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Theatre S.


1. She smiled brightly at him, but her eyes were steely with hatred.
2. She thought once more of Tom and shrugged a humorous shoulder.
3. “…Have I offended you?” “Oh no”, he answered “I like being treated like a
kept boy. I like having it thrown into my face that even my tips have to be
given to me”
4. “We take their silly little emotions and turn them into art, out of them we
create beauty …. They are the instruments on which we play, and what is
an instrument without somebody to play on it?”
5. She gave Julia a sour look.
6. You know that’s not half a bad idea.
7. It was like a knife into her heart.
8. Darling, you will make me as vain as peacock.
9. She didn’t feel angry, she didn’t feel inclined to laugh, she didn’t know
what she felt.
10.No, they don’t, they mean pain and anguish, shame, ecstasy, heaven and
hell; they mean the sense of living more intensely, and unutterable
boredom; they mean freedom and slavery ; they mean peace and unrest.
11.He would only say that he was worried to death.
12. Tom bedsitting room in Tavistock Square had at first seemed to her
charming in its sordidness….But time had robbed it of these moving
13. Her reputation was a prison which she had built round herself
14. Julia continued to smile with an almost intolerable sweetness
16.If you yell and scream and throw yourself about you’ll get a lot of damned
fools to shout themselves silly.
17.You can hit me, you can swear at me you can yell your head off, but the
fact remains that your acting has gone all to hell
18.The first year of their marriage would have been stormy except for
Michael’s placidity.
19. Plenty of women had lovers and who bothers?
20.He is so frightfully handsome, they will fall for him like a row of ninepins…
21. It certainly did her good at the moment to be assured that Charles
Tamperley , so distinguished, so cultured, so elegant , loved her with an
imperishable devotion.
22. “ Gosh! I’m going down like a barrel of oysters”

Graham Green The Quiet American

1. In went the needle and I took my second pipe.

2. Up the street came the lovely flat figure- the white silk trousers, the
long tight jacket …..
3. He was determined – I learnt that very soon- to do good not only to
any individual person, but to a country, a continent, a world
4. “Like any other woman she’d rather have a good…..” The crash of a
mortar saved Boston ears from the Anglo-Saxon word.
5. At night it had been lit only by candles or small oil lamps and day
or night the street was packed and noisy.
6. He was determined – I learnt that very soon- to do good not only to
any individual person, but to a country, a continent, a world.
7. To him the whole affair would be happier as soon as he didn’t feel
mean-I would be happier, Phuong would be happier, the whole
world would be happier.
8. I lay still and heard nothing but my own pain beating like a
monstrous heart and held my breath and prayed to the God I didn’t
believe in.
9. I hadn’t realized bow open the sexual wounds remain over the
years. I had carelessly—not choosing my words with skill—set hers
bleeding again. Who could blame her for seeking my own scars in
10. You pick up women like your coat picks up dust.
11.“Dear Alden,” for, after all, this was a bread-and-butter letter of
some importance and it differed from other bread-and-butter
letters in containing a falsehood.
12. When my cup was empty they refilled it and continued their
own occupations : a woman ironing, a girl sewing, the two boys at
their lessons, the old lady looking at her feet, the tiny crippled feet
of old China—and the dog watching the cat, which stayed on the
cardboard .
13.I commented on the size of his family. He looked round with faint
surprise as though he had never seen it in that light before. “My
mother,” he said, “my wife, my sister, my uncle, my brother, my
children, my aunt’s children.”
14. …at night before my sleeping drug had soothed me I would
imagine him going up my stairs, knocking at my door, sleeping in
my bed.
15.In the moment of shock there is little pain; pain began about three
a.m. when I began to plan the life I had still somehow to live and to
remember memories in order somehow to eliminate them.
16.I know I’m behaving badly, and I’m going to go on behaving badly.
This is a situation where people do behave badly.
17.I shut my eyes and she was again the same as she used to be: she
was the hiss of steam, the clink of a cup, she was a certain hour of
the night and the promise of rest.
18.His face lit up automatically like one of those electric toys which
respond to a particular sound.
19.His face lit up automatically like one of those electric toys which
respond to a particular sound.
20. So it always is : when you escape to a desert the silence shouts in
your ear.
21.He said something I didn’t catch. (Alliteration)
1. I was scared to death when she entered the room. (Hyperbole)
2. Heaven must be the hell of a place. Nothing but repentant sinners up there
isn’t it? (Rhetorical question)
3. Her painful shoes slipped off. ( Epithet)
4. Geneva, mother of Red Cross, hostess of humanitarian congresses for
civilizing of warfare. (Anticlimax)
5. He took his hat and his leave. (Alliteration?)
6. A branch, cracking under his weight sent through the tree a sad cruel
thunder. (Onomatopoeia) (Epithet?)
7. There were some bookcases of superbly unreadable books.( Epithet)
8. He smelled the ever beautiful smell of coffee imprisoned in the can.
9. He had been nearly killed, ingloriously, in a jeep accident.
10.Will you have another cup?
11. Mr Wardle’s servant emerged from the corridor, vary pale, he was asked
by his master “Have you been seeing any spirits?” “ Or taking any?”
12.He sat with Daisy in his arms for a long silent time.
13. The girls were dressed to kill.
14. The next speaker was a tall gloomy man. Sir Something Somebody.
15.They walked along, two continents of experience and feeling, unable to
16.Mrs Nork had a large home and a small husband.
17.The praise was enthusiastic enough to have delighted any common writer
who earns his living by his pen.
18.An enormous grand piano grinned savagely at the curtains as if it would
grab them, given the chance.
19.She has always been as live as a bird.
20.It was not unnatural if Gilbert felt a certain embarrassment.

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