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THE ADVANCED GAMER ‘The charts below have been designed to help the GM invent plots for games and. "These ae only starting points of course - and itis up to the GM to kt his imagination take ove, ilingin gaps and inventing extra detall 0 complete the story. Two or more plotlines can be merged together, the number of possible combinations is thus very large indeed, Forces have only been referred to in general terms, as it would be pointless to ty and cover every permutation of alien type and force Size. The GM must adapt the plot specifically to utlse the models available to players. The points system can be used as a basis for providing flr sides, although any special plot related objectives or problems should be born i mind. Chart 1 Player Motives ‘Arollon this chart wll givea broad motive which acts as the starting point of the plo. 1-10 Reprisal 11-20 21-30 31-40 4150 51-60 6170 71-80 new world Investigate oddity on imperial planet (Quella rebellion on imperial planet ‘Support a rebellion on imperial planet Raid and destroy an important target Raid and Kil an important person/people Raid and capture/rescue an important person or item ‘81-90 Capture ant hold an installation or site 91-00 Oddballs and special operations Chart 1 Reprisal Aliens, pirates or somebody who is defintely out to get you has ‘succeeded. Redtess the balance ky an act of pety revenge! 01-10 The governor of a farming world has lost most of his crop/hers toa raiding party from a rival imperial world. ‘The authorities on Earth arenot interested in local squabbles or excuses and will eplace the governor unless his quotas are me... A counter raid must be mounted to recover the stolen stock. Relations berween the human and allen farmers of the newiy settled planet have never been good. The Imperium has ‘promised to send forces to deal with the problem but so farnothing has happened. This moming the humans awoke to find ‘Hairless apes eat Grox dung” sprayed across the ‘compound wal. It just so happens the aliens have just erected a statue to their founding member - Ifthe settlers could capeure this t would rally put the aliens" backs upt The governor's daughter has been held-up, robbed and maliciously assaulted by a gang of outlaws on a recent trip to visic her mother on the other side ofthe slime-jungl. ‘The outlaw band are known tobe collaborating with some ofthe local vlagers. As the outlaws spend al their time Inthe inaccessbe slime-jungle they are dificult to root out, but the ‘who cultivate the jungle clearings are ‘vulnerable. A smal force of household troops has been sent to raze the village and take prisoners - withthe villagers as hostages the outlaws may be compelled to surrender. If the outlaws dare to put in an appearance the household ‘oops should have no difficulty in defeating them - should they? ‘The imperial governor of a stone-age feral world has just messed the completion ofa mighty rbeway conne make ‘sure the poison is fully effective the attackers must ensue the defenders do not reach the tanks fora specific ime (39 3or 4 tums after the poisoning starts) All tanks must be ‘dealt with, and any reserve water located and simialy treated. ‘The plane's atmospheres highly corrosive and protective stits must be worn outside - even so they offer only afew hhours protection, The lie-supporting bubble housing the research team is the only safe place, itis divided ito ‘numerous sealed sections ands quite large. An enemy face lands whilst mos of the team are away, and must penetrate the bulding, overcome the remaining defenders, and prepare to defend the base against the orginal inhabitants as they return. Entrance to the building must be gained within a set numberof ums by each side, and any budding sections ‘damaged in the siege may lose their protective abil. ‘Chart 10 - Oddball situtations and special operations. 01-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 Preliminary inesigation of newly access planet eves a lost human group which has somehow developed a nystrios physical or mental trait (for example - lost allthe population are peykers, but they ae invunerale to pyschically atuned alien domination). Back on earth, be Adepus Mechanicus ar fascinated and requ 3 fev hhundred samples for experimentation, Unfortunately, the planet's population also suffers ftom another mutation = they are all psychotic axe-wielding maniacs with an imligence somewhat ess than aChiheean uring ly. ‘force of imperial troops s sent a escort scientists 3 they sect and cape samples for shipment back w Eat ‘robot building factory has gone crazy for some reason. ‘The robots are wandering abou kiling people, and some have escaped into the city where they are causing considerable panic. Enter