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The Use of Saliva Markers in Psychobiology: Mechanisms and Methods

Article  in  Monographs in Oral Science · May 2014

DOI: 10.1159/000358864 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

Jos A Bosch
University of Amsterdam


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Diagnostics and Disorders
Ligtenberg AJM, Veerman ECI (eds): Saliva. Monogr Oral Sci. Basel, Karger, 2014, vol 24, pp 99–108
DOI: 10.1159/000358864

The Use of Saliva Markers in

Psychobiology: Mechanisms and Methods
Jos A. Bosch
Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Abstract sessment of glandular secretions. Salivary psychophysi-

In the social sciences, the use of saliva parameters has ology is a fast-growing field and the time seems ripe for
greatly expanded in recent years from the measurement more rigorous methodological studies that may help this
of steroid hormones, like cortisol, and now includes a discipline to reach its full potential.
wide range of biochemical parameters. These salivary © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel
constituents can be broadly classified into two groups:
(1) constituents that enter saliva from plasma (e.g. hor-
mones, inflammatory markers, drug chemicals) and (2) The use of salivary parameters in psychobiologi-
constituents that are produced locally by the saliva cal research, and especially in stress research,
glands (e.g. α-amylase, secretory IgA). Reliable measure- seems to be an obvious choice. Everyone is famil-
ment of blood-borne constituents assumes a constant iar with the experience of a dry mouth during
saliva/plasma ratio (SPR), which implies that the concen- public speaking, and emotional inhibition of sali-
tration in saliva truthfully follows intra- and interindivid- vary flow is the basis of what possibly is the oldest
ual variations in plasma. The first part of this review dis- use of saliva to monitor a psychological phenom-
cusses the main determinants of the SPR: the mechanism enon: the Rice Test [1]. This ancient lie detection
by which plasma constituents enter saliva (i.e. passive test required an accused to take a mouthful of dry
diffusion, active transport, ultrafiltration, leakage) and rice. If anxiety, and presumably guilt, inhibited
associated physiochemical factors. The second part of salivation to such an extent that the defendant
this review provides an overview of central and periph- could not form an adequate bolus for chewing
eral neural mechanisms that regulate saliva gland func- and swallowing, then punishment would follow.
tion and the release of glandular proteins. This section One of the first systematic scientific accounts on
provides a neurobiological underpinning for a section, the use of saliva in psychological studies were re-
which addresses methodological implications for the as- viewed by Karl Lashley, who also invented a
device for the collection of parotid saliva that still able to reliably monitor plasma constituents in
carries his name [2]. His research focused on the saliva there should be a constant saliva/plasma ra-
study of conditioning, and attempted to replicate tio (SPR), which implies that the concentration in
Pavlov’s reflex conditioning in humans. These at- saliva truthfully follows intra- and interindividual
tempts failed: humans show no conditioning of variations in plasma [5]. The glucocorticoid hor-
salivary reflexes. This is mainly because they show mone cortisol is a good example of a plasma con-
no salivation reflex in response to olfactory stim- stituent that has an excellent SPR, which signifi-
uli [3], a fact that is so counterintuitive that it re- cantly contributes to its usefulness as a psycho-
mains mentioned in textbooks in spite of system- physiological readout. This section will address
atic evidence of the contrary [3]. the biochemical factors that determine a constant
Contemporary uses of saliva in psychological SPR, which clarifies why cortisol is somewhat of
research have shifted their focus from salivary an exception and that most plasma-derived mol-
flow rate to the measurement of salivary constitu- ecules cannot be reliably assessed in saliva.
ents, such as hormones (e.g. cortisol, testoster-
one, dehydroepiandrosterone, i.e. DHEA, mela- Passive Diffusion
tonin), drugs and their metabolites (e.g. cotinine, Passive diffusion is thought to be the major mech-
amphetamines), immunological molecules (e.g. anism by which steroid hormones enter saliva. A
secretory immunoglobulin A, i.e. IgA, C-reactive plasma molecule that enters saliva by diffusion
protein) and saliva gland secretory proteins (e.g. has to cross 5 barriers: the capillary wall; the in-
α-amylase). On the basis of their origin from terstitial space; the basal cell membrane of the aci-
which they enter saliva, these salivary constitu- nus cell or duct cell; the cytoplasm of the acinus
ents can broadly be classified into two groups: (1) or duct cell, and the luminal cell membrane [6]. A
constituents that enter saliva from plasma and se- primary physicochemical factor that determines
rum and (2) constituents that are produced lo- the efficiency of this diffusion must therefore be
cally by the saliva glands. This classification is rel- the ability to pass through cell membranes; hence
evant to methodology and interpretation of sali- lipid solubility is a key determinant of an optimal
vary findings, as each source involves different SPR, whereby lipophilic molecules more readily
mechanisms. The present paper will address these pass through cell membranes than lipophobic
mechanisms and associated methodological is- molecules [5]. Other molecular determinants that
sues. Specifically, the first section will address the are conducive to passive diffusion are small mo-
question how plasma constituents enter saliva, lecular size (smaller molecules diffuse more read-
and the second part will address how the secre- ily) and low pKa (i.e. the pH at which 50% of the
tion of saliva and salivary gland proteins is regu- molecules are ionized) because ionized molecules
lated. That section is also devoted to methodolog- are polar and thus more prone to bind other mol-
ical implications of these different mechanisms ecules [4, 5]. Again taking cortisol as the proto-
for saliva collection. typical example: this molecule is apolar, hence
lipid soluble, very small (MW 362) and does not
ionize at a physiological pH. Several other steroid
Mechanisms hormones have comparable properties, such as
testosterone and DHEA, and these properties
How Do Plasma Constituents Get into Saliva? likewise explain why their salivary concentrations
Saliva is not a filtrate of the blood, and most plas- reliably reflect those found in plasma [7]. The
ma constituents can enter saliva only by diffusion above properties are also shared by a number of
or by an active transport mechanism [4]. To be drugs and drug metabolites, and have for that rea-

