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Hypoxemia vs Sleep Fragmentation as

Cause of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in

Obstructive Sleep Apnea*
Henri G. Colt, M.D.;t Helmut Haas, M.D., F.C.C.R;+ and
Gerald B. Rich, M.D.§

To determine the effects of intermittent hypoxemia on hypoxemic and oonhypoxemic conditions. In summary, two
daytime sleepiness in the clinical setting of obstructive nights of iDtermittent noctumaI hypoxemia during NCPAP
sleep apnea syndrome, we enrolled seven patients in a treatment for OSAS did not diminish the objective improve-
prospective, randomized, crossover study. We had two ment in daytime somnolence seen with NCPAP treatment
experimental conditions with NCPAP treatment as follow: in the absence of noctumaI hypoxemia. Results lend further
(1) to correct apneas, sleep fragmentation, and hyoxemia; support to the hypothesis relating excessive daytime sleep-
and (2) to correct apneas and sleep fragmentation and at iness to sleep fragmentation. (Chat 1991; lOO:l54J-48)
the same time, induce intermittent hypoxemia. The out-
come variable, daytime sleepiness, was measured objec- AlII = apnea-hypopnea index; BMI = body mass indeX; EDS =
tively with the multiple sleep latency test following comple- =
excesdve daytime sleepiness; EOG electrooculogram;
tion of baseline and each treatment condition. Compared MCST=mean continuous sleep time; MSLT=multip)e sleep
with sleep latencies in the untreated condition, both exper- =
latency test; NCPAP nasal continuous positive airway J)res-
sure; OSA = obstructive sleep apnea; OSAS = obstructive sleep
imental treatment arms prolonged sleep latencies (p<O.05). apnea syndrome; PLM = periodic leg movements; PSG = polY-
We found DO statistically significant differences between =
sonmogram; BAI respiratory arousal index; SE sleep edi-=
ciency; TST = total sleep time
mean MSLT scores obtained after NCPAP treatment under

E xcessive daytime sleepiness is a symptom common

to patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea.
treatment designed to either eliminate OSA episodes,
sleep fragmentation, and hypoxemia or eliminate OSA
The consequences ofEDS are significant deterioration episodes and sleep fragmentation and at the same
of the psychosocial and cognitive functions of individ- time produce repetitive arterial oxygen desaturations.
uals with OSA.l In addition to its impact on quality of We used the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) scores
life, EDS increases the risk for industrial and motor as the outcome variable to measure physiologic sleep
vehicle accidents, 2 decreases work capaci~ and fre- tendency before and after each treatment condition.
quently leads to adverse psychosocial consequences. 3
Excessive sleepiness is a common cause for consulta-
tion in centers for sleep disorders." Apnealhypopnea- Study Population
related EDS is usually reversible with appropriate Seven male patients from 31 to 68 years of age were enrolled in
nasal continuous positive airway pressure treatment.5-7 this prospective, randomized, crossover study. Clinical features and
pulmonary function data are summarized in Table 1. Individuals
The mechanisms underlying EDS are unclear. The
were selected for screening from a list of patients waiting to be
following two hypotheses have been proposed to studied at the Portland VA Medical Center Sleep Laboratory.
explain the sleepiness associated with the obstructive Patients completed a questionnaire detailing the history and symp-
sleep apnea syndrome: sleep fragmentation8-l0 and toms of their sleep disturbances and were interviewed by the same
hypoxemia. ll - l2 Because both sleep fragmentation and investigator (HGC). Criteria for exclusion from the study were as
follow: (1) age greater than 70 years; (2) a history of insomnia,
hypoxemia are statistically related to EDS in sleep
seizure disorder, stroke, congestive heart failure, angina pectoris,
apnea patients, separating the effects of one from the or unstable cardiac rhythm; (3) discovery of narcolepsy or other
other on daytime sleepiness requires independent reasons for daytime sleepiness besides OSA; (4) arterial CO2 tension
study ofeach condition. With this in mind, we studied greater than 50 mm Hg. Of 40 patients interviewed, only 11 were
sleep apnea-related EDS before and after NCPAP enrolled in the study. All were in stable condition and were not
receiving sedatives or psychotropic medications. Diuretic, antihy-
*From the Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, pertensive, and bronchodilator drugs were allowed prior to poly-
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and the Depart-
ment of Medicine, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland. somnography if clinically indicated. The research protocol was
This study was supported in part by the American Lung Association approved by the institutional subcommittee on human studies. Four
of Oregon. patients were subsequently excluded: one had an abnonnal noctur-
tFonner Fellow. Currently at the Centre Laser du CHU Sud, nal EEG and required neuropsychiatric evaluation, one showed no
Marseille, France.
evidence of EDS on the MSLT after the second-night baseline
*Associate Professor.
§Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology. polysomnogram, one left town without notice before study began,
Manuscript received December 3; revision accepted March 18. and one could not tolerate NCPAP because it produced otalgia.