the factory, destroy ay rogue robots and shutdown he production ines before he whale «ys flooded wit them ‘our crashing amongst the Death World jungles couldat hhave happened at a worse time. Within hours the whole planet is due tobe sterilised by a potent vcus bom which you have no way of escaping - the blast alone will almost Certainly kl yowand your crew. Your only hope is to reach the equatorial station and dismande the bomb before it goes off reach the station you’ have to fight your way though the jungles, and once there the robot defences must be overcome before you can deal with the bomb. Tewas a daring escape from the high security a, but you managed each the spacepoct and steala ship before te authorites realised you o your gang were gone. Fist sop ‘was to travel to your secret hideout and recover the hoard of solen money goodies you hid before your capture. Yor betayal by Abdul Goldberg cost you your Uberty, buted never get his hands on the loot! As you begin to eco the stash from is bull place in the Jungle rlns you re ssudenly attacked. tis none other than the treacherais Goidberg who probably engineered your escape just 9 be could follow you and steal your loot ‘A member of the ships crew isa Vampire/Genesteale ox other unpleasant alien and has taken over most ofthe crew. ‘The remaining crew must destroy this menace before it destoys them! Annguistorhasdscovered that strange allen artefacts ate been found in the old ruins. These artacts have an uns power (which the GM can invent for example they could bring back the dead if used within a day). Some arcs have fallen ino the hands of brgands, others are owned ty eligious groups, private cllecors, et. Allens or other hotles are reporied to be interested and have landed amongst the jangle to seach the ruins. You mus sell forces to caprre/buy/stal or otherwise repossess these objets whilst denying them to enemies ofthe Imperium. ‘Thelocal nates are primitive do they know anything abou the objects and do they have any? Are they hostile to this desecration of the sites of their ancestors, or can they be persuaded to help in the mission? ‘An admistratve error has dspatched two identical forces to an alien controlled world. Both have identical orders - to destroy allarmed resistance on the planet. The planet's Inhabitants might be mimics or have hallucinogenic powers ‘rit atmosphere might produce comparable eects. As a result each force has orders to maintain strict ‘communications silence, to distrust everything they see, and to toally destroy the opposition. Notonly has each human force go to deal with aliens, but they will naturally regard the other as partof the allen threat. Tb make maters worse, the aliens could be given powers which enable them tc appear like human troops, this could take the form of an ‘fusion generator or it could be a natural mutated-ability associated with the planet’s inhabitants. ‘The Ambull tunnels seme le a good place to hide out. Little did you imagine that they were still inhabited, a fact ‘hich became apparent only when the gun batle attracted theattention ofthe creatures. Your rebelsiotlaws know the tunnels inside out, butnow they're infested with Ambulls, and the authorities have penetrated the outer defences (are they in fora surprise’). Perhaps some of the western exits are sil open? Can you fight your way through before the authorities or the Ambuils get you? Have you time to visit the stores, vaults and other chambers to rescue important artifictslootsecrets or get more weapons? ‘A.wealthy imperial offical is keen to bag some ofthe local ‘wife for his office wall - asthe planet is overrun with all manner of large and predatory creatures this should be no problem, and he hres a team of experienced locals to ‘guide him to the heart ofthe jungle where the biggest and. ‘most ferocious creatures lie. Natives worshipping the largest ‘and meanestof these creatures ambush the party, but fom ‘them the offidallearas of the existence ofthis King Kong. sized creature ~ he wants it! Meanwhile a team of animal ‘conservationists have discovered the whereabouts of the Ihunters and are searching forthe creature. As hunters, natives, conservationists and creature converge the offca's resolve hardens into an insanity that becomes his primary obsession, A mysterious stranger has hired a party of disreputable types {to break into the fortress/home of an important Navigator family and kidnap its head. Supplied with a map of the fortress and several means of entrance, the adventurers set ‘off. Once inside, however, their task becomes complicated, a not only isthe fortress well guarded, but there appear to be several characters identically dressed and answering the description of the target. The mysterious stranger is in fact the