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The Experimental Foundations of Solid Mechanics


Linear Theories of Elasticity and Thermoelasticity

Linear and Nonlinear Theories of Rods, Plates, and Shells


Theory of Viscoelasticity, Plasticity, Elastic Waves, and Elastic Stability


Waves in Elastic and Viscoelastic Solids

{Theory and Experiment)

Originally published as ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHYSICS Vla/1-4


Linear Theories of Elasticity and Thermoelasticity

Linear and Nonlinear Theories of
Rods, Plates, and Shells

C. Truesdell

Contributions by
S. S. Antman D. E. Carlson G. Fichera
M.E. Gurtin P.M. Naghdi

With 25 Figures

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH

Volume Editor
Professor Dr. C. TRUESDELL
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA

Chief Editor of Encyclopedia of Physics

Professor Dr. S. Fu}GGE
Fakultat fiir Physik, U niversitat Freiburg
D-7800 Freiburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany

This book originally appeared in hardcover as Volume Vla/2 of

Encyclopedia of Physics
© by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1972

ISBN 978-3-662-38853-2 ISBN 978-3-662-39776-3 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-39776-3

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Reissue of
Encyclopedia of Physics I Handbuch der Physik, Volume Vla

The mechanical response of solids was first reduced to an organized science of fairly
general scope in the nineteenth century. The theory of small elastic deformations is in
the main the creation of CAUCHY, who, correcting and simplifying the work of NAVIER
and PmssoN, through an astounding application of conjoined scholarship, originality,
and labor greatly extended in breadth the shallowest aspects of the treatments of par-
NOULLI, EuLER, and CouLOMB. Linear elasticity became a branch of mathematics, culti-
vated wherever there were mathematicians. The magisterial treatise of LovE in its
second edition, 1906- clear, compact, exhaustive, and learned- stands as the summary
of the classical theory. It is one of the great "gaslight works" that in BocHNER's words 1
"either do not have any adequate successor[s] ... or, at least, refuse to be super-
seded ... ; and so they have to be reprinted, in ever increasing numbers, for active
research and reference", as long as State and Society shall permit men to learn mathe-
matics by, for, and of men's minds.
Abundant experimentation on solids was done during the same century. Usually the
materials arising in nature, with which experiment most justly concerns itself, do not
stoop easily to the limitations classical elasticity posits. It is no wonder that the investi-
gations LovE's treatise collects, condenses, and reduces to symmetry and system were
in the main ill at ease with experiment and unconcerned with practical applications. In
LovE's words, they belong to "an abstract conceptual scheme of Rational Mechanics".
He concluded thus his famous Historical Introduction:

The history of the mathematical theory of Elasticity shows clearly that the develop-
ment of the theory has not been guided exclusively by considerations of its utility for
technical Mechanics. Most of the men by whose researches it has been founded and
shaped have been more interested in Natural Philosophy than in material progress, in
trying to understand the world than in trying to make it more comfortable. From this
attitude of mind it may possibly have resulted that the theory has contributed less to
the material advance of mankind than it might otherwise have done. Be this as it may,
the intellectual gain which has accrued from the work of these men must be estimated
very highly. The discussions that have taken place concerning the number and mean-
ing of the elastic constants have thrown light on most recondite questions concern-
ing the nature of molecules and the mode of their interaction. The efforts that have
been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium
having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led, in the first instance, to

1 SALOMON BocHNER: "Einstein between centuries", Rice Univ. Stud. 65 (3), 54 (1979).
VI Preface.

the understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse

vibrations, and, at a later stage, to the definite conclusion that the luminiferous
medium has not the physical character assumed in the hypothesis. They have thus
issued in an essential widening. of our ideas concerning the nature of the aether and
the nature of luminous vibrations. The methods that have been devised for solving the
equations of equilibrium of an isotropic solid body form part of an analytical theory
which is of great importance in pure mathematics. The application of these methods
to the problem of the internal constitution of the Earth has led to results which must
influence profoundly the course of speculative thought both in Geology and in cosmi-
cal Physics. Even in the more technical problems, such as the transmission of force and
the resistance of bars and plates, attention has been directed, for the most part, rather
to theoretical than to practical aspects of the questions. To get insight into what goes
on in impact, to bring the theory of the behaviour of thin bars and plates into accord
with the general equations - these and such-like aims have been more attractive to
most of the men to whom we owe the theory than endeavours to devise means for
effecting economies in engineering constructions or to ascertain the conditions in
which structures become unsafe. The fact that much material progress is the indirect
outcome of work done in this spirit is not without significance. The equally significant
fact that most great advances in Natural Philosophy have been made by men who had
a first-hand acquaintance with practical needs and experimental methods has often
been emphasized; and, although the names of Green, Poisson, Cauchy show that the
rule is .not without important exceptions, yet it is exemplified well in the history of
our sctence.

LovE's treatise mentions experiment rarely and scantly. Its one passage concerning ex-
periment in general, § 63, in effect warns its reader to have a care of experimental data
because of their indirectness.

In an irony of history the ever-increasing use of mathematical notation in physical

science, to the point that now often works on experiment are dominated by their
authors' seemingly compulsive recourse to mathematical formulae interconnected by
copied or adapted bits of old mathematical manipulation, LovE's treatise is sometimes
in reproaches upon modern "pure" or "abstract" researchers held up as a model of prac-
tical, applied theory.
Experiment on the mechanical properties of solids became in the later nineteenth
century a science nearly divorced from theory. Nevertheless, no great treatise on ex-
periment fit to be set beside LovE's on theory ever appeared. Even such books of ex-
periment as were published seem to have in the main taken positions either domi-
nated by theory, usually crude, verbose, and ill presented, or flatly opposed to theory.
The modern reader will cite as objections against the foregoing coarse summary
many individual masterpieces that do not support it: brilliant comparisons of theory
with experiment by ST. VENANT, independent experiments of fundamental importance
by WERTHEIM, CAuCHY's marvellously clear mathematical apparatus for conceiving
stress and arbitrarily large strains and rotations, theories of internal friction and plas-
ticity proposed by BoLTZMANN, ST. VENANT, and others. If he is searching for ante-
cedents of what has happened in the second half of the twentieth century, he is
abundantly right in citing these and other achievements of the nineteenth while pass-
ing over the work of the ruck, but in that century's gross product of solid mechanics
they are exceptions that prove rules.
Preface. VII

In planning this volume on the mechanics of solids for the Encyclopedia of Physics I
1) To provide a treatise on experimental mechanics of solids that, not dominated by
mathematical theory and not neglecting the work of the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries in favor of recent, more popular, and more costly forays, should be com-
parable in authority, breadth, and scholarship with LovE's.
2) To provide treatises on basic, mathematical theory that would stand at the level of
LovE's while in their own, narrower scope supplanting it by compact and efficient
development of fundamentals, making use of modern, incisive, yet elementary
mathematics to weave together old and recent insights and achievements.
3) To illustrate the power of modern mathematical theory and modern experiment by
articles on selected topics recently developed for their intellectual and practical im-
portance, these two qualities being closer to each other than to some they may
I encouraged the authors to meet the standard established by LovE in just citation
and temperate respect for the discoverers.
The reader will be able to form his own judgment of such success and failure as did
On the first head, experiment in general, the reader will find the treatise by Mr.
BELL, filling all of Part 1. While it is not primarily a historical work, the historian S. G.
BRUSH pronounced it in 1975 "the most important new publication by a single author"
on the history of physics.
On the second head, the reader should not expect to find the basic ideas of solids
treated ab novo or in isolation. The general and unified mechanics of EuLER and
CAuCHY, in which fluids, solids, and materials of other kinds are but instances, has
come into its own in our day. No wise scientist now can afford to shut out solids
when studying fluids or to forget the nature and peculiarities of fluids when studying
solids. The two are but extreme examples in the class of systems comprised by me-
chanics. Articles in Parts 1 and 3 of Volume III of the Encyclopedia: The Classical Field
Theories and The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics, are cited so often by the authors
writing in Volume VIa as to make it fatuous to deny that they provide the basic con-
cepts, structures, and mathematical apparatus for the articles on theoretical mechanics
of solids. In particular The Non-Linear Field Theories goes into such detail regarding
large mechanical deformation as to allow most of the text in Volume VIa to concen-
trate upon small strain.
This much understood, we see that while Mr. BELL's volume provides, at last, a
monument of exposition and scholarship on experiment, the articles by Messrs.
GEIRINGER, and by Mr. TING together provide a modern treatise on mathematical theo-
ries of the classical kinds. The survey of theories of elastic stability by Messrs. KNoPs
& WILKES, now justly regarded as the standard reference for its field, necessarily con-
siders deformations that need not be small.
Coming finally to application, in which theory and experiment complement one
another, the reader will find major examples in the articles by Messrs. CHEN; NuNZIA-
TO, WALSH, ScHULER and BARKER; and THURSTON. Many more topics of application
might have been included. I regret that I could not secure articles about them. The
VIII Preface.

most serious want is a survey of applications of linear elasticity to problems of intrin-

sic or applied interest that have arisen in this century and that illustrate the power of
new mathematical analysis in dealing with special problems. A long article of that
kind, a veritable treatise, was twice contracted and twice defaulted. Fortunately the gap
thus left has been abundantly and expertly filled by Mr. VILLAGGIO, Qualitative Methods
in Elasticity, Leyden, Noordhoff, 1977.

Baltimore, December, 1983 c. TRUESDELL


The Linear Theory of Elasticity. By MoRTON E. GURTIN, Professor of Mathematics,

Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA). (With 18 Figures)
A. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Background. Nature of this treatise . . . . 1
2. Terminology and general scheme of notation 2
B. Mathematical preliminaries
I. Tensor analysis
3. Points. Vectors. Second-order tensors 5
4. Scalar fields. Vector fields. Tensor fields 10
II. Elements of potential theory 12
5. The body B. The subsurfaces .9i and .9"2 of 8B 12
6. The divergence theorem. Stokes' theorem 16
7. The fundamental lemma. Rellich's lemma 19
8. Harmonic and biharmonic fields 20
III. Functions of position and time 24
9. Class cM,N. 24
10. Convolutions . . . . . . . 25
11. Space-time . . . . . . . . 27
C. Formulation of the linear theory of elasticity 28
I. Kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
12. Finite deformations. Infinitesimal deformations . 28
13. Properties of displacement fields. Strain . . . . 31
14. Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
II. Balance of momentum. The equations of motion and equilibrium 42
1 5. Balance of momentum. Stress . . . . . . . . 42
16. Balance of momentum for finite motions . . . . 51
1 7. General solutions of the equations of equilibrium 53
18. Consequences of the equation of equilibrium . . 59
19. Consequences of the equation of motion . . . . 64
III. The constitutive relation for linearly elastic materials . 67
20. The elasticity tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
21. Material symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
22. Isotropic materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
23. The constitutive assumption for finite elasticity 80
24. Work theorems. Stored energy 81
25. Strong ellipticity . . 86
26. Anisotropic materials 87
D. Elastostatics . . . . . . . . 89
I. The fundamental field equations. Elastic states. Work and energy 89
27. The fundamental system of field equations 89
28. Elastic states. Work and energy 94
II. The reciprocal theorem. Mean strain theorems 96
29. Mean strain and mean stress theorems. Volume change 96
30. The reciprocal theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
X Contents.

III. Boundary-value problems. Uniqueness . . . . . 102

31. The boundary-value problems of elastostatics 102
32. Uniqueness . . . . . . . . . . . 104
33. Nonexistence . . . . . . . . . . . 109
IV. The variational principles of elastostatics 110
34. Minimum principles . . . . . . . . 110
35. Some extensions of the fundamental lemma 115
36. Converses to the minimum principles 116
37. Maximum principles . . . . . . . 120
38. Variational principles . . . . . . . 122
39. Convergence of approximate solutions 125
V. The general boundary-value problem. The contact problem 129
40. Statement of the problem. Uniqueness 129
41. Extension of the minimum principles . 130
VI. Homogeneous and isotropic bodies . . . . 131
42. Properties of elastic displacement fields 131
43. The mean value theorem . . . . . . 133
44. Complete solutions of the displacement equation of equilibrium 138
VII. The plane problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
45. The associated plane strain and generalized plane stress solutions 150
46. Plane elastic states 154
47. Airy's solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
VIII. Exterior domains 165
48. Representation of elastic displacement fields in a neighborhood of
infinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
49. Behavior of elastic states at infinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
50. Extension of the basic theorems in elastostatics to exterior domains 169
IX. Basic singular solutions. Concentrated loads. Green's functions 173
51. Basic singular solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
52. Concentrated loads. The reciprocal theorem . . . . . . . . . . 179
53. Integral representation of solutions to concentrated-load problems 185
X. Saint-Venant's principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
54. The v. Mises-Sternberg version of Saint-Venant's principle . 190
55. Toupin's version of Saint-Venant's principle . . . . . . . 196
56. Knowles' version of Saint-Venant's principle . . . . . . . 200
56 a. The Zanaboni-Robinson version of Saint-Venant's principle 206
XI. Miscellaneous results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
57. Some further results for homogeneous and isotropic bodies 207
58. Incompressible materials 210
E. Elastodynamics . . . . . . 212
I. The fundamental field equations. Elastic processes. Power and energy.
Reciprocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
59. The fundamental system of field equations 212
60. Elastic processes. Power and energy . . . 215
61. Graffi's reciprocal theorem . . . . . . . 218
II. Boundary-initial-value problems. Uniqueness 219
62. The boundary-initial-value problem of elastodynamics 219
63. Uniqueness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
III. Variational principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
64. Some further extensions of the fundamental lemma 223
65. Variational principles . . . . 225
66. Minimum principles . . . . . . . . . . 230
IV. Homogeneous and isotropic bodies . . . . . 232
67. Complete solutions of the field equations . 232
68. Basic singular solutions 239
69. Love's integral identity . . . . . . . . 242
Contents. XI

V. Wave propagation . . 243

70. The acoustic tensor 243
71. Progressive waves 245
72. Propagating surfaces. Surfaces of discontinuity 248
73. Shock waves. Acceleration waves. Mild discontinuities 253
74. Domain of influence. Uniqueness for infinite regions . 257
VI. The free vibration problem . . . . . . . . . 261
75. Basic equations ........ . 261
76. Characteristic solutions. Minimum principles 262
77. The minimax principle and its consequences 268
78. Completeness of the characteristic solutions 270
References 273

Linear Thermoelasticity. By Professor DoNALD E. CARLSON, Department of Theoretical

and Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois (USA) 297
A. Introduction . . . . . . . 297
1. The nature of this article 297
2. Notation . . . . . . . 297
B. The foundations of the linear theory of thermoelasticity 299
3. The basic laws of mechanics and thermodynamics 299
4. Elastic materials. Consequences of the second law 301
5. The principle of material frame-indifference . . 305
6. Consequences of the heat conduction inequality 307
7. Derivation of the linear theory 307
8. Isotropy . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
C. Equilibrium theory 312
9. Basic equations. Thermoelastic states 312
10. Mean strain and mean stress. Volume change 314
11. The body force analogy . . . . . . . . . . 316
12. Special results for homogeneous and isotropic bodies 317
13. The theorem of work and energy. The reciprocal theorem 319
14. The boundary-value problems of the equilibrium theory. Uniqueness 320
15. Temperature fields that induce displacement free and stress free states 322
16. Minimum principles . . . . . . 323
17. The uncoupled-quasi-static theory . . . 325
D. Dynamic theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
18. Basic equations. Thermoelastic processes 326
19. Special results for homogeneous and isotropic bodies 327
20. Complete solutions of the field equations . . . . . 329
21. The theorem of power and energy. The reciprocal theorem 331
22. The boundary-initial-value problems of the dynamic theory 335
23. Uniqueness . . . . . 337
24. Variational principles . 338
25. Progressive waves 342
List of works cited . . . . . 343

Existence Theorems in Elasticity. By Professor GAETANO FICHERA, University of Rome,

Rome (Italy) . . . . . . . . . 347
1. Prerequisites and notations . . . . . . . 348
2. The function spaces Hm and Hm 349
3. Elliptic linear systems. Interior regularity 355
4. Results preparatory to the regularization at the boundary 357
5. Strongly elliptic systems . . 365
6. General existence theorems . 368
7. Propagation problems . . . 371
8. Diffusion problems . . 373
9. Integro-differential equations 373
10. Classical boundary value problems for a scalar 2nd order elliptic operator . 374
11. Equilibrium of a thin plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
XII Contents.

12. Boundary value problems of equilibrium in linear elasticity 380

13. Equilibrium problems for heterogeneous media 386
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388

Boundary Value Problems of Elasticity with Unilateral Constraints. By Professor

GAETANO FICHERA, University of Rome, Rome (Italy) 391
1. Abstract unilateral problems: the symmetric case . . 391
2. Abstract unilateral problems: the nonsymmetric case 395
3. Unilateral problems for elliptic operators . 399
4. General definition for the convex set V 401
5. Unilateral problems for an elastic body 402
6. Other examples of unilateral problems . 404
7. Existence theorem for the generalized Signorini problem 407
8. Regularization theorem: interior regularity . . . . . 408
9. Regularization theorem: regularity near the boundary . 411
10. Analysis of the Siguorini problem . . . . . . . . . . 413
11. Historical and bibliographical remarks concerning Existence Theorems in
Elasticity . 418
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423

The Theory of Shells and Plates. By P.M. NAGHDI, Professor of Engineering Science,
University of California, Berkeley, California (USA). (With 2 Figures) 425
A. Introduction . . . . . 425
1. Preliminary remarks . . . . . . . 425
2. Scope and contents . . . . . . . . 429
3. Notation and a list of symbols used 431
B. Kinematics of shells and plates . . . . 438
4. Coordinate systems. Definitions. Preliminary remarks . 438
s. Kinematics of shells: I. Direct approach . 449
tX) General kinematical results 449
{3) Superposed rigid body motions . . . 452
y) Additional kinematics . . . . . . . 455
6. Kinematics of shells continued (linear theory): I. Direct approach 456
c5) Linearized kinematics . . . . . . . . . 4 56
E) A catalogue of linear kinematic measures . 4 58
C) Additional linear kinematic formulae 461
71) Compatibility equations . . . . . . . . 463
7. Kinematics of shells: II. Developments from the three-dimensional theory . 466
tX) General kinematical results . . . . . . . . . 466
{3) Some results valid in a reference configuration . . . 471
y) Linearized kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
6) Approximate linearized kinematic measures 476
E) Other kinematic approximations in the linear theory . 477
C. Basic principles for shells and plates . . . . . . 479
8. Basic principles for shells: I. Direct approach 479
tX) Conservation laws . . 479
{3) Entropy production . . . . . . . . . . 483
y) Invariance conditions . . . . . . . . . 484
6) An alternative statement of the conservation laws 487
E) Conservation laws in terms of field quantities in a reference state 490
9. Derivation of the basic field equations for shells: I. Direct approach 492
tX) General field equations in vector forms 492
{3) Alternative forms of the field equations . . . . . . 498
y) Linearized field equations . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
6) The basic field equations in terms of a reference state 502
10. Derivation of the basic field equations of a restricted theory: I. Direct approach 503
11. Basic field equations for shells: II. Derivation from the three-dimensional
theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
tX) Some preliminary results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
{3) Stress-resultants, stress-couples and other resultants for shells 512
y) Developments from the energy equation. Entropy inequalities 515
Contents. XIII

12. Basic field equations for shells continued: II. Derivation from the three-
dimensional theory . . . . . . . . . . 519
~) General field equations . . . . . . . 519
e) An approximate system of equations of motion 522
C) Linearized field equations . . . . . . . . . 523
TJ) Relationship with results in the classical linear theory of thin shells and
plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 524
12A. Appendix on the history of derivations of the equations of equilibrium for
shells . . 527
D. Elastic shells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
13. Constitutive equations for elastic shells (nonlinear theory): I. Direct approach 528
et) General considerations. Thermodynamical results . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Pl Reduction of the constitutive equations under superposed rigid body
motions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
y) Material symmetry restrictions . . . . . . . . 537
~) Alternative forms of the constitutive equations . 540
14. The complete theory. Special results: I. Direct approach 544
et) The boundary-value problem in the general theory 544
p) Constitutive equations in a mechanical theory 544
y) Some special results . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
~) Special theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
1 5. The complete restricted theory: I. Direct approach 549
16. Linear constitutive equations: I. Direct approach 553
et) General considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 553
Pl Explicit results for linear constitutive equations . 555
y) A restricted form of the constitutive equations for an isotropic material 557
CJ) Constitutive equations of the restricted linear theory . . . . . . . . 560
17. The complete theory for thermoelastic shells: II. Derivation from the three-
dimensional theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
et) Constitutive equations in terms of two-dimensional variables. Thermo-
dynamical results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
Pl Summary of the basic equations in a complete theory . . . . . . . . . 565
18. Approximation for thin shells: II. Developments from the three-dimensional
theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
et) An approximation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
Pl Approximation in the linear theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
19. An alternative approximation procedure in the linear theory: II. Developments
from the three-dimensional theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
20. Explicit constitutive equations for approximate linear theories of plates and
shells: II. Developments from the three-dimensional theory 572
et) Approximate constitutive equations for plates 572
Pl The classical plate theory. Additional remarks 575
y) Approximate constitutive relations for thin shells 578
CJ) Classical shell theory. Additional remarks 580
21. Further remarks on the approximate linear and nonlinear theories developed
from the three-dimensional equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
21 A. Appendix on the history of the derivation of linear constitutive equations for
thin elastic shells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
22. Relationship of results from the three-dimensional theory and the theory of
Cosserat surface . . . . . . . . . 594
E. Linear theory of elastic plates and shells . . . . . . 595
23. The boundary-value problem in the linear theory 596
et) Elastic plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
Pl Elastic shells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 7
24. Determination of the constitutive coefficients 598
et) The constitutive coefficients for plates . . 598
Pl The constitutive coefficients for shells . . 606
25. The boundary-value problem of the restricted linear theory 607
26. A uniqueness theorem. Remarks on the general theorems 610
I b Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2.
XIV Contents.

F. Appendix: Geometry of a surface and related results 615

A.t. Geometry of Euclidean space . • • . • • . • • 615
A.2. Some results from the differential geometry of a surface 621
ex) Definition of a surface. Preliminaries . . . . . . . 621
{J) First and second fundamental forms . . • . . . . 623
y) Covariant derivatives. The curvature tensor . . . • 624
15) Formulae of Weingarten and Gauss. Integrability conditions 625
e) Principal curvatures. Lines of curvature . . . . . . . . . . 627
A.3. Geometry of a surface in a Euclidean space covered by normal coordinates . 628
A.4. Physical components of surface tensors in lines of curvature coordinates 631

References • • . • . • • . • • . . • • • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . 633

The Theory of Rods. By Professor STUART S. ANTMAN, New York University, New York
(USA). (With 5 Figures) , 641

A. Introduction . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 641
1. Definition and purpose of rod theories. Nature of this article 641
2. Notation . . . • 642
3. Background . . • . . . • . . . . . . 643
B. Formation of rod theories • . . . . . . . . . . 646
I. Approximation of three-dimensional equations 646
4. Nature of the approximation process . . . 646
5. Representation of position and logarithmic temperature 647
6. Moments of the fundamental equations . . . 649
7. Approximation of the fundamental equations 652
8. Constitutive relations • . • . . . . . . 654
9. Thermo-elastic rods . . . . . . . . . . . 656
10. Statement of the boundary value problems . 658
11. Validity of the projection methods . . . . . 660
12. History of the use of projection methods for the construction of rod
theories . . . . . . 663
13. Asymptotic methods . . . . 664
II. Director theories of rods . . . . 665
14. Definition of a Cosserat rod . 665
15. Field equations . . . 666
16. Constitutive equations . 669
III. Planar problems . . . . . 670
17. The governing equations 670
18. Boundary conditions . . 674
C. Problems for nonlinearly elastic rods 676
19. Existence . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • 676
20. Variational formulation of the equilibrium problems 676
21. Statement of theorems . . 680
22. Proofs of the theorems . . . . 682
23. Straight and circular rods. • . . . . • . . . . . 690
24. Uniqueness theorems . . . . . . . • • . • . . . 692
25. Buckled states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
26. Integrals of the equilibrium equations. Qualitative behavior of solutions . 696
27. Problems of design 698
28. Dynamical problems . 699
References • . . . . . • . . 700

Namenverzeichnis. - Author Index 705

Sachverzeichnis (Deutsch-Englisch) 711

Subject Index (English-German) 729

The Linear Theory of Elasticity.

With 18 Figures.

Dedicated to ELI STERNBERG.

A. Introduction.
1. Background. Nature of this treatise. Linear elasticity is one of the more
successful theories of mathematical physics. Its pragmatic success in describing
the small deformations of many materials is uncontested. The origins of the
three-dimensional theory go back to the beginning of the 19th century and the
derivation of the basic equations by CAUCHY, NAVIER, and POISSON. The theo-
retical development of the subject continued at a brisk pace until the early 20th
century with the work of BELTRAMI, BETTI, BouSSINESQ, KELVIN, KIRCHHOFF,
LAME, SAINT-VENANT, SoMIGLIANA, STOKES, and others. These authors established
the basic theorems of the theory, namely compatibility, reciprocity, and un-
iqueness, and deduced important general solutions of the underlying field equations.
In the 20th century the emphasis shifted to the solution of boundary-value prob-
lems, and the theory itself remained relatively dormant until the middle of the
century when new results appeared concerning, among other things, Saint-Ve-
nant's principle, stress functions, variational principles, and uniqueness.
It is the purpose of this treatise to give an exhaustive presentation of the
linear theory of elasticity.1 Since this volume contains two articles by FICHERA con-
cerning existence theorems, that subject will not be discussed here.
I have tried to maintain the level of rigor now customary in pure mathematics.
However, in order to ease the burden on the reader, many theorems are stated
with hypotheses more stringent than necessary.

Acknowledgement. I would like to acknowledge my debt to my friend and teacher, ELI

STERNBERG, who showed me in his lectures 2 that it is possible to present the linear theory in
a concise andrationalform-afor m palatable to both engineers and mathematicians. Portions
of this treatise are based on STERNBERG's unpublished lecture notes; I have tried to indicate
when such is the case. I would like to express my deep gratitude to D. CARLSON, G. FICHERA,
R. HUILGOL, E. STERNBERG, and C. TRUESDELL for their valuable detailed criticisms of the
manuscript. I would also like to thank G. BENTHIEN, W. A. DAY, J. ERICKSEN, R. KNOPS,
W. WILLIAMS for valuable comments, and H. ZIEGLER for generously sending me a copy of
1 Specific applications are not taken up in this article. They will be treated
in a sequel by
L. SoLoMoN, Some Classic Problems of Elasticity, to appear in the Springer Tracts in Natural
2 At Brown University in 1959-1961.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VIa/2.
2 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 2.

PRANGE's 1916 Habilitation Dissertation. Most of the historical research for this treatise was
carried out at the Physical Sciences Library of Brown University; without the continued sup-
port and hospitality of the staff of that great library this research would not have been pos-
sible. Finally, let me express my gratitude to the U.S. National Science Foundation for their
support through a research grant to Carnegie-Mellon University.

2. Terminology and general scheme of notation. I have departed radically

from the customary notation in order to present the theory in what I believe to
be a form most easily understood by someone not prejudiced by a past acquaintance
with the subject. Direct notation, rather than cartesian or general coordinates, is
utilized throughout. I do not use what is commonly called "dyadic notation";
most of the notions used, e.g. vector, linear transformation, tensor product, can
be found in a modem text in linear algebra.

General scheme of notation.

Italic boldface minuscules a, b, u, v ... : vectors and vector fields; x, y, z, ~ •... :
points of space.
Italic boldface majuscules A, B, ... : (second-order) tensors or tensor fields.
Italic lightface letters A, a, rx, l/J, ... :scalars or scalar fields.
C, K: fourth-order tensors.
Sans-serif boldface majuscules M, N ... (except C, K): four-tensors or fields with
such values.
Sans-serif boldface minuscules u, ~ •... : four-vectors or four-vector fields.
Italic lightface majuscules B, D, E, ... : regions in euclidean space.
'§: a group of second order tensors.
Script majuscules rt, !/, ... (except '§): surfaces in euclidean space.
Italic indices i, j, ... : tensorial indices with the range (1, 2, 3).
Greek indices rx, {3, ... : tensorial indices with the range (1, 2).
Index of frequently used symbols. Only symbols used frequently are listed. It
has not been possible to adhere rigidly to these notations, so that sometimes
within a single section these same letters are used for quantities other than those
listed below.

Symbol Name Place of definition

or first occurrence

A(m) Acoustic tensor 244

A Beltrami stress function 54
B Body 14
c Elasticity tensor 68
D, Set of points of application of system l of
concentrated loads 179
E Strain tensor 31
E Traceless part of strain tensor 78
E(B) Mean strain 37
c Three-dimensional euclidean space 5
tf(4) =rfx(-oo, oo) =space-time 27
Sect. 2. Terminology and general scheme of notation. 3

Symbol Name Place of definition

or first occurrence
"§II! Symmetry group for the material at :r 70
K Kinetic energy 64
K Compliance tensor 69
M Stress-momentum tensor 67
0 Origin, zero vector, zero tensor 5, 6
p Part of B 14
Q Orthogonal tensor 7
R Plane region 154
s Stress tensor 45
Traceless part of stress tensor 78
S(B) Mean stress 61
~ • .9'; Complementary subsets of oB 14
U{E} Strain energy 94
o/1 Total energy 216
f Vector space associated with tf 5
f(') ="YX(-oo, oo) 27
w Rotation tensor 31
iF" Singular surface 248
a Amplitude of wave 245. 254
b Body force 44
c Centroid of B 185
c Speed of propagation, also the constant
163J,U(1-"J1) 246, 248
cl Irrotational velocity 213
ca Isochoric velocity 213
e, Orthonormal basis 5
I Pseudo body force field 66
f System of forces 43
•k v-=-1, also function with values i (t) = t
Modulus of compression
I System of concentrated loads 179
m Direction of propagation 245, 248
n Outward unit normal vector on oB 14
p Pressure 50
p Position vector from the origin 0 5
Pc Position vector from the centroid c 185
p Admissible process, elastic process 215
r =l:r-01 21
s Surface traction 59
s Prescribed surface traction 102
Admissible state, elastic state 94.95
""" [l] Kelvin state corresponding to a concentrated
load l at y 174
lSi Unit Kelvin state corresponding to the unit load
e, at y 178
-•; Unit doublet states at y 178
!• Center of compression at y 179
Center of rotation at y parallel to the x.-axis 179
4 M.R. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 2.

Symbol Name Place of definition

or first occurrence

t Time 24
u Displacement vector 31
u 102
Prescribed displacement on boundary
Uo Initial displacement 219
Vo Initial velocity 219
v(B) Volume of B 35
w Rigid displacement 31
a:,y.~ Points in space 2
x, Cartesian components of a: 5
z Complex variable 159
8{11} Functional in Hellinger-Prange-Reissner principle 124
A{11} Functional in Hu-Washizu principle 122
E8(Y) Open ball with radius 15 and center at y 12
~{11} Functional in principle of minimum potential
energy 111
P{11} Functional in principle of minimum
complementary energy 112
{J Young's modulus 78
15,; Kronecker's delta 5
15v(B) Volume change 31
e Internal energy density 82
e,;, Three-dimensional alternator 5
Ba.p Two-dimensional alternator 10
;. Lame modulus 76
p. Shear modulus 76
fl-M Maximum elastic modulus 85
I-'m Minimum elastic modulus 85
,.. Poisson's ratio 78
~ Point in space-time 27
11 Density 43
ffJ Scalar field in Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber
solution, Airy stress function, scalar field in
Lame solution 139. 157. 233
Vector field in Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber
"'co solution, vector field in Lame solution
Rotation vector
139. 233
1 Unit tensor 6
sym Symmetric part of a tensor 6
skw Skew part of a tensor 6
tr Trace of a tensor 6
® Tensor product of two vectors 7
J7 Gradient 10
~4) Gradient in space-time 28
J7 Symmetric gradient 11
curl Curl 11
div Divergence 11
div<4> Divergence in space-time 28
Ll Laplacian 11
Sect. 3. Points. Vectors. Second-order tensors. 5

Symbol Name Place of definition

or first occurrence

Wave operators 213

Jump in a function 249
Element of area 16
Element of volume 16
Convolution 25
# Tensor product convolution 26

B. Mathematical preliminaries.

I. Tensor analysis.
3. Points. Vectors. Second-order tensors. The space under consideration is
always a three-dimensional euclidean point space ~. The term "point"
will be reserved for elements of ~. the term "vector" for elements of the as-
sociated vector space "f/'. The inner product of two vectors u and v will be
designated by u · v. A cartesian coordinate frame consists of an orthonormal
basis {e,} ={~. e2 , e3} together with a point 0 called the origin. The symbol p
will always denote the position-vector field on ~ defined by

p(~) =~-0.

We assume once and for all that a single, fixed cartesian coordinate frame is
given. If u is a vector and~ is a point, then u., and x., denote their (cartesian)
U.;=U • e.;, X.;=(~-0) • e.;.
We will occasionally use indicia! notation; thus subscripts are assumed to range
over the integers 1, 2, 3, and summation over repeated subscripts is implied:
u · v=u,v,= L u,v•.

We denote the vector product of two vectors u and v by u xv. In components

(u xv), = e1;k u1 vk,
where Btfk is the alternator:
+1 if (i, f, k) is an even permutation of (1, 2, 3)
eifk = { -1 if (i, f, k) is an odd permutation of (1, 2, 3)
0 if (i, 1·, k) is not a permutation of (1, 2, 3).
We will frequently use the identity
eifk eipq = CJ;p (Jkq- CJ;q (JkP•
where (J 1i is the Kronecker delta:
1 if i =J·
CJt;= 0 if i{=f.
6 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 3.

For convenience, we use the term "(second-order) tensor" as a synonym for

"linear transformation from 1'"into 1'"". Thus a tensorS is a linear mapping that
assigns to each vector v a vector
The (cartesian) components S;; of S are defined by
s, 1=e, · Se1,
so that u = Sv is equivalent to
u,=S, 1v1.
We denote the identity tensor by 1 and the zet•o tensor by 0:
1 v =V and Ov = 0 for every vector v.
Clearly, the components of 1 are ~, 1 . The product ST of two tensors is defined
by composition:
(ST)(v)=S(T(v)) foreveryvectorv;
(ST),; =S,k 1i.;·
We write ST for the transpose of S; it is the unique tensor with the following
Su · v =U · ST v for all vectors u and v.
We callS symmet'l'icifS =ST,skewifS =-ST. Since s, 1=S;I, itfollowsthat
Sis symmetric or skew according as s, 1=S1, or St;= -S1,. Every tensor S
admits the unique decomposition
where sym S is symmetric and skw S is skew; in fact,
symS=t(S+S~, skwS=i(S-S~.
We call sym S the symmetric part and skw S the skew part of S.
There is a one-to-one correspondence between vectors and skew tensors: given
any skew tensor W, there exists a unique vector co such that
Wu =cox u for every vector u;
w;=-le;;" W;k·
We call co the azial vector corresponding to W. Conversely, given a vector co,
there exists a unique skew tensor W such that the above relation holds; in fact,
W, 1= -e;; 11 w~c.

We write tr S for the trace and det S for the determinant of S. In terms of
the components s, 1 of S:
trS=S.. ,
and det Sis the determinant of the matrix
Sect. 3. Points. Vectors. Second-order tensors. 7

Given any two tensors S and T,

tr(ST) =tr(TS),
det (ST) = (det S) (det T).
A tensor Q is orthogonal provided

The set of all orthogonal tensors forms a group called the orthogonal group;
the set of all orthogonal tensors with positive determinant forms a subgroup
called the proper orthogonal group.
If {e;} is an orthonormal basis and

with Q orthogonal, then {ea is orthonormal. Conversely, if {e;} and {ea are ortho-
normal, then there exists a unique orthogonal tensor Q such that e;=Qe;. If
such is the case, the components w;
of a vector w with respect to {ea obey the
following law of transformation of coordinates:

Here Q, 1 and W; are the components of Q and w with respect to {e1}. Likewise,
for a tensor S,
s;; =Qki Qz 1 sk z·
The tensor product a® b of two vectors a and b is the tensor that assigns
to each vector u the vector a (b · u):
(a® b) (u) =a (b · u) for every vector u.
In components
(a®b) 11 =a;b 1,
and it follows that
tr(a®b) =a· b.
Further, we conclude from the above definition that the negative of the vector
product a x b is equal to twice the axial vector corresponding to the skew part
of a® b.
The innm· p1·oduct S · T of two second-order tensors is defined by
S. T =tr(STT) =5;; T; 1,
is called the magnitude of S.
Given any tensorS and any pair of vectors a and b,
This identity implies that
(e;®e 1) · (ek®e 1) =ek · [(e;®e1)e 1] =ek · [e;(e 1 • e 1)];
therefore, since {e;} is orthonormal,
(e;®e 1) • (ek®e 1) =ll;k ll;z,
8 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 3.

and the nine tensors ei ® e1 are orthonormal. Moreover,

and thus
S=S•; ei®e1•
Consequently, the nine tensors e1 ® e1 span the set of all tensors, and we have

the ;:0::d~~;~::rn tensors) skew tensors

is a vector space of dimension ~~),
and the

{~)3 tensors {v~ :;! :: ® e 1 } form an orthonormal basis.

V2skwe,®e 1,i<f
We say that a scalar A is a principal or characteristic value of a tensorS
if there exists a unit vector n such that
in which case we call n a principal direction corresponding to A. The charac-
teristic space for S corresponding to Ais the subspace of ~consisting of aU vectors
u that satisfy the equation
We now record, without proof, the
(2) Spectral theorem.1 Let S be a symmetric tensor. Then there exists an
orthonormal basis ~, n 2 , na and three (not necessarily distinct) principal values
~. A2 , Aa of S such that
S = L: .A..n,®n•. (b)

Conversely, if S admits the representation (b) with {n,} orthonormal, then (a) holds.
The relation (b) is called a spectral decomposition of S.
(i) If~. A2 , and As are distinct, then the characteristic spaces for S are the line
spanned by ~' the line spanned by n2' and the line spanned by na.
(ii) If A2 =As· then (b) reduces to

Conversely, if (c) holds with ~ =!=A2 ; then ~ and A2 are the only distinct principal
values of S, and S has two distinct characteristic spaces: the line spanned by~ and
the plane perpendicular to ~.
(iii) ~ = A2 =As =.A. if and only if
S=Al, (d)
in which case the entire vector space ~is the only characteristic space for S.
1 See, e.g., HALMOS [1958, 9], § 79.
Sect. 3. Points. Vectors. Second-order tensors. 9
We say that two tensor S and Q commute if
(8) Commutation theorem. 1 A symmetric tensor S commutes with an
orthogonal tensor Q if and only if Q leaves each characteristic space of S invariant,
i.e. if and only if Q maps each characteristic space into itself.
A tensor P is a perpendicular projection if P is symmetric and

P 2=P.
If Pis a perpendicular projection, then
(1-P) (1-P) =1-2P+P2=1-P,
and therefore 1 - P is also a perpendicular projection. Since
(1-P) P=P(1-P) =P-P2 =0,
it follows that
Pu· (1-P)v=U·P(1-P)v=0;
therefore the range of P is orthogonal to the range of 1 - P.
Two simple examples of perpendicular projections are 1 and 0. Two other
examples are n ®n and 1-n ®n, where n is a unit vector. The first associates
with any vector its component in the direction of n, the second associates with
any vector its component in the plane perpendicular to n. The next theorem
shows that every perpendicular projection is of one of the above four types.
(4) Structure of perpendicular projections. If Pis a perpendicular pro-
jection, then P admits one of the following four representations:
1, O,n®n, 1-n®n,
where n is a unit vector.
Proof. Let A. be a principal value and n a principal direction of P. Then
Pn =A. n, and hence P 2n = A.Pn, which implies Pn = A.Pn. Thus each principal
value of P is either zero or one. If all principal values are zero, then P = 0; if all
are unity, then P= 1. If exactly one principal value is unity, then we conclude
from the spectral theorem that P =n ®n with n a unit vector. If exactly two
are unity, then
P=~®~+m 2 ®m 2 ,
where ~ and m 2 are the corresponding principal directions, and it is a simple
matter to verify that this representation is equivalent to
wheren=~Xm 2 • 0
Notice that, in view of (4), the spectral decompositions (a)-(d) in (2) are
all expansions in terms of perpendicular projections.
We shall identify fourth-order tensors with linear transformations on the
space of all (second-order) tensors. Thus a fourth-order tensor C [ ·] is a linear
mapping that assigns to each second-order tensor E a second-order tensor
1 This theorem is a corollary to Theorem 2, § 43 and Theorem 3, § 79 of HALMOS
[1958, 9].
10 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 4.

The components of C [ ·] are defined by

C;;kz=e, · C[ek®e 1] e1=(e,®e1) · C[e"®e 1],
so that the relation S = C [E] becomes
S, 1=C;;"zEkz·
If G; 1" 1 are the components of C[ ·] with respect to a second orthonormal basis
{~. ~.~}with e~=Qe 1 , then

c~fkl =Qm,Q.. ;Qpk Qql cmnpq·

The transpose CT of a fourth-order tensor C is the unique fourth-order
tensor with the following property:
E · C [F] = cr [E] · F for all (second-order) tensors E and F.
In components Cf;kz = Cklif· The magnitude jCj of Cis defined by
jCj =sup{jC[EJI: lEI =1}.
jC[EJI ~jcjjEj.
We will occasionally have to deal separately with the components U:J., u 2 in
the x11 x2-plane of a vector u. For this reason, Greek subscripts will always range
over the integers 1, 2 and summation from 1 to 2 over repeated Greek subscripts
is implied, i.e.,
Ua; Va; = 2: Ua; Va;.

The two-dimensional alternator will be designated by e01 p; thus

Bta =-en =1, Bt1 =en =0.
4. Scalar fields. Vector fields. Tensor fields. Let D be an open set in 8. By
a scalar, vector, or tensor field on D we mean a function qJ that assigns to
each point ~ED, respectively, a scalar, vector, or tensor ({J(~). We say that a
scalar field (/J is differentiable at ~ if there exists a vector w with the following
qJ(y)-qJ(~)='W· (y-~)+o(jy-~1) as Y-+~.
If such a vector exists, it is unique; we write w = 17 qJ (~) and call 17 qJ (~) the
gradient of qJ at ~. The partial derivatives of qJ at ~. written (/),;(~). are
defined by

More generally, let '#'"be a finite-dimensional inner product space, and let 'I'
be a mapping from D into ir. For example, '#'"may be the translation space "Y
corresponding to r! or the space of all tensors. Then 'I' is differentiable at ~ED
if there exists a linear function .!l'[ ·] from "Yinto '#'"such that
'l'(y) -'I'(~) = .!l' [y -~] + o (jy -~D as y -+ ~.

If .!l'exists, it is unique; we write .!l'= 17'1'(~) and calll7'l'(~) the gmdient of 'I'
at~- It is not difficult to show that the linear transformation 17'1'(~) can be
computed using the formula
17'l'(~)[v] = _dd
'I'(~ +otv)j ot-=0 ,
which holds for every vector v E"Y.
Sect. 4. Scalar fields. Vector fields. Tensor fields. 11

We say that lJI is of class e1 on D, or smooth on D, if lJI is differentiable at

every point of D and VlJI is continuous on D. The gradient of VlJI is denoted
by J7!llllJI. Continuing in this manner, we say that lJI is of class eN on D if it is
class eN - I and its (N -1 )th gradient V<N -l) lJI is smooth. Clearly, the gradient of
a smooth scalar field is a vector field, while the gradient of a smooth vector field
is a tensor field. We say that lJI is of class eN oniJ if lJI is of class eN on D and
for each nE {0, 1, ... , N} J7!") lJI has a continuous extension to D. (In this case we
also write J7l") lJI for the extended function.)
A field lJI is analytic on D if given any ~ in D, lJI can be represented by a
power series in some neighborhood of ~- Of course, if lJI is analytic, then lJI is of
class e"".
Let u be a vector field on D, and suppose that u is differentiable at a point
~ED. Then the divergence of u at~ is the scalar

div u(~) =tr Vu(~),

and the partial derivatives of u are defined by
ou;(:r) .
u;,;(~) = --~ =e; · Vu(~)e; = [Vu(~)];;.

The curl of u at~. denoted curl u(~). is defined to be twice the axial vector
corresponding to the skew part of Vu(~); i.e. curl u(~) is the unique vector with
the property:
[Vu(~)- Vu(~)T]a =(curl u(~)) xa
for every vector a. In components
[curl u (~)]; = ei;kuk,i (~).

We write Vu(~) for the symmetric gradient of u:

Vu(~) =sym Vu(~) =t{Vu(~) + Vu(~)r}.
LetS be a tensor field on D, and suppose that S is differentiable at~. Then
the tensor field sr is also differentiable at~; the divergence of s at ~. written
div S (~), is the unique vector with the property:
[divS(~)J ·a=div[ST(~)a]

for every fixed vector a. In the same manner, we define the cut·l of S at ~.
written curl S (~), to be the unique tensor with the property:
[curl S(~)]a =curl [ST (~)a]
for every a. The partial derivatives of S are given by

S;;,k(~) = ;:k
as· ·(:r)
=e; · [VS(~)ek]e;;
[div s (~)]; = s.i.i (~)'
[curlS(~)];;= e;pkSik,p (~).
Let cp be a differentiable scalar field, and suppose that Vcp is differentiable
at ~. Then we define the Laplacian of cp at ~ by
L1 cp (~) = div Vcp (~).
12 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. s.
We define the Laplacian of a vector field u with analogous properties in the
same manner:
L1u(a:) =div J7u(re).
L1 IP (a:) = IP,H (a:)'
[L1 u(re)], =u,,;;(a:).
Finally, the Laplacian L1 S(re) of a sufficiently smooth tensor field S is the
unique tensor with the property:
[L1 S(a:)]a =L1 [S (a:) a];
in components
[L1 S(a:)J,; = s,;,u (a:).
Of future use are the following
(1) Identities. Let qJ be a scalar field, u a vector field, and S a tensor field, all
of class C8 on D. Then
curl J7«p =0, (1)
div curl u =0, (2)
curl curl u = J7 div u- L1 u, (3)
curl J7u=0, (4)
curl(J7uT) = J7 curl u, (5)
J7u=-J7uT ~ J7J7u=0, (6)
div curls =curl div sr, (7)
div (curl S)T = 0, (8)
(curl curl S)T =curl curl ST, (9)
curl(«p1) =- [curl(«p1)]r, (10)
div(STu) =U • div S +S · Vu. (11)
If Sis symmetric,
tr(curl S) =0, (12)

curl curlS= -L1S+2V div S- J7J7(tr S) + 1[L1 (tr )S -div div SJ. (13)
If Sis symmetric and S = G -1 tr G, then

curl curlS= -L1G+2V div G-1 divdiv G. (14)

If S is sktmJ and u is its axial vector, then
curlS =1 divu-J7u. (15)

II. Elements of potential theory.

5. The body B. The subsurfaces ff 1 and ff s of oB. Given a region D in 8,
we write IJ for its closure, Dfor its interior, and 8D for its boundary. We will
consistently write E11 (y) for the open ball in 8 of radius e and center at y.
Sect. 5. The body B. The subsurfaces .9;_ and .9'2 of 8 B. 13
Let D be an open region in tff or in the x1 , x2-plane. We say that Dis simply-
connected if every closed curve in D can be continuously deformed to a point
without leaving D (i.e., if given any continuous function g: [0, 1] -+D satisfying
g(O) =g(1) there exists a continuous function f: [0,1] X [0,1] -+D and a point
yED such that f(s, 0) =g(s) and f(s, 1) =y for every sE [0, 1]).
The following definitions will enable us to define concisely the notion of a
regular region of space. 1 A regular arc is a set .a in tff which, for some orientation
of the cartesian coordinate system, admits a representation

where a< b and f and g are smooth on [a, b]. A regular curve is a set c in tff con-
sisting of a finite number of regular arcs arranged in order, and such that the
terminal point of each arc (other than the last) is the initial point of the following
arc. The arcs have no other points in common, except that the terminal point
of the last arc may be the initial point of the first arc, in which case c is a closed
regular curve. A regular surface element is a (non-empty) set fJ1l c tff which, for
some orientation of the cartesian coordinate system, admits a representation

where R is a compact connected region in the x1 , x2-plane, oR is a closed regular

curve, and f is smooth on R. The union of a finite number of regular surface
elements is called a regular surface provided:
(i) the intersection of any two of the elements is either empty, a single point
which is a vertex for both, or a single regular arc which is an edge for both;
(ii) the intersection of any collection of three or more elements consists at most
of vertices;
(iii) any two of the elements are the first and last of a chain such that each
has an edge in common with the next;
(iv) all elements having a vertex in common form a chain such that each has
an edge, terminating in that vertex, in common with the next; the last may, or
may not, have an edge in common with the first.
The term edge here refers to one of the (finite number of) regular arcs com-
prising the boundary of a regular surface element, while a vertex is a point at
which two edges meet. If all the edges of a regular surface belong each to two
of its surface elements, the surface is a closed regular surface. Note that a
regular surface (and hence a closed regular surface) is necessarily both connected
and bounded. Thus, e.g., the boundary of the spherical shell
{J:: oc~IJ:-Jiol ~(J} (oc<(J)
is not a regular surface, but rather the union of two closed regular surfaces.
Let B be an open set in tff. We say that B is a bounded regular region
if B is the interior of a closed and bounded region FJ in tff whose boundary oB
is the union of a finite number of non-intersecting closed regular surfaces. Note
that the boundary of a bounded regular region may have corners and edges.
We will occasionally deal with infinite domains. We say that B is an unbounded
regular region if B is unbounded, but B n l:Q (0) is a bounded regular region
1 All of the definitions contained in this paragraph are from KELLOGG [ 1929, 1], Chap. IV,
§ 8.
14 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 5.

for all sufficiently large e- Note that the boundary of such a region may extend
to infinity. An unbounded regular region whose boundary is finite is called an
e~terior domain.
Throughout this article, unless specified to the contrary, B will denote a
bounded regular region. We will refer to B as the body. A (not necessarily
proper) bounded regular subregion P of B will be referred to as a part of B.
We shall designate the outward unit normal to 8B at ~E8B by n(~). If
the function n is continuous at ~. then ~ will be referred to as a regular point
of 8B. We say that f/ c 8B is a regular subsurface of 8B if the intersection of
f/ with each of the closed regular surfaces comprising 8B is itself a regular
surface. The symbols ~ and ~ will always denote complementary regular
subsurfaces of 8B; i.e. regular subsurfaces of 8B with the following property:
oB=~u~, .9in~=0,
where #IX is the (relative) interior of f/IX. Note that since 9;. is regular, 9;.=~,
where ~is the (relative) closure of f/IX.
Let B be bounded or unbounded. A partition for B is a finite collection
B1 , B 2 , ••• , B N of mutually disjoint regular subregions of B such that

A function lJI is piecewise continuous on lJ if there exists a partition

B1 , B 2 , .•• , B N of B such that for each B.. the restriction of lJI to B.. is bounded
on IJ.. and continuous on H,.-D, where Dis a (possibly empty) finite subset of
B... lJI is piecewise smooth on lJ if J71J' exists almost everywhere on B and is
piecewise continuous on IJ.
Piecewise continuity on regular surfaces is defined in a strictly analogous
manner. We say that a function lJI on 9;. is piecewise regular if lJF is piece-
wise continuous on 9;. and each regular point of 9;. is a point of continuity
of IJ'. Suppose that lJI and P are piecewise regular on 9;.. Then we write lJI = P
on f/IX if IJ'(~) = P(~) at each regular point ~E9;..
We say that B is properly regular 1 provided the following hypotheses are
(i) B is a bounded regular region;
(ii) for each ~0 E 8B there exists a neighborhood N of ~0 and a piecewise
smooth homeomorphism h of N nlJ onto the solid hemisphere

{~: x3 ~0, ~+x~+~~1}

such that h mapsNnoB onto the set{~: x3 =0, ~+x~~1};

(iii) det Vh is positive and bounded away from zero.
We say that B is star-shaped if there exists a point ~0 EB such that the line
segment connecting ~0 and any point ~E8B intersects 8B only at~- We state
without proof the following property of star-shaped regions:
(1) Let B be star-shaped. Then there exists a point ~0 E B such that
(~ -~0 ) • n(~) >O
at every regular point ~EoB.

1 This definition is due to FICHERA [1971, 1], § 2.

Sect. 5- The body B. The subsurfaces .9"1 and .9"2 of 8B. 15
Let {x1 , x2 , x3) denote cartesian coordinates. We say that B is xi-conv~
(i fixed) if every line segment parallel to the xcaxis lies entirely in B whenever
its end points belong to B.
Consider the following projections of B:
B12 ={(x1 , x2): ~EB},

B3 ={x3 : ~EB},
and for each x3 EB 3 , let
B12 (x3)={(x1 , x2): (x1 , x2 , x3)EB}.
Note that
Bu= U B12(xa)·

(2) Lemma. Let M ~1 and N ~1 be fixed integers, and consider the following
hypotheses on B:
(i) B is x3-convex.
(ii) B12 {x3) is simply-connected for each x8 EB8 .
(iii) There exist scalar fields x1 and x2 of class CM onB3 and CN on B 3 such that
the curve
~={(x1 , x 2 , x3): x1 =x1 (x3), x2 =x 2 (x3), x3 EB3}
is contained in B.
(iv) There exists a scalar field x3 of class CM on B12 and CN on B12 such that
the surface

is contained in B.

1-4----- 812----

Fig. 1.

Let F(M, N) denote the set of all scalar fields of class CM on II and class CN on B.
Then the following two assertions are true:
16 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 6.

(a) If (i) and (iv) hold, and if I.E:F(M, N}, then there exists a field wE:F(M, N)
such that
ro, 3 =A.
(b) If (ii) and (iii) hold, and if Va.E:F(M, N) and satisfies

then there exists a field cpE:F(M, N) such that

Proof. In view of (i)-(iv), the functions

cp(x1 , x2 , x3 ) = J va.(x~. x~, x3 ) dx~,

r(x, x,, x,)

ro(XJ., x2 , x3)= J A(XJ., x2 , x~) dx~.
Xa (z1 , x 1)

where T(XJ., x2 , x8) is any smooth path in B12 (x3) connecting the points
(x1 {x3), x2 {x8)} and (XJ., x2), have the desired properties. D
Let Y'C oB. We say that B is conVeJ) with respect to .9' if the line segment
connecting any pair of points iii and iii of .9' intersects oB only at iii and iii. Note
that this implies, in particular, that .9' is convex, though B need not be.
6. The divergence theorem. Stokes' theorem.
(1) Divergence theorem. Let B be a bounded or unbounded regular region.
Let cp be a scalar field, u a vector field, and T a tensor field, and let cp, u and T be
continuous onE, difterentiable almost everywhere on B, and of bounded support. Then
J cpnda=fVcpdv,

J u®n da= fVu dv,


J u · n da = BJdiv u dv,
J n xu da =BJcurl u dv,
f Tn da=Jdiv T dv,

whenever the integrand on the right is piecewise continuous on IJ.

Proof. The results concerning cp and u are classical and will not be verified
here. 1 To establish the last relation, let b be a vector. Then
b· J Tn da = J b • Tn da = iJBJ (TTb) · n da
= fdiv (TTb) dv = J (div T) ·b dv =b · fdiv T dv,

which implies the desired result since b is arbitrary. o

1 See, e.g., KELLOGG [1929, 1].
Sect. 6. The divergence theorem. Stokes' theorem. 17

(2) Stokes' theorem. Let u be a smooth vector field and T a smooth tensor field
on IJ. Then given any closed regular surface !I' in IJ,


.f(curl T)Tnda=O.

Proof. The relation concerning u is well known.! To establish the second

result, let b be a vector, and let u = TTb. Then

b -J (curl TV n da = fb ·(curl T)Tn da = Jn ·(curl T) b da

[/' [/' [/'

=.fn ·curl (TTb) da = J (curl u) · n da =0,

[/' [/'

which implies the desired result, since b is arbitrary. 0

(8) Theorem on irrotationaljields. Assume that B is simply-connected.
(i) Let u be a class eN (N ~1) vector field on B that satisfies
curl u=O.
Then there exists a scalar field rp of class eNH on B such that
(ii) Let T be a class eN tensor field on B that satisfies
curl T =0.
Then there exists a vector field u of class eN+l on B such that
(iii) Let Tobey the hypotheses of (ii), and, in addition, assume that
tr T=O.
Then there exists a skew tensor field W of class eN+I on B such that
T=curl W.
Proof. Part (i) is well known. Indeed, the function rp defined by

rp(x) = J u(y) · dy
has the desired properties. Here x 0 is a fixed point of B, and the integral is
taken along any curve in B connecting x 0 and x.
To establish (ii) let
curl ti =curl (TTei) =(curl T) ei =0,
and by (i) there exist scalar fields ui such that
ti = 17ui. (b)
1 See, e.g., CouRANT [1957, 4], Chap. 5.
2 See, e.g., PHILLIPS [1933, 3), § 45.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 2
18 M. E. GURTIN : The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 6.

Let u=u1 e,. Then, since u.=u·e,, it follows that

Vu,=(lluVe,, (c)
and (a)-(c) imply
To prove (iii) let u be the vector field established in (ii), and let W be the
negative of the skew tensor field corresponding to u. Then
since tr T = 0, and we conclude from (15) of ( 4.1) that
curl W=17u. 0
(4) Theorem on solenoidal fields. Assume that 8B is of class C3 • Let §'
denote the set of all fields of class CZ on B and class C3 on B.
(i)l Let uE§' be a vector field, and suppose that

for every closed regular surface f/cB. Then there exists a vector field wE§' such that
u =curl w.
(ii) Let TE§' be a tensor field, and suppose that

for every closed regular surface f/(B. Then there exists a tensor field WE§' such that
T= curl W.
Proof. We omit the proof of (i). 2 To establish (ii) let
jt• · nda=e, ·j TTnda=O,

and we conclude from (i) that there exist vector fields wi such that

and note that for any vector a,

Ta =a,Te.=curl (a,w,)=curl(WTa) =(curl W) a,
1 The usual statement of this theorem (see, e.g., PHILLIPS [1933, 3], § 49. CouRANT
[1957, 4], pp. 404-406), which asserts that div u = 0 implies u =curl tv, is correct only when
8B consists of a single closed surface. In this instance div u = 0 is equivalent to the asser-
tion that
fu · nda=O (*)
for every closed regular surface 9'<B. However, if 8B consists of two or more closed surfaces
(e.g. when B is a spherical shell) there exist divergence-free vector fields in .F that do not
satisfy (*).Note that by Stokes' theorem, (*)holds whenever u is the curl of a vector field.
a See LICHTENSTEIN (1929, 2], pp. 101-106.
Sect. 7. The fundamental lemma. Rellich's lemma. 19

and hence
T=curl W. D
(5) Properties of the Newtonian potential.1 Let ffJ be a scalar field that
eN (N ~ 1) on B, and let
is continuous on B and of class

1p (a:) = - 4n
1 f Ia:- Yl dv,

for every a:EB. Then tp is of class eN+l on B and

Further, an analogous result holds for vector and tensor fields.
(6) Properties of the logarithmic potential. 2 Let R be a measurable
region in the x1 , x 2-plane. Let ffJ be a scalar field that is continuous on R and of class
eN (N ~ 1) on R, and let
1p (~' x2) = - 21n J (~1• ~2)
ffJ log ( V(x«- ~«; (x«- ~«)) d~1 d~a

for every (~. x2)ER. Then tp is of class eN+l on Rand

Lltp = fP·
(7) Helmholtz's theorem. Let u be a vector field that is continuous on B
and of class eN (N ~ 1) on B. Then there exists a scalar field ffJ and a vector field w,
both of class eN on B, such that
Proof. By (5) there exists a class eN+l vector field v on B such that
By (3) of (4.1),
u = V div v -curl curl v;
thus if we let
ffJ=divv, W= -curlv,
the desired conclusion follows. D
7. The fundamental lemma. Rellich's lemma. For a:0 a point of 8 and h a
positive scalar, let C/>11 (a:0 ) denote the set of all class eoo scalar fields ffJ on 8 with
the following properties:
(a) ffJ > 0 on the open ball £ 11 (a:0) of radius hand center at a:0 ;
(b) ffJ =0 on G -£11 (a:0 ).
For h > 0 the set C/>11 (a:0) is not empty. Indeed, the function ffJ defined by
111 (z z,)•
ffJ(a:) = {e ' a:EI11 (a:o)
0, a:~};h (a:o)
belongs to 4">11 (a:0).
1 See e.g., KELLOGG (1929, 1], p. 156; COURANT (1962, 6], p. 249.
8 See, e.g., KELLOGG (1929,1], p. 174; COURANT (1962, 6], p. 250.
20 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 8.

Let Y be a subset of 8B. We say that a function f on B vanishes neaT

!/provided there exists a neighborhood N of Y such that f = 0 on N n B.
We are now in a position to establish a version of the fundamental lemma of
the calculus of variations that is sufficiently general for our use.
(1) Fundamental lemma. Let if/ be a finite-dimensional inner product
space. Let w: B~if/ be continuous and satisfy
for every class coo function v: B ~if/ that vanishes near 8B. Then
w=O on B.
Proof. Let e1 , e 2 , •.• , en be an orthonormal basis in if/, and let

Assume that for some ~0 E B and some integer k, wk (~0 ) =I= 0. Then there exists
an h>O such that .E11 (~0)CB and wk>O on 1:11 (~0) or wk<O on 1:11 (~0). Assume,
without loss in generality, that the former holds. If we let
v = q; ek,
where q;E C/>11 (~0), then v is of class coo on B and vanishes near 8B, and by prop-
erties (a) and (b) of q;,
J w · v dv = J q; w · ek dv = J q;wk dv > 0.
B B 2"A(a!o)

But by hypothesis,

Thus w =0 on B. But w is continuous on B. Thus w =0 on B. D

We now state, without proof,
(2) Rellich's lemma.1 Let B be properly regular. Further, let {u,.} be a sequence
of continuous and piecewise smooth vector fields on B, and suppose that there exist
constants M 1 and M 2 such that
J iuni 2 dv~M1 , J Wuni 2 ~M2 , n=1, 2, ....

Then there exists a subsequence {unk} such that

.lim J iu"f-Unki 2 dv =0.
1, k-+oo B

8. Harmonic and biharmonic fields. Let D be an open region in ~. and let

IJI be a scalar, vector, or tensor field on D. We say that IJI is ha'l'monic on D
if IJI is of class C2 on D and
L11J' =0.
We say that IJI is biha'l'monic on D if IJI is of class C4 on D and
L1L11J' =0.
We now state, without proof, some well known theorems concerning harmonic
and biharmonic fields.
1 RELLICH [1930, 4]. See also, FICHERA [1971, 1], Theorem 2.IV.
Sect. 8. Harmonic and biharmonic fields. 21

(1) Every harmonic or biharmonic field is analytic.

(2) Harnack's convergence theorem. 1 Let 1[16 be harmonic on D for each
15 (0 < 15 < 150 ), and let
P6 ~P as b~o
uniformly on each closed subregion of D. Then Pis harmonic on D, and for each
fixed integer n,
v<nlp6 ~v<nlp as !5~0

uniformly on every closed subregion of D.

(3) Mean value theorem. Let ffJ and 1p be scalar, vector, or tensor fields on
D with q; harmonic and 1p biharmonic. Then given any ball l:e = l:e (y) in D:

q;(y) = 4~ea J
ffJ da, (1)

q;(y)= 4:123 Jq;dv,


1p(y)=- 83 n[:a J1pdv- ; J1pda].


We now summarize some results concerning spherical harmonics. 3 Let (r, (), y)
be spherical coordinates, related to the cartesian coordinates (x1 , x 2 , x3) through
the mapping
x1 =r sin() cosy, x 2 =r sin() sin y, x3 =r cos(),
O~r<oo, O~O~n, O~y<2n.
Then the general scalar solid spherical harmonic of degree k admits the
HCkJ (r, 0, y) =SCkJ (0, y) rk (k =0, ± 1, ± 2, ... ),
where s<kJ (0, y) is the general surface spherical harmonic of the same degree:
s<kl (0, y) = 1: [a~nl cos n y + br> sin n y] pkCn) (cos 0), b~0l = 0.

Here Pk(n) designates the associated Legendre function of the first kind, of degree k
and order n, while ai0l, ain), b~n) (n = 1, 2, ... , /kl), for fixed k, are 2k + 1 arbitrary
constants. If k and n are non-negative integers,

where Pk is the Legendre polynomial of degree k. Consequently,

P1°l(~)=Pd~). Pk<n>(.;)=O (n>k~O).

In addition, we have the recursion relations

p}_nl-1 (.;} = P1n) (.;},
1 See, for example, KELLOGG [1929, 1], p. 249.
2 NICOLESCO [1936, 3]. See also DIAZ and PAYNE [1958, 6].
3 See, for example, POINCARE [1899, 1], KELLOGG [1929, 1], and HoBSON [1931, 4].
22 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 8.

which are valid for unrestricted k and n. As is evident from the above relations,
every surface harmonic of degree -1 - k is a surface harmonic of degree k. Next,
we recall that any two surface harmonics of distinct degree are orthogonal over
the unit sphere r = 1 :

[S!"l, S!•l] = J JS!"l (0, y) S!•l (0, y) sin 0 dO dy =0

2n n

0 0
(k =!= m, k =!= -m -1).

A vector solid sphencal harmonic hl"l of degree k is a vector-valued

function with the property that given any vector e, the function e · hl"l is a
scalar solid spherical harmonic of degree k.
The solid harmonics of degree k are harmonic functions, which are homo-
geneous of degree k with respect to the cartesian coordinates (~, x2 , x3) ; they are
homogeneous polynomials of degree k in the x, if k is a non-negative integer.
Further, if H!"l is a scalar solid harmonic of degree k, then J7H!"l is a vector solid
harmonic of degree k -1 and
p · J7H!"l=kH111l,
where p (~) =~- 0. Similarly,
(Vh!"l) p =kh(k)

for a vector solid harmonic hf"l of degree k.

Turning from solid spherical harmonics to general harmonic functions, we
cite the following theorem, in which E (oo) is the following neighborhood of infinity:
E(oo) ={~: r0 < 1~-01 < oo}.
Here r0 > 0 is fixed.
( 4) Repr-esentation theorem fof' haf'monic fields in a neighborhood
of infinity. Let qJ be a harmonic scalar field on E(oo). Then:
(i) (/) admits the representation

where the HI"> are uniquely determined solid spherical harmonics of degree k, and the
infinite series is uniformly convergent in every closed subregion of E(oo);
(ii) qJ has derivatives of all orders, series representations of whick may be ob-
tained by performing the co"esponding termwise differentiations, the resulting
expansions being also uniformly convergent in every closed subregion of E(oo);
(iii) if n is a fixed integer, the three statements
(ot) qJ (~) =O(r"- 1),
({J) qJ (~) = o (r"),
(y) Hl"l =0 for k "!;;;_n,
are equivalent and imply
(<5) VqJ(~)=O(r"- 2).
An analogous result holds for harmonic vector fields on E(oo).
We now state and prove a theorem which is the counterpart for biharmonic
functions of (4).
(5) Repr-esentation theof'em for bihaf'monic fields in a neighbof'hood
ofinfinity. 1 Lettp be a biharmonic scalar field on E(oo). Then:
1 PICONE [1936, 4]. See also GURTIN and STERNBERG [1961, 11].
Sect. 8. Harmonic and biharmonic fields. 23
(i) 1p admits the representation
00 00
1p = L G(kJ +r2 L H(kJ'
k=-00 k=-00

where G(kJ and H(kJ are solid spherical harmonics of degree k, and both infinite series
are uniformly convergent in every closed subregion of E( oo) ;
(ii) 1p has derivatives of all orders, series representations of which may be obtained
by performing the corresponding termwise differentiations, the resulting expansions
being also uniformly convergent in every closed subregion of E( oo);
(iii) if n is a fixed integer, the three statements
(o:) 1p{~) =O(rn-1),
{{J} 1p {~} = o (rn} ,
(y) G(kJ =H(k- 2) =0 for k ;;;;;n,
are equivalent and imply
{15) V1p{~) =O(rn- 2}.
An analogous result holds for biharmonic vector fields on E(oo).
Proof. We show first that 1p admits Almansi's representation

where r:p and tP are harmonic on E(oo). A completeness proof for this represen-
tation, applicable to a region that is star-shaped with respect to 0 in its interior,
is indicated by FRANK and v. MISES.l To establish the completeness of this
representation in the present circumstances, it is sufficient to exhibit a harmonic
function tP that satisfies

or equivalently,

Since, by hypothesis, Ll1p is harmonic, we know from (4) that it admits the

Ll1p (r, e, y) = I: S(k) (e, y) rk, (b)


where the s<k>((), y) are surface harmonics of degree k and the infinite series has
the convergence properties asserted in parts (i) and (ii) of (4). Now consider tP
defined by

(]J(r, (), y) = S(k) ((), y) rk, S(kl=~-.

2(2k + 3)

Clearly, tP is harmonic. Further, this function also satisfies (a), as is confirmed

with the aid of (b).
On applying (i) and (ii) of (4) to r:p and (/), (i) and (ii) of the present theorem
follow at once. With a view toward establishing (iii}, we observe that {{J} is
immediate from (o:). We show next that {{J} implies (y). Let s(kJ ((), y) and S(k) ((), y)
be the respective surface harmonics corresponding to the solid harmonics G(k)
and H(kl. We now multiply the right-hand member of the equation in (i) by
r-n s(m) ((), y) (m = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ... ) and integrate termwise over 0 ~ () ~ n,
1 [1943, 1], p. 848.
24 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 9.

0 ~ y :::;: 2 37;. Bearing in mind the convergence properties asserted in (i) as well
as the orthogonality relations, we find that the integral
Sn n
Imn(r) =r-n J J1p(r, 0, y) s<ml((J, y) sin (J d(J dy, (c)
0 0

for all sufficiently large values of r, is given by

Imn(r) =r"'-"[s<m>, s<m>J +r-n-m+l[s<-m-ll, s<m>J
+rn-n+~[s<m>, s<ml] +r-n-m+l[s<-m-1), s<ml].

It follows from ({J) and (c) that Imn(r) tends to zero as r-+oo for fixed m and n;
consequently, the same is true of the right-hand member of (d). Noting that the
coefficients of the inner products appearing in (d) are four distinct powers of r,
we conclude that [s<ml, s<ml] = 0 if m - n ~ 0. Thus s!ml 0, which implies that
Glm) 0 for m ~ n. In a similar manner we verify that Him) 0 for m ~ n - 2. =
Hence ({J) is a sufficient condition for (y).
We have to show further that (y) implies (oc). This is readily seen to be true
by observing that each of the series in (i) represents a field that is harmonic on
.E(oo), and by invoking part (iii) of ( 4). Finally, (y) implies (6) because of (ii) of the
present theorem and (iii) of (4). Theorem (5) has thus been proved in its
entirety. 0
The following well-known proposition on divergence-free and curl-free vector
fields will be extremely useful.
(6) Let v be a smooth vector field on B that satisfies
div v =0, curl v =0.
Then v is harmonic.
Proof. Let D be an arbitrary open ball in B. By hypothesis and (i) of (6.8 ),
there exists a class C2 scalar field rp on D such that
Since v is divergence-free, rp is harmonic, and this, in tum, implies that v is
harmonic. 0

III. Functions of position and time.

9. Class OM• N. By a time-interval T we mean an interval of the form (- oo,t0 ),
(0, t0), or [0, t0), where t0 > 0 may be infinity. We frequently deal with functions
of position and time having as their domain of definition the cartesian product
D x T of a set D in 8 and a time-interval T. In this physical context :x: will always
stand for a point of D and t will denote the time. If 'P is a function on D x T,
we write 'P( ·, t) for the subsidiary mapping of D obtained by holding t fixed and
'P(;x:, ·) for the mapping of T obtained by holding ;x: fixed. We say that such a
function 'Pis continuous (smooth) in time if 'P(;x:, ·) is continuous (smooth)
on T for each ZED. If D X Tis open, we write J7!nl1Jf(;x:, t) for the n-th gradient
of 'P with respect to :x: holding t fixed and p!nl (re, t) for the n-th derivative of
'P with respect tot holding ;x: fixed. Ordinarily, we write P, P instead of ljf(ll, p<s>.
Let M and N be non-negative integers. We say that 'Pis of class CM,N on
B X (0, t 0) if 'Pis continuous on B X (0, t 0) and the functions
vcm> pen>, mE{O, 1, ... , M}, nE{O, 1, ... , N}, m+n~max{M, N},
Sect. 10. Convolutions. 25
exist and are continuous on Bx(o, t0 ). We say that Pis of class CM,N on
B x [0, t0) if P is of class CM, N on B X (0, t0) and for each mE{O, 1, ... , M},
nE{O, 1, ... , N}, fl(ml IJ'(nl has a continuous extension to B X [0, t0 ) (in this case
we also write f7!ml rp!nl for the extended function). Finally, we write CN for CN,N.
We say that a function IJ' on ~ X [ 0, t0 ) is piecewise Tegula'l' if Pis piecewise
continuous on ~ X [0, t0 ) and IJ'( •, t) is piecewise regular on 9'a; for 0 ::::;; t < t0 •
tO. Convolutions. Let T=[O,t0 ) or (-oo, oo), and let qJand1pbescalarfields
on D x T that are continuous in time. Then the convolution 91 *1p of 91 and 1p
is the function on D X T defined by
IP*"P(~. t) =f 91(~. t--r:)"P(~. -r) d-r:.
Let IJ'be a function on D X [0, oo). We say that IJ'has a Laplace tTansjorm
P if there exists a real number 'fJo ~ 0 such that for every '1J E['fJo, oo) the integral
IJ'(~. '1]) = Je-'lt IJ'(~. t) dt
converges uniformly on D.
(1) PToperties of the convolution. Let If', 1p, and w be scalar fields on
D x [0, t0 ) that are continuous in time. Then
(i) IP*"P =1p* If';
(ii) (qJ*'Ij!)*W=qJ*('Ij!*W)=qJ*'Ij!*W;
(iii) IP*("P+w)=lf'*"P+If'*W;
(iv) for ~ED, if 91 (~. •) > 0 on (0, t0 ), then
IP*"P(~.·)=O ::::} "t'(~.·)=O;
(v) for ~ED, if t0 = oo, then
lf'*"P(~. ·) =0 ::::} 91(~. ·) =0 or 1p(~. ·) =0;
(vi) if 91 is smooth in time, then
=cp *11' + cp( ., o) 1p;
(vii) if t0 =oo and qJ,1p possess Laplace transforms, then so also does 91*11'· and
on D X ['1]0 , oo) for some 1Jo ;;::;;o.
Proof. The results (i)-(iii), (v), and (vii) are well known,1 while (vi) follows
directly upon differentiating cp*1J'· To establish (iv) let 91 = 91(~. •), 1p =1p{~. •),
assume that 1p does not vanish identically on [0, t 0), and let
~ =inf {tE [0, t0): 1p(t)=l= 0}.
Since 1p is continuous, there exists a number t2 with ~ < t2 < t0 such that 1p > 0 on
(t1 , t 2) or 1p < 0 on (t1 , t2). In either case, since cp > 0, it follows that
J qJ(t2 --,;) 1j!(7:) d-r:=f= 0,

and we have a contradiction. D

1 Properties (i)-(iii) are established in Chap. I of MIKUSINSKI [1959, 10]. TITCHMARSH'S
theorem (v) is proved in Chap. II of the same book.
26 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 10.

Let if/ be a finite-dimensional inner product space, e.g. if/ = "f/ or if/= the
set of all tensors, and let 4> and tp be 11'-valued fields on D x T that are
continuous in time. Then we write f/J* tp for the "11'-valued field on D X T
defined by
f/J*tp(~. t) = ff!J(~. t--r) tp(~. -r) d-r,

and 4> * tp for the scalar field on D X T defined by

4> * tp(~. t) = J 4>(~. t- 7:) . tp(~. 7:) d-r.

Thus if f/J is a scalar field, u and v vector fields, and S and T tensor fields, all
defined on D X T, then f!J*U is a vector field, f!J*S is a tensor field, and u•v
and S * T are scalar fields; in components
[f!J*U]i= f!J*Ui, [f!J*S]i;= f!J*Sii•
u•v=u,•v,, S•T=Si;*Ii;·
Finally, we write S *u for the vector field
S•u(~, t) = J S(~, t--r) u(~, -r) d-r;
[S•u]i =Si;*U;.
Properties analogous to (i)-(iv) of (1) obviously hold for the convolutions defined
Let l and k be continuous vector functions on (- oo, oo). Then l#k is
for the tensor function on this interval defined by
l#k(t) = J l(t -7:) ® k(-r) dt:.
In components
For convenience, we write l" for the function on (- oo, oo) defined by
l"(t) =l(t-a.).
Further, we let !l' denote the set of all smooth vector functions on (- oo, oo) that
vanish on (- oo, 0).
(2) Let l, kE!l' and let a.>O. Then
. .
Proof. Since
l=k=O on (-oo,O],
l"=k"=i"=k"-=0 on (-oo,a.J,
the above relations hold trivially on (- oo, OJ. Thus choose tE (0, oo). Then
l"# k(t) = J l(t -7: -a.}® k(t:} dt:.
Sect. 11. Space-time. 27

Thus, letting -r =A. -IX, we arrive at

l"'#k(t) = J l(t-A.)®k"'(A.) dA.,
and, in view of (a),
l"'#k (t) = J l(t- A.)® k"' (A.) dA. = l#k"'(t).
• d
l(t--r) = - di l(t--r),

if we integrate (b) by parts, we arrive at

• I •
l"'#k(t) = - [l(t--r) ® kcx(-r)]!:~+ fl(t--r) (8) kcx(-r) d-r. (c)

Because of (a), (c) yields the second relation in (2). D

11. Space-time. We call the four-dimensional point space
@"(4) =@"X ( - oo, oo)

space-time; in our physical context a point ; = (:ll, t) E @"( 4) consists of a point :1l
of space and a time t. The translation space associated with @"(4) is
1"'(4) ='Y'X ( - oo, oo);

elements of 1"'(4) will be referred to as four-vectors. As is natural, we write

a· b =a· b +IX{J
for the inner product of two four-vectors a= (a, IX) and b = (b, {J).
A four-tensor M is a linear transformation from 1"'(4) into J"'(4l. Thus M
assigns to each four-vector (a, IX) a four-vector
(b, {J) =M(a, IX).
Given a four-tensor M, there exists a unique tensor M (on 1"'), unique vectors
m, mEf, and a unique scalar A. such that for every four-vector (a, IX),
M(a, 0) =(Ma, m ·a),
M(O, IX) =(miX, AIX).

We call the array

the space-time partition of M.
As before, we define the transpose MT of M to be the unique four-tensor
with the property:
Ma · b =a· MT b for all four-vectors a and b.
28 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 12.

It is not difficult to show that the space-time partition of M T is

Let rp be a smooth scalar field on an open set D in cf(4l. Then the gradient in
8(4) of rp is the four-vector field

Let u = (u, p.) be a smooth four-vector field and M a smooth four-tensor field on
D (i.e. the values of M are four-tensors). We define the divergences of u and M
by the relations:
div(4) u =div u +,U.
(div(4)M) ·G=div(4)(MTo) for every oEi"'(4l.
For future use, we now record the following
(1) Identity. Let M be a smooth four-tensor field on an open set D in cf(4l,
and let (a) be the space-time partition of M. Then

div(4l M = (div M +m, div m + ~).

Proof. Since
MT a= (JUT a +mcx:, m · a+Acx:),
it follows that
div(4)(MT a) =div(MT a) +ex: divm+a · m+cx:i
=(div M +m, divm+i). (a, ex:),
which implies the desired identity. D
(2) Divergence theorem in space-time. Let D be a bounded regular
region in 8(4l. Let u and M be a four-vector field and a four-tensor field, respectively,
both continuous on D and smooth on D. Then
I u · n da = I div( 4) u dv,
oD D

I Mnda=Idiv( 4 )Mdv,
oD D

whenever the integrand on the right is continuous on D. Here n is the outward unit
normal to oD.
Proof. The first result is simply the classical divergence theorem in cf( 4l; the
second can be established using the procedure given in the proof of (6.1). 0

C. Formulation of the linear theory of elasticity.

I. Kinematics.
12. Finite deformations. Infinitesimal deformations. In this section we motivate
some of the notions of the infinitesimal theory. When we present the linear
theory we will give the axioms and definitions that form its foundation; while
these are motivated by viewing the linear theory as a first-order approximation to
the finite theory, the linear theory itself is independent of these considerations and
stands on its own as a completely consistent mathematical theory.
Sect. 12. Finite deformations. Infinitesimal deformations. 29
Consider a body 1 identified with the region Bit occupies in a fixed reference
configuration. 2 A deformation 3 of B is a smooth homeomorphism x of B onto
a region x(B) in t! with det 17x>O. The point x(a:) is the place occupied by the
material point :n in the deformation x, while
u(:n) =x(:n) -:n (a)
is the displacement of a: (see Fig. 2). The tensor fields
F=l7x (b)
and 17u are called, respectively, the deformation gradient and the displacement
gradient. By (a) and (b),
Vu=F-1. (c)

Fig. 2.

The importance of the concept of strain cannot be established by a study of

kinematics alone; its relevance becomes clear when one studies the restrictions
placed on constitutive assumptions by material-frame indifference.4 Many
different measures of strain appear in the literature ; however all of the properly
invariant choices are, in a certain sense, equivalent. 5 The most useful for our
purposes is the finite strain tensor D defined by
D=i(FTF-1). (d)&
Of importance in the linear theory is the infinitesimal strain tensor
E =i(Vu + VuT); (e)
by (c),
D=E+il7uTI7u. (f)
The infinitesimal theory models physical situations in which the displacement
u and the displacement gradient 17u are, in some sense, small. In view of (e) and
(f), D and E can be considered functions of Vu. Writing
e =Wul, (g)
1 See, e.g., TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 22], § 15.
2 See, e.g., TRUESDELL and NOLL [1965, 22], § 21.
8 TRUESDELL and TouPIN [1960, 17], §§ 13-58 give a thorough discussion of finite
'See, e.g., TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 22], §§ 19, 29.
5 See, e.g., TRUESDELL and TOUPIN [1960, 17], § 32.
6 The tensor C = FT F = 2D + 1 is the right Cauchy-Green strain tensor (TRUESDELL and
NoLL [1965, 22], § 23).
30 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 12.

we conclude from (f) that to within an error of O(e 2) as e~o. the finite strain tensor
D and the infinitesimal strain tensor E coincide.
A finite rigid deformation is a deformation of the form:
x(x) =Yo+ Q [x -x0],
where x 0 and Yo are fixed points of~ and Q is an orthogonal tensor. In this instance
F=Q and Vu=Q-1 (h)
are constants and
u(x) =u0 +Vu[x-x0 ], (i)
where U0 =y0 -x0 • Moreover, since QTQ=l, (d), (e), and (h), imply
E=i-(Q+QT) -1.
Thus in a rigid deformation the finite strain tensor D vanishes, but E does not.
For this reason E is not used as a measure of strain in finite elasticity. By (f)
and (j),
and we conclude from (g) that in a rigid deformation to within an error of O(e2)
the infinitesimal strain tensor vanishes. Thus
Vu =- VuT +O(e2);
i.e., to within an error of O(e 2 ) the displacement gradient is skew. This motivates
our defining an infinitesimal rigid displacement to be a field of the form
u (x) =Uo + W[x -x0]
with W skew.
The volume change 15V in the deformation x is given by
15V= I dv- BI dv.

Since the Jacobian of the mapping xis det Vx =det F,

I dv =I
det F dv;
15V =I
(det F-1) dv,

so that detF -1 represents the volume change per unit volume in the deformation.
In view of (c), we can consider Fa function of Vu. A simple analysis based on
(c) and (g) implies that as e~o
detF=det(1+Vu)=1 +tr Vu+O(e 2 ),
or equivalently,
det F-1 =div u +O(e2);
thus to within an error of O(e 2) the volume change per unit volume is equal to div u.
For this reason we call the number
6v =I div u dv =I u · n da
B oB

the infinitesimal volume change.

Sect. 13. Properties of displacement fields. Strain. 31
13. Properties of displacement fields. Strain. In this section we study properties
of (infinitesimal) displacement fields. Most of the definitions are motivated by
the results of the preceding section.
A displacement field u is a class C2 vector field over B; its value u(x)
at a point XE B is the displacement of x. The symmetric part
of the displacement gradient, Vu, is the (infinitesimal) strain field, and the
above equation relating E to u is called the strain-displacement relation. The
(infinitesimal) rotation field W is the skew part of Vu, i.e.
W =i(Vu -J7uT),
ro =i curl u
is the (infinitesimal) rotation vector. Thus
and ro is the axial vector of W; i.e. for any vector a,
We call
divu=tr E
the dilatation. The (infinitesimal) volume change lJv (P) of a part P of B due
to a continuous displacement field u on B is defined by
(J v (P) = f u . n d a,

and we say that u is isochoric if lJv(P) =0 for every P. By the divergence

lJv (P) = f div u dv = J tr E dv;
p p

thus u is isochoric if and only if

on B.
An (infinitesimal) rigid displacement field is a displacement field u of the
u(x) =Uo+Wo[x-x0],
where x 0 is a point, u 0 is a vector, and Wo is a skew tensor. In this instance
Vu(x) = Wo =- W;,T and E(x) =0
for every x in B. Of course, u may also be written in the form
u(x) =u0 +roo X [x -x0 ],
where ro0 is the axial vector of Wo.
(1) Characterization of rigid displacements. Let u be a displacement
field. Then the following three statements are equivalent.
(i) u is a rigid displacement field.
(ii) The strain field corresponding to u vanishes on B.
(iii) u has the projection property on B: for every pair of points x, yE B
[u(x) -u(y)] · [x -y] =0.
32 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 13.

Proof. We will show that (i) ==} (iii) ==} (ii) ==} (i). If u is rigid, then
u(x) -u(y) = W0 [x -y]
with JVo skew; hence
(x-y) · [u(x) -u(y)] =(x-y) · JVo[x-y] =0
and (iii) holds. Next, assume that u has the projection property. Then differenti-
ating the relation (iii) with respect to x, we obtain
Vu(x)T [x-y] +u(x) -u(y) =0.
Differentiating this equation with respect to y and evaluating the result at
y = x, we arrive at
-Vu(x)T -Vu(x) =0,
which implies (ii). Now assume that (ii) holds. By (6) of (4.1), VVu=O. Thus
u(x) =u0 + J¥o[x-x0],
and (ii) implies that W 0 is skew. D
An immediate consequence of (1) is the following important result.
(2) Kirchhoff's theorem 1 • If two displacement fields u and u' correspond to
the same strain field, then
where w is a rigid displacement field.
The next theorem shows that (iii) in (1) implies (i), even if we drop the
assumption that u be of class C2, but, as we shall see, the proof is much more dif-
(3)2 LetF be a non-coplanar set of points in tff, and let u be a vector field on F.
Then u is a rigid displacement field if and only if u has the profection property.
Proof. Clearly, if u is rigid, it has the projection property. To establish the
converse assertion we assume that
[u(x) -u(y)] · (x-y) =0
for every pair of points x, yEF. Let zEF, and let F* be the set of all vectors from
z to points of F:
F.={V: V=X-Z, XEF}.
Let g be the vector field on F. defined by
g(v)=u(x)-u(z), V=X-Z, XEF. (a)
Then g(O) =0, and g has the projection property:
[g(v) -g(w)]. (v -w) =0 (b)
for every pair of vectors v, wEF*. Taking w =0 we conclude that
1 [1859. 1].
2 Cf. NIELSEN [1935, 5], Chap. 3.
Sect. 13. Properties of displacement fields. Strain. 33
for every vEF#, and this fact when combined with (b) implies

g (v) · w = -g (w) • v (c)

for all v, wEF.,.
Next, since the points ofF do not line in a plane, F# spans the entire vector
space "~'". Let Wv w 2 , w 3 be linearly independent vectors in F., and let g be the
function on "Y defined by
where vi are the components of v relative to wi, i.e. v =viwi. Then g is linear.
We now show that g is the restriction of g to F_. Indeed, (c) and (d) imply that
for v, kEF_
g(v) · k =vig(w,) · k = -vig(k) · wi= -v · g(k) =g(v) · k,
and since this relation must hold for every kEF.,,
g(v) =g(v) for all vEF•. (e)
Since g is linear, we may write
g(v) = Wv, (f)

where W is a tensor. Further, using (c) and (d), it is a simple matter to verify that

g(v) · w = -g(w) · v
for all v, wE"''". Thus W is skew. Finally, (a), (e), and (f) imply
u(iV) =u(z) + W[iV -z]
for every iVEF. 0
A homogeneous displacement field is a displacement field of the form
u(iV) =u0 +A[iV-iV0],
where the point iV0 , the vector u 0 , and the tensor A are independent of iV. Such
a field is determined, to within a rigid displacement, by the strain field E, which
is constant and equal to the symmetric part of A. If u 0 = 0 and A is symmetric,
i.e. if
u(iV) =E[iV-iV0 ],
then u is called a pure strain from iV0 •
(4) Let u be a homogeneous displacement field. Then u admits the decomposition
where w is a rigid displacement field and uis a pure strain from an arbitrary point iV0 •
Proof. Let
u(iV) =u0 +A[iV -y0 ],
E=}(A+Ar), W=}(A-AT).

W(iV) =W0 +W[iV -iV0], w 0 =U0 +A[iV0 -y0],
u(iV)=E[iV-iV0 ]. 0
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 3
34 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 13.

Let re0 be a given point, and let

p 0 (re) =re -re0 •
Some examples of pure strains from the point re0 are:
(a) simple eretension of amount e in the direction n, where lnl = 1 :
u=e(n · p 0) n,
(b) uniform dilatation of amount e:
(c) simple sheaf' of amount u with respect to the direction pair (m, n),
where m and n are perpendicular unit vectors:
U=u[(m · p 0) n+(n · p 0) m],
E=2usym(m®n) =u[m®n+n®m].

-....:> a--- o----

-....:> a---
----o -....:> a--- o----
• 0 -....:> • a--- o----
• 0 -....:>
Xo a---
• 0 -+--<> a---

Simple extension


Uniform dilatation

Simple shear
Fig. 3. Examples of pure strains from :.:0 •
Sect. 13. Properties of displacement fields. Strain. 35
The displacement fields corresponding to (a), (b), and (c) are shown in
Fig. 3. The matrix relative to an orthonormal basis {n, e 2 , ea} of E in the
simple extension given in (a) is

[EJ = [~ ~ ~]'
0 0 0
and the matrix of E relative to an orthonormal basis {m, n, e3} in the simple
shear given in (c) is

[E] = [~0 ~0 ~]·

Notice that the homogeneous displacement field
ii =2u(m · p 0) n
has the same strain as the simple shear defined in (c) and hence differs from it by
a rigid displacement field.
For a pure strain the ratio of the volume change dv (B) of the body to its
total volume v (B) is tr E. Thus for a simple extension of amount e,
v(B)- =e,

for a uniform dilatation of amount e,

dv(B) _ 3e,
v(B) -
and for any simple shear,
6v(B) =O
v(B ·

We call the principal values ~, e2 , ea of a strain tensor E principal strains.

By (8.2), E admits the spectral decomposition
E= L;e,n1 ®n,,

where n 1 is a principal direction corresponding toe;. We now use this decompo-

sition to show that every pure strain can be accomplished in two ways: by three
simple extensions in mutually perpendicular directions; by a uniform dilatation
followed by an isochoric pure strain.
(5) Decomposition theorem for pure strains. Let u be a pure strain
from ~0 • Then u admits the following two decompositions:
(i) u =Ut. +u2 +Us.
where Ut., u 2 , and Ua are simple extensions in mutually perpendicular directions
from ~0 ;
(ii) U=Ud+uc,
where ud is a uniform dilatation from ~0 , while uc is an isochoric pure strain from ~0 •
Proof. Let E be the strain tensor corresponding to u. It follows from the spec-
tral decomposition for E that

M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 13.


Thus if we let

Po (;;c) =;;c -;;co,
the decomposition (i) follows. On the other hand, if we let
ua =i(tr E) p 0 ,
Uc = [E -l(tr E) 1] p 0 ,
then ua is a uniform dilatation, uc is an isochoric pure strain, and
ua+ue=EPo=U. D
(6) Decomposition theorem for simple shears. Let u be a simple shear
of amount" with respect to the direction pair (m, n). Then u admits the decomposition
where u"' is a simple extension of amount ±" in the direction
V2 (m±n).
Proof. Let E be the strain tensor corresponding to u. Then

and it follows that A. is a principal value and a a principal vector of E if and only if
u(n ·a) m +u(m ·a) n =A.a.
It is clear from this relation that the principal values of E are 0, +u, -u, the
corresponding principal directions
t 1
mxn, V2 (m+n), V2 (m-n).

Thus we conclude from (i) of (5) and its proof that the decomposition given in (6)
holds. D
Trivially, every simple shear is isochoric. The next theorem asserts that every
isochoric pure strain is the sum of simple shears.
(7) Decomposition theorem for isochoric pure strains. Let u be an iso-
choric pure strain from ;;c0 • Then there exists an orthonormal basis {fl.t, n 2 , ns}
such that u admits the decomposition

where ~, u 2 , and Ua are simple shears from ;;c0 with respect to the direction pairs
(n2, ns). (na. fl.t), and (fl.t, n2), respectively.
Proof. 1 Let E be the strain tensor corresponding to u. If E =0 the theorem
is trivial; thus assume E =l= 0. Clearly, it suffices to show that there exists an
1 This proof was furnished by J. LEw (private communication) in t 968.
Sect. 13. Properties of displacement fields. Strain. 37
orthonormal basis {n,., n 2 , na} such that the matrix of E relative to this basis
has zero entries on its diagonal:

To prove this it is enough to establish the existence of non-zero vectors ar;, Jl such
ar;. /l=O, (a)
ar; • Ear;=Jl· E/l=O; (b)
for if {n,., na. Ha} is an orthonormal basis with
fl:t =
T«f' n2-
then (b) yields
f1:t • En:t =n2 • En 2 =0,
and the fact that tr E = 0 implies
Let tfl.t, m 2 , rna be principal directions forE, and let Ct. -e2 , -e 8 be the corre-
sponding principal strains. Since tr E = 0, we may assume, without loss in
generality, that
Ct~e2 ~e8 ~0

(if two of the principal strains are positive and one negative consider -E rather
than E). We shall now seek vectors ar;, Jl which satisfy not only (a) and (b), but
also the condition
where «sand {11 are the components of ar; and Jl relative to the orthonormal basis
tfl.t, m 2 , fna. In view of (c), conditions (a) and (b) reduce to the system:
(Xi +(X=-~ =0
~ ar;i -es ~ -ea ar;i =0.
It is easily verified that this system has the solution

ar;i =es+ea.
~=Ct -ea.
ar;l=Ct +e2,
and since E =1= 0, the vectors ar; and Jl so defined will be real and non-zero. 0
We now consider displacement fields that are not necessarily homogeneous.
Given a continuous strain field E on B, we call the symmetric tensor

E(B) = v(~) f E dv
the mean strain. Clearly,
15v(B) =t E(B)·
v(B) r '

thus the volume change can be computed once the mean strain is known.
M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 13.

(8) Mean stTain theoTem. Let u be a displacement field, let E be the corre-
sponding strain field, and suppose that E and u are continuous onlJ. Then the mean
strain E(B) depends only on the boundary values of u and is given by

E(B) = v(~) J
sym u®n da.

Proof. By the divergence theorem (6.1),

J(u®n+n®u)da=J (Vu+VuT)dv=2fEdv. 0
The next theorem, which is due to KoRN, gives restrictions under which the
L2norm of the gradient of u (i.e. the Dirichlet norm of u) is bounded by a constant
times the L2 norm of the strain field.
(9) Horn's inequality.1 Let u be a class C2 displacement field on IJ, and assume
that one of the following two hypotheses hold:
(oc) u=OonoB;
({J) B is properly regular, and either u =0 on a non-empty regular subsurface
of oB, or
where W is the rotation field corresponding to u.
J jVuj2dv~K J !EJ 2dv,
where E is the strain field corresponding to u, and K is a constant depending only
on B.
Proof. We will establish Kom's inequality only for the case in which (oc.) holds.
The proof under ({J), which is quite difficult, can be found in the article by FI-
Thus assume (oc) holds. It follows from the definitions of E and W that
IEI 2 =i(jVui 2+Vu. vur),
jWj 2 =}(jVuj 2 -Vu · Vur);
jEj 2 -IWI 2 = Vu · Vur. (a)
Further, we have the identity
Vu· VuT = div [(Vu) u- (div u) u J + (div u)2. (b)
By (a), (b), the divergence theorem, and (oc),
J jEj 2dv- J jWj 2dv= J (divu)2dv,
which implies
JIWJ 2 dv;;;;; J JEJ 2 dv. (c)
1 KoRN [1906, 4], [1908, 1], [1909. 3]. Alternative proofs of Kom's inequality were given
by FRIEDRICHS [1947, 1], EIDUS [1951, 5] (see also MIKHLIN [1952, 2], §§ 4o-42), GOBERT
[1962, 6], and FICHERA [1971, 1]. Numerical values of K for various types of regions can be
found in the papers by BERNSTEIN and TOUPIN [1960, 1], PAYNE and WEINBERGER [1961, 17],
and DAFERMOS [1968, 3].
2 [1971, 1], § 12.
Sect. 14. Compatibility. 39
Thus we conclude from (c) and the identity
J Wu\ 2 dv~2 J \E\ 2 dv;

therefore Kom's inequality holds with K = 2. D

Let u be a displacement field on B. Then u is plane if for some choice of the
coordinate frame 1
u"' =u"'(x1 , x 2), Us =0.
In this instance the domain of u can be identified with the following region R
in the x1 , x2-plane:
R ={(x1 , x2): oz:EB}.
Clearly, the corresponding strain field Eisa function of (x1 , x2) only and satisfies
E"' 11 = l (u"',fl + u11 . "'),
E13 =E2a =Eaa =0.
It is a simple matter to verify that a plane displacement field is rigid if and only if

u"'(x) =a"' +we"' 11 x11

where x = (x1 , x2) and a"' and w are constants. We call a two-dimensional field u"' of
this form a plane rigid displacement and a complex function of the form
ti(Z) =tZt +ia2 -iwz, z=x1 +ix2 ,
a compleoz: rigid displacement. Clearly, a complex function u is a complex
rigid displacement if and only if its real and imaginary parts ~ and u 2 are the
components of a plane rigid displacement.
14. Compatibility. Given an arbitrary strain field E, the strain displacement
E =l(llu + VuT)
constitutes a linear first-order partial differential equation for the displacement
field u. The uniqueness question appropriate to this equation was settled in the
last section; we proved that any two solutions differ at most by a rigid displace-
ment. The question of existence is far less trivial. We will show that a necessary
condition for the existence of a displacement field is that the strain field satisfy
a certain compatibility relation, and that this relation is also sufficient when the
body is simply-connected.
The following proposition, which is of interest in itself, supplies the first step
in the derivation of the equation of compatibility.
(1) The strain field E and the rotation vector w corresponding to a class C2 dis-
placement field satisfy
Proof. If we apply the curl operator to the strain-displacement relation and
use (4) and (5) of ( 4.1), we find that
curlE=icurl (Vu+VuT) =iVcurlu=Vw. D
1 Recall our agreement that Greek subscripts range over the integers 1, 2.
40 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 14.

If we take the curl of the relation in (1) and use (4) of (4.1), we are immedi-
ately led to the conclusion that a necessary condition for the existence of a dis-
placement field is that E satisfy the following equation of compatibility:
curl curl E =0.
This result is summarized in the first portion of the next theorem; the second
portion asserts the sufficiency of the compatibility relation when the body is
(2) Compatibility theorem.1 The strain field E corresponding to a class C3
displacement field satisfies the equation of compatibility.
Conversely, let B be simply-connected, and let E be a class CN (N ~ 2) symmetric
tensor field on B that satisfies the equation of compatibility. Then there exists a dis-
placement field u of class CN+I on B such that E and u satisfy the strain-displace-
ment relation.
Proof. We have only to establish the converse assertion. 2 Thus let B be
simply-connected, and assume that curl curl E =0. Let
A=curlE. (a)
curlA=O, (b)
and since E is symmetric, (a) and (12) of (4.1) imply that
trA=O. (c)
By (b), (c), and (iii) of (6.8), there exists a class CN skew tensor field W such that
A=-curl W, (d)
and (a), (d) imply that
curl (E + W) =0;
thus, by (ii) of (6.3), there exists a class CN+l vector field u on B such that
and taking the symmetric part of both sides of this equation, we arrive at the
strain-displacement relation. D
In components the equation of compatibility takes the form

or equivalently,
2£12,12 =£11,22 +£22,11•
E11,2a = (-E2s,1 +Eal,2 +Eu,s), I• etc.
Under the hypotheses of (2) it is possible to give an explicit formula which
may be useful in computing a displacement field u corresponding to the strain
1 Some of the basic ideas underlying this theorem are due to KIRCHHOFF [1859, 1], who
deduced three of the six equations of compatibility and indicated a procedure for determining
the displacement when the strain is known. The complete equation of compatibility was
first derived by SAINT-VENANT [1864, 1], who asserted its sufficiency. The first rigorous
proof of sufficiency was given by BELTRAMI [1886, 1], [1889, 1]. Cf. BoussiNESQ [1871, 1],
KIRCHHOFF [1876, 1], PADOVA [1889, 2], E. and F. CossERAT [1896, 1], ABRAHAM [1901, 1].
Explicit forms of the equation of compatibility in curvilinear coordinates were given by On-
QVIST [1937, 4], BLINCHIKOV [1938, 1], and VLASOV [1944, 3].
2 This portion of the proof is simply a coordinate-free version of BELTRAMI's [1886, 1]
Sect. 14. Compatibility. 41

field E. Let :1!0 be a fixed point in B. Then for each :I!E B the line integral
u(:~!)= J U(y, :~!) dy,

is independent of the path in B from :1!0 to :1!, and the function u so defined is a
displacement field corresponding to the strain field E.1
An alternative form of the equation of compatibility is given in the following
(8) Let E be a class C2 symmetric tensor field on B. Then E satisfies the equation
of compatibility if and only if

LJE + VV(tr E) -2 VdivE =0.

Proof. The proof follows from the identities:

curl curl E = -LJE- VV(tr E) +2 VdivE+ 1 [LJ (tr E) -div divE], (a)
tr [LJ E + VV(tr E) -2 V div EJ = 2:CLJ (tr E) - div divE]. (b)
Indeed, let curl curl E = 0. Then, if we take the trace of (a), we conclude, with the
aid of (b), that
LJ(tr E) -div divE =0, (c)
and this result, in view of (a), implies the relation in (8). Conversely, if that
relation holds, then (b) implies (c), and (c) implies curl curl E =0. 0
The following proposition will be quite useful.
(4) Assume that B is simply-connected. Let u be a displacement field, and
assume that the corresponding strain field E is of class C2 on B and of class CN (N ~ 1)
on B. Then u is of class CN+I on B.
Proof. Let u' be the displacement field generated byE using the procedure
given in the proof of (2). By (18.2), u and u' differ by a rigid displacement
field; hence 'it suffices to prove that u' is of class CN+I on B. Since curl E is of
class cN-l on B, the function win (d) in the proof of (2) is of class eN on B, and
u' is of class CN+I on B. 0
(5) Compatibility theorem for plane displacements. Assume that R is
a simply-connected open region in the XI, x2-plane. Let Ua be a class C3 field on R,
and let
Conversely, let EafJ (=Epa) be a class CN (N ~ 2) field on R that satisfies (ii). Then
there exists a class CN+l field Ua on R such that (i) holds.
1 This explicit solution is due to CESARO [1906, 2]. In this connection, see also VoLTERRA
[1907, 4], SOKOLNIKOFF [1956, 12], BOLEY and WEINER (1960, 3].
42 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 15.

Proof. That (i) implies (ii) follows upon direct substitution. To prove the
converse assertion assume that (ii) holds. Then

(Eu,2 -Eu,1) ,2 = (Eu,2 -E22,1) ,1·

Thus there exists a function q; on R of class eN such that
En,2 -Eu,1 = q;,1• Eu,2 -E22.1 = ({J,2•
or equivalently,
Eu,2 = (E12 + q;) ,1• E22,1 = (E12- q;) ,2·
Therefore there exist class CN+l functions ucx on R such that

En =Ut,1• E22 =u2,2•

Eu+([J=Ut,2• Eu-q;=u2,1·
The first two equations ·are simply (i) for the case oc={J. On the other hand, since
Ecxp=Epcx• the last two equations, when added together, yield (i) for oc=t={J. 0
Using the two-dimensional alternator ecxp, we can write (ii) in the form

which more closely resembles its three-dimensional counterpart.

We now return to the general three-dimensional theory. A Volterra dis-
location1 on B is a vector field u with the following properties:
(i) u is a class C2 field on B-Y, where [/is a regular surface in B.
(ii) u is not continuous across Y.
(iii) the strain field E corresponding to u is continuous across Y, and the
extension (by continuity) of E to B is of class C2 •
(6) There does not exist a Volterra dislocation on B if B is simply-connected.
Proof. Let B be simply-connected. Assume there exists a Volterra dislocation
u on B, and let E be the corresponding strain field. By the compatibility theo-
rem (2 ), there exists a class C3 displacement field u' on B such that u' and E
satisfy the strain displacement relation. Thus u and u' correspond to the same
strain field on B-Y, and (18.2) implies
u=u'+w on B-Y,
where w is a rigid displacement field. But u' and w are continuous across [/;
thus u must be continuous across Y, which contradicts (ii). 0

II. Balance of momentum.

The equations of motion and equilibrium.
15. Balance of momentum. Stress. In this section we determine consequences
of the laws of momentum balance when the underlying motion is infinitesimal.
The relationship between these results and the corresponding results for finite
motions will be discussed in Sect. 16.
1 VOLTERRA (1907, 4], generalizing an idea of WEINGARTEN (1901, 7] and TIMPE (1905, 2].
See also BURGERS [1939, 1].
Sect. 15. Balance of momentum. Stress. 43
We assume given on B a continuous strictly positive function e called the
density; the mass of any part P of B is then
fe dv.

Let (0, t0 ) denote a fixed interval of time. A motion of the body is a class
C2 vector field u on B x (0, t0 ). The vector u(a:, t) is the displacement of ;rat time
t, while the fieldsu, u,
E =i(Vu + VuT),

and E are the velocity, acceleration, strain, and strain-rate. We say that a motion
is admissible if u, ti, ii, E, and E are continuous on B X [0, t0 ). Given an admis-
sible motion u and a part P of B,

l(P) =Iite
is the linear momentum of P, and

h(P) =pfpxue dv
is the angular momentum (about the origin 0) of P. Note that, for P fixed, l(P)
and h (P) are smooth functions of time on [0, t0}; in fact,

i(P)= f
ii e dv, h (P) = f p X ii (! d v.

A system of forces 1 for the body is defined by assigning to each (a:, t) EB X

[0, t0 ) a vector b (a:, t) and, for each unit vector n, a vector s,. (a:, t) such that:
(i) s,. is continuous on B X [0, t 0 ) and of class C1 ' 0 on B X (0, t0};
(ii) b is continuous on B X [0, t0}.
We call s,.(a:, t) the stress vector at (a:, t). Let !7 be an oriented regular
surface in B with unit normal n (Fig. 4). Then s,.(oo) (a:, t) is the force per unit

Fig. 4.

area at ;,; exerted by the portion of B on the side of !7 toward which n (;,;) points
on the portion of B on the other side; thus
Is,. d a= I s,.(oo) (;,;, t) d a 00
Y' !I'
44 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 15.

j p XSn da j p(:11) XSn{a~) (:11, t) da 2

represent the total force and moment across /7. The same consideration also
applies when :11 is located on the boundary of B and n is the outward unit normal
to oB at :11; in this case sn(:11, t) is called the surface traction at (:11, t). The
vector b (:11, t) is the body force at (:11, t); it represents the force per unit volume
exerted on the point :11 by bodies exterior to B. The total force f(P) on a part
P is the total surface force exerted across oP plus the total body force exerted
on P by the external world:
f(P) = fsn da+ Jb dv.

Analogously, the total moment m(P) on P (about 0) is given by

m(P) = fpxsnda+ Jpxb dv.

An ordered array [u, IJ, where u is an admissible motion and 1 a system of

forces, is called a dynamical process 1 if it obeys the following postulate: for
every part P of B
f(P) =i(P) (mJ
m(P) =h(P).
These two relations constitute the laws of balance of linear and angular
momentum ;2 (mJ is the requirement that the total force on P be equal to the
rate of change of linear momentum, (m 2) that the total moment be equal to the
rate of change of angular momentum. Note that by (mJ, the relation (m2) holds
for every choice of the origin 0 provided it holds for one such choice. Clearly, (mJ
and (m2) can be written in the alternative forms:
fsnda+fbdv=Jiiedv, (mD
8P P P

f pxsnda+fpxb dv = f pxue dv.

8P P P

For future use, we note that (m2) is equivalent to the relation:

skw { J p®snda+ J p®b dv}=skw J p®uedv.
IJP p p

The next theorem is one of the major results of continuum mechanics.

(1) Cauchy-Poisson theorem. 8 Let u be an admissible motion and 1 a
system of forces. Then [u, 1J is a dynamical process if and only if the following
two conditions are satisfied:
1 For the results of this section weaker definitions would suffice for an admissible motion,
a system of forces, and a dynamical process. The strong definitions given here allow us to
use these definitions without change in later sections.
2 C£. the discussion given by TRUESDELL and ToUPIN [1960, 17], § 196.
8 CAUCHY [1823, 1], [1827, 1] proved that balance of linear and angular momentum
implies (i) and (ii) in (1), while PoiSSON [1829, 2] established the converse assertion. In a sense,
the essential ideas are implied or presumed in memoirs written by FREsNEL in 1822 [1868, 1],
but his work rests heavily on the constitutive assumptions of linear elasticity. In a still more
limited sense the scalar counterpart of (i) is foreshadowed in a work on heat conduction
written by FouRIER in t8t4 [1822, 1], which is even more involved with special constitutive
relations. For a discussion of the history of this theorem, the reader is referred to TRUESDELL
and TOUPIN [t 960,17]. GURTIN, MIZEL, and WILLIAMS [t 968, 6] established the existence of the
stress tensor under somewhat weaker hypotheses.
Sect. 15. Balance of momentum. Stress. 45
(i) there exists a class C1• 0 symmetric tensor field S on B x (0, t0 ), called the
stress field, such that for each unit vector n,

(ii) u, S, and b satisfy the equation of motion:

div s +b =eil.
The proof of this theorem is based on two lemmas. The first is usually referred
to as the law of action and reaction.
(2) Cauchy's reciprocal theorem. Let [u,/] be a dynamical process. Then
given any unit vector n,

Proof. Since B is bounded, the properties of e. u, and b imply that

k (t) =sup Ib (:11, t) - e(:11) il (:11, t) I

is finite for 0 ;;;;:;; t < t0 • Thus we conclude from (m~) that

Ia£ Sn daj ;;;;;;;kv(P) (a)

on [0, t0 ), where v(P) is the volume of P.

Now choose a point a10 EB, a time tE (0, t0 ), and a unit vector m. For con-
venience we shall suppress the argument t in what follows. Let P, be a rectangular
parallelepiped contained in B with center at :110 and sides parallel tom (see Fig. 5).

Fig. 5.

Suppose further that the top and bottom faces $"/ and $",- with exterior nor-
mals m and -mare squares of length e, and that the height of P, is e1 • Let~.
denote the union of the four side faces. Then
v(P,)=e', a(~*)=e1 , a(~.)=4e 8 , (c)
where, for any surface f/, a(f/) denotes the area off/. By (a) and (c),

!~ Js" da-o
as e-o. (d)
46 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 15.

Further, since s 1 is continuous on B for each fixed unit vector l, we conclude

from (c) that

~~- J SHn da-+S±,.(~o) and ~ Js.da-+0 as e-+0. (e)

P, "·
By (b), (d), and (e),

which completes the proof, since m and ~0 are arbitrary. 0

(8) Lemma. LetS be a class C1•0 tensor field on B X (0, t0 ) with Sand div S
continuous on B X [0, t0). Then given any part P of B,

l px(Sn) da =I p xdiv S dv +2I a dv
p p

on [0, t0), where a is the axial vector co"esponding to the skew part of S.
Proof. Let

Then given any vector e,

j · e= I (exp) · Sn da =In· sr(exp) da =Idiv {ST(exp)} dv,
~ ~ p

and hence (11) of (4.1) implies

j ·e= I(exp) · div S dv+ IS· J7(exp) dv. (a)
p p
(exp) ·divS=e· (pxdivS),
S · J7(exp) =2e ·a;
since e is arbitrary, (a) and (b) imply
j= Ipxdiv S dv+2Iadv. 0
p p

Proof of (1 ). Assume first that (i) and (ii) of (1) hold. Then it follows from the
properties of u and s. that S and div S are continuous on B X [0, t0). Thus given
any part P of B, (ii) and the divergence theorem imply (mi). Next, since S is

Fig. 6. Tetrahedron for the case in which~=~. k 2 = -e1 , lea= -ea.

Sect. 1 s. Balance of momentum. Stress. 47

symmetric, its axial vector a vanishes, and (8) together with (i) and (ii) of (1)
I p xs,. da = IP xdiv S dv =I p x (eu -b) dv,
i!P p p
which is {m;).
Conversely, assume that [u, I] is a dynamical process. Let m be a unit
vector and assume that m =!= ±e; for any base vector e; of the orthonormal basis
{f1., e 2 , ea}. Choose a point i£EB, and consider the tetrahedron P(h) in B whose
sides n (h) and n; (h) have outward unit normals m and k;, where
k; = - [ sgn (e;· m)] e; {no sum),
and whose faces n;(h) intersect at i£ (see Fig. 6). Let the area of n(h) be a(h),
so that the area of n;(h) is -a{h) m · k;. Since s .. is continuous on B x (0, t0) for
each fixed n, we conclude that

·a~) I
Sua da-+Sna(~)
and, by (2 ), that

a :h)· I sk, da-+- {m · k;) sk, {~) = - {m · e,) Se1 {~) (no sum) {a)

as h-+0, where we have suppressed the argument t. On the other hand, it follows
from the inequality {a) in the proof of (2) that

da-+0 as h-+0
· {b)

Thus, since oP(h) is the union of n(h) and all three n;{h), {a) and {b) imply

s.n{i£) =(m · e;) se,{i£) = [se1 (i£) ®e,] m. (c)

Our derivation of {c) required that m =!= ± e, hold for every i. However, it follows
from (2) that the first equation of (c) is also valid when m = ± e,; thus (c) holds
for every unit vector m. Now let S be the tensor field on B X (0, t0 ) defined by

s .. =Sn {d)
for every unit vector n. Further, S is of class C1 • 0 on B X {0, t0 ) and continuous
on B X [0, t0 ), because s .. has these properties for every n.
Next, if we apply {m~) to an arbitrary part P (with PCB) and use (d) and the
divergence theorem we conclude that
divS+b=eu. (e)
Thus to complete the proof we have only to show that Sis symmetric. By {m~),
{d), and (8),

for every part P with PeE. Thus a= 0 on B X (0, t0 ), which yields the symmetry
ofS. 0
48 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 15.

We now give an alternative proof of the existence of the stress tensor.1 Let
[u,IJ be a dynamical process, and let (~0 , t)EB X [0, t0). It suffices to show that
the mapping n ~ s.. (~0 , t) is the restriction (to the set of unit vectors) of a linear
function on "f'". For convenience, we write

then for any ~E B we can extend the function s (~, ·) to all of "f'" as follows:
s(~. v) = jvj s (~. 1: 1). v =F 0,
s(~, 0) =0.
Let <X be a scalar. If <X > 0, then
s(<Xv) = j<Xvj s ( 1: :1 ) =<XIvls( 1: 1) =<Xs(v), (b)
where we have omitted the argument~. If <X<O, then (b) and Cauchy's recip-
rocal theorem (2) yield
s(<Xv) =s(j<Xj (-v)) =j<Xjs( -v) =<Xs(v).
Thus s (~. •) is homogeneous.
To show that s (~. •) is additive we first note that
s (~. ~ +w2) = s (~. W1) + s (~, w2)
whenever w1 and w 2 are linearly dependent. Suppose then that w1 and w 2 are
linearly independent. Fix e > 0 and consider ~, the plane through ~0 with normal
w1 ; ~2 , the plane through ~0 with normal w 2 ; and ~3 , the plane through ~0 + ew3
with normal w 8 , where

Fig. 7.

Consider the solid .91 =.!II (e) bounded by these three planes and two planes
parallel to both w1 and w 2 and a distance 6 from ~0 (see Fig. 7). Let e and 6 be
sufficiently small that .91 is a part of B. Then

1 This proof was furnished by W. NoLL (private communication) in 1967.
Sect. 15. Balance of momentum. Stress. 49
where ill";, is contained in ni (i =1, 2, 3), and if; and if; are parallel faces.
a,= i::l as (i =1, 2),

aa=O(e) as e~o.

v(Jil) = ; lwal a3 =2d a4 =2b a5 ,

where a, is the area of if/;,. Thus, by the continuity of s 0 ,

c= lwal
~ lwtl
Jsn da= L.J a.
Js(~' wi )daa: +O(e)
jw.j as e~O,
3 IJ.W i=l ' "H"i •

and (a) implies

c=Ls(~0 .wi)+o(1) as e~o.

On the other hand, we conclude from estimate (a) in the proof of (2) that
c=O(e) as e~o.

The last two results yield

L s(~o.wi)=O;

since s(~. ·)is homogeneous, this relation and (c) imply that s(~0 , •) is additive.
Thus s (~0 • ·) is linear, and, since ~0 EB was arbitrarily chosen, NoLL's proof is
The fieldS of the Cauchy-Poisson theorem (1) has the following properties:
(I) Sis a symmetric tensor field of class C1• 0 on B x (0, t0);
(II) S and div S are continuous on 1J X [0, t0 ).
The continuity of div S on 1J X [0, t0) follows from the equation of motion and
the continuity of (!, ii, and b on this set. A field S with properties (I) and (II) will
be called a time-dependent admissible stf'ess field. In view of the Cauchy-
Poisson theorem, the specification of a dynamical process is equivalent to specifying
an ordered array [u, S, b], where
(oc) u is an admissible motion;
({3) S is a time-dependent admissible stress field;
(y) b is a continuous vector field on lJ X [0, t 0);
(d) u, S, and b satisfy the equation of motion

div s +b =eii.
Henceforth, a dynamical pt'Ocess is an ordered array [u, S, b] with properties
If u is independent of time, the equation of motion reduces to the equation of
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 4
50 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 15.

LetS be a stress tensor at a point~ of the body. If

then the scalar s is called a principal stress at ~ and the unit vector n is
called a principal direction (of stress). Since Sis symmetric, there exist three
mutually perpendicular principal directions f1J., n 2 , ns and three corresponding
principal stresses s1 , s2 , s3 •
If a symmetric stress field S is constant, it automatically satisfies the equation
of equilibrium (with vanishing body forces). Examples of such stress fields are:
(a) pure tension (or compression) with tensile stress a in the direction n,
where \n\ = 1 :
(b) uniform pressure p:
(c) pure shear with shear stress 1: relative to the direction pair m, n, where
m and n are orthogonal unit vectors:
8=2-rsym (m®n).

Pure tension

Uniform pressure

Pure shear

Fig. 8.
Sect. 16. Balance of momentum for finite motions. 51
The matrix of the pure tension (a) relative to an orthonormal basis {n, e 11, ea} is

[S] = [~ ~ ~],
0 0 0
and the matrix of the pure shear (c) relative to an orthonormal basis {m, n, ea} is

[0 0]
[S] = ,; o o .

0 0 0
Given a unit vector k, the stress vector s1c for each of the above is:
(a) s1c =CI(k · n) n,
(b) SJc = -pk,
(c) s1c =T[(m · k) n + (n ·k) m].
These three surface force fields are shown in Fig. 8.
16. Balance of momentum for finite motions. 1 In this section we show that the
definitions and results of the previous section are, in a certain sense, consistent
with the finite theory provided the deformations are small. We again remind the
reader that this section is only to help motivate the infinitesimal theory; the
remainder of the article is independent of the considerations given here.
Consider a one-parameter family JCe, O<t<t0 , of deformations of B, the timet
being the parameter. The point""(~. t) = Kt(~) is the place occupied by~ at timet,
u(~. t) =K(~. t) -~ (a)
is the displacement of ~ at time t.
The linear momentum l(P) of a part Pis the same in the finite theory as in
the linear theory; i.e.
l(P) = Jue dv, (b)

where e is the density in the reference configuration. The angular momentum,

however, is now equal to
h* (P) = f(K -0) xue dv. (c)

By (a), ic =it; thus, since it xu =0,

h* (P) =pf (K -0) xue dv. (d)

In the finite theory we can specify the surface forces and body forces per unit
area and volume in the deformed configuration or per unit area and volume in
the reference configuration. The former specification leads to the Cauchy stress
tensor; the latter, which is most convenient for our purposes, leads to the Piola-
Kirchhoff stress tensor. A system of forces 1 is defined exactly as in the infini-
tesimal theory with the quantities s,. and b now interpreted as follows: given
any closed regular surface fF in B [rather than K(B, t)] with unit outward nor-
mal n at a:E f//, Sn (~. t) is the force per unit area in the reference configuration
1 See, for example, TRUESDELL and TOUPIN (1960, 17], §§ 196, 20Q-210, and TRUESDELL
and NoLL [1965, 22], § 43A.
52 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 16.

exerted at the material point ~ by the material outside of !/ on the material

inside; b (~, t) is the force per unit volume in the reference configuration exerted
on the material point ~ by the external world. The force f(P) on a part Pis the
same as in the linear theory:
f(P) = Isnda+ Ib dv; {e)
8P P

however, the moment m*(P) on Pis now given by:

m*(P) = I(K-0) xsnda+ I (K-0) xb dv. {f)

8P P

In terms of these quantities, the laws of balance of linear and angular momentum
take the forms
f(P) =i(P),

m*(P) =h*(P),
or equivalently,
I Snda+ Ib dv =I eii dv, {g)

I(K -0) XSn da

+PI(K -0) Xb dv = PI(K -0) X(!ii dv. (h)

Now let
e = sup !u(~, t)!. (i)
IE (0, 10 )
By {a),
K(~, t) -0 =U(~, t) +~ -0 =U(~, t) +p(~), (j)

and if we consider the field " as a function of the field u, then {i) and (j) yield
K-O=p+O(e) as e-+0. (k)

Using (k) and (d), we can write (c), (f), and {h) as follows:
h*(P) = f[p+O(e)] xitedv,
m*(P) = f[p+O(e)J xsnda+ I[pxO(e)J xb dv,
8P P

f[p +O(e)J XSn da + I[p +O(e)] xb dv = f[p +O(e)] xeii dv. (m)

These relations reduce to the corresponding relations in the linear theory provided
we neglect the terms written O(e).
We can summarize the results established thus far as follows: In terms of
surface forces and body forces measured per unit area and volume in the reference
configuration, the linear momentum of any part P and the force on P are the same
as in the linear theory, and (hence) so also is the law of balance of linear momentum.
The angular momentum and the moment reduce to the corresponding quantities in the
linear theory provided we neglect the terms written O(e) in (l); therefore when these
terms are neglected the law of balance of angular momentum reduces to the corre-
sponding law in the infinitesimal theory.
It is a simple matter to establish the consequences of balance of momentum
for the finite theory. In fact, the analog of (15.1) may be stated roughly as
Sect. 17. General solutions of the equations of equilibrium. 53
follows: There exists a tensor field S, called the Fiola-Kirchhoff stress tensor,
such that
div S +b =f!U,
SFT =FST, (o)
is the deformation gradient. The Eqs. (n) are identical to their counterparts in
the infinitesimal theory. However, in the linear theory the stress fieldS is sym-
metric; in contrast, it is clear from (o) that in the finite theory S will in general
be non-symmetric. If we let
<5 =JVul, (p)
then, since
F=1+Vu, (q)
(o) implies
S (1+0(<5)} =ST (1+0(<5)).
Thus S is symmetric to within terms of 0(<5) as <5-+-0. This fact further demon-
strates the consistency of the linear theory within the finite theory.
The Cauchy stress tensor may be defined by the relation
T = (detF)-1 SFT. (r)
It follows 1 from this definition that for any part P
JSnda=f Tvda,
~p ~"'(P)

where vis the outward unit normal to 8 rc1 (P); here rc1(P) is the region of space
occupied by Pin the deformation rc1, i.e.
rc1 (P) ={y: y =rc1 (a:), ~EP}.
Thus Tv is the force per unit area in the deformed configuration. Clearly, (r)
and (o} imply that Tis symmetric. Further, as
detF = 1 +0(<5},
it follows from (p} and (q} that

Thus to within terms of 0(<5) the Fiola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and the Cauchy stress
tensor coincide.
17. General solutions of the equations of equilibrium. In the absence of body
forces the equations of equilibrium take the form:
div S =0, S=ST.
If A. is a field over B, and if 2 is a differential operator with values that are
symmetric tensor fields, then
will be a solution of the equations of equilibrium provided
div .Z(A.) =0.
1 See, for example, TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 22), § 43A.
54 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 17.

A field A with this property is called a stress function. The first solution of the
equations of equilibrium in terms of a tress function was AIRY's 1 two-dimensional
solution in terms of a single scalar field. Three-dimensional generalizations of
AIRY's stress function were obtained by MAXWELL 2 and MoRERA 3, who established
two alternative solutions, each involving a triplet of scalar stress functions.
BELTRAMI observed that the solutions due to MAXWELL and MoRERA may be
regarded as special cases of
(1) Beltrami's solution.' Let A be a class C3 symmetric tensor field on B,
and let
S=curl curl A.
div 8=0, S=Sr.
Proof. The symmetry of S follows from (9) of (4.1) and the symmetry of A.
On the other hand, by (7) of (4.1),
div S = div curl curl A =curl div (curl A) T,
and thus we conclude from (8) of (4.1) that
divS=O. 0
Consider now a fixed cartesian coordinate frame. Then Beltrami's solution
takes the form:
5ii = eimn E;pq Amp,nq•
Further, letting [A] denote the matrix of A relative to this frame, we have for
the following special choices of A :
(a) Airy's solution.
5u=(/J,22• 522=(/J,n• 512=-qJ,12• 5u=52a=5aa=O;
(b) M~ell's solution.

[A]= [ ~~ a2
512 = -aa,12• etc.;
1 AIRY [1863, 1].
2 MAXWELL [1868, 2], [1870, 1].
a MoRERA [1892, 4].
4 BELTRAMI [1892, 1]. This solution has been erroneously attributed to FINZI by STERN-
BERG [1960, 12], to GWYTHER and FINZI by TRUESDELL [1959, 16] and TRUESDELL and
TouPIN [1960, 17], and to BLOKH by LuR'E [1955. 10]. Related contributions and additional
references can be found in the work of MoRERA [1892, 5], KLEIN and WIEGHARDT [1905, 1],
LOVE [1906, 5], GWYTHER [1912, 2], [1913, 1], FINZI [1934, 2], SOBRERO [1935, 7]. KUZMIN
[1945, 2], WEBER [1948, 7], FINZI and PASTOR! [1949, 1], KRUTKOV (1949, 5], PERETTI
[1949, 8], BLOKH [1950, 3], [1961, 2], MORINAGA and N6NO [1950, 9], FILONENKO-BORODICH
[1951, 7, 8], (1957, 6], ARZHANYH [1953, 2], SCHAEFER (1953, 18], [1955, 12], [1959, 12],
KRONER [1954, 11], [1955, 7, 8], LANGHAAR and STIPPES [1954, 12], ORNSTEIN [1954, 17],
GUNTHER [1954, 7], MARGUERRE [1955, 11], DORN and SCHILD [1956, 1], BRDICKA [1957,
3], RIEDER [1960, 9], [1964,17,18, 19], MINAGAWA [1962,11], [1965, 14], GURTIN [1963, 9],
KAWATATE [1963, 16], PASTOR! [1963, 21], !NOV and VVEDENSKII [1964, 10], N6NO [1964, 15],
CARLSON [1966, 6], [1967, 4], STIPPES [1966, 25], [1967,14], ScHULER and FosDicK [1967, 13].
Sect. 17. General solutions of the equations of equilibrium. 55
(c) Morera's solution.

Sn = - 2wi,23• 512 = (wi,I +w2,2 -wa,a) ,3• etc.

If we define a tensor field G on B through

G=A--!1 trA,
and it follows from (14) of (4.1) that Beltrami's solution (1) can be written in
the alternative form 1
S= - Ll G + 2 Vdiv G -1 div div G.
By a self-equilibrated stress field we mean a smooth symmetric tensor
field S on B whose resultant force and moment vanish on each closed regular
surface !7 in B :
f Sn da = .f p X (Sn) da =0 .
.'/' .'/'

Clearly, every self-equilibrated stress field S satisfies

div 8=0.
On the other hand, if the boundary of B consists of a single closed surface, then
any closed regular surface !7 in B encloses only points of B, and it follows from
the divergence theorem that every divergence-free symmetric tensor field will be
self-equilibrated. The assumption that oB consist of a single closed surface is
necessary for the validity of this converse assertion. Indeed, let B be the spherical
B={J): oc<IJ)-J)0 1<{3}.
Then the stress field S defined on B by
a. (J! -J!o)
S (J)) = -~~=xofs - (J) - J)o) <8> (J) - J)o) (a =I= 0)

but its resultant force on any spherical surface

ff={J):IJ) -J)0 1=y} (oc <y <{3)
is not zero. In fact,
rSnda= ---a.


This result when combined with the next theorem shows that the BeUrami solution
and hence the solutions of MAXWELL and MORERA are, in general, not complete; i.e.
there exist stress fields that do not admit a representation as a Beltrami solution.
(2) 2 Beltrami's solution (1) always yields a self-equilibrated stress field.
1 This version of Beltrami's solution is due to ScHAEFER [1953, 18].
2 RIEDER [1960, 9]. See also GURTIN [1963, 9].
56 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 17.

Proof. Let
S =curl curl A.
with A. symmetric and of class C3 on B, and let
W=curlA.. (a)

Then by the symmetry of S =curl curl A. together with Stokes' theorem (6.2),
J Snda= J sTnda= J (curl W)Tnda=O
9' 9' 9'

for every closed regular surface f/ in B. To see that the resultant moment also
vanishes on f/, consider the identity
px(curl W)Tn=[curl(PW)JTn+WTn-(tr W) n, (b)

which holds for any tensor field W and any vector n, where P is the skew tensor
corresponding to the position vector p. In view of the symmetry of A., (a) and
(12) of (4.1) imply that
Hence (a), (b), and Stokes' theorem (6.2) yield
Jp x (Sn) da = Jp X (ST n) da = Jp x (curl WV n da
9' 9' 9'

= J [curl(PW)JT n da+ J (cur1A)T n da=O. 0

9' 9'

Thus stress fields that are not self-equilibrated cannot be represented as Beltrami
solutions. The next theorem shows that Beltrami's solution is complete provided
we restrict our attention to self-equilibrated stress fields. In order to state this
theorem concisely, let :F denote the set of an fields of class ca on Band class ca
on B.
(8) Completeness of the Beltrami solution. 1 Assume that the boundary
of B is of class C3 • Let SEF be a self-equilibrated stress field. Then there exists a
symmetric tensor field AEF such that
S =curl curiA.
Proof. Since Sis self-equilibrated (and hence symmetric),
J STnda=O, (a)


for every closed regular surface f/ in B. By (a) and (ii) of (6.4), there exists a
tensor field W EF such that
S=curl W. (c)
1 GURTIN [1963, 9]. Completeness proofs were given previously by MORINAGA and N6No
[1950, 9], ORNSTEIN [1954, 17], GuNTHER [1954, 7], and DORN and SCHILD [1956, 1]. How-
ever, since the necessary restriction that S be self-equilibrated is absent in all of these in-
vestigations, they can at most be valid for a region whose boundary consists of a single closed
surface. GuRTIN's [1963, 9] proof is based on a minor variant of GuNTHER's [1954, 7] argument
and is quite cumbersome. The elegant proof given here is due to CARLSON [1967, 4] {see also
CARLSON [1966, 6]).
Sect. 17. General solutions of the equations of equilibrium. 57
It follows from (b), (c), the identity (b) given in the proof of (2), and Stokes'
theorem (6.2) that
J [W-(trW) 1Ynda=0

for every closed regular surface [/' in B. Thus, by (ii) of (6.4), there exists a
tensor field V E:F such that
W -(trW) 1 =curl V;
hence (c) implies
S =curl curl V +curl [(trW) 1]. (d)
If we let
A=sym V,
then (9) and (10) of (4.1) yield the relations
sym{curl curl V} =curl curl A,
sym{curl[(tr W) 1]} =0.
Thus, since Sis symmetric, if we take the symmetric part of both sides of (d), we
arrive at
S =curl curl A. D
If the boundary of B consists of a single closed surface, then every symmetric
divergence-free stress field is self-equilibrated, and we have the following direct
corollary of (8 ).
(4) Assume that oB consists of a single class C3 closed regular surface. Let
S E:F be a symmetric tensor field that satisfies
div S =0.
Then there exists a symmetric tensor field AE:F such that
S =curl curl A.
The next proposition, which is a direct consequence of the compatibility
theorem (14.2 ), shows that two tensor fields are Beltrami representations of the
same stress field if and only if they differ by a strain field.
(5)1 Let
S =curl curl A, (a)
where A is a class C2 tensor field on B. Further, let
E = !(17u + VuT),
where u is a class C3 vector field on B. Then

S =curl curl H. (c)

Conversely, let B be simply-connected, and let A and H be class C2 symmetric
tensor fields on B that satisfy (a) and (c). Then there exists a class C3 vector field u
on B such that (b) holds.
It is clear from (5) that to prove the completeness of Maxwell's solution for
situations in which Beltrami's solution is complete it suffices to establish the
1 FINZI (1934, 2].
58 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 17.

existence of a class C3 displacement field u that satisfies the three equations

!(u,,;+u;.•)=-Aii (i=l=f). (I)
On the other hand, the completeness of Morera's solution will follow if we can
find a class C3 solution u of the equations
ui,i =Aii (no sum). (II)
Here A is a given class C2 symmetric tensor field on B. Under hypotheses (i)
and (iv) of (5.2) with M = 1 and N = 3, as well as analogous hypotheses obtained
from (i) and (iv) by cyclic permutations of the integers (1, 2, 3), the system
(II) has a solution. Therefore under these hypotheses a stress field S admits
a Morera representation whenever it admits a Beltrami representation.
To the author's knowledge, there is, at present, no general existence theorem
appropriate to the system (I).
Theorems (2) and (8) assert that the Beltrami solution is complete if and only
if we restrict our attention to self-equilibrated stress fields. The next two results
show that it is possible to modify Beltrami's representation so as to form a
completely general solution of the equation of equilibrium.
(6) Beltrami-Schaefer solution.1 Let A be a class C3 symmetric tensor
field and h a harmonic field on B, and let
S =curl curl A +2Vh -1 div h.
div S =0, S =ST.
Proof. The proof follows at once from (1) and the identity
div[Vh+(Vh)T -1 divh] =Llh. 0
(7) Completeness of the Beltrami-Schaefer solution. 2 Let S be a sym-
metric tensor field that is continuous on B and class C2 on B, and suppose that
Then there exists a class C3 symmetric tensor field A and a harmonic vector field h
on B such that
S =curl curl A +2 Vh -1 div h.
Proof. By (6.5) there exists a class C3 symmetric tensor field G on B such
S = - L1 G + 2 Vdiv G -1 div div G- 2 Vdiv G + 1 div div G,
and letting
1 SCHAEFER (1953, 18].
2 GURTIN [ t 963, 9] introduced the following solution:

S= curl curl A+ 2LI Vb -1717div b, (*)

where A is symmetric and b biharmonic, and established its completeness. Shortly thereafter
ScHAEFER noticed that the completeness of (*) implies the completeness of the Beltrami-
Schaefer solution (private communication). The direct completeness proof given above ap-
pears here in print for the first time.
Sect. 18. Consequences of the equation of equilibrium. 59
we see from (14) of (4.1) that
S =curl curlA+2Vh -1 divh.
Further, the fact that Sis divergence-free implies that his harmonic. 0
Let S satisfy the hypotheses of (7), and let
S, =curl curl A,
S,.=2Vh-1 divh,
where A and h are the fields established in (7 ). By (2) S, is self-equilibrated,
while (6) implies that s,. is divergence-free and symmetric. Further, since h is
harmonic, so iss,.. Thus we have the
(8) Decomposition theorem foT stTess fields. 1 Let S satisfy the hypoth-
eses of (7). Then
S=S,+S11 ,
where S, is a self-equilibrated stress field, and S,. is a harmonic tensor field that
div 8 11 =0, S 11 =Sf.
Finally, it is clear from the proof of (6) that 2
S=2Vh-1 divh,
Llh= -b
furnishes a particular solution of the inhomogeneous equations of equilibrium
div S +b =0, S=ST.
18. Consequences of the equation of equilibrium. In this section we study
properties of solutions to the equation of equilibrium
assuming throughout that a continuous body force field b is prescribed on B.
For convenience, we introduce the following two definitions. A vector field u
is an admissible displacement field provided
(i) 3 u is of class C2 on B;
(ii) u and Vu are continuous on B.
On the other hand, an admissible stTess field is a symmetric tensor field S
with the following properties :
(i) S is smooth on B;
(ii) S and div S are continuous on B.
The associated su'rface force field is then the vector field s defined at every
regular point :DE oB by
s (:.:) = S (:.:) n (:.:),
where n(:.:) is the outward unit normal vector to oB at:.:.
1 Cf. [1963, 9], Theorem 4.4.
2 ScHAEFER [1953, 18].
3 Actually, for the results established in this section, this requirement may be replaced
by the assumption that u be smooth on B.
60 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 18.

