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Standard Test Meth。d f。r

Ball-Pan Hardness 。f Activated Carb。n1
This standard is issued under the 白xed designation D3802; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of 陀、1 i sion, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (ε) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3.2 Definitions of Terms Spec作 to This Standard:

1.1 This t巳st method covers a procedure for determining th巳 3.2. l nominal particle size: natural, granula1; and irregu-
ball-pan hardn巳ss number of granular activated carbo ns. For larly shaped particle carbo凡←-that particle siz巳 range,巳X句
由巳 purpose of this t巳s t, granular activated carbons are those
pressed in terms of Sp巳Cl日cation E 11 siev巳 sizes, whose small
巳nd exclud巳s not mo r巳 than 5 % of the particle s ize
having particles 90 % of which are larger than 80 m巳sh (180
µm ) as determined by Test Method 02862. distribution, and whose larg巳巳nd 巳xcludes not more than 5 %
of the distribution, on a weight basis.
1.2 The values stated in SI units ar巳 to be regard巳d as
3.2.2 nominal particle size: pelleted carbons-that particle
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
size range, expressed in terms of Specification E l l sieve siz巳s,
whose small end excludes not mor巳 than l 0 % of the particle
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the size distribution and whose JarσE 巳nd 巳xcludes not more than
safety concerns,可 any, associated with its use. ft is the 5 % of th巳 di stribution, on a weight basis.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
3.2.3 small end nominal particle size-that particle size,
priate safety and health practices and determine the αpplica­
巳xpressed by its 巳quivalent Specification E l l sieve, which
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
d巳白 nes 由巳 excl uded portion of the particle size distribution at
2. Referenced Documents its small particle size end in accordance with 3.2. l or 3.2.2.
2.1 ASTM Stαndards:2
Bl9 Sp巳cification for Cartlidge Brass Sh巳et, Strip, Plate, 4. Summary of Test Method
Bar, and Disks 4.1 A screen巳d and weigh巳d sample of th巳 carbon is placed
Bl50/Bl50M Sp巳c ification for Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar, in a special h ardn巳ss pan with a number of stainless 悦目l balls,
and Shapes th巳n subj巳ct巳d to a combined rotating and tapping action for 30
02652 Terminology Relating to Activated Carbon min. At 由e 巳nd of this p巳riod, the amount of particl巳 s iz巳
02854 Test M巳thod for Appar巳nt Density of Activated d巳gradation is det巳rr
Carbon by weight, which is retained on a sieve whose openin gs 缸·e
02862 T1巳st Method for Particle Siz巳 Di stribution of Granu- closest to one half th巳 openings of the sieve that defines th巳
Jar Activat巳d Carbon minimum nominal particle size of the original sample.
02867 T1巳st Methods for Moisture in Activated Carbon
Ell Sp巳cification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test 5. Significance and Use
5.1 S巳V巳ral
methods have b巳巳n 巳mployed in th巳 past for
E300 Practice for Sampling Industrial Chemicals d巳termining the resistance of activated carbons to pa1ticle size
d巳gradation und巳r s巳rvice conditions, including the ball-pan
3. Terminology
method,由e stirring bar method, and the dust elutriation
3. 1 General-Terms applicable to this standard are defined method. None of these has prov巳d completely satisfactory for
in Terminology 0 2652. all applications, and all have been questioned by ASTM
Committe巳 028 on Activated Carbon as tests for establishing
1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Commit1ee D28 on d巳gradation resistance. However, th巳 ball-pan m巳thod has been
Activated Carbon and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D28.04 on Gas used widely in the past and has a broad history in the activat巳d
Phase Evaluation Tests
Current editionapproved June I, 2016. Published July 2016. Originally approved carbon industry for measuring the property loosely described
in 1979. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as 03802 - 10. DOI: 10.1520/ as “ hardness.” In this context the test is u s巳ful in establishing
03802-16. a m巳asurable characteristic of a carbon. Conceding the fact that
2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM wcbsi缸,, or
the test does not actually measure in-service resistance to
contact ASTM Customer Service at For A111111al Book of ASTM
Sw11dards volume information. refer to the standard ’ SDocument Summary page on degradation, it can b巳 used to establish th巳 comparability of
the ASTM website. lots ostensibly of the same grade of carbon.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Ha巾。r Drive, PO Box C700, West .Conshoh田:)<e~. Pl\.)日4旦.6-2959. United States
Copyright ASTM lnternatiooal
4伊 03802 -16
TABLE 1 Hardness Test Sieve (HTS) Corresponding to Specification E11 Sieves Defining Small-End Nominal Particle Size (SNPS)
Opening, mm E11 Mesh Opening, µm E11 Mesh Opening, µm E11 Mesh Opening, µm E11 Mesh
5.6 3V2 2800 7 850 20 425 40
4.75 4 2360 8 710 25 355 45
4.00 5 2000 10 600 30 300 50
3.35 6 1700 12 500 35 250 60
2.BO 7 1400 14 425 40 212 70
2.36 8 1180 16 355 45 180 80
2.00 10 1000 18 300 50 150 100
1.70 12 850 20 250 60 125 120
1.40 14 710 25 212 70 106 140
1.1 日 16 600 30 180 80 90 170
1.00 18 500 35

