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 Gymnosperms are a group of plants that produce seeds not enclosed within the ovary or fruit. They are open
to air and fertilized by air pollination.
 The word “Gymnosperm” comes from the Greek words “gymnos”(naked) and “sperma”(seed), hence known
as “Naked seeds.” Gymnosperms are the seed-producing plants, but unlike angiosperms, they produce seeds
without fruits. These plants develop on the surface of scales or leaves, or at the end of stalks forming a cone-
like structure. Gymnosperms belong to kingdom ‘Plantae‘ and sub-kingdom ‘Embryophyta’. The fossil evidence
suggested that they originated during the Paleozoic era, about 390 million years ago.
 Gymnosperms are the most ancient seed plants that originate during the late Paleozoic era and flourished
well in Mesozoic era. Their long evolutionary history is full of diverse lines of evolution during which many of
them become extinct and some are existing as 'living fossils' today.
 Many systems of classification of Gymnosperms have been proposed till today. The classification followed in
this book is as given by Chamberlin (1934).
 Basically, gymnosperms are plants in which the ovules are not enclosed within the ovary wall, unlike the
angiosperms. It remains exposed before and after fertilisation and before developing into a seed.
 The stem of gymnosperms can be branched or unbranched. The thick cuticle, needle-like leaves, and sunken
stomata reduce the rate of water loss in these plants. The family of gymnosperms consist of conifers, the
cycads, the gnetophytes and the species of Gynkgophyta division and Ginkgo biloba.


Gymnosperms: Systematic Position
1. Ovules are not enclosed in the ovary, i.e., exposed.
2. Ovule usually shows single integument.
3. Plants are heterosporous.
Division Gymnosperms
4. Gametophytic development is endosporic.
5. Antheridia are absent. Archegonia are partially reduced.
6. Endosperm-is haploid as it forms before fertilization.
1. Woody, unbranched tall or stumpy stem.
2. Large pinnately compound leaves.
Class Cycadophyta 3. Internally stem shows wide cortex and manoxylic wood.
4. Male cones are large, compact with simple sporophylls while female cones
are loose with pinnate or simple sporophylls bearing large ovules.
1. The tree trunks are covered by scaly leaves and persistent leaf bases with
Order Cycadales crown of compound leaves at the top.
2. Male gametes are motile
1. Palm Like habit with fern like leaves.
Family Cycadaceae
2. Ovules with pollen chamber
Genus Cycas Female cones are absent.


Characteristics of Gymnosperms
1. They do not produce flowers.
2. Seeds are not formed inside a fruit. They are naked.
3. They are found in colder regions where snowfall occurs.
4. They develop needle-like leaves.
5. They are perennial or woody, forming trees or bushes.
6. They are not differentiated into ovary, style and stigma.
7. Since stigma is absent, they are pollinated directly by the wind.
8. The male gametophytes produce two gametes, but only one of them is functional.
9. They form cones with reproductive structures.
10. The seeds contain endosperm that stores food for the growth and development of the plant.
11. These plants have vascular tissues which help in the transportation of nutrients and water.
12. Xylem does not have vessels and the phloem has no companion cells and sieve tubes.


Gymnosperms Life Cycle

 The life cycle of gymnosperms is both haploid and diploid, i.e., they reproduce through the
alternation of generations. They have a sporophyte-dominant cycle.
 The gametophyte phase is relatively short. The reproductive organs are usually cones.
 Male Cones– These have microsporophylls that contain microsporangia. Microsporangium
produces haploid microspores. A few microspores develop into male gametes called pollen grains,
and the rest degenerate.
 Female Cones– The megasporophylls cluster together to form female cones. They possess ovules
containing megasporangium. It produces haploid megaspores and a megaspore mother cell.
 The pollen reaches the egg through wind or any other pollinating agent, and the pollen grain
releases a sperm. The nuclei of male and female gametophytes fuse together to form a zygote.
This is known as fertilisation.
 The seed appears as scales which can be seen on the cones of the gymnosperm.