The following lemma will be extremely useful throughout this article.

(1) Lemma. Let S be an admissible stress field and u an admissible displace-
ment field. Then
J 8 · u da = J u · div S dv + J S · Vu dv.

Proof. By the divergence theorem, (11) of (4.1), and the symmetry of S,

f u · Sn da = J (Su) · n da = J div(Su) dv = f u · div S dv + f S · Vu dv.

The symmetry of S also requires that

S · 17u=S ·Vur =S · Vu,
and the proof is complete. 0
If S is a solution of the equation of equilibrium, then div S = - b, and
(1) has the following important corollary.
(2) Theorem of work ro:pended. 1 LetS be an admissible stress field and u
an admissible displacement field, and suppose that S satisfies the equation of equi-
librium. Then
f 8 · u da + f b · u dv = J S · E dv,

where E is the strain field corresponding to u.

This theorem asserts that the work done 2 by the surface and body forces over
the displacement field u is equal to the work done by the stress field over the
strain field corresponding to u. If u is a rigid displacement field, then Vu =0,
and the above relation reduces to
f s · u da + f b · u dv =0.

Thus the work expended over a rigid displacement field vanishes.

Our next theorem shows that, conversely, the balance laws for forces and
moments are implied by the requirement that the work done by the surface and
body forces be zero over every rigid displacement.
(3) Piola'8 theorem. 3 Let s be an integrable vector field on oB. Then
f 8 · w da + J b · w dv =0

1 Cf. Theorem (28.3).

2 We follow LovE [1927, 3], § 120, in referring to, e.g.,
J s ·u da (a)

as the work done by the surface force s over the displacement u. In the dynamical theory
the work is given by

where [t0 , t1 ] is the interval of time during which the time-dependent surface force s 1 acts,
and where 1 is the velocity of the time-dependent displacement field u 1. Formally, (b) reduces
to (a) if we assume that the spatial fields s and u are applied suddenly, i.e., if s 1 (a:) =
s(x) h(t-1.) and u 1(a:) =U(a:) h(t-1.), where h is the Heaviside unit step function and
I.E (to • t1) ·
3 PIOLA [1833, 2), [1848, 1]. See also TRUESDELL and TOUPIN [1960, 17], § 232.
Sect. 18. Consequences of the equation of equilibrium. 61

for every rigid displacement w if and only if

Jsda+ fbdv=O,
oB B

fpxsda+ fpxbdv=O.
oB B
Proof. Let
with W 0 skew. In view of the identity
a· W 0 e=W0 • (a®e),
which holds for all vectors a and e,
A(w) = J s · w da + J b · w dv
oB B

=Uo·{ Jsda+fbdv}+Wo·{ Js®pda+Jb®pdv}.

oB B iJB B

Thus A(w) =0 for every rigid displacement w (or equivalently, for every vector
u 0 and every skew tensor W0 ) if and only if s and b satisfy balance of forces and,
in addition,
skw{ fp®sda+ fp®bdv} =0.

This completes the proof, since the above relation is equivalent to balance of
moments. D
The theorem of work expended was generalized by SIGNORINI 1 in the following
(4) Signorini's theorem. LetS be an admissible stress field that satisfies the
equation of equilibrium, and let w be a smooth vector field on B. Then
J w®s da+ J w®b dv= J (17w) S dv.

Proof. By the divergence theorem,

f w ® s da = f w ® (Sn) da = f w ® (div S) dv + f (17w) sr dv.
oB oB B B

This completes the proof, since sr = S and div S = -b. D


the symmetry of S yields

tr[(l7w) SJ=S · 17w=S · Vw.
Thus if we take the trace of SIGNORINI's relation, we arrive at the theorem of
work expended.
Given an admissible stress fieldS, we call the symmetric tensor

S(B) = v(~)
S dv

the mean stress. Here v (B) is the volume of B.

1 SIGNORINI [1933, 4]. Actually, SIGNORINI's theorem is slightly more general.
62 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 18.

(5) Mean stress theorem. 1 The mean stress corresponding to an admissible

stress field that satisfies the equation of equilibrium depends only on the associated
surface traction and body force fields and is given by

S(B) J
= v(~j- [ p®s da + p®b dv].

Proof. We simply take w in SIGNORINI's theorem equal to p and use the

identity Vp =1. D
The next three theorems give alternative characterizations of the equations of
equilibrium and compatibility.
(6) Let S be an admissible stress field, and suppose that
J S · Vu dv = J b · u dv

for every class coo vector field u on B that vanishes near oB. Then
div S +b =0.
Proof. Let u be a class coo vector field on B that vanishes near oB. By the
symmetry of S, S · Vu=S · Vu; thus we conclude from (1) that the integral
identity in (6) must reduce to
J (div S +b)· u dv =0.

Since u was arbitrarily chosen, we conclude from the fundamental lemma (7.1)
thatdivS+b=O. D
(7) Let S be an admissible stress field, and suppose that

for every class coo symmetric tensor field Eon B that vanishes near oB and satisfies
the equation of compatibility. Then
Proof. Let u be a class coo vector field on B that vanishes near oB, and let
E be the corresponding strain field. Then E satisfies the equation of compatibility
and vanishes near oB; hence, by hypothesis,

and the proof follows from (6 ). D

(8) Donati's theorem. 2 Let E be a class C2 symmetric tensor field on B.
Further, suppose that 3

1 CHREE [1892, 2], p. 336. See also SIGNORINI [1932, 5].

2 DONATI [1890, 1], [1894, 2]. See also COTTERILL [1865, 1], SOUTHWELL [1936, 5],
[1938, 5], LOCATELLI [1940, 3, 4], MORIGUTI [1948, 5], KLYUSHNIKOV [1954, 10], WASHIZU
[1958, 20], BLOKH [1962, 2], STICKFORTH [1964, 21], [1965, 17], and TONTI [1967, 16, 17].
3 Notice that S·E is continuous on B, since S vanishes near oB.
Sect. 18. Consequences of the equation of equilibrium.

for every class coo symmetric tensor fieldS on B that vanishes near oB and satisfies
div S =0.
Then E satisfies the equation of compatibility.
Proof. Let A be a symmetric tensor field of class coo on B that vanishes near
oB, and let
S =curl curl A.
Then S vanishes near oB, and by (17.1), Sis symmetric and divergence-free.
f E ·(curl curiA) dv =0.

If we apply the divergence theorem twice and use the fact that A and all of its
derivatives vanish on oB, we find that
f E · (curl curl A) dv = f (curl Ef · (curl A) dv = f (curl curl E) ·A dv.
f (curl curl E) ·A dv =0.

Since curl curl E is symmetric, and since the above relation must hold for every
such function A, it follows from the fundamental lemma (7.1) that E satis-
fies the equation of compatibility. 0
Let s be an integrable vector field whose domain is a regular subsurface f/
of oB, let b be an integrable vector field on B, and let l be a vector field whose
domain is a finite point set {~1 , ~ 2 , ... , ~N} of B. Further, let l,.=l(e,.). The
functions can be thought of as a surface traction field on f/, bas a body force
field, and l,. as a concentrated load applied at e,..
We say that s, b, and l are in
equilibrium if N
fsda+ fbdv+ ~l,.=O,
~ B n=l
f p X s da + f p X b d v + ~ (~.. - 0) X l,. = 0.
~ B n=l
A somewhat more stringent condition is that of astatic equilibrium, in which the
system of forces is required to remain in equilibrium when rotated through an
arbitrary angle. More precisely, s, b and l are in astatic equilibrium if Q s,
Qb, and Ql are in equilibrium for every orthogonal tensor Q, i.e. if
JQsda+ f Qbdv+ ~ Ql,.=O,
~ B n=l
N (A)
f pxQs da+ f pxQb dv+ ~ (~,.-0) x Ql,.=O,
~ B n=l
for every orthogonal Q.
(9) Conditions for astatic equilibrium.1 Lets, b, and l be as defined above.
Then s, b, and l are in astatic equilibrium if and only if the following two conditions
(i) s, b, and l are in equilibrium;
(ii) fp®sda+ fp®bdv+ ~ (~.. -0)®1,.=0.
B n=l
1In classical statics, in which the loads are all concentrated, this result has long been
known (see, e.g., RouTH [1908, 3], p. 313). The extension to distributed loads is due to BERG
[1969, 1].
64 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 19.

Proof.! Assume that s, b, and l are in astatic equilibrium. Then (i) follows
from (A) with Q = 1. Let T denote the left-hand side of (ii). By (E 2), skw T = 0;
thus Tis symmetric. Next, by {A2),

O=skw{jp®Qs da+ j p®Qb dv+,.~ 1 {~ -O)®Ql,.};


thus, since a®Qc=(a®c)QT for all vectors a and c, skw(TQT) =0. Con-
TQT=QT. (a)
T= 2: A..n.®ni

be the spectral decomposition of T (in the sense of the spectral theorem (8.2)).
By (a) and (b),
3 3
2: A.,n.®Qn.= i=l
2: A.,(Qn,)®n,, (c)

and this relation must hold for every orthogonal tensor Q. Let Q be the ortho-
gonal tensor with the following properties :
If we operate with both sides of (c) on ns and use (d) and the fact that n•·n; = bii•
we find that
which implies that A.2 =As= 0. Similarly, At= 0. Thus T = 0 and (ii) holds.
Assume now that (i) and (ii) hold. Let T be as before. Then T = 0 and
O=TQT = J p®Qs da+ J p®Qb dv+ L; (~,.-0) ®Ql,.. (e)
~ B n=l

If we take the skew part of (e), we are led, at once, to (A 2 ). On the other hand,
(A1) is an immediate consequence of (E1). D
In view of (9 ), the mean stress theorem (5) has the following interesting con-
(10) 2 The mean stress corresponding to an admissible stress field that satisfies
the equation of equilibrium vanishes if and only if the associated surface traction
and body force fields are in astatic equilibrium.
19. Consequences of the equation of motion. In this section we study properties
of solutions to the equation of motion
on a given time interval [0, t0), assuming throughout that a continuous and
strictly positive density field is prescribed on 13.
Given a dynamical process 3 [u, S, b], we call
K=t J eu2 dv

1 This proof differs from that given by BERG [1969, 1].

2 SIGNORINI [1932, 5].
3 Seep. 49.
Sect. 19. Consequences of the equation of motion. 65
the kinetic energy and
J S·Edv

the stress power; here E is the strain field associated with u.

(1) Theorem of power expended. 1 Let [u, S, b J be a dynamical process.
J s · u da + J b · u dv = J S · E dv +I(

Proof. The proof follows from the theorem of work expended (18.2) with b
replaced by b - eii and u replaced by u. D
Theorem (1) asserts that the rate of working of the surface tractions and body
forces equals the stress power plus the rate of change of kinetic energy. If

u( ., o)=u( ., -r),
then, by (1),
T T •

J J s · u da dt+ oJ J b ·it dv dt= J J S


· E dv dt;
o iJB B 0 B

i.e., when the initial and terminal velocity fields coincide, the work done by the
external forces is equal to the work done by the stress field.
As we shall see later, in a homogeneous deformation of a homogeneous body
the stress and strain fields S and E are independent of position. In this instance
b=eii and (1) implies
• 1
J . s-uda·

i.e., the stress power density is equal to the rate of working of the surface trac-
tions per unit volume.2
The next theorem will be of use when we discuss variational principles for
elastodynamics; it shows that the equation of motion and the appropriate initial
conditions are together equivalent to a single integral-differential equation.
Let i be the function on [0, t0 } defined by
i(t) =t.

(2 J3 Let b be a continuous vector field on B X [ 0, t0 }, let u be an admissible motion,

and letS be a time-dependent admissible stress field. Further, let u 0 and v 0 be vector
fields on 13, and let f be defined on B X [0, t0} by

j(.r, t) =i *b (.r, t) + (! (.r) [U 0 (.r) +tv0 (.r)J.

Then [u, S, b] is a dynamical process consistent with the initial conditions

u(·,O}=U0 , u(·,O}=Vo
if and only if
1 STOKES [1851, 2], UMOV [1874, 2). Cf. also V. MISES [1909, 1], TRUESDELL and ToUPIN

[1960, 17], § 217.

a Cf. TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 22], Eq. (18.7).
8 GURTIN [1964, 8], Theorem ).1.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 5
66 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 19.

Proof. If the equation of motion and the initial conditions hold, then
i* [div s +b](a:, t) =e(a:) f (t- •) u(a:, •) d-r
= e (a:) U (a:, t) - e (a:) [tVo (a:) + Uo (a:)],
which implies (a). The converse is easily established by reversing the above
argument. 0
The next lemma, which is a counterpart of (18.1), will be extremely useful
in establishing variational principles for elastodynamics.
(8) Lemma. Let w be an admissible motion and S a time-dependent admissible
stress field. Then
f S*W da = f W*div S dv+ J S*Vw dv.

Proof. By (18.1 ),
f s*w da = f f s(a:, t -•) · w(a:, -r) da d-r
oB o oB
t ~
= f f [div S(a:, t -•) · w(a:, -r) +S(a:, t -•) · Vw(a:, -r)] dv d-r
0 B

=f divS*wdv+ f S*Vwdv. 0

When u 0 and v 0 are the initial values of u and it, we call the function f defined
in (2) the pseudo body force field. Our next theorem gives an analog of the
theorem of work expended (18.2).
(4) Let [u, S, b] be a dynamical process, let f be the corresponding pseudo body
force field, and let w be an admissible motion. Then
i* f S*W da + .r f*w dv =i* .r s* Vw dv + f eu*w dv.
f}B B B B

In particular, when w =U,

i* .r S*U da + f f*u dv =i* f S*E dv + .r eu*U dv.

Proof. By (2) and (8),

i* f S*W da = f (i*div S) *W dv +i* f s* Vw dv

=f (eu-f)*wdv+i*fS*Vwdv. 0
( 5) Reciprocal theorem,! Let [u, S, b] and [u, S, bJ be dynamical processes,
and let f and j be the corresponding pseudo body force fields. Then
i* f s*u da + f f*u dv -i* f S*E dv
=i* f s*u da + f j*u dv -i* f S*E dv,

.r S*Uda+ f b*udv- f S*Edv+ f e(uo. il+vo. ft) dv

= f s*U da + .r iuu dv- .r s*E dv + .r e (ito . it+ Vo . u) dv.
oB B B B
1 This theorem, which appears for the first time here, is based on an idea of GRAFFI [1947, 2],
[1954, 6], [1963, 8] (see Sect. 61 of this article).
Sect. 20. The elasticity tensor. 67

Thus if u 0 = V 0 = ft0 = V0 = 0, then

J s•ft da + J b•ft dv- J s.'E dv = .r s•u da + (iHu dv- J S•E dv. (c)
iJB B B oB B B

Proof. The relation (a) follows from (4) and the fact that
f (!tUft dv =f (!U*U dv.

To verify (b) we note first that (vi) of (10.1) implies

i *"P = "P. (d)

Thus, in view of the definition of f,

f;·u= b•ft+ e(u0 • ft+v 0 • ft). (e)

Therefore if we differentiate (a) twice with respect to t using (d), (e), and the
analog of (e) for j and u, we arrive at (b). D
Given a time-dependent admissible stress field S and an admissible motion u,
let M denote the four-tensor field with space-time partition

-eu] .
0 '
we call M the associated stress-momentum field. The importance of this
field is clear from the following theorem.
(6) Balance of momentum in space-time. Let b be a continuous vector
field on B X [0, t0). Further, let S be a time-dependent admissible stress field, let u
be an admissible motion, and let M be the associated stress-momentum field. Then
[u, S, b] is a dynamical process if and only if
J Mnda+ DJbdv=O

for every regular region D with lJ in B X (0, t0 ). Here n is the outward unit normal
to oD and
b = (b, 0).
Proof. By the divergence theorem (11.2), the above relation is equivalent to
J (div<4>M +b) dv =0.

This equation holds for all regular D if and only if

div< 4lM +b =0,
or equivalently, by the identity (11.1),
divS-eii+b=O. D

III. The constitutive relation for linearly elastic materials.

20. The elasticity tensor. The laws of momentum balance hold in every
dynamical process, no matter of what material the body is composed. A specific
material is defined by a constitutive relation which places restrictions on the
class of processes the body may undergo. Here we will be concerned exclusively
68 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 20.

with linearly elastic materials. For such materials the stress at any time and point
in a dynamical process is a linear function of the displacement gradient at the
same time and place. Moreover, while this function may depend on the point
under consideration, it is independent of the time.
Therefore we say that the body is linearly elastic if for each iEE B there
exists a linear transformation Cal from the space of all tensors into the space of
all symmetric tensors such that!
S(iE} =cal [Vu (iE}].
We call Cal the elasticity tensor for iE and the function Con B with values Cal
the elasticity field. In general, Cal depends on iE; if, however, Cal and the density
e(iE} are independent of or, we say that B is homogeneous. We postulate that a
rigid displacement field results in zero stress at each point. 2 Let W be an arbitrary
skew tensor. Then the field
u (iE} = W[iE- iE0]
is a rigid displacement field with
Vu(iE}== W;
thus we conclude from the above postulate that
Cal[WJ =0.
Since this result must hold for every iEEE and for every skew tensor W,
cal [A] =cal [sym A]
for every tensor A. Therefore Cal is completely determined by its restriction to
the space of all symmetric tensors. In particular, our original constitutive relation
reduces to
S(iE) =Cal [E(iE)],
where E is the strain field corresponding to Vu. Since the space of all symmetric
tensors has dimension 6, the matrix (relative to any basis) of the restriction of
Cal to this space is 6 X 6.
For the moment let us write C =Cal. Consider an orthonormal basis{~, e 2 , e3},
and let ciikl denote the components of c relative to this basis:
Ci;kl=(eJse;) · C[e"®e1].
Then S=C[EJ takes the form
Si;=Ci;kt E,t·
Moreover, since the values of C are symmetric, and since the value of C on any
tensor A equals its value on the symmetric part of A,
c,fkl=(symei®e;). C[syme,®et];
Ciikl =C;w = Ciitk·
We call the 36 numbers C, 1, 1 elasticities.
1 Thus we have made the tacit assumption that the stress is zero when the displacement
gradient vanishes; or equivalently, that the residual stress in the body is zero. At first sight
it appears that such an assumption rules out elastic fluids, for which there is always a residual
pressure. However, if the residual stress is a constant pressure, and if we interpret S(a:) as
the actual stress minus the residual stress, then all of our results are valid without change,
provided, of courSe, we interpret the corresponding surface tractions accordingly.
2 PoissoN 1829 [1831, 1]. See also CAUCHY [1829, 1]. This axiom is discussed in detail by
TRUESDELL and NOLL [1965, 22], §§ 19, 19A.
Sect. 21. Material symmetry. 69
(1) Properties of the elasticity tensor. For every :£EB:
(i) ea: [A]= ea: [sym A] for every tensor A;
(ii) D · ea:[A]=(symD) · ea:[symAJ for every pair of tensors A andD;
(iii) C<;kl=(sym e;®e;) · ere[sym ek®e1], so that

Proof. Properties (i) and (iii) have already been established. Property (ii)
follows from (i) and the fact that the values of ere are symmetric tensors. 0
If the elasticity tensor is invertible,! then its inverse

is called the compliance tensor; it defines a relation

E(:£) = Kre [S(:£)]

between the strain E(:£) and the stress S(:£) at:£.
The following definitions will be important in what follows. Consider a fixed
point :£ of the body, and let e =ere denote the elasticity tensor for:£. We say
that e is symmetric if
A· C[B] =B · C[AJ
for every pair of symmetric tensors A and B, positive semi-definite if


for every symmetric tensor A, and positive definite if

A· C[A]>O
for every non-zero symmetric tensor A. Clearly, e is symmetric if and only if
its components obey

so that in this instance e has 21, rather than 36, distinct elasticities. Note also
that e is invertible whenever it is positive definite.
For the remainder of the article we assume given an elasticity field eon B.
21. Material symmetry. Assume that the material is linearly elastic in the sense
of the stress-strain relation

discussed in the previous section. In order to specify the symmetry properties of

the material, we introduce the notion of a symmetry group. Our first step will
be to motivate this concept.
Let:£ be a fixed point in B, let u and u* be smooth vector fields whose domain
is a neighborhood of :£, and suppose that u* is related to u by an orthogonal
tensor Q:
u*(y*) =Qu(y) whenever y*=Q(y-:£) +:£. (a)
1 By this statement we mean: "if the restriction of the elasticity tensor to the space of all
symmetric tensors is invertible." The elasticity tensor, when regarded as a linear trans-
formation on the space of all tensors, cannot be invertible since its value on every skew
tensor is zero.
70 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 21.

Roughly speaking, (a) asserts that if the point y* is obtained from y by a

rotation Q about ~. then the displacement u* (y*) is simply the displacement
u(y) rotated by Q. If for every such u and u* the corresponding stresses
S =Cz[E(~)J. S* =Cz[E*(~)J (b)
S*=QSQT, (c)
then we call Q a symmetry transformation for the material at~. Condition (c) is
slightly more transparent when phrased in terms of the surface force vectors
sn =Sn, s: =S*n; indeed, (c) is equivalent to the requirement that
s:. = Qsn whenever n* = Qn
(see Fig. 9).

Fig. 9.
By (a)
17u*(~) = Q Vu (~) QT,
and hence the corresponding strain tensors are related by
It follows from (b), (c), and (d) that a sufficient condition for an orthogonal
tensor Q to be a symmetry transformation is that
for every symmetric tensor E. That this condition is also necessary can be easily
verified using displacement fields which are pure strains from ~.
Thus we have motivated the following definition :1 the symmetry group
~ for the material at ~ is the set of all orthogonal tensors Q that obey (e) for
every symmetric tensor E.
1 Our definition is consistent with the notion of symmetry group (isotropy group) as
employed in general non-linear continuum mechanics (see, e.g., TRUESDELL and NOLL [1965, 22],
§ 31). Since the symmetry group of a solid relative to an undistorted configuration is a sub-
group of the orthogonal group, our treatment is sufficiently general to include elastic solids
of arbitrary symmetry. While we do not rule out non-orthogonal symmetry transformation$,
we do not study them. The treatment of more general symmetry groups is essential to a
systematic study of fluid crystals (see, e.g., TRuESDELL and NoLL [1965, 22], § 33 bis.).
Sect. 21. Material symmetry. 71

To show that the above definition is consistent, i.e. that ~re really is a group,
it is sufficient to verify that
QE~re => Q- 1 E~"''
Q, PE~re => QPE~re·
Note first that (e) can be written in the form
C.v[EJ =QTCre[QEQTJQ. (f)
If Q E ~oo, then, since
QQT =1,
(f) applied to the symmetric tensor QTEQ yields
Coo [QT EQJ = QT Coo [Q(QT EQ) QT] Q = QT Coo [EJ Q.
Thus we conclude from (e) that QT =Q-1 belongs to~"'. Next, if Q, PE~00 , then
two applications of (f) yield
C00 [EJ = pT C00 [PEPTJ P = pT QT C00 [Q(PEPT) QTJ QP
= (QP)T C00 [(QP)E(QP)TJ QP;
thus QPE ~"'. Therefore <§00 is, indeed, a group.
(1) Let Cw be invertible, and let K"' be the corresponding compliance tensor. Then
for every QE<§00 and every symmetric tensorS.
Proof. Choose S arbitrarily, and let E = K"' [SJ. Then S = C [E] and


or equivalently,
QK00 [SJ QT = Kw [QSQTJ. 0
We say that the material at ;£is isotropic if the symmetry group ~re equals
the orthogonal group, anisotropic if <§00 is a proper subgroup of the orthogonal
group. Clearly, ~re always contains the two-element group { -1, 1} as a subgroup.
In fact, <§re is the direct product of this two-element group and a group ~;; which
consists only of proper orthogonal transformations; hence the symmetry of the
material is completely characterized by the group ~.;. In particular, the material
at ;£ is isotropic or anisotropic according as ~~ equals or is a proper subgroup of
the proper orthogonal group. Although there are an infinite number of subgroups
of the proper orthogonal group, twelve of them seem to exhaust the kinds of
symmetries occurring in theories proposed up to now as being appropriate to
describe the behavior of real anisotropic elastic materials.
The first eleven of these subgroups of the proper orthogonal group correspond
to the thirty-two crystal classes.1 We denote these subgroups by ~1 , ..• , ~11 •
Table 1, which is due to CoLEMAN and NoLL, 2 lists the generators of each of
these groups; in this table {k, l, m} denotes a right-handed orthonormal basis,
q=Vf(k+l+m), and R: is the orthogonal tensor corresponding to a right-
1 The thirty-two crystal classes are discussed by ScHOENFLIESS [1891, 1], VOIGT [1910, 1],
FLINT [1948, 4), DANA and HURLBUT [1959, 2), SMITH and RIVLIN [1958, 16], COLEMAN and
NOLL [1964, 5], TRUESDELL and NOLL [1965, 22), BURCKHARDT [1966, 5].
2 [1964, 5].
72 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 21.

handed rotation through the angle q;, 0 < q; < 2 n, about an axis in the direction
of the unit vector e.
The last type of anisotropy, called transverse isotropy (with respect to a
direction m), is characterized by the group ~12 consisting of 1 and the rotations
RJ;., O< q;<2n. Transverse isotropy is appropriate to real materials having a
laminated or a bundled structure.
A material is called orthotropic if its symmetry group contains reflections
on three mutually perpendicular planes. Such a triple of reflections is - B~,
-BY, -~·I Since B~ BY = ~ and (Bi") 2 = B~, it follows that the groups
~3 , ~ 5 • ~8 • and f(J7 correspond to orthotropic materials.

Table 1.
Crystal class Group Generators of 'll,. Order of 'll,.

Triclinic system all classes 'j/1 1

Monoclinic system all classes 'lla ~ 2
Rhombic system all classes 'lla R~,Rf 4
Tetragonal system 'll, Ri"
m 4
tetragonal-scalenohedra l 'j/5 Rt;:,R~ 8
tetragonal-trapezohedra l
ditetragonal-dipyramid al
Cubic system 'lle R~.Rf,R~" 12
hexatetrahedral ~7 Ri".Rt".Rt;: 24
Hexagonal system 'lls R*"
m 3
ditrigonal-pyramidal 'll, ~.Rf:: 6
hexagonal-scalenohedra l
trigonal-dipyramidal ~10 Ri"
m 6
ditrigonal-dipyramidal ~11 R~,Rt;: 12
hexagonal-trapezohedra l
dihexagonal-dipyramid al

We say that the material at a: has ~..-symmetry if~.. is a subgroup of ~z· We

call two groups~... and~.. equivalent if given any symmetric elasticity tensor Cz,
~... c:~z~f(J,.c: ~z•

A group ~.. is distinct if there is no~... (m =j=n) equivalent to~... It will be clear
from the results of Sect. 26 that f(J1 , ~2 • ~3 • f(J4 , f(J5 , f(J8 , and ~9 are distinct; ~8
and f(J7 are equivalent; ~10 , ~11 • and f(J12 are equivalent. By definition, the sym-
metry group ~z is a maximal group of symmetry transformations; thus the groups
Sect. 21. Material symmetry. 73

~ 6 , ~ 7 , ~10 , ~11 , ~12 cannot be symmetry groups, since invariance with respect
to one of these,~,. say, implies invariance with respect to another group which
contains elements not in ~,..
A unit vector e is called an amis of symmetry (for the material at a:) if
for some Q E(9"' with Q =1= 1. Thus e is an axis of symmetry if and only if one of the
symmetry transformations is a rotation about the axis spanned bye; i.e., if and
only if B:E(9z for some({' (O<qJ<2n).
Consider now the stress S due to a uniform dilatation E = e1:
where C =Cz· Then

for every QE(9z; i.e. S commutes with every Q in (9"'. But by the commutation
theorem (8.8), a symmetric tensorS commutes with an orthogonal tensor Q if
and only if Q leaves each of the characteristic spaces of S invariant. The only
subspace of "'' invariant under all orthogonal transformations is the full vector
space "'' itself. Thus if the material at a: is isotropic, then every vector in "'' is a
principal direction of S. Therefore it follows from the spectral theorem (8.2)
that the response to a uniform dilatation is a uniform pressure, i.e.
Now assume that the material at a: is anisotropic and again consider the stress
S = C[e1] due to a uniform dilatation. If ({' =1= n, the only spaces left invariant
by the rotation B: are the one-dimensional space spanned by e, the two-dimen-
sional space of all vectors perpendicular toe, and the entire space"/'. The rotation
R: leaves invariant, in addition, each one-dimensional space spanned by a vector
perpendicular to e. These facts, the spectral theorem (8.2 ), and the commutation
theorem (8.8) enable one to establish easily the results collected in the following
table. 1
Table 2.

Type of symmetry Restriction on the stress S due

to a uniform dilatation E= e 1

Triclinic system (~1 ) no restriction

Monoclinic system (~ 2 ) m is a principal direction of S
Rhombic system (~3 ) k, I, m are principal directions of S
Tetragonal system(~,. ~5) S=ocl+Pm®m
Hexagonal system (~8 • ~9 • ~1 o• ~u)
Transverse isotropy (~12 )
Cubic system (~8 • ~7) S=ocl

1 COLEMAN and NOLL [1964, 5].

74 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 22.

Of future use is the following

(2) Identity. Given any two vectors a, b, let
A(a, b) =i(a®b+b®a).
C[A(m, n)]. A(a, b) =C[A(Qm, Qn)] · A(Qa, Qb)
for all vectors a, b, m, nand every QEt§ill. Here C =Cal.
Proof. Since
Q(m ® n) QT = (Qm) ® (Qn),
it follows that
QA(m, n) QT =A(Qm, Qn),
and thus
QC[A(m, n)] QT = C[A(Qm, Qn)] (a)
for every QEt§al. Next, in view of the identity T · (u®v) =U ·Tv,
(QBQT). (Qa®Qb)=Qa· QBQTQb=a·Bb=B· (a®b);
therefore if we let B = C [A(m, n)] and use (a) and (ii) of (20.1 ), we arrive at the
desired identity. 0
In view of (iii) of (20.1),
Ci;k 1 =A(ei, e;) · Ca.[A(ek, e1)],
and we conclude from the identity (2) that for an isotropic material the compo-
nents of Cal are independent of the orthonormal basis {e1 , e 2 , e3}.
22. Isotropic materials. In this section we shall determine the restrictions
placed on the constitutive relation
S =Cre[EJ
when the material at ~ is isotropic; i.e. when the symmetry group t§ill equals the
full orthogonal group. In a later section we will discuss the form of the elasticity
tensor for various anisotropic materials.
(1) Theorem on the response of isotropic materials. Assume that the
material at ~ is isotropic. Then:
(i) The response to a uniform dilatation is a uniform pressure, i.e. there exists
a constant k, called the modulus of compression, such that
Cre[l] =3kl.
(ii) The response to a simple shear is a pure shear; i.e. there exists a constant p,,
called the shear modulus,1 such that
Cill[sym(m®n)]=2p, sym(m®n)
whenever m and n are orthogonal unit vectors.
(iii) If E 0 is a traceless symmetric tensor, then
Cill[E0]=2p, E 0 •
Proof. Assertion (i) was established in the previous chapter (see the remarks
leading to Table 2).
To establish (ii) let
A(m, n) =sym(m®n),
1 The shear modulus is often denoted by G.
Sect. 22. Isotropic materials. 75
where m and n are orthogonal unit vectors, let e =m xn, and choose Q such
Qm=-m, Qn=-n, Qe=e,

i.e. Q is a rotation about e of 180°. Then, writing C = Cz, we conclude from the
identity (21.2) with a =m and b =e that

C[A(m, n)] · A(m, e)= -C[A(m, n)]. A(m, e),

and hence
C[A(m, n)] · A(m, e) =0.
C[A(m, n)] · A(n, e) =0.

Next, if we choose Q such that

Qm=m, Qn=-n, Qe=e,

and take a= b = m, n, or e, we conclude from (21.2) that

C[A(m, n)] · A(a, a) =0 for a =m, n, or e.

Now let
,u =C[A(m, n)] · A(m, n). (b)

In view of (8.1), the six tensors f2A(m, n), V2A(n, e), V2A(m, e), lf2A(m, m),
V2A(n, n), V2A(e, e) form an orthonormal basis for the space of ali symmetric
tensors. By (a) and (b), the only non-zero component of C[A(m, n)] relative to
this basis is the component f2,u relative to V2A(m, n); thus

C[A(m, n)] = 2,uA(m, n). (c)

Now let u and v be orthogonal unit vectors and choose Q such that

Qm=u, Qn=v.

Then (21.2) with a =m, b =n implies

C[A(m, n)] · A(m, n) =C[A(u, v)] · A(u, v),

and thus the scalar ,u in (c) is independent of the choice of m and n.

To establish (iii) let E 0 be a traceless symmetric tensor. By (18.7) there exist
scalars "'-• x2 , "a and an orthonormal basis e1 , e 2 , e3 such that

thus (ii) and the linearity of C imply

76 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 22.

(2) Theorem on the elasticity tensor for isotropic materials. The

material at~ is isotropic if and only if the elasticity tensor C = C41! has the form 1
C[E]=2,uE+A(trE) 1
for every symmetric tensor E; the scalars ,u = ,u (~) and A =A(~) are called the
Lame moduli. 2 Moreover, ,u is the shear modulus and A=k -i ,u, where k is the
modulus of compression.
Proof. We first assume that
C[EJ =2,u E +A(tr E) 1.
Let Q be orthogonal. Then
tr(QEQT) =tr(QTQE) =tr E,
and therefore
QC[E]QT =2,uQEQT +A(tr E)Q1QT
=2,uQEQT +A[tr(QEQT)J 1 =C[QEQT].
Thus the material at ~ is isotropic.
Conversely, assume that the material at ~ is isotropic. Let E be an arbitrary
symmetric tensor. Then E admits the decomposition
E =E0 +l(tr E) 1, tr E 0 =0,
and (i) and (iii) of (1) yield
C[E]=2,u E 0 +k(tr E) 1.
But since E 0 =E-l(trE) 1, if we let A=k-i,u. we arrive at the desired
result. D
Note that the isotropic constitutive relation
S =2,u E +A(tr E) 1
takes the form
S, 1 = 2,u E, 1 + A.Eu ll,;
when referred to cartesian coordinates.
When the material is isotropic, (1) implies that C maps multiples of the
identity into multiples of the identity and traceless tensors into traceless tensors.
The next proposition shows that those are the only two tensor spaces that are
invariant under C.
(8) Characteristic values of the elasticity tensor. Assume that the ma-
terial at ~ is isotropic with 2,u =I= 3 k. Then the linear transformation 3 C = C41! has
exactly two characteristic values: 3k and 2p,. The characteristic space corresponding
to 3k is the set of all tensors of the form~ 1, where~ is a scalar: the characteristic space
corresponding to 2,u is the set of all traceless symmetric tensors.
Proof. By (i) and (iii) of (1), 2,u and 3k=2,u+3A. are characteristic values
of C. Further, if C[E] ={JE, then (2) implies that
(2,u-{J)E+A.(trE)1=0; (a)
thus (for E =l= 0)
fJ =2,u ~ tr E =0. (b)
1 The basic ideas underlying this constitutive relation were presented by FRESNEL [1866, 1]
in 1829. This form of the relation with p, =A. was derived from a molecular model by NAVIER
[1823, 2], [1827, 2] and PoissoN [1829, 2]. The general isotropic relation is due to CAUCHY
[1823, 1], [1828, 1], [1829, 1], [1830, 1]. Cf. POISSON [1831, 1).
2 LAME [1852, 2].
3 Here C is considered as a linear transformation on the space of symmetric tensors.
Sect. 22. Isotropic materials. 77

(Note that A =FO, since 3 k =F2,u.) On the other hand, if tr E =f:O, then (a) yields
P=2,u+3A¢=>E=l(trE) 1. (c)
Therefore the two spaces specified in (8) are characteristic spaces of C. Taking
the trace of (a), we see that
(2,u+3A-/J) tr E=O.
Thus either p= 2,u + 3 A or tr E = 0. If tr E = 0, then (a) implies that p= 2,u.
Thus 2,u + 3 A and 2,u are the only characteristic values of C. D
Note that if 2,u = 3 k, so that A= 0, then every symmetric tensor is a charac-
teristic vector for C.
Assume now that the material at ~ is isotropic, so that
S =2,u E +A(tr E) 1. (I)
tr S=(2,u+3A) tr E.
Thus if we assume that ,u =F 0, 2,u + 3 A=F 0, then
1 A
E = 2ji S- 2 1-'(2 1-' + JA) (tr S) 1,
and we have the following result.
(4) If the material at~ is isotropic, and if ,u =f:O, 2,u +3A=f:0, then Cis in-
vertible, and the compliance tensor K = c-1 is given by
K[S] = - 1- [s- __ A _ (tr S) t]
2Jt (2J.t+3A)
for every symmetric tensorS.
Let e1 , e11 , e8 be an orthonormal basis and consider the following special
choices for S in the relation E = K[S] :
(a) Pure shear. Let the matrix [S] of S relative to this basis have the form

[b1~[~ ~ ~]·

2Jt '
i.e. E is a simple shear of amount
with respect to the direction pair (~. e 11). Conversely, if E is a simple shear of
amount"· Sis a pure shear with shear stress T=2,u x.
(b) Uniform pressure. LetS correspond to a uniform pressure of amount p;
i.e. let
Then E is a uniform dilatation of amount
78 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 22.


p = -k(tr E).
Conversely, Sis a uniform pressure whenever E is a uniform dilatation.
(c) Pure tension. Let S correspond to a pure tension with tensile stress a
in the ~ direction :

[bl~[~ ~ ~l
Then [EJ has the form

[~~[~ ~]·

l=- pa= -ve,
{3 = .u (2p + 3 .!.)
.u+A. '
11= 2(,u-t-}0'
The modulus {3 is obtained by dividing the tensile stress a by the longitudinal
strain e produced by it. It is known as Young's modulus. 1 The modulus 11 is the
ratio of the lateral contraction to the longitudinal strain of a bar under pure
tension. It is known as Poissons' ratio. 2 Table 3 gives the relations between
the various moduli.
If we write E and Sfor the traceless parts of E and S, i.e.
E=E-!(trE) 1, S=S-!(trS) 1,
then the isotropic constitutive relation (I) is equivalent to the following pair of
relations 3
Another important form for the isotropic stress-strain relation is the one
taken by the inverted relation (4) when Young's modulus {3 and Poisson's ratio 11
are used:
E = P [(1 +v) S -v(tr S) 1].
1 YouNG neither defined nor used the modulus named after him. In fact, it was introduced
and discussed by EULER in [1780, 1] (cf. TRUESDELL [1960, 15], [1960, 16], pp. 402-403) and,
according to TRuESDELL [1959, 17], was used by EuLER as early as 1727. In most texts Young's
modulus is designated by E.
2 PmssoN [1829, 2]. Poisson's ratio is often denoted by a.
3 STOKES [1845, 1] introduced the moduli ,u and k and noted that the response of an
isotropic elastic body is completely determined by its response to shearing and to uniform
Sect. 22. Isotropic materials. 79

Table 3.

}. p, fJ v k

},, !l
/ / p, (3A + 2p,)
-~A+ 2p,_

1/ /
({J- 3},) + - ({J+A) + (3).+{3) +
),, fJ vt,B=--iX)2 +s ~/i__ V(fJ + ).)2-t-8X2 V(3X+f3) 2 ___:4;.p
4 4). 6

),, v
/ A(1-2v)

--~- -~-

/ A(1+v)


}., k
/ 3 (k- ).)

9k(k- ).)
3k -}.
(2p,- {J) fl
---r= 3/l / / fJ- 2p,
3 (3p,- {J)

p,, v
1/ 2p,(1+v)
,/ 2p,(1+v)
3 (1-2v)

3k -2p~
/ 9k p,
3k +p, ~ [ 33kk+~ l /
2(1 +v)
i //+[ ~{3-
3 (1-2v)

3k (3k -{3)
~ik-r- ~
3{3 k
/ / 3k3~t]

v, k
3k v
2 (1 +v)
/ /

Since an elastic solid should increase its length when pulled, should decrease
its volume when acted on by a pressure, and should respond to a positive shearing
stress by a positive shearing strain, we would expect that
{3>0, k>O, p,>O.
Also, a pure tensile stress should produce a contraction in the direction per-
pendicular to it; thus
Even though the above inequalities are physically well motivated, we will not
assume that they hold, for in many circumstances other (somewhat weaker}
so M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 23.

assumptions are more natural. Further, these weaker hypotheses are important
to the study of infinitesimal deformations superposed on finite deformations.
Finally, we remark that GAZIS, TADJBAKHSH, and TouPIN 1 have established
a method of determining the isotropic material whose elasticity tensor is nearest
(in a sense they make precise) to a given elasticity tensor of arbitrary symmetry.
23. The constitutive assumption for finite elasticity. In this section we will
show that the linear constitutive assumption discussed previously is, in a certain
sense, consistent with the finite theory of elasticity provided we assume infinitesi-
mal deformations and a stress-free reference configuration.
In the finite theory the stress S at any given material point ~ is a function
of the deformation gradient F at ~:
S=S(F). (a)
The function S is the response function for the material point ~.
In view of (o) in Sect. 16, we assume that
S(F)FT =FS(F)T (b)
for every invertible tensor F; this insures that the values of S are consistent with
the law of balance of angular momentum. In addition, we assume that S is
compatible with the principle of material frame indifference; this is the requirement
that the constitutive relation (a) be independent of the observer. 2 During a change
in observer F transforms into QF and S into QS, where Q is the orthogonal
tensor corresponding to this change. 3 Since S must be invariant under all such
changes, it must satisfy 4
S(F) = QT S(QF) (c)
for every orthogonal tensor Q and every F. By the polar decomposition theorem, 5
F admits the decomposition
F=RU, (d)
where R is orthogonal and
U=(FTF)l. (e)
Choosing Q in (c) equal to Rr, we arrive at the relation
or equivalently, using (d),
S=FU-lS(U). (f)
If we define a new function § by the relation
S(D) =U-lS(U),
where D is the finite strain tensor

[1963. ?'].
See, e.g., TRUESDELL and NOLL [1965, 22], §§ 19, 19A.
3 See, e.g., TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 22], § 19. The transformation rule for F is an

immediate consequence of their Eq. (19.2Jt. The rule for the Fiola-Kirchhoff stress S follows
from the law of transformation for the Cauchy stress T [their Eq. (19.2) 2 ] and (r) of Sect. 16
relating S to T and F.
4 Cf. TRUESDELL and NOLL [1965, 22], Eq. (143.9).
5 See, e.g., HALMOS [1958, 9], § 83.
Sect. 24. Work theorems. Stored energy. 81

then (f) reduces to

On the other hand, it is not difficult to verify that the constitutive relation (g)
is consistent with (c). Further, (g) satisfies (b) if and only if


or, since F is invertible,
so that the values of S are symmetric tensors.
It is important to note that the concept of strain arises naturally in the
study of restrictions placed on constitutive relations by material frame-indiffer-
ence. It is possible to derive other constitutive relations involving other strain
measures; we chose one involving D because it simplifies the discussion of in-
finitesimal deformations.
Let S be differentiable at 0. Then

as IDI-+0, where C is a linear transformation which, by (h), maps symmetric

tensors into symmetric tensors. When F = 1, D = 0; thus S(O) represents the
residual stress in the reference configuration. We now assume that this residual
stress vanishes ;1 hence
S(D) =C[D] +o(IDI). (i)
Then (c), (e), and (f) of Sect. 12 yield
D =E +0(152) =0(15)
as b-+0, and we conclude from (g) and (i) that
S=C[EJ+o(b) as b-+0.
Therefore if we assume that the residual stress in the reference configuration vanishes,
then to within terms of o (b) as b -+0 the stress tensor is a linear function of the in-
finitesimal strain tensor. Further, since E = 0 when Vu is skew, to within terms of
o (15) the stress tensor vanishes in an infinitesimal rigid displacement.
These remarks should help to motivate the constitutive assumptions underly-
ing the infinitesimal theory.
24. Work theorems. Stored energy. In this section we establish certain con-
ditions, involving the notions of work and energy, which are necessary and suffi-
cient for the elasticity tensor to be symmetric and positive definite. Thus we
consider a fixed point x of the body, and let C =C00 denote the elasticity tensor
for x.
1 This assumption, while basic to the theory presented here, is not satisfied, e.g., by an
elastic fluid.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 6
82 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 24.

By a strain path FE connecting E 0 and E 1 we mean a one-parameter family

E(rx), rxo ~ rx ~ rx1 , of symmetric tensors such that E( ·) is continuous and piecewise
smooth and
E(rxo) =E0 , E(rx1) =E,..
We say that FE is closed if
Clearly, the strain path FE determines a one-parameter family of stress tensors
S(rx) =C[E(rx)J, rxo~rx~~;
the work done along FE is defined to be the scalar

w(FE) = j "'•S(rx) · d~~a) doc.

In view of the discussion following (19.1), we have the following interpretation
of w (FE) : Consider a homogeneous elastic body with elasticity tensor C; w (FE)
is the work done (per unit volume) by the surface tractions in a time-dependent
homogeneous deformation with strain E.
By a stored energy junction 1 we mean a smooth scalar-valued function e
on the space of symmetric tensors such that e (0) = 0 and 2
C[E] = VE e(E)
for every symmetric tensor E. An immediate consequence of this definition is
the following trivial proposition.
(1) If a stored energy function exists, it is unique, and
w (FE) = e (E1) - e (E0)
for every strain path FE connecting E 0 and E 1 .
The next theorem supplies several alternative criteria for the existence of a
stored energy function.
(2) Existence of a stored energy function. 3 The following four statements
are equivalent.
(i) The work done along each closed strain path is non-negative.
(ii) The work done along each closed strain path vanishes.
(iii) C is symmetric.
(iv) The function e defined on the space of symmetric tensors by
e(E) =iE · C[E]
is a stored energy function.
Proof. We will show that (i) ~ (ii) ~(iii)~ (iv) ~ (i). Assume that (i) holds. Let FE
be an arbitrary closed path, and let FE* denote the closed path defined by
E*(oc)=E(oc0 +rx1 -oc), oc0 ~oc~oc1 •
1 The notion of a stored energy function is due to GREEN [1839, 1], [1841, 1].
The gradient 17E e (E) of e atE is defined in a manner strictly analogous to the definition
given on p. 10 of the gradient of a scalar field on If. Note that VEe (E) is a symmetric tensor;
in components

3 GREEN [1839, 1], [1841, 1] proved that (iii)~ (iv), UDESCHINI [1943, 3] that (i) ~ (iv).
Sect. 24. Work theorems. Stored energy.

Then a simple computation tells us that

But (i) implies that w (JE) and W(FE•) must both be non-negative. Hence
w(FE) =0, which is (ii). To see that (ii) ~(iii) let A and B be symmetric tensors,
and let FE be the closed strain path defined by

E(~) =(cos ~-1) A+ (sin~) B, 0~~~2n.

C [E(~)J . d~~a.) =(sin~ -sin~ cos~) A· C [A]
+ (cos 2 ~-cos~) B · C [A]
- (sin 2 ~) A . C [B] +(sin~ cos~) B · C [B]

w(FE) = C[E(~)J · da- d~=n(B · C[A] -A· C[BJ).

Hence (ii) ~(iii). Next, define

e(E) = iE · C [E].
Since the gradient 17Ee(E) can be computed using the formula 1
17Ee(E) ·A= df e(E +J.A)I.~- 0 ,
it follows that
1 d
17Ee(E) ·A= 2 dl {E · C [E] +.I.E· C [A] +AA · C [E] +J. 2 A · C[AJh=o

= 1
{E · C[A] +A· C[E]}.
Thus (iii) implies
17Ee(E) ·A=A · C[E]
for every symmetric tensor A, which yields (iv). Finally, by (1), (iv) implies (i). 0
If C is symmetric, a stored energy function e exists, and the constitutive
may be written in the form
S = 17Ee(E).
Let C be invertible, and let
e(A) =tA · K[AJ
for every symmetric tensor A, where K is the compliance tensor. In view of the
symmetry of K (which follows from the symmetry of C),
178 8(8) =K[SJ,
and the above constitutive relation takes the alternative form
E = 178 8(8).
e(S) = tc [EJ · K[C [EJJ,
1 Cf. p. 10.
84 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 24.

and, since K is the inverse of C,

e(S) =e(E).
The next two theorems give a physical motivation for some of our future
assumptions concerning the elasticity tensor.
(8) The work done along each strain path starting from E = 0 is non-negative
if and only if C is symmetric and positive semi-definite.
Proof. Assume that the work done along each strain path starting from 0
is non-negative. Let FE be an arbitrary closed strain path starting from E 0 ,
and let

Then FE• is a closed strain path starting from 0 and

0::;; I c [E• ((1.)] . dE;~a.) d(1. .
Thus, in view of the linearity of C,
0~ f C [E((1.)] · d!~et) d(1. -C [E0] • {E(<Xt) -E(~)} .
But E(<Xt) =E(~). since IE is closed. Thus the work done along each closed
strain path is non-negative. Thus we may conclude from (2) that C is symmetric
and, in addition, that there exists a stored energy function. Let A be a symmetric
tensor, and let FE be the strain path defined by
E((1.) =(1.A, 0~(1.~1.

Then by (1) and (iv) of (2 ),

O~w(FE) =e(A) -e(O) =iA · C[AJ;
hence C is positive semi-definite. Conversely, if Cis symmetric, then (1) and (2)
imply that given any path FE connecting 0 and ~,
w(FE) = iE1 • C [E1].
Thus if C is positive semi-definite, w (JE) ~ 0. D
( 4) The work done along each non-closed strain path starting from E = 0 is
strictly positive if and only if C is symmetric and positive definite.
Proof. Assume that the former assertion holds. Let FE defined by E((1.),
~ ~ (1. ::;; <Xt, be an arbitrary closed strain path with

E(~) =E(<Xt) =0.

If E((1.) =0 for all (1., then w(FE) =0. Assume E((1.) =j=O for some (1., and let
ii=sup{(1.: E((1.) =f=O}.
~1 ~·
w{FE)=JC[E((1.)] · dE(a.) d(1.=1ill!. Jc[E((1.)J · dE(et) d(1..
da. cx•tcx da.
~ ~
Sect. 24. Work theorems. Stored energy. 85
Since E(a.) (rxo;:;;;; a.;:;;;; a.*) for a.*< oc but sufficiently close to oc defines a non-closed
strain path starting from 0,

C[E(a.)J. -d-oc-drx>O;

w(FE) ~0.
Thus the work done along each strain path starting from 0 is non-negative, and
we may conclude from (8) that C is symmetric. The remainder of the argument
is the same as the proof of the analogous portions of (8 ). 0
(5) If the material is isotropic, then Cis symmetric,

s(E) =,u/E/ 2 + 2;. (tr E)2,

and the following five statements are equivalent:

(i) C is positive definite;
(ii) ,u > 0, 2,u + 3 A.> 0;
(iii) ,u>O, k>O;
(iv) ,u > 0, -1 < v < l;
(v) {J>O, -1 <v<t.
Proof. The symmetry of C and the above formula for e (E) = i E · C [E]
follow from (22.2). That (i)~(iii) is an immediate consequence of (22.8) and the
sentence following its proof. Finally, the equivalence of (ii)-(v) follows from the
relations given in Table 3 on p. 79. 0
E =E +i-(tr E) 1 (tr E=0).
/E/ 2=/E/ 2 +t(tr E)2
e(E) =,u/E/2 + 2 (tr E)2.

This alternative form for s yields a direct verification of the implication (i)~(iii)
in (5).
At the end of the last section we gave physically plausible arguments to
support the inequalities: {J > 0, k > 0, ,u > 0, Y > 0. It follows from (5) that these
inequalities are more than sufficient to insure positive definiteness. On the other
hand, that Cis positive definite implies {J > 0, k > 0, ,u > 0, but does not imply Y > 0.
Assume that C is symmetric and positive definite. Then the characteristic
values of C (considered as a linear transformation on the six-dimensional space
of all symmetric tensors) are all strictly positive. We call the largest characteristic
value the mamimum elastic modulus, the smallest the minimum elastic
modulus. 1 The following trivial, but useful, proposition is a direct consequence
of this definition and (22.8 ).
(6) Let C be symmetric and positive definite and denote the maximum and mini-
mum elastic moduli by !lM and llm• respectively. Then
.Um/E/2 ;:;;;;E. C[E] ;:;;;;,uM/E/2
1 Cf. TOUPIN [1965, 21].
86 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 25.

for every symmetric tensor E. If, in addition, the material is isotropic with strictly
positive Lame moduli p, and A., then
I'M =2p, +3A., I'm =2p,.
Of course, if p, > 0 and A.= 0, then I'm= I'M= 2p,; if p, > 0 and A.< 0 (but
2p, + 3 A.> 0 so that C is positive definite), then I'M= 2p, and I'm= 2p, + 3A..
25. Strong ellipticity. In this section we relate various restrictions on the
elasticity tensor C=C:Il at a given point reEB.
We say that Cis strongly elliptic if
whenever A is of the form
A=a®b, a=!=O, b=!=O.
This condition is of importance in discussing uniqueness and also in the study of
wave propagation.
By (20.1)
A· C[AJ =(symA) · C[symAJ;
C positive definite::::} C strongly elliptic.

The fact that the converse assertion is not true is apparent from the next pro-
(1) Suppose that the material is isotropic. Then
C strongly elliptic ~ p, > 0, A.+ 2p, > 0,
- C strongly elliptic ~ p. < 0, A. + 2p. < 0,
where p, and A. are the Lame moduli corresponding to C. In terms of Poisson's ratio 'V,
C strongly elliptic~ p,>O, 'JIE£ [j, 1],
- C strongly elliptic~ p, < 0, 'JIE£ [j, 1],

provided ). +p. =l= 0.

Proof. By (i) of (20.1) and (22.2 ),
(a® b)· C[a®b] =(a®b) · C[syma®b]
=(a®b) · [p,(a®b+b®a) +A.(a ·b) 1]
=p,a2 b 2 +(A. +p,)(a · b) 2
=p, [a2 b 2 - (a. b) 2] +(A.+ 2p,) (a. b) 2 •
Since (a· b) 2 ~a 2 b 2, p, > 0 and A.+ 2p, > 0 imply that C is strongly elliptic.
Conversely, if C is strongly elliptic, then ). + 2p, > 0 follows by taking a= b,
p, > 0 by taking a orthogonal to b. The assertion concerning - C follows in the
same manner. Finally, the last two results are consequences of the relation:
Sect. 26. Anisotropic materials. 87
These results, as well as some of the results established in (24.5), are given
in the following table :
Table 4.
Condition Restrictions on the moduli

Positive definite p>O, 2p+3A.>O or

p>O, vE(-1,i) or
fJ > 0, vE (- 1, !)
Strongly elliptic p>O, A.+2p>O or
p>O, v~Ht. 1]

26. Anisotropic materials. In this section we state the restrictions that material
symmetry places on the elasticity tensor C = C2 at a given point ~- Let {e.} be
a given orthonormal basis with ea =~X e2, and let C;; k 1 denote the components
of C relative to this basis:

C;;kr =C1;kr =C•;rk =(sym et®e;) · C[sym e"®e 1].

We assume throughout this section that a stored energy function exists, so that
C is symmetric; thus

For the triclinic system (~1-symmetry) there are no restrictions placed on C

by material symmetry.
For the monoclinic system (~2-symmetry) let the group ~2 be generated
by R;_. By identity (21.2 ),
C;;kr=sym(Qe.®Qe1) · C[sym(Qe"®Qe 1)]
for every QE~2 • If we take Q = -R;_, then
Q~=~. Qe2=e2, Qea=-ea.
and the above identity implies
C1ua =Cu31 =Cu23 =C2231 =Csa23 =Csa31 =C2au =C3112 =0.
In the same manner, results for the other symmetries discussed in Sect. 21
can be deduced.1 We now list these results, which are due to VOIGT. 2 For con-
venience, the 21 elasticities will be tabulated as follows:
Cuu cn22 Cuss c112s Cu31 Cuu
c2222 c22ss c22u c2231 Cuu
Casas Csass Caan Casu
c2a2s c2as1 C2312
c3131 cn12
1 They can also be deduced using the results of SMITH and RIVLIN [1958, 16], SIROTIN
[1960, 11].
2 VoiGT [1882, 1], [1887, 3], (1900, 6], (1910, 1], § 287. See also KIRCHHOFF [1876, 1],
Ml:NNIGERODE [1884, 1], NEUMANN [1885, 3], LOVE [1927, 3], AUERBACH [1927, 1], GECKELER
[1928, .2]. A discussion of methods used to measure the elastic constants of anisotropic materials,
as well as a tabulation of experimental values of these constants for various materials, is
given by HEARMON (1946, 2).
88 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 26.

Monoclinic system (all classes) ~2 generated by R;. (13 elasticities)

Cun C1122 C1133 0 0 C1112

C2222 C223a 0 0 C2212
C3333 0 0 C3312
c2s2s C2331 0
C3131 0

Rhombic system (all classes) ~3 generated by R;,. R;, (9 elasticities)

Cun cn22 Cu3a 0 0 0
C2222 c22ss 0 0 0
c3333 0 0 0
c2323 0 0
Ca131 0
Tetragonal system (tetragonal-disphenoidal, tetragonal-pyramidal, tetra-
gonal-dipyramidal) ~4 generated by R~2 (7 elasticities)
Cun C1122 Cu3a o o C1112
Cun cl133 0 0 -Cn12
C3333 0 0 0
c2a23 0 0
c28aa 0
Tetragonal system (tetragonal-scalenohedral, ditetragonal-pyramidal, te-
tragonal-trapezohedral, ditetragonal-dipyramidal) lC5 generated by R;!2 , R;.
(6 elasticities)
Cun cn22 Cuaa 0 0 0
Cun C1133 0 0 0
C3333 0 0 0
c2323 0 0
c2s2s 0
Cubic system (tetartoidal, diploidal) ~6 generated by
R;,. n:.. R~"'3 • q =VI (~ + e2 +ea) ;
(hexatetrahedral, gyroidal, hexoctahedral) ~7 generated by B;!2, R;12, B~2 (3 elas-
ticities) •
Cun C1122 C1122 o o o
C1111 C1122 0 0 0
Cun o o o
c2323 o o
c2a23 o
Sect. 27. The fundamental system of field equations. 89

H~agonal system (trigonal-pyramidal, rhombohedral) ~8 generated by

R!:'a (7 elasticities)

Cuu cu22 Cuss Cu23 Cu31 0

Cuu Cuss -Cu23 -Cu31 0
Cssss 0 0 0
c2s2s 0 -Cu31
c2s2s Cu23
!(Cuu -Cu22)
H~agonal system (ditrigonal-pyramidal, trigonal-trapezohedral, hexag-
onal-scalenohedral) ~9 generated by R!:'s. R:, (6 elasticities)

Cuu Cu22 Cuss Cu23 0 0

Cuu Cuss -Cu23 0 0
c33as 0 0 0
c2a2s 0 0
c2323 Cu2s
!(Cuu -Cu22)
H~agonal system (trigonal-dipyramidal, hexagonal-pyramidal, hexago-
nal-dipyramidal) ~10 generated by R:.3 ; (ditrigonal-dipyramidal, dihexagonal-
pyramidal, hexagonal-trapezohedral, dihexagonal-dipyramidal) lC11 generated by
R::, R:.; and transverse isotropy lC12 generated by R:,, 0 < cp < 2 n (5 elas-
Cuu Cu22 Cuas 0 0 0
Cuu Cuss 0 0 0
Casas 0 0 0
c2a2a 0 0
c2s2s 0
In view of (21.1), if the elasticity tensor Cis invertible, then the components
of the compliance tensor K = c-1 will suffer restrictions exactly analogous to
the ones tabulated above.

D. Elastostatics.
I. The fundamental field equations.
Elastic states. Work and energy.
27. The fundamental system of field equations. The fundamental system of
field equations for the time-independent behavior of a linear elastic body consists
of the strain-displacement relation

E = Vu =i(Vu + VuT),
the stress-strain relation
S =C[E],
90 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 27.

and the equation of equilibf'ium 1

Here, u, E, S, and b are the displacement, strain, stress, and body force fields,
while C is the elasticity field.
By (i) of (20.1 ),
C[Vu] =C[Vu];
thus when the displacement field is sufficiently smooth, the above equations
imply the displacement equation of equilibf'ium
div C[Vu] +b =0.
Conversely, if u satisfies the displacement equation of equilibrium, and if E
and S are defined by the strain-displacement and stress-strain relations, then the
stress equation of equilibrium is satisfied. In components the displacement equa-
tion of equilibrium has the form

(Ciik 1uk.z) .i +bt =0.

We assume for the remainder of this section that the material is isotropic.
S =2f" E +A(tr E) 1,
where !" and A are the Lame moduli. Of course, !" and A are functions of position ;e
when the body is inhomogeneous. Therefore, since
div (!" Vu) =f"LI u + (Vu)VI"•
div (!" VuT) =f.' V div u + (Vuf V!",
div [A(divu) 1] =AVdivu+(divu) VA,
the displacement equation of equilibrium takes the form
f"Liu+(A+f.') Vdivu+2(Vu) V!"+(divu) VA+b=O.
Suppose now that the body is homogeneous. Then VI"= VA =0, and the above
equation reduces to NameT's equation 2
or equivalently,
1 - V div u +.!. b = 0,
Ll u + -1-2v p,
in terms of Poisson's ratio

Next, by (3) of (4.1),

Ll u = V div u- curl curl u,
1 Since the values of C.., [ •] are assumed to be symmetric tensors, the requirement that
S = ST is automatically satisfied,
2 This relation was first derived by NAVIER [1823, 2], [1827, 2] in 1821. NAVIER's work,
which is based on a molecular model, is limited to materials for which p, = l. The general
relation involving two elastic constants first appears in the work of CAUCHY [1828, 1]. Cf.
POISSON [1829, 2], LAME and CLAPEYRON [1833, 1], STOKES [1845, 1], LAME (1852, 2],
§ 26. The analogous relation for. cubic symmetry was given by ALBRECHT [1951, 1].
Sect. 27. The fundamental system of field equations. 91

and thus (a) yieldsl

(A+2,u) Vdiv u-,u curl curl u+b =0.
Operating on (a), first with the divergence and then with the curl, we find
(A+2,u)Ll div U= -div b,
,uLl curl u =-curl b.
If (A+ 2,u) =F 0, ,u =F 0, and div b and curl b vanish, then

Ll div u =0, Ll curl u =0.

Thus, in this instance, the divergence and curl of u are harmonic fields. Trivially,
these relations can be written in the form

divLlu=O, curlLlu=O;
and since a vector field with vanishing divergence and curl is harmonic, we have
the following important result: 3

div b = 0, curl b = 0 ~ Ll Ll u = 0.
Thus if the body force field b is divergence-free and curl-free, the displacement field
is biharmonic and hence analytic on B. To prove this we have tacitly assumed
that u is of class C4 ; in Sect. 42 we will show that these results remain valid when
u is assumed to be only of class C2 •
Another interesting consequence of the displacement equation of equilibrium
may be derived as follows: Let

v=,uu+i(A+,u)pdivu, p(~)=~-0.
Llv =,uLlu + (A+,u){V div u +ipLl div u},
and (a) and (b) imply
Ll v = - b - - J. +I!__ p div b.
2(J. + 2p.)
Thus we arrive at the following result of TEDONE: 4 if the body force field vanishes,
Llv =0.
Assume, for the time being, that the body force field b = 0. A field u that satisfies
Navier's equation (a) for all values of ,u and A. is said to be universal. Since a field
of this type is independent of the elastic constants ,u and A, it is a possible dis-
placement field for all homogeneous and isotropic elastic materials. Clearly, u is
universal if and only ifo
V divu=O;
1 LAME and CLAPEYRON [1833, 1], LAME [1852, 2), § 26.
2 The first of these relations is due to CAUCHY [1828, 1]. See also LAME and CLAPEYRON
[1833, 1), LAM:i1 [1852, 2), § 27.
3 LAME [1852, 2], p. 70.
'[1903, 4), [1904, 4). See also LICHTENSTEIN [1924, 1).
5 TRUESDELL [1966, 28], p. 117.
92 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 27.

i.e., if and only if u is harmonic and has constant dilatation. Important examples
of universal displacement fields are furnished by the Saint-Venant torsion
solution. 1
If p =l= 0, 'JI =l= -1, the stress-strain relation may be inverted to give

E= -2p, -[s--+ (trS) 1].

By (14.8) we can write the equation of compatibility in the form

!l'(E) =LIE+ J7J7(tr E) -2Vdiv E= 0. (c)

0 = !l'(2p E) = !l'(S) - + 1 'II
!l'[ (tr S) 1]. (d)

!l'[(trS) 1] =LI(trS) 1+J7J7(trS), (e)

and by (c) withE replaced by S in conjunction with the equation of equilibrium,
!l'(S) =LIS+ J7J7(tr S) + 2 Vb. (f)
Eqs. (d)-(f) imply that

LIS+ -+
1 'II
J7J7(tr S)- _+.,
1 'II
Ll(tr S) 1 +2Vb =0, (g)

and taking the trace of this equation, we conclude that

_+.,'II Ll(tr S) = -div b. (h)

Eqs. (g) and (h) yield the stTess equation of compatibility :2

1 'II
J7J7(trS)+2Vb+-11 -{divb) 1=0,

which in the absence of body forces takes the simple form

LIS+ 1 ~ 11 J7J7(trS)=0 .
•On the other hand, if S is a symmetric tensor field on B that satisfies the
equation of equilibrium and the stress equation of compatibility, and if E is
defined through the inverted stress-strain relation, then E satisfies the equation
of compatibility. Thus if B is simply-connected, there exists a displacement field
u that satisfies the strain-displacement relation.
In view of the stress-strain and strain-displacement relations,
S=p(J7u+J7uT)+A.(divu) 1,
and the corresponding surface traction on the boundary oB is given by
s =Sn =p(Vu + J7uT) n +A.(div u) n.
1 See, e.g., LovE [1927, 3], Chap. 14; SoKOLNIKOFF [1956, 12], Chap. 4; SoLOMON
[1968, 12], Chap. s.
This equation was obtained by BELTRAMI [1892, 1] forb= 0 and by DoNATI [1894, 2]
and MICHELL [1900, 3] for the general case. It is usually referred to as the Beltrami-Michell
equation of compatibility although DoNATI's paper appeared six years before MICHELL's. The
appropriate generalization of this equation for transversely isotropic materials is given by
MOISIL [1952, 3], for cubic materials by ALBRECHT [1951, 1].
Sect. 27. The fundamental system of field equations. 93
Let oufon be defined by
en =(Vu) n;
s =2,u~~- +,u(VuT- Vu) n +A(div u) n.
(VuT- Vu) n =n x curl u;
thus we have the following interesting formula for the surface traction: 1

s=2,u :: +,unxcurlu+A(divu)n.
We close this section by recording the strain-displacement relations and the
equations of equilibrium in rectangular, cylindrical, and polar coordinates, using
physical components throughout. 2
(a) Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z). The strain-displacement relations re-
duce to
E _au,.
E =au,
zz az
E =_!__('au,.
yz 2 az
+ au,)
ay '

and the equations of equilibrium are given by

asxx + as"t. + as"" +b =0

ax ay az " '
as",. + as,.,. + as,.._+ b =O
ax ay az y '

asxz + as,.. + as.. +b =0.

ax ay az •
(b) Cylindrical coordinates (r, 0, z). The strain-displacement relations have
the form
E _au, _ 1 au 0 u,
,-a:r· Eoo-----+-
r a6 r '
E = _!__ (_!__ -~u.._ + auo _ ~)
r6 2 r a6 ar r '

while the equations of equilibrium reduce to

+ _!_r il_~,~
+ as,.
+ _s,-Soo +b =O
r , '

as, 6 + 1_ asoo + as6 , + ~S +b =O

ar r a6 az r rO 0 '

ar r
as8 ,
+ asz: +_!__S +b =O
az r ,. • .
1 BETTI [1872, 1), § 10, Eq. (53). See also SOMIGLIANA [1889, 3), p. 38, KORN [1927, 2),
p. 13, KUPRADZE [1963, 17, 18], p. 9.
2 See, e.g., ERICKSEN [1960, 6), §§ 11-13.
94 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 28.

(c) Spherical coordintJtes (r, (}, y). The strain-displacement relations be-
E _ au, E _ _!_ au8 + u,
,--ar· ee-" 88 r '
= _ 1 _ auy
r sin 8 a,
+ u6 cot8
r ,
E - 1 ( 1 au,
ry - 2 r sin 8 a, - r
Uy + ffr
E = _!_ (_!_ au,. _ ~ + 8u8 )
' 6 2 r 88 r ar '
E = _!_ (_!_ auy _ uy cot 8 + _1~-- au8 )
yiJ 2 r a8 " "sin 8 a, ,

and the equations of equilibrium are given by

as, + _1_ as,Y + _!_ as,.8 + 2S,-Syy-S66 +S,8cot8 +b =O
ar " sin 8 a, r a8 r , ,
aS,y + _1_ aSyy + _!_ 8Sy 6 + 3S,y+2Syecot6 +b =O
8r r sin 8 a, r 88 " y 2

as,y +-1- asye +_!_ 8See + 3S,.8+(S88-Syy)cot8 +b8 =O

8r r sin 8 a, r 88 r .

28. Elastic states. Work and energy. Throughout this section we assume given
a continuous elasticity field Con B. We define the strain energy U{E} corre-
sponding to a continuous strain field E on B by
U{E} =l f E · C[E] dv.

Note that when a stored energy function e exists, its integral over B gives the
strain energy:
U{E} = f e(E) dv.

For future use we now record the following

(1) Lemm,a. Let C be symmetric, and let E and E be continuous symmetric
tensor fields on B. Then
U{E+E}=U{E}+U{E}+ JE· C[E] dv.
Proof. Since C is symmetric,
E. c [E] =E. c [E].
(E+E) · c [E+E] =E· c [E] +E· c [E] +2E· c [EJ,
which implies the desired result. 0
By an admissible state we mean an ordered array~= [u, E, S] with the
following properties :
(i) u is an admissible displacement field; 1
(ii) E is a continuous symmetric tensor field on B;
(iii) Sis an admissible stress field. 1
1 Seep. 59.
Sect. 28. Elastic states. Work and energy. 95
Note that the fields u, E, and S need not be related. Clearly, the set of all
admissible states is a vector space provided we define addition and scalar multi-
plication in the natural manner:
[u, E, SJ +[u,E, SJ =[u+u,E+E, S+SJ,
oc[u, E, S] = [ocu, ocE, ocS].
We say that 11 = [u, E, SJ is an elastic state 1 (on B) corresponding to the
body force field b if 11 is an admissible state and
E =i(Vu+ J7uT),
The corresponding suf'jace tf'action s is then defined at every regular point
of oB by
s (a:) = S (a:) n (a:) ,
where n(:r) is the outward unit normal to oB at a:. We call the pair [b, s] the
e:rternaljOf'ce system for 11.
When we discuss the basic singular solutions of elastostatics, we will fre-
quently deal with elastic states whose domain of definition is a set of the form
D =B -F, where F is a finite subset of B. We say that ll=[u, E, S] is an
elastic state on D corresponding to b if 'u, E, S, and bare functions on D and
given any closed regular subregion PcD, the restriction of 11 to P is an elastic
state on P corresponding to the restriction of b to P.
When we omit mention of the domain of definition of an elastic state, it will
always be understood to be B.
(2) Pf'inciple of superposition jof' elastic states. If [u,E, S] and [u,E, S]
are elastic states corresponding to the external force systems [b, s] and [b, 8],
respectively, and if oc and-rare scalars, then oc[u, E, S] +-r[u, E, S] is an elastic
state corresponding to the external force system oc[b, s] +-r[b, s], where
oc [b, s] + -r[b, s] = [ocb + -rb, ocs +-rSJ.
A direct corollary of (18.2) is the
(8) Theof'em of wof'k and enef'gy. 2 Let [u, E, S] be an elaslic state correspond-
ing to the external force system [b, s]. Then
Js·uda+ fb·udv=2U{E}.
i!B B

The quantity on the left-hand side of this equation is the work done by the
external forces; (8) asserts that this work is equal to twice the strain energy.
(4) Theof'em of positive WOf'k. Let the elasticity field be positive definite.
Then given any elastic state, the work done by the external forces is non-negative and
vanishes only when the displacement field is rigid.
Proof. If C is positive definite, then U{E} ~ 0, and the work done by the ex-
ternal forces is non-negative. If U{E} =0, then E · C[E] must vanish on B.
Since C is positive definite, this implies E 0; hence by (18.1) the corresponding
displacement field is rigid. D
1 This notion is due to STERNBERG and EUBANKS [1955, 13].
2 LAME [1852, 21.
96 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 29.

The following direct corollary to (4) will be used in Sect. 32 to establish an

important uniqueness theorem for elastostatics.
(5) Let the elasticity field be positive definite. Further, let [u, E, S] be an
elastic state corresponding to vanishing body forces, and suppose that the surface
traction s satisfies
S·U=O on oB.
Then u is a rigid displacement field and E S 0. ==
The next theorem, which is extremely important, shows that the L 2 norm of
the displacement gradient is bounded by the strain energy.
(6) Alternative form of Korn's inequality.1 Assume that Cis symmetric,
positive definite, and continuous on B. Let u be a class C2 displacement field on B,
and assume that either (oc) or ({J) of (18.9) holds. Then
f Wul 2 dv~K0 U{E},

where E is the associated strain field and K 0 is a constant depending only on C and B.
Proof. Let Pm (a:) denote the minimum elastic modulus for C111 •11 By hypothesis,
Pm(z) is bounded from below on B. Hence

T=sup{Pm1(z): :rEB}< oo,

and we conclude from (24.6) that
CII![E] IEI 2 ~TE.
for every ZE B and every symmetric tensor E. This inequality and (18.9) yield
the desired result. D

II. The reciprocal theorem. Mean strain theorems.

29. Mean strain and mean stress theorems. Volume change. In this section we
establish some results concerning the mean values

S(B) = v(~) f S dv,

E(B) = v(~) f E dv

of the stress and strain fields when the body B is homogeneous.

(1) Second mean stress theorem. The mean stress S co"esponding to an
elastic state [u, E, S] depends only on the boundary values of u and is given by

S(B) = v(~) C[
Ju®n da].
Thus for an isotropic body,
S(B) = v(~) J{p(u®n+n®u) +A(u·n) 1}

Proof. Since B is homogeneous, C is independent of a: and

S(B)= v(~) J C[E]dv=c[v(~) JEdv]=C[E(B)J.


1 See footnote 1 on p. 38. See also HLAVACEK and NEcAs [1970, 2].
2 Seep. 85.
Sect. 29. Mean strain and mean stress theorems. Volume change. 97

The first of the relations in (1) is an immediate consequence of this result, the
mean strain theorem (13.8), and (i) of (20.1), while the second follows from
(22.2). D
The above theorem shows that the mean stress is zero when the surface
displacements vanish, independent of the value of the body force field.
(2) Second mean strain theorem. 1 Suppose that the elasticity tensor Cis
invertible with K = c-1 . Let [u, E, S] be an elastic state corresponding to the external
force system [b, sJ. Then the mean strain depends only on the external force system
and is given by
E(B) = ~(~fK [I p®s da+ Ip®b dv_]·
Thus for an isotropic body,

---, 1 {1--1
v(B) 2p, \

/' p®bdv )

Proof. The first result follows from the mean stress theorem (18.5 ), since
E(B) =K[S(B)];

the second result follows from (22.4). D

Note that balance of forces
J s da +13J b dv =0

insures that the above formulae are independent of the choice of the origin 0,
while balance of moments in the form

skw [ f p ® s da
+ f p ® b dv] =

insures that the right-hand side of each of the expressions in (2) is symmetric.
(3) Volume change theorem. 2 Suppose that the elasticity tensor C is sym-
metric and invertible. Let [u, E, S] be an elastic state corresponding to the external
force system [b, s J. Then the associated volume change t5 v (B) depends only on the
external force system and is given by
bv(B) =K[l] · { f p®s da + J p®b dv},
oB B

where K = c-1 is the compliance tensor. If, in addition, the body is isotropic, then
bv (B)= 3\ { I p · s da +I p • b dv},
aB B

where k is the modulus of compression.

1 BETTI [1872, 1], § 6 for the case in which b = 0. The terms involving the body force were
added by CHREE [1892, 2], who claimed that his results were derived independently of
BETTI's. See also LOVE [1927, 3], § 123; BLAND [1953, 5].
2 BETTI [1872, 1], § 6; CHREE [1892, 2].

Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI af2. 7

98 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 30.

Proof. Let
D= fp®sda+ fp®bdv.
oB B
Given any tensor A,
Thus the remark made in the paragraph preceding (13.8), (2 ), and the symmetry
of K imply that
15v(B) =v(B) tr E(B) =tr K[D]=1· K[DJ=K[1] ·D,
which is the first result. For an isotropic material, (22.4) and Table 3 on p. 79
imply that
K[1] = -~ 1·
3k '
hence the second formula for 15v(B) follows from the first and the identity
1· (a®c) =tr(a®c) =a· c. D
Assume that the body is homogeneous and isotropic. Then, as is clear from (3 ),
a necessary and sufficient condition that there be no change in volume is that
fp·sda+ fp·bdv=O.
oB B
Thus a solid sphere or a spherical shell under the action of surface tractions that are
tangential to the boundary will not undergo a change in volume.
Recall from Sect. 18 that the force system [b, s] is in astatic equilibrium if
J Qs da+ J Qb dv=O,
f!B B
JpxQsda+ fpxQbdv=O,
f!B B
for every orthogonal tensor Q. We have the following interesting consequence
of (2) and (18.10).
(4)1 Assume that the elasticity tensor is invertible. Then a necessary and sulfi-
cient condition that the mean strain corresponding to an elastic state vanish is that
the external force system be in astatic equilibrium.
It follows as a corollary of ( 4) that the volume change vanishes when the external
force system is in astatic equilibrium.
30. The reciprocal theorem. Betti's reciprocal theorem is one of the major
results of linear elastostatics. In essence, it expresses the fact that the underlying
system of field equations is self-adjoint. Further, it is essential in establishing
integral representation theorems for elastostatics. In this section we will establish
Betti's theorem and discuss some of its consequences. We assume throughout
that Cis smooth on B.
(1) Betti's reciprocal theorem. 2 Suppose that the elasticity field Cis sym-
metric. Let [u, E, SJ and [u, E, S] be elastic states corresponding to external force
systems [b, s] and [b, sJ, respectively. Then

J s· u da +BJ b · u dv = J s ·u da +Bf b · u dv = BJ S · E dv = Bf S· E dv.
1 BERG [1969, 1].
2 BETTI [1872, 1], § 6, [18,74, 1]. See also LEVY [1888, 3]. An extension of Betti's theorem
to include the possibility of dislocations was established by lNDENBOM [1960, 8]. For homo-
geneous and isotropic bodies, an interesting generalization of Betti's theorem was given by
KUPRADZE [1963, 17, 18], § !.1. See also BEATTY [1967, 2].
Sect. 30. The reciprocal theorem. 99

Proof. Since C is symmetric, we conclude from the stress-strain relation that

s ·E=C[EJ ·E=C[E] ·E=S ·E.
Further, it follows from the theorem of work expended (18.2) that
J s · ii da + J b ·it dv = J S · E dv,
8B B B

f s·uda+ f b·udv= f S·Edv,

i!B JJ B

and the proof is complete. 0

Betti's theorem asserts that given two elastic states, the work done by the
external forces of the first over the displacements of the second equals the work
done by the external forces of the second over the displacements of the first. The
next theorem shows that the assumption that C be symmetric is necessary for
the validity of Betti's theorem.
(2 ) 1 Betti's reciprocal theorem is false if C is not symmetric.
Proof. If C is not symmetric, then there exist symmetric tensors E, E such

S=C[EJ, b= -divS,
Then [u, E, SJ and [it, E, SJ are elastic states corresponding to the body force
fields b and b and
JS·Edv=t=JS·Edv. 0

The following elegant corollary of Betti's theorem is due to SHIELD and


(3) Suppose that Cis symmetric and positive semi-definite. Let [u, E, SJ and
[u, E, S] be elastic states corresponding to external force systems [b, s] and [b, 8],
respectively. Then
.f s · (u -u) da + .f b · (u -u) dv~o
i!B B
J (s-s) ·uda+ J (b-b) ·udv~o.
i!B B

Thus, if 9';. and .9; are complementary subsets of oB,

u =U on 9';. 1

s=O on~ J=?U{E}~U{E},
b =0 on B
on 9';.
S=S on ~ =?U{E};:;:;; U{E}.
on B
1 TRUESDELL [1963, 24]. See also BURGATTI [1931, J], p. 152.
2 [1966, 23].
100 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 30.

Proof. By the principle of superposition (28.2 ), [u -u, E-E, S-S] is an

elastic state corresponding to the external forces [b- b, s-
s]. By (28.1) with
E replaced by E- E,
U{E}=U{E}+U{E-E}+ .f E· (S-S) dv,
and by Betti's theorem,
.f E· (S-S) dv= .f (b-b) ·udv+ J (s-s) ·uda
B B oB

= J b · (ii-u) dv+ J s · (u-u) da.

B oB

Thus, since U{E -E} ~ 0, we have the inequalities

U{E}~U{E}+ f (b-b) ·udv+ .f (s-s) ·uda,
B oB

U{E} ~ U{E} + f b · (u-u) dv +oBf s · (u-u) da.


The remainder of the proof follows from these inequalities. 0

Theorem (3) may be called a least work principle, since by (28.3)
U{E} ~ U{E} if and only if the work done by the external forces corresponding
to [u, E, S] is less than or equal to the work done by the external forces of
[u, iff,§].
( 4 p Suppose that Cis symmetric and positive semi-definite. Let [u, E, S] and
[u, E, S] be elastic states corresponding to external force systems [b, s] and [b, s],
respectively. Let Yo,~ •... , !/N be complementary regular subsurfaces of oB, and
suppose that for each n = 1, 2, ... , N, the restriction of u to 9;, is a rigid displace-
ment of 9"n . Then
S=S on Yo
J (s -8) da = J px(s -8) da =0
9'n 9'n ~U{E} ~ U{E).
n=1, 2, ... , N
b=b on B
Proof. By (3) it is sufficient to show that

I= .f (s-8)-uda+ .f (b-b) ·udv=O.

oB B

Since s =s on Yo and b =bon B,

I='LJn, ln=.f(s-s)·uda.
n=l 9'n
Further, as the restriction of u to each 9;,, n = 1, 2, ... , N, is rigid, there exist
vectors V 1 , V2, •.. , Vn and skew tensors W1 , W2 , ••. , W N SUCh that
U=W.. p+vn on !/n.
In=f(s-8)·vnda+ f(s-8)·Wnpda,
sPn #n
1 SHIELD and ANDERSON [1966, 23].
Sect. 30. The reciprocal theorem. 101

and since vn and Wn are constant and (s-s)·Wnp=Wn·[(s-s)®p], this

expression reduces to
f (s-s) da= f px(s-s) da=O. (b)
.9'n .9'n
The second relation in (b) implies that the tensor
A= f (s -s) ®p da
is symmetric. Thus, since Wn is skew, Wn ·A = o, and it follows from (a) and the
first of (b) that In= 0 for each n. Therefore I= 0. D
Theorem (29.8) can also be established using Betti's theorem. Indeed, the
volume change (Jv (B) is given by

If we assume that B is homogeneous and define

then [ E, S] is an elastic state corresponding to vanishing body forces, and we
conclude from Betti's theorem (1) that

J S · E dv = J s ·
u da + J b · u dv,

oB B
S·E=l·E=tr E
a· Ep =E · (a®p) for any vector a,
and iff= K[l] is constant and symmetric, it follows that
(Jv(B) =K[l] · { J p@s da+ J p®b dv}.
oB B

The following generalization of Betti's theorem holds even when C is not

( 5) Reciprocal theorem. Let [u, E, S] and [ E, SJ be elastic states cor- u,
responding to external force systems [b, s J and [b, s], respectively, and let [u, E, S]
correspond to the elasticity field C, [ E, S] to the elasticity field C=cr. Then

J s·
uda + J b · udv =
J s · u da
+ J b · u dv =
J S · E dv = J
S· E dv.
Proof. We will prove that S · E =S · E; the remainder of the proof is identical
to the proof of Betti's theorem (1 ). Since C= cr,
s ·E=C[E] ·E=E· cr[EJ =E· c[EJ =E·S. D
102 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 31.

III. Boundary-value problems. Uniqueness.

31. The boundary-value problems of elastostatics. Throughout the following
six sections we assume given an elasticity field Con B, body forces bon B, surface
displacements ii on 9;_, and surface forces son .9';, where .9;_ and 9'2 are com-
plementary regular subsurfaces of 8B. Given the above data, the mixed problem
of elastostatics 1 is to find an elastic state [u, E, SJ that corresponds to band satisfies
the displacement condition
U=U on 9i
and the traction condition
s=Sn=s on .9';.

We will call such an elastic state a solution of the mimed problem. 2 When .9';
is empty, so that .9;_ = 8B, the above boundary conditions reduce to
U=U on oB,
and the associated problem is called the displacement problem. 3 If .9'; = 8B,
the boundary conditions become
s=s on 8B,
and we refer to the resulting problem as the traction problem. 4
To avoid repeated regularity assumptions we assume that:
(i) C is smooth on B;
(ii) b is continuous on B;
(iii) is continuous on .9;_;
(iv) is piecewise regular on .9';.
1 There are problems of importance in elastostatics not included in this formulation; e.g.,
the contact problem, studied in Sect. 40, in which the normal component of the displacement
and the tangential component of the traction are prescribed over a portion of the boundary.
Another example is the SIGNORINI problem [1959, 13] in which a portion .9'3 of the boundary
rests on a rigid, frictionless surface, but is allowed to separate from this surface. Thus s is
perpendicular to .9'3 and at each point of .9'3 either
u·n=O, s·n~o.
u·n<O, s·n=O.
A detailed treatment of this difficult problem is given by FICHERA [1963, 6] and in an article
following in this volume.
2 Our definition of a solution, since it is based on the notion of an elastic state ( § 28), does
not cover certain important problems. Indeed, as is well known, there exist genuine mixed
problems (~ ".9'2 =1= 0) and problems involving bodies with reentrant corners for which the
corresponding stress field is unbounded. For such problems the classical theorems of elastostatics,
as presented here, are vacuous. FICHERA [1971, 1], Theorem 12.IV has shown that in the case of
the genuine mixed problem with C 00 boundary, C00 body force field, C00 positive definite and
symmetric elasticity field, and null boundary data the displacement field u belongs to H 1 (B)
and is C00 on B -.9'1 r..9'2 • [H 1 (B) is the completion of O(B) with respect to the norm defined
by llull2 =!lull~+ I Vull~. where 11·112 is the usual L 2 norm.] It is possible to establish minor
variants of most of our results assuming only that usH1 (B), but this would require analytical
machinery much less elementary than that used here. (In this connection see the article by
FICHERA [1971, 1].) Finally, FICHERA [1951. 6], [1953. 11] has shown that for the genuine
mixed problem u will not be smooth on B unless the boundary data obey certain hypotheses.
3 Sometimes called the first boundary-value problem.
4 Sometimes called the second boundary-value problem.
Sect. 31. The boundary-value problems of elastostatics. 103

Assumptions (ii)-(iv) are necessary for the existence of a solution to the mixed
problem. In the definition of a solution [u, E, S], the requirement that S be
admissible 1 is redundant; indeed, the required properties of S follow from (i), (ii),
the admissibility of u, and the field equations.
By a displacement field corresponding to a solution of the mwed
problem we mean a vector field u with the property that there exist fields
E, S such that [u, E, S] is a solution of the mixed problem. We define a stress
field corresponding to a solution of the mixed problem analogously.
(1) Characterization of the mixed problem in terms of displace-
ments. Let u be an admissible displacement field. Then u corresponds to a solution
of the mixed problem if and only if
div C[Vu] +b =0 on B,
U=U on g;_,
C[l7u] n=s on~·
Further, when B is homogeneMts and isotropic, these relations take the forms 2
,uLlu+(.l.+,u) Vdivu+b=O on B,
U=U on g;_,
,u(Vu+Vur)n+.l.(divu)n=s on.~.
Proof. That the above relations are necessary follows from the discussion given
at the beginning of Sect. 27. To establish sufficiency assume that u satisfies the
above relations. Define E through the strain-displacement relation and S through
the stress-strain relation. Then, since u is admissible, E is continuous on B, and,
by assumption (i), Sis continuous on B and smooth on B. In addition,
divS+b=O on B, (a)
Sn=s on~·
Further, (a) and assumption (ii) imply that div S is continuous on B; thus S
is an admissible stress field. Therefore [u, E, SJ meets all the requirements of a
solution to the mixed problem.
When B is homogeneous and isotropic, the last three relations are equivalent
to the first three, as is clear from Sect. 27. 0
In view of the discussion given at the end of Sect. 27, the boundary condition
in (1) on ~for isotropic bodies may be replaced by

2,u-~: +,unxcurlu+.l.(divu)n=s on~·

(2) Characterization of the h·action problem, in terms of stresses.
Suppose that the elasticity field is invertible with class C2 inverse K on B. Let B be
simply-connected, and let S be an admissible stress field of class C2 on B. Then S
corresponds to a solution of the traction problem if and only if

div S +b =0}
on B,
curl curl K [SJ = 0
Sn=s on 8B.
1 Seep. 59.
2 LoDGE [1955. 9] has given conditions under which the basic equations of elastostatics
for an anisotropic material can be transformed into equations formally identical with those
for an isotropic material. See also KACZKOWSKI [1955. 6].
104 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 32.

When B is homogeneous and isotropic, these relations are equivalent to

div S+b=Ol
1 ~ v on B,
LIS+ 1 -+v J7J7(tr S) +2 Vb + 1 _v (div b) 1 = 0
Sn=s onoB.
Proof. Let
Then E is of class C2 on B and
curl curl E = 0.
Thus, by the compatibility theorem (14.2 ), there exists a class C3 displacement
field u on B that satisfies the strain-displacement relation. Moreover, we conclude
from (14.4) that u is of class ca on 13.
When B is homogeneous and isotropic, the last three relations are equivalent
to the first three, as is clear from the remarks given at the end of Sect. 27. 0
32. Uniqueness. 1 In this section we discuss the uniqueness question appropriate
to the fundamental boundary-value problems of elastostatics.
We say that two solutions [u, E, S] and [u, E, S] of the mixed problem are
equal modulo a rigid displacement provided
[u, E, S] =[u+w, E, S],
where w is a rigid displacement field.
(1) Uniqueness theorem for the miived problem. 2 Suppose that the
elasticity field is positive definite. Then any two solutions of the mixed problem are
equal modulo a rigid displacement. Moreover, if ~ is non-empty, then the mixed
problem has at most one solution.
Proof. Let j = [ u, E, S] and J = [u, E, SJ be solutions of the mixed problem,
and let
[u, ii, SJ =[, E, SJ -[u, E, SJ.
Then, by the principle of superposition (28.2 ), [u, E, S] is an elastic state corre-
sponding to zero body forces. Moreover,
U=O on~.
8=0 on~;

thus, since~ and~ are complementary subsets of oB,

s·u=O on oB,
and we conclude from (28.5) that ii is rigid. Thus E = S = 0, and the two solu-
tions ~and 6 are equal modulo a rigid displacement. ~. since it is a regular surface,
if non-empty must contain at least three non-collinear points. Thus, in this
instance, since ii = 0 on ~, u must vanish identically. 0
It is clear from the proof of (1) that the smoothness assumptions tacit in the
definition of a solution are more stringent than required. For the purpose of this
theorem it is sufficient to assume that a solution [u, E, S] is a triplet of fields
1 This subject is discussed at great length in the tract by KNOPS and PAYNE [1971, 2].
2 KIRCHHOFF [1859, 1], [1876, 1]. See also CLEBSCH [1862, 1].
Sect. 32. Uniqueness. 105

on B with the following properties: (i) u, E, and S are continuous on B; (ii) u and
S are differentiable on B; (iii) u, E, and S satisfy the field equations and bound-
ary conditions.
The last theorem implies that uniqueness holds for the displacement and trac-
tion problems provided the elasticity field is positive definite. When B is homo-
geneous, we can prove a much stronger uniqueness theorem for the displacement
(2) Uniqueness theorem for the displacement problem.1 Let B be homo-
geneous, let C be symmetric, and assume that either Cor -Cis strongly elliptic. Then
the displacement problem has at most one solution with smooth displacements on B.
Proof. By the principle of superposition, it suffices to show that b =0 on B
u=O on fJB (a)
imply u 0 on B. Thus assume that the body forces and surface displacements are
zero. Then by (28.8)
2 U{E} = f E · C[EJ dv =0, (b)
and, since E = Vu, (ii) of (20.1) implies
2U{E}= f Vu· C[Vu] dv. (c)

Let us extend the definition of u from B to all of tff by defining

u =0 on tff- B. (d)
Then by (a) u is continuous and piecewise smooth on tff, and Vu has discontinu-
ities only on fJB. Thus u and Vu are both absolutely and square integrable over
tff and possess the three-dimensional Fourier transforms a and A defined on tff
a(x) = ( inlJ eiP("')·p(Ylu(y) dvy, (e)


1 )H .
A(x)= (.in e•P(Il!)·p(y) 17u(y) dvy, (f)

where p(x) =X-0. Using (d)-(f) and the divergence theorem, we obtain
A=-ia@p. (g)
1 E. and F. CossERAT [1898, 1, 2, 3] proved that strong ellipticity implies uniqueness for
the displacement problem in a homogeneous and isotropic body. (See also FREDHOLM [1906, 3],
BoGGIO [1907, 1], and SHERMAN [1938, 2].) This result can also be inferred from the earlier
work of KELVIN [1888, 4]. For a homogeneous but possibly anisotropic body, theorem (2)
follows from the work of BROWDER [19 54. 4] and MoRREY [19 54, 14]. The proof given here,
which is based on the work of VAN HovE [1947, 9], was furnished by R.A. ToUPIN (private
communication in 1961). A slightly more general theorem was established by HILL [1957. 8],
[1961. 12, 13], who noted that uniqueness holds provided U{u} > 0 for all class C2 fields u
that vanish on oB but are not identically zero. HILL's result is not restricted to homogeneous
bodies. HAYES [1966, 9] established a uniqueness theorem for the displacement problem
under a slightly weaker hypothesis on C, which he calls moderate strong ellipticity. It is
not difficult to prove that moderate strong ellipticity and strong ellipticity are equivalent
notions when the body is isotropic. Additional papers concerned with uniqueness for the
displacement problem are MusKHELISHVILI [1933, 2], Mr~rcu [1953. 16], ERICKSEN and
TOUPIN [1956, 3], ERICKSEN [1957, 5], DUFFIN and NOLL [1958, 8], GURTIN and STERN-
BERG [1960, 7], GURTIN [1963, 10], HAYES [1963,12], KNOPS [1964,13], [1965,12, 13],
ZORSKI [1964, 24], EDELSTEIN and FOSDICK [1968, 4], MIKHLIN [1966. 16].
106 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 32.

Since B is homogeneous, a fundamental theorem of Fourier analysis 1 yields

.f Vu · C [Vu] dv = Ciikzj tti,i uk,z dv = Ciikl .f Aw.f kl dv =.fA· C[AJ dv, (h)
<f 8 <f

where A is the complex conjugate of A.

If we write
A=AR+iA1 ,
a=aR+ia1 ,
then (g) implies that
AR =ai®P. AI= -aR®p. (i)
On the other hand, we conclude from the symmetry of C that
A· C [A] =AR · C[ARJ +A1 • C[A 1 ]. (j)
By (c), (d), and (h)-(j),
2 U{E} = .f (aR®P) · C[aR®P] dv
+<f.f (a1 ®p) · C[a1 ®p] dv. (k)

Assume that u does not vanish identically on B. Then by the uniqueness of

the Fourier transform, a cannot vanish identically on C, and we conclude from (k)
that if Cis strongly elliptic,
U{E} >0,
which contradicts (b). We also arrive at a contradiction if-Cis strongly elliptic.
Thus u=:O on B. 0
For homogeneous and isotropic bodies, a converse to the uniqueness theo-
rem (2) is furnished by the
(8) Cosserat-Ericksen- Toupin theorem. 2 Suppose that the material is
homogeneous and isotropic, and that neither the elasticity tensor nor its negative is
strongly elliptic. Then there exists a body B and an elastic state ~ = [ u, E, SJ on B
with the following properties: ~ corresponds to zero body forces and satisfies the null
boundary condition
U=O on oB,
and u is not identically zero.
Proof. By (25.1) we have only three cases to consider:
ft =0, A. +2ft =0, (A. +2ft) ft<O.
In view of (81.1), it is sufficient to exhibit a body B and a non-trivial class C2
displacement field u on B that satisfies
ftLJU +(A +ft) V div U = 0, (a)
tt=O on oB. (b)
(i) 3 Assume A.+ 2ft= 0. Then (a) is satisfied by any displacement field of the
form u = V rp. Thus we have only to exhibit a body Band 1. scalar field rp of class C3
on B such that
Vrp=O on 8B.
See, e.g., GoLDBERG [1961, 9], Theorem 13E.
COSSERAT [1898, 2, 3], ERICKSEN and TOUPIN [1956, 3], ERICKSEN [1957, 5]. See also
MIKHLIN [1966, 16].
3 ERICKSEN and TOUPIN [1956, 3]. See also HILL [1961, 13].
Sect. 32. Uniqueness. 107

We take B equal to the open ball of unit radius centered at the origin 0, and
IJ!(X) =r 3 (r-1) 3 , r =lx-O!.
(ii)l Assume ft = 0. Then it suffices to find a displacement field u that satisfies
div u =0 (c)
and (b). The field tt =curl w obeys (c). Thus it suffices to exhibit a vector field
w satisfying
curl tv =0 on oB. (d)
Let B be as in (i) and take
w(x) =r 3 (r -1) 3 e,
where e is a unit vector. Then it is easily verified that w satisfies (d).
(iii) 2 Assume (A+ 2ft) ft < 0. Let
u1 (x)= 2ft x~- (A +2ft) (x~ +x:) -ft,
u2 (x) =tt3 (x) =0.
Then u satisfies (a) everywhere and vanishes on an ellipsoid. D
That the assumption of homogeneity is necessary for the validity of theorem (2)
is clear from the following counterexample of EDELSTEIN and FosDICK. 3 They
take B to be the spherical shell
B ={x: n<!x-O! <2n}
composed of the inhomogeneous but isotropic material defined by

1 { r23 +ln 3n} 1

ft(r) = 4- :;- ' A(r) =
-2ft (r) .

Since ft > 0 and A+ 2ft> 0, the elasticity field is strongly elliptic on B. They
show that the displacement field u defined in spherical coordinates by
u,(r) =sin r, u 0 =ur =0,
satisfies the displacement equation of equilibrium with zero body forces and
vanishes on the boundary of B (i.e. when r=n or r=2n).
(4) Uniqueness theorem jm· the traction problem for stm·-shaped
bodies.4 Suppose that the body is homogeneous, isotropic, and star-shaped, and let
the Lame moduli ft and A satisfy
(A+ 2ft) ft < o.
1 ERICKSEN and TOUPIN [1956, 3]. See also MILLS [1963, 20].
2 CossERAT [1898, 2]. This solution was discovered independently by ERICKSEN [1957, 5].
3 [1968, 4].
4 BRAMBLE and PAYNE [1962, 4]. In terms of Poisson's ratio v (v9=t), theorems (1) and
(4) imply that for a star-shaped body uniqueness holds for the surface force problem provided
p, 9= o and - 1 < v < 1. The question of whether or not one can drop the hypothesis that B
be star-shaped is open. A partial answer was supplied by BRAMBLE and PAYNE [1962, 3], who
have shown that uniqueness holds if - 1 <v < 1 -tK(1 K)- 1 , where K is a non-negative
constant that depends on the shape of the body. (See also HILL [1961, 13].) A counter-
example by E. and F. CossERAT [1901. 3] (see also BRAMBLE and PAYNE [1961, 3]) establishes
lack of uniqueness for - oo < v < - 1, while counterexamples by E. and F. CossERAT [1901,
2, 4] and BRAMBLE and PAYNE [1961, 3] indicate non-uniqueness for a countable number of
discrete values of Poisson's ratio in the interval [1, oo). See also MIKHLIN [1966, 16]. For
the plane traction problem SHERMAN [ 193 8, 2] has shown that uniqueness holds if v 9= 1,
p, 9= o. That these conditions are also necessary follows from counterexamples of HILL
[1961, 13] and KNOPS [1965, 12].
108 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 32.

Then any two solutions of the traction problem with class C2 displacements on B
are equal modulo a rigid displacement.
Proof. It is sufficient to show that
b=O on B, s=O on oB (a)
imply E 0 on B. Thus assume (a) holds. Then (24.5) and the theorem of work
and energy (28.8) yield
U{E} = f [.u1EI + ~ (tr E)
2 2] dv =0. (b)
Recall Navier's equation
L1u+yVdivu=0, (c)
Since B is star-shaped, it follows from (5.1) that there exists a point in B, which
we take to be the origin 0, such that
p·n>O (d)
at every regular point of oB. Consider the identity

J[L1u+yVdivu] · (Vu) pdv =: J s · (Vu) pda +: U{E}

(p ·n) [IE/ 2+ "; !__ (divu) 2] da,

which can be established with the aid of the divergence theorem, the stress
equation of equilibrium div S = 0, and the stress-strain relation in the form

S=2,u[E+ "; 1 (divu) t]. (f)

By (a), (b), and (c), (e) reduces to

J(p·n) [IE/ 2+ ";

1 (divu)2]da=O. (g)

Since n · Sn =0 on oB, (f) implies

(y-1) divu= -2n ·En.
Thus, for y =l= 1, (g) becomes

J(p ·n) [1EI + y~i (n ·En)

2 2] da=O. (h)

The inequality (A.+ 2,u) ,u < 0 implies y < -1 ; hence

y+1 >O. (i)
, -1

Therefore (h) may be rewritten as

I (p ·n)
IE- (1 + v~~:) (n ·En) n®nl da=O, 2
Sect. 33. Nonexistence. 109

and by (d) this implies

E= (1 + v~~~f) (n ·En) n®n on oB. (j)
In view of (i) and (j),
n·En=O on oB,
and hence by (j)
E=O on oB.
This implies that div u =tr E =0 on oB. But div u is harmonic; 1 hence div u =0
on B, and we conclude from (b) that E=.O. 0
33. Nonexistence. For the traction problem a necessary condition for the
existence of a solution is that the external forces be in equilibrium, i.e. that
oB B

fpxsda+ fpxbdv=O.

A deeper result was established by ERICKSEN 2, who proved that, in general,

lack of uniqueness implies lack of existence, or equivalently, that existence implies
uniqueness. 3
Suppose there were two solutions to a given mixed problem, and that these
solutions were not equal modulo a rigid displacement. Then their difference
[u, E, S] would have E$0, would satisfy
and would correspond to vanishing body forces. We call an elastic state [u, E, S]
with the above properties a non-trivial solution of the mi;red p1·oblem
with null data.
(1) None;ristence theormn. 4 Let the elasticity field be symmetric. Assume
that there exists a non~trivial solution of the mixed problem with null data. Then
there exists a continuous body force field b on B of class C2 on B with the following
property: the mixed problem corresponding to this body force field and to the null
boundary condition (N) has no solution. Further, if ~ is empty, then b can be
chosen so as to satisfy
Jbdv=O, fpxbdv=O.

Proof. Let ~ = [u, iff, §] be a non~trivial solution of the mixed problem with
null data. Then if 11 = [u, E, S] is any other elastic state with b the corresponding
body force field, Betti's theorem (30.1) implies
J s. u da = J s · u da + J b · u dv,
.9'; .9", B

where we have used the fact that~ corresponds to null data. Now choose b = u,
and suppose that <1 satisfies the null boundary conditions (N). Then the above
relation implies
________ ,_

1 This will be proved in Sect. 42.

2 ERICKSEN [1963, 4], [1965, 7].
3 This result is a direct analog of the Fredholm alternative for symmetric linear operators
on an inner product space.
4 The basic idea behind this theorem is due to ERICKSEN [1963, 4], who established a
theorem similar to (1) for the traction problem and asserted an analogous result for the
displacement problem. Cf. FICHERA [1971, 1], Theorem 6.1V (with A= 0).
110 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 34

which yields u == 0, and we have a contradiction. Thus there cannot exist an

elastic state " with the above properties. _ _
Now assume that 9i =0. Clearly, if [u, E, S] is a non-trivial solution of the
surface force problem with null data, then [u + w, E, S] also has this property
for every rigid displacement field w. Thus to complete the proof it suffices to
find a rigid displacement w such that
f(u+w)dv=O, fpx(u+w)dv=O. (a)

Let c denote the centroid of B and I its centroidal inertia tensor; i.e. if
Pc(;v) =;v-c,
J Pcdv=O,

Let w denote the rigid displacement field defined by


a=- v(~) .fit dv, ro=-I-1

( PcXudv.

Then a simple computation based on the identity

J(u+w)dv=O, fpcx(it+w)dv=O,

which is equivalent to (a). 0

The non-existence theorem (1) has the following immediate corollary: If the
mixed problem with null boundary data has a solution whenever the body force field is
sufficiently smooth, then there is at most one solution to the mixed problem.

IV. The variational principles of elastostatics.

34. Minimum principles. In this section we will establish the two classical
minimum principles of elastostatics: the principle of minimum potential energy
and the principle of minimum complementary energy. 1 These principles com-
pletely characterize the solution of the mixed problem discussed previously.
We assume throughout that the data has properties (i)-(iv) of Sect. 31, and,
in addition, that
(v) the elasticity field C is symmetric and positive definite on B.
Let E and S be continuous symmetric tensor fields on B. For convenience,
we now write Uc{E}, rather than U{E}, for the strain energy:
Uc{E} =! f E · C[EJ dv.

1 The treatment of the minimum principles (1) and (8), which is based on the notion of
an elastic state, was furnished by E. STERNBERG (private communication) in 1959.
Sect. 34. Minimum principles. 111

Further, we define the stress energy UK{S} by

UK{S} =! f S · K[SJ dv,


where K = c-1 is the compliance tensor. In view of the remarks made on p. 84,

provided S = C[EJ.
By a kinematically admissible state we mean an admissible state that
satisfies the strain-displacement relation, the stress-strain relation, and the
displacement boundary condition.
(1) Principle of minimum potential energy. 1 Let .!!1 denote the set of all
kinematically admissible states, and let <P be the functional on .!!1 defined by

<P{ 6} = Uc{E}- J b · u dv- J s · u da

B .9';

for every 6 = [u, E, SJ Ed. Further, let 6 be a solution of the mixed problem. Then
<P{ 6} ~ <P{6}
for every 6E.!il, and equality holds only if 6 = 6 modulo a rigid displacement.
Proof. Let 6, d' F..!il and define
6 ' =6-6. - (a)
Then 6' is an admissible state and
E'= !(17u' + Vu'T), (b)
S'=C[E'J, (c)
u'=O on .9'1 . (d)
Moreover, S = C [EJ, since 6Ed; thus (28.1) and (c) imply

Uc{E}- Uc{E} = Uc{E'} + f S. E' dv. (e)


Next, if we apply (18.1) to S and u', we conclude, with the aid of (b) and (d),
J S · E' dv = J s · u' da- J u' · div S dv.
B 9', B

1 It is somewhat difficult to trace the history of this and other variational and minimum
principles, since in the older work the nature of the allowed variations was often left to be
inferred from the result. The basic ideas appear in the work of GREEN [1839, 1], pp. 253-256,
HAUGHTON [1849, 1], p. 152, KIRCHHOFF [1850, 1], § 1, KELVIN [1863, 3], §§ 61-62, DONATI
[1894, 2]. As a proved theorem it appearstohavefirst been given by LovE [1906, 5], § 119for the
displacement problem, by HADAMARD [1903,3], §264, CoLONNETTI [1912,1], and PRANGE [1916,
1], pp. 51-54 for the traction problem, and by TREFFTZ [1928, 3], § 18 for the mixed problem.
An extension to exterior domains was given by GURTIN and STERNBERG [1961, 11], Theo-
rem 6.5. Variants of this theorem, which are useful in the determination of bounds on ef-
fective elastic moduli for heterogeneous materials, are contained in the work of HASHIN
and SHTRIKMAN [1962, 9], HILL [1963, 13], HASHIN [1967, 8], BERAN and MOLYNEUX
(1966, 3], and RUBENFELD and KELLER [1969, 6].
For the displacement problem, the hypothesis that C be positive definite is not necessary
for the validity of the principle of minimum potential energy. This fact is clear from the
work of HILL [1957, 8], GURTIN and STERNBERG [1960, 7], and GURTIN [1963, 10].
For various related references, see PRAGER and SYNGE [1947, 6], SYNGE [1957, 15],
MIKHLIN [1957, 10], and 0RAVAS and McLEAN [1966, 19].
112 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 34.

W{~}- W{ ~} = Uc{E'}- f (div S +b) · u' dv + f (s- s) · u' da, (f)
B .'7',

and since dis a solution of the mixed problem, (f) implies

W{3'}- W{ ~} = Uc{E'}.
Thus, since C is positive definite,
w{ ~} ~ W{d'},
w{~} = w{~} ¢o?E' =E -E =0.
Moreover, since ~ and ~ are kinematically admissible, E =E only when d =~
modulo a rigid displacement. D
In words, the principle of minimum potential energy asserts that the differ-
ence between the strain energy and the work done by the body forces and pre-
scribed surface forces assumes a smaller value for the solution of the mixed
problem than for any other kinematically admissible state.
The uniqueness theorem (32.1) for the mixed problem follows as a corollary
of the principle of minimum potential energy. Indeed, let d and 3' be two solutions.
Then this principle tells us that
w{ 6} ~ w{3'}, w{3'} ~ w{ 6}.
w{ 6} = W{d},
and we conclude from (1) that d and 3' must be equal modulo a rigid displacement.
By a kinematically admissible displacement field we mean an admissible
displacement field that satisfies the displacement boundary condition, and for
which div C[l7u] is continuous on B. The corresponding strain field is then called
a kinematically admissible strain field. If [ u, E, S] is a kinematically
admissible state, then u is a kinematically admissible displacement field. Con-
versely, the latter assertion implies the former provided E and S are defined
through the strain-displacement and stress-strain relations. In view of these
equations, W{ d} can be written as a functional W{u} of u:
W{u}=i f Vu · C[Vu] dv- f b · udv- f s · uda;
B B .'7',

therefore we have the following partial restatement of (1)

(2) Let u correspond to a solution of the mixed problem. Then
w{u} ~ w{u}
for every kinematically admissible displacement field u.
By a statically admissible stress field we mean an admissible stress
field that satisfies the equation of equilibrium and the traction boundary condition.
(3) Principle of minimum complementary energy. 1 Let d denote the
set of all statically admissible stress fields, and let 'l' be the functional ond defined by
'l'{S} =UK{S}- f
s· u da
1 The basic ideas appear in the work of COTTERILL [1865, 1] and DONATI [1890, 1],
[1894, 2]. As a proved theorem it seems to have first been given by CoLONNETTI [1912, 1]
and PRANGE [1916, 1] for the surface force problem and by TREFFTZ [1928, 3], § 19 for the
mixed problem. See also DoMKE [1915, 1].
Sect. 34. Minimum principles. 113
for every SEd. Let S be a stress field corresponding to a solution of the mixed
problem. Then

for every SEd, and equality holds only if S = S.

Proof. Let [u, E, S] be a solution of the mixed problem, let SEd, and define

Then S' satisfies
div S' = 0 on B,
s' =S'n =0 on .9'2 •
Since E=K[SJ, (a) and an obvious analog of (28.1) imply

UK{S}- UK{S} = UK{S'} + J S' · E dv. (c)

Further, in view of (b) and (18.1),
f S' · E d v = I s' · u d a.
B !1',
Thus, since u='it on 9;,,
P{S} -P{S} =UK{S'}.
Therefore, since K is positive definite, P{S} ~ P{S}, and P{S} = P{S} only if
S'=S-8= 0. D
The principle of minimum complementary energy asserts that of all statically
admissible stress fields, the one belonging to a solution of the mixed problem
renders a minimum the difference between the stress energy and the work done
over the prescribed displacements.
We shall now use the foregoing minimum principles to establish
(4) Upper and lower bounds for the strain energy.l Let U be the strain
energy associated with a solution of the displacement problem. Assume that the body
forces vanish. Then
Is· ti da- UK{S} ~ U ~ Uc{E},
where E is a kinematically admissible strain field, S a statically admissible stress
field, and s the corresponding surface traction.
On the other hand, let U be the strain energy corresponding to a solution of the
traction problem. Then

I b · u dv +Is· u da- Uc{E} ~ U ~ UK{S},

where u is a kinematically admissible displacement field, E the corresponding strain

field, and S a statically admissible stress field.
Proof, Let ~ = [u, E, S] be a solution of the displacement problem with
b = 0, and let U be the associated strain energy:

1 Cf. AYMERICH [1955, 1] who obtains upper and lower

bounds on the strain energy by
embedding the body in a larger body.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2.
114 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 34.

Then, since ~= 0, we conclude from the principle of minimum potential energy

U = Uc{E} ~ Uc{E}.
On the other hand, since ~ = oB, it follows from the principle of work and
energy (28.8) that the last term in the expression for IJI{S} in (8) is equal to
-2U. Thus
IJI{S} = - U,
and (8) implies
U5;, f s ·u

Next, let 6 be a solution of the surface force problem. Then ~ = 0, and the
principle of minimum complementary energy yields
Moreover, since ~=oB, we conclude from (28.8) that the last two terms in
the expression for IP{d} in (1) are equal to -2U. Thus
and (1) implies
U5;, J b · udv+fiBJ s · uda-Uc{E}.

Using (18.2) we can write the inequalities in (4) in the following forms:
J s. {E-iK[S]} dv~ U~Uc{E},

By a statically admissible state we mean an admissible state [u, E, S]

with S a statically admissible stress field. For convenience, we now define 1[1 on
the set of all statically admissible states 11 = [ u, E, S] by writing IJI{ 6} = IJI{S}.
Clearly, an admissible state d is a solution of the mixed problem if and only
if d is both kinematically and statically admissible. We shall tacitly use this fact
in establishing the next theorem, which furnishes an interesting relation between
the functionals «P and IJI.
(5) Let d be a solution of the mixed problem. Then
«P{ d} + IJI{ <l} =0.
Proof. In view of the definition of «P and '!1 ,
«P{ 6} + IJI{ <l} = Uc{E} + UK{S}- f b · u dv- f s ·it da- f s · u da
B .9'; 9',

=2Uc{E}- f b · udv- J s · uda,

B fiB

and the desired result follows from the principle of work and energy (28.8 ). 0
If we assume that the mixed problem has a solution, then the preceding
theorem has the following corollary.
(6) Let ;; and ;) be admissible states with 3' kinematically admissible and 6 stati-
cally admissible. Then
Sect. 35. Some extensions of the fundamental lemma. 115
Proof. Let 6 be a solution of the mixed problem. Then the principles of mini-
mum potential and complementary energy imply that
~{a-}~~{6}, P{6}~P{6}.
~{;!} + P{;i} ~ ~{ 6} + P{ 6} =0. 0
35. Some extensions of the fundamental lemma. In this section we shall
establish three lemmas whose role in elastostatics is analogous to the role of the
fundamental lemma in the calculus of variations. Let 8B(~0 • h) denote the
intersection of oB with the open ball .E" (~0 ) of radius h and center at ~ 0 , and let
~" (~0 ) denote the set of functions defined in Sect. 7.
(1) Let 11' be a finite-dimensional inner product space. Let w: !/s-+11' be
piecewise regular and satisfy

for every class coo function v: B-+irthat vanishes near 9'1 . Then
w=O on !/s.
Proof. Let E1_, e 2 , ••• , e, be an orthonormal basis for 11', and let

Assume that for some regular interior point ~0 of 9'2 and some k, wk (~0 ) > 0
(say). Then there exists an h > 0 such that oB(~0 , h) is contained in Ys and
wk > 0 on oB(~0 , h). Let v = rp ek with rpE ~" {~ 0 ). Then v is of class coo and
vanishes near ~. In addition,
which is a contradiction. Thus w (~0 ) = 0 at every regular interior point ~0 of
Ys. But since w is piecewise regular, this implies w = 0 on Ys. 0
(2) Let u be a piecewise regular vector fietd on ~, and suppose that
J (Sn) · uda=O
j'or every class coo symmetric tensor field S on B that vanishes near ~. Then
u=O .on~-
Proof. Since S is symmetric,
(Sn) · u=S · (u®n) =S -T,
where Tis the symmetric part of u@n:

whenever S satisfies the above hypotheses. Consequently, letting if/ in (1) be

the space of all symmetric tensors, we conclude from (1) that
T=O on~.
116 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 36.

and hence that

2Tn=u+n(u · n) =0 on Yi·
Taking the inner product of this relation with n, we find that u . n =0 on .9i_,
and this fact and the above relation imply u = 0 on .9i. 0
(8) Let u be a piecewise regular vector field on .92 , and suppose that
for every class coo symmetric tensor fieldS on B. Then
u=O on~·
Proof. Let v be an arbitrary class coo vector field on B which vanishes near
9)_. Then by (6.5) there exists a class coo vector field g on B with the property
LJg =V.
S= Vg + J7gT -1 div g.
Then Sis a class C'"0 symmetric tensor field on B, and hence
f u · div S da =0.
But a simple calculation yields
div S =L1g =V.
for every class coo vector field v on B which vanishes near 9i, and the desired
result follows from (1 ). 0
36. Converses to the minimum principles. In this section we shall use the
results just established to prove converses to the principles of minimum potential
and complementary energy. We continue to assume that hypotheses (i)-(v) of
Sects. 31 and 34 hold. Our first theorem shows that if a kinematically admissible
state minimizes the functional $, then that state is a solution of the mixed
(1) Converse of the principle of minimum potential energy. Let ~ be
a kinematically admissible state, and suppose that
${ ~};:::;; ${;;}
for every kinematically admissible state~. Then ~is a solution of the mixed problem.
Proof. Let u' be an arbitrary vector field of class coo on B, and suppose that
u' vanishes near 9i. Further, let ~' = [u', E', S'], where

E' = i-(Vu' + Vu'T),

S' =C[E'].
Then ~ = ~ + ~' is kinematically admissible, and it is not difficult to verify that
(f) in the proof of (84.1) also holds in the present circumstances. Thus, since
${ ~};:::;; ${;;},
0;:::;; Uc{E'}- f (div S +b) · u' dv + f (s- s) · u' da.
B S",
1 Cf. the remarks following (17.8).
Sect. 36. Converses to the minimum principles. 117

Clearly, this relation must hold with u' replaced by atU' and E' by atE'; hence
0 ~at2 Uc{E'} -at f (div S +b) · u' dv +at f (s- s) · u' da
B ~

for every scalar at, which implies

- f (div S +b)· u' dv+ f (s-s) · u' da=O (a)
B .9"1
for every coo vector field tt' that vanishes near 91. If, in addition, tt' vanishes
near oB, then
f (div S +b)· u' dv =0,

and we conclude from (7.1) with if'"= 'f""that

divS+b=O. (b)
By (a) and (b),
f (s-s) · u' da=O
for every coo field u' that vanishes near .91, and (85.1) with if'"= 'f""yields
s=s on~- (c)
Thus 11 is a kinematically admissible state that satisfies (b) and (c); hence 11 is a
solution of the mixed problem. D
Note that (1) does not presuppose the existence of a solution to the mixed
problem. If one knows a priori that a solution 6 exists,! then it follows from (84.1)
that any kinematically admissible state 11 that minimizes (/) must be equal to
6, and hence must be a solution. Indeed, if ;; minimizes (/), then
(/){d"} ~ (/){ 11};
but (84.1) implies
(/){ 11}~ (/){d"},
so that
(/){ 11}= (/){d"},
and we conclude from (84.1) that II= 6 (modulo a rigid displacement).
The next theorem yields a converse to the principle of minimum complemen-
tary energy. To prove this theorem we need to assume that B is simply-connected
and convex with respect to .9i (when .9i =I= 0). In view of the discussion given in
the preceding paragraph, if B and the boundary data are such that existence
holds for the corresponding mixed problem,! then this converse follows trivially
without the above assumptions concerning B.
(2) Converse of the principle of minimum complementary energy. 2
Assume that B is simply-connected and convex with respect to 91 and that K is of
class C2 on B. Let S be a statically admissible stress field of class C2 on B, and
suppose that

for every statically admissible stress field S. Then S is a stress field corresponding
to a solution of the mixed problem.
Before proving this theorem we shall establish two subsidiary results; these
results are not only basic to the proof of (2 ), but are also of interest in themselves.
1Existence theorems for the mixed problem are given, e.g., by FICHERA [1971, 1], § 12.
2The basic ideas behind this theorem are due to COTTERILL [1865, 1], DoNATI [1890, 1],
[1894, 2], DOMKE [1915, 1], SOUTHWELL [1936, 5], [1938, 5], LOCATELLI [1940, 3, 4], DORN
and ScHILD [1956, 1]. As a proved theorem it seems to have first been given by SoKOLNI-
KOFF [1956, 12] for the traction problem and by GuRTIN [1963, 11] for the mixed problem.
118 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 36.

(8)1 Let w be a continuous vector field on a regular subsurface 9' of fJB, and
let B be convex with respect to 9'. Further, suppose that

f (Sn) ·Wda=O

for every class coo symmetric tensor field S on B that vanishes near fJB -9' and

Then w is a rigid displacement field.

Proof. Let ~ and re be regular points of 9', and choose a cartesian coordinate

system such that the coordinates of $ are (0, 0, 0} and those of re are (0, 0, Xa).
Let D, be the closed disc in the .x,., x2-plane with radius B > 0 and center at (0, 0),
and let f. be a class coo scalar field on the entire .x,., x2-plane with the following
(oc) f. ~0;
({J) f. =0 outside D.;
(y) Jf.da=1.

Such a function is easily constmcted using the procedure given in the first para-
graph of Sect. 7. Clearly, the symmetric tensor fieldS on B defined by

0 0
[S(~)] = [o o
0 0
has zero divergence. Let C, be the infinite solid circular cylinder whose axis
coincides with the x8-axis and whose cross-section is D •. Then the assumed con-

Fig. to.
1 GURTIN [1963, 11].
Sect. 36. Converses to the minimum principles. 119

vexity of B with respect to Y' and the regularity of Y' imply that for all suffi-
ciently small e there exist disjoint subregions ~ and §; of Y' such that (see
Fig. 10)
XE~, xU~, C,noB=~v§,.
Thus S vanishes near oB -Y' and
0 = .f (Sn) · w da =
~ ~
J /, w3 n3 da + -.f /, w3 n3 da. (a)
~. ~.

Next, by property (y) of /.,

f /, n 3 da = .f /, da = 1,
§'. D.

Thus if we let e-+0 in (a) and use property (oc) of/, in conjunction with the mean-
value theorem of integral calculus, we conclude that
w3 (iV) -w3 (x) =0,
or equivalently that
[w($) -w(i)] · [$ -i] =0.
Since $ and i are arbitrary regular points of Y,
and since w is continuous on
Y', tv has the projection property on Y'. Moreover, from our hypotheses it follows
that Y' is a non-coplanar point set; hence we conclude from (18.8) that w is
rigid. D
(4)1 Let it be a continuous vector field on a regular subsurface Y' of oB, and
let B be simply-connected and convex with respect to Y'. Let E be a symmetric tensor
field that is continuous on B and of class C2 on B. Further, suppose that

( (Sn) · u da = B( S · E dv

for every class CCX) symmetric tensor fieldS on B that vanishes near BB -Y' and
div 8=0.
Then there exists an admissible displacement field u such that
U=U on Y'.
Proof. Let ~ denote the set of all class coo symmetric tensor fields on B that
satisfy div S = 0. By hypothesis

for every SE~ that vanishes near oB. Thus we conclude from Donati's theorem
(18.8) that E satisfies the equation of compatibility. In view of the compatibility
theorem (14.2 ), this result and the fact that B is simply-connected imply the
existence of an admissible displacement field u' such that E and u' satisfy the
1 For the case in which Y=oB this theorem is due to DaRN and ScHILD [1956, 1]. The
present more general case is due to GuRTIN [1963, 11].
120 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 37.

strain-displacement relation. Thus we conclude from the present hypotheses and

(18.1) that for every S E~ which vanishes near (JB- [!>,

f (Sn) · u' da = f
(Sn) · u' da = J S · E dv =, f
(Sn) · ii da.

Therefore if we let
,f (Sn) · w da =0
for every S E~ that vanishes near oB -[I>. Thus we may conclude from (3) that
w is the restriction to [!> of a rigid displacement fieldand the displacement w,
field u defined on B through
has all of the desired properties. 0
We are now in a position to give the
Proof of (2 ). Let S' E~ vanish near .9;. Then S = S + S' is a statically
admissible stress field, and
P{S};;;; P{S}. (a)
Then (c) in the proof of (34.3) holds in the present circumstances, and we con-
clude from this result, (a), and the definition of P given in (34.3) that

0;;;; P{S}- P{S} = UK{S'} + IS'· E dv- I s' ·it da. (b)
B .9';
The inequality (b) must hold for every S' E ~ that vanishes near ~. If we replace
S' in (b) by tXS', whereIX is a scalar, we find that

I S' · E dv = I s' · it da
B .9';

for every such field S'. Thus we conclude from (4) that there exists a vector
field u such that [u, E, SJ is a solution of the mixed problem. 0
37. Maximum principles. 1 The principles of minimum potential and complemen-
tary energy can be used to compute upper bounds for the "energies" <P {o1} and
P { 6} corresponding to a solution 6. In this section we shall establish two maximum
principles which allow one to compute lower bounds for <P{6} and P{6}.
We continue to assume that the hypotheses (i)-(v) of Sects. 31 and 34 hold.
As our first step, we extend the domain of the functionals <P and P to the set
of all admissible states in the obvious manner:
<P{6}=Uc{E}- I b · udv- Is· uda,
B 5P,
P{ 6} = UK{S}- Is· uda
for every admissible state 6 = [u, E, S] .
1 The basic ideas underlying these principles are due to TREFFTZ [1928, 4], who estab-
lished analogous results for boundary-value problems associated with the equations Ll u = 0
and LlLlu = 0. See also SoKOLNIKOFF [1956, 12], § 118 and MIKHLIN [1957, 10], §§55, 57, 59.
Sect. 37. Maximum principles. 121

(1) Principle of maa:imum potential energy.1 Let d be a solution of the

mixed problem, and let d' be an elastic state that satislies
J s. (it-it) da;?;O,
s=s on 92·

and equality holds if and only if d = 6 modulo a rigid displacement.

Proof. Let

Then (28.1) and the fact that S = C [E] imply

Uc{E}- Uc{E} = Uc{E'} + J S · E' dv.


Next, if we apply the theorem of work expended (18.2) to§ and u', we find that
J S · E' dv = BJ b · u' dv +oBJ s · u' da.

Thus, since u =it on ~ and s = s on 92,

tl>{ d}- tl>{d} = Uc{E'} + f s ·(it -it) da.

This completes the proof, since C is positive definite and the last term non-
negative. D
It is clear from this proof that (1) continues to hold even when d is required
only to be kinematically admissible.
Note that in the principle of minimum potential energy the admissible states
were required to satisfy, in essence, only the displacement boundary condition.
On the other hand, the "admissible state" ;! in the principle of maximum potential
energy is required to satisfy all of the field equations, the traction boundary
condition, and a weak form of the displacement boundary condition.
(2) Principle of m~imum complementary energy. Let 6 be a solution
of the mixed problem, and let d' be an elastic state that satisfies
it=u on~.
J ( s) s- 0
u d a ;?; 0 .
P{ d};?; P{d'} I

and equality holds if and only if d = 6 modulo a rigid displacement.

Proof. Let

then 6' is an elastic state corresponding to zero body forces. As before,

UK{S}- UK{S} = UK{S'} + J S' · E dv,

1 CooPERMAN [1952, 1].

122 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 38.

and by (18.1) and the fact that div S' = 0,

J S' · E dv = J s' · u da.
B 8B

Thus, since u= u on 9i and s = s on 9'2,

P{ 6}- P{~} = UK{S'} + f (s -s) · u da,
which, in view of our hypotheses, implies the desired result. 0
Note that (2) remains valid under the weaker hypothesis that 6 be statically
38. Variational principles. The admissible states appropriate to the minimum
principles of elastostatics are required to meet certain of the field equations and
boundary conditions. In some applications it is advantageous to use variational
principles in which the admissible states satisfy as few constraints as possible.
In this section we establish two such principles. 1
We continue to assume that the data has properties (i)-(iv) of Sect. 31, but
in place of (v) of Sect. 34 we assume that
(v') the elasticity field C is symmetric.
The two variational principles will be concerned with scalar-valued functionals
whose domain of definition is a subset .91 of the set of all admissible states. Let A
be such a functional, let
6 and ~ be admissible states,
6 + Ad' E.Jil for every scalar A,
and formally define the notation
15;A{6}= dd;. A{6+A.6}iA=o·
Then we write
15A{6} =0
if 15;A{6} exists and equals zero for every choice of 6 consistent with (a).
We begin with a variational principle in which the admissible states are not
required to meet any of the field equations, initial conditions, or boundary
(1) Hu-Washku pri.nciple. 2 Let .91 denote the set of all admissible states,
and let A be the functional on .91 defined by
A{6}=Uc{E}- JS ·Edv- f (divS+b) ·udv

+ fs·uda+ f(s-s) ·uda

---------- ~ .so;
1 The basic ideas behind these principles are contained in the work of BoRN [1906, 1],
pp. 91-97, who established analogous results for the plane elastica. BoRN was cognizant of
the fact that his results applied to elasticity theory, as is clear from bis statement (p. 96):
,lch will bier bemerken, daB sich der Vorteil dieser Darstellung eigentlich erst zeigt, wenn
man sie auf die allgemeine Elastizitatstheorie anwendet." See also 0RAVAS and McLEAN
[1966, 19], pp. 927-929 for a detailed study of the early historical development of these
2 Hu (1955, 5], WASHIZU (1955, 14], (1968, 15], § 2.3. See also DE VEUBEKE (1965, 6], TONTI
[1967, 16, 17], and HLAVACEK [1967, 6, 7]. An extension valid for discontinuous displacement
and stress fields was given by PRAGER [1967, 11], and one in which the stress fields of the
admissible states are not required to be symmetric was given by REISSNER [1965, 16].
Sect. 38. Variational principles. 123

for every d= [u, E, S]Ed. Then

at an admissible state d if and only if d is a solution of the mixed problem.

Proof. Let d = [u, E, S] and ~ = [u, E, S] be admissible states. Then d +).~Ed
for every scalar A, and in view of (28.1) and the symmetry of C,
Uc{E +.I.E}= Uc{E} +.1. 2 Uc{E} +.I. J E. c [E] dv.
Thus, since

it follows that
t5;A{ ll} = J {(C[EJ -S) · E- (div S +b)· it-S· E -u. div S} dv
+ J s. tt da + .r {s. u + (s- s). il} da .
.9'; ~

If we apply (18.1) to S and u, we find that

J u · div S dv = J u · s da- J !Wu + J7uT). S dv;

t5; A{ d} = J (C[E] -S) · E dv- J (div S +b)· i't dv

+ J {!(17u + J7uT) -E}. S dv + J (u -u). s da (a)

B .9';

+ .r (s-s). uda.

If d is a solution to the mixed problem, then (a) yields

t5;A{d} =0 for every ~Ed, (b)
which implies
To prove the converse assertion assume that (c), and hence (b), holds. If we
choose ~=[it, 0, OJ and let u vanish near 8B, then it follows from (a} and (b) that

Since this relation must hold for every such u of class C1 on B, we conclude from
the fundamental lemma (7.1) that div S + b = 0. Next, let ~ = ['tt, 0, OJ, but
this time require only that i1 vanish near ~. Then (a) and (b) imply that
f(s-s) -uda=O,

and we conclude from (85.1) that s = on ~. Now, let ~ = [0, s E, OJ and suppose
E vanishes near 8B. Then by (a) and (b),
J (C[E] -S) · E dv =0.

Thus, since C[El-S and E are symmetric tensor fields, it follows from (7.1)
with iF equal to the set of all symmetric tensors that S = C [E]. In the same
124 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 38.

manner, choosing ~ = [0, 0, SJ, where S vanishes near oB, we conclude that
E=i(J7u+VuT). Finally, if we drop the requirement that S vanish near oB,
we conclude from (a) and (b) that
J (u-u). (Sn) da=O

for every class C1 symmetric tensor field Son 13, and it follows from (85.2) that
u = on .9i. Thus 6 = [u, E, S] is a solution of the mixed problem. D
(2) Hellinger-Prange-Reissner principle. 1 Assume that the elasticity
field is invertible and that its inverse K is smooth on B. Let d denote the set of all
admissible states that satisfy the strain-displacement relation, and let be the func- e
tional on d defined by

f9{ 6} = UK{S}- J S. E dv + J b. u dv + J s. (u -u) da + J s · u da

B B .9;_ ~

for every 6 = [tt, E, S]Ed. Then

~f9{6} =0
at 6Ed if and only if 6 is a solution of the mixed problem.
Proof. Let 6 = [u, E, S] and d = [u, E, S] be admissible states, and suppose
that 6 + A.;; Ed for every scalar A., or equivalently that 6, ~Ed. Then, in view
of the symmetry of C, K is symmetric and
~; f9{ 6} = J {(K [S] -E) . s- s . E + b . u} d v

+ J {s. (u-u) +s. u} da-j- J s. u da.

Y', Y',

If we apply (18.1) to Sand u and use the fact that E and u satisfy the strain-
displacement relation, we find that
J S · E dv = J s · u da- J u · div S dv;
B oB B
~;8{6} = J (K[S] -E)· S dv + J (div S +b). u dv
+ J (u-u). sda + .r (s-s). ftda. (a)
Y', Y',

If 6 is a solution of the mixed problem, then, clearly,

~; 8 {6} = 0 for every dEd, (b)
which implies ~8(6) =0. On the other hand, (a), (b), (7.1), (85.1), (85.2), and
the fact that 6 satisfies the strain-displacement relation imply that 6 is a solution
of the mixed problem. D
Let 6 = [tt, E, S] be kinematically admissible. Then we conclude from
(18.1) that
J u · div S dv = J s · da + J s · u da- f S · E dv.
B .9;.
u ~ B
1 The basic idea is contained in the work of HELLINGER [1914, 1]. As a proved theorem
it was first given by PRANGE [1916, 1], pp. 54-57 for the traction problem and REISSNER
[1950, 10], [1958, 14], [1961, 18] for the mixed problem. See also RuDIGER [1960, 10],
[1961, 19], HLAVACEK [1967, 6, 7], TONTI [1967, 16, 17], HoRAK [1968, 8], SOLOMON [1968, 12].
Sect. 39. Convergence of approximate solutions. 125

Thus, in this instance, A{ll}, given by (1), reduces to ${ll}, where$ is the func-
tional of the principle of minimum potential energy (34.1 ). Also, when d is kine-
matically admissible,
tf S · E dv= Uc{E} = UK{S},

and 6l{ll} given by (2) reduces to -${ll}. On the other hand, if dis a statically
admissible state that satisfies the stress-strain relation, then A {d} reduces to
-P{ll}, where Pis the functional of the principle of minimum complementary
energy (34.3); if dis a statically admissible state that obeys the strain-displace-
ment relation, then 6l{ll} reduces to P{ll}.
Table 5 below compares the two variational principles established here with the
minimum principles discussed previously.

