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Course: BSA-2 Date: March 2,2022

(100 points)

1. Write an idea about indigenous materials.

ANSWER: Indigenous Materials are materials that can be found locally and naturally
in a particular area. Indigenous materials also vary from one place to another depending
on the geographic features, location, and climate condition of a specific area or region.
These materials largely influence the lifestyle and culture of the people in that specific
region overtime because of the skills and crafts handed down from generation to

2. Search an example atleast three (3) of indigenous materials in different provinces of the
Abaca- found in the interior forests of the island province of Catanduanes.
Coconut Shells- found in every provinces of the Philippines
Bamboo- Maasin City, Ilo-ilo Province is considered as Bamboo Capital of the
Philippines. But Bamboo can also be found even in other regions.
Capiz Shells- found primarily in the coastal waters of the Philippines.
Rattan- naturally found in Philippine dipterocarp forest.
Santol Wood- found anywhere in the Philippines, commonly in the backyards
and farms.

3. Recognize the different purpose and types of Indigenous materials.

Shells- any kind of shells can be use as an ornament in parks, museums,
houses, etc.
Rattan- is used to make many of the items that are commonly use in daily life
such as clothing, hats, and food containers.
Palm Trees- used by humans for food shelter, crafts and even as a shade
from the heat of the sun.

4. Categorize safety practices in making indigenous crafts

▪ Make sure you have all the materials you need in one place. Accidents can
occur when you're hurriedly looking for something or leave the room to get
something you've forgotten.
▪ Arrange all your tools near you. Spreading things out in a semi-circle usually
works well.
▪ Make sure you have enough room to work safely and efficiently. Cramped
spaces can be dangerous.
▪ Always have adequate ventilation when working with chemicals or projects
that produce dust.
▪ Protect your pets and keep them away from the crafts area while you're
▪ Don't leave young children unattended with dangerous tools or toxic
materials even for a few minutes.
▪ Don't eat, drink, or smoke while using art and crafts materials.
▪ Don't use dyes or paints on the skin (for face painting, for example) or in
food, unless the products you buy are specifically meant to be used that
▪ Don't transfer materials to other containers, since you'll lose the information
you need provided on the package. If you must, be sure to cut out the
important information and include it in the container.
▪ Use the right equipment for the job and make sure tools and equipment are
in good working order. Don't work with questionable tools, especially power
tools. If the cord is frayed or something else doesn't seem right, fix it or
replace the tool.
▪ Keep your work area clean and continue picking up as you go along. Don't
leave scraps of material or tools lying around.
▪ Keep your work area dry. Water on the floor, counter, or table can be an
electricity hazard or cause a fall. Make sure you have an up-to-date,
complete first-aid kit on hand.
▪ Wash your hands after crafting.
▪ Don't hurry. Make sure you have adequate time to do a project before
starting it.
▪ Don't work when you're tired.
▪ Minimize distractions. Safety requires concentration.
▪ Be careful when using hot tools and flame
▪ Work safely with electricity.
▪ Protect your eyes and ears with the right equipments.

5. Appreciate the richness of Filipino indigenous materials used in the handicraft making.
ANSWER: Philippines is blessed with rich natural resources that are scattered
throughout its 7,107 islands. These God-given natural wonders are the sources of people's
food, shelter, and other basic needs. These natural resources are being utilized by
Filipino’s by making crafts out of it and that helped them with their livelihood because
their crafts are patronized not just by the Filipino’s but foreigner’s as well who visited our
country. Filipinos are really equipped with talent and good hands in making crafts from the
natural resources found in the country.

6. Identify the different tools and materials in indigenous crafts

▪ Craft Knife
▪ Glue gun
▪ Scissors
▪ Woodburning tool
▪ Milter Box
▪ Cutting tools
▪ Saw
▪ Pliers
▪ Chisel
▪ Meter stick
▪ Axes
▪ Tape measure
▪ Abaca
▪ Rattan
▪ Bamboo
▪ Leather
▪ Coconut Shells
▪ Buri Leaves

7. Modify materials used in making indigenous crafts

ANSWER: Abaca can be modified through paintings but cannot be substituted
because abaca is known for its durability and no other alternatives can be as durable as
abaca. But when it comes to rattan and bamboo there’s a lot of alternatives we can find in
the market once rattan and bamboo is out of stock we can use Jute and Sisal, Caning,
Rush, Grasscloth and etc. And coconut shells also can be replaced with seashells if use for
ornamentation purposes.

8. Classify the different materials and tools used in indigenous materials.

Materials used for weaving:
▪ Abaca
▪ Rattan
▪ Bamboo
▪ Buri Leaves
Materials used for ornamentation purposes:
▪ Coconut Shells
▪ Capiz Shells
Tools used for cutting:
▪ Scissors
▪ Axe
▪ Saw
▪ Cutting tools
▪ Woodburning tool
▪ Craft Knife
Tools used for measuring:
▪ Meter Stick
▪ Tape Measure

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