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sina, 1114 Pee Javascript - Angular material: How to etvieve all data but display in diferent tabs ~ Stack Overtow_ Angular material: How to retrieve all data but display in different tabs Asked 2 years, 9 months ago Active 2 years, 9 months ago Viewed 2k times Ihave a design question: what's the best way to eagerly load two different Material tabs? | want ‘one tab for active records and one for inactive. Do | need two different datasources, or can | tell my datasource to use a discriminator (a boolean) to determine what tab the data is displayed on? I'm sorry | don't have any sample code, because I'm not sure where to start! Additionally, when a row on the active tab is deleted, it should then show up on the inactive tab, Would love to do this without repainting the screen, javascript angular tabs angular-material Share Edit Follow cited Feb $9. 1711 asked Feb $9 at 1647 Gregor Abert FE cnDyson mi 1 8 2 Sok e208 23 46 I would use a discriminator. Does this help at all? ~ OK sure Feb 5 ‘19 at 1650 7 Thanks, but | don't think 'm using angular, just regular angular. Is there a difference?? - CNDyson Feb S "19 at 1651 Nope - the example in the source just uses angular as a dependency: pages/examples/.. — OK sure Feb 5 '19 at 16:53 | can't seem to find the content that's pertinent to me...Can you possibly post an example, and answer the question? | would love to give you points! - CNDyson Feb 5'19 at 1655 This is a classic example of what Angular Services were implemented to assist with. Namely, sharing data between components/views/whatever. Please read this: angular io/tutorial/toh-pta ~ Randy Casburn Feb 5 "19 at 1655 2 Answers Active | Oldest | Votes Ihave a design question: what's the best way to eagerly load two different Material tabs? 1 | want one tab for active records and one for inactive. The default behaviour for material tabs is to eagerly load the tab contents, as described here. AY _ Unless it doesn't fit your use case for some reason, suggest you to go with that'angular-materiabhaw-lo~etreve-alldata-but
AnactiveSource | async"> Insert your table config here --> Component: Import { Component, OnZnit } from ‘@angular/core'; Anport { Observable } from "rxis"s Inport { filter } from ‘rxjs/operators’; import { YourDataService } fron *./your-data-service’ ; component (( selector: ‘app-test’, tenplateUrl: './test.conponent.html', styleUris: ['./test.conponent.scss”] » export class TestComponent implements Oninit { activesource: Observablecany{]>; Anactivesource: Observablecany[]>5 constructor(private dataService: YourDataService) ¢ ) ngontnit(): void ( this.activeSource =$.pipe(filter(record => ‘this.inactiveSource = this.dataService.datas.pipe(filter(record =>; y markRecordasActive(id: string) { this. dataService.markAsActive(1d) 5 y markRecordastnactive(id: string) ( this.dataService.markAsrnactive(1d); > Share Edit Follow answered Feb 5°19 at 1742 PPD andrew “an 10 2 htpsstackovortow.comiquestions/64539259'angular-maleriathaw-lo~etrevealldata-but

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