1542 ExcessNe Daytime Sleepiness in OSA (Colt, Haas, RIch)

Table l-Baeline ArteritJl Blood G68 and Ventilatory Function Data

Age, Weight, 8MI, PaOj , PaCO., . Seo l , FEV 1.o, FEV/FVC,

Patient yr kg kglm l mmHg mm~~. 'II FEV.,L ,.PRD %PRD
•• "i ? ..

1 31 147 52 72 45 90 2.62 71 103

2 38 161 46 75 41 95 4.61 114 104
3 41 150 45 85 40 fT1 3.68 95 107
4 58 125 38 64 47 92 2.42 71 96
5 59 73 26 65 41 95 3.26 116 102
6 65 126 37 63 46 89 1.67 47 65
7 68 95 29 94 39 96 2.59 91 101
Mean 51 125 39 74 43 93 2.fT1
SD 14 32 8.7

*% PRD, percent of predicted normal value .16

Study Protocol required that the signal amplitude be less than 5 percent full scale
deflection, also with a duration of at least 10 s. Hypopneas were
Patients were hospitalized for a total of six nights (seven days).
detected if there was at least a 50 percent reduction in airflow
Resting pulmonary function tests and arterial blood gas analysis
relative to a local baseline coupled with a desaturation of at least 4
were obtained. After ascertaining the severity of sleep apnea by
percent. Hypopnea duration requirement also was at least 10 s.
means of two baseline polysomnograms, patients were studied
The EEG arousals were detected in relation to respiratory events
under two experimental conditions: condition 1 corrected apneas,
and periodic leg movements in addition to those occurring sponta-
sleep fragmentation and hypoxemia by treating obstructive sleep
neously. For arousals related to respiratory events and periodic leg
apnea with NCPAP; condition 2 corrected apneas and sleep
movements, a baselin~ period of 10 s was used prior to the event in
fragmentation with NCPAP but induced repeated desaturations by
question followed by an active comparison period of 10 s after the
the intermittent addition of 100 percent nitrogen gas to air. The
event lasting 10 s. In the case of PLM, an additional active period
order of treatment conditions was determined from a table of
of 7 s was used just prior to the leg movement. For an arousal to be
random numbers. A washout period of three nights separated the
scored, a 75 percent increase in the power of alpha plus beta, a 75
two experimental conditions. Thus, polysomnography was per-
percent increase in total power, or the presence of a K-eomplex in
formed on six nights with baseline study and each experimental
the active period was required. Spontaneous arousals were detected
condition requiring two all-night polysomnograms in order to avoid
using a 15-s sliding window with a baseline and active comparison
the first night effect. Severity of daytime sleepiness was measured
time segment. A 200 percent increase in alpha plus beta power or
by MSLT on the day following the second night of the baseline
a 200 percent increase in total power was required. Overlapping
polysomnogram and the second night of each experimental condi-
arousals were eliminated in the analysis.
Experimental Conditions: Condition 1 corrected nocturnal hy-
Procedures poxemia and sleep fragmentation by using standard procedures of
Polysomnography: Standard nocturnal polysomnogram included NCPAP therapy with additional monitoring of pressures at the
continuous monitoring of central and occipital electroencephalo- sampling port of the NCPAP mask with a companion manometer.
grams, electrooculogram, submental and anterior tibialis electro- A NCPAP system (Sleep Easy II, Respironics, Inc, Monroeville,
