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Surprising habits of original thinkers

Truly it was surprising to know the habits of original thinkers that's describing themselves as a
procrastinator often helps them to become better. According to Adam Grant, procrastination
gives you time to consider various ideas, think in nonlinear ways, to make unexpected leaps.
Moderate procrastination can help give your brain time to think over a task or problem and
create space for greater creativity and innovative ideas. This, he believes, is the primary work
zone of innovators and original thinkers.

Besides, a procrastinator is someone who repeatedly and unnecessarily postpones decisions or

actions. For example, if a person continually delays working on assignments until right before
their deadline for no reason, even though they know that it would be better for them to start
earlier. Perhaps I can describe myself as a procrastinator and it gives me anxiety or difficulty to
do so because I'm not smart enough and lazy sometimes.

Adam finds out when he has been studying people that he comes to call “originals. According to
him, originals are nonconformists, people who not only have new ideas but take an effort to
advocate them. They are people who stand out and speak up. Originals drive creativity and
change in the world. They’re the people you want to bet on. Originals are unique kinds of
persons that might be misjudged by others because they don't behave the way most people
Moreover, you certainly do see that the people who wait until the last minute are so busy chilling
that they don’t have any new ideas. And on the flip side, the people who race in are in such an
uproar of anxiety that they don’t have original thoughts either. There’s a sweet spot where
originals seem to live. Why is this? Maybe original people just have bad work habits. Maybe
procrastinating does not cause creativity.
There are three things he has learned about recognizing originals and becoming a little bit more
like them. First, the originals are late to the party, they were slow getting off the ground and
does not rush in. A person who hurries in and does everything early is rated as less creative
than people who procrastinate moderately, to the fact that they have the most creative ideas
when they are procrastinating. Second, the original feels doubt and fear. A lot of original people
look confident, but behind the scenes, they feel the same fear and doubt that the rest of us do.
They just manage it differently. Originals feel fear too, they're afraid of failing but what sets them
apart from the rest of us is they’re even more afraid of failing to try. They know that in the long
run, our biggest regrets are not our actions but our inactions. The things we wish we could redo,
are the chances not taken so you need to take the risk at all costs. Third, originals have a lot
bad of ideas, to know that being quick to start but slow to finish can boost your creativity, you
can motivate yourself by doubting your ideas and embracing the fear of failing to try and that
you need a lot of bad ideas to get a few good ones. Nevertheless, Procrastination is often
confused with laziness, but they are very different. Procrastination is an active process – you
choose to do something else instead of the task that you know you should be doing. In contrast,
laziness suggests apathy, inactivity, and an unwillingness to act.
However, there was an article that tackles about procrastination can be good for entrepreneurs.
It states that procrastination makes a better decision, for instance we usually make decisions
based on speed, not logic. When you're an overthinker or a procrastinator, making decisions
can either be better or worse. If you overthink a decision too much, you'll be stuck in a place
where you and maybe never pull the trigger. However, there's also another side to this. If you
procrastinate a decision, you are giving yourself time to reflect on what you feel is right. The
decision is always yours. The more you think about it, the better your decision could be. Also,
procrastination leads to laser focus. When time is of the essence, it pushes us harder and
harder and increases our focus so that we can get the work done. To conclude, procrastination
doesn’t mean you are lazy, you're just giving yourself time to modify and think deeper to create
a good one.

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