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Republic of the Philippine

Central Philippine Adventist College

S.Y. 2021- 2022

Name : Wea Gene P. Azares

Year & Course : 1st Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in General Science
Submitted to : Sir Liben Bernardino

1. Behaviorism - It is confirmed to observed and measurable behavior
- Learning is defined by the outward expression of new behaviors and
- Biological basis for learning
- Focuses on observable behavior
 Classical Conditioning (PAVLOV) – A stimulus is presented in order to get a
response. It is about reflexes
 Operant conditioning (SKINNER) – The response is made first then reinforcement
follows. It is about feedback/ reinforcement

2. Cognitivism – Grew in response to Behaviorism.

- Knowledge is stored cognitively as symbols.
- Learning is the process of connecting symbols in a meaningful and
memorable way
- Studies focused on the mental processes that facilitate symbol
 Discovery Learning (BRUNER) – Anybody can learn anything at any age, provided
it is stated in terms they can understand.
 Meaningful Verbal Learning (AUSUBEL) – When learners have difficulty with new
material, go back to the concrete anchors (advance organizer). Provide discovery
approach and students will learn
3. Social learning Theory – Grew out of Cognitivism.
- Learning takes place through observation and sensorial
- Limitation is the sincerest form of flattery
- Social learning theory is the basis of the movement against
violence in media and video games.
4. Social Constructivism – Grew out of and in response to Cognitivism and was framed
around Metacognition.
- Knowledge is actively constructed.
- Learning is:
 A search for meaning by the learner
 Contextualized
 An inherently Social Activity
 Dialogic Recursive
 The responsibility of the learner
5. Multiple intelligence – Grew out of Constructivism and was framed around
- Enable students to leverage their strengths and purposefully
target and develop their weaknesses.
- All people are born with 8 intelligences:
 Verbal-Linguistic
 Visual-Spatial
 Logical-Mathematical
 Kinesthetic
 Musical
 Naturalist
 Interpersonal
 Intrapersonal
6. Brain-Based Learning – Grew out of Neuroscience Constructivism.
– 12 governing principles
 Brain is parallel processor
 Whole Body Learning
 A search for meaning
 Patterning
 Emotions are critical
 Processing of Parts and Wholes
 Focused Attention and Peripheral Perception
 Conscious and Unconscious Processes
 Several Types of Memory
 Embedded Learning Sticks
 Challenge and Threat
 Every brain is unique
7. Humanist – All students are intrinsically motivated to self-actualize or learn.
- Learning is dependent upon meeting a hierarchy of needs.
- Learning should be reinforced


Outcomes Based Education (OBE) – clearly focusing, and organizing everything in the
educational system around the essential for all the students to do successfully at the end of their
learning experiences (Spady, 1994).

Dear Sir,
I do apologize for using only 2 slideshare in this Ascend document. I want to let you know
that I cannot access the last slideshare pasted on the important information portion. It shows like

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