100 Bosch
son been of use in drug monitoring studies. Two tight junctions between cells of secretory units.
examples are cotinine and theophylline [for a This mode of transportation requires that the
comprehensive overview, see 4]. molecules are relatively small (up to 2 kDa). Com-
A factor that hinders diffusion into saliva, and ponents that enter saliva via ultrafiltration have
thus is associated with a low SPR and poor infer- concentrations that are typically several hundred
ences about plasma levels, is the fact that many times lower than in plasma [6]. Sulfated steroids
plasma constituents are bound to plasma pro- like DHEA sulfate and estriol sulfates, which can-
teins. Examples are albumin, selective soluble re- not passively diffuse through the cell membrane
ceptors, and designated carrier molecules. For ex- because of their polarity, are believed to enter sa-
ample, about 95% of plasma cortisol is bound to liva via this route [4, 7]. The efficiency of trans-
albumin or corticoid-binding globulin [4]. Pro- port via ultrafiltration is likely to be variable with-
teins typically lack the properties for an optimal in and between individuals, although this has not
SPR as described above, and bound molecules will been a topic of systematic research. For example,
therefore not be able to diffuse into saliva. How- it has been shown that tight junctions may widen
ever, it has been argued that this factor may actu- under elevated autonomic activation of the sali-
ally pose a blessing in disguise, as protein-bound vary glands [10]. Molecules that enter saliva via
plasma molecules tend to be biologically inactive ultrafiltration are also affected by the diluting ef-
[7]. Thus, capturing the unbound, or ‘free’, frac- fects of the saliva flow rate.
tion of a plasma molecule provides information Finally, plasma proteins such as cytokines,
on biologically active concentrations [8]. protein hormones or acute phase proteins are too
large to enter saliva via either diffusion or ultrafil-
Active Transport, Ultrafiltration and Leakage tration. These molecules enter saliva via leaky
Other mechanisms by which molecules may enter patches, such as sites of inflammation and abra-
saliva are active transport, ultrafiltration and via sions, and via the crevicular fluid (a plasma fil-
leaky patches such as sites of tissue damage and trate emanating from the junction between the
inflammation. Active transport is somewhat of an oral mucosa and dentine). Transudation of plas-
exception. The best-known example is the trans- ma compounds from the oral mucosa, a form of
port of IgA, an immunological protein that is pro- passive transport (largely) through osmotic (on-
duced and secreted by local B cells. Secreted IgA cotic) pressure, is another route by which such
is subsequently picked up by the poly-IgA recep- molecules may be transported to saliva [4, 6].
tor (also designated as secretory component) ex- Taken together, the saliva concentrations of plas-
pressed on glandular cells and the secretory com- ma proteins would therefore seem the most dif-
ponent-IgA complex is then transported through ficult to determine reliably, and susceptible to in-
these cells and secreted into saliva as secretory traindividual variations related to local (as op-
IgA [9]. Ion pumps in the cell membrane are an- posed to systemic) factors such as local
other example of an active transport mechanism. inflammation, tissue damage and oral health.
It has been shown that such transport is under In summary, this section reviewed 4 main
control of the autonomic nervous system (see sec- mechanisms by which plasma constituents can
tion further below). There is no known mecha- enter saliva. It makes clear why cortisol is such an
nism for active transport of plasma hormones ideal molecule to assess in saliva; being small,
into saliva [4]. apolar and having a low propensity to ionize, it
Ultrafiltration, the third mechanism, involves readily diffuses through cells and tissues. On the
the seeping-through of plasma molecules via the other hand, it may become clear why data on im-
spaces between acinus and ductal cells and the mune proteins in saliva, like C-reactive protein

