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Florets fires

The florets fires are a huge problem what we have in Portugal. They cause a lot of
seriously problems, and this bring a lot of serious consequences irreversible for our
country, more specifically for things like biodiversity.
The Kind of consequences that can bring are: deforestation, pollution of water ways,
soil degradation, soil erosion, landslides, modification of animal habitats, animal
mortality, vegetation mortality and another one…
We can’t prevent and solve this problem through some solutions like the prohibition of
all kinds of things that can cause florets fires, cleaning the florets of all the things clean
all the flammable things the forest might have, punishing with high fines all those who
start fires, preparing the population to know how to prevent and fight fires, among
others solutions.
Concluding we must avoid this type of situations if not all the biodiversity in Portugal
Will be in great danger.

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