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NIM : 1824082


When it comes to weaknesses, I would say that my weaknesses always come too late. My
close friend always scolded me saying that coming late was not very good. because if at work
we are often late we will be angry by superiors and can get out of work, I like to come late
because I have insomnia which is difficulty sleeping. for my weakness there is one more
thing, that is not being able to save money well, I spend my money only on the most popular
and newest online games, and I play it every day with my friends at home. When it comes to
weakness, i had a bad time management. Because of that, i always coming late to a meeting
or any other schedule. Sometimes its also messed up my schedule that i already set up the
days before.

My Best Strengths and How I Can Use It My best strengths are being organized, motivating
and goal oriented. My power makes people see, I take pride in every task I do. I will
complete all the tasks given to me. This will help me get promoted in my career. Every since
I was a child, I have been arranged. I think more can be done, if the place you work and live
is organized. Ever since I came to live with my mother, I have organized her house. This
allows him to find his items more easily. One of my other strengths is motivating the people
around me. I help show them what they are capable of. My strengths are being able to
socialize quickly with new people and I am very quick to adapt to new environments. Since I
was a child, I really liked to talk and make friends, my parents taught us that we should
socialize with everyone, because humans are social creatures by nature. And I am also very
quick to adapt to a new environment, because because I was a child, I often moved house, so
I had a lot of friends and was very quick to adapt to a new environment.

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