the end of the story?

He was killed by Travis

Cause and Effect

Cause is the why something happened and effect is the what happened

1. Fill in the cause-and-effect chart below to show the sequence of events in the story. The first
and the last event are already filled in.

1. Eckels signs up for a safari to the past.

2. He learns that a tiny move can change the future
3.The tyronosaurus appears and Eckels is afraid
4. He runs away and accidentally kill a butterfly
5. They come back to the present and find that the present is different
6. We hear “a sound of thunder.”

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