Principle Field equations satisfied Boundary conditions
by the admissible states satisfied by the
admissible states

Minimum potential energy Strain-displacement Displacement

Minimum complementary energy Stress equation Traction
of equilibrium
Maximum potential energy All Traction, weak form
of displacement
Maximum complementary energy All Displacement,
weak form of traction
Hu-Washizu None None
Hellinger-Prange- Reissner Strain-displacement None

39. Convergence of approximate solutions. Recall that the functional of the

principle of minimum potential energy (34.2) has the form
${u} = U{u}- J b · u dv- J s · u da, (a)
B .9',
U{u} =t J 17u · C[l7u] dv

is the strain energy written, for convenience, as a functional of the displacement

The standard method of obtaining an approximate solution to the mixed
problem is to minimize the functional $ over a restricted class of functions. 1
That is, one assumes an approximate solution uN in the form
UN= llN + L 11.,/,, (b)
where / 1 , /2 , ... ,fN are given functions that vanish on 9;_, and iiN is a function
that approximates the boundary data on 9i. Of course, the term UN is omitted
when~ is empty. The constants 11.1 , 11.2, ... , rx.N are then chosen so as to render
${uN} a minimum. Indeed, if we write
$(rx.l, 1"/.2, · · ·, 11.N) = ${uN},
This idea appears first in the work of RAYLEIGH (1877) [1945, 6] and RITz [1908, 2]; the
method is usually referred to as the Rayleigh-Ritz method.
126 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 39.

where uN is given by (b), then (assuming that Cis symmetric)

(j)(~. oc2 , .•• , ocN) =a+ l L D,..,. oc,. ot, + n=l
L d,. ot,.
D,..,.= f Vj,.. · C[Vj,.] dv, (c)

a=U{uN}- J b. uNdv-js. UN,


d,.= f VuN · C[Vf,.] dv- f b · f.. dv-js · j,.da. (d)


If 9';. is empty, the above relations still hold, but with uN = 0, so that

d,.=- J b · j,.dv-i!BJ s · j,.da. (e)

If Cis positive semi-definite, the matrix [D,..J will be positive semi-definite, and
(j)(oc1 , oc2, ••• , OtN) will be a minimum at Ot1 =~. Ot2 =oc
2 , ••• , OtN=U.N if and
only if ~, U..2 , ••• , U.s is a solution of the following system of equations:
LD,..,.oc,.=-d,.. (m=1,2, ... ,N). (f)

We will now establish conditions under which solutions of (f) exist, and under
which the resulting approximate solutions uN converge in energy to the actual
solution as N-+- oo.
We assume for the remainder of this section that Cis symmetric and positive
definite, and that hypotheses (i)-(iv) of Sect. 31 hold.
We write ~0 for the set of all continuous and piecewise smooth vector fields
on B.
(1) Ea:istence of approzitnate solutions. Let FN be anN-dimensional sub-
space of ~0 with the property that each /E~N vanishes on 9';_.
(i) If.9i =!=0,let uN be a given function in ~0 • and let #N be the set of all functions
f of the form
f=g+uN, gE~N•
(ii) If.9i =0. let .i-N =~N·
Then there exists a function UNE#N such that


If .9i =!=0. then UN is unique; if .9i =0, then any two solutions of (g) dilfer by a
rigid displacement. Finally, uN is optimal in the following sense: If u is the displace-
ment field corresponding to a solution of the mixed problem, then 1
U{u-uN}= inJ U{u-v}. (h)

Proof. Let / 1 , /2 , •. • ,fN be a basis for ~N• and let D,..,. and d.. be defined by
(c), (d), and (e). Then, clearly, to establish the existence of a solution uN of (g) it
suffices to establish the existence of a solution~. ~ •... , &N of (f).
1 Cf. SCHULTZ [1969, 7], Theorem 2.4.
Sect. 39. Convergence of approximate solutions. 127

Since C is positive definite, we conclude from (c) that

L Dmn Ot, oc,. ~ 0 (i)

for any N-tuple (oc1, oc 2, ... , ocN)· Assume that

L Dmn Ot, OC,. = 0,
m, nc=l
and let

Then it follows from (c) and (j) that

J Vj · C[Vf] dv =0,

and since C is positive definite, this, in turn, implies that f is rigid. Assume first
that~ =H'l. Then /=0, since it is rigid and vanishes on~- Consequently, as
/ 1 , / 2 , ... , IN is a basis for :FN, this implies that

Therefore, if~ =!=0, then (j) implies (1), and we conclude from (i) that the matrix
[Dm,.J is positive definite; hence in this instance (f) has a unique solution.
Assume next that ~ = 0. Suppose that


then (j) holds, and hence f defined by (k) is rigid. Thus any two solutions of (g)
(if they exist) differ by a rigid displacement. Next, by (e) and (k),
L oc,.d,.=- f
n=l B
b · fdv- f
s ·fda,
and it follows 1 from (18.8) that

Thus (~, d2, ..• , dN) is orthogonal to every solution (OCJ., oc2, ... , ocN) of the homo-
geneous equation (m), and we conclude from the Fredholm alternative that the
inhomogeneous equation (f) has a solution.
We have only to show that uN is optimal. To facilitate the proof of this
assertion, we now establish the following
(2) Lemma. 2 Let [u, E, SJ be a solution of the mixed problem. Then
C/>{v}- C/>{u} = U{v -u} +). s · (v -u) da
for every VE~0 •
Proof. Let
u'=v-u, E'=Vu'.
1 Here we tacitly assume fuat (when .9i_ =0) fue external force system [b, i] is in equi-
2 Cf. TONG and PIAN [1967, lo], Eq. (2.16).
128 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 39.

Then by (28.1 ),
U{v}- U{u} = U{u'} + f S · E' dv.

Further, since div S +b = 0, we conclude from (18.2) that

S · E' d v = .f s · u' d a + B.f b · u' d v.

The last three equations and (a) imply the desired result, since u =it on 9i and
s=s on~- 0
It is of interest to note that the principle of minimum potential energy in the
form (34.2) follows as a direct corollary of this lemma. Indeed, if vis kinematically
admissible, then v =U on 9i, and (2) implies that <P{v}~ <P{u}.
We are now in a posi~ion to complete the proof of (1). Assume that 9i =1=0.
By hypothesis, every VE~N satisfies

V=UN on 9i.
Thus, since uNEj;N, it follows from (2) and (g) that
U{uN -u} = <P{uN}- <P{u}- .f s · (uN -u) da

~ <P{v}- <P{u}- .f s · (itN -ii) da = U{v -u}

for every VE~N· Thus
U{uN -u} ~ U{v -u},
which implies (h). The proof when 9i = 0 is strictly analogous. D
We now establish the convergence of the approximate solutions established
in (1 ). Thus for each N = 1, 2, ... let iiN and #N satisfy the hypotheses of (1).
We assume that every sufficiently smooth function that satisfies the displacement
boundary condition can be approximated arbitrarily closely in energy by a
sequence of elements of~, ii2 , •••• More precisely, we assume that
(A) given any kinematically admissible displacement field u, there exists a
sequence {vN} with VNE.#N such that
U{u -vN}-+ 0 as N-+ oo. (n)
(3) Appro;x;imation theorem. 1 For each N = 1, 2, ... let iiN and j;N satisfy
the hypotheses of (1), and assume that (A) holds. Let {uN} be a sequence of approx-
imate solutions, i.e. solutions of (g), and let u be the displacement field correspond-
ing to a solution of the mixed problem. Then
U{u-uN} -+0 as N-+ oo. (o)
1 Most of the ideas underlying this theorem are contained in the following works: CouRANT
and HILBERT [1953, 8), pp. 175-176; MIKHLIN [1957, 10], pp. 88-95; FRIEDRICHS and KELLER
[1965, 8]; KEY [1966, 11]; ToNG and PIAN [1967, 15]. These studies contain general results
on the convergence of the Rayleigh-Ritz and finite element methods.
In the usual applications of the Rayleigh-Ritz procedure
The abstract formulation given here also includes the finite element method (see, e.g., ZIENKIE-
wrcz and CHEUNG [1967, 19], TONG and PIAN [1967, 15], ZIENKIEWICZ [1970, 4]) for which
(*) is not necessarily satisfied.
Sect. 40. Statement of the problem. Uniqueness. 129

Proof. By (A) there exists a sequence {vN} with vNEj;N such that (n) holds.
On the other hand, (h) and the fact that C is positive definite imply
o:;:;; U{u-uN}:;:;; U{u-vN}.
and the desired result is an immediate consequence of (n). D

V. The general boundary-value problem. The contact problem.

40. Statement of the problem. Uniqueness. In the contact problem of elasto-
statics1 the normal component of the displacement and the tangential component
of the surface traction are prescribed over a portion .9; of the boundary:

u · n =U and s- (s · n) n =s on 9;.
u s
where and are prescribed with s tangent to .9';. These relations can also be
written in the alternative forms:

(n®n)u=un and (1-n®n)s=s on 9';.

We now generalize this boundary condition as follows. We assume given a
tensor field P on oB whose value P(~) at any ~EoB is a perpendicular projection.
The generalized boundary condition then takes the form:
Pu =u and (1-P) s =s on oB,
where u and s are prescribed vector fields. Since 2
(1-P)P=P(1-P) =0,
u and s must satisfy the consistency condition
(1-P)u=O and Ps=O on oB.
At a point ~ for which P(~) = 1 we have u (~) = (~). and no restriction is
placed on s (~). Thus displacements are prescribed over the subset of oB on
which P = 1; similarly, surface tractions are prescribed over the subset for which
P = 0. The mixed problem therefore corresponds to
P = 1 on g;_. P = 0 on Yz,
where g;_ and Yz are complementary subsets of oB.
If P =n ®n at a point, then the normal displacement and the tangential
traction are prescribed. Thus the contact problem corresponds to situations in
P=1 on g;_, P=O on Yz, P=n®n on 9;.
where 9;_, ~.and .9'; are complementary subsets of oB.
In view of the preceding discussion, the general problem may be stated as
follows: given an elasticity field C and a body force field b on B together with
P, u, and s on oB; find an elastic state [u, E, S] that corresponds to b and
satisfies the generalized boundary condition. We call such a state a solution of
the general problem.
1 Sometimes called the mixed-mixed problem.
2 Seep. 9.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 9
130 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 41.

(1) Uniqueness theorem for the general problem,! Assume that the elas-
ticity field is positive definite. Then any two solutions of the general problem are
equal modulo a rigid displacement.
Proof. Let ~ and ;) be solutions of the general problem, and let
d=[u, E, S]=;i" -d'.
Then d is an elastic state corresponding to zero body forces. Moreover,
Pu=(1-P)s=0 on 8B;
thus on 8B
s · u = [(1-P+P) u] · [(1-P+P) s]= [(1-P) u] · Ps =[P(1-P) u] · s =0.
Therefore we conclude from (28.5) that u is rigid and E =S =0. D
Of course, (1) yields, as a corollary, the uniqueness theorem (82.1) for the
mixed problem.
41. Extension of the minimum principles. The minimum principles established
in Sect. 34 are easily extended to the general problem stated in the previous sec-
tion.2 For example, if we define a kinematically admissible state to be an admis-
sible state [u, E, S] that satisfies the strain-displacement relation, the stress-
strain relation, and the boundary condition
Pu=u on 8B, (a)
then the principle of minimum potential energy (84.1) remains valid for the
general problem provided we let
~{d}=Uc{E}- f b · udv- f s· uda.

In view of the consistency condition and the remarks on p. 9,

s · u = (1 - P) s · u = (1 - P) s · (1 - P) u,
and the integral over oB can also be written in the form:
(1-P) s · (1-P) u da. (b)

For the mixed problem (P=1 on~. P=O on~) the boundary condition (a)
reduces to u = on ~, and the integral (b) reduces to an integral over~. Thus
in this instance the extended minimum principle is nothing more than the tradi-
tional theorem (84.1).
On the other hand, if we define a statically admissible stress field to be an
admissible stress fieldS that satisfies the equation of equilibrium and the boundary
(1-P)Sn=s on 8B,
then the principle of minimum complementary energy (84.8) remains valid for
the general problem 3 provided we let
lf'{S} =UK{S}- f s · uda,
1 Cf. STERNBERG and KNOWLES [1966, 24]. Other uniqueness theorems which are not
special cases of (1-) are given by BRAMBLE and PAYNE [1961, .5] and KNOPS and PAYNE
[1971, 2].
2 Cf. RUDIGER [1960, 10], PRAGER [1967, 11], HLAVACEK [1967, 7].
3 An extension of the principle of minimum complementary energy to the mixed-mixed
problem was given by STERNBERG and KNOWLES [1966, 24]. See also HLAVACEK [1967, 7).
The result stated here includes, as a special case, the theorem of STERNBERG and KNOWLES.
Sect. 42. Properties of elastic displacement fields. 131

or equivalently,
lf'{S} = UK{S}- .f Ps · Pu da.

In a similar manner, the maximum principles discussed in Sect. 37 and the

variational principles given in Sect. 38 can be extended to the general problem.

VI. Homogeneous and isotropic bodies.

42. Properties of elastic displacement fields. As we saw in Sect. 27, when the
divergence and the curl of the body force field vanish, the displacement field u is
biharmonic, while div u and curl u are harmonic. To prove this we tacitly
assumed that u is of class C4 • We now show that this somewhat stringent assump-
tion is unnecessary; we will establish the above assertions under the assumption
that u is of class C2•
By an elastic displacement field corresponding to the body force
field b we mean a class C2 vector field u on B that satisfies the displacement
equation of equilibrium
Llu+- -- 1 - J7div u + _1_ b =0.
1- 2'1' {t

We assume that Poisson's ratio vis not equal to j- or 1, and that p,=f= 0.
(1) Analyticity of elastic displacement fields. 1 Let u be an elastic dis-
placement field corresponding to a smooth body force field b on B that satisfies
div b =0, curl b = 0.
Then u is analytic.
Proof. The proof is based on the following notion, due to SOBOLEV 2 and
FRIEDRICHS. 3 A system of mollifiers is a one-parameter family of functions r/, ~ > 0,
such that for each fixed ~:
(i) r/ is a C"" scalar field on "Y; 4
(ii) r/;:;;. 0 on "Y;
(iii) rl (v) = 0 whenever Jvl ~ <5;
(iv) .f 1/ dv = 1.
An example is furnished by
(/ (v) = ~Ad e- 6'~v' , JvJ <<5
0, Jvl ;:; ;_ ~,
with Ad chosen such that (iv) is satisfied. Let D be a regular region, and let f
be a continuous scalar, vector, or tensor field on JJ. Then the system of molli-
fied functions fd, ~ > 0, is defined on tC by the transformation
/IJ(i£) = .f r./(i£-y) f(y) dvy.
(v) each f6 is a class C"" function on t!.
1 FRIEDRICHS [1947, 1]. See also DuFFIN [1956, 2], whose proof we give here.
2 [1935, 6], [1950, 11].
3 [1939, 2], [1944, 2], [1947, 1].
4 Recall that 'Y"is the vector space associated with tff.
132 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 42.

By (ii), (iii), and (iv),

If''(~)- /(~)1 = j f e"(~ -y)[f(y)- I(~)] dv,j

~sup{lf(y) -/(~)1: yEL'6 (~)},

for sufficiently smalll5, where ..r, (~) is the open ball with radius 15 and center at~­
(vi) I"-+ I as 15-+ 0 uniformly on every closed subregion of D.
Assume now that f is of class C1 on lJ and, for convenience, that f is scalar-
valued. Let
D" ={~ED: E.,(~)cD}.

In view of the divergence theorem,

Vref"(~) = J Vre e"(~ -y) f(y) dv, = - J [V, e"(~ -y)] f(y) dv,
=- J e"(~ -y) f(y) n(y) da, + J e"(~ -y) v, f(y) dv,.

But (iii) implies that

e"(~-y) =0 for ~ED" and yEoD.
Thus we have the following result:
(vii) V(f") =(VI)" on D".
Of course, (vii) also holds when f is a vector or tensor field.
We are now in a position to complete the proof of the theorem. Let u be an
elastic displacement field; let D be a regular region with lJ CB; let e" (
15 > 0) be a
system of mollifiers; let u" and b 6 (15> 0) be the systems of mollified functions
corresponding to u and b:
u"(~) = J e{J(~-y) u(y) dv,,

b"(~) = J e"(~-y) b(y) dv,.


Then, by (v), u" and b" are of class C00 , and, by (vii), uiJ is an elastic displacement
field on D" corresponding to b". Further, b" is divergence-free and curl-free on D".
Hence we conclude from the results of Sect. 27 (which hold in the present circum-
stances) that uiJ is biharmonic. Next, let
Then (vii) implies that
hiJ = (Ll u)" = L1 (u")
on DIJ. Therefore, since u" is biharmonic,
on D", and we conclude from (vi) that
uniformly on every closed subregion of D. The last two results and Harnack's
convergence theorem (8.2) imply that his harmonic. But
Sect. 43. The mean value theorem. 133
thus to prove that u is biharmonic we have only to show that u is of class C4 •
But since L1u is equal to a harmonic function, (6.5) and (8.1) imply that u
is of class coo on D. Therefore u is biharmonic and, by (8.1), analytic on D. But D
was chosen arbitrarily. Thus u is analytic on B. 0
In view of the results given in Sect. 27, we have the following immediate
corollary of (1).
(2) Properties of elastic states. Let [u, E, S] be an elastic state correspond-
ing to a smooth body force field b on B that satisfies
div b =0, curl b =0.
(i) u, E, and S are biharmonic;
(ii) div u, curl u, tr E, and tr S are harmonic.
The next proposition will be of future use.
(8) If u is an elastic displacement field corresponding to null body forces, then
so also is u,k=oufoxk.
Proof. Since u is an elastic displacement field, u is analytic; therefore

-Vdivu) , k =L1(u •k) + -1 - 12v

0= (L1u+ -1 - 1211 -Vdiv(u • k).

Thus u,k is an elastic displacement field. 0

Under certain restrictions on the boundary of B, FICHERA 1 has established
the following important result: If u is an elastic displacement field that is con-
tinuous on B and corresponds to zero body forces, then

sup lui~ H sup lui,

B 8B

where the constant H depends only upon v and the properties of oB. We omit
the proof of this result, which is quite difficult. FICHERA 1 has also established the
f lsi da -;;;,H f lbl dv,
8B B

where s is the surface traction and b the body force field of a smooth elastic
displacement field on B that vanishes on oB.

43. The mean value theorem. 2 The mean value theorem for harmonic functions 3
asserts that the value of a harmonic function at the center of a sphere is equal to
the arithmetic mean of its values on the surface of the sphere. In this section we
derive similar results for the displacement, strain, and stress fields belonging to
an elastic state. In particular, we show that the values of these fields at the center
of a sphere are equal to certain weighted averages of the displacement on the
surface of the sphere. We also establish a similar result for the stress field in
terms of its surface tractions.
1 [1961, 8]. See also ADLER [1963, 1], [1964, 1].
2 Our presentation follows that of DIAZ and PAYNE [1958. 6].
a See (1) of (8.8).
134 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 43.

(1) Mean value theorem.! Assume that the body is homogeneous and iso-
tropic with shear modulzts I' and Poisson's ratio v, and assume that

f.'>O, -1<v<!.
Let [u, E, S] be an elastic state corresponding to zero body forces. Then given any
ball Ee =Le(Y) in B,
u(y)= 1 6 n e2 ~2- 3v) j{s(u·n)n+(1-4v)u}da, (1)

E(y) 3
= 871:(!3 ( 7-10V ) [-10v , f (u®n+n®u) da
+7 J
o4p (2)

S(y)= 4n e 7 -10v [-1ovf(u®n+n®u)da)
J (u · n){35n®n-ot1} da],
o4p (3)

20v2 -28v + 7
ot= 1-2v

S(y)= 3
2( ) j{10v(s®n)+7(s·n)[Sn®n-1]}da, (4)
8ne 7+5v
Proof. 2 Since the body forces vanish, the displacement equation of equilibrium
has the form
Llu +y Vdiv u =0, (a)
y= 1-2v · (b)

and notice that

n=- on ol:e. (c)

Then (a), (b), (c), and the divergence theorem imply that
0= J r2[L1u +r J7 div u] dv

= J e2 [(J7u) n +r (div u) n] da- 2 J [(J7u) r +r (div u) r] dv. (d)

o4p 2p
1 Relation (1) is due to AQUARO [1950, 1], Eq. (13) and SYNGE [1950, 12], Eq. (2.36); see
also SBRANA [1952, 4], MIKHLIN [1952, 2], pp. 206-207, GARIBALDI [1957, 7], DIAZ and
PAYNE [1958, 6, 7], BRAMBLE and PAYNE [1964, 4]. Relations (2) and (3) are due to DIAZ
and PAYNE [1958, 6], Eqs. (4.11), (4.16). Relation (4) is due to SYNGE [1950, 12]; see also
DIAZ and PAYNE [1958, 6], Eq. (5.21). DIAZ and PAYNE [1958, 6], [1963, 3] and BRAMBLE
and PAYNE [1964, 4], [1965, 2] have obtained a number of mean value theorems giving the
displacement and stress at the center of a sphere in terms of integrals over the surface of
various combinations of normal and tangential displacements and tractions. A mean-value
theorem for plane stress was given by Fi:iPPL [1953, 12].
2 The proof given here is that of DIAZ and PAYNE [1958, 6].
Sect. 43. The mean value theorem. 135
The surface integral in (d) is zero, since
rl.f [(J7u) n+y(divu) n] da=rl.f [Llu+yl7divu] dv=O.
oEp Ep

If we use the divergence theorem on the remaining integral in (d), we conclude,

with the aid of (c), that
e .r [u +y(u. n) n] da- .r (3 +r) u dv =0. (e)
oEp Ep

On the other hand, by (4) of the mean value theorem (8.8 ),

u(y) 3 [ : 3 I u dv- ; 2 I u da]. (f)

= 8n
Ep oEp

If we eliminate the integral of u over L:e between (e) and (f), and use (b), we arrive
at the first relation in (1).
Our next step is to derive (2). Since u is biharmonic, Vu is biharmonic, and
we conclude from (4) of (8.8) that

Vu(y) = 8
3 n [}a I Vu dv- ; 2 I Vu da], (g)
E;. oE;.

where 0 <A:;;;; f!· Using the divergence theorem, we can rewrite (g) as follows:

Vu(y)= 3
8n [iai u®nda--{ Ivuda].

If we multiply this relation by A4 and integrate from A= 0 to A= e. we find that

~5 Vu(y)=-ln [s I u(8)rdv- I r 2 Vu dv]. (h)
Ep Ep

By the divergence theorem,

J r 2Vu dv =e2 J u®n da -2 .f u®r dv, (i)
Ep oEp Ep

and (g), (h), and the strain-displacement relation imply that

~~E(y) = -dn [7 I Ep
(u®r +r®u) dv -e 2 I (u®n + n®u) da].

Next, we will eliminate the integral in (j) over L:e. By (42.8), u,k• for each
fixed k, satisfies the displacement equation of equilibrium. Thus (e) holds with u
replaced by u, k, and we are led to the relation

I Vudv=-~
I [1+yn®n] Vuda,
E;. oE;.

which can be written, with the aid of the divergence theorem, in the form

I u®nda=-_}~I[1+yn®n]
oE;. oE;.
M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 43.

If we multiply this relation by A, use the fact that n =r/A on oE;,, and integrate
from A= o to A= we arrive at e.
f u®r dv = - -j[r 1 +yr®r] Jludv.

2 (k)

Applying the divergence theorem to the right side of (k), we are led to

J u®rdv= 3 ~'Y(e 2 J[u®n+y(u·n)n®n]da

Ip oip

- J [2u®r+yr®u+y(r. u) 1] dv).

If we add this equation to its transpose and rearrange terms, the result is

= 5 ~ 2 'Y (e J [u®n +n®u+2y(u · n) n®n] da -2y 1 J (r. u) dv).

oip Ip

Taking the trace of this equation, we obtain

J r·udv= ~2 J U·nda,
Ip oip

and the last two equations yield

J (u®r +r®u) dv
= 5 ! 2
2 'Y
J[u®n+n®u +2y(u·n)(n®n-+1)]da.

If we combine (j) and (1) and use (b), the result is (2).
Since div u is harmonic, (2) of (8.3) implies that

3 - 3 Jdivudv=-
divu(y)=- 3 - 3 Ju·nda. (m)
4ne 4ne
Ip oip

The relation (3) follows from (2), (m), and the stress-strain relation in the form

S=2p, [E+-v-
(tr E) 1] =2p, [E+ _v_
(divu) 1].

Since [u, E, S] is an elastic state corresponding to zero body forces, the stress
field S satisfies the equation of equilibrium

divS=O (n)
Sect. 43. The mean value theorem. 137

and the compatibility equation 1

LIS +11 VV(tr S) =0, (o)

Further, by (42.2), Sis biharmonic and tr S harmonic. Thus we may conclude

from the mean value theorem (4) of (8.8) that

S(y)= 3 [iaJsdv-l2 JSda].

8n (q)
rA orA
By the divergence theorem and (n),

J S(n®n) da= ~J S(n®r) da= ~ J S dv, (r)

orA orA rA
and (q), (r) imply that
S(y) i orA
= 83n [ 2 J S(n®n) da-1 2 J Sda].
If we multiply this equation by .A.4 , integrate from A=O to .A.=e, and solve for
S (y), the result is
S(y) = 8 : 5e5 [s J S(r®r) dv- J r2Sdv].
rp rp
On the other hand, the divergence theorem and (n) imply
J e S(n®n) da = J e S(n®r) da = J r2 S dv +2 J S(r®r) dv;
3 2 (s)
orp orp rp rp
S(y) = 8 : 5e5 [7 J S(r®r) dv -e J S(n®n) da].
rP orp
Further, since
S(n®n) = (Sn) ®n=s®n, (t)
it follows that
S(y) = 8: 5e [7 J
5 S(r®r) dv-e 3 J s®nda]. (u)
rp orp
To complete the proof we have only to transform the first integral in (u) into
terms involving surface tractions. By the divergence theorem and (o),
J [(VS) n +11 (Vtr S) ®n] da =0,
and using this indentity, (o), and two applications of the divergence theorem, we
see that
0 = Jr 2 [LIS +n V V(tr S)] dv = -2 J [(VS) r +n(Vtr S) ®r] dv
rA rA

= -2 [.A. J [S +n(tr S) n®n] da- J [38 +n(tr S) 1] dv].

orA rA
1 Seep. 92.
138 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 44.

Taking the trace of (r), we obtain

f tr S dv =A f S · (n®n) da,

and the last two equations with (r) yield

f [r2 S +rJ(tr S) r®r] da = J [JS(r®r) +rJ(r · Sr) 1] da.

If we integrate this relation from A= 0 to A= (!> we arrive at

A simple computation based on (n) and (o) shows that r · Sr is biharmonic;

thus (4) of (8.8) implies

: 3 J r · Sr dv =
Xp 8Xp
Js · n da.
By the last two relations, (s), and (t),

5 Js(r®r)dv=(lj[s®n- ~ (s·n)1Jda+77J(trS)r®rdv. (v)

~ ~ ~

In view of the identity

(5,. 1 r,. r, r1) ,l =S,.,. r, r1+S,., r,. r1 +S,. 1 r,. r1
and the symmetry of S, the volume integral in the right side of (v) takes the form
I (tr S) r® r dv =
e3iJEpI (s · n) n®n da-EpI [S(r®r) +(r®r) S] dv. (w)

On the other hand, if we multiply (r) by A2 and integrate with respect to A from
0 to (!, we arrive at

IS(r®r)dv=I .A.ISdvdA. (x)

Xp 0 XA

Since S is symmetric, the left-hand side of (x) is symmetric. Thus the volume
integral in the right side of (w) is equal to twice the volume integral in the left side
of (v) ; hence (v) and (w) imply that

js(r®r)dv=s!32 TJ J[s®n+rJ(n®n-+t)(s·n)]da. (y)


Eqs. (y), (u), and (p) yield the desired result (4). D
44. Complete solutions of the displacement equation of equilibrium. In this
section we study certain general solutions of the displacement equation of equi-
Llu+- 1-
1- 2'1'
Vdivu+ _!_ b =0

assuming throughout that the body force b, the shear modulus p, and Poisson's
ratio v are prescribed with p =l= 0 and v =l= i, 1. Recall that a solution u of class C 2
is referred to as an elastic displacement field corresponding to b.
Sect. 44. Complete solutions of the displacement equation of equilibrium. 139

(1) Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber solution/ Let

U=lp- 4(1-v) l7(p-1J'+<p),

where <p and 1p are class C3 fields on B that satisfy

1 1
Lllp=--.ub, Ll<p=-p·b.

Then u is an elastic displacement field corresponding to b.

Proof. Clearly,

Llu+ - 1-17div u

=LilJ' + - -
1 - 17 d1v
. 1p- - -I- - [ Lll7(p ·1p + <p) + --17
1 L1 (p ·1p + q;) .
Since Lll7 = 17Ll and
Ll(p ·1p) =p ·LI1p +2 div 1p,
it follows that

Llu+- 1 -17div1p- ( 1
1 -17divu=LI1p+- ) l7(p·LI1p+Liq;+2div1p).
1- 2v 1- 2v 2 1- 2v

p · Ll1p = - Ll <p and Ll•"=-
ft '

thus the above expression reduces to

- _1_ b. D
1 Elements of this solution appear in the work of BoussiNESQ [1878, 1], [1885, 1]. In fact,
the difference between the two solutions given by BoussiNESQ on p. 62 and p. 72 of [1885, 1]
yields the special form to which (P1) reduces in the case of rotational symmetry. The
solution (P1 ), (P2 ) with q; = 0 is due to FoNTANEAU [1890, 3], [1892, 3]. The complete solu-
tion (P1), (P2) first appears in the work of PAPKOVITCH [1932, 3, 4]; it was later rediscovered by
NEUBER [1934, 4]. According to PAPKOVITCH [1939, 4] (footnote on p. 130), (P1), (P2) should
be attributed to GRODSKI, who arrived at the solution in 1928 (unpublished research). How-
ever, it is not clear from the statement of PAPKOVITCH whether or not this work of GRODSKI
includes the scalar field rp; in fact, P APKOVITCH [193 7, 5] claimed that it does not. The com-
plete solution (P1), (P2) does appear in GRODSKI's [1935, 1] first published research on the
subject. Other references concerning this and related solutions and not mentioned elsewhere
in this section are: BOUSSINESQ [1888, 1, 2]. TEDONE [1904, 4], SERINI [1919, 2], BURGATTI
[1923, 1], [1926, 1], TIMPE [1924, 2], [1948, 6], [1950, 13], [1951, 11], WEBER [1925, 1],
TREFFTZ [1928, 3], MARGUERRE [1933, 1], [1935, 3], [1955, 11], BIEZENO [1934, 1], SOBRERO
[1934, 6], [1935, 8], NEUBER [1935, 4], [1937, 3], WESTERGAARD [1935, 9], ZANABONI [1936,
6], SLOBODYANSKY [1938, 3, 4], [1959, 15], PLATRIER [1941, 1], GUTMAN [1947, 3], SHAPIRO
[1947, 7], TER-MKRTYCHAN [1947, 8], KRUTKOV [1949, 5], BLOKH [1950, 3], [1958, 2], [1961,
2], STERNBERG, EUBANKS, and SADOWSKI [1951, 9], BRDICKA [1953, 6], [1957, 3], CHURIKOV
[1953, 7], DzHANELIDZE [1953, 9], Hu [1953, 13], [1954, 8], ScHAEFER [1953. 18], TRENIN
[1953, 19], EUBANKS and STERNBERG [1954, 5], KRONER [1954, 11], LING and YANG [1954,
13], LuR'E [1955, 10], DUFFIN [1956, 2], SOLYANIK-KRASSA [1957, 13], SOLOMON [1957, 12],
DEEV [1958, 5], [1959, 3], HIJAB [1959, 7], TRUESDELL [1959, 16], BRAMBLE and PAYNE [1961,
4], NAGHDI and Hsu [1961, 16], ALEXSANDROV and SOLOVEV [1962, 1], [1964, 2], GURTIN
[1962, 7], TANG and SuN [1963, 22], VoLKOV and KoMISSAROVA [1963, 25], HERRMAN~: [1964,
9], ALEXSANDROV [1965, 1], STIPPES [1966, 25], [1967, 14], SOLOMON [1968, 121, DE LA PENHA
and CHILDS [1969, 3], YouNGDAHL [1969, 9].
2 Recall that p (or) =or - 0.
140 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 44.

As a corollary of this theorem we have the following result.

(2) Assume that the body force b is continuous on B and of class CN (N ~ 2)
on B. Then:
(i) there exists an elastic displacement field u of class CN on B that co"esponds
to b;
(ii) every elastic displacement field that co"esponds to b is of class CN on B.
Proof. Let
:ll - - _1_J p(y). b{y) dv
97 ( ) - 4np. 1~-yl "'
f -1--1 dv,.

1 b(y)
tp{:ll) = -
4np. ~-y

Then it is clear from the properties of the Newtonian potential (6.5) that 97
and tp are of class CN+l on Band satisfy (P2); thus the field u defined by (P1) is
a class CN elastic displacement field corresponding to b.
To prove (ii) let u be an arbitrary elastic displacement field corresponding to
b. By (i) there exists a class CN elastic displacement field that also corresponds
to b. Let
- A

It suffices to prove that u is of class eN. Clearly, u is an elastic displacement

field corresponding to zero body forces; thus, by (42.1), is of class C00 • D u
For the case in which the body force is the gradient of a potential, i.e.

it is possible to construct a much simpler particular solution. Indeed, the field


satisfies the displacement equation of equilibrium provided

Ll 97 = - A+ 2p. ot.
In the same manner, if
b =curl""·
u=curl ro
is a solution provided
By Helmholtz's theorem (6.7) we can always decompose the body force as
Thus, combining the previous two displacement fields, we arrive at the solution: 1
u = V<p +curl ro,
Ll 97 = - A: 2p. ot, Ll ro = - ; 't".
1 Cf. LAM:t [1852, 2], p. 149; BETTI [1872, 1], § S; KELVIN and TAIT [1883, 1], p. 283;
VoiGT [1900, 5], pp. 417, 432, 439; TEDONE and TIMPE [1907, 3].
Sect. 44. Complete solutions of the displacement equation of equilibrium. 141

This solution, in general, is not complete. Indeed, consider the case in which
oc=O. Then
div u =L1 cp =0;
thus, in this instance, the solution can represent at most divergence-free dis-
placement fields.
(8) Boussinesq-Somigliana-Galerkin solution.1 Let

U=L1g- 2 ( 1 ~v) 17divg,

where g is a class C4 vector field on B that satisfies

L1L1g =-_!_b.
Then u is an elastic displacement field corresponding to b.
Proof. Clearly,


1 ) L117div g + - 1 - [rdiv L1g- ( 1 ) 17 L1 div g].

=L1L1g- 2 (1-'1' 1-2'1' 2 1-'1'
Since L117 = 17L1 and div L1 =L1 div, the right-hand side of the above expression
reduces to L1L1 g, which by hypothesis is equal to
_ _!_b. D
Our next step is to establish the completeness of the Boussinesq-Papkovitch-
Neuber and Boussinesq-Somigliana-Galerkin representations. The notion of com-
pleteness is of utmost importance to applications. Indeed, it is concerned with
the question: can any (solvable) problem be solved using a given representa-
tion; or, in other words, does every sufficiently smooth solution admit such a
(4) Completeness of the Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber and Bous-
sinesq-Somigliana-Galerkin solutions. 2 Let u be an elastic displacement field
corresponding to b, and assume that u is continuous on B and of class C4 on B. Then
there exists a field g of class C 4 on B that satisfies (G1), (G 2); and fields cp, 1p of
class C2 on B that satisfy (P1 ), (P 2).
Proof. We begin by establishing the completeness of the Boussinesq-Somi-
gliana-Galerkin solution. Clearly, (G1) is equivalent to
1 1
L1g+--A 17divg+ -b=0,

1-2'1' p
1 This solution is due to BoussiNESQ [1885, 1], p. 281. It was later rediscovered by SoMI-
GLIANA [1889, 3], [1894, 3] and GALERKIN [1930, 2, 3], [1931, 3] and is usually referred to as
GALERKIN'S solution, although TEDONE and TIMPE in their classic article [1907, 3], p. 155
attributed it to BOUSSINESQ. See also IACOVACHE [1949, 4], IONESCU [1954, 9], MOISIL
[1949, 6], [1950, 8], !ONESCU-CAZIMIR [1950, 7], WESTERGAARD [1952, 7], BRDICKA [1954, 3],
BERNIKOV [1966, 4].
2 PAPKOVITCH [1932, 4] noticed that if a particular solution to the equation of equilibrium
exists for arbitrary values of Poisson's ratio and arbitrary body forces, then the Boussinesq-
Somigliana-Galerkin solution is complete. An alternative completeness proof for (G1), (G2)
was furnished by NoLL [1957, 11]. The proof given here, which is based on PAPKOVITCH's
argument, is due to STERNBERG and GURTIN [1962, 13].
142 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 44.

b=-p,U, 'P=z-11.

Thus the task of finding a class C4 field g that satisfies (G1) is reducible to finding
a class C4 particular solution to the displacement equation of equilibrium corre-
sponding to given body forces that are continuous on 11 and of class C4 on B.
This latter objective is met by (i) of (2 ). Further, using steps identical to those
used in the proof of (3 ), it is easily verified that (G1) implies


Thus (G1) and the displacement equation of equilibrium imply (G2), and we are
entitled to conclude the completeness of the Boussinesq-Somigliana-Galerkin solu-
tion (G1), (G2). Next, following MINDLIN, 1 we define

cp=2divg-p·Lig, tp=Lig.

Then cp and tp are of class C2 on B, and (G 2) implies (P2), (G1) implies (P1). Thus
the Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber solution is also complete. 0
In cartesian coordinates the solutions (P1), (P2), and (G1), (G2), as well as the
formulae for the corresponding stresses, have the following form:
Boussinesq-P apkovitch-Neuber solution

u,=tp,- 4(1-v) (cp+x;tp;),,
S.J1·= 4( 12 ~'
{(1 -211) (tll·
·) +2v ~-.til"
f1T, 11
-x11 t11T,t7
11 •• -m . ·}
T,t 1

Boussinesq-Somigliana-Galerkin solution
gi,ffkk = - /i b,
u,=g,,;;- 2(1-v) gf,fi

s.;=p,{gi,fkk+gf,ik k+ 1~v ('P~ifgk,kll-gk,ktf) }·

In most applications of elastostatics the Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber solu-
tion deserves preference over the Boussinesq-Somigliana-Galerkin solution. 2
Indeed, the transformation (~) underlying the former is one degree lower than
that of (G1); secondly, (in the absence of body forces) the stress functions involved
in the former are harmonic, while those of the latter are biharmonic; and, finally,
(~). (P2 ) are conveniently transformed into general orthogonal curvilinear coordi-
nates, whereas (G1), (G 2) give rise to exceedingly cumbersome forms when referred
to curvilinear coordinates, with the exception of cylindrical coordinates.
1 [1936, 2].
2 Cf. STERNBERG and GuRTIN [1962, 13].
Sect. 44. Complete solutions of the displacement equation of equilibrium. 143

Two other complete solutions of the displacement equation of equilibrium

(with b = 0) are :1
u= 't - -----1- - 170(
2(1-v) '
Ll oc. = div -r, Ll -r = 0;
U=l- - curl w,

Ll w = curll, Lll=O.
Returning to the Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber solution, we note that a
given equilibrium displacement field does not uniquely determine its generating
stress functions cp and tp. In fact, it is just this lack of uniqueness which, in cer-
tain circumstances, allows the elimination of cp or one of the components of tp.
The next theorem, which is due to EuBANKS and STERNBERG, 2 deals with the
possibility of setting cp = 0. 3
(5) Elimination of the scalar potential.4 Let B be star-shaped with respect
to the origin 0. Let u satisfy the hypotheses of (4) with b =0. Further, suppose that
-1 < v < l with 4v not an integer. Then there exists a harmonic vector field tp on B
such that
U=tp- 4(1-v) J7(p·tp).

Proof. By ( 4) and since b = 0, there exist harmonic fields cp and 1/J such that

U=tp- 4(1~v) l7(p·ip+cp),

Lll/J=O, Llcp=O.
Thus we must show that there exists a harmonic field 1p that satisfies -V(p ·tp) =oc.w -17(p. w + cp),
IX =4(1-v).
By hypothesis, we may confine oc. to the range
2<~X<8. (a)
1 The first solution, which is apparently due to FREIBERGER [1949, 2, 3], is simply a
variant of the Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber solution; indeed, take T =If/, 2ot = t:p + p · 1f1
in (P1), (P2). The second solution is due to KoRN [1915, 2], who used it to prove existence for
the displacement problem.
2 [1956, 4]. PAPKOVITCH [1932, 3, 4], through an erronoeus argument, was led to claim
that t:p may be taken equal to zero without loss in completeness, a claim which is reflected
in the title of [1932, 3]. In a subsequent note [1932, 2], PAPKOVITCH refers to this argument as
"artificial". NEUBER [1937, 3] asserted that t:p may be set equal to zero without impairing
the generality of the solution. In his proof of this statement he takes for granted the existence
of a function satisfying a pair of simultaneous partial differential equations. Therefore, as
was pointed out by SoKOLNIKOFF [1956, 12], p. 331, NEUBER's argument is inconclusive.
SLOBODYANSKY [1954, 19] proved that the stress function t:p may be eliminated, but as was
observed by SoKOLNIKOFF [1956, 12], p. 331, SLOBODYANSKY's proof is limited to a region
interior or exterior to a sphere.
3 The solution (P1), (P2) with t:p = 0 appears in the work of FoNTANEAU [1890, 3], [1892, 3],
and, according to PAPKOVITCH [1937, 5], [1939, 4], p. 130, also in unpublished research of
4 This result has been extended by STIPPES [1969, 8] to an exterior domain whose comple-
ment is star-shaped, and to the region between two star-shaped surfaces.
144 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 44.

It is sufficient to establish the existence of a harmonic field rp such thatl


Indeed, given such a field rb, the function

has all of the desired properties.
Let (r, (), y) be spherical coordinates. The function rp, by hypothesis, is har-
monic. Hence rp(r, (), y) admits the following expansion in terms of solid spherical
rp(r, 0, y) = ~ Sn(O, y) rn, (d)
which is uniformly convergent in any spherical neighborhood of the origin. The
functions Sn(O, y) are surface harmonics of degree n.
Next, define a function F through
F(r, (), y) =rp (r, (), y) - L sn (0, y) rn, (e)
where [oc + 1] denotes the largest integer not exceeding oc + 1. Clearly, F is defined
and harmonic on B. Further, by (d) and (e),
r-"'- 1 F(r, O,y) ~o as r~o. (f)

In spherical coordinates (b) has the form

ra, -ocrl'=rp,
or by (e)
y<X+l :r (r-<X rb) =F + L sn rn. (g)
Consider the function rp defined by
[<X+ll Sn (8, y) yn
rb(r,O,y)=G(r,O,y)+L n-oc.,
f F(~.
r (h)
G(r, 0, y) =r"' 0, y) ~-<X- 1 d~.

Since B is star-shaped with respect to the origin 0, and in view of (a) and (f),
the relations (h) define rp on B. Moreover, rp is of class C2 on B and satisfies (g),
and hence (b).
It remains to be shown that rp is harmonic on B. To this end, it suffices to
show that G is harmonic. In spherical coordinates the Laplacian operator appears
L1 = :2 [ :r (r :r )+L1 *] '
L1 * =cosec () : 8 (sin () : 8 ) + cosec 2 () : :2 •

1 NEUBER [1937, 3] assumed, without proof, the existence of such a 1/J, in the absence of
any restrictions on B and v.
Sect. 44. Complete solutions of the displacement equation of equilibrium. 145


f (j}

Ll*G=ra Ll*F(~. (:i,y} ~-<X- 1 d~,


and, with the aid of two successive integrations by parts applied to the second
of (h), we reach the identity

J_!__ [~2 oF(~. 0·11] ~-a-l d~

1X(1X + 1} G =-(ex+ 1) F -r oF_
or +r<X
0~ 0~ 0
Substitution of (k) in (j}, and use of (i), now yield
r 2 L1G=r<XJ L1F(~,e,yH-a- 1 d~.

But F is harmonic. Hence G and C/J are harmonic on B. D

(6 )1 Theorem (5) is false if the hypothesis that 4v not be an integer is omitted
Proof. Suppose that 4v is an integer. Then the modulus IX =4(1 -v) is also
an integer with 2 <IX< 8. Let B be a closed ball centered at 0, and let u be the
elastic displacement field (corresponding to b = 0) defined by
U=-Vtp, (X
where tp is the solid spherical harmonic
tp (r, e, y) = r<X s<X ((:i, y) 0 (b)
Assume that (5) remains valid. Then there exists a field 1p that is harmonic on
B and satisfies
U=1p- -V(p·1p). (X
By (a) and (c),
and upon operating on (d) with the curl, we conclude that 1p is irrotational.
Since B is star-shaped and hence simply-connected, there exists an analytic
field C/J on B such that 1p = VC/J; thus we conclude from (d) that
p·VC/J-cxc!J=tp+c1 , (e)
where c1 is a constant. By (e) and (b),
Tr (r-a C/J) =r-1 Sa((:i, y) +c1 • (f)

The general solution of (f) is

cp (r, e, y) = r<X t (e, y} + r<X(log r) sa (e, y} + c1 r<X+l. (g)
There is no choice of f((:i, y) that leaves C/J without a singularity at the origin.
But C/J was required to be analytic on B. Hence (5) cannot be valid in the
present circumstances. D
1 EUBANKS and STERNBERG [1956, 4]. See also SLOBODYANSKY [1954, 19], SOLOMON
[1961, 20]. Even though the potential q; cannot be eliminated when 4v is an integer, STIPPES
[1969, 8] has shown that q; can be set equal to a solid spherical harmonic of degree 4(1-v).
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 10
146 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 44.

The next theorem, which is also due to EuBANKS and STERNBERG,1 deals with
the possibility of eliminating one of the components of tp.
('i) Elimination of a component of the vector potential. Assume that B
satisfies hypotheses (i) and (iv) of ( 5.2) with M = 2 and N = 3. Let u be an elastic
displacement field corresponding to b = 0, and assume that u is of class C4 on B.
Then u admits the representation (P1} with cp and tp harmonic on B and 1p3 = 0.
Proof. By (4) there exist harmonic fields ip and ip such that


Thus we must establish the existence of harmonic fields cp and tp such that

IXtp- V(p. tp + cp) =IX1P- V(p. ij; +ip)' (a)

"Pa =0. (b)
It suffices to find a harmonic field H that satisfies 2

for then the functions
cp =ip+p · VH -IXH

will be harmonic and will satisfy (a) and (b).

By tracing the steps in the proof of (4), it is not difficult to verify that ij;
is of class C2 on B, since u is of class C4 on B. By (a) of (5.2) with M = 2 and
N = 3, there exists a scalar field ] of class C2 on B and C3 on B such that

J,a =ifa·

and there exists a continuous function h on B12 that is class C1 on B 12 and satisfies
il](x1 , X2, x3) =h(x1 , x 2).

(Recall that B 12 = {(x1 , x2}: irE B}.) By (6.6) there exists a class C2 scalar field K
on B 12 such that
Thus if we define H on B through

H(x1 , x 2 , x3} =J(x1 , x 2 , x3} +K(x1 , x2},

then H is harmonic and satisfies (c). D
Assume now that the body force b = 0, and let k be a given unit vector. If
in the Boussinesq-Somigliana-Galerkin solution we take
g =k!!l',
1 [1956, 4].
2 NEUBER [1934, 4], without restricting B, assumes the existence of such a function.
Sect. 44. Complete solutions of the displacement equation of equilibrium. 147

then (G1), (G 2) reduces to Love's solution 1

On the other hand, if we take

in the Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber solution (P1 ), (P 2), we arrive at Boussi-

nesq's solution: 2
U=k'lfJ+ 4 (1 -v) V(<p+z'lfJ),
Ll <p =0, Ll1p =0,
where z = k · (x - 0) is the coordinate in the direction of k. Both of these solu-
tions are extremely useful in applications involving torsionless rotational sym-
It is clear from (L1) and (B1) that these solutions can at most represent dis-
placement fields that satisfy 3
k ·curl u=O. (C)
The next theorem shows that under certain hypotheses on B, condition (C) is
also sufficient for the completeness of the above solutions.
(8) Completeness of Love's and Boussinesq's solutions.4 Assume that
B satisfies hypotheses (i)-(iv) of (5.2) with M = 2 and N = 5. Let u be an elastic
displacement field corresponding to b = 0 that satisfies (C) with k =e3 , and sup-
pose that u is of class C 2 on B. Then there exist scalar fields !!£, <p, and 1p on B that
satisfy (L1), (L 2) and (B1), (B 2).
Proof. By hypothesis and (42.1), u is of class ceo on B. Since k =e3 , (C)

and we conclude from ( 5.2) with M = 2 and N = 5 that there exists a scalar
field T of class C2 on B and C5 on B such that

Urt.=T,rt.. (a)
The displacement equation of equilibrium can be written in the form

Llua+YO,a=O, (b)
Ll u 3 +r0, 3 =0, (c)
O=divu, (d)
r= -1-2-v· (e)
1 [1927, 3], p. 276. Cf. MICHELL [1900, 4].
2 [1885, 1], p. 62 and p. 72.
3 NoLL [1957, 11].
4 The portion of this theorem concerning Love's solution is due to NoLL [1957, 11],
Theorem 2. Under the assumption of torsionless rotational symmetry, LovE [1927, 3],
pp. 274-276 established the completeness of (L1 ), (L2 ); under the same assumption EuBANKS
and STERNBERG [1956, 4] gave a completeness proof for (B1 ), (B 2) (see (9)).
148 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 44.

Before proceeding any further, recall that

B12 ={(x1 , x2 ): ~EB}, B3 ={x3 : ~EB}.
By (a) and (b),
[Lh +yOJ,a =0;
Llr+yO=A., (f)

where A= A. (x3) is a class C3 function on B3 that is continuous on B3 • Now let (!

be a solution of
and let
x (~, x 2 , x3) = r (x1 , x2 , x3) + (! (x3). (h)

Then xis class C5 on Band class C2 on B. By (h) and (a),

and since
L1 e=e,aa•
it follows from (f), (g), and (h) that
Llx+yO=O. (j)
If we differentiate (j) with respect to x3 and subtract the result from (c), we
arrive at
Next, by (d) and (i),
() =Uoc,a +ua,a ="·"'"' +ua,a =Lix + (ua -x,a) ,a• (1)
and (j) and (1} imply
In view of (5.2 ), there exists a solution if>* of
if>~=X (n)
that is class C2 on B and C5 on B; thus (m) takes the form
[(1 +y)Lif/>* +y(ua -x,a)] ,a =0. (o)
Since B is x3-convex, (o) implies that
g* =(1 +y)Lif/>* +r(Ua-X,a) (p)
is independent of x3 • Moreover, g* is continuous on B12 and class C3 on B12 •
Thus, in view of the properties of the logarithmic potential (6.6 ), there exists a
class C4 function g on B12 such that
If we let
if> (xi, X2 , X3) =if>* (x1, X2, Xa) - g (x1, x 2), (r)
then (/>is of class C4 on B and (p), (q) imply
(1 +r)Lif/> +r(Ua-x, 3) =O. (s)
Sect. 44. Complete solutions of the displacement equation of equilibrium. 149

Moreover, (n) and (r) yield

Finally, using (i), (s), and (t)

u =urx erx +u3 e 3 =x rx erx +u3 e 3 = Vx +(u3 -x 3) e3

' '

=V<P ,3 - 1 +~'LI<Pe,
y 3
and letting

we arrive, with the aid of (e), at (~). Since (~) and the displacement equation
of equilibrium imply (L 2), the completeness of Love's solution is established. 1
If we now define 2
f{J = z,q[,3- Xa ,q[,33•

1p =,q[,33•
then (B1), (B 2) follow at once from (~), (L 2). D
Let (r, y, z) be cylindrical coordinates with the z-axis parallel to k. We say
that a displacement field u is torsionless and rotationally symmetric with
respect to the z-aris if
u, =u,(r, z), uy =0, u, =u,(r, z).

It is not difficult to show that such displacement fields satisfy (C), and hence,
by (8), admit the representation (B1 ), (B 2). An alternative proof of this assertion
is furnished by the following theorem due to EuBANKS and STERNBERG. 3
(9) Suppose that oB is a surface of revolution with the z-axis the axis of revolu-
tion. Let u be torsionless and rotationally symmetric with respect to the z-axis and
satisfy the hypotheses of (4) with b=O. Then there exist scalar fields cp=cp(r, z)
and 1p =1p(r, z) on B such that (B1), (B 2) hold. Moreover, the functions cp and 1p
are single-valued and analytic on any simply-connected plane cross-section of B
parallel to the z-axis.
Proof. By (4) there exist harmonic fields cp' and tp' such that (P1) holds. Let

1r = otp; or
__ otp~
oz '
I z = _1_r -~- (r ') + _1_ Otp~ + otp;
or "Pr r oy 0z .
Then an elementary computation based on (P1 ) and the fact that tp' is harmonic
and u torsionless and rotationally symmetric confirms that
of, _of. =O
oz or .
Thus there exists a field 1p such that
otp otp
/,= Tr' 1.= az·
1 The proof up to this point is due to NOLL [1957, 11].
2 Cf. the last equation in the proof of (4).
3 [1956, 4].
150 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 45.

og, - og. =0
oz or '
and there exists a field w such that
Now let
q;=w -z1p;
then a trivial computation reveals that
u =k1p +- V(q; +z1p). D

VII. The plane problem. 1

45. The associated plane strain and generalized plane stress solutions, Through-
out this section B is homogeneous and isotropic 2 with Lame moduli p, and A..
Let (x1 , x2 , x3) be a rectangular coordinate system with origin at 0, and let B
be a (not necessarily circular) cylinder centered at 0 with generators parallel to

h II

,,z_ _ /---,--,_ /,"


. .---------------r---------------.. . . . .,

, I
'........ // R ,.,"' xz
......... / ,~
h 1 -----~

,------------------------- ,

Fig. 11.
1 Most of this subchapter was taken from the unpublished lecture notes of E. STERNBERG
(1959). Extensive reviews of the subject are given by TEODORESCU [1964, 22], and MusK-
HELISHVILI [1965, 15]. See also the eighth chapter (by BARENBLATT, KALANDYA, and MAND-
ZHAVIDZE) of MUSKHELISHVILI'S book [1966, 17].
2 The plane problem for anisotropic media is discussed by FRIDMAN [19 50, 5] and KuPRADZE
[1963, 17, 18], Chap. VIII.
Sect. 45. The associated plane strain and generalized plane stress solutions. 151

the x3-axis and with end faces at x3 = ± h (Fig. 11). Let~ and .9'2 be complementary
subsets of the set

We assume that ~ and .9'2 are independent of x3 in the sense that 9i n ~

consists at most of line segments parallel to the x3-axis and of length 2h.
Given elastic constants f.' and .A, body forces b on B, surface displacements
u on~. and surface tractions son .9'2, with b, u, s
and independent of x8 and
parallel to the x1 , x2-plane, the plane pToblem of elastostatics consists in
finding an elastic state [u, E, S] on B that corresponds to the body force field b
and satisfies the boundary conditions:

u =U on ~. s =s on .9'2,
s=O when x8 =±h.
Since the surface displacements, surface tractions, and body forces are all in-
dependent of x3 and parallel to the x1 , x2-plane, one might expect that the dis-
placement field u will also have this property. With this in mind, we introduce
the following definition.
Let [u, E, S] be an elastic state. Then [u, E, S] is a state of plane stTain

Here and in what follows Greek subscripts range over the integers (1, 2). The
above restriction, in conjunction with the strain-displacement and stress-strain
relations, implies that E =E(x1 , x2) and S =S(x1 , x2). Further,

Ea.p =!(ua.,fJ +up,a.),

El3 =E2a =Eaa =0,
5a.p =2ft Ea.p + .AI5a.p EYY'
513 =5 23 =0, 5 33 =.AEa.a.•
and the equation of equilibrium takes the form

A simple calculation based on the above relations yields the important relation

where vis Poisson's ratio:

V= 2(A.+~-t).

Thus the complete system of field equations consists of

5a.{J =ft (ua.,{J +up,a.) + .A!5a.{J u1',1''
supplemented by
513 =5 23 =U3 =0, 533 =v5a.a.; (Pt)
while the boundary conditions are
ua. =Ua. on 'llf1 , 5a.p n11 =s"' on 'llf2 ,
152 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 45.

supplemented by
513 =5 23 =533 =0 when x 3 =±h. (P:)
Here <6"1 and <t2 are the intersections, respectively, of ~ and !1'2 with the x1 , x2-
The system (P1), (P 2) constitutes a two-dimensional boundary-value problem.
This problem has a unique solution which we call the plane strain solution asso-
ciated with the plane problem. As is clear from (Pf) and (P:t), this solution
actually solves the plane problem only when v =0 or 511 +5 22 =0. However,
the plane strain solution is an actual solution of the modified problem that
results if we replace (Pt) by the mixed-mixed boundary condition:
513 =5 23 =u3 =0 when x3 =±h.
For future use, we note here that in terms of ft and v the two-dimensional
stress-strain relation

can be inverted to give

2ft Ea.fl =5a.p-v ba.p 5yy·
We turn next to the associated generalized plane stress solution,! which char-
acterizes the thickness averages of u, E, and Sunder the approximative assump-
5aa=O. (A)
Thus let [u, E, S] (no longer assumed to be a state of plane strain) be a solution
of the plane problem and assume that (A) holds. It follows from the symmetry
inherent in the plane problem that

for otherwise the displacement field u* defined by

would generate a second solution of the plane problem, a situation ruled out by
the uniqueness theorem of elastostatics (at least when the elasticity tensor is
positive definite).
Given a function f on B, let 1denote its thickness average:

f(x 1 , x 2) = 2\ ]~(x1 , x 2, x3) dx3 •


Since the thickness average of an x3-odd function is zero, and since the x3-deriv-
ative of an x3-even function is x3-odd, it follows that
ii3 =E13 =E 23 =S13 =~ 3 =0.
Ea.fl =i(ua.,{l +ii11 ,a.),
sa.fl =2ft Ea.fl +A ba.fl (Eyy +E33),
Saa =2ft Eaa +A (Eyy + Eaa).
1 Thickness averages of solutions to the plane problem undertbe assumption that 5 33 vanish
were first considered by FILON [1903, 2], who derived tbe results (a)-(c). See also FILON
[1930,1] and CoKER and FILON [1931, 2]. The term "generalized plane stress" is due to
LovE [1927, 3], § 94. The assumption 5 33 =0 was studied by MICHELL [1900, 3].
Sect. 45. The associated plane strain and generalized plane stress solutions. 153
In view of (A), S33 =0; thus the above relations imply that
Srxp =fL (iirx.P +iip,rx) +I ~rxp ii'Y,Y' (a)
- 2p,;.
A= i.+2p, .
Further, the averaged equation of equilibrium takes the form

Srxp,p +brx =0, (b)

while the boundary conditions become
iirx=urx on '6'1 , Srxpnp=srx on '6'2 • (c)
The relations (a), (b), and (c) constitute a two dimensional boundary-value prob-
lem. This problem has a unique solution called the generalized plane stress solution
associated with the plane problem. Note that the relations (a), (b), and (c), which
constitute the generalized plane stress solution, are identical to the relations (P1)
and (P 2) of the plane strain solution provided we replace the Lame modulus A by
- 2p,;.
A= i.+2p.
It must be emphasized that basic to the derivation of (a) is the approximative
assumption that S33 vanish.
The stress-strain relation for generalized plane stress is easily inverted; indeed,
2fL Erxp =Srx 13 -vtJrxp s'Y'Y'
- v
is the appropriate "Poisson's ratio" for generalized plane stress. Fig. 12 shows
the graph of vfv as a function of v.

Fig. 12.

Let us agree to call the elastic constants fL and v positive definite if

f,l>O, -1<v<i.
154 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 46.

This definition is motivated by (iv) of (24.5 ). Note that

-1<v<t~ -oo<v<!. (d)
so that p, v positive definite does not imply p, v positive definite. Note, however,
The result (d) will be of importance when we discuss the uniqueness issue appro-
priate to the generalized plane stress solution.
46. Plane elastic states. In this section we study properties of the plane strain
solution associated with the plane problem under the assumption that B is
homogeneous and isotropic with p =!= 0, v =!= t, 1. In addition, we assume throughout
this section and the next that the body forces are zero.
We write R for the intersection of B with the x1 , x2-plane. Further, we let
'6'1 and '6'2 denote complementary regular subcurves1 of the boundary curve oR
and write nrx. for the components of the outward unit normal to oR.
In view of the discussion given in the previous section, to specify a state of
plane strain or generalized plane stress it suffices to specify the plane components
urx. and Srx.p of the displacement and stress fields. This remark should motivate
the following definition. We say that [urx., Srx.p] is a plane elastic state corre-
sponding to the elastic constants p and v if:
(i) urx. is continuous on R and smooth on R;
(ii) Srx.p is continuous on Rand smooth on R;
(iii) urx. and Srx.p satisfy the field equations
ft (urx.,fJ +up,rx.) =Srx.p-V (Jrx.fJ Syy·
Since every plane elastic state generates, with the aid of (Pt) of Sect. 45, a
(three-dimensional) state of plane strain, we have the following direct corollary
of (42.1):
( 1) Let [urx., S rx.fJJ be a plane elastic state corresponding to the elastic constants
p and v. Then urx. and Srx.p are analytic on R.
Each state of plane strain is an actual solution of the modified plane problem
for which the boundary conditions at x3 = ± h are replaced by the mixed-mixed
513 =5 23 =u3 =0 when x 3 =±h.
Therefore, as a consequence of the uniqueness theorem (40.1), we have the
(2) Uniqueness theorem for the plane problem. 2 Let [urx., Srx.p] and
[urx., S rx.p] be plane elastic states corresponding to the same elastic constants p and v,
with p and v positive definite, and let both states correspond to the same boundary
data, i.e.,
Urx. =Urx. on '6'1 and srx.{J np =Srx.{J np on '6'2.
1 ~1 and ~ 2 are assumed to have properties strictly analogous to those of .9"1 and .9"2 given
on p. 14.
2 Trivially, this theorem is valid without change when the body forces do not vanish
provided, of course, that both states correspond to the same body forces. A computation of
the strain energy of a plane elastic state leads, at once, to the conclusion that uniqueness
holds under the less restrictive hypotheses: p, =1= 0, v <f. In view of (d), this extension is impor-
tant as it assures uniqueness when the plane states correspond to generalized plane stress
solutions and when the elastic constants p, and :V =v/(1 +v) are such that p, and v are positive
Sect. 46. Plane elastic states. 155
5rxp=Srxfi on R,
and hence the two states are equal modulo a plane rigid displacement.
The next theorem shows that for plane states the stress equations of com-
patibility take a particularly simple form.
(3) Characterization of the stress field. Let [urx, 5rxp] be a plane elastic
state corresponding to the elastic constants f1, and v. Then 5rxfi satisfies the com-
patibility relation 1
L15o:rx =0. (a) 2
Conversely, let 5o:fi ( =5prx) be of class C2 on R and smooth on R, and suppose
that 5rxfi satisfies (a) and the equation of equilibrium
5rxfi,p=O. (b)
Assume, in addition, that R is simply-connected. Then there exists a field urx such
that [urx, 5rxp] is a plane elastic state corresponding to f1, and v.
Proof. Let [u"', 5rxp] be a plane elastic state. By (1) the strains Eo:fi corre-
sponding to urx are analytic; thus we conclude from (14.5) that Erxfi satisfies the
compatibility relation
2E12,12 =Eu,22 + E22,n· (c)
The stress-strain relation, in conjunction with (c), yields
2512,12 =5ll,22 +522,ll -vL15rxrx• (d)
while the equation of equilibrium implies
512,12 = -511,11•
512,12 = -522,22;
2512,12 = -5u,n _522,22· (e)
Eqs. (d) and (e) imply (a).
On the other hand, let 5rxfl satisfy (a) and (b) and define Erxfi through the stress-
strain relation. Then by reversing the above steps, it is a simple matter to verify
that (c) holds. Thus (14.5) implies the existence of a class C2 displacement field
urx that satisfies the strain-displacement relation, and we conclude from (14.4)
that urx is continuous on R. Thus [urx, 5rxp] has all of the desired properties. D
Theorem (3) remains valid in the presence of body forces provided (a) and (b)
are replaced by
L15rxrx=- 1 _v-brx,o:• 5rxfi,fi+brx=O.
The next theorem asserts that the stresses corresponding to a solution of the
traction problem are independent of the elastic constants 3 (provided the body is
1 LEVY [1898, 7].
2 Here Ll is the two-dimensional Laplacian:
()2 ()2
ux 1 ux 2
3 This assertion was first made by LEVY [1898, 7]. However, LEVY did not require that R
be simply-connected, and theorem (4) is false if this restriction is omitted (cf. (47.5) and
(47.6)). The first correct statement is due to MICHELL [1900, 3], p. 109. Reference should
also be made to a remark by MAXWELL [1870, 1], p. 161, who appears to anticipate LEvY's
claim, but I am unable to follow MAXWELL's argument.
156 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 47.

simply-connected). Much of the experimental work in photoelasticity theory is

based on this result.
(4) Levy's theorem. Assume that R is simply-connected. Let [u0, S"'p] and
['u"', S"'p] be plane elastic states corresponding to positive definite elastic constants
fl· v and ji, v, respectively. Suppose, further, that S"'p and Srxp are smooth on R and

Srxpnp=S"'pnp on oR.
Srxp=Srxp on R.
Proof. Clearly, Srxp satisfies (a) and (b) of (8 ). Thus there exists a field ii"'
such that [ii"', SotfJ] is a plane elastic state corresponding to fl and v. Therefore
[urx, S"'p] and [iirx,Srxp] correspond to the same elastic constants and the same
surface forces. Thus we conclude from the uniqueness theorem (2) with <i&'1 = 0
and<ilf2 =8Rthat S"'p=SrxponR. D
47. Airy's solution. In this section some of the functions we study will be
multi-valued. Therefore, for this section only, if a function is single-valued we will
say so; if nothing is said the function is allowed to be multi-valued. Thus the asser-
tion "cp is a function of class CN" means that "cp is a possibly multi-valued
function of class CN ". However, we will always assume that the displacement
and stress fields corresponding to a plane elastic state are single-valued.
We continue to assume that the body forces vanish. Then, as we saw in the
previous section, a plane stress field is completely characterized by the following
pair of field equations:
SrxfJ,fJ =0, L1Srxrx =0.
The next theorem shows that these equations can be solved with the aid of a
single biharmonic function.
(1) Airy's solution. Let cp be a scalar field of class C3 on R, and let
Srxp,p=O. (b)
if and only if cp is biharmonic. 2
Conversely, let SrxfJ (=Sp"') be single-valued and of class CN (N~1) on R, and
suppose that (b) holds. Then there exists a class CN+2 function cp on R that satisfies (a).
Moreover, cp is single-valued if R is simply-connected.
Proof. Clearly, (a) implies (b), while cp biharmonic is equivalent to (c). To
prove the converse assertion assume that (b) holds. Then

(Sn) ,I= (-S12) ,2•

(-S12),1 =(S22),2,
1 This solution is due to AIRY [1863, 1]. See also Fox and SouTHWELL [1945, 1], ScHAEFER
[1956, 11], TEODORESCU [1958, 19], [1963, 23], STRUBECKER [1962, 15], SCHULER and
FosDICK [1967, 13]. A generalization for the dynamic plane problem is given by RADOK
[1956, 10]. See also SNEDDON [1952, 5], [1958, 17], SvEKLO [1961, 21].
2 MAxWELL [1870, 1] was the first to notice that rp is biharmonic. See also VOIGT [1882, 1],
!BBETSON [1886, 3], [1887, 2], pp. 358-359, LEVY [1898, 7].
Sect. 47. Airy's solution. 157

and there exists class CN+I functions g and h on R such that


and there exists a class CNH function ffJ such that

g=ffJ,2, h=ffJ,l· (e)

Eqs. (d) and (e) imply (a). D
Henceforth, by an Airy function we mean a (possibly multi-valued) bi-
harmonic function ffJ on R with the property that the associated stresses

Su=ffJ,22• S22=ffJ,u, 512=-ffJ,12

are single-valued. For future use we note that these relations can be written in
the concise form :1

where e(f,p is the two-dimensional alternator.

By (a) of (1), any two Airy functions ffJ and (j; generating the same stresses
differ by a linear function of position, i.e.

where k(f, and c are constants and X= (x1 , x2). Conversely, we can always add a
linear function of position to an Airy function without changing the associated
stresses. Further, given a point y = (y1 , y 2) in R we can always choose the linear
function so that the resulting function ffJ satisfies

ffJ(Y) = ffJ,rf.(y) =0.

The (two-dimensional) traction problem for a simply-connected region con-
sists in finding stresses srf.{J that satisfy the field equations

Srf.fJ,fJ =0, LIS"" =0,

and the boundary condition
S(f,p np =s(f, on oR,
where the s(f, are the prescribed surface tractions. In view of the last theorem, this
is equivalent to finding a scalar field ffJ such that
8rf.I.8{JTffJ,I.TnfJ=Srf. OnOR.
Thus the traction problem reduces to finding a biharmonic function ffJ that
satisfies the above boundary conditions. Our next theorem, which gives a physical
interpretation of the Airy function, allows us to write the boundary condition
for ffJ in a more familiar form. With a view toward a concise statement of this
theorem, let

1 FINZI [1956, 5].

158 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 47.

be a piecewise smooth curve in R parametrized by its arc length a, and let na.
and ta. designate the normal and tangent unit vectors along r, i.e.,
na. =ea.pXp, ta. =xa.,
where xa. = dxa.fda.
(2) Physical interpretation of the Airy junction.1 Let cp be an Airy function
and write
cp(a) = cp(x(a)), ~: (a)= ffJ,a.(x(a)) na.(a)
for the values if cp and its normal derivative along the curve r. Assume that
cp(O) = cp a.(O) =0.
cp (a) = m (a),
an (a) = - l (a)'
m (a) = J ea.fJ [Xa. (a') - xa. (a)] Sp (a') del',

l(a) =ta.(a) J sa.(a') da',


sa. (a) = Sa.fJ (x (a)) np (a).

Proof. By hypothesis
Thus, in view of the identity
ea.;. ea.T = b;.T. (b)
the surface force field sa. =Sa.fJ np can be written in the form
sa.= ea.;. epTCfJ,h np =ea.;. ffJ,hxT.
In view of (b),

and thus
Therefore, since ffJ,.dO) =0,
ffJ,;. (a)=/;. (a), (d)

/;.(a)=- J eh sT(a') da'. (e)

On the other hand, since rp(O) =0,
(J (J

cp (a) = J cp (a') da' = J cp .; (a') x" (a') da'. (f)

0 0 '

If we integrate (f) by parts and use (d), we arrive at

J /;.(a') x,~ (a') da'.


cp (a) = f.t x;.l~-

1 MicHELL [1900, 3], p. 107 was the first to notice that q; and oq;jon are essentially
determined by the surface forces along T. The relations given here, which follow from a minor
modification of MICHELL's results, are due to TREFFTZ [1928, 3]. See also PHILLIPS [1934. 5],
SOBRERO [1935, 8], and FINZI [1956, 5].
Sect. 47. Airy's solution. 159

By (e), /;, (0) =0 and f~ =- t:;,, s,; therefore

a a
rp (a) =- J X;, (a) t:;,. s, (a') da' + J X;, (a') t:;,. s, (a') da',
0 0
or equivalently
rp(a) =m(a).
Next, by definition,

and (d), (e), and (b) imply

an (a) = - l (a). 0

If rp is of class C2 on R, then the results of (2) hold even when is contained r

in the boundary of R. If R is simply-connected, its boundary consists of a single
closed curve; thus taking F= oR in (2 ), we see that the surface force problem
reduces to finding a biharmonic function rp that satisfies the "standard" bound-
ary conditions: 1
and --=-l
on oR 1

where m and l are completely determined by the prescribed surface tractions

on oR.
If rp and rp, rx do not vanish at x (0), we can still apply ( 2) to the Airy function

ip(x) = rp(x) -krx xrx -c,

with the constants krx and c chosen so that
rp(x(o)) =T,rx(x(o)) =0.
Thus, in this instance, the relations for rp and orpfon should be replaced by

rp = m + krx xrx + c,
0((! (*)
(}~ = -l+krx nrx.

If R is multiply-connected, its boundary oR is the union of a finite number

of closed curves 'tf1 , 'tf2 , ••• , 'tfM. In this case it is not possible to adjust the Airy
function (without changing the stresses) to make rp and ffJ,rx vanish at one point
on each 'tim. Thus relations of the form (*} will hold on each 'tim; of course, the
constants will, in general, be different on each 'tim:

rp=m+k;:xrx+cm and ~=-l+k;:nrx on'tfm (m=1,2, ... ,M).

In the above relations k;: and em can be set equal to zero on one of the curves
'tim; as we shall see, the remaining constants can be evaluated using the require-
ment that the displacements be single-valued.
With a view toward deriving a relation for the displacement field in terms of
the Airy function, we now establish an important representation theorem for
the Airy function in terms of a pair of analytic functions of the complex variable
z =x1 +ix2 •
1 MICHELL [1900, 3], p. 108.
160 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 47.

(8) Goursat's theorem. 1 Let q; be biharmonic on R. Then there exist analytic

complex functions 1p and x on R such that 2
q;(Xt, x2) =Re{z1p(z) +x(z)},
or equivalently,
2q;(x1 , x2) =z1p(z) +z1p(z) +x(z) +x(z).
Conversely, if 1p and x are analytic functions and q; is defined on R by the above
relation, then q; is biharmonic on R.
Proof. 3 Assume that q; is biharmonic on R. Since L1q; is harmonic, there
exists an analytic function f such that L1 q; is the real part of f. Let 1p be a solution
of the equation
and let
lf'=i(gl +ig2), (b)
where g1 and g2 are real. Then, since grx. is harmonic,
L1 (q;- fgrx. Xa.) =Liq;- jgrx.,rx.· (c)
By the Cauchy-Riemann equations,
and by (a) and (b),
gl,l =L1q;; (e)
thus (c) implies that
L1 (q; -ha. xa.) =0. (f)
In view of (f), q1 is harmonic and hence the real part of an analytic function X·
This fact, (g), and (b) imply that
q;(x1 , x2) =Re{z1p(z) +x(z)}. (h)
Conversely, let q; be given by (h) with 1p and X analytic. Then, by reversing
the above steps, it is a simple matter to verify that q; is biharmonic. D
(4) Representation theorem for the displacement field. 4 Let [urx., Sa.p]
be a plane elastic state corresponding to the elastic constants p, and v (with p, =FO).
Further, let q; be an Airy function corresponding to Sa.P• and let
41p(z) =&(x1, x2) +ig2(X1, X2),
where 1p is the analytic complex function established in (8) and grx. is real. Then

ffJ,rx. + (1 -v) grx.J +wa.,

Ua. = 2 ft [ -

where wrx. is a plane rigid displacement.

Conversely, let q; be an Airy function of class C2 on R, let Sa.p be the associated
stresses, and let urx., defined as above, be single-valued. Then [urx., Sa.p] is a plane
elastic state corresponding top, and v.
1 GouRsAT [1898, 6].
2 Here Re{ } denotes the real part of the quantity { }, and a bar over a letter designates
the complex conjugate.
3 This proof is due to MUSKHELISHVILI [1919, 1], [1954, 16], § 31.
4 LOVE [1927, 3], § 145. See also CLEBSCH [1862, 1], § 39.
Sect. 47. Airy's solution. 161

Proof. Using (a) of (1) we can write the displacement-stress relations in the
2p, Ut, 1 = - IP,n + (1 -v)Lirp,
2p, u2, 2= - rp, 22 + (1 -v)Lirp, (a)
P,(Ut,2 +u2,1) = - IP,12·
Thus we conclude from (d) and (e) in the proof of (8) that

2p, Ut,1 = - IP,n + (1 -v) gt,l•

2p, U2,2 = - 1P,22 + (1 -v) g2,2;
Substituting (b) into the third of (a), we find, with the aid of the Cauchy-Riemann

By (c) and (d), wa. is a plane rigid displacement; thus (b) is the desired representa-
tion for ua..
To prove the converse assertion we simply reverse the steps (a)-(d). D
The next theorem yields conditions that must be satisfied by the Airy func-
tion in order to insure that the corresponding displacements be single-valued.
(5) Theorem on single-valued displacements . Let R be multiply-con-
nected, and suppose that
oR= U ~m•

where each 'Cfm is a closed curve. Let rp be an Airy function of class C3 on R, and let
ua. = 2ji [- IP,a. + (1-v) ga.J +wa.,
where Wa. is rigid and ga. is the function defined in (4). Then a necessary and suffi-
cient condition that the displacement field ua. be single-valued on R is that rp satisfy
the 3M - 3 conditions: 1

J[ :0' (LI rp)- X2 0:

(LI rp)] da = 1~v f~m),


1 These relations are due to MICHELL [1900, 3], p. 108. PRAGER [1946, 4] proved
that for a
doubly-connected region these relations are the natural boundary conditions of a variational
principle for the Airy function.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 11
162 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 47.

form =2, 3, ... , M, where 1

t~m) = J sri.{J n{J da'

and sri.{J is the stress field generated by cp.

Proof. The field u"" will be single-valued if and only if

J~:"" da=O (m=2, 3, ... , M),

or, in view of the definition of u"", if and only if

da --~1 -j_!-_
1-v da CfJ,r~.
da ( ) (m=2, 3, ... , M). (a)

It is a simple matter to verify that (c) in the proof of (2) is valid in the present
circumstances in which cp and CfJ,r~. do not necessarily vanish at some point on
rem. Thus (a) can be written in the form
1-v fJ '

where here and in what follows m is assumed to have the range (2, 3, ... , M).
on rcm' where
x(a) =(~(a), x2 (a)), 0 ;;;:;;a ;;;:;;a1 ,
is the parametrization for rc,.. Now let~ and P2 denote the real and imaginary
parts of the complex function f established in the proof of (8) :
f(z) =P1 (X1, X2) +iP2(X1, X2).
By (a) and (b) in the proof of (8),

:z (gl +igz) =P1 +iP2 ;

gl,z=-Pz, gz,2=~,
and by (c) and (d) the relation (b) is equivalent to

f x[P2 1 +P1x2] da=~1 -fim>,


f [P x
1 1- P2 x2] da = - ~1 -/~m>.

Integrating the left-hand side of (e) by parts, we arrive at

[P2 X1 + ~ X2 ]~~g· - J[ ~~
X1 + X2 ~; ] da = 1~ v fiml,

[P.1 X1 - P.2 X2"a=O

l a=<>t - f [X1 dJl - ~ da d a = -
X2 dP2] 1 /(m)
1_ v 2 ·


1 We assume that the parametrization of the "C,. are such that n"" = er~.pXp coincides with
the outward unit normal to oR.
Sect. 47. Airy's solution. 16}

It follows from the definition of the Airy function that P:t =Llq? is single-valued.
Thus for (f) to hold it is sufficient that


fl x d.Pz +x d.fl]da=--1-flml
1 da 2 da 1 -11 1 '

f[ xi dJl
ld a-__1_f(m)
1-v 2 •

Indeed, the first of (g) asserts that P2 is single-valued, and the second and third
of (g) are equivalent to (f) when both P:t and P2 are single-valued. Next, by (d)
and the definition of u"" ,

where ro=w1 , 2 -w2 , 1 is constant (since Wa. is rigid). To prove that (g) is also
necessary for (f) to hold it suffices to show that P2 is single-valued whenever ua.
is single-valued. But this fact follows from (h). 1 Finally, the Cauchy-Riemann
equations and the relation na. = ea.p Xp imply that
a = P. •
2 ,1 X1 + P. ' •
2 2 X2 = - P.1 ' 2 X1. + P.1 ,1 X2


In view of (i) and since P1 = Llq?, the relations (g) reduce to the desired 3M -3
conditions. 0
The next result extends (46.4) to multiply-connected regions. It asserts
that the stresses corresponding to a solution of the traction problem with null
body forces are independent of the elastic constants if the resultant loading on each
boundary curve vanishes.
(6) Michell's theorem. 2 Let R be multiply-connected, and suppose that
8R= U ~....

where each~... is a closed curve. Let [ua., Sa.p] and [ua.,Sa.p] be plane elastic states
corresponding to positive definite elastic constants p., 11 and fi, il, respectively, and
assume that Sa.p and Sa.p are smooth on R. Then
Sa.p=Sa.p on R
provided both states correspond to the same surface tractions and the resultant force
on each~... vanishes, i.e.,

J sa. da=O (m=1, 2, ... , M).

1 Since ua. is analytic,

u"' {J is single-valued whenever ua. has this property.
2 [1900, 3], p. 109. '
164 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 47.

Proof. By (1) there exists an Airy function g; generating 51%/J" Moreover,

g; is of class C3 on R., since S 1%/J is smooth there. Since [ul%, 51%/J] is a plane elastic
state, we conclude from (4) that

ul%= 2~ [-g;,l%+(1-v)giXJ+wl%

with WI% rigid. Moreover, since ul% is single-valued, and since the resultant force
on each <em vanishes, it follows from (5) with f~ml =0 that

(.1 g;) da = 0'

J[x1 :n (.dg;)+x2 dda (.dg;)]da=O, (a)


[x1 dda (.dg;)- x2 0~ (.dg;)] da = 0,
form=2, 3, ... , M. Now let
1 [-ml%+(1-v)gl%].
2ft T,

By (a) and (5), ul% is single-valued, and hence the converse assertion in (4)
implies that [ul%, Sl%p] is a plane elastic state corresponding top and v. Therefore
[ul%, 51%p] and [ul%, Sl%p] correspond to the same elastic constants and the same
surface forces. Thus we conclude from the uniqueness theorem (46.2) that
51%p=SI%/J onR. 0
(7) Kolosov's theorem. 1 Let [ul%, 51%p] be a plane elastic state corresponding
to the elastic constants p and v. Then there exist complex analytic functions 1p and x
on R such that 2
ut (xl, X2) +i U2 (xl, X2) = -2p,
1- [(3- 4v) tp(z)- Z1p' (z)- X1 (z)] + w(z),

511 (x1 , x2) +5 22 (x1 , x2) =4Re{tp'(z)},

511 (x1 , x2) -522 (x1 , x2) +2i 512 (x1 , x2) = 2[:Z1p" (z) + x' (z)],
where w is a complex rigid displacement.
Conversely, let 1p and X be complex analytic functions on R, and let ul% and 51%fJ
be defined by the above relations. In addition, assume tkat ul% is single-valued and
ul% and 51%/J continuous on R. Then [ul%, 51%p] is an elastic state corresponding to p
and v.
Proof. Let g; be an Airy function generated by 51%/J" By Goursat's theorem (8),
there exist analytic complex functions 1p and X such that
g;(x1 , x2) = Re{:Ztp(z) +x(z)}. (a)
A simple calculation shows that

9J,I (Xr. X2) + i 9J,2(Xr. X2) =tp(z) + ztp' {z) + x' (z). (b)
1 KoLosov [1909, 2], [1914, 2], [1935, 2]. A related complex representation theorem was
established earlier by FILON [1903, 2). See also MUSKHELISHVILI [1932, 1], [1934, 3], [1954, 16],
§ 32; STEVENSON [1943. 2], [1945, 7]; PoRITSKY [1946, 3]; SoKOLNIKOFF [1956, 12], Chap. 5;
SoLOMON [1968, 12], Chap. 6, § 7.
2 Here1p'=d1pjdz.
Sect. 48. Representation of elastic displacement fields. 165

Thus we conclude from ( 4) that the desired relation for u" holds. Further, by (a)
of (1),
511 + i 512 = - i (ljJ ,1 + i ljJ, 2), 2 ,
s22-iS12= (IP,1 +iq;,2),1.
and (b), (c) imply the desired results concerning 5"-fJ· Conversely, let V' and X be
complex analytic functions on R, let u" and 5"-fJ be defined by the relations in
(7), and let q; be defined by (a) so that (b) holds. Then it is not difficult to verify
that u satisfies the relation in (4), and that S"p satisfies (c). Thus 5"-fJ are the
stresses associated with q;, and we conclude from the converse assertion in (4)
that [u", S"p] is an elastic state correspondign to f-l and v. 0

VIII. Exterior domains.

48. Representation of elastic displacement fields in a neighborhood of infinity.
The conventional proofs of the fundamental theorems of elastostatics are con-
fined in their validity to bounded domains. Of course, they can be trivially
generalized to exterior domains provided one is willing to lay down sufficiently
stringent restrictions on the behavior at infinity of the relevant fields, e.g., that
the displacement be 0 (r-1 } and the stress 0 (r- 2} as r~oo. However, such a priori
assumptions are quite artificial: the rate at which these fields decay is an item
of information that one would expect to infer from the solution, rather than a
condition to be imposed on a solution in advance.
In this section we shall establish representation theorems for elastostatic
fields in the following neighborhood of infinity:
l.'(oo) ={;r: r 0 < l;r-OI <oo},
where r 0 > 0 is fixed. These representation theorems will be used in subsequent
sections to infer the rate at which elastic states decay at infinity, and this, in
tum, will be utilized to extend the fundamental theorems of elastostatics to ex-
terior domains.
We assume that the body B=l.'(oo) is homogeneous and isotropic, and that
the elasticity tensor is positive definite; thus the Lame moduli satisfy
f-l > o, 2f-t+ 3 A.> o.
(1) Representation theorem. 1 Let u be an elastic displacement field on
l.'(oo) corresponding to zero body forces. Then u admits the representation

+ y2 2:
00 00
u = 2: g(k) h(k). (a)
k~-oo k~-oo

where g(k) and h(k) are vector solid spherical harmonics of degree k, and

h(k) = -
(A+ tt) 17 div g(k+ 2). (b)
2[(k + 1) (A+ 3tt) +tt]

Both of the series in (a), as well as the series resulting from any finite number of
termwise differentiations, are uniformly convergent on every closed subregion of 1.' (oo).
Proof. First of all, it is not difficult to verify that the denominator in (b)
cannot vanish, since the elasticity tensor is positive definite.
1 KELVIN [ 1863, 3]. See also GURTIN and STERNBERG [1961, 11], Theorem 1.2. A generaliza-
tion of this result to anisotropic bodies is given by B:EzrER [1967, 3].
166 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 48.

In view of (42.2), u is biharmonic on .l'(oo). Theorem (8.5) therefore assures

the existence of an expansion of the form (a) which has the asserted convergence
This leaves only (b) to be confirmed. A simple computation shows that
L1 (r 2 h(kl) = 4 {Vh(kl) p + 6h(k),
and thus the identity
which is valid for any vector solid harmonic h(k), implies

L1u=2 L (2k+3)h(kl. (d)

Next, by hypothesis and by (42.2),

div L1 u = 0, curl L1 u = 0;
thus (d) implies
00 00
L (2k+3)divh(k)=O, L (2k+3)curlh(k)=O. (e)
k=-00 k=-00

But div h(k) is a solid harmonic of degree k -1. Hence the first of (e), by virtue
of the uniqueness of the expansion in (8.5 ), implies
div h(k) = 0. (f)
curl h(k) = 0,
or equivalently,
J7h(k) = [J7h(k)y. (g)
Consequently, (a), (c), (f), and (g) imply
J7 div u= 2: [J7 div g(k) + 2 (k + 1) h(kl]. {h)
By hypothesis,
,uLiu +(.A+ ,u) J7divu= 0, (i)
and substitution of (d) and (h) in (i) yields
L {2 [(k + 1) (.A+ 3,u) + ,u] h(k) +(.A+ ,u) J7 div g(kl} = 0,

which implies the desired result (b). 0

The next theorem gives a particular solution of the equations of elastostatics
in a neighborhood of infinity.
(2 )1 Let b be a smooth vector field on .l' (oo), and assume that

div b =0, curl b =0.

1 GURTIN and STERNBERG [1961, 11], Theorem 4.3.
Sect. 49. Behavior of elastic states at infinity. 167

(i) b admits the representation
b = L.: b(k)'

where the b(k) are divergence-free and curl-free vector solid spherical harmonics of degree
k, and this infinite series, as well as the series resulting from any finite number of
term wise differentiations, is uniformly convergent in every closed subregion of 2: (oo) ;
(ii) the same convergence properties apply to the series
2 00
- r "\' 1 b(k)
U - - Tkf::oo (k + 1)(A.+3,u)+,u '

and the field u so defined is an elastic displacement field on l:(oo) corresponding to

the body force field b;
(iii) for any integer n,
as r-+oo,
u(;})) =O(rn+l) as r-+oo.
Proof. By (8.6) b is harmonic. Thus (8.4) implies part (i) of this theorem.
The uniform convergence of the series of (ii), and of the corresponding series
resulting from successive differentiations, is apparent from the convergence prop-
erties of the series in (i). Thus u is of class coo on 2: (oo). That u satisfies the dis-
placement equation of equilibrium may be verified by direct substitution. This
establishes (ii).
To justify (iii) we note from (i) and (8.4) that b (;})) = o (rn) implies b("l (;})) = 0
for k ~ n. Bearing in mind (ii) and appealing once more to (8.4), we see that (iii)
holds true. D
49. Behavior of elastic states at infinity. We now use the representation
theorems developed in the preceding section to determine the behavior of elastic
fields at infinity.
We continue to assume that B =l:(oo) is homogeneous and isotropic and that
the Lame moduli obey the inequalities
p,>O, 2p,+3A>O.
In addition, we assume that the body force field b is smooth on l:(oo), and that
div b=O, curl b=O.
(1) Behavior of elastic states with vanishing displacements at
infinity.1 Let [u, E, SJ be an elastic state on l:(oo) corresponding to b, and assume
U(;})) =0(1)
as r-+oo. Then
u (;})) = 0 (r-1), S (;})) = 0 (r-2),
E (;})) = 0 (r- 2), b (;})) = 0 (r-3)
as r-+oo.
1 FICHERA [1950, 4]. See also GURTIN and STERNBERG [1961, 11], Theorem 5.1. KUPRADZE
[1963, 17, 18], § III.3 established the estimate U=O(r-1), but only with the additional
assumption that oufor =o(r-1 ). Note that if u=o(1), then div u and curl u are bothO(r-2 ), a
conclusion which DuFFIN and NoLL [1958, 8] reached by entirely different means.
168 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 49.

Proof. By (42.2) u is biharmonic on .l'(oo). If we apply (8.5) to u, we con-

clude that u =0 (r-1). The remaining assertions then follow immediately from
(iii) of (8.5) in conjunction with the strain-displacement relation, the stress-
strain relation, and the equation of equilibrium. D
(2) Behavior of elastic states with vanishing stresses at infinity .I
Let [u, E, SJ be an elastic state on .l'(oo) corresponding to b, and assume that
S (aJ) = o (1), b (aJ) = o (r2)
as r--+oo. Then
u (aJ) = w (aJ) + 0 (r-1), S (aJ) = 0 (r2),
E (aJ) = 0 (r- 2), b (aJ) = 0 (r- 3)
as r--+oo, where w is a rigid displacement field.
Proof. In view of the assumed properties of b, we infer from (48.2) the
existence of a particular solution u of the displacement equation of equilibrium
that is class C2 on .l'(oo) and satisfies u =0 (r-1). Accordingly, by (1), the elastic
state associated with u (i.e., generated by the strain-displacement and stress-
strain relations) satisfies E =0 (r- 2) and S =0 (r-2), while b must conform to
b = 0 (r3 ). We are thus able to exhibit a particular elastic state corresponding
to b which possesses the requisite orders of magnitude at infinity. Therefore,
since the fundamental system of field equations satisfied by elastic states is
linear, it remains to be demonstrated that (2) is true when b = 0.
Suppose now that b =0. Then, by hypothesis and by (48.1), u admits
the representation

u= 2: g<kl + r2

+ y2k=-00
-1 -3
u = 2: g<kl 2: h(k) '

and where the solid harmonics g<kl, h(k) obey (b) of (48.1).
Next, define fields E and E through
.E = twu + vur),
E' = twu + vur),
so that
The two infinite series entering the second of (a) each represent a harmonic field
on .l'(oo). The second of (b) and part (iii) of (8.5) therefore imply
u= 0 (r-1), E = 0 (r-2), (d)
while we conclude from the stress-strain relation that
S= O(r- 2).
Consequently, all we have left to show is that uis rigid; or equivalently that

E=O. (e)
1 GURTIN and STERNBERG [1961, 11], Theorem 5.2.
Sect. so. Extension of the basic theorems. 169

To this end we conclude from (b) in (48.1) that

div h(k) = 0,

and hence reach, with the aid of (a) and (b) above,

L: div g(k) + 2 L:
0 00 00

tr E = p • h(k), (f)
k~O k~-2

where p(;:v) =;I: -0. Next, since div g(k+2) is a solid harmonic of degree k + 1,
p · V div g(k+2) = (k + 1} div g(k+ 2 ), (g)
and since g(O) is a constant,

Thus if we eliminate h(k) from (f), by recourse to (b) of (48.1), and use (g) and (h),
we arrive at
Eo - ~ ,U(2k -1} d' (k) (i)
tr -k=-1 (k-1)(J.+3,u)+,u IVY .

By hypothesis, S = o (1); thus the stress-strain relation implies

and we conclude from (c) and the second of (d) that

E=o(1}. (j)
Thus if we apply (8.4) to the harmonic function tr E given by (i), bearing in
mind that div g(k) is a solid harmonic of degree k -1, we find that
div g(k) = 0 for k ~ 1 ,
which, together with (b) of (48.1) and (h), yields
h(k) = 0 for k ~- 2. (k)
Inserting (k) in the first of (a), and using (h) and the first of (b), we obtain

E=I}'g(k). (1)

Since Vg(k) is a solid harmonic of degree k -1, we conclude from part (iii) of ( 8.4)
that (1) is consistent with (j) only if (e) holds. D
50. Extension of the basic theorems in elastostatics to exterior domains. We
now use the results established in the last section to extend the basic theorems of
elastostatics to exterior domains. Thus for this section we drop the requirement
that B be bounded and assume instead that B is an exterior domain. We shall
continue to assume that B is homogeneous and isotropic with Lame moduli p, and A.
Let ~= [u, E, SJ be an elastic state on B corresponding to the body force
field b, and suppose that the limits
J sda,

m == lim
J p X s da
170 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. so.

exist, where s =Sn, n is the outward unit normal to ol:e, and l:e is the ball of
radius e and center at 0. Then we calif and m the associated force and moment
at infinity. Since S and b satisfy balance of forces and moments in every
part of B,
J s da + J b dv = - J s da,
oB Bp o~p

fpxsda+ J pxbdv=- fpxsda,

oB Bp o~p

for sufficiently large(!, where Be=Bnl:e. 1 Thus, letting e-+oo, we see that I
and m exist if and only if the integrals

Jbdv, fpxbdv
exist, in which case
oB B

m=- fpxsda- fpxbdv.

oB B

(1) Extension of Betti's reciprocal theorem. 2 Assume that the Lame

moduli obey p, > 0, 2p, + 3 A> 0. Let [u, E, S] and [ii, E, S] be elastic states cor-
responding to the external force systems [b, s] and [b, s], respectively, with b and b
divergence-free and curl-free and of class C2 on B. Further, assume that the associated
forces f, j and the associated moments m, tn at infinity exist. Finally, assume that

as r-+oo, where w and w are the rigid displacements:
W = U + W Xp,
00 00

w = iioo +woo xp.

Js·iida+ Jb·iidv+f·iioo+m·woo
oB B

= J
s ·u da + BJ b · udv + j · U + tn · W 00 00 = J
S· E dv = J S · E dv.

Proof. Applying Betti's theorem (80.1) to the region Be= B n l:e, with e
large enough so that oBCl:e, we find that

J s · ii da + J b · iidv + J s · iida
oB Bp o~p
= J
s ·uda+BpJb ·udv+ J s ·uda= (s ·Edv= J S ·Edv.
o~p Bp Bp
J s. ii da = J s. (ii- w) da + J s. wda (b)
o~p o~p o~p

1Note that oBe = oB u o.Ee for (! sufficiently large, since B is an exterior domain.
2This result for the case in which w =W = 0 is due to GURTIN and STERNBERG [1961, 11],
Theorem 6.1.
Sect. SO. Extension of the basic theorems. 171


By hypothesis and by (49.1),

u=w+O(r-1), u=w+O(r-1 ),
E = 0 (r- 2), S = 0 (r 2), b = 0 (r- 3), (d)
i=O~~. 8=0~~. b=0~4·
Thus (b) and (c) imply
Is· uda--+f· uoo + m · m00 (e)
as e--+oo. Similarly,
I s·uda--+l-uoo+m·w 00 (f)

as e--+oo. The estimates (d) also imply that the volume integrals over Be in (a)
are convergent as e--+oo and tend to the corresponding integrals over B. Thus
if we let e--+oo in (a) and use (e) and (f), we arrive at the desired conclusion. D
As a direct corollary of this result we have the
(2) Theorem of work and energy for e~terior domains. 1 Let [u, E, SJ,
[b, s], j, m, as well as ft and A. obey the same hypotheses as in (1). Then
Is· u da + I b · u dv + f · U 00 + m · W 00 = 2 Uc{E}.

This relation differs from the corresponding result for finite regions by the
addition of the term f · U 00 +m · W 00 , which represents the work done by the
force and moment at infinity.
(3) Uniqueness theorem for e~terior domains. 2 Assume that
f!,>O, 2ft+3A.>O.
Let ~ = [u, E, S] and 6 = [u, E, S] be elastic states corresponding to the same body
force field and the same boundary data in the sense that
u=ii on Yi. s=s on 9'2 • (a)
Further, assume that either
u(~)=u(~)+o(1) as r--+oo, (b)
or both
S(~) =S(~) + o(1) as r--+oo (c)
and the corresponding traction fields are statically equivalent on oB, i.e.
fsda=Isda, Ipxsda=Ipxsda.

Then d and J are equal modulo a rigid displacement.

1 GuRTIN and STERNBERG [1961, 11], Theorem 6.2, for the case in which w = 0.
2 FICHERA [1950, 4], Theorems II, V, and VI for case (b); GuRTIN and STERNBERG
[1961, 11] for case (c). See also DuFFIN and NoLL [1958, 8] and B:EziER [1967, 3]. Analogous
uniqueness theorems for two-dimensional elastostatics are given by TIFFEN [1952, 6] and
MUSKHELISHVILI [1954, 16], § 40.
3 Note that this condition is satisfied automatically when B is finite.
172 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. so.
Proof. Let <1' = <1-'d. It suffices to prove that
E'=O. (e)
Clearly, <1' is an elastic state corresponding to zero body forces and vanishing
boundary data. Assume {b) holds. Then
u'(~)=o(1) as r-+oo,
and (2) (with u:X, = w:X, = 0) yields
Uc{E'}=O, (f)
which implies (e). Next assume (c) and (d) hold. Then
S'(~)=o{1) as r-+oo,
and we conclude from (49.2) that
u'(~) =W(~) +O(r-1) as r-+oo
with w rigid. Further, by (d),
f'=- J s'da=O, m'=- Jpxs'da=O,
&B oB

and (2) again implies (f) and hence (e). D

It should be noted that (8) is valid only for unbounded regions with
finite boundaries. The uniqueness question associated with problems for general
domains whose boundaries extend to infinity is yet to be disposed of satis-
We emphasize that theorem (8), in contrast to (1) and (2), involves no
explicit restrictions concerning the body force field. If this field is integrable
over B, then (d) can be replaced by the requirement that the forces and moments
at infinity coincide:
For the surface force problem, (d) may be omitted because it is implied by (a). On the
other hand, if~ is not empty, (d) is an independent hypothesis. This hypothesis,
which requires the prescription of the resultant force and moment on 8B (or
equivalently, the force and moment at infinity), appears at first sight artificial,
since the surface forces over at least a portion of the boundary are not known
beforehand. One is therefore led to ask whether (d) is necessary for the truth of
(8) when the regularity conditions are taken in the form (c). That this is indeed
the case is clear from the next theorem.
(4) Theorem (8) is false if either of the two hypotheses in (d) is omitted.
Proof. For the purpose at hand, let

and assume that 8B =~ (92 = 0) in (8 ). It clearly suffices to exhibit two elastic

states, both corresponding to zero body forces, both having strains not identically
zero, both satisfying
u=O on 8B, (a)
S =o(1) as r-+oo, {b)
1 For the special case of the displacement and surface force problems appropriate to the
half-space, this question was settled by TURTELTAUB and STERNBERG [1967, 18]. See also
KNOPS (1965, 18].
Sect. 51. Basic singular solutions. 173

with one state obeying

J sda=O, (c)
the other
fpxsda=O. (d)
To this end, let A =F 0 and w =t= 0 be given vectors and consider the following
two displacement fields :1

=--;-+ r 2 -1
2 (5 _ 6 v)
r -A, (e)
u (z) =-,a-+
r 2 -1
4 (4 _ Sv)
. (wxp)
17 d1v -;a- - w xp. (f)

Both of these displacement fields generate elastic states that correspond to zero
body forces and obey (a), (b). Moreover, for (e):

f= sda=24np--
5- 6 'II
m= pxsda=O;
while for (f) :
f=O, m=8npw. 0
The leading two terms in (e) represent the displacement induced in the
medium by a rigid translation A applied to the spherical boundary oB, the body
being constrained against displacements at infinity; the last term in (e) corre-
sponds to a rigid translation -A of the entire medium. On the other hand, the
leading two terms in (f) represent the displacement generated by a rotation w
of oB, while the last term corresponds to a rotation of the entire medium.

IX. Basic singular solutions.

Concentrated loads. Green's functions.
51. Basic singular solutions. In this section we study the basic singular solutions
of elastostatics, assuming throughout that the body is homogeneous and isotropic,
and that p =t= 0,11 =t= l, 1. We begin with the Kelvin problem, 2 which is concerned
with a concentrated load applied at a point of a body occupying the entire
space C. With a view toward giving a solution of this problem, we introduce the
following notation.
Throughout this section y is a fixed point of C,
is the position vector from y, and
r= 1'~'1·
Further, we write 1:11 for the open ball 1:11 (y) with radius 'fJ centered at y.
1 GURTIN and STERNBERG [1961, 11] attribute these examples toR. T. SHIELD.
2 The solution to this problem was first given by KELVIN [1848, 3] (cf. SoMIGLIANA
[1885, 4], BoussiNESQ [1885, 1]). It was derived by KELVIN and TAIT [1883, 1], §§ 730, 731
through a limit process that was made explicit by STERNBERG and EuBANKS [1955, 13] (cf.
LovE [1927, 3], § 130; MINDLIN [1936, 1], [1953. 1.5]). The limit formulation presented here
follows closely that adopted by STERNBERG and AL-KHOZAI [1964, 20] and TURTELTAUB
and STERNBERG [1968, 14]. The solution for an anisotropic but homogeneous body was given
by FREDHOLM [1900, 2]. A precise statement of FREDHOLM's result is contained in the work
of SAENZ [1953, 17]. See also ZEILON [1911, 1], CARRIER [1944, 1], LIFSHIC and ROZENCVEIG
[1947, 4], ELLIOT [1948, 2], SYNGE [1957, 16], KRONER [1953, 14], BASHELEISHVILI [1957, 1],
MURTAZAEV [1962, 12], BEZIER [1967, 3], BROSS [1968, 1], C4KALA, DOMANSKI, and MILICER-
GRUZEWSKA [1968, 2].
174 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 51.

By a sequence of body force fields tending to a concentrated load l at y

we mean a sequence {bm} of class C2 vector fields on t! with the following prop-
(i) bm = 0 on t! -Il/m;
(ii) I bmdv~l as m~oo;
(iii) the sequence {I Ibml dv} is bounded.
(1) Limit definition of the solution to Kelvin's problem. 1 Let {bm} be
a sequence of body force fields tending to a concentrated load l at y. Then:
(i) For each m there exists a unique elastic state <~mont! that corresponds to the
body force bm and has uniformly vanishing displacements at infinity.
(ii) The sequence { <~m} converges (uniformly on closed subsets oft! -{y}) to an
elastic state <~11 [l] on t! - {y}.
(iii) The limit state ~ [l] is independent of the sequence {bm} tending to l and is
generated by the displacement field u 11 [l] with values

u 11 [l] (~) = c1r [" ~" + (3 - 4v)1] l,

c= 16:n:,u(1-v).
We caU <~11 [l] the Kelvin state corresponding to a concentrated load l at y.
Proof. Let um be defined by
Um = 'IJ'm- 4{1-v) l7(1fm + r' 'IJ'm) •
V'm(~)=oc f lre-~l dv~,
bm(~) 1

Then, by (6.5) and (44.1), um is an equilibrium displacement field corresponding

to bm. Moreover, it is easy to verify that
um(~) = o(1) as 1~- Ol ~oo,
and, by the uniqueness theorem (50.8) for exterior domains, there is no other
equilibrium displacement field corresponding to bm with this property. This
establishes (i).
Next, a simple calculation shows that the functions defined on t! -{y} by
9"(~) = 0, V'(~) -1 '
= -1z-y (b)

generate, in the sense of the Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber solution (44.1), the

displacement field u11 [l] given in (iii). Thus to complete the proof we have only
to show that given any closed region R in 8-{y}, <~m~<~11 [l] uniformly on R;
or equivalently, that 9"m~9" and V'm~V' uniformly on R, and that the first and
second gradients of Cfm and ll'm tend to the corresponding gradients of cp and 1p
uniformly on R. Since the argument in each instance is strictly analogous, we
shall merely prove that 1J'm~1J'.
1 STERNBERG and EuBANKS [1955, 13], Theorem 4.2. An analogous theorem for con-
centrated surface loads was given by TURTELTAUB and STERNBERG [1968, 14].
Sect. 51. Basic singular solutions. 175

LetR be a closed subset oftS'-{y}. Then there exists an m0 >0 such that
.E1;m, nR = 0;
~--1- <m (c)
lx-yl = o
for JJER and
K =sup { Ia: ~ ~( JJER, ~E~\;m,}
is finite. Thus
1_ 1-llx-~1-lx-yll< Km
I lx-yl-
lx_-IT- lx-yllx-~1- =-;;;-
for JJER, ~El:11 m, and m>m0 • Next, by (a) and (b),

lll'm(JJ)- tp(JJ)I = 10(1/E,[ bm(~) [ Ia:~ ~~ - lx~yll dv~

+ -lx-yl
--- [
J b m d v- z] /·'

consequently, (c) and (d) imply

lll'm(JJ)-tp(JJ)I ~ lal:mo jlbmldv+moiO(I\ Jbmdv-l\

1:,/m 1:,/m

for JJER and m>m0 • This inequality, when combined with (ii) and (iii) in the
definition of a sequence of body force fields tending to a concentrated load,
implies ll'm-+ tp uniformly on R. D
The need for condition (iii) in the definition of a sequence of body force fields
tending to a concentrated load was established by STERNBERG and EuBANKS, 1
who showed by means of a counterexample that conclusions (ii) and (iii) in (1)
become invalid if this hypothesis is omitted.
We will consistently write
[l] = [ Uy [l], Ey [l], Sy [l]J

for the Kelvin state corresponding to a concentrated load l at y. Clearly, the

mapping l ~ dy [l] is linear on "Y.
In view of the stress-strain and strain-displacement relations, the stress field
Sy [l] has the form
2ft {3(T·l)TQ$)'1" }
S 11 [l](;v)=--cr 3- - - r2 --+(1-2v)[r®l+l®r- (r·l)1].

Let s; [l] be the unique tensor field with the property that
su [v J z= s; czy v
for every vector v, and let
s; [l] = s; [l] n
on oB. We calls; [l] the adjoint stress field and s; [l] the adjoint traction field
corresponding to dy [l]. A simple calculation shows that
s;[l](JJ)=- :~ {J(T·l~2TQ$)T +(1-2v)[l®r-r®l+(r•l) 1J}.
Note that s; [l] is not symmetric.
1 [1955, 13], Theorem 4.3.
176 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 51.

(2) Properties of the Kelvin state.1 The Kelvin state ~, [l] has the follow-
ing properties:
(i) "" [l] is an elastic state on tS'- {y} co"esponding to zero body forces.
(ii) u11 [l](~) =O(r-1) and S11 [l](~) =O(r-2) as r-+Oandalsoas r-+oo.
(iii) For aU"'> 0,
J s11 [l] da = l, Jr xs,[l] da = 0,
ax, ax,
s11 [l] = 8 11 [l] n
on oi'I with n the inward unit normal.
(iv) For every vector v,
l · u 11 [v] = v · u 11 [l] , l · s11 [ v] = v · s; [l] ,
where s11 [v] is the traction field on oB corresponding to ~,[v] and s; [l] is the
adjoint traction field on oB corresponding to d11 [l].
Proof. Property (i) follows from (44.1) and the fact that the stress functions
cp and tp defined in (b) of the proof of (1) are harmonic ontS'-{y}. Properties (ii)
and the first of (iv) are established by inspection of the fields u, [l] and 8 11 [l].
Property (iii) can be established by a direct computation based on the form
of S11 [l]. An alternative proof proceeds as follows. Let {dm} and {bm} be as in (1).
Then balance of forces and moments imply that
- J smda+ J bmdv=O,
ax, x,
- Jrxsmda+ Jrxbmdv=O,
ax, x,
where sm is the traction field on that side of oi'l facing the point y. If we let
m-+oo in the above relations and use (ii) of (1) and properties (i)-(iii) of {bm},
we arrive at the desired relations in (iii).
Finally, to establish the second of (iv) note that, by the symmetry of 8 11 [l]
together with the definitions of [l] ands;[l], s;
l· s,[v] = l· (S,[v] n) = (S,[v] l) · n = (s; [lYv) · n
= v · (S; [l] n) = v · s; [l]. 0
STERNBERG and EuBANKS 2 have shown that the formulation of Kelvin's prob-
lem in terms of (i), (iii), and the portion of (ii) concerning the limit as r-+oo,
which appears in the literature, 3 is incomplete in view of the existence of elastic
states on @" -{y} that possess self-equilibrated singularities at y. 4 In contrast,
properties (i), (ii), and the first of (iii) suffice to characterize the Kelvin state
uniquely. 5
1 Properties (i)-(iii), in the precise form stated here, are taken from STERNBERG and Eu-
BANKS [1955, 13], Theorem 4.4. Assertion (iii) can be found in LoVE [1927, 3], § 131; LuR'E
[1955, 10], § 2.1.
2 [1955, 13].
8 See, e.g., TIMOSHENKO and GOODIER [1951, 10], § 120.
4 E.g. the center of compression defined on p. 179.
5 As STERNBERG and EUBANKS [1955, 13] have remarked, TREFFTZ [1928, 3], § 32 and
BuTTY [1946, 1], § 350 approached the KELVIN problem on the basis of properties (i), (ii),
and the first of (iii) but made the erroneous assertion that (ii) is a consequence of the first of
(iii). That this is not true is apparent from the statedrl[l]+a~, where a is a scalar and~
is the center of compression defined on p. 179. Indeed, this state obeys the first of (iii)
without conforming to (ii).
Sect. 51. Basic singular solutions. 177

Let u~ [l] be defined on tff- {y} by

u~ [lJ (Oil) = -~i- u11 [lJ (<ll),
so that
u~[l](<ll)= c1r3 [r®ei+ei@r- 3 ri:2®r -(3-4v) ri t]z.
By ( 42.3), u~ [l] ~s an elastic displacement field on tff- {y} correspo~ding to null
body forces. Let i~ [l] be the elastic state on tff- {y} generated by u~ [l]. We call
i~[l] the doublet state (corresponding toy, land eJ 1
Note that
. 1
U~ [l] (Oil) =lim -h {u11 [l] (<ll)- Uy [l] (Oil- hei)}.
Thus, since
u 11 [l] (<ll- a) = u 11 +a [l] (<ll),
it follows that
u~ [l](<ll) = l~o {u11 [ ~ z] (<ll) + Uy+he; [ - ~ z] (<ll)},

or equivalently that
u~[l] = 1~ {u11 [ ~ z] + u 11 +he 1 [-

Thus u~ [l] is the limit as h- 0 of the sum of two displacement fields. These
fields are associated with two Kelvin states: the first corresponds to a concen-
trated load
~ l applied at y;
the second corresponds to a concentrated load

-+ l applied at y +hei.

The two load systems are shown in Fig. 13. The above relation also yields the
important result
u~[l] = - 0~i u 11 [l].

y ei

Fig. 13.
1 These states were introduced by LovE [1927, 3], § 132. See also STERNBERG and EuBANKS
[1955. 13].
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 12
178 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 51.

The next theorem is the analog of (2) for doublet states; its proof is strictly
analogous and can safely be omitted.
(8) Properties of the doublet states. 1 The doublet state "iit [l] has the
following properties :
(i) ~ [l] is an elastic state on Iff- {y} corresponding to zero body forces.
(ii) u~[l](;v) =O(r-2) and S~[l](;v) =O(r- 3) as r--+0 and also as r--+oo.
(iii) For all 'YJ > 0,
f s~ [l] da = 0, f r X s~ [l] da = - ei X l,
a.r, a.r,
s~ [l] = §~ [l] n
on ol:'l with n the inward unit normal.
(iv) For every vector v,
1 . u~ [v J = v · u~ [lJ .
(v) If ~y[l] is the Kelvin state corresponding to the concentrated load l at y, then

o~i ~y [l] = - ;;~ [l]'

0 -.
-0~i Uy [l] = - u~ [l], oyi Sy [l] = - S~ [l].

Property (iii) could be anticipated intuitively because of the physical meaning

attached to the doublet states (cf. Fig. 13). As is clear from (iii), the singularity
of ;!~ [l] is statically equivalent to a couple or to null according as
eixl=!=O or eixl=O.
In contrast to properties (i)-(iii) of (2 ), which characterize the Kelvin state
uniquely, (i)-(iii) of (8 ), clearly, do not supply a unique characterization. 2 Indeed,
i~ [l +IX e.J (no sum) has the same properties as ~~ [1].
We call
11~ = 11y[e.J
the unit Kelvin state corresponding to a unit load at y in the direction of e •.
On the other hand, the unit doublet states at y are defined by
;j'U = ;;~[e.J.
By (8) the singularity of ;!~ at y is statically eq.~ivalent to a couple or to null
depending on whether i =!= j or i =j. We refer to ;;~, i =!= j, as the unit doublet state
with moment e, X ei at y, and to ;;;; (no sum) as the unit doublet state corresponding
to a force doublet at y parallel to the xraxis. Clearly,
"•y [lJ = l.~i·
1 y'

and the displacement fields belonging to ilt and ;;U are given by
u~(;v) = c~ r~; + (3- 4v) e.],
-i · 1 [
uJ(;v)= cr3 3ri"i'"
biir+riei--r- ]
2 --(3-4v)riei.
1 STERNBERG and EUBANKS [1955, 13], Theorem 5.2.
2 STERNBERG and EUBANKS [1955, 13], p. 152.
Sect. 52. Concentrated loads. The reciprocal theorem. 179

The state
; y-
_ ;;n+
y ;;22+
y "iias
is called the center of compression at y, while

is the center of rotation at y parallel to the x1-axis.1 Using the formula for ii~,
it is a simple matter to verify that the displacement fields Uy and ti~ associated
with 3y and 6~ are given by
uy (~) = _ -~(1-_?v) 1'
cr ,
o1 ( ) _ 1' x e,
Uy ~ ---g--s.

Moreover, it follows from (iii) of (8) that

f syda= frxsyda=O,
i!:E~ i!:E~

f s•y da = 0 , frxs~da=e.,
i!:E~ i!:E~

and n is the inward unit normal to ol:11 •

52. Concentrated loads. The reciprocal theorem. By a system of concentrated
loads we mean a vector-valued function l whose domain D1 is a finite set of
(boundary or interior) points of B; the vector l (~) is to be interpreted as a concen-
trated load at ~· If D1 n oB = 0, we say that the concentrated loads are internal.
Finally, we write l=l(~) when D1 is a singleton{~}.
Our next definition is motivated by (51.2) and the ensuing discussion. Let l
be a system of concentrated loads. We say that "=
[u, E, SJ is a singular
elastic state corresponding to the external force system [b, s, l] if
(i) d is a (regular) elastic state on B - D 1 corresponding to the external force
system [b, s];
(ii) for each ~ED 1 , u(~) =O(r-1) and S(~) =O(r- 2) as r=I~-~1-+0;
(iii) for each ~ED 1 ,
lim f Snda=l(~).
e~o .9"e(~)

where ~ (~) = B II ol:e (~) and n is the inward unit normal to ol:e (~).
It follows from (51.2) that for ~EB the Kelvin state corresponding to a
concentrated load l at ~ is a singular elastic state on B corresponding to l and
to zero body forces.
By (ii) and (iii) we have:
(iv) for each ~ED 1 ,