myograms, and electrocardiogram using conventional leads. Airflow PA) was used. Pressures were adjusted with a remote valve through
was monitored with oral and nasal thermistors, and respiratory a range of 0 to 18 em ~O pressure.
effort was measured by respiratory inductance plethysmography Condition 2 produced intermittent nocturnal hypoxemia while
with transducers placed around the abdomen and chest. Oxyhe- correcting sleep fragmentation and apneic events. The NCPAP
moglobin saturation was continuously recorded with a pulse oxim- application was identical in both experimental conditions. For
eter set on its fastest response. All variables were continuously condition 2, nitrogen gas was administered intermittently through
recorded by a sleep system (CNS). an input port located 5 em below the exhalation valve on the NCPAP
Measures of Sleep \fJriables: Nocturnal polysomnograms were mask. In order to achieve oxygen desaturations similar to those
compute~scoredfor sleep stages using sleep system software version which occurred spontaneously during baseline polysomnography, a
4.30. The default analysis of the raw data was reviewed and corrected suitable flow rate was determined by sleep technicians who manu-
in preparation for the final analysis by the system. Amplifiers were ally controlled the duration and quantity of nitrogen gas delivered
used for signal conditioning. The amplified signals were input to by means of a solenoid valve. Nitrogen administration ceased when
the sleep system for data acquisition-processing and analysis. the oximeter indicated the desired desaturation. One sampling port
Sleep onset was measured from the onset of the test until two on the NCPAP mask was reserved for 100 percent oxygen admin-
consecutive nonwake epochs of sleep were recorded. All staging istration in the event of an unexpectedly severe or protracted
was performed in 3O-s epochs. The methodology employed by the hypoxemia. System oxygen concentrations were continuously mon-
sleep system allowed the human scorer to set levels for individual itored with an oxygen analyzer (Instrumentation Laboratories,
subjects discriminating awake from sleep in addition to levels for Lexington, Mass).
slow wave sleep and stage REM using the criteria outlined by Measurements of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness: The MSLTs were
Rechtschaffen and Kales. 13 performed in the sleep laboratory the day following the second
Oxyhemoglobin desaturations were detected if there was a local night baseline PSG and after the second night PSG of each
drop in blood oxygen saturation equal to or greater than 4 percent experimental condition. After being instructed to lie on either a
lasting 8 s or more. Desaturations below 30 percent were categorized bed or in a reclining chair, patients were asked to go to sleep
as artifact in addition to any desaturation where the rate of the fall without NCP~ Tests were performed at 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM,
exceeded 10 percent per 2 s. and 4:00 PM. Standard EEG, EOG, EMG, and ECG were contin-
Apnea detection required a signal amplification lower than 3 uously recorded (Gould MultiChannel Recorder 28OOS, Cleveland).
percent of the full scale deflection with a duration of at least 10 s. Patients were monitored by videocamera and microphone and were
To detect the effort component of a mixed or central event, it was observed on television screen. The MSLTs were hand-scored. The

