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Instruction: Research & study the 11 FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERNS by M. Gordon.

Dr. Marjory Gordon, an American nurse and theorist, was known for her
creation of The Eleven Functional Health Patterns (FHP) in 1987. She was born on
November 10, 1931 in Cleveland, USA and she died on April 29, 2015 at the age of 83
years old in Boston, USA. She started her nursing career in New York at the Mount Sinai
Hospital School of Nursing. She earned her bachelor's and master's degrees from
Hunter College of the City University of New York and her PhD from Boston College. Dr.
Gordon was an emeritus professor of nursing at Boston College in Chestnut Hill,
Massachusetts. She wrote four books which includes the Manual of Nursing Diagnosis.
Marjory Gordon has significant contributions in the development of
standardized nursing language. Dr. Gordon's work in this sphere has implications for
research, education, evaluation of competency, and the establishment of a core of
nursing knowledge based on evidence. She proposed the nursing theory known as
Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns that served as a guide for nurses in building a
comprehensive nursing data as a result for the assessment of the patient. Gordon's
Functional Health Pattern include 11 categories that allows the nurse to determine the
following aspects of health and human function:
 Health Perception/Health Management – Client's perceived pattern of health and
well-being and how health is managed. Do you have any allergy? If yes then
type of allergy. Are you using any medicine recently?
 Nutritional-Metabolic – Pattern of food and fluid consumption relative to
metabolic need and pattern; indicators of local nutrient supply. What is your diet
menu? Any food allergy?
 Elimination – Patterns of excretory function (bowel, bladder, and skin). Includes
client's perception of normal" function. Color of urine, amount, frequency, odor
and any discharge. Any problem during passing defecation?
 Activity –Exercise – Patterns of exercise, activity, leisure, and recreation. Do you
feel pale during exercise? What type of exercise you do or any problem during
 Cognitive-Perceptual – Sensory-perceptual and cognitive patterns. Any difficulty
in sentence making? Loss of memory.
 Sleep-Rest – Patterns of sleep, rest, and relaxation. Sleeping hour? Are you
using any medication for sleeping?
 Self-Perception/Self Concept – Client's self-concept pattern and perceptions of
self. What is your self-perception about yourself? Are you satisfied with your
self-body image
 Role-Relationship – Client's pattern of role engagements and relationships. What
is your role in family? If you are in hospital then who will perform your
 Sexuality-Reproductive – Patterns of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with
sexuality pattern; reproductive pattern. When you first notice changes in your
menarche (first menses is called menarche) Do you have any sexual problem?
 Coping / Stress Tolerance – General coping pattern and effective of the pattern
in terms of stress tolerance. If you have stress then what is your coping
mechanism towards stress? Crying, angry, violence, (what is your opinion
regarding that)
 Value –Belief – Patterns of values, beliefs (including spiritual), and goals that
guide client's choices or decisions. What is your religion? Do you offer prayer?
Functional health patterns are the basis for a series of questions that the
nurse asks the patient to develop an in-depth nursing assessment. These questions
help the nurse gain a better idea of the patient’s overall health and lifestyle.


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