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Sensory memory is a type of short-term Short-term memory is the second level of the Long-term memory is the storing of
memory that permits humans to remember Atkinson-multi-store Shiffrin's encoding knowledge over a long length of years, with
sensory experiences after the stimulation has process. It is a finite instantaneous memory no established boundaries, and can be loaded
stopped. It is commonly considered of as the for cues that have just been encountered. with facts that do not last for a particular
initial point of remembering, in which a great amount of time.
deal of information about the surroundings is
stored for a short length of time.

It is presented as a paradigm for informational transmission and contains three linear linked memory units. The sensations receive data, which is
stored in sensory memory. The Modal Model of Memory states that with enough practice, knowledge may be transported to long-term memory
and preserved indefinitely. However, whether or not a person can recall this knowledge is determined by the linkages created, as well as if the
mind-set is equivalent and whether the setting in which the events occurred is similar to the current scenario.

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