lim f pxSnda=(~-O)xl(~).
~~~o .9"e(l:)
1 These solutions were first introduced by DouGALL [1898, 4]. Cf. LovE [1927, 3], § 132;
LUR'E [1955, 10], § 2.3; STERNBERG and EUBANKS [1955, 13].
180 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 52.

Indeed, by (iii),

J p xS nda- ('- 0) xl(') = J (~- ') xS(~) n(~) daz + o(1)

9'!1(~) 9'c!(~)

as e-+0, and by (ii) the integral on the right tends to zero in this limit.
The next theorem shows that for internal concentrated loads in a homo-
geneous and isotropic body, every singular elastic state admits a representation
as a regular elastic state plus a sum of Kelvin states.
(1) Decomposition theorem. Assume that the body is homogeneous and
isotropic. Let l be a system of internal concentrated toads, and tet ~be a singular elastic
state corresponding to l and to zero body forces. Then d admits the decomposition

d= dR+ L ~~.

where "R is a (regular) elastic state corresponding to vanishing body forces, and for
each 'E D1 , d~( = d~ [I (')]) is the Kelvin state corresponding to the concentrated toad
l(') at'·
Proof. For each 'ED1 let

withe sufficiently small that

E(,)CB, f(,)nD 1 =0
for all 'ED 1 • Then, onE(,), u admits the representation 1
00 00

U= L
g~l +~ L
h~l, r~=l~-,1, (a)

where g~l and h~l are vector solid spherical harmonics of degree k (' being the
origin of the spherical coordinate system) and

h (k) - - (A+ ,u) 17 d" (k) (b)

~ - 2[(k+1)(A.+3,u)+,uJ tvg~ ·
Further, by (ii) in the definition of a singular elastic state, 2
g~k) = h~- 2) = 0, k ~ - 2, (c)
and since g~l, k ;;;;: 0, is a homogeneous polynomial of degree k, (b) implies
h~- 2) = h~-l) = 0. (d)
For each 'ED1 let
u~ = g~-ll + r~ h(-s) (e)
on tf-{,}; then a simple computation using (b) shows that the state d~ corre-
sponding to u~ (in the sense of the strain-displacement and stress-strain relations)
is an elastic state on tf- { '} corresponding to b = 0. Thus if we let

1 It is clear that the representation theorem (48.1) remains valid when the deleted neigh-
borhood of infinity, E(oo), is replaced by the deleted neighborhood of ,;, f(,;).
2 This follows from the analog of (8.5) fori:(,;).
Sect. 52. Concentrated loads. The reciprocal theorem. 181

on B - D 1 , then the associated state 6R is an elastic state on B - D 1 also corre-

sponding to b =0. It follows from (a) and (c)-(e) that for each qED1 ,
00 00

u R = L; g~l + r: L; h~l - L; u~ (g)

k=O k=O ~EDz

on i; (q); thus uR (i1!) can be continuously extended to i1! = q, and the resulting
extension is coo on L:e ('I). Therefore 6 R so extended is an elastic state on B corre-
sponding to zero body forces.
To complete the proof, it clearly suffices to show that 6~ is the Kelvin state
corresponding to l(~). Since
9¥"1) (i1!) = ; '
where the vector IX is a constant, (b) and (e) yield

u~ (i1!) =
IX - + ((A.+.u)
A.+ ) r~
2 Vd"1v (IX)
- . (h)
r~ 2 2 5.U r~

By (f) and (g), u -u~ is coo on L:e (~); thus the stress fieldS~ corresponding to u~
satisfies (iii) in the definition of a singular elastic state:
lim J
6---+0 oE 6 (~)
s~ n da=l(~). (i)

An elementary computation based on (h) and (i) shows that

IX- (2A. + 5.U) l (J:).
- 12n,u(A.+2.U) " '
hence we conclude from (h) and (51.1) that 6~ is the Kelvin state corresponding
to l(~) at ~· D
(2) Balance of forces and moments for singular states. Let l be a system
of concentrated loads, and let 6 be a singular elastic state corresponding to the external
force system [b, s, l] with b continuous on B. Then
Jsda+fbdv+ L; l(~)=O,
oB B ~EDz

fpxsda+Jpxbdv+ L: (~-O)xZ(~)=O.
oB B ~EDz

Here the surface integrals are to be interpreted as Cauchy principal values; i.e.
J s da =lim J s da,
oB a---+O ~(al
rt' (q) = oB- U Een (~n),

g1, ... , ~N} = D,naB, I?= (1?1, ... , eN).

Proof. Let B 1 =D1 nB,
B(t3,q)=B- U 1:6(~)- U l:en(,n), (a)
I;;EBz n=l

and choose t3 and I? sufficiently small that the closed balls mentioned in (a) are
mutually disjoint. (Notethat~1 , ... , ~N are allpoints ofoB; whileeach~EB1 isan
interior point of B.) Then 6 is a (regular) elastic state on B (13, q); hence
Jsda+ Jbdv=O. (b)
oB (6, al B(6,a)
182 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 52.

Since b is continuous on B,
J b dv-+ J b dv as t:'J-+0, £!-+0. (c)
B(h,ll) B

Further, by (a), if (J and £! are sufficiently small,

Combining (b) and (d) and letting t:'J-+0, £!-+0, we conclude, with the aid of (c)
and (iii) in the definition of a singular elastic state, that

J sda

exists as a Cauchy principal value, and that the first relation in (2) holds. The
second relation is derived in exactly the same manner using (iv) in place of
(iii). D
We now give an extension of Betti's reciprocal theorem (80.1) which includes
concentrated loads. This result, which is due to TURTELTAUB and STERNBERG,!
will be extremely useful in establishing integral representation theorems for
elastic states.
(8) Reciprocal theorem for singular states. Assume that the elasticity
field is symmetric and invertible. Let l and i be systems of concentrated loads with D 1
and Di disjoint. Further, let [u, E, S] and [u, E, S] be singular elastic states corre-
sponding to the external force systems [b s, l] and [b, i], respectively, with b s,
and b continuous on B. Then
J s ·uda+ BJ b ·udv+ 2.: Z(~) ·u(~)
iJB ~ED'i

=fs·uda+fb·udv+ 2.: l")·u(~)

iJB B ~EDl

= (s ·Edv= f
s ·Edv,
where the surface integrals are to be interpreted as Cauchy principal values.
Proof. Let
for each ;x}EB and ~ED 1 . Then (iii) in the definition of a singular elastic state
f s·uda= f S·~~da+l(~)·u(~)+o(1) as e-+O (b)
.9"e(~) .9"e(~)

~ED 1 • Since ~is an elastic state on B -D1 and ~ an elastic state on

for every
B-Dr:, and since D 1 nD'[=(/J, (a), (b), and (ii) in the definition of a singular
state yield
J s·uda-+l(~}·u(~), J s·uda-+0 (c)
.9"e(~) .9"e(~)

1 [1968, 14].
Sect. 52. Concentrated loads. The reciprocal theorem. 183

as (!--+0 for each eED1 • Similarly,

J s ·u da-+i(e) · u (e),

as e-+O for each eEDr.

Now let
{el, ... ,eN}= (D,uDr)noB,
~(g) = oB- U L'e.. (e,.).
n=l (e)
B 1r = (D1 uDf) nB,
B(~. g)= B- Ur~(e)- UL'e.. (e,.).
~E Bll n=l

Then 11 and~ are (regular) elastic states on B(~. g), and Betti's theorem (80.1)
J s·uda+ .r b·udv= .r s·uda+.fb·udv
i!B (6, II) B (6, II) i!B (6, II) B (6, 11)
= J S·Edv= J S·Edv.
B(6,11) B(6,11)

Further, by (e), if~ and g are sufficiently small,

I =I+l: J+l: J, (g)
8B(6, II) 'C(II) n=l Sl'e,.(~n) ~EBlf 9'•(~)

where we have used the notation given in (e) in the proof of (2).

Since C is invertible on B, we conclude from (ii) that E is 0 (r- 2) as the dis-

tance r from any of its singularities tends to zero. Thus, since D 1 n Dr = 0, (ii) im-
plies that S · E is also 0 (r- 2) near its singularities. Clearly, the same property
holds for S·E. Further, since b and b are continuous on B, b · and b · u are u
0 (r-1) near their singularities. Thus as b--+ 0 and (!--+ 0 all of the volume integrals
in (f) tend to the corresponding integrals over B. Therefore, if we pass to this
limit in (f) and use (g), (c), and (d), we arrive at the desired result. D
(4) Somigliana's theorem. 1 Assume that the body is homogeneous and iso-
tropic with Lame moduli that satisfy p, =f= 0, 2p, 3 A. =f= 0. Let [u, E, S] be a singular
elastic state corresponding to the external force system [b, s, l]. Then 2
u(y) = J (uy[s] - s; [u]) da + J uy[b] dv + 2: uy[l(e)](e),
i!B B ~ED1

or equivalently,
ui (y) = .f (u~ · s- s~ · u) da + J u~ · b dv + 2: u~ (e) · l (e).
i!B B ~ED1

1 SoMIGLIANA [1885, 4], [1886, 4], [1889, 3] for a regular elastic state. See also DouGALL
[1898, 4]. The extension to singular states is due to TURTELTAUB and STERNBERG [1968, 14],
pp. 236-23 7. Somigliana's theorem was utilized to determine upper and lower bounds on elastic
states by DIAZ and GREENBERG [1948, 1], SYNGE [1950, 12], WASHIZU [1953, 20] and BRAMBLE
and PAYNE [1961, 6]. KANWAL [1969, 4] used Somigliana's theorem to derive integral equa-
tions analogous to those used to study Stokes flow problems in hydrodynamics. See also MAITI
and MAKAN [1971, 3].
2 The properties of the Kelvin state in conjunction with this result furnish an alternative
proof of the fact that u is of class C00 on B.
184 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 52.

for yEB -D1 , where for any vector v, uy[v] is the displacement field and s; [v]
the adjoint traction field corresponding to the Kelvin state 1 ~Y [ v J, w_hile u~ and s~
are the displacement and traction fields for the unit Kelvin state 2 ~~.
Proof. Let v be an arbitrary vector. Then the reciprocal theorem (8) applied
to the states ~ = [u, E, SJ and ~Y [ v J yields
u(y) · v = J (s · uy[v]- u · sy[v]) da + J b · uy[v] dv + 2: l(~) · uy[v] (~).

In view of (iv) of (51.2), this relation implies the first formula in (4). On the
other hand, if we take v = e, in the above relation, we are led to the second
formula. D
As a corollary of Somigliana's theorem we have the
( 5) Integral identity for the displacement gradient. 3 Assume that the
hypotheses of (4) hold. Then for every yEB-D1 ,
u, 1·(Y) = - f (u'i · s -s•i · u) da- J u<i · bdv- 2: u}i (~) ·l(~),
• IJB y y B y i:EDl y

div u(y) = - f (uy · s -Sy · u) da- f uy · b dv- 2: tty(~) ·l(~),

f!B B i:EDl

![curlu(y)],=f (~·s-s~·u)da+fu~·bdv+l:~(~)·l(~),
M B ~~

where u~ and s~ are the displacement and traction fields for the unit doublet state 4
<i~, uu and su for the center of compression 5 :;u, and u~ and s~ for the center of
rotation 6 :;~.
Proof. If we differentiate the second relation in ( 4) with respect to y i, we
arrive at 7
ui,;(Y) =J(+.u~·s-+.s~·u)da+J~u~· b dv+ L +.u~(~) ·l(~).
Y1 Y1 Y1 i:EDl Y1
In view of (v) of (51.8) and the definition of unit doublet states given on page 178,
this relation implies the first formula in ( 5). The second and third formulae are
immediate consequences of the first. D
It is a simple matter to extend the mean strain and volume change theorems
(29.2) and (29.8) to include concentrated loads. In particular, the formula for
the volume change in a homogeneous and isotropic body becomes

lJv(B)= 3\ {J f!B
p·sda+ jp·bdv+
L (~-0)·1(~)},

where k is the modulus of compression.

1 Seep. 174.
2 Seep. 178.
3 The first identity is apparently due to LovE [1927, 3], § 169. The formulae for the
divergence and curl of u are due to BETTI [1872, 1], §§ 8, 9. See also DouGALL [1898, 4],
LOVE [1927, 3], §§ 160, 162.
4 Seep. 178.
5 Seep. 179.
6 Seep. 179.
7 The differentiation under the integral sign is easily justified. Cf. the proof (KELLOGG
[1929, 1], p. 151) of the differentiability under the integral sign of Newtonian potentials of
volume distributions.
Sect. 53. Integral representation of solutions to concentrated-load problems. 185

Suppose now that

s = 0 on 8B, b = 0 on B,
and that the system l consists of a pair of concentrated loads. If we let D 1 = { ~1 , ~ 2 },
then it follows from balance of forces and moments (2) that
1(~1 ) = -1(~ 2 ) = l e,

and there results the following elegant formula for the volume change:
tJv(B) = 3k"

Thus the volume change due to a pair of concentrated loads is independent of the
shape or volume of B; it depends only upon the magnitude of the loads, their dist-
ance apart, and the modulus of compression of the material.
53. Integral representation of solutions to concentrated-load problems. In this
section we will use the reciprocal theorem for singular states to establish an
integral representation theorem for the mixed problem of elastostatics with
concentrated loads included. Thus we assume given a symmetric and invertible
elasticity field C on B, surface displacements on ~. surface forces on 9;, s
a continuous body force field b on B, and a system of concentrated loads l. The
generalized mixed problem is to find a singular elastic state [u, E, S] that corre-
sponds to the body force field b and to the system of concentrated loads l, and
that satisfies the boundary conditions
U=U on ~-D 1 , s=s on 9;-D1 •
We will call such a singular elastic state a solution of the generalized m~ed
In order to introduce the notion of a Green's state we need the following
(1) Lemma. Let f and m be given vectors. Then there exists a unique rigid
displacement field w such that
J wda=f,
J PcXwda=m,
where cis the centroid of 8B and Pc(~) =~-c. We call w the rigid field on 8B
with force f and moment m.
Proof. Suppose such a field w exists and let
Since c is the centroid,
and thus
J w da=.aa, (c)
where .a is the area of 8B. Further, (a) and (b) also imply

J Pc XW da = oBJ Pc X (w XPc) da =I W,
186 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 53.

where I is the centroidal inertia tensor:


Since I is invertible, (c) and (d) imply that if such a rigid field w exists, it is
unique and
a= L ex., m= I-lm. (f)

Conversely, it is a simple matter to verify that w defined by (a) and (f) has all
of the desired properties. D
Let yEB. We call ~~=[u~,E~, S~] (i=1, 2, 3) Green's states at y for the
mixed problem provided:
(i) 7l~ is a singular elastic state corresponding to vanishing body forces and
to a concentrated load ei at y;
(ii) if 91 is not empty, then
u~ = 0 on 91. s~ = 0 on .9"2,
where s~ is the surface traction field of d~;
(iii) if 91 is empty, then
s~=w~ on oB,

where w~ is the rigid field with force - ei and moment - (y- c) X ei.
The above boundary condition insures that balance of forces and moments are
satisfied when 91 is empty. Indeed, by (52.2) and (i), the Green's state 7l~ must
J s~da+ ei=O,
J PcXs~da+ (y-c) xei=O;
that 7lt is consistent with these results follows from (1) and (iii).
For a homogeneous and isotropic body, the Green's states ;)'~ may be con-
structed as follows :

where ~~ is the unit Kelvin state corresponding to a concentrated load ei at y,

and :~ is a regular elastic state on B correspondin~ to zero body forces and chosen
so that the boundary conditions (ii) and (iii) for ;)'~ are satisfied.
We say that an integrable vector field u on oBis normalized if

Juda=O, fpcxuda=O.
oB oB

Given a solution u of the traction problem (91 = 0), the field u +w with w rigid
is also a solution. By (1) there exists a unique rigid w such that u + w is
normalized. Thus we may always assume, without loss in generality, that
solutions of the traction problem are normalized.
Sect. 53. Integral representation of solutions to concentrated-load problems. 187

(2) Integral representation theorem.1 Let [u~, ~. S~] (i = 1, 2, 3) be

Green's states at yEB for the mixed problem. Further, let [u, E, S] be a solution of
the generalized mixed problem with u normalized if~ is empty. Then for y~D1 ,

u.(y) = - J s~ · uda +I u~ · sda + J u~ ·b dv + L u~(~) ·1(~) .

.9"1 .li", B ~EDz

Proof. Assume first that .9'1 is not empty. If we apply the reciprocal theorem
(52.8) to the states 11 and~~ and use (i) and (ii) in the definition of~~ together with
the boundary conditions satisfied by 11, we find that

J s~ ·u da+ u,(y) = .li",J s ·u~da+ BJ b ·u~dv+~EDz

L l(~) · u~(~) •

which implies the above expression for ui(y).

If 9;. is empty, we conclude from (iii) in the definition of Green's states that
there exist vectors a =a~ and w = w~ such that
s~=a+wxpc on 8B.
Thus, since u is normalized,

f s~ ·uda= f (a+ WXPc). uda=a. f uda+ (t). f PcXUda=O,

u u u u

and the reciprocal theorem again implies the desired result. D

(8) Symmetry of the Green's states. Let u~ and u~ be displacement fields
corresponding to Green's states at;£, yEB (;JJ=j=y) for the mixed problem. Further, if
.9'1 is empty, assume that u~ and u~ are both normalized. Then
u~(y). e, = u~(;£). e;.

Proof. We simply apply the integral representation theorem (2) to the state
[u, E, S] =~~and use properties (i)-(iii) of Green's states. D
In the presence of sufficient smoothness one can deduce an integral represen-
tation theorem for the displacement gradient (and hence also for the strain and
stress fields) by differentiating the relations in (2) under the integral sign. An
alternative approach is furnished by the
(4) Representation theorem for the displacement gradient. Assume
that B is homogeneous and isotropic. Choose yE B and let
6, = *ii
6, - 6, '
1 A slightly different version of this theorem for the displacement and surface force prob-
lems without concentrated loads was given by LAURICELLA [1895, 1], who attributed the
method to VoLTERRA (cf. the earlier work of SoMIGLIANA discussed in footnote 1 on p. 183).
A precise statement of the Lauricella-Volterra theorem is contained in the work of STERN-
BERG and EUBANKS [1955. 13]. In [1895. 1] and [1955, 13] the equilibration of the concentrated
load ei at yin the Green's state o~ when s-;_ is empty is effected through the introduction of a
second internal singularity; the normalization of u is achieved by requiring the displacements
and rotations to vanish at the location of this added singularity. The method used here to
equilibrate the concentrated load and the normalization procedure for u is due to BERGMAN
and SCHIFFER (1953, 3], pp. 223-224 (cf. TURTELTAUB and STERNBERG [1968, 14]). For the
surface force problem with concentrated loads this theorem is due to TuRTELTAUB and STERN-
BERG [1968, 14]. See also DoUGALL [1898, 4], [1904, 1], § 32; LICHTENSTEIN [1924, 1]; KoRN
(1927, 2], § 14; LOVE [1927, 3], § 169; TREFFTZ [1928, 3], § 49; ARZHANYH [1950, 2], [1951, 2],
(1953, 1], (1954, 2]; RADZHABOV (1966, 20]; !DENBOM and 0RLOV [1968, 9].
188 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 53.

(i) 6U are the unit doublet states1 at y;
(ii) ~U are regular elastic states corresponding to zero body forces;
(iii) if Sll is not empty, then
uU = o on Sfl, sU = o on 92,
where uU is the displacement field and sU the traction field of -au;
(iv) if Sll is empty, then
~•; -w•i
S on oB,
fl- fl
where wU is a rigid field.
Let [u, E, S] be a solution of the generalized mixed problem with u normalized
if Sll is empty. Then for y$.Dz,

Proof. By (ii) and the reciprocal theorem (52.8 ),

J (s ·iii- :•; · u) da + J b · :i•i dv + 2: l(~) · .;'i•i (~) = 0. (a)
oB fl fl B fl i:EDz fl

Since 6U = ~U- 6U, if we add (a) to the right-hand side of the first relation in
(52.5 ), we find that
u, ·(Y) = J (s · u•i- s•i · u) da+ J b · u;j dv + 2: l(~) · uU(~). (b)
,1 IJB fl fl B ~EDz

It follows from (iii) that when Sf1 is not empty (b) reduces to the required ex-
pression for u,,;(y). If Sf1 is empty, .then an argument identical to that utilized in
the proof of (2) can be used to venfy that

J s; ·uda= 0; (c)

and (b) and (c) yield the desired relation for u 1,;(y). D
The rigid field wU of (iv) is not arbitrary. Indeed, in view of (i) and (ii), wU
must obey balance of forces and moments on B- EQ (y). If we apply these laws
and then let e-+O, we conclude, with the aid of (51.8), that

f sU da=O,
f Txs•i da=e,xe;.
Thus wU must be the rigid field with force equal to zero and moment equal to e, x e;.
The proof of the next theorem, which we omit, is completely analogous to the
proof of (4) and is based on the relations for div u (y) and curl u (y) given in
(5) RepTesentation theoTem joT the dilatation and Totation. 2 Assume
that B is homogeneous and isotropic. Choose YE B and let

1 Seep. 178.
2 BETTI [1872, 1]. See also LoVE [1927, 3], §§ 161, 163.
Sect. 53. Integral representation of solutions to concentrated-load problems. 189

(i) ~~~is the center of compression at y and~~ the center of rotation at y parallel
to the x ,-axis ;1
(ii) ~t11 and i;
are regular elastic states corresponding to zero body forces;
(iii) if ~ is not empty, then

u11 =0 on~. s11 =0 on~.

~=0 on~. s~= 0 on 9'2 ,
wher~. u11 and u~ are the displacement fields and 811 and s~ the traction fields of 611
and d~.
(iv) if ~ is empty, then
811 = 0 on oB,
-w•II on
S-•~~- oB,
where w~ is a rigid field.
Let [u, E, S] be a solution of the generalized mixed problem with u normalized
if~ is empty. Then for y!f.D 1 ,

div u (y) = - f 811 • it d a + f u11 • sd a + f u11 • b d v + L u11 ( ~) • l (~) ,

.9;_ .9'; B ~ED 1

Hcurl u(y)J.= J s~ · uda- J u~ ·sda- J u~ · bdv- L: u~(~) ·l(~) .

.9;_ .9'; B ~EDI

As before, the field w~ of (iv) is not arbitrary; it follows from (i), (ii), and the
relations on page 179 that w~ must be the rigid field with force equal to zero and
moment equal to e,.
In view of the last theorem, div u and curl u can be computed, at least in
principle, from the data. Further, since the displacement equation of equilibrium
is equivalent to the relation 2

j [u + ~ (1 + ~) p div u ] = 0,
the determination of u when div u is known is reduced to a problem in the
theory of harmonic functions. Moreover, since the surface force field on oB can
be written in the form3

s=2p, ~= +p,nxcurlu+A.(divu)n,

when div u and curl u have been found, the surface value of oufon is known
at points at which the surface force field is prescribed. This method of integration
is due to BETTI.4
ERICKSEN's theorem (88.1) extends, at once, to problems involving concen-
trated loads.
(6) Assume that there exists a non-trivial solution of the generalized mixed
problem with null data (u = 0, s = 0, b = 0, l = 0). Then there exists a continuous
body force field b on B of class C2 on B with the following property: the regular
1 Seep. 179.
2 Seep. 91.
3 Seep. 93.
4 [1872, 1]. See also LovE [1927, 3], § 159.
190 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 54.

mixed problem corresponding to this body force and to null boundary data (u=O,s=O)
has no solution. If 91 is empty, b can be chosen so as to satisfy
In addition, there exists a system of concentrated loads l such that the generalized
mixed problem corresponding to l, vanishing body forces, and null boundary data
has no solution. If 91 is empty, l can be chosen so as to satisfy
2: l(~) = L (~- o) xl(~) = o.
~EDl ;:EDl

The proof of this theorem is based on the reciprocal theorem (52.8); it is

strictly analogous to the proof of (88.1) and can safely be omitted.
As an immediate corollary of (6) we have the following theorem, due to
TuRTELTAUB and STERNBERG: 1 If the regular mixed problem with null boundary data
has a solution whenever the body force field is sufficiently smooth, then there is at
most one solution to the generalized mixed problem.
In the case of internal concentrated loads, a uniqueness theorem can be
established that does not presuppose existence.
(7) Uniqueness theorem for problems involving internal concen-
trated loads. Assume that the body is homogeneous and isotropic with positive
definite elasticity tensor. Then any two solutions of the generalized mixed problem
with internal concentrated loads are equal modulo a rigid displacement.
Proof. Let ~ denote the difference between two solutions. Then, by the de-
composition theorem (52.1 ), ~is a regular elastic state corresponding to null data.
Thus the uniqueness theorem (82.1) implies that ~ = [ w, 0, OJ with w rigid. D

X. Saint-Venant's principle.
54. The v. Mises-Sternberg version of Saint-Venant's principle. SAINT-VENANT,
in his great memoir 2 on torsion and flexure, studied the deformation of a cylindrical
body loaded by surface forces distributed over its plane ends. In order to justify
using his results as an approximation in situations involving other end loadings,
SAINT-VENANT made a conjecture which may roughly be worded as follows: If
two sets of loadings are statically equivalent at each end, then the difference in
stress fields is negligible, except possibly near the ends; or equivalently, a system
of loads having zero resultant force and moment at each end produces a stress
field that is negligible away from the ends. This idea has since been elevated to
the status of a general principle bearing the name of SAINT-VENANT. Its first
general statement was given by BoussiNESQ :3 "An equilibrated system of external
forces applied to an elastic body, all of the points of application lying within a
given sphere, produces deformations of negligible magnitude at distances from
the sphere which are sufficiently large compared to its radius."
As was first pointed out by v. MisEs, 4 this formulation of Saint-Venant's
principle, which has since become conventional, is in need of clarification, since
1 [1968, 14], Theorem 5.2. Actually, the TuRTELTAUB-STERNBERG theorem is slightly
different from the one given above; the idea, however, is the same.
2 [1855, 1].
3 [1885, 1], p. 298. "Des forces exterieures, qui se font equilibre sur un solide elastique
et dont les points d'application se trouvent tons al'interieur d'une sphere donnee, ne produisent
pas de deformations sensibles a des distances de cette sphere qui sont d'une certaine grandeur
par rapport a son rayon."
4 [1945, 5].
Sect. 54. The v. Mises-Sternberg version of Saint-Venant's principle. 191

the system of external forces must necessarily be in equilibrium, at least when

the body is finite. Further, as was noted by STERNBERG,1 in the case of an un-
bounded body loaded on a finite portion of its surface, the stresses are arbitrarily
small at sufficiently large distances from the load region. 2
The first of these criticisms led v. MISES 3 to suggest the following interpreta-
tion of the principle: "If the forces acting upon a body are restricted to several
small parts of the surface, each included in a sphere of radius e. then the ... stresses
produced in the interior of the body ... are smaller in order of magnitude when the
forces for each single part are in equilibrium than when they are not."
It is clear that this is the meaning intended by BoussiNESQ. Indeed, in order
to justify the principle, BoussiNESQ examined the strains at an interior point of
an elastic half-space subjected to normal concentrated loads upon its bound-
ary. Assuming the points of application of the loads to lie within a sphere of
radius e. he showed that the order of magnitude of the strains is e if the resultant
force is zero, and e 2 when the resultant moment also vanishes. Various arguments
have since been given in support of the principle. 4
v. MISES utilized two examples involving tangential as well as normal surface
loads to demonstrate that the above version of Saint-Venant's principle cannot
be valid without qualification. The two examples chosen by v. MISES are the
three-dimensional problem of the half-space and the plane problem of the circular
disk, each under concentrated surface loads. 5 Guided by these examples, v. MISES 6
conjectured a modified Saint-Venant principle which he stated as follows:
"(a) If a system of loads on an adequately supported body, all applied at
surface points within a sphere of diameter e. have the vector sum zero, they
produce in an inner point y of the body a strain or stress value s of the order of
magnitude e·
(b) If the loads, in addition to having vector sum zero, ... form an equilib-
rium system within the sphere of diameter e. the s-value produced in the point
y will, in general, still be of the order of magnitude e.
(c) If the loads, in addition to being an equilibrium system, ... form a system
in astatic equilibrium, then the s-value produced in y will be of the order of
magnitude e 2 or smaller. In particular, if loads applied to a small area are parallel
to each other and not tangential to the surface and if they form an equilibrium
system, they are also in astatic equilibrium and thus lead to an s of the order e 2."
The conjectures of v. MisEs concerning concentrated surface loads were
analyzed by STERNBERG, whose results are also valid for continuously distributed
surface loads. In order to give a concise statement of STERNBERG's theorem, we
introduce the following definitions:
We say that~, 0 <e ~ e0 , is a family of load 'regions on BB cont'racting to
zEoB i£:7
(i) ~=8Bnl:l}(z) for everyeE(O, eo]:
1 [1954, 20].
2 TouPIN [1965, 20] gives several counterexamples to the conventional statement of
Saint-Venant's principle.
3 [1945. 5].
4 SOUTHWELL [1923, 2), SUPINO [1931, 5), GOODIER [1937, 1, 2], [1942, 2), ZANABONI
[1937, 6, 7, 8], LOCATELLI [1940, 2], Dou [1966, 7].
5 ERIM [1948, 3] has applied v. MxsEs' analysis to the half-plane under concentrated loads.
6 [1945, 5].
7 Cf. STERNBERG and AL-KHOZAI [1964, 20], Def. 4.1.
192 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 54.

(ii) there exists a class C2 mapping .V: f!JJ -+~., where f!JJ is an open region
in the plane containing the origin, such that

z = .V(O),

Note that by (ii) the boundary of B possesses continuous curvatures near z;

thus this portion of the boundary is required to exhibit a higher degree of
smoothness than that automatically assured by the assumption that B be a
regular region.
For each kE{1, 2, ... , K} let ~(k), O<e<e0 , be a family of load regions on
oB contracting to a point zkEoB. We say that '.le=[ue, Ee, SeJ, O<e<e0 , is a
family of singular elastic states conesponding to loads on ~(k) if given
any (]E(O, eo):I
(iii) '.leis a singular elastic state corresponding to zero body forces, to surface
tractions se, and to a system le of concentrated loads;
(iv) the traction field se vanishes on oB- U ~ (k);

(v) D~oc(~1~{k)):
(vi) lse{ill)l ~M1 for every illEoB and lle(,)i ::;:M2 for every 'ED~o, where the
constants M 1 and M 2 are independent of e;
(vii) ue and Vue admit the representations

ue,(Y) = f s!l. u~ da + L l!.' ('). u~('),

iJB J:ED111

Ugi,i(Y) = f s!l. u~ da + L l!.' ('). u~ ('),

iJB J:EDz!.'

for every yEB, where for each yEB the functions u~ and u~ are continuous on
.B-{y} and of class C2 on §"e,(k) fork =1, 2, ... , K.
Since D 1e is the set of points at which the concentrated loads of the system
le are acting, (v) is simply the requirement that there be no concentrated loads
applied outside of the K load regions ~(k).
In view of (iii), (v), and the integral representation theorem (58.2 ), the first
representation formula in (vii) is simply the requirement that the Green's states
for the surface force problem exist. For a homogeneous and isotropic body, it is
clear from the discussion on page 186 that such Green's states will exist if the
surface force problem for arbitrary (equilibrated) surface tractions has a solution
with sufficiently smooth displacements. In view of the integral representation
theorem (58.4), this also insures that the assertion in (vii) concerning Vue hold.
For convenience, we adopt the following notation:

De(k) =D~o n~(k),

fe(k)= J seda+J:EDQ(k)
L le(",
1ne(k)= J pxseda+ ~ (~-O)xle(~),
Fg(k) J:EDr./(k)

Me(k)= f p®seda+ 2:

1 Cf. STERNBERG and .AL-KHOZAI [1964, 20], De£. 4.2.

Sect. 54. The v. Mises-Sternberg version of Saint-Venant's principle. 193
so that fll (k) and m 11 (k) denote the resultant force and resultant moment about
the origin of the surface tractions and concentrated loads on ~(k). We say that
the foTce system is in equilibrium on each load Tegion if
/ 11 (k) = me(k) = 0
for k = 1, 2, ... , K and 0 < e <eo. Further, using the terminology introduced in
Sect. 18, we say that the foTce system is in astatic equilibrium on each
load Tegion if given any orthogonal tensor Q
J Q se d a + ~ Q 111 ( ~) = 0,
Fe(k) ~ED(l(k)

fpxQseda+ ~ (~-O)xQ111 (~)=0.

Fg(k) ~EDg(k)

Taking Q = 1, we see that astatic equilibrium implies equilibrium. In addition,

it follows from theorem (18.9) that the force system is in astatic equilibrium on
each load region if and only if
fll(k) = 0, M 11 (k) = 0,
e<eo· Finally, we say that the foTces aTe paTallel
fork= 1, 2, ... , K and 0 <
and non-tangential to the boundaTY if there exist scalar functions rp11 on 8B
and 1p11 on D 111 such that for each k,
sll (~) = rp11 (~) ak, 111 (~) = 1p11 (~) ak
for all ~E~(k), ~ED11 (k), and eE(O,e0), where ak is a unit vector that is not
tangent to 8B at zk.
(1) SteTnbeTg's theoTem.1 Let zk, k=1,2, ... ,K, be K distinct regular
points ofoB, and for each k let ~(k), O<e~e0 , be a family of load regions on
8B contracting to zk. Let 61l = [ull, E 11 , 8 11], 0 < e<eo, be a family of singular
elastic states corresponding to loads on ~(k). Then given yEB:
(a) ue(Y) =O(e"), Ee(Y) =O(e"), S11 (y) =O(e") as e-+O, where 6=0;
(b) 6=1 if fe(k)=O for k=1,2, ... ,K and O<e<e0 ;
(c) 6 =2 if on each load region the force system is in equilibrium with forces that
are parallel and non-tangential to the boundary;
(d) 6 =2 if the force system is in astatic equilibrium on each load region.
Moreover, if the concentrated loads all vanish (i.e. l11 = 0), which will be the case
if 61l is regular for each e. then:
(a') 6 =2 (in general);
(b') 6 = 3 if fe (k) = 0 for k = 1, 2, ... , K and 0 < e<eo;
(c') 6 =4 if on each load region the force system is in equilibrium with forces
that are parallel and non-tangential to the boundary;
(d') 6 =4 if the force system is in astatic equilibrium on each load region.
Proof. Fix yE B. In view of the strain-displacement and stress-strain relations,
it clearly suffices to establish the above order of magnitude estimates for ue
and Vu11 • Let u11 denote either u11 ;,(y) or u11 ;,,;(y). Then by (vii) u11 admits the

1 [1954, 20]. See also ScHUMANN [1954. 18], BoLEY [1958, 3], [1960, 2], STERNBERG
[1960, 12], STERNBERG and AL-KHOZAI [1964, 20], KELLER [1965, 11]. The last author
discusses the form which the principle might be expected to take in the case of thin bodies.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 13
194 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 54.

where g denotes either u~ or u~. Since the zk are all distinct, there exists a
&E(O,e0) such that the K sets ~(k) are mutually disjoint for each eE{O,&}·
Thus, in view of (iv) and (v},
v11 (k)= J s11 ·gda+ L:
F 11 (k) ~ED 11 (k)

We now fix the integer k and, for convenience, write

ve = ve (k), ~ = ~ (k), De = De (k), z = zk,
so that
v11 = J sC! • g da + ~ le (') · g ('). (g)
Fe ~EDe

Let~:~-+~, be the function specified in (ii). It follows from the properties

of ~ that there exists an open set r) in ~ containing the origin, a number
e2 E(0, e1). and a mapping ~ = (&1 , oc2) of ~e. onto #such that ~ is the inverse
of the restriction of re to ffo. Further, it follows from the properties of that x
as re-+z.
~(re)=O(jre-zi) (h)
Since the composite function goiJ (with values g(x(at))) is class C2 on~. if we
expand this function in a Taylor series in at about at= 0 and evaluate the result
at at=~ (re), we arrive at
g (re) = ao + ar ~ (re) + a2 &2 (re) + (i) c (re)
for reE~,. where a 0 , ar. and a 2 are fixed vectors and, in view of (h), cis a class
C2 function on ~e. that satisfies
c(re)=O(jre-zj 2) as re-+z. (j)
By (h)-(j) and (vi),
J se·gda=a J s 0 • 11 da+ ~ap· focps11 da+O(e 4 ),
Fe F 11 {J~l F 11

= a 0 • J se da + 0 (e 3 ), (k)
~ le(,)·g(:)=a0 • ~ le(,)+~ap· ~ ocp(,)le(,)+O(e 2),
l:ED 11 ~EDe p~l l:ED 11

= a0 • ~ le (')
+ 0 (e), (1)

as e-+O. Conclusions (a) and (a') follow from (f), (g), (k)a, and (1) 3 • Further, it
follows from the definition of fe = fe (k) in conjunction with (f), (g), (k) 2 , and (1) 2
that conclusions (b) and (b') are also valid.
To establish the remaining results we first expand the function~ in a Taylor
series about oc = 0:
x(at) = z + d 1 1X1 + d 2 IX2 + h (at), (m)
dp= a:~;) l,.~o ({1=1, 2), (n)
Sect. 54. The v. Mises-Sternberg version of Saint-Venant's principle. 195

and h is a class C2 function on fJJ that obeys

h(a.) = O(la.l 2)
as a.--*0. (o)
Since p (;.r:) =J:- 0, we conclude from (m), (h), and (o) that
Jp ® se da = (z- 0) ® J se da + 2: dp ® J&p se da +O(e 4),
§'e §'e fJ=l §'!?
2: (~-O)®le(~)=(z-0)® 2: le(~)+ 2:dp® 2: &p(~)le(~)+O(e 2).
~EDe 'EDe {J=l 'EDe
If we assume that the force system is in astatic equilibrium on each load region,
fe= 0, Me= 0, (q)
and it follows from (p) and the definition of fe and Me that
2: dp ® /pe = 0 (e 2) ,
= o,
= o (e4) if 1!?
/pe= J &fJseda+ 2:&p(~) le(~). (s)
§'e 'EDe
Each of the relations in (r) may be regarded as a system of inhomogeneous linear
equations in the two unknowns ffJe ({3 = 1, 2). It follows from (n) and the restric-
tions placed on ~ in (ii) that the coefficient matrix of this system has rank two.
Hence (r) implies
/pe =0(e 2), (t)
=0(e 4) if le= 0,
and this result with (f), (g), (k) 1 , (1) 1 , and (s) yields conclusions (d) and (d').
We have only to establish (c) and (c'). Thus suppose, in place of (q), that
Clearly, (p) holds in the present circumstances with the operation "®"replaced
by " x ". It follows from this relation in conjunction with (u) and (s) that (r)
also holds with "® " replaced by " X". Thus if we assume that se (;.r:) = CfJe (;.r:) a
and le(~) =V'e(~) a on ~=~(k) and De=De(k), respectively, then
2.: dp xa { J&p CfJe da + 2.: lip(~) V'e(~)} = O(e2),
fl=l §'e
= 0.
= 0 (e 4 ) if le
This, in turn, implies that
[(d1 xd 2) ·a] { J&p CfJe da + 2: &p(~) V'e (~)} = 0 (e 2), (v)
§'e ~ EDe
= 0 (e 4) if le == 0.
It follows from (n) and (ii) that ~X d 2 =I= 0. Therefore, since ~X d 2 is normal to
oB at z, the requirement that a not be tangent to oB at z implies (~ x d 2) ·a =1= 0.
Thus, in this instance, (v) implies (t), and, as before, we see that (c) and (c') are
valid. 0
On the basis of the traditional statement of Saint-Venant's principle dis-
cussed at the beginning of this section, one would expect a reduction from 6 = 1
196 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 55.

to !5 = 2 in the order of magnitude estimates whenever the force system is in

equilibrium on each load region, even when the surface tractions are not of the
special form specified in (c), i.e. parallel and non-tangential to the boundary.
That this is not the case is apparent from counterexamples of v. MISES. 1
The preceding conclusion has a counterpart in the theory of basic singular
states discussed in Sect. 51. Thus consider the unit Kelvin state 6• and the unit
doublet state "d'i, with 0 the point of application in both cases. Both of these
states are regular on any infinite region If that does not contain 0. If the bound-
ary of B is bounded, then
f' =f= 0, m• = 0,
fi = 0, m•i =f= 0 (i =t=j),
fi=O, m•i=O (i=j},
where J', m• and j•i, mii denote the resultant force and moment about the
origin of the surface forces on 8B corresponding to 6• and "dii, respectively. Con-
sider the rate of decay of the corresponding stress field at infinity. It is clear
from the results on p. 178 that
s• {ill} = 0 (r-2)' s• (ill} =f= 0 (r-3)
§ti (ill) = 0 (r-3), §ti {ill} =f= 0 (r-4)
as r =I ill- Ol--+oo, regardless of whether i = j or i =f= j. Consequently, whereas the
stress field decays more rapidly when the resultant force on 8B vanishes than
when this is not the case, the additional vanishing of the resultant moment does
not produce a further reduction in the order of magnitude of the stresses as
r--+oo. 2

55. Toupin's version of Saint-Venant's principle. Two alternative versions of

Saint-Venant' s principle were established by ToUPIN 3 and KNOWLES. 4 These authors
considered the solution corresponding to a single system of surface loads, and
both authors arrived at estimates for the strain energy U(l) of a portion of the
body beyond a distance l from the load region. 5 KNOWLES' result, which we will
discuss in the next section, applies to the plane problem, while TouPIN's result
is for a semi-infinite cylinder loaded on its end face. 6
(1) Toupin's theorem. 7 Let B be a homogeneous semi-infinite cylindrical
body with end face Yo, and assume that the elasticity tensor is symmetric and posi-
tive definite. Let [u, E, SJ be an elastic state corresponding to zero body forces and
to a surface force field s that satisfies:
(i) s =0 on 8B -Yo.
(ii) J s da= J pxs da=O
.9';, .9',
(iii) lim Ju·Snda=O,
1-+oo .9'1
1 [1945, 5].
2 The conclusions expressed in the last two paragraphs are due to STERNBERG and
AL-KHOZAI [1964,20], pp. 144-145.
3 [1965, 21].
4 [1966, 12].
5 The idea of estimating the energy U(t) of that portion of a circular cylinder a distance l

from the loaded end appears in the work of ZANABONI [1937, 8].
6 KNOWLES and STERNBERG [1966, 13] have established a Saint-Venant principle for the

torsion of solids of revolution. A result that is valid for more general regions was given by
MELNIK [1963, 19].
7 [1965, 21]. See also TOUPIN [1965, 20].
Sect. 55. Toupin's version of Saint-Venant's principle. 197

where .9j is the intersection with B of a plane perpendicular to the axis e of the
cylinder and a distance l from g:;,. Let OEY;,, let
B 1 ={xEB: {x-O)·e>l},
and let U(l) denote the strain energy of B 1:
U(l) = t f E · C[E] dv.
U(l) ~ U(o) e----;;(t) (l ~ t)
for any t > 0, where the decay length y (t) is given by

Y (t) = V p2
Pm f(t) ·

Here /-lM and f-lm are the maximum and minimum elastic moduli, while A.(t) is the
lowest (non-zero) characteristic value for the free vibrations of a disc with cross
section Y'0 and thickness t, a disc that is composed of the same material and that has its
boundary traction-free. 1

Fig. 14.

Proof. Choose t, l > 0 and let

B(l, t) =B 1 - Bl+t·
U(l) =lim t f E · C [EJ dv
I-> co B (1, t)

provided the limit exists. By (i) and the theorem of work and energy (28.3 ),
Ju·Snda+ fu·Snda= JE·C[E]dv.
Y'z Y'l+t B (l,t)

Thus if we let t-'?-oo and use (iii) we conclude that U(l) exists and obeys the formula
U(l)=i Ju·Snda. (a)

Equating to zero the total force and moment on the portion B (0, l) of B be-
tween Yo and .9'1, we conclude, with the aid of (i) and (ii), that
JSnda= fpx(Sn)da=O. {b)
Y'z Y'z
1 Thus we make the tacit assumption that the characteristic value problem stated in
Sect. 76 has a solution, at least for the lowest non-zero characteristic value.
198 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 55.

Let s' be the vector field on oB (0, l) defined by

s'= Sn on f/1, s'= 0 on oB(O, l) -9i.
Then (b) implies
J s' da=BB (0,J!)pxs' da= 0,
BB (0, !)

and we conclude from Piola's theorem (18.8) with s = s' and b = 0 that

for every rigid displacement w. Therefore (a) yields

U(l) = ir) u·Snda (c)
U=u+w. (d)

By (c) and the Schwarz inequality,


If we expand (at va- at

Vb) 2, where a, b, and are non-negative scalars with at> o,
we arrive at the geometric-arithmetic mean inequality
,,a b :::;;; rr.a + bfa. •
v - 2

Applying this inequality to (e) yields

U(l) ~:{at j1Snl 2 da+ ~ Ju 2 da}. (f)

.9j .9j

Since In! = 1 and C is symmetric,

!Snl 2~ISI 2 = C[E] · C[E] =E· O[E].
Let PM and Pm denote the maximum and minimum elastic moduli for C; then
by (24.6)
PmiEI 2 ~E · C[E] ~PMIEI 2 •
Further, it follows from the definition of PM and Pm that pJ,. and p! are the
maximum and minimum moduli for C2 ; thus
P!IEI2 ~E. C2[E] ~Pt-IEI2·
The last three inequalities imply that
jSnj 2~pJ,.jEI 2 ~p* E· C[E],
p*= PM;
thus (/) implies
U(l)~: {atp*JE·C[E]da + ~ Ju2da}. (g)
9', v,
Sect. 55. Toupin's version of Saint-Venant's principle. 199

Next, choose t > 0 and let


Q(l,t)=+ U(A)dA. (h)


If we integrate (g) between l and l + t, we arrive at

tQ(l,t)~! {tX,u* JE·C[E]dv+ ~ Ju 2 dv}. (i)

B(l,t) B(l,t)

Now let A(t) denote the lowest non-zero characteristic value corresponding
to the free vibrations of the cylindrical disc B (l, t). Then 1
A(t) :::;;: B (l'-'-,I._)----o--=-c----
- J v 2 dv

for every admissible displacement field v on B(l, t) that satisfies

fv 2 dv=f=O, fvdv= fPcXvdv=O.
B~~ B~~ B~~

By use of the same procedure as that used to prove (58.1), it is not difficult
to show that the rigid displacement win (d) can be chosen so as to satisfy

f wdv=- J udv, J PcXwdv=- f PcXudv,

B(l,t) B(l,t) B(l,t) B(l,t)

where c is the centroid of B (l, t) and Pc (;v) = ;v- c. By (d) when this is the case
we have
J iidv= J PcXiidv=O;
B(l,t) B(l,t)
J u 2 dv ~ ).:t) J E · C[EJ dv, (j)
B(l,t) B(l,t)

and (i) and (j) yield

tQ(l,t)~: (-r:l(t) +Q(,u*) JE·C[E]dv. (k)


If we differentiate (h) with respect to l, we arrive at

On the other hand,

dQJ:· tt = + [U(l + t)- U(l)]. (1)

f E·C[E]dv=JE·C[E]dv- f E·C[E]dv=2[U(l)-U(l+t)], (m)

B(l,l) B1 B1+1

and (k)-(m) imply


1 Seep. 264.
200 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 56.

Clearly, y (t) is a minimum when

- Vp,* .A.(t) •
Henceforth we assume that IX has this value, so that

y (t) = V p,*
.A.(t) 0

By (n)
_!:___ {tf/y(t) Q(l
dl '
t)} = e1fy(t} d Q(l, t)
+ -?' 1(t)- e1fy(t} Q(l t) :::;; 0
' - '
and thus


Since C is positive definite, U(l) is a non-increasing function of l, and by (h)

Q(l, t) is the mean value of U(l) in the interval [l, l +t]; therefore
U(l + t) ~ Q(l, t) ~ U(l),
and (o) implies
U(l2 + t) -(1,-1,}
-U{ll) ~ e y(t} • (p)
Setting 4= 0 and l 2 = l - t in (p), we obtain the desired energy estimate. D
In view of (24.6 ), if the material is homogeneous and isotropic with strictly
positive Lame moduli f.l and A., then the characteristic decay length y (t) has the
form 2 p,+3A
y (t) = V2p, A(t)
ToupiN! also derived an estimate for the magnitude of the strain tensor at
interior points of the cylinder. A somewhat stronger estimate was established by
RosEMAN 2 for an isotropic cylinder. RosEMAN proved that
JS(x)J 2 ~ K[U(l- a)- U(l +a)]
for every xEY'1, where K is a constant that depends on the Lame moduli and the
cross-section, while a is a constant that depends only on the cross-section. When
combined with Toupin's theorem, the aboveinequalityyieldspointwiseexponential
decay for the stress throughout the cylinder.
56. Knowles' version of Saint-Venant's principle. KNoWLEs' version 3 of Saint-
Venant's principle is concerned with the plane problem of elastostatics for a
simply-connected region loaded over a portion of its boundary curve. To state
this result concisely we introduce the following notation.
Let R be a simply-connected regular region in the x1 , x2-plane, so that its
boundary curve 1f is a piecewise smooth simple closed curve. As indicated in
Fig. 15,

C(/1 = 1f -1fo '

1[1965, 21]. TouPIN's estimate is based on (h) of Sect. 43, which is due toDIAZ and PAYNE
[1958, 6].
2 [1966, 22]. The techniques used by RosEMAN are based on results of JoHN [1963, 15],
[1965, 10].
3 [1966, 12].
Sect. 56. Knowles' version of Saint-Venant's principle. 201

Fig. 15.

and we choose our coordinates so that the minimum value of x2 on ~0 is zero.

~1 will represent that portion of the boundary curve along which surface tractions
are applied. Let
a=supx1 , b=supx2 ,
xE~, xE~,

R 1 ={xER: x1 >l},
.Pz = {xER: x1 = l}.
We assume that for each lE (0, a), the set .!e1 is the union of a finite number of
line segments; we regard .!"e1 as parametrized by x2 •
Since R is simply-connected, ( 46.8) implies that the stress field Sa.fJ corre-
sponding to a plane elastic state is completely characterized by the field equations

Sa.fJ,fJ = o, LJSa.a. = o. (a)

Knowles' theorem gives a decay estimate for the norm

of such a stress field over R 1 •
(1) Knowles' theorem.! Let Sa.fJ ( = Spa.) be smooth on R 0 and of class C 2
on R 0 • Suppose further that Sa.fJ satisfies (a) on R 0 and

Then for 0 ~l ~a
I Sllz ~ V211SIIo e-ll •

1 [1966, 12].
202 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 56.

With a view toward proving this theorem, we first establish the following
(2) Lemma.1 Let f be continuous on R 0 • Then

:l jfda=-jfdx2.
R1 .2'1

Proof. Consider the difference quotient

F(l +d) -F(l)
for the function F defined by
F(l) = Jfda.

If !l'1 is connected, this difference quotient can be written, for sufficiently small <5,
as an iterated integral, and the limit as <5-+0 can be computed directly to
prove (2 ). If !l'1 is the union of disjoint line segments, the difference quotient is
written as a sum of iterated integrals, and (2) again follows upon letting <5 -+0. D
Proof of (1). By (47.1) there exists an Airy function q; for Sa.p on R 0 ; thus
Su = (/1,22• S22 = (/J,u• Su = - (/1,12• (d)
LILiq;=O. (e)
Since R 0 is simply-connected, q; is single-valued; further, it follows from (d), (e),
and our hypotheses on Sa.p that q; is analytic on R 0 and of class C3 on R0 • More-
over, in view of (c), the relation q;(a)=m(a) in (47.2), (d) and (e) in the proof
of (47.2), and the discussion given in the second paragraph following (47.1),
we can assume, without loss in generality, that
q;= (/J,a.=O on lif0 • (f)
W(l) = f Sa.pSa.p da, (g)
so that
II Sllz= VW(t) · (h)
Then (d) and (g) imply that
W(l) = J (/J,a.p(/J,a.pda. (i)

In view of (e), we can write (i) in the form

W(l) = f [(/1,1 (/J,u- (/1(/J,m + 2q;, 2 (/J,u) ,1

+ ((/1, 2 (/J, 22- q;q;, 222- 2g;q;,112), 2J da,

where lE (0, a). Thus (f) and Green's theorem yield the relation
W(l) =-}, (q;,1 (/J,u- (/1(/J,m + 2q;,2 (/J,u) dx2,

and by (2) this relation, in turn, implies that

W(l) = :l J(q;,1 (/J,u- (/1(/J,m + 2q;,2 (/1, 12) da.


1 KNOWLES [1966, 12], Eq. (2.6).

Sect. 56. Knowles' version of Saint-Venant's principle. 203

JW(A.) dA. = - J (cp, 1 cp, 11 - cpcp, 111 + 2cp, 2 cp, 12) da,
I (j)

since the integral on the right vanishes when l =a. Finally, since

I W(A.) dA. = -J (cp~l + ~~~- cpcp,

11), 1 da,

the integral over R 1 in (j) can be transformed as follows by again applying Green's
theorem and the boundary condition (f) :

I W(A.) dA.-J (cp~t + cp~~~- cpcp,u) dx2·


Next, by (i) and (2 ),


Thus given any scalar "• the formulae (k) and (1) imply the following identity:

d~(l) + 4u J dA.


J[~n + cp~u +
=- 2 cp~u- 4u2 (cp~t + cp~2- cpcp, 11)] dx2 •
F(l) = W(l) + 2u f !
W(J.) dA, (n)
we can write (m) in the form

d~~l) + 2u F(l) = - j([ cp, 11 + 2u2cp) 2

.!l'i (o)
+ (2 1P~12- 4u 2 IP~t) +( tp~u-4" 2 rp~~~-4u4 rp2)] dx 2 ,
after a rearrangement of terms in the integrand on the right side of (m).
Our next objective is to determine a positive value for " for which the right
side of (o) is non-positive. To do so we make use of the following inequality. If 1p
is a smooth function on the closed interval [t0 , ~]. and if 1p(t0) ='f/J(~) =0, then


where 1p is the derivative of "P· This inequality reflects the fact that :n:2/ (~ - t0 ) 2
is the smallest characteristic value associated with the problem of minimizing

For a discussion of inequalities of this type, reference may be made to § 0.6 of TEMPLE
and [1956, 14]. A direct proof of (p) can be found in HARDY, LITTLEWOOD, and
PoLYA [1959, 6].
204 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 56.

with the minimum taken over all smooth functions 'lfJ on [t0 , t1] that vanish at
the end points and have

We require a slight generalization of (p). If, for fixed lE (0, a), 'lfJ is a smooth
function (of x2) on !l'1, and if 'lfJ vanishes at the end points of each line segment
that constitutes .Pz. then

'!fl~2 dx 2 ~ ;: 'ljl2 dx 2 •
J (q)

This inequality follows upon decomposing the integral on the left in (q) into a
sum of integrals over the constituent line segments of !1'1, applying (p) to each
of these, and observing that the length of each line segment is at most b.
Fix lE (0, a). Since IP.1.. vanishes on ~0 , it vanishes at the end points of the
line segments that form !1'1. Thus, because of the smoothness of rp, we may take 'lfJ
in (q) equal to rp, 1 with the result that

d X2 ~ ;: Jrp~
1 dX2•

In view of this inequality, we can write (o) in the form

d~~l) + 2xF(l) ~- J[( b~

2 2 -4x2) rp~1 + I{J~22- 4x2 rp~2- 4x4 rp 2] dx2 • (r)

Alternatively, we can let 'lfl= rp, 2 in (q) with the result that

dx2 ~ ;: J1P~2
dx 2 ,

and this result when substituted into (r) yields

d~~l) +2xF(l)~- J[( 2b~ 2 -4x 2)rp~ 1 +(~: -4x 2)rp~2 -4u4rp 2 ]dx2 • (s)
We now assume that

so that the coefficients of rp~1 and rp~2 in (s) are non-negative. Then we may take
'lfJ = rp in (q) and infer from (s) that

d~il) +2xF(l)~-[(~: -4x 2) ~: -4x4 ] J

rp 2 dx2.

The polynomial in x in the bracket has one positive zero, namely

This value of x satisfies (t). We now choose this value of x and conclude that
F(l) satisfies the differential inequality

d~Y) +2xF(l)~o. O<l<a. (u)

Sect. 56. Knowles' version of Saint-Venant' s principle. 205

The inequality (u) implies that

F(l) ~F(O) e- 2 " 1, O~l~ a. (v)
Since x;.;;;; 0, (i) and (n) imply that
F(l);.;;;; W(l);
W(l) ~F(O) e- 2 " 1, 0 ~l ~a. (w)
It remains to compute an upper bound for F(O).
If we insert (n) into the left side of (v), we obtain an inequality which may be
written in the form

-a~ le- 2 " 1/ W(-1) d-1] ~F(o) e-41< 1•

Integrating both sides of this inequality from l =0 to l =a, we find, with the
aid of (n), that

. r
aW(-1) d-1 ~ _!_M_ (1- e- 4•.a) =
[w(o) + 2x •[a W(-1) d-1] (1- e-ha).

f W(-1) d-1 ~ [: ~:=:::] W(o) ~ W(O),



and this result when inserted into (n) with l = 0 yields the inequality
F(O) ~ 2 W(O). (x)
The inequalities (w) and (x) imply that

W(l)~2W(O)e- 2 " 1 , O~l~a;

in view of (i), this is the desired result. D

As was noted by KNOWLES/ when R is a rectangular domain subject to self-
equilibrated tractions along one edge, the optimum choice of the constant k
in the estimate
s approximate ly 4.2. 2 Thus the universal constant k in (1) appears, in this
particular case, to be conservative by a factor of approximate ly three.
As is clear from the relation on page 15 2, the strain energy U(l) of R 1 is
given by
U(l) = S(f.pE(f.pdv+J Rz

1 [1966, 12], p. 11.

2 See, e.g., FADLE [1940, 1], HoRVAY [1957, 9], and BABUSKA, REKTORYS, and
[19 55, 4]. The discussion by BABUSKA, REKTORYS, and VYCICHLO of the exponential decay
of stresses in the rectangular case appears to be in error in that the roots of smallest modulus
of the equation sin2 z -z2 = 0 are underestimate d by a factor of two (cf. FADLE [1940, 1]).3
3 KNOWLES [1966, 12], p. 11, footnote 1.
206 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 56a.

If we assume that p, > 0, 0 < v < l, then the inequality

(1-2v) SafJSap~SafJSap-vS~~SapSafJ
is easily derived using the same procedure as was used to establish (24.6 ). Thus

and the inequality in (1) can be written in the form

U(l) :'S 1 ~2 , U(O) e-T.

KNOWLES 1 also proved that under the hypotheses of (1) the stresses satisfy
the inequality
-- kz1
5 v2U(o) - -
jSafJ (x,_, x2)j ~ d -:n.-e b '

where <5 is the distance from the point (x1 , x2) to the boundary of R 0 and k is
defined in (1). Note that this inequality is poor at points which are close to the
56a. The Zanaboni-Robinson version of Saint-Venant's principle. (Added in
proof.) This version of the principle is concerned with a one-parameter family
B 1(0 < l < oo) of bodies (bounded regular regions) such that
B-rcB 1 (T<l)
B(7:, l) =B,-BT (7:<l)
has a regular interior. We assume given a continuous, symmetric, positive definite
elasticity field C on
U B,,
a regular surface !7' such that
Y'c aB, (O<l< oo),
and integrable surface tractions s on !7' such that
jsda jpxsda=O.

(1) Zanaboni-Bobinson theorem. 2 For each lE [0, oo) let [u 1, E,. 8 1]

be an elastic state on B 1 corresponding to the elasticity field C (restricted to B,), to
zero body forces, and to the following surface tractions:
s 1=s on !7',
s 1=0 on oB 1-!7'.
U(7:,l}=i f E 1 ·C[E1] dv (7:<l).
[1966, 12], Theorem 2. See also RosEMAN [1967, 12].
The precise version stated here is due to RoBINSON [1966, 21], § 9.7; the underlying
ideas, however, are contained in the work of ZANABONI [1937, 6, 7, 8]. See also SEGENREICH
[1971, 4], who established interesting corollaries of this theorem.
Sect. 57. Some further results for homogeneous and isotropic bodies. 207

lim U(-r:, l)=O.
For the proof of this theorem we refer the reader to the book by RoBINSON. 1

XI. Miscellaneous results.

57. Some further results for homogeneous and isotropic bodies. In this section
we shall establish some results appropriate to homogeneous and isotropic bodies.
Given a smooth vector field u on 13 and a closed regular surface .'7 in 13, we
define the vector field t (u) on .'7 by 2
t(u) =(A. +2,u) (div u) n +,u (curl u) xn,
where n is the unit outward normal to .'7. 3
The first theorem, which is due to FosDICK 2 , shows that the vector field t(u)
when integrated over oB gives the actual load on the boundary.
(1) Let .'7 be a closed regular surface in B. Further, let u be a smooth vector
field on 13, and lets be the corresponding surface traction field on .'7:
s =,u(l7u + VuT) n + A.(divu) n.
[/' [/'
Proof. Since
(curl u) xn = (17u -VuT) n,
it follows that
s -t(u) =2,u[VuT- (divu) 1] n,
and thus that
J sda- J t(u) da=2,u J [VuT -(divu) 1]nda.
[/' [/' [/'

Letting T denote the skew tensor field whose axial vector is u, we conclude from
(15) of (4.1) that
J s da- J t(u) da = - 2,u J (curl TjT nda,
[/' [/' [/'

and the desired result follows from Stokes' theorem (6.2 ). D

Note that since oB is the union of closed surfaces .9;_, ... , !/N, if u is constant
on each .9';,, then (1) implies
oB oB

thus, in this instance, "the work done by t (u)" is equal to the work done by s.
(2) Reciprocal theorem. 4 Let u and u be elastic displacement fields of
class C2 on B corresponding to body force fields b and b, respectively. Then

Jt(u). uda+ J b. udv = J t(u) ·uda+ J b ·udv

oB B oB B

= J [(A.+ 2,u) (div u) (div u) + ,u (curl u) . (curl u)] dv.


1 [1966, 21], § 9.7.

2 FosDICK [1968, 5].
3 Sometimes we will take f/' = BB. It will be clear from the context when this is the case.
4 WEYL (1915, 3], p. 6; FOSDICK (1968, 5].
208 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 57.

Proof Let I(u, u) denote the last term in the above relation. It follows from
the identity
J (u xcurl u) · n da = J (curl u) ·(curl u) dv- J u ·curl curl u dv
~ B B
in conjunction with the definition of t (u) that
J t(u) ·uda= J [(A.+2,u) (divu) u ·n+,u(uxcurlu) ·n] da
8B 8B
=l(u, u) + J [(A.+ 2,u) vdivu -.u curl curl u]. udv.

But since u is an elastic displacement field,

(A.+ 2,u) Vdivu- .u curl curl u + b = 0.1
J t(u). uda+ BJ b. udv =l(u,u).

and, since I(u, u) =l(u, u), the proof is complete. D

If we let u = u and b = b in (2 ), we arrive at the following result, which is
an analog of the theorem of work and energy (28.8 ).
(8) Kelvin's theorem. 2 Let u be an elastic displacement field of class C2 on B
corresponding to the body force field b. Then

J t(u) ·uda+ BJ b ·udv=2G{u},
G{u} = l J [(A.+ 2,u)(divu) 2+.ulcurl ui 2J dv.

In view of the remark made following the proof of (1), when u is constant
on each closed surface comprising oB, the left-hand sides of the relations in (8)
and (28.8) coincide; therefore, in this instance, G{u} = U{E}. In particular, it
follows that G{u} is equal to the strain energy when the displacement field vanishes
on the boundary.
Theorem (8) yields a much simpler proof 3 for the uniqueness theorem (82.2)
when B is homogeneous and isotropic. Indeed, if u = 0 on oB and b = 0 on B,
then Kelvin's theorem implies
But if C or - C is strongly elliptic, we conclude from (25.1) that .u (A.+ 2,u) > 0,
and hence that
divu = 0, curl u = 0,
which implies L1u =0. But if u is harmonic and vanishes on oB, then u must also
vanish on B, and the proof is complete.
Since B is homogeneous and isotropic, the functional (,/) of the principle of
minimum potential energy (84.2) has the form

f,[){u}= J[~ jVu+VuTia+; (divu)2]dv- Jb·udv- Js·uda,

B B ~
1 This identity is derived on pp. 90-91.
2 KELVIN [1888, 4]. See also WEYL [1915, 3], p. 6.
3 This argument is due to ERICKSEN and TOUPIN [1956, 3]. See also DUFFIN and NOLL
(1958, 8], GURTIN and STERNBERG [1960, 7].
Sect. 57. Some further results for homogeneous and isotropic bodies. 209

as is clear from (24.5 ). If we confine our attention to the displacement problem,

we can establish a minimum principle much simpler in nature than the principle
of minimum potential energy.
(4) Minimum principle for the displacement problem1• Consider the
displacement problem for which ~ = oB. Let d be the set of all kinematically ad-
missible displacement fields, and let x be the functional on d defined by
x{u}=G{u}- J b·udv
for every UEd. Then given UEd,

for all UE d if and only if u is a displacement field corresponding to a solution of the

displacement problem.
The proof of (4) follows at once from (84.2) by virtue of the following
theorem, which establishes the connection between the functionals tP and x.
(5) 2 Suppose that the hypotheses of (4) hold. Let d be the set of all kinematically
admissible displacement fields and let
A{u} =x{u}- t/J{u}
for every uEd. Then
A{u} =A{u'}
for every u, u'Ed; i.e. A{u} is independent of u.
Proof. Let UEd. Since
Icurl ui 2 = Vu · (Vu- VuT),
IVu+ VuTI 2 =2Vu. (Vu+ vur),
it follows that
A{u} =f-t J{(divu) 2 -
Vu · VuT} dv =f-t J div[u(divu)- (Vu) u] dv.
A{u} =f-t J 1J da, 1J = [u(divu)- (Vu) u] · n.

We now complete the argument by showing that 1J depends solely on the

boundary displacement which is common to all members of d. Let the origin 0
of the cartesian frame be an arbitrary regular point of oB, and choose the frame
so that the plane Xa=O coincides with the tangent plane of oB at 0, the Xa axis
pointing in the direction of the inner normal of oB at 0. For this choice of co-
= OUa +u2 OUa - u 8 ( ou1 + OUz) t 0 (a)
1J Ut "x ox
u 1 ox 2ox a · 1 8

In a neighborhood of 0 the boundary oB admits the parametrization

X1 = ~1 • X2 = ~2• Xs = h(~), ~ = (~1• ~2), (b)
(0)=0 {ot=1,2). (c)

Further, if we agree to write u(~) = U(~1 , ~2 , h(~1 , ~2 )), then, since UEd,
u(a:) = u(e)
1LovE [1906, 5], § 116. See also GURTIN and STERNBERG [1960, 7], Theorem 2.
2 GURTIN and STERNBERG [1960, 7], Theorem 3.

Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 14

210 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 58.

. in the neighborhood under consideration. Thus by (b)-(c)

(0) = 8 ? (0)
(ex= 1, 2),

and we conclude from (a) that


'YJ =Ul
8~1 +u2 8~2 -ua -8~1
A (

+ ou2)
8~2 at 0.

Therefore 'YJ at 0 depends exclusively on the boundary data u. But the point 0
was an arbitrarily chosen regular point of 8B. Thus A.{u} depends solely on the
boundary data u; hence A.{u} = A.{u'} for every u, u' Ed. D
58. Incompressible materials. An incompressible body is one for which only
isochoric motions are possible, or equivalently only motions that satisfy
For a linearly elastic incompressible body the stress 1s specified by the
strain tensor only up to an arbitrary pressure. Thus
and c =ere is a linear transformation from the space of traceless symmetric tensors
into itself.! The symmetry group ~00 for the material at ~ is the set of all ortho-
gonal tensors Q such that
for every traceless symmetric tensor E. This definition is consistent, since
tr (QEQT) = tr (QT QE) = tr E = 0
when Q is orthogonal.
If the material is isotropic, then (iii) of (22.1) is still valid; therefore
C[E] = 2f-l E,
and hence
Thus there is but one elastic constant for an isotropic and incompressible material-
the shear modulus #·
The fundamental field equations for the time-independent behavior of a
linearly elastic incompressible body are therefore
= i(Vu + J7uT),
S +Pl =C[E], p = -ttr S,
1 We could also begin by assuming that
S +P1 = C[P'u];
the steps leading to the reduction C [Vu] = C [E] would then be exactly the same those given
in Sect. 20.
Sect. 58. Incompressible materials. 211

If we combine these relations, we are led to the displacement equation of equi-

div C[Vu]- Vp +b =0,
which for a homogeneous and isotropic body reduces to

,uLlu- Vp +b =0. (b)

Since u is divergence-free,
Llp =div b; (c)
hence in the absence of body forces the pressure p is harmonic. In view of (a) 1
and (3) of (4.1), we can also write (b) in the form
,u curl curl u +VP- b =0.
On the other hand, if b = 0, then (b) and (c) imply that
L1 curl u=O,
Since tr E = 0, the compatibility equation (14.8) has the following form for
an incompressible body:
L1 E - V divE- (V divE) T = 0.
If the body is homogeneous and isotropic, then the same procedure used on
p. 92 to derive the stress equation of compatibility now yields
L1S-2VVP+2Vb+(divb) 1=0,
which in the absence of body forces has the simple form
L1S -2VVp =0.
For an isotropic incompressible material the surface traction on the boundary
oB takes the form
s=Sn=-Pn+,u(Vu+VuT) n.
Using the steps given on p. 93, we can also write this relation as follows:
s = -Pn+2,uan +,unxcurlu.
We define, for an incompressible elastic body, the notion of an elastic state
in the same manner as before, 1 except that the constitutive relation is replaced
by (a) 3 and the incompressibility condition (ah is added. If this is done, the
theorem of work and energy (28.8) remains valid for incompressible bodies,
where, as before,
U{E} =t f E · C[EJ dv,

but now, of course, E is required to be traceless. The crucial step in proving this
result is to note that if SandE obey (a) 3 , then
S·E=-P1·E+E· C[E] =E· C[E],
since 1· E =tr E =0. Using a similar result, it is a simple matter to verify that
Betti's reciprocal theorem (80.1) also remains valid.
1 p. 95·
212 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 59.

If we define the mixed problem as before, 1 then steps exactly the same as
those used to establish (82.1) now yield the
(1) Uniqueness theorem for an incompressible body. Assume that the
body is incompressible and that the elasticity field C is positive definite. Let
d = [u, E, S] and 6 = [u, E, S] be two solutions of the same mixed problem. Then
d and 6 are equal modulo a rigid displacement and a uniform pressure, i.e.

[u,E,S] = [u+w,E,S +P 1],

where w is a rigid displacement field and p is a scalar constant. Moreover, w = 0 if
.91 =F0, while P=0 if~ =f:0.
The principle of minimum potential energy (84.1) remains valid in the pre-
sent circumstances provided we require that the kinematically admissible states
satisfy div u =0 and change the last few words to read: "only if 6 = d modulo
a rigid displacement and a uniform pressure." On the other hand, the principle
of minimum complementary energy (84.8) remains valid if we replace UK{S}
by UK{S +P 1}, where p = -i tr Sand K is the inverse of C, and if we change
the last few words to read:" only if S =S modulo a uniform pressure."

E. Elastodynamics.
I. The fundamental field equations. Elastic processes.
Power and energy. Reciprocity.
59. The fundamental system of field equations. The fundamental system of
field equations describing the motion of a linear elastic body consists of the
strain-displacement relation
E =i(Vu + VuT),
the stress-strain relation
and the equation of motion2
div s +b =eii.
Here u, E, S, and b are the displacement, strain, stress, and body force fields
defined on B X (0, t0 ), where (0, t0 ) is a given interval of time, while C and e are
the elasticity and density fields over B.
Since C [E] = C [Vu ], if the displacement field is sufficiently smooth, these
equations combine to yield the displacement equation of motion:
div C[Vu] +b =eii,
which in components has the form
(Cifk I uk,l),; +b, =eu•.
It is a simple matter to verify that, conversely, if u satisfies the displacement
equation of motion, and if E and S are defined by the strain-displacement and
stress-strain relations, then the equation of motion is satisfied.
1 p. 102.
2 Since the values of Cz[•] are assumed to be symmetric tensors, we need not add the
requirement that S =ST.
Sect. 59. The fundamental system of field equations. 213

Assume for the moment that the body is homogeneous and isotropic. Then
the procedure used to derive (a) on p. 90 now yields Navier's equation of
motion 1
,uLiu+(A.+,u) V divu+b=eii. (a)
By (3) of (4.1), this equation may be written in the alternative form 2

(A.+ 2,u) V div u -,u curl curl u + b = eii.

If we assume that A.+ 2,u, ,u, and e are positive, we can define constants c1 and
c2 by
C1- - VJ.+2p.
---, (b)
in terms of these constants the above equation becomes

c~ V divu- c~ curl curl u + .!!_ =ii. (c)

For convenience, we introduce the wave operators 0 1 and 0 2 defined by

Orxf=c~Lif-f (ot=1, 2).

Then, since

Navier's equation (a) can be written in the form 3

0 2 u + (c~- c~) V div u + .!!_ = 0. (d)

Assume now that b =0. It is clear from (c) and (3) of (4.1) that 4
curl u =0 ::::} 0 1 u =0,
divtt=O::::} 0 2 tt=0.
For this reason, we call c1 the irrotational velocity, c2 the isochoric velocity.
Operating on Navier's equation, first with the divergence and then with the curl,
we find that5
0 1 divu=O,
0 2 curlu=0.
Thus the dilatation div u satisfies a wave equation with speed c1 , while the
rotation i curl u satisfies a wave equation with speed c2 • Clearly,

~= v_3_:+2p. = v2(1-v) .
c2 p. 1- 2v '
1 This relation was first derived by NAVIER [1823, 2], [1827, 2] in 1821. NAVIER's theory,
which is based on a molecular model, is limited to situations for which p. = J.. The general
relation involving two elastic constants first appears in the work of CAUCHY [1828, 1]; cf.
POISSON [1829, 2], LAME and CLAPEYRON [1833, 1], STOKES [1845, 1], LAME [1852, 2], § 26.
2 LAME and CLAPEYRON [1833, 1], LAME [1852, 2], § 26.
3 CAUCHY [1840, 1], p. 120.
4 The first of these results is due to LAME [1852, 2], § 61-62; the second to CAUCHY
[1840, 1], p. 137.
5 CAUCHY [1828, 1], [1840, 1], pp. 120, 137. See also LAME and CLAPEYRON [1833, 1],
STOKES [1851, 1], LAME [1852, 2], § 27.
214 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 59.

thus for most materials c1 > c2, so that dilatational waves travel faster than
rotational waves. 1 In fact, c1 =2c 2 when v =!.
Next, if we apply 0 1 to (a) (with b =0) and use the first of (e), we arrive at
01(,uL1 u -eii) =0,
or equivalently,2
01 o2u=0. (f)
Eq. (f) and the strain-displacement and stress-strain relations imply that
D1 02E=D1 02S=O.
Eqs. (e) are counterparts of the harmonicity of div u and curl u in the static
theory; (f) is the counterpart of the biharmonicity of u.
We now drop the assumption that B be homogeneous and isotropic. The
e = t E · c [EJ + te u2
represents the total energy per unit volume. If C is symmetric, then the stress-
strain and strain-displacement relations imply that
Thus, if we define
we are led, with the aid of the equation of motion, to the following result:
e+ div q = b . u. (g)
The quantity q is called the energy-flux vector, and (g) expresses a local form of
balance of energy.
Next, operating on the equation of motion with the symmetric gradient V
and using the strain-displacement relation, we find that
r (div! +b) =E.
If we assume that C is invertible, so that
where K is the compliance field, we arrive at the stress equation of motion 3

r( div ~+b)= K [S].

If e is independent of iE, this relation takes the form

V(div S+b) =eK[SJ.
If, in addition, the material is isotropic, then the formula on page 78 giving E
in terms of S yields
.. 1 .. ..
K[S] = 7f [(1 +v) S -v(tr S) 1],
1 In seismology waves traveling with speed c1 are called primary waves (P-waves), those
with speed c2 are caJled secondary waves (5-waves).
2 CAUCHY [1840, 1], p. 137.
3 !GNACZAK [1963, 14] generalizing results of VALCOVICI [1951, 12] for a homogeneous,
isotropic body and IACOVACHE [1950, 6] for a homogeneous, isotropic, and incompressible
body. See also !GNACZAK [1959, 8], TEODORESCU [1965, 19].
Sect. 60. Elastic processes. Power and energy. 215

where {J is Young's modulus and 'II is Poisson's ratio; thus

{J(V div S + Vb) =e[(1 +'~~) S -P(tr S) 1].

Given initial values u 0 and v 0 for u and it, the stress equation of motion
implies the fundamental system in the following sense: let S satisfy this equation
and the initial conditions ·
S(·, 0) =C[Vu0 ], S(•, 0) =C[Vv0 ];
let E be defined by the inverted stress-strain relation; and let u be the unique
solution of the equation of motion with the initial values u 0 and v 0 • Then the
strain-displacement relation holds, and hence [u, E, S] satisfies the fundamental
system of equations. The fact that in elastodynamics the fundamental system
of field equations is equivalent to a single equation for the stress tensor is most
interesting, especially when compared to the equilibrium theory where (for a
simply-connected body) the fundamental system is equivalent to a pair of equa-
tions: the stress equations of compatibility and equilibrium.
60. Elastic processes. Power and energy. By an admissible process we mean
an ordered array f1 = [u, E, S] with the following properties:
(i) u is an admissible motion ;1
(ii) E is a continuous symmetric tensor field on B X [0, t0 );
(iii) S is a time-dependent admissible stress field. 2
Clearly, the set of all admissible processes is a vector space provided we define
addition and scalar multiplication in the natural manner; i.e. as we did for
admissible states. 3
We say that fl = [u, E, S] is an elastic process (on B) corresponding to the
body force b if f1 is an admissible process and
E =l (Vu + VuT),
div S +b =eii.
As before, the surface force field s is then defined at every regular point of
oB X [0, t0 ) by
s (~. t) = S(~. t) n (~),
and we call the pair [b, s] the ~ternal force system for fl.
u(•, 0) =it(·, 0) =0 (I)
on B, we can extend f1 smoothly to 1J X ( - oo, t0 ) by defining
u=O and E=S =0 on Bx(-oo, 0).
When (I) holds we call the resulting extended process fl an elastic process with
a quiescent past. 4 Further, to be consistent, we also extend the external force
system by assuming that b and s vanish for negative time.
1 Cf. p. 43.
2 Cf. p. 49.
3 Cf. p. 95.
4 This terminology is due to WHEELER and STERNBERG [1968, 16].
216 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 60.

When we discuss the basic singular solutions of elastodynamics, we will be

forced to deal with processes whose domain is of the form tS': x [0, oo), where ~
is a point of tS' and
tf: =tf -g}.
We say that 12 = [u, E, S] is an elastic process on tf: corresponding to b if u, E, S
and bare functions on tf: x [0, oo) and given any closed regular subregion PetS':,
the restriction of 12 to P X [0, oo) is an elastic process on P corresponding to the
restriction of b to P X [0, oo).
When we omit mention of the domain of definition of an elastic process, it will
always be understood to be B X [0, t0 ).
The following simple proposition will be extremely useful.
(1) If [u, E, S] is an elastic process corresponding to the body force field b,
then given any tE (0, t0), [ u (·, t), E ( •, t), S( •, t)] is an elastic state corresponding
to the body force b- eu.
Given an elastic process, we call the function iP/ on [0, t0) defined by
the total energy. Here K is the kinetic energy:
K =iBI eit2 dv;
U is the strain energy:
U = Uc{E} =i
IE· C[E] dv.
If C is symmetric,

U=iBI {E· C[E] +E· C[E]} dv=BIE· C[E] dv =IS ·E dv;


therefore the rate of change of total energy equals the rate of change of kinetic energy
plus the stress power. 1 This fact and the theorem of power expended (19.1) to-
gether yield the
(2) Theorem of power and energy. Assume that C is symmetric. Let
[u, E, S] be an elastic process corresponding to the external force system [b, s]. Then

Is· it da + I b ·it dv =ril,

8B B
where o/1 is the total energy.
This theorem asserts that the rate at which work is done by the surface and
body forces equals the rate of change of total energy. The following proposition,
which is an immediate corollary of (2), will be useful in establishing uniqueness.
(8) Assume that Cis symmetric. Let [u, E, S] be an elastic process corresponding
to the external force system [b, s], and suppose that
b=O on B, s·it=O on oB.
Then the total energy is constant, i.e.
o//(t) =011(0), o~t<t0 •

1 Cf. p. 65.
Sect. 60. Elastic processes. Power and energy. 217

Another interesting corollary of (2) may be deduced as follows. By (2)

r r
J J s · u da dt+ J J b · u dv dt =1111(7:) -1111(0).
0 iJB 0 B

The left-hand side of this expression is the work done in the time interval [0, 1:].
If the initial state [u(·, 0), E(·, 0), S(·, 0)] is an unstrained state of rest, i.e. if
E(·,O)=O, it(·,O)=O,
1111(0) =0.
If, in addition, the elasticity tensor is positive semi-definite and the density
positive, then 1111(7:) ~ 0 and
r r
J Js·udadt+J Jb·itdvdt~o;
0 iJB 0 B

in words, the work done starting from an unstrained rest state is always nonnegative.1
The next theorem, which is of interest in itself, forms the basis of a very strong
uniqueness theorem for elastodynamics. For the purpose of this theorem we
assume that the underlying time-interval [0, t0 ) is equal to [0, oo).
(4) Brun's theorem. 2 Assume that C is symmetric. Let [u, E, SJ be an
elastic process corresponding to the external force system [b, s], and suppose that
it(·, 0) =0, E( ·, o) =0.
P(a, {J) = J s (x, Cl:) • u(x, {J) da.., + J b (x, Cl:) • u(x, {J) dv..,
f!B B

for all a, {JE [0, oo). Then

U(t) -K(t) =if[P(t+A, t-A) -P(t-A, t+A)] dA (o;;:;;:;t<oo),

where U is the strain energy and K the kinetic energy.

Proof. By (18.2) with b replaced by b(·, a) -eii(·, a), s by s(•, a), u by
it( •, {J), and S by C[E( ·,ex)],
P(ex, {J) = J {C[E(ex)J . E({J) + eii (ex) . it ({J)} dv' (a)

where, for convenience, we have suppressed the argument x. Next, in view of

the symmetry of C and the initial vanishing of the strain field,

JJ{C[E(t +A)]· E(t-A) -C[E(t -A)]· E(t +A)} dAdv

BO (b)
ff :). {C[E(t+A)] · E(t -A)} dAdv

=- =2 U(t).
ff e{ii(t +A) ·it (t- A) -ii(t- A) · u(t +A)} dA dv = - 2K(t), (c)

and (a), (b), and (c) imply the desired result. D

1 Some related inequalities are given by MARTIN [1964, 14].
2 BRUN [1965, 4], Eq. (7b); [1969, 2].
218 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 6t.

61. Graffi's reciprocal theorem. We shall assume throughout this section that
the elasticity field is symmetric.
Given an elastic process 11 = [ u, E, S] corresponding to b, we call the pair
U 0 =U(•, 0), V 0 =U(•, 0)
the initial data for 11 and the function f defined by
f(~. t) =i• b (~. t) +e (~) [u0 (~) +tv0 (~)]
the associated pseudo body force field. Here, as before, i is the function on
[0, t0 ) defined by
i(t) =t.
Betti's reciprocal theorem has the following important counterpart in elasto-
(1) Graffi's reciprocal theorem.1 Let [u, E, S] and [ii, E, S] be elastic
processes corresponding to the external force systems [b, s] and [b, s]. Further, let
[u0 , v 0] and [u0 , v0] be the corresponding initial data, f and j the corresponding
pseudo body force fields. Then
i• J s•uda+ J f•udv=i* J s*uda+ J f•udv, (a)

J s;Edv= {s*Edv, {b)

J S*Uda+ J b•udv+ J e(uo·-&+vo·u) dv
oB B B
= Js•uda+ J b*udv+ J e(uo·u+vo·u) dv.
oB B B
Thus if both processes correspond to null initial data, then
J uuda+ J b*udv= J S*Uda+ J b*udv. (d)
Proof. In view of the reciprocal theorem (19.5), it suffices to show that
By definition,
= ft S(t-1:) ·E(T)
where, for convenience, we have omitted the dependence of these functions on~.
Since C is symmetric,
S(t-T) ·E(T) =E(T). C[E(t-T)] =E(t-T). C[E(T)] =E(t-7:). S(T).

1 The result (c) for homogeneous and isotropic bodies is due to GRAFFI [1939, 3], [1947, 2],
[19 54, 6], whose proof is based on Betti's theorem and systematic use of the Laplace transform.
Later, GRAFF! [1963, 8] gave a direct proof utilizing the properties of the convolution. Hu [1958,
10] noticed that GRAFFI's results extend trivially to inhomogeneous and anisotropic bodies;
however, Hu gave his results in the Laplace transform domain rather than the time domain.
WHEELER and STERNBERG [1968, 16], assuming homogeneity and isotropy, gave an extension
of Graffi's theorem valid for infinite regions; their result was extended to homogeneous but
anisotropic bodies by WHEELER [1970, 3]. AINOLA [19661], showed that Graffi's theorem can
be derived from a variational principle. Some interesting applications of Graffi's theorem are
given by DIMAGGIO and BLEICH [1959, 4] and PAYTON [1964, 16].
Sect. 62. The boundary-initial-value problem of elastodynamics. 219

GRAFFI 1 also noticed that if both systems correspond to null external forces,
then (c) implies
f e(uo·it+vo·u) dv= f e(uo·it+vo·u) dv;

if, in addition, v 0 = v = 0, then


f euo·itdv= f euo·itdv.

This relation can be used to establish the orthogonality of the displacement fields
corresponding to distinct modes of free vibration. 2
For the remainder of this section let t0 = oo. We say that two external force
systems [b, s] and [b, s] are synchronous if there exists a continuous scalar
function g on [0, oo) such that
b (;x, t) = b 0 (;x) g (t), b (;x, t) = b0 (;x) g (t)
for all (;x, t)EB x [0, oo) and

s (;x, t) = s 0 (;x) g (t), s(;x, t) = 80 (;x) g (t)

for all (;x, t)EoBx[o, oo).
The next theorem shows that for synchronous external force systems a recip-
rocal theorem holds having the same form as Betti's theorem in elastostatics.
(2) Reciprocal theorem for synchronous e;xternal force systems.3 Let
[u, E, S] and [u, E, S] be elastic processes corresponding to null initial data and to
synchronous external force systems [b, s J and [b, s]. Then

J s · u da +BJ b · u dv = oBJs · u da + J b · u dv.

oB B

Proof. By hypothesis and (d) of (1), gHp =0, where

rp = J s u da +BJ b u dv- oBJ S

0 • 0 • 0 • u da- J b0 • u dv,

and we conclude from (v) of (10.1) that either g = 0 or rp = 0. If g = 0 the

theorem holds trivially. Thus assume rp = 0. Then g cp = 0, and the desired result
follows. D

II. Boundary-initial-value problems. Uniqueness.

62. The boundary-initial-value problem of elastodynamics. Throughout the
following three sections we assume given the following data: a time interval [0, t 0 ),
an elasticity field C on B, a density field e on B, body forces b on B X (0, t0 ),
initial displacements u 0 on B, initial velocities v 0 on B, surface displacements u
on ~X (0, t0 ), and surface tractions on ~ x (0, t0 ). Given the above data, the
mixed problem of elastodynamics consists in finding an elastic process [u, E, SJ that
corresponds to b and satisfies the initial conditions
u(·,O)=Uo and u(•,O)=Vo on B,
1 [1947, 2].
2 Cf. (76. 3)
3 GRAFF! [1947, 2].
220 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 62.

the displacement condition

u =U on 9i X (0, t 0 },
and the traction condition
s=s on !f2X(O,t0 ).
We call such an elastic process a solution of the mi:ved problem. 1 As before,
when 9i = oB (92 = 0) we refer to the displacement problem, when
Y2 = oB (9i =0) we refer to the traction problem.
To avoid repeated hypotheses we assume once and for all that:
(i) C and e are smooth on B;
(ii) b is continuous on B X [0, t0};
(iii) u 0 and v 0 are continuous on B;
(iv) is continuous on 9i X [0, t0 };
(v) s is continuous in time and piecewise regular on Y2 X [0, t0}.
The following proposition is an immediate consequence of the remarks made
in Sect. 59; its proof is completely analogous to the proof of (81.1) and can safely
be omitted.
(1) Characterization of the mi:ved problem in terms of displace-
ments. Let u be an admissible motion. Then u corresponds to a solution of the
mixed problem if and only if

divC[VuJ+b=eii on Bx(O,t0 },
u(·,O}=Uo and u(·,O}=Vo on B,
U=U on 9iX(O, t0),
C[Vu] n =s on Y2 X (0, t0}.
Further, when the body is homogeneous and isotropic, the first and last of these
conditions may be replaced by

,uLiu+(A.+,u) 17 divu+b=eii on B X (0, t 0},

,u(Vu+ VuT) n+A.(div u) n =s on Y2 X (0, t0).
For the remainder of this section we assume that
(2) Characterization of the traction problem in terms of stresses. 2
Assume that:
(!X) C is invertible on B;
({J) (!, u 0 , and v 0 are of class C2 on B;
(y} b is of class C2 • 0 on B X [0, t0 );
(<5) Sis a time-dependent admissible stress field 3 of class C3 • 2 on BX[O, t0 )
with S continuous on B X [0, t 0}.
1 See footnote 2 on p. 102.
2 IGNACZAK [1963, 14] for the case in which u 0 =Vo= 0.
3 Seep. 49.
Sect. 62. The boundary-initial-value problem of elastodynamics. 221

Then S corresponds to a solution of the traction problem if and only if

r(div~ +b_) =K[S] on B X (0, to},

S(·, 0) =C[J7u0] and S(·, 0) =C[J7v0 ] on B,

s=s on fJB X (0, t0).

Proof. The necessity of the above relations follows from the discussion given
at the end of Sect. 59. The sufficiency also follows from this discussion, but we
will give the argument in detail. Let S satisfy the above system of equations.
Then, since S is a time-dependent admissible stress field,
(1) S and div S are continuous on 1J x [0, t0); and, by (i) and (oc),
(2) K= c-1 is continuous on If.
We now define u and E through the relations
i•div S+f
u= e , E=K[SJ, (a)

where I is the pseudo body force field

I (:I), t) = i * b (:I), t) + e(:I)) [Uo (:I))+ t Vo (:I)) J, (b)
It then follows that u, S, and b satisfy the equation of motion, 1 and that u
satisfies the initial conditions. Next, by (ii), (iii), ({J), (y}, (<5), (1), (2), (a), and (b),
(3) u, it, ii, E, and E are continuous on 1J x [0, t0}, while u is of class C2 on
B X [0, t0 ); ••

(4) E is of class C0• 2 on B x [0, t0}, V(ii) and Vu are continuous on B x [0, t0),
and V(ii) = V;,.
To complete the proof we have only to show that the strain-displacement
relation holds (for then we could conclude from (3) and (4) that u is an admissible
motion). It follows from (4), (a) 2 , the first relation in (2), and the equation of
motion that

On the other hand, since u satisfies the initial conditions, we conclude from (a) 2
and the initial conditions satisfied by S that

E(·, o) =Vu(·, o), E(·, o) =Vu(·, o); (d)

thus, by (c) and (d), E = Vu. D
An interesting consequence of theorem (62.2) and the uniqueness theorem
(68.1) is that a body force field with V(bfe) skew induces zero stresses in the body;
i.e., if fJB is traction-free, if u 0 =V0 =0, and if V(b/e) is skew, then 8=0 and
u=i*bfe is a rigid motion.
The next two theorems give alternative characterizations of the mixed
problem in which the initial conditions are incorporated into the field equations.
These results will be extremely useful in the derivation of variational principles.
1 Cf. the proof of (19.2).
222 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 63.

(8) 1 Let f:1 = [ u, E, S] be an admissible process. Then f:1 is a solution of the

mixed problem if and only if
S =C[E],
i*div S +f=eu
on B X [0, t0 ), and
u =ii on ~X (0, t 0),
s=s on Y;x(O,t0 ).
Proof. This theorem is a direct consequence of (19.2 ). D
(4) Characterization of the mixed problem in terms of stresses. 2
Assume that hypotheses (Ot), ({J), and (y) of (2) hold. LetS be a time-dependent admissible
stress field of class C3 •0 on B X [0, t0 ), and suppose that Sis continuous on B X [0, t0 ).
Then S corresponds to a solution of the mixed problem if and only if

vf•div!?S+/}=K[SJ on Bx[O,t0),

i*div S =eii -f on ~X (0, t0 ),

s=s on Y;x(O,t0 ).
Proof. Clearly, (1) and (2) in the proof of (2) hold. Assume that S satisfies
the above relations. If we define

U= i•div,/+/' E=K[S],

then (3) of (2) also holds, and it is not difficult to verify that Vu =E and u = ii
on~ X (0, t0 ). It therefore follows from (8) that f:l= [u, E, S] is a solution of the
mixed problem. Conversely, iff:l is a solution of the mixed problem, then we conclude,
with the aid of (8 ), that the relations in ( 4) hold. D
63. Uniqueness. In this section we discuss the uniqueness question appropriate
to the fundamental initial-boundary-value problems discussed in the preceding
section. We assume throughout that the density e is continuous on B.
We will first establish the classical uniqueness theorem of NEUMANN. We will
then give a more general theorem due to BRUN; we present NEUMANN's theorem
separately because its hypotheses are sufficiently general to include most appli-
cations, and because its proof is quite simple.
(1) Uniqueness theorem for the mi;red problem. 3 Suppose that the
density field is strictly positive and the elasticity field symmetric and positive semi-
definite. Then the mixed problem of elastodynamics has at most one solution.
Proof. Let f:l = [ u, E, S] be the difference between two solutions. Then fJ
corresponds to vanishing body forces and satisfies
u(·,O)=u(·,O)=O on B, (a)
u=O on ~X(O,t0 ), s=O on Y;x(O,t0 ). (b)
By (a)
E(·,O)=O, (c)
1 GURTIN [1964, 8], Theorem 3.2.
2 GURTIN [1964, 8], Theorem 3.4.
3 NEUMANN [1885, 3], § 61. An interesting generalization was given by HILL [1967, 9].
Sect. 64. Some further extensions of the fundamental lemma. 223

and (a) and (c) yield

~(0) =0, (d)
where Ill! is the total energy. 1 Moreover, in view of (60.8 ), (b) and (d) yield
lllt(t) =0, o;;;;,t<t0 • (e)
By definition ~ is the sum of the kinetic and strain energies, and by hypothesis
both of these energies are positive; therefore they must both vanish. In particular,
J (! u2 dv =0, (f)
and, since (! > 0,
u=O on Bx(o, t0 ).
This fact, when combined with the first of (a), yields
u=O on Bx(o, t0 ),
and the proof is complete. D
Recently BRUN has established the following major generalization of Neumann's
theorem (1); it is important to note that no assumptions other than symmetry
are placed on the elasticity field. We suppose for the purpose of this theorem that
t 0 =oo, so that the underlying time interval is [0, oo).
(2) E~tended uniqueness theorem. 2 Suppose that the density field is
strictly positive (or negative) and the elasticity field symmetric. Then the mixed
problem of elastodynamics has at most one solution.
Proof. As in the proof of (1), let f:J. = [u, E, S] be the difference between two
solutions. Then f:J. corresponds to vanishing body forces and satisfies (a), (b), and
(c) in the proof of (1). Thus we conclude from Brun's theorem (60.4) that
U(t) -K(t) =0, o;;;;,t<oo. (a)
On the other hand, by (e) in the proof of (1), which also holds in the present
U(t) +K(t) =0, o;;;;,t<oo. (b)
Thus K(t) =0 and the last few steps in (1) yield the desired conclusion that
u=O. D
III. Variational principles.
64. Some further extensions of the fundamental lemma. We now establish, for
functions of position and time, counterparts of the lemmas established in Sect. 35.
With this in mind, we introduce the following definition. We say that a function
f on B x [0, t0 ) vanishes near Y'C8B if there exists a neighborhood N of Y'
such that f =0 on (N n B) X [0, t0 ).
1 Seep. 216.
2 BRUN [1965, 4], [1969, 2]. This theorem was established independently by KNOPS and
PAYNE [1968, 11], using an entirely different method. For the displacement problem appropriate
to a homogeneous and isotropic body, GuRTIN and STERNBERG [1961, 10] proved that un-
iqueness holds provided botll wave speeds are positive; i.e. provided I] is positive and the
elasticity field strongly elliptic. This result was extended to anisotropic, but homogeneous,
bodies by GuRTIN and TouPIN [1965, 9]. HAYEs and KNOPS [1968, 7] showed, without assuming
C symmetric, that uniqueness also holds when - Cis strongly elliptic. Of course, the extended
uniqueness theorem (2) includes as special cases NEUMANN's theorem and all of the above
results except that of HAYES and KNOPS. See also KNOPs and PAYNE [1971, 2], § 8, for a
thorough discussion of uniqueness in elastodynamics.
224 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 64.

(1)1 Let if/" be a finite-dimensional inner product space. Let w: B x [0, t0 ) - i r

be continuous and satisfy
f w*v(;.c, t) dvill=O (O~t<t0)

for every class coo function v: B x [0, t0) -if/" that vanishes near oB. Then
w=O on .Bx[o, t0 ).
Proof. Let 111 (-r) denote the open interval (-c-h, -c+h), and for 111 (-c)C(O, t0 )
let Pn(-c) be the set of all coo scalar functions 1p on [0, t0) with the properties:
(a) 1p>O on 111 (-c),
(b) 1p=O on [0, t0) -111 (-c).
It is clear from the discussion at the beginning of Sect. 7 that Pn(-c) is not empty.
Let e1 , e 2 , ••• , e,. be an orthonormal basis in if/", and let
W= L wiei.

As in the proof of the fundamental lemma (1.1), we assume that for some
(:.c0 , -c) EB X (0, t0) and some integer k, w11 (:.c0 , -c) > 0. Then there exists an h > 0
such that E 11 (:.c0 )CB, 111 (-c)C(O, t0 ), and wk>O on E 11 (:.c0) x111 (-c). Let
v (:.c, s) = tp (:.c) 1p (s) e",
where2 tpE (!)11 (:.c0),1pE 'l'11 (t --c), and tE (-c +h. t0). Then vis of class coo on B X [O,t0 ),
vanishes near oB, and
f W*V (:.c, t) dvill = f f w (:.c, t- s) · v (:.c, s) ds dvill
B B 0
= f fwk(:.c, t-s) tp(:.c)1p(s) dsdvill
= f f w11 (:.c,t-s) tp(:.c)"P(s)dsdvill>O,
L"A(~,) 1-T-1&

which is a contradiction. Thus w =0 on B X [0, t0). 0

The proofs of the next three lemmas can safely be omitted; they are completely
analogous, respectively, to the proofs of (85.1 ), (85.2 ), and (85.8) and utilize the
procedure given in the proof of (1 ).
(2 ) 3 Let if/"be a finite-dimensional inner product space. Let w: ~X [0, t0 ) - i r
be piecewise regular and continuous in time, and assume that

for every class coo function v: Bx[O, t0 )-ir that vanishes near 9;_. Then
w=O on ~X[O,t0 ).

1 GURTIN [1964, 8], Lemma 2.1.

2 4>11 (a:0 ) is defined in Sect. 7.
8 GURTIN [1964, 8], Lemma 2.2.
Sect. 65. Variational principles. 225

(3 )1 Let u be a vector field on 9i_ x [0, t 0 ) that is piecewise regular and continuous
in time, and suppose that

for every class coo symmetric tensor fieldS on B X [0, t0 ) which vanishes near .9;.
u=O on 9i_x[o, t0 ).

(4)2 Let u be a vector field on .9; x [0, t0 ) that is piecewise regular and continuous
in time, and suppose that

J u*div S(;c, t) dvre=O (o;;:;;t<t0 )


for every class coo symmetric tensor field S on B X [0, t0 ). Then

u=O on 9'2 X[O,t0 ).

65. Variational principles. In this section we will establish several variational

principles for elastodynamics. In addition to hypotheses (i)-(v) 3 of Sect. 62 we
assume throughout that the elasticity field C is symmetric. We begin by giving
KIRCHHOFF's generalization of Hamilton's principle in particle mechanics.
By a kinematically admissible process we mean an admissible process
that satisfies the strain-displacement relation, the stress-strain relation, and the
displacement boundary condition.
(1) Hamilton- Kirchhoff principle. 4 Let d denote the set of all kinematically
admissible processes f:l = [ u, E, S] that have ii and E continuous on II x [0, t0 ] and

u ( ·, 0) =IX, u ( ·, t 0 ) = fl on B,

where IX and flare prescribed vector fields. Let 17{ ·}be the functional on d defined by
t, t, t,
1J{P}= f U{E}dt- f f (t eu2 +b · u) dv dt- f f s · uda dt
0 OB 09',

for every f:l= [ u, E, S] Ed. Then

at {:lEd if and only if f:l satisfies the equation of motion and the traction boundary
Proof. Let pEd, and let p= [u, E, S] be an admissible process with the follow-
ing property:
f:l+ApEd for every scalar A. (a)
1 GuRTIN [1964, 8], Lemma 2.3. In 1965 HLAVACEK (private communication) pointed
out that the proof given by GURTIN [1964, 8] is incorrect and furnished a valid proof.
2 GuRTIN [1964, 8], Lemma 2.4.
3 For the validity of (1) we need the stronger assumption that (ii), (iv), and (v) hold with
the interval [0, t0 ) replaced by [0, t0 ].
4 KIRCHHOFF [1852, 1], [1859, 1], (1876, 1], § 11. See also LOVE (1927, 3], § 115; LOCA-
TELLI [1945, 3, 4]; WASHIZU [1957, 18]; KNESHKE and RUDIGER [1962, 10]; CHEN (1964, 6];
Yu [1964, 23]; BEN-AMoz [1966, 2]; KARNOPP [1966, 10], [1968, 10]; KoMKOV [1966, 15];
TONTI [ 1966, 26].
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 15
226 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 65.

Clearly, (a) holds if and only if jz satisfies the strain-displacement relation, the
stress-strain relation, the boundary condition
u=O on ~X [0, t0], (b)
and the end conditions
<5;; 1){!1}= :). 1J{Il+ AP}l.t=O

f f (S. E-eit. it-b. u) dv dt- f f s. uda dt, (d)

t, t,
OB 0.9'1
where we have used the symmetry of C and the stress-strain relation. By (c)
to • to

udt=- 0I eu. u dt,
I eu. (e)

and {d), (e), the fact that E and u satisfy the strain-displacement relation, (18.1),
and (b) imply
t, t,
<5;;1){!1}=- I I (div S+b-eu). u dv+ I r (s-s). u da dt. (f)
OB o!J,
Clearly, <51){11}=0 if
div S+b=eii on B x [0, t0). s=s
on ~X [0, t0). (g)
On the other hand, if (f) vanishes for every jz consistent with (a), then (f) vanishes
for every admissible motion u consistent with (b) and (c), and obvious extensions
of (7.1) and (85.1) yield (g). D
The Hamilton-Kirchhoff principle is concerned with the variation of a func-
tional over a set of processes that assume a given displacement distribution at
an initial as well as at a later time. This type of principle clearly does not characterize
the initial-value problem of elastodynamics, since it fails to take into account
the initial velocity distribution and presupposes the knowledge of the displace-
ments at a later time-an item of information not available in advance. We now
give several variational principles which do, in fact, characterize this initial-value
We assume for the remainder of this section that the density e is strictly
positive. Note that, in view of assumptions (i)-(iii) of Sect. 62, the pseudo body
force field
f(aJ, t) =i*b(aJ, t) +e(aJ) [u0 (aJ) +tv0 (aJ)], i(t) =t
is continuous on B X [0, t 0).
We begin with a variational principle in which the admissible processes are
not required to meet any of the field equations, initial conditions, or boundary
conditions; this principle is a counterpart of the Hu-Washizu principle (88.1) in
(2 )1 Let .91 denote the set of all admissible processes, and for each tE [0, t0 )
define the functional A 1{ ·} on .91 by
A 1{1l} =I {ti*E*C[E] +-! f!U*U -i*S*E- [i*div S +IJ *u} (aJ, t) dvz
+ f {i*s*u}(aJ, t) daz + f {i*(s -s)*u} daz
~ .sP,
1 GURTIN (1964, 8], Theorem 4.1.
Sect. 65. Variational principles. 227

for every p = [u, E, S]E-d. Then

bA 1{P} =0 (0 ~t<t0 )
at an admissible process p if and only if p is a solution of the mixed problem.
Proof. Let p = [u, E, S] and p = [u, E, S] be admissible processes. Then
p+ ).p is an admissible process for every scalar J... Since C is symmetric,
E(t- 7:) . C[E( 7:) J = C[E(t- 7:) J . E( 7:)'
and thus
E*C[E] =C[E]*E=E*C[E]. (a)
U1{E} =if i*E*C[E] (x, t) dv 00 •
Then (a) implies
U1 {E +J..E} =U1{E} +J..2 U1{E} +J.. f i*E*C[E] (x, t) dv00 • (b)
Thus, since

it follows that
bpA 1{P}
= I {i* (C[E] -S) *E -i*S*E- (i*div S +I -e u) *U -i*u*div S}(x, t) dv00
+I {i*s*u}(x, t) da +I i*{s*u + (s -s) *u}(x, t) da
00 00 •
.'1', .9';

If we apply (19.3) to S and u, we find that

i* I U*div § dv =i* f
S*U da -i* Bf s* Vu dv;
b;A 1 {t~} = f i* (C[E]- S} *E(x, t) dv00

-IB (i*div S +I -eu) *u(x, t) dv 00

+IB i*(Vu-E)*S(x, t) dv 00 (c)

+ f i* (u -u) *S (x, t) da 00
+ f i* (s -s)*u(x, t) da 00 (0 ~t<t0 } •

If pis a solution of the mixed problem, then we conclude from (c) and (62.3) that

b;;A 1{P}=O (O~t<t0} for every pEd (d)

which implies

To prove the converse assertion assume that (e) and hence (d) holds. If we
choose p = [u, 0, OJ and let vanish near 8B, then it follows from (c) and (d) that

f (i*divS+I-eu)*u(x,t)dv00 =0 (O~t<t0 }.
228 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 65.

Since this relation must hold for every u of class coo on lJ X [0, t0 ) that vanishes
near 8B, we conclude from (64.1) that i*div S +f=eu. Next, by choosing
p Ed in the forms [0, E, OJ and [0, 0, SJ, where E and S vanish near 8B, we con-
clude from (c), (d), and (64.1) with if'" equal to the set of all symmetric tensors that

i*(C[EJ -S) =0, i*(Vu-E) =0.

Thus, by (iv) of (10.1) with rp = i, p satisfies the stress-strain and displacement-
strain relations. In view of (62.3 ), to complete the proof we have only to show
that p satisfies the boundary conditions. By (c), (d), (iv) of (10.1), and the
results established thus far,

J(u-u)*(Sn) (a:,t)da00 + J (s-s)*u(a:,t)da00 =0 (O~t<t0 )

7,_ .9';

for every; Ed. Therefore, if we take; Ed equal to [u, 0, OJ and [0, 0, SJ and
appeal to (64.2) and (64.3 ), we conclude that p satisfies the boundary condi-
tions. 0
Our next theorem is an analog of the Hellinger-Prange-Reissner principle
(3 J1 Assume that the elasticity field is invertible. Let d denote the set of all
admissible processes that satisfy the strain-displacement relation, and for each
tE (0, t0 ) define the functional 8 1{ ·} on d by
8 1{P} = f {ii*S*K[SJ -!eu*u -i*S*E +f*u} (a:, t) dv 00
+7,_J {i*s*(u-u)} (a:, t) da 00 + J {i*s*u} (a:, t) da 00

for every p = [ u, E, SJ Ed. Then

150 1{P} = 0 (0 ~t < t0 )
at pEd if and only if pis a solution of the mixed problem.
Proof. Let p and p be admissible processes, and suppose that p + il p Ed for
every scalar il, or equivalently, that p, p Ed. In view of the symmetry of C, K is
symmetric. Thus if we proceed as in the proof of (2 ), we conclude, with the aid
of (19.3 ), that 2

~;;8 1 {P}= f i*(K[SJ -E)*S(a:, t) dvre

+ BJ (i*divS+f-eu)*u(a:,t)dv 00

+7,_J i*(u-u) *S (a:, t) da 00

+J. i * (s- s) *u (a:, t) da (o ~ t < t0).


If p is a solution of the mixed problem, then (a), because of (62.3 ), yields

~8t{P}=O (O~t<t0 ). (b)

On the other hand, (a), (b), (64.1), (64.2), (64.3), (iv) of (10.1), and (62.3)
imply that p is a solution of the mixed problem. 0
1 GURTIN [1964, 8], Theorem 4.2.
2 Cf. the proof of (88.2).
Sect. 65. Variational principles 229

If p = [u, E, S] is a kinematically admissible process, then, by virtue of (19.8 ),

A 1{p} defined in (2) reduces to qi 1{p}, where
qi 1{P} =l f {i*S*E +eu*u -2f*u} (a:, t) dvz- f {i*s *u} (a:, t) daz.
B ~

Thus we are led to the following:

(4) Analog of the principle of minimum potential energy.1 For each
tE [0, t0 ) let qi 1{ ·} be the functional defined on the set .91 of all kinematically ad-
missible processes by the above relation. Then
!5qi 1{P} =0 (0 ~t<t0 )
at pE.Jil if and only if pis a solution of the mixed problem.
Proof. Let p = [u, E, S] be an admissible process, and suppose that
p +APE .91 for every scalar J... (a)
Condition (a) is equivalent to the requirement that jJ satisfy the strain-displace-
ment relation, the stress-strain relation, and the boundary condition
Next, since the restriction of A1{·} of (2) to (the present) .91 is equal to qi 1{·},
we conclude from (c) in the proof of (2) and the properties of p and p that
!5;; qi 1{P} = - f (i*div S +f-eu) *u(a:, t) dvz
+.sP,J i* (s -8) *u(a:, t) daz
for every admissible motion u that satisfies (b). If p is a solution of the mixed
problem, then, by virtue of (62.8), ~qi 1 (p) =0 (O~t<t0}. Conversely, if the
variation of qit vanishes at p for all t, then it follows from (c), (64.1), and
(64.2) that p is a solution of the mixed problem. D
It is a simple matter to prove counterparts of theorems (84.2) and (57.4)
characterizing the displacement field corresponding to a solution of the mixed
problem. 2 Rather than do this we shall establish a variational principle which
involves only the stress field and which has no counterpart in elastostatics.
In addition to the assumptions made previously, we now assume that: 3
(A) Cis invertible onB; e. u 0 , and v 0 are of class C2 onB; b is of class C2 • 0 on
B X [0, t0).
( 5) First variational principle for the stress field 4• Let .91 denote the set
of all time-dependent admissible stress fields of class C3• 0 on B X (0, t0 ) with S continuous
on B x [0, t0). For each tE [0, t0} let F,{ ·} be the functional on d defined by
T,{S} =l f {i' *div S*div S +S*K[SJ -2S* f;lj'} (a:, t) dvz

+ .f {(/' -u) *s} (a:, t) daz + .f {i' * (s -s) *div S} (a:, t) daz,
.9', .9',
., i
t = ~­
1 GuRTIN [1964, 8], Theorem 4.3.
2 Cf. GURTIN [1964. 8], § s.
3 These assumptions are slightly more stringent than necessary.
4 GuRTIN [1964, 8], Theorem 6.1.
230 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 66.

bTe{S}=O (o;;:;;t<t0 )
at SEd if and only if S corresponds to a solution of the mixed problem.
Proof. Let SEd, so that S +AS'Od for every scalar A. Then, since K is sym-
metric, the divergence theorem and the properties of the convolution yield, after
some work,
bs Fe{S} = - J {V(i' *div S +f')- K [S]}*S(;v, t) dv 00

+ J (i' *div S -ii +f') *s (x, t) daJJ (a)


+ J i' * (s -s) *div S(;v, t) daJJ (0 ~t < t0 )


for every SEd. If S corresponds to a solution of the mixed problem, then (62.4)
implies that

On the other hand, (a), (b), the symmetry of S, (64.1), (64.3), (64.4), (iv) of
(10.1), and (62.4) imply that S corresponds to a solution of the mixed pro-
blem. 0
Let d be as defined in (5 ). By a dynamically admissible stress field
we mean a tensor field SEd that satisfies the traction boundary condition. For
such a stress field, Fe{S}, defined in (5 ), reduces to
.Q 1{S} =-! f {i' *div S*div S +S*K[S] -2S* Vj'} (x, t) dvJJ

+9',f {(f' -u) *s} (;v, t) daJJ.

Thus we are led to the following theorem, the proof of which is strictly analogous
to that given for (5 ).
(6) Second variational principle for the stress field,l For each tE [0, t0 )
let .Q 1{ ·} be defined on the set of dynamically admissible stress fields by the above
relation. Then
b.Q 1{ S} = 0 (0 ~ t < t 0 )
at a dynamically admissible stress field S if and only if S corresponds to a solution
of the mixed problem.
If we apply (19.3) to the term involving S * Vj', we can rewrite the expression
for .Q 1{S} in the form
.Q 1{S} =-! f {i'*div S*div S +S*K[SJ +2 div S*f'} (x, t) dvJJ

- f {u*s} (x, t) daJJ- f {f'*s} (;v, t) daJJ.

9', 9',

Of course, the last term may be omitted without destroying the validity of (6),
since it is the same for every dynamically admissible S.
66. Minimum principles. For the variational principles established in the
preceding section the relevant functionals were stationary, but not necessarily
a minimum, at a solution. On the other hand, the principles of minimum potential
1 GURTIN [1964, 8], Theorem 6.2.
Sect. 66. Minimum principles. 231

energy and minimum complementary energy are true minimum principles. This
difference is nontrivial; indeed, the lower bound on the energy provided by a
minimum principle is useful in establishing the convergence of numerical solutions.
In this section we establish minimum principles for the Laplace transforms of the
functionals associated with the variational principles (65.4) and (65.6 ).
We let t0 = oo, so that the underlying time interval is [0, oo). In addition to
hypotheses (i)-(v) of Sect. 62 we now assume that:
(vi) C is symmetric and positive definite;
(vii) e>o;
(viii) b, u, s
and possess Laplace transforms.
Let dL denote the set of all kinematically admissible processes fJ = [u, E, S]
such that! fJ and VfJ possess Laplace transforms. Then for fJEdL the function
t~--+ <Pt{fl}
of (65.4) has a Laplace transform
~11 {12} = f e- 111 <1> 1{12} dt ('f]o ~'YJ < oo)

for some 'f/o~O. In fact, since the Laplace transform of i(t)=t is 1/'f/2, it follows
from (vii) of (10.1) and the transformed stress-strain relationS= C [E] that

~'l{fl}= ~2 Uc{E(•,rJ)}+ f H- e(w) u{W,fJ) -/{w,fJ) ·u(w,'f])}dvoo


- ~2 Js(w, n) ·u{w n) da 00 ('Y/o~'f/<oo).

It is interesting to note the similarity between ~11 { ·} and the functional <P{ ·}of
the principle of minimum potential energy (84.1 ). This similarity is emphasized
by the
(1) TheOTem of minimum t'f'ansjOTmed ene,.gy. 2 Assume that the elas-
ticity field is positive semi-definite. Let pEdL be a solution of the mixed problem.
Then for each pEdL there exists an 'YJo ~ 0 such that
~11 {12}~~11 {P} ('f]o~'f/<oo).
Proof. Since fl, pEdL, there exists an 'f/o ~ 0 such that the Laplace trans-
forms of fl, ;;, Vfl, Vp, and b exist on B X [rJ 0 , oo). Let
p' =p-fl. (a)
Then p' is an admissible process, p' and Vp' possess Laplace transforms, and
E' =!{Vii' + VU'T) ' (b)
S'= C[E'J, (c)
u'=O on~· (d)
Moreover S=C[E], since pEdL; thus (28.1) and (a) imply

Uc{E}- Uc{E} = Uc{E'} + J

s ·E' dv. (e)
1 Here J7 p = [Vu, VE, 178].
2 BENTHIEN and GURTIN [1970, 1].
232 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 67.


If we apply(18.1) to Sand ii', we conclude, with the aid of (b) and (d), that
Is ·iff' dv =I i · u' da- I u' · divs dv. (g)
B ~ B

Further, since 11EdL is a solution of the mixed problem, if we take the Laplace
transform of the third and fifth relations in (62.8 ), we find that

~~ div S(~. 'YJ) + /(~. 'YJ) = e(~) u(~. 'YJ) (h)

for every (~,'YJ)EBX['YJ 0 , oo) and

s=~ on ~X['YJ0 ,oo). (i)
By (L) and (e)-(i),

~,(P)- ~,(11) = ~ Uc{E'{-,'YJ)} + __!___ [e(~) u'(~.'YJ) 2 dv111 ('YJo~'YJ< oo);

'YJ 2 •

this implies the desired result, since Cis positive semi-definite and epositive. D
Note that, since e>O, we can strengthen the inequality in (1) as follows:
~,{11}<~,{/l} whenever ii(•,'YJ)=f=tl(•,'YJ).
We now assume that (A) on p. 229 holds, and, in addition, that J7b possesses
a Laplace transform. Let ~L denote the set of all dynamically admissible stress
fields S such that S and J7S possess Laplace transforms. Then for SE~L the
function t~-+O,{S} of (65.6) has a Laplace transformQ,{S} ('Y/o ~'YJ < oo) for some
'YJo>O. In fact,
n,{S} = uK{S (.' 'YJ)} + f [[di;(!~~~·'Y/;)] 2 - s (~. 'YJ) . Vj'(~. 'YJ)] dv"'

+ jrJ'(~,'YJ)-~(~.'YJ)]·s(~.'YJ)da:JJ ('YJo~'YJ<oo),

and we are led to the

(2) Minimum principle for the stTess field. Let SE~L be the stress field
corresponding to a solution of the mixed problem. Then for each SE~L there exists an
'YJo ~ 0 such that
071 {S}~Q 71 {S} ('Y/o~'YJ<oo).
The proof of this theorem is strictly analogous to that of (1) and can safely
be omitted.

IV. Homogeneous and isotropic bodies.

67. Complete solutions of the field equations. In this section we study certain
general solutions of the displacement equation of motion 1
cf J7 divu- c~ curl curl u + !!_ = ii,
1 Cf. p. 213.
Sect. 67. Complete solutions of the field equations. 233

assuming throughout that c~>c~>O and that b/e admits the Helmholtz de-
composition 1
-- =-17"-curly div r= o,
(! '

with" and 1 of class C2• 0 on B X (0, t0 ). A solution u of class C2 on B X (0, t0 ) will

be referred to as an elastic motion corresponding to b.
(1) Green-Lame solution. 2 Let
u = 17g:> + curl tp, (~)

where g:> and tp are class C3 fields on B X (0, t0 ) that satisfy 3

Then u is an elastic motion corresponding to b.

Proof. By (~)

c12 17d"IV u - c22 cur1curI u - u·· + -b


= 17{c~Lig:>- ;p- "}+curl{- c~ curl curl tp- tp -y}.

In view of (1) and (3) of (4.1),
curl curl curl tp =- curlLI tp,

and the desired result follows from (L 2). D

(2) Completeness of the Green-Lame solution. 4 Let u be an elastic

motion of class C3 corresponding to b, and assume that u (., -r) and -r) are u(.,
continuous on B at some time -rE (0, t0). Then there exist class C2 fields g:> and tp
on B X (0, t 0) that satisfy (L1), (L 2). Moreover,
1 As is clear from the proof of (6.7), such an expansion is ensured if b/e is continuous on
jj x (0, t0 ) and of class C2 • 0 on B x (0, t0 ).
2 LAME [1852, 2], p. 149. The two-dimensional version was obtained earlier by GREEN
[1839, 1]. The solution u = 171[!, 0 1 I[!= u appears in the work of POissoN [1829, 2], p. 404.
Related solutions are given by BONDARENKO [1960, 4], KILCHEVSKII and LEVCHUK [1967, 10].
CHADWICK and TROWBRIDGE [1967, 5] show that
u = 171[!- curl curl (p 1p} -curl (pro)
0 1 1[!=0, 0 2 ip=O, 0 2 w=O,
defines an elastic motion corresponding to b = 0. Further, they prove that this solution is
complete for regions bounded by concentric spheres.
3 The wave operators Ocx are defined on p. 213.
4 CLEBSCH [186 3, 2] was the first to assert that the Green-Lame solution is complete. CLEBSCH
also gave a proof which STERNBERG [1960, 13] showed is open to serious objection. (Actually,
CLEBSCH's proof is valid when the boundary of the region consists of a single closed surface.)
Another inconclusive proof was given by KELVIN [1904, 5] in 1884. The first general com-
pleteness proof was furnished by SoMIGLIANA [1892, 7]. Completeness proofs were also supplied
by TEDONE [1897, 1], DUHEM [1898, 5], and STERNBERG and GURTIN [1962, 13]. An explicit
version of DUHEM'S proof was given by STERNBERG [1960, 13]. The work of SOMIGLIANA,
TEDONE, and DUHEM appears to be little known; in fact, SNEDDON and BERRY [1958, 18],
p. 109 state that the Green-Lame solution is incomplete if the region occupied by the medium
has a boundary. Further, as STERNBERG [1960, 13] has remarked, the completeness proof
given by PEARSON [1959, 11] is open to objections.
234 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 67.

Proof. I If we integrate the equation of motion twice, we arrive at

I s
u(t) = u(-r) + it(-r) (t- -r) + 17 f f [cf divu(A)- "(A)] dAds
,, TT
+curl ff [ -c~curl u(A) -1(A)] dAds,

where, for convenience, we have omitted all mention of the variable ~- If we

apply the Helmholtz resolution (6.7) to u(-r) and u(-r), we find that
u(-r) +u(-r) (t- -r) = 17oc(t) +curl p(t), (b)
where oc and p are class C2 fields that satisfy
~=0, P=O, divP=O. (c)
Thus if we define functions cp and 1p on B X (0, t0) by
I s
cp(t) = oc(t) + ff
[cf divu(A)- "(A)] dAds, (d)
I s
1p (t) = p(t)- fJ [c~ curl u (A)+ 1 (A)] dAds, (e)
U= 17 cp + curl1p, (f)
and, since div 1 =0, (c), (d), and (e) imply
div1p=O. (g)
Moreover, by (c), (d), and (e),

cp = cf div u - ", iP = - ci curl u -1, (h)

and (£), (g), and (1)-(3) of (4.1) yield
divu =LI cp, curl u = -L11p. (i)
Finally, (h) and (i) imply the desired result (L2). 0
It follows from (d), (e), and (i) that cp and 1p are sufficiently smooth that

D1 17 cp = 1701 cp,
0 2 curl1p =curl 0 2 1p,
and (2) has the following corollary:
(8) Poisson's decomposition theO'I'em. 2 Let u satisfy the hypotheses of (2)
with body force field b = 0. Then u admits the decomposition

u=~+u 2 ,

where ~ and u 2 are class C2 fields on B X (0, t0 ) that satisfy

0 1 ~ = 0, curl~= 0,
0 2 U 2 =0, divu2 =0.
1 SOMIGLIANA [1892, 7]. See also BISHOP [1953, 4].
2 PoissoN [1829, 3]. Although PmssoN's results are based on a molecular model which
yields p =A., his proof in no way depends on this constraint.
Sect. 67. Complete solutions of the field equations. 235
(4) Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana solution. 1 Let

u = 0 1 g + (c~-c~) Vdivg,
where g is a class C4 vector field on B X (0, t0 ) that satisfies

Then u is an elastic motion corresponding to b.

Proof. By (S1)
0 2 u+(c~-c~) Vdivu
= 0 2 0 1 g + (c~ -c~) 0 2 Vdivg + (c~-c~){0 1 Vdivg + (c~- c~) L1 Vdivg}.
In view of (S 2 ) and the identity
Od- Otf= (c~-c~)Lif,
the right-hand side of the above relation reduces to -bfe; thus we conclude
from (d) on p. 213 that u is an elastic motion corresponding to b. 0
If g is independent of time, then (S1), (S 2) reduce to
u = c~Llg + (c~- c~) V divg,
ecf c~ '
which is, to within a multiplicative constant, the Boussinesq-Somigliana-Galerkin
solution (44.8 ).
If in the time-dependent Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana solution we define2
1J'=0tY• rp=2c~divg-p·1p,
then (~), (S 2) reduce to

which may be regarded as a dynamic generalization of the Boussinesq-Papko-

vitch-Neuber solution (44.1). Since the potentials rp and 1p obey a coupled
differential equation, this solution is of no practical interest in elastodynamics. 3
We now establish the completeness of the Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana
solution. For convenience, we shall assume that the body forces are zero.
(5) Completeness of the Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana solution. 4
Let u be a class C6 elastic motion corresponding to zero body forces, and suppose that
u( ·, r) and u( •, r) are continuous on Bat some rE(O, t0 ). Then there exists a classC4
vector field g on B X (0, t0 ) such that (S1), (S 2) hold.
1 CAUCHY [1840, 1], pp. 208-209; KOVALEVSKY [1885, 2], p. 269; SOMIGLIANA [1892, 7].
This solution was arrived at independently by IACOVACHE [1949. 4]; it was extended to
include body forces by STERNBERG and EUBANKS [1957, 14]. See also BONDARENKO [1957, 2],
PREDELEANU [1958, 13], TEODORESCU [1960, 14].
2 STERNBERG and EUBANKS [1957, 14]. Cf. the remarks on p. 142.
3 STERNBERG [1960, 13].
4 SoMIGLIANA [1892, 7]. This theorem was arrived at independently by STERNBERG and
EUBANKS [19 57, 14] using an entirely different method of proof and without assuming that
b =0. A third completeness proof is contained in the work of STERNBERG and GuRTIN
[1962, 13].
236 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 67.

Proof. By hypothesis and (2 ),

c~ V divu -cicurl curl u =il, (a)
U= VfJ?+cur11p, (b)
01fJ?=O, 0 2 11'=0. (c)
Further, it follows from the proof of (2) that 9? and 1p are of class C5• Substi-
tuting (b) into (a),
il = c=Ll curl1p- V div (c~ curl 1p- c~ V 9?), (d)
where we have used the fact that div curl =0. By (c)
c~Ll curl1p =curl iP = c~Ll curl1p- 0 1 curl1p,
and thus

Eqs. (d), (e), and the first of (c) imply that

il = ~ 0 1(ci curl1p-cf V(}?)- Vdiv(clcurl1p- cf V(}?),

and thus
u(t) =v(-r) +v(-r) (t- -r) + 0 1 h(t)- (c~- ci) V div h(t),
t s
h(t) = ~jj[cicurllp(A)
-cf V(j?(A)] d).ds,

In the above equations we have omitted all mention of the variable m.

Next, since the Boussinesq-Somigliana-Galerkin solution (44.8) is complete,
we can expand v(-r) = v(•, -r) and v(-r) =V(•, -r) as follows
v(-r) = c~Ll 9 1 + (c~- cf) V div 9 1,
v(-r) = crLI 9 2 + (ci- cf) Vdiv 9 2 ,
where 9 1 and 9 2 are of class C4 on B. Thus if we define
9 (m, t) = h (m, t) +9 1 (m) + (t - -r) 92 (m) ,
then 9 is of class C4 ,
U=019+(4-cf) Vdiv9,
and (S1) holds. Finally, (~) and (a) imply (S 2). 0
In attempting to judge the comparative merits of the Cauchy-Kovalevski-
Somigliana solution (S1), (S 2) and the Green-Lame solution (~), (L2), the follow-
ing considerations would appear to be pertinent. 1 The former remains complete
in the equilibrium case if the generating potential 9 (m, t) is taken to be a function
of position alone. In contrast, the Green-Lame solution has no equilibrium
counterpart in the foregoing sense. This circumstance reflects the relative economy
of the Green-Lame solution, which is simpler in structure than the available
complete solutions to the equations of equilibrium. Further, (S1) contains space
1 These observations are due to STERNBERG [1960, 13].
Sect. 67. Complete solutions of the field equations. 237

derivatives of g up to the second order while only first-order derivatives of q;

and tp are seen to enter (L 2 ). Finally, (~), (L 2 ) are conveniently transformed
into general orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, whereas (S1), (S 2) give rise to
exceedingly cumbersome forms when referred to curvilinear coordinates, with the
exception of cylindrical coordinates. For all of these reasons, the Green-Lame
solution deserves preference over the Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana solution
in applications.
In the absence of body forces the Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana stress function
satisfies the repeated wave equation

The next result yields an important decomposition for solutions of this equation.
(6) Boggio's theorem. 1 Let g be a vector field of class C4 on B X (0, t0 ), and
suppose that

g =gl +g2,
where g 1 and g 2 are class C2 fields on B X (0, t0 ) that satisfy
D1 gl = 0, D2 g2 = 0.
Proof. 2 It suffices to establish the existence of a class C2 field g 1 on B X (0, t0 )
with the following properties:
Indeed, once such a g 1 has been found, we simply define
g2 =g-gl.
D"gl=c~Ligl-g1 (1X=1,2),
it follows that if 0 1 g 1 = 0, then

Thus (a) is satisfied if


Notice that f is of class C2 on B X (0, t0 ) and obeys

Dd=O. (c)
Thus to complete the proof it suffices to exhibit a field g 1 satisfying (b), sub-
ject to (c).
Let -rE (0, t 0 ) and consider the function g 1 defined by
t s
g 1 (:.c, t) = f f f(:.c, A.) d.A. ds + h (:.c) + t q (:.c)

1 BoGGIO [1903, I]. This theorem was established independently by STERNBERG and
EUBANKS [1957, 14].
2 STERNBERG and EUBANKS [1957, 14].
M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 67.

for (~. t) E B X (0, t 0 ), where h and q are as of yet unspecified. Then g 1 meets the
second of (b). We now show that h and q can be chosen such that 0 1 g 1 = 0.
I s
0 1 9 1 (~. t) =II c~LJf(~. A) d). ds- /(~. t) + c~LJ h(~) + t c~LJq (~),
and by (c)
Ot Y1 (~. t) = - /(~. -r) + -r j(~. -r)- t j(~. -r) + cfLJ h (~) + t cfLJq (~).
Since f is of class C2 on B x (0, t0 ), f( ·, -r) and j( ·, -r) are of class C1 on B; hence,
in view of (6.5 ), there exist functions h and q of class C2 on B such that
c~LJh(~) =/(~. -r) --r:j(~, -r),
cfLJq(~) =i(~. -r),
which yields 0 1 g 1 = 0. 0
An interesting relation between the Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana solution
and the Green-Lame solution was established by STERNBERG. 1 Assume that the
body forces vanish. Let g be the stress function in (S1), (S 2). Then by (S2) and
Boggio's theorem, there exist functions g 1 and g 2 such that
Y=Yt +Ys· (a)

01Y1 =0, 02Y2=0. (b)

By the second of (b),
01 Y2 = (c~-c~)LJg2; (c)
thus, using (a) and (b), we can write (S1) as
u = (cf- c~) [LJg 2 - 17div(g1 + Ys)J, (d)
and, since
curl curlg2 = 17 divg2-LJg2,
(d) can be written in the form
u = (c:- cf) [17 div g 1 +curl curl g 2].
If we define functions cp and 1p by

cp = (c~- cf) div g 1 , 1p = (cl- cf) curl g 2 , (e)

then (e) takes the form

U = 17 cp + CUrl1p, div 1p = 0, (f)
while (b) yields
Dt cp =0, 0 2 1J'=0. (g)

Eqs. (f) and (g) are identical to (~) and (L2). Thus we have STERNBERG's result:
The Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana solution reduces to the Green-Lame solution
provided the field g is subiected to the transformation (a), (b), and (e). In view of
the completeness of the Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana solution, this reduction
theorem furnishes an alternative proof of the completeness of the Green-Lame
1 [1960, 13].
Sect. 68. Basic singular solutions. 239
68. Basic singular solutions. In this section we will discuss the basic singular
solutions of elastodynamics, assuming throughout that the body is homogeneous
and isotropic with c1 > 0, c2 > 0.
Throughout this section y is a fixed point of rff,
r=~-y. r=JrJ,
and 2:11 = 1:'1 (y) is the open ball with center at y and radius fJ·
Recall 1 that 2 is the set of all smooth vector functions on (- oo, oo) that
vanish on (- oo, 0). For each ZE 2let uy{Z} be the vector field on (rff -{y}) X
(- oo, oo) defined by

4 :n\!r ( ,_~,. -1) JA.l(t-A.r) dA.

uy{l} (~. t) = [ 3


+ ,.~r ~ (~
l(t -rfc1 ) -~l(t
1 c
-r/c + ~
l(t -rfc2 )].
2 ))

Further, let E 11 {l} and Sy{Z} be defined through the strain-displacement and
stress-strain relations, so that



JA.l(t :i
/1 {Z} (~. t) = -6c~ -A.r) dA. + 12 [z(t -rfc2 ) - l (t -rfc1 )]
2)- c1c! i(t-rfCt)],

f 2 {l} (~. t) = -6c: AZ(t- A.r) dA. +2l(t -rfc2) + (1 -4 :;) l(t -r/Ct)

+ _!__
(1-2 c!)i(t-rfc1 ).

I A.l (t -A.r) dA. +3l(t -rfc

/3 {Z} (~. t) = -6c~ 2)- --l-l(t -r/Ct)

We write

and call Py{l} the Stokes process 2 corresponding to a concentrated load l at y.

Clearly, the mapping l~-+Py{l} is linear on 2.
1 Seep. 26.
2 This solution is due to STOKES [1851. 1]. It was deduced by LovE [1904, 3], [1927, 3],
§ 212 through a limit process based on a sequence of time-dependent body force fields that
approaches a concentrated load (cf. (51.1)). The form of STOKES' solution presented here is
taken from WHEELER and STERNBERG [1968, 16]. A generalization of STOKES' solution, valid
for inhomogeneous media, is contained in the work of MIKHLIN [1947, 5]. See also BABICH
[1961, 1], GUTZWILLER [1962, 8], MURTAZAEV [1962, 12], NOWAK [1969, 5].
240 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 68.

(1) Let lE2and define s;{l} on (tff-{y})x(-oo, oo) by

s;{z} (re, t) = 4~7 [ (r ·/l~;®r -r®/2 -la®r- (r ·/a) 1],

where J. =/;{l} (re, t) is defined above. Then

s,{k}*l =S;{lV *k.

Proof. It follows from the definition of /; and (10.2) that

/;{l}# k=l#/;{k};
/;{l}* k =h/;{k}.
Thus, in view of the definition of S11 {k},

4nr3 s,{k}*l = (r. /1 {k}) * (r ·l) ~ - (r ·/2{k}) *'- (/s{k}*l) r-(r ·l) *fs{k}

= [( r~ r) · (/1 {k}# l) ]r- (l# / 2{k}) r- (/3 {k}*l) r- (/3 {k}# l) r

= w·~r). (k# /l{l}) ]r- (/2{l}# k) r- (k*fs{l}) r- (k# /a{l}) r
=4n y3 s;{lV * k. D
s;{l} =S;{z} n
on 8Bx(-oo, oo), where s;{l} is the tensor field defined in (1). We call s;{l}
the adjoint traction field on 8B corresponding to p11 {l}.
(2) Properties of the Stokes process.1 Let lE!l'. Then the Stokes process
p 11 {l}
has the following properties:
(i) If lis of class C2 , then p11 {l} is an elastic process on@" -{y} with a quiescent
past, and p 11 {l} corresponds to zero body forces.
(ii) u 11 {l} (re, ·) =O(r-1) and S 11 {l} (re, ·) =O(r- 2) as r-+0 and also as r-+oo,
uniformly on every interval of the form (- oo, t].
(iii) lim J s 11 {l}da=l,
7j-+0 i!l:~
lim J rxs 11 {l}da=0,
1j-+0 i!l:~

on 81:11 X (- oo, oo) with n the inward unit normal. Moreover, the above limits are
attained uniformly on every interval of the form (- oo, t].
(iv) For every kE .!l',
hu11 {k} = k*u,{l}, hs11 {k} = ku;{l},
where s 11 {k} is the traction field on 8B corresponding to p11 {k}, and s;{l} is the
adjoint traction field on 8B corresponding to p 11 {l}.
Proof. Parts (i) and (ii) follow from the assumed properties of l and the for-
mulae for u,{l} and s,{l}.
1 This theorem, with the exception of the second of (iv), is due to WHEELER and STERN-
BERG [1968, 16]. See also LovE [1927, 3], who asserts (iii).
Sect. 68. Basic singular solutions. 241

Consider now part (iii). A simple computation based on the formula for
S,{Z} leads to the result

Js,{l} (a:, -r)

dati!= ~ [z(-r-rJ/Ct) +2l(-r-rJfc2)

which implies the first of (iii), since lEft'. The second of (iii) is an immediate
consequence of the order of magnitude estimate for S,{l} in (ii).
The first of property (iv) is easily established with the aid of (10.2 ). To prove
the second, note that by (1)
l*s,{k} ='* (S,{k} n) = (S,{k}*l) · n
= (S;{lV *k) · n =k*(s;{l} n) =ku;{l}. o
Let l E.ft' be of class C2 , and let u~ {l} be defined on (t! - {y}) x (- oo, oo) by

u~{l} (a:, t) = !.• u,{Z} (a:, t) .


We write
p~{l} = [u~{l}, E~{l}, S~{Z}],
where E~{l} and S~{l} are ~efined through the strain-displacement and stress-
strain relations, and call p~{l} the doublet process (corresponding to y, l,
and e.).
(8) Properties of the doublet processes. 1 Let lEft' be of class C2 • Then
the doublet process ~~~{1} has the following properties:
(i) Ifl is of.class C3 , then p~{l} is an elastic process on t! -{y} with a quies-
cent past, and ~~~{l} corresponds to zero body forces.
(ii) u~{l} (a:,.) =O(r- 2) and S~{l} (a:,·) =O(r- 3) as r-+0 and also as r-+oo,
uniformly on every interval of the form (- oo, t].
(iii) lim f s~{l}da=O, lim f rxs~{l}da=-e,xl,
1j-->0 i!Z:, '1--->0 i!l:,
81{1} =S'{l} n
on 81:11 with n the inward unit normal.
(iv) If k E.ft' is of class C2 , then
k*u,{l} ='*u,{k}.
1 WHEELER and STERNBERG [1968, 16], Theorem 3.2.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 16
242 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 69.

(v) If tz,{l} is the Stokes process corresponding to the concentrated load l at y, then

--1- P,{l} = -li~{l}.


69. Love's integral identity. In this section we will establish Love's theorem;
this theorem is a direct analog of Somigliana's theorem (52.4) in elastostatics.
We continue to assume that B is homogeneous and isotropic with c1 > 0, c2 > 0.
(1) Lemma. 1 Let p = [ u, E, S] be an elastic process with a quiescent past,
and let tz,{l} = [u,{l}, E,{l}, S,{l}] be the Stokes process corresponding to a con-
centrated load lE!P at yEB. Then
J s*u,{l} da =0,
lim J u*s,{l} da =hu(y, ·},
s =Sn, s,{l} =S,{l} n
on 8l:'1(y) x(-oo, oo) with n the inward unit normal.
Proof. Since both states have quiescent pasts, the above relations hold
trivially on (- oo, 0]. Thus hold t > 0 fixed for the remainder of the argument.
Let {3 be such that ~p(Y}(B, choose rJE(0,{3], and write l:'1=1:'1(y). Further,
v(:v, -r) =u(:v, -r) -u(y, -r) (a)
for (:v, -r) EB X [0, oo). Then

JI(rJ) -hu(y, t)J:::;; \ J j s,{l} (:v, t--r) ·v(:v, -r) d-rda 00 1

oi~ o
+ IJu (y, t -
-r) · [
f s11 {l} (:v, -r) d a.., - l (-r)] d -rl ,

The second term in the right-hand member of (b) tends to zero with rJ, since the
limit may be taken under the time-integral 2 and because of (iii) in (68.2 ). Conse-
JI(rJ) -hu(y, t)J ~4nrJ 2 tM3 (rJ) M 4(rJ) +o(1} as rJ-+0, (c)
M 3 (rJ) =sup {Jv (:v, -r)J: (:v, -r) Eol:'l x [0, t]},
M 4 (rJ) =sup {Js11 {l} (:v, -r)J: (:v, -r)E81:'1 X [0, t]},
for rJE (0, {3]. From (a) and the continuity of u on B X [0, oo) follows
M3 (rJ) =o(1) as rJ-+0.
On the other hand, (ii) of (68.2) yields
M4(rJ) =O(n-2) as rJ-+0.
The inequality (c), when combined with the above estimates, implies the second
result in (1). A strictly analogous argument yields the first result in (1). D
1 WHEELER and STERNBERG [1968, 16], Lemma 3.1.
2 See MIKUSINSKI [1959, 10], p. 143.
Sect. 70. The acoustic tensor. 243

(2) Love's integral identity.1 Let f2 = [ u, E, SJ be an elastic process on B

corresponding to the external force system [b, s], let /2 have a quiescent past, and
suppose that s (a:, ·) E2 for every a:E 8B, and that b (a:, ·) E2 for every a:E B. Then
u(y, •) =f [uy{s} -s;{u}] da + f uy{b} dv
oB B

for yEB, where, for any lE.!l', uy{l} is the displacement field and s;{z} the adjoint
traction field corresponding to the Stokes process f:ly{l}.
Proof. 2 By hypothesis, u is an admissible motion and
u(·, 0) =U(•, 0) =0 (a)
on B. Thus u(a:, ·)E2 for every a:EB. Therefore, since s(a:, ·)E2 for every
a:E 8B, the above expression holds trivially on (- oo, 0].
We now establish its validity on (0, oo). Choose at> 0 with E(% (y) ( B, and set
B.,=B-E.,(y) (b)
for 17E (0, at]. Let lE 2 be of class C2 • By (a) and (i) of (68.2 ), /2 and f:ly{l} both
correspond to null initial data, while f:ly{l} corresponds to vanishing body forces.
Thus we are entitled to apply (d) of Graffi's reciprocal theorem (61.1) to /2 and
f:ly{l} on B., with the result that
f s*uy{l} da + f b*uy{l} dv = f sy{l}*u da (c)
oB~ B~ oB~

on (0, oo). If we let 17~0 in (c) and use (b) and (1), we arrive at the result
f S*Uy{l}da+ f b*uy{l}dv= f sy{l}*uda+hu(y,•). (d)
oB B oB

By (iv) of (68.2) and the properties of the convolution (10.1 ), (d) can be written

in the form
[ f [uy{s} -s;{u}] da + f uy{b} dv -u(y, •)j =0
oB B

on [0, oo). Since ZE2is an arbitrary class C2 function, (e) and (v) of (10.1) yield
the desired result. D

V. Wave propagation.
70. The acoustic tensor. As we will see in the next few sections, the notion of
an acoustic tensor is central to the study of wave propagation. In this section
we define this tensor and establish some of its properties.
Fix a: EB and let C =Ca. be the elasticity tensor and (! =(!(a:) > 0 the density
at a:. Let m be a unit vector. Since C is a linear transformation,
(!-1 C[a®m]m
1 LovE [1904, 3]. A similar result was deduced previously by VoLTERRA [1894, 4], but
VoLTERRA's result is confined to two-dimensional elastostatics. See also SoMIGLIANA [1906, 6],
DE Hoop (1958, 4], WHEELER and STERNBERG (1968, 16]. None of the above authors
utilizes the adjoint traction field, which considerably simplifies Love's identity. Related
integral identities are contained in the work of ARZHANYH [1950, 2], [1951, 2, 3, 4], [1954, 1, 2],
(1955, 2, 3], KNOPOFF [1956, 6], DoYLE [1966, 8].
A similar integral identity for the stress field, involving linear combinations of doublet
processes, was established by WHEELER and STERNBERG [1968, 16], Theorem 3.4.
2 The proof we give here is due to WHEELER and STERNBERG [1968, 16], pp. 71, 72.
LovE [1904, 3] based his proof on Betti's reciprocal theorem (80.1), treating the inertia
term as a body force.
244 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 70.

is a linear, vector-valued function of the vector a and hence is represented by the

operation of a tensor A(m) acting on a:
A(m) a=e-1 C[a®m] m for every vector a.
We call A(m) the acoustic tensor for the direction m. In components
A,"(m) =e-1 C, 1"zm;mz.
(1) Properties of the acoustic tensor.
(i) A(m) is symmetric for every m if and only if C is symmetric.
(ii) A(m) is positive definite for every m if and only if C is strongly elliptic.
(iii) A(m) is positive definite for every m whenever C is positive definite.
(iv) Given any Q in the symmetry group ~w,
QA(m) QT =A(Qm)
for every m.
Proof. Let C =e-1 C. Clearly,
b ·A(m) a=b · C[a®m] m=(b®m) · C[a®m]. (a)
Properties (i) and (ii) are direct consequences of (a) and (ii) of (20.1). Further,
since C positive definite implies C strongly elliptic, (ii) implies (iii). Finally, since
(Qa) ® (Qm) = Q(a ® m) QT,
it follows from (f) on p. 71 that
QTA(Qm) Qa=QTC[Qa®Qm] Qm=QTC[Q(a®m) Qr] Qm
=C[a®m] m=A(m) a,
which implies (iv). 0
(2) Properties of the acoustic tensor when the material is isotropic.1
