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Salam, Wukirsari, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta


TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/tanggal : . September 2022

Kelas : IX Waktu : 07.30-09.00 WIB

1. Bacalah bismillah dan do’a sebelum mengerjakan soal.
2. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
3. Periksa dan bacalah setiap soal dengan teliti dan seksama sebelum menjawab.
4. Periksalah seluruh jawaban Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

A. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang pada
huruf A, B, C atau D!
1. Choose the following sentences which expression of “congratulation”…
A. Great B. Poor you are! C. Get well soon my friend D. Don’t be sick
2. The following sentence is expression of hope…
A. I like a nice house C. I would like to have a nice house
B. I need a nice house D. I wish I had a nice house
3. Roni : I won the swimming competition yesterday.

Dimas : Really? That’s very great. Congratulation!

Roni : …………..

Dimas : You are welcome. The correct expression is…

A. Oh, don’t mention it C. Thanks for saying so

B. I hope you say so D. That’s very great
Text for number 4 – 7
Donita is the winner of the National Storytelling Contest. Now she’s intervied by one of
Altansa Magazine crew, Rianda

Rianda : Congratulation on success as the winner of story telling contest.

Donita : Thank you. it is an honor

Rianda : The way you told story is very impressive.

Donita : Thanks. I practiced a lot.

Rianda : Did you do it by your self?

Donita : I didn’t my teacher and my trainer help me.

Rianda : You must be grateful to them.

Donita : Thank you very much, they did great job.

Rianda : Tell us more about contest story that you chose.

Rianda : Good choices

Donita : I’d like young people learn about respecting others.

Rianda : Ok, Thanks for coming. we hope you always keep studying hard and have more

Donita : My pleasure

4. How many participants are in the dialogue ?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
5. Who interviewed Donita ?
A. Donita’s friend B. Rianda’s friend C. Rianda D. Donita
6. what are talking about?
A. people who help Donita in story telling contest
B. Donita’s achievement as the winner of story telling contest
C. How to respect story telling contest
D. The process of story telling contest
7. “ they did a great job” the word “they” refers to..........
A. Donita and Rianda C. Donita’s teacher and trainer
B. Donita and her friend D. Donita’s classmate

Look at picture and choose the best wish ……..

A. Have a nice trip
B. Congratulation on your wedding. I’m happy for you
C. What a wonderful birthday
D. Have a great school day my friend
9. Nuri has just finished practicing singing. She will sing in the celebration of the
Indo- nesia Independence Day. Shinta praises her that she sings like a real singer,
and she will get a big applause for that. Shinta : “You sing like a singer.

Nuri : “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.”

A. I’m sure you will get a very big applause C. I’m sorry
B. Congratulate to Nuri D. You are a good student

look at the picture and choose the best wish …..

A. Congratulation on your graduation
B. Get well soon my friend
C. Happy wedding day
D. Why are you sick?
Read the following dialogue to answer question number 11-13!
Bobby : Hi, Don . I heard that you got the best grades in the exam, didn’t you?

Donny : That’s right

Bobby : Congratulations!

Donny : Thank you

Bobby : Well done, I’m very proud of you. I’m glad to hear that.

Donny : Thanks, Bob. It was Nothing.

11. what has donny achieved?

A. He was the best presenter C. He cheated on the exam
B. He got the best grades D. He was appointed to be the leader
12. Who congratulate him?
A. Bobby B. Denny C. His father D. His mother
13. The word “Glad” can be replaced with…….
A. Sad B. Excited C. Happy D. Disappointed
14. Rossy : I have just heard about your promotion….
Indira : Thank you.
A. Congratulation C. I don’t like it
B. I’m sorry to hear that D. I agree with you
15. Rasya : I will join the English contest next week
Raya : “……….you will be the winner”.
A. Well done B. I must wish C. Hopefully D. In my opinion
16. My mother always makes sure the hygiene of the meal we consume…we won’t get
suffering any digestive problems like diarrhoea.
A. So that B. To C. In order to D. In order not to
17. I go to the dentist …..have some checks on my teeth
A. To B. So C. So that D. In order to
18. Danu : “Hi, Rusly, is it right that you will take part in a big show?
Rusly : “That’s right”
Danu : “I … will be successfull
A. Mind B. Know C. Wish D. Hope

19. The appropriate expression of disagreeing to respond your friend’s utterance:

Parangtritis beach has a wonderful view is….

