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CE102 Exercise #2

1. What questions do leaders ask to promote innovation?

- As a leader, we must formulate inquiries that encourage innovation. You convey

the importance of inquiring by asking questions. People will be motivated by you

to seek out new chances and assistance when they do. Here are a few questions

the leader may make about encouraging innovation:

a) How do we make certain that the process of innovation takes into account a variety

of viewpoints?

b) What are the stages that need to be traversed in order to cultivate these innovative


c) How do you keep track of how far you have progressed with innovative ideas?

d) How do you prevent innovative thoughts from being dismissed too quickly?

2. What is the role of leadership in innovation?

- When it comes to innovation, one of the roles of leadership is to be the person

who promotes or facilitates the ideas that come from the members of the group or

the team. With this kind of role, they are able to devise a crystal-clear road goal

that will be to the advantage of all the leader's members.

3. How can you demonstrate innovative leadership?

- We can display innovative leadership by exhibiting its characteristics, such as the

willingness to continue to improve our knowledge and skills. It is essential for all
leaders, particularly innovative ones, to engage in lifelong education. If we don't

continue our studies, we won't be able to find solutions to specific problems

because innovation requires a broader look at how to analyze and address


4. How do you approach innovation?

- My goal is to become an engineer someday, and the way I think about innovation

is first to understand the problem. As I mentioned earlier, innovation necessitates

taking a more holistic approach to the process of analyzing and resolving

problems. How can we find solutions to problems if we don't first take the time to

evaluate them? The subsequent phase is to develop a solution, which is followed

by its implementation.

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