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Boo Radely, can be compared to the mockingbird in the title of the novel.

It is made clear in chapter 10 when Atticus and Miss Maudie explain that you should never kill a mockingbird because all it does is sing beautiful songs and never hurts anyone. Thus, Boo Radely is like a mockingbird as he never hurts anyone and primarily keeps to himself. Yet, the title is To Kill A Mockingbird and the townsfolk "kill" Boo Radley by persecuting and ridiculing him in society simply because he is shy and does not come out of his house. Also, in the end, Scout says that it would be wrong to put Boo Radley on trial for killing Bob Ewell because he did it in order to protect her and Jem. Furthermore, Scout sees that things look the same from Boo Radley's porch as they do from her's. Therefore, Boo Radley is a perfect example of a mockingbird and the situation he is in is a perfect example of the title of the book. Tom Robinson is another character won can be compared with the mockingbird. He was a genuinely kind person who in the end is destroyed by his willingness to help Mayella Ewell. Just like a mockingbird, Robinson never hurt anyone. Yet, he was also persecuted by society for his kindness and his race. Tom Robinson is a mockingbird figure in the book. In the end, Mr. Underwood also compares a harmless songbird that was shot down by a senseless hunter. Thus, Tom Robinson was killed because of his kindness and the color of his skin. The mockingbird also extends to relationships between human beings. Some people are kind and would never harm anyone, like a mockingbird. Yet, there are people who unjustly see past the kindness and simply see what they want to see. This leads to issues about race and sex among others. These people than become prejudice towards certain people. Also, they may even "kill" the people who are genuinely kind human beings simply because they are different. Thus, the mockingbird illustrates prejudice relationships among human beings.

The Paradox The witches chorus on Act I, Scene I, line 10: "Fair is foul, and foul is fair." This is a paradox. It is also a prophecy, where one thing seems like another (the characters of the play), or about how things will change through the story (again the characters). Being so early in the play, it is a good grasper for the reader. Not being a simple statement, it makes the reader think about the line to find some meaning for themselves. It is easier to grasp a meaning of this line as you progress through this book. This theme is a subtle theme, but no without meaning. We will refer to this theme again and again throughout the play, adding new lines to the theme, or analyzing characters and events using this theme. The first thing that Macbeth says when he enters scene three (line 38) is, "So foul and fair a day I have not seen." Maybe when the witches said "Fair is foul, and foul is fair," during scene one, they were just referring to the condition of the day when they meet Macbeth, though I believe that there is more, something we'll see later in the play. 2 minutes ago Like Unlike One of the most important themes in Macbeth involves the witches' statement in Act 1, Scene1 that "fair is foul and foul is fair." (Act 1, Scene 1, Line 10) This phrase aptly describes the macabre status quo within the character Macbeth and without. When Macbeth and Banquo first see the weird sisters, Banquo is horrified by their hideous appearances. Conversely, Macbeth immediately began to converse with these universally known evil creatures. After hearing their prophecies, one can say that Macbeth considered the witches to be "fair" when in reality their intentions were quite "foul." Macbeth's possession of the titles of Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland came by foul means. Macbeth became the Thane of Glamis by his father Sinel's death; he became Thane of Cawdor when the former namesake was executed for treason; and he was ordained King of Scotland after murdering the venerable Duncan. Thus, Macbeth has a rather ghastly way of advancing in life. This theme is further verified by King Duncan's statement "There's no art/ to find the mind's construction in the face." (Act 1, Scene 4, Lines 11-12) Although Macbeth has the semblance of the amicable and dutiful host, ("fair") he is secretly plotting Duncan's death ("foul"). Furthermore, Lady Macbeth's orchestration of the murder exemplifies the twisted atmosphere in Inverness. Both a woman and a host, she should be the model

of grace and femininity. She is described, however, as a "fiendlike queen" (Act 5, Scene 6, Line 69) and exhibits a cold, calculating mentality. In addition, the very porter of Inverness likens the place to the dwelling of the devil Beelzebub. This implies that despite its "pleasant seat," (Act 1, Scene 6, Line 1) Inverness is a sinister and evil place. It is also interesting to note that Macbeth is unable to say a prayer to bless himself after murdering Duncan. It is strange and "foul" that he should think of religion after committing such an unholy act. The very sanction of sleep and repose is also attacked in Macbeth. What is normally considered a refreshing and necessary human activity is "murdered" by Macbeth after he commits his heinous crime. Neither Macbeth nor his wife is able to sleep after killing Duncan. Macbeth's lack of sleep makes him a brutal killer; Lady Macbeth begins to sleepwalk and inadvertently reveals the source of her distress through her nightly babble. In addition, Macbeth gains an almost inhuman strength and courage after his first crime. He is more courageous in crime than he has ever been in virtuous deed, which is indeed bizarre.

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