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Name: C.P.
Age: 22

1. Age at menarche (the first occurrence of menstruation)

 12 years old
2. Last menstrual period (first day of last menstruation)
 Aug 17, 2022

3. Menstrual pattern:
a. Length of the cycle in days (how long one cycle usually lasts on average)
 28 days
b. Duration of flow (how many days the withdrawal bleeds last)
 3-5 days

c. Amount of flow (average blood loss during a menstrual period, usually measured
by how many times she changes her sanitary napkins in a day)
i. Does it depend?
 Medium flow; 4-5 pads
ii. When does it usually get heavy? In what day?
 1st and 2nd day
d. Associated pain (abdominal cramps)
i. When does it usually occur? Day 3 for example? Usually at what time? Or
usually during what activity?
 During the 1st and 2nd day, upon waking up or when I’m
stressed (?? HAHAHA)
ii. What relieves it?
 Rest, drinking lots of water and eating healthy like fruits, heat
pads, otc meds
iii. Do you drink medicine for it?
 Yes, ibuprofen (Advil)
iv. Type of pain, numb
 Throbbing, dull
v. Other signs and symptoms associated with menstruation?
 Breast tenderness
 Cravings
 Diarrhea
 Mood swings
 Fatigue
 Bloating
 Low back pain
 Abdominal cramps
vi. The mood you feel or overall state that you feel is significant pre-, during
or post- menstruation?
 Premens – anxious, stressed, restless
 During – restless
 Post – calm, peaceful

4. Contraception (condom, pills, intrauterine device, injections, calendar method, basal

body temperature method, cervical secretion monitoring method)
a. Current method: Injections (Depo-provera)
i. How did you know about this contraception?
 Me and my partner research for a more convenient alternative to
COC pills
ii. Where did you consult?
iii. Did you include your partner or is it your own decision to get
 Shared decision with my partner
iv. Why choose this particular contraception?
 It’s a lot less hassle for me since I only need to get my injections every
3 months and not worry about missing a pill since what I need to do is
to get the shot in my scheduled appointment with my OB before the
shot expires on the 3rd month
v. What do you think are things to watch out for with this contraception?
Any signs or symptoms we should look out?
 It alters mood during the 1st 2 weeks and it really increases my
 I do get bleeding on some days of the month but it’s not as heavy as
blood flow during menstruation.
 S/Sx experienced during the first month includes: mood swings,
bloating, constipation, elevation of temperature, increase in appetite,

b. Previous methods (complications, reasons for discontinuation)

Method Complication/Reason for Discontinuation
Condom Not that comfortable since the material of
the condom leaves a slight pain on the
opening of the genital after sex due to the
friction every with the use of lubricant
COC pills It’s inconvenient since I had to take it
religiously which means I take it at a specific
time of the day which is usually at 9pm
before sleep and in some days I tend to sleep
earlier and not wake up for my pill alarm so it
triggers anxiety and scares as well.

5. Infection (history of STIs)

 None

6. Sexual history
a. Coitarche (age at first sexual intercourse)
i. Age
 18 years old
ii. Did you use contraception?
 No
iii. If not, in the following intercourses after your first intercourse did you
use contraception?
 Yes

b. Number of sexual partners

i. Current number of sexual partners: 1
ii. Previous number of sexual partners: prefer not the say

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