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ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60

© 2008 The Authors.

SECTION 4 Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Principles of laboratory techniques

Blackwell Publishing Ltd

L. Raman, B. Armstrong & E. Smart

– recording of control and test results

– washing antiglobulin tests
Laboratory techniques relate to many other sections in this • General techniques
publication. The information to be found in Section 16: – saline
Quality is central to all laboratory methodologies. Some – indirect antiglobulin test (IAT)
laboratory methods are best studied by cross-checking with – enzyme
other sections to which the technique relates. • Solid phase red cell adherence AHG
General aspects and guidelines that are common to many • Microcolumn techniques
test methods are addressed first, followed by more specific • Rapid tests
details on widely used methods, such as the determination of • Quality control
blood groups and the testing for transmissible infection markers. • Blood grouping
This section also includes various other tests, not necessarily – ABO grouping
carried out by the transfusion service, but that students in – Rh typing
this field should be aware of and understand in principle. • Red cell antibody screening
Actual test methods are not described, as these differ from • Red cell antibody identification
laboratory to laboratory. • Antibody titration
The recommended approach to be used in studying this • Antibody quantification
section is as follows: • Antibody neutralization/inhibition
• Students should have studied Section 1: Haematology and • Antibody elution
Section 2: Immunology, as well as Section 3: Antigen- • Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (enzyme immunoassay)
antibody reactions prior to studying this section. • Molecular technology
• Techniques that relate specifically to other areas in this – genomic amplification techniques
publication, such as to Section 7: Haemolytic diseases, – polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Section 10: Donation testing and Section 13: Compatibility – nucleic acid testing for blood donations
testing, should be studied in context where necessary. • Automation
• Haemoglobin estimation
• Neonatal bilirubin estimation
Learning objectives
• Causes of false results in serological tests
By the end of this section, the student should be able to
describe the principles related to the laboratory techniques
listed below. The student should also be able to discuss the
Blood samples
causes of false positive and false negative results in serological Most blood samples today are drawn into plastic tubes that
tests, how these false results may be recognized, and how are discarded after a single use. Certain types of plastic tubes
they may be avoided or overcome. (or dropper bottles), not susceptible to cracking, are also suitable
• Blood samples for the long term frozen storage of samples. Plastic dropper
– use of anticoagulants bottles can be used for the refrigerated storage of reagent red
– use of dry tubes cells suspended in a preservative fluid. When samples are no
– storage of specimens longer required, they should be discarded in an appropriate
• Grading of agglutination manner, in compliance with local health regulations for the
• General notes on techniques safe disposal of potentially biohazardous materials.
– red cell suspensions Blood samples collected into gel tubes cannot be used for
– relative proportions of reactants red cell typing tests. After centrifugation the gel forms a layer
– incubation time and temperature between the serum/plasma and red cells. Cells collected by
– centrifugation plunging the pipette through the gel layer may become con-
– reading of tests taminated with the gel and this may lead to false results.

34 Principles of laboratory techniques

stored. The temperature for frozen storage should be as

Use of anticoagulants
low as possible, or at least –15°C.
Many different anticoagulants can be used to prevent blood • When frozen samples are to be used over a long period of
samples from clotting. It is important that the most suitable time, the serum/plasma should be divided into small
anticoagulant is used for the tests to be carried out on the aliquots so that the same samples are not thawed and
sample. frozen repeatedly, which could reduce reactivity.
Examples of anticoagulants and some of their uses are as
• Citrate – suitable for coagulation assays.
Grading of agglutination
• Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) – binds calcium Although test results may be viewed using a hand lens, a
and this prevents the action of complement. This is useful magnifying mirror or a low-power microscope to confirm
for the direct antiglobulin test (DAT) when complement negative results, this is not routinely performed. However,
binding is likely to cause false positive results. when reading tests, an additional source of light such as a
• Oxalate – used to collect blood for glucose measurement. light box, or viewing results over a light background, is
• Acid citrate dextrose (ACD) – for blood samples to be advisable. Tests should be gently agitated to resuspend the
tested using automated blood grouping machines. cell button, and the results read by holding the tube at an angle
• Heparin – used in clinical biochemical examinations. Not of (tip-and-roll method), rather than upright. The designations
much value to blood bankers as plasma cannot be recalcified. used for the degree of agglutination strength in Table 4·1,
If automated equipment is used, all samples need to be where grade 4 indicates the maximum strength of agglutination
anticoagulated, as the presence of clots prevents aspiration observed, are intended as a guideline, and these designations
of contents. The volume of the sample is also important, so are also used in tables of results shown in this publication.
that when centrifuged, the levels of cells and of plasma are In the United Kingdom, grade 5 is used for maximum
within range in all samples. This is because the robotic probes strength instead of 4. In other laboratories a plus sign may be
that are used to aspirate cells and plasma from samples are used instead of a numeral, the number of plus signs indicating
adjusted to do so within a predetermined range. Samples of the degree of strength of the reaction, e.g. +, ++, or +++. Plus
inadequate volume therefore present problems unless the signs may also be used to signify the presence of an antigen,
automated system in use is able to adjust to testing smaller such as in panel cell decodes. The score is a numerical value
samples. assigned to the degree of agglutination.
Depending on local laboratory requirements, ACD or EDTA For recording a negative result it is preferable to use a zero,
are usually the anticoagulants of choice. as a minus sign or dash may be interpreted as the test not
having been carried out. In tables to illustrate results in this
publication, the use of ‘NT’ (not tested) signifies that the test
Use of dry tubes
was not carried out.
Clotted samples are suitable for most manual tests, especially When discussing viral marker test results, the term ‘non-
those in which the action of complement is to be measured. reactive’ is used instead of negative for a result in which no
For example, serum (not plasma) is required for ABO blood
group haemolysin tests and to demonstrate complement-
Table 4·1 Observed agglutination strengths and designated interpretation
binding IgG antibodies using broad spectrum antiglobulin
and score
Score* – applicable
Storage of specimens Observation Designation to titrations only

Whenever possible, samples should remain as they were One solid agglutinate 4 12
received, and the serum/plasma should not be separated Several large agglutinates 3 10
routinely. This is to avoid the chance of separation errors and Many small agglutinates, background 2 8
serum/plasma misidentification later. not completely clear
• Depending on the requirements of the transfusion service, Barely visible, very small or small 1 5
clotted samples should not be used after 1 week but may agglutinates, opaque background
No agglutination 0 0
be kept for up to 2 weeks for reference purposes in the
Mixed field agglutination mf
refrigerator at +4°C ± 2°C, whereas anticoagulated
Complete haemolysis H
samples may be kept for 7–10 days. Partial haemolysis PH
• Serum/plasma may be kept frozen for years. The lower the
temperature of storage, the longer the samples may be * numerical value assigned to degree/strength of agglutination.

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 35

reaction is observed, whereas ‘reactive’ is used to refer to a suspensions. The tube contents should be well mixed and
positive result. compared visually, and the colour and consistency studied
carefully, in various light intensity areas of the laboratory.
For the accurate outcome of laboratory tests, it is important
General notes on techniques that cell suspensions are consistently the same strength for
There are many different methodologies for carrying out all tests, and that they are not too weak or too strong for the
laboratory tests manually, using test tubes, microwells, or method used. For routine preparation of cell suspensions
glass tiles, for example. This publication will not cover all of (i.e. donor or patient samples), visual judgement is acceptable.
them. Unless otherwise stated, the principles described in the With practice and attention to detail, all technologists should
general notes relate mainly to the use of test tubes. All tests be able to develop the skill of visually preparing cell suspensions
should be set out in a standard format and the results correctly.
recorded on the appropriate laboratory protocols.
Red cell suspending media and preservation fluids
Cells for routine testing are usually suspended in normal
Red cell suspensions
ionic strength saline (NISS) for immediate use and then dis-
Red cell suspensions prepared from clotted samples should carded, or kept for a day’s work (maximum) if necessary.
be free of clots, and suspensions prepared from freshly Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) suspensions may be kept for
anticoagulated samples should be free of fibrin, both of 1 week. For a low ionic strength environment – as for AHG
which could lead to false results. Depending on suspending tests, a low ionic strength reagent may be added to the test,
medium, cell suspensions may be stored for 8 hours or more, or low ionic strength saline (LISS) used to prepare the cell
at +4°C ± 2°C. suspension.
It is important to make a fresh suspension for repeat tests
Preparation of red cell suspensions but the original labelled suspension should be retained until
Washing of cell suspensions depends on the testing to be the completion of testing in case of an anomaly or error
carried out, the number of specimens being tested, and investigation.
whether the testing is manual or automated. It is not necessary Commercially available reagent red cells are standardized
to wash cell suspensions prior to routine testing, except when suspensions in a preservation fluid. Suspensions can be pre-
suspensions are prepared from blood bag segments, in which pared accurately by measuring the concentration of red cells
case they are washed once in normal saline. Cell suspensions using cell counters, to ensure that they fall within a specified
prepared for special investigations, e.g. the resolution of range. Panel cells and many reference cells suspensions are
anomalous results seen during routine testing, are also washed also supplied in preservation fluid ready for use. It is import-
at least once in normal saline. ant to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using
commercial solutions and commercial reagents.
Strength of cell suspensions Reagent red cell suspensions supplied by the manufacturer
Cell suspensions should be between 2% and 5% for standard have an expiry date according to the preservation fluid used.
tube agglutination tests, with an ideal strength of about 3%. This may be up to 6 weeks, as indicated on the container
Much weaker suspensions are used for microcolumn techniques, label.
such as gel card techniques (1% or less), and much stronger
suspensions (25% to 50%) for tests performed on slides. For
Relative proportions of reactants
the weaker suspensions required for gel card and similar tests,
suspensions should be prepared using specific measured Serum/plasma and red cell suspensions are usually added
volumes and specific solutions according to the type of to tests in equal proportions. The same applies to the
card/column in use – following manufacturer’s instructions. addition of enzyme in one stage tests. Serum/plasma should
Microcolumn card techniques are widely used for many be added to tests first, and tubes should be checked for the
blood grouping tests including crossmatching, both manual presence of serum/plasma before the addition of red cells
and automated. and other reactants – when it would be more difficult to
To become skilled in the preparation of cell suspensions, observe that serum/plasma had been added.
the student may find it of value to make accurate suspensions
of various strengths, from 1% to 5% by adding one drop of
Incubation time and temperature
packed red cells to 99 drops of saline in a test tube for an
accurate 1% cell suspension. Similar measured volumes Test tube contents should be gently but thoroughly mixed
could be used to prepare 2% (2 drops cells and 98 drops after all reactants are added. The time of incubation starts
saline), 3% (3 and 97), 4% (4 and 96) and 5% (5 and 95) once this has been performed. Incubation takes place without

