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Midterm Performance Task 1


Serve, Pass and Set

Name: Jimenez, John Edward E. Section: Mar214

Time/Date 9/10/22 4:19PM Score _____________________________
Instruction: Individual Work

Find a place at home wherein you can perform the given activity. Demonstrate the
overhead serve 5 times with 3 sec. interval and basic passing (bump and overhead pass) in
1minute. In doing the passing, ask somebody that will serve as your thrower. Capture the
whole body while taking a video. (Note: Don’t include your thrower in the video clip). Video
presentation must be in a gallery form. Please refer the video presentation in the learning
guide for your reference or see attached file. Turn in your video output in the assignment
tab on or before next P.E. schedule.

Note: Please wear appropriate P.E attire. Check the rubrics for your grade performance.

Execution 50%

Presentation 40%

Editing 10%

Total 100%

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