Assume that the material at ~~J is isotropic with Lame moduli p. and A.. Then
A(m) =c~m®m+c~(1-m®m),
where c1 and c2 are the wave speeds:
2 2,u+it
Further, c~ and c~ are the principal values of A(m); the line spanned by m is the
characteristic space for c~, the plane perpendicular to m the characteristic space for c~.
Proof. By (i) of (20.1) and (22.2),
C[a®m] =C[syma®m] =p.(a®m+m®a) +A.(a·m) 1;
C[a®m] m=p.a+(J..+p.) (a ·m) m=[!-'1 +(J..+p.) m®m] a
=[1-'(1-m®m) +(J..+2p.) m®m] a,l
which yields the above formula for A(m). The remainder of the proof follows
from the spectral theorem (3.2) . 0
1 The form of the acoustic tensor for various anisotropic materials was given by SAKADI
[1941, 2] and FEDOROV [1965, 5], § 19. FEooRov [1963, 5] has established a method of
computing the isotropic acoustic tensor that is closest (in a precise sense) to a given anisotropic
acoustic tensor.
Sect. 71. Progressive waves. 245

When we wish to make explicit the dependence of the acoustic tensor A(m)
on ~E 13, we write A(~. m), i.e.
A(~. m) a=e-1 (~) C"'[a®m] m.
In the following proposition the region B is completely arbitrary.
(8) Let C and e-1 be bounded on 13 with C symmetric and strongly elliptic.
For each ~E13 and unit vector m, let A.(~. m) be the largest characteristic value of
the acoustic tensor A(~. m). Then the number cM>O defined by
cl,-=sup {A.(~. m): ~E13, lml =1}
is finite, and
IG · C"'[GJI ~e(~) cLIGI 2
for every ~E13 whenever G is of the form G=a®v. We call eM the maa:imum
speed of p1'opagation corresponding to C and !!·
Proof. By hypothesis and (i) and (ii) of (1), A(~. m) is always symmetric
and positive definite. Thus A.(~. m) > 0 and
v ·A(~. m) v~A.(~. m)lvl 2 (a)
for every vector v. Thus if the supremum of A.(~. m) is finite, eM will be well
defined. Let e (~. m) with le (~. m) I = 1 be a characteristic vector corresponding
to A.(~. m). Then
A.(~. m) =e(~. m) ·A(~. m) e(~. m), (b)
and since
v ·A(~. m) v =e-1 (~) (v®m) · C"'[v®m]
~e-1 (~) IC"'IIv®ml 2 =e-1 (~) IC"'IIvl 2
for every vector v, (b) implies that
A.(~. m) ~e-1(~) IC"'I· (d)
Since e- and Care bounded on 13, e-1ICI is bounded, and therefore eM is finite.
The final inequality in (8) follows from (a}, (c), and the definition of eM. D
71. Progressive waves. In this section we study plane progressive wave solutions 1
to the displacement equation of motion. These simple solutions are important
in that they yield valuable information concerning the propagation characteristics
of elastic materials.
We assume that the body is homogeneous and the density strictly positive.
By a p1'0gressive wave we mean a function u on C X ( - oo, oo) of the form
u(~. t) =aq;(p · m -ct), (a)2
(i) q; is a real-valued function of class C2 on (- oo, oo) with
d2tp(s) $0'
ds 2 '

(ii) a and m are unit vectors called, respectively, the direction of motion
and the direction of Pf'Opagation;
1 For studies of steady waves, of which plane progressive waves are a special case, see
SAENZ [1953, 17] and STROH [1962, 14].
2 Recall that p (:c) = :c- 0.
246 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 71.

(iii) cis a scalar called the velocity of propagation.

We say that the wave is longitudinal if a and m are linearly dependent;
transverse if a and m are perpendicular; elastic if u satisfies the displacement
equation of motion
div C[l7u] =eii (b)

on If x (- oo, oo). Thus an elastic progressive wave is an elastic motion of the

form (a) that corresponds to zero body forces.
Let oc denote any given constant, and let 11: 1 denote the plane defined by
11:1 ={:.:: (:.:-0) ·m-ct=oc}.
Then at any given time t the displacement field u is constant on 11:1 • This plane
is perpendicular to m and, as a function of t, is moving with velocity c in the
direction m. For this reason u is sometimes referred to as a plane progressive
By (a)
Vu=tp' a®m, (c)
tp' (:.:, t) = dtp (s)
tp"(a:, t) = I
d2tp(s) .
ds 2 s=p·m-ct
divu=tp' a·m,
curl u = tp' m X a,

and, since tp' $0 (because tp" $0), it follows that a progressive wave is:
longitudinal <=> curl u = 0,
transverse <=:> div u = 0.
By (c)
C[Vu] =tp'C[a®m],
and, as C is independent of :.:,
div C[Vu] = tp"C[a®m] m =(!tp" A(m)a, (d)
where A(m) is the acoustic tensor discussed in the previous section:
A(m) a =e-1 C[a®m] m.
and (d) and (e) yield the
(1) Propagation condition for progressive waves.1 A necessary and
sufficient condition that the progressive wave u defined in (a) be elastic is that the
Fresnel-Hadamard propagation condition
A(m) a=c2a
1 According to TRUESDELL and TouPIN [1960, 17], § 300, the ideas behind this theorem
can be traced back to the work of FRESNEL. See also CAUCHY [1840, 1], pp. 42. 50; GREEN
[1841, 1]; MusGRAVE [1954, 15]; MILLER and MusGRAVE [1956, 8]; SYNGE [1956, 13],
[1957, 16]; FARNELL [1961, 7]; MUSGRAVE [1961, 15].
Sect. 71. Progressive wave. 247

Thus for a progressive wave to propagate in a direction m its amplitude must

be a principal vector of the acoustic tensor A(m) and the square of the velocity
of propagation must be the associated characteristic value. If the elasticity tensor
Cis symmetric, then, by (i) of (70.1), A(m) is symmetric, and hence has at least
three orthogonal principal directions ~, a 2 , a3 and three associated principal
values c~, c~, c~ for every m. Further, if Cis strongly elliptic, then A(m) will be
positive definite and c1 , c2 , and c3 will be real. Thus, if Cis symmetric and strongly
elliptic, there exist, for every direction m, three orthogonal directions of motion and
three associated velocities of propagation c1 , c2 , c3 for progressive waves.
Theorem (1), when combined with (70.2), implies the
(2) Propagation condition for isotropic bodies. 1 For an isotropic material
the progressive wave u defined in (a) will be elastic if and only if either
(i) c2 =c~ = 2 .u+.A. and the wave is longitudinal; or
(ii) c2 = c~ = p,f (! and the wave is transverse.
Thus for an isotropic material there are but two types of progressive waves:
longitudinal and transverse. One can ask whether or not longitudinal andfor
transverse waves exist for anisotropic materials. This question is answered by the
(3) Fedorov-Stippes theorem. 2 There exist longitudinal and transverse
elastic progressive waves provided the elasticity tensor is symmetric and strongly
Proof. By (1) there exists a longitudinal progressive wave in the direction m
A(m)m=A.m (a)
for some scalar A> 0. Since C is strongly elliptic, A(m) is positive definite;
thus, given any m,
m · A(m) m > 0, A(m) m=f= 0. (b)
Consider the function l defined on the surface of the unit sphere by
A(rn) rn
l(m) = IA(rn) rnl. (c)

By the first of (b), lis continuous, maps the surface of the unit sphere into itself,
and maps no point into its antipode. By a fixed point theorem, 3 any such map
has a fixed point. Thus there exists a unit vector m 1 such that l(~) =~. or
equivalently, by (c),
A(~)~=A.~. A.=IA(~)~I·
Thus there exists a longitudinal progressive wave in the direction ~. By the
spectral theorem (3.2 ), there exist unit vectors m 2 and m 3 such that ~, m 2 , m 3
are orthonormal and m 2 and m 3 are principal directions for A(~). Since A(~)
1 CAUCHY [1840, 1], pp. 137-142. See also LAME [1852, 2], §59; WEYRAUCH [1884, 2],
§§ 98-99; BuTTY [1946, 1], §§ 60--62; PAILLOUX [1956, 9], p. 35.
2 This theorem was arrived at independently by FEDOROV [1964, 7] and STIPPES [1965, 18].
See also TRUESDELL [1966, 27], [1968, 13] and FEDOROV [1965, 5], § 18. KoLODNER [1966, 14]
has extended the Fedorov-Stippes theorem by showing that there exist three distinct directions
along which longitudinal waves propagate. SADAKI [1941, 2] has calculated the actual direc-
tions along which longitudinal and transverse waves propagate for various crystal classes.
See also BRUGGER [1965, 3]. WATERMAN [1959. 18] has established results for waves that are
nearly longitudinal or nearly transverse.
3 See, e.g., BOURGIN [1963, 2], Theorem 8.7 on p. 132.
248 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 72.

is positive definite, the corresponding characteristic values c~ and are positive
and hence are the squares of positive numbers. Thus there exist progressive
waves in the direction fflt whose directions of motion are equal to m 2 and "'a·
But m 2 and rna are orthogonal to fflt. Thus these progressive waves are trans-
verse. D
(4) 1 Assume that the elasticity tensor is symmetric and strongly elliptic. Let e
be an axis of symmetry for the material. 2 Then there exist longitudinal and transverse
elastic progressive waves whose direction of propagation is e.
Proof. Clearly, we have only to show that e is a characteristic vector for
A(e). Since e is an axis of symmetry,
Qe=e W
for some Q=f: 1 in the symmetry group. Thus, by (iv) of ('10.1),
QA(e) =A(e) Q,
and we conclude from the commutation theorem (8.8) that Q leaves invariant
each characteristic space of A(e). By (a) Q must be a proper rotation about e
through an angle {}, If {) =f: n, then the only spaces left invariant by Q are the
one-dimensional space o/1 spanned by e, the plane perpendicular to o/1, and the
entire space -r. If {) = n, then Q leaves invariant, in addition, each one-dimension-
al space spanned by a vector perpendicular to e. In either event, it is clear that
at least one characteristic space of A(e) must contain e. D
It follows from the above proof that if {) =l= n, elastic transverse waves can
propagate in the direction of e with any amplitude perpendicular to e, and all
of these waves propagate with the same velocity.
72. Propagating surfaces. Surfaces of discontinuity. In this section we define
the notion of a propagating singular surface. Roughly speaking, this is a surface,
moving with time, across which some kinematic quantity suffers a jump dis-
Recall that
tfl4l=tfx(-oo, oo), "f/'l'l="f/'X(-oo, oo).
By a smoothly JWopagating surface we mean a smooth three-dimensional
manifold "'r in tfl4l with the following property: given any (:ll, t) E"ir, there exists
a normal (k, x) E-r<•> to if/ at (:ll, t) with k =!= 0, x =l= 0. This assumption implies
the existence of a four-vector field
m=(m, -c)
on "'r that is normal to "'r and has
JmJ =1, c>O.
We call m the direction of JWopagation and c the speed of propagation.
For the remainder of this section let if/ be a smoothly propagating surface
in B X (0, t0 ).
Since if/ is a smooth manifold, and since cis strictly positive, if/ has the follow-
ing property: given any point (:~J0 , t0 ) E"ffl" there exists a neighborhood E of :~J0 , a
neighborhood T of t0 , and a smooth scalar field 'P on E such that
t=?p(:ll) forall (aJ,t)ENr."f//", N=ExT.
1 FEDOROV [1965, 5], pp. 92-94.
2 Seep. 73.
Sect. 72. Propagating surfaces. Surfaces of discontinuity. 249
In terms ohp:
17!p (;r) 1
m(~. t) = W'P(~· c(~.t)= ii7'P(;r)j
for all t) EN r. if/.
Fort fixed,
~ ={~EB: (~. t)Eif/}
is the smooth surface in B occupied by if/ at time t ;1 it is not difficult to show
that the vector m (~. t) is normal to [1'1 at ~-
Let T={y(t): tET} be a smooth curve on if/ of the form y(t) =(y(t), t). We
say that is a ray if y ( ·) is a solution of the differential equation 2
y(t) =c(y(t), t) m(y(t), t).
Thus y ( ·) is the path traversed by a particle on if/ whose trajectory at any time t
is perpendicular to [1'1 and whose speed is c. Assume, without loss in generality,
that the ray passes through the neighborhood N in which the manifold if/ is
described by 'IJl· Let a denote arc length along T:
J iiJ(•)id•.
Since Iill never vanishes, a is an invertible function oft; we write t for the inverse
function, i.e.
t = t (a),
and we define
y(a) =y(t(a)),
c(a) =c(y(a), t (a)),

Vc(a)=Valc(~.'tjJ(~))Ii -y(a) = r(-lrz ( )j)[ -y(a) '

v !p ;r
,:ll= :ll=

m(a) =m(y(a), t (a)).

~! =m(a)=c(a) V'IJl(fi(a)), (&;a)r=IV'IJl(fi(a))l 2•
it follows that

d~(-} ~!)=WV'IJl(fi(a))J -~: =c(a) [VV'IJl(y(a))] V'IJl(fi(a)) = ~ r(;

2 ).

Thus we are led to the following differential equation for the ray:
1_ d2'ii_ _ _1_ (de) (dy) = _ _1_ Vc
c da 2 &2 da da c2 •

It follows from this equation that if the velocity c is constant on if/, then every ray
is a straight line.
Let f be a function on B X (0, t0). We call if/ a singular surface of order
zero with respect to f if f is continuous on B X (0, t 0) -if/ and f suffers a jump
discontinuity across if/. The jump in f across if/ is then the function [f) on if/
1 In the literature it is customary to define a smoothly propagating surface to be a (smooth)
one-parameter family fit, 0 < t < t0 , of smooth surfaces fit in B. In this instance
if"= {(;r, t): ;rEfit, 0 < t < t0 }.
2Since y · m = (c'ln, 1) • ('In, -c) = 0, this definition is consistent in the sense that the
tangent tor is also tangent to if".
250 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 72.

defined byl
UJ (~. t) = lim{/(~. t +h) - t (~. t- h)}.

Thus the jump in f is the difference between the values of f just behind and
immediately in front of the wave. Since f is continuous on each side of ir, we
can evaluate [/] by taking limits along the normal m:

UJ (!;)=lim
{/(1;-hm) -/(!; +hm)}
for!;=(~, t)Eir.
Let n ~ 1 be a fixed integer. We call ir a singular surface of order n
with respect to f if :2
(i) I is class cn-l on B X (0, to) and class en on B X (0, to) -ir;
(ii) the derivatives of f of order n suffer jump discontinuities across ir.
The next theorem shows that for a singular surface of order 1, the jumps
in the space and time derivatives of the associated function are related.
(1) M~well's compatibility theorem. 3 Let cp be a scalar field, v a vector
field, and T a tensor field on B X (0, t0 ), and suppose that iris a singular surface
of order 1 with respect to cp, v, and T. Then
c[Vcp] = - [q;] m, (1)
c[Vv] = - [v] ®m, (2)
c[divv] =- [v] · m, (3)
c [curl v] = [v] xm, (4)
c[div T] = - [T] m. (5)
Proof. Choose a point !;Eir and a (non-zero) four-vector a such that
a· m(!;) =0.

Since ir has dimension 3, a is tangent to ir at!;. Further, since iris smooth,

there exists a smooth curve Q = {z (oc) : oc1 ~ oc ~ oc2} on ir through 1; whose tangent
at 1; is a; i.e. for some oc0 E(oc1 , oc2)
, dz

For ~Eir and any function f on B X (0, t0 ), let

/1(~) = 11->0+

so that
1 This notation was introduced by CHRISTOFFEL [1877, 1], § 6.
2 The notion of a singular surface of order n ;;;; 0 is due to DUHEM [1900, 1] and HADA-
MARD [1901, 5], § 1, [1903, 3], § 75. See also TRUESDELL and TOUPIN [1960, 17], § 187.
3 MAXWELL [1873, 1], § 78, [1881, 1], § 78a. Cf. also WEINGARTEN [1901, 7], HADAMARD
[1903, 3], § 73, TRUESDELL and TOUPIN [1960, 17], § 175, HILL [1961, 14].
Sect. 72. Propagating surfaces. Surfaces of discontinuity. 251

Then, by the smoothness properties of rp,

~dd_ T1 (z (o:)) = ~dd lim rp (z (o:) - hm)

IX IX h-->0+

=lim~dd rp(z(o:)-hm)
h--.0+ IX

=lim V{ 4 ) rp(z(o:) -hm) · z'(o:).

Thus (a) implies 1

A similar result holds also for rp 2 ; if we subtract this result from (c) and use (b),
we arrive at the relation
diX [ rp] (z (o:)) l«=«o =a· [V(4) rp] (;) · (d)
On the other hand, since rp is continuous across if;
hence (d) implies
a· [V( 4)f{l] (;) =0
for every ;orand every a tangent to 11' at;. Thus [V( 4)rp] (;)must be parallel
to m(;):
[V( 4) rp] (;) =A(;) m (;); (e)
[V rp] =Am, [crJ = -Ac,
which implies (1).
If we apply (1) to the scalar field v · a, where a is an arbitrarily chosen vector,
we find that
c [V (v · a)] = - [v · a] m.
c[VvT] a=- (m® [v]) a,
which yields (2).
If we take the trace of (2), we arrive at (3); if we take the skew part, we arrive
at (4).
Finally, (5) follows from (3) with v =TT a, where a is an arbitrary vector. D
We now sketch an alternative proof of the relation (1) in (1). By a four-
dimensional counterpart of Stokes' theorem,
J skw {(V(4) rp) ® n} da = 0
for every closed "//'-regular 2 hypersurface Yin B X (0, t 0). The same argument
used to derive (c) in the proof of (73.1) here yields
skw {[V( 4)f{l] ®m} =0.
Operating with this equation on m, we are led to the relation (e) in the proof
of (1).
The next theorem shows that for a vector field v with a discontinuity of order 1,
the jumps in 17v and are completely determined by the jumps in the divergence
and curl of v.
1 HADAMARD [1903, 3], § 72. Cf. LICHTENSTEIN [1929, 2], Chap. 1, § 9, and TRUESDELL
and TOUPIN [1960,17], § 174.
2 This term is defined on p. 252.
252 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 72.

(2) Weingarten's theorem. 1 Let iF be a singular surface of order 1 with

respect to a vector field v on B X (0, t0 ), and let
a= [v].
a·m=O~[divv] =0, (1)
axm=O~ [curlv] =0, (2)
a=-cm[divv]+cmx[curl v]. (3)
Proof. The results (1) and (2) follow from (3) and (4) of (1). To establish (3)
we note that the identity
a= (a· m) m + (a®m) m-(m®a) m
in conjunction with (2) and (3) of (1) imply
a= -c[divv] m-c[Vv] m+c[VvT] m.
This relation yields (3), since
[Vv- J7vT] m =[curl v] xm. D
We will occasionally deal with integrals of the form
J Mn da,
where !7 is a closed hypersurface with outward unit normal field n. If iF is a
singular surface of order zero with respect to M, then M will suffer a jump dis-
continuity across [l?n"/F. To insure that the above integral exists and that the
value of M in the integrand at a point of discontinuity equals its limit from the
region interior to fl', we give the following definitions.
Let !7 be a closed regular hypersurface in B X (0, t0 ), i.e. !7 is the boundary
of a regular region Dy in B X (0, t0 ). A point l;E !7 is ir-regular if either l;ff"/F or
l;Eir and there exists an open ball Ein c<4> with center at l; such that ("/FnE) ( !7
(see Fig. 16). We say that !7 is ir-regular if the set of points of !7 that are not
ir-regular has zero area measure.

Fig. 16.1;1 and 1;2 are ir-regular; l;3 is not ir-regular.
1 [1901, 7]. Cf. also TRUESDELL and TOUPIN [1960, 17], § 175.
Sect. 73. Shock waves. Acceleration waves. Mild discontinuities. 253

Let if'" be a singular surface of order zero with respect to a four-tensor field M
on B x (0, t0 ). Then the limit

exists for every regular ;E :7. Further, the integral

J Mnda

exists whenever :7 is a closed ir-regular hypersurface in B X (0, t0 ). When such

is the case we define
[/' [/'

73. Shock waves. Acceleration waves. Mild discontinuities. Throughout this

section iF is a smoothly propagating surface in B x (0, t 0) with direction of
propagation m and speed of propagation c. Further, we assume that the elasticity
field C and the density field e are continuous on B, that e is strictly positive, and
that the body force field vanishes.
Let n ;?; 1 be a fixed integer. By a wave of order n we mean an ordered
array [u, SJ with properties (i)-(iii) below.
(i) u is a vector field and S a symmetric tensor field on B X (0, t0 ).
(ii) iF is a singular surface of order n with respect to u and order n -1 with
respect to S.
(iii) u and S satisfy balance of linear momentum in the following form:
given any closed ir-regular hypersurface !/in B X (0, t0 ),

where M is the stress momentum field 1 corresponding to S and u.

Requirement (iii) is motivated by (19.6 ). For n;?; 2, (iii) may be replaced
by the assumption that
divS=eii on Bx(O,t0 )-ir. (a)

For n = 1 the discussion given at the end of the last section insures the exist-
ence of the integral in (iii); in addition, the value of M in the integrand is equal
to its limit from the region interior to !/. When n = 1, (iii) implies (a), but the
converse is not true. However, in this instance (iii) is equivalent to the following
(iii') for every one-parameter family P 1 (t1 < t < t2 ) of parts of B,

(Sn) (x, t) da"' = :t J ~
(eu) (x, t) dv"'

whenever the integral on the left and the derivative on the right exist. Here the
stress S on 8 P1 is to be interpreted as its limit from the interior of P1 •
Given a wave of order n, we call
1 Seep. 67.
254 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 73.

the amplitude, and we assume, for convenience, that a never vanishes. A wave
of order 1 is sometimes referred to as a stress wave or shock wave; a wave
of order 2 is often called an acceleration wave. For a shock wave the amplitude
equals the jump in the velocity, while for an acceleration wave a is equal to the
jump in the acceleration. We call a wave longitudinal or transverse according
as a and m are parallel or perpendicular. For a wave of order n, if' is a singular
surface of order 1 with respect to u ; thus Weingarten's theorem (72.2) implies
that a is completely determined by the jumps in the divergence and curl of (nu 1~:
• (n-1) (n-1)
a= -cm[d1v u 1+em X [curl u 1.
In addition, we conclude from (72.2) that the wave is:
longitudinal~ [curl u 1=0,
transverse~ [div u 1=0.
For a wave of order n the time-derivative of S of order n -1 is allowed to
jump across the wave. The next result gives a relation between this jump and
the amplitude a.
(1) Balance of momentum at the wave.1 For a wave of order n;;:;; 1,
[ S 1m=-eca.
Proof. Let n = 1. Let E be an open ball in B x (0, t0 ) with center on if'. For
E sufficiently small, if' divides E into two regular regions J;+ and J;- with
11'-regular boundaries. Let I;- be that portion of Einto which m points (see Fig.17).

Fig. 17.

1 Although we have assumed that the body force field b = 0, the above result remains
valid if we assume instead that b is of class cn- 1 on B x (0, t0). For a shock wave (n = 1) the
relation in (1) has a long history. Hydrodynamical special cases for situations in which
8= -pl were obtained by STOKES [1848, 2], Eq. (3), RIEMANN [1860, 1], § 5, RANKINE
[1870, 2], §§ 3-5, CHRISTOFFEL [1877, 1], § 1, HUGONIOT [1887, 1], § 140, and JOUGUET
[1901, 6]; for generalS but linearized acceleration, by CHRISTOFFEL [1877, 2], § 4; for finite
elastic deformation by ZEMPLEN [1905, 3], p. 448, [1905, 4], § 3, whose derivation is based
on Hamilton's principle. The general result (for n = 1) is due to KoTCHINE [1926, 2], Eq. (18).
Cf. also TRUESDELL and TOUPIN [1960, 17], § 205, jEFFREY [1964, 11].
Sect. 73. Shock waves. Acceleration waves. Mild discontinuities. 255

By (iii)
J Mnda= o£+J Mnda= ar-J Mnda=O,
where M is the stress momentum field; thus
J Mnda+ ar-J Mnda- arJ Mnda=O.

The boundary of .E can be decomposed into a portion contained in a.E+ and a

portion contained in ax:-; the remainder of ax:+ and the remainder of ax:- are
equal, as sets, to .En1f'"; as surfaces, however, they have opposite orientation.
Thus (a) reduces to

where;± is a point of I±. In deriving (b) we have used the fact that the value of
M in the integral over ax;± is equal to its limit from the interior of I±. Since
(b) must hold for every sufficiently small open ball.E with center on 1f'", it follows
[M] m =0, (c)
or equivalently, using the definitions of M and m, 1

[S] m = -ec[u] = -eca,

which is the desired relation for n = 1. 2
Consider now a wave of order n ~ 2. Choose (x, t) in B X (0, t0 ) -1f'". Then
there exists an open ball I: in B centered at x and an open time interval T ( (t0 , ;_)
containing t such that 1f'" n (I: X T) = 0. Thus S is a time-dependent admissible
stress field and u is an admissible motion on I:x T; (iii) and (19.6) therefore
divS=eii on I:xT.
Since (x, t) in B x (0, t0 ) -1f'" was arbitrarily chosen, the above relation holds on
B X (0, t0 ) -1f'". If we differentiate n - 2 times with respect to t and take the
jump in the resulting equation, we arrive at
(n-2) (n)
[div S ] =e [u] =ea. (d)
Clearly, 1f'" is a singular surface of order 1 with respect to S ; thus (5) of (72.1)
(n-2) (n-1)
c[div S ]=-[ S ]m. (e)
Eqs. (d) and (e) imply the desired result for n ~ 2. 0
We say that a wave [u, SJ of order n ~ 1 is elastic if
We now show that for an elastic wave of any order traveling in the direction
m, the square of the speed must be a characteristic value of the acoustic tensor
A(m), and the amplitude must lie in the corresponding characteristic space.
1 See pp. 67, 248.
2 The proof up to this point is due to KELLER [1964, 12].
256 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 73.

(2) Propagation theOt'etn for waves of order n.1 Elastic waves of all
orders n ~1 obey the Fresnel-Hadamard propagation condition
A(m) a=c 2 a.
Proof. Let [u, SJ be an elastic wave of order n ~ 1. Since iris a singular
surface of order 1 With respect
to v = u , we can apply (2} of (72.1) With the
result: (n- 1) (n)
c[V u 1=-[u1®m=-a®m. (a)
Next, (a) and the stress-strain relation imply
(n-1) (n-1)
c[ S 1 =C[c[V u 1] = -C[a®m], (b)
and since
A(m) a=e-1 C[a®m] m,
(b) and (1) imply the desired result. D
More pedantically, the Fresnel-Hadamard condition reads
A(:l), m) a (:f), t) = c2 (:I), t) a (:f), t)
for every (:1), t)Eir.
Combining (2) and (70.2), we arrive at the
(8) Propagation theorem jOt' isotropic bodies. 2 If the body is isotropic
then a wave of order n ~1 is either longitudinal, in which case
2 - 2_ 2,u+A.
C -C~----,
or transverse, in which case
c 2 =c~=E_.

Comparing(2) and(8)to (71.1)and (71.2), weseethatthelaws of propagation

of waves of discontinuity are the same as those of progressive waves; thus the
discussion following (71.1) and (71.2) also holds in the present circumstances.
In particular, we note that if Cis symmetric and strongly elliptic, there exist, for
every direction m, three associated velocities of propagation for singular surfaces.
Note that the maximum speed of propagation eM defined in (70.8) is the
supremum over all possible velocities of propagation of elastic waves of any
For a homogeneous and isotropic body the velocity of propagation cis identi-
cally constant. Therefore (8) and the remark made on p. 249 yield the following
1 This theorem is essentially due to CHRISTOFFEL [18 77, 2], who gave a proof for n = 1.
HADAMARD [1903, 3], §§ 260, 267-268, extended CHRISTOFFEL's result to acceleration waves
(n = 2). That the Fresnel-Hadamard condition should hold for all n is clear from the results
of ERICKSEN [1953, 10], § 6, and TRUESDELL [1961, 22], § 3, infinite elasticity theory (cf. TRUES-
DELL and NOLL [1965, 22], § 72). See also HUGONIOT [1886, 2]; DUHEM [1904, 2], Part 4,
Chap.1, § 5; LOVE [1927,3], §206-209; FINZI [1942, 1]; PASTOR! [1949, 7]; PETRASHEN
[1958, 12]; BUCHWALD [1959,1]; TRUESDELL and TOUPIN [1960, 17], § 301; NARIBOLI [1966, 18].
2 HUGONIOT [1886, 2]. Elastic waves of order zero (for which if" is a singular surface of
order zero with respect to the displacement field) in an isotropic but inhomogeneous body are
discussed by GvozDEV [1959, 5] using the theory of weak solutions. GvozDEV shows that such
waves travel with a velocity equal to c1 or c2 • Other studies concerned with wave propagation
in isotropic elastic media are: LEVIN and RYTOV [1956, 7], THOMAS [1957, 17], BABICH and
ALEKSEEV [1958, 1], SKURIDIN and GVOZDEV [1958, 15], KARAL and KELLER [1959, 9],
SKURIDIN [1959, 14].
Sect. 74. Domain of influence. Uniqueness for infinite regions. 257

(4) Suppose that the body is homogeneous and isotropic. Then, for a wave of
any order n ~ 1, the rays are straight lines.
74. Domain of influence. Uniqueness for infinite regions. In this section we
allow B to be a bounded or unbounded regular region. We assume that Cis positive
definite and symmetric, that e is strictly positive, and that C and e-1 are continuous
and bounded on B. It then follows that the maximum speed of propagation eM
defined in (70.8) is finite.
Given an elastic process [u, E, S] and a given time tE (0, t0 ), let D1 denote
the set of all ~E B such that:
(i) if ~EB, then
u (~. 0) =!= 0 or it(~. 0) =!= 0 or b (~. T) =!= 0 for some TE [0, t];
(ii) if ~E oB, then
s (~. T) ·it(~. T) =!= 0 for some TE [0, t].
Here [b, s J is the external force system associated with the process. Roughly
speaking, D1 is the support of the initial and boundary data. Consider next the
set D 1 of all points of B that can be reached by signals propagating from D1 with
speeds equal to or less than the maximum speed of propagation eM:

We call D1 the domain of influence 1 of the data at timet. The next theorem,
which is the main result of this section, shows that on [0, t] the data has no
effect on points outside of D 1 •
(1) Domain of influence theoTem. 2 Let [u, E, S] be an elastic process, and
let D 1 be the domain of influence of its data at time t. Then

The proof of this theorem is based on the following lemma. In the statement
and proof of this lemma e (~. G) is the strain energy density at ~ corresponding
to the (not necessarily symmetric) tensor G:

e(~. G) =}G · C..,[GJ. (a)

(2) WheeleT-SteTnbeTg lemma. 3 Let [u, E, S] be an elastic state corres-

ponding to the external force system [b, s]. Further, letT: B-+ [0, t0 ) be a continuous
1 Since D1 is based on the maximum speed of propagation, it is, actually, an upper bound
on the domain of influence. Cf. DuFF [1960, 5].
s This is a minor modification of a theorem due to WHEELER and STERNBERG [1968, 16],
Lemma 2.2 and WHEELER [1970, 3], Theorem 1. These authors assume vanishing initial data
and do not utilize the notion of a domain of influence. The general idea is due to ZAREMBA
[1915, 4], who established an analogous result for the wave equation. ZAREMBA's scheme was
rediscovered independently by RUBINOWICZ [1920, 2] and FRIEDRICHS and LEWY [1928, 1].
See also COURANT and HILBERT [1962, 5], pp. 659-661, BERS, JoHN, and SCHECHTER
[1964, 3], DUFF [1960, 5].
3 WHEELER and STERNBERG [1968, 16], Lemma 2.1 for homogeneous and isotropic media;
WHEELER [1970, 3], Lemma 1, for anisotropic but homogeneous media. Both of the above
results assume vanishing initial data.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 17
258 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 74.

and piecewise smooth field on B with {~EB: -r(~)>O} finite. Then

f f s(~. t) f f b(~. t)

ti(~. t) dt da+ 0
u(~. t) dt dv
oB 0 B 0

= j{e~) [ti 2 (~.-r(~))-ti 2 (~.o)]-e(~.G(~))+8(~.17u(~.-r(~))+G(~)) (b)


-8 (~. 17u(~. o))} dv

Proof of (2). For any function f on B X [0, t0 ), let /T be the function on B
defined by
Further, let
k=Sti, v(~)=f k(~.t)dt. (e)

Then vis continuous on Band piecewise smooth on B, and we conclude, with the
aid of the equation of motion, that
r (re)

divv(~)=kr(~)·l7-r(~)+.f[s·17ti+; (u:u)-b·u](~.t)dt. (f)


(f) takes the form

divv(~) =kT(~) ·17-r(~) +e(~. 17uT(~)) -8(~. 17u(~, 0))

+ e~l [ti~(~)-ti2(~.o)J- .fb·u(~.t)dt.


A simple calculation using the symmetry of C yields

kT(~) ·17-r(~) = 17-r(~) · (ST(~) tiT(~)) =Sr(~) · G(~) =G(~) · C00 [Vur(~)]
=e(~. 17ur(~) +G(~)) -8(~. 17uT(~)) -e(~. G(~));
divv(~) = e;m) [u~(~) -ti 2 (~. o) ]-8 (~. G(~)) +e (~. 17uT(~) +G(~))

r (re) (g)
-8 (~. 17u(~. o))- b · u(~. t) dt.

Each of the terms on the right hand side of (g) is a piecewise continuous function
of~ on B. Moreover, it is clear from (e) and the assumed properties of -r that v
has bounded support. Thus div vis integrable on B, and the divergence theorem
together with (g) and the second of (e) imply (b). D
Proof of (1). Let (z, .A.) E (B -D 1) X (0, t) be fixed, let

Sect. 74. Domain of influence. Uniqueness for infinite regions. 259

Fig. 18.

and let T: B-+ [0, t) be defined by

= { A -CM- 1~-z1 '

T{~) (i)
Then Tis continuous and piecewise smooth on B, and VT has a weak point dis-
continuity at ~ =Z and a jump discontinuity across B noD. Moreover,
1 0
jVTI=- on D,
VT=O on B-D.
Since A< t, we conclude from (h) and the definition of the domain of influence
D 1 that

b= 0 on D x [0, t],
s · u =0 on (.Qn8B) X [0, t],
u(•, 0) =U{•, 0) =0 on D. (1)
By (i) and (k),
T (oo)
J J b(~. 'YJ) ·it(~. 'YJ) d'YJ dv =0,
B 0
J J s(~. 'Y}) ·it(~. 'Y}) d'YJ da =0.
f!B 0

Next, (i), (j}, and (c) imply

it(~. T(~)) =it(~. 0}, Vu (~. T(~)) = Vu(~. 0}, G{~) =0, ~1D. (n)
By (a), (n}, and (1},
e(~. G(~)) =0, ~1D,

. . {it 2 (~. T(~}), ~ED,

u 2 (~. T(~)) -u 2 {~. 0) = n (o)
0, ~$_~"·
Vu(~. T(~)) +G(~)), ~ED,
e(~. Vu(~. T(~)) +G(~)) -e(~. Vu(~. o)) = { e(~.
0, :X:$_D.
260 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 74.

Clearly, T satisfies the hypotheses of the Wheeler-Sternberg lemma (2 ). Therefore

we may conclude from (b), (m}, and (o) that

J[(]~) it 2(al, -r(al}) -e (al, G(al}) + e (al, Vu(al, T (al)) + G(al))] dv =0. (p)

IG(al)j2 = jVT(al}i2 it2 (al, T(al})
for alE (B -{z}), it follows from (a), (j) and the inequality in (70.8) that

e(al, G{al}) ~ e~) it2(al, T{al});


for alE (B -{z}). Since Cis positive definite, the function e is non-negative, and
(q) implies that the integrand in (p) is non-negative on Q -{z}. Thus, since this
integrand is also continuous on Q -{z}, we conclude from (p) that it must vanish
on this set. This fact, in conjunction with (q), implies
e(al, Vu(al, T(al)} +G(al}) =0, alE(!J-{z}).
Thus, since C is positive definite, (a) yields
E(al, -r(al}) +sym G(al} =0, alE(!J-{z}). (r)
By (i)
VT(al} = I I' alE (Q -{z}). (s)
CM :D-11:

In view of (i) and the continuity of E and it,

E(al, T (ill)) -+ E(z, .A.), it (ill, T (ill))-+ it (z, .A.) as ill-+ z. (t)
If we let ill =Z +de, where e is a fixed unit vector, and take the limit in (r) as
d-+ 0, we conclude, with the aid of (c), (s), and (t), that

E(z, .A.)+ - 1 sym {u(z, .A.) ®e} =0. (u)


Since (u) must hold for every unit vector e, (u) must hold with e replaced by
-e; thus
E(z, .A.) =0.
As (z, .A.) was arbitrarily chosen in (B -D 1) x (0, t), and since E is continuous,
E=O on (H-D 1}X[O,t]. (v)
By the definition of D 1 ,
b=O on (B-D 1)x[O,t], u(•,O}=it(•,O)=O on B-D 1; (w)
(v) and the first of (w) together with the stress-strain relation and the equation
of motion imply
S =0, u ==0 on (B -D 1} X [0, t]. (x)
The second of (x) and (w) yield
u=O on (B-D 1)X[O,t),
and the proof is complete. 0
Sect. 75. Basic equations. 261

We now use the domain of influence theorem to establish a uniqueness theorem

for elastodynamics that is valid for infinite domains. In comparing this theorem
to the uniqueness theorems of NEUMANN (63.1) and BRUN (63.2) it must be
remembered that among the assumptions made at the beginning of this section
are the assumptions that C be positive definite and symmetric and that ebe strictly
(3) Uniqueness theorem. 1 Under the assumptions made at the beginning
of this section the mixed problem of elastodynamics has at most one solution.
Proof. Let p = [ u, E, SJ be the difference between two solutions. Then fl
corresponds to vanishing body forces and satisfies
u(·,O)=it(·,O)=O on B, s·u=O on Bx(O,t0 ).
Choose t arbitrarily in (0, t0 ). Clearly, D 1 is empty, and thus the domain of influence
D 1 of the data at timet is empty. Therefore we conclude from (1) that p vanishes
on B x [0, t]. Since t was arbitrarily chosen, the proof is complete. D
It should be noted that WHEELER and STERNBERG's uniqueness theorem (3)
is valid for exterior domains and also for regions whose boundaries extend to
infinity. An elastodynamic uniqueness theorem valid for infinite regions may
alternatively be based on the classical energy identity following NEUMANN's
procedure (63.1 ), provided one introduces suitable restrictions on the orders of
magnitude of the velocity and stress fields at infinity. The advantage of (3) is
that it does not involve such artificial a priori assumptions. The analogous
uniqueness issue in elastostatics, where the equations are elliptic rather than
hyperbolic, is considerably more involved. For exterior domains elastostatic
uniqueness theorems that avoid extraneous order prescriptions at infinity are
given in Sect. 50.

VI. The free vibration problem.

75. Basic equations. The free vibration problem 2 is concerned with an elastic
body undergoing motions of the form
u(~. t) =U(~) sin (wt+y),
E(~, t) =E(~) sin (wt+y), (a)
S (~, t) = S (~) sin (wt +y),
where w is the frequency of vibration and y is the phase. If we assume null body
forces, then these fields will satisfy the fundamental field equations of elasto-
dynamics if and only if the amplitudes u(~), E(~). and S(~) obey the relations

E =i(Vu + J7uT),
div S +ew2 u =0.
C[EJ =C[Vu],
1 WHEELER and STERNBERG [1968, 16] for the case in which B is homogeneous and
isotropic; WHEELER [1970, 3] for the case in which B is homogeneous, but anisotropic.
2 The vibration problem for infinite domains is treated in detail by KuPRADZE [1963,
17, 18].
262 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 76.

the above relations yield the following equation for the displacement amplitude:
div C[l7u] +ew2u=0, (b)
which, for a homogeneous and isotropic body, takes the form
,uL1 u+(A.+,u) 17divu+ew2 u=0.
Also, a simple calculation, similar to that used to deduce (e) of Sect. 59, yields
the relations
cf L1 div u +w 2 div u =0,
c~ L1 curl u + w2 curl u = 0,
where c1 and c2 are the irrotational and isochoric velocities. Of course, these
formulae could also have been derived by substituting the relation for u (;v, t)
in (a) into (e) on p. 213.
Returning to the general inhomogeneous and anisotropic body, we see that
the procedure given on p. 214. here yields the following relation for the stress
+w 2 K[SJ=0,

where K = c-1 is the compliance tensor.

76. Characteristic solutions. Minimum principles. We assume that the elasticity
field has the following properties :
(i) C is smooth on B;
(ii) C is positive definite and symmetric.
!!) =the set of all admissible displacement fields,I

and let !£' be the operator on [g defined by

2u =div C[Vu].
For convenience, we introduce the following notation:
<u, v) = Ju·v dv,

JJuJJ = V<u, u),

<u, v)c = J Vu · C[Vv] dv.
Note that, by (ii) of (20.1),
<u, v)c = J Vu · C[Vv] dv.

The free vibration problem consists in finding combinations of the frequency w

and amplitude u that are possible when a portion YJ. of the boundary is clamped
and the remainder ~ is free. This should motivate the following definition:
By a characteristic solution (for the free vibration problem) we mean an
ordered pair [A., u] such that A. is a scalar, uE!?), and
2u+A.u=0, JJuJJ=1, u=O on YJ., s=O on 9'2 ;
1 Seep. 59.
Sect. 76. Characteristic solutions. Minimum principles. 263

here s is the traction field corresponding to u, i.e.

s=C[J7u]n on 8B.
We call A. a characteristic value, u an associated characteristic displace-
ment. Given A., the corresponding frequency of vibration is given by

- (!'

as we will soon see, A. is always non-negative. Finally, we say that the entire
boundary is clamped if Yt =oB (9; =0), free if f/2 =oB (Yt =0).
(1) Lemma. Assume that:
(i) uE£0 with .Pu continuous on B;
(ii) v is continuous on B and piecewise smooth on B, while Vv is piecewise
continuous on B.
(.Pu,v)=-(u,v)c+ J s·vda,
where s is the traction field corresponding to u.
Proof. Let S=C[J7u], so that s=Sn on 8B. Then
J (.Pu) · v dv = J (div S) · v dv = J s · v da- J S · J7v dv
B B oB B

= J s · v da- (u, v)c. D

(2) Properties of characteristic values. 1 Let [A., u J be a characteristic
solution. Then
A.= (u, u)c,
so that

In fact, A.= 0 if and only if u is rigid. Moreover, a characteristic solution [A., u J

with A = 0 exists only if the entire boundary is free, in which case every rigid dis-
placement u with llu I = 1 is a characteristic vector corresponding to A. = 0.
Proof. Since [A., u J is a characteristic solution,
s ·U=O on 8B, (b)
where s is the corresponding traction field. By (a)
(.Pu, u) = -.A.(u, u) =-A.;
therefore we conclude from (b) and (1) that
A=(u, u)c·
Moreover, since C is positive definite,
(u, u)c~O,
1 CLEBSCH [1862, 1], § 20, generalizing a result of PorssoN [1829, 2] for the vibrations
of an elastic sphere. See also IBBETSON [1887, 2], § 256, CESARO [1894, 1], p. 58.
AzHMUDINOV and MAMATORDIEV [1967, 1] show that when the boundary is clamped A.
is given by a certain integral over oB.
264 M.E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 76.

with equality holding if and only if the associated strain field vanishes, that is, if
and only if u is rigid. Further, since u vanishes on .9i, a rigid u is possible only
if .9i = 0. (Since .9i is a regular surface, if non-empty it must contain at
least three non-collinear points.) On the other hand, if .9i = 0, it is a simple matter
to verify that [0, u Jis a characteristic solution whenever u is rigid and llu II = 1. D
(8) Orthogonality of characteristic displacements.1 Let [A., u] and [i, u]
be characteristic solutions with A =!=l. Then
(u, u) = (u, u)c = (!l'u, u) =0.
Proof. By hypothesis
.Pu+A.u=O, (a)
.Pu+iu=o, (b)
S·U=S·U=O on oB, (c)
where s and s are the traction fields of u and u. By (a) and (b)
(!l'u, u) +A.(u, u) =0,
(!l'u, u) +i(u, u) =0.
On the other hand, (c), (1), and the symmetry of C imply that
(!l'u, u) =- (u, U)c = - (u, U)c = (!l'u, u). (e)
By (d) and (e)
(A. -i) (u, u) =0;
hence (u, u) =0 if A. =!=i. The remaining results follow from (d) and (e). D
Theorem (8) asserts that characteristic displacements corresponding to
distinct characteristic values are orthogonal. This is not necessarily true if the
characteristic values are equal. Indeed, if ~, u 2 , ••• , un are characteristic dis-
placements corresponding to the same characteristic value A, then it is a simple
matter to verify that any field uwith llu II = 1 lying in the span of {~, u 2 , ••• , u,.}
is also a characteristic displacement corresponding to A..
Henceforth.% denotes the set of all vector fields v with the following proper-
(i) v is continuous on B and piecewise smooth on B;
(ii) Vv is piecewise continuous on B;
(iii) llv 11 = 1 ;
(iv) v =0 on ,9i.
(4) Minimum principle for the lowest characteristic value. 2 Let
~ EEd ll.% and assume that

(~.~)c~(v,v)c for every VE.%.


Then [~, ~] is a characteristic solution, and ~ is the lowest characteristic value.

1See footnote 1 on p. 263. See also PmssoN [1826, 1].
2PoiNCARE [1890, 2], p. 21t, [1892, 6], p. 103. See also TEDONE [1907. 2], § 15d; Cou-
RANT (1920, 1]; COURANT and HILBERT (1953, 8], p. 339; Hu (1958,11].
Sect. 76. Characteristic solutions. Minimum principles. 265

Proof. Let IX =I=± 1 be an arbitrary real number and choose VE.%. Then
llu1 +!Xvii=!=O, and
w = II~ +oc.Vl(~ +lXV)

belongs to .% ; thus, by hypothesis,

~ = (~. u 1 )c ~ (w, w)c = llu1 +oc.VJf <~ +lXV, ~ +IXV)c.
and hence
A1 (~ +lXV, ~ +lXV) ~ (~ +lXV, ~ +IXV)c·
If we expand both bilinear forms and use the relations llvll=ll~ll=1 and
~=(~.~)c. we arrive at
21X[~ (~. v)- <~. v)c] +1X2 [~- (v, v)c] ~0.

Since this inequality must hold for every IX =I=± 1, we must have
.1.1 (~. v)- <~. v)c =0. (a)
As v = 0 on ~, (1) implies that
(u1 , v)c = - (.P~, v) + J s 1 · v da,

where s 1 is the traction field corresponding to ~. In view of the last two relations,
J (Y~ +~ ~) · v dv-.9';,J s 1 • v da =0

for every continuous and piecewise smooth vector field v with v = 0 on ~ and
llv II= 1. Since this expression is linear in v, we can drop the requirement
that llv II= 1. Therefore it follows from (7.1) and (35.1) that
Y~ +.1.1 ~ =0 on B,
s 1 =0 on 9'2 •
Thus, since ~E.%,[~.~] is a characteristic solution.
If [A, u J is another characteristic solution, then (2) implies that

J. = (u, u)c.
Thus we conclude from our present hypotheses that

and hence .1.1 is the lowest characteristic value. D

Theorem (4) asserts that the minimum (if it exists) of the functional
(v,v)c (a)
under the supplementary condition
llvll=1 (b)

is the lowest characteristic value. We now show that the determination of the
n-th characteristic value can be reduced to the variational problem of finding
a minimum of the functional (a) under the supplementary condition (b) and the
(v,u,)=O, r=1,2, ... ,n-1,
266 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 76.

where Ut, u 2 , ... , un-l are the characteristic vectors for the first n -1 charac-
teristic values.
Let Mt• u 2 , ... , un be piecewise continuous vector fields on B. Then we write
{Ut, U2, ... , un}l.
for the set of all piecewise continuous vector fields v on B such that
(v, u,) =0, r=1, 2, ... , n.
(5) Minimum principle.1 Let Ut. u 2 , ... belong to fl)r..Yt, and let
.Jr,=~"{Ut. U2, ... , u,_ 1}J., r~2.

Assume that, for each r ~ 1, u,E.Jr, and

(u,, u,)c~ (v, v)c for every vEf,.
Define A., by
A.,= (u,, u,)c.
Then each [A.,, u,] is a characteristic solution and
o~~~A.2~ .. ·.
Proof. By (4), [~. Ut] is a characteristic solution. We now proceed by in-
duction. Thus we assume that n ~2 and that [A.,, u,] is a characteristic solution
for 1 ~r~n -1. Since UnEJt';,,
<un,u,)=O, i=1,2, ... ,n-1. (a)
On the other hand, our induction hypothesis and (1) imply that
0 =A.,<u,.,u,) = - <u,., .!l'u,)
= <un, u,)c - J s, · u,. d a, i = 1, 2, ... , n -1 .

But u,. = 0 on .9i and s, = 0 on ~; therefore

(u,.,u,)c=O, i=1,2, ... ,n-1. (b)
Now choose v EJr,. and let
w = JJu,.+ocvJJ (u,. +otV),
where ex =l= ± 1. Then wE Jr,., and steps directly analogous to those used to
establish (a) in the proof of (4) now lead to the result that
~<u,..v)-<u,.,v)c=O (c)
for every v E Jr,. .
Let VE~ be arbitrarily chosen. If v lies in the span of Mt• u 2 , ... , u,._ 1 , then
(a) and (b) imply that
Assume that v does not lie in the span of Mt• u 2 , ... , u,._ 1 • Then there exist
scalars {J, ~. t 2 , ... , tn-t such that
v =fJ ( v + .L: t, u,
n-1 )
1 See footnote 2 on p. 264.
Sect. 76. Characteristic solutions. Minimum principles. 267

belongs to ~. Indeed, let

t, = - (v, u,),
and (since v=f= -:t>•u•) choose {3 such that llvii=L By (c) and (e),
An(un, v) -(un, v)c+ 2: t,[.A.n<un, u,) -<un, u,)c] =0. (f)

Thus we conclude from (a) and (b) that (d) remains valid in the present circum-
stances. Hence (d) holds for every VEf, and, as in the proof of (4), this implies
that [.An, un] is a characteristic solution. D
We now show that the minimum principle (5) characterizes all of the solutions
of the free vibration problem provided .An-+ oo. 1
(6) Completeness of the minimum principle. Let~, .A.2 , ••• and~, u 2 , •••
obey the hypotheses of the minimum principle (5) and assume, in addition, that
An-+ oo as n- oo. Let [.A., u] be a characteristic solution. Then .A.= .A., for some integer
r, and if
A,_l <A,=Ar+l = · · · =Ar+n<Ar+n+l•
then u is contained in the span of u,, u,+I, ... , u,+n. In particular, if n = 0 so that
.A., is distinct, then u = ± u,.
Proof. Assume that A is not equal to any of the .A.,'s. By (4), A>~· Thus,
since .An-+ oo, there exists an m ~ 2 such that
Since [.A.,, u,] is a characteristic value for every r, we conclude from (8) that
UE{~, u2, ••• , Um_ 1}j_.
Thus, as the hypotheses of (5) hold,
(um, um)c;;;; (u, u)c.
or equivalently, by (2),
Am:;;;; .A.,
which contradicts (a). Thus A=A, for some r.
Assume now that A,_ 1 <A,=A,+I= ··· =A.+n<A.+n+t• and let

Since .A. =FA; for f < r, it follows from (8) that

UE{~. U2 , ••• , u,_t}j_. (b)
We decompose u as follows:
U=Uo+UJ_, (c)
where u 0 belongs to the span of Cft and UJ_ECf!J_. Indeed, we simply take
U0 = 2: (u, u 1)u1•
To complete the proof it suffices to showthatuj_=O. If u 0 =0, then U=UJ_,
and it follows from (b) and the fact that u j_ ECf!J_ that
1 See (78.1).
268 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 77.

Thus, as before,
Ar+n+I ~ A•
and we have a contradiction. Thus u 0 =1= 0. Assume now that u 1. =l= 0 and let

Since u0 is a linear combination of characteristic displacements corresponding

to the same characteristic value A., [A., u0 ] is a characteristic solution; this fact
and (c) imply that [A., it1.J is also a characteristic solution. Thus, by (8), u1. is
orthogonal to every ui(£011, and hence (d) holds with u replaced by ul.. Thus we
are again led to a contradiction; consequently
Ul.=O. D
77. The minimax principle and its consequences. We now establish an alter-
native characterization of the free vibration problem. We continue to assume
that C is symmetric, positive definite, and smooth on B. For convenience, we
introduce the following notation:
if/ =the set of all piecewise continuous vector fields on B,
ifln=iflxiflx ··· xifl (ntimes).
Recall that :Yt" is the set of all vector fields on B with properties (i)-(iv) listed
on p. 264.
(1) Minimum principle.1 Let [A.,, u, J satisfy the hypotheses of (76.5) for
1 ~ r ~ n 1. Define cp on if/n by
cp(w1 , W2, ... , wn) =inf{<v, V)c: VE:Yt"n{w1, W2, ... , wn}l.}.
An+l = rp(~. u2, ... , un) =sup {rp(wl, w2, ... , wn): (wl, w2, ... , wn)eirn}.
Proof. By hypothesis,

An+I = cp (~' u2' ... ' un) = <Un+I' un+I>c. (a)

· Thus it suffices to prove that
An+I ~ cp (w1 , w 2, ... , wn) for every (w1, w 2, ... , wn) Eifln. (b)
To accomplish this we will show that for every (w1 , w 2 , ... , wn)Eiflnthere exists
a VE:Yt"n{w1 , w 2 , ••• , wn}l. such that
<v,v)c~An+I; (c)
for then (b) would follow from the inequality
cp(w1 , w 2 , ••• , wn) ~ <v, v)c~An+I·

Choose (w1 , w 2 , ... , wn)Eifln. Let

V= 2: r:t.iU;, (d)
where the rx/s are as yet undetermined. Clearly, VE:Yt"n{w1 , w 2 , ... , wn}l. if
1 CouRANT [1920, 1]. See also CouRANT and HILBERT [1953, 8], p. 406.
Sect. n. The minimax principle and its consequences. 269
LlJ.;<u;,W,)=O (r=1,2, ... ,n). (f)

The system (f) consists of n equations in n + 1 unknowns and can always be

solved for lJ.1 , lJ. 2 , ••• , lJ.n+I· Moreover, since the system is homogeneous, the re-
quirement (e) can also be met. We have only to show that the function v so
defined satisfies (c). Since 1
<u;, ui)c =Ai b;i (no sum) i, j =1, 2, ... , n +1,
(d) implies
<v. v)c= L lJ.~ A;.
Further, (e) and the fact that
A; ;;:; An+l , i ;;:; n +1

and (g), (h) yield the desired inequality (c). D

Let ~. A2 , ••• and ~. u 2 , ••• obey the hypotheses of the minimum principle
(76.5). We call the ordered array
{Al, A2, ... }
the spectrum corresponding to C, B, 9;_, and Y'2 , and we say that~. u 2 , ...
is an associated system of normal modes. By (76.6), (78.1), and Footnote 2 on
p. 270, the spectrum contains every characteristic value, and hence it is independ-
ent of the choice of~. u 2 , ... (as long as this choice is consistent with (76.5)).
We now consider a second body B composed of an elastic material with
elasticity field C. We will discuss the vibration problem for such a body taking
as boundary conditions
u= 0 on §{ and s = 0 on ~,
where 9[ and §; are complementary subsets of fJB. In particular, we compare
the spectrum corresponding to this problem with the spectrum for the problem
discussed previously (assuming, of course that both spectrums exist).
We assume that Cis positive definite, symmetric, and smooth on B. We write

for every symmetric tensor E and every i£EBnB.

(2) Comparison theorem. 2 Let {~. A2 , ••• } be the spectrum corresponding
to C, B, 9;_, and Y'2 ; {~. i 2 , ••• }, the spectrum corresponding to C, B, §;., and §';.
Assume that either
1 This follows from (d) and (e) in the proof of (16.3) and the fact that
<u;,ui>=o;i (i,j=1,2, ... ,n+1).
2 Cf. COURANT and HILBERT [1953, 8], pp. 407-412.
270 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 78.

(i) B = B, §{ ( 9i, C~ C; or
(ii) the entire boundary of B is clamped, and
BCB, c~c.
i,~.A.,, r=1,2, ...
be as before, and let.% be the corresponding set forB and .9f.
Proof. Let f
Assume that (i) holds. Then, since B = B and .9{ ( 9i,
.:£(.%. (a)
Further, since C ~ C,
(v, v)c; ~ (v, v)c· (b)
Let n ~ 1 be a fixed integer, let q; be as defined in (1), and let ip be defined on
ip (w1 , 'W2 , ••• , wn) =inf {(v, v)c;: vE.% n{w1 , w 2 , ••• , wn}J·}.
Then by (a) and (b)
and we conclude from the minimax principle (1) that
The proof under hypothesis (ii) is strictly analogous. D
78. Completeness of the characteristic solutions. In this section we show that
the characteristic values .A.n become infinite as n-+ oo. This implies, in particular,
that each characteristic value has only a finite multiplicity. More important,
however, is that the unboundedness of the characteristic values yields the com-
pleteness of the characteristic displacement fields. Thus we assume that the
spectrum {At. Jl2 , ••• }exists; in addition, we suppose that Cis positive definite,
symmetric, and smooth on B.
(1) Infinite growth of the characteristic values. 1 Assume that B is
properly regular and that !/1 =!=0. 2 Then the spectrum{~ • .A.2 , ••• } has the following
lim A,.=oo.

Proof. Assume that there exists a real number M such that

A,.~M (a)
for all n. Then by (76.2)
(un, un)c~M.

where Ut. u 2 , ••• is an associated system of normal modes. Thus, since

(un, un)c=2U{En}.
WEYL [1915, 3]. See also CouRANT and HILBERT [1953, 8], p. 412 and FICHERA [1971, 1],
Theorem 6.V.
8 Note that we do not include the important case in which the entire boundary is free.
That the theorem also holds in that instance is clear from the work of WEYL [1915, 3] and
FicHERA [1971, 1], Theorem 6.V. In fact, WEYL [1915, 3] proves that (for a homogeneous
and isotropic body) An goes to infinity as ni. FICHERA (private communication, 1971) has
remarked that WEYL's result is easily extended to include inhomogeneous and anisotropic
bodies (with symmetric and positive definite C).
Sect. 78. Completeness of the characteristic solutions. 271

where En is the strain field corresponding to un, we conclude from Korn's in-
equality (18.9) that there exists a constant K such that

J IJ7unl 2 dv~K
for all n. Consequently, since
we conclude from Rellich's lemma (7.2) that there exists a subsequence {unk}
such that
lim llun1-Unkll =0. (c)
J, k------+00

But in view of the method of construction of U:t, u 2 , ••• in (76.5 ),

By (b) and (d),

which contradicts (c). Thus there cannot exist a number M that satisfies (a);
hence An___,. oo as n___,. oo. D
The next theorem shows that every vector field f with property (A) below
admits an expansion in terms of normal modes.
(A) f is continuous on B, piecewise smooth on B, and vanishes on .9'1 ; while
Vj is piecewise continuous on B.
(2) Completeness of the normal modes.1 Let U:t. u 2 , ••• be a system of
normal modes corresponding to the spectrum {A.1 , A. 2 , ••• }, and assume that

lim An=oo.
Let f satisfy property (A). Then
Fm II/-n=l
L cnunii=O,
where the cn are the Fourier coefficients

Moreover, the en satisfy the completeness relation


L C~=ll/112 •
Proof. Let
gN =I- n=l
L en un' (a)

Then, since
it follows that
O~IIYNII 2 =II/II 2 - L c~.

1 Cf. COURANT and HILBERT [1953, 8], p. 424.

272 M.E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity. Sect. 78.


Thus the series L; e! converges and satisfies Bessel's inequality


L e~ ~ 111112 •

By (a) and (c), to complete the proof it suffices to prove that

IIYNII-+0 as N-+oo. (e)

Suppose that for some M, IIYMII =0. Then (c) would imply that eM+n =0,
n=1, 2, ... ,and hence that IIYM+nii=O, n=1, 2, .... Thus, in this instance, (e)
holds trivially.
Assume now that IIYNI! never vanishes and let

- YN N (f)
YN= IIYNII I = 1, 2' ...
By (a), (b), and (f),
(gN,un)=O, n=1,2, ... ,N, (g)
and we conclude from the properties of un and I that

YNE%N+l> (h)
where %N+1 is defined in (76.5 ). Hence

or equivalently,

Since AN +I-+ oo as N-+ oo, to complete the proof it suffices to show that
(gN, YN)c remains bounded in this limit.
It follows from (76.1 ), the fact that [An, unJ is a characteristic solution, (g), and
(h) that
(gN,un)c=O, n=1,2, ... ,N.
Thus, since
<un, um)c =An <5mn (no sum)'
we conclude from (a) that
<l,l)c = (gN + L en Un, YN + n=l
L en un)c
= <YN• YN)c + L An e~.
Consequently, as An~ 0,

hence (gN, YN)c remains bounded as N-+ oo. 0

Under reasonable assumptions on Band on !f/1 , the set of vector fields with
property (A) _is dense (with respect to the norm 11·11) in the space of continuous
functions on B. Thus, under such assumptions, (2) will hold for functions I that are
continuous on B.
References. 273

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274 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity.

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276 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity.

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Wetenschap. 50, 18-23. (32)
1948 1. DIAZ, J. B., and H. J. GREENBERG: Upper and lower bounds for the solution of the
first boundary value problem of elasticity. Q. Appl. Math. 6, 326-331. (52)
282 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity.

2. ELLIOT, H. A.: Three-dimensional stress distributions in hexagonal aeolotropic

crystals. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 44, 522-533. (51)
3. ERIM, K.: Sur le principe de Saint-Venant. Proc. Seventh Int. Cong. Appl. Mech.
London. (54)
4. FLINT, E. E.: A Practical Handbook on Geometrical Crystallography [in Russian].
Moscow: Gosgeolizdat. (21)
5. MoRIGUTI, S.: On Castigliano's theorem in three-dimensional elastostatics [in
Japanese]. J. Soc. Appl. Mech. Japan 1, 175-180. (18)
6. TIMPE, A.: Torsionsfreie achsensymmetrische Deformation von Umdrehungs-
korpern und ihre Inversion. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 28, 161-166. (44)
7. WEBER, C.: Spannungsfunktionen des dreidimensionalen Kontinuums. Z. Angew.
Math. Mech. 28, 193-197. (17)
1949 1. FINZI, B., and M. PASTOR!: Cal colo Tensoriale e Applicazioni. Bologna: Zanichelli. (17)
2. FREIBERGER, W.: On the solution of the equilibrium equations of elasticity in
general curvilinear coordinates. Australian J. Sci. A 2, 483-492. (44)
3. - The uniform torsion of an incomplete tore. Australian J. Sci. A 2, 354-375. (44)
4. IACOVACHE, M.: 0 extindere a metodei lui Galerkin pentru sistemul ecuatiilor
elasticitiltii. Bul. St. Acad. R. P. Romane 1, 593-596. (44, 67)
5. KRUTKOV, Y. A.: Tensor Stress Functions and General Solutions in the Static
Theory of Elasticity [in Russian]. Moscow: Akademkniga. (17, 44)
6. ~~~-r~0~~!s~:~~ 7~;:~1{!~) lui Galerkin in teoria elasticitatii. Bul. St. Acad.
7. PASTOR!, M.: Propagazione ondosa nei continui anisotropi e corrispondenti direzioni
principali. Nuovo Cimento (9) 6, 187-193. (73)
8. PERETTI, G.: Significato del tensore arbitrario che interviene nell'integrale generale
delle equazioni della statica dei continui. Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 3,
77-82. (17)
1950 1. AQUARO, G.: Un teorema di media per le equazioni dell'elasticita. Riv. Mat. Univ.
Parma 1, 419-424. (43)
2. ARZHANYH, I. S.: On the theory of integration of the dynamical equations of an
isotropic elastic body [in Russian]. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 73, 41-44.
(53, 69)
3. BLOKH, V.: Stress functions in the theory of elasticity [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh.
14, 415-422. (17, 44)
4. FICHERA, G.: Sull'esistenza e sui calcolo delle soluzioni dei problemi al contorno,
relativi all'equilibrio di un corpo elastico. Ann. Scuola Norm. Pisa (3) 4, 35-99.
(49, 50)
5. FRIDMAN, M. M.: The mathematical theory of elasticity of anisotropic media [in
Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh. 14, 321-340. (45)
6. IACOVACHE, M.: Asupra relatiilor dintre tensiuni intr'un corp elastic in miscare.
Bul. St. Acad. R. P. Romane 2, 699-705. (59)
7. IoNEscu-CAZIMIR, V.: Asupra ecuatiilor echilibrului termoelastic. I. Analogul
vectorului lui Galerkin. Bul. St. Acad. R. P. Romane 2, 589-595. (44)
8. MorsrL, G.: Asupra unui vector analog vectorului lui Galerkin pentru echilibrul
corpurilor elastice cu isotropie transversa. Bul. St. Acad. R. P. Romane 2, 207-210
9. MoRINAGA, K., and T. N6No: On stress-functions in general coordinates. J. sci.
Hiroshima Univ. Ser. A 14, 181-194. (17)
10. REISSNER, E.: On a variational theorem in elasticity. J. Math. Phys. 29, 90-95. (38)
11. SoBOLEV, S. L.: Some Applications of Functional Analysis in Mathematical Physics
[in Russian]. Leningrad: University Press. (I have seen this work only in the
English translation by F. E. BROWDER, Providence: Am. Math. Soc. 1963.) (42)
12. SYNGE, J. L.: Upper and lower bounds for solutions of problems in elasticity. Proc.
Roy. Irish Acad. Sect. A 53, 41-64. (43, 52)
13. TIMPE, A.: Spannungsfunktionen fiir die von Kugel- und Kegelflachen begrenzten
Korper- und Kuppelprobleme. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 30, 50-61. (44)
1951 1. ALBRECHT, F.: L'equilibre elastique des cristaux du systeme cubique. Com. Acad.
R. P. Romane 1, 403-408. (27)
2. ARZHANYH, I. S.: The integral equations of the dynamics of an elastic body [in
Russian]. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N. S.) 76, 501-503. (53, 69)
3. - Integral equations for the representation of the vector of translation, spatial
dilatation, and rotation of an elastic body [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh. 15, 387-
391. (69)
4. - The fundamental integral equations of the dynamics of an elastic body [in
Russian]. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 81, 513-516. (69)
References. 283
5. Emus, D. M.: On the mixed problem of the theory of elasticity [in Russian]. Dokl.
Akad. Nauk SSSR. 76, 181-184. (13)
6. FICHERA, G.: Uber eine Moglichkeit zur Kontrolle der physikalischen Widerspruchs-
freiheit der Gleichungen der mathematischen Elastizitatstheorie. Z. Angew. Math.
Mech. 31, 268-270. (31)
7. FILONENKO-BORODICH, M. M.: The problem of the equilibrium of an elastic paral-
lelepiped subject to assigned loads on its boundaries [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh.
15, 137-148. (17)
8. - Two problems on the equilibrium of an elastic parallelepiped [in Russian].
Prikl. Mat. Meh. 15, 563-574. (17)
9. STERNBERG, E., R. A. EUBANKS and M. A. SADOWSKI: On the stress function
approaches of Boussinesq and Timpe to the axisymmetric problem of elasticity
theory. J. Appl. Phys. 22, 1121-1124. (44)
10. TIMOSHENKO, S., and J. N. GOODIER: Theory of Elasticity, 2nd ed. New York:
McGraw Hill. (51)
11. TIMPE, A.: Spannungsfunktionen achsensymmetrischer Deformationen in Zylinder-
koordinaten. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 31, 220-224. (44)
12. VALCOVICI, V.: Sur les relations entre les tensions. Com. Acad. R. P. Romane 1,
337-339. (59)
1952 1. CooPERMAN, P.: An extension of the method of Trefftz for finding local bounds on
the solutions of boundary-value problems, and on their derivatives. Q. Appl. Math.
10, 359-373. (37)
2. MIKHLIN, S. G.: The Problem of the Minimum of a Quadratic Functional [in
Russian]. Moscow. (I have seen this work only in the English translation by A. FEIN-
STEIN, San Francisco: Holden Day 1965.) (13, 43)
3. MOISIL, A.: Les relations entre les tensions pour les corps elastiques a isotropie
transverse. Bul. St. Acad. R. P. Romane 3, 473-480. (27)
4. SBRANA, F.: Una proprieta caratteristica delle equazioni dell'elasticita. Atti Accad.
Ligure Sci. Lett. 9, 84-88. (43)
5. SNEDDON, I. N.: The stress produced by a pulse of pressure moving along the
surface of a semi-infinite solid. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 1, 57-62. (47)
6. TIFFEN, R.: Uniqueness theorems of two-dimensional elasticity theory. Q. J. Mech.
Appl. Math. 5, 237-252. (50)
7. WESTERGAARD, H.: Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity. Cambridge. (44)
1953 1. ARZHANYH, I. S.: Construction of the integral equations of statics in the theory of
elasticity by means of Green's functions [in Russian]. Akad. Nauk Uzbek. SSR.
Trudy Inst. Mat. Meh. 10, 5-25. (53)
2. - Stress tensor functions for the dynamics of an elastic body [in Russian]. Dokl.
Akad. Nauk Uzbek. SSR., No. 7. 3-4. (17)
3. BERGMAN, S., and M. ScHIFFER: Kernel functions and elliptic differential equations
in mathematical physics. New York: Academic. (53)
4. BISHOP, R. E. D.: On dynamical problems of plane stress and plane strain. Q.
J. Mech. Appl. Math. 6, 250-254. (67)
5. BLAND, D. R.: Mean displacements on the boundary of an elastic solid. Q. J. Mech.
Appl. Math. 6, 379-384. (29)
6. BRDICKA, M.: The equations of compatibility and stress functions in tensor form
[in Russian]. Czech. J. Phys. 3, 36-52. (44)
7. CHURIKOV, F.: On a form of the general solution of the equilibrium equations for
the displacements in the theory of elasticity [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh. 17,
751-754. (44)
8. CouRANT, R., and D. HILBERT: Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 1. New
York: Interscience. (39, 76, 77, 78)
9. DZHANELIDZE, G. I.: The general solution of the equations of the theory of elasticity
in arbitrary linear coordinates [in Russian]. Dokl. Akad. N auk SSSR 88, 423-425. (44)
10. ERICKSEN, J. L.: On the propagation of waves in isotropic incompressible perfectly
elastic materials. J. Rational Mech. Anal. 2, 329-337. Reprinted in Problems of
Non-linear Elasticity. Inti. Sci. Rev. Ser. New York: Gordon and Breach 1965. (73)
11. FICHERA, G.: Condizioni perche sia compatibile il problema principale della statica
elastica. Atti Accad. Lincei Rend. (8) 14, 397-400. (31)
12. FoPPL, L.: Ein Mittelwertsatz der ebenen Elastizitatstheorie. Sitzber. Math.-Naturw.
Kl. Bayer Akad. Wiss. Miinchen 1952, 215-217. (43)
13. Hu, H.: On the three-dimensional problems of the theory of elasticity of a trans-
versely isotropic body. Sci. Sinica (Peking) 2, 14 5-151. (44)
14. KRONER, E.: Das Fundamentalintegral der anisotropen elastischen Differential-
gleichungen. Z. Physik 136, 402-410. (51)
284 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity.

15. MINDLIN, R. D.: Force at a point in the interior of a semi-infinite solid. Proc. First
Midwestern Con£. Solid Mech. (51)
16. Misicu, M.: Echilibrul mediilor continue cu deformli.ri marl. Stud. Cercet. Mec.
Metal. 4, 31-53. (32)
17. S.AENZ, A. W.: Uniformly moving dislocations in anisotropic media. J. Rational
Mech. Anal. 2, 83-98. (51, 71)
18. ScHAEFER, H.: Die Spannungsfunktionen des dreidimensionalen Kontinuums und
des elastischen Kiirpers. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 33, 356-362 (17, 18, 44).
19. TRENIN, S.: On the solutions of the equilibrium equations of an axisymmetrical
problem in the theory of elasticity [in Russian]. Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Ser. Fiz.,
Mat. 8, 7-13. (44)
20. WASHIZU, K.: Bounds for solutions of boundary-value problems in elasticity. J.
Math. Phys. 32, 117-128. (52)
1954 1. ARZHANYH, I. S.: Dynamical potentials of the theory of elasticity [in Russian].
Akad. Nauk Uzbek. SSR. Trudy Inst. Mat. Meh. 13, 3-17. (69)
2. - Integral Equations of Basic Problems in the Theory of Vector Fields and in
Elasticity [in Russian]. Tashkent: Izdat. Akad. Nauk Uzbek. SSR. (53, 69)
3. BRDICKA, M.: Covariant form of the general solution of the Galerkin equations of
elastic equilibrium [in Russian]. Czech. J. Phys. 4, 246. (44)
4. BROWDER, F. E.: Strongly elliptic systems of differential equations. Contrib. Th.
Partial Diff. Eqns. Annals. of Math. Studies No. 33. 15-51. (32)
5. EuBANKS, R., and E. STERNBERG: On the axisymmetric problem of elasticity theory
for a medium with transverse isotropy. J. Rational Mech. Anal. 3, 89-101. (44)
6. GRAFFI, D.: "Uber den Reziprozit1i.tssatz in der Dynamik der elastischen Korper.
Ing. Arch. 22, 45-46. (19, 61)
7. GuNTHER, W.: Spannungsfunktionen und Vertr1i.glichkeitsbedingungen der Kon-
tinuumsmechanik. Abhandl. Braunschweig. Wiss. Ges. 6, 207-219. (17)
8. Hu, H.: On the general theory of elasticity for a spherically isotropic medium. Sci.
Sinica (Peking) 3, 247-260. (44)
9. IoNEscu, D.: Asupra vectorului lui Galerkin in teoria elasticitatii ~i tn hidrodinamica
fluidelor vtscoase. Bul. ~t. Acad. R. P. Romane 6, 555-571 (44)
10. KLYUSHNIKOV, V. D.: Derivation of the Beltrami-Michell equations from a varia-
tional principle [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh. 18, 25Q-252. (18)
11. KRoNER, E.: Die Spannungsfunktionen der dreidimensionalen isotropen Elastizi-
t1i.tstheorie. Z. Physik 139, 175-188. Correction, Z. Phys. 143, 175 (1955). (17, 44)
12. LANGHAAR, H., and M. STIPPES: Three-dimensional stress functions. J. Franklin
Inst. 258, 371-382. (17)
13. LING, C. B., and K. L. YANG: On symmetric strains in solids of revolution in curvi-
linear coordinates. Ann. Acad. Sinica Taipei 1, 507-516. (44)
14. MoRREY, C. B., JR.: Second order elliptic systems of differential equations. Contrib.
Th. Partial Diff. Eqns. Annals of Math. Studies No. 33. 101-159. (32)
15. MusGRAVE, M. J.P.: On the propagation of elastic waves in aeolotropic media.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., Ser. (A) 226, 339-366. (71)
16. MusKHELISHVILI, N. I.: Some Basic Problems of the Mathematical Theory of
Elasticity [in Russian], 4th Ed. Moscow. (I have seen this work only in the English
translation by J. R. M. RADOK, Groningen: Noordhoff 1963.) (47, 50).
17. ORNSTEIN, W.: Stress functions of Maxwell and Morera. Q. Appl. Math. 12,
198-201. (17)
18. SCHUMANN, W.: Sur differentes formes du principe de B. de Saint-Venant. C.R.
Acad. Sci., Paris 238, 988-990. (54)
19. SLOBODYANSKY, M.G.: The general form of solutions of the equations of elasticity
for simply connected and multiply connected domains expressed by harmonic
functions [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh. 18, 55-74. (44)
20. STERNBERG, E.: On Saint-Venant's principle. Q. Appl. Math. 11, 393-402. (54)
1955 1. AYMERICH, G.: Una proprieta dell'energia elastica. Boll. Un. Mat. !tal. (3) 10,
332-336. (34)
2. ARZHANYH, I. S.: Regular integral equations of the dynamics of an elastic body
[in Russian]. Akad. Nauk Uzbek. SSR. Trudy Inst. Mat. Meh. 15, 79-85. (69)
3. - Retarded potentials of the dynamics of an elastic body [in Russian]. Akad. Nauk
Uzbek. SSR. Trudy Inst. Mat. Meh. 16, 5-22. (69)
4. BABU!iKA, I., K. REKTORYS, and F. Vv~ICHLO: Mathematical Theory of Elasticity
for the Plane Problem [in Czechoslovakian]. Prague. (I have seen this work only in
the German translation by W. HEINRICH, Berlin: Akademie 1960.) (56)
5. Hu, H.: On some variational principles in the theory of elasticity and the theory
of plasticity. Sci. Sinica (Peking) 4, 33-54. (38)
References. 285

6. KACZKOWSKI, Z.: The conjugate directions in an anisotropic body [in Polish].

Arch. Mech. Stos. 7, 52-86. (31)
7. KRONER, E.: Die Spannungsfunktionen der dreidimensionalen anisotropen Elasti-
zitatstheorie. Z. Physik 141, 386-398. (17)
8. - Die inneren Spannungen und der Inkompatibilitatstensor in der Elastizitats-
theorie. Z. Angew. Phys. 7, 249-257. (17)
9. LoDGE, A. S.: The transformation to isotropic form of the equilibrium equations
for a class of anisotropic elastic solids. Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 8, 211-225. (31)
10. LuR'E, A. I.: Three-dimensional problems in the theory of elasticity [in Russian].
Moscow: Gostekhizdat. (I have seen this work only in the English translation by
D. B. McVEAN, New York: Interscience 1964.) (17, 44, 51)
11. MARGUERRE, K.: Ansatze zur Losung der Grundgleichungen der Elastizitatstheorie.
Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 35, 241-263. (17, 44)
12. SCHAEFER, H.: Die Spannungsfunktion einer Dyname. Abhandl. Braunschweig.
Wiss. Ges. 7, 107-112. (17)
13. STERNBERG, E., and R. A. EuBANKS: On the concept of concentrated loads and an
extension of the uniqueness theorem in the linear theory of elasticity. J. Rational
Mech. Anal. 4, 135-168. (28, 51, 53)
14. WASHIZU, K.: On the variational principles of elasticity and plasticity. Rept. 25-18,
Cont. Nsori-07833 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March. (38)
1956 1. DoRN, W. S., and A. ScHILD: A converse to the virtual work theorem for deformable
solids. Q. Appl. Math. 14, 209-213. (17, 36)
2. DUFFIN, R. J.: Analytic continuation in elasticity. J. Rational Mech. Anal. 5,
939-950. (42, 44)
3. ERICKSEN, J. L., and R. A. TouPIN: Implications of Hadamard's condition for
elastic stability with respect to uniqueness theorems. Canad. J. Math. 8, 432-436.
Reprinted in Foundations of Elasticity Theory. Intl. Sci. Rev. Ser. New York:
Gordon and Breach 1965. (32, 57)
4. EuBANKS, R. A., and E. STERNBERG: On the completeness of the Boussinesq-
Papkovitch stress functions. J. Rational Mech. Anal. 5, 735-746. (44)
5. FINZI, L.: Legame fra equilibria e congruenza e suo significato fisico. Atti Accad.
Lincei Rend. (8) 20, 205-211. (47)
6. KNOPOFF, L.: Diffraction of elastic waves. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 28, 217-229. (69)
7. LEVIN, M. L., and S.M. RYTov: Transition to geometrical approximations in
elasticity theory [in Russian], Soviet Phys. Acoust. 2, 179-184. (73)
8. MILLER, G. F., and M. J.P. MusGRAVE: On the propagation of elastic waves in
aeolotropic media. III. Media of cubic symmetry. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. (A) 236,
352-383. (71)
9. PAILLoux, M. H.: Elasticite. Mem. Sci. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 132. (71)
10. RADOK, J. R. M.: On the solutions of problems of dynamic plane elasticity. Q.
Appl. Math. 14, 289-298. (47)
11. ScHAEFER, H.: Die drei Spannungsfunktionen des zweidimensionalen ebenen
Kontinuums. Osterreich. Ing. Arch. 10, 267-277. (47)
12. SoKOLNIKOFF, I. S.: Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. 2nd Ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill. (14, 27, 36, 37, 44, 47)
13. SYNGE, J. L.: Flux of energy for elastic waves in anisotropic media. Proc. Roy.
Irish Acad., Sect. A 58, 13-21. (71)
14. TEMPLE, G., and W. G. BICKLEY: Rayleigh's principle and its applications to
engineering. New York: Dover. (56)
1957 1. BASHELEISHVILI, M. 0.: On fundamental solutions of the differential equations of
an anisotropic elastic body [in Russian]. Soobsc. Akad. Nauk Gruzin. SSR. 19,
No. 4, 393-400. (51)
2. BoNDARENKO, B. A.: On a class of solutions of dynamical equations in the theory
of elasticity [in Russian]. Akad. Nauk Uzbek. SSR. Trudy Inst. Mat. Meh. 21,
41-49. (67)
3. BRDICKA, M.: On the general form of the Beltrami equation and Papkovitch's
solution of the axially symmetric problem of the classical theory of elasticity.
Czech. J. Phys. 7, 262-274. (17, 44)
4. CouRANT, R.: Differential and Integral Calculus, Vol. 2. New York: Interscience. (6)
5. ERICKSEN, J. L.: On the Dirichlet problem for linear differential equations. Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc. 8, 521-522. (32)
6. FrLONENKo-BoRODICH, M. M.: On the problem of Lame for the parallelepiped in
the general case of surface loads [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh. 21, 550-559. (17)
7. GARABALDI, A. C.: Su una proprieta di media caratteristica per l'equazione
dell'elastostatica. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 27, 306-318. (43)
286 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity.

8. HILL, R.: On uniqueness and stability in the theory of finite elastic strain. J. Mech.
Phys. Solids 5, 229-241. (32, 34)
9. HoRVAY, G.: Saint-Venant's principle: a biharmonic eigenvalue problem. J. Appl.
Mech. 24, 381-386. (56)
10. MIKHLIN, S. G.: Variational Methods in Mathematical Physics [in Russian].
Moscow. (I have seen this work only in the English translation by T. BoDDINGTON,
New York: Pergamon 1964.) (34, 37, 39).
11. NoLL, W.: Verschiebungsfunktione n fUr elastische Schwingungsprobleme. Z. Angew.
Math. Mech. 37, 81-87. (44)
12. SoLOMON, L.: Displacement potentials for the equations of elastostatics [in Rou-
manian]. Buletinul Stiintific Ac. R.P.R., 9, 415-431. (44)
13. SoLYANIK-KRASSA, K. V.: Stress functions of an axisymmetric problem in the
theory of elasticity [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh. 21, 285-286. (44)
14. STERNBERG, E., and R. A. EuBANKS: On stress functions for elastokinetics and the
integrations of the repeated wave equation. Q. Appl. Math. 15, 149-153. (6'1)
15. SYNGE, J. L.: The Hypercircle in Mathematical Physics; a Method for the Ap-
proximate Solution of Boundary-Value Problems. Cambridge. (34, 51)
16. - Elastic waves in anisotropic media. J. Math. Phys. 35, 323-334. ('11)
17. THOMAS, T. Y.: Thedecayofwavesinel asticsolids. J. Math. Mech. 6, 759-768. (73)
18. WASHIZU, K.: On the variational principles applied to dynamic problems of elastic
bodies. ASRL TR 25-23. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (65)
1958 1. BABICH, V. M., and A. S. ALEKSEEV: A ray method of computing wave front
intensities [in Russian], Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Geofiz. 17-31. (73)
2. BLOKH, V. I.: On the representation of the general solution of the basic equations
of the static theory of elasticity for an isotropic body with the aid of harmonic
functions [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh. 22, 473-479. (44)
3. BoLEY, B.: Some observations on Saint-Venant's principle. Proc. Third U.S.
National Congress Appl. Mech. 259-264. (54)
4. DE HooP, A. T.: Representation theorems for the displacement in an elastic solid
and their application to elastodynamic diffraction theory. Doctoral Dissertation,
Technische Hogeschool, Delft. (69)
5. DEEV, V. M.: The solution of the spatial problem in the theory of elasticity [in
Ukrainian]. Dopovidi Acad. Nauk Ukr. RSR 29-32. (44)
6. DIAZ, J. B., and L. E. PAYNE: Mean value theorems in the theory of elasticity.
Proc. Third U.S. Natl. Congress Appl. Mech. 293-303. (8, 43, 55)
7. - - On a mean value theorem and its converse for the displacements in the theory
of elasticity. Port. Mat. 17, 123-126. (43)
8. DuFFIN, R. J., and W. NoLL: On exterior boundary value problems in elasticity.
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 2, 191-196. (32, 49, 50, 57)
9. HALMOS, P.: Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces. New York: Van Nostrand. (3, 23)
10. Hu, H.: On reciprocal theorems in the dynamics of elastic bodies and some ap-
plications. Sci. Sinica (Peking) 7, 137-150. (61)
11. - On two variational principles about the natural frequencies of elastic bodies.
Sci. Sinica (Peking) 7, 293-312. (76)
12. PETRASHEN, G. I.: The investigations of the propagation of elastic waves [in
Russian]. Vestn. Leningrad Univ. 13, No. 22, 119-136. ('13)
13. PREDELEANU, M.: Uber die Verschiebungsfunktione n fUr das achsensymmetrische
Problem der Elastodynamik. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 38, 402-405. (6'1)
14. REISSNER, E.: On variational principles in elasticity. Proc. Symp. Appl. Math. Vol. 8,
Calculus of Variations and its Applications. New York: McGraw Hill. (38)
15. SxuRIDIN, G. A., and A. A. GvozDEV: Boundary conditions for the jumps of
discontinuous solutions of the dynamical equations of the theory of elasticity [in
Russian]. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Ser. Geofiz. 145-156. (73)
16. SMITH, G. F., and R. S. RIVLIN: The strain-energy function for anisotropic elastic
materials. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 88, 175-193. (21, 26)
17. SNEDDON, I. N.: Note on a paper by J. R. M. Radok. Q. Appl. Math. 16, 197. (47)
18. - and D. S. BERRY: The classical theory of elasticity. Handbuch der Physik 6.
Berlin-Gottingen-Heide lberg: Springer. (67)
19. TEODOREScu, P. P.: A plane problem of the theory of elasticity with arbitrary
body forces [in Russian]. Rev. Mec. Appl. 3, 101-108. (47)
20. WASHIZU, K.: A note on the conditions of compatibility. J. Math. Phys. 36, 306-312.
1959 1. BucHWALD, V. T.: Elastic waves in anisotropic media. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. (A)
253, 563-580. (73)
References. 287
2. DANA, ] . S.: Dana's manual of mineralogy 17th ed., revised by C. S. HuRLBUT, ]R.
New York: John Wiley. (21)
3. DEEV, V. M.: On the form of the general solution of the three-dimensional problem
of the theory of elasticity expressed with the aid of harmonic functions [in Russian].
Prikl. Math. Meh. 23, 1132-1133; translated as J. Appl. Math. Mech. 23,1619--1622.
4. DIMAGGIO, F. L., and H. H. BLEICH: An application of a dynamic reciprocal
theorem. J. Appl. Mech. 26, 678-679. (61)
5. GvozDEV, A. A.: On the conditions at elastic wave fronts propagating in a non-
homogeneous medium [in Russian]. Prikl. Math. Meh. 23, 395-397; translated as
]. Appl. Math. Mech. 23, 556-561. (73)
6. HARDY, G. H., ]. E. LITTLEWOOD, and G. PoLY A: Inequalities. Cambridge. (56)
7. HIJAB, W. A.: Application of Papkovitch functions to three-dimensional problems
of elasticity. Proc. Math. Phys. Soc. U.A.R. No. 23, 99--115. (44)
8. IGNACZAK, J.: Direct determination of stresses from the stress equations of motion
in elasticity. Arch. Mech. Stos. 11, 671-678. (59)
9. KARAL, F. C., and J. B. KELLER: Elastic wave propagation in homogeneous and
inhomogeneous media. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 31, 694-705. (73)
10. MIKUSINSKI, J.: Operational Calculus. New York: Pergamon. (10, 69)
11. PEARSON, C. E.: Theoretical Elasticity. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (67)
12. ScHAEFER, H.: Die Spannungsfunktionen des dreidimensionalen Kontinuums;
statische Deutung und Randwerte. Ing. Arch. 28, 291-306. (17)
13. SIGNORINI, A.: Questioni di elasticita non linearizzata e semilinearizzata. Rend.
Mat. e Appl. 18, 95-139. (31)
14. SKURIDIN, G. A.: Duhamel's principle and asymptotic solutions of dynamical
equations in the theory of elasticity. II [in Russian]. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Ser.
Geofiz. 337-343. (73)
15. SLOBODYANSKY, M.G.: On the general and complete form of solutions of the equa-
tions of elasticity [in Russian]. Prikl. Math. Meh. 23, 468-482; translated as J.
Appl. Math. Mech. 23, 666-685. (44)
16. TRUESDELL, C.: Invariant and complete stress functions for general continua. Arch.
Rational Mech. Anal. 3, 1-29. (17, 44)
17. - The rational mechanics of materials-past, present, future. Applied Mech. Rev.
12, 75-80. Corrected reprint, Applied Mechanics Surveys. Washington: Spartan
Books. 1965. (22)
18. WATERMAN, P. C.: Orientation dependence of elastic waves in single crystals. Phys.
Rev. (2) 113, 124G-1253. (71)
1960 1. BERNSTEIN, B., and R. TouPIN: Korn inequalities for the sphere and for the circle.
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 6, 51-64. (13)
2. BoLEY, B. A.: On a dynamical Saint-Venant principle. J. Appl. Mech. 27, 74-78. (54)
3. - and J. H. WEINER: Theory of Thermal Stresses. New York: Wiley. (14)
4. BoNDARENKO, B. A.: Gradient and curl solutions of the dynamical equations of
elasticity theory [in Russian]. Issled. Mat. Analizu Mehanike Uzbek. lzdat.
Akad. Nauk Uzbek. SSR., Tashkent, 17-29. (67)
5. DuFF, G. F. D.: The Cauchy problem for elastic waves in an anisotropic medium.
Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. (A) 252, 249--273. (74)
6. ERICKSEN, J. L.: Tensor fields. Appendix to [1960, 17]. (27)
7. GuRTIN, M. E., and E. STERNBERG: On the first boundary-value problem of linear
elastostatics. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 3, 177-187. (32, 34, 57)
8. lNDENBOM, V. L.: Reciprocity theorems and influence functions for the dislocation
density tensor and the deformation incompatibility tensor [in Russian]. Dokl.
Akad. Nauk SSSR 128, 906-909; translated as Soviet Phys. Doklady 4, 1125-1128.
9. RIEDER, G.: Topologische Fragen in der Theorie der Spannungsfunktionen. Ab-
handl. Braunschweig. Wiss. Ges. 7, 4-65. (17)
10. RuDIGER, D.: Eine Verallgemeinerung des Prinzips vom Minimum der potentiellen
Energie elastischer Kerper. Ing. Arch. 27, 421-428. (38, 41)
11. SIROTIN, Y. I.: Group tensor spaces [in Russian]. Kristallografiya 5, 171-179;
translated as Soviet Phys.-Cryst. 5, 157-165. (26)
12. STERNBERG, E.: On some recent developments in the linear theory of elasticity. In
Structural Mechanics. New York: Pergamon Press. (17, 54)
13. - On the integration of the equations of motion in the classical theory of elasticity.
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 6, 34-50. (67)
288 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity.

14. TEODORESCU, P. P.: Sur une representation par potentiels dans le probleme tri-
dimensionnel de l'elastodynamique. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 250, 1792-1794. (67)
15. TRUESDELL, C.: A program toward rediscovering the rational mechanics of the age
of reason. Arch. Hist. Exact Sc. 1, 3-36. Corrected reprint in Essays in the History
of Mechanics. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag 1968. (22)
16. - The Rational Mechanics of Flexible or Elastic Bodies, 1638-1788. L. Euleri
Opera Omnia (2) 112. Zurich: Fiissli. (22)
17. - and R. TouPIN: The classical field theories. In Vol. 31 of the Handbuch
der Physik, edited by S. FLti'GGE. Berlin-G<lttingen-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
(12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 71, 72, 73)
1961 1. BABICH, V. M.: Fundamental solutions of the dynamical equations of elasticity for
nonhomogeneous media [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh. 25, 38-45; translated as
J. Appl. Math. Mech. 25, 49--60. (68)
2. BLOKH, V. I.: Stress functions and displacement functions [in Russian]. Dopovidi
Akad. Nauk. Ukr. RSR 455-458. (17, 44)
3. BRAMBLE, J. H., and L. E. PAYNE: An analogue of the spherical harmonics for the
equation of elasticity. J. Math. Phys. 15, 163-171. (32)
4. - - A new decomposition formula in the theory of elasticity. J. Res. Nat. Bur.
Std. 65 B, 151-156. (44)
5. - - On some new continuation formulas and uniqueness theorems in the theory
of elasticity. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 3, 1-17- (40)
6. - - A priori bounds in the first boundary-value problem in elasticity. J. Res.
Nat. Bur. Std. 65 B, 269--276. (52)
7. FARNELL, G. W.: Elastic waves in trigonal crystals. Can. J. Phys. 39, 65-80. (71)
8. FICHERA, G.: II teorema del massimo modulo per l'equazione dell'elastostatica.
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 7, 373-387. (42)
9. GoLDBERG, R. R.: Fourier Transforms. Cambridge. (32)
10. GuRTIN, M. E., and E. STERNBERG: A note on uniqueness in classical elastodynamics.
Q. Appl. Math. 19, 169--171. (63)
11. - - Theorems in linear elastostatics for exterior domains. Arch. Rational Mech.
Anal. 8, 99--119. (8, 34, 48, 49, 50)
12. HILL, R.: Bifurcation and uniqueness in non-linear mechanics of continua. Problems
Contin. Mech. (Muskhelisvili Anniv. Vol.), 155-164. Phila.: Soc. Indust. Appl.
Math. (32)
13. - Uniqueness in general boundary-value problems for elastic or inelastic solids.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 9, 114-130. (32)
14. - Discontinuity relations in mechanics of solids. Progress in Solid Mechanics.
Vol. II, 245-276. Amsterdam: North-Holland. (72)
15. MusGRAVE, M. J.P.: Elastic waves in anisotropic media. Progress in Solid Mech-
anics. Vol. II, 61-85. (71)
16. NAGHDI, P.M., and C. S. Hsu: On a representation of displacements in linear
elasticity in terms of three stress functions. J. Math. Mech. 10, 233-245. (44)
17. PAYNE, L. E., and H. F. WEINBERGER: On Kom's inequality. Arch. Rational Mech.
Anal. 8, 89--98. (13)
18. REISSNER, E.: On some variational theorems in elasticity. Problems of Continuum
Mechanics (Muskhelishvili Anniversary Volume), 37Q-381. Phila.: Soc. Indust.
Appl. Math. (38)
19. RuDIGER, D.: Ein neues Variationsprinzip in der Elastizitatstheorie. Ing. Arch.
30, 22Q-224. (38)
20. SoLOMON, L.: On the degree of arbitrariness in the determination of the functions
of Papkovitch [in Roumanian]. Comun. Acad. RPR., 11, 1039--1045. (44)
21. SvEKLo, V. A.: On the solution of dynamic problems in the plane theory of elasticity
for anisotropic media [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Meh. 25, 885-896; translated as J.
Appl. Math. Mech. 25, 1324-1339. (47)
22. TRUESDELL, C.: General and exact theory of waves in finite elastic strain. Arch.
Rational Mech. Anal. 8, 263-296. Reprinted in Problems of Non-linear Elasticity.
Inti. Sci. Rev. Ser. New York: Gordon and Breach 1965 and also in Wave Propaga-
tion in Dissipative Materials. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1965. (73)
1962 1. ALEXANDROV, A. Y., and I. I. SoLOVEV: One form of solution of three-dimensional
axisymmetric problems of elasticity theory by means of functions of a complex
variable and the solution of these problems for the sphere [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat.
Mech. 26, 138-145; translated as J. Appl. Math. Mech. 26, 188-198. (44)
2. BLOKH, V. I.: On some consequences of two variational principles in the mechanics
of solid deformable bodies. Akad. Nauk. Ukr. RSR Prikl. Meh. 8, 56-62. (18)
References. 289

3. BRAMBLE, J. H., and L. E. PAYNE: On the uniqueness problem in the second

boundary-value problem in elasticity. Proc. Fourth U.S. National Congress Appl.
Mech. 1, 469-473· (32)
4. - - Some uniqueness theorems in the theory of elasticity. Arch. Rational Mech.
Anal. 9, 319-328. (32)
5. CouRANT, R.: Partial Differential Equations. Vol. 2 of Methods of Mathematical
Physics by R. CoURANT and D. HILBERT. New York: lnterscience. (6, 74)
6. GoBERT, J.: Une inegalite fondamentale de la tMorie de l'elasticite. Bull. Soc. Roy
Sci. Liege 31, 182-191. (13)
7. GuRTIN, M.: On Helmholtz's theorem and the completeness of the Papkovitch-
Neuber stress functions for infinite domains. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 9, 225-233.
8. GUTZWILLER, M. C.: Note on Green's function in anisotropic elasticity. Q. Appl.
Math. 20, 249-256. (68)
9. HASHIN, Z., and S. SHTRIKMAN: On some variational principles in anisotropic and
nonhomogeneous elasticity. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 10, 335-352. (34)
10. KNESHKE, A., u. D. RuDIGER: Eine Erweiterung des Hamiltonschen Prinzips zur
Integration mechanischer Anfangs-Randwertaufgaben. Ing. Arch. 31, 101-112. (65)
11. MINAGAWA, S.: Riemannian three-dimensional stress-function space. RAAG Mem.
3, 69-81. (17)
12. MuRTAZAEV, D.: Fundamental solutions of systems of equations in elasticity theory
[in Russian]. Izv. Vyss. Ucebn. Zaved. Matematika No. 1 (26) 109-117.
(51, 68)
13. STERNBERG, E., and M. GuRTIN: On the completeness of certain stress functions in
the linear theory of elasticity. Proc. Fourth U.S. Nat. Cong. Appl. Mech. 793-797.
(44, 67)
14. STROH, A. N.: Steady state problems in anisotropic elasticity. J. Math. Phys. 41,
77-103. (71)
15. STRUBECKER, K.: Airysche Spannungsfunktion und isotrope Differentialgeometrie.
Math. Z. 78, 189-198. (47)
1963 1. ADLER, G.: Maggiorazione delle tensioni in un corpo elastico mediante gli sposta-
menti superficiali. Atti Accad. Lincei Rend. (8) 34, 369-371. (42)
2. BouRGIN, D. G.: Modern Algebraic Topology. New York: Macmillan. (71)
3. DIAZ, J. B., and L. E. PAYNE: New mean value theorems in the linear theory of
elasticity. Contrib. Diff. Eqts. 1, 29-38. (43)
4. ERICKSEN, J. L.: Non-existence theorems in linear elasticity theory. Arch. Rational
Mech. Anal. 14, 180-183. (33)
5. FEDOROV, F. I.: The theory of elastic waves in crystals. Comparison with isotropic
medium [in Russian]. Kristallografiya 8, 213-220; translated as Soviet Phys.-Cryst.
8, 159-163. (70)
6. FICHERA, G.: Problemi elastostatici con vincoli unilaterali: II problema di Signorini
con ambigue condizioni al contorno. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Mem. (8) 7, 91-140.
English translation in: Estratto dai Seminari dell'Istituto Nazionale di Alta
Matematica 1962-1963. Rome: Edizioni Cremonese 1964. (31)
7. GAZIS, D. C., I. TADJBAKHSH, and R. A. TouPIN: The elasticity tensor of a given
symmetry nearest to an anisotropic elastic tensor. Acta Cryst. 16, 917-922. (22)
8. GRAFFI, D.: Sui teoremi di reciprocita nei fenomeni non stazionari. Atti Accad.
Sci. Bologna (11) 10, 33-40. (19, 61)
9. GuRTIN, M. E.: A generalization of the Beltrami stress functions in continuum
mechanics. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 13, 321-329. (17)
10. - A note on the principle of minimum potential energy for linear anisotropic
elastic solids. Q. Appl. Math. 20, 379-382. (32, 34)
11. - Variational principles in the linear theory of viscoelasticity. Arch. Rational Mech.
Anal. 13, 179-191. (36)
12. HAYES, M.: Wave propagation and uniqueness in prestressed elastic solids. Proc.
Roy. Soc. Lond. (A) 274, 500-506. (32)
13. HILL, R.: New derivations of some elastic extremum principles. Progress in Applied
Mechanics, the Prager Anniversary Volume. New York: Macmillan. 99-106. (34)
14. IGNACZAK, J.: A completeness problem for the stress equation of motion in the
linear theory of elasticity. Arch. Mech. Stosow. 15, 225-234. (59, 62)
15. JoHN, F.: Estimates for the error in the equations of nonlinear plate theory. New
York University, Courant Institute of Math. Sc. Rept. IMM-NYU 308. (55)
16. KAWATATE, K.: A note on the stress function. Rep. Res. Inst. Appl. Mech. Kyushi
Univ. 11, 21-27. (17)
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 19
290 M. E. GURTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity.

17. KuPRADZE, V. D.: Potential Methods in the Theory of Elasticity [in Russian].
Moscow. (I have seen this work only in the English translation by H. GUTFREUND,
Jerusalem: Monson 1965.) (27, 30, 45, 49, 75).
18. - Dynamical problems in elasticity. Vol. III of Progress in Solid Mechanics. New
York: Wiley. (27, 30, 45, 49, 75)
19. MELNIK, S.l.: Estimates for the St. Venant principle [in Russian]. Pern1. Gos.
Univ. Ucen. Zap. Mat. 103, 178-180. (55)
20. MILLS, N.: Uniqueness in classical linear isotropic elasticity theory. M. Sci. Thesis,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne. (32)
21. PASTOR!, M.: Equilibria e congrnenza nei sistemi continui. Aspetto formale e
geometrico. Aspetto energetico ed estensioni. Confer. Sem. Mat. Univ. Bari, 95-96.
22. TANG, L.-M., and H.-C. SuN: Three-dimensional elasticity problems solved by
complex variable method. Sci. Sinica (Peking) 12, 1627-1649. (44)
23. TEODORESCU, P. P.: Sur I' utilisation des potentiels reels dans le probleme plan de
la theorie de l'elasticite. Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Phys. R.P. Romaine (N.S.)
7 (55), 77-111. (47)
24. TRUESDELL, C.: The meaning of Betti's reciprocal theorem. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Std.
B 67, 85-86. (30)
25. VoLKOV, S.D., and M. L. KoMISSAROVA: Certain representations of the general
solutions of the boundary-value problems of elasticity theory [in Russian]. Inzh. Zh.
3, 86-92. (44)
1964 1. ADLER, G.: Majoration des tensions dans un corps elastique a l'aide des deplace-
ments superficiels. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 16, 345-372. (42)
2. ALEKSANDROV, A. Y., and I. I. SoLOVEV: On a generalization of a method of solution
of axially symmetric problems in the theory of elasticity by means of analytic
functions to spatial problems without axial symmetry [in Russian]. Dokl. Akad.
Nauk SSSR 154, 294-297; translated as Soviet Phys. Dokl. 9, 99-102. (44)
3. BERS, L., F. joHN, and M. ScHECHTER: Partial Differential Equations. New York:
Interscience. (74)
4. BRAMBLE, J. H., and L. E. PAYNE: Some mean value theorems in elastostatics.
SIAM J. 12, 105-114. (43)
5. CoLEMAN, B. D., and W. NoLL: Material symmetry and thermostatic inequalities in
finite elastic deformations. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 15, 87-111. (21)
6. CHEN, Y.: Remarks on variational principles in elastodynamics. J. Franklin Inst.
278, 1-7. (65)
7. FEDOROV, F. I.: On the theory of waves in crystals. [in Russian]. Mosk. Univ. Vestn.
Fiz. Ast. (3) 6, 36--40. (71)
8. GuRTIN, M. E.: Variational principles in linear elastodynamics. Arch. Rational
Mech. Anal. 16, 34-50. (19, 62, 64, 65)
9. HERRMANN, L. R.: Stress functions for the asymmetric, orthotropic elasticity
equations. AIAA J. 2, 1822-1824. (44)
10. IoNOV, V. N., and G. A. VvoDENSKII: On the possible forms of the general solution
of the equilibrium equations in curvilinear coordinates [in Russian]. Izv. Vyss.
Ucebn. Zaved. Mat. (43) 6, 59-66. (17)
11. jEFFREY, A.: A note on the derivation of the discontinuity conditions across contact
discontinuities, shocks, and phase fronts. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 15, 68-71. (73)
12. KELLER, H. B.: Propagation of stress discontinuities in inhomogeneous elastic
media. SIAM Rev. 6, 356-382. (73)
13. KNOPS, R.: Uniqueness for the whole space in classical elasticity. J. Lond. Math.
Soc. 39, 708-712. (32)
14. MARTIN, ]. : A displacement bound technique for elastic continua subjected to a
certainclassofdynamicloading. J. Mech. Phys Solids 12,165-175. (60)
15. NoNo, T.: Surles champs de tensions. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Ser. A-1. 28, 209-221.
16. PAYTON, R. G.: An application of the dynamic Betti-Rayleigh reciprocal theorem
to moving point loads in elastic media. Q. Appl. Math. 21, 299-313. (61)
17. RIEDER, G.: Die Berechnung des Spannungsfeldes von Einzelkraften mit Hilfe
raumlicher Spannungsfunktionen und ihre Anwendung zur quellenmaBigen Dar-
stellung der Verschiebung bei Eigenspannungszustanden. 6sterr. Ing. Arch. 18,
173-201. (17)
18. - Die Randbedingungen fiir den Spannungsfunktionentensor an ebenen und ge-
kriimmten belasteten Oberflachen. Osterr. Ing. Arch. 18, 208-243. (17)
19. - "Uber eine Spezialisierung des Schaeferschen Spannungsfunktionenansatzes in
der raumlichen Elastizitatstheorie. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 44, 329-330. (17)
References. 291

20. STERNBERG, E., and S. AL-KHOZAI: On Green's functions and Saint Venant's
principle in the linear theory of viscoelasticity. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 15,
112-146. (51, 54)
21. STICKFORTH, J.: Zur Anwendung des Castiglianoschen Prinzips und der Beltrami-
scherr Spannungsfunktionen bei mehrfach zusammenhangenden elastischen Kor-
pern unter Beriicksichtigung von Eigenspannungen. Tech. Mitt. Krupp Forsch.-Ber.
22, 83-92. (18)
22. TEODOREscu, P. P.: A hundred years of research on the plane problem of the
theory of elasticity [in Romanian]. Stud. Cere. Mat. 15, 355-367. (45)
23. Yu, Y.-Y.: Generalized Hamilton's principle and variational equation of motion in
nonlinear elasticity theory, with application to plate theory. J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
36, 111-120. (65)
24. ZoRSKI, H.: On the equations describing small deformations superposed on finite
deformations. Proc. Intl. Sympos. Second-order Effects, Haifa 1962, 109-128. (32)
1965 1. ALEXSANDROV, I. Y.: Solution of axisymmetric and other three-dimensional
problems in the theory of elasticity by means of analytical functions. Appl. Theory
of Functions in Continuum Mechanics (Proc. Int. Sympos. Tbilisi. 1963) Vol. I,
97-118. Moscow: Izdat. Nauka. (44)
2. BRAMBLE, J. H., and L. E. PAYNE: Some converses of mean value theorems in the
theory of elasticity. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 10, 553-567. (43)
3. BRUGGER, K.: Pure modes for elastic waves in crystals. J. Appl. Phys. 36,759-768. (71)
4. BRuN, L.: Sur l'unicite en thermoelasticite dynamique et diverses expressions
analogues a Ia formule de Clapeyron. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 261, 2584-2587. (60, 63)
5. FEDOROV, F. I.: Theory of Elastic Waves in Crystals [in Russian]. Moscow: Nauka
Press (I have seen this work only in the English translation by J. E. S. BRADLEY,
New York: Plenum 1968.) (70, 71)
6. DE VEUBEKE, B. F.: Displacement and equilibrium models in the finite element
method. Stress Analysis. New York: Wiley. (38)
7. ERICKSEN, J. L.: Nonexistence theorems in linearized elastostatics. J. Diff. Eqts.
1, 446-451. (33)
8. FRIEDRICHS, K. 0., and H. B. KELLER: A finite difference scheme for generalized
Neumann problems. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations. New
York: Academic. (39)
9. GURTIN, M. E., and R. A. TouPIN: A uniqueness theorem for the displacement
boundary-value problem of linear elastodynamics. Q. Appl. Math. 23, 79-81. (63)
10. JoHN, F. : Estimates for the derivatives of the stresses in a thin shell and interior
shell equations. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 18, 235-267. (55)
11. KELLER, H. B.: Saint-Venant's procedure and Saint Venant's principle. Q. Appl.
Math. 22, 293-304. (54)
12. KNOPS, R. J.: Uniqueness of axisymmetric elastostatic problems for finite regions.
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 18, 107-116. (32)
13. - Uniqueness of the displacement boundary-value problem for the classical
elastic half-space. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 20, 373-377. (32, 50)
14. MINAGAWA, S.: On Riemannian and non-Riemannian stress function spaces with
reference to two-dimensional stress functions. Reports of the Research Institute for
Strength and Fracture of Materials. Tohuku Univ. 1, 15-31. (17)
15. MusKHELISHVILI, N. I.: Applications of the theory of functions of a complex
variable to the theory of elasticity. Appl. Theory of Functions in Continuum
Mechanics (Proc. Int. Sympos. Tbilisi, 1963) Vol. I, 32-55 (Russian); 56-7 5 (English)
Moscow: lzdat Nauka. (45)
16. REISSNER, E.: A note on variational principles in elasticity. Int. J. Solids Structures
1, 93-95. (38)
17. STICKFORTH, J.: On the derivation of the conditions of compatibility from Casti-
gliano's principle by means of three-dimensional stress functions. J. Math. Phys.
44, 214-226. (18)
18. STIPPES, M.: Steady state waves in anisotropic media. Ann. Meeting Soc. Eng. Sci.,
Nov., 1965 (unpublished). (71)
19. TEODORESCU, P. P.: Uber das dreidimensionale Problem der Elastokinetik. Z.
Angew. Math. Mech. 45, 513-523. (59)
20. TouPIN, R. A.: Saint-Venant and a matter of principle. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
28, 221-232. (54, 55)
21. - Saint-Venant's principle. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 18, 83-96. (24, 55)
22. TRUESDELL, C., and W. NoLL: The non-linear field theories of mechanics. In
Vol. 33 of the Handbuch der Physik, edited by S. FLUGGE. Berlin-Heidelberg-
New York: Springer Verlag. (12, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 73)
292 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity.

1966 1. AINOLA, L. I.: A reciprocal theorem for dynamic problems of the theory of elasticity
[in Russian]. Prikl. Math. Meh. 31, 176-177; translated as J. Appl. Math. Mech. 31,
190-192. (61)
2. BEN-AMoz, M.: Variational principles in anisotropic and non-homogeneous elasto-
kinetics. Q. Appl. Math. 24, 82-86. (65)
3. BERAN, M., and J. MoLYNEux: Use of classical variational principles to determine
bounds for the effective bulk modulus in heterogeneous media. Q. Appl. Math. 24,
107-118. (34)
4. BERNIKOV, H. B.: Generalization of the Boussinesq-Galerkin solution to anisotropic
bodies [in Russian]. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Tadzh. SSR 9, No. 6, 3-6. (44)
5. BuRCKHARDT, J. J.: Die Bewegungsgruppen der Kristallographie. Basel und Stutt-
gart: Birkhauser Verlag. (21)
6. CARLSON, D.: Completeness of the Beltrami stress functions in continuum mech-
anics. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 15, 311-315. (17)
7. Dou, A.: Upper estimate of the potential elastic energy of a cylinder. Comm. Pure
Appl. Math. 19, 83-93. (54)
8. DoYLE, J. M.: Integration of the Laplace transformed equations of classical elasto-
kinetics. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 13, 118-131. (69)
9. HAYES, M.: On the displacement boundary-value problem in linear elastostatics.
Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 19, 151-155. (32)
10. KARNOPP, B. H.: Complementary variational principles in linear elastodynamics.
Tensor (N.S.) 17, 30Q-307. (65)
11. KEY, S.: A convergence investigation of the direct stiffness method. Ph. D. Thesis.
Dept. Aero. Eng. University of Washington. (39)
12. KNOWLES, J. K.: On Saint Venant's principle in the two-dimensional linear theory
of elasticity. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 21, 1-22. (55, 56)
13. - and E. STERNBERG: On Saint Venant's principle and the torsion of solids of
revolution. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 22, 10Q-120. (55)
14. KoLoDNER, I.: Existence of longitudinal waves in anisotropic media. J. Acoust.
Soc. Am. 40, 73Q-731. (71)
15. KoMKov, V.: Application of Rall's theorem to classical elastodynamics. J. Math.
Anal. Appl. 14, 511-521. (65)
16. MIKHLIN, S. G.: On Cosserat functions. Problems in Mathematical Analysis. Vol. 1.
Boundary Value Problems and Integral Equations [in Russian]. Leningrad Univer-
sity Press. (I have seen this work only in the English translation. New York:
Consultant's Bureau 1968, 55-64.) (32)
17. MuSKHELISHVILI: Some Basic Problems of the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity
[in Russian] 5th Ed. Moscow. (I have not seen this work.) (45)
18. NARIBOLI, G. A.: Wave propagation in anisotropic elasticity. J. Math. Anal. Appl.
16, 108-122. (73)
19. ORAVAS, G., and L. McLEAN: Historical developments of energetical principles in
elastomechanics. Appl. Mech. Rev. 19, 647-656, 919-933. (34, 38)
20. RADZHABOV, R. R.: The construction of the Green's tensor for the first boundary-
value problem of the theory of elasticity [in Russian]. Voprosy Kibernet. Vychisl.
Mat. Vyp. 6, 96-111. (53)
21. RoBINSON, A.: Non-Standard Analysis. Amsterdam: North-Holland. (56 a)
22. RosEMAN, J. J. : A pointwise estimate for the stress in a cylinder and its application
to Saint-Venant's principle. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 21, 23-48. (55)
23. SHIELD, R. T., and C. A. ANDERSON: Some least work principles for elastic bodies.
Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 17, 663-676. (30)
24. STERNBERG, E., and J. K. KNOWLES: Minimum energy characterizations of Saint
Venant's solution to the relaxed Saint-Venant problem. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.
21, 89-107. (40, 41)
25. STIPPES, M.: On stress functions in classical elasticity. Q. Appl. Math. 24, 119-125.
(17, 44)
26. ToNTI, E.: Condizioni iniziali nei principi variazionali. Rend. Ist. Lombardo (A)
100, 982-988. (65)
27. TRUESDELL, C.: Existence of longitudinal waves. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 40, 729-730.
28. - The Elements of Continuum Mechanics. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer.
1967 1. AZHYMUDINOV, T., and' G. MAMATURDIEV: Representation of eigenvalues of the
first boundary-value problem of elasticity theory by means of a contour-integral.
lzv. Akad. Nauk UzSSR Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk 11, No. 3, 3-9. (76)
References. 293
2. BEATTY, M. F.: A reciprocal theorem in the linearized theory of couple-stresses.
Acta Mech. 3, 154-166. (30)
3. B:EziER, P.: Sur quelques proprietes des solutions de problemes de l'elastostatique
lineaire. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris (A) 265, 365-367. (48, 50, 51)
4. CARLSON, D.: A note on the Beltrami stress functions. Z. Angew. Math. Mech.
47, 206-207. (17)
5. CHADWICK, P., and E. A. TROWBRIDGE: Elastic wave fields generated by scalar
wave functions. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 63, 1177-1187. (67)
6. HLAVACEK, I.: Derivation of non-classical variational principles in the theory of
elasticity. Apl. Mat. 12, 15-29. (38)
7. - Variational principles in the linear theory of elasticity for general boundary
conditions. Apl. Mat. 12, 425-448. (38, 41)
8. HASHIN, Z.: Variational principles of elasticity in terms of the polarization tensor.
Int. J. Eng. Sci. 5, 213-223. (34)
9. HILL, R.: Eigenmodal deformations in elastic/plastic continua. J. Mech. Phys.
Solids 15, 371-386. (63)
10. KILCHEVSKII, M. 0., and 0. F. LEVCHUK: One of the forms of the general solution
of the elastodynamic equations [in Ukrainian]. Dopovidi Akad. Nauk. Ukr. RSR (A)
801-804. (67)
11. PRAGER, W.: Variational principles of linear elastostatics for discontinuous displace-
ments, strains and stresses. Recent Progress in Applied Mechanics. The Folke
Odqvist Volume. New York: Wiley. 463-474. (38, 41)
12. RosEMAN, J. J.: The principle of Saint Venant in linear and non-linear plane
elasticity. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 26, 142-162. (56)
13. ScHULER, K. W., and R. L. FosDicK: Generalized Beltrami stress functions. Dept.
Mech. Rept., Illinois Inst. Tech. (17, 47)
14. STIPPES, M.: A note on stress functions. Int. J. Solids Structures 3, 705-711.
(17, 44)
15. ToNG, P., and T. H. H. PIAN: The convergence of finite element method in solving
linear elastic problems. Int. J. Solids Structures 3, 865-879. (39)
16. ToNTI, E.: Principii variazionali nell'elastostatica. Atti Accad. Lincei Rend. (8)
42, 390-394. (18, 38)
17. - Variational principles in elastostatics. Meccanica 2, 201-208. (18, 38)
18. TURTELTAUB, M. J., and E. STERNBERG: Elastostatic uniqueness in the half-
space. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 24, 233-242. (50)
19. ZIENKIEWICZ, 0. C., andY. K. CHEUNG: The Finite Element Method in Structural
and Continuum Mechanics. New York: McGraw-Hill. (39)
1968 1. BRoss, H.: Das Fundamentalintegral der Elastizitatstheorie fiir kubische Medien.
Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 19, 434-446. (51)
2. CAKALA, S., Z. DoMANSKI, and H. MILICER-GRUZEWSKA: Construction of the
fu~damental solution of the system of equations of the static theory of elasticity
and the solution of the first boundary-value problem for a half space [in Polish].
Zeszyty Nauk. Politech. Warszaw. Mat. No. 14, 151-164. (51)
3. DAFERMOS, C. M.: Some remarks on Korn's inequality. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 19,
913-920. (13)
4. EDELSTEIN, W. S., and R. L. FosDicK: A note on non-uniqueness in linear elasticity
theory. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 19, 906-912. (32)
5. FosDICK, R. L.: On the displacement boundary-value problem of static linear
elasticity theory. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 19, 219-233. (57)
6. GURTIN, M. E., V. J. MIZEL, and W. 0. WILLIAMS: A note on Cauchy's stress
theorem. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 22, 398-401. (15)
7. HAYES, M., and R. J. KNoPs: On the displacement boundary-value problem of
linear elastodynamics. Q. Appl. Math. 26, 291-293- (63)
8. HoRAK, V.: Inverse Variationsprinzipien der Mechanik fester Korper. Z. Angew.
Math. Mech. 48, 143-146. (38)
9. INDENBOM, V. L., and S. S. ORLOV: Construction of Green's function in terms of
Green's function of lower dimensions [in Russian]. Prikl. Math. Meh. 32, 414-420;
translated as J. Appl. Math. Mech. 414-420. (53)
10. KARNOPP, B. H.: Reissner's variational principle and elastodynamics. Acta Mech.
6, 158-164. (65)
11. KNOPS, R. J., and L. E. PAYNE: Uniqueness in classical elastodynamics. Arch.
Rational Mech. Anal. 27, 349-355. (63)
12. SoLOMON, L.: Elasticite Lineaire. Paris: Masson. (27, 38, 44, 47)
13. TRUESDELL, C.: Comment on longitudinal waves. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 43, 170. (71)
294 M. E. GuRTIN: The Linear Theory of Elasticity.

14. TuRTELTAUB, M. ]., and E. STERNBERG: On concentrated loads and Green's

functions in elastostatics. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 29, 193-240. (51, 52, 53)
15. WASHIZU, K.: Variational methods in elasticity and plasticity. New York: Perga-
mon. (38)
16. WHEELER, L. T., and E. STERNBERG: Some theorems in classical elastodynamics.
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 31, 51-90. (60, 61, 68, 69, 74)
1969 1. BERG, C. A.: The physical meaning of astatic equilibrium in Saint Venant's prin-
ciple for linear elasticity. J. Appl. Mech. 36, 392-396. (18, 29)
2. BRUN, L.: Methodes energetiques dans les systemes evolutifs lineaires. J. Mecanique
8, 125-191. (60, 63)
3. DE LA PENHA, G., and S. B. CHILDS: A note on Love's stress function. AIAA J. 7,
540. (44)
4. KANWAL, R. P.: Integral equations formulation of classical elasticity. Q. Appl.
Math. 27, 57-65. (52)
5. NowAK, M.: Equations of motion of an elastic free-free body. Bull. Acad. Polon.
Sci., Ser. Sci. Tech. 17, 31-36. (68)
6. RUBENFELD, L.A., and J. B. KELLER: Bounds on elastic moduli of composite
media. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 17, 495-510. (34)
7. SCHULTZ, M. H.: Error bounds on the Rayleigh-Ritz-Galerkin method. J. Math.
Anal. Appl. 27, 524-533. (39)
8. STIPPES, M.: Completeness of the Papkovitch potentials. Q. Appl. Math. 26, 477-
483. (44)
9. YouNGDAHL, C. K.: On the completeness of a set of stress functions appropriate to
the solution of elasticity problems in general cylindrical coordinates. Int. J. Eng.
Sci. 7, 61-79. (44)
1970 1. BENTHIEN, G., and M. E. GuRTIN: A principle of minimum transformed energy in
elastodynamics. J. Appl. Mech. 31, 1147-1149. (66)
2. HLAVACEK, 1., and J. NEcAs: On inequalities of Korn's type. I. Boundary-value
problems for elliptic systems of partial differential equations. II. Applications to
linear elasticity. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 36, 305-334. (28)
3. WHEELER, L. T.: Some results in the linear dynamical theory of anisotropic elastic
solids. Q. Appl. Math. 28, 91-101. (61, 74)
4. ZIENKIEWICZ, 0. C.: The finite element method; from intuition to generality. Appl.
Mech. Rev. 23, 249--256. (39)
1971 1. FICHERA, G.: Existence theorems in elasticity. Below in Volume VIa/2 of the Hand-
buch der Physik, edited by C. TRUESDELL. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer.
(5, 7, 13, 31, 33. 36, 78)
2. KNoPs, R. ]., and L. E. PAYNE: Uniqueness theorems in linear elasticity. In: Sprin-
ger Tracts in Natural Philosophy (ed. B. D. CoLEMAN}, Vol. 19. Berlin-Heidelberg-
New York: Springer. (32, 40, 63)
3. MAITI, M., and G. R. MAKAN: On an integral equation approach to displacement
problems of classical elasticity. Q. Appl. Math. To appear. (52)
4. SEGENREICH, S. A.: On the strain energy distribution in self equilibrated cylinders.
5. Thesis. COPPE, Federal Univ. Rio de Janeiro.

The following additional papers would have been referred to, had I seen them in time.
1956 TELEMAN, S.: The method of orthogonal projection in the theory of elasticity. Rev.
Math. Pures Appl. 1, 49--66.
1957 RosEAU, M.: Sur un tMoreme d'unicite applicable a certains problemes de diffraction
d'ondes elastiques. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris 245, 1780-1782.
1959 CAMPANATO, S.: Sui problemi al contorno per sistemi de equazioni differenziali lineari
del tipo dell'elasticita. Ann. Scuola Norm. Pisa (3) 13, 223-258, 275-302.
1961 BAiKUZIEV, K.: Some methods of solving the Cauchy problem of the mathematical
theory of elasticity [in Russian]. Izv. Akad. Nauk USSR Ser. Fiz.-Mat. 3-12.
1962 GEGELIA, T. G.: Some fundamental boundary-value problems in elasticity theory in
space [in Russian]. Akad. Nauk Gruzin. SSSR Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst. Razmadze
28, 53-72.
KuPRADZE, V. D.: Singular integral equations and boundary-value problems of
elasticity theory [in Russian]. Tbiliss. Gos. Univ. Trudy Ser. Meh.-Mat. Nauk. 84,
RIEDER, G.: lterationsverfahren und Operatorgleichungen in der Elastizitatstheorie.
Abhandl. Braunschweig. Wiss. Ges. 14, 109-343.
References. 295

1963 DEEV, V. 1\II.: Representation of the general solution of a three-dimensional problem

of elasticity theory by particular solutions of Lame's equations [in Ukrainian]. Dopovidi
Akad. Nauk. Ukr. RSR 1464-1467.
VoLKOV, S.D., and M. L. KoMISSAROVA: Certain representations of the general solutions
of the boundary-value problems of elasticity theory [in Russian]. Inzh. Zh. 3, 86-92.
1964 KuRLANDZKI, J.: Mathematical formulation of a certain method for solving boundary
problems of mechanics. Proc. Vibration Problems 5, 117-124.
1965 NIEMEYER, H.: tiber die elastischen Eigenschwingungen endlicher Korper. Arch.
Rational Mech. Anal. 19, 24-61.
1966 BARR, A. D. S.: An extension of the Hu-Washizu variational principle in linear elasti-
city for dynamic problems. J. Appl. Mech. 88, 465.
lVhKHLIN, S. G.: Numerical Realization of Variational Methods [in Russian]. Moscow.
(I have not seen this work.)
1967 CoLAUTTI, M. P.: Sui problemi variazionali di un corpo elastica incompressibile. Mem.
Accad. Lincei (8) 8, 291-343.
LAI, P. T.: Potentiels elastiques: Tenseurs de Green et de Neumann. J. Mecan. 6,
1968 CAKALA, S., Z. DoMANSKI, and H. MILICER-GRUZEWSKA: Construction of the fundamen-
tal solution of the system of equations of the static theory of elasticity and the solution
of the first boundary value problem for a half space [in Polish]. Zeszyty Nauk. Politech.
Warszaw. Mat. No. 14, 151-164.
KNoPs, R. J., and L. E. PAYNE: Stability in linear elasticity. Int. J. Solids Structures
4, 1233-1242.
LAI, P. T.: Elastic potentials and Green's tensor. Part I. Memorial de 1' Artillerie
Fran<;aise 42, 23-96.
1970 BuFLER, H.: Erweiterung des Prinzips der virtuellen Verschiebungen und des Prinzips
der virtuellen Krafte. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 50, 104-108.
1971 HLAVACEK, I.: On Reissner's variational theorem for boundary values in linear elasti-
city. Apl. Mat. 16, 109-124.
HoRGAN, C. 0., and J. K. KNOWLES: Eigenvalue problems associated with Korn's
inequalities. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 40, 384-402.
MAISONNEUVE, 0.: Sur le principe de Saint-Venant. These, Universite de Poitiers.
1972 DuvAUT, G., and J. L. LroNs: Sur les Inequations en Mecanique et en Physique.
Paris: Dunod.
Linear Thermoelasticity.



A. Introduction.
1. The nature of this article. It is the purpose of this article to present a short
account of the linear theory of thermoelasticity using the style and notation of
GuRTIN's treatise, The Linear Theory of Elasticity 2 , preceding in this volume. While
it would probably be possible to put together a thermoelastic counterpart to
each of the results given there, considerations of space and time have caused
extensive selection to be made.
In Chap. B, the linear theory of thermoelasticity is derived by starting with
the nonlinear theory. The exposition of nonlinear thermoelasticity given here is
in no sense complete; only enough is presented to provide a base for the linear
Chaps. C and D contain the equilibrium and dynamic theories, respectively.
They may be read independently of each other and, for those already somewhat
familiar with the subject, of Chap. B. The basic equations and smoothness
hypotheses are given in the first section of each chapter. The treatment is fully
three-dimensional. No special results associated with geometrical symmetries are
2. Notation. Following LTE, direct notation is employed. Thus, scalars appear
as italic light face letters, vectors and points as italic bold face minuscules, second-
order tensors as italic bold face majuscules, and fourth-order tensors as sans-serif
bold face majuscules. Of course, the same scheme is used for functions whose
values are such quantities. Reference may be made to Chap. B of LTE for more
details on this notational scheme and also for standard mathematical results
utilized throughout.

1 Acknowledgment. This article was planned jointly with M. E. GuRTIN as an extension

of his treatise, The Linear Theory of Elasticity, preceding in this volume. Unfortunately, the
completion of that work kept him from participating as fully as he had intended. Nonetheless,
the text of Chap. B was essentially written by GURTIN, and I am deeply grateful to him for
his detailed criticism of the manuscript as well. I would also like to thank M. C. STIPPES for
numerous discussions throughout the course of the writing. Finally, I wish to express my
gratitude to the U.S. National Science Foundation for their support through a research grant
to the University of Illinois.
2 Referenced hereafter as "LTE ".
298 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 2.

Index of frequently used symbols. Only symbols used in more than one section
are listed.
Symbol Name Section of
first occurrence

A Thermal expansion tensor 7

B Body 3
as Boundary of B 3
c Elasticity tensor 7
Cfj Reference configuration 3
D Finite strain tensor 5
E Infinitesimal strain tensor 7
Eo Initial strain 21
F Deformation gradient 3
K Conductivity tensor 6
K Compliance tensor 7
M Stress-temperature tensor 7
0 Origin, zero vector, zero tensor 3
p Part of B 3
s Stress tensor 3
S' Reduced stress 11
Y,:,.9;;~.~ Complementary Subsets of oB 14, 22
0/1 Total energy 21
b Non-inertial body force 7
b Pseudo body force 21
b' Reduced body force 11
c Specific heat 4
e Internal energy 3
I Inertial body force 3
g Temperature gradient 3
i Function with values i (t) = t 21

m Stress-temperature modulus 8
n Unit outward normal to oB 3
p Position vector 3
q Heat flux vector 3
Heat flux 18
q Prescribed heat flux on boundary 21
r Heat supply 3
r Pseudo heat supply 21
s Surface traction 9
s' Reduced traction 11
s Prescribed traction on boundary 14
t Time 3
u Displacement vector 3
u Prescribed displacement on boundary 14
Uo Initial displacement 21
Vo Initial velocity 21
X Point in B 3
(/.. Coefficient of thermal expansion 8
Sect. J. The basic laws of mechanics and thermodynamics. 299

Symbol Name Section of

first occurrence

'YJ Entropy 3
() Absolute temperature 3
Oo Reference temperature 7
{} Temperature difference 9
{}0 Initial temperature 21
{} Prescribed temperature on boundary 22
A. Lame modulus 8
f.l Shear modulus 8
"P Free energy 3
e Density 3
1 Unit tensor 3
v Gradient 3
Ll Laplacian 12
® Tensor product 10
* Convolution 21
() Time derivative 3
()T Transpose of a tensor 3
curl Curl 12
div Divergence 3
sym Symmetric part of a tensor 9
tr Trace of a tensor 8

B. The foundations of the linear theory of thermoelasticity.

3. The basic laws of mechanics and thermodynamics. We identify the body 8 B
with the bounded regular region 4 of space it occupies in a fixed reference con-
figuration rf. Points ~E B will be referred to as material points.'>
A motion of the body B is a class C2 vector field u on B X (0, t 0}, where (0, t 0)
is a fixed open interval of time. Given ~E B and tE (0, t0 ), the vector u (~. t) re-
presents the displacement of the material point ~ at the time t; thus, the point
~ +u(~. t) is the position in space of~ at time t. The spatial gradient F of the
function~-+~ +u(~. t) is called the deformation gradient; clearly,

As is usual, we assume that for each t the mapping~-+~ +u(~. t) is one-to-one on B
and that its inverse is smooth; thus, det F =I= 0.
If S (~. t) denotes the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor 6 measured per
unit surface area in the reference configuration rf, and iff(~. t) is the body force 7
a A precise definition of a body has been given by NoLL [1958, 3]. See also TRUESDELL
and NoLL [1965, 5, Sect. 15].
4 See LTE, Sect. 5.
5 More commonly in the treatise literature of continuum mechanics, the letter X is used
to designate an arbitrary material point; while a: is the position in space it occupies at some
time in a motion.
6 See TRUESDELL and NOLL [1965, 5, Sect. 43A].
7 For convenience the body force f includes the inertial body force - eii, where e is the
density in the reference configuration.
300 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 3.

per unit volume in rc, then the laws of balance of forces and moments take
the forms
J Snda+ Jfdv=O,
iJP p

J (p+u) x(Sn) da+ J (p+u) xjdv=O


for every part 8 P of B and every time t, where


is the position vector of ~ relative to the origin 0 and n is the unit outward normal
to oP. If Sis of class C1 •0 and f continuous on B x (0, t0 ), then these laws together
are equivalent to
divS+f=O, (3.2) 9
SFT=FST. (3.3)
The rate of working of a part P at time t is defined by
W(P) = J (Sn). uda+ J I. udv. (3.4)10
iJP p

it follows from the divergence theorem that

J (S n) · u da = J S · Fdv + J u · div S dv;

iJP p p

and hence (3.2) and (3.4) imply

W(P) = pf S · F dv. (3.5)
The quantity S · F is called the stress power.
The first law of thermodynamics is the assertion that

:t .f
e dv = W(P) -
.fq · n da + .f r dv

for every part P and every time t. Here e (~. t) is the internal energy per unit
volume in r'(t; q (~. t) is the heat fl~ vector measured per unit surface area in r-c;
and r (~. t) is the heat supply per unit volume in r'(t from the external world. The
J edv p
is the internal energy of P;
- fq ·nda

is the total heat flux into P by conduction across oP; and

J rdv
8 A regular subregion of B.
9 The differential operator div, like 17, is with respect to the material point ~E B.
lO Note that since I includes the inertial body force, W(P) includes the term - J e ii. u dv'
which is the negative of the rate of change of the kinetic energy. P
Sect. 4. Elastic materials. Consequences of the second law. 301

represents the total heat supplied into the interior of P from the external world.
If e is of class C0•\ q of class C1• 0 , and r continuous on B x (0, t0 ), then, in view
of (3-5), the first law has the local equivalent
e=S. F-divq+r. (3.6)
The second law of thermodynamics is the assertion that

{ 'Yjdv>-
J q·n
J r
p fJP p

for every part P and every timet. Here 'YJ (x, t) is the entropy per unit volume in CC,
and () (x, t) > 0 is the absolute temperature. Hence,
J 'YJ dv
is the entropy of P;
.f --,r

is the total entropy flux across 8P due to conduction; and

. f _r_ dv

represents the entropy supplied into the interior of P from the external world.
If, in addition to the previous assumptions, 'YJ is of class C0 •1 and () of class C1 •0
on B X (0, t0 ), the second law is equivalent to
e +-e·
r (3.7)
Introducing the free energy
and combining (3.6) and (3.7), we arrive at the local dissipation inequality

ip +'YJO -s. F + 0 q. g -;;;,o.

• • 1
Here g is the temperature gradient
g=VO. (3 .1 0)
Granted (3.6) and (3.8), then (3.7) and (3.9) are equivalent.
4. Elastic materials. Consequences of the second law. An elastic material
is defined by constitutive equations giving the free energy1p, the stress S, the entropy
'fJ, and the heat flux qat each material point x whenever the deformation gradient
F, the temperature 0, and the temperature gradient g are known at x:
1p=ip(F, O,g,x),
'YJ = iJ (F, 0, g, x)'
q =q(F, 0, g, x).
We assume, once and for all, that the response junctions ip, §, iJ, and g are smooth
on their domain !?iJ, which is the set of all (F, (}, g, :r) where F is a tensor with
302 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 4.

det F =1=0, (} is a strictly positive scalar, g is a vector, and JJEB. Further, we

assume that Sis compatible with balance of moments in the sense of (3.3):

For convenience we will generally suppress the argument JJ in (4.1).
By an admissible thermodynamic process we mean an ordered array
[u, 0, 1p, S, 'YJ, q]
with the following properties:
(i) All of the functions have a common domain of the form P x T, where P
is a part of B and Tis an open (time) interval of (0, t0 );
(ii) u is a motion on P X T, and (} is a strictly positive class C2 • 1 scalar field
on PxT;
(iii) 1p, S, 'YJ, and q are defined on P X T through the constitutive relations (4.1)
F=1+17u, g=VO.
We call P X T the domain of the process; this domain may vary from process to
Given an admissible thermodynamic process, balance of forces (3.2) and
balance of energy (3.6) yield the body force f and heat supply r that must be
applied to support the process:

However, the local dissipation inequality will imply certain restrictions on the
response functions.
(1) Restrictions placed on elastic materials by the second law. 11 A neces-
sary and sufficient condition that every admissible thermodynamic process obey the
local dissipation inequality (3.9) is that the following three statements hold:
(i) The response functions ip, S, and ij are independent of the temperature
gradient g:
"P =ip(F, ()),
(ii) ip determines S through the stress relation
S (F, 0) = 8p ip (F, ())
11 CoLEMAN and NOLL [1963, 1] established this theorem for the case in which the tempera-
ture gradient is omitted in the constitutive relations for the stress, free energy, and entropy.
CoLEMAN and MIZEL [ 1964, 1] proved that the second law rules out such a dependence, even
if it is assumed from the outset. Actually, some of the underlying ideas are contained in the
treatise of GREEN and ADKINS [1960, 3, Sect. 8.3], who established the stress relation and the
heat conduction inequality as consequences of the local dissipation inequality under the
following assumptions: the entropy relation holds (an assumption not crucial to their argu-
ment); the free energy depends only on the strain and temperature; the heat flux and stress
do not depend on the time derivative of the strain and temperature. However, GREEN and
ADKINS do not include the heat supply term in their statement of the first law; the inclusion
of this term allows one to specify arbitrarily the mechanical and thermodynamic variables
without violating balance of energy. Evidently, COLEMAN and NOLL [1963, 1] were the first
to notice this fact. TRUESDELL and TouPIN [1960, 6, Sects. 240, 241, 256-268) appear to be
the first to write the first two laws with the heat supply terms indicated.
Theorem (1) was generalized by GuRTIN [1965, 3, 4] [1967, 2], who showed that if, in
place of (4.1), 'lfJ, S, 11• and q are allowed to be functionals of the displacement and temperature
fields over the entire body, then the local dissipation inequality implies that such a constitutive
assumption must necessarily reduce to the forms given in (i) of (1).
Sect. 4. Elastic materials. Consequences of the second law. 303

and ~ through the entTopy Telation

~ (F, 0) = - 86 ip (F, 0);

(iii) q obeys the heat conduction inequality
q(F, 0, g)· g ~0.
Proof. In view of (4.1), an admissible thermodynamic process is compatible
with the local dissipation inequality if and only if

[oFip(F, 0, g) -S(F, 0, g)]· F+ [o 6 ip(F, 0, g) +~(F. 0, g)] o

+o9 ip(F, 0, g)· iJ+ ~ q(F, (J, g)· g~O
on its domain. The sutficiency of (i)-(iii) follows from {4.3). With a view toward
demonstrating the necessity of these conditions, we first establish the following
(2) Letnma. Given (F*, 0*, g*, :z:*)E~, t*E{O, t0), a tensor A, a scalar ex, and
a vector a, there exists an admissible thermodynamic process with
F(:z:*, t*) =F*' F(:z:*, t*) =A,
0 (:~:*' t*) = 0*' 0(:~:*' t*) =ex'
g(:z:*, t*) =g*, g(:z:*, t*) =a.
Proof of (2 ). Clearly, there exists an open ball PeE about :~:* and an open
interval Tc{o, t0 ) containing t* such that
det [F* + (t -t*) A] =j=O,
(J* +ex(t -t*) + [g* + (t -t*) a] · (:~: -:~:*) > 0
for every (:~:, t) E P X T. Let u and 0 be defined on P X T by
u(:z:, t) = [ -1 +F* + (t -t*) A](:~:-:~:*),
0 (:~:, t) = (J* +ex (t -t*) + [g* + (t -t*) a] · (:~: -:~:*).
The corresponding admissible thermodynamic process has all of the desired
properties. D
We now continue with the proof of (1). Applying the inequality (4.3) at
:~: =:~:* and t = t* to the process constructed in (2) yields

[oFip(F*, 0*, g*) -S(F*, (J*, g*)] ·A+ [oaif(F*, (J*, g*) +~(F*, (J*, g*)] ex
+ 89 ip(F*, (J*, g*) ·a+ 1
0,.. q(F*, 0*, g*) · g*~O,
which implies the necessity of (i)-(iii) since F*, 0*, g*, :~:*, t*, A, ex, and a are
arbitrary. D
Henceforth, we assume that the conditions (i)-(iii) of (1) hold.
By (3.8),
e=1f +O~ +nO,
while (i) and (ii) of (1) imply that
304 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoe!asticity. Sect. 4.


and we have the following result.

(8) In an admissible thermodynamic process, the energy equation (3.6) takes
the form
0~ = -divq+r. (4.4)
Thus, an admissible thermodynamic process is adiabatic (-divq+r==O) if and
only if it is isentropic (~ == 0).
As another important consequence of (1), we have
(4) In an admissible thermodynamic process, the response functions for stress
and entropy satisfy the Mazwell relation
o6 S(F, 0) = -op ~(F, 0). (4.5)
Proof. Since S and~ are smooth by hypothesis, it follows from (ii) of (1)
that ip is of class C2 • Therefore,
86 opip(F, 0) =op o6 ip(F, 0),
and (4.5) is implied by (ii) of (1). 0
In view of (3.8), (i) of (1), and (4.1), the internal energy obeys a constitutive
relation of the form
e =e(F, 0), (4.6)
e (F, 0) =ip (F, 0) + 0~ (F, 0). (4.7)
The number
c(F, 0) = o6 e (F, 0) {4.8)
is called the specific heat. By (4.7) and {4.8),
c(F, 0) =o6 ip(F, 0) +~{F. 0) +0 o8 ~ (F, 0),
and thus (ii) of (1) implies
For the remainder of this section, we assume that
