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Why Secondary Schools Could Keep Learning the Same Subjects as they always do?

Nowadays, society has proposing a wide debate about what kind of subjects Schools
must learn. The main question here is to re-set the role of the formal education in our lives and
what we consider really useful in our times.

However, despite the importance of this considerations, it is equally important to

discuss about how a subject is taught. Because no matter how difficult – or abstract – a subject
is, if the students have access to the right educational tools and processes, they can reach this
subjects properly – they can learn everything. Not every topic in Math, for instance, will be
useful for a certain person along all of their life but to learn that topic helps this person to
develop more abilities and learn how to “think better”. Of course, in our times, time is a
valuable asset and our attention is disputed roughly among formal ways of instruction and the
universe of outside them – because it worth money - so we must to review for how long and in
which ways we are teaching. But we also understand that no matter what we choose to learn,
we must do this in new and proper manners, splitting what we do to “prepare the students to
the challenges on the real world” and what we teach to make them “better thinkers”.

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