Saliva Markers in Psychobiology 101

and cytokines, have to be interpreted with some
caution [11, 12]. Such proteins enter saliva via
routes that are highly variable, both between and
within participants, and the efficiency in which Central efferents
they enter saliva is likely determined by local fac-
tors hereby undermining their validity as markers
of systemic processes and states.
How Do Glandular Proteins Become Secreted
into Saliva?
As outlined in the introductory paragraph, a sec-
ond class of salivary constituents that are routine- Mechano- and chemo-
sensory afferents
ly measured in the social sciences are the products Para-
of saliva glands. Mostly these are proteins, al- sympathetic
though ions like sodium and potassium have been Saliva glands
utilized in psychological studies as well [10]. The
salivary protein that has received the most atten-
tion is salivary α-amylase (sAA), and this section Fluid-rich saliva Protein-rich saliva
will thus be particularly relevant to this readout
[13, 14]. sAA is a digestive enzyme that breaks
down insoluble starch into soluble maltose and Fig. 1. Glandular activity is regulated from the autonom-
ic ganglia in the brainstem, which receive inputs from lo-
dextrin. It can be measured quickly and repro- cal sensory nerves (eliciting reflex secretion) as well as
ducibly with commercially available kits based on from signals emanating from the CNS. Local activation
chromogenic or fluorogenic substrates that uti- (e.g. by chewing) thus competes with central regulating
lize its enzymatic activity. This activity is ex- signals (e.g. affective states).
pressed in units per milliliter and taken as a proxy
for sAA concentration [15]. sAA has become
popular as a means to monitor sympathetic activ- gland function and discusses that protein secre-
ity. This application seems consistent with known tion involves both branches of the autonomic
glandular biology in man and in animal models, nervous system. The information presented be-
described in detail below, whereby the parasym- low can be seen to provide a neurobiological un-
pathetic nerves are mainly responsible for the se- derpinning of a recent review [17] that specifi-
cretion of ‘high fluid-low protein saliva’ (hence cally addressed methodological and interpreta-
are said to control fluid secretion), and the sym- tional issues related to the use of sAA in the social
pathetic nerves mainly elicit secretion of ‘low flu- sciences.
id-high protein saliva’ (hence are said to regulate
salivary protein secretion) including the secretion Autonomic Control of Salivary Gland Activity
of sAA [16]. The sections that follow below will Central Regulation of Glandular Function
provide a review of the neural regulation of glan- The saliva gland receives direct inputs from so-
dular function. It presents the available data on called primary salivatory ganglia in the brainstem
CNS centers involved in coordinating saliva gland (parasympathetic) and upper thoracic spinal cord
activity, which supports the validity of using sali- (sympathetic), which regulate reflex-like respons-
vary parameters in stress research. It then pres- es in response to chewing and possibly taste [18,
ents information on the local regulation of saliva 19] (fig. 1). The hypothesis that the salivary gland

