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Page 4 TUESDAY 29 MAY 2007 B.O.C.M. No. 126 I.

COMMUNITY OF MADRID A) General Provisions Ministry of Education 1972 Decree 22/2007, of 10 May, the Governing Council, which is set for the Community of Madrid the curriculum of primary education. react, in which they must guide the work of teachers: getting students to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to successfully deal with secondary education. This requires children to augmen t reading comprehension, the ability of speaking and writing, the ease in calcul ating, applying in each situation the appropriate arithmetic operations, and ess ential knowledge in the fields of Geography and History natural sciences. This i s without prejudice to the knowledge of at least one foreign language, which is essential if we consider the European context and universalized communication in the world to be living, physical education and art. This curriculum provides th e tools to teachers to get training of their students, inculcating moral values and ethical principles we share: freedom, equality of all human beings and respe ct for all. The Enlightenment idea that culture frees and best men must remain t he backbone of any educational activity, the major objective in the achievement of which students will develop intellectual curiosity and discover the importanc e of the effort to achieve the goals that proposed. Finally, it is for schools, responding to the principle of pedagogic, organizational and management to them by the LOE, develop and complete the curriculum set forth in this rule was adapt ed to the characteristics of the students, for incorporation into the educationa l project so that all students can meet the expectations of their capabilities w ill permit. It should be noted in this connection that rings in presenting the c ontents of the various areas due to epistemological criteria and should not be i nterpreted rigidly as teaching units that are to be given necessarily in that or der. In any case teaching teams take decisions on the distribution of content an d assessment criteria in each cycle, and their sequencing and structuring learni ng units, which will be reflected in educational programming. Under the above, i n accordance with Article 21 of Law 1 / 1983 of 13 December, Government and Admi nistration of the Community of Madrid, on the proposal of Minister of Education, after the mandatory report of School Board of the Community of Madrid, and afte r deliberation of the Governing Council at its meeting on the date ORDER Article 1 Purpose and Scope 1. This decree is the development for primary education as provided in Title I, Chapter II of the Organic Law 2 / 2006 of May 3, Education, as well as in Article 5 of Royal Decree 1513/2006, of December 7, laying down t he curriculum for primary education. 2. For the purposes of this decree is meant by curriculum of primary education to all the objectives, basic skills, content , teaching methods and assessment criteria of this educational stage. 3. This de cree shall apply to public schools and private schools of the Community of Madri d, duly authorized, impart lessons of Primary Education. Organic Law 2 / 2006 of 3 May, on Education (LOE on), Article 6.2 provides that the Government will establish the basic aspects of the curriculum, which constit ute the core curriculum, in order to ensure a common training and ensure the val idity of the titles concerned. In furtherance of this statutory requirement, the Ministry of Education and Science has published the Royal Decree 1513/2006, of December 7, laying down the curriculum for primary education. On the other side, the LOE cited states in the first additional provision that the

government will approve the schedule of implementation of the curricula of the various lessons learned in the law As a result, has been approved by Royal Decree 806/2006, of J une 30 , laying down the timetable for implementing the new management of the ed ucation system, which ordered the implementation of the new management of primar y education will gradually: in the 2007-2008 academic year will be implemented a s a matter Overall, the new management of the teachings in the first and second courses;in the academic year 2008-2009 will be implemented, in general, the ne w organization of the lessons in third and fourth years, and in 2009-2010 will b e implemented, in general, the new management of lessons in grades five and sixt h of that stage of education. It is for the competent education authorities, in accordance with Article 6.4 of the LOE, the establishment of the curriculum of t he various lessons covered in it, which form part of the core curriculum establi shed by the Ministry of Education and Science. The Community of Madrid, under th e provisions of Article 29 of the Statute of Autonomy, is fully responsible for non-university education and is responsible, therefore, establish the rules, res pect the powers of the state, develop the issues have to be applied in its terri tory. It must, therefore, that the Community of Madrid approved the legislation on the one hand, integrate and respect the provisions of Royal Decree 1513/2006 of 7 December, and, secondly, to develop these aspects in accordance with the po wer which has been attributed, regulating educational practice in primary school s within the territory of this autonomous region. The curriculum of primary educ ation must meet the definition set out in Article 6.1 of the LOE, and respect th e core curriculum established by the Ministry of Education and Science. To this end, the curriculum for each of the areas is specified in this Decree includes a n introduction to specific methodological guidelines and their contribution to t he acquisition of basic skills, the objectives to be achieved by students at the end of stage, and organized by cycles, content with their evaluation criteria, which define the scope of such content and allow assessment of their acquisition by students. With primary education compulsory schooling begins and become the foundation for all later learning. It is in this diB.O.C.M. No. 126 TUESDAY 29 MAY 2007 Page 5 Article 2 General Principles 1. Primary Education is part of basic education and , therefore, is compulsory and free. 2. This stage includes six academic courses , regular courses that between six and twelve years old, and is organized in thr ee cycles of two years each. Each cycle is the unit of programming and evaluatio n in primary education. 3. Students ordinarily will join the first course of pri mary education in the calendar year in which they turn six years. 4. Schools dev elop and complete, as appropriate, the curriculum of primary education provided in this Act, and rules to implement them. The result of this realization will be part of the Educational Project. 5. The educational activity at this stage seek the integration of different experiences and learning of students and adapt the ir working patterns. Therefore emphasis will be placed in the care of the divers ity of students on individualized care, prevention of learning difficulties in t he implementation of enforcement mechanisms as soon as they detect these problem s. The Ministry of Education establish the measures necessary to serve all stude nts and particularly to those with special needs educational support. 6. The Edu cation Council will encourage the development of innovation projects and program ming models of teaching and learning materials that provide teachers with curric ulum development. 7. The Ministry of Education set the weekly schedule for each of the areas of primary education. 8. The information technology and communicati on are integrated into the curriculum. Article 3 Purpose 1. Primary Education is to provide students with an education that allows them to enhance their persona l development, acquire skills and knowledge on oral expression and comprehension , reading,