CHEST I 100 I 8 I DECEMBER, 1991 1543

Table 2-~ and HypopnetUI Auociated with three-way comparisons were significant, posthoc paired Student's
Each Experimental Condition· t-tests were used to compare groups. A probability value of less
than 0.05 was accepted as statistically significant.
Paired Differences
Student's t-Tests, RESULTS
Means SD p Values
Baseline data including body weight, body mass
02 6.3 11.9 index, and results of spirometry are shown in Table 1.
01 4.9 4.5
For all 7 patients, the BMI exceeded the upper limit
0A2 1.6 2.6
OAI 1.4 1.3
0.706 of accepted normal range (25). Two patients were
M2 23.9 57.0 overweight (BMI 25 to 30), and the remaining five
Ml 0.7 1.9 were obese (BMI >30). Although the patients were
MA2 12.0 30.4 mildly hypoxemic at rest for their age, only patient 6
MAl 0.3 0.8
had severe ventilatory dysfunction by spirometric
C2 117.0 111.8
CI 21.9 47.9
0.102 standards16 and arterial blood gas values.
CA2 35.1 39.6 Mean MSLT scores and sleep stage measurements
CAl 2.4 4.0 are summarized in Table 3. At the beginning of the
H2 67.7 88.3 study, patients were excessively sleepy as indicated by
HI 8.7 17.0
a mean sleep latency of 2.7 min. Sleep was primarily
HA2 20.0 26.7
HAl 3.7 8.2
0.072 stage 2 and stage 1 with very little stage REM. The
time spent in all sleep stages except stage 4 improved
*Cumulative data from two polysomnograms for each of two
as the mean sleep latency increased to 5.2 min
experimental conditions. 0, obstructive apnea; M, mixed apnea;
C, central apnea; A, arousal; H, hypopnea; 1, NCPAP treatment (p=O.09) after NCPAP application (without addition
without induced hypoxemia; 2, NCPAP treatment with induced of nitrogen gas) for two consecutive nights. When
hypoxemia. results of NCPAP with and without the induction of
hypoxemia were compared, no statistically significant
differences were noted in the percentage of sleep for
MSLT reader was blinded to the patient's identity, clinical history, different sleep stages (except for a small decrease in
and order of randomization. We used a modification of the standard stage 2 under condition 2), TST, or mean latency to
technique for measuring daytime sleepiness. If Each MSLT was
sleep onset. Sleep efficiency increased from 81 percent
terminated when sleep onset was reached (defined by three
consecutive 3O-s epochs of stage 1 sleep or any single epoch of stage
at baseline to 91 percent in condition 1 and to 84
2, 3, 4, or REM sleep), or if sleep was not attained within 20 min. percent in condition 2. The differences in sleep
A value of 20 min was given if no sleep occurred; otherwise, the efficiency between the two experimental conditions
time value was that from lights out to the first epoch of sleep onset. did not reach statistical significance.
The mean continuous sleep latency for the day was calculated by
Results of measures of nocturnal Sa02 are summa-
averaging the individual latency scores of the four MSLTs. Severe
EDS was defined as a mean latency to sleep onset of less than or
rized in Table 4. Patients had significant nocturnal
equal to 5 min. 15 hypoxemia during baseline polysomnography with 395
(mean) desaturations below Sa02 of 90 percent. An
Statistics average of 119 min were spent below SaO! of 85
The data presented are from second night polysomnograms percent. These measures improved strikingly with the
obtained at baseline and each of the two experimental conditions. application of NCPAP alone. When nitrogen was
The data in Table 2 are based on two successive all-night polysom-
nograms obtained for each experimental condition. Analysis of
added to the NCPAP mask, the degree of nocturnal
variance for repeated measures was used to test for significant hypoxemia obtained was similar to that which occurred
differences among mean scores in the three conditions. When the spontaneously during baseline studies. This is dem-

Table 3-Sleep Stage MetJBUrementB and MSLT at Baeline and Each Erperimental Condition·
Post-hoc p Values
Baseline Condition 1 Condition 2
Variable Study CPAP CPAP+N2 BvsCI BvsC2 Cl vs C2

TST, min 343 (56) 385 (37) 363 (45) 0.01 ns ns

% Stage 1 11 (5) 6 (5) 6 (3) 0.006 0.006 ns
% Stage 2 78 (9) 69 (9) 61 (8) 0.02 0.0006 0.04
% Stage 3 1 (3) 7 (6) 10 (4) 0.04 0.004 its
Stage 4 0.4 (.1) 0.3 (1) 0.1 (.2) ns ns ns
% Stage REM 6 (5) 17 (8) 23 (7) 0.02 0.0005 ns
*' SE min 81 (10)
2.7 (1.7)
91 (6)
5.2 (2.1)
84 (8)
6.2 (3.6)

*Results of second night study expressed as mean with SD in parentheses.

