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The introduction requires only two statements. A Background Statement – This is a paraphrase of the
essay question. All essays must have this statement. A Thesis Statement – This is a direct answer to the
essay question and task.

Paraphrasing the Question

“Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country.” Do you agree or
disagree with this statement?

I agree that education is the most important factor in the development of a country because. . . . .

Paraphrase = change the words (synonyms) or change the sentence structure but keep the meaning of
the statement

Education -> schooling, important -> essential/significant, factor -> aspect/element,

development -> advancement/evolution/progression, country -> nation

(I agree that) Schooling is the single most significant aspect in the advancement of a nation.

Change the structure of a sentence

“Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country.”

(I agree that) the most essential element of a nation’s development is education.

Using Concessions

Concession = show the opposite opinion or other opinions and then say what your opinion is. You are
giving two opinions. Yours and what other people might think.

*commonly use Although, Despite, in spite of

“Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country.”

“Although many would argue that the economy is the most significant aspect in nation-building, I think
that education has a far greater impact.”

1. Opinion Essays (agree or disagree)

The first part of the question will be a statement. You will then be asked to give your own
opinion about the statement.
 What is your opinion?
 Do you agree or disagree?
 To what extent do you agree or disagree?
 A big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree?
 Space exploration is much too expensive and the money should be spent on more important
things. What is your opinion?

Essay Structure

1. Introduction 2. Main body paragraph 1

Paraphrase the question Topic sentence – outline 1st reason for
Give your opinion supporting this view
State two supporting reasons Explain this idea and give an example
3. Main body paragraph 2 4. Conclusion
Topic sentence – outline 2nd reason for Summarize opinion and key reasons
supporting this view
Explain this idea and give an example

 Choose one side of the argument
 State your opinion clearly in the introduction
 Keep the same opinion throughout the essay.
 Don’t change your opinion part way through the essay and don’t give reasons for the
opposing idea.

2. Discussion Essays (discuss both sides of the argument; you will be asked for your opinion as
 Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job. On the
other hand, other people think that getting experience and developing skills is more important.
Discuss both side and give your opinion.
 Computers are used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend,
while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences. Discuss both side and give your
Essay Structure
1. Introduction 2. Main body paragraph 1 – Negative
Paraphrase the question viewpoint
Give your opinion Topic sentence – outline the view you
State two supporting reasons don’t agree with
Explain why this view is held by some and
give an example
3. Main body paragraph 2 – Positive 4. Conclusion
Viewpoint Summarize the key points and state your
3. Problem Essays (causes and solutions)
 Overpopulation in many urban centers around the world is a major problem. What are the
causes of this? How can this problem be solved?
 Nowadays many people have easy access to computers and a large number of children play
computer games. What are the negative impacts of playing computer games? What can be done
to minimize the bad effects?
Essay Structure:
1. Introduction 2. Main body paragraph 1 – problem
Paraphrase the question State the problem or cause
State 1 problem/cause and related Give detailed explanation to the problem
solution and an example
3. Main body paragraph 2 – solution 4. Conclusion
Topic sentence – state the solution Summarize the key points and state your
Give detailed explanation to the solution opinion
and an example

Remember: Don’t list too many problems or solutions. Just choose one or two and develop
them fully.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages Essays

 What are the advantages and disadvantages of. . . . ?
 Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your opinion.
 The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent language
in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only language to be
spoken globally. What are the advantages and disadvantages to having one language in the
 With the rise of e-books comes the decline of paper books. Some people see this as a good
step forward while others do not. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Essay Structure
1. Introduction 2. Main body paragraph 1 – Advantage
Paraphrase the question Topic sentence – state the advantage
Outline the view or views stated in the Give a detailed explanation, example and
statement the result
3. Main body paragraph 2 – Disadvantage 4. Conclusion
Topic sentence – state the disadvantage Summarize the key points and state your
Give a detailed explanation, example and opinion if required
the result.
5. Double Essay Questions (it has one statement and two questions after it)
 Success is often measured by wealth and material possessions. Do you think that wealth is
the best measure of success? What makes a successful person?
 In education and employment, some people work harder than others. Why do some people
work harder? Is it always a good thing to work hard?

Essay Structure
1. Introduction 2. Main body paragraph 1 – Answer
Paraphrase the question question 1
Outline sentence – state your answer to Topic sentence – state your answer
both questions Explain and give an example
3. Main body paragraph 2 – Answer 4. Conclusion
question 2 Summarize both questions and answers
Topic sentence – state your answer
Explain and give an example

Remember: Don’t confuse it with an opinion or discussion essay.

How to make a CONCLUSION:

1. Use a concluding phrase (To sum it up, To conclude, Overall, To summarize, As I have discussed)
2. Restate the thesis statement in different words (paraphrasing)
3. Give some personal opinions, recommendations about the future, moral or social observations

Remember: Your conclusion is very similar to your paraphrased introduction.

 Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is
increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed. Blood
sports should be banned. To what extent to you agree or disagree?

Sample Introduction:

Despite the fact that killing animals for sport is popular in modern society, it remains a
contentious issue. I believe that blood sports are cruel and uncivilized and so should be banned
as soon as possible.

Sample Conclusion:

To sum it up, it is clear that blood sports must be prohibited as no civilized society should
allow the pain and suffering of animals simply for fun. I hope that governments around the
world discuss this issue with haste and forbid this inhumane type of sport as soon as possible.
 Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine. However, at best
these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous. To what extent do you
agree with this statement?


Alternative medicine is not new. It is accepted that it pre-dates conventional medicine and it is
still used by many people all over the world. I am unconvinced that it is dangerous, and feel that
both alternative and conventional medicine can be useful.


To sum up, I strongly believe that conventional medicine and alternative therapies can and
should coexist. They have different strengths, and can both be used effectively to target
particular medical problems. The best situation would be for alternative therapies to be used
to support and complement conventional medicine.

 Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. Others
believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.


These days, more and more people are making the choice to go to university.  While some
people are of the opinion that the only purpose of a university education is to improve job
prospects, others think that society and the individual benefit in much broader ways.


All in all, I believe that although a main aim of university education is to get the best job,
there are clearly further benefits.  If we continue to promote and encourage university
attendance, it will lead to a better future for individuals and society.

 Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are the
causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle
the issue?


Probably the most worrying threat to our planet at the present time is global warming. This
essay will examine the reasons why global warming is occurring and discuss some possible


To conclude, although global warming is a serious issue, there are steps that governments
and individuals can take to reduce its effects. If we are to save our planet, it is important that
this is treated as a priority for all concerned.
Band Score Grammatical Range and Accuracy
8  uses a wide range of structures
 the majority of the sentences are error-free
7  uses a variety of complex structures
 produces frequent error-free sentences
 has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors
6  uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
 makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce
5  uses a limited range of structures
 attempts complex sentences but these tend to be less accurate than simple
 may make frequent grammatical errors and punctuation may be faulty; errors
can cause some difficulty for the reader
4  uses only a very limited range of structures with only rare use of subordinate
 some structures are accurate but errors predominate, and punctuation is
often faulty.

TA = 8, Co&Co = 8, LR = 8, Grammar = 4 ------ Total = 7 Band Score

Sentence Types

1. Simple Sentences
2. Compound Sentences
3. Complex Sentences
4. Passive Sentences
5. Question Sentences
6. Conditional Sentences

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