Occurrence of Cycas
 Cycas is the only genus of the family Cycadaceae, which is represented in India. It has got about 15 species
(Sporne, 1965), 20 species (Willis, 1966) which are widely distributed in Eastern as well as Western
hemisphere from Madagascar, Eastern coast of Africa to Japan and Australia touching China and India.
 In our country a few of the species are found growing abundantly in the South Andaman and Nicobar
islands, Madras, Mysore, Malabar and in North East in Bengal, Assam, Nepal and Sikkim. A few of the
species are also found in Burma and Ceylon.
The following species are found in India:
C. circinalis: Plants are about 12 to 15 feet tall. Leaves are 5 to 9 feet long. It is distributed in western part of
peninsular India, Malabar. Orissa hills, Andhra, Madras to Ceylon upto 3500 ft. The plants are also cultivated in
Indian gardens. In Hindi it is called as Jangli-Madan mast-ka-phul.
C. pectinata: Plants are about 8 to 10 feet tall. Leaves are 4 to 6 feet long. It is commonly found growing in
Nepal. Sikkim, in Assam Khasia Hills, East Bengal and Burma. In Nepal it is commonly called as Thankal.
C. beddomei: Plants are about 40 cm. tall. Leaves 3 feet long. It is naturally found growing on dry hills of
Cuddapah in Andhra Pradesh, Madras, Malabar Java. Locally it is called as Per-ita.
C. rumphii: Plants are more than 12 feet tall. Leaves 4 to 5 feet long. It is found growing in Andaman and
Nicobar islands, Burma etc. It is also cultivated in Indian gardens. In Tamil it is called as Kama, Paiyindu.
C. revoluta: Plants are upto 10 feet tall. Leaves 3 to 5 feet long. It is a native of China and Japan and locally
called as Tesso. In our country it is mostly cultivated in gardens and locally called as Sago palm. Due to its
primitive characters it is also known as living fossil. Exceptionally it has reached a height of about 20 feet in
gardens of Taj Mahal Agra (India).
Sporophyte/ External Morphology
Cycas sporophyte is an evergreen palm-like tree that attains a height of 0.4 to 2.0 mt.
Sporophyte is dioecious i.e. male and female plants are separate. Both the plant body is
differentiated into roots, stem and leaves (Fig. 9.2).
(i) Roots: Roots are of two types, i.e., normal tap root and coralloid root. Tap root is
positively geotropism, non-green, without root hair. It helps in anchorage and absorbs
water and minerals. Coralloid roots are lateral branches of tap root. It grows first
horizontally (diageotropic) then, repeatedly divide dichotomously, come out of the soil
surface (apogeotropic) in the form of coral like mass.
These are devoid of root hair & root cap. Its anatomy is similar to normal tap root, but its
cortex is differentiated into three zones i.e., Upper cortex, Middle cortex & Lower cortex.
Middle cortex has BGA (Anabaena/Nostoc) symbiotically. Coralloid root helps in nitrogen
fixation as well as respiration (due to lenticels).
(ii) Stem: The stem is erect, columnar, woody and un-branched. It is covered with alternate
whorls of leaf bases of foliage leaves and scale leaves. The stem apex bears a crown of
leaves and sex organs at maturity. Very often they produce enlarged buds or bulbils at the
base when the conditions are favourable. These buds are meant for vegetative
reproduction. Each bulbil develops into new plant.
The stem of male plant of Cycas shows sympodial growth because the apical bud is utilized
for the formation of male cone and further growth of stem takes place by development of
lateral buds, which grow and join to assume a vertical position forming a false axis called
The stem of female plant of Cycas shows monopodial growth because the apical bud is not
utilized for the formation of female reproductive organs. It continues to grow forming
(iii) Leaves:

Leaves are dimorphic i.e. 2 types,

assimilatory or foliage leaves and scaly
leaves or cataphylls.
Both the leaf types are born at the stem apex
in alternate spirals. Foliage leaves are large
(1 -3 m), green, pinnately compound.
Petiole has 2 rows of spines. Rachis bears
80-100 pairs of pinnae or leaflets.
Leaflets are sessile, elongated, tough, and
lanceolate in shape with a spiny apex,
revolute or smooth margins.
Young leaves have circinate vernation like
those of ferns and always covered with brown
hairs called ramenta (Fig. 9.3).
Scale leaves are small, dry, brown, triangular
leaves covered with ramenta. They are non-
photosynthetic and protect the stem apex
(Fig. 9.3).


