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Spelling of conjugation

General rule: add “s” to verbs (subject= third person

singular form)

I walk to school.
He walks to school.

Special cases
a. Verbs with sibilant sound: sh, ch, z, s
Add “es” to the verb
I wash my car.
He washES his car.
b. Verbs with se, ce
Add “s” to the verb
He raiseS his room curtains.
c. Verbs with “o”
Add “es” to the verb
I go to movies.
She goES to movies
I do my homework
She doES her homework

d. Verbs with consonant +”y”

Change “y” to “I” and add “es”
I study French.
She studies Italian.

I stay in a hotel. He stays with some friends.

e. Irregular case: HAVE

I have a small family. He HAS a big family.

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