Jealous brother of the family head, who has ‘confessed his misdeeds to his brother's wife with whom he is conducting a secret afar. Not wishing to alert her ‘husband to his brother's treachery (or her wn infidelity), she has drugged the family head (asleep in his room) and has disguised herself o resemble him. She has also ordered several young maldservants to do likewise, and has compelled her treacherous lover to adopt similar garb. Her plans that the adventurers will kidnap the wrong person, and that elther she or her lover will then rendezvous with fhe adventurers as arranged and ‘collec’ the victim in return for the promised reward. Most ofthe servants have been aiven the day off, and any casualties amongst the guards ‘willbe put down to an attempted burglary. The journey to and fom the fortress involves potential bates with creatures ‘Amuin game plot can be enhanced by asub-plot, the ramifications ich are known only to the GM. Sub-plots are put into effect by the GM and often involve the GM taking over a player's models or new opponents, ty plot canbe livened up by the adn, ‘bu can randomly generate a sub-plot from the following chart if {ou wish - or you can substitute an orginal idea of your own. THE ADVANCED GAMER 01-05 One ofthe players’ models has unknowingly contracted a dose of MACS (Mysteriousy Acquired Crazy Syndrome). The disease take hold instantly and without warning, causing te vim actin totally uncontroled, murderous andunpreicably dangerous mane unt nerf San may be mysteriously transmitted through any sort of protective clothing, wal, amour Pang et: Any creature ofthe same race hast in 6 chance of contracting the disease ft comes within 2” ofthe vcs. This manifests tet at the beaning of ay flowing aon the Dé a6. ‘A military unit is unhappy with its leader, who is brutal, ‘incompetant, stupid, dishonest or otherwise subject to some defect which makes him extremely unpopular. If asked to drawa line of fre that passes within 2" oftheir leader, there is a 50% chance of a frer targetting against him ‘accidentally’. The player remains unaware ofthe situation and ols to hits intended target -the GM makes a secret ‘50% roll and ifthe player's die score ls enough o hit the office the shot isretargetied, Unless the shot his the leader the atempt wil g unnoticed andthe shot wilbe discounted as an ordinary miss. The player controling the troops will be unaware of any problem or rediected shots unt the officer Ishi ‘A vehicles subject to mechanical problems and will reak ‘down becoming immobilised onthe secret D6 dice oll of ‘26 made every turn. Iwi start to work again ona further 6 roll of a6 made whether mechanical attention s given ‘not, but wil continue to break down recover throughout the game. Weapons and equipment are unaffected. Unknown to either side unexploded mines liter the area ofthe battle. ‘One ofthe characters taking pr inthe confit isthe subject ‘ofa personal vendetta - perhaps he is blamed for causing someone's death, perhaps he isan unconviced drug dealer, orhas fled owing money. Whatever the reason his enemies hhave hired eelance killers to track him down and kil him, ‘This they do at any opportune moment during the game. (One ofthe player's main characters meets someone from the past-an old glriend, wife, relative, fellow conspirator, enemy, long-lost Gyrinx, etc. Their presence causes an Imig protien ones ne poesitesf te a ‘The soene ofthe battle has been unexpectedly chosen by criminal gngas apace to conduct secret deal of some kind - meet fellow smugglers, exchange hostages, swap money, drugs, weapons, et. (One character bears a previously unexplained grudge against another and becomes subject to hatred as soon as he ‘ecognises his enemy These can be characters from the same sid or opposing ses, ordinary troopers, personalities or any models. Suitable reasons might be king a fiend or relative, stealing a valuable tem, treachery, or anything the ‘GM thinks appropriate, ‘Once every 30 thousand years a huge comet emerges from deep space and unexpectedly wreaks havoc onthe planet ‘The comet chooses just that moment to arrive, producing, atmospheric effects, as described for Death Worlds, every ‘um, Creatures or plants of which the players were previously ‘unaware attack, creating addonal problems for both ses. Perhaps a herds de to make ts annual migration, the bate ies inberween creatures and their waterhok, of maybe a sroup of predatory creatures are just attracted by gunfire. Wh the pes ae ct fer ale ce ands enters the fay - perhaps hoping to tke advantage the disorder to full some mission of thee own. (One or more of the charactes is infact controlled by or actually is a warp entity and may choose to take advantage oft some pacing te ame The contain page One payer has ben suppl