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agricultural project


Ingrid tatiana piñeros

Jair arley Padilla avila

Oscar diván suarez

karen tatiana jimenez


This software helps you to improve the nutritional quality

from the floor by a sintetic study. If you use this you don't
have to take ground samples.

Also you can have nutritional presicion to get a proper

fertilization if you use the software.

This software would be based in ground's historic data entry

and a high definition camera will be used.
how does it work
this software helps you
by means of a mobile  This software allows
phone to make a the user to make a
photographic section of
photographic section of
the land which is going to
the land to be fertilized
be fertilized.
using his mobile phone.

this photographic section is

allowed, the app would have
access to the phone's camera and
historical data such as last sowing
of the land and the last 10 years
would be entered.
This historical part is essential for the
app to analyze the possible effects on
the soil and generate exact fertilization

yes It is useful because

It optimizes sampling processes, and if you have
greater severity when applying the correct
fertilizer to obtain a greater source of

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