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
36 Principles of laboratory techniques

disturbing test tube contents, at the prescribed temperature,

Recording of control and test results
which is usually room or body temperature:
• Room temperature infers +22°C ± 2°C. Tests may be • Appropriate controls should be set up with every batch of
read immediately or left to incubate for a maximum of tests, to confirm that reagent antisera, reagent red cells
about 2 hours, depending on laboratory protocols. and all other reactants used such as enzymes or AHG are
• Body temperature infers +37°C ± 1°C. Tests are usually working as expected.
incubated from 10 to 60 minutes, depending on laboratory • Control results should be read and recorded first, and only
protocols. if the expected results are obtained, should the tests then
be read.
• Test results should be recorded immediately, checking the
number on the test tube with the laboratory protocol to
Specimens usually require centrifugation prior to testing. ensure that each set of results is entered in its correct place.
This should be carried out preferably with the bungs on, but
it depends on the type of centrifuge being used. Centrifuga-
Washing antiglobulin tests
tion with the bungs on avoids aerosols and prevents the
possibility of cross-contamination of specimens. After the When using the AHG technique, cell washing is carried out
removal of the bung, a specimen should not be rebunged to remove any unbound globulin that may neutralize the
using the same bung, but a clean stopper/cap should be AHG reagent resulting in a false negative result. A DAT
applied to the tube if required. involves no incubation period and is thus washed at the outset;
Tests with a long incubation time may not need cen- an indirect antiglobulin test (IAT) has an incubation period
trifugation. When tests are centrifuged, speeds producing and washing is performed after incubation is completed.
approximately 1000 g or the comparable relative centrifugal Controls are included to ensure that the washing technique
force (rcf) are used. Centrifugation for laboratory tests is not removed all unbound globulin, and the AHG reagent was
as critical as for blood components, but protocols should active; and added (if uncoloured) to each test. This control is
state centrifuge speed in the appropriate g, and if this cannot performed by adding reagent sensitized red cells to all apparent
be done, then ‘centrifuge’ or ‘gentle centrifugation’ as the negative tests to confirm negative results. After addition
case may be, could be used. Standard operating procedures of reagent sensitized red cells and centrifugation, the test
should be in place and should always be followed. Most results should be positive, indicating that the AHG was added
laboratories use commercial reagents and in this case, the to the tests and is active. Failure of these controls will require
instructions provided by the manufacturer must be followed. all the tests in the batch to be repeated.
The terms ‘spin’ or ‘spun’ are sometimes used when referring The following general precautions should be undertaken
to the centrifuging of tests. when washing AHG tests:
• Tubes should not be overfilled with saline, as this leads to
a loss of red cells during centrifugation and could also
Reading of tests
cause cross-contamination with other tests in the batch.
It is important to note that there are two stages to reading tests: • Sufficient centrifugation time should be allowed during
(1) reading and recording the results each wash for the cells to be completely sedimented at the
(2) interpreting the results. bottom of the tube to avoid loss of cells when decanting
Centrifuged test tubes should be gently agitated to resus- supernatant saline.
pend the cell button and test results read by holding the tube • At the end of each wash, saline should be thoroughly
at an angle, rather than upright. All results should be read in decanted off cell buttons.
good light, either over a light background or by use of a light • Cell buttons should be fully resuspended before adding
source. In the interests of quality and to avoid errors, the saline for the next wash to ensure that no unbound
individual responsible for reading the results should not be globulins remain trapped amongst the cells, which may
interrupted. It is important that the actual results are recorded, then neutralize the AHG and lead to false negative results.
and not the expected results – a common error when a • As much saline as possible should be removed from the
technologist lacks concentration during this task. A good tubes after the final wash to avoid false negative results
technologist is one who thinks about the interpretation of the by dilution of the AHG reagent.
results being viewed, by recalling the principles of the test,
being aware of the factors that influence antigen–antibody Manual washing
reactions, and the causes of false results, and therefore (1) After completion of the incubation period for IAT tests,
interprets the results correctly, or detects and investigates tubes are removed from the incubator/waterbath and checked
anomalies. for any signs of haemolysis or agglutination. If haemolysis

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 37

or agglutination is noted, this should be immediately testing, and antibody detection and identification. Whenever
recorded on the relevant documentation. tests are carried out, they should be performed according to the
(2) Tubes are gently agitated to resuspend cells that have laboratory standard operating procedure or the manufacturer’s
settled at the bottom of the tube during incubation. instructions.
(3) Normal saline is added to each tube, until about
three-fourths full. They are then centrifuged for 2 minutes.
Saline technique
This is the first wash. In addition, positive and negative
controls may be carried out in parallel with tests, if required, Serum/plasma or known reagent is added to the test tubes
as described under Quality Control in this section. followed by an equal volume of red cells suspended in saline
(4) Tubes are removed from the centrifuge after centrifuga- or other appropriate medium and then the contents are
tion, the saline decanted thoroughly and cell buttons resus- mixed. The tests can be centrifuged immediately and read
pended in remaining traces of saline. (immediate or rapid spin technique) or can be incubated at
(5) Fresh saline is added to each tube, about three-fourths the appropriate temperature for 10–60 minutes and gently
full for the second wash. A third wash should be carried out centrifuged before reading. The saline technique is used for
in the same way. ABO grouping, other red cell typing and for the detection of
(6) After the completion of the third wash, all saline type IgM antibodies.
should be shaken from the tubes.
(7) Antiglobulin reagent is added and mixed with the cell
Indirect antiglobulin test (IAT)
(8) Tube contents are then gently centrifuged without any Red cells are suspended in isotonic saline (NISS), preservation
incubation period, for 30 seconds. fluids, PBS or LISS.
(9) Results are read and recorded.
(10) Sensitized cells should then be added to all negative Saline-based IAT
tests to check their validity. Serum/plasma is added to the test tubes followed by red cells
(11) The tubes are mixed and gently centrifuged, and read suspended in the appropriate NISS medium; the contents
and recorded again. mixed and allowed to incubate for 30 minutes (minimum) to
(12) All previously negative tests and the negative control 2 hours (maximum) at +37°C. After incubation, the tests are
tube should now be positive. washed in normal saline to remove any unbound globulins.
(13) Anomalous results should be brought to the attention After the last wash, AHG is added, and the tube contents are
of the technologist in charge for further investigation. mixed, centrifuged and read, and re-read after the addition
of sensitized cells to the negative tests.
Cell washers
Automated and semi-automated cell washers significantly LISS IAT
reduce the time taken to do antiglobulin tests. Serum/plasma is added to the test tubes followed by red cells
Using a cell washer, the tubes are washed three times with suspended in LISS for increased sensitivity and shorter
saline, and all the saline is removed after the last wash. The reaction time, thus reducing incubation to a minimum of
tubes are then removed from the cell washer, AHG is added 10 minutes. Alternatively, an additive solution may be added
and the tests are centrifuged either in the same cell washer to the tests prior to incubation. After incubation the tests are
if it can accommodate the AHG spin, or in a conventional washed in normal saline to remove any unbound substances.
centrifuge, and read. After the last wash, AHG is added, and the tube contents are
Cell washers should be tested once a week to ensure they mixed, centrifuged and read, and re-read after the addition
are working correctly. This is carried out by placing one drop of sensitized cells to the negative tests.
of inert serum and one drop of IgG sensitized cells into the Antiglobulin techniques are usually the most sensitive for
required number of tubes to fill all cell washer tube positions. the detection of the clinically significant type IgG antibodies,
After washing, addition of AHG to all tests should give the such as anti-D and anti-K.
same strength of reaction. Only if results are satisfactory may
use of the cell washer be continued.
Enzyme techniques
Enzyme tests are generally considered to be redundant for
General techniques routine manual tests but may be useful when identifying red
The basic techniques described in succeeding discussions cell antibodies and are used in many automated techniques.
have many applications, such as the grouping and typing of Enzyme tests may be carried out at +22°C ± 2°C or
red cell samples, crossmatching, antenatal and postnatal +37°C ± 1°C. The time of incubation depends on the enzyme

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
38 Principles of laboratory techniques

used; with the average incubation time of 15–30 minutes. personnel are appropriately trained, and that the package
Over-incubation with enzymes may lead to false results. inserts/manufacturer’s instructions are followed.
The systems can be manual, semi-automated or automated.
One-stage enzyme method The gel technology uses cards of microcolumns preloaded with
Serum/plasma is added to the test tubes followed by red a specific gel, for example a neutral gel, or a gel containing
cell suspension and then enzyme; the contents mixed and AHG or a gel containing specific reagents. Controlled volumes
incubated for the appropriate time and at the appropriate of red cells followed by serum/plasma are added to each
temperature, after which the tests are centrifuged and read. microcolumn/microtube. Following incubation (if required),
and centrifugation in purpose-designed equipment, any
Two-stage enzyme method agglutinated red cells are trapped on the upper surface of the
Red cells are pretreated with enzyme, washed and resuspended matrix or within the column. Unagglutinated red cells pass
in saline before use. Serum/plasma is added to the test tubes through the gel and form a button at the base. Microcolumn
followed by the enzyme-treated red cells. This is the more tests may be used for blood grouping and red cell antibody
sensitive of the two enzyme methods as the mixture is not screening and identification, and for crossmatching.
diluted by the addition of enzyme as a third reactant. Tests
are incubated as required, and then centrifuged and read.
Gel test advantages
Enzyme techniques detect both IgM and some IgG antibodies.
Although enzyme methods enhance some antigen–antibody • It is not necessary to wash the red cells post incubation
reactions, it is important to note that some antigens are dena- before adding the AHG. The centrifugation stage allows
tured by enzymes, and false negative results will be obtained only the red cells and not the serum/plasma into the gel
if the corresponding antibodies are present in the serum/plasma. matrix, where the AHG and sensitized cells will react.
Note that although the saline, enzyme and IAT techniques Unsensitized cells pass through the matrix forming a button
described previously are applicable to test tubes, the tests can at the base.
be performed in plastic microwell plates using appropriate • The cards can be retained for quality control purposes.
incubation, centrifugation times, and reading methods. • Gel tests may be automated.
• Mixtures of cells are easily detected.
Figure 4·1 depicts a section of a gel card, showing one
Solid phase red cell adherence AHG microcolumn with a negative result, followed by two positive
This technique is used in various commercial systems. Red results; one with strong agglutination and one with weak
cell ghosts from lysed red cell membranes are attached to agglutination.
U-shaped microwell plates. The patient’s serum/plasma is
added to the wells together with a low ionic strength solution.
After incubation, the plates are washed either by using an
automated plate washer, or manually. Indicator red cells that
have been coated with AHG reagents are then added. This will
detect whether any antibodies have reacted with the red cell
ghosts on the plate as the AHG coated cells will detect and
adhere to the antibodies. After centrifugation a positive or
negative result can be detected – a positive result shows a
‘carpet’ of cells, whereas a negative result shows a button of
cells in the bottom of the well.
Microplates can be supplied where the wells have been
‘pre-activated’ for this technique so that laboratory personnel Fig. 4·1 Three microcolumns showing negative, positive and weakly
can fix red cells of their choice to the surface of the wells. positive results, respectively.

Microcolumn techniques Rapid tests

Cards of microcolumns containing a matrix of gel or glass Various rapid test kits are available to perform a range of
microbeads are available commercially for microcolumn tests including ABO grouping, Rh typing, and tests for viral
techniques. markers. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instruc-
Microcolumn kits are available for carrying out many tions which are supplied with each kit. The description of the
serological tests, such as those described previously. Dedicated various tests and applications will not be included in this
equipment is required and it is important that laboratory publication.

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 39

Table 4·2 ABO grouping controls Table 4·5 Direct antiglobulin test controls

Reagent red cells: Antihuman globulin

Known ABO group Anti-A reagent Anti-B reagent Anti-A,B reagent Reagent red cells (AHG) reagent

Group A 4 0 4 Weakly sensitized reagent red cells 2

Group B 0 4 4 Unsensitized reagent red cells 0
Group O 0 0 0

Table 4·6 Identification of ABO group

Table 4·3 Anti-D typing controls
ABO Group Antigens on red cells Antibodies in serum/plasma
Reagent red cells: Known Rh type Saline Anti-D IAT Anti-D
A A Anti-B
D+ 4 3 B B Anti-A
D− 0 0 O None Anti-A,B
AB A and B None

Table 4·4 Antibody screening controls.

