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Laine Bowes

Ms. Lacroix
September 14th 2022
Careers 12- Block A
16 Personalities Reflection

Name of designation: Executive

Code: ESTJ

Letter: Percentages:
E 67%
S 59%
T 57%
J 54%
(T) 57%

Although I don’t have a career plan, I do currently work part-time at Hakam’s Independent- a small
grocery store in the Willoughby. In terms of the strengths 16 Personalities deemed I have after taking
their survey I was astonished… it lists off traits such as dedicated- I’ve worked at Independent for about
two years now, loyal patient and reliable- I’ve rarely called in sick and when I do it’s in advance and
cover/ pickup other shifts as much as possible, especially when needed, etc.

16 Personalities also concluded my weaknesses as stubborn, difficulty to relax. When working,

whether it’s managers, customers, colleagues, etc. I am stubborn in terms what others do, say, ask, etc.
to ensure efficiency, safety, and respect are at the highest of standards. When it comes to relaxing, I
most definitely find myself urging to do something more productive, whether that’s going to the gym,
playing a sport, interacting with others, etc.

It describes the friendships of an Executive as traditional and that they appreciate loyalty and shared
values within it. This connects to my friendships tremendously, there are no double standards in terms
of respect and my values/ morals are shared amongst many of my close friends. This trait is the exact
same in regards to my close colleagues and managers.

Career paths for an Executive included law enforcement, military service, hospitals, and prominent
legal firms. Regardless of the path an Executive moves forwards into management/ becoming more and
more of a leader within the occupation. In terms of my current employment, I would say that I am a
leader- I have no problem explaining to anyone on what’s/ how to do anything within any department
knowing the experience I’ve accumulated.

Executives tend to create order, follow rules, and work to ensure that their work and the work of those
around them is completed to the highest of standards. Do I tell many people what to do when working?
Yes. Do I always follow the rules? No…

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