Anatomy/ T.S. of Vegetative Parts of Cycas
T.S. of Young Root of Cycas
It is circular in outline and resembles structurally with dicotyledons
(Fig. 8.16). Outermost layer is epiblema or exodermis, which
surrounds the large parenchymatous cortex. Epiblema consists of
tangentially elongated cells. From some of its cells arise root hairs.
In the wide zone of parenchymatous cortex there are present many
intercellular spaces. Cells of the cortex remain filled with starch. Some
tannin-filled cells, mucilage cells and sometimes sphaeraphides are
also present in the cortex. The cortex is delimited by a single- layered
endodermis. Casparian steps are present in the barrel-shaped cells of
the endodermis.
Endodermis is followed by multilayered pericycle. Xylem and phloem
bundles in the roots are radially arranged, i.e. present on different
radii. The roots are usually diarch but sometimes the number of
protoxylem strands range between 3 to 8.
The protoxylem consists of spiral tracheids while the metaxylem
consists of scalariform tracheids. Vessels are absent. Phloem is
present alternately with xylem groups and consists of sieve tubes and
phloem parenchyma. Pith is generally absent.
Secondary Growth in old Root
The older roots (Fig. 8.17) undergo secondary growth. The
cambium cuts secondary phloem towards the outer side
and secondary xylem towards the inner side. After
sometime the pericycle cells also become meristematic
and form a complete cambial ring.
The secondary xylem consists of radial rows of tracheids
separated by parenchymatous cells. The crushed primary
phloem is present in the form of dark streaks outside the
secondary phloem. The secondary xylem is manoxylic and
contains many multiseriate rays.
Periderm starts to develop in the cortex of old roots. Some
of the cells of the outermost cortical region start to become
meristematic and function as cork cambium.
It cuts cork towards outer side and secondary cortex
towards inner side. Cork cells are dead and remain filled
with subenn. Cycas roots often show two layers of
periderm (Fig. 8.17).
Epiblema is ruptured and there are no root hairs in the
older roots.