102 Bosch
function is susceptible to modulation by emo- lateral hypothalamus, central gray matter and
tional states must therefore imply that these pri- rostral ventrolateral medulla. The central gray
mary centers receive inputs from higher neural matter is also an important relay station for coor-
structures. Historically, two types of studies have dinating fight-flight responses, whereas the ros-
provided support for this assumption. The first tral ventrolateral medulla is well recognized for
type comprises studies in which specific brain ar- its role in the integration of cardiovascular and
eas are stimulated and subsequent bodily changes respiratory reflexes [19, 22].
are recorded. Brown [20] cites animal research
showing that stimulation of the dorsomedial and Local Autonomic Connections
ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei increases sali- The aforementioned CNS networks innervate lo-
vation, whereas stimulation of the lateral and pos- cal ganglia that are primarily responsible for reg-
terior hypothalamus inhibits salivation. These ulating glandular activity [16] (fig. 1). Parasym-
limbic nuclei primarily regulate basic motivation- pathetic control of the submandibular and sub-
al states such as hunger, thirst, fear, anger and lingual glands originates in the inferior salivatory
thermoregulation. Stimulation studies also indi- nucleus, which is situated in the pons, medial to
cated that changes in salivation are part of a con- the front (rostral) part of the solitary nucleus.
stellation of responses typical for stressful states. The axons of these neurons follow the facial
For example, Wang [21] cites evidence showing nerve (7th cranial nerve, or chorda tympani),
that cats in which the ventromedial part of the where they directly or indirectly, via the subman-
hypothalamus is stimulated display behavioral dibular ganglion, synapse in the glands. Para-
responses indicative of intense anxiety which, sympathetic control of the parotid gland is gov-
paradoxically, are accompanied by increases in erned by the superior salivatory nucleus, which is
salivation. situated in the caudal part of the medulla (in hu-
The second type of supporting data comes mans the exact position has not yet been identi-
from histological studies in which central con- fied). The efferent nerves enter the periphery via
nections are identified by tracing the retrograde the glossopharyngeal nerve (the 9th cranial
axonal transport of the enzyme horseradish per- nerve), terminating on the parotid gland via the
oxidase or a virus. The former method traces the otic ganglion. The precise location of the sympa-
neurons that directly synapse on a specific gan- thetic salivary center has not been identified ei-
glion (in this case the salivatory nuclei), whereas ther. However, it is known that the sympathetic
the latter method also traces second and higher- preganglionic neurons in the upper thoracic
order synapses. The horseradish peroxidase stud- nerves (T1–T5) connect with the salivary glands
ies show that the primary parasympathetic sali- [19, 20, 22].
vary centers receive direct inputs from various
cell groups in the mid- and forebrain [22]. Major Salivary Gland Response Specificity Further
forebrain centers include the paraventricular and Regulated on a Local Cellular Level
lateral hypothalamus, the central nucleus of the Considering the multiple convergences of syn-
amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria termi- aptic inputs from many brain loci, and the po-
nalis. All of these have been heavily implicated in tential of sympathetic-parasympathetic interac-
fear (e.g. amygdala) and anxiety (e.g. stria termi- tion, one may speculate that the glands are ca-
nalis) and the generation of coordinated stress re- pable of generating highly diverse patterns of
sponses [19]. responses. For example, in humans it is shown
Central sympathetic regulation is less well de- that the salivary glands are capable of producing
termined but includes the paraventricular and highly differentiated protein responses to differ-

Saliva Markers in Psychobiology 103

ent stressors [23]. Matsuo et al. [24] showed that substances, such as peptides, nitric oxide and
within the rat submandibular gland, and after purines [16]. Differential activation of these re-
cutting the sympathetic nerves, different forms ceptor types can cause a myriad of additive, syn-
of reflex-induced secretion (e.g. induced by heat ergistic or antagonistic intracellular responses,
or chewing) produce different protein patterns. ultimately resulting in a protein release that is
Thus, differential responses can already be capable of being differentially regulated both be-
achieved with only one functional autonomic tween and within glands.
branch in one gland. Such a differentiation is In summary, the salivary glands form a highly
possible because the axons of one type (sympa- sophisticated end point in the CNS control of lo-
thetic or parasympathetic) in a gland do not con- cal immune defenses, capable of responding in-
tain the same transmitter substances to the same stantly and with a high level of specificity to po-
extent [25–27]. For example, in the human sub- tential sources of harm (e.g. food, stress, inflam-
mandibular gland the number of autonomic fi- mation). This remarkable ability, together with
bers that are positive for neuropeptide Y, vasoin- their strategic location at the portal of entry to
testinal peptide or galanine is significantly high- the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, make
er around the mucous acini than around the these glands ideally suited to provide the host
serous acini [16]. Furthermore, different sets of with a first line of defense. However, as another
autonomic transmitters are released with differ- side of the coin, this complexity hinders a
ent rates and patterns of neuronal activation straightforward interpretation of glandular out-
[16]. Whereas release of the conventional trans- put in terms of sympathetic or parasympathetic
mitters acetylcholine and noradrenaline gener- activity. The extent to which such complexity ac-
ally occurs with every propagated nerve impulse, tually determines the data is of course ultimately
neuropeptides are primarily released with high- an empirical question, and it is therefore regret-
er frequencies of nerve stimulation, particularly table that systematic research is largely absent
when these impulses are applied in bursts [27, from the psychophysiological literature.
28]. Thus, the autonomic nerves seem capable of
utilizing Morse-like semantics of differential
transmitter release. It is also appreciated that Methods
neurotransmitter release does not occur from all
potential effector sites along an axon with each Stimulated or Unstimulated Saliva Collection?
impulse, which is presumably depending on the Stimulation of oral mechanoreceptors (e.g. dur-
local interaction with other neural outputs [25, ing chewing) or chemoreceptors (e.g. during ap-
26]. Thus, even at the level of a single axon a plication of citric acid) induces local autonomic
propagated impulse can generate events that dif- reflex activity involving the local ganglia that
fer from one synaptic location to another. Final- were described above [16]. This reflex mecha-
ly, both between glands and between cells within nism has implications for the interpretation of
glands, there are marked differences in the den- plasma constituents that enter saliva by process-
sity and patterning of receptors that are respon- es other than passive diffusion (see above) as
sive to the various messenger substances con- well as for the interpretation of saliva gland pro-
veyed by the autonomic nerves. These involve teins such as sAA [17]. Essentially, increasing sa-
both classic autonomic receptor types, which re- liva flow rate will cause further dilution of the
spond to either noradrenaline or acetylcholine, plasma products that enter saliva by active trans-
and the nonadrenergic-noncholinergic recep- port, ultrafiltration or other leakage routes. This
tors that respond to other autonomic messenger may for example be the case with salivary C-re-

