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Call Structure (Conversation + multi-tasking step’s)

1. Greeting: “thanks for calling Driver Care, my name is _______, how can I help you?”
2. Open Macro -> “Phone Notes Template” n
3. Problem – Active listening & note the problem on ticket.
4. Empathy-
“I apologize for the inconvenience, let me help you with that.”

1. Ask proving questions if you did not understand the issue. (If applicable)
2. “Who do I have the pleasure to speak with?”
3. If needed – Located the Account Requesting – Phone Number or Email – If account appears as
Anonymous –
“Can you please provide me with the Phone number related to your account?” Search on compass East

Important – Once you have the profile on Compass East if applicable confirm the order with the Restaurant
Name or Diners name (Do not mention the Last Name).

1. As soon as you have all the needed information you can Ask for a Brief Hold to Review the information
(No more than 2 mins on hold).
2. (Ask Hold) “Can I place you on a hold to check what can I do for you?”
3. Check the Type of Order on Compass East (GHD, Corporate Care, P&P, JIT, API, etc.)
4. Search for Policy n
5. Follow policy Step by Step (Ask on UPHAND if there is something not clear on the policy you found) n

Reminder – Offer Hold & Call back when ever you need to make a call according to policy.

1. Noted the step that you are taking on the ticket. n

2. Educate the driver and provide the necessary adjustments. (Unassignments, Bonus, Mileages
adjustments, change of status). n
3. Extra assistance – Is there anything else I can help you with?
4. Survey – “Please stay on the line for a brief survey”.
5. Close – “Have a great day!”
6. As soon as you finish the Closing Statement click on the button on Five9. End call. n

1. Verify adjustments were completed if applies. n

2. Verify Requester Field (Place the email on the top Right below the phone number and name) n
3. Set Primary and Secondary Contact Reasons using the Driver care Reason code Guide:
4. Solve the Ticket.

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