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Why monkey masks should be ban

Thousands of monkeys are bred or captured from the wild to be used as street performers,
or mentioned as “topeng monyet”. The monkey are accustomed to perform street shows;
carrying funny masks, riding bicycles, performing gymnastic moves and doing amusing
things. However, such shows need to be outlawed for a few reasons.

First, topeng monyet may be a quiet exploitation of monkeys for money. The monkeys are
adorned from chains for long periods to educate them to steer on their hind legs like
humans. Their teeth are extracted so that they can’t bite while they are tortured to remain
docile. The monkeys are sometimes outfitted in dresses and cowboy hats and created to
carry parasols or ride very little bikes. This animal abuse will definitely hurt the monkeys.

Second, the ban of disguised monkey shows can facilitate improved public order. Topeng
monyet is often performed once traffic is insured at notoriously full intersections. This can
disturb the sight and create traffic jams for many motorists or pedestrians. On the other
hand, it can also hamper the watching of the shows.

Third, banning the recreation of monkeys may be a necessary public health benefit. It is
necessary to rescue the monkeys from street performances and facilitate forestall diseases
carried by the monkeys.

Lastly,The monkeys utilized in topeng monyet won’t be healthy and can have potential for
some diseases like communicable disease. Pramudya Harzani,Director of animal aid
Network said “monkeys who are used as objects of attraction for monkey masks lose their
welfare.It will make the monkeys stress and stress makes monkeys more susceptible to

Considering the reasons expressed above, topeng monyet needs to be outlawed for it
exploits the monkeys, causes traffic jams and spreads diseases like communicable disease.

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