1544 Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in OSA (Colt, Haas, Rich)

Table 4-Sleep Related Oxygenation Meamres at Baseline and Each Experimental Condition·

Post-hoc p Values
Baseline Condition 1 Condition 2
Shldy CPAI' CpAp+N2 B vsCI B vs C2 Cl vs C2

No. desat 458 (257) 7 (9) 205 (184) 0.0002 0.01 0.03
Av duration of desat <90%. s 22 (4) 19 (25) 35 (12) ns ns ns
No. desat <90% 395 (281) 4 (8) 190 (179) 0.0009 0.03 0.05
TIme <90%. min 163 (167) 38 (95) 175 (139) 0.003 ns 0.001
TIme <85%. min 119 (171) 0.4 (1) 119 (143) 0.04 ns 0.04
*Results of second night study expressed as mean with SD in parentheses.

Table 5-Respiratory Measures During Sleep at Baseline and Each Experimental Condition·

Post-hoc p Values
Baseline Condition 1 Condition 2
Study CPAI' CpAp+N2 BvsCI B vs C2 Cl vs C2

No. apnealhypopnea events 427 (202) 18 (36) 127 (133) 0.‫סס‬OO 0.0004 ns
Apnealhypopnea. h 73 (26) 3.2 (7) 21 (20) 0.‫סס‬OO 0.0001 os
No. respir arousals 220 (105) 1.7 (2) 47 (50) 0.‫סס‬OO 0.0001 liS
Respir arousal. h 37 (13) 0.2 (.3) 8 (8) 0.‫סס‬OO 0.‫סס‬OO liS
Total No. arousals. h 50 (13) 7.3 (5) 14 (5) 0.‫סס‬OO 0.‫סס‬OO os
MCST. min 1.3 (.3) 12.3 (8.3) 4.22 (1.5) 0.0007 ns 0.006

*Results of second night study expressed as mean with SD in parentheses.

onstrated by the lack of statistically significant differ- abnormal sleep architecture with sleep fragmentation
ences between baseline and experimental condition 2 and nocturnal hypoxemia. Two nights of treatment
in regard to the number of minutes spent below Sa02 with NCPAP greatly improved the sleep architecture
of90 percent and 85 percent, and in the mean duration and mean MSLT scores. When nitrogen was admin-
of each desaturation. istered, the severity of hypoxemia was similar to that
Measures of respiratory disturbances during sleep which existed during baseline studies.
are shown in Table 5. Patients had a baseline apnea- Results of MSLTs are represented in Figure 1. Bar
hypopnea index of 73 and a respiratory arousal index graphs are in order of randomization. The order of
of 37. Except for the mean continuous sleep time study after baseline PSG proceeded from experimen-
under condition 2, all measured variables improved tal condition 1 to condition 2 for patients 1 and 4, and
significantly after NCPAP application. When nitrogen from condition 2 to condition 1 for all others. The
gas was added to NCPAp, the severity of respiratory results of post-hoc Student's (-tests (Table 3) demon-
disturbance increased somewhat compared with strate significant differences in mean MSLT scores be-
NCPAP alone, but the differences were not statistically tween baseline and NCPAP alone (p = 0.045) and be-
significant except for the MCST. tween baseline and NCPAP with nitrogen (p=0.OO8).
The combined results entered in Tables 4 and 5 Mean MSLT scores were similar, however, for exper-
show that before NCPAP treatment, patients had imental conditions 1 and 2, and the differences be-
14 tween them were not statistically significant.
o Baseflne
12 • Condition 1 (NCPAP alone) DISCUSSION
!:l Condition 2 (NCPAP and N2)
The mechanism underlying EDS in patients with
sleep apnea is unclear. The following two hypotheses
:i 8
have been offered to explain daytime sleepiness: (1)
sleep fragmentation; and (2) hypoxemia. Because sleep
~ 6 fragmentation and hypoxemia are correlated, both
seem to contribute to daytime sleepiness in patients
with obstructive sleep apnea. 17 • 19 We studied the
effects of intermittent nocturnal hypoxemia on phys-
iologic sleepiness. To our knowledge, this is the first
o study designed to produce hypoxemia, concurrently
2 3 4 5 6 7 correct sleep apnea and sleep fragmentation with
Patients NCPAp' and measure the response variable objec-
FIGURE 1. Results of MSLTs. tively. The main finding of our study is that intermit-