writing and calculation as well as develop social skills, habits work and study, the artistic sense, creativity and emotions. 2. Primary Education wi ll also aim to prepare students to take full advantage of compulsory secondary e ducation. Article 4 Objectives Stage Primary Education will help develop in stud ents the capabilities to: a) Understand and appreciate the values and standards of living, learning to act under them, prepare for active citizenship respecting and defending human rightsand the pluralism characteristic of a democratic so ciety. b) To develop habits of individual and team work, effort and responsibili ty in the studio as well as attitudes of self-confidence, critical thinking, per sonal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning with those who discover the satisfaction of a job well done. c) To develop a responsible attitu de and respect for others that promotes an atmosphere conducive to personal libe rty and learning, and encourage attitudes that promote coexistence and avoid vio lence in the areas of school, family and society. d) To know, understand and res pect the values of our civilization, cultural and personal differences, equal ri ghts and opportunities of men and women and non-discrimination of persons with d isabilities. e) Understand and use appropriately the Castilian language, assessi ng their communicative potential, given their common language of all the Spanish language and inf) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) istration, and develop reading habits as a key instrument for learning other are as. Acquire at least one foreign language basic communicative competence to enab le them to express and understand simple messages and deal with everyday situati ons. Develop basic math skills and to acquire problem solving requiring the comp letion of elementary operations of calculation, knowledge of geometry and estima tes and be able to apply them to everyday life situations. Know the highlights o f the history of Spain and world history. Know and value their social, cultural and natural, always placing in the context of national, European and universal, and the possibilities of action and care of, and making knowledge of the geograp hy of Spain and world geography. Started in the use of information technologies and communication, developing a critical mind to the messages received and proce ssed. Rate hygiene and health, understand and respect the human body, and use ph ysical education and sport as a means to promote personal and social development . Communicate through verbal means, physical, visual, art, music and math, devel oping aesthetic sensitivity, creativity and ability to enjoy the works and artis tic expressions. Knowing the cultural heritage of Spain, to participate in conse rvation and improvement and respect their cultural and linguistic diversity. Dev eloping all areas of personality and a stand against violence and prejudice of a ny kind. Know and appreciate the animals and plants and adopt modes of behavior that favor their care. Promoting road safety education and respect for the rules to prevent accidents. Article 5 Basic Skills in the framework of key competences for lifelong learning defined by the European Union, basic skills, as components of the curriculum, a re set out in Annex I of Royal Decree 1513/2006 of 7 December. Although these sk ills should be acquired at the end of basic education, primary education has to contribute to their achievement, through the various areas in which it is organi zed. Knowledge Areas Article 6 1. Areas that are submitted in all cycles of this stage are as follows: a) Knowledge of the natural environment, social and cultu ral. b) Artistic Education. c) Physical education. d) Castilian language and lit erature. e) Foreign Language. f) Mathematics. 2. The teaching of religion will b e taught in all courses of the stage and comply with the provisions of the secon d additional provision hereof. 3. In the fifth year, in addition to the areas in cluded in paragraph 1, be given the area of Education for citizenship and human rights, in which special attention to equal rights and duties between men and wo men. 4.

Areas of Castilian Language and Literature and Mathematics, as an essent ial tool for the acquisition of other skills, will receive special consideration . 5. Reading comprehension, oral and written expression, audiovisual communicati on and information technologies and communication work in all areas.

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