T. S. of Coralloid Roots of Cycas

Internal structure of coralloid root is similar to that of normal young

root but it differs from the normal root in following aspects :
1. Root hairs are absent.
2. Secondary tissue is poorly developed or none in the former case.
3. Epidermis is replaced by periderm with lenticels.
4. The cortex is differentiated into three zones; the outer cortex
composed of compactly arranged chlorenchymatous cells; the inner
cortex composed of thin wall parenchymatous cells and the middle
cortex forming the algal zones.
The algal zone consists of single layer of loosely connected radially
elongated thin walled cells with large intercellular spaces formed due
to disorganization of cortical cells. These intercellular spaces are
occupied by certain blue green algae (cyanobacteria) like Anabaena
cycadaearum and Nostoc punctiformae and some bacteria like
pseudomonas and Azatobacter. All these microorganisms fix
nitrogen for the plant and get food material and shelter from the plant
hence form symbiotic association. The cells of algal zone show
single nucleus with cytoplasm.
5. The xylem is invariably triarch alternating with three phloem
T.S. of Young stem of Cycas
In general outline the section is irregular owing to the presence of
persistent leaf bases. It is differentiated into epidermis, cortex and stele.
Epidermis: It is made of single layer of thin walled cells covered over with
cuticle. It shows persistent leaf bases which completely ensheaths the stem.
Cortex: It forms a greater bulk even in old stem and consists of several layers
of thin walled parenchymatous cells densely filled with starch grain. There are
number of mucilage ducts are present in the cortex. They are connected with
the mucilage ducts in the pith by medullary rays. The occurrence of peculiar
curving leaf traces, the girdles in the cortex, is a striking feature of the stem.
The innermost layer of cortex is endodermis which is not very distinct. T.S. of Cycas Young Stem: Diagrammatic
Stele: The outermost layer of stele is pericycle. It is not very distinct. There
are number of vascular bundles, arranged in a ring, with pith in the centre.
Thus, the stele is eustelic. Each vascular bundle is conjoint, collateral and
open with endarch xylem. The xylem consists of xylem tracheids and
xylem parenchyma. Vessels are absent. The protoxylem tracheids show
spiral thickenings. While metaxylem tracheids shows scalariform and
bordered pitted thickenings. The phloem consists of sieve tubes with sieve
plates on the oblique end walls and phloem pararenchyma. Companion
cells are absent. Broad, Parenchymatous medullary rays are present
between the vascular bundles. Pith is large, parenchymatous and is rich in
starch. Mucilage ducts are present in the pith.
T.S. of Cycas Young
UDAYBHAN YADAV ASST. PROF. TCS (8097403858) T.S. of Cycas Young Stem: Vascular Bundle
Stem: Diagrammatic
Secondary growth in stem of Cycas
Secondary growth in the stem begins quite early. At first it takes place essentially in the same manner as in the
dicotyledonous stem. The young stem of cycas shows conjoint, collateral and open vascular bundles arranged in a ring. The
Cambium present in each vascular bundle is intrafascicular cambium. During secondary growth, interfascicular cambium is
formed between the vascular bundles. Both the cambia unite to form a cambial ring. It cuts off secondary xylem inside and
secondary phloem outside. Besides, it also cuts off narrow parenchymatous secondary medullary rays on the inner side in the
secondary xylem). The cells of these rays are full of starch. Very soon this first or primary cambial ring ceases to function.
The further secondary growth in older stem of Cycas is anomalous as several secondary concentric rings of vascular bundles
are formed outside the primary one. After the first cambial ring ceases to function, secondary cambia are developed outside
the previous ones and produce secondary vascular bundles at regular intervals.
Chamberlain (1953) reported 14 such cambial rings in the stem of cycas pectinata. As a result of diminishing sequence in the
activity of successive cambial rings, the vascular rings exhibit a gradual narrowing from the first vascular ring to the
outermost ring. Thus, the outmost ring of vascular cylinder is thinnest. The concentric rings are separated from each other by
few layers of parenchymatous cells. Each secondary cambial ring produces broad parenchymatous secondary medullary rays.
The xylem consists of xylem tracheids and xylem parenchyma. The metaxylem tracheids show bordered pitted thickening
while protoxylerm tracheids show spiral thickenings. The phloem consists of sieve cells and phloem sclerenchyma.
In the entire wood, trachids are in small amount while parenchyma (soft tissue) is more. Hence, the wood is said to be
Due to secondary growth, the epidermis is ruptured and is replaced by periderm During periderm formation cork cambium or
phellogen is formed which cuts off phellem or cork outside and phelloderm or secondary cortex inside. When the previously
formed periderm is peeled off successive phellogens are formed on the inner side of previously formed periderm. These
phellogens cut off phellum inside and phelloderm outside. Thus, successive periderm formation is also observed.