6. Apparatus and 岛faterials 8. Calibration

6. 1 Mechanical Sieve Shake1; designed to produce from 140 8. 1 Calibration of balances shall b巳 maintain巳d by standard
to 160 taps and from 280 to 320 rotating motions per minute in laboratory methods. Sieves shall b巳 calibrated at reasonable
a stack of standard Sp巳cification Ell sieves.3 Adjust th巳 si巳ve intervals in accordance with th巳 procedure described in Sp巳ci­
shaker to accommodate th巳 desired number of sieves, rec巳iver fication E 11 .
pan, and sieve cover. Adjust the bottom stops to giv巳 a
clearance of approximately I .6 mm between the bottom plate 9. Procedure
and the si巳ves so that the sieves wiII be fr巳e to rotate. Fit the
COY巳r plat巳 with a cork stopper which extends from 3.2 to 9.5 9.1 Determine the nomjnaJ particle size of th巳 sample in
mm above th巳 metal recess. accordance with Test Method D2862, and its moisture cont巳nt
in accordanc巳 with T巳st Methods 02867.
6.2 Wire Cloth Sieves, in accordanc巳 with Specification Ell ;
six requir巳d, at least four of which bracket the 巳xpect巳d 9.2 Obtain an additional repres巳ntati ve sample of approxi-
nominal particle size distribution of the sample, and one of matel y 125 mL of th巳 carbon in accordanc巳 wi th Practice E300.
which, designated the hardn巳SS t巳st sieve, has an opening as 9.3 Screen 由is sample to its nominal particle siz巳 distribu­
close as possible to one half the o p巳njng of th巳 sieve that tion using Test Method 02862. Discard the fractions above the
d巳h巳s the smaller nominal particle size of the original sample.
larger and below the smaller nomjnal particle size. Obtain at
TabI巳 l lists the hardness test sieve corresponding to each least 100 mL of material within th 巳 nom i nal mesh size range.
minimum nominal sieve. Us巳 additional mat巳rial obtai ned as in 9.2, if necessary.
6.3 Bottom Receiver Pan and Top Sieve Cover (s巳巳 6 . 1 ).
9.4 M巳asure out l 00 mL of the screen巳d sample into a tared,
6.4 Hardness Test Pan, having the dim巳nsions of that in Fig. graduated cylinder in accordance with Test Method 02854, and
w巳igh to 由巳 n巳arest 0.1 g.
6.5 Adjustable Interval Timer, with a precision of at least 士5
9.5 Place the hardness pan (Fig. l) on the standard bottom
s, duration at l巳ast 600 s (10 mjn). receiv巳rpan. Pour the screened and weighed sample into the
6.6 Sample Splitter, single-stage riffle type, in accordance hardness pan and add th巳 stee l balls.
with 30.5.2 of Practice E300.
9.6 Comp !巳te th巳 s ieve stack by stacking five full-height
6.7 Balance, with sensitivity and accuracy of at least 0.1 g. sieves and th巳 si巳V巳 cov巳r on top of th巳 hardn巳ss pan. Th巳巳xtra
6.8 s,呐 Brass- 阳re Brush. 4 sieves, in this case, serve only to form a stack which fills the
shak巳r, thus avoiding changes in tapping action and readjust-
6.9 Steel Ball』, fift巳巳n 12.7 土 0.1 mm in diameter and
ment of the si巳V巳 stack retainer.
fift巳en 9.5 士 0. 1 mm in diameter.
9.7 Plac巳 si巳ve stack in the si巳ve shaker and shake for 30 土
7. Sampling
0.5 min, with tapping hammer operating.
7. 1 Guidance in sampling granular activated carbon is given
in Practic巳 E300.
9.8 At the end of the shaking p巳riod,陀mov巳 the sieve stack
from the sieve shaker and remove the hardness pan from the
sieve stack. Place the hardness I臼t siev巳 on top of the r巳ceiving
3 The sole source of supply of the apparatus (the Tyler Ro-Tap Sieve Shaker,

Model RX-29) known to the committee at this time is W.S. Tyler. I时, Gastonia. pan.
NC. lf you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to
ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consider- 9.9 Remove the steel balls from the hardness pan and
auon at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, 1 whieh you may attend. transfer sample to the hardn巳ss test si ev巳, brush ing adhering
4 The sole source of supply of the apparat u s 队r.s . Tyler Model 1778-SB) known particles into 出e si巳V巳 Stack the five full-height si巳V巳s and
to the eommittee at this time is W.S. Tyler, Inc目’ Gastonia, NC. 1f you are aware of sieve cover on top of the hardness test sieve and receivi ng pan,
alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM International
Headquarters. Your comments will reeeivc eareful consideration at a meeting of the and replace th巳 stack in the si巳V巳 shaker. Shake with th巳
responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend hammer op巳rating for 10 min ::!:: 10 s.