A. I don’t think so
B. I couldn’t agree more
C. With all due respect, it is not no longer a recommended place to visit.
D. I am of different opinion on that.
20. One expression that can be used to state disagreement informally is….
A. That’s not right.
B. I am of different opinion.
C. I’m afraid I couldn’t agree with you.
D. With all due respect, that idea is too strange for me.
21. The following are expressions of agreement, except.
A. Absolutely B. Exactly C. No way D. You got a point
22. Derry : Do you ……if we order fried chicken for lunch?
Diego : Exactly! I never say no to fried chicken
A. Agree B. Disagree C. Agreed D. Disagreed
23. Sonny : “ The rock music is dreadful”
Brian : “.......... I enjoy it”
A. Of course B. You’re right C. That’s not true D. I agree
24. Angel : “ Is Puncak Pass Resort near here?”
Anne : “Yes, It is”
Angel : “.............It is about 100 kilometers from here”
Anne : “Oh really?”
A. I think so B. It certainly is C. I quite agree D. I disagree with you
25. Maria : I think I'll take the blue one.
Nayla : ____ it looks nice on you.
A. I guess not C.I don't think so
B. I agree with you D. I couldn't agree more
26. Ann : The government will give students free internet data for distance learning next
Gerry : Oh, that sounds good. ____ as it will lighten the burden of parents in buying
internet data for their children's learning.
A. I absolutely disagree C. agree It's hard to do
B. I strongly D. Let's wait and see
27. Student 1 : Teachers should give many tasks to students in learning from home
Student 2 : ____ because it will fulfill our time by doing many tasks than wasting
time to play game.
A. I don't have any idea C. I am on your side
B. It's up to the teachers D. I don't agree
The following text is for questions number 28-31!


Especially for infants and children


Sore throat, cough, abnormal secretion of sputa


 Infants under 6 months

1 tea spoons full 2 x daily
 Infants over 6 months
1 tea spoons full 3 x daily
 Adult
1-2 tea spoons full 3 x daily
Or as prescribed by the physician (1tsp = 5ml)
Available : in bottle of 60 ml/90 ml

28. What is the syrup for?

A. Cough B. Stomach ache C. Influenza D. Runny nose

29. The syrup can relieve the followings, except....

A. sore throat C. Abnormal secretion of sputa

B. Cough D. Physical abnormalities

30. Which of the following statements is not correct based on the text......

A. Toddler can consume the syrup

B. The medicine can be used internally

C. Adults can finish syrup of 60 ml 6 days

D. The syrup can remove pain in front part of neck

31. How much should a 7 month old infant take the medicine in a day ?

A. One teaspoons C. Three teaspoons

B. Two teaspoons D. Six teaspoons

Look at the text below to answer the questions number 32 -33!



32. Where do we usually find this instruction?

A. On the label of the product C. In a brochure

B. On a text book D. In a leaflet

33. The word “ Seek” has the same meaning as.......

A. Hide B. Watch C. Look for D. Take care

The following text is for questions number 34-36!

34. What product is it?

A. Juice B. Bread C. Cake D. Noodle

35. What is it made of?

A. Carrot B. Tomato C. Oranges D. Mango

36. When would it be best to consume the product?

A. Before 20 June 2021 C. On 20 July 2021

B. After 20 June 2021 D. Before July 2021

The following text is for questions number 37-40!

37. The label is telling us about .....of a dietary supplement.

A. The information C. The materials

B. The usage D. The benefits

38. When would is best to consume the product?

A. After April 4th, 2017 C. On April 4th, 2017

B. During April 4th, 2017 D. Before April 27th, 2017

39. How many soft gels does someone take everyday?

A. 1 gel B. 15mg C. 200 iu D. 600 mg

40. “Supplement fact”. The underlined word has the same meaning with......

A. Main B. Basic C. Fundamental D. Accessory

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