Table 4·7 Forward ABO grouping results

Weakly reacting IgG
antibody e.g. anti-D
Reagent red cells: a set of two Forward ABO grouping results Interpretation
(or three) group O screening cells, IAT method (same method
plus D– control cells as for tests, e.g. IAT) Anti-A reagent Anti-B reagent ABO Group

Screen cells 1 2 4 = A antigen present 0 = B antigen absent A

Screen cells 2 2 0 = A antigen absent 4 = B antigen present B
D– control cells 0 0 = A antigen absent 0 = B antigen absent O
4 = A antigen present 4 = B antigen present AB

correct and not the result of antihuman globulin (AHG)

Quality control neutralization. These results are also recorded.
Controls should be performed on all reagents (including
reagent red cells) to ensure that they are working correctly.
This means that when reagents are tested with known
Blood grouping
materials, they should give results as expected.
ABO grouping
Controls validate the test results that were obtained using
those reagents. Controls should be set up in parallel with test ABO grouping involves the testing of red cell suspensions of
samples so that the batch of tests can be validated. In some unknown group to determine the presence or absence of A
laboratories, controls on certain reagents may be set up once and/or B antigens, and testing the unknown serum/plasma to
daily. In these cases the reagents should be kept in a separate determine the presence or absence of antibodies corresponding
area indicating that they are the ‘controlled’ reagents for to the antigens lacking on the red cells. More information on
testing. All new vials/bottles of reagents drawn from stock ABO groups is to be found in Section 6: Blood group systems
(when controlled aliquots are depleted) should also be and Section 10: Donation testing.
controlled before use. The results of all controls carried out Table 4·6 illustrates the identification of ABO group
should be documented. Suggested ways of carrying out quality according to ABO antigens on red cells and alloantibodies in
control for the major blood banking reagents are given in serum/plasma.
Table 4·2, Table 4·3, Table 4·4 and Table 4·5. ABO grouping involves forward and reverse grouping. In
Negative antiglobulin tests should be controlled by adding forward grouping the unknown red cells are tested against
washed sensitized cells to the test tubes after reading and known ABO grouping reagents, to determine the identity of
recording of the initial negative results. The sensitized cells antigens on the red cells, i.e. if an unknown red cell sample
should become agglutinated, indicating that the antiglobulin is tested against known anti-A reagents and a positive result
reagent was added and was able to agglutinate sensitized is obtained, this indicates the presence of A antigen. Table 4·7
cells. This confirms that the original negative test results were illustrates forward ABO grouping results.

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
40 Principles of laboratory techniques

Table 4·8 Reverse ABO grouping results Table 4·10 Interpretation of ABO groups, including use of anti-A,B reagent
and group O red cells
Reverse ABO grouping results
Forward grouping Reverse grouping
Group A reagent red cells Group B reagent red cells ABO Group Interpretation
Anti-A Anti-B Anti-A,B A cells B cells O Cells Group
0 = anti-A absent 4 = anti-B present A
4 = anti-A present 0 = anti-B absent B 4 0 4 0 4 0 A
4 = anti-A present 4 = anti-B present O 0 4 4 4 0 0 B
0 = anti-A absent 0 = anti-B absent AB 0 0 0 4 4 0 O
4 4 4 0 0 0 AB

Table 4·9 Interpretation of ABO group using forward and reverse grouping

Forward grouping Reverse grouping

Interpretation • Anti-A,B also serves as a control; whenever there is
Anti-A Anti-B A cells B cells ABO group agglutination in either the anti-A or anti-B test the
anti-A,B test should also be positive.
4 0 0 4 A
• When group O cells are included in the reverse grouping,
0 4 4 0 B
0 0 4 4 O tests are normally negative unless the serum/plasma
4 4 0 0 AB contains irregular antibodies. If the test against group O
cells is positive, further testing is required before the ABO
group can be concluded.
In reverse grouping, the unknown serum/plasma is tested
against reagent red cells, to determine if ABO antibodies are
Weak subtypes of A and B
present, i.e. when an unknown serum/plasma sample is tested
against known group A red cells and a positive result is If weak reactions are obtained with reagent antisera or
obtained, this indicates that the serum/plasma contains expected alloagglutinins are absent, consider weak sub-
anti-A antibodies. Table 4·8 illustrates reverse ABO grouping groups of A or B. Refer to Section 6: Blood group systems
results. for more information.
Landsteiner’s Rule is demonstrated:
• Group A individuals have anti-B and do not have anti-A
in the serum/plasma.
• Group B individuals have anti-A and do not have anti-B Although ABO antigen development usually occurs early in
in the serum/plasma. fetal life, in some cases ABO antigens may not be fully
• Group O individuals have anti-A and anti-B in the serum/ developed at birth, although this may not be noticeable when
plasma. monoclonal antibodies are used as reagents. ABO antibodies
• Group AB individuals have neither anti-A nor anti-B in are not present at birth but are stimulated to be produced after
the serum/plasma. exposure to A- and B-like substances in the environment. The
Reverse ABO grouping confirms the results obtained in anti-A and/or anti-B alloagglutinins develop during the first
forward grouping. If it does not, then further tests need to be year of life. If ABO antibodies are detected in neonatal blood
performed to determine the ABO group of the individual. samples they are usually agglutinating IgG antibodies of
Table 4·9 summarizes the interpretation of ABO groups using maternal origin.
both forward and reverse grouping.
• During forward grouping, unknown red cells may also be
Mixed field reactions
tested against group O serum that contains anti-A,B in an
inseparable form. If monoclonal anti-A,B is used, it is a Mixed field reactions are typically seen when group O donor
blend of anti-A and anti-B from different clones and blood has been transfused into a group A, B or AB recipient
reacts with group Ax cells. (heterologous group transfusion). Using an example of a
• During reverse grouping, unknown serum/plasma may group A receiving group O blood, the mixture of red cell
also be tested against group O reagent red cells that contain populations is demonstrated by recipient group A red cells
neither A nor B antigens. agglutinating with anti-A reagent, and donor group O red
Table 4·10 gives the interpretation of ABO groups including cells remaining unagglutinated in the same test. It is important
the use of anti-A,B for the forward grouping and group O red to note mixed field reactions as they always indicate some-
cells for the reverse grouping. thing unusual that should be further investigated. Apparent

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Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 41

Table 4·11 Mixed field agglutination in recipient of heterologous group


Forward grouping

Anti-A Anti-B Anti-A,B Group interpretation

2 mf 0 2 mf Group A transfused with group O red cells

mixed field agglutination is characteristic of some weak ABO

subgroups or it may indicate that more than one population
of cells is present, as in a blood group chimera.
Table 4·11 gives the mixed field agglutination results that
would be expected after heterologous group transfusion of
group O blood to a group A recipient. The term ‘mf ’ is used
to signify mixed field agglutination in the table.
It is very important to detect mixed field reactions in
forward ABO grouping when investigating a transfusion Fig. 4·2 Comparative results in test tubes and on slides to show mixed field
reaction, as this may be a sign that blood of the incorrect ABO agglutination.
group was transfused in error. Conversely, it is also very
important to detect any anomalous results in the reverse
grouping. Furthermore, the detection of the incompatibility noted when the recipient’s red cells were tested with reagent
in the post-transfusion crossmatch against the donor cells anti-B. The reverse ABO grouping result and the post-
that were transfused may be complicated by haemolysis transfusion crossmatch in such a case may show strong
that if not noticed, could lead to misinterpretation as negative. agglutination, with or without marked haemolysis; or weak
If all the recipient alloantibodies have been adsorbed or agglutination in the case of adsorption of the alloantibody
neutralized by the incompatible donor red cells, this may by the ABO incompatible cells transfused.
result in the post-transfusion reverse ABO grouping and Figure 4·2 illustrates comparative results in test tubes
crossmatch being negative. and microscopically, to show the appearance of mixed field
Table 4·12 shows the pre- and post-transfusion tests (ABO agglutination.
group and crossmatch) in a transfusion reaction investigation.
To illustrate the findings that could be expected in the case of
an ABO mismatch, the example relates to patient misidentifica-
Rh typing
tion as follows: the blood in the specimen tube submitted for There are five major antigens within the Rh blood group sys-
crossmatch was not from the patient whose details were tem: D, C, E, c and e. Basic Rh typing is performed to detect
provided on the specimen tube label and request form. The the presence or absence of D antigen and then interpret the
patient scheduled for transfusion was a group O, but the result as either D+ or D−. Rh phenotyping is the term used for
specimen submitted was from another patient, who was the testing of red cells for the presence or absence of all five
group B. Crossmatch compatible group B blood was issued antigens to determine phenotype.
and transfused into the group O patient, who suffered an
acute transfusion reaction. Although on repeat testing, the
Weak expression of D
pre-transfusion tests confirmed compatibility, a sample of
blood taken post-transfusion showed marked haemolysis Polyclonal human anti-D reagents are seldom used for
in the recipient’s serum/plasma. A mixed field reaction was routine Rh typing since the development of monoclonal anti-D

Table 4·12 ABO group and crossmatch results in a case of mismatched ABO transfusion

Specimen used Anti-A Anti-B A1 cells B cells ABO group Crossmatch result (vs. group B donor red cells)

Pre-transfusion 0 4 4 0 B 0
Post-transfusion 0 1 mf 4 Weak or no agglutination, or lysis ? Weak or no agglutination with evidence of haemolysis

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42 Principles of laboratory techniques

Table 4·13 Rh typing results using polyclonal antibodies Table 4·15 Rh phenotyping results

Saline anti-D Enzyme anti-D IAT anti-D Rh phenotype Anti-D Anti-C Anti-E Anti-c Anti-e
Rh type (IgM) (IgM/IgG) (IgG) DAT control
R1R2 4 4 4 4 4
D+ 3 or 4 3 or 4 NT NT R2R2 4 0 4 4 0
Weak D 0 1 2 0 Ror 4 0 0 4 4
Partial D 3 or 4 3 or 4 NT NT R1R1 4 4 0 0 4
D− 0 0 0 NT R1r 4 4 0 4 4
rlr 0 4 0 4 4
R2r 4 0 4 4 4
rllrll 0 0 4 4 0
Table 4·14 Rh typing results using monoclonal anti-D reagents rr 0 0 0 4 4

Immediate spin 2nd phase DAT

Rh type anti-D (IgM) anti-D IAT control
Red cell antibody screening
D+ 4 NT NT
Antibody screening is performed to determine whether patient
Previously typed as weak D 3 or 4 NT NT
or donor serum/plasma contains irregular red cell antibodies
using polyclonal reagents
Weak D 0 or 1 1 or 2 0
(besides the regularly occurring anti-A or anti-B). Some
Partial D 3 or 4 NT NT irregular antibodies are naturally occurring; others are
D− 0 0 0 produced in response to exposure to foreign red cell antigens,
either through transfusion or through pregnancy. Irregular
antibodies are therefore more likely to be detected in
multitransfused patients, patients on long term transfusion
reagents. Nevertheless, Table 4·13 shows the results of Rh therapy and multiparous women. If an irregular antibody is
typing for the presence of D antigen, using polyclonal detected and it reacts by IAT then it is probably clinically
anti-D reagents. If weaker than expected results are detected, significant and requires further testing to determine its
a weak D type must be considered. specificity.
Monoclonal anti-D reagents, routinely used for Rh typing Reasons for screening include:
tests for the D antigen, may be type IgM or blends of IgM and • Clinically significant, irregular antibodies in patients who
IgG antibodies. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s require blood transfusion should be detected to avoid
instructions on the package insert. Table 4·14 shows the transfusing red cells with the corresponding antigens
results of Rh typing using monoclonal anti-D reagents, to which may cause a haemolytic reaction. If clinically
indicate when a second phase IAT is required. significant antibodies are detected in the crossmatch
A DAT, or a typing control supplied by the manufacturer, procedure prior to transfusion, antigen-negative blood
should be performed as a control when the red cells react only may be selected for transfusion if necessary.
by IAT to ensure that the cells were not sensitized before • Clinically significant, irregular antibodies in pregnant
testing. women may cause haemolytic disease of the fetus and
newborn (HDFN). Detecting the irregular antibody enables
the clinician to be alerted to the situation and treat the
Rh phenotyping
patient accordingly.
In routine Rh phenotyping, the unknown red cells are tested • The presence of irregular antibodies in blood donations
with anti-D, anti-C, anti-E, anti-c, and anti-e reagents. There may complicate transfusions of whole blood or plasma
are several reasons why an Rh phenotype may be performed. (sometimes referred to as ‘minor incompatibility’).
It is useful to phenotype a patient with Rh antibodies to • Plasma, which will be used for fractionation and other
ensure that he/she is not transfused with Rh incompatible plasma products, should not contain irregular antibodies.
donor blood. It may sometimes be of assistance to phenotype • Irregular antibodies detected in blood donations may be a
the red cells of a father to determine the likelihood of a fetus possible source of selected blood grouping reagents.
inheriting a paternally derived antigen, to which the mother Having a good knowledge of the blood group systems will
has the corresponding antibodies. On interpretation of the assist the technologist to differentiate between significant
results, the phenotype can be determined, and the probable and apparent insignificant antibodies. Antibody screening
genotype calculated/deduced. Table 4·15 shows some typical involves testing the unknown serum/plasma against a set of
Rh phenotyping results. red cells that in combination contain most of the antigens

