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Quarter 2 – Week 1
Adriane Kent A. Fabro
What’s New
1. Drones 6. Printer
2. Mobile Phones 7. Solar Panel
3. Computer 8. Robotics
4. 3D Printing 9. Laptops
5. Biometrics 10. Wifi
They have an effect on the people and society: positively, extra handy and make loads of factors easier,
up to date approaches to apply it and really present day outcome, negatively, it make the human beings
and the complete society lazy and don`t make a further effort, very costly and now no longer everybody
has the affordability to however those.
Activity 1

Activity 2
1. How do the developments in media and information technology change the way life of humans?
Computers are increasingly faster, more portable, and higher-powered than ever before. Modern
technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices like the smartwatch and the smartphone.
Technology has also made our lives easier
2. Although technology is viewed as indication of progress, what do you think are some of disadvantages
of having invented these sophisticated tools? Why are they disadvantageous?
People became lazy because these things make it all easier to the point that people are not used to
the basic ways. One more thing is that people aren’t up to try harder on those things they are doing just
like sourcing ideas, because they believe there’s a tool to make searching easier.

3. Is there really a need for more advanced technologies? Why or why not?
No, more advance technologies may be very helpful but these also spoil people and made them lazy
enough to do practical things their own..
4. Name of trends or technology that you find useful?
Cellphone, computer, laptop, appliances, printer , medical technolpogies airplanes and more.
Activity 3
Adriane Fabro
Mobile Application Developer
231 Gold Lane
Raleigh, NC 27513
February 12, 2022
James Band
Head Developer
1223 East Drive
Raleigh, NC 27514
Dear Mr. Williams,
I enjoyed developing a new application for our company. I began working on this project last week after
our initial email, and are submitting a proposed action plan for your review.
On January 20th, we discussed the market of mobile application is growing. I came up with a unique
application and finished it now,
My objective will be to increase our market more within the next year. This goal will be accomplished as
you review the description and functionalities of the app.
Description – Blind people’s life is not easy, this app can help them from their every day life
Functions:  aims to help visually impaired people in their everyday lives from reading text on paper to
navigating their way through the streets.
For a project of this caliber, we estimate a budget of roughly 1,000,000 pesos to 1.8 M. We can discuss
the plan in more detail if you choose to proceed, and can adjust the budget based on your specific needs
and our recommendations.
If you would like to move forward with our proposal, please send me an email so we can begin discussing
and planning the next steps right away. Thank you kindly for reviewing our proposal.
Adriane Fabro
Quarter 2 – Week 2
Adriane Kent A. Fabro

Activity 1

Overall impact Personal Aspect Professional Aspect Education Aspect
Of Media and Media is the medium Media is useful in the Media is one of the the
Information to an for collecting professional field, it is main tool on running
individual information. It’s a way their medium to access, education nowadays
for people to gather data, and the tool because everything is
communicate and to run their profession. through online at these
radiate their emotion times.
Overall impact Economic Sector Political Sector Social Sector
Of Media and Because of the media, With the help of the People can
Information to the better economic media, political sector communicate and build
society opportunities and can do their jobs further social relationship
strategies can be shown through it and by that,
off people can unite and
take steps to help other
sectors also.

Activity 2


Quarter 2 – Week 3-4
Adriane Kent A. Fabro
Activity 1
People as Media People in Media
1. Independent Blogger ✓
2. Television Producer ✓
3. Film Director ✓
4. Print Journalist ✓
5. University Professor ✓
6, Business Analyst ✓
7. Magazine Publisher ✓
8. Radio Jockey ✓
9. Online Marketer ✓
10. Advertiser ✓

Activity 2
Describe this type of People as Media
1. Social Journalism - Social journalism is a media model comprising a hybrid of professional journalism,
author and reader content. The format is based on community engagement, audience engagement, social
news, data and analytics gathering and validation, and relationship building.[2] Social journalism takes
place on some public publishing platforms such as Twitter and, but may also include
professional journalists who create and/or review content

2. Crowdsourcing- Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas or content by

soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community. This is
when a group of people or a crowd is solicited for information by certain entities or institutions. It is also
called collective mobilization.
Activity 3

What is People What are the What is People

as Media? similarities? in Media?