T. S. of rachis of Cycas
The section is more or less circular in outline & is differentiated into epidermis,
ground tissue & vascular bundles.
Epidermis: It is made up of single layer of thick walled cells covered over with
cuticle. It also shows stomata.
Ground tissue: It is differentiated into three ill defined zones. The outermost
zone is chlorenchymatous which is made of 2 to 3 layers of green cells.
Internal to this layer, there is sclerchymatous zone which is made up of 4 to 5
layer of thick walled cells. These two zones together constitute hypodermis.
Internal to this, is ground tissue proper which is made up of several layers of
thin walled parenchymatous cells without intercellular spaces and with
mucilage ducts.
Vascular bundles: A varying number of vascular bundles are found embedded
in the ground tissues and they are arranged in the form of Greek letter
omega/horse-shoe. These vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and open
with thin strip of inactive cambium between xylem and phloem. Each vascular
bundle is surrounded by sclerenchymatous bundle sheath, which is internally
followed by one or more layers of pericycle. Xylem is in the form of triangular
patch with protoxylem lying at the apex and metaxylem towards the periphery.
This comprises centripetal xylem. Besides, there are few isolated metaxylem
tracheids embedded in the parenchyma around the protoxylem. This forms
centrifugal xylem. As the protoxylem lies between two metaxylem groups, the
xylem is mesarch. Since the origin of two metaxylem groups is different, it is
also called pseudomesarch xylem. Due to two types of xylem, it is diploxylic.
The xylem is made up of xylem tracheids and xylem parenchyma while phloem
is made up of sieve cells and phloem parenchyma.
T.S. of leaflet (Cycas revoluta)
In general outline the section shows a midrib in the centre and wing-like lamina on the
sides, the margins of which are recurred.
Upper epidermis: It consists of a single layer of closely placed cells with highly cutinized
outer walls. Trichomes & stomata are absent.
Hypodermis: It shows 1-2 layers of sclerenchyma cells below the upper epidermis. It
gives leathery texture to pinna & checks transpiration.
Mesophyll: It is differentiated into palisade and spongy tissues, hence the pinna is said
to be dorsiventral. It is characterized by the presence of transfusion tissue replacing
the lateral veins. Palisade tissue consists of single layer of closely packed elongated
chlorenchymatous cells arranged at right angles to the hypodermis. Spongy tissue is
made up of two three layer of thin walled, irregular and loosely placed cells with less
chloroplasts and places towards lower epidermis. Transfusion tissue includes elongated
pitted parenchymatous cells placed between the palisade and spongy tissue, running
horizontally from the midrib to the margins. It serves as the conducting tissues
compensating for the absence of lateral veins.
Lower epidermis: It is like upper epidermis but sunken stomata are present at intervals.
Midrib: It consists of epidermis with thick cuticle and two to three layer of palisade
tissue towards the upper epidermis. The rest of ground tissue is made up of
parenchyma, some of the cells, which contain sphaerphides. There is single vascular
bundle in the centre, which is conjoint, collateral and open and is surrounded by the
sclerenchymatous bundles sheath. The xylem is directed towards the upper epidermis
and phloem towards the lower epidermis. The xylem is mesarch, i.e. the protoxylem is
placed between the metaxylem group and isolated metaxylem cells.


The leaflet of Cycas shows following xerophytic
adaptations to reduce the rate of transpiration:
1. Lower few leaflets on rachis are reduced to
2. Leaflet shows spiny apex.
3. Presence of thick cuticle on both the surfaces.
4. Absence of stomata in the upper epidermis
and the presence of sunken stomata in the lower
5. Presence of the sclerchymatous hypodermis.
6. Presence of transfusion tissue replacing the
lateral veins probably to check the loss of water
as dew.
7. Vascular bundle is surrounded by
sclerchymatous bundle sheath.


Reproduction in Cycas
Cycas reproduction by two method – Vegetative and Sexual
1. Vegetative reproduction:
It is the simplest method of reproduction. It takes place
by the formation of bulbils or adventitious buds. These
buds develop on the stem in the axil of the scale
leaves. A bulbil is an oval structure, broad at the base
and pointed at the apex. It consists of dormant stem in
the centre covered by numerous brown scaly leaves.
On detachment from the stem, a bulbil starts to
germinate by producing many roots from the lower side
and a leaf towards the upper side. A bulbil from male
plant will develop only into male plant while the bulbil
from the female plant will form only female plant
because cyas is strictly dioecious.


2. Sexual Reproduction:
Cycas is heterosporous as it produces two types of spores called
microspores or pollen grains and megaspores, but they are borne on
different plants, referred to as male and female plants, hence it is

Male reproductive organs / Male cones: Male reproductive organs are

called microspoporophylls. They form cone, which is borne at the apex
of the stem by utilizing apical bud. Therefore, further growth of stem in
male plant takes place by development of lateral buds, which grow and
join to assume a vertical position forming a false axis called
sympodium. The male cone is fusiform and woody in texture. It is
about 30 to 50 cm long and consists of a central elongated axis on
which the microsoprophylls are arranged in tight spirals.
Each microsporophyll is about 5 cm long dry, brown, flat and scale-like
structure which is somewhat triangular in shape. It is attached to the
central axis of the cone by a narrow base while broad terminal sterile
portion, which is free, abruptly ends upwards into as curved pointed
structure called apophysis. At maturity on the under or abaxial surface,
the microporophylls bear groups of sporangia sometimes referred to as
sori. Each group contains about 3 to 5 microsporangia around a
minute central protuberance.
Each microsporangium also known as pollen sac is sessile,
oval and unilocular body with as wall several layers in
The microsporangia contain diploid microspore mother cells,
which at maturity undergo meiosis and form a number of
haploid microspores.