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Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 43

Table 4·16 Typical antigens on a two-cell set of group O antibody screening cell reagents

Other antigens present

Screening cells Rh phenotype K k Kpb M N S s Jka Jkb P1 Lea Leb Fya Fyb Antigens probably homozygous

Screening cells no. 1 DcE/DcE R2R2 + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 c, E, S, Jka, Fya

Screening cells no. 2 DCe/DCe R1R1 + + + + + 0 + 0 + + + 0 0 + C, e, s, Jkb, Fyb

necessary to detect clinically significant antibodies. This usu- antibodies that react optimally in different ways, such as
ally requires two or three different screening cell reagents per anti-K by saline IAT, and anti-M by saline room temperature.
set of matched screening cells. Antibody identification should be carried out using a panel
Screening cells are available commercially or may be of group O cells that have been extensively typed for the
prepared locally in the laboratory. They should include the presence or absence of antigens that correspond to the known
following characteristics: clinically significant antibody specificities.
• Be from group O individuals (to exclude naturally occurring Each panel cell batch/lot or set should have a unique
anti-A and or anti-B reactions). reference number, and each panel set should be used as one
• Contain all the more common antigens necessary to detect complete set. It is critical when interpreting antibody
irregular antibodies such as antigens within the major identification results, that the reference number of the panel
blood group systems (Rh, Kell, MNS, Duffy, Kidd, Lewis). cells and the decode sheet are correlated with the actual set
• If the screening cells are used for screening patient sera it of panel cells used for the tests. This ensures that the correct
is preferable to use cells that are apparently homozygous decode sheet is used for the interpretation of the tests and that
for Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, S and s as some antibodies react better the previous decode or a new batch’s decode is not used in
with homozygous cells, e.g. Screen 1 Jk(a+b−), Screen 2 error. Using the incorrect decode can result in incorrect
Jk(a−b+). This is not necessary for screening cells used for antibody identification.
the screening of blood donations. The unknown sample should be tested against a panel of
• Contain additional significant blood group antigens that red cells by the selected technique and the results compared
are rare in most populations but have a higher frequency to a panel decode sheet, which is supplied by the manufacturer
in the population being tested, e.g. GP.Mur (previously of the panel cells. The decode sheet lists all the antigens that
Mi.III) has a higher frequency in Chinese (7%) and in are either present or absent, per panel cell, to provide a reaction
Thais (10%). pattern for all the corresponding antibodies. Antibodies are
Table 4·16 shows the antigens that would typically be identified by comparing their reaction pattern to this decode
found on a two-cell set of reagent group O screening cells and and finding the reaction pattern that matches. Interpretation
indicates antigens that are probably homozygous, i.e. in dou- of antibody identification results becomes easier with
ble dose. Section 6: Blood group systems should be consulted experience. It is important that all possibilities are considered
for further information on red cell antigens. before a conclusion is made. Characteristics of particular
To screen serum/plasma samples for antibodies, test tube antibodies (dosage, reaction temperatures and reaction
methods are commonly used and include the following: techniques) are very helpful when interpreting antibody
• IAT or LISS IAT identifications; it assists the technologist in deciding the
• Saline specificity of the antibody and particularly, in correctly
• Enzyme – generally not used unless techniques are identifying mixtures of antibodies.
automated. The antigen characteristics of a typical panel of group O
Once red cell antibodies have been detected, they should cells for use in antibody identification is shown in Table 4·17.
be identified to determine their clinical significance. A high frequency antigen such as k is present on all panel
cells, as shown. Other high frequency antigens such as I, Kpb
and Jsb are also present on all panel cells, and as with other
Red cell antibody identification high frequency antigens, these are presumed to be present
Antibody identification tests should be carried out by suit- and the columns are not listed. The panel cell decode sheet
ably trained technologists as a follow-up procedure to identify may have the Rh notation printed on the side, as shown in
antibodies detected during antibody screening. The methods the table, and those lacking D antigen (rr cells) may be
used for the identification should always include the methods grouped together.
by which the antibody was detected during screening. It is It is important that cells chosen for such a panel have
important to use a range of techniques in order to detect different combinations of antigens so that the identity of

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
44 Principles of laboratory techniques

Table 4·17 Example of panel decode sheet showing typical panel of group O cells for antibody identification

Rh Kell Duffy Kidd MNS Lewis P

Panel (with Rh
a a b a b a b
notation) D C E c e K k Kp Fy Fy Jk Jk M N S s Le Le P1

1 R1R1 + + 0 0 + + + 0 0 + + 0 + + 0 + 0 0 +
2 R1R1 + + 0 0 + + + 0 + + + + + + 0 + + 0 +
3 R2R2 + 0 + + 0 0 + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + +
4 Ror + 0 0 + + 0 + 0 0 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 0 +
5 rlr 0 + 0 + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
6 rllr 0 0 + + + 0 + 0 + + + 0 0 + 0 + + 0 +
7 rr 0 0 0 + + + + 0 0 + 0 + + 0 + + 0 + +
8 rr 0 0 0 + + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + + + + + + 0 0
9 rr 0 0 0 + + 0 + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 0 + +
10 R1R1 + + 0 0 + 0 + 0 + + 0 + + + + + 0 0 +

Table 4·18 Examples of reaction patterns in antibody identification

Panel cells Antibody identification sample 1 Antibody identification sample 2 Antibody identification sample 3

Technique Saline Enzyme IAT Saline Enzyme IAT Saline Enzyme IAT

1 R1R1 0 3 3 2 0 0 0 3 3
2 R1R1 0 3 3 2 0 0 0 3 3
3 R2R2 0 3 3 0 4 2 0 3 0
4 Ror 0 3 3 2 2 2 0 3 0
5 rlr 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 3 3
6 rllr 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 3 0
7 rr 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 3 3
8 rr 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 3 0
9 rr 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 3 0
10 R1R1 0 3 3 2 0 0 0 3 0
Auto control 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0

Antibody identification number Interpretation of results obtained

Sample 1 Anti-D reacting by enzyme and IAT methods only, therefore IgG
Sample 2 Anti-M reacting by saline, anti-E by enzyme, anti-c by enzyme and IAT
Sample 3 Cold antibody evident using enzyme method; anti-K by IAT

clinically significant antibodies such as anti-D, -K, -Fya and than a double dose of antigen. The panel cell decode patterns
the other Rh antibodies is readily apparent. In order to detect match those given in the table above, which was used in the
most antibodies, a 10-set panel is often used. The panel interpretation of the antibody identification examples shown.
should be able to detect common antibody combinations, e.g. Should haemolysis be detected, either during antibody
it should be possible to identify anti-Fya and anti-D if both screening or identification, this is an important observation
antibodies are present in one sample. that must be noted when recording the results. Clinically
Table 4·18 gives examples of the reaction patterns that significant antibodies that cause lysis are usually more potent
would be expected when identifying a single specificity and capable of more harm than non-haemolysing antibodies.
antibody in a serum/plasma sample, followed by two examples To confirm the specificity of an antibody, the red cells of
of antibody mixtures. It is important to consider, when the sample being tested may be phenotyped for the relevant
identifying irregular antibodies, that a negative result may not antigen, as the cells should be negative for the antigen that
be a true negative when the panel cells have a single rather would react with the antibody detected. For example, if the

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Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 45

Fig. 4·3 Doubling dilution titration technique.

antibody detected was anti-K then the red cells from the Titrations may be performed manually or by semi- or fully
sample should type K-. automated techniques. Figure 4·3 illustrates the technique
for manual doubling dilution titration.

Antibody titration
Summary of manual technique for doubling dilution
Antibody titrations may be carried out to determine the titre
(strength) of the antibody present in the serum/plasma. A
titre may be defined as the reciprocal (inverse) of the highest Using a pipette designed to make measured volumes, dispense
dilution at which an antibody is capable of reacting observably an equal volume of diluent to each dilution test tube. Then
in vitro (for example, if the dilution at which an observable make doubling dilutions from neat serum/plasma on the left,
reaction is last visible is 1 in 32, then the titre is 32). working towards the highest dilution on the right. Do this by

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
46 Principles of laboratory techniques

Table 4·19 Doubling dilution titration of anti-K using K+ cells by IAT: Two examples shown to compare titre and score

Reciprocal of serum/plasma dilutions

Doubling dilutions of serum/plasma in saline (i.e. 64 is equivalent to 1 volume serum/

plasma and 63 volumes saline)

Serum/plasma sample Neat serum/plasma 2 4 8 16 32 64 Titre Score

Patient 1 4 4 3 2 2 1 0 32 55
Patient 2 4 3 2 2 1 1 0 32 48

starting with 1 vol of diluent and 1 vol of neat serum/plasma Table 4·20 Saline and IAT titration of anti-D against group O D+ cells
for the 1 in 2 dilution. Mix well using a vortex mixer if
required, and transfer 1 vol of the 1 in 2 dilution to 1 vol of Titration of serum/plasma Neat 2 4 8 16 32 64 Titre Score
diluent for the 1 in 4 dilution and so on to the end (or the
Saline technique 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 23
greatest dilution tube). Thereafter, starting with the tube of
IAT technique 4 4 4 3 2 1 0 32 59
the greatest dilution, transfer the prerequisite number of
drops to the test rows of tubes, ending with the neat serum/
plasma on the left.
Antibody titrations should be performed using the The results indicate that although IgM anti-D is present to
technique at which the antibody reacts best, such as the IAT a titre of 4, the IgG titre is 32 with a score of 59 and could
method for anti-K, and using the appropriate diluent for the cause moderately severe HDFN. The presence of IgM antibody
technique. suggests a recent stimulation with D+ fetal cells, and this
Table 4·19 shows two examples of anti-K antibody titrations would mean that the IgG antibody response may increase in
with K+ cells to compare titre and score. strength. It is important to titrate maternal antibody levels
The titration results indicate the level of antibody present frequently during pregnancy in order to determine any trend
in the patient’s serum/plasma. The results in the table show such as the one suggested, as it could influence treatment
that whereas both patients have anti-K with a titre of 32, the decisions made.
antibody in patient 1 has a higher score and is therefore
slightly more avid than the antibody in patient 2.
Obstetrically significant antibodies detected in the sera/
Antibody quantification
plasma of pregnant women are titrated regularly as one of the When monitoring the antibody levels of a patient there is
many tools used to predict the severity of HDFN. Comparative often insufficient serum/plasma to perform comparative
titrations using the same methodology, the same reagents titrations over a period of time. There can be a considerable
and the same technologist give the most reliable results for variation in titration results and therefore in the titre, even
ongoing monitoring of obstetrically significant antibodies when the titrations are performed using the same methodology.
during pregnancy in a single patient. A two dilution tube Therefore, only a two dilution tube difference or greater
difference from one specimen to the next in a particular between one sample and the next in a particular patient
patient indicates an increase in titre, and a further immune should be considered significant. Titres may not correlate
response, but the titre does not necessarily correlate well with well with the severity of HDFN.
the outcome of the pregnancy. Antibody quantification using an automated technique is
Some antibodies may be titrated using more than one a more reliable and reproducible method of estimating the
technique. For example, during identification of an anti-D amount of anti-D or anti-c antibodies present in a sample,
antibody, it may have been found to react strongly by both than an antibody titration. Studies have shown that the
saline and IAT methods. In cases of HDFN it is the IgG level quantification results correlate better than a titration with the
that is clinically significant, and therefore this example of severity of HDFN. For specificities other than anti-D (as well as
anti-D could be titrated by both saline and IAT methods to anti-D together with anti-C or anti-E antibodies) and anti-c,
separately determine the strength of IgM and IgG, with a view antibody titrations should be used.
to predicting the severity of HDFN. A single channel auto analyser is used for the quantification.
Table 4·20 shows the saline and IAT titration of anti-D The procedure should be carefully standardized, and be
antibody against group O D+ positive reagent red cells. proved to be sensitive and reliable. Automated dilutions of