Based on the dictionary . These are those who

definition, we may say They are both people use Text, Audio, Visual,
that people media consist working to disseminate and Multimedia to
of men, women, or even information that all of us disseminate information
children that widely needs with the use of and messages to the
influence the people by technologies, innovations general audience. People
and specially their skills in the media are those
reaching them through
and talents. who work in print,
different means.
television, film, new
They are the sources of
They both share and media, and gaming,
information, and are produce latest, among other types of
responsible in information for the mass media
disseminating those through media.
information. These persons work in
People media may also be the media and provide
defined as the utilization information based on
their expertise or first-
of people credible in their
hand experience of

Week 4
Activity 1
✓ Television ✓ Notebook ✓ Poster
Radio ✓ Paper ✓ Smartphone
✓ Book ✓ Magazine ✓ Tarpaulin
✓ Newspaper ✓ Journal ✓ Computer
Wall ✓ Pen Wood

Activity 2
1. Differentiate the three types of texts in terms of formatting and use.
-Formatting is the fine art of making your documents effective and attractive. Good formatting
distinguishes different parts of your text and helps your readers take in your message. You can apply
formatting to just about every element of your document, from a single character to entire paragraphs.
Body text needs to be readable and easy on the eyes. Headings should be big and bold, and they should
also be consistent throughout your document. Important words need to resonate with emphasis. Quotes
and references should be set off from the other text

2. What instances in your life do you find textual media most relevant?

-The most used are multimedia, email and instant messaging. With all of that available thru just a touch of
your fingers using your phone, I believe it is not just relevant in my life but everyone's life as well.

3. How useful are hypertext in collating information from vast sources over the Internet?
-Hypertext technology allows virtually unrestricted linking of information nodes. Links to information
that is clearly related to the subject matter of a particular text are certainly acceptable.

4. Why is desktop publishing ideal for books, magazines or newspapers?

-Desktop publishing software can generate layouts and produce typographic-quality text and images
comparable to traditional typography and printing. ... Desktop publishing methods provide more control
over design, layout, and typography than word processing.
Quarter 2 – Week 5-6
Adriane Kent A. Fabro
Basic Design Principles
No. Element Description
1. Contrast One of the most common complaints designers have about client feedback
often revolves around clients who say a design needs to “pop” more.
While that sounds like a completely arbitrary term, what the client
generally means is that the design needs more contrast. Contrast refers to
how different elements are in a design, particularly adjacent elements.
These differences make various elements stand out. Contrast is also a very
important aspect of creating accessible designs. Insufficient contrast can
make text content in particular very difficult to read, especially for people
with visual impairments.

2. Balance Every element of a design—typography, colors, images, shapes, patterns,

etc.—carries a visual weight. Some elements are heavy and draw the eye,
while other elements are lighter. The way these elements are laid out on a
page should create a feeling of balance. There are two basic types of
balance: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Symmetrical designs layout
elements of equal weight on either side of an imaginary center line.
Asymmetrical balance uses elements of differing weights, often laid out in
relation to a line that is not centered within the overall design.

