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Kevin: Good morning, Teacher, my name is Kevin

Levi: Good morning, Teacher, my name is Levi

Giuliana: Good morning, Teacher, my name is Giuliana

Rogelio: Good morning, Teacher, my name is Rogelio


Giuliana: Giuliana: Hi, Kevin, Levi and Rogelio! I'm excited because finally next Friday we can meet.

Levi: Great and do you have a place in mind where we can all have fun?

Giuliana: Yeah, how about we all go bowling on Friday at 8:00 p.m?

Rogelio: But on Fridays you don't take care of your grandparents?

Giuliana: yes, but only until noon.

Rogelio: So, no problem and you, Kevin, can you go bowling on Friday?

Kevin: I will not be able to go on Friday since I must go to the university, but I have Monday available.

Levi: what day do you have available

Kevin: I can go on Sunday since it is my only day where I have nothing to do.

Rogelio: I don't know if I have time on Sunday, I have a lot of math homework.

Levi: you and I take the same class together I can help you do your homework, so we all go together on Sunday,
do you agree?

Rogelio: It would be great then if I can go bowling on Sunday.

Kevin: Giuliana, are you okay with going bowling on Sunday?

Giuliana: Yes, of course.

Levi: wow time goes by so fast recess is over.

Rogelio: if you're right we should all go back to our classrooms.

Kevin: Well, take care everyone, see you later.

Giuliana: well, I’ll go to my science class bye.

Levi: let's go quickly to the Rogelio room we have communication classes, bye everyone.

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