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Weighting: 25%

Length: 2000-2100 words (excluding cover page, table of contents, reference list, appendices)

Due Date: End Week 4 – refer course outline

Method of Submission: Upload as a Word document to Turnitin

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to develop a deep understanding of the manifestations of
leadership in your designated case study. Specifically, you are to compile a report that identifies and analyses
the leadership styles, approaches and strategies evident in the case study [of your choice] which is posted to BB.

Your analysis should include an evaluation of:

(1) the context in which the leadership approaches, styles and strategies are acted out
(2) the successes and failures of the identified leadership styles, approaches and strategies
(3) the relevance of power, influence, politics and culture in shaping or rewarding specific leader behaviours
(4) any apparent contradictions in the intentions, actions or behaviours of the leader or leaders in this case
(5) recommendations for improving the leadership capabilities of the key individual/s in this case

Your report should be formatted and presented in a highly professional manner, with relevant sections clearly
delineated in a sensible and clear structure. You will need to include substantial paragraphs with analytical
discussion to demonstrate analytical depth.

Assessment Criteria: Your report will be evaluated according to the following criteria -

 Content: Ability to identify and clearly articulate relevant leadership issues.

 Analysis: Ability to critically evaluate important leadership issues, to display an awareness of their
contextual relevance, and to utilize and apply relevant theories and paradigms to reveal a high-level
understanding of the case.

 Presentation: Appropriate use of report-writing and formatting techniques including spelling, grammar,
punctuation, pagination, paragraphing, use of headings and sub-headings, incorporation of relevant
diagrams and figures, and appropriate referencing.
Suggested Format

Cover page
- You can develop your own cover page or download from

Content page

Introduction (250 words)

- Provide a summary of the case (which your choice) and the leader.

Leadership approaches, styles, and strategies (600 words)

- Briefly define which leadership styles of the leader.
- Support your perspectives with evidence from the case-study.

Context in shaping specific leader behaviours (600 words)

- Describe the situational context (power, influence, politics and culture) that shape the behaviour of the
- You can use other source of evidence to support your arguments.

Successes and failures (400 words)

- Describe the overall success / failures of the leadership style.
- You can use other source of evidence to support your arguments.

Recommendations (250 words)

- Considering the current time (i.e. 2021), do you think the leadership style still work?
- If no, what are the other recommendations you think leaders need to improve on?

- Minimum 10 references (English)
- APA 7th edition (
- No reference from unreliable source such as Wilkipedia, blogs, and discussion threads.


Other Details

- Font size and type : Times New Roman, 12

- Line spacing : 1.5 line spacing
- English : You are free to use American or British English but please be consistent.
- Editorial check : Please check your English for grammatical errors using
- Plagiarism check : < 20% similarity
- Words limit : 2,100 words +/- 10% (max 2,500 words)

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