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1. Analyse the extract from “The Grass is Singing’ by Doris Lessing.

Speak on the problems raised in it.
2. Render the article from Ukrainian into English and get ready to discuss the problems
concerning the questions raised in it.

The Scheme of the Analysis of the Fiction Text

1. Some information about the writer.

… is a prominent (outstanding, famous) playwright (short-story writer).
He took up writing…
He is famous for…
The writer is distinguished by his brilliant dialogues…
His books are full of witty paradoxes, irony…
…is a very talented writer, he manages to create…
His elevated style of writing is one of the characteristic features of his books.
His famous books are…
His books gained popularity among the readers…
The phenomenon of his success is still being investigated.
His novels have enjoyed great popularity.
With sparkling humour he criticizes the weak sides of human nature.
His first literary success was…
2. The explanation of the title of the book.
The problems raised in the extract define the title of the book...
The title of the book reveals the problem of…
Under the title of the book the writer means…
3. The problems raised in the extract.
The author focuses his attention on the problems of...
The key (main) problems raised in the extract I’ve read are:
- relationship (relations) between a man and a woman;
– relations between two generations (the old and the young);
– the influence of a man on other people’s fates (lives);
– the man and the society (and his surroundings);
– the place of a man in the society; etc.
4. The peculiarities of the author’s style in the extract.
The typical feature of the author’s style is his using a great number of the high-flown words to
The writer has the talent of depicting the people and the situations vividly, with laughter-
provoking details.
The written tells his story in the objective way without going into the minds of the character
and without giving his own comments.
The style of the author is very expressive (ironic, masterful)…
In general the author’s style is marked by…
The dialogues are very intensive and dynamic.
The dynamism of the narration is created by a great number of short sentences the majority of
which are exclamatory, imperative and interrogative.
Many author’s remarks reveal the character’s traits – good or evil.
The interior (inner) monologue renders the thoughts and feeling of the character
5. The characteristic features of the main characters.
The main characters are portrayed through the dialogues…
The author describes the lady (the man) as…
6. The author’s attitude towards the main characters.
I can’t say that the author sympathizes with the characters because he reveals their hypocrisy,
evil intentions and practical interests.
In my opinion the author describes the characters in the objective way, that’s why it is rather
difficult to find out the author’s attitude to them.
I think that the author’s attitude to the main characters is rather ironic: he laughs at the vicos
of these careless people.
To my mind the author sympathizes with the lady portraying her as a tall and extraordinary
graceful woman with a delicately intelligent face.

The Sample of the Text Analysis

The man of destiny

G. B. Shaw is considered to be one of the most outstanding playwrights of the world. He
began his career working as a journalist and later on he started writing plays. His elevated style
of writing, the brilliant dialogues and witty paradoxes are distinguished features of his creation.
His “The man of destiny” gained popularity among the readers, that’s why the phenomenon of
his success is being explored.
The main problems raised in the play concern the personality of Napoleon, the
characteristics of his surrounding and partly the role of a woman in the history of the country.
These problems define the title of the play, which emphasizes the influence of the leader on the
destiny of the nation.
The peculiarities of B. Shaw’s style are also one of those secrets which attracts the readers’
attention. The author widely uses remarks which depict and explain the state of the characters
and the action in general. His brilliant dialogues are worth mentioning as they give the play an
atmosphere of constant tension and interest. The hero’s utterance doesn’t often appeal to the
question of the character.
By using these and other stylistic devices the author manages to give the readers the whole
image of his characters deeply and in detail. The lady turns out to be a wise and a cunning
woman. Being a graceful, refined and intelligent woman she uses her charm and her brains to
reach her aim and to get the letter.
The lady plays as a wonderful actress. She kisses the hands of Napoleon, struggles with
happy tears, sinks on knees before him or wipes away her tears. Her strategy is many-sided and
she appeals to Napoleon both as a man and a great leader.
But Napoleon doesn’t give in before the charm of the lady. He unriddles her intensions and
acts coldly and judiciously. He even treats the woman in a coarse way. In the end of their talk
Napoleon still feels irritated and annoyed saying that the lady will drive him out of his senses.
The characters created by B. Shaw in the play are marked by witty satire showing off the vices of
Napoleon and underlining the wisdom of the woman. The fact the woman dared to treat
Napoleon in this way and even made him lose his temper shows that the leaders called men of
destiny have their weak-points and it rouses our bitter smile while reading this play.
REVISE biographies of
1. Doris Lessing
2. R. Bradbury
3. F. Scott Fitzgerald
4. Alice Munroe
5. John Updike
The scheme for rendering the newspaper article