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Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 47

serum/plasma are prepared. The reagent red cells are treated Once the specificity has been determined, it indicates the
with an enzyme such as bromelin and a red cell aggregating identity of the antigens on the red cells to which the antibodies
agent (methyl cellulose) is used to increase the reaction speed. were primarily attached.
The endpoint is read in the spectrophotometer. For anti-D, the To explain how this would be useful, the example of
test results are compared with a known standard (in μg/mL HDFN is used. In some cases the phenotype of the sensitized
of IgG) and the results are reported in International Units cells may be assumed, such as in the case of a positive DAT
(IU)/mL based on the value of the standard, e.g. 1 μg anti-D result on a jaundiced neonate born to a mother with anti-D,
may equal 5 IU/mL. Values below 5 IU/mL anti-D indicate one could assume that the newborn was D+. However,
that HDFN is unlikely, whereas values greater than 15 IU/mL should there be a mixture of antibodies such as anti-c and
indicate a high risk of HDFN. As with titrations, the trend is anti-K, an elution could be performed on the neonatal cells
important and an increase of 50% or more in IU/mL in a sub- and the antibody in the eluate identified to determine
sequent sample is considered significant. whether the neonatal cells are c+ and/or K+, according to
the specificity of the antibody in the eluate. For example,
should the eluate contain only anti-c, one could deduce that
Antibody neutralization/inhibition the neonatal red cells are c + K– and that the maternal anti-c
Neutralization/inhibition techniques may be used to identify was responsible for causing the HDFN, not the maternal
antibodies or to determine ABO secretor status by the anti-K.
detection of soluble antigens found in body fluids like saliva. The greater the volume of the suspending medium in
Inhibition tests may also be carried out to assist with deter- proportion to the volume of packed red cells, the greater the
mining antibody specificity, using substances such as pigeon dilution of eluted antibodies, so the volume of the suspending
egg white that contains P1 substance, guinea pig urine that medium used should be similar to that of packed red cells so
contains Sda substance, secretor saliva that contains A, B, there is some standardization. If a commercial kit is used,
and/or H and/or Lewis substances or human milk that however, then the manufacturer’s instructions regarding
contains I substance. These tests are usually performed in a volumes must be followed, otherwise the proportions may be
reference laboratory. incorrect.
Inhibition first stage: serum/plasma suspected of containing Eluates may be prepared from red cells using various
a specific antibody (e.g. anti-P1) is mixed with the inhibiting methods, including the following:
substance (e.g. pigeon egg white) and incubated for 30 minutes • Heat method, which is suitable for eluting most IgM (and
at +22°C ± 2°C. If the serum/plasma contains the antibodies some IgG) antibodies
to the corresponding antigens in the inhibiting substance, • Glycine-hydrochloride (HCl)/EDTA method, which is
they become neutralized. This reaction is not visible. suitable for eluting most IgG antibodies.
Inhibition second stage: reagent red cells with the corre- The red cells should be thoroughly washed (about six
sponding antigens (e.g. P1) are added to the tests, the tubes times) with saline to remove all unbound antibody before an
are agitated and then incubated for a second 30 minutes elution is carried out to ensure that only the sensitizing antibody
before centrifugation and reading. remains in the sample. After washing, the saline from the last
Outcome of second stage: wash should be retained to test in parallel with the eluate to
• If agglutination is not detected it indicates, in the example indicate whether or not all unbound antibody was washed
used previously, that the P1 substance added to the test in off. A negative result when testing the last wash will confirm
the first stage inhibited the antibody in the serum/plasma that all unbound antibody was successfully removed.
(i.e. no agglutination signifies a positive result). This
indicates that the antibody is anti-P1.
Summary of heat elution method
• If agglutination is detected it indicates, also using the
example in the previous discussion, that the P1 substance The eluting medium is added to the washed packed red cells
added to the test did not inhibit the antibody in the serum/ to provide a medium into which the sensitizing antibody may
plasma, and that the antibody is therefore not anti-P1. be dissociated from the cells. For all antibodies other than
Appropriate positive and negative controls should be set ABO and Lewis, a suitable eluting medium is antibody-free
up at the same time as the test. group AB serum. In the case of ABO and Lewis antibodies,
bovine albumin or saline should be used instead, so that
antibodies in the eluate do not become neutralized by soluble
Antibody elution ABO or Lewis antigens that may be present in group AB
Antibodies may be dissociated from the red cells they have serum. This is an important point to remember, as heat
sensitized using a process called elution. The eluate may then elution could be considered as an aid in the diagnosis of
be used to identify the specificity of the dissociated antibodies. ABO HDFN.

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
48 Principles of laboratory techniques

When the temperature is increased sufficiently, antibodies shown to be a very weak A such as the rare type Ael if anti-A
attached to red cells will dissociate or be detached from the can be adsorbed and eluted from the cells.
red cells. This is achieved by placing the washed cells in the
suspending medium in a waterbath at +56°C ± 1°C for
5 minutes, and occasionally mixing it gently. Sensitizing
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (enzyme
antibodies dissociate and move into the surrounding medium
which becomes known as the eluate. When the mixture is This enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique
removed from the waterbath, it should immediately be may be used to test for transfusion transmissible infections
centrifuged in warmed centrifuge buckets (to prevent cooling) (TTIs) in plasma/serum. Three methods are available: Indirect,
to obtain a clear supernatant eluate. There should be no delays Sandwich and Competitive. ELISA is most commonly
in separating the supernatant, as antibodies may reattach to performed using microwell plates.
the cells if this is not performed quickly. The eluate may be ELISA or enzyme immunoassay (EIA) as it is also known,
tested to determine the specificity of antibodies causing the uses solid phase technology. Solid phase refers to the attaching
sensitization, and indirectly the identity of the antigens targeted. of proteins (antigens or antibodies) to a solid surface (i.e.
However, red cells subjected to heat elution are denatured wells of a plastic microtitre plate or plastic beads); these
and are therefore no longer suitable for further testing. proteins remain bound throughout the test even during the
washing steps. Many manufacturers are involved with
producing solid phase EIA test systems; thus it is always
Summary of Glycine-HCl/EDTA elution method
important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when
The composition of the eluting solution is not described in performing tests.
this summary.
After washing the cells, the glycine-HCl/EDTA eluting
Different types of ELISA
solution is added in a two-to-one proportion (e.g. 20 mL eluting
solution to 10 mL cells). The tube or container contents are • Indirect ELISA – in this case the solid phase is antigen and
well mixed and incubated at +22°C ± 2°C for 1–2 minutes. the target for detection in samples is antibody, such as
Thereafter, 1 vol (using the example given, this would be when testing samples for the presence of anti-HCV in
1 mL) of TRIS-NaCl is added, and the tube or container is hepatitis C.
mixed and centrifuged. The supernatant eluate is transferred • Sandwich ELISA – in this case the solid phase is antibody
to a clean tube and the pH adjusted with TRIS-NaCl to 7·0–7·4. and the target for detection in samples is antigen, such as
The mixture is centrifuged again to sediment the precipitate. when testing samples for the presence of hepatitis B
The final eluate is then transferred to another clean tube and surface antigen (HBsAg) in hepatitis B.
is ready for testing in parallel with the last supernatant saline • Competitive ELISA – this uses the principle of competition
after washing the cells six times at the start. (TRIS is the for a limited number of binding sites between antigen
abbreviation used for an organic compound widely used in and antibody. Therefore, samples that are reactive give the
buffer solutions.) lowest readings (explained by using an example later in
this section).
Storage of eluates
Eluates should be tested immediately or stored frozen for
General principle of ELISA
future use.
(1) The solid phase antigen or antibody, depending on the
Notes on usefulness of adsorption/elution studies type of test, is attached to the surface of a well or bead (this
(1) Adsorption/elution techniques may be useful in sepa- is the first ‘slice of bread’ for the ‘sandwich’). This step is
rating suspected mixtures of antibodies in a patient’s serum/ carried out by the manufacturer before the ELISA test kit is
plasma. For example, if a sample is suspected to contain purchased by the user.
anti-e and anti-Fya, the serum/plasma can be adsorbed (2) Up to 94 unknown test samples can be tested on one
with e+, Fy(a-) cells. 96-well microtitre plate. The two remaining wells are used
• The serum/plasma should contain only anti-Fya post for positive and negative controls. However, the number
adsorption. of tests that can be performed on a plate depends on the
• The eluate prepared from the cells used for the adsorption number of controls stipulated by the kit manufacturer. Often
should contain only anti-e. these controls are used to determine the cut-off level at which
(2) Adsorption/elution studies are useful for detecting samples are considered reactive, and may often require
weak red cell antigen variants. For example, an apparent three negative and two positive controls as well as a blank
group O sample with missing anti-A alloagglutinins can be (empty) well.

© 2008 The Authors.

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Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 49

(3) The sample plasma/serum is added, one sample per chemical mechanism. The enzyme acts as an amplifier of the
well, and the plate is incubated according to the time and reaction, as it takes just a few enzyme molecules to produce
temperature prescribed by the manufacturer. Should a test many signal molecules for measurement.
sample contain the target marker, which is the antibody or
antigen specific for the solid phase agent, then it will be
Summarized ELISA method for detection of
captured by the solid phase agent in that microwell (this may
anti-HIV (example of indirect assay)
be likened to the ‘filling in the sandwich’).
(4) After incubation, the microtitre plate is washed to (1) Microtitre plates are coated prior to purchase, with HIV
remove any unbound substances in the wells. antigen as the solid phase.
(5) An antibody specific for the captured target, and which (2) Test plasma/serum is added (94 tests plus two controls,
has been tagged (conjugated) with a ‘flag’ such as an enzyme, may be carried out on one plate) and then incubated.
is then added to each well. This antibody is called a conjugate. (3) If the test sample contains anti-HIV, it will become
In tests where the target was captured, the conjugate becomes bound to the solid phase HIV antigen (this is also known as
specifically attached and completes the ‘sandwich’ (the the capture antigen).
second ‘slice of bread’). (4) After the incubation, the plate is washed to remove any
(6) The tests are washed a second time to remove any unbound plasma/serum, so that the only additional substance
unbound conjugate. There is no evidence of any reaction in left in the wells is captured anti-HIV.
the wells up to this stage. In fact, visually, all wells appear (5) An enzyme linked antihuman globulin (AHG conjugate)
empty. is then added to the wells and the plate is incubated again.
(7) A clear chromogenic substrate (chemical dye) is added (6) If anti-HIV became bound to the solid phase HIV antigen
to the wells and if the conjugate (enzyme ‘flag’) is present, it in the initial step, AHG conjugate will attach to it, completing
triggers a demonstrable colour change, which is measured in the ‘sandwich’. If anti-HIV was not present in the sample,
a spectrophotometer or some other optical mechanism. The then there would be no change in that microwell (a ‘sandwich’
enzyme acts as an amplifier of the reaction and the intensity would not be formed).
of the colour change produced by the substrate is relative to (7) After incubation, the microtitre plate is washed to
the degree of reactivity of the test being measured. remove any unbound conjugate.
ELISA results may be either qualitative or quantitative. (8) A chromogenic substrate is then added and the plate is
Qualitative assays give either a positive (reactive) or negative incubated again.
(non-reactive) result for a sample with the cut-off statistically (9) Wherever a ‘sandwich’ was formed, the chromogen
determined to distinguish between a reactive and a non- provides visible evidence by undergoing a colour change.
reactive. Quantitative assays measure optical density of each Results are read manually or automatically.
sample against a known standard and interpret the degree or Figure 4·4 is a diagrammatic representation of the indirect
strength of each result. ELISA. The example shows ELISA as used to test for anti-HIV.
ELISA may be used in manual, semi-automated or fully
automated systems. It may be used to test for the presence of
Summarized ELISA method for detection of HBsAg
antigens, such as HBsAg, or antibodies, such as anti-HIV
(example of sandwich assay)
(human immunodeficiency virus). Microtitre plates with 96
wells are usually used although economical test ‘strips’ are (1) Microtitre plates are coated with anti-HBs (anti-hepatitis
also available in plates that are able to be broken into strips, B surface antigen) prior to purchase.
depending on testing requirements. The strips are generally (2) Test plasma/serum is added and then incubated.
4–12 wells long, but may even be broken into single wells. (3) If the test sample contains HBsAg, it will become
bound to the solid phase anti-HBs (this is also known as the
capture antibody).
Chemiluminescence technology
(4) After the incubation, the plate is washed to remove any
As an alternative to ELISA, chemiluminescence may be used unbound plasma/serum so that the only additional substance
as the technology. Instead of a chromogenic substrate that left in the wells is captured HBsAg.
changes colour in the presence of conjugate, a fluorescent (5) An enzyme linked anti-HBs (anti-HBs conjugate) is
dye is added to the wells. Fluorogenic substrates have better then added to the wells and the plate is incubated again.
sensitivity than chromogenic substrates and are now more (6) If HBsAg became bound to the solid phase anti-HBs in
commonly used. The strength of the result produced by the initial step, then the anti-HBs conjugate will attach to
the fluorogenic substrate (specifically selected for use in this, completing the ‘sandwich’. If HBsAg was not present in
chemiluminescence rather than for chromogenic ELISA tests) the sample, then there would be no change in that microwell
is measured using a spectrofluorometer, or other electro- (a ‘sandwich’ would not be formed).

