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Lexington School District Two

Dixon Brooks, Ph.D.

Chief Instructional Officer




1) 1Training by SCDE for MS/HS counselors, registrars, administrators, and district staff
(Sign-in Sheet)
a) This training was conducted on Monday, July 18, 2022 at the Lexington Two
Community Education Center from 9:00-1:00 by Laura McNair.
b) The presentation slides and examples were shared for future reference.
2) Annual transcript monitoring
a) The Chief Instructional Officer, in cooperation with the school principals, will
pull together a team from the staff members who attended training on July 18th to
monitor the transcripts of students in grade 9-12.
i) At the conclusion of the first quarter, the team will examine transcripts of
11th and 12th grade students.
ii) At the conclusion of the first semester, the team will examine transcripts
of 9th and 10th grade students.
iii) The process will include a checklist of requirements and a Google Form to
document concerns or errors that are noted. The school counselors will
then access the spreadsheet looking for students assigned to them. They
will make corrections, if appropriate*, and will document any changes that
are made or provide an explanation for the concern(s).

*It should be noted that it would not be appropriate to make changes to some errors on the
transcript. However, it is important that these errors are acknowledged and an explanation
provided. In addition, if additional training or other steps are needed to ensure a pattern of errors
are not made in the future, the district will take appropriate steps.


1) Updated IKADD-R
b) The revision moves the final approval to the Superintendent or his/her designee
and also clarifies the process for the required parent, teacher of record, school
counselor, and assistant principal of instruction or principal signatures. It also
states that students must have the course on the students schedule before being
enrolled in the course.
2) The District Approval for Exception to Credit Recovery Policy form was created to bring
consistency. The form which will have to be approved by the superintendent or his/her
designee contains an area for the school principal to provide an explanation for the
request for an exception. It also provides a space for the school to provide true grades and
attendance information, as well as the dates of enrollment in the initial course. This
should only be used in situations where there is a unique situation.
3) The High School Credit Recovery Process document will be provided to schools working
with high school students.
a) This is meant to provide clarity to schools on the process to enroll students into a
credit recovery course.
b) It should be noted that only the Director of Instruction and Chief Instructional
Officer have the rights needed to add students into our Proficiency-Based
Education Program and this will only happen upon receiving all corresponding
c) It should also be noted that only content coordinators can recommend changes to
the courses in our Proficiency-Based Education Program. High Schools are
offered a different program that they can use as a resource for content recovery.


1) In coordination with the high schools, a district expectation and documentation form will
be created for students needing to make-up seat time.
a) For students who are not passing the class, the make-up time will include an
academic component.
b) Schools will attempt to have students complete their seat time make-up during the
semester they are enrolled in the course. When this is not possible, and a passing
grade is replaced with a “FA”, a student attendance contract will be completed
and the student will have one additional semester to complete the make-up time.
c) Should a student recover their credit during the following semester, they will have
a note added into PowerSchool on the grade change page when the grade is

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