104 Bosch
active protein, an acute phase protein secreted around’ is acted upon with the same gentleness by
by the liver in states of elevated inflammation, female and male participants (or children vs.
which may explain the low correspondence be- adults, etc.). The strength of mechanical stimula-
tween saliva and plasma levels in some studies. tion corresponds to the amount of saliva pro-
Such variability will add to the already existing duced [31] and thus affects fluid levels and pro-
noise, as discussed, as such molecules will have a tein secretion independently of central regulation
poor SPR. by affective states.
More pertinent is the activation of reflex secre- In fact, and discussed in more detail elsewhere
tion to the interpretation of saliva gland proteins [17], even with standardization there are decreas-
such as sAA. Reflex secretion is a mechanism of es in sAA output and concentration from indi-
glandular secretion that is independent of central vidual glands within the first several minutes of
regulation (e.g. stress) and thus overrules the cen- chewing-induced secretion [32]. Regretfully, the
tral neural effects of stress [29] (fig. 1). A familiar duration of saliva collection is typically not stan-
and everyday example of this phenomenon is that dardized.
the sense of dry mouth during stress, due to a A final problem associated with engaging lo-
parasympathetic inhibition, can easily be over- cal reflex stimulation of the saliva glands is that
ruled by simply chewing on gum. This situation it will drastically change salivary protein com-
would be comparable to one whereby the effects position. This effect is again independent of the
of psychological stress on heart rate are studied in higher CNS regulation of saliva gland function
individuals who are engaged in strenuous physi- which the researcher is aiming to capture. This
cal activity: the physiological needs for optimal confounding is due to two characteristics of the
blood flow and gas exchange, regulated by lower saliva glands that will interact. First, the differ-
brain centers and local reflexes, will take priority ent saliva glands vary in their responsivity to re-
over any higher cognitive processes, such as the flex activation, e.g. by chewing. Second, the dif-
heart rate deceleration during an orienting re- ferent saliva glands differ in their protein com-
sponse or the heart rate acceleration during a de- position, e.g. the parotid gland and palatinal
fense response. For that reason cardiovascular glands are very rich in sAA, whereas sublingual
psychophysiologists test participants under con- and submandibular gland secretions are much
ditions of minimal or no movement [30]. Simi- lower in sAA. It has been estimated that without
larly, in stress studies saliva should be collected any mechanical or gustatory stimulation (i.e.
without engaging any local reflex mechanisms passive) most saliva is secreted by the subman-
[17]. dibular glands and that only about 20% derives
The lack of appreciation for the fundamental from the parotid gland [33, 34]. However, dur-
distinction between unstimulated and stimulated ing chewing the contributions change and about
saliva is expressed in the unstandardized manner half of all saliva now derives from the parotid
in which saliva is collected. For example, partici- glands. Because parotid saliva contains a 4- to
pants are instructed ‘to gently move the Salivette 10-fold higher sAA concentration than subman-
around in the mouth’ or ‘to chew on the Salivette’ dibular saliva [35], sAA concentrations in whole
[17]. In this way the researcher will collect data saliva are likely to drastically change indepen-
that are open to all sources of confounding. As dently of higher CNS regulation. While this ca-
argued elsewhere [17], one may wonder whether veat has been noted [17], its impact on the inter-
a relaxed study participant will chew with the pretation of sAA data has to receive further em-
same vigor as a distressed participant, or whether pirical confirmation.
the instruction to ‘gently move the Salivette