c(F, 0) >O (4.10)
for all (F, 0). Since 0 > 0, (4.9) and {4.10) imply that~ (F, 0) is smoothly invertible
in 0 for each choice of F; therefore, we may rewrite our basic constitutive as-
sumption (4.1) in the form
e =e(F, 'YJ), S=S(F,'YJ),
0 =O(F, n), q =ij(F, 'YJ, g).
For given F, the function 'YJ....,.{j(F, 'YJ) in (4.11) is just the inverse of the function
o....,.~(F, 0) in (1); while the function e, e.g., is given by

e(F,n)=e(F,O(F,'YJ)). {4.12)
It follows from (4.7) and (4.12) that
e (F, 'YJ) =ip (F, 0(F, 'YJ)) +'YJ 0(F, 'YJ);
Sect. s. The principle of material frame-indifference. 305
OF e=OF 1p + (oofJ) OF {j +rJ OF 0,
o11 e= (o 6 1p) o11 0+ fi +rJ o11 0
and we conclude from (ii) of (1) that
S(F, rJ) =oF e(F, rJ),
O(F, rJ) =o11 e(F, rJ).
Eqs. (4.13) are the stress and temperature relations when entropy is taken
as the independent thermodynamic variable.
5. The principle of material frame-indifference. The principle of material
frame-indifference asserts that the constitutive assumption (4.1) be independent
of the observer.12 Under a change of observer the relevant mechanical and thermo-
dynamic quantities transform as follows: 13
() --+ (),

1p --+1p,

'YJ--+ 'YJ,
where Q is the orthogonal tensor corresponding to this change. Since (4.1) is to
be invariant under all such changes, it must satisfy
{p(F, ()) =f;(QF, ()),
S(F, ()) =QTS(QF, ()),
~(F, ()) =~(QF, ()),
q(F, (),g) =q(QF, (),g)
for every orthogonal tensor Q and for all (F, (), g)EfiiJ.
By the polar decomposition theorem,
F=RU (5.2)
where R is orthogonal and U is the positive definite square root of FT F. Choosing
Q =RT in (5.1) and using (5.2), we arrive at the relations
"P = 1p (U, ()),
S=FU-lS(U, ()), (5.3)
'YJ =~(U, ()),

12 See, e.g., TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 5, Sects. 17-19A].

13 The transformation rule for F is a consequence of Eq. (19.2) 1 of TRUESDELL and NoLL
[1965, 5]. The rule for the first Fiola-Kirchhoff stress S (their TR) follows from the trans-
formation law for the Cauchy stress T (their Eq. (19.2) 2) and their Eq. (43A.2) relating S
toT and F. The transformation rules for(}, 1p, and 1] are immediate. The temperature gradient g
is invariant since it is the gradient relative to the reference configuration'??. The heat flux q
is invariant since it is measured per unit area in'??; the details may be worked out as for S.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 20
306 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. s.
Defining the finite strain tensor D through
D =i (U2 -1) =i (FTF -1), (5.4}
we are led to
(1) Consequences of material frame-indifference. 14 The constitutive
equations (4.1) satisfy the principle of material frame-indifference if and only if
they can be written in the reduced forms

tp =ip(D, 0)
S =FS(D, 0),
'fJ =~(D, 0)'
q =q(D, (),g).

Moreover, the stress and entropy relations of (4.1) reduce to

S(D, 0) =on ip (D, 0),
~ (D, 0) = - o8 ip (D, 0).
Proof. The necessity of (5.5) follows from (5.3) and (5.4} with the function ip,
e.g., given by
ip (D, 0) =if ((2D t)t, 0). +
That the reduced relations (5.5) satisfy (5.1) is a simple calculation.
The derivation of (5.6} 1 is carried out most readily in terms of components.
From the chain rule,
arp off! an;i
oFk z oD;i oFkz ·
By (5.4},
Dii =};; (Fmi Fmi- flii)'
and thus

Therefore, since

we conclude that

or, equivalently,
oF ip = F on ip.
This result, the stress relation of (4.1), and (5.5} 2 imply (5.6} 1 •
The second of (5 .6) follows immediately from the entropy relation of ( 4.1 ). D
It is interesting to note that
S =F onifJ(D, 0)
automatically satisfies

Thus, in thermoelasticity, balance of moments is a consequence of balance of forces,

the two laws of thermodynamics, and material frame-indifference.
14 RICHTER [1952, 2] was apparently the first to employ the polar decomposition theorem
to find the implications of material frame-indifference.
Sects. 6, 7. Derivation of the linear theory. 307

6. Consequences of the heat conduction inequality. In view of (iii) of (4.1),

the reduced response function ij must obey the inequality
q(D,O,g)·g~O. (6.1)
In this section, we obtain some important implications of this inequality.
We call
K(D, 0) = -89 q(D, 0, g)ig=o (6.2)
the conductivity tensor. Fixing D and 0 and expanding
q(g) =q(D, 0, g)
in a Taylor series about g = 0 yields
q(g) = q(O) -Kg +o(igl) as g-+0. (6.3)
By (6.1) and (6.3),
q(O) · g- g ·Kg +o(lgl 2)~0 as g-+0.
This inequality holds for all g only if q (0) = 0 and g ·Kg~ 0 for every g. Thus
we have the following result.
(1) Consequences of the heat conduction inequality. 16 The heat flux
vanishes whenever the temperature gradient vanishes, i.e.,
q(D, 0, 0) =0; (6.4)
and the conductivity tensor K(D, 0) is positive semi-definite.
From (6.4),
these results will prove useful in the linearization of the next section.
7. Derivation of the linear theory. The complete system of field equations for
nonlinear thermoelasticity theory was derived in the preceding sections; it consists
in the balance laws
div S +f=O, 01] = -divq +r (7.1)
together with the constitutive equations
tp = ip (D, 0) ,
s =FS (D, 0), (7.2)
YJ =ij (D, 0),
q=q(D, 0, g),
D=i (FTF-1), (7.3)
Of course, these constitutive relations are subject to the thermodynamic restrictions

S (D, 0) = 8n ip (D, 0),

ij (D, 0) = - 80 ip (D, 0), (7.4)
q(D, 0, g)· g ~0.
16 PIPKIN and RivLIN [1958, 5]. See also CoLEMAN and NoLL [1963, 1], CoLEMAN and
MIZEL [1963, 2], and GURTIN [1965, 3].
308 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 7.

In this section, we determine the linear approximation to this system under

the following assumptions: the displacement gradient and its rate of change are
small; the temperature field is nearly equal to a given uniform field 00 called the
reference temperature; the temperature rate and the temperature gradient are
small. Thus, we assume that

where 15 is small.
By (7.3h and (7.5),
where here and in what follows all order of magnitude statements are as 15 ~ 0.
The tensor
E=i(V'u+Vul) (7.7)
is called the infinitesimal strain tensor; by (7.5),
From (7.3h, (7.3) 2 , (7.5), (7.7), and (7.8),
D=E+i VuT Vu,
=E+0(62), (7.9)
=0 (15);
while (7.9h and (7.5) imply that
D=E+l (VuT Vu+VuT Vu),
=E+O(d 2).
When F = 1 and 0 = 00 , D = 0 and
s =S (0, 00).
Thus S(0, 00) represents the residual stress at the reference temperature, i.e., the
stress that the body would experience if it were held in the reference configuration
at the uniform temperature 00 • We assume that

The assumptions of zero residual stress and uniform reference temperature are
crucial to the development of the classical theory.
By the assumed differentiability of the function Sin conjunction with (7.5),
(7.9) 2 , and (7.11),
S(D, 0) =C[E] + (0 -00) M +o(6), (7.12)
C=8»S(D, 0)1»-o•
M=8 0 S(D, 0)1»-o·

Substituting (7.12) into (7.2) 2 , we find, with the aid of (7.5), (7.6), and (7.8), that
S=C[E]+(0-00)M+o(!5). (7.14)
Sect. 7. Derivation of the linear theory. 309

The fourth-order tensor Cis called the elasticity tensor; it is a linear trans-
formation of the space of all symmetric (second-order) tensors into itse1f.16 By
(7.4) 1 and (7.13) 1 ,

and we conclude 17 that for any pair of symmetric tensors G and H

82 -
G·C[HJ= o('J.o{J tp(ocG+fJH,0 0)Jcr:=/l=O=H·C[GJ;
thus, the elasticity tensor is symmetric. The (second-order) tensor M is called the
stress-temperature tensor; again since S=ST, the stress-temperature tensor is
Expansion of q =q(D, 0, g) in a Taylor series about (0, 00 , 0) yields, with
the aid of (6.4), (6.5), (7.5) and (7.9) 3 ,
q=-Kg+o(~). (7.15)
where Kis the conductivity tensor [d. (6.2)] correspondingtoD =0 and f) =00 , i.e.,
K=-8 9 q(0,00 ,g)J9 =o· (7.16)
Eq. (7.15) asserts that to within an error of o(<5) the heat flux depends linearly on
the temperature gradient and is independent of the strain and the temperature. It is
important to note that this result followed from the heat conduction inequality;
no arguments concerning symmetry were involved. Furthermore, we do not make
the common assumption that K is symmetric. 18 From (6.1), K is positive semi-
The asymptotic form for the law of balance of forces is simply (7.1 }1 . If we
introduce the non-inertial body force b, then
J=b-eu. (7.17)
where e(al) is the density in the reference configuration, and (7.1 }1 reduces to
div s +b =eii. (7.18)
To complete our development of the classical theory, we have only to derive
the linearized form of the energy equation (7.1) 2 • By (7.2) 3 ,
Since iJ is smooth,
OD i1 (D, 0) = OD i1 (D, O)ID=O+ 0 (1)'
o0 i}(D, 0) =o0 i}(D, O)J»-o+o(1},

where we have made use of (7.5) and (7.9} 3 . From (7.4} 1 and (7.4) 2 , we see that
8DiJ = -88 S.
18 The values of Care symmetric since S = ST by (7.4Jt.
17 Cf. LTE, Sect. 4.
1 8 The history of this assumption goes back to STOKES [1851, 1]. An extensive discussion
has been provided recently by TRUESDELL [1969, 3, Sect. 7]; to his list of references we add
the note by LESSEN [1956, 2]. See also DAY and GURTIN [1969, 2]. I. MULLER, in results
presented to the Society for Natural Philosophy in November, 1970, has constructed a theory
with a symmetric conductivity tensor by inserting iJ as a variable in the constitutive equations
310 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 7.

This reduced form of the Maxwell relation (4.5) and (7.13} 2 imply that
OD~(D, O)ID=O= -M. (7.21)
By (4.9) and (5.5}, the number
c = 00 88 ~ (D, 0) l»=o (7.22)

is the specific heat corresponding to D = 0 and 0 = 00 • Combining (7.19)-(7.22}

and using (7.5}, (7.10) 2 , and (7.8) 2 yields
Oij = - Oo M. E+ c + 0 (~).
Substituting this result into (7.1} 2 , we are led to the following asymptotic form
for the energy equation: . .
-divq+0 0 M·E+r+o(~)=c6. (7.23)
Eqs. (7.3} 3 , (7.7), (7.14), (7.15}, (7.18}, and (7.23) with the terms of o(~) neg-
lected are the basic equations of linearized thermoelasticity theory: 19
div s +b =eii,
-divq+00 M · E+r=c 0, (7.24}
S = C[E] + (0- 00) M,
For the remainder of this article, we limit our discussion to the linearized system
Since M and the values of C are symmetric, we see from (7.24} 4 that S = ST;
i.e., the stress tensor is symmetric in the linear theory.
According to (7.24} 4 , the stress-temperature tensor M gives the stress resulting
from a given temperature distribution when the strain vanishes:
S =(0 -00} M when E =0.
When the elasticity tensor Cis invertible, 20 (7.24) 4 can be solved forE:
E=K[S]+(0-00 )A, (7.25}
K=C-1 ,
are called the compliance tensor and the thermal e;£pansion tensor,
respectively. According to (7.25}, the thermal expansion tensor gives the strain
resulting from a given temperature distribution when the stress vanishes:
E = (0 -00} A when S =0.
19 In the isotropic case, these equations were postulated directly by DuHAMEL [1837, 1]
and NEUMANN (1885, 1]. The earlier work of DUHAMEL (1838, 1] and NEUMANN (1841, 1]
did not include the strain rate term in the energy equation. Attempts to provide a thermo-
dynamic basis for them were later made by VOIGT [1895, 1, Pt. 3, Chap. 1], JEFFREYS [1930, 1],
and LESSEN and DuKE [1953, 1]. They were produced on the basis of "linear irreversible
thermodynamics" by BIOT [1956, 1]. A derivation founded on modern continuum thermo-
mechanics similar to the one presented here has been given by ERINGEN [1967, 1, Chap. 8].
Note added in proof. C. TRUESDELL has pointed out to me the surprising fact that Du-
HAMEL's equations even preceded the enunciation of the general principle of equivalence of
heat and work. DuHAMEL's success is evidently attributable to the principle of superposition
of effects inherent in a linear theory and to good fortune. These matters will be fully discussed
in a treatise on the history of thermodynamics under preparation by TRUESDELL.
20 Recall that the domain of C has been restricted to the space of all symmetric tensors.
Sect. 8. Isotropy. 311
It is important to realize that while the material functions C, M, K, c, and e
will generally depend on the reference temperature 00 , they do not depend on the
temperature 0. To allow them to be 0-dependent would be inconsistent with the
assumptions leading to the linearized energy equation (7.24) 3 . Of course, unless
the body is homogeneous, the material functions will depend on the position
;r in B.
Two simplifying approximations are often made to fa~ilitate the solution of
actual problems. The first is to neglect the term () 0 M · E in the energy equa-
tion (7.24) 3 ; the resulting theory is referred to as being uncoupled. The second,
resulting in the quasi-static theory, is to neglect the term eu in the momentum
equation (7.24) 2 • In practice, these two approximations are usually made together.
They are thoroughly discussed in the treatise of BoLEY and WEINER. 21
8. Isotropy. The effect of material symmetry on the form of the elasticity
tensor C has been discussed in detail by GURTIN. 22 His formulation of the notion
of symmetry may be carried over without difficulty to the stress-temperature
tensor M and the conductivity tensor K. 23
When the material is isotropic.
C[EJ =2,uE+.A(tr E) 1,
M=m1, (8.1)
The scalars ,u and A are called the Lame moduli; ,u is the shear modulus;
m is the stress-temperature modulus; and k is the conductivity. Combining
the relations (8.1) with (7.24) leads to the basic equations of linear thermo-
elasticity for an isotropic body:
E =!(Vu + J7uT),
- div q + m 00 tr E + r = c 0, (8.2)
S=2,uE+A(trE) 1+m(0-00) 1,
q = -k 170.
It follows from (8.2) 5 that in an isotropic body, the stress is equal to a pressure
when the strain vanishes:
S=m(0-00 ) 1 when E=O.
If ,u =l= 0 and 3 A+ 2,u =l= 0, (8.2}s can be inverted to yield
1 A.
E=-2--;;S- 2 .u( 3 A.+i.Uf(trS) 1+(l(0-00) 1, (8.3)
rx = - - --~- (8.4)
is called the coefficient of thermal e;rpansion. On comparing (8.3) with
(7.25) we see that, in the present circumstances,
A =rx1. (8.5)
21 [1960, 1, Chap. 2].
22 LTE, Sects. 21, 22, 26.
23 See also COLEMAN and MIZEL [1963, 2], and WANG's appendix to TRUESDELL [1969, 3].
312 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 9.

According to (8.3), the strain is equal to a dilatation when the stress vanishes:
E=rx.(0-00 ) 1 when S=O.

C. Equilibrium theory.
9. Basic equations. Thermoelastic states. In this chapter, we consider the
equilibrium theory of linear elastic heat conductors. In the absence of time
dependence, the fundamental system of field equations (7.24) reduces to the
strain-displacement relation
E = i(Vu + JluT),
the equation of equilibrium
the equilibrium energy equation
the stress-strain-temperature relation
S =C[E] + (0 -00) M,
and the heat conduction equation
here u, E, S, (}, (}0 , q, b, and rare the displacement, strain, stress, temperature
reference temperature, heat flux, body force, and heat supply fields, respectively;
while C, M, and K are the elasticity, stress-temperature, and conductivity fields,
We note that the above system is uncoupled in the sense that the temperature
field can be found by solving the heat flow problem associated with the heat
conduction and energy equations. Generally, in this chapter, we shall treat the
temperature field as having already been so determined.
In what follows, we shall find it convenient to work with the temperature
difference field

We presume that the uniform reference temperature 00 has been fixed once and
for all. It is important to observe that {} can have negative values. In terms of
{}, the stress-strain-temperature relation and the heat conduction equation become
S=C[E] +fJM
Following LTE/" we say that a vectorfield u is an admissible displacement
field provided
(i) u is of class cs on B;
(ii) u and sym J7u are continuous on B.
u Sect. 18.
Sect. 9. Basic equations. Thermoelastic states. 313
An admissible stress field S is a symmetric tensor field with the prop-
(i) S is smooth on B;
(ii) S and div S are continuous on B.
The associated surface tractions is then defined at every regular point
XEoB by
s (x) =S (x) n(x),
where n (x) is the unit outward normal to 8 B at x.
By an admissible state we mean an ordered array [u, E, S] with the
properties :
(i) u is an admissible displacement field;
(ii) E is a continuous symmetric tensor field on B;
(iii) S is an admissible stress field.
The fields u, E, and S need not be related. The set of all admissible states is a
vector space provided addition and scalar multiplication are defined in the
natural manner:
[u, E, S] +[u, E, S] =[u+u, E+E, S+S],
a[u, E, S] =[au, aE, aS].
We assume for the rest of Chap. C that the elasticity tensor C and the stress-
temperature tensor Mare given and that each is smooth on JJ. 25 Furthermore, C and
M are symmetric, and the values of C [ · J are symmetric. 26
By a thermoelastic state corresponding to the body force field b and
the temperature difference field{} we mean an admissible state [u, E, S] that
meets the field equations
E =-i (17u + J7uT),
S =C[E] +{} M,
div S +b =0.
Of course, this implies that b is continuous and {} is smooth on IJ. Note that
{} is not required to satisfy the heat conduction and energy equations, even
though this will normally be the case. The ordered array [b, s, {}] is called the
external force-temperature system for the thermoelastic state [u, E, S].
The following two theorems are immediate consequences of the above defini-
tions and the linearity of the field equations.
(1) Principle of superposition of thermoelastic states. Let [u, E, S]
and [u, E, S] be thermoelastic states corresponding to the external force-temperature
systems [b, s, {}] and [b, #], respectively. Then if a and a are scalars,
[au +au, aE +aE, aS +aS] is a thermoelastic state corresponding to the external
force-temperature system [ab +ab, as +as, a{} +a0:].
(2) Principle of decomposition of thermoelastic states. Let [u, E, S]
be a thermoelastic state corresponding to the external force-temperature system [b, s, {}].
Then [u, E, S] admits the decomposition.
[u, E, S] = [u, E, S] +[it, E, §],
26 LTE assumes only that C is continuous on B.
2ll See Sect. 7.
314 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. to.

where [ iff, S] corresponds to the purely mechanical external force-temperature
system [b, s, OJ and [u, E, S] corresponds to the purely thermal system [0, 0, t?].
10. Mean strain and mean stress. Volume change. Throughout this section,
the mean value of a continuous function f on lJ is denoted by

f(B) = v(~) Jf
where v (B) is the volume of B.
Our first theorem is especially useful in the displacement problem. 27
(1) Mean stress and strain in terms of surface displacement and
mean temperature. Let the vector field u and the corresponding strain field
E =sym Vu be continuous on B. Then the mean strain E(B) and the associated
volume change 28 <5v (B) depend only on the boundary values of u and are given by
E(B) = 1
v(B) f sym u®n da
<5 v (B) = Ju · n d a.
Suppose, in addition, that t? is a continuous scalar field on lJ and that C and M are
independent of aJ. Then the corresponding mean stress 29 S (B) depends only on the
boundary values of u and the mean temperature difference 0. (B) and is given by

S(B) = v(~) c [ f u(8)n da]+D(B) M.

Therefore, if the boundary is clamped in the sense that
U=O on oB,
E(B) =0,
<5v(B) =0,
S(B) =D(B) M.
Proof. The first two assertions are the mean strain theorem 30 and the definition
of infinitesimal volume change. 31 Since B is homogeneous,
S(B) =C[E(B)] +D(B) M,
and by the symmetry properties of C,

C [a£ symu®nda]= C [a£u®nda]. D

Note that for an isotropic and homogeneous body,

S(B) = v(~) J
[p(u®n+n®u) +l(u ·n) 1] da +mD(B) 1.

27 See Sect. 14.

28 LTE, Sect. 12.
29 We defineS through the stress-strain-temperature relationS= C[E] +~M.
20 LTE, (18.8).
a1 LTE, Sect. 12.
Sect. 10. Mean strain and mean stress. Volume change. 315
The next result is of interest when the surface traction is prescribed on 8B. 32
(2) Mean stress and strain in terms of the ~ternal force-tempera-
ture system. Let [u, E, S] be a thermoelastic state corresponding to the external
force-temperature system [b, s, t?J. Then the mean stress S (B) depends only on the
surface traction and body force and is given by

S(B) = v(~d J
p®sda+ J

where p = ~ - ~0 with ~0 an arbitrarily chosen point. Suppose, in addition, that C

is invertible so that E =K[S] +t?A and that KandA are independent of~- Then
the mean strain E (B) and the volume change (J v (B) depend only on the external
force system and the mean temperature difference jj (B) and are given by

E(B)= v(~) K[
[ p®sda+ 1 p®bdv]+D(B)A
CJv(B) =K[l] · ( Jp®s da + fp ® b dv) +v(B) D(B) tr A.aa
oB B

Therefore, if the body is free in the sense that

s=O on oB, b=O on B,
S(B) =0, 34
E(B) =D(B) A, 3o
CJv(B) =v(B) D(B) tr
Proof. The first assertion is the mean stress theorem. 37 Since B is homogeneous,
E(B) =K[S(B)] +t?"(B) A.
Finally, it follows from (1) that
CJv(B) = Ju · n da =v(B) tr E(B). D

On the assumption that B is isotropic as well as homogeneous, the above

results reduce to

E (B) = v (~)- [ 2~ ( Jp ® s da + Jp ® b dv)

f)B B

_ . 2
2,u (3 A. +
f p. s da + B{ p. b dv)] +ocD(B) 1
CJv(B) = 3A.~ 2 .u ( J
p · s da + J
p · b dv) +3oc v(B) D(B).

32 See Sect. 14.

33 GURTIN, private communication, 1969.
3l GURTIN, Lecture Notes, Brown University, 1963.
35 NOWACKI [1962,1].
38 NOWACKI [1954, 1], HIEKE [1955, 1].
37 LTE, (18.5).
316 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 11.

Therefore, if B is free,
t'Jv (B)= 3oc v (B) 6(B).

This last formula provides a method for the measurement of the coefficient of
thermal expansion oc.
11. The body force analogy. The following theorem allows us to bring all of the
results of isothermal elastostatics to bear on the equilibrium theory of thermo-
(1) Body force analogy. 38 Let [u, E, S] be a thermoelastic state correspond-
ing to the body force b and the temperature difference f). Define the reduced stress S'
S'=S-f}M (11.1)

and the reduced body force b' by

b' =b + div (f)M). (11.2)

Then u, E, and S' satisfy the elasticity equations

S'=C[E], (11.3)
div S' +b' =0.
Conversely, let [u, E, S'] be an admissible state that satisfies the elasticity equa-
tions (11.3). DefineS and b through (11.1) and (11.2), respectively. Then [u, E, S]
is a thermoelastic state corresponding to the body force b and the temperature differ-
ence f).
Proof. Suppose that [u, E, S] is a thermoelastic state corresponding to b
and f). Then,
E = i(Vu + J7uT),
S -f}M =C[E],
div (S -f}M) +b +div (f)M) =0.
SettingS' =S -f}M and b' =b + div (f)M) yields the elasticity equations (11.3).
The converse assertion follows by reversing the above steps. D
The body force analogy asserts that [u, E, S] is a thermoelastic state corre-
sponding to the body force b and the temperature difference f) if and only if
[u, E, S' =S -f}M] is an elastic state 39 corresponding to the reduced body force
b' =b + div (f)M). Thus, for every theorem in linear elastostatics, there is an
associated result in the equilibrium theory of linear thermoelasticity. Since LTE
is necessarily at our fingertips, we shall make full use of the body force analogy
in subsequent sections of this part, where we present some of its more interesting
and less obvious consequences.
Note that the reduced surface traction associated with the reduced stress
S' =S -f}M is given by
s' =S' n =s -f}Mn, (11.4)
where s is the traction field corresponding to S.
38 DUHAMEL [1838, 1].
39 LTE, Sect. 28.
Sect. 12. Special results for homogeneous and isotropic bodies. 317

12. Special results for homogeneous and isotropic bodies. In this section, we
assume that the body B is homogeneous and isotropic 40 so that
C[EJ =21-' E +A.(tr E) 1,
where the Lame moduli A. and ~-'• the stress-temperature modulus m, and the
conductivity k are constants. Then the basic field equations of the equilibrium
theory reduce to
-divq+r=O, (12.1)
S =2!-' E +A.(tr E) 1 +m-81,
q = -ki7-D.
Substitution of (12.1h, (12.1) 4 into (12.1) 2 and (12.1) 5 into (12.1) 3 yields the
displacement-temperature equation of equUib'l'ium and the equilibrium
heat equation:
1-' 17u+(A.+#) 17 divu+m 17-D+b =0 (12.2)
k 17-D+r=O. (12.3)
In reaching (12.2) and (12.3), we have assumed that u and D are of class C2•
If, in addition, we assume that k =F0, 41 b is smooth, and u is of class C3 , we
can operate on (12.2) with the divergence and curl and use (12.3) to obtain,

(A.+ 2!-') Ll div u = - div b + ~ r,

1-' Ll curl u = - curl b.

If (il.+2!-')=f=O, #=f=O,divb= ~ r, and curlb=O, (12.4) becomes

divLiu=O, curL1u=0.
Thus, if u is of class C4, we can conclude 42 that u is biharmonic and therefore
analytic on B.
As in the isothermal case, the hypothesis that u is of class C4 can be weakened
to class C2 • To obtain this result, we recall the body force analogy (11.1) which
asserts, in the present context, that the equations
E=l (Vu+l7ur),
div S'+b'=O, (12.5)
S' = 2!-' E +A. (tr E) 1
are equivalent to (12.1) 1 , (12.1) 2 , (12.1) 4 provided
b'=b+m 17#.
441 See Sect. 8.
u The second law of thermodynamics [see (6.1) and (7.16)] yields only that the con-
ductivity tensor K = k 1 must be positive semi-definite, i.e., k ~ 0.
' 1 LTE, Sect. 27.
318 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 12.

By ( 42.1) and ( 42.2) of LTE, if u is of class C2 and if div b' = 0 and curl b' = 0,
then u is analytic and L1 divu =0, L1 curl u =0, LILiu =0. From (12.6) and
div b' =div b +m Ll-& =div b- ~ r,
curl b' =curl b.
It is unlikely that the condition div b' = div b - ~ r = 0 would be met except in
the important special case b =0 and r =0, and we state our main result accordingly.
(1) Analyticity of thermoelastic displacement and temperature fields.
Let u and-& be of class C2 on Band satisfy the displacement-temperature equation of
,uLiu+(.A.+,u) 17 divu+m 17-&=0
and the equilibrium heat equation
Ll-& =0.
Then u and -& are analytic on B and
L1 divu=O, L1 curlu=O, LILiu=O.
In the present case (b =0 and r=O), (1), (12.1) 1 , and (12.1) 4 imply that
L1 trE=LI trS=O,
The body force analogy can also be used to write the compatibility equation 43
curl curl E = 0
in terms of the stress and temperature. The stress equation of compatibility 44 for
the isothermal system (12.5) is
1 -1717 tr S' + 17b' + 17b'T + -"'- (div b') 1 =0
LIS'+ -1 +v (12.7}
1 -v
v = 2(A.+/lf
is Poisson's ratioY• In deriving (12.7) it is assumed that ,u =f=O and v =f=± 1.
Using {12.6} and (12.3), (12.7) becomes

LIS+ - 1 -1717 tr S -m 1 - 2 "' 1717-&

1 +v 1 +v
+17b + 17bT + -"'-
1 -v
(div b) 1 + ( 1 - 2 "')
1 =0;
thus, we have the
(2) Stress-temperature equation of compatibility. 46 Let the symmetric
tensor E be of class C2 on B and define the stress through the inverted stress-strain-
temperature relation (p, =f 0, v =F -1)

E=-- v
1 [S---(trS)
2ft 1
1 - 2'1'
+v 1 +v
43 LTE, Sect. 14.
"LTE, Sect. 27.
45 LTE, Sect. 22.
46 See I. S. and E. S. SoKOLNIKOFF [1939, 1] for a similar result. See (14.2) for the
nonhomogeneous and anisotropic case.
Sect. 13. The theorem of work and energy. The reciprocal theorem. 319
where the temperature difference {} is of class C 2 and meets the equilibrium heat
k L1{} +r =0.
Assume, in addition, that k =!= 0 and v =!= 1. Then the equilibrium equation

div S +b =0
and the compatibility equation
curl curl E = 0

imply the stress-temperature equation of compatibility

L1S+ 1 --1717trS-m 1 -~v-1717{}+17b+l7bT

1 +v 1 +v
+ 1 + v (div b) 1 + ( 1 - zv) (_111_). r1= 0.
v 1 -v k

Conversely, if S is a symmetric tensor field of class C2 on B that satisfies the

equation of equilibrium and the stress-temperature equation of compatibility, then
the corresponding strain E defined by the inverted stress-strain-temperature relation
satisfies the equation of compatibility. Accordingly, if B is simply connected, there
exists a displacement field u that meets the strain-displacement relation

From the body force analogy and the Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber solution47

of the isothermal theory, we see that a complete solution of the displacement-
temperature equation of equilibrium is provided by

'1' + cp)
u = " ' -4(1 --17 (p.
- -v)
(b +m 17{}) L1 cp = p.-p. (b +m 17{})
1 1
L1 lfr = - --
p. '
Finally, we recall that, in the isothermal case, the surface traction can be
expressed in terms of the displacement by

s'=2ft :~ +ftn xcurl1t +A.(divu) n,4s

an = (17u) n.
Therefore, by {11.4),

s =2ft~: +ftn xcurl u +A.(divu) n +m{}n.

13. The theorem of work and energy. The reciprocal theorem. While the two
results presented in this section can be obtained by applying the body force
analogy to their counterparts in the isothermal theory, it is actually quicker to
proceed directly.
47 LTE, Sect. 44.
48 LTE, Sect. 27.
320 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 14.

The theorem of work expended 49 states that

J s · u da + J b · u dv = J S · E dv
oB B B

provided S is an admissible stress field that satisfies the equation of equilibrium

and u is an admissible displacement field with strain field E. Hence, we have the
(1) Theorem of work and energy. Let [u, E, S] be a thermoelastic state cor-
responding to the external force-temperature system [b, s, -&]. Then,
J s . u da + J b . u dv- J-& M · E dv = J E · C[E] dv.
oB B B B

The left-hand side of the above equation may be interpreted as the work done
by the external force-temperature system, while the right-hand side is twice the
strain energy.
Now suppose that [u, E, S] and [u, E, S] are thermoelastic states correspond-
ing to the external force-temperature systems [b, s, -&] and [b, Do], respectively. s,
Then we can use the theorem of work expended to write
J s . u da + J b · u dv = J S · E dv = J-& M · E dv + J E · C [EJ dv
oB B B B B
s ·u da + J b · u dv = J S · E dv = J Do M · E dv + J E · C [E] dv.

Since Cis symmetric,

E. C[E] =E. C[E],
and we have the
(2) Reciprocal theorem. 50 Let [u, E, S] and [u, E, S] be thermoelastic states
corresponding to the external force-temperature systems [b, s, -&] and [b, s, Do],
respectively. Then
J s · u da + J b · u dv- J 19-M· E dv = J E · C[EJ dv
oB B B B

= J s · uda + J b · u dv- J DM · E dv = J E · C [E] dv.

oB B B B

The reciprocal theorem asserts that given two thermoelastic states, the work
done by the external force-temperature system of the first over the displacement
field of the second equals the work done by the external force-temperature system
of the second over the displacement field of the first.
When the elasticity tensor C is invertible, we have E =K [S] +19- A, where
K = c-1 is the compliance tensor and A= - K[MJ is the thermal expansion tensor.
In this case, the reciprocal theorem can be written in the form
J s · u da + J b · u dv- J S ·#A dv = J S · K[SJ dv

= J s · u da + J b · u dv- J S ·-&A dv = J S · K[SJ dv.

oB B B B

14. The boundary-value problems of the equilibrium theory. Uniqueness.

Throughout this section, we assume that, in addition to C and M, 51 a smooth tem-
perature difference field -& on B, a continuous body force field b on B, a continuous
49 LTE, (18.2).
60 MAYSEL [1941, J].
51 See Sect. 9.
Sect. 14. Boundary-value problems of the equilibrium theory. Uniqueness. 321

surface displacement field ii on 9;,, and a piecewise regular 5 2 surface traction fields
on 9; are prescribed. 53 Then the mtved problem of the equilibrium theory
of thermoelasticity is to find a thermoelastic state [u, E, SJ corresponding to
band 1} that satisfies the displacement condition
u=u on 9;,
and the traction condition
s =Sn =s on 9;.
If such a state exists, it is called a solution of the mived problem.
When 9;, = oB (i.e., 9; is empty), the above boundary conditions reduce to
U=U on oB,
and the resulting problem is called the displacement problem. If 9; = oB, the
boundary conditions become
S=S on oB,
and we have the traction problem. It is, of course, possible to set up more
complicated (but yet physically meaningful) boundary-value problems than those
considered here.54
The body force analogy allows us to read off the following two theorems from
Sect. 31 of LTE.
(1) Characterization of the mived problem in terms of the displace-
ment. An admissible displacement field u corresponds to a solution of the mixed
problem if and only if
div C[J7u] +div (f}M) +b =0 on B,55
U=U on 9;,
C[J7u] n =s -i}Mn on 9;;
or equivalently, if B is homogeneous and isotropic,
,u.du+(A.+,u) J7 divu+m J71}+b=0 on B,
u=u on 9;,
,u(Vu + J7uT) +A.(divu) n =S -m ~n on ~.56
(2) Characterization of the traction problem in terms of stress.
Suppose that the elasticity tensor Cis invertible and that the compliance tensor K = c-1 ,
the stress-temperature tensor M, and the temperature difference 1} are each of class C2
on B. Let B be simply-connected. Then a symmetric tensor field S that is of class
C2 on B is a stress field corresponding to a solution of the traction problem if and
only if
divS+b=O on B,
curl curl K [S -1} MJ = 0 on B, 57
Sn=s on oB;
52 LTE, Sect. 5.
53 9'1 and 9'2 are complementary regular subsurfaces of oB, see LTE, Sect. 5.
54 Cf. LTE, Sect. 40.
55 We refer to this equation as the displacement-temperature equation of equilibrium.
56 This boundary condition can be written as

2p ~: +pnxcurlu+Jc(divu)n=s-m{ }n on 9'2 ,
see the end of Sect. 12.
57 We refer to this equation as the stress-temperature equation of compatibility.

Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 21

322 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 15.

or equivalently, if B is homogeneous and isotropic,

divS+b=O on B,
LIS+-1 -1717trS-m 1 - 2v 1717-&+17b+l7br +-v-(divb) 1
1+v 1+v 1+v

+ (\-=_~v) (~ )r 1 =0 on B,58
Sn=s on oB.
The body force analogy implies uniqueness theorems for the boundary-value
problems discussed above. We give only one such theorem here, but more detailed
results may be read off from Sect. 32 of LTE.
(3) Uniqueness theorem for the mixed problem. Let the elasticity tensor C
be positive definite. Then any two solutions of the mixed problem are equal modulo a
rigid displacement. Moreover, if ~ is non-empty, the mixed problem has at most
one solution.
15. Temperature fields that induce displacement free and stress free states.
Throughout this section, we assume that the body B is homogeneous, the elasticity
tensor C is positive definite, and the stress-temperature tensor M is invertible.
We first suppose that the boundary of B is clamped (u = 0 on oB) and seek a
temperature difference field-& that induces zero displacement in B. Accordingly,
we assume that u = 0 on B. Then the stress-strain-temperature relation reduces
to S =-& M, and the equilibrium equation requires that
div(-&M) +b =0. (15.1)
Since M is constant and invertible, (15.1) implies
17-&=-M-1 b;
and assuming that the body force b is constant we may integrate this equation
so as to obtain
-& = - (M-1 b) . p +-Do, (15 .2)
where # 0 is a constant and p = x- x 0 with x 0 a fixed point.
Conversely, if{} is given by (15.2), then the state
[u, E, SJ = [0, 0, {}M]
is a solution of the displacement problem defined byu = 0 on oB. By the uniqueness
theorem (14.3 ), it is the only solution. Thus we have the following theorem:
(1) Temperature fields that induce displacement free states. 59
Let [u, E, SJ be the thermoelastic state corresponding to the uniform body force b,
the temperature difference -&, and the clamped condition u = 0 on oB. Then u = 0
on B if and only if
{} = - (M-1 b) . P +{}o
where p =X -x0 and x 0 and {}0 are arbitrary constants; in this case,
In particular, if b = 0, then {} ={}0 •
58 Here we are assuming, in addition, that v =1= 1, k =1= 0, and that{} satisfies the equilibrium
heat equation k L1 {} r = 0, see (12.2).
69 VoiGT [1895, 1, Pt. 3, Sect. 7] for the case b =0. See also VOIGT [1910, 2, Sect. 385].
Sect. 16. Minimum principles. 323

For the remainder of this section, we suppose that B is free (s = 0 on 8B and

b = 0 on .B) and seek a temperature difference field {} that induces a stress free
state in B. We assume now that B is isotropic as well as homogeneous. Accordingly,
we set S = 0 on B. Then the stress -temperature equation of compatibility (12.2)
reduces to

where a and {}0 are constants. Then, by the inverted stress-strain-temperature
relation (8.3},
(15 .4)
The corresponding displacement field is

u =oc[(a · p +{}o)P -l a(p · p)] +u, (15. 5)

where is an arbitrary rigid displacement field. 61
Conversely, if{} is given by (15.3), then the state [u, E, SJ with u and E given
by (15.5) and (15.4}, respectively, and S =0 is a solution of the traction problem
defined by s = 0 on 8B. By the uniqueness theorem (14.8 ), it is the only solution.
Thus, we have established the following result:
(2) Temperature fields that induce stress free states.62
Let [u, E, S] be a thermoelastic state corresponding to zero body force, a tem-
perature ditference {}that is of class C2 on B and satisfies the equilibrium heat equa-
tion Ll {} = 0, and the traction free condition s = 0 on 8B. Assume that B is isotropic
and that the conductivity k =l= 0. Then S = 0 on B if and only if
{}=a. p +{}o,
where p = ~ - ~0 and a, ~0 , and {}0 are arbitrary constants; in this case
u=oc[(a ·p+{}0 )p-ja(p ·P)] +u,
where oc is the coetficient of thermal expansion and uis an arbitrary rigid displace-
ment field.
16. Minimum principles. In this section, we use the body force analogy to
write the thermoelastic versions of the theorems of minimum potential energy and
minimum complementary energy from linear elastostatics. 63 These theorems
completely characterize the solution of the mixed problem. We recall that the
boundary conditions for the mixed problem are the displacement condition
U=U on~
and the traction condition
s=s on~·
60 We assume that {} is of class C2 and satisfies the equilibrium heat equation k Ll {} + r = 0
for r = 0 and that k =1= 0. The conditions that p, =I= 0, v =1= 1, l are met by the positive definiteness
of C (LTE, (24.5)), and m=I=O since Mis invertible. Note added in proof. Eq. (8.3) with S=O
and curl curl E = 0 imply VV{} = 0 (and hence Ll {} = 0) without the assumptions that k =1= 0
and Llf} =0.
61 LTE, (18.2).
62VOIGT [1910, 2, Sect. 384]. Partial results are contained in VOIGT [1895,1, Pt. 3, Sect. 7].
89 LTE, Sects. 34, 36.
324 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 16.

Throughout this section, we assume that the data have the smoothness properties
demanded in Sect. 14 and that, in addition, the elasticity tensor C is positive
If E and S are continuous symmetric tensor fields on B, we define the strain
Uc{E} =t f E · C[EJ dv
and the stress energy
UK{S} =t f S · K[S] dv,

where K = c-1 is the compliance tensor. Generally, in thermoelasticity,

because we have S =C[EJ if and only if{} =0. However, since M= -C[A],
where A is the thermal expansion tensor and M is stress-temperature tensor,

By a kinematically admissible state we mean an admissible state that

satisfies the strain-displacement relation, the stress-strain-temperature relation,
and the displacement boundary condition.
Using d = [u, E, SJ to denote a kinematically admissible state, we see from the
body force analogy (11.1) that the isothermal principle of minimum potential
energy 64 and its converse 65 assert that the functional
tP{d} =Uc{E}- f b'· u dv -j s'· u da

assumes a minimum at and only at the solution of the mixed problem. Here we
are using the previously adopted notation 66
b'=b +div(fJM), ·
S'=S-{}M, s'=s-{}Mn.
With these last relations, the expression for if> can be written as
ifJ{d} =Uc{E}- f b · udv+ f f}M. E dv
- ) ({}Mn) ·Uda- J s ·Uda.
1 9',
Thus, we have the
(1) Theorem of minimum potential energy. Let.;;/ be the set of all kine-
matically admissible states, and let tP be the functional defined on .;;/by (16.1).
Then d is a solution of the mixed problem if and only if
tP { d} ~ tP {;!}
for every JEd, and equality holds only if d = d modulo a rigid displacement.
By a statically admissible stress field we mean an admissible stress field
that satisfies the equation of equilibrium and the traction boundary condition.
&& LTE, (84.1).
65 LTE, (86.1).
66 Sect. 11.
Sect. 17. The uncoupled-quasi-static theory. 325
Again employing the body force analogy, the isothermal principle of minimum
complementary energy 67 and its converse 68 assert that the functional
'P {S} =UK{S'}- f s'.
defined on the set of all statically admissible stress fields assumes a minimum
at and (with certain additional restrictions) only at the solution of the mixed
problem. Using
S'=S -.OM, s'=s -#Mn
and the symmetry of K, we obtain
'P{S} =UK{S} +UK{#M} +
f S ·#A dv- f
(s -#Mn) · da. (16.2)
Consequently, we have the
(2) Theorem of minimum complementary energy. Let d be the set of
all statically admissible stress fields, and let 'P be the fucntional defined on d by
(16.2). Let S be the stress field corresponding to the solution of the mixed problem.
'P{S}~ 'P{S}
for every SEd, and equality holds only if S =8.
Conversely, assume that B is simply-connected and convex with respect to 9i
and thatK is of class C2 on B. Let SEd be of class C2 on B, and suppose that
'P{S}~ 'P{S}
for every SEd. Then S is the stress field corresponding to the solution of the mixed
We close this section with the observation that since the temperature difference
field -D is viewed as having been previously determined, the terms
J (#Mn). uda
UK{ .OM}+ J. (#Mn) · u da
may be dropped from (16.1) and (16.2), respectively.
17. The uncoupled-quasi-static theory. The basic equations of the approximate
uncoupled-quasi-static theory 69 are
E = j- (17 U + 17U T) ,
div S +b =0,
S =C[E] +(0 -00 ) M,
Except for the energy equation, these equations are identical to those of the
exact (within the context of the linear theory) equilibrium theory. As before, the
67 LTE, (84.8).
es LTE, (36.2).
69 See the end of Sect. 7.
326 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 18.

theory is uncoupled, but now the temperature field will be time dependent.
Treating time as a parameter, we can carry over nearly all of the results of the
equilibrium theory. The few exceptions are those places where we assumed that
the temperature satisfied the equilibrium heat equation.

D. Dynamic theory.
18. Basic equations. Thermoelastic processes. In this chapter, we treat the
coupled dynamic theory of linear elastic heat conductors. The fundamental system
of field equations consists of the strain-displacement relation
E =t (17u+ J7uT),
the thermal gradient-temperature relation
the equation of motion
the energy equation
-divq +00 M · E +r =c#,
the stress-strain-temperature relation
S =C[E] +f}M,
and the heat conduction equation
Here u, E, S, f}, g, q, b, and r are the displacement, strain, stress, temperature
difference,7o thermal gradient, heat flux, body force, and heat supply fields,
respectively; while e, C, M, K, and care the density, elasticity, stress-temperature,
conductivity, and specific heat fields, respectively; finally (} 0 is the fixed uniform
reference temperature. Of course, a body B and a fixed time interval (0, t0} are
presumed given.
Again following LTE, 71 we say that u is an admissible motion provided
(i) u is of class C2 on B X (0, t0};
(ii) u, it, ii, sym Vu, and sym Vit are continuous on B X [0, t0 }.
A time-dependent admissible stress field S is a symmetric tensor field
with the properties:
(i) Sis of class C1• 0 on B X (0, t0);
(ii) S and div S are continuous on B X [0, t0}.
A time-dependent admissible temperature difference field f} is defined
by the following conditions:
(i) f} is of class C2•1 on B X (0, t0};
(ii) f}, J7 f}, and iJ. are continuous on B X [0, t0).
We say that q is a time-dependent admissible heat flum field if
(i) q is of class Cl• 0 on B x (0, t0};
(ii) q and div q are continuous on B X [0, t0).
70 See Sect. 9.
71 Sects. 15, 60.
Sect. 19. Special results for homogeneous and isotropic bodies. 327
By an admissible process we mean an ordered array [u, E, S, {}, g, q] with
the following properties :
(i) u is an admissible motion;
(ii) Eisa continuous symmetric tensor field on B X [0, t0};
(iii) S is a time-dependent admissible stress field;
(iv) {} is a time-dependent admissible temperature difference field;
(v) g is a continuous vector field on B X [0, t0};
(vi) q is a time-dependent admissible heat flux field.
The fields u, E, S, {}, g, and q need not be related, and the set of all admissible
processes is a vector space provided addition and scalar multiplication are defined
in the natural manner.72
We assume for the rest of Chap. D that the elasticity tensor C, the stress-tempera-
ture tensor M, the conductivity tensor K, the specific heat c, and the density e are
prescribed and that C, M, and K are smooth on B while c and e are continuous on B.
Furthermore, C and its values are symmetric, M is symmetric, K is positive semi-
definite,73 and e is strictly positive.
By a thermoelastic process corresponding to the body force b and the
heat supply r we mean an admissible process [u, E, S, {}, g, q] that meets the
fundamental system of field equations listed at the beginning of this section. Of
course, this implies that band rare continuous on B X [0, t0 ). The corresponding
surface traction s and heat flW£ q are defined at every regular point of
oB X [0, t0) by
s (al, f) = S (al, t) n (al}
q (al, t) =q (al, f) · n (al},
where n(al} is the unit outward normal to oB at al. We call [b, s] the ealternal
force system and [r, q] the ealfernal thermal system for the thermoelastic
process [u, E, S, {}, g, q].
As in the equilibrium theory, superposition holds due to the linearity of the
field equations.74
19. Special results for homogeneous and isotropic bodies. In this section, we
assume that the body is homogeneous and isotropic7 5 so that the basic field equa-
tions reduce to
E = i- (Vu + VuT),
divS+b=eii, (19.1}
-divq +m 00 tr E +r=ciJ.,
S =2,u E +.A.(tr E) 1 +mfJ1,
where the density e. the stress-temperature modulus m, the specific heat c, the
Lame moduli A and ,u. and the conductivity k are constants.
72 See Sect. 9.
73 See Sect. 7.
74 Cf. (9.1).
75 See Sect. 8.
328 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 19.

Suppose that [u, E, S, {}, g, q] is a thermoelastic process corresponding to b

and r; then substitution of (19.1) 1 , (19.1) 5 into (19.1) 3 and (19.1)1 , ( 19.1 )2 , (19.1) 6
into (19.1) 4 yields the displacement-temperature equation of motion 76

and the coupled heat equation 76

kLI{}+ m00 divu +r= c.O..
The statement of the following theorem is facilitated by the introduction of
the wave operators 77 0 1 and 0 2 defined by
O(J.f=c~Lif-f (oc=1, 2),
c1 = v). ~ 2p, ' c2 = ~ . 78
(1) Dilatational and rotational wave equations. Let u of class C3• 2, {} of
class C2•1, and b of class C1• 0 on B X (0, t0} satisfy the displacement-temperature
equation of motion. Then u, {},and b obey the dilatational wave equation 79

0 1 divu = - _1_ (m Ll{} +div b)


and the rotational wave equation 80

0 2 curl u = - -(]1 curl b.

Proof. Operate on the displacement-temperature equation of motion with the
divergence and the curl. 0
Note that the rotational wave equation is independent of the temperature. The
next theorem provides an equation for the temperature that is independent of the
(2) Temperature equation. 81 Letu of class C3 , {}of class C4 • 3 , b of class C1 ,
and r of class C2 on B X (0, t0) satisfy the displacement-temperature equation of
motion and the coupled heat equation. Then{}, b, and r obey the temperature equa-
k c~ Ll Ll {} - ( m: 00 + c cf) Ll 0 - k Ll J +cO:- mf!Oo div b+ 0 1 r = 0.

Proof. Operate on the coupled heat equation with 0 1 and use (1 ). 0

On eliminating the temperature between the coupled heat equation and the
dilatational wave equation, VOIGT 82 found that the dilatation divu also satisfies
the temperature equation.
7& See (22.1) for the nonhomogeneous and anisotropic case.
n Cf. LTE, Sect. 59.
78 Note that the wave operators are well defined even if).+ 2p, and p, are negative.
79 VOIGT [1895, 1, p. 554].
80 CRISTEA [19 52, 1],
81 The temperature equation was obtained by CRISTEA [1952, 1] through the formal
technique of associated matrices. Rigorous deductions were given by LESSEN and DuKE
[1953, 1] in the one-dimensional case, by CHADWICK and SNEDDON [1958, 1] in the three-
dimensional case, and by FARIA [19 58, 4] (for the entropy) in the axisymmetric case.
82 [1895. 1, p. 554].
Sect. 20. Complete solutions of the field equations. 329

Next let

and define the heat operators o 1 and o 2 by

o~f=x~iJf-i (ot=1,2).
Then the temperature equation in (2) can be written in the following forms
(assuming b = 0, r = 0):
(aiJo 1 -c ::2 o 2)D=O,

(C o 2 01 - m: :t iJ) D
00 = 0.

Since the dilatation satisfies the temperature equation, we can operate on the
displacement-temperature equation of motion with the above operator to obtain
02 (a iJ o -c :: o )u =0
1 2 2 83

(assuming b =0, r =0 and sufficient smoothness). This is the counterpart of the

equation 0 1 D 2 u=0 84 in the isothermal theory.
In the next section, we will uncouple the field equations in a different manner.
20. Complete solutions of the field equations. Here we study a general solution
of the displacement-temperature equation of motion
,u iJu +(A. +,u) 17 divu +m 17# +b =eu
and the coupled heat equation
k iJD +m00 div it +r =c-8
that is analogous to the Green-Lame solution85 in the isothermal case.
We assume initially that the body force b is continuous on IJ x (0, t0 ) and of
class C2 •1 on B x (0, t0). Then we have the Helmholtz resolution 86
= -17x -curl"'I '
where x and y are of class C2• 1 on B x (0, t0) and div y = 0. We also assume that
the stress-temperature modulus m =1= 0; otherwise the mechanical and thermal
aspects of the theory are completely uncoupled.
Proceeding formally, we substitute the Helmholtz decomposition
u = 17 q; +curl t/1
into the displacement-temperature equation of motion to get 87
17(D1 q;+; D-x)+curl(D 2 t/f-y)=0.
83 CRISTEA [1952, 1].
84 LTE, (59.6).
8o LTE, (67.1).
86 LTE, (6.7).
87 The wave operators 0 1 and 0 2 are defined in Sect. 19.
330 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 20.

Thus, we can satisfy the equation of motion by taking

Dt cp = x - !!!__ -&,
D2 l/1 =r.
From the first of these,
-& = _g_ (x- Ot cp),

and substitution of this and u = 17 cp +curl l/1 into the coupled heat equation
yields 88
x + -r.
m2 Oo A. m
c CJ2 Dt cp- --LJcp=c o2
(} (}
Hence, we have the
(1) Deresiewicz-Zorski solution.89 Let
u = 17 cp + curl l/1

where the fields cp of class C4 • 3 and l/1 of class C3 • 2 on B X (0, t0 ) satisfy

02 l/1 =r.
Then u and-& meet the displacement-temperature equation of motion and the coupled
heat equation.
It is interesting to note that the scalar potential cp satisfies the temperature
equation if b =0, r =0. 9 o
The next theorem establishes that the Deresiewicz-Zorski solution provides a
general solution of the equations of motion and energy.
(2) Completeness ojtheDeresiewicz-Zorski solution. 91 Letu of class CM,N
on Bx(O,t0) and continuous onBx(O,t0 ), where M~3, N~2, and-& of class
C P, Q on B X (0, t0), where P ~ 2, Q~ 0, meet the displacement-temperature equation
of motion for bfe = -17 x- curly with x and l' of class CP, Q on B X (0, t0 ) and
div l' =0. Then there exist fields cp and lf! of class CM,R on B X (0, t 0), where
such that
u = 17 cp +curl l/1,
-& = ; (x- Ot cp),
02 "'=y;
div l/1 =0.
88 The heat operator o 2 is defined in Sect. 19.
8D DERESIEWICZ [1958, 2], ZORSKI [1958, 6].
90 CHADWICK [1960, 2, p. 278].
91 STERNBERG [1960, 5] indicated that DuHEM's completeness proof for the Green-Lame
solution of the isothermal theory could be easily extended to the present case; actually
SoMIGLIANA's proof is more readily extended. See also NowACKI [1967, 3].
Sect. 21. The theorem of power and energy. The reciprocal theorem. 331
If, in addition, M~4. P~2. and Q~1, and if u and{} meet the coupled heat
equation, then ({J satisfies
m 2 00 o )
(c o 2 01--12 -atLI (FJ=C o 2 "+er.

Proof. The first assertion follows from the completeness proof given in LTED2
for the Green-Lame solution of elastodynamics provided we replace the body
force there by b +m 17{}. The equation for ({J is obtained by substituting the
representations of u and{} into the coupled heat equation. D
It is interesting to observe that on eliminating ({J between the representation
{} =efm ("- 0 1 ({J) and the coupled heat equation with div replaced by L1 cp, we u
reach the temperature equation. 93 However, the direct derivation of the tem-
perature equation given in (19.2) is preferable in that it requires less severe
smoothness assumptions.
A counterpart of the Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana solutionD4 of the iso-
thermal theory has been given by PonsTRIGACH, 95 NoWACKI,De and RuDIGER.D7
NowACKI 98 has established its uniqueness and its relation to the Deresiewicz-
Zorski solution. Since it does not appear to be a particularly useful solution,DD
we do not elaborate on it here.
21. The theorem of power and energy. The reciprocal theorem. The theorem of
power expended 100 asserts that

Js · uda + J
oB B
b· u dv = JS · E dv + ~
:t Jit· udv

provided S is a time-dependent admissible stress field,101 u is an admissible

motion 101 with strain field E, and the equation of motion is satisfied.
By the stress-strain-temperature relation,
J S · Edv=J C[E] · Edv+ j{}M · Edv.

Since C is symmetric,
C[E] . E = (E . C[E]).
From the energy, thermal gradient-temperature, and heat conduction equations
• c 0 1
{}M · E = 200 Tt ({}2)+ To [div({}q) -{}r +g. Kg].

Therefore, the theorem of power expended implies the

(1) Theorem of power and energy. 102 Let [u, E, S, {}, g, q] be a thermo-
elastic process corresponding to the external force and thermal systems [b, s J and
CHADWICK [1960, 2, p. 278].
94 LTE, (67.4).
95 [1960, 4].
96 [1964, 5].
97 [1964, 6].
98 [1967, 3].
99 Cf. GuRTIN's remarks on the relative merits of Green-Lame and the Cauchy-Kovalevski-
Somigliana solutions in elastodynamics, LTE, Sect. 67.
1oo LTE, (60.2).
1o1 See Sect. 18.
102 In the case of homogeneous data, WEINER [1957, 3] for isotropic bodies and loNEscu-
CAZIMIR [1964, 2] for anisotropic bodies. See also BRUN [1965, 1].
332 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 21.

[r, q]. Then

s · itda+ J
b·itdv- ; 0 J
q{}da+ ; 0 J
r{}dv- ; 0 J
g ·Kgdv=rif

where o/1 is the total energy:

Cft= ~ J(eu.
it+E. C[EJ + ;o {}2)dv.
Since the conductivity tensor K is positive semi-definite, an immediate
consequence of (1) is the inequality

s · itda+
J b ·it dv- ;o Jq{}da+ ;o Jr{}dv-oit~o.
i!B B

Thus, we can state the following corollary of (1), which will be the key to uni-
(2) Let [u, E, S, {}, g, q] be a thermoelastic process corresponding to the external
force and thermal systems [b, s] and [r, q], and suppose that s · U=qD=O on
8Bx[O,t0 ) and b=O, r=O, onEx[O,t0 ); then
o//(t):;:;;o//(0), o;;:;;t<to.
Roughly speaking, the above inequality asserts that the total energy of an
isolated body decreases in time.
With a view toward establishing a counterpart of Graffi's reciprocal theorem 103
in the isothermal theory, we introduce the following notation. Let [u, E, s, {}, g, q]
be a thermoelastic process corresponding to the external force and thermal
systems [b, s] and [r, q]. Then the associated pseudo body force field 6 104
and the pseudo heat supply field r are defined on B X [0, t0) by
b (JJ, f) =i* b (JJ, t) + (? (x)[Uo (JJ) +t Vo (JJ)],
r (JJ, t) = 1 *r (JJ, t) + c (x) {} 0 (JJ) - 00 M(JJ) · E 0 (x).
U0 =U(•, 0), V0 =U(•, 0), E 0 =E(•, 0), and D0 =D(·, 0)
are the initial values of the displacement, velocity, strain, and temperature
difference fields, * denotes the operation of convolution, 105 and i and 1 are the
functions on [0, t0 ) defined by
i(t) =t, 1 (t) =1.
Thus, for any function f,
1 *f(x, t) = J f(x, t) dt.
Further, we write f for the function

J(t) =-. t2

(8) Reciprocal theorem. 106 Assume that the conductivity tensor K is sym-
metric. Let [u, E, S, {}, g, q] and [u, E, S, §, g, q] be thermoelastic processes corre-
1os LTE, (61.1).
104 Cf. LTE, Sect. 61, where the notation f is used.
1oo See LTE, Sect. 10.
106 IoNEscu-CAzMIR [1964, 2] for null initial data. The formulation given here was com-
municated to be my M. E. GuRTIN in 1970. A different type of reciprocal theorem has been
given by BRUN [1965, 1, Eq. (6)].
Sect. 21. The theorem of power and energy. The reciprocal theorem. 333
sponding to the external force and thermal systems [b, s], [r, q] and [b, s], [r, q],
respectively. Further, let u 0 , v 0 , E 0 , 790 and u 0 , 0 , E 0 , J0 be the correspondingv
initial displacement, velocity, strain, and temperature difference fields; and let b, r
and b, be the respective pseudo body force and pseudo heat supply fields. Then

i* J s*uda+ Jb*udv+ to *f q*Jda- : 0 *J r*19dv


=i* fs*uda+ fb*udv+ to* fq*19da- :0 f r*19dv


f S*Uda+ fb*udv+ f e(uo·ft+vo·U}dv


- ;0 * [- J q*J da + J r*J dv + J (c19 0 - ()0 M. E 0) lJ dv I


= fs*uda+flhudv+ f e(u0 ·u+v0 -u) dv


- ; 0 * [- J q*19 da + J r*19 dv + J (c0.0 - ( )0 M. E0) 19 dv].


In particular, if both processes correspond to null initial displacement, velocity, and

temperature difference fields, then

J s*uda+ Jb*udv- ;o *(- J q*-&da+ J r*Jdv)


= fs*uda+JiHudv-]~*(- fq*19da+ fr*19dv).


Proof. It follows from a general dynamical reciprocal theorem 107 that

i* f s*u da + f b*u dv -i* f S*E dv
f s*uda+ f
b*udv-i* f S*Edv,
J S*U da + BJ b*U dv- Bf S*E dv + Bf e(uo. it +vo. u) dv

= f S*Uda+ f lHudv- f S*Edv+ f e(uo ·U+Vo ·U} dv.


By the stress-strain-temperature relation,

S*E =C[E]*E + (19M)*E,
S*E=C[E] *E+(#M)*E.
From the symmetry of C and the definition of convolution, it follows 108 that

107 LTE, (19.5).
10s See LTE, Sect. 61.
334 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 21.


i* f s*uda+
8B B
J b*u dv-i* BJ ({)M)*Edv
=i* J s*uda+ BJ b*udv-i* BJ (-§M)*Edv,

fs*uda+ f b*udv- f({)M)*Edv+ f e(u0 ·ij+v0 ·u)dv

8B B B B

Next, if we integrate the energy equation

-divq +00 M · E +r=cO.

from 0 to t, we arrive at
-1 *divq +00 M · E +r =c{).
Taking the convolution of this equation with jj and integrating over B, we con-
clude, with the aid of the divergence theorem, that

-h f q*-§ da +h f q* V-§ dv +Oof E*({j.M) dv + f r*jj dv

8B B B B
= J c{)*fJ dv.
J q*{) da+h BJ 'ii*V{) dv +Oo BJ E*({)M) dv + BJ r*{) dv
= J cjj*{)dv.

By the commutativity of the convolution,

{)*jj =jj*{)· (21. 5)
Further, in view of the heat conduction equation and the symmetry of K,

q* VfJ ='ii* V{). (21.6)

Indeed, suppressing the argument in and writing g = V{), g = V {J,

_ I t
q*V{)(t) = f [Kg(t--r)] · g(-r) d-r= f g(t--r) · Kg(-r) dt
0 0
= f [Kg (t --r)J · g(-r) dt =ij* V{)(t).

Finally, if we solve (21. 3) and (21.4) for

J E* (fJM) dv and J E* ({)M) dv,


substitute the results into (21.1) and (21.2), and use {21.5) and (21.6), we are led
to the first two relations in (3 ). The third result in (3) is an obvious consequence
of the second. D
Sect. 22. The boundary-initial-value problems of the dynamic theory. 335
22. The boundary-initial-value problems of the dynamic theory. In this section,
in addition to the specification of the body B and its material properties,I09 we
assume that the following data are given:
(i) the body force b and heat supply r both continuous on B X [0, t0 );
(ii) the initial displacement, velocity, and temperature u 0 , v 0 , and {}0 all
continuous on B;
(iii) the surface displacement continuous on ~X [0, t0 );
(iv) the surface traction piecewise regular on ~ x [0, t0 ) and continuous in
(v) the surface temperature {} continuous on ~X [0, t0);
(vi) the surface heat flux q piecewise regular on ~ x [0, t 0) and continuous in
time. 110
Then the mixed problem of the dynamic theory of thermoelasticity is
to find a thermoelastic process [u, E, S, {}, g, q] corresponding to b and r that
satisfies the initial conditions
u(·,O)=u0 , it(·,O)=v0 , {}(•,0)={} 0 on B,
the displacement condition
U=U on ~X[O,t0 ),
the traction condition
s =Sn =S on ~X [0, t0 ),
the temperature condition
{} =,§ on ~X [0, t0 ),
and the heat flure condition
q=q·n=q on ~X[O,t0 ).
If such a thermoelastic process exists, it is called a solution of the mixed prob-
We refrain from naming the numerous special cases of the mixed problem that
arise when one or more of the subsurfaces ~- ~ is empty. As in the equilibrium
theory, more complicated boundary-initial-value problems can be considered.
(1) Characterization of the mixed problem in te1·ms of the displace-
ment and the temperature. An admissible motion u and a time-dependent
admissible temperature field {} correspond to a solution of the mixed problem if and
only if
div C[l7u] +div ({} M) + b = eii on B X (0, t0 ) ,111
div(KI7{})+8 0 M-17it+r=cJ on Bx(O,t0 ),112
u(·,O)=u0 , {}(·,0)={}0 on B,
it(·,O)=v0 ,
U=U on ~X [0, t0 ),
(C[I7u] +O·M) n = s on ~X [0, t0 ),
{}=,§ on ~X [0, t0 ),
-(KI7{}) ·n=q on ~X[O,t0 ).
1°9 See Sect. 18.
11o S"1 and S"2 are complementary subsurfaces of oB as are S"3 and S"4 , see LTE, Sect. 5.
111 We refer to this equation as the displacment-tmnperature equation of motion.
112 This equation is known as the coupled heat equation.
336 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 22.

When B is homogeneous and isotropic, the first, second, fifth, and seventh of these
conditions reduce to

,uL1u+(.4+,u) Vdivu+mV'!?+b=eii on Bx(O,t0 ),

kL1'!?+m0 0 divu+r=c# on Bx(O,t0 ),
,u(Vu + VuT) n +.4(divu) n +m '!?n =S on ~x [0, t0 ) ,113
-k V'!? ·n=q on ~x[o, t0 ).

Proof. Suppose that [u, E, S, '!?, g, q] is a solution of the mixed problem.

Then substitution of the stress-strain-temperature relation and the strain-
displacement relation into the equation of motion yields the displacement-
temperature equation of motion. Similarly, the heat conduction equation, the
thermal gradient-temperature relation, the strain-displacement relation, and the
energy equation imply the coupled heat equation. With the stress-strain-tempera-
ture relation and the strain-displacement relation the traction condition becomes
C[Vu] n +'!?Mn =s on ~X [0, t 0 ),
while the heat conduction equation, the thermal gradient-temperature relation,
and the heat flux condition give
- (K V '!?) · n =q on ~ X [0, t0 ) •

The remaining conditions in (1) are identical to ones appearing in the statement
of the mixed problem.
Conversely, suppose that an admissible motion u and a time-dependent admis-
sible temperature field '!? satisfy the above conditions. Define E through the
strain-displacement relation, g through the thermal gradient-temperature relation,
S through the stress-strain temperature relation, and q through the heat con-
duction equation. Then
div S + b = eii on B X (0, t 0 ),
-divq+00 M·E+r=cb on Bx(O,t0 ),
Sn =s on ~[0, t 0 ),

q ·n=q on ~[0, t0 ).

Thus, all that remains to be shown is that [u, E, S, '!?, g, q] is an admissible process.
Since u is an admissible motion and'!? is a time-dependent admissible temperature
difference field, E and g are continuous on B x [0, t0 ). From the smoothness of C,
M, and K and the admissibility of u and'!?, Sand q are continuous on B X [0, t0 )
and of class C1• 0 on B X (0, t 0 ). The continuity of div S and div q on B X [0, t 0 )
follows from the continuity of b, r, e. and c and the equations of motion and
energy. D
When some of the subsurfaces Si-~ are empty, it is easy to construct alter-
native formulations analogous to !GNACZAK's 114 characterization of the traction
us This boundary condition can be written as

see the end of Sect. 12.

114 [1963, 3]. See also LTE, (62.2).
Sect. 23. Uniqueness. 337
problem of elastodynamics in terms of the stress. An incomplete formulation in
terms of Sand{) has been given by IGNACZAK116 for the case where .9;_ = ~ = 0 .
With an eye toward the derivation of variational principles in Sect. 24, we
next give a characterization of the mixed problem in which the initial conditions
are incorporated into the field equations. First, we recall 118 that the pseudo body
field & and the pseudo heat supply r are defined on B X [0, t0) by
6{al, t) = i *b {al, t) + e{al) [uo {al) +t Vo{al)] I

r (al, t) = 1 *' {al, t) + c {al) {)0 {al) - 00 M{al) · E 0 {al),

i (t) t = 1 (t) 1,
1 =
and * denotes the operation of convolution.117
(2) 118 An admissible process [u, E, S, {), g, q] is a solution of the mixed problem
if and only if
E=sym Vu, (22.1)
g=V{), (22.2)
S =C[EJ +{)M, {22.3)
q=-Kg, {22.4)
i•div S + 6 =eu, (22.5)
-1 •divq+00 M · E+r =c{), {22.6)
on B X [0, t0 ), and
U=U on .9;. X [0, t0 ),
S=S on ~X [0, t0 ),
{)=# on Ya X [0, t0 ),
q=q on ~X [0, t0).
Proof. That
i•div S + b =eu
is equivalent to the equation of motion and the mechanical initial conditions is
(19.2) of LTE. We saw in the proof of (21.8) that the energy equation and
{) (·, 0) ={)0 imply
-1 •divq+00 M · E+r =c{).
Conversely, differentiation of this equation with respect to time yields the energy
equation, and{)(·, 0) ={)0 is recovered by setting t =0. 0
Clearly (2) can be written to give a characterization of the mixed problem
in terms of u and{) which incorporates the initial conditions into the field equations.
Actually such a characterization in terms of any pair of mechanical and thermal
variables is possible. 119
23. Uniqueness. Next, we establish a uniqueness theorem for the mixed problem
that is a direct counterpart of Neumann's theorem 120 in the isothermal case.
Reference to more general results is made at the end of the section.
116 [1963, 4].
11& See Sect. 21.
117 See LTE, Sect. 10.
118 lESAN (1966, 1], NICKELL and SACKMAN (1968, 2].
119 See !ESAN [1966, 1] for S, {}and u, q formulations, and NICKELL and SACKMAN [1968, 2]
for u, {} and S, q formulations.
120 See LTE, (68.1).
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI af2. 22
338 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 24.

(1) Uniqueness theorem for the mimed problem.121 Let the elasticity
tensor C be positive semi-definite and the specific heat c be strictly positive. 122 Then
the mixed problem has at most one solution.
Proof. Suppose that there are two solutions. Then their difference [u, E, S,
{}, g, q] corresponds to null data, i.e.,
u( •, 0) =it(·, 0) =0, {}( ·, 0) =0, (23 .1)
S·U=q{}=O on 8Bx[O,t0), b=O, r=O. (23.2)
By (23.2) and (21.2),

o/t(t) = ~ J(eu ·it+E ·

C[EJ + ;o {}2)dv~o/t(o), o~t<t0 •
By (23.1),
o//(0) =0;
and, therefore, since e> 0, E · C [E] ~ 0, and ;o > 0,
o/t(t) =0, 0 ~t < t 0 •
u=O and {}=O on Bx[O, t0 ).
But u vanishes initially; thus
u = 0 on B X [0, t 0).
[u, E, S, {}, g, q] = [0, 0, 0, o, 0, OJ. D
BRuN 123 has been able to prove uniqueness without the hypothesis that C
be positive semi-definite. KNOPS and PAYNE 124 have reached a similar conclusion
and established continuous dependence of the solution on the initial data. Their
results have been generalized by LEVINE, 125 but the generalization does not appear
to be relevant to the theory presented here. DAFERMOS 126 has provided existence,
uniqueness, and asymptotic stability theorems for the mixed problem.
24. Variational principles. Here we derive variational principles which are
direct counterparts of those given by GURTIN 127 for elastodynamics. In addition
to the hypotheses (i)-(vi) of Sect. 22 on the data and the conditions of Sect. 18
on the material properties, we assume that the conductivity K is symmetric.
We will be concerned with scalar-valued functionals whose domain is a subset
d of the space of all admissible processes. Letting A be such a functional, we
introduce the formal notation
b;;A{p} = ddJ.. A{p + AP}iA=o'
121 WEINER [1957, 3] for homogeneous and isotropic bodies. loNEscu-CAZIMIR [1964, 3] for
the general case. See also loNESCU-CAZIMIR [1964, 4] and BRUN [1965, 1]. RosENBLATT
[1910, 1] attributes uniqueness to VoiGT [1895, 1], but I have been unable to locate such a
theorem in VoiGT's treatise.
122 We have already assumed that the conductivity tensor K is positive semi-definite and
that the density e is strictly positive; see Sect. 18.
123 [1969, 1].
124 [1970, 1].
125 [1970, 2].
128 [1968, 1].
127 LTE, Sect. 65.
Sect. 24. Variational principles. 339
where ;t2 +ApEd for every scalar A. If <5;;A {tl} exists and equals zero for every p
meeting the above requirement, then we write
<5A{t2} =0.
We recalP that the pseudo body force field
28 ~ and the pseudo heat supply
field r are defined on B X [0, t0 } by
b(;£, t) =i*b(;£, t) +e(;£) [u0 (;£) +tv 0 (;£)],
r (;£, t) =I?* r (;£, t) + c (;£) {} 0 (;£) - 00 M(;£) · E 0 (;£),
i (t) t' 1 (t) 1 ' = =
and * denotes the operation of convolution. 129
In the first variational principle, the admissible processes are not required to
meet any of the field equations, initial conditions, or boundary conditions.
(1 )1 30 Let d denote the set of all admissible processes, and for each tE [0, t 0 },
define the functional A 1{ · } on d by

A 1{p}= J[~ i*E*C[EJ++eu*u-i*S*E-(i*divS+b)*u]dv


- ;o f i* [ ~ *Y*Kg+ ~ cf}*f} + hq*g


-(-hdivq+00 M·E+r}*f}]dv+ jiu*uda+ fi*(s-s)*uda

//, Sf>,

+; 0
i*hq*-§da+ ; 0 i*h(q-q)*f}da
Sf>, Sf>,

for every ;t2 = [ u, E, S, {}, g, q] Ed. Then

<5A 1{p}=O (O~t<t0 )
at an admissible process p if and only if ;t2 is a solution of the mixed problem.
Proof. Let p, pEd; then p +ApEd. A straightforward calculation 131 yields

b;;A 1{p}= fi*(C[E]+ffM-S)*Edv- f(i*divS+b-eu)*udv


+ i*(sym Vu-E)*S dv- ; 0 i*1 *(Kg +q)*Y dv

Ji*(-hdivq+f:I M ·

+ ;0 0 E+,.-cf})*Jdv (24.1)


+ -0~ i*h (Vf} -g)*q dv+ i* (u-u) *s da + i*(s -s)*u da

Ji*h(#-{})*qda+~~J i*h(q-q)*-&da
B ~ ~

+; 0
Sf>, Sf>,
for 0 ~t<t0 •
128 See Sect. 21.
129 See LTE, Sect. 10.
130 !ESAN [1966, 1], NICKELL and SACKMAN [1968, 2]. Their results appear somewhat
different because they do not eliminate the entropy from the basic equations. See also
RAFALSKI [1968, 3]. These papers reference several other variational principles for thermo-
131 Cf. the proof of (65.1) of LTE.

340 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 24.

If p is a solution of the mixed problem, it follows from (24.1) and (22.2) that

c5;A 1{tz}=O (O~t<t0} for every iJEd, (24.2}

and therefore,
c5A 1{P}=O (O~t<t0). (24.3)
Conversely, suppose that (24.3) and hence (24.2} holds. Choose
ll = [u, o, o, o, o, OJ
and let ii vanish near 132 8B to get from (24.1) and (24.2) that
J (i*divS+b-eu)*iidv=O (O~t<t0 ).

Since this must hold for every u of class coo on B x [0, t 0 ) that vanishes near 8B,
we conclude from (64.1) of LTE that

i*div S + b =eu.
Similarly, by choosing p in the forms [0, E, 0, 0, 0, OJ, [0, 0, S, 0, 0, OJ,
[0, 0, 0, J, 0, OJ, [0, 0, 0, 0, fi, OJ, and [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, q], where E, S, D, fi, and ij
vanish near 8B, we conclude from (24.1), (24.2) and (64.1) of LTE that
i*(C[E] +OM-S) =0,
i*(sym Vu-E) =0,
i*h(Kg+q) =0,
i * ( -1 * div q + 00 M · E +r - c#) = 0,
i*h (17#-g) =0.
Hence, by the cancellation property 133 of convolutions and (22.2), p satisfies all
the field equations and initial conditions of the mixed problem. Thus (24.1) and
(24.2) imply
J(u-u)*Snda+ j(s-s)*iida
.9;_ 9;,

for every O~t<t0 and every pEd. Therefore, on making obvious choices of jJ
and appealing to Lemmas (64.2) and (64.8) of LTE, we see that p meets the
boundary conditions.134 Thus pis a solution of the mixed problem. D
The functional whose variation vanishes at a solution can be simplified by
putting restrictions on its domain.
(2 )135 Assume that the elasticity tensor C and the conductivity tensor K are
invertible. Let .91 denote the set of all admissible processes that satisfy the strain-
132 I.e., there exists a neighborhood N of oB such that u = 0 on (NnE) x [0, t0). See LTE,
Sect. 64.
133 See (iv) of (10.1) of LTE.
134 Actually to obtain the temperature condition, we need a scalar version of (64.3) of LTE.
135 !ESAN (1966, J], NICKELL and SACKMAN [1968, 2].
Sect. 24. Variational principles. 341

displacement and thermal gradient-temperature relations, and for each tE [0, t0)
define the functional e t {.} on d by

8 1 {~}= j (~ i*S*K[S]- ~ eu*u-i*S*E+~*u) dv


--- 1!.(1
u -hq* K -1 q--c

-00 A · S*{} +hq*g +r*{}) dv

+ fi*s*(u-u) da+
Ji*s*uda ~

+ ; j i*hq*({}--b) da+ ; Ji*hq*{}da

0 0
.9", ~

for every~= [u, E, S, {}, g, q] Ed, where

K=C-1 , A=-K[MJ, c'=c-00 M·A.
158 1 {~} =0 (0 ~t<t0 )

at ~Ed if and only if ~ is a solution of the mixed problem.

Proof. Let~. pEd so that~+ A.jzEd. Again an easy calculation 13 6 leads to

15:;; 81 {~} = J
i*(K[S] +{}A -E)*S dv+
J (i*div S +~ -eu)*u dv
- ;
ji*h(K-1 q+g)*qdv

- ;
j i*(-1 *divq +00 M · K[SJ +r -c'{}) *,§. dv
B•(u-u)•sda+ .fi•(s-s)•uda
.9" 1 .9" I

+ -~ j
i*h({}-O)*qda+ ; 0 Ji*h(q-q)*#da .

On recognizing that the pair of equations

E =K[S] +{}A,
-1 *divq +00 M · K[SJ +r =c'{}
is equivalent to the pair (24.3), (24.6) of (22.2 ), the proof is completed as in (1). D
By a kinematically and thermally admissible process we mean an admis-
sible process that satisfies the strain-displacement and thermal gradient-tem-
perature relations, the stress-strain-temperature and heat conduction equations,
and the displacement and temperature boundary conditions. If we restrict d
in (1) to the set of kinematically and thermally admissible processes, we are led
to the following analog of the principle of minimum potential energy :137
136 Cf. the proof of (65.2) of LTE.
137 (16.1).
342 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity. Sect. 25.

(8 )1 38 Let d denote the set of all kinematically and thermally admissible processes,
and for each tE [0, t0 ). define the functional ~~{ •} on d by

~t{11}= f(~ i*S*E+ ~ eu*u-b*u)dv

- ~ f i* (-

00 __1_
*q*g + __1_
cD*D- __1_
00 M · E*D -r *D) dv

- f i*s*uda- ;of i*hq*Dda

.9', .9',
for every 11 = [u, E, S, 0., g, q]Ed. Then,
!5~t{P} =0 (0 ~t<t0 )
at pEd if and only if 11 is a solution of the mixed problem.
Proof. Let jJ be an admissible process, and suppose that p +ApEd for every
scalar A. Then jJ must satisfy the strain-displacement and thermal gradient-
temperature relations, the stress-strain-temperature and heat conduction equations,
and the boundary conditions
u=O on ~x[o, t0 ). D=O on ~x[o, t0).
Since ~~{ ·} is the restriction of A 1{ ·} of (1) to the set of all kinematically and
thermally admissible processes, we conclude from (24.1) of the proof of (1) that

15;; ~1 {11} = - J (i*div S + b -eu) * u dv


+; 0
i*(-hdivq+00 M·E+r-cD)*#dv

+ Ji*(s-s)*uda+ ;o Ji*h(q-q)*§.da .

.9', .9',

The desired conclusions follow as in the proof of (1). D

The papers of lESAN and NICKELL and SACKMAN 140 may be consulted for
variational principles formulated in terms of various pairs of mechanical and
thermal variables.
25. Progressive waves. In this section, we briefly consider harmonic plane
progressive wave solutions 141 for homogeneous and isotropic bodies with zero
body force and heat supply. Thus, we seek solutions of the displacement-tem-
perature equation of motion 142
,uLiu+(A+,u) J7 divu+m VD=eii (25 .1)
and the coupled heat equation 142
k LID +m 00 div it =cO. (25.2)
138 NICKELL and SACKMAN [1968, 2). lESAN [1966, 1] obtains a similar result by requiring
that the heat flux boundary condition be satisfied instead of the temperature boundary
139 [1966, 1].
140 [1968, 2].
141 CHADWICK and PowDRILL [1965, 2] have treated the problem of waves as propagating
surfaces of discontinuity in some detail.
142 See Sect. 19.
List of works cited. 343
in the form
u=aA exp[i(ym ·p-~t)J,
{} =B exp[i(ym · p -~t)].
Here a and m are unit vectors called the direction of displacement and the
direction of propagation, respectively; i = V-1 ; p = ~ - 0 is the position
vector; A and B are real constants; the constants y and ~ are allowed to be
complex; and Re(~/y) is the speed of propagation 143 .
Substitution of (25. 3) into (25 .1) and (25 .2) yields
(e~ 2 -,uy 2)A a- [(A. +,u) (a. m) y 2 A -im yB] m =0,
(25 .4}
m00 y~(a · m)A + (ic~ -ky2) B =0.
In the case of a transverse wave (i.e., a· m =0}, (25.4) is equivalent to
(e~2 -,uy2) A =o,
(ice -ky2) B =O.
B =0,144
!?~2- ,uy2 = 0,145
and we conclude that transverse waves are independent of thermal effects, and they
propagate with speed V,u/e.146
When the wave is longitudinal (i.e., a· m = 1), (25.4) is satisfied if and
only if
[ee2 -(A.+2,u) y 2JA +imy B =O,
m00 y ~A+ (ic~ -ky2) B =0.
A necessary and sufficient condition for this system to have a nontrivial solution
for A and B is
[e~2- (A.+2,u) y2] (ic~ -ky2) -im2 Oo y2~ =0.147

This equation has been solved for y (given real ~) and for ; (given real y) by
CHADWICK. 148 For given ;, the waves are attenuated in that y is complex and
dispersed since the speed of propagation is a function of;. For given y, the waves
are damped in that ; is complex and dispersed because the speed of propagation
depends on y.

List of works cited.

This list is not a complete bibliography of linear thermoelasticity. I have been interested
primarily in establishing priorities. Italic numbers in parentheses following the reference
indicate the sections in which it is cited.
183 7 1. DuHAMEL, J. M. C.: Second memoire sur les phenom(mes thermomecaniques. J.
Ecole Polytechn. 15, 1-57- (7)
143 See LTE, Sect. 11 for motivation.
144 If my= o, either the theory is uncoupled or we do not have a progressive wave.
145 If A = o, we are left with the trivial solution.
146 LESSEN and DUKE [1953, 1], LESSEN [1957, 2], DERESIEWICZ [1957, 1], CHADWICK and
SNEDDON [1958, 1].
147 LESSEN and DUKE [1953, 1], LESSEN [1957, 2], DERESIEWICZ [1957, 1], CHADWICK
and SNEDDON [1958, 1].
148 [1960, 2].
344 D. E. CARLSON: Linear Thermoelasticity.

1838 1. - Memoire sur le calcul des actions moleculaires developpees par les changements
de temperature dans les corps solides. Memoires par Divers Savants 5. 440-498.
(7, 11)
1841 1. NEUMANN, F. E.: Die Gesetze der Doppelbrechung des Lichts in comprimirten oder
ungleichformig erwarmten unkrystallinischen Korpem. Abhandl. k. Akad. Wiss. zu
Berlin, 2. Theil, 1-254. (7)
1851 1. STOKES, G. G.: On the conduction of heat in crystals. Cambr. Dubl. Math. J.
6, 215-238 = Papers 67-101. (7)
1885 1. NEUMANN, F.: Vorlesungen iiber die Theorie der Elasticita.t. Leipzig: Teubner. (7)
1895 1. VOIGT, W.: Kompendium der theoretischen Physik, vol. 1. Leipzig: Von Veit &
Comp. (7, 15, 19, 23)
1910 1. RosENBLATT, A.: "Uber das allgemeine thermoelastische Problem. Rend. Circolo
Mat. Palermo 29, 324-328. (23)
2. VOIGT, W.: Lehrbuch der Kristallphysik. Leipzig: Teubner. (15)
1930 1. JEFFREYS, H.: The thermodynamics of an elastic solid. Proc. Cambridge Phil.
Soc. 26, 101-106. (7)
1939 1. SoKOLNIKOFF, I. S., and E. S. SoKOLNIKOFF: Thermal stress in elastic plates.
Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 45, 235-255. (12)
1941 1. MAYSEL, V. M.: A generalization of the Betti-Maxwell theorem to the case of
thermal stresses and some of its application [in Russian]. Dokl. Acad. Sci. USSR
30, 115-118. (13)
1952 1. CRISTEA, M.: Asupra ecuatiilor micilor miscari termoelastice. Rev. Univ. "C. I.
Parhon" Ploiteh. Bucuresti 1, 72-76. (19)
2. RICHTER, H.: Zur Elastizitatstheorie endlicher Verformungen. Math. Nachr.
8, 65-73. English trans!. in Foundations of Elasticity Theory. Inti. Sci. Rev. Ser.
New York: Gordon & Breach 1965. (5)
1953 1. LESSEN, M., and C. E. DuKE: On the motion of an elastic thermally conducting
solid. Proc. 1st Midwest Conf. on Solid Mech., Univ. of Illinois, 14-18. (7, 19, 25)
1954 1. NowACKI, W.: Thermal stress in anisotropic bodies (I) [in Polish]. Arch. Mech.
Stos. 6, 481-492. (10)
1955 1. HIEKE, M.: Eine indirekte Bestimmung der Airyschen Flache bei unstetigen
Warmespannungen. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 35, 285-294. (10)
1956 1. BIOT, M.A.: Thermoelasticity and irreversible thermodynamics. J. Appl. Phys.
27, 240-253. (7)
2. LESSEN, M.: Note on the symmetrical property of the thermal conductivity tensor.
Quart. Appl. Math. 14, 208-209. (7)
1957 1. DERESIEWICZ, H.: Plane waves in a thermoelastic solid. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 29,
204-209. (25)
2. LESSEN, M.: The motion of a thermoelastic solid. Quart. Appl. Math. 15, 105-108.
3. WEINER, J. H.: A uniqueness theorem for the coupled thermoelastic problem.
Quart. Appl. Math. 15, 102-105. (21, 23)
1958 1. CHADWICK, P., and I. N. SNEDDON: Plane waves in an elastic solid conducting heat.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids 6, 223-230. (19, 25)
2. DERESIEWICZ, H.: Solution of the equations of thermoelasticity. Proc. 3rd U.S.
National Congr. Appl. Mech., Brown University, 287-291. (20)
3. NoLL, W.: A mathematical theory of the mechanical behavior of continuous media.
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 2, 197-226 (1958/59). Reprinted in Rational mechanics
of materials, edit. by C. TRUESDELL, Inti. Sci. Rev. Ser. New York: Gordon and
Breach, 1965, and in Continuum theory of inhomogeneities in simple bodies. Berlin-
Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1968. (3)
4. FARIA, G.: Coupling of elastic and thermal deformations I. Appl. Sci. Res., Sect. A
7, 463-475. (19)
5. PIPKIN, A. C., and R. S. RIVLIN: The formulation of constitutive equations in
continuum physics. Div. Appl. Math., Brown University Report. September. (6)
6. ZoRSKI, H.: Singular solutions for thermoelastic media. Bull. Acad. Polen. Sci.,
Ser. Sci. Tech. 6, 331-339. (20)
1960 1. BoLEY, B. A., and J. H. WEINER: Theory of Thermal Stresses. New York: John
Wiley & Sons. (7)
2. CHADWICK, P.: Thermoelasticity. The dynamical theory. In: Vol. I of Progress in
solid mechanics, edit. by I. N. SNEDDON and R. HILL. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
(20, 25)
3. GREEN, A. E., and J. E. ADKINs: Large Elastic Deformations and Non-linear Con-
tinuum Mechanics. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (4)
List of works cited. 345
4. PoDSTRIGACH, Y. S.: General solution of the non-steady thermoelastic problem
[in Ukrainian]. Prykladnaya Mat. Mekh. 6, 215-219. (20)
5. STERNBERG, E.: On the integration of the equations of motion in the classical
theory of elasticity. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 6, 34-50. (20)
6. TRUESDELL, C., and R. TouPIN: The classical field theories. In: Vol. III/1 of the
Handbuch der Physik, edit. by S. FLUGGE. Berlin-Gi:ittingen-Heidelberg: Springer.
1962 1. NoWACKI, W.: Thermoelasticity. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley. (10)
1963 1. CoLEMAN, B. D., and W. NoLL: The thermodynamics of elastic materials with heat
conduction and viscosity. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 13, 167-178. (4)
2. -,and V. MIZEL: Thermodynamics and departures from Fourier's law of heat
conduction. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 13, 245-261. (6, 8)
3. IGNACZAK, J.: A completeness problem for the stress equations of motion in the
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4. - On the stress equations of motion in the linear thermoelasticity. Arch. Mech.
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1964 1. CoLEMAN, B. D., and V. J. MIZEL: Existence of caloric equations of state in thermo-
dynamics. J. Chern. Phys. 40, 1116-1125. (4)
2. IoNESCU-CAZIMIR, V.: Problem of linear coupled thermoelasticity. Theorems on
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Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. Sci. Tech. 12, 565-573. (21, 23)
4. - Problem of linear coupled thermoelasticity. IV. Uniqueness theorem. Bull.
Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Tech. 12, 575-579. (23)
5. NowACKI, W.: Green functions for the thermoelastic medium. II. Bull. Acad.
Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Tech. 12, 465-472. (20)
6. RUDIGER, D.: Bernerkung zur Integration der thermoelastischen Grundgleichungen.
Osterr. Ing.-Arch. 18, 121-122. (20)
1965 1. BRuN, L.: Sur l'unicite en thermoelasticite dynamique et diverses expressions analo-
gues ala formule de Clapeyron. Compt. Rend. 261, 2584-2587. (21, 23)
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J. Engng. Sci. 3, 561-595. (25)
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1966 1. lESAN, D.: Principes variationnels dans la theorie de la thermoelasticite couplee.
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Existence Theorems in Elasticity.


The subject to be developed in this article covers a very large field of existence
theory for linear and nonlinear partial differential equations. Indeed, problems
of static elasticity, of the propagation of waves in elastic media, and of the thermo-
dynamics of continua require existence theorems for elliptic, hyperbolic and para-
bolic equations both linear and nonlinear. Even if one restricts oneself to linear
elasticity, there are several kinds of partial differential equations to be considered.
In static problems we encounter second order systems, either with constant or
with variable coefficients (homogeneous and non-homogeneous bodies), scalar
second order equations (for instance either in the St. Venant torsion problems or
in the membrane theory), fourth order equations (equilibrium of thin plates),
eighth order equations (equilibrium of shells). Each case must be considered with
several kinds of boundary conditions, corresponding to different physical situations.
On the other hand, to every problem of static elasticity corresponds a dynamical
one, connected with the study of vibrations in the elastic system under con-
sideration. Moreover, problems of thermodynamics require the study of certain
diffusion problems of parabolic type. In addition to that, the study of materials
with memory requires existence theorems for certain integra-differential equations,
first considered by VoLTERRA.
I confess having had great difficulty in attempting to fit all these subjects
into the space allotted. Thus I have not tried to include nonlinear problems,
which, on the other hand, as far as existence theory is concerned, remain far from
a definitive settlement. The existence theory for problems of elasticity defined
by unilateral constraints, although started recently (see [5, 6]) is nowadays so
important that I have devoted to it a separate article, which follows this one.
Concerning the linear theory, I have found it more convenient, instead of
considering separately different specific cases concerning elasticity, to incorporate
all of them within the theory of strongly elliptic linear systems. Of course it
would have been preferable to develop the more general theory of elliptic systems,
considering strong ellipticity as a particular case of ellipticity, but obviously
such a program could not be carried through in a relatively short article. On the
other hand, strongly elliptic systems provide enough generality to cover the
most significant applications. In connection with these systems, propagation
and diffusion problems as well as integra-differential equations have been con-
sidered. For all of them the existence theorems have been given for the main
cases of interest. Among the many applications of the general theory, let us
mention here the existence theorem for the nonstandard boundary value problem
connected with the equilibrium of heterogeneous elastic media. Of course some of
the problems which arise in the applications are not included here as, for instance,
exterior boundary value problems. However I believe that the reader should
348 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 1.

obtain from the general theories developed in this paper enough information to
be able to handle by himself some specific cases which are not considered
1. Prerequisites and notations. Throughout this article we shall use basic concepts
of LEBESGUE integration theory and of functional analysis. In order to provide
the reader with a concrete basis, it is worthwhile to mention that the concepts and
the theories which we shall use in this paper can be found (i) in the first six
chapters of the book [31], (ii) in the first two chapters of [16], (iii) in the first
chapter of [14]. For some additional items which we shall use in the course of the
paper, we shall give specific references.
The real r-dimensional cartesian space will be denoted by X', i.e. X' is the
real vector space of all the ordered r-tuples of real numbers x= (x1 , •.• , x,), where
the distance between two points x- (x1 , ... , x,) andy== (y1 , ... , y,) is defined as:

A domain of X' is a connected open set of X'. A multiindex p is an r-vector

with integer components P= (p1 , .•• , p,). The norm of a multi-index p will be
denoted by IPI, where either
IPI = ( ."f/~
)! or IPI = ,J; IPI,

the choice being clear from the context. In general for ann-vector u (~, un) = ... ,
with n complex components, we shall define its norm in the standard way

The scalar product of two n-vectors u {u1 , ... , un) and v == (v1 , ... , vn) (both
with complex components) will be indicated by uv, which must be understood as
UV= L U,;V,;

or, in terms of the extended summation convention uv =U,; V,;. If ; is a real

r-vector and p a multi-index with non-negative components, we shall use the
following abridged notations:
;P =;f• ... ;t• (;f' = 1 if ;. =P,; =0) and DP = -.------.-
oxf• ... oxt'
If z=x+iy is a complex number, z denotes its conjugate, i.e. z=x-iy·
Let a ={a,;;} (i = 1, ... , m; j =1, ... , n) be an m xn-matrix with complex entries
and u a complex n-vector; by au we mean the m-vector with components
(a,;;U;, ... , am;U;)· We denote by the adjoint matrix of a, i.e. the nxm-matrix
{oc;,;} (j=1, ... , n; i=1, ... , m) with IX;,;=ii,;;· If vis an m-vector, by auv and
vau we mean
auv=(au) v=a,;;U;V,;; vau=v(au) =V,;a;;ii;.
It is easy to see that auv =uav.
If B is any point-set of X' with interior points, we shall denote by Ck (B) the
class of all the complex n-vector valued functions u (x) possessing continuous
derivatives up to the order k (k ;;;:;o) in B. This means that every derivative of u
Sect. 2. The function spaces Hm and Hm. 349

of order ~ k exists at all interior points of B and coincides with a function which
is continuous in the whole set B. Let us remark that it would be more proper to
use the symbol C!(B), instead of Ck(B), showing explicitly the number of com-
ponents of the vector u (x). However, since we shall consider the integer n as
fixed, no confusion should arise. The reader will understand from the context
what class Ck(B) we are dealing with. If u is a function defined in the set B of
X', we denote by spt u (support of u) the closure of the set where iu(x)l >O. Let A
be a domain. By Ck (A) we shall denote the subclass of Ck (A) formed by all the
functions u with a bounded support and such that spt uCA. We denote by Ck the
class Ck (X'). By Ck we denote the subclass of Ck formed by all the functions with
bounded support. The intersection of all the classes Ck(A) will be denoted by
C00 (A). By 00 (A) we denote the intersection of all the classes Ck(A). In the
case when A =X', we simply write coo and coo. Let B and E be two point-sets
of X' and let B be a proper subset of E. Suppose that u (x) is a function defined
in B. Throughout this paper we shall use the convention that, whenever we
consider u (x) as a function defined in E, we suppose that u (x) is continued in the
whole set E by assuming u(x) =0 for xEE -B. A regular domain is any bounded
domain whose boundary oA is piecewise smooth [i.e. decomposable into a finite
number of non-overlapping differentiable (r-1)-cells] such that for any uEC1 (A)
the Gauss-Green formula holds:

J~~ dx- J
uv; da =0

[dx =dx1 ... dx,, da =measure of the hypersurface element of oA, v= (v1 , ... , v,)
inward normal at any regular point of 8A].
Additional hypotheses concerning the smoothness of the boundary of a
regular domain will be considered in the course of this article.

2. The function spaces ll-m and H-m. Let A be a bounded domain of the real
cartesian space X'. Without any loss in generality we may assume from now on
that A be contained in the open square Q: Ixki < n (k = 1, ... , r), since in general
a suitable change of coordinates will bring this about. Let us consider the vector
space cm(A) [the vector space cm(A)] of complex n-vector valued functions. For
any pair of vectors of this space let us define the following scalar product:
(u, v)m = J D• u D• v dx (O~Isl ~m). (2.1)

We define as the space Hm(A) [as the space Hm(A)] (or, simply, Hm[Hm]
when no confusion need arise) the Hilbert space obtained by functional completion
of cm(A) [of cm(.A)] with respect to the scalar product (2.1). It is obvious that
for m=O we have H 0 (A) =H0 (A) =2 2 (A). A function u will belong to Hm(A)
[to Hm(A)] if and only if there is a sequence of functions of Cm(A) [of cm(.A)] -say
{vk (x)}-such that lim J lvk (x) -u(x)l 2 dx = 0 and, moreover, there are functions
k-"> oo A
ql(x) (O~isl ~m) of !l'2 (A) such that lim J !D•vk(x) -cp•(x)l 2 dx=O.
function cp• (x) -which obviously does not depend on the sequence {vk}-is called
the strong derivative D•u of the function u of Hm(A) [of Hm(A)], or, simply, the
)50 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 2.

s-derivative of u. For any uEHm and any wEHm the integration by parts formula
J uD• w dx=(-1)1•1 J (D• u) w dx, (O~Isl ~m). (2.2)

In fact (2.2) holds if we replace u by v,. and w by z,., where v,.ECm(A) and
z,.ECm(.A). Since we may assume that v,. converges to u in the metrics of Hm
and z,. converges tow in the metrics of Hm, by making k tend to infinity we get
Let us remark that if wEIIm and ql is the s-derivative of w as a function of
Hm, then ql is also the s-derivative of was a function of Hm. That follows obviously
from (2.2).
Set c,. = (2n) _,,a J ue-<h dx. Any function u of H m can be developed in a
Fourier trigonometrical series
u (x) = (2n)-''2 ~" c,. eih, (2.))

the development being convergent in .!l'2 (A). For lsi ~m we have also
ns u (x) = (2n) _, Lk eih J (D• u) e-ikx dx
-co A

with convergence in .!l'2 (A). Supposing uEHm and using (2.2), we get
ns u(x) = (2n)-''2 ~ (i)l•l ~ c,. e•kx. (2.4)

This means that for any uEllm, the Fourier series (2.3) can be differentiated
term by term, provided the order of the differentiation does not exceed m. For
uEHm, we have
J ID• ulll dx = ~,.W)Illc,.lll·
A -co

For any fixed v, there exist two positive numbers p~l and pfl such that

P~1 lkla.~ ~ WI 2 ~Pt1 lkla. Clkl = (kr+ ··· +k~)•J.

+co +co
p~l ~ jkjs. lc,.j 2 ~ ~ JjD• ul 2 dx~pfl ~" IW•Ic,.j 2 • (2.5)
-co 1•1=• A -co

We shall denote by llullm A the norm of an element of Hm(A) or, in particular,

of Hm(A). When there is n; ambiguity about the domain, we simply write llullm·
The following lemma is called the Poincare inequality:

2.! For any uEHm(A)

llull!~c ~ JjD•ui 11 dx. (2.6)
l•l=m A

The constant c depends only on A (and on m).

Sect. 2. The function spaces Hm and H'tn. 351
It is evident that it suffices to prove (2.6) for m = 1 ; then, by induction, the
general case follows. Let us denote by Du the r xn-matrix {oukfox,.} (h = 1, ... , r;
k=1, ... , n). We have

lcol2 = (2:n:)_, IJ u dxl2 = (2:n:)-r r-21} (Du) X dxl2

:;;; (2:n:)-• r 2J 1Dul2 dx J lxl 2dx.

:;;; l(2:n:)-•r- 2jlxl 2 dx+ 1

;hf,<l>J j1Dul 2 dx.
From (2.6) and (2.5) it follows that
+oo o
2.II The norms !lull~ and Lk lkl 2 mlckl 2 are isomorphic in the space Hm.

Let us now consider, for any uEHm (m >O) the operator Jfm 1 with domain
Hm and range Hz (with l < m) which associates with u the same~. but considered
as a vector in Hz. It is obvious that Jfm 1 is a bounded linear transformation of Hm
into Hz. This transformation will be cailed the embedding of Hm into Hz.
2.III The embedding Jfm,l of Hm into H 1 is compact.

Let U be a bounded set of Hm. There is a positive constant L such that

Lk 1Wmicki 2<L

for any uE U. It follows that

ikl 21 lcki 2 <L
and that the latter series is uniformly convergent when u varies in U. Since
.1,;., 1 takes a bounded set into a set with a compact closure, compactness of
Jfm z follows 1 .
'Let A be a regular domain. The function u is said to belong to Dm(A) (m >O)
whenever it belongs to cm-l (A) and, corresponding to u, there exists a decomposi-
tion of A into a finite set of non-overlapping regular domains A 1 , ••• , A. 2 such
that uECm(A;) (i= 1, ... , s). When uEDm(A), we say that u has piecewise con-
tinuous m-th derivatives. It is possible to prove that Dm(A)CHm(A). If we denote
by bm(A) the subset of Dm(A) consisting of those functions such that spt uCA,
then iJm(A)CHm(A).
A domain A is said to be a properly regular domain if the following conditions
are satisfied: ex) A is regular; {3) for any x0 E8A there exists a neighborhood I of x0
(open set containing x0) such that the set] =InA is homeomorphic to the closed
1 We have been using the following lemma: If 5 is a separable Hilbert space and {vk}a complete
orthonormal system in it, the subset U of 5 has a compact closure if and only if the series 1: J (u, vk) J2
is uniformly bounded and uniformly convergent in U. (See [4], pp. 231-232]). k
2 By "decomposition of A into a finite set of non-overlapping domains" we mean that

A = A1 U · .. U As and A i n A i = 0 for i o!= j.

352 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 2.

semiball B+: y, ~ 0, jyj ~ 1 of the cartesian space Y'. In this homeomorphism

the set oA n I is mapped onto the set y, = 0, yf + · · · + Y~- 1 ~ 1; y) the vector-
valued function y = y (x) which maps homeomorphically I onto B+ has piecewise
continuous first derivatives [i.e. y(x) ED1 ( ] - oI)J and the jacobian matrix oyfox
has a positive determinant which is bounded away from zero in the whole ]. It
follows that the inverse function x = x (y) which maps B+ onto I has properties
analogous to those of y = y (x).
2.IV (Rellich selection principle). If A is properly regular, the embedding
~. 1 of Hm into H 1 (m>l) is compact.
It is sufficient to prove the theorem in the case m = 1, l = 0. Let 11 , •.. , Iq be
a finite set of neighborhoods, like those mentioned in the condition {J), which
cover the boundary oA of A. Set 1 = 11 u · · · u Iq and suppose that the set A -1
be non-empty (otherwise the proof would be simpler). The closed set A -1 is
contained in A. Let 10 be any open subset of A containing A-1. The sets 10 ,
11 , •.. , Iq form an open covering of A.
Let 2: cp11 (x) = 1 be a partition of unity with non-negative coo functions such
that spt cp11 (x)CI11 (h=O, ... , q).
Let uEH1 (A); we have u = ~ cp11 u and

liCfJh ujJ~ ~
J Jcph uj 2dx
J ktll ~=:
+2 Jul 2 2
1 dx +2
JICfJ11l ~~~ ::k
2 2
1 dx ~c !lull~·
If U is a bounded set of H 1 (A), then the set U11 of functions cp11 u (uE U) is a
bounded set of H1 (I11 nA). For h =0 we have U0 1 (10 ). Hence boundedness of U
implies compactness of Uo in H 0 (10) (see Theorem 2.III). Suppose h > 0. For
simplicity set 111 =1. For any uEC 1 (InA) set u (y) =u [x(y)J. Almost everywhere
on B+ we have

It follows that

Let us now assume u(y) = cp11 [x(y)]u [x(y)], where u is any function of the
subset U which, with no loss in generality, we suppose contained in C1 (A),
bounded in H 1 (A). Let us define in the closed ball B: Jyj ~ 1 the following function:

u*(y) = {~(y1 , ... ,y,_ 1 ,y,) for y,~O,

u(y1 , ••• ,y,_ 1 , -y,) for y,<O.

The function u* (y) belongs to HI (B-oB). We have iiu*iitB =2 iiulltB+ ~2clc iiullr

Then we can extract from any sequence {un}E U a subsequence such that {u!k} is
convergent in H 0 (B). This means that {ung} is convergent in H 0 (B+) and therefore
{cp11 unk} is convergent in H 0(I nA) =H0(111 nA). Of course we may suppose {nk}
Sect. 2. The function spaces Hm and Hm. 353
independent of h. Thus we deduce that

is convergent in H 0 (A). We have proven that the operator ~ 0 , when restrict-

ed to C1 (A), is compact. Since C1 (A) is dense in H1 (A), the proof of the
theorem follows.
Let A be a properly regular domain of X'. Let -r denote the linear transforma-
tion which to any uECm(A) associates its boundary values -ru on oA. Set
JJ-ruJJ!-l,iJA = 2: JJDkuJ 2da,
lki=O iJA
We wish to prove that
where cis a constant depending only on A (and on m). It is sufficient to prove (2.7)
in the case m = 1. To this end, let us consider the open covering 10 ,11 , .•. , Iq
introduced in the proof of Theorem 2.IV and the corresponding partition of
unity L g;h(x) =1. Inequality (2.7) (for m=1) will follow from the inequalities

JJg;h uJ 2da ~c { JJg;h uJ 2dx + t J o;;ku
A k-OA
1 dx} (h =1, ... , q). (2.8)

As before, we set Ih=I (h>O) and consider the homeomorphism which maps
1 =In A onto the semiball B+ of the cartesian (y, t)-space defined by t ~ 0,
y~+··· +y;_ 1 +t 2 ~1. Let D be the (r-1)-ball: t=O, JyJ 2 =2:Y~~1 i.e. the
image of In oA under the homeomorphism of 1 onto B+. Let (y, t) be the func- u
tion obtained from g;h(x)u(x) by the above-mentioned homeomorphism. We
continue u(y, t) outside of B+ in the half-space t ~ 0 by assuming u(y, t) 0 for =
t~O, JyJ 2 +t 2 >1. We have for every t>O
u(y, 0) =u(y, t) + J us(y, s) ds.
J Ju(y, o)J2 ay~ 2 J Ju (y, t)J2 ay +2 J J Ju1 (y, t)J 2 dy at.
D D 0 D

It follows that
J Ju(y, o)J 2 dy ~2 JJ Ju(y, t)J 2 dy at +2 JJ JDuJ 2 dy dt.
D ~ ~

From this inequality, by transformation back to the x1 , ... , x, coordinates, we

deduce inequality (2.8).
From (2.7) it follows that the operator -r can be continuously extended to the
whole space Hm(A). Then for any u a set of vectors -ru={g;P} (o~JPJ ~m-1) is
determined such that g;Pc~2(8A) and g;P- DPu if uECm(A). The operator -r will
be called the trace operator, and g;P will be considered as the "boundary value" of
DPu in a generalized sense. It is obvious that uEHm(A) implies -ru =0, i.e. any
function of Hm (A) vanishes (in a generalized sense) on oA together with any
derivative of order ~ m -1.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 23
354 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 2.

2.V If uEcm- 1 (A)nHm(A), then DPu=O on oA (O~IPI ~m-1) in the

classical sense.
A proof is easy to construct.
If u and v are two functions of cm(.A) and O</P/ ~m. the Gauss-Green
integral formula holds:

f u DP v dx +(-1)1PI f (DP u) v dx = f M(u, v) da, (2.9}
A aA
where M(u, v) is a bilinear differential operator of order /P/-1 both in u and in v.
From (2.7) it follows that (2.9} still holds if u and v are functions of Hm(A),
provided the boundary values of Dqu and Dqv (0~/q/ </P/) are understood in
the generalized sense introduced above.
Let x0 be any point of X' and 1: the unit sphere Ix/ = 1. Let be a set of r
positive measure on the unit sphere 1: and let R be a positive number. The set
C,..(T, R) of all x such that (x-x0)/x-x0 /-1 ET, O</x-x0 / ~R will be called
a cone; x 0 is the vertex of the cone. The domain A of X' is said to satisfy the "cone
hypothesis" if for every x 0 of A there exists a cone C,..(T,.., R) of vertex x 0 which
is contained in A and is such that R is independent of x 0 and r,.. is congruent to a
fixed set r on 1:.
It is not very difficult to prove that a properly regular domain satisfies the
cone hypothesis.
2.VI (Sobolev lemma.) If A is a bounded domain of X' satisfying the cone
hypothesis, the functionsu of any space Hm (A) with m >r/2 are continuous in A, and
m~xlul~cl/ul/m• (2.10)

where c depends only on A (and on m).

It is enough to prove inequality (2.10) for any uECm(A) in order to get the
proof of the lemma. Let x 0 be any point of A. We denote by cp(x) a coo real-valued
function which satisfies the following condition: cp (x) = 1 for Ix- xOI < R/2,
cp(x) =0 for /x-x 0 / >R. We have

u(xO) = -
f otp u

d =
e (-1)m rR

(m- 1)! • (!
m-1 f)mtpu d
aem e.

After integration over T,.., on the unit sphere, we get

lu(xO) measTI = (m~1)! I

f em-r a;e~u dxl
~ (m~1)! ( f
C,o(Fx•, R)
Ia;e~u 12dxt(
f e2(m-r) dxy~cll/ul~.
which implies (2.10).
2.VII (First Ehrling lemma.) Let A be any bounded domain of X'. For any
e >O there exists a positive constant c(e) (depending only one, A, m) such that for
any u EH m (A) the following inequality holds

2.VIII (Second Ehrling lemma.) Let A be any properly regular domain of X'.
For any e >O there exists a positive constant c (e) (depending only on e, A, m) such
that for any uEHm(A), inequality (2.11) holds.
Sect. 3. Elliptic linear systems. Interior regularity. 355
Let B1 , B 2 , B 3 be three complex Banach spaces, and assume that, as vector
spaces, they satisfy the following inclusion conditions: B1 CB2 CB3 • Let us assume
that the embedding ~ 2 of B1 into B 2 be compact and the embedding ~s of B2
into B3 be continuous. For any given e >O there exists a positive constant c(e)
such that
Suppose (2.12) false for some e >O. Then for any positive integer n, there must
exist some un such that llunll8 , > e llunll8 , +n llunll8 . Set vn = l unii.B! un. We have
llvniiB, > e +n llvniiB,• l vniiB = 1. The latter implies 11vnll8 • < L with L independent
of n; the former lim llvnlf8 • =0. Since the sequence {vn} is compact in B 2 , we can
extract a subsequence {vnk} converging in B 2 to some v. Because of the continuity
of ~ 3 , Vnk-+v also in B3 . Hence v =0, which makes impossible the inequality
ilvnkiiB, > 8 •
Taking B1 =Hm, B 2 =Hm_ 1 , B3 =H0 , we have the proof of the first Ehrling
lemma; taking B1 =Hm, B 2 =Hm_ 1 , B 3 =H0 , the proof of the second one.
3. Elliptic linear systems. Interior regularity. Let A be a domain of X'. Suppose
that the nxn complex matrices a,(x) (o:::;;;lsl ~v) be defined in A. Considerthe
linear matrix differential operator L u =a, (x) D' u. This operator is said to be
an elliptic operator in A if, for any real non-zero r-vector ~the following condition is
det L a,(x)~'=I=O
at every point xEA.
From now on we shall suppose, for simplicity, that the matrices a, (x) are
defined in the whole X' and a,(x)EC""(X'). We define as adjoint operator of the
operator L the operator

L*u= L (-1)1•1D•(a.(x) u).
The function uE.!l' 2 (A) is said to be a weak solution in A of the differential
system Lu=f, where /E.!l'2 (A), if for any function vEC""(A) we have
JuL*vdx=Jfvdx. (3.1)
From now on we shall suppose that A is bounded [and A contained in the
square Q: Ixkl < n (k = 1, ... , r)] and L elliptic in A.
3.I Let u be a weak solution in A of the elliptic ditferential system L u =f.
Let f be a function belonging to Hm(A). If x 0 is any point of A, there exists a c) >O
such that uEHm+•(~) and
llul~+•,r., ~c(ll/ll!,r.., + llul~+-t,ru)r
where I; is the ball of center x0 and radius e and c is a positive constant depending
only on L and!xD.
L 0 (x, D)= L a,(x) D',
L*(x,D)= L• (-1)1•1D'a,(x),
L: (x, D)= L a,(x) D'.
356 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 3.

Let x0 be any fixed point of A. Let~" be such that ~.,cA. We denote by cp{x)
a real valued function which is equal to 1 at every point of ~ and vanishes identi-
cally outside of!;.,. Let y be an arbitrary complex n-vector. Assume v = cp (x) eihy,
where k is a non-zero vector with integer components. Then
L * (x, D) v = cp (x) L: (x, ik) eih y + L; W (x) k• eih y.
Then xnmatrices f/J,(x) have their supports contained in~.,. From (3.1), because
of the arbitrariness of y, we obtain
L 0 (x 0, ik) I cpue-ih dx = - L k8 I iPs ue-ih dx
A 1•1=0 A
+ +
I cpfe-ikx dx f[L 0 (x0 , ik) -L0 (x, ik)] cpue-ikx dx.
Since det L 0 (x 0 , ik) =1=0 (Lis elliptic!),
I cpue-ih dx=- L k• [L 0 (x 0, ik)] -1 IiPs (x) ue-ikx dx
A lsi=O A

+ [L(x 0, ik)] -1 I cpfe-ikz dx + [L 0 (xD, ik)]-1 f[L 0 (xD, ik) -L0 (x, ik)] cpue-ih dx.

Set U=cpu in!;.,, U=O outside of!;.,.

[L 0 (x 0 ,ik)-L0 (x,ik)]=,Lot.(x)k•,
Let h be any non-vanishing constant real r-vector. Then

e•'kh -
1 f U e-ikx x =- ·-" k [L (xD ik)J-1
0 ,
e•'kh -
1 f iP ue-ikx dx
A lsi=O A

+[Lo(xo,ik)J-1 eikl:l1 jcpfe-ikzdx (3.2)


+ L k• [Lo(xo, ik)J-1 eikl:l1 1Xs (x) U (x) e-ih dx.

1•1=• A

Let lhl be less than the distance between 1; 6 and oA. Then
eikh=-!_f ( )U{) -ikxd -Jor.5 (x+h)U(x+h)-or. 5 (x)U(x) -ihd
Jhj IX8 X X e X- Jhj e X

=f (+h) U(x+h)-U(x) -ikxd +Jor.1 (x+h)-or.5 (x) U() -ikxd

IX8 X Jhj e X Jhj X e X.

Let us denote by ck the Fourier coefficient of U and suppose that uEH 1 (!;.,).
From (3.2) we get (using the Landau symbol@)

~ lkl21 I e<'khh-1 12 lck12=l9(11ul~r.d)+l9 (-oo,L+oo lkj2(1-•+ll I f 2

cpfe-ihdx 1 )
lkkm II k*O Q (J.J)

~.~ {m(llots(x+h) U(x+~ll-U(x) II:) +m(llor..(x+jll-or..(x) U(x)llj}.

Since the (l+1)-th derivatives of ot8 (x) are bounded (ot8 EC00 !),

II or.. (x + ~ll• or., (x) U(x) II:=@ (iiu (x) ll~ru).

Sect. 4. Results preparatory to the regularization at the boundary. 357

Denoting by c' a suitable positive constant, we have

I C<s (x +h) U(x + ~l~- U(x) II:~ c' {~l /I C<s (x +h) Dk U(x + ~1~- U(x) 12 dx
+L r
lkl<l Q
IPsk(x +h)Dk U(x+~ll- U(x) rdx}.

Given e>O, we take a. such that for any s (lsJ =v): max
Jct (x+h)J <e.

Assume 2!5<a. and JhJ <a•. Because of (3.4} we may take e such that
l e<s(x+h) U(x+h)-U(x)
lhl l - (2n)' L.Jk lhl
112::;:_1J_~ JkJ2ll U(x+h)-U(x) e-ikxdx\2
Q -00

+ c" ~k JkJ2l-21 J U(x + ~l~- U(x) e-ikx dx 12'


where 'fJ is an arbitrarily given positive number and c" a positive constant. Then,
from (3.2) and (3-3) we deduce that, forb and JhJ sufficiently small,

~h IW 1 1ei~;1 J 1 12JckJ 2=@(JJu (x)JJ~r2 J +(l)(-l:+ooJkJ 2(l-v+l) I Jq;fe-ikx dx\ 2

) •
-oo k*O Q

By considering the following successive choices of h: h =(t, 0, ... , 0}, h_

(0, t, ... , 0), ... , h- (0, 0, ... , t) and making t--*0, we get

~h JkJ2(l+l) JckJ2 =(I) (!Ju (x)JJ~r2.} +(I) (-oofooJkj2(1-v+l) I

-oo k*O Q
Jq;fe-ikx dx 12).
It follows that uEH l+l (To). and the theorem is proved.
3-II If tt is a weak solution in A of the elliptic system Lu=f and if fEHm(A)
with m > rj2, then u is a solution in the classical sense 3 . In particular, if fE coo (A),
then UE C00 (A).
In fact, by the Sobolev lemma 2.VI and by the above theorem u belongs to
CV (A). Then, by the Gauss-Green identity,

for any vEC00 (A). By subtracting from (3-1) and using the arbitrariness of v, one
deduces Lu=f. If fEC 00 (A), then for every x 0 EA, u belongs to H 1 (To) for any l;
that implies uEC 00 (A).
4. Results preparatory to the regularization at the boundary. Let u be a function
of 2 2 (A) (A bounded domain of X'). We say that u has the 2 2-strong derivative
DPu whenever a sequence of functions {vk} of em (A) (m = JPJ) exists such that
{vk} converges in il' 2 (A) towards u and DPvk converges in il'2 (A) to some function
1pP, which we define to be the 2 2-strong derivative DP u of u. Since
f u DP v dx = ( -1)1PI f 1pP v dx, (4.1)
3 The condition fEHm(A) with m>r/2 is too strong for insuring that uEC•(A). By using
methods of potential theory one may show that Holder continuity off is sufficient for having
358 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 4.

for any vECm(A), it follows that 1pP does not depend on the particular sequence
{vk}· If uEHm(A) (m >O), then u has all2' 2-strong derivative DPu with O< IPI ;;;;;m.
If K is a closed subset of A and u vanishes in A- K, then, if u has the 2'2-strong
derivative DPu, this derivative vanishes in A-K, as readily follows from (4.1).
In this case (4.1) holds for any v Eem (A). Then, provided A CQ, the Fourier
development of DPu is obtained from the Fourier development of u by formally
differentiating it term-wise by means of DP.
In the X' space for any point x (x1 , •.. , x,) we shall denote by Yk the co-
ordinate xk (k = 1, ... , r -1) and by t the coordinate x,. The point (y1 , ... , y,_ 1)
of the (r -1)-dimensional cartesian space will be denoted by y and the point x
of X', when convenient, by (y, t). Let R be the open interval of X' defined by:
-n<yk<n (k=1, ... ,r-1), O<t<n.
We say that the function v belongs to e:;(R) (a is any fixed positive number
such that O<a<n) if: (i) vEem; (ii) v=O, when at least one of the following
conditions is satisfied: JyJ >a, t>a. The closure of e:;(R) in the space Hm(R)
will be denoted by H':,. (R). Let v (x) be a function of e:;o (R). In X' we define the
following function:
v (y, t) for t ~ 0,
v*(y t)= {m+l (4.2)
' L: A;v(y, -jt) for t<O,

where the scalars A; are the solutions of the following algebraic system

(k =0, ... , m). (4-3)

It is easily seen that the function v* (y, t) belongs to em and that its support is
contained in the square Q: Ixkl < n (k = 1, ... , r). It is also very easy to verify that
JjDPv*j 2 dx;;;;;cpfjDPvj 2 dx o;;;;;Jpj;;;;;m, (4.4)

where cp is a constant which does not depend on v. If uEH':,.(R), the function tt*,
defined by means of (4.2), (4.J), belongs to Hm(Q). In fact, if {vk}Ee:;"(R) and vk
converges in Hm (R) to u, then {vk"} converges, because of (4.4), in the space
Hm(Q), and its limit is u*. Hence, from (4.4)
llu*II!,Q ;;;;;clluii!,R. (4.5)
with c independent on u.
4.1 If uEHg(R) and u has all2' 2-strong derivatives of order m, then uEH'::,(R)
for any a' such that a< a'< n.
From (4.4) it follows that u* has the 2'2-strong derivative DPu* (jpJ =m),
Since u* vanishes outside of a closed subset K of Q, if u* has the following Fourier
DPu* has the following one:
DP u* = (2 n) -•/2 L:k i/PI kP ck eikx. (4.7)

It follows that u*EHm(Q). Since u* vanishes outside of the cylinder jyj <a,
jtj <a, it is easy to construct a sequence of em functions {vk} converging towards
Sect. 4. Results preparatory to the regularization at the boundary. 359

u* in Hm(Q) and such that spt vk is contained in the cylinder JyJ <a', Jtl <a'.
Then uEH't,(R).
4.II If uEHg(R) has the 2 2-strong derivative DP u = cp and cp has the !f2.
strong derivative Dq cp =tp, then u has the !f2-strong derivative Dq DP u = DP Dq u =tp.
The proof is a trivial consequence of (4.6) and {4.7).
Whenever a function uE22 {A) has in A some 2 2-strong derivative, say
DPu, we simply write DPuE!f 2(A). If zt1 , ... ,ztn are the components of the
n-vector valued function u, then by Dy u we mean the n (r -1)-vector valued
function whose components are ou,foyk (h=1, ... , n; k=1, ... , r-1). It is
evident that Dy u* = (Dy u)*.
4.III Let uEH':,(R). A necessary and sufficient condition forD ttEHm(R) is
that for any non-zero real r-vector h (h1 , •.. , h,_ 1 , 0) such that Jhl < n -a, the
following inequality be satisfied:

ll u(x+h)~uJ-1_112
m,R- 1•

where c1 is a constant independent of h. If (4.8) is satisfied, then

II~ +Ttl=-~ (x)_II:.R =@ (JJD'Y uJJ!,R) · (4.9)

Let us first prove sufficiency. From (4.5), (4.8) it follows that

II u* (x + r1~- u* (_x1 -ll:. Q~ eel. {4.10)

Let us consider the Fourier development (4.6) of u* in Q. From (4.10) we deduce


where c2 is independent of h.
Arguing as in the proof of Theore~ 3.1, we deduce IIDY uJJ!,R < oo. Proof of +
(4.9) follows from the inequality JhJ- 2 ie•kh -11 2 ~/q + ··· +
k~_ 1 .Letusnowassume
DyuEHm(R). Then Dy u*CHm(Q). Since u* vanishes in a strip near oQ, any
derivative DP Dy, u* of tt* (I PI ~ m) is given by the development obtained by
m +oo
merely differentiating termwise (4.6). Hence the series L
LklkJ 21 PIJckJ 2
IPI=O -oo
(ki+ ··· +k~_ 1 ) is convergent. That implies (4.11). From (4.11), inequality (4.8)
4.IV Let uEH':,(R) and Dy uEHm(R). Set h=(O, ... , h;, ... , 0), O<Jh;J <a,
1 ~i <r. Then
lim\\ u(x+h) -u(~)- 8~-~~ =0.
h~O h; By; m,R

The proof is easily obtained by using the u* continuation of u and the Fourier
development (4.6).
4.V LettpEHg(R) andwkpEHg(R) (k+JPJ~v, v~O);let wkpbeann(r-1)-
vector valued function. Assume that DY tp E2 2(R) and that for every v Ec~+l (R) :
360 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 4.

Then:~ E22 (R)and~~~~~~:.R =l!J(bllwk,~~.R+IID,tpi~.R)·

Let m be any integer not less than v + 1. Set

tp(y, t) for t>O,
'I' (y, ) -
t - m+l
A;tp(y, -it) for t<O,

for t >0,

for t<O,

where the A/s are such that ~ ( -i)•-k A;= 1 (k =0, 1, ... , v + 1).

Let IEC 00 (Q). We claim that

E I-
Jtp* :·::{ dx +J( L Q k+IPJ;>;v
w:p ::k D~ l)dx =0. (4.12)

In fact we have:
EI=EI+ ~ A1 jtp(y, it) ltp+l(y, -t) dx
f=l R
+ ~ ~ A;( -i)"+l-k f wkp (y, it) D~ lek (y, -t) dx
k+IPI;>;• i=l R
=EI + ~ Ad-1 jtp(y, t) le~~+l(y, -ti-1) dx
j=l R
+ 1: ~ A.d-1 (-i)•+l-k J Wkp(y, t) D~/1.t(y, -tj-1 ) dx.
k+IPJ;>;• i=1 R
m+1 _
Set l 0 (y, t) =- A1( -i)" l(y, -ti-1), v =I +lo· Then E I =E(f+lo) =Ev, and
[v1.t{y,t)]t=o=O (k=O, 1, ... ,v+1). For every positive integers, set v.(y,t)=
17 (t) v (y, t- s-1) fort~ s-1 , v. (y, t) = 0 fort< s-I, where 17 (t) is a coo scalar function
which equals 1 in (0, a) and vanishes identically in a left neighborhood of n.
Since v.Ec•+ 1 (R), we have Ev.=O. On the other hand lim Ev.=Ev. Hence
{4.12) is proven. Let us now assume I =i•+l q; (x) eikx y, where q; is a real-valued
function belonging to (;oo (Q) and identically equal to 1 in the cylinder IYI <a,
iti < 0', y is an arbitrary constant n-vector and k = (l1 , ... , l,_ 1 , T) is different from
zero. From Eq. (4.12) we get
T"+ 1 Jtp* e-ikx dx = L JW"' (x) k"' e-ikx dx,
Q O;:>;J<XI;:>;• Q

where W"'(x) is a function belonging to 2 2 (Q). Let ck and y"'k be the Fourier
coefficients of tp* and W"', respectively. We have
< •+1 ITIB•+s •+1 ITIIli••H
iukl =2 lkJ••+s lckl +2 lki••+s icki
< ~~~.1 E"'lkl"lr<Xkl +2"+lllllckl·
Sect. 4. Results preparatory to the regularization at the boundary.

Since Dy1J!*E.!l'2(Q), we deduce from (4.13) that Lk -r2lckl 2<+oo, i.e.1p1*E.!l'2(Q).
8 * 112
From (4.13) we also deduce 11 ~ o,Q =lV(iiW"'!I~.Q + !1Dy1J!*!I~.Q) which enables

us to complete the proof of the theorem.

For any pair of r-multi-indices p and q with 0;;:;; !PI ;;:;; m, 0;;:;; lql ;;:;; m (m ~ 1)
let us suppose that the n X n complex matrix r:t.pq (x) be defined in xr and that
1Xpq(x)EC00 • If A is a bounded domain of xr for uEHm(A) and vEHm(A) we shall
consider the following bilinear integra-differential form:

B(u, v) = J rx.pq(x)Dq u DP v dx = J Dq ua.pq(x) DPv dx.


In this section we take as domain A the semiball J:+: IYI 2 +t2 <1, t>O. Let
us now introduce a function class W enjoying the following properties:
(1) W is the closure in the space Hm (E+) of a set constituted by functions v0
belonging to coo (R) and such that for each of them a e exists such that 0 < e< 1
and v0 -0 for !xi >e.
(2) If vE W there exists a positive 8 such that, if the vector h- (~, ... , h,_ 1 , 0)
satisfies the condition 0 <!hi< 8, then ihl-1 [v (x +h) -v (x)] EW.
(3) Given arbitrary lJ and a such that 0 < lJ <a< 1, for any real-valued
coo function q; (x) such that q;(x) -1 for !xi< lJ and q;(x) =0 for lxl >a, we have
q;vE W if VE W.
(4) There exists a positive constant c0 such that for any VE W the following
inequality holds:
f!teB(v, v) =f!te J 2: rx.pq(x) Dq vDPvdx~c0 !lv!I!,E+· (4.14)
I+ [p[,[q[
Let u and f satisfy the following hypotheses.
(i) uEHm(E+), /EH.(E+), (v ~0).
(ii) If q; is the function introduced above q;uE W;
(iii) For any vE W we have
B(u, v) =(f, v) 0 •
4.VI Let W satisfy conditions (1), (2), (3), (4) and let u and f satisfy hypotheses
(i), (ii), (iii). Denote by lJ an arbitrary positive number less than 1 and by Fa+ the semi-
balliyl2+t2<b2, t>O. Let s-(s1 , ... ,s,_ 1 ) be an arbitrary (r-1)-multi-index
such that lsi ;;:;;v +m. The function u is such that D~ uEHm(Fd+). 4 Moreover

where c1 for any givens depends only on the rxpq's and on b.

The theorem is true for lsi =0. We shall suppose it to be true for lsi ;;:;;k<v +m
and shall prove it for lsi = k + 1. Let n;
denote any y-partial derivative of order k.
Since q;u belongs to W [hypothesis (ii)J, by using repeatedly condition (2) on W,
Lemma4.IVand the fact that W is a closed subset of Hm(E+), we see that D~q;uEW.
Set U(x) =D~q;u. We have for vEWnC 00 (R) and any real h (h1 , ... , h,_ 1 , 0)

4 By the symbol D 8Y we mean "y•• ... u

u1 "y••-•
5 From now on, when in the norm li!llk,A we have a negative h, then the norm must be
understood as llfllo,A• since we do not need to introduce here negative norms.
G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 4.

such that 0 <I hi< 1 -a

B( U(x+h)- U(x) )= (- 1)"'jD tp(x+h)u(x+h) -tp(x)u(x) D"'(- DP) d

lhl ' q V lhj fXpq y V X

= (-1)"'!rxpqDq tp(x+h)u(xt~t)- tp(x)u(x) D~Df>vdx


+ L Jn~[fJ~qDq tp(x+h)u(x~h)-tp(x)u(x)]Dfvdx.
O~lil~k-1 ,E+ II
The meaning of the symbol {J~q is obvious. Due to the induction hypothesis and
to lemma 4.III the last integral is of order

@( L
liD~ ullm,r+ llvllm). 8
Assuming O< jhj < !(1 -a) and a=f (1 +a), we have:
( - 1),. ( Dq tp(x+h)~t(x+h)-tp(x)u(x) DkDP d
.J a.pq Ihi y V X
-(-i)kj tp(x+h)mu(x+ h)-tp(x)mu(x) Df>Dk d
- fXpq lhl yV X

'\"1 -
L...J !Xp,q•,q"
m'tp(x+h)m"u (x+h)-m'tp(x) m"u(x)]DP d
lhl V X
,E+ ltJ~m

f rxpq(x+h)tp(x+h)mu(ihrh)
=(- 1),. -rxp 9 (x)tp(x)mu(x) DP D~vdx

- f n~[rxpq(x+~l 1-rxpq(x) cp(x+h)Dqu(x+h)]DPvdx


+@( L IID~ullm-l,rtllvl~)
Ja.pqDq u(x) cp(x) Df> D~ v(x-~l 1 -v(x) dx


+@( L IID~ull.,,r.;Jvl~)
J1Xpq(x}Dfu(x)Df>[cp(x)D~ v(x-~l 1 -v(x)]dx


+@( L llD~ullm,r;t.llvllm).

We have proved thus that

B( U(x+h)-U(x)
lhl ,
)-(- 1)kB(
V - U, cp
( )Dk v(x-h)-v(x))
X y lhl
+@( L llD~ullm,r.t llvl~) ·
6 By simply writing JIIJ... we mean the norm over E+.
Sect. 4. Results preparatory to the regularization at the boundary.

Since Dt v (x- ~l~- v (x) EW, from hypothesis (iii) we get

( )Dk:Y v(x-h)
f{J X jhj
-v(x)) =

fD" v(x-h)-=:_!:'i:l_d
:Y jhj X

=@(11/1~-m+lll v(x-~l1-v(x) IL-J =l!J(II/IIk-m-1 l vl m) ·

Then, for any vEW, we have

B ( U(x+~l~- U(x), v) =@ [(tkllD~ullm,rt. + 11/llk-m+l) llvllm]·

. U(x+h)- U(x)
By assummg v = ihi we get from (4.14)

I U(x+~~~- U(x) IL =lV(tkllD~ul~,Jt, + llfllk-m+l) ·

From this estimate, by a usual argument, the proof follows.
Let us now consider for the class W the further condition:
(5) Every function v of eoo
(.E+) belongs to W. Set p= (0, ... , o, m).
4.VI~ If inequality (4.14) holds, for any vEC""(L'+), then det Otpp(x) =1=0 for
any xE.E+.
We shall give later the proof of this lemma as a consequence of a stronger
4.VIII Let W satisfy conditions (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and u and f hypotheses (i),
(ii), (iii). For every s and_ every i such that Isl + i ~ v + m, the function u has the
.!l'2-strong derivative :;:: D~u in any rt
(0<~<1). There is a constant c2 ,
depending only on the atpq's and on~. such that

II:;:; D~ ull:.rt ~ C2 (11/ll~l+i-m,x+ + llull!,x+) ·

The plan of the proof is the following. Takes and i such that lsi +i ~v +m.
The statement of the theorem is true if i = 0, Isl ~ v + m. Then we take i > 0 and
assume the following induction hypothesis:
(h1) The statement is true for lsi +j~v+m and j <i, and we prove that the
theorem is true for Isl = 0, j = i.
Then we assume, together with (h1 ), this new induction hypothesis:
(h 2) The statement is true for lsi +i ~v +m and lsi ~k, and we prove that
the theorem is true for lsi +i~v+m and lsi =k+L
Assume that (h1 ) holds. With the usual meaning for q;(x), set U(x) =q;(x)u(x).
For any vEC""(L'+) we have, with an obvious meaning for Piq•

B ( U, oti-!v,
=(-1)i-1 f atpq oti- (Ji-1
i~ {3" B" P f
DqUD P vdx+ ~ . pqBihDqUD vdx
X+ h-0 I+

=(-1)i-1x+ JOtpq ::;~11 DqUDPvdx+m(. L. ll:;iD~ullo,raJvllm-1)·

G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 4.

We have also, using symbols whose meaning is self-explanatory,

With the meaning introduced above for p, we denote by L!PJ a summation over
every pair of multi-indices p, q (0 ~ IPI ~ m, 0 ~ jqj ~ m) except the pair p, P,

From the above estimates we deduce that

Using Lemma 4.VII and very simple arguments, we see that we are in position to
use Theorem 4.V. Then ~mHE.P 2 (.E+) and

II~:::: I/o' r+ =eJ (.1+lll;;>m+•

L .II:~ n; ullo' r+" + II!IILm) ·

Now let us suppose that we have, together with (h1), the induction hypothesis
(h2 ). We have just proven that (h2) is true fork =0. Let us prove the statement
for lsi =k+1. We have for any D~ such that lsi =k+1

B ( U, :;.-:_11 D~ v) = (-1 )"+if rxp q ::.-:_11 D~ Dq U DP v dx


i+ih <k+i I;+
jflp.,. ~D" Dq U DPvdx
q ot1 ,

a•~ns, DquDPvdx
=(-1)"+'jrxpq ati-1
Sect. s. Strongly elliptic systems.

and also, using the same arguments as above,

Arguing as before, we deduce that otm+i D~ UE!l'2 (J:+) and

I otm+i
D~ u 112o,r: =@ ( i+III~H+i I oti
oi I I
Dy u o,r;t

L I ::i D~ ull2o,r"+ + llfllfsl+i-m) ·

That proves the theorem.
As corollary of Theorems 4.VI, 4.VIII we have
4.IX Under the hypotheses of Theorem 4.VIII,

where, for a given v, c depends only on the rt.pq's and on~-

5. Strongly elliptic systems. The matrix differential operator L(x, D) :=;:a5 (x)D•
(0 ~lsi :S::v) is said to be a strongly elliptic operator in the domain A if, for every
real non-zero r-vector ~ and for every non-zero complex n-vector 'YJ, we have

Plle( L a.(xH•'YJ'YJ)=l=o.
It is evident that strong ellipticity implies ellipticity. The converse is not true,
as the example of the operator -1---- + i
ux1 ux2
in X 2 proves.
Let us consider in the bounded domain A then X n matrices apq (x) (0~ IPI ~ m,
O~lql~m) and set
Q(x,~,'YJ)=Plle( L apq(x)~P~q'YJ'YJ)
where~ is a non-zero real r-vector and 'YJ a non-zero complex n-vector. Suppose
apqlx) (IPI =m,l ql =m) continuous in A. Then the condition Q(x, ~. 'Y}) >O for any
xEA is equivalent to the following one:

Plle( L apq(x) ~ ~q'YJ'YJ) ;;;;pol~l2mi'YJI2 (xEA) (5.1)

where Po is a positive constant (i.e. the minimum of Q (x, ~. 'YJ) in the compact set:
xEA, 1~1 =1, I'YJI =1).
Suppose that apq (x) (for IPI + lql <2m) be bounded and measurable in A.
For any u, vEHm(A}, set
B(u, v) = L J
(-1)1PI apq DtJ u DP v dx.
366 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 5.

Under the above assumptions on the apq's, if (5.1) is satisfied, the following
theorem holds. It is called the theorem of the Giirding inequality.
5.1 There exist two constants y0 and A.o (y0 >0, A.0 ;;;;o) such that for any
( -1)"'~e B(v, v) ;;;;yollvll! -A.ojjvj~. (5.2)

Set {1 18 =(-1)111+mot 18 for Ill +jsj <2m. We may write

(-1)"' B(u, v) = J apqDq u DP v dx+ J Pzs ns u D1 v dx.

In the first integral the summation must be understood to be restricted to lPI =

jql =m in the second integral to Ill +lsi< 2m, 0 ~ jlj ~ m, 0 ~ jsj ~ m. From now
on, in the course of this proof, we write apq only in the case when IPI =I qj = m.
The proof is obtained by considering three cases:
1st case: apq=constant, Pzs=O. We suppose, as usual, ACQ. By using (2.3)
and (2.4) we have, for vEH,.(A),
DP v = (2n)-''2 Lk i!P! kP c,. e•h,

Then by the Parseval theorem, inequality (5.1), Theorem 2.II, we have

+oo +oo
( -1)"' ~e B (v, v) = Lk lkl 2 "' lc,.l 2 ;;;;y0 llvjj!.
Lk ~e(apq kP ~ c,. c,.) ;;;;p0 -oo

In this particular case (5.2) holds with Ao =0 and Yo =Po c, where cis a constant
depending only on A.
2nd case: diameter spt v <<50 (where <50 is a positive number). Let x 0 Espt v.
We have (with y0 independent of x0 )
Yollvll!~~e Japq(x0 ) Dqv DPv =~e f apq(x) Dqv DPv dx
+~e Pz.(X) ns v D1 v dx+~e J [apq(xD) -apq(x)]Dqv DP v dx

-~e J Pzs(x) nsv D1 v dx ~ (-1)"'~eB(v, v)


:&Es{>tv p, q
2: japq(x0 ) -apq(x)lllvll! +y1llvll,.llvll...-1 • 7
Assume <50 so small that
:&Espt v
lapq(xD) -apq(x)l <!Yo·

Then we have 2-1 Yo II vii!~ ( -1)"' ~e B (v, v) +y1 llvll...llvlj,.- 1 . From this inequa-
lity, by use of Lemma 2.VII, inequality (5.2) follows.
3rd case: general case. Let us consider the following partition of unity in

7 In the proofs of this theorem and the next, y1 , y2 , y3 , ••• denote positive constants.
Sect. 5. Strongly elliptic systems.

with <p11 {x)ECC"' and diameter spt <p11 (x) <l50 ; l50 is such that for jx1 -x2 j <l50 one
has: L: japq(x1) -apq(x2)j <iYo· We have
( -1)m B (v, v) = L• f <p~ apqDq v DPv dx + f fJzs ns v D1 v dx
11=1 A A

= L J apq Dq <ph v DP <ph v dx +lV (jjvjjm llvllm- 1).
h=1 A

From the 2nd case we have


Arguing as in the 2nd case, we get (5.2).

The theorem can be inverted, and we have
5.II If (5.2) holds for any VEHm(A), then for any xEA, (5.1) holds.
Suppose (5.1) false. Then there exist x0 EA, a real~ =1=0 and 'YJ =1=0 such that

~e( L apq(x0 ) ~p~q'YJ'YJ) ~0. (5.3)

For vEHm(A) we have
Yollvi~ ~ {-1)m ~e B (v, v) +-"o llvll~ ~~e Japq(xO) Dq v DP v dx

Let l50 be such that for jx- x0 j < l50 : L:

japq(x) -apq(x0 )j <iy0 • Let 10 be the
balljx -xOj < b0 • If spt vEA nl0 , from (5.4) and Lemma 2.VII we deduce
II vii! ~y 7 ~e f apq(x0 ) Dq v DP v dx +rsllvll~- (5.5)

Let <p(x) be a coo real function which is not identically zero and such that
spt <pEA nl0 • Set v = <p(x) eiM" 'YJ with A real. We have
llvii!=A2 mi'YJI 2 L W) 2 I j<p(x}j2dx+lV(A2 m- 1 )
/P/=m A
~e I apq(xO) Dq v DP v dx =A2 m (~eapq(xOHP ~q 'YJ 'YJ) I j <pj2 dx +lV(A2m-l).

Then (5.5) is in contradiction with (5-3)

Remark. From this theorem it follows that if (5 .2) holds, then, in particular,
one must have
det L: apq(x) ~ ~q=l= 0
for any xEA and any non-zero~- Then, from (4.14), it follows
det L: rxpq (x) ~P ~q =!= 0
for xEE+, ~=I= 0. Assuming ~1 = ··· =~,_ 1 =0, ~, = 1, we have the proof of Lem-
368 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 6.

6. General existence theorems. Let us now consider in X' the differential

operator L(x, D) =DP apq(x)Dq (0 ~IPI ~m. O~Jqj ~m) and suppose, for simplic-
ity, that the n X n complex matrices apq (x) belong to coo. Let A be a bounded
domain of X'. Let us consider a function space V and assume the following
(I) V is a closed linear subspace of H m (A) ;
(II) V)Hm(A);
(III) for every vE V, the following inequality holds:

( -1)m Bte B (v, v) ~Yo llvl~ (ro>O). (6.1)

If L satisfies (5.1) and we assume V=Hm(A), hypotheses (1), (II), (III) are
satisfied, provided we replace the operator L by the operator L 0 =L+ ( -1)m J..0 I,
where J..o is the constant which enters in (5.2) and I the identity operator.
6.1 Hypotheses (1), (II), (III) be satisfied; given /EH 0 (A), there exists one
and only one function u EV such that
B(u, v) = f fv dx,

for every vE V. This function satisfies the inequality llul!,.. ~Yo 1 1111~.
Since the bilinear form B (w, v) is continuous in V XV, there exists a linear
bounded transformation T from V into itself such that B (w, v) = (w, Tv)m for
any w, vEV. Since j(v, Tv)ml =IB(v, v)l ~Yollvl~. we have: IITvl!,..~rollvllm· Let
T(V) be the range of T. For any wE T(V), set 1p(w) = (/, v) 0 , where vis the only
function of Vsuch that w=Tv. We have i1J'(w)l~llfllollvllm~Yo 1 llfllollwllm· Then
1p(w) is an anti-linear bounded functional defined over T(V), such that 1111'11~
y01 ll/llo· We can continue1p in the whole space V, in such a way that the continued
functional lJI shall have the same norm. On the other hand, since V is a Hilbert
space, there exists uE V such that lJI(v) = (u, v)m, for any vE V, and llullm =
illJ'ii~Yo 1 ll/llo· The uniqueness of u is obvious sinceB(u,v)=O, for any vEV,
implies 0 = B(u, u)J ~Yollull!- 8
Let us now define the linear space ~v which enjoys the following properties:
(1) ~ v is a linear subspace of V;
(2) ifuE~v. then uEH2 m(B) for any domain B such that .BcA andLuEH0 (A);
(3) for any vEV and any uE~v. one has B(u, v) =(Lu, v) 0 •
Let us consider the following problem:
(P) Lu =I (/EH0 (A)), uE ~v·
6.11 If the hypotheses of Theorem 6.1 are satisfied, there exists one and only
one solution of problem (P).
It is obvious that if u is a solution of problem (P), then u is a solution of the
problem considered in Theorem 6.1.
Conversely, if u is the solution of such a problem, since u is a weak solution
of Lu = f (as it is easily seen through integration by parts) then u is a solution
of problem (P) (Theorem 3.1).
8 It must be remarked that in proving the theorem only hypotheses {I) and
{III) were
used. Hypothesis (II) will be used later.
Sect. 6. General existence theorems.

6.III Let B(u,v) be symmetric on V (i.e. B(u,v)=B(v,u) for u,vEV).

Under the hypotheses of Theorem 6.I, the functional I(v) = l B(v, v) -Plt.e(f, v) 0 has
an absolute minimum in V, and the minimizing function is the solution of problem (P).
If u is the solution of problem (P) and v any function of V, we have I(v) -I(u) =
