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The Solo Variant replicates the multiplayer SOLO ACTION PHASE

game by allowing you to play against one or
more AI’s. These rules are used in conjunc- Take all 4 of your actions first, then take the AI’s actions. The actions
tion with the multi-player rules but will su- taken by the AI are counter-intuitive and based on your highest priority
persede them as necessary. AI interfaces are action taken during the round.
located on the back side of each Interface

Not all of the AI’s resources need to be man- 1) First check to see if AI has the ability to resolve an active
aged, which is why some areas are missing crisis. Check to see if the AI can Trade Knowledge tokens or Specialist
on the AI’s Interface. Most of the AI’s actions cards in order to Resolve a crisis, and if so, make the Trade for the AI.
are focused on finding the resultant of those If there are two or more of the same type of crisis, you may choose
actions, instead of taking the actual action. which crisis the AI will Resolve.
This keeps the solo game moving quickly,
and allows you to focus more on your own 2) Your Interface prioritizes your actions into 3 columns; left,
strategy. middle, right, which are separated by small black lines.

Note: Advanced Rules cannot be played with

the Solo Variant.


Setup the game exactly as you would in a The left column holds the highest priority, then the middle, then right.
multiplayer game, which should be treated Based on your actions, determine which column your highest priority ac-
like a 2-player game. tion(s) fall into (e.g. if you have; 1 Action marker in column 1, 1 Action
marker in column 2, and 2 Action markers in column 3, then column 1 is
AI SETUP prioritized since there is at least 1 Action marker in it).

Start the AI’s TAU at 16, and the AI’s Mate- Choose the corresponding column in the AI’s Action table (e.g. if
rials in the middle of the track, by placing a your highest priority action(s) was in column 2, choose column 2 for the
Track marker on each of those tracks. AI). Roll one die to determine the row (results) of the AI’s actions in that
Place 4 of the AI’s Orbitals next to its Inter-
face, as well as 1 Battle token and 1 Claim


Use the multiplayer rules, with the following
special rules for the solo game:

After starting the Active deck and playing

your card(s), shuffle the AI’s cards (crises
and Specialists) and place any ONE of its
cards (do not look at it) in the Active deck.

Reveal the Active deck and proceed as usual.

3) Most of the AI’s listed actions require you to find the result, by referring to various tables on the AI’s Interface. The
process of each of these actions is explained on the AI Interface in the notes section. Upon finding the resultant of
the AI’s actions, adjust any resources such as TAU, damage, etc. accordingly.


When the AI’s actions result in damage, roll 1 die to determine which system the is applied to (systems 1-6 based on
the die result).


If the AI’s action row has a Battle icon in it, first play the Battle with the AI is the same as the multiplayer game, but
AI’s actions, then place the AI’s Battle token in a sector you must roll attacks and counter-defenses for the AI and
in which you have built an Orbital (choose hightest num- apply its damage.
ber sectors first). Orbital Defense cannot occur between
two AI’s (if more than one AI is in play). You can reassign Shields for yourself after each Battle round,
but if you do, you must also reassign the AI’s Shields.
Orbital Defense is treated exactly as it is in the multiplay-
er game, with the exception that you must roll the AI’s You and the AI may not Retreat.
Orbital Defense, if you initiate an attack on its Orbitals.

If you do not have any Orbitals built, the AI’s attempt to

initiate a battle is canceled. WINNING A STARSHIP BATTLE!
SOLO STARSHIP BATTLE This is treated exactly as it is in the multiplayer game.

A Starship Battle can occur between you and the AI, if SPOILS OF WAR!
the AI initiates a battle in a sector in which you have
built an Orbital, and your starship is also present in that If you were the Initiator of the battle and win, you
sector. may steal ONE of the following from the AI:

A Starship Battle between you and the AI should be • 1 Crisis card or 1 Specialist card (you may look at AI’s
completed exactly as it would in the multiplayer game, hand and choose)
with the exception that you must assign the AI’s Shields • 1 Knowledge token
and roll the dice for the AI.
If the AI was the Initiator of the battle and wins:
Assign Shields: First assign your Shields and then
assign the AI’s Shields using the AI’s Shield table. • Check to see if the AI can potentially Resolve a crisis if it
Roll 1 die to determine AI’s Shield placement (rows were to acquire a Knowledge token or Specialist card you
represents how many Shields the AI can use based have. If so, the AI will steal that Knowledge token or Spe-
on its Shields power, and the columns represent the cialist card from you, and immediately Resolve the crisis.
result of the die roll).
Otherwise, the AI steals one random Crisis or Specialist
Advanced Specialists: You may use utilize Ad- card from you (shuffle your hand, and choose a random
vanced Specialists in Battle, however, the AI cannot. card, face down).

If you were not the Initiator of the battle and win,

earn 1 GP token.

Likewise, if the AI was not the Initiator of the Battle

and wins, it earns 1 GP token.

The game ends after 8-12 rounds (predetermined by

1) Add your Knowledge token values (on back of each

token) to your TAU, and do the same for the AI. This is
a solo variant specific rule.

2) Determine your total GPs as usual, then determine

the AI’s total GPs as follows;

• 2GPs for each Crisis and Specialist card (this in-

cludes ALL Crisis and Specialist cards the AI is hold-
• TAU and Materials (as illustrated on the AI’s Inter-
• GP tokens (accumulated from Resolved crises and
Battle victories).
• Orbitals (in non-planetary sectors) and Resource
cubes (on AI’s home planet).

Whoever has the most Galactic Points (you or

the AI(s) is the Winner, and the new leader of
the TAU CETI Authority!

Important Solo Variant Notes

• If using multiple AIs in the game, each AI will react to the actions taken by you only.
• You must check to see if the AI can Resolve a crisis at the beginning of the AI’s turn, when the AI takes a Recruit
action, and when the AI earns a Knowledge token. Remember to check if the AI could trade (upon Recruiting or
earning a Knowledge token) in order to Resolve a crisis.
• If AI takes an Explore action, it explores each Exploration Point on a root, ONE TIME. The AI cannot re-roll Skill
• The AI cannot take Minor actions other than Resolving crises and Trading.
• The AI always gets 2 Specialist cards and 1 Crisis card during a Recruit action.
• The AI cannot use Commodities for advantages/cost reductions in Exploration, Recruit, and Upgrade actions.

© 2016 Outer Limit Games, LLC

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