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Watch the video and choose the right answer.

Дэн Пинк: Загадки мотивации

Answers to true/false statements:

1. Ted Pink did well at law school. True / False

2. Pink wants us to rethink how we run our businesses. True / False
3. Pink says that people who were offered rewards to solve the candle problem
solved it more quickly than those who were not offered rewards. True / False
4. Pink says that modern businesses are mostly run according to the theory of
extrinsic motivation. True / False
5. Pink says that MIT students in the US and students in India who played games
did well when rewards were given for mechanical skills. True / False
6. They did poorly when rewards were offered for creative skills. True / False
7. Pink says that there is harmony between what science knows and what business
does. True / False
8. Pink argues that people need strong management in order to be creative in
business. True / False
9. At Google, engineers can spend 20% of their time working on anything they
want. True / False
10.Pink compares the effectiveness of Encarta, which offered its staff rewards, and
Facebook, which doesn’t. True / False
11.Pink argues that if we do things for their own sake in business rather than for
rewards, we can change the world. True / False

Watch the video and choose the right answer. Дэн Пинк: Загадки мотивации
Answers to true/false statements:

1. Ted Pink did well at law school. True / False

2. Pink wants us to rethink how we run our businesses. True / False
3. Pink says that people who were offered rewards to solve the candle problem
solved it more quickly than those who were not offered rewards. True / False
4. Pink says that modern businesses are mostly run according to the theory of
extrinsic motivation. True / False
5. Pink says that MIT students in the US and students in India who played games
did well when rewards were given for mechanical skills. True / False
6. They did poorly when rewards were offered for creative skills. True / False
7. Pink says that there is harmony between what science knows and what business
does. True / False
8. Pink argues that people need strong management in order to be creative in
business. True / False
9. At Google, engineers can spend 20% of their time working on anything they
want. True / False
10. Pink compares the effectiveness of Encarta, which offered its staff rewards,
and Facebook, which doesn’t. True / False
11. Pink argues that if we do things for their own sake in business rather than for
rewards, we can change the world. True / False

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