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Gabriela Rodriguez

Professor Krisanda

ENG 101-124

29 September 2022


There are many things being taught in my college composition class that can be very

useful in my future career. After I finish school, I would like to go into marketing. Working in

marketing means that you’d be working with others to create good advertisements and come up

with strategies that will help sell products and make the company more appealing. Marketing

asks for creativeness, effective communication skills, and adept teamwork skills.

In marketing you have to be innovative and original. You have to generate and brainstorm

different ideas. English 101 teaches you how to perfect techniques such as brainstorming,

researching, drafting and revising to help you create new and ingenious ways to promote a

company. English 101 does this by instilling the idea that writing should be a fluid yet repeated

process. The fluid component of writing assignments done for an English 101 class helps you

develop the creativeness needed for a career in marketing. And the repetition component helps

you perfect that creative process and over time make it easier for you.

Marketing is a career of promoting products and services. To be able to do this faultlessly

it is crucial to develop effective communication skills. English 101 helps you enhance your

ability to communicate through speeches and writing assignments. For example, during the first

few weeks of class students were asked to write a speech about a life-changing moment in their

lives. This allowed students to practice how to clearly express themselves. With good
communication skills you can effectively persuade people into trusting you and the product or

business that you are promoting.

Adept teamwork skills. Marketing is not always a single person job. This means that you

might have to work with others and have a sense of good teamwork skills. You must be

open-minded and take other people’s input into consideration. Teamwork and collaboration being

one of the core values of an English 101 class asks us to acknowledge and use feedback that has

been given to us. In marketing, you are trying to convince people that the business or product

you’re promoting is better than others. You are relying on other people’s opinion, and even if you

think the way you are promoting it might be the best it is always great to review it by others and

get their feedback on it and together think of ways to improve it.

In conclusion, there are many skills that we learn in class that can be applied to our

individual careers. Since, I wish to pursue a career in marketing core values such as teamwork,

creative process, and effective communication skills are going to be greatly used in my career. It

is important to perfect these skills and values in a classroom setting in order to successfully use

them in our career and help us thrive.

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