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A: I want to practice law because I’m passionate about helping other people with regards to their
legal problems. Often, the victims of injustice are the people who have no knowledge of their legal
and basic human rights. I could be an instrument of bringing justice to these kind of people.

I believe that it is important that every people knows their basic human rights, and that every person
knows that he or she have to observe and respect these rights. To always act with justice, observe
honesty and good faith in exercising his or her rights.

Being a lawyer is more than four letters before your name. The word Attorney itself connotes
privilege and respect. To be called an attorney is something you should always be privileged of
because not everyone have the capacity to achieve that, and that you are always bound to observe
and do justice, to uphold the rule of law.


A: Determination and perseverance.

My law professor would always end his class with a quote that I hold onto : “Do not settle for what is
mediocre for mediocrity is not a virtue. Always strive for excellence. With faith, grit and
determination, we will surely succeed’

I say determination and perseverance because no matter how difficult studying the law and preparing
for the bar during this time of pandemic I have chosen not to give up on my dream of becoming a
lawyer. While other people of my age are enjoying their lives at the beach, earning almost 5 to 6 digits
I’m stuck inside my room alone, with my readings.

I have to sacrifice so much when others are taking an easy way out chilling. This is because I have
chosen to be measure by a higher bar which does not permit mediocrity, but always demands

 What type of work environment do you prefer?

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