3. Emphasis Emphasis deals with the parts of a design that are meant to stand out. In
most cases, this means the most important information the design is meant
to convey. Emphasis can also be used to reduce the impact of certain
information. This is most apparent in instances where “fine print” is used
for ancillary information in a design. Tiny typography tucked away at the
bottom of a page carries much less weight than almost anything else in a
design, and is therefore deemphasized.
4. Proportion Proportion is one of the easier design principles to understand. Simply put,
it’s the size of elements in relation to one another. Proportion signals
what’s important in a design and what isn’t. Larger elements are more
important, smaller elements less.
5. Hierarchy Hierarchy is another principle of design that directly relates to how well
content can be processed by people using a website. It refers to the
importance of elements within a design. The most important elements (or
content) should appear to be the most important. Hierarchy is most easily
illustrated through the use of titles and headings in a design. The title of a
page should be given the most importance, and therefore should be
immediately recognizable as the most important element on a page.
Headings and subheadings should be formatted in a way that shows their
importance in relation to each other as well as in relation to the title and
body copy.
6. Repetition Repetition is a great way to reinforce an idea. It’s also a great way to unify
a design that brings together a lot of different elements. Repetition can be
done in a number of ways: via repeating the same colors, typefaces,
shapes, or other elements of a design. This article, for example, uses
repetition in the format of the headings. Each design principle is formatted
the same as the others in this section, signaling to readers that they’re all of
equal importance and that they’re all related. Consistent headings unify
these elements across the page.
7. Rhythm The spaces between repeating elements can cause a sense of rhythm to
form, similar to the way the space between notes in a musical composition
create a rhythm. There are five basic types of visual rhythm that designers
can create: random, regular, alternating, flowing, and progressive. Random
rhythms have no discernable pattern. Regular rhythms follow the same
spacing between each element with no variation. Alternating rhythms
follow a set pattern that repeats, but there is variation between the actual
elements (such as a 1-2-3-1-2-3 pattern). Flowing rhythms follow bends
and curves, similar to the way sand dunes undulate or waves flow.
Progressive rhythms change as they go along, with each change adding to
the previous iterations. Rhythms can be used to create a number of
feelings. They can create excitement (particularly flowing and progressive
rhythms) or create reassurance and consistency. It all depends on the way
they are implemented.
8. Pattern Patterns are nothing more than a repetition of multiple design elements
working together. Wallpaper patterns are the most ubiquitous example of
patterns that virtually everyone is familiar with. In design, however,
patterns can also refer to set standards for how certain elements are
designed. For example, top navigation is a design pattern that the majority
of internet users have interacted with.
9. White Space White space—also referred to as “negative space”— is the areas of a
design that do not include any design elements. The space is, effectively,
empty. Many beginning designers feel the need to pack every pixel with
some type of “design” and overlook the value of white space. But white
space serves many important purposes in a design, foremost being giving
elements of the design room to breathe. Negative space can also help
highlight specific content or specific parts of a design. It can also make
elements of a design easier to discern. This is why typography is more
legible when upper and lowercase letters are used since negative space is
more varied around lowercase letters, which allows people to interpret
them more quickly. In some cases, negative space is used to create
secondary images that may not be immediately apparent to the viewer.
This can be a valuable part of branding that can delight customers. Take
the hidden arrow in the FedEx logo, for just one example.
10. Movement Movement refers to the way the eye travels over a design. The most
important element should lead to the next most important and so on. This
is done through positioning (the eye naturally falls on certain areas of a
design first), emphasis, and other design elements already mentioned.
11. Variety Variety in design is used to create visual interest. Without variety, a design
can very quickly become monotonous, causing the user to lose interest.
Variety can be created in a variety of ways, through color, typography,
images, shapes, and virtually any other design element. However, variety
for the sake of variety is pointless. Variety should reinforce the other
elements of a design and be used alongside them to create a more
interesting and aesthetically pleasing outcome that improves the user’s
12. Unity Everyone has seen a website or other design out there that seemed to just
throw elements on a page with no regard for how they worked together.
Newspaper ads that use ten different fonts come to mind almost
immediately. Unity refers to how well the elements of a design work
together. Visual elements should have clear relationships with each other
in a design. Unity also helps ensure concepts are being communicated in a
clear, cohesive fashion. Designs with good unity also appear to be more
organized and of higher quality and authority than designs with poor unity.

What I Can Do
Activity 2

Week 6
What I Know
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
1. True 6. True
2. False 7. True
3. True 8. True

4. False 9. False
5. True 10. True

What’s New
Activity 1
1. If you were to think of the three sounds that you like listening to the most, what would these be?
the three sounds that I like to listen the most are sounds of the birds chirping, sounds of the trees waving
through the wind and sounds of the waves and water flowing through the river, falls or lake.
2. What are your reasons for listening to certain kinds of sounds?
I can feel calmness and peace of mind. It’s where I would run through during the times I’m stressed,
worried, anxious, etc
3. Have you ever thought about the absence of sounds in your life?
I couldn’t imagine of it, its so depressing. No sounds to hear from your surroundings, from the people
around you, it feels like it’s not a life anymore, so actually I never thought of it.

What’s More
Activity 2
1. Describe how you imagine yourself trying to communicate without talking?.
- I imagine my self using sign language or writing a sentence or typing. I think it is hard because
not all people can understand sign language and you need to type it instead.

2. Do you think your guardian or parent will understand you without talking?
- I think no, it’s hard to show what you’re feeling without talking. I’m not the one who talks to
parents when I have burdens because in our family our parents can’t guide me all the time because they
are busy.
3. Can you find other ways to communicate using sound without talking?
- The first ever way that I think to communicate using sound without talking is through music.
Music has different moods, feelings, emotions, that you can use to show what you want to tell someone
and to show how you really feel.