Copyright ASTMlnternatiooal
4伊 03802 -16
Dimensions: mm RADIUS

204 DIA.

II -1 1 - Nl.6


203 D队.

NOTE I-Material is plate, of one of the following alloys: (/) Cartridge brass, UNS C26000, half-hard temper, hardness 60 HRB or greater (see
Spec1且 catibn Bl9); or (2) Aluminum bronze, UNS C61400, soft temper, hru由ess 140 HB or greater (see Specification B 150/B l SOM).
FIG. 1 Pan for Ball-Pan Hardness Test

9 .10 A t the 巳nd of the shaking period, remove the si巳V巳 11.1.6 Identification number and date of the test, and
stack frOm the sieve shak巳r and transfer the remainder of the 11.1.7 L ot number fro m which the sample was taken.
sampl巳 6n th巳 hardness t巳st sieve to a tared w巳ig hing pan.
Weig h to the nearest 0.1 g. 12. Precision and Bias5
9. 门 Sw巳巳p the pan catch into a tared w巳ighing dish, and l 2. 1 T he precisio n of this test method is based o n an
weigh to the nearest 0. I g . interlaboratory study conduct巳d in 2007. Each of ni n巳 labor a-
tories test巳d four diffi巳rent materials. Every “ test r巳sul t" re pre-
10. Calculation sents an indi vidual determinatio n. All laborato ries submitted
10.1 Calculate th巳 ball-pan hardness number from th巳 equa­ three rep l i cat巳 test results (from one operato r) for each mate-
tion rial.
(l ) 12. l.l Repeatability-Two test results obtained within one
labo ratory shall b巳 j udged not equivalent if the~ d iffer by mor1巳
wh巳r巳: than the “ r ” val ue for that m aterial;
H = ball-pan hardness number, r巳pr巳s巳nti ng the criti cal diff1巳r巳nce b巳twe巳n two I巳st results for
B = weight of sample retain巳d o n hardness test s ieve (see th巳 Salη巳 mat巳rial , obtained by th巳 same operator using the
9. 10), g, and same equipm巳nt on the same day i n th巳 same laboratory.
A = weight of sample loaded onto har由iess pan (see 9.4), g. 12. I .2 Reproducibility-Two test r巳suits shall be judged not
10.2 A s a check on the accuracy of the test, calculat巳
equi valent if they differ by more than th巳“R" value for that
ball-pan hardness from the pan catch as follows: material; “ R” is th巳 interval representing the di仔巳rence be-
twe巳n two test results for the same mat巳rial, obtained by
H 2= LOO(I CIA) (2) di仔巳rent o perators using different eq uipment in different labo-
w h巳r巳: rato ries.
C = pan catch from 9. 11 , g. 12. 1.3 Any judgment in accordance w ith these two state-
ments would have an approximate 95 % pro bability of being
If H2 differs from H by more than 2 %, o ne may assume that correct.
sig nificant amounts of carbon are no t account巳d for, and th巳
run must b巳 reject巳d. 12.2 Bias- At the time of the study, there was no accepted
referenc巳 materialsuita b le for dete rmin ing the bias fo r this test
11. Report method, th巳refore no statement on bias is being mad巳.
11.l R巳p01t the following info rmatio n: 12.3 The pr ecisio n statem巳nt was dete rmined through sta-
11. l.l Name of th巳 carbo n su pplier, ti stical 巳xaminationof I 08 results, from n ine laboratories, on
11. l.2 Grade designatio n of th巳 sample, four materi als. These fou r carbo ns are d巳scrib巳d in Table 2.
11. l.3 Nominal pa rticl巳 s i ze range and moistur,巳 content (as
measured in 9.3),
1 l.1.4 Ball-pan hardness numb巳r, 5 Supporting data have been fi led al ASTM lnlernational Headq uarters and may
11.1.5 Nam巳 of th巳 ag巳ncy and tec hnician making the t巳剑, be obtained by m吨ues ti ng Research Rcpo11 RR : D28-山06

Copyright ASTMlnternatiooal
4伊 03802 -16
TABLE 2 Hardness 12.4 As noted in th巳 results table, the rep巳atability and
Carbon Ave『age Repeatability Repr。ducibility Repeatability Reproducibility reproducibility are d巳p巳ndent on 由e carbon type. To judge th巳
Standard Standard Limit Limit
巳q ui valen cy of two test results, it i s recommended to choos巳
Deviation Deviation
x sr sR r R th巳 carbon closest in characteristics to the test carbon.
Wood 62.37 4.16 16.76 11.66 46.92
45 sieve
Lignite 80.20 1.96 4.46 5.49 12.48
50 sieve
Coconut 99.36 0.18 0.51 0.51 1.44
16 sieve
Bitumi- 98.36 0.37 0.73 1.03 2.04
70 sieve

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent righ侣, and the risk
of infringement of such righ侣, are entirely 的eir own responsibi/1取

This standard is sut加ct to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed evel)I five years and
if not revised, either reapproνed or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a 旬ir hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Oriν·e, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints βingle or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboνe
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(ww以'.astm. org). Permission righ侣 to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyr,甸ht Clearance Center, 222
Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 7切, {978) 646-2600;

Copyright ASTM lnternatiooal


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