CHEST I 100 I 6 I DECEMBER. 1991 1545

tently induced hypoxemia per se does not diminish sleep resembling that observed in the untreated sleep
the beneficial effect of NCPAP on EDS as measured apnea state did not by itself cause increased daytime
by MSLT. Thus, our results do not support the sleepiness when apneas were eliminated by NCPAE
hypothesis which states that apnea-related hypoxemia This supports previous work relating EDS to various
by itself leads to daytime sleepiness. measures of sleep disruption rather than to oxygen
Several investigators have studied the effects of desaturation per se.
nocturnal hypoxemia and sleep fragmentation on Our research protocol was not designed to address
daytime somnolence in patients with OSA.lG-12.lS.l7-l9 the question of whether or not severe waking hypoxe-
Orr et al ll compared four hypersomnolent with four mia or extreme and repetitive oxygen desaturations
asymptomatic sleep apnea patients. Both groups of during sleep might lead to EDS. That low oxygen
patients had a similar number of apneas and mean tensions present during both day and night separated
CO2 tension of 39 mm Hg during sleep. The only those patients with OSA who had subjective sleepiness
difference between the two groups was the lower from those that did not,11 suggests a possible role for
arterial oxygen tension on waking (54 vs 80 mm Hg) hypoxemia in the causation of EDS in a subgroup of
and during sleep (47 vs 70 mm Hg) in the symptomatic apnea patients. We have no way of knowing if the
group. The authors concluded EDS is produced by outcome of our study would have been different had
hypoxemia. Because sleepiness was judged by subjec- we selected patients with more severe daytime hy-
tive complaints which do not always accurately reflect poxemia. An unexpected finding was the occurrence
the physiologic state of sleepiness, iD their conclusion ofhypopneas and central apneas in response to boluses
is not definitive. Sink et all! studied 37 elderly patients of nitrogen gas given through the input port of the
with OSA and compared two subgroups of patients, NCPAP mask (Table 5). The majority of these respira-
one reporting excessive sleepiness, the other being tory events were not associated with arousals or
asymptomatic. Based on discriminant analysis of oxy- reduced sleep latencies. It is noteworthy that induced
gen saturation during sleep and the number of apneas progressive eucapnic hypoxemia as low as 70 percent
and hypopneas, the two patient groups were discrim- Sa02 (Po2 =37.0 mm Hg) is a poor arousal stimulus in
inated by two hypoxemia variables (Sa02 <90 percent healthy adults, both in NREM and REM sleep. 21
and SaO. <80 percent). The authors concluded that Although our data show a trend towards more apneasl
somnolent patients are characterized by more severe hypopneas with the induction of intermittent hypoxe-
oxygen desaturations. Because sleepiness was judged mia than without it, the differences in apneas, hypo-
by subjective complaints, and data analysis did not pneas, or arousals between the two treatment condi-
include the total number of arousals, their conclusion tions did not achieve statistical significance. Further
cannot be accepted as definitive. Guilleminault et al lS studies along these lines would be of interest to
studied 100 patients with obstructive sleep apnea elucidate the mechanism and significance of these
syndrome. The authors measured daytime sleepiness observations. A recent paper by Orr et alii reports no
objectively and applied regression and cluster analyses apparent relationship between chronic daytime hy-
to assess the determinants ofEDS. This study did not poxemia and subjective and objective daytime sleepi-
find any statistically significant correlates between ness in patients with COPD. Clearly, hypoxemia by
polysomnographic measures of sleep (amount of stage itself is not a sufficient condition leading to EDS in
1 sleep, respiratory disturbances, and oxygen satura- COPD patients; on the other hand, this does not
tion) and daytime sleepiness. The authors concluded necessarily imply that hypoxemia can have no effect
the best predictors of EDS are those reflecting sleep on EDS of sleep apnea. The question can be raised
disturbances and cc sleep structure anomalies." Roehrs whether acute decreases in oxyhemoglobin saturation
et al lO recently studied 466 patients with OSAS by rather than absolute levels of daytime or nocturnal
means of polysomnography followed by MSLT in an hypoxemia could be linked to the complaint of EDS.
attempt to find predictors of EDS. Correlation and Our results show that acute intermittent falls in Sa02
multiple regression analyses were performed on meas- during sleep in the absence of significant sleep frag-
ures ofhypoxemia and sleep fragmentation. The MSLT mentation do not lead to increased daytime sleepiness.
score correlated best with the RAJ which measures Ifhypoxemia alone does not invariably lead to daytime
the number of arousals from sleep associated with sleepiness, it may do so indirectly by inducing sleep
respiratory disturbances. Measures of hypoxemia fragmentation. Both oxygenation and sleep disruption
added little or no independent information towards are statistically related to EDS.17 The degree of
explaining the variants in EDS not accounted for by hypoxemia is highly correlated with measures of sleep
measures of sleep fragmentation. The authors con- fragmentation, especially with frequency of respira-
cluded that sleep fragmentation is an important de- tory events rather than measures of sleep architec-
terminant of daytime sleepiness in patients with ture .18 These correlations assume a new meaning in
apnea. In our study; intermittent hypoxemia during light ofrecently published data which show that airway