Activity 3
1. What are the technical aspects that characterize audio information?
- Clarity of Voice
- Relevant to the Topic
- Clear Pitch of the Audio
- Appropriate Length
- Appropriate Language
- Unbiased Content
2. How is sound or audio useful in information exchange?
- it is used to disseminate information and engages audience through adding to the production
value, elicits emotional responses, highlights what's on screen, and is utilized to convey mood.
3. What is the importance of sound in media forms such as film and television?
- it can provide information about a character's personality, location, and period. It's significant
because it informs and moves us in ways that visuals alone cannot, and because certain combinations of
sound and visuals can generate feelings that neither alone can.


Quarter 2 – Week 7-8
Adriane Kent A. Fabro

Week 7
What I Know
1. B 6. D
2. D 7. A
3. C 8. B
4. A 9. A
5. C 10. C

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False

What’s More
Activity 1
1. Differentiate a motion picture from a motion video.
The motion picture is a series of images projected on a screen in rapid succession, on the other hand,
motion video is Digital video data that provides moving pictures and may be transmitted or stored (on
videodisc, etc.) for subsequent reproduction on a computer or DVD player.
2. What happens during preproduction, production and postproduction stages of filmmaking?
Preproduction - scenario and script writing, actors characteristic internalization, production scheduling
and budgeting, shooting local surveys and permitting.
Production – shooting location setting, directing (actors, cameras, lighting), motion picture recording
Postproduction – Editing, music arrangement (if there any), rendering (saving the film into file format)
3. How does a film become an ideological tool?
By reflecting the ideologies and values of societies through its images, discourses, symbols, myths, and
4. What possible attribute can make a motion media worthwhile to watch for information and
Capture and keep the audience attention by being interesting, must be interesting enough to watch
multiple times as commercials can be played repeatedly throughout the program, must be able to tell a
compelling story and keep the messages family conscious.

Activity 2
1. Camera Movement
The way a camera shifts to visually narrate and form a viewer's viewpoint of a scene is referred to as a
camera movement. ... When you move a camera in a given way, it might change the narrative of the tale
you're trying to tell as well as how the content is delivered.
2. Camera shots and Camera Angles
Basic Type of Camera Shots
- Close-up
- Medium Shot
- Long Shot
Different Angle Shots in Film
- High-Angle
- Low-Angle
- Over the Shoulder
- Bird's Eye
- Dutch Angle/Tilt

3. Sound and Lighting

- Sound - There is a difference between sound that is in the scene when shot, and the sound that is
added after the movie is shot. The former is called the sound of “the world of the film”, or diegesis. Not
diegetic are sounds that are added to a film after the film is shot to create mood and atmosphere. Sound
can also be dubbed. That means the sound is already there in diegesis of the sound.
Lightning - Lighting is used in film to create a certain mood, or an atmosphere. You may not expect it,
but even lighting can add to and create meaning in a film. They are codes – already by the amounts of
shadow used in a film you can pinpoint what genre the film is. n lighting, available light suggests natural
light. Spotlight, although mostly used in theatre, picks out one member of a group, but is sometimes used
more subtly in film, and could be used as foreshadowing. Full-face lighting highlights a face and can
suggest openness and honesty. Shadow and low contrast are often associated with fear, anger, suspicion,
et cetera. High-key lighting is harsh and bright, and can uplift the movie’s mood. It can also intensify a
scene where emotions are laid bare, as the high-key lighting makes it look as if the person cannot hide
anything, especially when they also make use of full-face lighting. Soft-key lighting is, as the name
implies, a much softer light, shadows are visible and contrast is lower. It’s often used to create a romantic
atmosphere, or to set a grimmer mood in darker movies.

4. Diegetic and Non-diegetic sound cinematic techniques

- The former is called the sound of “the world of the film”, or diegesis. Examples are singing
birds or cars driving by in the background, the sound of a baby’s rattle toy when the baby rattles it, or the
hum of people talking in a café. Those sounds are diegetic.

Not diegetic are sounds that are added to a film after the film is shot to create mood and atmosphere, like
the sounds of blowing wind, rumbling thunder or blows in a fist fight. Sound can also be dubbed. That
means the sound is already there in diegesis but is replaced by a clearer recording of the sound, to
emphasize on and exaggerate the effect of the sound.