l B(v -u, v -u), which gives the proof.
A sufficient condition in order B (u, v) be symmetric in Vis that L be formally
self-adjoint. By saying that, we mean apq(x) = (-1)1Pl+Jqlaqp(x) for any pair p, q of
multi-indices. In this case we have L * (x, D) =L(x, D).
Let us now consider the problem:

where A is any given complex number. Suppose hypotheses (I), (II), (III) satisfied.
For every cpEH0 (A) denote byGcp the solution of problem (P) with f=(-1)mcp;
G is a linear transformation with domain H0 (A) and range in V. Suppose cp is
a solution of the following problem:
Then u =G cp is a solution of (P_;). Conversely, if u is a solution of (P_;), then
cp = (-1 )m L u is a solution of (6.2). The operator G considered as an operator
from H 0 (A} into H 0 (A) is compact, if we suppose that A is properly regular 9 (see
Theorem 2.IV). Then we can apply to problem (6.2) the Riesz-Fredholm theory
of compact operators. Thus
6.IV Problem (P.;) has a discrete (i.e. empty, finite or countable) set of eigen-
values for the parameter A, each with a finite geometric multiplicity and with no
finite limit-points. If A is not an eigenvalue, problem (PA) has a unique solution for
any given fEH 0 (A). If A is an eigenvalue, then a solution exists when and only when
(f, cpk} 0 =0 (k=1, ... , l), where cp1 , ... , cp 1 are a complete set of eigenfunctions of
the equation cp -X G* cp = 0; G* is the adjoint transformation of G considered as a
mapping from H 0 (A) into H 0 (A).
It must be remarked that if It is an eigenvalue, the eigenfunctions of (PA)
coincide with the eigenfunctions of (6.2). If B (u, v) is symmetric on V, for cp and 1p
in H 0 (A), we have (cp,Gtp} 0 =(-1)mB(Gcp,Gtp}=(-1}mB(Gtp,Gcp}=(Gcp,1p} 0 ,
i.e. G is a symmetric operator in H 0 (A). Moreover from hypothesis (III) we get
(cp,Gcp} 0 =(-1)mB(Gcp,Gcp}~y0 [[Gcp[[!; thusGis a positive operator 10 ; andG
is strictly positive since G cp = 0 implies L G cp = (-1 )m cp = 0.
6.V If B (u, v) is symmetric on V, problem (PA) has an increasing sequence of
positive eigenvalues converging to + oo. A complete set of eigensolutions of problem
(PA) constitutes a complete set in the space H 0 (A).
We say that the domain A is C•-smooth at the point x0 of 8A if a neighborhood I
of xo exists with the following properties:
(i) There exists a c• homeomorphism which maps the set ] =1 n A onto the
closed semiball E+: [y[ 2 + t 2 ~ 1, t ~ 0 of the r-dimensional (y, t) space;
(ii) the set In 8A is mapped onto the (r -1 )-dimensional ball t = 0, [y[ ~ 1.
A is called c•-smooth if it is CO-smooth at every point of its boundary.
9 This hypothesis on A is not needed if V=Hm(A).
10 Since we consider H 0 (A) as a complex Hilbert space, we could derive the symmetry of G
from its positiveness.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 24
370 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 6.

Suppose that A is C00-smooth at the point xO of oA and suppose that, in

addition to hypotheses (I), (II), (III), the space V satisfies the following further
(IV)s~ Given any coo real function 1p (x), with support in I and any vE V, the
function 1p(x)v(x) belongs to V, and the class W of all the functions1p [x(~)J v [x(~)]
{1pE C00 (I), VE V, X= X(~) C00-homeomorphism from _t+ to J} enjoys the properties
(1), (2), considered in Sect. 4.
The class W which we have now defined enjoys property (3) of Sect. 4 as one
can easily prove. Moreover if we take as the functional B (v, v) which appears
in (4.14) the one which is obtained from the B (v, v) of (6.1) by transforming this
last functional, for any v of V with support in I, by the C00-homeomorphism
x = x (~). then we see that W satisfies also condition (4). Condition (5) is satisfied
since V)H... (A).
It is not difficult to prove that, assuming either V=H111 (A) or V=H... (A),
condition (IV) s~ is satisfied.
From the regularization theory developed in Sects. 3 and 4, we deduce the
following regularization theorems:
6.VI Let A be C00-smooth at x0 EoA. If V satisfies hypotheses (1), (II), (III),
(IV)%, and fEH~_ 2111 (A),U then the solution of problem (P) belongs to H.(B) for any
domain B such that B CA n (A u I); a positive c exists such that:
lluii~.B ~c(llfl~-sm,A + lluii;,A) ·
If A is coo -smooth and (IV)x, is satisfied for every x0EoA, then uEH.(A) and a
positive c exists such that: llu~,A ~cllfl~- 2 m,A. If A is C00-smooth, (IV)s~ is satisfied
for every x0 EOA and fEC 00 (A), then uEC00 (A).
6.VII If A is C00-smooth (IV)x is satisfied for every xOEoA and u is an eigen-
function of problem (P.-) (i.e.Lu-(-1)"' A.u=O, uEUv). then uEC00 (A).
In fact, since LuEH,.(A), uEH3111 (A), then LuEH3111 (A) and uEH5111 {A), etc.
If V=H... (A), A is C00-smooth, fEH._ 2 ... (A), with v> ~ +m-1, then the
functions u considered in Theorems 6.VI and 6.VII belong to C"'- 1 (A) (Theo-
rem 2.VI) and satisfy in the classical sense the Dirichlet boundary conditions
DPu=O (O~IPI~m-1).
If fEH._ 2 ,.(A) with v>; +Zm-1, A is C00-smooth and (IV)s~ is satisfied
for every xOEoA, then uEC 2"'-1 (A). In this case the function u satisfies the Green
identity for every vEH... (A):
B(u, v) = J (Lu) v dx+ J M(u, v) da
where M(u, v) is a certain bilinear differential operator of order 2m -1 in u
and of order m-1 in v. The fact that uEIPiv implies
J M(u, v) da=O (6.3)

for every vE V. In many applications Eqs. (6.3) enable us to characterize the

boundary conditions satisfied by u.
Let us now suppose A properly regular and consider the space Y"111 _ 1 (oA)
spanned by the vector -r:v, when v spans H... (A). The norm in Y"111 _ 1 (8A) is the
11 H,_ 2 ,.(A} stands for H 0 (A} ifv-2m<O.
Sect. 7. Propagation problems. 371

one introduced in Sect. 2. Let D(w, z) be a bilinear continuous functional in

ffm_ 1 (oA) Xffm_ 1 (oA). Let y be a linear bounded operator with domain Hm(A)
and range in ffm-l (oA). Set <P(u, v) =D(y u, TV}+ B (u, v). Let V be the subspace
of Hm(A) satisfying the hypotheses (I), (II). Let us suppose that D and B are
such that
(III') (-1)m &le [D(yv, Tv) +B(v, v)] ~Y~IIvll! (y~>O}.
It is easy to check that the theory developed in Theorems 6.I, 6.II, 6.III,
6.IV, 6.V holds unchanged if we replace, in the statements and in the definitions,
the bilinear form B (u, v) by <P (u, v).
As far as the boundary regularization theory is concerned, some additional
hypotheses on Dare required in order to carry out, in this more general connection,
the theory developed in Sect. 4. Looking back at the proofs of Theorems 4.VI
and 4.VIII, the reader may formulate hypotheses to be made on Din order to get
the same results in this more general case.
7. Propagation problems. Let us now consider, in the (r+1)-dimensional
cartesian space of the variables x1 , ... , x,, t, the cylinder E =A xI where A is
a domain of X' and I the open interval (0, T}. We shall consider initial-boundary
value problems for the differential equation ( -1)m-l Lu -u11 =finE, where L
is the operator considered in the preceding section, with coefficients apq (x) which
depend on x. We shall consider only a "CC'"-theory"; yielding the maximum
regularization on the unknown function u, since this theory seems to be, in general,
the most useful in applications. However, by using the theory of strongly elliptic
operators developed in the preceding sections, it should be possible to get a theory
for propagation problems with more general domains and data.
Let A be a bounded C""-smooth domain of X' and L be the matrix differential
operator with C"" coefficients, introduced in Sect. 6. Let V be the subspace
considered in that section satisfying hypotheses (I}, (II), (III}, (IV)x• (the last
one with respect to every x0 E oA )1 2 • Let us in addition suppose that
(V) The bilinear form B (u, v) is symmetric on V.
We shall consider the following problem :
{P 11) Given f(x, t)EC""(E), g0 {x)EC""(A), g1 {x)EC""(A), find a function
u(x, t)EC""(E) satisfying the differential equation {-1)m-t Lu-uee=f(x, t) in E,
belonging to '¥tv, for every tEl, and such that u(x, 0) =g0 (x}, ue(x, 0) =g1 (x).
The fact that u(x, t)E'¥1v for every tEl, is equivalent to imposing condition
(6.3) for every tEl and vE V.
Let us denote by ;.~ ~ ).~ ~ · · · ~ ).~ ~ · · · the sequence of the eigenvalues of
problem (P;.), each eigenvalue being repeated according to its multiplicity. Let
{vk (x)} be a corresponding complete and orthonormal set of eigenfunctions.
7.I The solution of problem (Pee) is unique. Necessary and sufficient conditions
for the existence of the solution are the following:
g0 (x)Eo/lv, &(x)Eo/lv,
Li g0 (x)- k~t ( -1)k(m-t) Lf-k f 1sTH(X, O)Eo//v, (7.1)

Li & (x)- L (-1)k(m-l) Lf-k feu-t(X, O)Eo//v (f = 1, 2, · .. ) ·
12 We must remark that this is a severely restlictive condition on V; for instance, it
excludes "mixed boundary conditions". However, these more general problems could be
handled in a "non-C00 -theory".
372 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 7.

If (7.1) are satisfied, the solution is given by the following development:

u (x, t) = k~ {(g0 , vk)o cos A.k t + Ai 1(g1, vk) sin A.k t

-Jsin,.1.\~-r) J
t (7.2)
dr: f(;, r:) vk(;) d;}vk(x).
0 A
Set Uk (t) = (u (x, t), vk (x) )0 , ~ (t) = (/(x, t), vk (x) )0 . If u is a solution of problem
(P 11), we have: (Lu,vk) 0 =B(u,vk)=B(vk,u)=(u,Lvk)o=(-1)m.A.~~(t). Then
Ut(t)+A.~~(t)=-~(t), Uk(O)=(g0 ,vk) 0 , U~(O)=(g1 ,vk) 0 • That proves unique-
ness of the solution and moreover, if the solution exists, is given by (7.2). From
(6.3) we deduce that, if u(x, t) is a solution of problem (P 11), then ut'(x, t), for
any sand any tEl, belongs to %'v. Theng0 E%'v,g1E%'v. We have
U 11 = ( -1)m-l Lu- f(x, t).

By successive differentiations we get

Ut2i=(-1)i(m-1) Liu- L (-1)(i-k)(m-l)Li-k ft2k-2.
Hffire i 1
Liu- L (-1)k(m-l) Li-k ft2k-2 and Liu1 - L (-1)k(m-l) Li-k ft2k-r
k=l k=l
belong to %'v for every tEl. Assuming t =0 we get conditions (7.1). Suppose that
(7.1) are satisfied. We claim that (7.2) gives the solution of problem (P 11 ). Let G
be the operator introduced in Sect. 6 and e any, arbitrarily fixed, positive integer.
By elementary computations and using an induction argument, we recognize
that the development (7.2) can be written as follows:
oo e
u(x, t) = L: wke(t) vk(x) + L: (-1) 11 Gh [/12h--2(;, t)J,
k=l h=l
~e (t) = ( -1)m(e+I) (u+r go- i: (-1)h(m-1) Le+l-h ft2h-2 (;, 0), vk (;))
h=l 0

+ (-1)me (Le gr -l.:r ( -1)h(m-t) u-h ft2h-l (;, 0), vk (;)) si~ ~ t
h=l o 1

+ (_ 1)e+l J t
cos A.;~(:- r) F,. (2 e-l) (r:) d r:.

Let s and q, respectively, be an index and a multi-index such that s + JqJ ~f.!·
For any l such that .A.1- 2 < 1 (denoting by c and c1 positive constants),

fl/ f
£ DfWke(t) Le-s vk(x)/1
~e(t)D~vk(x)ll 2 dt ~c 111 k=l+l
O,A 0

=c J L A.~e- 4 sJn:~e(t}j2dt
~cl l£ .A.k2s[l(u+rgo-h=lf (-1)h(m-1) Le+l-hft2A-2(;, O),vk(;)) 12
k=l+l 0

+I(Le gl-:~:( -1)h(m-l) Le-h / 2H (;, 0), (;))J 1 Vk

+ :~: /J.F,.(2e-l+h) (t) J2 dt].

Sects. 8, 9. Diffusion problems. 373
Thus u belongs to He(E) for any e and, in consequence, uEC00 (E). We are now
in position to recognize, by inspection, that u (x, t) as given by (7.2) is the solution
of problem (P 11).
By the methods we have used, it is possible to derive estimates which prove
the continuous dependence of the solution of problem (P11), on the data. We
write down explicitly only the simplest one:
! JJu(x, t)J 2 dx~ J Jg0 (x)J 2 dx+Ai 2 J Jg1 (x)J 2 dx+Ai 2 t J dt J Jf(x, t)J 2 dx,
A A A 0 A

which readily follows from (7.2).

8. Diffusion problems. We assume for A, L, Band V the same hypotheses as
in the preceding section. Now we consider the following problem:
(P 1) Given f(x, t)EC00 (E), g0 (x)EC00 (A), find a function u(x, t)EC 00 (E) satis-
fying the differential equation (-1)m- 1 Lu-u1 =f(x, t) in E, belonging to 'Wv, for
every tEl, and such that u(x, 0) =g0 (x).
8.I The solution of problem {P1) is unique. Necessary and sufficient conditions
for the existence of the solution are the following:
g0 (x)E'Wv,
Li g0 (x)- L (-1)k(m-l) Li-k ftk-1 (x, O)E'Wv
(j =1, 2, ... ) .

If (8.1) are satisfied, the solution is given by the following development:

u (x, t) = ~ {(g0 , vk)o e--<U-} e--<1 (t-..-) F,. (•) d •} vk (x). (8.2)
k=l 0

Since the proof exactly parallels the one of Theorem 7.I, we need not repeat it
here. We only note the following estimate which readily follows from (8.2):
! J Ju (x, t)J 2 dx ~ J Jg0(x)J 2 dx +t J dt J Jf(x, t)l2 dx.
A A 0 A

9. lntegro-differential equations. In the context of general strongly elliptic

operators, we shall now consider integro-differential equations, which arise, for
instance, in theories of materials with "memory". VOLTERRA, about sixty years
ago, was the first to consider problems of this kind, especially in relation with
classical elasticity.
We assume on A, L, B, and V the same hypotheses as in Sects. 7 and 8, but
we drop hypothesis (V), since what we are going to say holds also when B(v, v)
is not symmetric on V.
We shall denote by W(E) the class constituted by the (complex n-vector
valued) functions w (x, t) defined in .E, such that:
(1) for every tEl, w(x, t) belongs to C00 (A);
(2) D~ w (x, t) (JPI ~ 0) belongs to C0 (E).
Let us observe that w belongs to W(E) when and only when, for any given v,
we have w(x, t)EH.(A), for every tEl, and~~ l!w(x, t) -w(x, t0)1!.,A =0. In fact,
it is obvious that, if wE W(E), then the above conditions are satisfied. Conversely,
if w(x, t)EH.(A), for any v, then w(x, t)EC00 (A). Let l be an integer such that
l >r/2. We have (Theorem 2.VI):
J(DP w)_., 1- (DP w)x•,e,l ~c l!w(x, t) -w(x, t0)J~H,A +J(Df> w)x,to -(Df>w)x•,e.l,
which proves the continuity of DP win E.
374 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 10.

Let Krz(t, -r) (O~Iocl~2m) be a complex nxn matrix, continuous inlx l. We

shall consider the following problem:
(PK) Given f(x, t)EW(E), find a function u(x, t)EW(E) satisfying the integra-
differential equation
0,2m t
Lu(x, t) + L.; J Krz(t, -r) Drzu(x, -r) d-r=f(x, t)
lrzl 0
in E and such that, for every tEl, u(x, t)E~v·
The proof of existence and uniqueness of a solution of problem (PK) is a
consequence of the theory of Volterra integral equations in Banach spaces. Let S
be a complex Banach space and K(t, -r) a function whose values are linear bounded
operators from S into S. Let K(t, -r) be continuous in I xi. Let v(t) and h(t) be
functions with values inS and continuous in I. The Volterra integral equation
v(t) = J K(t, -r) v(-r) d-r+h(t) 1a (9.1)

has one and only one solution u continuous in I; v is the limit of the sequence
{vk (t)}, uniformly convergent in I, obtained by the method of successive ap-
v0 (t) =h(t), vk(t) = J K(t, -r) vk_ 1 (-r) d-r+h(t).

The proof of the convergence of {vk (t)} and of the uniqueness of the solution
proceeds exactly the same as in the classical scalar case.
We can apply the general results just stated to the proof of the following
9.1 Problem (PK) has one and only one solution.
Let G be the operator already considered in the previous sections. We claim
that problem (PK) has a solution when and only when there exists cp (x, t) EW(E)
satisfying the equation
0,2 m t
( -1)m cp(x, t) + L.; J Krz(t, -r) DrzG [cp(~, -r)] d-r =f(x, t). (9.2)
lrzl 0

In fact, if u is a solution of problem (PK), then cp (x, t) = ( -1)m Lu satisfies (9.2).

Conversely, if cp(x, t) is a solution of (9.2), then u(x, t) =G [cp(~, t)] is a solution
of problem (PK)· Consider any space H.(A) with v~2m and set S=H.(A),
v(t) =cp(x, t), h(t) =(-1)m f(x, t),
K(t, -r) v(-r) =(-1)m L Krz(t, -r) DrzG [cp(~, -r)J.
Thus (9.2) reduces to (9.1). Hence (9.2) has one and only one solution belonging
to H.(A), for every tEl, and such that lim llcp(x, t) -cp(x, t0)ll. A =0. Since vis
arbitrary, cpE W(E). t-+t, '

10. Classical boundary value problems for a scalar 2nd order elliptic operator.
In this section we shall consider only real-valued functions. Let L be a 2nd order
linear elliptic operator (with real coefficients)

Lu= - 0-
[a· ·(x)-ox;-u] +b·(x)

13 For the definition and the properties of the integral of a continuous function with values
in a Banach space, see [16, Chap. III, Sect. 1].
Sect. 10. Boundary value problems for a scalar 2nd order elliptic operator. 375
We assume that the coefficients a11 , b,, c belong to C00 • Let A be a bounded domain,
which we suppose C00-smooth. We shall consider for L some classical boundary
value problems. We restrict ourselves to list only the results of the "C00-theory"
leaving to the reader to derive, from the general statements of Sect. 6, other
particular cases, concerning this particular operator L.
(I) Dirichlet problem: Given f(x) Ecoo (A), find uEC 00 (A) such that Lu =I in A,
u=O on 8A.
Let us consider problem (P) of Sect. 6, assuming as V the space H 1 (A). In
order to apply the results of Theorems 6.11 and 6.VI we need only to prove
inequality (6.1), i.e.
-B(v • v)= •[[a·-~-~+(_!_
•1 OX; ox; .2
ob, -c)v2 ]dx2::y
OX; - 0
!!v!!f (10.1)

for every vEH1 (A). Inequality (10.1) holds if


Then, because of Theorem 6.IV, if there is a uniqueness theorem for the Dirichlet
problem, there is an existence theorem. We have uniqueness not only when (10.2)
is satisfied but also when c (x) ~ 0 in A. In fact, in that case we have, for any
solution of the homogeneous equation Lu =0: !u(x)j ~max ju(x)i (maximum
principle), which implies the uniqueness of the solution of the Dirichlet problem14 •
(II) Neumann problem: Given f(x)EC 00 (A), find uEC 00 (A) such that Lu=f in
A, aii v1 uS~ =0 on 8A [v= (v1 , •.. , v,) being the inward unit normal to 8AJ.
Now we consider problem (P), assuming as V the space H1 (A). Assume

Suppose that for xEA: aif g, g1 >Po lg! 2.!b;! ~P1 (i =1, ... , r), - c ~p 2 • Then for
any vEH1 (A) and p 2 large enough,

-B(v, v) J
~ (Po~ (;;J -P~!vl ~~ ;;~~ +P2 !v! 2)dx~co!lvl~·
As in the preceding case, we may conclude existence is implied by uniqueness,
Eq. (6. 3) in this particular case becomes
J vail V; uS~ dcr =0

which must be satisfied for every vEH1 (A). Then aii V; us1 =0 on 8A.
Let us consider the particular case L - Ll 2 = J; o~f . In this case B (v, v) =
- J vs, Vx dx 1 is symmetric. Hence the solution exists when and only when
(f, tp) 0 = 0, where tp is a solution of the homogeneous problem Ll 2 tp = 0 in A.
tpx.V;=O on 8A. Hence, in the case of the Laplace operator Ll 2 , the Neumann
problem has a solution if and only if (f, 1) 0 =0.
14 See [26, p. 5].
376 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 10.

Let A== (A1 , ... , A,) be a real unit vector defined on oA and which is coo
when considered as a function of the point x varying on oA. The following
boundary value problem is known as the oblique derivative problem for the opera-
tor L:
Lu=f m A, (1o. 3)

~; =0 on oA. (10.4)
Under the further assumption AY > 0 the problem is known as the
(III) Regular '!_blique derivative problem: Let (!;i be arbitrary functions,
belonging to coo (A), such that (!; i = - ei;. The operator L can be written as
0 [
Lu=~ rx;ie;-: +(J;~ +cu,
ou] ou
• 1 •

where rx;i=a;i+eii• (J;=b;+ 88~il_-. It is possible to choose the functions (!;i

in such a way that 1
r:t.;jY;=(!Ai (f=1, ... ,r), (10.5)
e being a positive coo function defined on oA.
Let us assume on oA

(!;j = 1;- ahk (v; Ai -vi A;) Yh Yk- ahi'~'h Y; + ahi Yh v/5
and continue this function throughout A in such a way that the continued function
belongs to coo (A) and (!;i = - ei i· Condition (10.5) is satisfied with e=(Av)-1a;iY;v i
Let us now consider for u, vEH1 (A) the bilinear form

J {-rx;i ::; :;; +(J;v :~ +cvu}dx.

Assume that c<O in A. Let p0 , p1 , P2 be positive numbers such that for every
xEA: r:t.;i(x);;;i~Poi;l 2 , ifJ;i~P1 (i=1, ... ,r), -c~p 2 • Then:

-B (v, v) ~AJ (Poi~ I::; 2-Pllvl ;~I::;\ +P2!v! 2) dx.


Hence, if P2 is large enough, -B(v, v) ~c0 1!viiL for every vEH1 (A). It follows
that a function uEH1 (A) exists which satisfies the equation B (u, v) = (f, v) 0 for
any vEV=H1 (A). Since we can apply the regularization theory, we deduce that
uEC 00 (A). Because of (10.5) we have

J (Lu)vdx+ J
ve ~; da.

Hence, due to the arbitrariness of v, the function u is a solution of (10.3), (10.4).

On the other hand, a solution of uEC 00 (A) of the regular oblique derivative
problem exists if uniqueness holds. We have such uniqueness if c(x) <O in A.
In fact, if Lu =0 in A and 8u/8A =0 on oA, the function u, because of a theorem
of GIRAUD and HoPF 16 , cannot have any maximum or minimum on oA unless
15 This definition of (!;j which simplifies the one considered in [7], was suggested to me
16 See [26, p. 5].
Sect. 11. Equilibrium of a thin plate. 377

it is a constant. Since
Itt (x)l;::;: max
lui, c < 0,
it must be u- 0 in A.
Let us now suppose that 81 A and 82 A are two disjoint subsets of oA such
that if x0 is any point of akA (k = 1, 2) the neighborhood I of x 0 considered for
insuring the C""-smoothness of oA at x0 can be choosen in such a way that
In oA cakA. Moreover we assume that a1 A = aA- a2 A. Let .A. be the coo unit
vector defined on aA (already introduced in the oblique derivative problem)
which satisfies the regularity condition .A.v>O on aA. The following problem is
known as the
(IV) Mixed boundary value problem:
Lu = f in A , t£ = 0 on a1 A ,
Now, as the space V we take the closure in the space H 1 (A) of the subclass of
C1 (A) constituted by the functions which vanish on a1 A. For any x0 lying either
in a1 A or in a2 A, the condition (IV)x• of Sect. 6 is satisfied withY= oo.
We use for Lu the same representation as in the oblique derivative problem
with the aJs satisfying (10.5). By the argument used in the oblique derivative
problem, we see that - B (v, v) ~ c0 I vii~ for any vE V, when - c ~P 2 with P2
large enough. Then we have a unique solution of the boundary value problem
corresponding to the present choice of V. The solution of the problem can be
regularized in the neighborhood of any point either of a1 A or of a2 A. Hence the
solution u has the following regularity properties:
(i) u belongs to coo (A) n H 1 (A);
(ii) u belongs to coo (Au a1 Au a2 A).
If aA =alA u a2A, then u is coo in A; otherwise the only points where u could
fail to be coo are in the set aA- (a1 A u a2 A). By standard arguments we see that
the boundary conditions are satisfied in a1 A and in a2 A respectively.
We leave it to the reader to state results concerning propagation problems,
diffusion problems and hereditary problems connected with a scalar second order
elliptic operator, by specialization from the general theory developed in Sects. 7,
8, 9.
11. Equilibrium of a thin plate. The classical theory of the equilibrium of a thin
plate requires the solution of certain boundary value problems for the iterated
Laplace operator in two real variables x, y:
84 u 84 u 84 u
Ll4 U = Ll2Ll2 U = 8x4 +2 8x2 8y2 + 8y4
with several kinds of boundary conditions. Let us suppose that A be a C00-smooth
bounded plane domain. The theory of thin plates considers the following boundary
conditions on aA :
U=O, (11.1)
a;=O, (11.2)

_82 u
8v 2
+a (~~~!.
8s 2
- _!__ ~) -
8v -
8 8 82 u
avLl2u+(1-a)as- 8vos =0. (11.4)
378 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 11.

Here vis the unit inward normal to aA; at as denotes differentiation with respect
to the arc (increasing counter clock-wise); 1/(! is the curvature of aA; a is a
constant such that -1 <a< 1. The differential equation to be considered is the
where u and f are real-valued functions. The boundary value problem (11.5),
(11.1), (11.2) corresponds to the equilibrium problem for a plate clamped along
its boundary. The boundary conditions (11.1) and (11.3) express the fact that the
plate is supported along its edge. The boundary conditions (11.3) and (11.4) mean
that the part of the boundary where these conditions are satisfied is free. We
restrict ourselves to the consideration of the boundary value problem (11.5),
(11.1), (11.2) and the mixed boundary value problem for a partially clamped
plate, i.e. when (11.1) and (11.2) are satisfied on a part a1 A of aA and (11.3),
(11.4) on a part a2 A, where a1 A and a2 A are the subsets of aA considered in
Sect.10. We leave it to the reader to apply the general theory so as to derive results
concerning further boundary conditions, for instance the ones corresponding to a
plate partially clamped on aA, partially supported and partially free. As a
bilinear form for the boundary value problem (11.5), (11.1), (11.2), we take

B(u, v) = f( o2u
+ 2 oxoy
o2u o2v)
+ oya oya dxdy.

The subspace V of H 2 (A) to be considered in 2 (A). In this case inequality (6.1)
reduces to inequality (2.6) form =2. Thus B(v, v) ~collvll~ (vEH 2 (A)}. All the
hypotheses (I), (II), (III), (IV)xe (for any x0 E8A) of Sect. 6 are satisfied, so
11.I If /EC""(A), the boundary value problem (11.5), (11.1), (11.2) has one
and only one solution belonging to coo (A).
In order to consider the above-mentioned mixed boundary value problem
[i.e. conditions (11.1), (11.2) on a1 A and conditions (11.3), (11.4) on a2 A] it is
helpful to remark that, for u and v belonging to C""(A), we have


Let us now take as the space V the subspace of H 2 (A) composed by the
functions which satisfy conditions (11.1), (11.2) on ~A. Set

B(u v)-
' -
f {- - + ( 2 - 2 a ) - - - - + - -
o2u o2v
ox2 ox2
o2u o2v
ox oy ox oy
o2u o2v
oy2 oy2

82 u o2v ou 2 o2v ]}
+a [ ox2 oy2 + oy2 ox2 dxdy.
Because of the assumption -1 <a< 1, we have
B(v,v)~c(a)1: JIDPvl 2 dxdy.
Sect. 11. Equilibrium of a thin plate. 379

The constant c (a) depends only on a. In order to prove (6.1) we need only to show
that there exists c1 > 0 such that, for any vE V
L JIDPvl 2 dxdy~cdvll~· (11.7)
IP[=2 A
Suppose (11.7) to be false. Then there exists {v,.}E V such that
llvnll2=1, (11.8)


We can suppose that {v,.} converges in H1 (A) (Theorem 2.IV). Then, because of
(11.9), {v,.} converges in H 2 (A), and the limit function has strong second derivatives
vanishing on A. It follows readily that v is a polynomial of degree 1. 17
Since v belongs to V, v=O in A. That contradicts (11.8). Since (6.1) has been
proved, and hypotheses (I), (II), (III) of Sect. 6 are satisfied, there exists one
and only one solution u of the equations B (u, v) = (f, v) 0 , for vE V, belonging
to V. Since hypothesis (IV)..., is satisfied for x0 E81 A and x0 Eo 2 A, u belongs to
coo (A u 81 A u 82 A). By using (11.6), we deduce that u is the solution of our
mixed boundary value problem.
11.II The mixed boundary value problem (11.5), (11.1), (11.2) on o1 A; (11.3),
(11.4) on o2 A, with /EC 00 (A), has one and only one solution belonging to
C00 (A u alA u 82A) nH2(A) n C0 (A).
The fact that u belongs to C0 (A) is a consequence of Lemma 2.VI.
We leave it to the reader to state the results concerning the particular cases of
problems (P;.), (Ptt), (P 1) and (PK), connected, for instance, with a clamped
17 Let be uEHm(A) and D 5 u=O for jsj =m. For any wE C 00 (A) we have
J D•uD 5 wdx=(-1)m fuD•D•wdx=O.

Since the operator L (w) = D• D• w is elliptic, from Theorem 3.II we deduce that uE C00 (A)
and, in consequence, u must be a polynomial of degree m - 1.
Let us note the following lemma, which will be used in the sequel:
Let A be a properly regular domain. For any uEHm(A) (m ~ 1) such that:
f D•udx=O, o;:;;jsj;:;;m-1,
the following inequality holds:

iiuii~A;;;;c ~ fiD•uj 2 dx (c>O). (*)

' [s[=mA
Suppose the inequality not true. Then there exists a sequence {u(n)} of functions of H., (A)
such that
iiu<nlllm,A=1. lim ~ fiD•u(nlj 2 dx=O.
n-+00 [s[=m A
We may assume that u(n) converges in Hm-1 (A) {Theorem 2.IV). Let u be the limit of {u(n)}
in Hm-t(A). We have
lim (llu(n)- uii~-l,A + ~ f jD• u(nlj 2 dx) = 0.
n-+00 [s[=mA

Then u(n) converges to u in H., (A), and D• u = 0 for lsi = m. It follows that u is a polynomial
of degree m - 1 which satisfies the conditions
llull~-tA=1, f D•udx=O, jsj<m.
' A
That is impossible.
380 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 12.

12. Boundary value problems of equilibrium in linear elasticity. We shall now

consider the classical boundary value problems of linear elasticity in the case of
an inhomogeneous anisotropic body. In order to include both the cases of physical
interest, of plane and 3-dimensional elasticity, it is convenient to study these
problems in the space X'. In this section we shall consider r-vector valued func-
tions u, v, f, ... with real components. Set

eih-2 _ 1 (oui
ax,. + ou11
oxt ) (.t, h -1,
_ ... )
, r.

Let us consider the elastic potential

l,r l,r
W(x, e)= L L ocih,;k(x) e• 11 ew
i~h i~k

The (real valued) functions ocih,ik are supposed to belong to C00 , and the quadratic
form W(x, e) is supposed to be positive definite in the "(r + 1Lvariables e111
(1 ~i~h;£r), for any xEX'. We can assume that oc,,. ;k(x)=oc;k il,(x). Let us
now define for i, h, f, k arbitrary values of the indeces 1', ... , r '
oc, 11 ,;k(x) for i;£h, f<k; i<h, f~k;
ochi,;k(x) for i>h, f~k;
aihk(x),;= ocih,ki(x) for i~h. f>k;
oc11 i,k;(x) for i>h, f>k;
2ocih,ik(x) for i=h, f=k.
We have au,,;k(x) ==a;k,ih(x) =a11 i,ik(x) =aih,ki(x). Moreover

W(x e)=_!__ a.,. 'k e·,. e·k = _!__ a.k 'k 8ui 8u;. (12.1)
• 2 • •1 • 1 2 • .1 8x11 oxk
It must be pointed out that the quadratic form a1h,ik 'YJik 'YJ;k is not positive;
rather, as a function of the r 2 real variables 'YJih (i, h = 1, ... , r) it is only non-
negative. It is positive, in general, only on the subspace of the r 2-dimensional
space of the 'YJ• 11's defined by the conditions 'YJik ='YJH·
Of particular interest is the case when
a,k,ik (x) = (Jii (Jkk + (Jik (Jki + (v-1) (Jik (Jfk• (12.2)
where v is a constant. This is the case of classical linear elasticity for a homo-
geneous isotropic body. Since here we have W(e)=e.; 11 e• 11 +2-1 (v-1)eHellk,
W is positive if and only if v > r-1 (r - 2).
Let A be a bounded domain of X', which we suppose C00-smooth. The equations
of equilibrium for an elastic body whose natural configuration coincides with A
are the following
0 0
-"--"-W(x,e)+f.=O in A. (12.3)
ux11 ueih
We have three kinds of boundary conditions corresponding to the three main
problems of elasticity. We consider here only homogeneous boundary conditions.
1st Boundary Value Problem (body fixed along its boundary)
u =0 on 8A. (12.4)
Sect. 12. Boundary value problems of equilibrium in linear elasticity. 381

2nd Boundary Value Problem (body free along its boundary)

ti(u) - V h - , - W(x, e) =0 on oA (12.5)

(vis the unit inward normal to oA).

3rd Boundary Value Problem (mixed boundary value problem)
U=O on olA, (12.6)
t(u)=O ono 2 A, (12.7)
where 81 A and 82 A are the subsets of oA already introduced in Sect. 10.
Other boundary value problems could be considered. For instance, the ones
assigning p components of u and r -p components of t(u) on oA. However we
shall restrict ourselves to the three above-considered cases just stated and leave
it as an exercise for the reader to study other boundary value problems for (12.3).
Eq. (12.3) can be written in the form


In order to prove the existence and the uniqueness of the solution of the
boundary value problem (12.3), (12.4), we need to prove inequality (6.1), for any
v E 1 (A). Inequality (6.1) in this particular case becomes

Jaih, ik (x) ~~!- -~~; dx ~ c0 JJvJJ~ (vEH1 (A)). (12.8)

Inequality (12.8), because of (12.1), is equivalent to the following one:

JL --r?-
+ ;vh )
I,r (

dx ~ c1 JJvJJ~ (12. 9)

which is known as Korn's first inequality. Inequality (12.9) is immediately

obtained by using the Fourier developments of the functions vi and Parseval's
theorem. Thus we get the following theorem.
12.I Given fE coo (A), there exists one and only one solution of the boundary
value problem (12.3 ), (12.4), which belongs to coo (A).
Let us remark that as consequence of (12.8), we have for any xEA, any non-
zero real~ and any non-zero real r( aih,ik(x) ~h~k'YJi'YJi>O (see Theorem 5.II).
Thus, as a consequence of the positiveness of the elastic potential W(x, e), the
operator of elasticity is strongly elliptic.
In order to prove the existence theorem for the boundary value problem (12.3),
(12.5), let us consider the system


where Po is an arbitrarily fixed positive constant. We wish first to give an existence

theorem for the problem (12.10), (12.5). It is easily seen that the inequality to be
proven in this case is the following ( Korn' s second inequality):

J:t (~:~ + ~:h r

A <,h '
dx + jJvJ 2dx
~c2JivJJt (12.11)
382 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 12.

for any vEH1 (A). The proof of this inequality is anything but trivial. We shall
present here a reasonably simple proof. To this end, let us suppose that the
bounded domain A satisfies the following "restricted cone-hypothesis": let
C0 (J;, R) (s=1, ... , q) be cones whose vertex is the origin 0 and let I; be open sets
relative to the sphere Ixi = 1. Th~e exists an open covering of A (by open sets
I 1 , •.. , Iq) such that, for any xEA nis, the cone Cx(F., R) is contained in A. We
have the following theorem regarding Kom's second inequality.
12.II If the bounded domain A satisfies the restricted cone-hypothesis, in-
equality (12.11) holds for any vEH1 (A).
Let {]} be the set of all the open balls such that:
(i) the center x of 1 is in A ;
(ii) the radius of 1 is less than l R;
(iii) 1 is contained in some open set Is.
] 2 , ••• , lm be a finite covering of A extracted from{]}. Let L; tp~ (x) =1
Let h,
be a partition of unity with tp11 (x)EC and spt tp11 Cfi. (h = 1, ... , m). Denoting by

fk differentiation with respect to xk, we have

Jvi/k v11k dx = L: Jtp~ vi/k vifk dx
A h=OA (12.12)
= J( 'Ph v;,) 1k(tp11 vi)fk dx = J'Pnfk vi 'Phfk vi dx- 2 f tp,. 'Pntk V;, Vqk dx.

Suppose that for any vEH1 (A) and any h we have proven that a constant c4 >0
exists such that
J ('Ph v;,)1k ('Ph v;,) 1k dx ~ c4 L: J [( tp11 v;,) 1k + (tp,. vk) 1;,] 2 dx. (12.13)
A tkA
If we set:

we deduce from (12.12) and (12.13) that llvllf ~c5 lllv 2 111, which is the inequality
(12.11) to be proved. Set 'Ph V;,=u •. Since, under the assumed hypotheses on A,
we have H 1 (A) =C00 (.t.f) [the closure of C00 (A) being understood in the topology
of H1 (A)] 18 , we may assume that U;,EC00 (A). Set Jk=1, F. =F. For any xE1 nA,

JU(](](e, J
U(X) = ro) e de= UyAyk(y) (yh -~~~:~-xk) de, (12.14)
0 0

where w is any fixed point on the set of the unit sphere and = IY -xi. Let e
1p(w) be a real function, which, as a function of the point w of the unit sphere .Q,
be of class coo on Q and be such that

spt1pET, J1p(w) dw = 1.
From (12.14), by multiplying for1p(w) and integrating over r, we deduce
u(x)=Ju (y) (y"-x,.)(yk-xk)1f'( y-x )dy.
YAYk Jy- xJ• Jy- xJ

18 See [1, p. 11].

Sect. 12. Boundary value problems of equilibrium in linear elasticity.


() f [ezkJhY()+ezhtkY()-ehkttY()] --ly-xl'---'1/)
we get
(y,.- x,.) (yk- xk) ( y- x ) d
UzX = iy-xl Y·
Mhk(Y -x) = (y,. ~~~~~j.~xk) VJ(-,~~=r); ocz(x) = J
e lkfn(Y) Mhk(Y -x) dy

fJz(x)= J
ezhtk(y)Mhk(y-x)dy; Yz(x) = Jehktz(Y) M,.k(y-x) dy;
8 8
H 111 "(y-x) = ax:Mhk (y -x); --H·hk(y-x)
8y,. 1 =5-"(y-x).

8~1 <Xz(x)= Jezkth(y)Hfhk(y-x)dy=¥~ J ezkth(y)Hfhk(y-x)dy

J ezk(y) -:--H k(y-x) dy
Cz(F,R) Cz(F,R)-Cz(F,s)

=-lim uyh

-lim { ez" (x +em) H 1,." (w) w,. dw

e--+0 ..

f I
= -~~ ezk(y) 5fk(Y -x) dy -ezk(x)
Hju(w) w,.dw.
Cz(F,R)-Cx(F,s) r
Set 5W (t) =51" (t) for e;:;:;; ltl;:;:;; R; set 5W = 0 either for 0;:;:;; ItI < e or for ltl > R.
We suppose A contained in_ the square lx"l < ; (k = 1, ... , r). We have, assuming
e;"(y) =0 for y outside of A,
.zwl (x) = Cz(F,R)-Cx(F,e)
I ez" (y) 5 1" (y- x) dy =I ez" (y) 5}~ (y- x) dy.
I F;\-•l (x) eisx dx =I elk (y) eisy dy I 5W (t) e-ist dt.
On the other hand,

J J J!~!eesw

5W (t) e-ist dt = -r:1" (w) dw de

Q r ,
where T;"(w) is a coo function on Q such that
spt -r:1"r::.r,
I -r:1"(w) dw =0.
So, we are permitted to write, for s =f= 0,
• . f
•I 5W(t)e-u dt= T;k(w)dw
e-ielsi<X- e-C!Isl
e d(!,
Q r •
where oc=lsl-1 sw. By elementary arguments we prove that

1/. .--e-iQjsi<X-e-eisi
I c
-- -e- ----- de ;:;:;; log -rar 6

19 See [25, p. 95].

)84 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 12.

with c6 independent of s and of s. It follows that

1/ SJ"W) e-ist dt ~ cj ~ c7
with c7 independent of s. Then


Since, for any xE] n.A,

lim Ji~•>(x) = -(f.. 11 ;(x) -elk(x) J H;kk(w) wh dw,

e-+oo r
from (12.15), by a well known theorem of integration theory (Fatou's lemma)2°
we deduce

Arguing in the same manner for {3 1 and y 1, we get the proof of (12.11).
Remark. The original second Korn inequality is

J vilk vilk dx ~ c0 J (v;,1k + vk1,) (vilk +vk1,) dx (12.16)

for any vEH1 (A) such that


Let us briefly prove that (12.16}, with the side condition (12.17}, is equivalent
to (12.11}. For the sake of simplicity we assume, as further hypothesis, that A
is properly regular. Let us suppose (12.11) to hold and assume that there exists
a sequence v<">EH1 (A) such that (12.17} is satisfied, but such that

f v~jl v~j~ dx = 1, lim f (v~jl + v~jl} Mi~ + v~iD dx = 0.
n->-oo A

Since we may assume f v<nJ dx = 0, we are permitted to suppose that v<nJ converges
in the space H 0 (A) to a vector v (see footnote 17 and Theorem 2.1V). Set
s<">=2-1 (v<"l+v~"l) We have
•k •I I• · ( 1,, )
JJv<n+Pl_v(n)I/~~Cs1 4 ~ JJs~~+Pl_ 8i~>JJ~+JJv!n+Pl_v("lJJ~ .
Thus v<nJ converges to v in H1(A). Since v,1k +vkli =0, we must have v =
a+ B x where a is a constant vector and B a skew-symmetric r Xr matrix. 21
Conditions (12.17) imply B=O and, in consequence, v=O, which contradicts
2: jjv;,1kjj~ =1. Let us now suppose that (12.16) holds when (12.17) is satisfied.

20 See [15, p. 113], [4, p. 362].

21 C
Let w be a vector of 00 (A). Since vilk+vk/0 =0,
Jv,(wilkk+wklii) dx=O •
Since the operator L, (w) = wilkk + wklii (i = 1, ... , r) is elliptic, from Theorem 3.11 it follows
that v,E 00 C(A). Then vilhk+vk!hi=O, which implies vilhk=O. Then v,=a;+bihxh. The
conditions vilk + Vkfi = 0 imply bih = - bhi.
Sect. 12. Boundary value problems of equilibrium in linear elasticity. 385

Denote by H1 (A) the subspace of H 1 (A) definedby the condition J v dx = 0. Assume

as norm in H 1 (A): Ivi~= (vi!k• v;1k) 0 • Let R be the orthogonal complement of the

subspace Yo offi1(A) defined by (12.17). For any vector vEH1(A) we have v =v0 + e
with VoEYo and eER. It is easily seen that e=a+Bx, where B is a skew-sym-
metric r X r matrix. Suppose that there exists a sequence in H1 (A) such that

v(n) l1 = 1, }~00 (ti~· II ei~ II~ + II v(n) II~ ) o.


We have Hn)l~ +le(n)l~ = 1, e(n) =v(n) -Vbn)' then lle(n)ll~ ~2llv(n)ll~ +2llvbn)llg, which
implies lle(n)lo< c10 , with c10 independent of n. On the other hand we have
II e(n) ll1 ~ C11 II e(n) llo, with C11 independent of n. So we may assume that {e(n)} con-
verges in H 1(A). By using (12.16) we see that {v8} converges in H 1(A). Hence
{vn} converges in H 1 (A). The limit function v must satisfy the conditions
lv l1 = 1, L lleikll~ +II vii~= 0.
That is impossible.
Let us now turn back to the boundary value problem (12.10), (12.5). Since,
as is easily seen, a Cl-smooth domain satisfies the restricted cone-hypothesis,
our boundary value problem has only one solution which is coo in A. The dif-
ferential operator is formally self-adjoint. Then a coo solution in A of the following
differential system:
aih ' ik(x) ~
8u·] -P 0 u;+A.u;+f;=O, (12.18)

with the boundary conditions (12.5), exists when and only when
J/;e;dx=O, (12.19)

where 1.2 is any solution belonging to C00 (A) of (12.18) with /;-0. In the case
when .A.= Po the only coo (A) solutions of the homogeneous system are
where a; and b;h are arbitrary constants such that b;h = -bhi·
12.III Let f be a function of coo (A). The boundary value problem (12.3), (12.5)
has solutions belonging to coo (A) if and only iff satisfies the compatibility conditions
(12.19) withe given by (12.20).
So as to prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the mixed
boundary value problem (12.3), (12.6), (12.7), we take as V the subspace of H 1 (A)
constituted by the functions of H 1 (A) vanishing on o1 A. We can consider
Korn's second inequality for any vE V and argue as in the case of the previous
boundary value problem. In the present case we obtain the following theorem:
12.IV For /E coo (A) there is one and only one solution of the mixed boundary
value problem (12.3), (12.6), (12.7) which belongs to coo (Au 81Au 2 A) n H 1(A). o
It is worthwile to remark that the solution of the first, second, and thus
boundary value problems which we have obtained are the ones required by the
mathematical theory of elasticity, since they minimize the energy functional
J [W(x, e) -uf] dx
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 25
386 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity. Sect. 13.

in the classes H1 (A), H1 (A) and V, respectively (see Theorem 6.III). Let us also
observe that existence theorems relative to problems (P,), (P11), (P1), (PK) provide
existence theorems connected with the eigenvalue problems, propagation of
elastic waves, diffusion problems and hereditary problems (visco-elasticity)
connected with linear elasticity.

13. Equilibrium problems for heterogeneous media. Let A be a C1-smooth domain

and let 1:1 and 1:2 be two disjoint subsets of 8A such that oA =1'1 ul'2 • Let E be
a set contained in A satisfying the following condition: Ek u E (k = 1, 2) is the
boundary of a regular domain Ak contained in A such that A1 n A 2 = 0. Suppose
that A be C00-smooth for any x 0 EE1 uE2 and, moreover, the neighborhood I of
x0 EL'1 (of x0 EE2 ) considered for insuring the C00-smoothness of A at x 0 be such
that InE2 =0 (InE1 =0) and InE=0. Let us also suppose that for any
xOEE there exists a neighborhood] of x 0 such that:
(1) J is disjoint from E1 u~;
(2) the set J n.Ak (k=1, 2) is C00-homeomorphic to the closed semiball
13+: IYI 2 +t2 ~1 of the r-dimensional (y, t) space;
(3) the set J n oAk (k = 1, 2) is mapped onto the (r -1)-dimensional hal
t=O, IYI~1;
(4) if ~=wk(x) [~-(y,t)] is the homeomorphism which maps Jn.Ak onto
13+, we have J n 8A 1 J n 8A 2 and the restriction of w1 (x) on J n 8A 1 must
coincide with the restriction of w2 (x) to J n 8A 2 •
Suppose that A1 and A 2 are occupied by two elastic bodies in their natural
configurations. Let W(k) (x, e) (k = 1, 2) be the elastic potential corresponding to
the body which occupies Ak. We assume that w<kl(x, e) satisfies the hypotheses
laid down for W(x, e) in the previous section. Let a}~ i• (x) be C00-functions re-
presenting the coefficients relative to A k. We can imagine A as being a hetereogene-
ous elastic medium in its natural configuration. The elastic coefficients of A are,
in general, discontinuous along E. The equilibrium problems for the hetereogene-
ous medium are the following.
(HP) Given f(k)EC 00 (Ak) (k=1, 2), find a function u satisfying the following
conditions :
(i) uEH1 (A) n coo (A 1 u E 1 uE) n coo (A 2 u E 2 uE) n C0 (A);
(ii) u satisfies the ditferential equations

(iii) u satisfies on 1:1 and on 1:2 boundary conditions defining the first, second, or
third boundary value problem considered in Sect. 12;
(iv) if p(k) is the inward unit normal to Ak at a point of E, u satisfies, at each point
of 1: the boundary conditions
8W(l) {1) ()W(2) {2)
--ph +--Ph =0 (i=1, ... ,r). (13.1)
oeih oeih

For the sake of concreteness we assume that the boundary conditions to be

satisfied by u on 1:1 and 1:2 are

Sect. 13. Equilibrium problems for heterogeneous media. 387

The reader will notice by himself how the theory must be modified for other
boundary conditions on J:1u 1:2.
Set e;k (u) = 2-1 (u;;k + uk;;) and for u, vEH1 (A) set
B (u, v) = Ja}\l, ik (x) eih (u) eik (v) dx + J a~~ il• (x) e; 11 (u) e1k (v) dx.
A1 A,

Let Po be a positive constant. From Korn's second inequality it follows that for
any vEH1 (A)
B (v, v) +Po llvllg~Yo II vii~ (Yo >O) · (13.3)
Then there is one and only one u EH 1 (A) such that

B (u, v) +Po (u, v) 0 = (!<1l, v)o,A, + (1(2), v)o,A, (13 .4}

(see the proof of Theorem 6.1). From the general theory developed in Sects. 3
and 6, it follows that tt belongs to coo (A 1 u J:1 } n coo (A 2 u J:2), satisfies the dif-
ferential equations

- 0 - 8-w<kl(x e)-p0 u·+f(kl=O in Ak (k=1,2)

oxh oeih ' ' '

and, on J:I and on 1:2 , the boundary conditions (13.2).

Let x0 be a point of J: and v any r-vector belonging to coo{]). Denote by
w (~) the 2r-vector valued function defined in B+ whose components are
vr[wii (~}], ... , v, [Wii (~) ], V1 [ wij 1 (~) ], ... , v, [w2 1 (~)]. We have for VE coo{])
1, 2r l,r 1,2r
B (v, v) +Po llvllg = J L L cxih,ik (~) w;111 wi/k d~ +B+J L
B+ i, j h, k i, j
{311 W; w1 d~ =B (w, w),

with cx;h,fk• {3; 1 being C00-functions. From (13.3), (13.4) we deduce

B (w, w) ~Yo llwlltB+
B (u, w) = (J, w)o,B+ (wEW),
where u and 1 have an obvious definition and W is the closure in HI (B+) of the
manifold spanned by w when v spans coo{]). It is readily seen that W satisfies
hypotheses (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) of Sect. 4. From the theory developed in that
section, we deduce that u is coo in every semiball t ~ 0, jyj 2 + t 2 ~ c5 (0 < c5 < 1).
Coming back to u, we see that u belongs to coo (AI u J:), to coo (A 2u J:) and to
C0 (A). Using Green's identity and the arbitrariness of v, from (13.4) we deduce
that u satisfies the boundary condition (13.1) on J:. Arguing as in the proof of
the existence theorem for the second boundary value problem of the previous
section, we get the following result.
13.1 Problem (HP) has a solution when and only when
J Nl (!; dx + J f}2l (!; dx =0,
A1 A,

where the e/s are given by (12.20); the e/s are the only solutions of the homogeneous
problem (i.e. j<1l =0, j<2l 0).
Theorem 13.1 is easily extended to the case when A is composed of n elastic
bodies with different elasticities. It is also trivial to find the variational principle
corresponding to problem (HP).
388 G. FICHERA: Existence Theorems in Elasticity.

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Boundary Value Problems of Elasticity
with Unilateral Constraints.


In the preceding article "Existence Theorems in Elasticity", which hence-

forth will be cited as E.T.E.1 • I have treated boundary value problems of Elas-
ticity in the case when the side conditions to be associated with the differential
equations of equilibrium correspond to bilateral constraints imposed upon the
elastic body. In this article I will treat the analytical problems which arise when
unilateral constraints are imposed. In Sect. 6 of E.T.E. it is shown that the
"bilateral problems", as far as the existence theory is concerned, are founded
on the solution of a system of equations of the following type

B(u, v)=F(v), uEV, 'v'vEV, {1)

where B(u, v) is a bounded bilinear form defined in HxH (H=Hilbert space),
F is a linear functional and Vis a closed linear subspace of H. These equations,
in the case when B is symmetric and the space H real, are easily obtained by
imposing upon the energy functional
J(v)=iB(v, v)-F(v)
the condition of attaining a minimum on V.
In the case of unilateral constraints, the manifold V is not a closed linear
subspace of H but a closed convex set of H. The condition for J(v) to have a
minimum in the point u of V leads, in this case, to the inequalities
B(u, v-u) ~F(v-u), uEV, 'v'vEV (2)
which easily reduce to (1) if V is a linear subspace of H.
In order to provide, as in the case of bilateral constraints, satisfactory founda-
tions for unilateral problems of elasticity, we shall develop in the first two sec-
tions of this article an abstract theory of functional inequalities (2), considering
not only the case of a symmetric bilinear form B(u, v) but also the non sym-
metric case. We shall denote these problems as abstract unilateral problems.
1. Abstract unilateral problems: the symmetric case. Let H be a real Hilbert
space. We denote by (u, v) the scalar product in Hand by JJuJJ the norm of the
vector u of H. Let B(u, v) be a symmetric bounded bilinear form defined on
H xH. From the elementary theory of Hilbert spaces it is well known that there
exists one and only one symmetric, bounded linear operator T from H into H
such that B(u, v) = (Tu, v) for any u and v of H. Let N(T) be the kernel of the
operator T, i.e.
N(T)={v; T(v)=O}.
1 See this volume, pp. 347-389.
392 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 1.

The linear subspace N(T) is also the kernel of the nonnegative quadratic form
B(v, v), i.e.
N(T)={v; B(v, v)=O}.
Let Q be the orthogonal projector of H into the kernel of B(v, v) and set
P=l -Q (I =identity operator). We shall assume the following hypotheses.
(I) Semi-coerciveness hypothesis:
B(v, v) ~ci1Pvll 2 VvEH, (1.1)
where cis a positive constant independent on v.
(II) The kernel of the quadratic form B(v, v) is finite dimensional.
Let F(v) be a bounded linear functional defined on Hand V a closed convex
set of H. 2
1.I Let us consider the functional
f(v) = t B(v, v) -F(v).
There exists in V a vector u which minimizes f(v) in V, if and only if there exists
a solution of the unilateral problem.
B(u, v-u) ~F(v-u), uEV, VvEV. (1.2)
If f(v) has a minimum for v=u, given any vEV, the function oft (O~t~1)
g(t)=f[u+t(v-u)J has a minimum for t=O. The condition g'(O) ~0 exactly
coincides with (1.2). Conversely if (1.2) is satisfied for any vEV, we have
f(v) -f(u) =f[u+ (v-u)] -f(u)= B(u, v-u)-F(v-u)+i B(v-u, v-u) ~0.
Remark that in the proof of this lemma only the condition B(v, v) ~ 0 has
been used.
Let U be a point set of H containing some u =I= 0. Let us consider for any
uc: U, u=!= 0, the set of nonnegative numbers t such that tilull-1 u is contained
in U. We shall denote by p (u, U) the supremum of this set, i.e.
p (u, U) =sup{t; uE U, u=l= 0, tllull-1 uE U}.
If Tis a mapping from H into Hand U a set of H, by T[UJ we shall indicate
the image of U under the mapping T.
Let N(F) be the kernel of the functional F, i.e.
N(F)={v; F(v)=O}.
N(T)=L (:£>L 1 •
Let Q be the orthogonal projector of H onto L. Set P=l -Q. Let Q11 be the
orthogonal projector of H onto L1 .
1.II The functional f(v) has an absolute minimum in V if there exists u0 E V
such that the following conditions are satisfied
(i) F(e) <O for eEN(T) n V(u 0 ), p{Q1 f!, Q1 [N(T) n V(u0 )]}=+ oo.
(ii) The set P [V(u0 )] is closed.
2 When we say that V is a convex set, we mean that v1 E V, v 2 E V imply t1 v1 + t2 v 2 E V for
any f1 , t 2 such that 0:::;; f;:::;; 1 (i = 1, 2), /1 + t2 = 1. By V (u 0 ) we denote the set of all v such
that v+u0 E V.
Sect. 1. Abstract unilateral problems: the symmetric case. 393

Set Q=l -P. Since L is a subspace of N(T), we have Q<Q and therefore
P > P. Let i be the infimum (finite or not) of J(v) in V.
Let {u,.} be a minimizing sequence for J(v) in V, i.e.
lim..F(u,.)=i, u,.EV.

Set z,.=u,.-u0 • The sequence {z,.} is minimizing for the functional J(w+u0 )
for wE V(u 0). Suppose we have proved that {P z,.} contains a bounded subsequence.
Then we may extract a subsequence, which we still denote by {z,.}, such that
{Pz,.} converges weakly to some limit. This limit must belong to P[V(u0 )],
since this set is closed and convex and, in consequence, weakly closed. Let Pz
be the weak limit of {Pz,.}. Since F(Q v)=O, we have

J(z,.+u 0 )=J(P z,.+u0 ).

On the other hand, since B(v, v) is lower semicontinuous with respect to weak
convergence3 and we may suppose zE V(u 0 ), we have
i= lim J(Pz,.+u 0 ) ~J(Pz+u0)=J(z+u0 ) ~i.

Assuming u=z+u0 , we have uEV and J(u)=i. Thus we have to prove that,
from the sequence {Pz,.}, we may extract a bounded subsequence. Set a,.=IIPz,.ll
and suppose lim a,.=+ oo. We have, using (1.1)

ci1Pz,.ll2 ~ B(z,., z,.) = 2J(u,.)-2J(u0 )+2F(z,.)-2B(u0 , z,.). (1.3)

Set w,. = a;; 1 z,.. We have, denoting by c1 a suitable constant,

ca! I Pw" 1 2 ~ C1 + 2 (IIFII+ IITIIIIuoll) a,. IIPw,.ll

which implies lim IIPw,.II=O. We have Q1 =P-P. Q1 is a projector which is ortho-
gonal toP. Hence
11Pw,.ll2 = 11Pw,.ll2 + 11Qtw,.ll2 = 1.
SinceQ1 w,.EN(T), we may extract (because of Hypothesis (II)) from {w,.} a sub-
sequence, which we still denote by {w,.}, such that {Q1 w,.} converges (strongly)
to some vector (} belonging to Q1 [ N (T)] and such that II(} II= 1. We have z,. EV (u 0).
Moreover {O}EV(u0 ). Hence, for any t>O and n large enough, tw,.EV(u0 ). Then
tPw,.EP [V(u0 )] and, for condition ii),
t e= lim tPw,.EP [V(u0 )].

Let e' be a vector of V(u 0 ) such that Pe'=e. We have e'=e+(e'-e),

(}EQ1 [N(T)], e'-eEQ[N(T)]; thus e'EN(T)n V(u 0 ) andF(e)=F(e)+F(e'-e)=
F(e') <O.
3 Suppose that B(u, v) is a symmetric bounded bilinear form and B(v, v) ~0. Suppose
that {w,.} converges weakly to the limit w. We have B(w,., w,.) = B(w, w) + 2B(w, w,.- w) +
B(w -w, w -w). Since B(w,, -w, w11 -w) ~o. lim B(w, w11 -w) =0, then
n n n~oo

minlim B(w11 , w11 ) ~B(w, w).

Of course the hypothesis of the symmetry of B(u, v) is not restrictive. In fact, if B(u, v) is
not symmetric, we can apply the argument to t{B(u, v) + B(v, u)}.
394 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 1.

From (1.3) we deduce the inequality

cani1Pwnll 2 ;;::;; a [.f(un)-.f(u0)] +2F(Pwn)+2F(Q1 wn)-2B(u0 , Pwn),
which is absurd since the minlim of the left hand side is nonnegative while the
max lim of the right hand side is negative.
Remark. If the set N(T) n V(u 0 ) is bounded [and ii) holds], the existence of
the minimum holds for any given F. In particular this condition is satisfied if V
is bounded. In this case the condition (1.1) is not needed, but only B(v, v) ~0.
In fact, if V is bounded, any minimizing sequence is bounded and, in consequence,
weakly compact.
1.III If .f(v) has a minimum in V, for any u0 E V and any e such that
(!EN(T) n V(u 0 ), p{Q1 (!, Q1 [N(T) n V(u0 )]}=+ oo
one must have F(e) < 0.
Let e(t) be such that Q1 e(t)=tQ1 e, e(t)EN(T)nV(u0 )t>O. From (1.2) we
have: B(u, e(t)+u 0 -u) ~F[e(t)+u0 -u]. Since F[e(t)]=tF(e)=l=O, we have
tF(e) ;;:=;;B(u, u0 )-B(u, u) +F(u-u0 ), which implies F(e) <O.
This theorem proves that condition i) of Theorem 1.III is necessary for the
existence of the minimum. Let us prove, by an example, that, if condition ii)
does not hold, the theorem could fail to be true.
Let H be a two dimensional space, and let v1 and v2 be two orthogonal unit
vectors of H. Assume B=(u, v1 ) (v, v1). Let V be the convex set defined by the
0;;::;; (v, v1) < 1 (v, v2) [1- (v, v1)] ~ (v, v1).
Assume that
F(v)=a(v, v1 )+b(v, v2 )
with a~ 1. The kernel N(T) is defined by the condition (v, v1) = 0. For any choice
of u0 the set N(T)nV(u0 ) is formed by the vectors e such that (e,v1)=0,
((!, v2 ) ~a, where a is a constant depending on u0 • If b=!=O the condition F(e) <O
can be satisfied only if we assume
(u 0 , v2)[1-(u0 , v1)]=(u0 , v1).
In this case F(e) < 0 is equivalent to b < 0. In the case when b < 0 the space
L coincides with {0}, and the functional .f(v) has a minimum in V, as is
easily checked by elementary arguments. If b=O, the space LM is the space
(v, v1) = 0. Then the set P [V (u0 ) J is defined by the conditions
(v, v2) = 0, -cx. 2 ;;::;; (v, v1 ) < 1-cx.2
and it is not closed, i.e. condition ii) of Theorem 1.III is violated. It is easily
seen that in this case .f(v) has no minimum in V.
1.IV If for any wE P[HJ there exists a (!EN(T) such that w+eE V, and if
F(e) =0 for every eEN(T), then .f(v) has a minimum in V and the vector u which
minimizes Jf(v) in V minimizes .f(v) in the whole H.
The existence of the vectors u and u0 minimizing .f(v) respectively in V and
in H, follows from Theorem 1.II.
Let eEN(T) and Pu 0 +eEV. We have
.f(u0 ) =f(Pu0 ) =f(Pu0 +e) ~.f(~t);
hence .f(u) = .f(u0 ).
Sect. 2. Abstract unilateral problems: the nonsymmetric case. 395
1.V If u minimizes ...f(v) in V, the vector Pu is uniquely determined by F.
Any other vector u' minimizing ...f(v) in Vis given by u'=u+e, where e is a vector
of N(T) such that F(e) =0, u+ eE V.
Let u be a solution of the unilateral problem (1.2), i.e. a vector minimizing
...f(v) in V. Let u' be a solution of the unilateral problem

B(u', v-u') ~F'(v-u'), u'EV, 'v'vEV. (1.4)

F' is a linear bounded functional. From (1.2), (1.4) we deduce

B(u, u' -u) ~F(u' -u)

B(u', u-u') ~F'(u-u');

B(u-u', u-u') ~F(u-u')-F'(u-u')
and, by (1.1),
c JJPu-Pu'JJ 2 ~ JJF-F'IIJJu-u'JJ, (1.5)
which, for F=F', implies Pu=Pu'. If u' minimizes ...f(v) in V, one has Pu=Pu'
and u'=u+e- Since ...f(u')=...f(u)-F(e), it follows that F(e)=O. Conversely, if
one has u' = u + e and e satisfies the conditions stated in the theorem, u' mini-
mizes ...f(v) in V.
2. Abstract unilateral problems: the nonsymmetric case. We maintain in this
section all the hypotheses stated for B(u, v), for V and for F, in Sect. 1, but we
no longer assume B(u, v) to be symmetric. As in Sect. 1 we denote by Q the
orthogonal projector of H onto the kernel of the quadratic form B(v, v) and set
P=l -Q. Thus B(u, v) is a bounded bilinear form defined on H xH and satis-
fying Hypotheses I and II of Sect. 1. Vis a closed convex set of H. F is a bounded
linear functional defined in H.
We have B(u, v) = (Tu, v) where T is a bounded linear operator from H
into H. We shall denote by T* the adjoint operator of T, i.e. the bounded linear
operator defined by the condition
(Tu,v)=(u, T*v), 'v'u,vEH.
We have
B(v, v) =(Tv, v) = (T* v, v) = j ((T + T*) v, v).
Since B(v, v) is nonnegative, its kernel coincides with the kernel N(T + T*) of
the symmetric operator T+ T*, and moreover
N(T)- N(T*)CN(T + T*).
We shall consider the unilateral problem (1.1) under these more general
hypotheses on B.
Let us denote by K(T) the orthogonal complement of N(T) with respect
to N(T + T*), i.e.
N(T + T*) =N(T) EBK(T).
The following theorem generalizes Theorem 1.III to a nonsymmetric form
B(u, v). As in Sect. 1 we set
L=N(F) nN(T), N(T)=L EBL 1 ,
Q, P, Q1 have the same meaning as in Sect. 1.
396 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 2.

2.1 The unilateral problem

B(u,v-u)~F(v-u), uEV, 'v'vEV (2.1)
for the (not necessarily symmetric) bilinear form B(u, v) has a solution u if there
exists a u 0 EV such that the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) F(e) < 0 for eEN(T) n V(u0 ), p{Q1 (!, Q1 [N(T) n V(u 0 )]}= + oo.
(ii) The set P [V(u0)] is closed.
(iii) Let Q0 be the orthogonal projector of H onto K(T). For every (! satisfying
the conditions Q0 e=l= 0, (!EN(T + T*) n V(u0 ), p{(Q0 +Q1) (!, (Q0 +Q1) [N(T + T*)
n V(u0 )]}= + oo there exists a vector vl!E V such that

F(e) + B(e, ve) <O.

Let f be a vector of H such that

F(v)= (f, v), V vEH.

Let us consider the unilateral problem
(u, w-u) ~ (f, w-u), uEP [V(u0)], VwEP [V(u0)]. {2.2)
This is a particular case of the problem solved by Theorem 1.11, when we assume
B(u, v)=(u, v), as Hilbert space the space P[H] and as convex set P[V(u0 )].
Since in this case the kernel of the quadratic form is {0}, we have a solution for
any given f. This solution is unique and, in this particular case, (1.5) gives
llu-xll ~ 11/-gjj; (2.3)
x is the solution of the unilateral problem
(x,w-x)~(g,w-x), xEP[V(u0 )], 'v'wEP[V(u0)].
Let us denote by Rf the solution u of the unilateral problem {2.2).
For every positive integer n set T,= T +n-1 I. Consider the unilateral problem
(T,C. w-C) ~ (f- T u0 , w-C), CEP [V(u 0 )], V wEP [V(u0)]. (2.4)
Let A. be a positive constant. We can write (2.4) as follows
(C, w-C) ~ (C -A T,C +A. f-A. Tu 0 , w-C), CEP [V(u 0 )], V wEP [V(u0)].
Then a solution of (2.4) exists if and only if there exists a solution Cof the equation

Set SnC=R(C-A. T,C+A.f-A.Tu0 ) and consider S, as a mapping from
P[V(u0 )] into P[V(u0 )]. We have, because of (2.3)
IISnC -Snxli ~ II(I- A.T,) (C -x)ll ~III -A T..ll IIC -xll.
It is easily seen that, by assuming A< 2n- 1 IIT..II- 2, we have III- A T..ll < 1.
Thus Sn is a contraction, and (2.5) has one and only one solution. Let us denote
by zn the unique solution of (2.4). Suppose we have proved that {zn} contains a
bounded subsequence. We may extract from {zn} a weakly convergent sub-
sequence, which we still denote by {zn}· Let P z be the weak limit of {zn}· We may
suppose ZE V(u0 ). Set u=z+u0 • Keeping in mind that (Tv, v) is lower semi-
Sect. 2. Abstract unilateral problems: the nonsymmetric case. 397

continuous with respect to weak convergence and setting P(v-u0 ) =w (vE V),
we have
(Tu, v-u) = (Tz, (v-u 0 ) - (u-u0)) + (Tu 0 , v-u)
=(TPz,w-Pz)+(Tu0 ,v-u) ~- minlim (Tzn,zn-w)+(Tu 0 ,v-u)

~- lim {(f-Tu 0 , zn-w)- __!__

n~oo n
(zn, zn-w)}+(Tu0 , v-u)
= (f- Tu 0 , w-P z)+ (Tu 0 , v-u)
= (f- Tu 0 , v-u0 -z)+ (Tu 0 , v-u)= (f, v-u).
Thus we have to prove that {zn} contains a bounded subsequence. Set O'n=llznll
and suppose that lim an=+ oo.
From (2.4), assuming w=P(v-u0 ) (vE V), we deduce that

cliP znll 2 ;;;:; (zn, T* v- T* u0 )+ ·~ (zn, v-u0 ) + {f- Tu 0 , zn)- {f- Tu 0 , v-u0 ).
Set xn = a;;1 Zn. Then
ca!IIPxnll 2 ;;;;;an(xn, T*v-T*u0 )+ :n (xn,v-u 0 )
+ O'n (f- T u0 , xn)- (f- T u0 , v- u0 ) •
Hence lim I P xn II= 0.
We have P=P+Q 0 +Q1 and P, Q0 , Q1 are mutually orthogonal projectors.
liP xnll + IIQo xnll + IIQl xnll = 1.
2 2 2

Thus we may extract from {xn} a subsequence, which we still denote by {xn},
such that

Set e=eo+ '21· Since
te=limtxn (t>O)

and, for n large enough, t Xn Ep [ v (Uo) J' then t e EP [ v (Uo) J. Let e' be a vector
of V(u 0 ) such that Pe'=e. We have e'=e+(e'-e). Since eEL1 EBK(T) and
e'-eEL, we have e'EN(T+T*)nV(u0 ). If eo=O, then e'EN(T)nV(u0 ).
Eq. (2.7) implies '21 =l= 0 and, in consequence, F(f!l) =F(e1) + F(e'- e1) =F(e') < 0.
If f!o=l= 0, then Q0 (2 =j= 0 and, assuming V=VQ•, we have {f, e') + (T* VQ•, (2 < 0.
1 1

(f, e)+(T* ve'• e)=(f, e)+(T* ve'• e)+ {I, e'-e)
+ (ve', T(e'-e)) = (f, e') + (T* vQ., e') <O,
and (2.8) holds also in this case, provided we assume v=ve'·
From (2.6), where v is any fixed vector of V if e0 =0 and v=ve' if eo=l= 0,
we deduce that
CO'n liP xnll 2 ;;;:; (P Xn, T* v- T* Uo) + n1 (xn, v-uo)
+ (P Xn, f- Tu0 )+ (Q 0 xn+ Q1 x,..f+T* v)- -Gn1 (f- Tu0 , v-u0 ),
398 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 2

which is absurd since the minlim of the left hand side is nonnegative while the
limit of the right hand side is negative.
Remark. If the set N(T + T*) n V(u0) is bounded [and (ii) holds], the uni-
lateral problem (2.1) has a solution for any given F. In particular this condition
is satisfied if V is bounded. In this case the condition (1.1) is not needed but
only B(v, v) ~0. In fact, if Vis bounded, the sequence {zn} is weakly compact.
The following theorem proves the necessity of condition i) of Theorem 2.I.
2.II If the unilateral problem (2.1) has a solution u, for any u0 E V and any (!
such that
(!EN(T) n V(u 0 ), P{Q1 (!, Q1 [N(T) n V(u0)]}=+ oo,

one must have F(e)< 0.

The proof is exactly the same as for Theorem 1.III.
Concerning condition ii), the same example as given in the symmetric case
proves that if condition ii) is dropped the theorem may fail to be true.
With respect to condition iii) we can only prove the following
2.III If for every u0 E V and for some e satisfying the conditions

Q0 e=!= 0, (!EN(T + T*) n V(u0 ),

P{(Qo+Qt) (!, (Q 0 +Q1) [N(T + T*) n V(u0 )]}=+ oo,
we have
F(e) + B(e, v) > o (2.10)
for every vE V, then the unilateral problem (2.1) has no solution.
Suppose, contrarywise, that problem (2.1) has a solution u. Let us have, for
every t > 0, (Q 0 +Q1 ) (! (t) =t(Q0 +Q1) (!, (! (t) EN(T + T*) n V(u0 ). Then
(Tu+ T*u, e(t) +uo-u) ~t(f+ T* u, e (t)) + (f+ T* u, Uo-u).
Since T e (t) + T* e(t) =0, (I+ T* u, e(t)) =t(f+ T* u, e), we conclude that
(Tu, Uo-u)- (f, Uo-u) ~t(f+ T* u, e)
which implies
(f+ T* u, e) =F(e) + B(e, u) ~ 0
in contradiction with (2.10).
2.IV If u is a solution of the unilateral problem (2.1) the vector Puis uniquely
determined by F.
Arguing as in the proof of Theorem 1.V, we get (1.5) and the proof of Theo-
rem 2.IV.
2.V If B(v, v) is coercive on H, i.e.
cJJvJJ2 ~B(v,v) VvEH,
the unilateral problem (2.1) has only one solution for any given F. If we denote by
G(F) the solution of the unilateral problem (2.1), G is a Lipschitz-continuous mapping
from H* (dual space of H) into V.
Under the assumed hypotheses, problem (2.1) has a solution for every given
FEH*. In this case, since P=I, the inequality (1.4) gives
c llu-u'II2IIF -F'II.
Sect. 3. Unilateral problems for elliptic operators. 399

which proves uniqueness and, moreover,

IIG(F) -G(F') II~ c- 1 IIF -F'II·
Remark. For the uniqueness of the solution of the unilateral problem (2.1),
it is sufficient the quadratic form B(v, v) be strictly positive on H. In fact, if u
and u' are two solutions of (2.1), we have B(u, u'-u) ;;;..F(u'-u), B(u', u-u') ;;;._
F(u-u'). Hence B(u-tt', u-tt') ~0, which implies u=u'.
3. Unilateral problems for elliptic operators. Let A be a bounded domain of the
cartesian space xr, and let B(u, v) be the bilinear form considered in Sect. 5 of
c, 1n
B(u,v)=(-1)'n L.: (-1)1Pifapq(x)DquDPvdx.
IPl. lql A

We now assume that then x n matrices apq have real entries which are bounded
and measurable functions in A; u and v are real n-vector valued functions of
Hm(A) which we now consider as a real Hilbert space. 4
Let H be a closed, linear subspace of Hm (A), and suppose that the bilinear
form, when restricted to H X H, satisfies Hypotheses I and II considered in Sects. 1
and 2.
(I) Denote by P the projector of H onto the orthogonal complement of the kernel
of B(v, v) (restricted to H). A positive constant c exists such that
B(v, v) ;;;._ c IIPvllm• VvEH.
(II) The kernel of B(v, v) is finite dimensional.
Let V be a closed convex set of H. We can apply the theory of Sects. 1 and
2 to this particular case and give existence theorems for the unilateral problem
( -1)m L (-1)1PI J apq(x) Dq u DP(v-u) dx ;;;..F(v-u), u:c V, Vv:c V, (3.1)
IPI. lql A

where F is a given bounded linear functional defined on H.

Suppose that the following further hypotheses are satisfied.
(III) The convex set V containsHm(A).
(IV) The differential operator
L(x,D)=(-1)"'DPapqDq, (o~IPI~m), (o~lql~m)

is elliptic for every xEA.

In addition assume that apq(x)EC"'(A) and F(v)=(f, v) 0 5 for any vEHm(A),
where f is a function of Hv (A). We have the following theorems:
3.I Under the assumed hypotheses, if u is a solution of the unilateral problem
(3.1), then u belongs to H 2 m+v(B), where B is any domain such that BcA, and u
is a solution in A of the differential system Ltt= f.
If vEC 00 (A) and tis an arbitrary real constant, from (3.1) we deduce tB(u, v)-
B(u, u) ;;;..t(f, v) 0 -(f, u) 0 . Hence, since tis arbitrary, B(u, v)=(f, v) 0 , and after
integrations by parts we obtain

J u L * v dx = AJ f v dx.
4 We use in this paper concepts and notations already introduced in E.T.E.
denotes scalar product in H 0 (A) ==£'2 (A).
5 (•, ·) 0
400 G. FrcHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 3.

From Theorem 3.I of E.T.E. we get the proof.

3.II The space N(T) consists in all the functions (! such that

L e=o, eEOI!H. 6 (3.2)

We obtain the proof of this theorem by observing that gEN(T) if and only if

B(g, v)=O, (!EH, 'VvEH.

From the results of Sect. 6 of E.T.E. it follows that gEN(T) when and only
when e satisfies (3.2).
We have a similar result for characterizing the functions e which belong to
N(T + T*). In fact we have to use the same argument but referred to the sym-
metric bilinear form B(u, v) + B(v, u). As a consequence we deduce that N(T + T*)
is formed by all the solutions of the equation Lu+L*u=O that belong to a
certain subspace 011~ of H; L * is the operator L * = ( -1)m DP rxpq Dq where
1Xpq=(- 1 )1PI+Iqlaqp· o

Let A' be an open subset of A and consider the function space Hm(A'). We
may consider Hm(A') as a subspace of Hm(A) if we suppose that each function
u of Hm(A') is continued into the whole set A by assuming ti=O in A -A'.
Suppose we have, instead of (III) the weaker hypothesis
(III') The convex set V contains Hm(A').
If we retain unchanged the other hypotheses on the ellipticity of L and on
the smoothness of the coefficients apq and of f (or, at most, we restrict them to
A'), Theorem 3.I still holds, provided we read A' instead of A in its statement.
Let us now suppose that the domain A is C'"-smooth at the point x 0 of oA
(see E.T.E., Sect. 6). Let I 0 be a neighborhood of x 0 containing the neighborhood
I of x 0 which is involved in the definition of C"'-smoothness. Let Vo be a class
of functions v which are defined on the whole space X' and which have their
supports in I 0 • If B is any set of X', we shall denote by Vo (B) the class of func-
tions on B obtained by taking the restriction to B of every vEVo. Let us suppose
that: (i) "Vo(A) is a closed linear subspace of Hm(A); (ii) 'Vo(Ani0 ))Hm(Ani0 );
(iii) for every vE"Vo(A ni0 ), the following inequality holds

B(v, v) ~Yo llv II!, A (Yo> 0); (3.3)

(iv) Hypothesis (IV)x, of Sect. 6 of E.T.E. is satisfied for the class 'Vo(A).
Let us now assume that
(III") The convex set V contains the subspace Vo (A).
Let usremarkthatHypothesis (III") implies Hypothesis (III') (with A' =A ni0 ),
because of ii), and implies Hypothesis (IV) (restricted to A ni0 ), because of
inequality (3-3) (see E.T.E. Theorem S.II).
Let us assume that apqEC"'(Xr) and that for every vE"Vo(A) we have F(v)=
(f, v) 0 where f is a function of H. (A). The following theorem holds.
3.III Under the assumed hypotheses, every solution u of the unilateral prob-
lem (3.1) belongs to H 2 m+v(B) for any domain B such that BCA n (A vi).
Arguing as in the proof of Theorem 3.I we see that B(u, v) = (f, v) 0 for every
vE"Vo(A). Then the proof of our theorem follows from Theorem 6.VI of E.T.E.
6 For the definition of iJUH see E.T.E., Sect. 6 (definition of problem (P)).
Sect. 4. General definition for the convex set V. 401

Theorem 3.I and the analogous theorem relative to Hypothesis (III'), give
results concerning the interior regularity of u, while Theorem 3.III concerns the
boundary regularization of u. Of course these theorems are obtained under the
strong assumption that V contains linear subspaces such as to permit us to
carry over the results of the regularization theory developed for linear problems.
When this assumption is not satisfied, the regularization theory becomes much
more difficult, as we shall see later, and the solution has, in general, only a mild
degree of regularity even if the data are very smooth.
Remark. Suppose that a solution u of (3.1) exists such that B(u, u)=F(u).
Then Theorem 3.I [3.III] still holds for such a solution if we substitute for
Hypothesis (III) [III'] the weaker one: the convex set V contains the closed ball
JJwJJ~s (s>O) ofHm(A) [~(A)].
The proof is readily obtained by an easy modification of the proof of Theo-
rem 3.I.
4. General definition for the convex set V. Let us now consider three definitions
for the convex set V that include the unilateral problems which generally arise
in the theory of elasticity.
Let f/Jh(x, z0 , z1 , ... , zs) (h=1, ... , l) be a real valued function defined for
x EX' and for every choice of the vectors z0 , .. , Zs. We suppose that z0 , ..• , Z5
are such that for every n-vector valued function vE coo (X') we may consider the
<Ph[x, v(x), ... , DPv(x), ... ]
for 0 ~ JPJ ~m.
We suppose that every <Ph depends continuously on the variables x, z0 , ••• ,z5 •
Moreover we suppose that, for t1 ~0, t 2 ~0 and t1 +t 2 =1 and for any choice
of x, z~1 ), ... , z~1 l, z~2), ••. , z~2 ),
<Ph(x, t1 z~1 l+t 2 z~2 l, ... ,t1 z11 l+t 2 z~2))~t1 <Ph(x,z&1l, ... , zPl)
+t2 <Ph(x,z~2 l, ... ,z~ 2)) <Ph(x, 0, ... , 0) ~ 0.
Let H be a closed linear subspace of Hm (A), and let Ah be a measurable
subset of A (h=1, ... ,l).
Let rph (x) (h=1, ... , l) be a real valued function, nonnegative and measurable
in Ah.
We define V as follows.
()() Vis the set of all the functions v of H such that almost everywhere on Ah
(h=1, ... ,l). (4.2)
From (4.1) we deduce that Vis not empty and is convex. Let {vn} be a con-
verging sequence (in the topology of Hm(A)) of functions belonging to V. Let
v be the limit of this sequence. Since from {vn} we can extract a subsequence,
which we still denote by {vn}, such that {DP vn} converges to DP v almost every-
where on A, we see that the function v satisfies condition (4.2), i.e. belongs to V.
Thus we have proved that Vis closed.
Thus we may apply to the bilinear form B(u, v) and to the convex set V
the theory developed in the preceding sections. In particular if we choose 1=1,
<P1 (x, v, ... , DP v, .. .) = L JDPvJ2,
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 26
402 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 5.

take A1 =A and suppose that <p1 (x) is bounded in A, we have a bounded closed
convex set V. In this case the unilateral problem (3.1) has a solution for any
given F.
Let us now consider a second general definition for the convex set V. Let us
suppose that A is properly regular (see E.T.E. Sect. 2) and let lf'11 (x, z) (h=1, ... , l')
be a real valued function defined for xE oA and for any choice of the vector z.
We suppose that z has as many components as needed for considering the function

(h=1, ... 'l')

where v (x) is ann-vector valued function belonging to em (A} and -r is the "bound-
ary value operator" defined in Sect. 2 of E.T.E. We suppose that the boundary
oA is decomposable into a finite number of non-overlapping differentiable (r-1}-
cells7 and that lf'11 (x, z) is continuous when x varies in any of these cells and z
varies arbitrarily. Moreover for t1 ~0, t 2 ~0, t1 +t 2 =1 and any x, z<1l, z< 2l, we
lf'11 (x, t1 z(l) + t 2 z< 2l) ~ t1 lf'11 (x, z<1l) + t2 lf'11 (x, z< 2l) lf'11 (x, 0) ~ 0.

Let H be a closed linear subspace of Hm(A) and 1:11 (h=1, ... , l') a subset of
oA composed by non-overlapping differentiable (r-1)-cells. Let tp11 (x) be a real
valued function nonnegative and measurable on 1:11 •
We now define V as follows.
{3) V is the set of all the functions v of H such that almost everywhere on 1:11 we
(h=1, ... , l') .8 (4.3}
As for the definition oc:) it is easy to prove that Vis non-empty, closed and
As third definition we take the one corresponding to the set which is the
intersection of the two convex sets defined, respectively, by oc:) and by {3).
y) Vis the set of all the functions of H satisfying conditions (4.2) and (4.3).
Since the intersection of two closed convex sets is closed and convex, so is
the set V defined by y).
5. Unilateral problems for an elastic body. Let A be a bounded domain of X'
which we suppose properly regular and with a boundary oA that can be decom-
posed into a finite number of non-overlapping (r-1)-cells of class C"(n ~ 1). Let
A represent the natural configuration of an r-dimensional elastic body, which
we denote by the same letter A. Using the notations of Sect. 12 of E.T.E., for
every pair of r-vectors u, v of H1 (A) we consider the bilinear form

B(u, v) j a,h,ik(x) u; 111 ui/kdx,

7 It is convenient to recall here the definition of a differentiable (r -1 )-cell. Let x = x (t) """
[x1(t), ... , x,(t)] bear-vector valued function defined in the closed domain rr-1, o~t.~1
(i = 1, ... , r-1) 0 ~t1 + ···+t,_ 1 ~1 ofthe (r-1)-dimensional space, satisfying the following
conditions: i) x=x(t) belongs to the class C»(P- 1) (n~1); ii) the jacobian matrix 8xf8t
has rank r- 1 at every point of rr- 1 ; iii) the function x = x (t) is univalent in p-1. The
range r of the function X = X (t) is, by definition, a differentiable (r -1 )-cell of class en. The
set of all the points of r, which correspond to the boundary (JP- 1 of rr- 1 , is the border or
of r. When we say that two (r-1)-cells are non-overlapping, we mean that they have in
common, at most, points of their borders.
8 It is evident that now the concepts "measurable function" and "almost everywhere"
must be understood with respect to the hypersurface measure on oA.
Sect. s. Unilateral problems for an elastic body. 403
where the functions a.,,,;k(x) are the ones introduced in Sect. 12 of E.T.E. and
satisfy the hypotheses stated in that section. Let f be a given r-vector belonging
to H 0 (A) and g a given r-vector belonging to 2"2 (8A). Let the energy functional
to be associated with the body A be the following
J(v) =! B(v, v) -F(v),

Let f/Jk(x; z0 ; z1) (h=1, ... ,l) be a real valued function depending on the
r-vector x, the r-vector z0 , and the r 2-vector z1 , defined in the whole (2r+r2)-
dimensional cartesian space and continuous at every point (x; z0 ; z1).
For the functions f/Jk we assume that condition (4.1) is satisfied, i.e. for
t1 ;?;0, t2 ;?;0, t1 +t2 =1 and any choice of x, zb1>, zi1>, zb2l, zi2>, we have
q,,. (x; t1 Zb1l + t 2 Zb2l; t1 zi1>+ t 2 zi2>) ;;;;;; t1 fP,. (x; Zb1l; zi1>) + t 2 f/Jk (x; Zb2l; zi1l)
f/Jh(x; 0; 0);;;;;; 0.
Let 9/k(x) be a nonnegative, bounded measurable function in the subdomain
Ah of A.
We suppose that the elastic body is subjected to the following internal con-
almost everywhere in Ah (h=1, ... , l).
Let 'Ph(x, z) (h=1, ... , l') be a real valued function defined for xE8A and
for every r-vector z. Let the function 'Ph (x, z) be continuous when x varies in
each (r-1)-cell of 8A and z in the r-dimensional cartesian space. Moreover for
t1 ;?; 0, t2 ;?; 0, t1 +t 2 =1, for each xE oA and every choice of z<1l and z<2l
'Ph (x, t1 z(l) +t2 z< 2l) ;;;;;; t1 'Ph (x, z< 1>) +t2 'P,. (x, z( 2l) 'Ph (x, 0) ~ 0.
Let I 11 (h=1, ... , l') be a subset of oA formed by non-overlapping differ-
entiable (r-1)-cells of 8A. Let 1p,.(x) be a nonnegative bounded measurable
function in rh.
The elastic body be subjected to the following boundary constraints

almost everywhere on rk (h=1, ... , l').
Let H be a closed linear subspace of H 1 (A).
The following one is a very general problem in the classical theory of elasticity.
To minimize the functional J(v) in the subset V of H formed by all the functions
v that satisfy the conditions (5.1) and (5.2).
The problem consists in finding the equilibrium configuration of an elastic
body subjected to the body forces determined by f, to the surface forces deter-
mined by g, and subjected to the bilateral constraints, imposed upon the admis-
sible displacements by requiring that they belong to H, and to the unilateral
constraints represented by (5.1) and (5.2).
It must be remarked that either (5.1) or (5.2), which are stated here as uni-
lateral constraints, may turn out, in some particular case, to be bilateral, as we
shall see by an interesting illustration.
404 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 6.

The problem stated, although very general in elasticity, is a particular case

of the theory developed in the previous sections of this article. The convex set V
is the one determined by condition y) of the preceding section. Of course, since
we do not exclude either the case when l'=O or the case when l=O, we may have
convex sets either of the kind !X) or of the kind (3). If we take l= l' = 0, we have
the problems discussed in Sect. 12 of E.T.E.
Of particular relevance is the case when l=O, l'=1; lf'1 (x, z)=-v(x) z [v(x)
is the unit inward normal to oA J; 1:1 -1: [subset of oA composed by non-over-
lapping (r-1)-cells];1p1 {x)-O; g 0 on 1:; H=H1 (A). The unilateral constraint
is now the following
This particular case defines what is nowadays known in the literature as the
Signorini problem. It corresponds to the equilibrium problem of an elastic body,
which in its natural configuration is supported by a rigid frictionless surface 1:.
We shall study this problem in full detail in the sequel.
Let us now assume l= 2, l' = 0. Let 1: be a subset of oA formed by non-over-
lapping (r-1)-cells. Set g-0 on 1:. Let H be the subspace of H 1 (A) formed by
the functions of H 1 (A) vanishing on oA. Assume
4>1 (x; v; v11 , ••• , v1, ) - - 4> 2 (x; v; v11 , ••• , v1,)== v;1;,
A 1 =A 2 =A and IJ?1 (x)==IJ? 2 (x)-O. In this case the two unilateral constraints
given by (5.1) are equivalent to the unique bilateral constraint V;;;=O in A.
This is the incompressibility condition for the elastic body A. The equilibrium
problem concerns now an incompressible elastic body, fixed along the part 1:
of its boundary, subjected to given surface forces IP on the remaining part of the
boundary and to given body forces f on A. Theorem 1.III gives readily an exist-
ence theorem for the minimum of J(v) in this particular case.
6. Other examples of unilateral problems.
(I) The Signorini problem for a scalar 2nd order elliptic operator. Let A be the
domain considered in Sect. 10 of E.T.E. and let B(u, v) be the bilinear form
defined in the example III of that section. Under the hypotheses there assumed
we have -B(v, v) ~c0 llvll~· Let H=H1 (A) and V the convex set defined by
the condition v~O on oA. For any given fEH 0 (A) there exists one and only one
solution of the unilateral problem
f{ o(v -u)
ou }
-(J;(v-u)-- c(v-u) u dx
~Jt(v-u)dx uEV, 'v'vEV.

In this case the convex set V satisfies the Hypothesis (III) of Sect. J. Then
uEH 2 (B) for any domain B such that EcA and satisfies in A the differential
Xj vX;
Let us now suppose that uEH2 (A). 9 From (6.1) we easily deduce -B(u, u)=
(f, u) 0 , -B(u, v) ~ (f, v) 0 • Moreover we have (see E.T.E., Sect. 10, III)
f fvdx+ f ve :; da.
9 This will turn out to be true from the analysis we shall develop in Sects. 8 and 9.
Sect. 6. Other examples of unilateral problems. 405

By the arbitrarine ss of v we deduce that u satisfies almost everywhere on oA the


which-pr ovided they hold in the whole of oA -lead to the ambiguous boundary

l l
u>O U=O
either ~ _ or ~<o Io
oJc -O oJc = .

(II) Membrane fixed along its boundary and stretched over an obstacle. Let A
be a bounded domain of X'. Assume

B(u, v)= f U;;V;;dx

(tt, v real valued functions).
Let cp (x) be a continuous function defined in A which takes non positive
values on oA. Assume H = H1 (A), and let the closed convex set V be defined by
the condition u ~ cp in A .11
There exists one and only one solution u of the unilateral problem

The function u minimizes in V the Dirichlet integral

in the set V. In the case when r = 2, u gives the equilibrium configuration of a

membrane (coinciding with the domain A in its natural configuration) which is
stretched over an obstacle represented by the function cp(x).
(III) Elastic plastic torsion problem. This problem leads to a unilateral problem
relative to a bounded domain A of X'. Also in this case, the bilinear form B(u, v)
is given by (6.2). His again HdA). The closed convex set Vis defined by the
ju 1;ufii ;;;::; a
where a is a positive constant. From the general theory we know that there
exists one and only one solution of the unilateral problem.

f u/i(v 1;-ufi) dx ~ b f (v-u) dx


1o Boundary conditions of this kind were indicated for the first time
by SrGNORINI in his
problem in elasticity. He proposed the term "ambiguous boundary conditions" because it
is not known a priori what set of conditions at a given point of the boundary is satisfied by the
solution u of the problem.
11 For a more general formulation of this problem see [26].
406 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 6.

(b given constant). The function u minimizes in V the functional

tAJ v1.v11 dx-bAJ vdx.
(IV) Clamped plate, partially supported on a subdomain. Let A be a bounded
domain of the plane x, y, and let B(u, v) be the bilinear form defined in Sect. 11
of E.T.E. which is used for proving Theorem 11.1. Let H=H 2 (A). Let A 0 be a
subdomain of A, and let V be the closed convex set defined by the condition
v > 0 in A 0 • There exists one and only one solution u of the unilateral problem

f( - -
ax ay
a2u a2(v-u)
ax ay
+- -
ay 2
az(v-u)) dx dy ~ Jf(v-u) dx dy

(I is a function of H 0 (A)).
The function u minimizes in V the functional

j {(::~ r+ 2( a::Y r+ ( ~:~ n dx dy-
f tv dx dy.

Let us observe that in this example, if A 0 is a proper subdomain of A, the

convex set V satisfies the condition (III') of Sect. 3 for every domain A'cA-A0
(if there is any). Then uEHH.(A') if /EH.(A') and L1 4 v=f in A'. Moreover if
oA is C00 -smooth in xO, Hypothesis (III") of Sect. 3 is satisfied by assuming
as l{; the space H2 (A n/0) 12 provided we can take / 0 at a positive distance from
A 0 • It follows that u is smooth in the neighborhood of xO according to the smooth-
ness of f.
(V) Elastic, perfectly locking body. A is the domain considered in Sect. 5 and
B(u, v) the bilinear form defined in that section. His one of the following three
spaces: H1 {A), H1 (A), HE={v; vEH1 (A), v=O onE} (Eisa subset of OA formed
by (r-1)-cells of oA).
Let 91(e) be a function depending on the symmetric tensor e={e.;} which is
continuous for every e, is a convex function of e and is such that 91 (0) < 0.
Let V be the closed convex subset of H formed by all the functions v such
lp[... ,2-1 (vif•+v 11 ;) •••• ]~0 a.e.inA.
The kernel N(T) of the quadratic form B(v, v) is constituted by all the rigid
displacements e=a+Cx (a constant r-vector, C skew-symmetric constant rxr-
matrix) belonging to H. From the Korn 2nd inequality, which we suppose to
hold in A, it follows that Hypothesis (I of Sect. 1 is satisfied. 13
If R is the space of all the rigid displacements we have N(T)=RnH. Define
F(v) as in Sect. 5, takingg=O on oA if H=H1 (A), andg=O on oA-Eif H=Hx.
A necessary condition for the existence of the minimum of Jf(v) in Vis F(e)=O
for every eERnH.
If L, Q and P are defined as in Sect. 1, and if we assume u 0 =0, we see that
L=RnH andP[V]cV. Hence, from Theorem1.11, it follows that Jf(v) has a
minimum in V. The minimizing function is determined up to a vector of RnH.
It must be remarked that RnH=l={O} only in the case when H=H1 (A).
12 Of course we suppose, as usual, that each function of H2 (Ani0 ) is continued in the
whole space and coincides with 0 outside of Ani0 •
13 We shall develop that in more detail in the next section.
Sect. 7. Existence theorem for the generalized Signorini problem. 407

7. Existence theorem for the generalized Signorini problem. Let us now con-
sider the problem stated in Sect. 5 under more specific assumptions on the func-
tions (/Jh and Ph, f/Jh, "Ph. We shall suppose that
(i) (/Jh(x; z0 ; z1) is a continuous function of (x; z0 ; z1) for every choice of
these variables;
(ii) (/Jh (x; z0 ; z1) for any x EX' is a convex function of (z0 ; z1) ;
(iii) W11 (x; z0 ; z1) for any xE X' is a homogeneous function of degree 1 of
(zo; zl).
It follows that for t1 ~ 0, t2 ~ 0 we have
(ph (x; t1 Zb1l + t2 z~l; t1 z~1 ) + t 2 zi2l) ~ t1 (/Jh (x; Zb1); zi1l) + t2 (/Jh (x; Zb2l; zi2l) (7.1)
and moreover
W11 (x; 0; 0)=0.
We assume similar hypotheses on the Ph(x; z):
(i) P 11 (x; z) is a continuous function of (x; z) when x varies in each tr-1)-
cell of oA and z is an arbitrary r-vector;
(ii) Ph (x; z) for any xE oA is a convex function of z;
(iii) Ph (x; z) for any xE oA is a homogeneous function of degree 1 of z.
We have for t1 ~0, t 2 ~0
P 11 (x, t1 z(ll+t 2 z( 2l) ~t1 P(x, z(1l)+t2 P(x, z( 2l) P(x, 0)=0. (7.2)
Let H be the space H1 (A), and let }; be the subset of oA considered in stating
the Signorini problem in Sect. 5.
Let A 11 (h=1, ... , l) be a subdomain of A and };11 a subset of}; composed by
(r-1)-cells of oA.
We shall define the closed convex set V as the set of all the functions of
H1 (A) such that
(/Jh (x, v; v1v ... , v1,) ~ 0 a.e. in Ah (h=1, ... , l), (7.3)
Ph (x, r v) ~ 0 a. e. on I:h (h=1, ... , l'). (7.4)
Let B(u, v) be the bilinear form of elasticity already considered in Sect. 5.
We have

The kernel of B(v, v) is the space R of the rigid displacements. Let Q be the
projector of H1 (A) onto R. For any vector vEH1 (A) such that Q v=O, we have,
as it is easily seen,

Then, if we assume that Korn's second inequality holds in A, 14 from the remark
contained in Sect. 12 of E.T.E. and from the footnote 17 of that paper it follows
that B(v, v) satisfies Hypothesis (I) of Sect. 1. Since R is finite dimensional,
Hypothesis (II) is satisfied too.
Let us now consider the subset R' = R n V. Let R* be the subset of R' formed
by all the vectors of R' which are bilateral, i.e. R* is defined as follows
R*={e; eER', eER ::::} -eER}.
14 Actually from the hypotheses assumed on A, it is possible to prove that A satisfies a
restricted cone hypothesis.
408 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 8.

It is easy to prove that R* is a linear space. Let

/EH0 {A), gE.P2 (E*) [E*=oA-E].

By the generalized Signorini problem we shall mean the following unilateral

B(u,v-u)~Jf(v-u)dx+Jg(v-u)da, uEV, 'v'vEV. (7.5)
A l.:*

It is equivalent to minimize
J(v)= !B(v, v)- J fv dx- J gv da
A l.:*

in V. The Signorini problem is a particular case of this more general problem,

as is easily seen.
7.1 If for every (!ER'
F(e)== J I e dx+ J g e da ~ o (7.6)
A l.:*

and if the sign = holds when and only when e E R*, the generalized Signorini problem
has a solution. If u is a solution of (7.5), any other solution u' is given by u' =u+ (!,
where e is a rigid displacement such that F(e) = 0, u+ (!E V.
We may apply Theorem 1.11, assuming u0 =0. We need only to show that,
if Q is the projector of H1 (A) onto R* and P=I-Q, then P[V] is closed. If
vEV, from (7.1) we have
tPh(x;Pv; (Pv) 11 , ••• , (Pv) 1,) ~ tP"(x; v; v, 1 , ••• ,vi,)
+tP"(x;-Qv; (-Qv) 11 , ••• ,(-Qv) 1,)~o a.e.inA" (h=1, ... ,l)
and, analogously, from (7.2) we deduce that
lJih(x;7:Pv)~O a.e.on.E" (h=1, ... ,l').
This means P [V] ( V. Hence P [V] is closed. The statement about uniqueness
follows from LVII.
Let us explicitly note the following particular case of Theorem 1.1V. Let
7.11 If for every wEP[H1 (A)] there exists a (!ER such that w+eEV, and if
F(e)=O for every eER, there exists a solution of the unilateral problem (7.5).
8. Regularization theorem: interior regularity. We consider now a regularity
theorem which, under suitable hypotheses, is able to guarantee a certain regu-
larity to a solution of a unilateral problem in the neighborhood of an interior
point x0 of A. We consider a bilinear form of the following kind
B(u, v) = J {otu(x) u/h v/k+ {Jh(x) u1h v+ {J~(x) u v11,+y (x) u v} dx, (8.1)

where A is a bounded domain of X', and assume that the n X n matrices otu
belong to C2 {A), the matrices {J~ belong to C1 (A)15 and the matrices {J,., y are
bounded and measurable in A. Moreover

15 Actually we shall see that the theorem, we are going to prove, still holds, with the same
proof, under less restrictive assumptions on these matrices.
Sect. 8. Regularization theorem: interior regularity. 409

Let us suppose that there exists a solution u of the unilateral problem

B(u,v-u) ~F(v-u), uEV, 'v'vEV, (8.2)
that Vis a closed convex set of the space H 1 (A) (of then-vector valued functions)
and that F(v) is a bounded linear functional in H1 (A) such that, for every
vEH1 (A),
F(v)= J f v dx
with /EH0 (A).
Let us assume the following hypotheses:
1) If v is any function of V and q; a nonnegative scalar function of coo, the
function q; v belongs to V;
2) There exists a subdomain E of A such that


3) Let vE V and spt vEE. Let y be such that spt v(x+y)cE. Then v(x+y)E V.
Observe that these conditions are satisfied in the generalized Signorini prob-
lem if we assume the further hypothesis that the functions tP11 do not depend on
x and on z1 but are functions of the variable z0 alone.
8.1 The solution u of the unilateral problem {8.2) belongs to H 2 (1) for any I
such that leE. Given x 0 EE, there exists a 15>0 such that ~EE and

where I; is the ball of center xOEE and radius and where c0 is a positive constant
depending only on the coefficients of the bilinear form (8.1) and on xO.
Let us first remark that, because of the hypotheses we have assumed on V,
we have B(u, u) =F(u), B(u, v) ~F(v) ('v' vE V). If 1p is a scalar function of coo
such that 0~1p~1, we have B(u,'lflu)~F(1Jlu), B(u,(1-1Jl),!!)~F(u)-F(1Jlu).
Hence B(u, 1p u) =F('Ifl u). Fixed x0 EE, let t5 > 0 be such that I;,dEE. Let q; (x) be
a scalar function of coo such that q;(x) ~0, q;(x)=1 for lx-x0 l ~t5. q;(x)=O
for lx-x0 l ~(3 / 2 ) t5. Set U(x)=q;(x) u(x). Using arguments employed in E.T.E.,
it is easy to see that for 0 < IYI ~ t5f2
2U(x)-U(x-y)-U(x+y) II s_c1 II U(x+y)-U(x) II
11 IYI 2 o, A 1 IYI 1, A (c1 > O) ·

Moreover, if gE C2 (A')
2g(x) U(x) -g(x-y) U(x-y) -g(x+y) U(x+y) II
11 IYI 2 O,A

< 112U(x)- U(x-y)- U(x+y) II

=C2 jyj2 O,A

where c2 depends on the C2 norm of g(x).

Let us recall that, if the function of y

II U(x + y) - U(x) II
410 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 8.

is bounded by c3 , then IIUII2 ,A is finite and IIUII2 ,A ~c4 c3 • We have for 0 ~ IYI ~ b/2
B [U(x+ y)- U(x), U(x+y)- U(x)] =2B [u(x), IP(x) U(x)]
-2B [u(x), IP(x) U(x-y)]
+ f {txhk(x) [U1h(x+y)- U1 ~o(x)] [U1k(x+y)- U1k(x)J
-2othk(x) u 1 ~o(x) [IP(x) U(x)] 1 k+2tx~ok(x) u 1 ~o(x) [IP(x) U(x-y)] 1k
+fJ~o (x) [U1" (x+ y)- U1" (x)] [U(x+ y)- U(x)]
-2/J~o(x) u 1 ~o(x) IP(x) U(x)+2fJ~o(x) u 1h(x) IP(x) U(x-y) (8.3)
+fJ~ (x) [U(x+ y)- U(x)] [U 1h(x+ y) U1h(x)]
-2{J~(x) u(x) [IP(x) U(x)J 1 ~o+2{J~(x) u(x) [lfJ(x) U(x-y)] 1h
+y (x) [U(x+ y)- U(x)] [U(x+ y)- U(x)]
-2y(x) U(x) U(x)+2y(x) U(x) U(x-y)}dx.
,1(y)=B [U(x+y)- U(x), U(x+y)- U(x)].
From (8.3), keeping in mind that
B [u (x), 1J1 2 (x) u (x)] = (1fJ (x) f (x), U(x) )o
- B [u (x), IP (x) IP (x- y) u (x- y)] ~- (lfJ(X) f(x), U(x- y)) 0 ,
we deduce an inequality which we write briefly as },(y) ~p,(y). On the other hand
we have A(y)=A(-y)+a(y), where
a(y)= J{[txhk(x-y)-txhk(x)] [U(x-y)- U(x)J 1 ~o [U(x-y)- U(x)] 1k
+ [{J" (x- y) -fJ~o(x)] [U(x- y)- U(x)] 1" [U(x- y)- U(x)]
+ [{J~(x- y) -{J~ (x)J [U(x- y)- U(x)] [U(x- y)- U(x)b
+[y(x-y)-y(x)] [U(x-y)-U(x)J [U(x-y)-U(x)J}dx.
Hence ,1(y) ~ 2-1 [p,(y)+p,(-y)+a(y)]. If we set W(x)=lfJ(x) f(x), this last in-
equality, after simple transformations, gives
B [U(x+ y)- U(x), U(x+ y)- U(x)] ~ (W(x), 2 U(x)- U(x-y)- U(x+ y)) 0
+ f{[1J1Jh (x+ y) u(x+ y) -~P 1 n(x) u(x)] [iX~ok (x+ y) U1k (x+ y) -iXhk (x) U1k(x)]
+IPJk(x) u 1 ~o(x) [iX~ok(x-y) U(x-y)+<X~ok(x+y) U(x+y)-2Cihk(x) U(x)]
- [othk(x-y)-txhk(x)] u 1 ~o(x) ([IP(x) U(x-y)]Jk- [lfJ(x) U(x)]Jk)
- [ot~ok(x+y)-txhk(x)] u 1 ~o(x) ([~P(x) U(x+y)] 1k- [lfJ(x) U(x)J 1k)
- [othk(x-y)+tx~ok(x+y)-21X~ok(x)] u 1 ~o(x) [IP(x) U(x)] 1k
+2-1 [txhk(x-y)+txhk(x+y)-2txhk(x)] U;~o(x) U;k(x)
+2-1 /J~o(x) [U;~o(x+y)- U;~o(x)] [U(x+y)- U(x)]
+2- 1 /J~o(x) [U;~o(x- y)- U;~o(x)] [U(x-y)- U(x)]
+fJ~o(x) IP(x) u 1 ~o(x) [U(x-y)+ U(x+y)-2U(x)]
+z-1 {J~(x) [U(x+y)-U(x)] [U;~o(x+y)-U; 11 (x)]
+z-1 {J~(x) [U(x-y) -U(x)] [U;~o (x- y)- U;~o(x)]
- [{J~ (x+ y) U(x+ y) -{J~ (x) U(x)] [U;~o(x+ y)- U;h (x)]
+{J~ (x) IP!h (x) u (x) [U(x- y) + U(x+ y)- 2 U(x)]
+ z-1 y (x) [U(x+ y)- U(x)] [U(x+ y)- U(x)]
+2-1 y(x) [U(x-y)-U(x)] [U(x-y)-U(x)]
+y(x) U(x) [U(x-y)+ U(x+y)-2U(x)]}dx+2- 1 a(y).
Sect. 9. Regularization theorem: regularity near the boundary. 411

Denoting by p1 , p2 , ••• positive constants and by II II norms over A, we have

for O<IYI ~~/2

c I U(x + cl- U(x) II:~ Pl II <Pil \ U(x + r;l- U(x) Ill

+P211ulkra•I\!:"L:+f~1= U(x) 1\ 1• (8.4)

+~ sup lahk(x)-ahk(~)l\1 U(x+~)l- U(x) 112.

h, k x, t;Er,. y 1

We can choose ~such that

L sup lahk(x)-ahk(~)l <c.
h,k x,i;EF26

Then the proof of the theorem is an obvious consequence of (8.4).

9. Regularization theorem: regularity near the boundary. The technique used
in the preceding section can be extended so as to get analogous results concerning
regularization near the regular points of the boundary of A.
We consider the bilinearform B(u, v) given by (8.1) and impose on the matrices,f3h, {J~, Yh the hypotheses of Sect. 8.
Let x0 be a point of 8A, and suppose that A is C3-smooth in xO. This means
that there exists a neighborhood I of x0 such that the set ] =1 can be
mapped C3 -homeomorphically onto the closed semiball I+: IYI 2 +t2 ~ 1, t ~0
of the r-dimensional (y, t)-space in such a way that the set In 8A is mapped onto
the (r-1)-dimensional ball t=O, IYI ~1.
As in Sect. 8, we assume that there exists a solution u of the unilateral prob-
lem (8.2). We suppose that the functional F(v) for every vEH1 (A) such that
spt vE], admits the following representation
F(v)= J f v dx
with /EH0 (A).
We now assume the following hypotheses:
1) If v is any function of V and ((J a nonnegative scalar function of coo, the
function ((JV belongs to V.
2) We have
ciivii 2 ~B(v,v), "'vEH1 (A), sptvE] (c>O).
3) Let x=x(~)==x(y,t) the C3 -homeomorphism from I+ to]. Let E be the
image of the semiball .E+: IYI 2 +t2 <1, t~O under this homeomorphism. Let
vEV and sptvEE. Let y be such that sptv[x(~+y)](.E+. Then v[x(~+y)]EV.
4) The solution u of the unilateral problem (8.2) satisfies in A n I the differ-
ential equation
If U is a subset of };+ we shall denote by x (U) its image under the homeo-
morphism x=x(~).
9.1 There exists ~>Osuch that Jd+c.E+, uEH2 [x(Jd+)] and
lluJJ~ ,x(FJ) ~ Co(llfll~. x(rt.l +!lull~, x(rt.));
412 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 9.

~+ is the semiball IYI 2 +t2 ~!5 2, t > 0 and c0 a positive constant only depending on
the coefficients of the bilinear form (8.1) and on x!l.
The proof parallels the one of Theorem 8.I. We have first to transform the
bilinear form B(u, v), for any v such that spt vEE, by using the homeomorphism
x = x (~). We get a bilinear form which we indicate as follows

From now on we exactly follow the proof of Theorem 8.I with the only differ-
ence that now y must be parallel to the hyperplane t=O. Thus we arrive at
inequality (8.4). However the boundedness of

is only able, in this case, to insure that all second derivatives of U except Cfee
belong to22 (.E+). Since u satisfies the differential equation (9.1), after writing
this equation in the variables y,t, we deduce, since, for Hypothesis 2), the equa-
tion is elliptic, that Cfee c22 (.E+) and, in consequence, the proof of the theorem.
Remark. In the proof of Theorem 8.I we considered in the integrand of the
bilinear form (8.1) the presence of the term {3~ u v1". This could have been avoided
by an integration by parts. However since this term cannot be eliminated in the
proof of Theorem 9.I, we have retained it also in the proof of the earlier theorem.
In the case of the generalized Signorini problem, assuming that tP" does not
depend on z1, the hypotheses assumed in this section are satisfied if we suppose
that: i) the domains A" (h=1, ... , l) (see Sect. 7) are all disjoint from]; ii) for
each h (h= 1, ... , l') either the subset .E" is disjoint from If"\ oA or the function
P,.(x,z) does not depend on x (for xElf"\OA).
In the original Signorini problem there is no question about the tP~r.'s since
l=O; the condition ii) concerning the P,'s is not satisfied if x!IEL' since l'=1,
lf{=-v(x) z, L'1 =L'. However, we may overcome this difficulty by introducing
in the set E an orthogonal system of unit-vectors v1 (x), ... ,v,(x) such that:
1) v.(x)EC 2 (E) (i=1, ... , r); 2) v,(x)=v(x) for xEI f"\OA. If oA is C3-smooth in x!l
the construction of this set of vectors is trivial. For each vEH1 (A) and for xEE,
set v(x)=v.(x) v.(x). Let

au={a1~}={aih,ik} (i,f=1, ... , r)

be the matrices considered in Sect. 12 of E.T.E. in connection with problems of
elasticity and employed in Sect. S-18 If spt vEE we have

au ulh vlk=ahk v,uilh vivflk+au v,uilh '~~ilk vi+au '~~ilhuivivilk+au '~~ilhuivflkui.

Let us define the matrices• {3,., {3~. y as follows:

rx.,.,.= {ahk vi v;}, f3,.= {au v, '~~ilk}, /3~= {akh '~~ilk vi}, y= {a,.,. '~~ilk '~~ilk}·

16 By writing {a}/,.} we mean the matrix ahk which has a}!,. as entry in the i-th row and in
the f-th column. Thus we assume a1~=ai"· ik"
Sect. 10. Analysis of the Signorini problem. 413

If we denote by u and v the r-vectors having as components ul' ... 'u, and
1 , ... , v,,
we have, if spt vEE,
B(u, v) = f (rx.,.k u 1,. v1k+f3,. u 1,. v+f3~ u v1,.+y u v) dx

and the constraint of the Signorini problem is expressed by -v,(x) ~0

(xE1n8A). Then the above condition ii) is satisfied and we can apply the regu-
larization theory developed in this section.
10. Analysis of the Signorini problem. On the regular bounded domain A we
shall assume the following more specific hypotheses :
1) 8A is decomposable into a finite set of non-overlapping differentiable
(r -1 )-cells of class coo :I;_, ... , ~.
2) It is possible to define a unit vector p, (x) which is a function of the point x
variable on 8A, which is a continuous function of x on 8A and which always
points inside A, while -p,(x) points into the complement of A. Denoting by w
the angle (between 0 and n) which p, (x) forms with the inner unit normal vector
v (x), we always have 0 ~ w ~ w 0 < n/2 in every point x of I;.- 81;. (k = 1, ... , q;
81;.- border of I;.).
3) Denoting by x = xk (t) the parametric representation of I;. on r- 1 (see
Footnote 7 , p. 402) we suppose that p, [xk(t)]EC 00 (T'- 1 ).
4) There exists a positive number Ao such that for every A such that 0 <A~ Au
the range described by y=x+A p,(x) as x varies on 8A is entirely contained in
A and is in one-to-one correspondence with 8A.
It is easy to prove that conditions 1), 2), 3), 4), imply that A is properly
We shall consider in the domain A the Signorini problem. Assume
E=I;.ui;u ... u~, (q' ~q).
fEH 0 (A), gE!l' 2 (E*) (E*=8A-E).
From the theory we have developed in the preceding sections we derive this
10.I Set

where {aj/k}={a;h,ik} are the matrices .of elasticity (see E.T.E., Sect. 12). Let V be
the convex set formed by all the functwns of H 1 (A) such that v(x) v(x) ~0 on 8AP
Let R' = R n V and R* be the subset of R' formed by all the bilateral displacements.
A necessary condition for the existence of a minimum of the functional Jf(v) =
2-1 B(v, v) -F (v) in V is
F(e) ~o 'VeER'. (10.1)
If this condition is satisfied in the strong sense, i.e. if the sign= holds when and
only when eER*, then ..Jf(v) has an absolute minimum in V. If u is a minimizing
function, u is a solution in A of the differential system
17 Of course the inequality v (x) v (x) ~ 0 must be understood in the sense of the functions
of H 1 (A), i.e. almost everywhere.
414 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 10.

If fEC 00 (A), then uEC 00 (A). If q'<q, xOEJ;.-81;. (k=q'+1, ... ,q) and
g[x"(x)]EC 00 (T"- 1). Then uEC 00 (B), for any domain B such that HcA n (A ui),
where I is a suitable neighborhood of xO, 18 and u satisfies in 8A n I the boundary
a;,.(u)v,.=g; [a;h(u)=-a;h,ikui/k].
If x0 EJ;.-8I;. (k=1, .... , q') then uEH2 (A ni), 19 where I is a suitable neigh-
borhood of xO, and u satisfies in 8A n I the "ambiguous boundary conditions"

(1o. 3) l
or a;,.(u) v;v,.=O (10.4)
a;,.(u) v; r,.=O

where r is any vector tangent to E in the points of 8A n I.

The conditions {10.3) express the fact that at the point of 8A ni under con-
sideration the elastic body in its equilibrium configuration rests on E, and there-
fore, that the reaction of the constraints has a nonnegative component along
the inward normal. Any tangential component of such a reaction is null since the
surface E is supposed frictionless. On the other hand, if the conditions {10.4) are
satisfied, this means that in coming to equilibrium the body has left the supporting
surface, which therefore no longer reacts on the body.
Evidently it is not known a priori which of the two sets of conditions (10.3)
and {10.4) is to be satisfied at a given point of E. Hence the use of the name
proposed by Signorini of "ambiguous boundary conditions".
All the facts considered in the statement of the theorem are evident con-
sequences of the theory developed in the preceding sections. For proving that
the ambiguous conditions (10.3) (10.4) are satisfied in 8A ni (I being a suitable
neighborhood of a regular point xO of E), one only needs to repeat, with easy
generalizations, the arguments used in the example I of Sect. 6. Thus one shows
that, almost everywhere on 8A ni, the following conditions are satisfied:


Since the functions u;, aik are defined almost everywhere, we may assume,
by suitably defining these functions on sets of measure zero, 20 that (10.5) hold
at every point of 8A n I. Thus we deduce that in 8A n I the ambiguous conditions
(10.3) (10.4) hold.
The following theorem gives information about the global nature of the
reaction that the supporting surface E exerts on the elastic body.
10.II A real-valued nonnegative measure y (B) is defined in the a-ring {B}x
of the Borel sets B contained in E such that, if u minimizes Jf(v) in V, we have for
every vEH1(A) n C0 (Au E)

J V; v; dy= B(u, v) -F(v). (10.6)


18 Actually, in the case when g= o, this is consequence of Theorem 3.1II. For the general
case we refer the reader to the paper [6] (see Bibliography of E.T.E.).
19 In the case r £ 3 this implies that u is continuous in Au I (see E.T.E., 2.VI).
20 Actually, in the case r £ 3. we have to take care only of the functions aik.
Sect. 10. Analysis of the Signorini problem. 415

The singular set of the measure y is contained in


and the Lebesgue derivative of y is the function O"u, (u) vi v11 • 21

We denote by W the linear manifold that consists of the real valued functions
w which are defined almost everywhere on E and are such that, for every w, and
almost everywhere onE, we have w=v,v, with vEH1 (A) nCO(A uE). We put
tP (w) = B(u, v) -F(v). (10.7}
The linear functional tP is defined without ambiguity by (10.7) for every
wEW, because, if vEHt(A) nC0 (A uE) and w=v, v, a.e. onE, then, since v-v
is a bilateral displacement of V (i.e. both v-ii and v-v belong to V), we have
B(u, v)-F(v)=B(u, v)-F(v).
Let AA (O<A.~A.0) be the domain bounded by the range of x=~+A.,u(~)
as~ describes 8A. Let 1p(x) be a real valued function of coo which is null in AA,
and is equal to 1 in the exterior of A.l.,/,. Set
for x= ~ + A. ,u (~) , ~EoA,
for xEAA,·

If A.o is sufficiently small the function v0 ( x) is defined everywhere in A and

belongs to H 1 (A} nC0 (A uE). Moreover we have on 8A: v~ v, ~cosw0 > 0.
We can assume that every wE W coincides in I;. (k = 1, ... , q') with a continu-
ous function wk. Let us use the symbol maxJw,.J for the maximum of JwkJ in I;.
and put .A'(w)=max(maxJw1 J, ... , maxJw'l'j). Consider the Banach space W
obtained by functional completion from W by means of the norm .A'(w). On
every J;.(k=1, ... , q') we have for any wEW

- ..A'(wL v\1 (x) v. (x) ;;:;; w (x) ::::;; ..A'(w) v9 (x) v. (x)
cos w0 • ' - cos w0 ' '
and therefore
::::;; - 1 w- [B(u, v0 ) -F(v0)] .A(w).
Jl'])(w)J -cos

Thus tP is a continuous functional in W. On the other hand, when wE W and

w ~0 onE, we have, because of (10.7), tP(w) ~0. From classical theorems of
Functional Analysis we deduce the existence of the non-negative measure y such
that (10.6) holds.
21 A G-ring of sets is a family of sets which is closed with respect to union and intersection
either of a finite or of a countable collection of sets of the family. The G-ring {B}x is the inter-
section of all the G-rings formed by subsets of E. A measure defined on {B}x is any real valued
function of B such that y (B)=~ y (Bk) if B = B1 u B2 u · · ·u Bk ... and B1 , ••• , Bk, ... is
either a finite or a countable collection of mutually disjoint sets of {B}x. A measure y* is
said to be singular if, for any BE{B}x. y* (B) =y* (BnN), where N is a set of zero Lebesgue
measure on E. Hence y* (B)= 0 if BnN = 1/J. For every measure y(B) defined on {B}x there
exist, and are uniquely determined, a singular measure y* (B) and a function q:> (x) E.P1 (E)
such that the Lebesgue decomposition holds
y(B) =y*(B) +f q:>(x) dG.

The above mentioned set N is called the singular set of the measure y and the function q:>(x)
is called the Lebesgue derivative of the measure y.
416 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 10.

Let x'lEI;.- o.I;. and let I be a suitable small neighborhood of x0 such that u
belongs to H 2 (A(]J). Let v be a function belonging to H1 (A)(]C(I). For thew
which corresponds to this particular v we have by (10.2)
c])(w) =B(u, v)-F(v) = - f (a11 k u 111 vk) v da= f (v 1v1) [ai 11 (u) viv11 ] da.
aA aA
That implies that the singular set of y must be contained in U 8I;. and that the
Lebesgue derivative of y is ai 11 (u) viv11 • k=l
The mechanical meaning of the measure y is evident: y (B) represents the
intensity of the global reaction exerted by the constraint of support on E over the
whole set B. This reaction may have concentrated stresses only on point-sets formed
by singular points of 1:; no concentration can occur in the neighborhood of any
regular point of 1:.22
We wish now to discuss another delicate question concerning the Signorini
problem. We saw that the condition (10.1) is sufficient for the existence of the
solution u of the Signorini problem provided it is satisfied in the strong sense, i.e.
the sign= can occur in (10.1) when and only when eER*. We shall prove, con-
sidering a particular case of paramount mechanical interest, that the strong
condition is necessary for the existence of the solution. That will lead us to a
remarkable mechanical interpretation of this condition.
We take r= 3 and we suppose that the supporting surface E is planar and
connected. We are permitted to suppose that 1: is a bounded closed region of
the plane x3 =0. Moreover we suppose that A -E is contained in the half-space
x3 > 0. The linear space of the rigid displacements is formed by the vectors (!
such that

~=~+~~-~~. ~=~+~~-~~. ~=~+~~-~~.

where ~, a 2 , a3 , b1 , b2 , b3 are constants. The vector (! belongs to R' if and only if
a 3 +b1 x2 -b 2 x 1 ~0 for (x1 ,x2)EE. (10.8)
We are permitted to suppose that the x3-axis intersects l:-81:. That implies
a3 ~ 0. For any integrable real valued function w, set
.F;,(w) = f f11 wdx+ f g11 wda (h=1, 2, 3).
A :!:*

Condition (10.1) is equivalent to the following conditions

~(1)=~(1)=0, ~(x1 )-~(x 2 )=0,
a3 Fa (1) -b 2 [Fa (x1) -~ (x3 )] +b1 [Fa (x2) -~ (x3 )] ~ 0.

The last inequality is to be taken for a3 , b2 and b1 satisfying (10.7). It follows that
F3 (1) ~0.
If the sign= held, then from (10.8) (10.9) we could deduce that Fa(x1) -~{x3)=0,
Fa(x 2 )-~(x3 )=0, i.e. the system of the applied forces would be equilibrated.
Then the problem has a solution, since it reduces to the classical one which con-
sists in assigning the body forces and the surface forces everywhere on 8A, on
the assumption that the given surface forces vanish onE (see Theorems 1.VI and
22 This circum~tance was conjectured by the soviet mathematician G. I. BARENBLATT,
during a seminar that the author held at Moscow University in 1969.
Sect. 10. Analysis of the Signorini problem. 417

From now on we shall exclude equilibrated systems of applied forces.

Then we must have
1<;(1) <O.
From (10.9) we deduce the relation
1\ (1) [1<; (x2) -Fa (xa)J +Fa (1) [11;_ (xa)- Fa (x1)J +Fa (1) [Fa (x1)- ~ (x2)] =0.
Since the vector {~{1), Fa(1), 1<;(1)} does not vanish, we know from elementary
mechanics 23 that the system of applied forces is equivalent to a single force ortho-
gonal to the plane x3=0, directed downwards and applied in any point of the
central axis of the system which is the straight line x1 =~. x2 =x~ with

We shall call the set obtained as the intersection of all the closed half-planes
which contain E, the convex hull of E and shall denote it by K(E). K(E) is ob-
viously a closed convex set. A half-plane having as its origin the straight line
a3+ b1 x2 - b2 x1= 0, with a3> 0, contains E if and only if a3 , b1, b2 satisfy con-
dition (10.8). Thus the last of (10.9) expresses the fact that K(E) contains (x~, x~).
Vice-versa, if K(E) contains (x~. xg) and if the system of applied forces is equi-
valent to a single force, orthogonal to the plane x3=0 and directed downwards,
conditions (10.9) are satisfied and thus also {10.1).
We shall now prove that
10.III A necessary and sufficient condition in order that, given (10.1), it hold
in the strong sense, is that the central axis of the system of applied forces meet K(E)
at an internal point.
If (xt xg) is internal to K(E), it will be internal to every half-plane which
contains E. This implies that the last of (10.9) is satisfied in the strong sense for
a3, b1, b2 satisfying (10.8), and a3 >0. Thus {10.1) is satisfied in the strong sense.
Vice-versa, if (10.1) is satisfied and if we had (xt xg)EoK(E), we could consider
a straight line a3 +b1 x2 -b2 x1=0 (aa>O) passing through (xt xg) and such that
one of the half-planes which admit this straight line origin (indeed the half-plane
as+ bl x2- b2 xl ~ 0) contains K(E)J44 Therigid displacement el = b2 Xa, e2= -bl Xs,
e3=a3+b1 x2 -b2 x1 belongs toR' and is unilateral. However, the sign= holds
in (10.1) for this displacement.
From this lemma it follows that the case in which (10.1) is satisfied, but not
in the strong sense, presents itself as a limiting case in which the central axis
meets K(E) on the boundary.
We shall prove that in this limiting case a solution of the Signorini problem
does not exist. This proves the necessity of the strong condition for the existence of
a solution of the Signorini problem.
23 See [25, pp. 36-37].
24 If K is a planar convex set and x a point of 8K, there exists a straight line i. passing
through x such that K lies in one of the two closed half-planes of origin i..
Let us exclude the trivial case K = {x}. Consider a system of polar coordinates with
pole x. If there existed two numbers ex, fJ such that fJ- ex ;:;:-; :n; and such that for ex< 8 < {J,
the half axis originating in x of argument 8 did not contain any point of K different from x,
the assertion would be proved. Assume these numbers do not exist. Then there will be three
values 81 , 82 , 83 for which 0<82 -81 <:n;, 0<88 -88 <:n;, 0<81 +2:n:-83 <:n; and such
that the three half axes, determined by them, each contains a point of K different from x. Let
xl, x2, x3 be these three points. The triangle xlx2x3 is contained inK and thus x cannot be a
point of 8K.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 27
418 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 11.

10.IV If (10.1) is satisfied, but if the central axis of the system of applied
forces meets K(E) at a point of its boundary, then J'(v) has no minimum in V.
Let e~=a~+bg Xa-ba x2, eg=ag+bg xl-b~ Xa, e~=ag+b~ x2-bg xl be a
displacement of R' which is unilateral and such that

J It e? dx+x•Jgi e? da=O.
Let A be the straight line of the plane Xa=O given by the equation eg=o.
Then, recalling (10.9), (xt xg)EA.. Note that the intersection of A with K(E) is
not empty.
Suppose there exists a solution u of the Signorini problem. Then also u 0 = u rl+
will be a solution of the problem (see Theorem 7.1). Since eg>o in E-(A.n8E),
we have ug > 0 a. e. in E- (.An 8£). Let z be a point of E- (A. n 8E) and let Dd (z)
be a 3-dimensional ball of center z and radius o at positive distance from An 8E.
Let wEC 1 [D6 (z)]. We can determine a positive number t(o, z) such that for
ltl <t(o, z) the function u 0 +t w belongs to V. It follows that I(u 0 +tw) has a
minimum for t=O. Then B(u, w) -F(w) =0. This implies that the measure y
defined by Theorem 10.II is such that y(B) =0 for each Borel set B of E contained
in Dd (z). It follows that the measure y is singular and the singular set of y must
be contained in An 8E.
Observe that y cannot be identically null, since, from (10.6), assuming v1 = 0,
V 2 =0, v3 =1, we deduce
y(A.n 8E)=-Fs(1) >O.
Thus: if there exists a solution of the Signorini problem, the reaction of the con-
straint is concentrated on the linear set An 8E.
For every vEH1 (A) nC0 (A u.E) we put
J 0 (v)=iB(v, v)-F(v)- J v3 dy.
Ar. ax

Since we have B(u, u) =F(u) and, because of (10.6),

J v3 dy= B(u, v) -F(v),
we get
J'0 (v)-J(u) ~ B(u-v, u-v) ~ 0.

Let p be a positive constant greater than the diameter of A. We put

For 0<<5<1 we have v"EC 00 (A). On the other hand we have

lim ~[v6 ]=-oo, ~[v"J ~J'(u).

This proves that no function u such as to minimize J'(v) in V exists.

11. Historical and bibliographical remarks concerning Existence Theorems in
Elasticity. Existence theorems are of prominent interest in problems of mechanics
and physics, since they provide a rational tool for proving, independently of any physical
plausibility and experimental evidence, the consistency of a theory which brings into a
mathematical scheme facts and phenomena of the physical world. Unfortunately, they very
often constitute the most difficult part of the theory.
Sect. 11. Historical and bibliographical remarks concerning E.T.E. 419
Concerning the classical linear elasticity of homogeneous isotropic bodies, the first exist-
ence theorem was given for the 1st Boundary Value Problem by FREDHOLM [8]25 as an applica-
tion of the discovery of his fundamental theorems concerning integral equations. The same
problem was also considered, always using the Fredholm integral equations, by LAURI-
CELLA (21), MARCOLONGO (24) and, later, by LICHTENSTEIN (23).
The use of integral equations in the 1st Boundary Value Problem (Dirichlet's Problem)
is possible by considering the classical differential system of elasticity as homogeneous, with
non-homogeneous the boundary values and by representing the solution as a "potential of
a double layer" relative to the fundamental solution matrix, which was given for the differential
system in question by Lord KELVIN [14] and by SOMIGLIANA [40].
The approach exactly parallels the one which is used in potential theory for getting the
existence theorem for the Dirichlet problem relative to harmonic functions [13], [12].
Real difficulties arise when one tries to use the same method for the 2nd Boundary Value
Problem of classical elasticity. Following the analogy with harmonic functions one would
represent the solution as a "potential of a simple layer", just as is done in the 2nd Boundary
Value Problem for harmonic functions (Neumann's Problem) [13], [12].
Unfortunately the system of integral equations which one gets is not a Fredholm
system. In fact the "kernels" of these integral equations are not absolutely integrable, and
the corresponding integrals have a meaning only if they are interpreted as "Cauchy singular
This has misled some authors, who have taken them to be Fredholm integral equations.
Let us spend a few words on this phenomenon.
Let us consider the differential operator of classical elasticity in the case r = 3, which
we write as follows (see E.T.E., Sect. 12).
L; u = ui/kk +a uk/ki
where a is a constant >i. To this operator we associate the boundary operator tu which
represents the forces on the boundary, corresponding to the displacement u:

t;, u = ui/k '~~k + 0' 14k/k 'II;,+ (uk/i '~~k- 14Mk v,) ·
In the bounded regular domain A the Betti reciprocity theorem holds:

f (u;,t;v- v;t;u) da +f (u1 L 1 v-v1 L 1 u) dx =0, (11.1)

8A A

which is analogous to the Green formula for the Laplace operator

J(u ;; -v :;)da+ J (uLI 2 v-vLI 2 u)dx=O.

8A A

This has induced several researchers to believe that the operator tu plays in elasticity the
same role as the operator 8uf8v plays in potential theory. But it must be remarked that if
we consider instead of tu, the more general operator t (u; A)
t; (u; A) = ui/k v,. +a uk/k v1 +A (uk/i v,. - uk/k v1).
where A is an arbitrary constant, the reciprocity relation (11.1) still holds
f [u;t;,(v; A)- v,t,(u; A)] da + f(u 1L 1v -v1L,u) dx =0.
aA A

Then t(u; A) has the same right as tu to play in elasticity the role of the normal derivative in
potential theory. With respect to the theory of Fredholm integral equations, the operator
t (u; A) which behaves like the normal derivative in potential theory, is one that, 8A being
supposed a Liapounov boundary (i.e. with a HOlder continuous normal field), when it operates
on the Somigliana fundamental matrix

(i, i= 1, 2, 3).

produces kernels k 11 (x, y) which have a Fredholm singularity, i.e. are such that k 1j(x,y)=
I'J(j x - yjot-2) o < oc. ;::;; 1. It is not difficult to see that this happens if and only if A= a l2 at1.
25 Numbers in boldface square brackets refer to the Bibliography at the end of E.T.E.
Numbers in lightface square brackets refer to the Bibliography at the end of the present
420 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 11.

Unfortunately the case concerning elasticity is A.= 1. It follows that the Fredholm method
can be applied to the 2nd Boundary Value Problem provided one considers as boundary
operator t[u; a(2+a)-1] which has no physical meaning. Actually this was done by LAURI-
CELLA [21], who called t [u; a(2 + a)- 1] the pseudo-tensions operator.
The real 2nd Boundary Value Problem of elasticity was studied by KoRN [18] in a very
long paper by a very complicated method which uses integral equations and for the first time
(see also [19]) introduces the inequalities, nowadays known as Korn's inequalities (see
E.T.E., Sect. 12). FRIEDRICHS [10], citing the work of KoRN writes: "The author of the pre-
sent paper has been unable to verify KoRN's proof for the second case". BERNSTEIN and
TouPIN in their paper on KoRN's inequalities, after quoting FRIEDRICHs' statement, write:
"With him we confess unability to follow KoRN's original treatment".
A few years later H. WEYL [35] tried to study the 2nd Boundary Value Problem of
elasticity by using Fredholm integral equations obtained by means of the so-called antenna
potential. However a certain hypothesis, which he assumes for carrying out his approach,
has not been proved to hold in general.
It must be remarked that, in any case, H. WEYL's paper is of fundamental interest in
elasticity for the analysis of the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues in problems of
For long time the theory of Boundary Value Problems in elasticity made no substantial
progress in the case when r > 2. On the other hand, in the case when r = 2, many important
achievements were obtained, mainly by MusKHELISHVILI, I. N. VEKUA and the Georgian
school, using complex methods and the theory of singular integral equations on a curve (for
extensive bibliography see [34]).
In 1947 FRIEDRICHS published an important paper [10] on r-dimensional problems of
elasticity. He gives the first acceptable proof of KoRN's second inequality (the proof of the
first one is almost trivial) and new proofs of the existence theorems for the 1st and the
2nd Boundary Value Problems of classical elasticity and for the related eigenvalue problems.
His method is founded on the variational approach (by the same method FRIEDRICHS had
given in 1928 the existence theorem for a clamped plate [9]) and he succeeds in proving,
by employing his technique of "mollifiers ", the interior regularity of the solutions.
In 1950 appeared paper [3] in which, by use of methods of functional analysis, new
proofs of the existence theorems for the 1st and the 2nd Boundary Value Problems of elastic-
ity were given and, for the first time, the existence theorem for the 3rd B.V.P. (mixed B.V.P.)
was obtained. It is worthwhile to recall here briefly the method used in [3] for the proof of
this theorem. We shall consider, for simplicity, the case of the Laplace operator. We shall also
introduce some simplifications and shall use language more modern than that of [3].
Let A be a bounded domain of xa with a Liapounov boundary &A, which is decomposed
into two open hypersurfaces E'1 and E'2 which have a common border &E'1 = &E'2 and no other
point in common. We shall consider Ei (i =1, 2) as an open set respect to &A. Let us suppose
that there exists a domain A' with a Liapounov boundary &A' and such that A')A,
&A'n&A =E1 • Let Hx, be the subspace of H 1 (A) obtained as closure of the linear manifold
of all the real valued functions v such that vE C1 (A), spt vn E;. = ¢. Let t5 be a function
Holder continuous on E2 • We wish to prove that there exists one and only one function u
such that

u u u
Let be a function such that uE C2 (A )rl C1 (A), Ll 2 = 0 in A, = t5 on E'2 • Such a function
is easily obtained by suitably continuing t5 on &A and solving the corresponding Neumann
problem in A. Let us introduce in H 1 (A) the new scalar product

((u, v)) = J u 1i Vfi dx


and, identifying two functions of H 1 (A) which differ by a constant, let us denote by Jft' the
corresponding Hilbert space. Considering Hx1 as a subspace of Jft', let u be the orthogonal
projection of on Hx1 • We have for any vEHx1

J Uti VIi dx = Ju/i vii dx = - Jv t5 da. (11.2)

A A X,

If we take any cpE C

00 (A') and put

v (x) = JG(x, y) cp(y) dy, (11.J)

Sect. 11. Historical and bibliographical remarks concerning E.T.E 421

where G(x, y) is the Green function of the Dirichlet problem for Ll 2 , relative to A', we have

.fviJda= .{u1,v1,dx=- Ju ~~da- Jurpdx.

:1:1 A :I:, A

By the arbitrariness of rp we easily deduce that

O(y) u(y)

(J (x) G(x, y) da" -
J u (x) - / - G (x, y) da"

with O(y) =1 if yEA, O(y) =0 if yEA'-A. From (11.4) it is easy to deduce, using standard
arguments of potential theory (jump relations) that u is a solution of the problem. If uo is
another solution of the problem, since, for any vEHr1 , we have

f u1i vii d x = - f v (J da,

A :I:,
from (11.2) we see that u0 ""'u. 26
This approach, since only with difficulty could it be extended to higher order elliptic
systems with variable coefficients, was not followed in E.T.E. Nevertheless, over the approach
used there the earlier one has the advantage of not requiring such severe restrictions upon oA.
One year after the publication of [3] a note of Emus [7] appeared on the mixed problem
of elasticity. It must be remarked that Soviet mathematicians have been very active in the
field of the existence theory for classical elasticity. Besides the above cited contributions of
the Georgian school, let us quote here the papers of S. L. SoBOLEV [39], MICHLIN [31],
S. Y. KoGAN [15], E. N. NIKOLSKY [35] on the extension to elasticity of the Schwarz alter-
nating method and, in particular, the work of MICHLIN and KuPRADZE. The former has
considered elasticity problems from several points of view. In his monograph [32] he considers,
besides the above quoted alternating method, the variational approach and he reviews the
results obtained in this field by Soviet mathematicians. However he does not seem to be
aware of some of the work done in the western world. In the monograph [25] MICHLIN applies
his theory of multidimensional singular integral equations to problems of elasticity. This
theory, initiated by TRICOMI [43] and GIRAUD [10], has been concluded by MICHLIN and is
the starting point of the modern theory of pseudo-differential operators. MICHLIN in [25]
is able to solve the system of singular integral equations, to which the 2nd B.V.P. of classical
elasticity gives rise when the solution is represented by simple layer potentials. Similar
results were obtained by KuPRADZE [20], almost at the same time. He also uses MICHLIN's
theory to solve the same system of singular integral equations.
Let us mention here, besides other relevant contributions of KUPRADZE, his work on
dynamic problems and on problems for heterogeneous media [20], [15-22].
The equilibrium problem for a heterogeneous elastic medium (an elastic body composed
by two homogeneous isotropic bodies with different Lame constants) was first posed by
26 Let us remark that the use of the domain A' and of the corresponding Green's function
G(x, y), according to the procedure used in [3] (which was followed by KuPRADZE [20) for
the analysis of mixed problems) can be avoided and a further simplification in the proof of
the existence theorem introduced. To this end, instead of using v (x) as given by (11.3), let
us assume
v(x)="P(x)fs(x,y) rp(y)dy
(2n)-1Jog lx- Yl for r = 2,
s (x, y) = [(2 - r) w,J-11 X - yJ2-r for r >2
(w, is the hypersurface measure of the unit sphere of X'), rp (x) E C00 and 1p (x) is a C00 function
such that, given arbitrarily x 0 disjoint from f 1 , 1p(x) ==1 for Jx-xDI ~e, 1p(x) ""0 for
lx-xOI ~2e; e is a positive number such that the ball 1'2 ,: lx-x0 J ~2e is disjoint from 1;.
It is not difficult to see that for yEF, one gets the representation

n r.
n r.
u(x) a~" s(x,y)dax+h(y), (11.5)

where h (y) is a harmonic function in r,. By using (11. 5) in place of (11.4) one gets the same
422 G. FicHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity. Sect. 11.

PICONE [30), who proposed a method for numerical solution. Papers by LIONS [28] and by
CAMPANATO [2] are concerned with this problem. The case of anisotropic bodies, with general
elasticities, is for the first time considered in E.T.E. In that article the modem approach to
boundary value problems for strongly elliptic operators is followed, which has made it pos-
sible, for the first time, to treat with great generality dynamic problems as well as diffusion
problems and integra-differential problems. There can be no doubt that the analytical in-
vestigations of problems of elasticity have greatly contributed to the modem development
of the theory of partial differential equations. For instance researches concerning the Kom
inequalities are among the first examples of investigations connected with the concept of
"coerciveness" now very important. In this respect, besides the papers of FRIEDRICHS and
of BERNSTEIN and TOUPIN, already cited, let US mention here the work of CAMPANATO [3], [4],
which is mainly interesting for the examples in which Kom's inequalities fail, and a remark-
able paper by PAYNE and WEINBERGER [29), where the best estimate for the 2nd Korn in-
equality, in the case of a sphere, is obtained and a new proof of this inequality provided for a
class of domains. Unfortunately the results of the paper do not have so large a range of
validity as the authors claim. The paper [13) of GoBERT also concerns Korn's inequality.
The first author to consider a unilateral problem for elasticity was SIGNORINI [37] early
in 1933. He presented again his theory, in more complete fashion, in 1959 [38]. In this paper
the problem nowadays known as the Signorini problem is proposed. This problem was in-
vestigated and solved in the paper [6], which was submitted for publication in September,
1963, and which appeared in 1964. The results of paper [6] had been announced in [8]
(February 1963), in [5] and in [9]. The results of [6], although relative to a specific problem
of elasticity, are immediately extensible-as far as the abstract theory is concerned-to an
abstract unilateral problem relative to a symmetric semi-coercive bilinear form considered in
a cone.
The existence and uniqueness theorem given in [6] is the first example of an existence
and uniqueness theorem for a unilateral problem connected with a differential operator.
More than one year later STAMPACCHIA [41] considered unilateral problems relative to
nonsymmetric coercive bilinear forms. The case considered by STAMPACCHIA because of the
coerciveness hypothesis he assumes cannot cover that considered in [6]. In fact-as has been
shown in the present paper-it is just the absence of the coerciveness condition which makes
the problem a complicated one, since, in this case, one has to face the delicate question of the
compatibility conditions. When the bilinear form is coercive, the problem is almost trivial
in the symmetric case. The non symmetric case is easily reduced to the symmetric one by
a simple argument, shown in [30], which makes use of a suitable contraction mapping. We
have used this argument at the beginning of the proof of Theorem 2.I of the present paper.
The authors of [30] consider also the case of non-coercive non-symmetric bilinear forms.
In the abstract scheme which they assume, they exactly reproduce the situation which arises
in [6] in connection with elasticity and give a theorem which imitates the results of [6],
transferring them into their abstract setting. The proof of the boundedness of the sequence