Each microspore or pollen grain is unicellular and uninucleate

body with outer thick wall called exine and the inner thin wall
called intine.
The microspore even before leaving the microsporangium,
divides into three cells to form male gametophyte.
In the beginning the one celled microspore divided to form two
cells viz; a small prothallial cell towards the lower thicker side
of exine, and large antheridial cell.
The latter divides to form the middle generative cell and large
tube cell.
At this stage the microsporangium splits open by longitudinal
slit and the 3-celled pollen grains or male gametophytes are
liberated out.
They are carried away by wind hence, pollination is
Female reproductive organs or Megasporophylls:
In Cycas, there is no female cone. The female reproductive organs
called megasporophylls are arranged spirally around the apex of the
stem without utilized the apical bud. The apical bud continues to
grow; hence the stem of female plant is monopodium.
Each megasporophyll consists of the basal thick and fleshy cylindrical
region and the distal expanded region covered by brown woolly hair.
The basal region laterally bears three to five pairs of sessile ovules
while the distal expanded region is either serrate or spinous as in
Cycas circinalis or finely pinnate or pectinate as in Cycas revoluta.
Ovule: The ovule of Cycas is large, oval, about 5cm in length and 4cm
in breadth. It is sessile, orthotropous (i.e. micropyle faces upward
and micropyle and chalaza are in the same straight line.) and exposed
(i.e. not enclosed in ovary). The ovule essentially consists of a mass of
diploid tissue called nucellus or megasporangium proper. At the apex
the nucellus develops a beak-like projection to enclose a cavity called
pollen chamber. From the base of the nucellus or chalazal end, arises
a single integument surrounding the nucellus except at the apex
where there is a minutes aperture called micropyle leading into the
pollen chamber below. The single integument is differentiated into
three layers of which the middle one is a hard and stony while the
outer and inner ones are fleshy. The outer fleshy layer contains
numerous mucilage ducts.
As the development proceeds one of the diploid cells in
the centre of the nucellus gets differentiated into
megaspores mother cell.
The latter undergoes meiosis to form a vertical row of four
haploid megaspores of which the upper three degenerate
and one at the base remains as the functional megaspore.
The functional megaspore is never liberated but
permanently retained within the nucellus.
It enlarges considerably and its nucleus multiplies by free
nuclear divisions, which ultimately gather cytoplasm,
develop the cell walls and get transformed into a mass of
tissue, which represents female prothallus or female L. S. of a mature ovule of Cycas
The female prothallus grows, by absorbing surrounding
nucellus as food; therefore, the nucellus gradually gets
In the apical tissue of the prothallus develop two to five
archegonia, which open into the archegonial chamber
formed as a result of the overgrowth of surrounding


Each archgonium consists of a short neck and a large venter. The
neck consists of two neck cells without any neck canal cell. The
Venter encloses a large central cell surrounded by single layer of cell
called archegonial jacket. The nucleus of the central cell soon
divides into a large egg nucleus towards the base and a small venter
canal nucleus towards neck without any cell wall in between. The
latter soon degenerates leaving the egg nucleus which is largest in
the plant kingdom, about 0.5 mm in diameter.
The functions of different parts of the ovule are as follows:
1. The integument is protective in function, developing into seed
coat after fertilization.
2. The micropyle secretes sticky fluid to trap the pollen grains
carried by wind. It also allows pollen grain to enter the ovule.
3. The nucellus provides nourishment to the developing female
4.The pollen chamber stores pollen grain during their resting period.
5. The archegonial chamber receives pollen tubes and male gametes
liberated from them.
6. The archegonia produce haploid female gametes called eggs.
7. The haploid egg fuses with haploid male nucleus to form diploid
zygote, which eventually develops into an embryo.
8. The tissue of female gametophyte stores food material and forms
endosperm even before fertilization. Hence, the endosperm is
haploid. UDAYBHAN YADAV ASST. PROF. TCS (8097403858) 24
Cycas is anemophilous or wind pollinated
The numbers of pollen grains, at the three
celled stages, are liberated from the
microsporangia and are blown away by
Some of these pollen grains are caught
and entangled in the mucilaginous
secretion oozing out of the miropyle as
"pollination drop".
When the mucilage dries and shrinks, the
pollen grains are drawn into the pollen
The micropyle is closed and becomes
The pollen grains are thus locked up into
the pollen chamber where they undergo a
prolonged period of rest.