Saliva Markers in Psychobiology 105

Measuring Concentration or Secretion? tablished that the Salivette, being one of the most
The assessment of secretion rates is relevant to commonly used collection devices, can introduce
quantitatively interpret salivary protein levels, substantial measurement error to salivary analyt-
e.g. sAA, in terms of autonomic nervous system es [36–39]. In general absorbent materials not ful-
activity [17]. Most saliva proteins that are synthe- ly release their contents, and this retention can
sized and secreted by the salivary glands are re- show a strong inverse relation with the amount of
leased upon activation of the innervating sympa- fluid absorbed [17]. For example, Salivettes did
thetic nerves (some proteins, such as mucins, not release any of the absorbed sAA when the cot-
may be released upon parasympathetic activation ton contained 0.25 ml of saliva, which approxi-
only [23]). The amount of protein that is secreted mates the normal amount of unstimulated saliva
per unit of time thus corresponds to the level of produced over 1 min, and only partly released
local sympathetic activation [16]. This implies sAA with higher volumes, thus generating a sub-
that protein output per unit of time would be stantial underestimation of true values [37]. In
more adequate as a proxy for sympathetic activ- contrast, some analytes rather show elevated val-
ity. Furthermore, salivary protein concentration ues, such as DHEA and testosterone. A further
reflects the combined effect of salivary flow rate limitation is that salivary flow rate (see section
(which is largely parasympathetic) and protein above) cannot be reliably assessed using absor-
secretion (which, in sympathetically innervated bent materials due to a ceiling/saturation effect
glands, is largely sympathetic). This, if proteins (see discussion in Beltzer et al. [39]). It has there-
like sAA are to be regarded as measures of sym- fore been recommended that researchers use es-
pathetic activity, it would seem pertinent that the tablished standardized procedures for unstimu-
parasympathetic effect on salivary flow rate is ad- lated whole saliva collection, as described else-
justed. This issue not so much reflects an empiri- where [40, 41].
cal issue but rather a mathematical one, because
[protein secretion (U/min) = protein concentra-
tion (U/ml) × salivary flow rate (ml/min)]. Conclusion

Use of Collection Devices Few methodological papers have been published

A final methodological note is on the use of ab- in psychophysiology and allied fields that specifi-
sorbent materials, such as cotton or polyester cally address mechanisms of saliva secretion and
sponges (e.g. Salivette). Their use is often imple- methods for analyses, and researchers typically
mented because it is thought that participants feel utilize methods that were originally validated for
uncomfortable with spitting into a tube, although cortisol research. The first section of this paper
this idea does not appear to be empirically sup- discussed that the transport of cortisol into saliva
ported: the only study on this issue thus far ob- involves mechanisms that do not apply to most
served equal unpleasantness and uneasiness dur- other salivary constituents, and that reliable as-
ing spitting versus the use of Salivettes [36]. Not- sessment of these components may therefore re-
withstanding, use of absorbent materials would quire other methods. On that note, a recent re-
seem practical in situations and populations view of the stress literature showed that most sAA
where saliva collection by spitting or drooling studies (but similar observations may apply to re-
might be difficult to perform (e.g. newborns, ex- search on other saliva constituents) do not con-
ercise studies). The researcher should make a bal- trol for the potentially confounding effects of sal-
anced decision on whether disadvantages out- ivary flow rate, do not standardize saliva collec-
weigh potential benefits. It is for example well es- tion in terms of stimulation or collection duration,

106 Bosch
and by default use absorbent materials that are viewers) did not think this was a critical issue. We
known to distort sAA values [17]. Further, many hope that the information in this paper may com-
reports do not provide details on how saliva was pel readers to revise this perception, and spur fur-
collected or how participants were instructed, ther methodological research in this area.
which seem to imply that researchers (and re-

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Dr. Jos A. Bosch

Department of Clinical Psychology
University of Amsterdam
NL–1018 XA Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

108 Bosch

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