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
50 Principles of laboratory techniques

Fig. 4·4 Diagrammatic representation of ELISA


(7) After incubation, the microtitre plate is washed to (2) After incubation, test mixtures are added to microwells
remove any unbound conjugate. coated with solid phase HBsAg. Test mixtures from HBsAg
(8) A chromogenic substrate is then added, and the plate is positive samples now contain HBsAg/anti-HBs complexes.
incubated again. For each complex formed, there is consumption of reagent
(9) Wherever a ‘sandwich’ was formed, the chromogen anti-HBs with proportionately less free anti-HBs to bind to
provides visible evidence by undergoing a colour change. the solid phase HBsAg sites (which explains the term
Results are read manually or automatically. ‘competitive’). The greater the amount of HBsAg in the test
sample, the more the consumption of reagent anti-HBs and the
less that remains available to bind with solid phase HBsAg.
Summarized ELISA method for detection of HBsAg
(3) After the incubation, the microtitre plate is washed to
(example of competitive assay)
remove any unbound substances.
(1) Reagent anti-HBs is incubated with plasma/serum (4) To complete the ‘sandwich’, a conjugate antibody
from test samples that may or may not contain HBsAg. specific for anti-HBs (such as antiglobulin) is added.

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 51

(5) After incubation, the wells are washed again to remove

Polymerase chain reaction
unbound conjugate.
(6) A substrate is added, causing a colour change as Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has become a basic molec-
described previously. However, in the competitive assay, the ular technique used for many applications and will therefore
greater the concentration of antigen in the original sample, be described in some detail.
the less the eventual colour change. So reactive results are The method is used to amplify or duplicate a targeted section
indicated by lack of colour change. of DNA by enzymatic action so that the original (template)
DNA molecule is increased to a number that can be detected.
Specific ‘primers’ are used to target the specific regions on
Molecular technology the template DNA and copy and recopy it. The number of
The introduction of molecular techniques that can be used copies is doubled with each cycle of the reaction, and the
routinely in many diverse laboratories has had a tremendous procedure is performed over many cycles. The amount of DNA
impact on laboratory testing in general. Of great significance in the test sample can be amplified up to a million times or more
in the field of blood transfusion is the development of and in so doing, sufficient quantity to be detected is produced.
genomic amplification techniques, which can be applied to PCR was primarily designed to detect specific DNA rather
the testing of donor blood. By amplifying the viral nucleic than RNA. However, detection of RNA is also possible when
acid and thus detecting the physical presence of the virus, the reverse transcriptase enzyme is added to convert RNA to
genomic amplification (i.e. nucleic acid amplification DNA during testing.
techniques) considerably reduces the window period of
infectious agents. Infected blood donations are therefore Summarized methodology for PCR
detected at an earlier stage, when they may not have been • Denaturation: if target DNA is present in the serum/plasma
detected previously using antigen or antibody detection sample, each double helix is forced to denature or ‘unzip’
assays. Reactive donations are therefore much less likely to by the use of heat (+94°C), resulting in two complementary
enter the blood supply, thus greatly improving patient safety. single strands of DNA for each DNA molecule present.
The introduction of this testing, known as NAT testing, on • Template: this is the target region of DNA within the
blood donations, has become a requirement in many services, original double helix (double stranded DNA).
organizations and countries. • Primers: these are nucleic acid strands; commercially
The development and introduction of molecular genetic synthesized DNA oligosaccharides that are used according
techniques has impacted greatly on the study of human blood to their specific orientation. They are complementary to
groups, and this has resulted in most of the genes controlling the target DNA.
the many blood group systems being cloned and sequenced. • Annealing: this is carried out at +54°C. Specific forward
This has led to a much greater understanding of the blood (5′) and reverse (3′) primers are added to the unzipped DNA
groups and explains many of the serological complexities strands in the test sample, to find their matching regions on
that have been observed over time. the single strands of DNA and anneal or ‘zip’ with them. If
matching DNA is absent from the test sample, annealing
does not take place. If the match is found and it is a close or
Genomic amplification techniques
exact match, annealing bonds are strong and do not detach.
There are several nucleic acid amplification techniques • Extension: this is the building of new copies of DNA at
including: +72°C, facilitated by the enzyme polymerase, and results
• Polymerase chain reaction in the amplification of the DNA in the starting material.
• Ligase chain reaction As a result of this, traces of DNA too small for detection are
• Nucleic acid sequence based amplification increased enormously in number so that they are sufficiently
• Transcription-mediated amplification. abundant to become detectable in laboratory tests.
All these techniques are considerably sophisticated and • DNA polymerase: DNA or ‘Taq’ (Thermus aquaticus)
require specialized reagents, equipment, laboratories and polymerase (which is thermostable) is the enzyme that
expertise to perform the assays. Various commercial kits and acts as a catalyst to add nucleotides to the reaction, and
test systems are available, ranging from manual to fully new DNA strands are formed so that the number of DNA
automated systems. Because of the sensitivity of nucleic acid copies is amplified, according to the number of cycles.
amplification techniques, great care must be taken to prevent • Deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP): the polymerase
contamination of tests with traces of material from other uses reagent dNTP, added to the test, to build new DNA.
sources. The various stages in the process should take place • Buffer solution: this solution creates an appropriate
in dedicated areas, and unauthorized personnel should not be chemical environment for optimum stability and reactivity
permitted entry into the work areas. of DNA polymerase.

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
52 Principles of laboratory techniques

• Thermal cycler: this is a specially designed waterbath in performed using agarose gel electrophoresis. Agarose is a
which the PCR cycles take place, and is able to control the polysaccharide extract of seaweed. It creates a neutral
temperature for precise periods of time, as required for environment for molecule migration. It is therefore suited
each cycle of the process. These temperature controls are to the separation of nucleic acids by electrophoresis, gel
automated. The process of denaturing at +94°C, annealing chromatography or immunodiffusion, in order to interpret
at +54°C and extending at +72°C is repeated over and the results.
over again. Figure 4·5 demonstrates by means of a simplified diagram,
• Agarose gel: once the product of the test has been the amplification of DNA fragments in a PCR assay. The base
produced, it needs to be visualized, and this may be pairs of adenine (A) and thymine (T), and cytosine (C) and

Fig. 4·5 Amplification of DNA fragments in PCR


© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 53

guanine (G), are complementary. The attachment of the investigated and carefully planned before any automated
nucleotides is in the 5′ (forward or upstream) to 3′ (reverse or techniques are implemented.
downstream) direction. All steps in the testing process can be automated, including
the generation of reports. Multiple tests may be performed at
Agarose gel electrophoresis the same time on each sample. Automated techniques allow
Gel electrophoresis may be used to visualize PCR results by samples to be tracked through the testing process; at any
causing DNA (or RNA) molecules to separate according to point during testing the user may locate the position of a
their size. Negatively charged molecules of nucleic acid are sample in the testing procedure. Each sample is usually bar-
propelled through the gel by an electric current. Smaller coded with a unique number allowing for positive identification
molecules move faster and farther than the longer molecules. throughout the process.
This technology may be used to determine if the target DNA Most laboratory tests may be automated such as ABO
fragment was generated. A molecular mass marker solution, grouping, Rh typing, antibody screening, TTI testing and cross-
called a DNA ‘ladder’, is run in parallel with the test DNA/ matching. Automation is particularly useful in laboratories
RNA. The ladder contains a mixture of DNA of known that perform large numbers of tests on donor and patient
molecular mass and is used to compare with the test to samples. For antenatal testing, smaller automated and
estimate the size of DNA/RNA fragments in the test sample partially automated systems are available for the efficient
and therefore their identity. handling of approximately 100 samples a day or samples that
do not have to be tested urgently may be batched for 2 days.
Variations in methods for performing PCR When the number of tests is very low, automation may not
• Multiplex PCR is a technique that enables simultaneous be helpful.
amplification of many targets of interest in one reaction
by using more than one set of primers. Advantages
• Kinetic PCR measures the amplification in real time at the • Faster result output or turnaround time is achieved as
end of each cycle to quantify the amount of starting multiple tests can be set up in each batch. The results are
nucleic acid. Two common methods of quantification use supplied as each batch is completed.
either fluorescent dyes, or oligonucleotide probes, which • Results are more reliable than when tests are carried out
fluoresce when they hybridize with the complementary manually, as the possibility of human errors (e.g. pipetting,
DNA. The data are analysed using computer software and sample identification or transcription errors) and specimen
the results are shown graphically. cross-contamination is reduced.
• Results are accurate and precise and are also reproducible.
• Automated equipment is usually serviced ongoing by the
Nucleic acid testing for blood donations
supplier, and continues to be updated based on new
Nucleic acid testing (NAT) is a highly specialized technology techniques and technology, assisting laboratory personnel
that may be semi- or fully automated. The techniques vary in remaining up to date.
according to the system selected and are not included in the • The most important advantages include
scope of this publication. The great advantage of NAT testing – positive sample identification
is the reduction of the window phase by targeting and detecting – accurate reproducible results
the actual presence of the virus in the nucleic acid. Systems – automatic capture and link to appropriate computer system
are available for the detection of individual viruses or for a – avoidance of human transcription errors
combination of viruses such as HIV and HCV in the same test. – excellent tracking systems for quality control purposes
Donations may be tested using a pool system or a single- as each step is validated and controlled.
donation testing system. In combination test systems reactive • The above advantages are extremely useful for total quality
results do not indicate the specificity of the infectious agent assurance and audit purposes.
detected, e.g. in a combination test for HIV and HCV, it could • The systems can also be fully automated or various parts
be either HIV or HCV or both. Discriminatory assays are of the process can be divided into individual modules.
required to differentiate between the two. Reactive mini-pools
require further testing on single samples to identify the Disadvantages
reactive sample in the pool. • Automation is expensive, especially the start-up cost of
equipment, although various options may be available
from the supplier.
Automation • Reagents are more expensive, although smaller volumes are
Before introducing automated techniques it is important used and may be extensively diluted according to manu-
to consider the impact on the laboratory. This should be facturer’s instructions.

