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How does the information presented in this article relate to the ideas behind TOK and

Knowledge and the knower?

- The article talks about how we all have different conspiracy theories on different
topics and that’s why the majority of the population is immune to it since it’s based on
perspective. Knowledge and the knower is a TOK theme that is mostly based on
oneself perspective. Conspiracy theories go around all topics from paranormal activity
if aliens or mermaids exist, and other topics that many people view in different ways
depending on their views and knowledge. The author, Mike West shared a personal
experience where he met all kinds of conspiracy theorists. At a chemtrails convention,
there was pretty much the full spectrum. There were people who channeled aliens,
and there were angry that the alien-channeling people were allowed in. Young people
itching for a revolution, and people who genuinely think they're living in a computer
simulation. These experiences are just one of the many different examples on how
widely people perceive conspiracy theories because of different factors such as
beliefs, imagination, perspective, ideology, etc. To conclude, how this article relates to
the idea behind TOK and Knowledge and the knower is how we share and
communictae our different views on different aspects of life, where the information
exchange with others can influence our ideas and views or the different way around,
still standing with our main ideas.

Are there other themes addressed?

- Another theme addressed can be history, how the majority of conspiracy theories are
made up hundreds of years ago. How people from our past will tell stories and
legends about mythic creatures, for example, this would soon spread and people
would start wondering if they actually exist. As well as, famous figures such as
Michael Jackson dead, many fanatics don’t believe in his death and are hesitant about
the information disclosed to the public. It shows how history has played a big role in
how we perceive different things due to facts, news, articles, etc.

Base your answer on the TOK concepts.

- Conspiracy theories depend on several different TOK concepts which are

interpretation, perspective, certainty, and evidence. These four concepts are essential
when it comes to conspiracy theories due to the fact that everything is based on one's
interpretation and perspective, using evidence and how certain they are. Without these
four concepts believing in a conspiracy theory will be vague or will not make sense if
you don’t have evidence supporting your view.
Write a commentary responding to the questions addressing TOK concepts of evidence,
justification, truth, etc.
- Although conspiracy theories are wide since there are multiple theories on one topic.
Evidence is essential when supporting your theory since people will ask you to
elaborate on your ideas and beliefs on why you perceive that a certain way. That’s
why justification is important when stating your views, due to the role it plays in,
people will believe you more if you justify and show evidence behind it.

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