After a long period of rest, the pollen grain germinates
within the pollen chamber. The exine ruptures at the (B) Structure of a seed
thinner end towards the tube cell and the intine grows
out to form a pollen tube, which grows towards
archegonia carrying along with it the generative cell.
The generative cell further divides to form a large
fertile body cell and a small sterile stalk cell. The body
cell further divides and metamorphoses into two cells,
which form two top shaped spermatozoids each with
four to five spiral bands of cilia. In the meantime, the
pollen tube pierces the tissue of the nucellus, enters
archgonial chamber and bursts open to liberate
spermatozoids. When spermatozoid comes to the
neck of the archegonium the male nucleus of the
spermatozoid is drawn into the archegonium and (A) L.S. of an ovule showing female
fuses with the egg nuclear to form diploid oospore. gametophyte and germinating pollen
The archegonia may be fertilized but only one egg (diagrammatic)
develops in to embryo while the rest degenerates.
Since fertilization is achieved with the help of pollen
tube, it is siphonogamous (Siphon- tube, gamaous-
union) as in angiosperms.


Formation of seed
The fertilized egg by repeated cell divisions forms proembryo, coiled
suspensor and the embryo while the cell of the female prothallus get
converted into endosperm.
The suspensor pushes the embryo into the endosperm.
The proembryo and suspensor then degenerate, the nucellus along
either inner layer of integument becomes thin and papery and the outer
two layers of integument form testa.
Thus a hard, oval and brown seed is formed which is dicotyledonous and

Seed Germination
The testa of Cycas seed emits pleasant odour and sweet in taste. This
causes its dispersal by birds. The seed remain variable for a few
months. Under favourable condition, the seed germinates into a
The seed germination in Cycas is hypogeal i.e. the cotyledon remains
underground enclosed in the endosperm and absorb food for the
growing embryo. The plumule form leafy shoot and radicle elongates
into a tap root.
Life Cycle and Alternation of
The life cycle of Cycas also shows
alternation of generation in which
sporophyte is predominant and
gametophyte insignificant and
developed and retained within the

The sporophyte is highly developed

main plant. As it is differentiated into
roots, stem and leaves, it is an
independent generation.
It is heterosporous hence produce two
types of spores the microspores on
male plant and megaspores on female
The spores are haploid and produce
gametophytes on development The
development of both male and female
gametophyte is endosporic.
The gametophyte is haploid as it is
developed from spore.
The male gametophyte is formed by
development of microspore on pollen
grain and consisting of 3-celled stage
while the female gametophyte is formed
by the development of megaspore. It is
retained permanently within the
The male gametophyte produces
spermatozoids without antheridia while
female gametophyte gives rise to egg
nucleus in the archegonia.
When the male nucleus fuses with the
egg nucleus to form oospore the diploid
number is restored and retained
throughout the sporophyte which
develops from the oospore.
Thus, the diploid sporophyte and
haploid gametophyte alternate with each
other and show distinct alternation of


Economic Importance of Cycas
1. Cycas plants are highly valued for their ornamental looks, and hence grown in homes and garden as an
ornamental plant.
2. A starch called ‘sago’ is obtained from the stem pith of Cycas revoluta. That is why this species of
Cycas is also known as “Sago Palm”. Sago starch is used in the preparation of “Sabbodana”.
3. In Sri Lanka, the starch obtained from the seeds is used in cakes.
4. Soft young leaves of Cycas are used as vegetable also in some parts of the world.
5. Seed of some species of Cycas are used as fodder for animals.
6. Boiled seeds of Cycas rumphi are eaten by inhabitants of Andaman.
7. Its leaves are used for making mats, hats, L rooms and baskets.
8. Extract of young Cycas leaves is used in the treatment of many skin diseases, blood vomiting and
stomach disorders.
9. The decoction of seeds is used as purgative.
10. Tincture prepared from its seeds is used in some areas in headache, nausea, bad throat etc.
11. The terminal buds of Cycas circinalis are used to treat ulcerated wounds and swollen glands.


