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Vincent De Paul, Born in April 24, 1581 in Pouy, France was the patron saint of charitable
societies, St. Vincent de Paul is primarily recognized for his charity and compassion for the poor.
He was renowned for his compassion, humility, and generosity. As of this year, St. Vincent de
Paul has celebrated his 285th feast day back in September 27. Now that there is a pandemic, there
have been a lot of things that happen since the lockdown happened. Families and friends can’t go
outside to meet outside like how everyone used to. All of the people had adjusted to keep
ourselves safe from the virus. Now from recent incident for the flood that Bagyong Carding did
on the Northern part of Luzon, a lot of people had lost lives and their belongings. A lot of people
was afflicted. But at the darkest of times, we should help others like how St. Vincent de Paul
helped people back then. Charities have been informed to people for the help of the ones
afflicted of the storm.

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