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
54 Principles of laboratory techniques

• Equipment can be of high maintenance, requiring calibra- need phototherapy or an exchange transfusion to reduce the
tion and daily, weekly as well as monthly maintenance. level of bilirubin.
• Personnel who operate the machines have to be initially Neonatal bilirubin estimations may be performed by
trained by the supplier of the automation. photometric analysis of total bilirubin at the correct nanometer
• The skill to carry out manual techniques may be somewhat wavelength of light for total bilirubin. The machine used
reduced as a result of lack of practice, and when the should be calibrated regularly and used in conjunction with
machine fails, technologists may find difficulty in testing a standard, as recommended by the manufacturer to ensure
samples manually. However, most laboratories still test that the results given are reliable.
certain repeat samples manually, so personnel do not lose Specimens for bilirubin estimation must be stored away
their skill. from light, which denatures bilirubin and will lead to false
• When the calibration tests fail the equipment cannot be low readings.
used or if a part breaks or needs servicing, testing cannot
be carried out, so there is a loss of working time until the
problem is corrected.
Causes of false results in serological tests
• Adequate back-up systems have to be in place and this False positive or negative results may occur in serological
may mean duplicating all aspects of the equipment, from tests and lead to misinterpretation of results, which could
robotics to computers, at considerable cost, or having harm the patient. Most often this occurs as a result of poor
adequate spares available. Good supplier back-up service technique or lack of knowledge and can be avoided if technol-
is critical to the success of the automation. ogists are suitably trained to recognize and take corrective
• Most systems require an uninterrupted power supply. action to obtain a valid result. In order to maintain suitable
standards of quality, the technologist should follow all testing
procedures carefully and be aware of any unusual results. The
Haemoglobin estimation best approach is to view every result objectively, and each
A screening test for haemoglobin (Hb) concentration in the anomalous (unexpected or unusual) result with suspicion.
blood collection area is the copper sulphate method, which, Think through the steps that were taken to reach the results:
although generally satisfactory as a screen, may cause • Was each step of the procedure carried out according to
suitable donors to fail on Hb, and be deferred from donation quality standards?
unnecessarily. Another rapid, point-of-care Hb estimation • Were all tests controlled in the correct manner?
can be carried out using a haemoglobinometer. This machine • Was any reagent changed or modified? ... and so on.
gives a photometric estimation of Hb level. It should be Only with an enquiring and open mind and observing every
calibrated regularly and used in conjunction with a standard, test result without presuming the result, can the technologist
as recommended by the manufacturer to ensure that the reach the standard of excellence that the laboratory is expected
results given are reliable. to achieve – that of zero errors.
The haemoglobin (Hb) colour scale (ref. World Health Most serological tests in blood banking laboratories are
Organization) is a good alternative to the copper sulphate performed on venous blood samples, taken either into plain
method. It is especially suitable for developing countries test tubes or into test tubes containing suitable anticoagulant.
where the control of the density measurements for copper After blood specimens have been drawn, their temperature
sulphate may be unreliable. Adequate storage conditions for changes from +37°C to ambient (environmental/room)
copper sulphate powder and solutions may also be difficult temperature. In hot climates, there is a danger of specimens
to achieve if it is not purchased ready prepared. More warming to temperatures above +37°C and in cold climates,
information on the Hb colour scale may be accessed from specimens may be in danger of freezing.
the website: In order to preserve blood specimens so that they retain
anaemia_control/en/ their properties and give the correct results on testing, they
should be cooled to about +4°C in the laboratory refrigerator
as soon as possible after being taken, and kept refrigerated
Neonatal bilirubin estimation both before and after testing, with a total storage time of
Neonatal jaundice may be physiological or a complication of about 2 weeks for reference purposes. The actual testing of
HDFN. When jaundice is caused by active red cell destruction, the specimen should take place within 3 days of collection
bilirubin levels can become dangerously high and cause for serological testing, to avoid the danger of antigens or
kernicterus, if action is not taken promptly. See Section 7: antibodies deteriorating, or the contents becoming bacteri-
Haemolytic disease for details. Therefore, requests for neonatal ally contaminated. Samples for viral marker testing may
bilirubin estimation are always urgent, and the accuracy of have more stringent requirements; kit/equipment manufac-
results provided to the clinician, critical. The neonate may turer’s instructions must be followed.

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 55

Specimens need to be removed from the refrigerator for to type sensitized cells but the tests must be appropriately
testing. Without air conditioning, room temperature will controlled with a neutral control/typing control.
depend on whether the laboratory is situated in a hot or a cold
environment. It is important that the technologist takes steps
Bacterial contamination
to avoid specimen deterioration when ambient temperatures
are extreme. Bacterial contamination may occur during collection of blood
Many of the causes of false results have been addressed in specimens as a result of poor technique or with repeated use
preceding text. However, it is important that students are able of the sample. This becomes more evident as the specimen
to perceive false results as a separate entity. The causes of ages and the bacteria in the sample have time to multiply.
false results are therefore listed together, and kept brief where Reliable results cannot then be obtained.
appropriate to avoid unnecessary repetition of what has Bacterial erosion of red cell membranes results in antigens
already been explained. that are normally found beneath the membrane, becoming
exposed. This is known as T-activation. It makes cells
polyagglutinable, which means that they become agglutinated
Causes of false positive results with all fresh serum/plasma.
Serum/plasma which has become bacterially contaminated
Cold autoantibodies
may cause pan agglutination of all red cells, and this can be
Cold antibodies are sometimes demonstrable in specimens seen microscopically as aggregates of red cells, as opposed to
that have been refrigerated. Although these antibodies are the appearance of typical agglutination.
usually not of clinical significance, they may interfere in Discoloration of blood specimens, foul smell and cloudiness
laboratory tests. For this reason, some laboratories only test of serum/plasma are indications that a specimen is bacterially
at +37°C for antibody screening and identification. contaminated.
Cold IgM autoantibodies in anticoagulated samples may
be observed as clumps of agglutinated cells if the specimen is
Chemical contamination
tilted after removal from the refrigerator. These clumps disperse
once the specimen is warmed. Cold IgG autoantibodies If glassware is not properly washed, traces of the chemicals
sensitize red cells in the cold and are often demonstrable at used in the washing procedure may influence test results.
+22°C ± 2°C if an enzyme technique (such as bromelin) is Detergents should therefore be carefully selected and
used. Cold autoantibodies may also cause complement to thoroughly rinsed from the glassware before drying.
become cell bound, causing agglutination when using an
AHG reagent containing anticomplement antibodies.
Although cold antibodies often dissociate from cells on
warming to +22°C ± 2°C, some do not, even when warmed When red cells appear under the microscope as a stack or pile
to +37°C; and cell bound complement remains cell bound, of coins, this is called rouleaux formation. Most cells are
complicating testing. Red cells from such samples will be DAT stuck by their flat surfaces, whereas agglutinated cells are
positive using a broad spectrum AHG reagent. Washing such stuck together in a disorderly manner. Agglutinated cells
cells in warm saline may be helpful in resolving the problem. shine when examined under the microscope, but rouleaux
When using reagents the tests should be carried out at the have a more translucent appearance.
temperature recommended by the supplier, e.g. room temper- Rouleaux may be observed when the plasma protein
ature tests should not be warmed to resolve a grouping problem; concentration is high, such as in the plasma of patients who
the red cell suspension should rather be washed and retested have been given volume expanders such as hydroxyethyl
and the antibody in the serum/plasma should be identified. starch or gelatine, or in patients suffering from infections,
inflammatory diseases, connective tissue disorders and
Warm autoantibodies
Rouleaux may also occur when cell suspensions are left to
These autoantibodies have an optimum reaction temperature dry on laboratory slides. Rouleaux formation may not always
of +37°C and are often clinically significant and cause be that simple to recognize microscopically, as clumps may
diseases such as autoimmune haemolytic anaemia. Warm become irregular in shape and be difficult to distinguish from
autoantibodies that react with most cells may mask other agglutination. To distinguish it from agglutination, strong
irregular antibodies and prevent their detection. rouleaux may be dispersed by dilution with sterile saline, at
Cells that have been sensitized with warm IgG autoantibodies the stage of reading the test. Over-manipulation of rouleaux
will be difficult to type by IAT as the DAT will be positive. An may lead to false negative results as agglutination present in
advantage of monoclonal reagents is that they can be used the same test tube may also disintegrate.

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
56 Principles of laboratory techniques

tion of dissolved salts), increases the amount of antibody that

becomes bound to cells with the corresponding antigen, and
increases the speed with which the antibody binds to the
cells. However, to avoid false results, it is important to ensure
that the correct method is used for the LISS technique.

Causes of false negative results

Age of specimens

Fig. 4·6 Microscopic view of rouleaux formation. Red cell antigens may deteriorate with storage so specimens
should always be tested while still fresh. When red cells are
Figure 4·6 shows the appearance of rouleaux under the suspended in saline, these suspensions should only be used
microscope. for one batch of tests. Red cells suspended in preserving fluid
will last for many weeks at +4°C ± 2°C. Red cells suspended
in LISS are usually suitable for up to 24 hours but usage time
Wharton’s jelly
must comply with manufacturer’s instructions.
Wharton’s jelly is the stringy, jelly-like material lying In time, serum loses complement activity. This may cause
between the blood vessels in the umbilical cord. It is some- false negative results when tests are performed either to
times an accidental contaminant of cord blood samples. assess the haemolysing potential of antibodies, or the ability
Washing the cord cells with saline sometimes frees the red of broad spectrum antiglobulin reagent to detect complement
cells of this jelly. However, badly contaminated specimens involvement in antigen-antibody reactions. When serum
will be impossible to use. samples are more than 24 hours old, fresh complement from
an external source should be added before performing these
types of tests.
Serum/plasma may contain particles of dust or other debris,
Use of plasma instead of serum
or may develop particles of fibrin or denatured protein after
prolonged storage. Red cells tend to stick to such particles Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid binds calcium ions so that
and this can resemble agglutination leading to false positive clotting cannot occur. Calcium is required for the complement
results. This may be resolved by centrifugation or filtration cascade, so when calcium is bound by EDTA the complement
of the serum/plasma to either settle or remove the particles cascade is inhibited and some complement-binding antibodies
prior to testing. will not be detected.

Clots in the cell suspension Prozoning

Samples of clotted blood often contain small fragments of On rare occasions, serum/plasma containing very high titre
clots broken off when the suspension is prepared and these antibodies will be unable to form a normal latticework of
small clots may be mistaken for agglutinates in tests. Clots agglutination with red cells containing the corresponding
should be allowed to settle in the suspension tube and cells antigen. This is because the ratio of antibody to antigen is not
then drawn from the clot-free upper layer for testing. optimal; antibodies are present in excess of the number of
available antigen sites and this leads to weak or even negative
results. The antibody-antigen ratio may be corrected by
Ionic strength
diluting the serum/plasma. Once the ratio is corrected reliable
Incubation of red cells and serum/plasma in a low ionic results will be obtained.
strength saline medium (i.e. LISS, which has a low concentra- Table 4·21 shows two doubling dilution titrations; the first

Table 4·21 Doubling dilution titration of an antibody sample that prozones; compared with one that does not

Antibody dilution factor Neat 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024

Prozoning antibody 0 0 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 0
Non-prozoning antibody 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 0