1548 Excessive Daytime Sleepiness In OSA (Colt, Haas, Rich)

occlusion, hypoxia, or hypercapnia can produce improved significantly after one night and further
arousal from sleep at similar levels of ~-negative improved significantly after 14 nights; there was no
esophageal pressure. 23 Even though arousal occurs at additional improvement after 42 nights. 5 Certainly,
different levels ofventilation and Sa02~~tlreventilatory our data demonstrate that treatment with NCPAP for
effort for each subject is similar at the point of arousal two consecutive nights is adequate for the detection
no matter what the stimulus. If patients with sleep of measurable improvement in MSLT scores. On the
apnea were to respond as did these healthy young other hand, the time course of potentially adverse
men, then it would follow that those patients mounting effects from nocturnal hypoxemia on daytime alertness
a strong ventilatory effort in response to nocturnal is unknown, and the adverse effects from hypoxemia
oxygen desaturation should experience more hypoxe- might be cumulative. Whether the improvements in
mia-induced arousals, and therefore, EDS. We found MSLT scores under hypoxemic NCPAP conditions
no statistically significant differences between meas- observed by us would have continued to parallel the
ures of sleep architecture under normoxic and hypox- findings under normoxic NCPAP conditions over an
emic NCPAP treatment conditions (Table 3), and thus, extended period of time is unknown.
are in agreement with previous work;18 on the other We conclude that patients with OSA show similar
hand, no statistically significant differences between improvements in MSLT scores after two nights of
respiratory measures during sleep under normoxic treatment with NCPAP whether or not they are
and hypoxemic NCPAP treatment conditions were exposed to intermittent nocturnal hypoxemia. A cross-
noted (Table 5). Because in our study acute repetitive over NCPAP trial with and without nocturnal hypoxe-
oxygen desaturations produced neither numerous mia carried out for several weeks would answer the
arousals nor interference with NCPAP treatment in question of whether or not prolonged nocturnal hy-
terms of its effect on EDS, we are unable to answer poxemia alone leads to EDS in patients with sleep
the question of whether hypoxemia causes EDS indi- apnea. Under present conditions, such a study would
rectly by means of sleep fragmentation. Although our be difficult to perform because of a lack of suitable
patients frequently expenenced desaturation below technical equipment for use outside the hospital or
85 percent (Table 4), an even more abrupt and severe excessive financial cost if done in hospital.
fall in Sa02 conceivably could have had a more
disruptive effect on sleep. Finally, if hypoxemia di- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We thank Larry Lauritzen and Steve
Munoz for their technical assistance, Dr. David H. Hickam for
rectly contributes to daytime sleepiness in patients statistical analysis, and Theresa Ciullo for secretarial assistance.
with OSA, then correction ofhypoxemia should lessen
daytime sleepiness. In fact, a recent study found no REFERENCES
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