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Name: Artemis Age: 21 (at year 6 A.X.

) Gender: Male Occupation: Farmer Hobbies: Collecting seeds, killing livestock and animals Dreams: To open a large, successful general store; Provide food for a town with his farm Hates: Thieves, Liars, Mining Likes: Hunting, Farming, Bartering, Building, Designing

Artemis was born in a very unnoticed village of miners in a ravine. He was born and raised learning the arts of mining, understanding the differences and uses of certain ores and minerals. Mostly led by his father through the dangerous coal mines in the ravine, his mother greatly disliked her life inside of the dimly lit town, full of brawny scruffs and dirty residents. Dust and smoke from forges and the mines polluted the air, shorten the life expectancy of the residents greatly. His mother was persistantly ill, unable to filter the poison in the air from her body. She passed away when Artemis was age 12. By now, he had built a stocky figure, being stronger and more resilant than most children his age. His father, who was very dedicated to his work in the mines, was proud of his son. Little did he know his son despised the forced profession of his community. He began to age and as he aged his hate grew stronger. The work, filth, poison, heat, and mistreatment by the people of his community made him slightly bitter, feeling compassion for few beings. Artemis was now 17, when one night the village of the ravine was visited by a warn, beaten traveler. He had wandered into the village, warning many people of the Tempest Crossing. Artemis's father had revelation of his repetative lifestyle. So, he decided to bring Artemis and join the arm of the Star Men and fight in the war against the dark lords. Artemis, however, refused to join the army, and boarded a ship on his own to face the crossing. Artemis had never seen his father again after the crossing, he was greatly worried, depressed, and anxious, however, he did not show much emotion at all. Artemis watched as ships were sunken, torn, and ripped apart by great storm. He kept quiet on the journey, and too himself. His shyness and containment of his emotions was partly fault of his stern, serious father. Artemis's ship was one of the two that survived the journey, his father was

not as lucky. Artemis waded with the fellow survivors of the journey; his mind was aflame with thought of the incredible green grass and trees he had never seen before! The strange, and unseen miracles caught his attention, and he became immediately interested. He joined the survivors in the First Settlement, spirited by his interests in these trees. Artemis had made few friends on the boat of his journey, and stayed close to them as they set up camp. An explosion was heard, and the horrible site of the danger of this new world. Shadowspawn. He was almost first to flee, not intimidated by the creatures, but feared of losing his life in a fresh world. He watched as the slow and the weak were taken by these creatures. They were ripped to pieces by these horrid and awful creatures. His fleeing was successful, as the remainder of the survivors discovered the creature's fear of light. He took residence in Summer's Glade, as it was the city most inhabitted by these green, strange creations called plants. While there, he learned of seeds and experimentation led him to growing crops. His knowledge grew, and eventually he became fairly knowledgable of his trade. Then came the Blight. He was forced to flee his beloved home, only taken his knowledge and the clothes on his back with him. He fled with the rest of the community of Summer's Glade. His second encounter with the Star Men brought him memory of his father, long forgotten as he lived in this new world. He began to lose hope, but continued on. He did not think twice about entering the portal that was summoned by the Star Men. Deep down, his only wish was that his great green plants would be part of where he was going. He entered the portal.

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