with ach of malnctoning espons. Ary natal ito ofa 1 means the weapon THE ADVANCED GAMER 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 Any buildings or artifacts belonging o an ancient civilisation hhave unexpected powers. Characters entering buildings or touching artifacts gain/lose characteristic score, become totally passive/subject to hatred against everyone ese, their minds are taken over by the non-material minds ofan ancient race, they become mutated, receive special abiltes not covered by the rules etc. The GMcan choose or invent any suitable effect. Refugees from the wars are trapped in the conflict, individuals amongst them may wish to fight, thers simply run around and obscure the field of Fire Prior to the outbreak of hostilities the area was visited by Dr Gostello's Amazing Intergalactic Psycho-circus. The ‘circus has now got caught up inthe fight, and ts collection, ‘of dangerous creatures, weird aliens, frightening mutants and psychic clowns are trying to defend their circustescape'survive. ‘The fighting zone is unexpectedly riddled with a maze of ‘tunnels just below the surface. Vehicles, heavy equipment ‘and even models can unexpectedly fll in, where they may find themselves facing not only enemy models, but whatever built the tunnels in the first place. Unknown to either side one of the personality models on the battlefield ls an experimental android (a construction 91-95 96-00 ‘The subject of collecting, painting and converting metal and plastic figures is avast one, and one which could quite easily fill a whole book. This chapter covers the basics of buying, assembling and painting models, be they metal or plastic. Citadel Miniatures have Jong been known asthe foremost producer of metal gaming miniatures combining te talents of some ofthe word's best miniature sculptors and the mast advanced production techniques. Citadel's excellent range of Warhammer 40,000 figures has been produced in close co- operation with the game's designers and contributors ~ in fact some ofthe sculptors ar avid Warhammer 40,000 players and have helped to design and test the game. As wellas the metal models, Citadel have produced a limited numberof plastic models which are available at greatly reduced cost compared to their metal counterparts. Once painted they cannot be told apart until picked up. SBuving MoDErs Although itis very easy to buy a new model on impulse (and know ‘of'no-one who doesn't), itis more efficient to think about your forces and plan your purchases carefully. If you are a member ofa regular gaming group itis a good idea for each player to stick to a particular theme or race - one player concentrating on Space Marines whilst another dedicates resources to Edlar or Orks, for example. OF course, most of your batts will involve humans, so several (o all) members ofa group could collect some human troops. There are lots of human types to collect anyway - varying from medieval feral worlders to imperial troopers, the household troops of planetary governors, pirates, etc, One player might like to concentrate on monsters and ‘weird’ aliens - it always seems to be the GM who ends up collecting these more way-out creatures! Players should try to build up a comprehensive force oftheir chosen race. The best way to do this i to buy a whole unit at once - usually ten models. In the case of most races this will mean 6 ot 7 basic ‘toopers, an officer and 2 or 3 special weapons. The variety in weapons ofthe Adeptus Mechanicusifhuman), The android functions exactly ke a human until hit, when there is a 50% chance of it going crazy - moving, shooting and attacking in a random manner, At the same ime its power circuits go out of control increasing all characteristics by +1. After D1O ‘urns the android explodes with a 2" blast radius causing a5 hit any anyone in the blast zone. ‘A camera crew belonging to a local media company has. ‘somehow arrived on the battlefeld ands wandering around ‘trying to interview the troops and film their activities. All troops within 4” of the crew will be distracted and sufler 4-1 penalty on all dice rolls. Unit leaders and personalities may shoot these troublemakers - other troops would be reluctant to do so. Unknown to the players a building on the table houses a collection of antique vehicles - ll re in working order, and can be studied and activated in the same way as other ‘unfamiliar equipment ‘The publishers of Warhammer 40,000 invite you to send in your ‘own ideas for plots or sub-plot suitable for inclusion on these chats IF'you've got areal humdinger winner of an idea please send it in, using a separate envelope from any other correspondence and ‘enclosing a stamped S.A.E if you want your submission returning.

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