The plan for rendering the text Some expressions to be used while rendering the text
1. The title of the article The article is headlined….
The headline of the article I have read …
name) e.g.The
Guardian in its
2. The author of the article, where and The author of the article… issue of (date)
when the article was published The article is written by… carries an article
It is (was) published… headlined …by
It is (was) printed in … (the author’s

3.The main ides of the article The main idea of the article is…
The article is about…
The article is devoted to…
The article deals with…
The article touches upon…
The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on…
The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material on…
4.The contents of the article. Some The author starts by telling the reader that…
facts, names and figures The author writes that…
The article describes that…
According to the article…
Futher the author reports (says)…
The article goes on to say (that)…
In conclusion…
The author comes to the conclusion that…
5. Your opinion of the article I found the article interesting (important, dull, of no value, easy to read)

Political-social vocabulary which should be gained by the students

Negotiations/Treaties/Agreements the course of summits/top-level talks
2. to hold/to have/to conduct negotiations
3. to resume /to renew arms limitation talks
4. to interrupt / to break arms control talks hold bilateral talks
6. to initiate multilateral talks
7. to complete all-round talks
8. to make a contribution to smth hold preliminary talks
10. to have diverse positions condemn
12. to conclude a treaty
13. to ratify a treaty
14. to violate a treaty
15. to come/to enter into force
16. to cancel a long-term agreement
17. under the agreement
18.according to/in accordance with/in conformity with result in
20. The talks were a success.

1. to convene/to summon annual conference
2. to hold/to conduct forums
3. to withdraw a proposal
4. dis/approve (of) a proposal
5. to introduce a proposal
6. to have /to take the floor
7. to face/to confront a question
8. to adopt a proposal
9. to argue a question
10. to amend a resolution/to make amendments in (to) a
11. to abstain from
12. abstention
13. to sponsor a (forth)coming conference
14. to remove an item from the agenda
15. to give /to deliver a report
16. to read a paper
17. to chair the meeting
18. to ask for the floor
19. to give the floor
20. to deliver/to give/to make a speech
21. to make/to advance/to put forward a proposal
22. the question under discussion
23. the debate on the report
24. to carry/to pass a resolution
25. to adopt the agenda

Progressive movements of today

1. to come into being/to spring to life/to take shape 1.
2. the non-aligned movement
3. the movement for nuclear free future
4. to conduct/to wage a campaign
5. to demonstrate against smth
6. to link up/to unite
7. to combat hunger
8. to eliminate /to remove nuclear bases
9. to reduce military budgets
10. to undermine a regime
11. to install a dictatorship
12. to adhere to a policy
13. collapse of the USSR
14. to pursue a policy retain/to preserve dominate (over)
17. to oppress
18. to get/to gain/ to win independence proclaim independence
20. to abolish Death penalty
21. to do away with
22. to be determined
23. alliance/allies
24. to suppress
25. to subject (to)
26. to resort/to take to military actions
27. to overcome obstacles stage a coup (d’etat)
29. to impose
30. to deprive (of)
31. to ignore/to disregard
32. to hinder/to block/to retard
33. to be loyal to

Foreign policy of the country

1. to generate danger
2. to accumulate/to stockpile arms
3. to deploy nuclear weapons
4. to liquidate hotbeds (seats) of tension
5. to launch /unleash a war
6. to remove threat/menace/danger
7. to set/impose a moratorium on Death penalty
8. to hold international verifications/inspections
9. to aggravate international tension
10. to outlaw war
11. to curb the arms race relax/to lessen /to ease/to reduce international
tension end/to stop nuclear blasts
14. to advocate peace
15. to undertake armed aggression (against)
16. to abolish weapons of mass destruction
17. medium-range nuclear missile
18. non-proliferation of nuclear weapons
19. to prevent/to avert war rid mankind of nuclear threat threaten (with)
22. to eliminate medium-range nuclear missiles
23.the country’s defensive capacity upset military balance between countries
25. to build up conventional arms

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