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 57

antibody showing prozoning, compared with another antibody standardize the strength of cell suspensions for tests such as
that does not. the haemolysin test.
Standardization of methods is always important, as it has
been shown that much stronger suspensions are optimum for
Storage temperature
tests carried out on slides. As with all methods, manufacturer’s
Reagent red cells should not be left at ambient temperature instructions must be followed.
for an extended period of time. Commercial reagents should
be stored according to the manufacturer’s instructions. They
Cell mixtures
should be refrigerated as soon as possible after use to avoid
deterioration. The higher the ambient temperature, the Test results may infrequently show both agglutinated and
quicker the reagents will deteriorate. unagglutinated cells in a single test tube. This may occur for
Specimens should also not be left at ambient temperature several reasons. A non-O group patient may have been
or incubated with tests at +37°C unless appropriate. transfused with group O blood as a result of homologous
group blood not being available. When the ABO group is
subsequently carried out in the laboratory, the test results
Storage time
may show a mixed field reaction resulting from the mixture
Antigen reactivity is well preserved for years in frozen cells of group O and non-O group red cells in circulation.
maintained at –30°C or below. This also applies to antibody It is very important to detect mixed field reactions when
activity in serum/plasma. Sample volumes for frozen storage investigating a transfusion reaction, as this may be a sign
should be kept to a minimum so that thawing and refreezing, that blood of the incorrect ABO group was transfused in error.
with resultant loss in reactivity, is avoided.
Incorrect usage of reagents
In order to produce reliable results it is important to use
The normal pH of blood is 7·3–7·4. This is close to neutral reagents by the correct method, at the correct temperature,
(pH 7·0) and in most cases blood grouping should be for the time specified, to obtain the correct results. Incorrect
performed at values near this. At pH values above 8·0 or use may cause false positive or negative results. Always use
below 6·0 however, there is a loss of reactivity. standardized reagents according to the manufacturer’s
instructions and never dilute standardized commercial
reagents in order to test more samples.
Treatment with enzymes
Proteolytic enzymes modify some blood group antigens so that
Separation of proteins by freezing and thawing
the cells are no longer able to react with their corresponding anti-
bodies, giving rise to false negative results. Examples of blood When a sample of serum/plasma in a test tube freezes, the
group antigens that are affected include M, N, S, Fya, Fyb and K. water freezes first and rises to the top of the container,
leaving a more concentrated protein solution at the bottom,
which freezes later. If the serum/plasma is not thoroughly
Causes of false positive or false negative mixed on thawing, distinct layers may be seen, and this is
results made worse by repeated freezing and thawing.
Should a pipette be placed in the top layer, a watery (diluted)
Strength of cell suspension
solution containing very little antibody will be drawn up, which
Suspensions of red cells used for test tube or microwell could lead to a false negative result on testing. If the pipette
techniques should range from 2% to 5%. More concentrated draws serum/plasma from the thicker (more concentrated)
cell suspensions will lead to weaker agglutination reactions bottom layer, the results could be complicated by rouleaux,
because of the excess of antigen to antibody, especially weak leading to false positives. These false results can be avoided
antibodies. On the other hand, suspensions of red cells that by mixing serum/plasma gently yet thoroughly before use.
are weaker than 2% may make tests difficult to read.
Cell suspensions of 2%, when used in the haemolysin test
Gel tests
for ABO haemolysing antibodies, will lead to more haemolysis
than when using a stronger suspension of say 5%, because There are several reasons why false results could occur in gel
the immune anti-A or immune anti-B has fewer cells with tests, including the following:
which to react, and the complement has fewer cells to lyse. It • Expired cards
is therefore important for consistency of results, to carefully • Incorrectly stored cards

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
58 Principles of laboratory techniques

• Cards that have dried out

Dirty glassware
• Using the incorrect diluent for a specific card.
• Sample contamination or switching samples would be the Particles of dirt in tubes or saline used for suspending and
most likely cause of false results in manual gel tests. These washing cells could cause red cells to adhere to each other,
may be prevented if the correct technique is practiced and and result in the recording of these aggregates as agglutinates.
red cell concentration is maintained.
Provided that the correct cells or serum/plasma are added Cross-contamination from test to test
to the correct tubes, false results should not occur.
If tests are over-filled with saline during washing, tube
contents may become cross-contaminated.
Personal factors
The most likely cause of false results is human error. Insufficient Using red cells with a positive DAT
and inadequate training of laboratory personnel, poor
knowledge or attitude leading to lapses in concentration and It may be that red cells used in an IAT test are sensitized prior
a lack of checking and cross-checking of test tube labels, to testing. For example, the conclusion that is drawn when a
readings and result interpretations, will definitely be one of crossmatch test is positive is that the recipient has an antibody
the biggest factors leading to false results. to an antigen on the red cells of the donor. However, it could
be that the red cells from the pilot tube of a unit selected
‘Not even the wisest physician can protect his patient from for crossmatch were sensitized prior to testing, causing a
a blood grouping error.’ positive result.

False positive results in antiglobulin tests False negative results in antiglobulin tests
Failure to add AHG
Refrigerated specimens
After completing antiglobulin tests, to prove that AHG was
False positive results may be the result of adsorption of cold
present and active, washed sensitized cells should be added
autoantibody onto red cells during refrigeration of the
to each negative test result. AHG reagent may also be coloured
specimen, with the result that complement in the sample
for visual confirmation, although this does not test activity.
becomes bound to the cells.

Failure to detect a positive result before washing

Colloidal silica
Before washing, tests should be examined for haemolysis or
Colloidal silica leaches out of poor quality glassware, and if agglutination, and if present, this should be documented and
this glassware is used to store saline it may lead to false the test taken no further. If such tests are washed, the few
positive results by causing red cell aggregation. remaining red cells could be unagglutinated at the conclusion
of the test, resulting in a false negative result.
Bacterial contamination
Use of bacterially contaminated cells, serum/plasma, or Inadequate red cell washing
reagents may give false positive results. AHG may be neutralized by traces of serum/plasma remaining
after inadequate washing.
An increase in speed and/or time of final centrifugation of
Loss of red cells during washing
tests causes excessive packing of unagglutinated cells, which Insufficient centrifugation time results in red cell loss and a
appear agglutinated. reduction in the amount of red cells available to react with
AHG. Over-filling tubes during washing may also result in
Over-zealous reading cells being lost as they spill out of the tubes.

Inexperienced personnel who lack self-confidence may be

Neutralization of AHG
over-anxious to find positive results, or be afraid to find tests
negative and therefore misread tests that are in fact negative, Extraneous globulin from a variety of sources could neutralize
as weakly positive. AHG. For example, traces of protein on inadequately cleaned

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
Introduction to Blood Transfusion Technology 59

tubes, or contamination of the AHG vial by using the lid of cells are not sufficiently centrifuged to enhance the
another reagent vial to close it, may neutralize AHG. agglutination.

Lack of broad spectrum reactivity Summary of section: Principles of laboratory

It is important in some laboratory tests, for AHG to be broad
spectrum (anti-IgG and anti-C3) so that it is able to detect the • Controls should be set up in parallel with every batch of
presence of IgG and/or C3 on the red cell surface. tests (or at least once a day) and documented in order to
validate the test results.
• Documented protocols on laboratory techniques should
Prolonged or inadequate storage of AHG
always be followed and should include the following:
Storage of AHG at the incorrect temperature will lead to its – strength of cell suspension and diluent to be used
deterioration. Any reagent stored for longer than its shelf life, – proportions of serum/plasma and cells required for tests
should no longer be used. Such reagents may still appear to – that serum/plasma/antisera should be added first,
react well with strong antigen–antibody associations but may followed by red cells and other reactants
not react when the serum/plasma contains weak antibodies – required incubation times and temperature, and
or when the cells have a weak expression of antigen. centrifugation speeds.
• Forward ABO grouping refers to testing unknown red cells
for ABO antigens using reagent ABO antibodies. Reverse
Dissociation of antibody
grouping refers to testing for unknown ABO antibodies in
Antibody may become dissociated leading to false negative serum/plasma using reagent red cells.
results, for a number of reasons including: • Newborns lack ABO antibodies at birth; ABO antibodies
• Prolonged period of incubation of serum/plasma and red demonstrable in neonatal samples are of maternal origin.
cells • Rh phenotyping may be performed to determine the
• Delays between additions of saline to tests while washing presence or absence of the five major Rh antigens (C, D, E,
• Prolonged centrifugation of tests while washing c and e). Such red cell phenotyping may be beneficial in
• Delays between mandatory washing steps, such as filling finding suitable blood for transfusion in Rh incompatibility
tubes with saline and leaving them to stand problems, or in determining paternal phenotype (and
• Delays after the addition of AHG reagent and the therefore the likelihood of a fetus being affected by
centrifugation of tests HDFN), when the maternal blood contains Rh antibodies.
• Delays after centrifugation of tests and the reading of results. • Antibody screening involves testing unknown serum/
plasma against a set of group O reagent red cells that
together contain antigens corresponding to specificities of
Incorrect strength of cell suspension
most clinically significant antibodies.
If the red cell suspension is too strong and the antibody very • Antibody screening does not indicate the specificity of an
weak a good latticework will not be formed when the AHG is irregular antibody detected.
added and false negative results could be obtained. If the cell • Antibody identification is performed to determine the
suspension is too weak, the test may be misread as too few specificity of irregular antibodies. This involves testing
red cells are present. the serum/plasma against a panel of group O cells that have
been extensively typed to determine the presence or absence
of antigens that correspond to all major antibody specificities.
• Doubling dilution titrations may be performed to
Excessive centrifugation after the addition of AHG would determine the titre of obstetrically or clinically significant
cause the red cells to pack firmly at the bottom of the tube. antibodies. Titre may be defined as the reciprocal of the
Such tests would then need to be over-agitated to resuspend highest dilution at which an antibody gives a demonstrable
them before reading, in an effort to dislodge the cell button. reaction against red cells with the corresponding antigen.
This could cause weak agglutinates to disperse, resulting in • Antibody elution techniques may be used to remove
false negatives. sensitizing antibodies and determine their specificity.
In so doing, antigens present on the red cells that were
sensitized, may be deduced.
• Antibody elution procedures may be performed by
Although tests should be centrifuged gently after the addi- different techniques such as heat for ABO antibodies, and
tion of AHG, weak agglutination may pass unnoticed if glycine-HCl/EDTA for other antibodies.

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60
60 Principles of laboratory techniques

• ELISA methodology may be used to test for TTIs. ELISA samples, chemicals, time and temperature of incubation,
uses solid phase technology (antigen or antibody is as well as poor technique, negligence or lack of knowledge,
captured or immobilized). may all contribute to false results.
• By amplifying the viral nucleic acid and thus detecting the • It is important that all laboratory personnel follow
physical presence of the virus, genomic amplification procedures and are trained to recognize and deal with
(i.e. nucleic acid amplification techniques) reduces the unusual results. If this is not done, there could be serious
window period of infectious agents considerably. Infected implications for patients.
blood donations are therefore detected at an earlier stage
than detected previously using antigen or antibody detec-
tion assays.
Additional learning activities
• The development of molecular genetic techniques has (1) It is suggested that students use a medical dictionary
impacted greatly on the study of human blood groups, and/or the Internet to clarify the meaning of words and
and this has resulted in most of the genes controlling the phrases and to add to the information provided in this section.
many blood group systems being cloned and sequenced. A list of key words that may be useful to add to knowledge
• PCR is used to detect and amplify target DNA sequences. and clarify some concepts is provided below.
PCR involves three steps: denaturation, annealing and • RIA
extension. • Agarose gel electrophoresis
• The introduction of NAT testing has significantly reduced • Flow cytometry
the window period of infectious disease markers in blood • Column agglutination
donations. • Polymerase chain reaction
• NAT systems are available for the detection of individual • Nucleic acid testing
viruses or for a combination of viruses such as HIV and • Medical supplies and devices.
HCV in the same test. Donations may be tested using a (2) As suggested in this section, to become skilled in the
pool system or a single donation testing system. preparation of cell suspensions, the student may find it of
• Automation may be used for blood grouping, antibody value to make accurate suspensions of various strengths,
screening, antibody identification, crossmatching or TTI from 1% to 5% by adding one drop of packed red cells to 99
testing. It has advantages and disadvantages and these drops of saline in a test tube for an accurate 1% cell suspension.
should be carefully evaluated before introducing automated The same measured volumes could be used to prepare a 2%
techniques into a laboratory. (2 drops cells and 98 drops saline), 3% (3 and 97), 4% (4 and
• Haemoglobin testing may be carried out at blood collec- 96) and 5% (5 and 95) suspension. The tube contents should
tion centres on failures of copper sulphate or haemo- be well mixed and compared visually, and the colour and
globin colour scale to prevent donors from being deferred consistency studied carefully, in various light intensity areas
unnecessarily. of the laboratory.
• Neonatal bilirubin levels are measured to assess hyper-
bilirubinaemia and assist the clinician in making appro-
Conflicts of interest
priate clinical decisions to avoid kernicterus.
• There are many causes of false positive and negative Each contributing author of this section on Principles of
results in laboratory testing. In broad terms, false results laboratory techniques (LR, BA and ES) has not received
are the result of materials, equipment or human error. grants, speakers fees etc., from any commercial body within
Faulty centrifuges, reagent red cells or antisera, blood the past 2 years. These authors have no potential conflicts.

© 2008 The Authors.

Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2008) 3, 33–60

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