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London Attractions

Natural History Museum

- cathedral of science
- Entry free
- for everyone who is interested in the history of our planet
-open every day

Inside Big Ben

- take you up 334 stone steps
- see the clock wheels at work
- clock tower ‘Big Ben’ its real name is the Elizabeth Tower
- have an amazing view over London
-”Big Ben” is the name of the largest Bell inside the tower

Tower of London
-The Tower is also home to the Crown Jewels
- you can try on a copy of the Crown
- Over 900 years of history

The London Eye

-The London Eye is 135m high = 64 phone boxes
-From the top of the Eye you can see around 40 km on a clear day.
- that a ride takes about 30 minutes
-800 people can travel in the Eye at one time

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