Economic Importance of Gymnosperms


Because of their different properties the coniferous wood is used for various purposes
 The heavy and durable coniferous wood of Pinus, Taxus, Sequoia, Cupressus, etc. is used as building
material, in furniture, railway sleepers, packing cases, poles etc.
 The wood of Cedar (Cedrus) is durable, oily, sweet scented and generally without resin ducts. C.
deodara (deodar) is one of the most important timbers of N. India. It is resistant to insect pests due to
which it is used for making doors, poles, furniture, beams, carriages etc
 The wood of Araucaria is heavy so it is used in making doors, bus chassis, carpentry etc.
 The wood of Abies species is used in the manufacture of sound board of musical instruments, boxes,
planks, cabinet, paper pulp etc. A. concolor wood is suitable for keeping dairy products.
 The wood of Agathis is comparatively stronger and used in building construction, boats, wooden
machinery etc.
 The soft wood of Podocarpus totara is resistant to mine borer, hence it is used for dock and sea work as
well as bridges and ship building.


Resins Types of resins Sources Economic importance
Excretory products of
many conifers which Oleoresins- a mixture of rosin Pinus roxburghii in varnishes, as a solvent, in
makes the wood more (gum) and essential oil stain remover, enamel, waxes,
(turpentine). inks, crayons, insecticides,
soaps etc.
Insoluble in water but
soluble in organic solvents Copals- a hard resin with very Agathis australis. Fossilized Copal is used for interior
Superior grade resins - in little essential oil, e.g. Kauri copal is considered superior work, in enamels, linoleum,
varnishes, enamels, copal to fresh one. water proofing compound.
plasters, medicines and
ointments. Canada Balsam obtained from Abies very high refractive
Inferior grade resins - balsamea index nearing that of glass.
yellow laundry soap, So it is used as a mounting
medium for microscopic
printing ink, oil cloths,
insulators, oil and grease,
insecticide, adhesives, Amber- yellow, brown to fossil resin secreted by It is used in medicine and x-
plastics and shoe polish. black, hard, brittle with extinct pine (Pinus ray therapy. It is used in
Types of resins, their aromatic odour. succinifera) beads, ornaments, cigarette
sources and the economic holders
importance varies


Essential Oils
 species of Abies, Cedrus, Juniperus, Thuja
 use in the manufacture of soaps, perfumes, room fresheners, deodorants, disinfectants,
 medicines on cough, cold, rheumatism, cuts, wounds, eczema, and other skin diseases
 Cedar wood oil is used in histological work and with oil immersion lenses of the microscope.

 Superior quality of writing and printing paper -wood of Picea, Abies etc;
 Craft paper is obtained from Pinus. In India, Pinus roxburghii, provides excellent quality pulp while craft
paper is obtained from Cryptomeria japonica.
 Rayon, transparent and photographic film, lacquers etc are derived from wood pulp of Picea and Tsuga

 Starch from stem of Cycas revoluta, C. circinalis is known as 'sago'. Starch is also obtained from Zamia
and Microzamia in India and other Asian countries
 seeds of Pinus girardiana (Chilgoza) roasted and eaten in India, Tibet and Afghanistan.
 In Italy and Spain, the seeds of P. ninea are used in soups and desserts.
 In N. America, Pinus seeds are used in manufacture of nut-coffee, caramels, candies and other sweets.
 The seeds of Araucaria, Ginkgo are roasted and form an important food article in Chile and Japan.


 alkaloid ephedrine extracted from Ephedra. It is an important ingredient in the cough syrup due to
dilating action of the bronchial tube.
 It also contracts mucous membranes and is used in nasal drops and inhalants.
 extract of Ginkgo biloba is used in the treatment of cerebral insufficiency and vertigo.
 leaves of Taxus are used in asthma, bronchitis, hiccough, epilepsy and for indigestion.
 Taxol obtained from T. brevifolia is effective against ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and melanoma and
colon cancer.


 Cycas is cultivated in gardens and parks as ornamental plant.

 Picea, Abies and Araucaria are ceremonially used as Christmas tree.
 Conifers like Juniperus and Pinus are used as a good source material for bonsai.
 Leaves of Cycas are used in flower arrangement.


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