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Edward Thorndike: The Law of Effect / - Practice makes perfect

Theory of connectionism
Law of Use Law of Disuse
Biography  Merely  Connections
Edward Lee Thorndike is an American exercising the between
pioneer in comparative psychology, was connection stimuli and
between a responses are
born in Williamsburg, Massachusetts on
stimulus and a weakened if
August 31, 1874 to the family of a response the neural
Methodist minister. He became interested in strengthens bond is not
field of psychology after reading William the connection used.
James. “Principle of Psychology” and after between them.
graduating from Wesleyan University, he
enrolled at Harvard in order to study under
James. Law of Effect
Major Theoretical Concepts - Which stated that any behavior that
Selecting and is followed by pleasant consequences
Connectionism is likely to be repeated and any
 This marked the  This most basic behavior followed by unpleasant
first formal attempt form of consequences is likely to be stopped.
to link sensory learning was
events to behavior trail and error
 Learning is the
result of
forming between
the stimuli and

The Laws of Learning

Law of Readiness/ Law of Action
- Learning take place when an action
tendency is aroused through
preparatory adjustment set or
- Physical, mental and emotional state
of the learner
Law of Exercise
- Encourage repetition to acquire skills

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