What’s New
Activity 3
1. Think about your first time using Facebook. What were the steps you did to create and access your
account? How did you post your first thought?
My first Facebook account was created by my auntie when I was in grade 6, my mother created
an account dor me. At first she use her number on my email but suddenly I change it in my own number. I
am happy because I can see a lot of pictures of my father working on abroad at that time.
2. Why do you think Facebook is very popular? Enumerate the ways in which you interact with
Because a lot of people can access it and can create their account. It is an application to
communicate with your loved ones, post pictures of your memories and share your feelings. I used
Facebook to communicate with my family especially our relatives abroad, I posted pictures that I feel
pretty and confident, I share posts that I can relate to and drop a reaction to a certain post depending on
what I feel about it.
Let’s do this:
Actions Done on Facebook Perso Person
n1 2
Clicked the ‘like’ button ✓ ✓
Watched a video. ✓ ✓
Messaged a friend on a one-to-one basis. ✓ ✓
Commented on a friend’s photo or video. ✓ ✓
Read an article. ✓ ✓
Read a news. ✓
Commented in a friend’s profile status. ✓ ✓
Logged in to see what’s happening without posting myself. ✓ ✓
Uploaded and shared photos. ✓ ✓
Updated my profile status/posted about what I’m doing/

Activity 4
1. Enumerate the Web and mobile applications that you have in your phone or in the phones of the people
close to you. Ask yourself or the people who has these applications as to how dramatically they equal the
playing field in terms of access to quality information or knowledge.

Google, Instagram, Youtube, Capcut Actually these apps have different roles why are they created but in
terms of access to quality information or knowledge, Google which is a search web contributed a lot of
legit information.
2. What is the impact of internet speed in processing the information that you gather online?
Without it, we can’t gather information online. Internet is the tool to run online, and your ability to
acquire information from different sites depends on it.

Week 8
What I Can Do
Activity 3
Any content that combines different content forms such as text, audio, photos, animations, video,
and interactive information is referred to as multimedia. Information content processing devices, such as
computerized and electronic devices, may record and play multimedia, as well as display, interact with,
and access it. Multimedia platforms are places where you may create, share, and view this type of
material. Multimedia platforms, as a result, provide a wide range of communication and educational
applications to business audiences. Multimedia platforms such as business presentations, blogs, wikis,
and podcasts are all fantastic examples of how to get your message through. Common multimedia forms
are Multimedia use in Business, Multimedia use in Education and Multimedia use at Home.

Multimedia use in business include presentation, training, advertisement, video, conferencing and
etc. For example, salesperson can learn and provide poster with the help of multimedia. Presentation for
business meetings, conference and training is very essential in business field but it will make it happen by
the use of multimedia. Advertisements and videos will be catchy for every target buyers on using proper
visuals and audio. Multimedia plays a very important part on business on catching the eyes of the buyers
and through an eye-flourishing advertisements. Multimedia use in education, is better form of teaching in
schools and universities. Multimedia presentations are great way to introduce new concepts or explain a
new technology. For example, an electronic game for an interactive class and reciting and smart classes.
Multimedia is important in education for a more fun and engaging experience while learning and on that
way students can gain more knowledge. Powerpoint presentation which makes the discussion more
interesting, videos connected to the topic where students can understand and relate more to the topic,
online videos and animation videos explaining especially on science subject, experiments done on
youtube, and a lot more. And based on my experience also, it is fun to study when the class is so
interactive. Lastly, Multimedia use at home, from gardening, cooking, home design, remodeling, and
repair to software and hardware, multimedia has entered the home. Today, home consumer of multimedia
own either a computer with an attached CD-ROM or a DVD Drive or a set-top player where hooks up to
the television such as Nintendo, Play Station or even X-box or Wii. Actually multimedia is very present
in every home for entertainment which part of the families bonding, the movies via Netflix, CDs or any
website, gaming consoles, teledrama or anything that can be watched at the television and especially
those visuals on cellphones.

Actually multimedia is everywhere, and very useful for everyday life nowadays. Wherever you
go, multimedia is there where is important to everyone. Not only on businesses, education, home which
aforementioned at the top but on any fields and organization on these times. Innovations where
multimedia evolve from are gifts for us to make things convenient and easier. We just need to know how
to use it correctly in our lives and do not abuse it. We need to learn also how to take care of it.

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