which furnishes the solution of their unilateral problem is strongly inspired by the proof
of the boundedness of the analogous sequence, presented in [6]. Unfortunately, imitation of
the results of [6] (which relate to a particular convex set) in the case of the general convex
set which they introduce, without considering the extremely more general geometric nature
of an arbitrary convex set, lead them to state unacceptable results. As a matter of fact, if
one uses results of [30] for solving unilateral problems for non-coercive forms, one has to
impose compatibility conditions on the data, even when that is not necessary.
Nowadays the literature on unilateral problems grows more and more. 27 The abstract
point of view has especially considered extensions to non linear operators. These researches
mainly interest pure mathematics. However, a number of concrete specific problems have
also been investigated and the associated questions of regularization studied. While I believe
that the abstract theory, developed in this paper, is able to cover with sufficient generality
the unilateral problems connected with linear operators of applied mathematics, I realize
that the regularization theory is still very far from the generality that it has in the case of
bilateral problems. The regularization results stated in the present paper, as far as the
relevant differential operator is concerned, are the most general known up to date for linear
With specific reference to elasticity, let us mention that one of the first unilateral prob-
lems in elasticity after SIGNORINI's was formulated by PRAGER [36]. It has been considered
in Sect. 6 (example V) of the present paper. A unilateral problem for a membrane was in-
vestigated by H. LEWY [26] and later by LEWY and STAMPACCHIA [27]. Elastic plastic
torsion problems have been studied by T. W. TING [42], DuvAuT and LANCHON [24] and
LANCHON [23]. The theory of elastic-plastic torsion problem is explained in detail in the
27 For a bibliography on this subject we refer to the book [29].
Bibliography. 423
article by TING in volume VIa/3 of this Encyclopedia. DuvAuT has considered the Signorini
problem in visco-elasticity [5] (i.e. hereditary elasticity); GRIOLI [11] and DuvAUT [6]
elastic problems when the bounding surface has friction. The paper [33] of MoREAU concerns
unilateral problems of elastostatics; he has considered also a number of abstract and con-
crete topics connected with unilateral problems.
So far we have considered problems connected with linear elasticity. Although the uni-
lateral problems do not belong to the domain of linear analysis and many questions are still
not settled, it has been possible to put them in a general scheme. That is not possible for non-
linear elasticity. As far as existence theory is concerned, there are particular results, for
special problems but nothing sufficient to give concrete foundations to a general theory. That
probably will be one of the tasks of applied analysts in the next years.

[1] BERNSTEIN, B., and R. A. TouPIN: Korn inequalities for the sphere and circle. Arch.
Rational Mech. Anal. 6 (1960).
[2] CAMPANATO, S.: Sul problema di M. Picone relative all'equilibrio di un corpo elastico
incastrato. Ricerche di Matern. VI (19 57).
[3] - Sui problemi al contorno per sistemi di equazioni differenziali lineari del tipo del-
l' elasticita. Parte I and Parte II. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa, s. III, 13 (19 59).
[4] - Proprieta di taluni spazi di Banach connessi con la teoria dell'elasticita. Ann. Scuola
Norm. Sup. Pisa, s. III, 16 (1962).
[5] DuvAUT, G.: Probleme de Signorini en viscoelasticite lineaire. Compt. Rend. 268 (1969}.
[6] - Problemes unilateraux en mecanique des milieux continus. Proceedings of the Inter-
national Congress of Mathematicians, Nice (1970).
[7] Emus, D. M.: On a mixed problem of elasticity theory [in Russian]. Dokl. Akad. Nauk
USSR 76 (1971).
[8] FICHERA, G.: Sui problema elastostatico di Signorini con ambigue condizioni al con-
torno. Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei, s. VIII, 34 (1963}.
[9] - Un teorema generale di semicontinuita per gli integrali multipli e sue applicazioni
alia fisica-matematica. Atti del Convegno Lagrangiano, Ace. Sci. Torino (1963}.
[10] GIRAUD, G.: Equations a integrales principales. Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Super. 51 (1934).
[11] GRIOLI, G.: Problemi d'integrazione e formulazione integrale del problema fondamentale
dell'elastostatica. Simposio intern. sulle Applicazioni della Analisi alia Fisica Mate-
matica, Cagliari-Sassari (1964). Roma: Edit. Cremonese 1965.
[12] GUNTER, N. M.: Die Potentialtheorie und ihre Anwendung auf Grundaufgaben der
Mathematischen Physik. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner 1957.
[13] KELLOGG, 0. D.: Foundations of potential theory. Berlin: Springer 1929; New York:
F. Ungar 1946.
[14] KELVIN, Lord (W. Thomson): Note on the integration of the equations of equilibrium
of an elastic solid. Cambridge & Dublin Math. J. (1848).
[15] KoGAN, S. Y.: On the resolution of the threedimensional problem of elasticity by means
of the Schwarz alternating method [in Russian]. Izv. Akad. Nauk (Geophys. Ser.) 3
[16] KuPRADZE, V. D.: Boundary value problems of the theory of forced elastic oscillations
[in Russian]. Usp. Matern. Nauk 8 (1953).
[17] - Some new theorems on oscillation equations and their application to boundary value
problems [in Russian]. Tr. Tbilisk. Universiteta 25a (1944).
[18] - Boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity for piecewise-homogeneous
elastic bodies [in Russian]. Soobshch. Akad. Nauk. Gruz. 22 (1959).
[19] - On the theory of boundary value problems for inhomogeneous elastic bodies [in
Russian]. Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. 22 (1959).
[20] - On boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity for piecewise-homogeneous
bodies [in Russian]. Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. 22 (1959).
[21] - The boundary value problems of the oscillation theory and their integral equations
[in Russian]. Moscow: Gostekhizdat (1950).
[22] - Dynamical problems in elasticity (from Progress in solid mechanics), vol. 3. Amster-
dam: North Holland (1963).
[23] LANCHON, H.: Solution du probleme de torsion elastoplastique d'une barre cylindrique
de section quelconque. Com pt. Rend. 269 (1969).
[24] -. et G. DUVAUT: Sur la solution du probleme de torsion elastoplastique d'une barre
cylindrique de section quelconque. Compt. Rend. 264 (1967).
[25] LEVI CIVITA, T., e U. AMALDI: Compendia di Meccanica razionale. II Ediz. N. Zani-
chelli (1938}.
424 G. FICHERA: Unilateral Constraints in Elasticity.

[26] LEWY, H.: On a variational problem with inequalities on the boundary. J. Math. &
Mech. 17 (1968).
[27] -, and G. STAMPACCHIA: On the regularity of the solution of a variational inequality.
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 22 (1969).
[28] LIONS, J. L.: Contribution a un probleme de M. Picone. Ann. Matern. pura e appl.,
s. IV, 16 (1955).
[29] - Quelques methodes de resolution des problemes aux limites non lineaires. Paris:
Dunod Gauthier-Villars (1969).
[30] -,and G. STAMPACCHIA: Variational inequalities. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 20 (1967).
[31] MICHLIN, S. G.: On the Schwarz algorithm [in Russian]. Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR 77
[32] - The problem of the minimum of a quadratic functional. S. Francisco-London-Amster-
dam: Holden-Day 1965.
[33] MoREAU, J. J.: La notion de sur-potential et les liasons unilaterales en elastostatique.
Proc. of the 12th Inter. Congress of Appl. Mech. Stanford (1968).
[34] MusKHELISHVILI, N. I.: Singular integral equation, 2nd ed. Groningen: Nordhoff 1959,
and 3rd ed. [in Russian] published by the State Publ. House for Physics-Mathematics
Literature, Moscow (1968).
[35] NIKOLSKI, E. N.: The Schwarz algorithm in the problem of tensions in the theory of
elasticity [in Russian]. Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR 135 (1960).
[36] PRAGER, W.: Unilateral constraints in mechanics of continua. Atti del Convegno La-
grangiano, Ace. Sci. Torino (1963).
[37] SIGNORINI, A.: Sopra alcune questioni di elastostatica. Atti Soc. ltal. per il Progesso
delle Scienze (1933).
[38] - Questioni di elasticita non linearizzata o semi-linearizzata. Rend. di Matern. e delle
sue appl. 18 (1959).
[39] SoBOLEV, S. L.: The Schwarz algorithm in elasticity theory. Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR
4 (1936).
[40] SoMIGLIANA, C.: Sopra l'equilibrio di un corpo elastico isotropo. Nuovo Cimento 3 (1885).
[41] STAMPACCHIA, G.: Formes bilineaires coercitives sur les ensembles convexes. Compt.
Rend. 258 (1964).
[42] TING, T. W.: Elastic-plastic torsion problem. II Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 25 (1967);
III Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 34 (1969).
[43] TRICOMI, F.: Equazioni integrali contenenti il valor principale di un integrale doppio.
Math. Z. 27 (1928).
The Theory of Shells and Plates.

With 2 Figures.

A. lntroduction. 1
1. Preliminary remarks. A plate and more generally a shell is a special three-
dimensional body whose boundary surface has special features. Although we
defer defining a shell-like body in precise terms until Sect. 4, for the purpose of
these preliminary remarks consider a surface-called a reference surface-and
imagine material filaments from above and below surrounding the surface along
the normal at each point of the reference surface. Suppose further that the
bounding surfaces formed by the end points of the material filaments are equi-
distant from the reference surface. Such a three-dimensional body is called a
shell if the dimension of the body along the normals, called the thickness, is
small. A shell is said to be thin if its thickness is much smaller than a certain
characteristic length of the reference surface, e.g., the minimum radius of the
curvature of the reference surface for initially curved shells. 2
Interest in the construction of a linear theory for the extensional and flexural
deformation of plates (from the three-dimensional equations of linear elasticity)
dates back to the early part of the nineteenth century. Following a short period
of controversy (especially with regard to the nature of boundary conditions), the
complete theory for bending of thin elastic plates, under certain special assump-
tions, was finally derived in 1850 by KIRCHHOFF. 3 This theory, now classical
(and occasionally referred to as Poisson-Kirchhoff theory for bending of plates),
remains virtually unchanged even in its details. The corresponding development
for shells from the three-dimensional equations of linear elasticity was given
some thirty-eight years later in a pioneering paper by LovE (cited below). This
paper, containing the first complete linear bending theory for thin shells, employs
certain special assumptions analogous to KIRCHHOFF's; in the current literature on
1 Acknowledgement. The support of the U.S. Office of Naval Research, during preparation
of this article, under Contract N00014-69-A-0200-1008 with the University of California,
Berkeley is gratefully acknowledged.
Special thanks are due to A. E. GREEN with whom I have had a number of discussions
on the subject of shell theory since 1964 and with whom I have collaborated on a number of
papers pertaining to the subject of this article. I am deeply indepted to Drs. ] . A. TRAPP
and M. L. WENNER who read the manuscript, independently checked all formulae and offered
helpful criticisms and suggestions. The responsibility for any remaining errors is, of course,
mine; although I hope that these have been reduced to a minimum or to a superficial level.
I should like to express my appreciation also to M. M. CARROLL, J. L. ERICKSEN, R. P.
NoRDGREN and C. TRUESDELL, who offered helpful comments on the final form of the
2 In the case of initially flat plates, the characteristic length is taken to be the smallest
dimension of the reference plane.
a KIRCHHOFF [1850, 1]. See also the Historical Introduction in LovE's Treatise [1892, 1]
and [1893, 2) or its subsequent editions, e.g., [1927, 1] or [1944, 4].
426 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 1.

shell theory, these assumptions are sometimes referred to as Kirchhoff-Love

assumptions. This theory, which has come to be known as Love's first approxima-
tion, despite shortcomings, has since occupied a position of prominence.' The
rather large number of papers in recent years devoted to re-examinations, re-
derivations, extensions and generalizations of the equations of the linear theory
of thin shells, in itself may be a sufficient indication of not only the shortcomings
of LovE's theory, but also that the foundations of the theory (even linear theory)
as derived from the three-dimensional equations is not as yet firmly established.
Indeed, there have been continual efforts by a number of investigators (especially
during the last two decades) to rigorize and systematize the derivation of the
(two-dimensional) equations of the classical linear theory of thin shells; and these
efforts have resulted in considerable improvements toward a more satisfactory
derivation of an approximate linear theory of shells, particularly the constitutive
equations, from the three-dimensional equations. Although these improvements,
achieved by a variety of means (e.g., use of variational theorems of classical
elasticity, asymptotic expansion technique or consideration of error estimates,
etc.), have contributed to our understanding of the subject, alas too slowly, a
fully satisfactory derivation of an approximate system of constitutive equations
along with an appraisal of their accuracy as compared with the three-dimensional
equations still remains an open issue. Further remarks on this point are made in
Sect. 4 and again in Sect. 20.
Historically, interest in the construction of theories of shells and plates grew
from the desire to treat vibrations of plates and shells, aimed at deducing the
tones of vibrating bells. 5 However, the motivating factors for the development
of a general bending theory of sufficiently thin shells stem mainly from the
following considerations: (i) The reduction of an otherwise intractable (at least
analytically) three-dimensional problem to one characterized by two-dimensional
equations; and (ii) the need to treat shell-like bodies when bending effects are
prominent. Such bending effects arise in the open shell which has an edge but
they may also be significant in both open and closed shells due to purely geo-
metrical or load discontinuities. Thus, the purpose of a theory of shells (and
plates) is to provide appropriate two-dimensional equations applicable to shell-
like bodies. Examples of bodies to which shell theory is applicable are numerous
and range from machine parts, electronic devices, domes, variety of ship and
aerospace structures to components of physiological systems such as arteries, the
cornea of the eye and the periodontal membrane, to name only a few.
Because of the considerable difficulties associated with the derivation of shell
theory from the three-dimensional equations mentioned above, the possibility of
employing a (two-dimensional) model for a thin shell presents itself in a natural
way. Indeed, such an approach for thin shells was conceived of and dealt with
(although at the time with some limitations) by the brothers E. and F. CossERAT
but remained largely unknown or unnoticed until fairly recently.s The idea of
representing a (three-dimensional) thin shell by a two-dimensional continuum
'LovE [1888, 1]. The reference to LovE's first approximation in contemporary literature
is often confusing, since different versions bearing his name can be found. The difference
between these and their origin is briefly discussed in Sect. 21 A.
5 Interestingly enough in the Summary of his [1888, 1] paper, LovE wrote: "This paper
is really an attempt to construct a theory of the vibrations of bells." For historical background
on the subject, see LovE's [1944, 4] Historical Introduction and ToDHUNTER and PEARSON's
history of elasticity [1886, 1], [1893, 3].
6 [1908, 1] and [1909, 1]. The monograph by E. and F. CossERAT [1909, 1] and a number
of recent papers bearing on the matter are cited and elaborated upon at some length in
Sect. 4.
Sect. 1. Preliminary remarks. 427

which would then permit the development of shell theory by direct approach
(rather than from the three-dimensional equations) is not as strange as may at
first appear to some. The notion of a model for an idealized body, a system or even
a universe permeates the structure of classical physics; and is, in fact, the corner-
stone of all field theories. Before continuing our discussion of the derivation of
shell theory by direct approach, it is desirable to enumerate briefly some examples
pertaining to different ways in which the idea of a model is used in the classical
(non-polar) continuum mechanics.
To begin with the continuum itself is a model representing an idealized body
in some sense. Roughly speaking, we may recall that the continuum model (in
classical mechanics) is intended to represent phenomena in nature which appear
at a scale larger than the interatomic distances. From such intuitive notions and
by assigning a (continuous) mass density to the continuum model (corresponding
to that of the macroscopic behavior of the general medium in question) we put
forth a well-defined model for which the classical field theories of mechanics can
be constructed. The plausibility of such an idealized model depends, of course,
on its relevance; but this hardly needs emphasis here, in view of the success of the
continuum theories and wide and extensive demonstrations of their usefulness
and relevance to phenomena in the physical world for nearly two centuries. To
continue, the idea of the use of a model in the classical three-dimensional (non-
polar) theory is not limited to the concept of the continuum itself and is, in fact,
adopted also for a different purpose. To elaborate, we recall that since the field
equations in the classical continuum mechanics hold for every medium, it is
only the constitutive equations which differ from one medium to another. Now
constitutive equations (even those which embrace considerable generality) are
always developed with a view toward a particular model. 7 For example, constitu-
tive equations which define Newtonian viscous fluids describe the behavior of
a class of fluids in all motions. Moreover, the success and the prominence of the
theory of Newtonian viscous fluids is simply due to its usefulness for certain
purposes and not because it is a valid theory for all fluid media; indeed, for
another fluid medium (having a different behavior from Newtonian viscous fluid)
we require a different set of constitutive equations. We have come to accept the
point of view of describing the behavior of different materials through different
sets of constitutive equations which, in turn, represent characterization of a
particular model we have in mind.
In the classical theories of the type just referred to, it is the equations rep-
resenting the material behavior which distinguish one theory from another;
i.e., it is the characterization of constitutive equations which is intended to rep-
resent the particular behavior of a phenomenon in nature, whenever the classical
theory can be assumed to hold. But, as in the case of the continuum itself, we
need not confine the idea of a model to the sole purpose of characterizing the
behavior of materials by constitutive equations; and, in fact, we may appeal to
a suitable model for different purposes whenever such notions are conceptually
helpful. 8
Returning to our earlier discussion regarding the foundations and formulation
of the general theory of shells (and plates), we observe here that the two-dimen-
7 Our use of the term model here is intended to reflect the nature of the behavior of materials
and should not be regarded as synonymous with other usages of the term, e.g., with reference
to combinations of springs and dashpots.
8 Indeed it was a point of view of this kind that prompted DuHEM [1893, 1] to propose the
concept of oriented media, which was subsequently adopted by the CossERATs. Additional
remarks, in this connection, are made in Sect. 4.
428 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. t.

sional field equations for shells often have been derived by direct procedures
(rather than from the three-dimensional equations). For example as noted in
Sect. 12A, almost from the very early developments in shell theory, the deri-
vation of the (two-dimensional) equations of equilibrium by LovE and others was
accomplished by considering a portion of a reference surface (embedded in a
Euclidean 3-space) subjected to load resultants acting on the reference surface
and various stress-resultants and stress-couples on the edge curves of the reference
surface (corresponding to the middle surface of the shell in a reference configura-
tion).9 Similarly, in some of the literature on the linear shell theory devoted to
derivations from the three-dimensional equations, a (two-dimensional) virtual
work principle in terms of two-dimensional variables is stated ab initio and is
assumed to be valid without any previous appeal to its derivation from the
corresponding virtual work principle in the three-dimensional theory. The justi-
fication for such an approach (which is not uncommon even in some of the recent
or current literature) is of course based on the fact that the two-dimensional
principle is postulated to be valid on the middle surface of the shell. As another
example, consider the membrane theory of elastic shells. Whenever this special
theory is regarded to be applicable, it is tacitly assumed that the behavior of
the (three-dimensional) shell can be represented by a membrane with only the
gradient of the position vector of a material surface (corresponding to, say, the
initial middle surface of the shell) in the deformed configuration as its kinematic
ingredient. In this connection, it may be recalled that the idea of a membrane is
not limited to a special theory of elastic shells and in a wider sense pertains to a
model which reflects only extensional properties of a thin shell-like body.
The foregoing remarks are intended not only to illustrate the usefulness of
the direct approach, but also to remind the reader of the fact that the direct
approach has been known and utilized all along in shell theory. Thus, in addition
to the definition of the (three-dimensional) shell-like body, we also motivate and
introduce in Sect. 4 a (two-dimensional) model which portrays a thin shell. This
model [described in detail in Sect. 4, following {4.34)], called a Cosserat surface,
consists of a surface with a single director (i.e., a deformable vector) assigned to
every point of the surface. As will become evident in subsequent chapters, such
a directed two-dimensional continuum is conceptually simple and provides a
fruitful means for characterization and direct development of a general theory
for shells. In Chaps. B to D we pursue the construction of a general theory of
shells and plates, both by direct approach (based mainly on the concept of a
Cosserat surface) and from the three-dimensional equations of the classical
(non-polar) continuum mechanics. Such parallel developments are illuminating
and provide at the same time a basis of comparison between the various results
(especially the field equations) from the direct approach and those emerging
from a derivation via the three-dimensional theory. Inasmuch as considerable
difficulties remain in the derivation of an approximate system of (two-dimensional)
equations for thin shells (especially with regard to an approximate set of con-
stitutive equations) from the three-dimensional theory, the alternative develop-
ment by the direct approach offers a great deal of appeal and is relatively simple.
We emphasize the latter approach in Chap. E, which is confined to the linear
theory, with the aim of demonstrating the relevance and applicability of the
theory of Cosserat surface to shells and plates. The Cosserat surface, as emphasized
in Sect. 4, is not a two-dimensional surface alone and can be regarded as represent-
9 The derivation of the equations of equilibrium for shells from the three-dimensional
equations is of a more recent origin. An account of the history of the derivations of the equa-
tions of equilibrium for shells is given in Sect. 12A.
Sect. 2. Scope and contents. 429
ing a model for a thin shell. It will become evident in Chaps. D and E that the
director is an effective part of the model reflecting the three-dimensional effects
in thin shells and plates.
2. Scope and contents. This monograph is concerned mainly with the founda-
tions of the general theory of shells and plates. Our point of view and approach
to the subject are motivated and spelled out in some detail at the beginning of
Chap. B (Sect. 4}. The preliminary remarks and various definitions in Sect. 4
should be kept in mind in connection with the remaining developments. An
effort is made to provide a systematic treatment of the subject in the context of
the nonlinear theory, both by direct approach and also from the three-dimensional
equations of the classical continuum mechanics. While the equations of the
linear theories of shells and plates are included and fully discussed, generally these
are obtained by a systematic linearization of the results from the nonlinear
theory. On the whole the subject matter is directed toward recent developments,
and all aspects of the theory pertaining to the mechanical and thermodynamical
foundations of the subject are treated. The problem of stability, however, is not
considered. A number of results included here have not appeared or been discussed
previously in the literature.
No attempt is made to provide a complete list of works on shells and plates.
Our guideline in compiling the bibliography has been to select those which
directly bear on our treatment, those which are pertinent to various discussions
and provide a source for further related references and a few of the historical
papers on the subject. 10 Neither the contents, nor the list of works cited are
exhaustive. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the developments presented reflect
accurately the state of knowledge in the foundations of the general theory. Some
familiarity with the classical three-dimensional (non-polar) continuum mechanics
is assumed. In this connection and for background and additional information, we
frequently refer to TRUESDELL and TOUPIN and to TRUESDELL and NOLL. 11
The kinematics of the subject and primitive concepts associated with the
basic principles are developed and emphasized only to the extent that they are
needed in our treatment of the subject. Moreover, we have made an effort not to
take the reader through an extended excursion of the most primitive notions and
ideas which are familiar from their counterparts in the three-dimensional theory.
For example, the idea of force and couple vectors, each per unit length of a curve
on a surface, and associated results are introduced as rapidly as possible (without
sacrifice to clarity) but not such details as the notion of the stress vector, the stress
tensor, etc., which are discussed in a treatise on continuum mechanics. Similarly,
some of the formulae such as those for linearized kinematic measures can be
put in a variety of forms by straightforward (although on occasion lengthy}
manipulations. Whenever possible such lengthy formulae are conveniently
catalogued in separate tables. This should enable a reader not interested in detailed
linear kinematic formulae to pass over such special topics easily. A short appendix
is included at the end (Chap. F), where for convenience selected formulae
from the differential geometry of a surface and related results are collected.
The kinematics of shells and plates, both by direct approach and from the
three-dimensional theory, are discussed in Chap. B (Sects. 4-7) at some length.
In Sect. 4, we first define a shell-like body and then elaborate in some detail
1° Our bibliography includes several papers, cited in the text, which became available
when this work was almost completed. Consequently, we have not had an opportunity to
examine fully these papers which either appeared in recen: periodicals or were kindly sent by
their authors in manuscript form.
11 [1960, 14] and [1965, 9].
430 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 2.

about the nature of shell theory and motivate the introduction of a Cosserat
surface as a continuum portraying a thin shell. This background information
should be kept in mind in connection with all subsequent developments. Sects. 5
and 6 are concerned with kinematical results by direct approach while their
counterparts from the three-dimensional theory are developed in Sect. 7.
Chap. C (Sects. 8-12A) deals with basic principles for shells and plates and
shell-like bodies and derivations of the field equations both by direct approach
(Sects. 8-10) and from the three-dimensional equations (Sects. 11-12). The
basic principles and conservation laws for a Cosserat surface are discussed in
detail in Sect. 8 and the local field equations are deduced in Sect. 9, where the
field equations appropriate to the linearized theory are also obtained by speciali-
zation. Sect. 10 contains a derivation of the field equations for a restricted
theory by direct approach, i.e., a theory in which the director is not admitted as
an independent primitive kinematic ingredient. The contents of Sects. 11-12 are
concerned with the construction of shell theory from the three-dimensional
equations of the classical nonlinear continuum mechanics and deal chiefly with
the derivation of the local field equations for shell-like bodies. In addition, the
nature of the results which may be deduced for an approximate system of field
equations for thin shells and their relationship with corresponding known results
in the classical linear theory of shells and plates are elaborated upon in some
detail. Also included in this chapter is a sketch of the history of the derivations
of equations of equilibrium for shells (Sect. 12A).
Chap. D (Sects. 13-22) is concerned mainly with constitutive equations for
elastic shells and plates, both by direct approach (Sects. 13-16) and from the
three-dimensional theory (Sects. 17-21). This chapter also includes a number
of related results pertaining to the initial boundary-value problem of the dynamical
theory (or the boundary-value problem of the equilibrium theory), special cases
of the general theory such as the membrane theory and the inextensional theory
(Sect. 14), as well as the complete restricted theory by direct method (Sect. 15)
which bears on the classical bending theory of shells. A fairly detailed development
of the constitutive equations for an elastic Cosserat surface is given in Sect. 13
and their subsequent linearization is considered in Sect. 16. In the derivation of
these results, particular attention is paid to the role played by the director and
the manner in which the director (and its gradient) affect the structure of the
constitutive equations. The corresponding developments from the three-dimen-
sional theory, including certain approximation schemes for the purpose of ob-
taining an approximate system of (two-dimensional) equations for thin shells
and plates, are discussed in Sects. 17-20. The contents of Sect. 20 (together with
part of the remarks made in Sect. 21) provide an account of the classical results
and their generalizations, as well as the nature of recent efforts, in the approximate
linear theories of shells and plates obtained from the three-dimensional equations.
In addition, a sketch of the history of the derivation of linear constitutive equa-
tions for elastic shells is provided in Sect. 21 A. Also included in Chap. D is a
general discussion concerning the relationship and correspondence between the
results derived from the three-dimensional theory and those in the theory of
Cosserat surface (Sect. 22).
Chap. E (Sects. 23-26) deals exclusively with the linear isothermal theory of
elastic plates and shells. It represents a culmination of the point of view expressed
in Sect. 4 and begins with a system of equations for the complete linear theory
derived by direct method in the previous chapters. Since the constitutive coeffi-
cients are arbitrary (in the developments by direct approach) and are not pre-
determined from an approximate expression for the three-dimensional strain
Sect. 3. Notation and a list of symbols used. 431

energy density function, a major portion of this chapter (Sects. 24-25) is devoted
to the determination of the constitutive coefficients for an isotropic Cosserat
surface and the corresponding results in the restricted theory. Chap. E also
includes a uniqueness theorem, as well as some remarks on the general theorems
in the linear theory of elastic shells.
Apart from the present introductory chapter, the contents of the remaining
four Chaps. B to E are so arranged that to a large extent the various sections can
be read independently of each other. As should be clear from the table of contents,
the developments in each of the three Chaps. B to D are carried out both by
direct approach and from the three-dimensional theory. By the time a reader
has reached the end of Chap. D, he should be convinced of the following: (1) The
development of kinematical results and derivation of field equations can be
pursued in a systematic manner from both approaches; (2) the various results for
thin shells, in particular the field equations and general aspects of the constitutive
equations (in terms of a thermodynamic potential or a strain energy density
function), are formally equivalent; and (3} while explicit forms of constitutive
equations by direct approach can be dealt with systematically (and free from
ad hoc assumptions), in general a great deal of difficulty is encountered when
explicit constitutive equations are sought from the three-dimensional equations.
It is partly here that the theory of a Cosserat surface can be put into fruitful and
effective use, as brought out in Chap. E for the linear theory.
3. Notation and a list of symbols used. General convected curvilinear coordinates
o• (i =1, 2, 3) are used to identify a particle of a body. Similarly, a particle on a
surface is identified by convected curvilinear coordinates 0« (ex.= 1, 2). Throughout
this work Latin indices (subscripts or superscripts) have the range 1, 2, 3, Greek
indices have the range 1, 2 and the usual summation convention is employed.
We use a vertical bar (I) for covariant differentiation with respect to the first
fundamental form of a surface, a comma for partial differentiation with respect to
surface coordinates ()« and a superposed dot for material time derivative, i.e.,
differentiation with respect to time, holding the material coordinates (either
0« or O') fixed.
Fields and functions which are defined throughout a three-dimensional body
are clearly distinguished from the corresponding fields and functions defined
over a two-dimensional manifold. Whenever the same symbol is used in both
cases, an asterisk is added to the symbol representing a field or a function in a
three-dimensional body. Symbols standing for quantities associated with super-
posed rigid body motions are distinguished by placing a plus sign ( +) on the
upper right-hand side of the symbol.
While the basic developments are carried out (to a large extent) in an invariant
vector notation, the various vector quantities which occur in the field equations
and constitutive equations are also expressed in terms of their tensor components.
Boldface symbols are employed to designate vector fields or functions defined
either throughout a region of a Euclidean 3-space or on a two-dimensional
manifold. In general, the boldface symbols represent three-dimensional vector
fields or functions; but occasionally they are also used for tangential vector fields
defined over a surface. Greek lower case letters are used (although not exclusively)
for local thermodynamic scalar functions or variables.
Since the various developments in Chaps. B to D are pursued both by direct
approach and also from the three-dimensional theory, often by choice we employ
the same symbols in the two developments. This choice of notations for similar
quantities is suggestive and will not be confusing, since the two developments are
432 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 3.

carried out in parallel and entirely separately from one another. Moreover, in order
to emphasize the separate nature of these two parallel developments, sometimes
formulae of the same type and forms are repeated in a section pertaining to a
derivation from the three-dimensional theory even though similar formulae have
been already recorded in an earlier section concerned with direct approach.
The notations and formulae given in the Appendix (Chap. F) concerning the
geometry of a surface and related results are used throughout and are particularly
helpful in early sections. Although all symbols are defined when first introduced, a
list of frequently used symbols is provided in a table below. It has not been possible
to maintain a complete uniformity in notations and on occasions we have found
it necessary to deviate from the scheme of the table and use the same symbols
in different senses and in entirely different contexts.

Table of frequently used symbols

Symbol Name or description Place of definition
or first occurrence

aa.,Aa. Base vectors of a surface in the (4.10)

present and reference configurations
fla,Aa Unit normal vector to a surface in (4.11)
the present and reference configura-
aa.p.Aa.p First fundamental form of a surface (4.12)
in the present and reference con-
B Flexural rigidity (20.13)
ba.fl• Ba.p Second fundamental form of a surface (4.13)
in the present and reference con-
P4 Body Sect. 4
c A curve on the surface 6 Sect. 8
c, c, Acceleration vector for a Cosserat (9.46)
c Extensional rigidity (20.13)
f'(j Cosserat surface Sect. 4
d,D Director of the continuum f'(l in the Sect. 4;
present and reference configurations (5.1) 2 and (5.2) 2
D Component D3 of D (4.35)
d,, D, Components of director d, D (5.25), (5.34)2
dN,DN Vector fields occuring in a represen- (7.1 )-(7.2)
tation of p, P
dNi• DNi Components of dN, DN (7.13)
ea.p A surface kinematic measure (5.31)
E Young's modulus of elasticity (19.3)
tf Internal energy of a Cosserat surface (8.9)
I Assigned force per unit mass of a (8.6)
Sect. 3. Notation and a list of symbols used. 433

Symbol Name or description Place of definition

or first occurrence

f Difference of I and acceleration vector (8.19h

f* External body force density (8.26)
t•. pi Components of I in the present and (9.38)
reference configurations
g p. g' gf..1' gii
Base vectors, metric tensor and con- (4.7)
jugate tensor referred to coordinates
in the present configuration
Base vectors, metric tensor and con- (4.23)
jugate tensor referred to coordinates
in the reference configuration
Base vectors and metric tensor (4.29)
referred to a normal coordinate system
in the reference configuration
h Initial thickness of (three-dimen- (4.30)
sional) shell or plate
Scalar functions of position defined (4.21), (11.28)
by mass density and determinant of
the metric tensor
Kinetic energy of a Cosserat surface (8.11)
l Assigned director couple per unit (8.6)
mass of a surface

l Assigned couple per unit mass of a (10.1)

surface (a tangential vector field)
i Difference of l and the inertia term
due to director acceleration
lN (N =0, 1, 2, ... ) Body force resultants (11.29)-(11.30)
t•, i•, L', D Components of l and i in the present (9.38), (9.57)
and reference configurations
Components of i in the present and (10.20), (10.27) 2
reference configurations
Surface director couple measured per (8.16), (8. 58)3
unit area in the present and reference
Components of the surface director (9-39)
couple m
mN, mN i Shear stress- and normal stress- (11.55), (12.11)
(N =0, 1, 2, ... ) resultants
Contact director couple measured per (8.4), (8.56)
unit length of a curve on a surface in
the present and reference configurations
Contact couple per unit length of a (10.1)
curve on a surface (a tangential
vector field)
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VIa/2. 28
434 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 3.

Symbol Name or description Place of definition

of first occurrence

(N =0, 1, 2, ... )
MNa.,MNa.i Stress-resultants and stress-couples (11.34), (11.36),
(N =0, 1, 2, ... )
Ma.t Components of the contact director (9.42)-(9.43)
couple M
Ma.Y Components of the contact couple M (10.20)
n Outward unit normal vector to a Sect. 8
surface in a body
N, RN Contact force measured per unit length (8.4)' (8. 56)
of a curve on a surface in the present
and reference configurations
Na.< Components of the contact force N (9.40)-(9.41)
N'a.fJ Certain combination of the compo- (9.31), (9.53)
nents Na.fJ, ma. and Ma.fJ
-Na.{J Certain combination of the compo- (10.26)
nents Na.fJ a~d Ma.fJ
p,P Position vector of the place in a body (4.5)-(4.6)
occupied by the material point in the
present and reference configurations
P,RP Scalar quantities representing (9.28), (9.83)
mechanical power
f!)J Part of a surface Sect. 4; (4.43)
PJJ* Part of a body containing the Sect. 11
corresponding part of the surface ~ = 0
{!/J Part of a body (not necessarily the Sect. 11
same as f!JJ*)
q,Rq Heat flux vector per unit time for a (9.27), (9.76)
Cosserat surface measured per unit
length in the present and reference
q*, q*k Heat flux vector per unit area per (11.11), (11.15)
unit time
qa. Components of q per unit length in (9.26)-(9.27)
the present configuration
Rqa. Components of Rq per unit length in (9.76) 3
the reference configuration
Qa. Components of q per unit length in (9.59)
the reference configuration
Qj, Q Proper orthogonal tensor (4.33). (5.37)
r Heat supply function per unit mass (8.10)
per unit time for a Cosserat surface
r* Heat supply function per unit mass (11.11)2
per unit time
Sect. 3. Notation and a list of symbols used. 435

Symbol N arne or description Place of definition

or first occurrence

R Rate of work by contact and assigned (8.8)

forces and couples for a Cosserat
r,R Position vector of the place on a Sect. 4;
surface occupied by the material point (5.1h and (5.2) 1
in the present and reference con-
S, Sa. Relative kinematic measures for a (13 .58)
Cosserat surface arising from normal
components of director and its gradient
il, !/' Surface of the continuum rt' in the Sect. 4
present and reference configurations
5, e; Surface~= 0 in a body f!4 Sect. 4
t Time (4.6)
t Stress vector (8.26)
u, u' Infinitesimal displacement vector of (6.1)
a surface
u*, u*' Infinitesimal displacement vector of (7.50)-(7.51)
a shell-like body
v, v' Velocity vector of a surface at time t (5.3)1, (5.7)
v* Velocity vector of a shell-like body (7.4)-(7.5)
at timet
va., V 3 Combination of certain components of (9.62), (9.67) and
m' and Ma.i for a Cosserat surface (9.72)
VIa.• V~a. Components of the gradient of a (5.5)
vector field V
w, wi Director velocity vector of a Cosserat (5-3)2, (5.26)
surface at timet
w Angular velocity of the unit normal (5.61h
to a surface at time t
vv,i Spin tensor (a space tensor) (5.13)-(5.14)
xi, x• Rectangular Cartesian coordinates (4.1)
oc Coefficient of director inertia (8.11)
oc1, oc 2, oc3 , •.• , oc13 Constitutive coefficients in the linear (16.21), (16.33)
theory (direct approach)
f3t' {32' {35' {36 Constitutive coefficients in the re- (16.40)
stricted linear theory (direct approach)
JJ, f3a. Infinitesimal kinematic measure (6.6)
arising from rotation of the unit
normal to a surface
y Specific entropy production for a (8.22)
Cosserat surface
Y; A relative surface kinematic measure (5. 33)
due to components of director
436 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 3.

Symbol Name or description Place of definition

or first occurrence

YNi A kinematic measure in the three- (7.19)

dimensional theory
Yi; Strain tensor (7.27)
r.r:a. Measures of rate of deformation arising (5 .26)' (5 .29)
from director velocity and director
velocity gradient
~. ~. Infinitesimal director displacement (6.2)
~j. ~p Components of a unit tensor (4.7), (4.12)
e Specific internal energy of a Cosserat (8.9)
e* Specific internal energy (11.11)1
en(n=O, 1, 2, ... ) Specific internal energy resultants (11.43)

ekim• ekim
a.{J Absolute permutation symbols (5.43), (5.63), (6.30)
ea.fJ• e
-ea.fJ• =fJ
c Third coordinate in a normal coor- (4.25)
dinate system [ea., CJ
'YJ Specific entropy for a Cosserat surface (8.21)
'YJ* Specific entropy Sect. 11; (11.12)
rt (n =0, 1, 2, ... ) Specific entropy resultants (11.44)
'YJa.{J' 'Ia. Surface rate of deformation (5.15), (5.19)
f) Temperature field defined on a (8.20)
0* Temperature field in a body (11.12)
f)i Material coordinates in a body (4.1) and (4.4)
ea. Material coordinates on a surface Sect. 4
"•a. A relative surface kinematic measure (5.32)
due to components of the director
"fJa. A surface kinematic measure (linear Sect. 6
"Nia. A kinematic measure in the three- (7.19)
dimensional theory
A., Aa. Unit tangent vector to a curve on a (8.1)
surface in the present configuration
A;a.• A;a. Components of the director gradient (5.28) and (5.34)
d,a. andD,a.
ANia.• ANia. Kinematic measures in the three- (7.13) 4 , (7.14), (7.20) 3
dimensional theory
ft Shear modulus of elasticity (20.13)
'II Poisson's ratio (19-3)
Sect. 3. Notation and a list of symbols used. 437

Symbol N arne or description Place of definition

or first occurrence
v, vot Unit normal to a curve on a surface (8.2)
in the present configuration
oV, oVot Unit normal to a curve on a surface (8.55)
in the reference configuration
~ Third coordinate in a general con- (4.4)
vected coordinate system ()i
e. eo Mass densities (per unit area) of a Sect. 4;
surface (4.17), (4.21), (4.38)
e*. et Mass densities of a body Sect. 4;
(4.16), (4.36)
eicx• 7!cxfJ Surface kinematic measures (linear (6.24), (20.37),
theory) (25.16)
a, acx Certain kinematic variables for a (13.33h,2
Cosserat surface arising from normal
components of director and its
(Ji i Cartesian components of the stress (24.1)
E Strain energy density for a Cosserat (14.3 )-(14.4)
T:i i Symmetric stress tensor of Cauchy in (11.7)
coordinates ()i
'P Specific Helmholtz free energy for a (9.34)
Cosserat surface
'P* Specific Helmholtz free energy (11.18)
'P" (n =0, 1, 2, ... ) Specific Helmholtz free energy (11.44)
cp Specific Gibbs free energy for a (16.12)
Cosserat surface (linear theory)
cp* Specific Gibbs free energy (19.1)
(/)N (N =0, 1, ... ) Scalar functions in a representation (11.42)
for temperature (}*
m, ai Vector and skew-symmetric space (5.39)-(5.42)
D,Dki tensor representing rigid body angular
om Infinitesimal rigid body rotation (6.42)
dv Element of volume (4.19h
da, dE Element of area (4.19)2, (4.39)
ds, dS Line element (8.4), (8.56)
O,cx Partial differentiation with respect to (4.13)
surface coordinates
( ) I ex Covariant differentiation with respect (4.13)
to first fundamental form of a surface
438 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 4.

Symbol Name or description Place of definition

or first occurrence

( )n• Covariant differentiation with respect (11.15), (A.1.27)

to the metric tensor g; f
C'") Material time derivative (5.3)
[L] Physical dimension of length (4.30)
[M] Physical dimension of mass (4.37}
[T] Physical dimension of time (8.5)

B. Kinematics of shells and plates.

This chapter is concerned with the kinematics of shells and initially flat
plates both by direct approach and from the three-dimensional theory of classical
continuum mechanics. Definition of a shell-like body and motivation for intro-
ducing another continuum, namely a Cosserat surface, as a model reflecting the
main features of a thin shell are included in Sect. 4. This preliminary and back-
ground material should be kept in mind in relation to the remaining sections of
this chapter, as well as most of the subsequent developments in Chaps. C and D.
4. Coordinate systems. Definitions. Preliminary remarks. A shell or a plate is
a three-dimensional body whose boundary surface enjoys special features. Before
describing such a body in precise terms, it is convenient to introduce suitable
coordinate systems. Let the points of a region f!/l in a Euclidean 3-space be referred
to a fixed right-handed rectangular Cartesian coordinate system X; (i = 1, 2, 3)
and let {01, (12, (;J3} be a general convected curvilinear system defined by the trans-
formation relations 1
We assume
det (ox;/oOf) =1=0, (4.2)
so that (4.1} is nonsingular in f!/l and has a unique inverse
(1i = (ji (xl, X2, Xa) · (4.3}
In what follows, all Latin indices (subscripts or superscripts) take the values 1,2,3
and Greek indices (subscripts or superscripts) take the values 1, 2. Also, for
later convenience, we set 03 =~ and adopt the notation
Consider now a three-dimensional body !!A, embedded in the region f!/l of the
Euclidean 3-space, and let the particles of !!A be identified by a general convected
coordinate system (4.3). Let P denote the position vector, relative to a fixed
1 Often our notation and particularly the choice of convected (or moving) curvilinear
coordinates is patterned after GREEN and ZERNA [1954, 1] or [1968, 9]. Although the use of a
convected coordinate system is by no means essential, it is particularly suited in studies of
special bodies (such as shells, plates and rods) and often results in simplification of inter-
mediate steps in the development of the subject.
Sect. 4. Coordinate systems. Definitions. Preliminary remarks. 439

origin, of a typical particle of 11 in a reference configuration. Then, 2

P =P(fJ«, ~) (4.5)
which can also be expressed as a function of x,, in view of (4.2). We denote the
po~ion vector, relative to the same fixed origin, of a typical particle of 11 in the
deformed configuration at time t by
p =p(()«, ~. t). (4.6)
Thus, (4.5) specifies the place occupied by the material point o• in a reference
configuration while the place occupied by the material point 0' in the deformed
configuration is given by (4.6). The region of space at timet into which the body
is mapped by the vector function pin (4.6) is the region occupied by the body in a
given configuration. We assume that the vector function p-a 1-parameter family
of configurations with t as the real parameter-which describes the motion of
the body 11, is sufficiently smooth in the sense that it is differentiable with
respect to()«,~ and t as many times as may be needed. We recall the formulae 3
g,= 88,, g,;=Y• · Y;. g= det (g,;),
g'=giigi, g'·gi=gii, g'·Y;=~},
and further assume that
for physically possible motions. 4 In (4.7), Yi and g' are the covariant and the
contravariant base ve~tors at time t, respectively, gii is the metric tensor, g1i
is its conjugate and ~~is the Kronecker symbol in 3-space. Formulae analogous
to those in (4.7), valid in a reference configuration, can be deduced from {4.5)
but we postpone recording such results.
A material surface in 11 can be defined by the equation~=~(()«); the equations
resulting from (4.5) and (4.6) with~=~(()«) represent the parametric forms of
this surface in the reference and deformed configurations. In particular, with
reference to (4.6), ~ = 0 defines a 1-parameter family of surfaces in space each of
which we assume to be smooth and non-intersecting. We refer to the surface~ =0
at time t (i.e., in the deformed configuration) by s. Any point of this surface is
specified by the position vector r, relative to the same fixed origin to which p
is referred, where
r =r(()«, t) =p(()«, 0, t). (4.9)
Let a« denote the base vectors along the ()«-curves on the surface ~. By (4.9)
and (4.7h,
2 We may recall that when the particles of the body are referred to a convected (or moving)
coordinate system, the numerical values of the coordinates associated with each material
point remain the same for all time.
In (4.5) and in most of the developments that follow, the same symbol can be used for a
function and its value without confusion. Only on occasions and wherever it serves clarity,
the symbol for a function will be distinguished from that of its value. When a function is first
introduced we either state or exhibit its arguments; but, subsequently we often employ the
symbol designating the function without an explicit indication of the arguments as this will
be clear from the context.

a For details see Sect. A.1 of the Appendix (Chap. F).
4 Strictly speaking, for physically possible motions we only need to assume that gt 0
with the understanding that in any given motion [g1 g 2 g 3] is either > 0 or < 0. The condition
(4.8) also requires that ()i be a right-handed coordinate system.
440 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 4.

and the unit normal a 3 to 9 may be defined by

aoc·a3 =0, a 3 ·U3 =1, a 3 =a3, [~a 2 a3]>0. (4.11)
We also recall the formulae 5

aocp=Uoc·ap. a= det (aocp),

a"'·aP=a"'P, a"'Y ayfJ = brp, a
aYP =bfJ
boc{J =bpoc =-a"'· a 3 ,p =U3 · aoc,{J•
aoc/{J =boc{J aa. aa,oc= -b~ ay, boc{J/y =bocy/{J•

where a"' denote the reciprocal base vectors of the surface 9, aocfJ and bocp are its
first and its second fundamental forms, a comma denotes partial differentiation
with respect to the surface coordinates 0"', a vertical bar stands for covariant
differentiation with respect to aocfJ and brp is the Kronecker symbol in 2-space.
Let 8f11, the boundary of the body f11, be specified by (i) the material surfaces
~=~(0"'), ~={3(0"'), ~<O<{J. (4.14)
with the surface ~ =0 lying entirely between them; and (ii) a material surface
t (OI, 0 2) = o. (4.15)
which is such that ~ = const. are closed smooth curves on the surface (4.15). 6
Since the convected coordinates (4.4) are identified as material coordinates, the
material surfaces (4.14)1 2 have the same parametric representations in all con-
figurations; and, in general ~ and {3 are functions of the surface coordinates 0"'
but in special cases they may be constants. We observe that by virtue of (4.8)
and (4.14) 3 , the material surfaces (4.14) 1,2 do not intersect themselves, each other,
or the surface ~ = 0; and in keeping with the designation of the surface ~ = 0 at
timet by 9, we refer to the surfaces (4.14) 1 2 in the deformed configuration as 9-
and 5+, respectively. The surface 5 is not necessarily midway between the bounding
surfaces 5- and 9+ and the middle surface is arbitrarily situated with respect to
the boundary surfaces (4.14) 1, 2 ; however, a reference configuration may be
chosen in which the initial middle surface is midway between the surfaces defined
by (4.14)1 2'
Let (/(0"', ~. t) and 12t(O"', ~) be the mass densities of f1l in the deformed and
reference configurations, respectively. Then, the (local) equation of conservation
of mass is
where G is the dual of gin a reference configuration. We define a mass per unit
area of 5 at time t, namely 12 (0"', t), by the formula
12ai = J12* t d~' (4.17)

where a and g are given by (4.12) 2 and (4.7)a. Since Oi are convected coordinates
and since 12* g! is independent of time, it follows from (4.17) that 12 a! is also
independent of time, although both 12 and a may depend on t. The mass of an
5 See Sects. A.2 and A.3 of the Appendix (Chap. F).
6In place of (4.15) we can specify a more general boundary surface of the formf(IJoc,~) = o
such that ~ = const are closed smooth curves on this surface. However, (4.15) will suffice for
our present purpose.
Sect. 4. Coordinate systems. Definitions. Preliminary remarks. 441

arbitrary portion of 1!4 bounded by the surfaces (4.14) and a surface of the form
(4.15) may be expressed as
fffe* g~ df)ld()2df)3= J e* dv= Jfe a!d()ld(J2= f eda, (4.18)
where the ranges of integration in (4.18) are clear and dv and da given by
dv = (g1 xg 2 · g 3 ) d() 1 d() 2 d() 3 =g~ d()l d()2 d()a,
da = (a1 xa2 . a 3) d() 1 d()2 =a~ d()l d()2
are an element of volume of the body 1!4 in the deformed configuration and an
element of area of the surface i3, respectively.
The relation of the surface~ =0 at timet, i.e., the surface i3, to the bounding
surfaces 5- and 5+ can be fixed by imposing the condition 7
fJ fJ
Je*g!~d~= J k~d~=o, (4.20)
(1. (1.

where we have put for later convenience

k = k (ea.,~) = e* gi = 12: Gi. (4.21)
The condition (4.20) is independent of time, so that once the relative position
of i3 (i.e., relative to i3- and i3+) is determined by such an equation (in, say, a
reference configuration) it remains so determined. This completes the description
of a shell-like body, i.e., a three-dimensional continuum bounded by the surfaces
(4.14) and (4.15).
In order to continue our preliminary remarks, it is desirable to dispose of
some further notation. Henceforth, let the initial configuration of 1!4 be taken
as the reference configuration. Then, by (4.5), the initial position vector of the
body 1!4, at time t =0, is specified by
P=P(()a., ~) =p (()a.,~. 0). (4.22)
The initial values of g;, gi, gii will be designated by G;, Gi, G;i and we have
the formulae


as the duals of those in (4.7). The initial surfaces in the initial configuration of 1!4,
which become the surfaces i3, i3-, 5+ at time t, will be referred to as IS, rs-, @i+,
respectively. Similarly, we write the initial position vector of 6 as
and designate the initial values of a;, aa.fJ• ba.fJ• a by A;, Aa.fJ• Ba.fJ• A, respectively,
and we note that formulae of the type (4.10) to (4.13) hold also for the surface 6.
We have already defined a general shell-like body. But, in order to fix ideas,
it is desirable to describe a shell in somewhat less general and more familiar terms.
For this purpose, consider a surface (embedded in a Euclidean 3-space) which
7 This restriction is not severe and imposes only a minor loss of generality. The formula
(4.17) defines the mass, per unit area of~. for an arbitrary portion of fJIJ (above and below the
surface g = o). The relation (4.20), involving essentially the "moment" of e* g!, is in effect
a condition on the distribution of mass above and below the surface g = 0. Condition (4.20)
was introduced by GREEN, LAws and NAGHDI [1968, 4] in their derivation of two-dimensional
shell equations from the three-dimensional equations of classical continuum mechanics.
442 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 4.

we temporarily designate by ®'. Let the position vector of any point on this
surface be denoted by R' (yl, y 2) with {yl, y 2} being simply parameters as yet
unrelated to the coordinates ()rx. With formulae of the type (4.10) and (4.11)
in mind, let A~ (yl, y 2) denote the base vectors of ®' and A~ (y1 , y 2) its unit normal
such that [A~ A~ A~]> 0. Assume the existence of a neighborhood (®') in which m
points in space lie along one and only one normal to @3'. Let y 3 , a parameter
measured to the scale of the (rectangular Cartesian coordinates) X; along the
positive direction of the uniquely defined normal A~ (y1, y 2) from @3', denote the
distance to any point in »l (1§3'). Then, any point in »l (e') can be located by
R'(yl, y 2) +y 3 A~ (yl, y2). If we now identify @3' with @3, the parameters {y1 , y 2}
with orx and put for later convenience y 3 =C, then
yi = {orx, C} (4.25)
may be regarded as a normal coordinate system in which f coincides with the
convected orx on @3 and y 3 is normal to e.
Now in a reference configuration of f!IJ, which again we take to be the initial
configuration, the convected general coordinates ()i can always be related to yi
with Ca specified function of ()rx and;. For simplicity and to avoid undue compli-
cations, we specify Cin the form 8
C=C'(fJrx);, (4.26)
where C' is a function of (}!7. only. In the special case that norx) = 1, =;, the c
coordinates (4.4) become coincident with (4.25) in the reference configuration.
Thus, with Cspecified by (4.26), the position vector of the body f!IJ in the initial
configuration referred to the normal coordinate system yi is
and (4.27) represents the transformation relations between the normal coordinates
(4.25) and X;, the rectangular Cartesian components of P. The existence of a
neighborhood m(E:) in which every point in the initial configuration of f!IJ is
uniquely located by (4.27) may be verified in the manner discussed in Sect.
A.3 of the Appendix [between (A.3.14)-(A.3.17) in Chap. FJ. Indeed, if R1 and
R 2 are the principal radii of curvature of the surface @3 and since A = det
(Arxp) =1=0, we need only choose
»l(®)={(fJrx,C):ICI<R}, R=min(IR1I.IR2i)=I=O, (4.28)
to ensure that a condition of the form (4.3) between the coordinates yi and xi is
always satisfied in the (initial) reference configuration. With this choice of m(1§3),
(4.27) is nonsingular and hence the duals of the formulae of the type (4.10)-(4.13)
remain valid. Let the base vectors and the metric tensor in the reference con-
figuration referred to the coordinates y', with Cgiven by (4.26), be denoted by
G~((}rx, C) and G~;(Orx, C). These and other results of the type (4.23) can be calculated
using (4.27). In particular, on the surface C= 0, the metric tensor G~i, its conjugate
G'ii and the determinant G' reduce to
G~p(fJY, 0) =Arx{J• G~ 3 (fJY, 0) = 0, G~ 3 (fJY, 0) = 1,
G'rxtl (fJY, 0) =ArxP, G'rx3 ((}Y, 0) = 0' G'33 ((}Y, 0) = 1' (4.29)
G'(fJrx, o) =A,
8 In place of (4.26) we can write C=[(!Jrx, ;),[being a function of (Jrxand ;; but this generality
is not needed in our subsequent developments.
Sect. 4. Coordinate systems. Definitions. Preliminary remarks. 443

Consider again the part of of!J referred to previously by (5- and (5+ in the
reference configuration. Recalling (4.27), let these bounding surfaces be specified
= ~ (0(1.), c
= h2 (0(1.), h1 <0<h2 ,
h = h (0(1.) =h2 (0(1.) - h1 (0(1.), phys. dim. h = [L],
where the functions h1 and h2, as well ash, have the physical dimension of length
designated by [L] and C=0 lies entirely between the surfaces (4.30)1 2. Then,
with reference to the initial configuration of the body and (4.27)-(4.30), a shell
may be defined as a region of space h1 <C <h2 , max(\~\, \h 2\) < R bounded by
the two surfaces (4.30)2 1• i.e., (5+ and rs- (called the upper and lower surfaces
or faces) which are situated above and below a surface IS (specified by C=0)
and a lateral surface [or an edge boundary, i.e., the surface corresponding to
(4.15) in the reference configuration J, the intersection of which with surfaces
C=constant are closed smooth curves. By (4.27) and (4.30) the distance between
(5- and (5+, measured along A 3 ish and is called the (initial) thickness of the shell.
If h is constant, the shell is said to be of uniform thickness, otherwise of variable
It is clear from either of the above descriptions that a shell (or a plate) is a
three-dimensional continuum whose boundary surface has special features, as
remarked at the beginning of this section. If full information is desired regarding
the motion and deformation of such bodies in the context of the classical three-
dimensional theory of continuum mechanics, then there would be no point to
the present article or the extensive and continuing efforts on the foundations of
the theories of shells and plates which have spanned the literature during the
twentieth century. In this connection, it is worth recalling the well-known fact
that as a problem in the three-dimensional theory, the closed shell is often
amenable to analytical treatment at least within the scope of linear elastostatics,
whereas an exact analysis of the open shell (i.e., one with an edge boundary)
would lead to a formidable task.
Suppose, instead, we are content with only partial information (in some sense)
for a sufficiently thin shell, i.e., when the thickness h is much smaller than the
minimum radius of the curvature R defined in (4.28) or equivalently when 10
:R-~1. (4.31)
9 Instead of (4.30)x, 2 , it is tempting to specify 15- and It)+ by the symmetric conditions

'= =f _II_

in which case'= o will be the middle surface. Because of (4.20), our specification of 15- and
It)+ in the forms (4.30)x, 2 is simply motivated by the fact that we do not wish to exclude an
important class of shell-like bodies whose initial mass density e~ is independent of C. In
general, the symmetric specification

'= =f-

with'= o as the middle surface is possible only for initially flat plates; but it will not be
consistent with the condition corresponding to (4.20) in the (initial) reference configuration
of a curved shell, unless the mass density e~ is dependent on'· Further remarks on this point,
including the consideration of (4.20) in the context of an approximate theory for a shell with
its initial mass density independent of,, is made in Sect. 7 [Subsect. Pl between (7.42)-(7.48)].
1o The criterion (4.31) is generally used to define a thin shell and is also invoked in the
development of approximate theories of thin shells from the three-dimensional equation. In
the case of an initially flat plate (for which R is infinite), in place of (4.31), it is assumed that h
is much smaller than the smallest dimension of its middle plane.
444 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 4.

By partial information we mean, for example, information concerning quantities

which can be regarded as representing the response of the surface C= 0 (or its
neighborhood) as a consequence of the (three-dimensional) motion of the body fJ6
or the determination of certain averages of quantities resulting from the (three-
dimensional) motion of fJI. Indeed, the desire for such partial or limited information
is the basic motivation for the construction of a two-dimensional theory for a
thin shell as defined above, with the aim of providing a simpler theory for the
partial or limited information sought. A useful two-dimensional theory of this
type is necessarily approximate and is referred to as shell theory, in order to
distinguish it from the three-dimensional theory. In fact, the main problem of
the general theory of thin shells (and plates) may be stated as follows:

(a) The development of a two-dimensional theory-an approxi-

mate theory relative to the three-dimensional theory-so con-
structed as to be capable of supplying the partial information
mentioned above.
(b) The development of a scheme or a systematic procedure for
estimating the" error" involved in the use of the (approximate)
two-dimensional theory in comparison with that of the full (4.32)
three-dimensional theory. Alternatively, we may ask under
what circumstances do the equations of shell theory supply an
approximate solution to the three-dimensional equations and
how "close" is this approximate solution to the exact

With reference to (b) in (4.32), of course, an idea of the range of applicability

of shell theory often can be had a priori through intuitive reasoning and for
certain specific problems (especially in the linear theory) it is possible to support
such intuitive reasoning by analysis or similar considerations.11 In fact, historically
speaking, such a priori considerations have been partially relied upon by various
investigators in developing specialized or more general theories of shells and
plates. However, an explicit answer to (b) is not available at present and is not
attempted here. 12 Rather, the main developments of this article are concerned
with (a) and associated topics. Even here there are considerable difficulties when
the complete theory (i.e., all field equations and constitutive equations) is deduced
from the full three-dimensional equations. The main difficulties stem chiefly from
the fact that at some stage in the development of shell theory, from the three-
dimensional equations, approximations must be introduced and that the nature
of validity of such approximations probably cannot be entirely divorced from
the question posed under (b) in (4.32). Again, with reference to (a) in (4.32) and
a general development of the linear theory of thin elastic shells, we may note that
there remained unsettled questions for almost three-quarters of a century be-
11 In addition to intuitive notions, such a priori knowledge may be based on available
exact or asymptotic solutions of specific problems obtained from special linear theories of
shells such as plate theory, membrane theory or other special cases of the general theory.
Also, for certain simple problems (such as pure bending of a rectangular plate, torsion of a
rectangular plate and torsion of a circular cylindrical shell) a solution via a general linear theory
of shells may be expected to agree (exactly or very nearly) with the corresponding known
exact solutions from the three-dimensional theory.
12 The problem posed under (b) in (4.32) is a formidable one and has not been solved with
finality even in the case of the linear theory of bending of elastic plates. Recently, however,
some effort in this direction has been made by JOHN [ 196 5, 5] and [1 969, 4] in connection
with the v. Karman theory of plates.
Sect. 4. Coordinate systems. Definitions. Preliminary remarks. 445

ginning with the pioneering work of LovEP From a practical point of view,
there seems to be a reasonable agreement among a number of recent and different
derivations of an approximate linear bending theory of shells starting from the
three-dimensional equations; but still these derivations employ a number of
approximations or special assumptions (sometimes in an ad hoc manner) which,
when taken collectively, are not particularly appealing and often leave something
to be desired. Again, the nature of the difficulties here is not unrelated to (b) in
With reference to (a) in (4.32), two aspects of the above remarks or observa-
tions are worth recapitulating: Firstly, shell theory (being an approximate two-
dimensional theory) can neither be expected to, nor can it be capable of, pre-
dicting full and exact information (in the sense of three-dimensional theory),
except possibly in very special circumstances; and secondly the derivation of a
theory for thin shells from the three-dimensional equations involve considerable
difficulties which are largely mathematical and have to do with the nature of
approximations and special assumptions introduced. 14 It then seems natural to
ask if it is possible to replace the continuum characterizing the body !J6 with
another continuum, a model which would reflect the main features of a thin shell
and which would then permit the development of an exact theory without re-
course to the approximations or special assumptions mentioned above? To this
end and preliminary to the description of the alternative model, we recall that a
motion of a body in classical (three-dimensional) continuum mechanics is said
to be rigid if and only if the rectangular Cartesian components of the position of
every material point ()i at time t are related to the rectangular Cartesian compo-
nents xi (()k) in a reference position by a relation of the form 15

(4. 33)
In (4.33), Ci is some vector-valued function of time and Q} are the components
of a proper orthogonal tensor (or matrix) function of time which may be inter-
preted as the rotation tensor. Consider now a body regarded as consisting not only
of material particles identified with material points ()i, but also of directions
associated with the material points. For such a model of oriented media, the
directions are characterized by deformable vector fields-called the directors-
which are capable of rotation and stretches independently .of the deformation of
materials points.l 6 In a three-dimensional theory of an oriented medium with a

13 [1888, 1].
u One of the main obstacles in the development of a general theory of thin shells (from
the three-dimensional equations), even in the case of linear theory, lies in the difficulty of
rendering the notion of "thinness" precise. What is generally invoked is the criterion (4.31),
often supplemented by other special assumptions.
15 Although subscripts and superscripts are employed in writing (4.33), we recall that no
distinction between the character of these indices is necessary in a rectangular Cartesian
coordinate system.
1 6 Historically the concept of "directed" or "oriented" media was originated by DUHEM
[1893, 1] and a first systematic development of theories of oriented media in one, two and
three dimensions (the first two being motivated by rods and shells) was carried out by E. and
F. CossERAT [1909, 1]. In their work (see also [1968, 3] -translation of the original [1909, 1]),
the CossERATS represented the orientation of each point of their continuum by a set of mutually
perpendicular rigid vectors. A general development of the kinematics of oriented media, in
the presence of n stretchable directors (inn-dimensional space), has been given more recently
by ERICKSEN and TRUESDELL [1958, 1] who also introduced the terminology of directors. An
exposition of the kinematics of the theory of oriented bodies, together with references to other
contributions on the subject prior to 1960, may be found in TRUESDELL and ToUPIN [1960, 14].
446 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 4.

single deformable director 17 d at every material point of the body, the above
definition of a rigid motion displayed through (4.33), is supplemented by
Cl+i (Ok, t) =Q} (t) 'Ji (Ok) I (4.34)
where 'J+i and d' are the rectangular Cartesian components of the director field
d at x+i and xi, respectively. The condition (4.34) relates the components il+i at
every material point (Ji at time t to the reference values di under rigid motions.
It can be readily verified from (4.34) that the director has the property that it
remains unaltered in magnitude under rigid motions of the continuum.
Returning to our objective of an alternative model for a thin shell, consider
a body f'(J consisting of a surface embedded in a Euclidean 3-space together with
a single deformable director assigned to every point of the surface. Let the particles
on the surface of f'(J be identified by the convected coordinates(}« (ex= 1, 2) and
let f/ and d refer to the surface of f'(J in the reference and deformed configurations,
respectively. Letl8 r =r((}«, t) denote the position vector of d, relative to a fixed
origin (say relative to the same fixed origin used previously), which specifies the
place occupied by the material point (}« in the deformed configuration at time t.
Let f1a = f1a ((}«, t) be the unit normal to " and let d = d ((}«, t) stand for the de-
formable director assigned to every point of d. The three-dimensional vector
field d at r which we specify to be dimensionless 19 is not necessarily along the
normal to d and, as already noted, has the property that it remains invariant in
magnitude under rigid motions of the continuum. Henceforth (except when noted
otherwise) we identify the reference surface f/ (i.e., the surface which becomes
the surface " at time t) with the initial surface and denote the initial values, at
time t = 0, of the position vector, the unit normal to f/ and the initial director
as R, A 3 and D, respectively. Also, we denote the base vectors of d and f/ by
a« and A«, respectively, and note that formulae of the type (4.10) 1 and (4.11)-
(4.13) and their duals hold also for the surface of f'(J in the deformed and reference
The continuum just described is called a Cosserat surface. 20 It may be em-
phasized that this continuum is not just a two-dimensional surface alone; it
consists of a surface with a director assigned to every point of the surface. The
17 Fairly general nonlinear theories of this type, developed in different contexts, have been
given by ERICKSEN (1961, 1] and GREEN, NAGHDI and RIVLIN (1965, 3]. Also, TOUPIN
[1964, 8] has discussed, among other developments, a mechanical theory of couple-stress with
directors for elastic materials. References to related works on the subject may be found in the
above papers and in TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 9].
18 Although the symbols for the position vector and the unit normal of the surface 6 are
the same as those used for the surface 9, this need not give rise to confusion. If desired, the
two surfaces may be identified; but we postpone such identifications until later.
19 Our specification of d as a dimensionless vector field is for later convenience and in
anticipation of later interpretations. For other directed media it may be more convenient to
regard d as having the dimension of length.
20 Such a surface is also referred to as a directed or an oriented surface in the recent
literature. The idea of representing a (three-dimensional) shell by such a model was initially
conceived by E. and F. CossERAT [1909, 1]; see also [1968, 3]. In their work, however, the
CossERATS had considered a surface with a triad of rigid directors assigned to every point of
the surface. A development of the kinematics of such directed or oriented surfaces with n
deformable directors is contained in the paper of ERICKSEN and TRUESDELL [1958, 1]. Here,
as in the paper of GREEN, NAGHDI and WAINWRIGHT [1965, 4], we use a single deformable
director. A triad of deformable directors assigned to every point of the surface, based on the
kinematics of ERICKSEN and TRUESDELL, has been employed by COHEN and DESILVA (1966, 2]
in their study of directed surfaces. With reference to shells and plates, however, at present
it appears that the use of a single director should be sufficient to model a shell, as has been
remarked also by TouPIN [1964, 8].
Sect. 4. Coordinate systems. Definitions. Preliminary remarks. 447

assigned director is intended to portray the "thickening" about the surface$ =0

(or C= 0) of the three-dimensional shell and its component along the unit normal
to the surface can be regarded as representing the thickness of the three-dimen-
sional shell. More specifically, in the initial configuration of a Cosserat surface, we
may specify the initial director D (which is dimensionless) to be directed along
A 3 , i.e., D =DA3 ; and we may then regard the magnitude of D, namely D, as
representing the initial thickness of the (three-dimensional) shell:

D oc h or D = _h_ (4.35)
hR '

where hR designates a reference value of the thickness h and may be specified by

the maximum value of h. For shells and plates of constant thickness, since
hR=h, D=1.
To complete the specification of the continuum CC, we need to specify its mass.
Let f!/Jrc refer to an arbitrary region of the material surface of CC which is mapped
into a part f!/J0 of Yin the reference configuration and into a corresponding part
f!lJ of 6 in the deformed configuration at time t. Then, the mass m (f!/Jrc) for each
part f!/Jrc of the Cosserat surface can be defined by a non-negative scalar measure 21

m(&rc) =I eaa= I eo a.E.

~ ~.

In (4.36), e =e(O'I., t) is the mass density at timet having the physical dimension

phys. dim. e= [M L -2], (4.37)

with the symbol [M] standing for the physical dimension of mass, and

is the initial mass density. Also, the element of area da of 6 is given by a formula
in the form (4.19) 2 and

the dual of (4.19) 2 is an element of area of Y. It is easily verified from (4.19) 2
and (4.39) that the area elements da and dE are related by the formula

da=]dE, (4.40)
where for later reference we have introduced the notation


The formula (4.40) relates the elements of area in the deformed and undeformed
configurations of the surface. By (4.40), an immediate consequence of (4.36)
is the relation

21 For background information regarding the concept of mass in continuum mechanics,

see TRUESDELL and TOUPIN [1960. 14]. Note also that the physical dimension of(! given by
(4.37) differs from the physical dimension of the mass density (!* (of the three-dimensional
body), but agrees with that defined by (4.17).
448 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 4.

as one form of the equation of continuity. 22 Other forms of the continuity equation
for the Cosserat surface will be given in Chap. C.
While the mass m(&'C) is a part of the specification of the continuum-here
the Cosserat surface l(l -the mass density depends on the particular configuration
which l(l will occupy and its value in different configurations is determined by
the motion of the continuum. In subsequent developments we need to introduce
certain physical entities for a part &'C of the Cosserat surface which are defined
by means of integrals whose range of integration is over & in the present con-
figuration. To be specific, let I (()'1., t) be any scalar-valued or vector-valued function
denoting a physical quantity per unit mass (! and consider an integral of the type

J (!Ida. (4.43)

The above integral is associated with the motion of the continuum and represents
a physical entity (say F) defined for a part of the Cosserat surface which occupies
the region & in the present configuration. Strictly speaking an integral of the
type (4.43) should be designated as F(&'C); however, in order to avoid cumber-
some notations, we shall write F(&) in place of F(&tC) when defining expressions
of the type
F(&) = J e Ida (4.44)

for each part & of the Cosserat surface in the present configuration. 23 No con-
fusion should arise from the above abbreviated notation, since it will be clear
from the particular context [e.g., the presence of da on the right-hand side of
(4.44)] which region of Euclidean space l(l occupies. Whenever we need to empha-
size in the same equation the distinction between the region of integration over a
part of l(l in the present configuration and the corresponding part in the reference
configuration, we employ the designation & 0 for the latter.
As will become apparent later, a general and exact theory of a Cosserat surface
can be constructed systematically and in the same spirit as currently enjoyed
by the classical theory of continuum mechanics. This approach, which we call
a direct approach, will not have the difficulties involving the approximations when
shell theory is developed from the three-dimensional equations of the classical
theory. 24 On the other hand, the direct approach (via a Cosserat surface) requires
additional and sometimes difficult considerations, namely the interpretations of
the results of the complete theory (at least in special cases), the identification of
the constitutive coefficients and the demonstration of the relevance and the
applicability of the theory of a Cosserat surface to shells and plates (regarded as
three-dimensional bodies). Either of the two approaches, when carried to com-
pletion, has difficulties of its own. Nevertheless, much can be gained by studying
both, with the ultimate goal of showing the relationship between them. With
this point of view, in this and the next two chapters the subject is discussed both
from a direct approach and also from the three-dimensional theory. In each
22 This is a two-dimensional analogue of (4.16) which expresses conservation of mass in
the three-dimensional theory.
23 Our abbreviated notation here is similar (but not identical) to that in Sect. 15 of
TRUESDELL and NOLL [1965, 9].
24 It will become evident by the end of Chap. D that considerable difficulties are associated
with the derivation of the constitutive equations from the three-dimensional theory, even in
the case of the linear theory of thin elastic shells; and it is partly for this reason that the direct
approach is emphasized in Chap. E. However, these remarks and those made earlier at the
end of Sect. 2 should not be construed as minimizing or discouraging the efforts directed
toward the solution of the problem posed under (b) in (4.32).
Sect. 5. Kinematics of shells: I. Direct approach. 449

chapter the two approaches are considered separately so that no confusion should
arise when sometimes the same symbols are used for a Cosserat surface and in the
theory developed from the three-dimensional equations.
5. Kinematics of shells: I. Direct approach. We develop in this section the
basic kinematical results for a Cosserat surface already defined in Sect. 4. For
ease of reference, however, we repeat here once more that a Cosserat surface is a
body rc comprising a surface (embedded in a Euclidean 3-space) and a single
deformable director attached to every point of the surface. Moreover, the directors
which are not necessarily along the unit normals to the surface have, in particular,
the property that they remain unaltered in magnitude under superposed rigid
body motions.
oc) General kinematical results. Let the particles (or the material points) of the
material surface of rc be identified with the convected coordinates oa.. In a reference
configuration of the Cosserat surface rc which we take to be the initial configura-
tion, let the reference surface be referred to by !/', let R be the position vector
of !/'and D the reference value of the director. Further, let the surface occupied
by the material surface of rc in the present configuration at time t be referred to
by 6, let 1' be the position vector of 6 and d the director at 1'. Then, the motion
of a Cosserat surface is defined by
r=r(()a.,t), d=d(()a.,t), [~a 2 d]>O, (5.1)
where the condition (5.1) 3 ensures that dis not tangent to the surface 6. Alter-
natively, instead of (5.1) 3 , it will suffice to assume that [~ a 2 d]=!=O with the
understanding that in any given motion [~ a 2 d] is either > 0 or < 0. In the
reference configuration, the initial position vector R of the surface !/' and the
initial director D at R are:
At the risk of being repetitious, we observe that (5.2h specifies the place occupied
by the material point ()a. of the surface of rc in the reference configuration while
the place occupied by the material point of the surface of rc in the deformed
configuration at timet is given by (S.1h. We also note that the base vectors aa.,
the unit normal Ua and the first and the second fundamental forms of 6, as well
as their duals associated with the reference surface !/', satisfy the relations of
the forms (4.10)-{4.13).
The vector functions r and d, jointly represent a 1-parameter family of con-
figurations which describe the motion of the Cosserat surface. We assume that
these vector functions are sufficiently smooth in the sense that they are dif-
ferentiable with respect to ()a. and t as many times as required. Let v and w, each
a three-dimensional vector field, denote the velocity of a point of 6 and the
director velocity at time t. Then
d d •
v = dt r (Oa., t) =r (Oa., t), w = dt d (Oa., t) =d (Oa., t), (5.3)
where a superposed dot stands for the material time derivative with respect to t,
holding ()a. fixed.
In what follows, we frequently encounter the partial derivatives of three-
dimensional vector fields or functions with respect to the surface coordinates.
In this connection, let V be a three-dimensional vector field defined on 6 and let
V' be the components of V referred to the base vectors a, ={aa., aa}. Then, V
can be expressed as
v = v• a,= va. aa.+ vs aa= a•= Ya art.+ J'aa3 , (5.4)
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 29
450 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. s.
and we recall that the gradient of V and its components are 25

V;.cx = V;.jcx- b<XA Va • "Vacx = "Va,cx +b~ V;.,
v~<X = v",cx -b~ Va. v~cx= va,cx+b,.cx VA,

where a vertical bar stands for covariant differentiation with respect to acxfJ and
V" aa. and ~a" are surface vectors with contravariant and covariant components
V" and ~. respectively. We also note here that since a3 is a unit normal to d
and satisfies (4.11) 1 , the lowering and raising of superscripts and subscripts of
space tensor functions such as V' in (5.4) and V;cx in (5.5) can be accomplished
by using a space metric tensor g; i defined by


Consider now the velocity vector v which can be written in the form
(5 .7)

Since the coordinate curves on d are convected, it follows that

and by (5.5) we have =a_.· v,cx =V.<Icx -bcxA v3 , (5.9)

Vacx =Us. v,cx =Va,cx +b~ V;..
From (4.11) 1 , 2 and (5.9), it can be easily shown that

aa= -(Us· V,cx) a"= -Vacx a"=- (va,cx +b~ V;.) a". (5.10)
Since each of the vectors a, (i = 1, 2, 3), may be expressed as a linear combination
of a', we may write
(5 .11)
Let 'l{;k) and 1[ikl stand, respectively, for the symmetric and the skew-
symmetric parts of a second order tensor Jik, i.e.,

1ik='I(;k>+1[;kJ• 'l{;k>=!(Jik+Tk;), 1[;kJ=!(Jik-T,,). (5.12)

Then, with the notation
(5 .13)
it follows from (5.11) that

cki =1Jki + ~;.

21Jki =ak. a, +a;. ak = ak ·.a, =aki =21Jik• (5.14)
2~;=ak. a,-a;. ak= -2~k·
25 See Eqs. (A.2.54) in Chap. F.
Sect. 5. Kinematics of shells: I. Direct approach. 451

From (5.14) 2 , 3, together with (5.5) and (4.11) 1 , 2 , we obtain

2fJIJ.fJ =VIJ.Ifi +vfJIIJ. v3 ,
fJsiJ. =fJIJ.3 = 0, fJss = 0, -2Wpl].=v1J. 1fi-vfii1J.•
WIJ. 3 =- Wal]. = -a3 · v,IJ. =- (v3 ,1J. +b~ vp), (5.16)
In view of (5.15) and (5.16), the components of the velocity gradient v,IJ. are
VAIJ. =fJ.liJ. +W.liJ.> V31J. = WaiJ. (5.17)
and we may express ai in the form
ai = (rJki +W,i) ak. (5.18)
It is clear from (5.15)-(5.18) that fJIJ.fJ and (a subtensor of W,i) are surface
tensors whereas Wki is a space tensor. The functions fJIJ.fJ and may be called the
surface rate of deformation tensor and the surface spin tensor, respectively. For
later reference, we introduce the notation 26
and also record here the time rate of change of the determinant of' Thus,
from (4.12) and (5.14) 2 ,
a=det(aiJ.{J) = ~
[det(aiJ.{J)] a...
=a arxfi aiJ.{J =2a f}~ (5.20)
= 2a (vi].IIJ.- b~ v3).
By (5.20), the time rate of change of J defined by (4.41) is

(5 .21)
Before proceeding further, we need suitable expressions for the time rate of
change of the reciprocal base vectors. From differentiation of (4.12)s follows
Recalling (4.12) 3 and using (5.14), (5.18} and (5.11), we obtain
- •tk{i +W.k{J ) ak - a-'• 'Yl
•tfi• a .l (5 .23)
=arxfi(WkfJ-fJkfJ) ak
and from (4.11) 3 , (5.10) and (5.16), we have
We now introduce additional kinematical results in terms of the director and
its derivatives. Let d be referred to the reciprocal base vectors ai. Then,
26 The vector function 11(1. as defined in (5.19) is the negative of the corresponding quantity
in the paper of GREEN, NAGHDI and WAINWRIGHT [1965, 4]. We note that 1/IJ. is a vector
tangent to the surface (as IJsiJ. = 0).
452 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 5.

and by (5.3h, (5.23) and (5.24), the director velocity w can be put in the forms
=T +di af =T +d' w;,i ak -d« 'lex
=T+dex(v,ex-2'1ex) +d3 l¥, 3 ak
• . k
=[dk+dJ(w;,i-?Jki)] a,
and 'lex is defined by (5.19). The gradient of the director d, with the help of (5.5),
can be written as
d,ex =Aiex a' =A~ex ai, Aioc =ai · d,oc•
Apex =dpicx -bcxp da, Aaoc =da,ex +b~ dp, (5.28)
J.P.ex =aPY '"y{X,
1 A~rt=Aaex·
Also, from (5.26), the gradient of the director velocity is
w ,ex =T:rt +.?.~ex w;,i ak- .?.~ex 'lp
= [ikex + ~.~"' (lv,p -?Jkp) +.?.?ex lv,a] ak,
The kinematic quantities introduced above involve mainly aocp• Aioc• di and
their rates. 27 Often, it is convenient to employ the alternative kinematic measures
eocp =i(aocp -Aocp), (5.31)
Xyoc =Ayex -A'Y"'' Xaoc =Aaoc -Aaoc• (5.32)
y"'=da.-Da., Ya=da-Da, (5.33)
are the initial values of Aioc and di. We note that
{3) Superposed rigid body motions. For later considerations, we need to deter-
mine whether or not the above kinematical quantities remain invariant under
superposed rigid body motions. For this purpose, we consider a motion of the
Cosserat surface which differs from the previous motion, defined by (5.1), only
by superposed rigid body motions of the whole continuum at different times.
Suppose that under such superposed rigid body motions (since the surface ~ now
assumes a new orientation in space) the position r and the director d at r are
displaced to the position r+ and the director d+ at r+. Then
r+ =r+(()", t') =r0(t') +Q(t) [r(()«, t) -r0 (t)],
d+ =d+(()"', t') =Q(t) d(()"', t),
27 These kinematical results were given by GREEN, NAGHDI and WAINWRIGHT [1965, 4].
Apart from differences in notation, these results can be brought into correspondence with the
kinematical results of COHEN and DESILVA [1966, 2] when their theory is properly specialized
to a single director. As already mentioned in Sect. 4, CoHEN and DESILVA employ a triad of
deformable directors and their analysis is based on ERICKSEN and TRUESDELL's general
kinematics of oriented media inn-dimensional space [1958, 1].
Sect. s. Kinematics of shells: I. Direct approach. 453

where Tt and 'l'0 are vector-valued functions oft' and t, respectively, t'=t+a',
a' being an arbitrary constant, and Qis a proper orthogonal tensor-valued function
oft. The tensor Q, a second order space tensor, satisfies the conditions

where I stands for the unit tensor and QT denotes the transpose of Q. In what
follows, we designate the quantities associated with the motion (5.36) by the
same symbols to which we also attach a plus sign (+). Thus, let the base vectors
of the surface associated with (5.36h be denoted by at. Then, from (4.10), (4.11)
and (5.36), we have
Let Q be a second order space tensor-valued function of time defined by

!J=!J(t) =Q(t)Q(t)T. (5.39)

Then, by (5.37h,
Q=!JQ, !J=-!JT, (5.40)
so that Q is a skew-symmetric tensor. Hence, there exists a vector-valued function
w such that for any vector V
!JV=wxV. (5.41)
In particular,
wxa.. = -ekotmwm ak= -Qk"' ak,
wm =(J). am' Qki =ekim wm =a* ekim wm = -Qik•
where the e-system is related to the permutation symbols ek im, ekim through
ekim =at ekim• skim =a-t ekim. (5.43)
Using (5.40), it follows from (5.36) 1 that
Q(.,.+-.,.0") =Q(.,. -To). (5.44)
The velocity vector v+, obtained from (5.36)1 , can then be written in the forms
v+=i-+=i-O"+Q(v-r0) +!J(.,.+_.,.o)
= [i-o -Q i-o -QTo] +Q v +Q.,.,

where the quantity in the square bracket on the right-hand side of (5.45) 2 is. a
function of time only and we note that the material time derivative operator ( )
is unaltered under superposed rigid body motions (5.36h.
Before proceeding further, it is instructive to consider a special case of (5.36)
for which the function Q (and therefore w) is constant for all time. To this end
we consider a motion of the type (5.36h such that for a given time the function Q
is specified by a special value. For later convenience we take t to be the given
time and specify Q by
Q(-.)=exp[Q0(T-t)], il0 =-ill'=const, (5.46)
T being real. Then,
Q(T) =!J0Q(T) (5.47)
Q(t) =l, Q(t) =!J0 • (5.48)
454 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 5.

But, since (5.40) holds for all time, from comparison of (5.40h and (5.47) we have
Q (•) =Do. Hence, for the special motion with Qspecified by (5 .46), Q is constant
for all time and (5.45) can be reduced to
v+(•) =b(•) +Q(•) v(•) +D0 Q(•) T(T),
b (•) = i-0(•) -Q(•) i-0 (•) -D0 Q(•) "o (•),
or for time t to
v+(t) = v (t) + [b (t) + w0 X T (t)]. (5.50)
The square bracket on the right-hand side of (5.50) is due to superposed rigid body
motion, w0 is a uniform rigid body angular velocity and b (t) may be interpreted
as a uniform rigid body translatory velocity at time t.
Returning to (5.38), we have
which also provides the expression for the velocity gradient v;~ =a;. In addition,
the director velocity and its gradient associated with the motion (5.36) are
w+ =Qw+Qd=Q[w+QT!JQ d],

Recalling the expressions for the first and the second fundamental forms of
the surface, as well as (5.28h, from (5.38) and (5.36) and using the relation
U · QV=QT U · V (5.53)
with U and V being any two vectors, we have
a;p=arr.P• b;p=brr.P•
dt =d~,, J.trr. =A~,rr.,
for all proper orthogonal Q. Similarly, with the use of (5.51), it can be readily
verified that
J; =d,, itrr. = iirr.•
r+=Qr. rtrr.=Qr,rr..
The foregoing results, except for (5.46)-(5.50), are valid for every proper
orthogonal Q and for all t. In the special case of (5.36) in which Q has the value
specified by (5.46), some of the formulae simplify and assume a more revealing
form. In particular, with b(•) =0 in (5.49) 2 and with Q and Q given by (5.48) at
time t, the superposed velocity and the superposed velocity gradient at time t
v+ =v+w0 XT,
V~ =a; = V, rr. + w0 X arr. =V ,rr. -Qgrr. ak
and (5.51)-(5.52) reduce to
at = ai + Wo X ai (5. 58)
w+ =w+w0 xd=w+~ !1/k ak,
w:rr. =W,rr. +w0 xd,rr. =W,rr. +J.~rr.Dfk ak,
Sect. 5. Kinematics of shells: I. Direct approach. 455

where .Q21 are related to the components of w0 by (5.42) and we have omitted the
argument t [corresponding to the given time in (5.46)] from the various functions
in (5.57)-(5.59). Similarly, in view of (5.46h, most of the remaining expressions
have an obvious simplification in this case; in particular (5.55) 4 becomes
We emphasize that the special results (5.57)-(5.60) are obtained corresponding
to (5.46) for a given timet and with Q and Qspecified by (5.48).
y) Additional kinematics. In the remainder of this section we consider some
additional (but unrelated) kinematics which will be used subsequently.
The preceding developments in this section represent kinematic results by
direct approach appropriate to the theory of a Cosserat surface. However, other
developments by direct approach, in the absence of the director field and less
general than the earlier results [in Subsect. IX)], are possible; and we discuss now
one such possibility suitable for a theory which we call a restricted theory. Briefly,
consider a material surface and identify the material points of the surface with
convected coordinates oa.. Adopting the previous notation and terminology, we
continue to refer to the (initial) reference surface (with position vector R) by !/
and to the surface in the present configuration at time t (with position vector r)
by 6. Since we do not admit a director, the motion of the surface is simply char-
acterized by (5.1)1 and instead of (5.1) 3 we have (4.11) 4 • The velocity vector v
of 6 at time t is defined by (5. 3)1 . In anticipation of results to be derived for the
restricted theory (in Sect. 10) and in order to easily contrast these with those
of the more general theory of the Cosserat surface (in Sects. 8-9), we introduce
the notations
w =fis, w,a. =as, a.• ~a.P =~pa. = -ba.P• ia.p = - ba.P• (5.61)
where wis the angular velocity ofthe surface 6. Then, by (4.13) 3, (5.18) and (5.23),
we may write
w,a. = -(b~ ay) =~~ aY +~~('f/ky +~y) ak
= lya. aY +i~ (Wj,y- 'f/ky) ak.
This completes our brief discussion of the kinematics of the restricted theory. We
note, however, that earlier formulae of this section which do not involve the
director or its gradient (including those under superposed rigid body motions)
remain valid in the restricted theory. For later reference, we also recall here the
formulae which relate the two-dimensional s-system ea.p, ea.P to the two-dimensional
permutation symbols:

~1 =e22 =ell =e22 =0, -e21 =e12= -e21 =1.
Next, we consider the kinematics of a surface integral and deduce an integral
formula which will be utilized in the next chapter. Let p(Oa., t) stand for a (suf-
ficiently smooth) scalar-valued or vector-valued function of position and time
and define the integral
J p da (5.64)
over f!l in the present configuration. Since the above integral is a function of
time, its derivative with respect to t can be calculated as follows:
df pda=dtdf ]pdE= !--'--
dt- ]pdE= f• . da,
(p+J-1 ]p) (5.65)
11' il'o il'o 11'
456 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 6.

where] is defined by (4.41) and the region of integration of the last integral is
again over f!J'. But J- 1 j ='7~ by (5.21). Hence, from (5.65) 3 we have

:t Jp
da = J((p +11~
p) da (5.66)

which is the desired result. The last formula is essentially the two-dimensional
analogue of the transport theorem in the three-dimensional theory.
6. Kinematics of shells continued (linear theory): I. Direct approach. This
section is devoted to linearized kinematics for shells and plates by direct approach.
In particular, we deduce the linearized kinematic measures for a Cosserat surface
with infinitesimal displacements and infinitesimal. director displacements as a
special case of the general results in Sect. 5.
<5) Linearized kinematics. Let

where e is a non-dimensional parameter. We say the motion of a Cosserat surface
characterized by (6.1) 1 and (6.2)1 describes infinitesimal deformation if the
magnitudes of u, ~ and all their derivatives are bounded by 1 and if

We shall be concerned in the following developments with (scalar, vector or
tensor) functions of position and time, determined by e u, e ~ and their surface
and time derivatives. We denote these functions by the customary order symbol
O(e") if there exists a real number C, independent of e, u, ~and their derivatives,
such that
IO(e,.)i <C e.. , (6.4)
as e-+0.
We emphasize that the infinitesimal theory which we wish to obtain as a
special case of the results in Sect. 5 and in the sense of (6.3) is such that all kine-
matical quantities (including the displacement u, the director displacement ~
and such measures as ea.fJ• Uta. andy,, as well as their derivatives with respect
to the surface coordinates and t) are of O(e). Moreover, throughout this section,
we again use a vertical bar to denote covariant differentiation; this, however,
should not be confusing. The designation of a vertical bar in the present section
(or whenever we are concerned with linearized measures) is for covariant dif-
ferentiation with respect to Aa.fJ of the undeformed surface, in contrast to the
meaning of a vertical bar in Sect. 5 and also in parts of later sections. 28
From (6.1)1 and (6.2)1 , we have

and by (6.5)1 and {4.11)1 , 2 we can show that
as =As+ e Jl +O(e2)' Jl =Pa. Aa. =f3a.Aa.' Pa. =Jl· Aa, = -u,a.. Aa· (6.6)
28 It will be clear from the particular context, in later sections, whenever a vertical bar
denotes covariant differentiation with respect to aa,p or Aa.fJ·
Sect. 6. Kinematics of shells continued (linear theory) : I. Direct approach. 457

With the use of (6.5) and (6.6) 1 and recalling (4.12) 1 , (4.13), (5.25) 2 and (5.28) 2 ,
the expressions for arxfJ• ba.fJ• d, and Aia can be written as
aap=aa · ap=Aap+8(U,<X ·Ap+u,fJ ·Aa.) +0(82),
bap= -arx · a3 ,p=Bap-8(U,<X ·Aa,p+Aa. · /l,p) +0(8 2),
d<X=arx · d=Da+8(Aa · 8+u,rx ·D) +0(82),
da=aa · d =D3 +8(A3 • 8 +P· D) +0(82),
Apa=ap · d,a=Apa+8(Ap · 8,a+u,{J · D,a) +0(8 2),
Aaet=aa · d,a=Aaet+8(Aa · 8,a.+P· D,<X) +0(8 2),
where Aa.fJ• Ba.fJ• D1 and A,a are the initial reference values of the functions
given by (6.7)-(6.9). These results can now be used to obtain the appropriate
expressions for erxfJ• "•(1. andy, in (5.29) to (5.31) in terms of 8 u, 8 8 and their
It is desirable at this stage to elaborate on the manner in which the process
of linearization may be accomplished. For this purpose, let u' and 8' be vector
functions defined by
u'=8U=0(8), u''=A' · u' =0(8),
8'=88=0(8), !5i=A1 • 8' =0(8),
which can be used to express all kinematical quantities in terms of u', 8' and their
derivatives. For example, if we define e~p and "Prx by

e~p = i (u:<X · Ap +u:fJ · Aa), "Prx =Ap · 8:<X +u:p · D,a• (6.11)
each of which is of 0(8), we can then write (5.31)-(5.32) and the ratio afA in
(4.41) as
eafJ = e~p +0(8 2) =0(8), "Pet ="Pet +0(82) =0(8),
~- = 1 + 2A<XfJ e~p +0(8 2), (~ )i=1
and other kinematical quantities can be expressed similarly. A straightforward
procedure is now to retain only terms of 0(8) in such expressions as (6.12),
hence approximate eap and "fla by e~p and "Prx• etc., and complete the linearization
in this manner. However, in order to avoid the introduction of unnecessary ad-
ditional notations, we may proceed with the linearization from (6.7)-(6.9) by
retaining only terms of 0 (8) and after the approximations, without loss in generality,
we set 8 = 1. In what follows, we adopt this latter procedure. Thus, the kinematic
measures (5.31)-(5.33), after linearization, reduce to

ea,.=i(u,rx ·A,.+u,,. ·Aa),

""a =A,.· 8,a. +u,,. · D,a• "set =As· 8,<X +Jl· D,et• (6.13)
Yet=Aa · 8+u,et · D, y3 =A8 • 8+/l· D
and (4.42) becomes
in view of (6.7)-(6.9) and (6.12) 4 • In (6.13), Jl is defined by (6.6)3 and the partial
derivatives of various vector functions can be calculated by using a formula of
458 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 6.

the type (5.5). In particular, we record here the following formulae

- .a. A •• uA... --AA•u.... u .a.-··lla.•
- ia. A!-u'
U ... -u 3 -u_
u.,,.=A, · u,,.=u.,,,.-B,..,Us, Usa.=A 3 • u,,.=Us,a.+B~u.,
A, . .S,a. =~,Ia. -B,.., ~a• As . .S,a. =~s.a. +B~ ~.,.
u,., · D,a. =A.,.(u•,.,-B~ u3) +A3 ,.(Us,., +B~ u.). (6.16)
fJ ·»,a. =A.,.{J". u,,. · D =D' u,,.=D, u~,.. fJ · D ={r D,.,
A.,.=A. · D,,.=D.,,.-B,..D3 , A3 ,.=As · D,,.=Ds,a.+B~D., (6.17)
by (5.34)1 • Also, in (6.15)-(6.17) and throughout the present section, a vertical
bar denotes covariant differentiation with respect to A,. 11 of the initial undeformed
surface. Introducing the above results in (6.13), we finally obtain the following
expressions for the kinematic measures and their time rates: 29
e,..,=l(u,.,.,+u.,,,.) -B,.., u3 ,
u.,,.=~.,,,.-B,.., ~s+A.a. u~., +A3 ,. u~.,.
"sa. =~a,a. +B~ ~., +A.,.{J", {J,. = -u~,. =-(Us, a. +B~ u.,),
y,.=~a.+DJ. u~,.- D3 {J,.=~a.+D, u~,.. y3 =~3 +D,.{r

x.,,. =w.,1,.-B,.., w3 +A.,. v~.,+Asa. v~.,. (6.19)

xsa. =Ws,a. +B~ w., +A.,.p,
.- .
y,.-w,.+DJ. v.,.-D3 {J,., y3 =w3 +D,.{r,
). .
where u, and ~. are components of the infinitesimal displacement and the in-
finitesimal director displacement and where
v1 =u,, w,=~:. v~,.=vA,,.-B~vs, v~,.=-{J~=v3 ,,.+B~vJ.. (6.20)
e) A catalogue of linear kinematic measures. The linearized kinematic measures
(6.18)-(6.19) are valid for a variable initial director. Apart from (6.14) and (6.18h
which do not depend on D, some of the kinematical results simplify if the initial
director Dis along the initial unit normal As. i.e., if
D=DA3 , D,.=O, D3 =D, (6.21)
where the notation Ds = D is introduced for convenience. Below we collect a
catalogue of formulae for linearized kinematic measures when D is of the form
(6.21) or a more specialized case in which D =A3 . The resulting expressions,
which can be expressed in a variety of forms, are of particular interest in con-
nection with kinematic measures in the classical linear theories of shells and
Formulae A
D=DAs, A.,.=-B.,.D, A 3 ,.=D,,.,
e,.., = ~ (u,.,., +u.,,,.) -B,.., Us·
~.. =y,. +D {J,., ~3 =f's• {J,. = -(u3 ,,. +B~ u.),
"ra:=Yrla:-Ba:rYa-D(B... u~r-Pria:) =f!ru. -Bu.rYa•
l?ra. =f'rla. -D(B.,. u~., -Pria.) •
"sa. =rs,a. + B~ y. =!?sa.+ B~ y.. !?sa. =ra,a.·
2t GREEN, NAGHDI and WAINWRIGHT [1965, 4].
Sect. 6. Kinematics of shells continued (linear theory): I. Direct approach. 459

Formulae B
A.o:= -B.o:D, A3 o:=D,o:,
~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1
£5. = ---£5. Yi =-j)Yi• X;o: = J]Xio:•
' D "
eo:y =-!(uo:lr +urlo:) -B"'Y u3 , (6.23)
ba.=Ya.+f3a., Js='Ys, f3a.=-(u 3 ,a.+B;u.),
~ - ~
r!ya. -Yrla. + -]J-Yr-
D,a. ~ • {3y[a.) ,
(B vo: u.y-
~ -A D,a. A

r!sa. -Ys,o: + 1rYs·

Formulae C
D=A3 , A.o:=-B.a., Aao:=O,
ea.y =i(ua[y +urlo:) -B"Y u3 ,
t:5a=Ya+f3a, t:5a=Ya• f3a=-(ua a.+B;u.),
xY" =x<ro:l +xrral =ero: -Bo:y Ya•
Xaa. =eaa +B~ Yy• (6.24)

;{Y" =;{ay = Ua[yo: + B~lo: u. + B~ Uv[y + B; Uv[o:- B~ B.y u3 =(B.a. U~y -{3y[o:),
X(ya) =(!(yo:) -Bo:yYa=i(Yy[a+Yo:[y) -Xo:y-BayY3•
X[ya.] = {![ya.] = j (y y[o:- y o:[y).
Formulae D
D=A3 , Bo:fJ=O,
eo:y=i(uo:[y+uy[e<), Xao:=eao:=Ya,o:• ra=t:5a,
Xya.=Qyo: =X(yo:) +x[yo:]• Ya =t:5a.-f3a =bo:+ua,a•
X(ya) =i(yy[o:+Yo:ty) -Ua[a.y• X[ya] =i(Yy[a -Ya[y) ·
We briefly elaborate on the nature of the above catalogue of formulae for
linearized kinematic measures. 30 The relative simplicity of Formulae A, in
30 The linearized kinematic measures (6.18)-(6.19) were obtained by GREEN, NAGHDI
and WAINWRIGHT [1965, 4]. The linearized measures in Formulae D and C were employed
by GREEN and NAGHDI in a number of studies concerned with linear constitutive equations
for a Cosserat surface and their applicability to thin elastic shells and plates: [1967, 4],
[1968, 6], [1969, 3]. Formulae B involving the variables Yi and uio: have been used by GREEN,
NAGHDI and WENNER [1971. 6] in connection with application of the linear theory of a Cosserat
surface (with variable initial director) to plates of variable thickness.
Linearized kinematics for a surface with a single director are given also by GuNTHER
[1961, 4] who, however, allows the director to undergo infinitesimal rotation without stretch.
Thus GUNTHER's kinematical results are more restrictive than those given by Formulae C.
GUNTHER's paper [1961, 4] seems to be the first attempt in recent years to construct a complete
linear mechanical theory for shells based on the concept of oriented media. However, apart
from his somewhat restrictive kinematics, his paper has another undesirable feature: After
the development of his kinematics and the equations of motion for the linear theory by direct
approach, the rest of his developments are obtained from the three-dimensional equations
and he considers the question of constitutive relations on the basis of the generalized Hooke's
law (in the three-dimensional theory of non-polar linear elasticity). It is difficult to assess
the nature of the final results in his paper which, in addition to an awkward notation for
kinematic quantities, involves approximations of the type often used in the development of
shell theory from three-dimensional equations.
460 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 6.

comparison with (6.18), is mainly due to the simpler expressions for A."' and A3 1X
in (6.22) 2 , 3 which follow from (6.17) when Dis specified by (6.21). In Formulae B
the infinitesimal director displacement is put in non-dimensional form and an
alternative set of kinematic variables are introduced which consist of eiXfJ and the
new variables Yi and i'ciiX in place of y, and "•IX· The expressions for e,IX in (6.22)
and e,IX in (6.23) may also be expressed in terms of x,IX in (6.24). Formulae c are
special cases of (6.18) in which the initial director is of constant length and coin-
cident with the unit normal to the initial surface. The results in (6.24) can also be
obtained as special cases of those in Formulae B, since with D = 1 the distinctions
between 8i and b,, y, and y,, i'ciiX and "•IX disappear. Most of the above results
simplify in the case of an initially flat Cosserat surface for which

BIXp=O. (6.26)

In particular, Formulae D represent the linearized kinematic measures for an

initially flat Cosserat surface as special cases of the results in (6.24). Evidently,
when (6.26) holds, the kinematic measures separate into two sets given by
(6.25) 3 4 5 and (6.25) 6 , 7 , respectively. The kinematic variables in the former set,
namely eiXY' "a IX and /'3 arise from u, and <53 and characterize the extensional motion
(or the stretching) of the Cosserat surface. The kinematic variables x,IX and yiX in
the latter set, on the other hand, are specified in terms of u3 and biX which represent
the flexural motion (or the bending) of the Cosserat surface.
The foregoing kinematic measures in Formulae A to D are appropriate to a
linear direct theory for the infinitesimal deformation of a Cosserat surface. The
primitive relative kinematic measures of this direct theory are the displacement u
and the director displacement~ defined by (6.1)-(6.2) 31 and the resulting kine-
matic measures (in Formulae A to D) include several features which should be
noted. Among these, 32 with reference to Formulae C, we mention the presence
of: (i) The component t53 =y3 of the director representing extensibility in the
direction of the unit normal to Y'; (ii) the components yiX=c5a.-f3a., i.e., the
difference in components of rotation of the director relative to the unit normal
and the components of the angular displacement f3a., which may be regarded as
representing the effect of "transverse shear deformation"; and (iii) the anti-sym-
metric "[ya.J, as well as the components "a a.. Parallel observations can be made in
the case of other kinematic measures and, in particular, for those in For-
mulae D.
It is possible to construct by direct approach a restricted theory in which the
director is not admitted. In a restricted theory of this type (appropriate for a
deformable surface embedded in a Euclidean 3-space), the primitive kinematic
quantities may be specified by the displacement u and the angular displacement fJ
in (6.1) and (6.6). A special set of kinematic measures which emerges for such a
restricted theory is summarized below: 33

31 Inasmuch as the unit normal to the surface is determined by the surface base vectors,
the angular displacement pin (6.6) is not a primitive kinematic measure.
32 These features are ordinarily absent or are accounted for only approximately in the
existing derivations of the linear theory of shells from the three-dimensional equations.
33 Although the special set of kinematic measures given by Formulae E resembles that
sometimes used in the literature on shell theory, it should not be confused with the set of
kinematic measures obtained from the three-dimensional equations under special assumptions
such as Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis. In this connection, see the remarks in Sect. 7 preceding
Sect. 6. Kinematics of shells continued (linear theory) : I. Direct approach. 461

Formulae E
u = u• A;= U; Ai, fJ = {Jl' Ar = f3r Ar,
u,a. =U~a.A; =ura.Ar -f3a.A 3, fJ,a. =f3rJa.Ar + B~f3rA 3 ,
era. =i(urla. +ua.Jy)- Ba.r u 3 , f3a. = -u~ a.=- (u3 ,a. +B~ u~),
"ra. = r!rcx =B.a. u:r -f3rla. = -i!ra. = -i!"Y' i!"Y defined in (6.24).
The above special kinematic measures can also be obtained as a special case of
Formulae C if we put y; =0. In contrast to certain features of Formulae C noted
above, Formulae E contain only a symmetric "r" = r!rcx = -i!r" and do not contain
(i) a measure for the extensibility along the normal to the surface or (ii) a measure
representing the "transverse shear deformation."
C) Additional linear kinematic formulae. Some of the expressions in Formulae C
can be expressed in slightly different forms but the interrelations are not always
immediately apparent. To facilitate such comparisons and in order to record some
additional formulae for later use, we introduce the notations

U;,la. =y;,cx =y(Atx) +y[Acx]'

Y(Ae<) =i (u;,lcx +ua.J;,), Y[Acx] =i(u;,la.-Ua.J;.) = -y[cx).]>
where Y(Acx) is the part of the strain measure e;,a. resulting from the displacement
gradient (6.28) 1 and y[Acx] can be interpreted as the infinitesimal rotation at a
point about the unit normal to the surface .'f'. Keeping this interpretation in mind
and remembering that fJ (with components f3cx =fJ ·A") in (6.6) is a measure of the
infinitesimal rotation of the unit normal to the surface, we introduce a three-
dimensional vector field w defined by

-3 _ 1. -;," -y -ycx {3 ", (6.29)

w - - 2 8 Y[Ae<J , w = - 8

where Bcxp> etxP are the two-dimensional e-system for the surface [/'defined simi-
larly to those in (5.63) but withal replaced by At:
We note here the identity
which may be used to express the displacement gradient u "in terms of e;,"A.l
and the rotation w xA". '
For later reference, we record below the expression resulting from covariant
derivative of Y[.tv] given by (6.28)a. Thus

Y[Av]Ja.=t:(u;.Jcxv-uvla.).) +i (R: ... cx-R': ... cx) uy

= i (u;,icxv- Uvlcx;,) + i (ucxl).v- ucxJA.) + i (RJ: Avex- R;.;.a.) Uy
=i (u.<lcxv +ucxl.<v)- i (uvla..l +ua.Jv.l) +HR:;,.a.- R:v.ta.-R':cx;.~] Uy (6.32)
= (e;," + B .lex u 3) 1. - (e."+ B." u 3)J;,- R;cxh ur
= (e.<a.J•- e•"l-')- (B "" {3.- B.a. (3;.),
462 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 6.

is the Riemann-Christoffel surface tensor. We also collect below a list of formulae

which hold when D =A3 (as in Formulae C) and which will be useful in our
subsequent derivation of the compatibility equations later in this section:


U;.[cx- B"';. Us +Yc;.cxJ• {3;.[cx = -Xcx;. + B~ (evJ. +rc.;.J) •

B~ {3;.[cx = -B~x;."' +B~ B~(e.;. +rc.;.1),
{3;.[cxfJ = -Xcx;.[p + B~[fJ (e.;. +rc.;.J) + B~ (evJ.[fJ +rc.;.J[fJ),
u,cx = (e;."' +Y[]) A;. -f3cxA3 =e;."'A;. +ro XAcx,
~.ex= [x;.cx +B~(e.;. +rc.;.J)J A;.+ [xacx +B~{3.] A 3 =Jcx- B~ wxA., (6.34)
J"' = (x;.cx +B~ e.;.) A;. +x3 "'A 3,

Jcx[{J = [X;.cx[{J + B~[{J e.;.+ B~ e.;.[p- B;.p "acxJ A;.

+ [x3 cx[fJ +B~ ";."' +B~ B~ e.;.] A 3 ,
e"'fi{JotlfJ- BiJA. xw,cx} =e"'fi{[xJ.<X[fJ +B~ e.;.[p- B;.p "a"'+ BiJ e.lcx[.- BiJ e•cx[;.] A;.
+ ["aot[{J- B~ Yv[{J] AS}.
Expressions for wand m,"' are listed in (6.35).

co=-"28 1 -;..
YCJ.v] A a-B-;..{3v A ;..
-[ - 2_!,-J.v
8 Y[J.v][cx 8 • B ]A3 +[+ "f8
_-;..{3 1 -;.•
"' B v[cx J ~...,
YCJ.v] BY_eY•fJ t1

= 8";. e""'l• A 3 + eY• (Yvla- e."- B~ e,.) Ay

=e•;. e;."'1.A3 +BY•(y.["' -x." -B." y 3 -B~ e,.) Ay,
e"'fi W[a{J =B"'fi{ev;. eJ.r<[v{J + BT{J eTV(Y.[ot -x."- B."' Ya- B~ e,.)} Aa
+e"'fi{en[Yv[otfJ -x.a[fJ- B."' YalfJ -B~ e,.[p] -8';. B(J e;.ot[v}AT.
Before turning our attention to a derivation of compatibility equations, we
make one further observation regarding the kinematic measures obtained in this
section. The strain measures (6.18) or an equivalent set given by (6.24) when
D =A3 , should be unaffected by infinitesimal rigid body displacement of the
Cosserat surface. To show this, we first introduce the notations

where 0R and oD stand for the position vector and the director of an arbitrary
reference point of!'/ while (6.36) 3 , 4 are abbreviations for the infinitesimal displace-
ment and the infinitesimal director displacement at 0R. Now, in order to obtain
the appropriate expressions for u = u (R) and ~ = ~ (R) due to purely infinitesimal
rigid body displacements of the Cosserat surface, we only need to consider a special
case of (5.36) in which the reference values of position and director are specified
to be R and D. With this proviso, it follows from (5.36) that under rigid body
displacement alone the position r and the director d can be written as

r=C+QR, d=QD, (6.37)

Sect. 6. Kinematics of shells continued (linear theory) : I. Direct approach. 463

where the contributions corresponding tort and r 0 in (5.36) have been absorbed
into C. Recalling (6.1)c(6.2) 1 and the earlier linearization procedure adopted in
this section, we have to O(s):

u=r-R=C+ 0QR, ~= 0 QD, (6.38)

C =O(s), 0 Q =Q -I =O(s). (6.39)
Using the notations of (6.36) 3 4 , the expressions (6.38) when evaluated at the
reference point 0R yield '
oU =C +oQ oR, o~ =oQ oD. (6.40)
By subtraction, from (6-38) and (6.40) follow

U =oU +oQ(R -oR)' ~ =o~ +oQ(D -oD)' (6.41)

as the displacement and the director displacement relative to those at 0 R. In
(6.38)-(6.41), the vector C is a uniform infinitesimal rigid body translatory
displacement while the second order tensor 0Q represents a uniform infinitesimal
rotation. In order to write (6-38) and (6.41) in alternative forms, we express the
orthogonality condition (5.37) 1 in terms of 0Q defined by (6.39) 2 • Since
(I +oQf =l +oQT,
QQT =(I +oQ) (I +oQT) =I +oQ +oQT +O(s2) =I.
It is easily seen from the last result that (5.3Jh is satisfied to O(s) if 0Q is a skew-
symmetric tensor; hence, there exists an infinitesimal vector-valued function 0w
such that for any vector V
and 0(0 can be interpreted as a uniform infinitesimal rigid body angular displace-
ment vector. Using (6.42) 1 , (6.38) and (6.41) can be written in more familiar
u = 0'U + 0 wX (R- 0R), ~ = 0 ~ + 0 w X (D- 0D), (6.44)
respectively. Moreover, since 0 u, 0~ and 0 w are independent of surface coordinates
(but may be functions of time), from (6.43) or (6.44) and (6.6) we have
u,"= 0 wxA"', ~."'= 0 wxD·"' fJ= 0 wxA3 , (6.45)
where in obtaining (6.45) 3 we have used the identity
[(VxA.<) · A 3] A"=- [(VxA3) ·A.<] A-'=- VxA 3 (6.46)
which holds for any vector V. It can be easily verified, with the help of (6.13)
and (6.45), that the rigid body displacements (6.44) have no effect on the kine-
mahc . measures. e"/1' y;, ";"' m
. (6 .24) .34
'YJ) Compatibility equations. We include here a relatively simple derivation of
compatibility equations which provides both necessary and sufficient conditions
for the existence of single-valued displacements u and ~. For the purpose of the
34 It may be of interest to note here that in the older literature of linear shell theory
(developed from the three-dimensional equations) some of the kinematic measures are not
invariant under infinitesimal rigid body displacements and this, of course, affects the con-
stitutive relations. Further remark on this is made in Sect. 21 A.
464 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 6.

derivation at hand, we assume f/ to be a simply connected surface and suppose

that the displacement 0u = u (oR), 0 ~ =~(o-ft) and the rotation 0ro = w(0R) are
known at some point oR of this surface. We wish to determine the displacement u
and the director displacement ~ at any other point R' = R(()'«) of f/ in terms of
the known kinematic measures ea.P• y,, "'a. (assumed to be at least twice con-
tinuously differentiable) by means of the line integrals

J;; d()«, J ::a. d()«

B' B'

u(R') = 0u+ ~(R') = 0~ + (6.47)

,B ,B

over a continuous curve joining the points oR and R'. For simplicity, we carry out
the derivation with reference to the kinematic measures in Formulae C which
hold when the initial director 85 D =As.
Consider first (6.47) 1 which, with the use of (6.34) 5 , can be written as
B' B'
u(R') = 0u+ f eAa.AAd()«+ f wXAa.d()«. (6.48)
0 B ,B

The last integral in (6.48) after an integration by parts gives

B' B: B'
f wxAa.dO«= f wxdR= f wxd(R-R')
,B ,B ,B
B' (6.49)
= 0WX(R'-o-ft) +,Bf (R-R') xw a.d()«.

Hence, from (6.48)-(6.49),
u (R') = 0u + 0ro X (R'- o-ft) + f U a. d ()« (6.50)
and we have put
which is a known function of the kinematic measures [see (6.35) 2]. Since the
displacement u must be independent of the path of integration for simply con-
nected surfaces, the integrand Ua. d()« must be an exact differential. A necessary
and sufficient condition that the integrand in (6.50) be an exact differential is
U1 , 11 =U2 , 1 • The latter condition can equivalently be stated as
since in the expression for the covariant derivative of Ua.lp the Christoffel symbol
is symmetric in ex, {J. Further, since
Ap xro,a. = (Ap xro) 1a. -Bpa.Aa xro
= -[u,p-eApAA]Ia.-B pa.A3 Xro,
35 Our derivation of the compatibility equations differs from similar previous developments
in the literature. A discussion of compatibility equations by direct approach is contained in
GuNTHER's paper [1961, 4] which, as noted earlier, employs a restrictive kinematic measure.
Compatibility equations (in terms of the kinematic measures in Formulae C), as necessary
conditions for the existence of single-valued displacements u and ~. have been considered also
by CROCHET [1967, Z] but his development appears to be incomplete.
Compatibility equations are sometimes useful in the formulation of a class of boundary-
value problems for shells with infinitesimal deformation. Their utility in the linear theory of
elastic shells is somewhat similar to the use of compatibility equations in the formulation
of two-dimensional problems (in terms of a stress function) in the classical theory of linear
Sect. 6. Kinematics of shells continued (linear theory): I. Direct approach. 465

from (6.51) we have

Urxlp=(e;.rxA;.)rp+ApXWfrx +(R-R') XrofrxfJ

= (e_,rxA")rp + (e_,pA")rrx -urprx-BprxA3 Xw+(R-R') XW[rxfJ·
Each of the third and fourth terms in the last equation, as well as the combination
of the first and second term, is symmetric in oc, (J and vanishes identically when
multiplied by -erxfi. Hence, application of (6.52) to the above expression for UrxlfJ

But, since the last equation must hold for an arbitrary choice of R' and therefore
(R -R'), it follows that
erxfi W[rx{J =0. (6.53)
We postpone examining the further implication of (6.53) and now turn our
attention to (6.47) 2 which, with the use of (6.34) 4 , can be written in the form
R' R'
~(R') = 0 ~ + j Jrx d()rx + j wXD,rx dfJrx, (6.54)
,R ,R

where we have written D rx ( =A3 rx) in place of -- B~ A. for clarity. Again, by an

integration by parts ofthelast integral in (6.54) and using the notationD' =D (R'),
R' R' R'
f wX D," d ()rx = f ro X dD = f wX d (D - D')
,R ,R ,R
(6. 55)
= 0w X (D'- 0D) +,Rf (D -D') Xw ' rx d()rx
and hence (6.54) becomes
b(R') = 0 ~ +ow X (D' -oD) +f Vrx d()rx, (6.56)
where we have put
Again, since the director displacement must be independent of the path of integra-
tion for a simply connected surface, the integrand Vrx d()rx must be an exact
differential. Hence, V1 2 = V 2 1 which is a necessary and sufficient condition for
the integrand in (6.56) to be an exact differential. But the latter condition,
similar to (6.52), can also be written as
From (6.57),
VrxlfJ =JrxlfJ- B(lA. Xw,rx + (D-D') XW[rxfi·
But, in view of (6.5J), application of (6.58) to the last result yields
-erxfi{JrxlfJ- B(lA. xro,,.} =0. (6.59)
The conditions (6.53) and (6.59) are primitive forms of equations of com-
patibility. By taking the scalar products of these two vector equations with AY
and A 3 and using the appropriate expressions in (6.34)-(6.35), we readily deduce
the following equations:
e"fi [er• (u.,.fp + B~ ea•lfJ -YvlrxfJ +B.,. YaJp) + ?-' B~ e.<rxlv] = 0, (6.60)
s"'P s""[erxA[vfJ- B.p(U;.rx + B~ ea;. -y;.lrx +B;.rx Ya =OJ)
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 30
466 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 7.

B« 11 [y.lexll+B.ccBpya] =0, e«ll(xaexlp-B~y•lll) =0, {6.61)
where (6.61)1 is obtained with the help of (6.60)1 and is equivalent to that resulting
from (6.59) and (6.34). The two sets of compatibility equations (6.60)1, 2 and
(6.61)1, 2 consist of six equations expressed in terms of the kinematic measures
eAcc• "H• y,. Alternatively, they can also be expressed in terms of the measures
eAex• f!H and Y• [see (6.24)] but we do not record these.
We examine now the reduction of (6.60)-(6.61) for the restricted theory whose
kinematic measures are summarized in (6.27). Thus, if we put y, =0, the two
equations in (6.61) vanish identically and (6.60)1, 2 reduce to
80' 11 [BY• (e<•exllll + B~ ea.Jp) + 8" 4 B~ eAexlp] =0, (6.62)
e«il e·t.[•ll -B.p(f!<Acx> + B~ eaA)] =0.
The fact that e.ex is symmetric in the restricted theory has been explicitly in-
dicated in (6.62). 36 In (6.62)1, we have also used the identity eexll e•A B~ eAexlP =
e"'P e•A B~ eAccl•·
The foregoing derivation of the compatibility equations provides both neces-
sary and sufficient conditions for the existence of single-valued displacements u
and a: Given the strain measures eexy• Yi• "•ex satisfying the conditions (6.52) and
(6.58) or equivalently (6.60) and (6.61), then (6.50) and (6.56) determine the
displacements u and (corresponding to the given strain measures) at any point
R' of the surface f/ uniquely to within rigid displacements of the forms (6.44).
On the other hand, if the functions eexy• y,, "•ex satisfy the differential equations
in ui and~. given by (6.24), then (6.52) and (6.58) or (6.60) and (6.61) are necessary
conditions for the existence of single-valued displacements u and a.
7. Kinematics of shells: II. Developments from the three-dimensional theory.
We have already defined a shell-like body in Sect. 4. Here we derive the kine-
matics of such three-dimensional continua from the three-dimensional theory.
Often, we employ (by choice) the same symbols which have been used previously
in Sects. 5 and 6; but this need not be confusing, since the contents of this and
the two previous sections are developed independently of each other.
oc) General kinematical results. We begin our development of the kinematical
results from the three-dimensional equations by assuming that the position
vector p (()ex,~. t) of a material point in the deformed shell is an analytic function
of~ in the region oc <~ <{J. Thus, recalling (4.6) and (4.9), p can be represented

p =r(()ex, t) + L; ~N dN(()ex, t) (7.1)


and its dual in a reference configuration is

P=R(()ex) + L
~N DN(()ex), (7.2)

where rand R, defined by (4.9) and (4.24), are the position vectors of the surface
~=0 in the deformed and the reference configurations, respectively, dN are
36 We may observe that these equations are of the same form as the corresponding com-
patibility equations in the classical theory of shells derived from the three-dimensional equa-
tions. Compare, for example, with Eq. (3.4) in [1963, 7].
37 The representation (7.1), along with the interpretation for dN stated after (7.8), was
introduced by GREEN, LAWS and NAGHDI [1968, 4].
Sect. 7. Kinematics of shells: II. Derived from 3-dimensional theory. 467
vector functions of ()"", t and their reference values are denoted by DN, i.e.,

We assume that the two series (7.1)-(7.2) may be differentiated as many times as
required with respect to any of their variables, at least in the open region oc <~ <fJ.
The velocity vector v*, of the three-dimensional continuum, at time t is given
* = dp(O«, g, t) = . (0"" 1: t) (7.4)
v dt p '"' '

where a superposed dot denotes the material time derivative, holding o• ={0"", ~}
fixed. From (7.4) and (7.1), we have

v* =v+ L, ~NwN, (7.5)

We recall that when the motion of P4 differs from (4.6) only by superposed
rigid body motions, the position p+ (using a by now familiar notation) has the
p+ =p+(O', t') =p~(t') +Q(t) [p(O', t) -p0 (t)], (7.7)
where Q is a proper orthogonal tensor function of time which satisfies the con-
ditions (5.37). Since under superposed rigid body motions the position vector
r+ of the surface s transforms by a formula of the form (5.36) 1 and since
p+ -r+ = L ~N d;,

by (7.1), it follows that the vector functions d;, must transform according to
and hence remain unchanged in magnitude. We may, therefore, call the vectors
dN directors and wN director velocities. Also, for reasons that will become apparent
later, we introduce the notations
d=~. D=D1, W=W1. (7.9)
By (4.7h and (7.1), the base vectors Yi can be written as

Ys= ,L:N ~N-1dN, (7.10)


where a"" are the base vectors of the surface s (i.e., ~ = 0 in the deformed con-
figuration) defined by (4.10). The unit normal a 3 to sand the first and the second
fundamental forms of s are given by (4.11)-(4.13). The base vectors g,(O"", ~. t)
when evaluated on the surface s reduce to
where d is defined by (7.9)1 . The restriction (4.8} holds for all time and all values
of 01. In particular, it is valid for~ =0 so that by (7.11) we also have
[~a 2 d]>O. (7.12}
468 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 7.

We now introduce some additional kinematical quantities. Let the three-

dimensional vector fields dN and their partial derivatives with respect to be oa
referred to the base vectors a;,. Then, 38
dN=dNiai=dN~a;,, dN~=aYfldN{J>
odN - ;
dN~ =dN3> o(}a -AN;u.a (N~2),
~ =d =d;, a• =d' a;, d"~=a"~Pdp,
od . .
a(}a = Ali a a' = A; a a'.
By application of the general formula (5.5), the components AN;u. are
ANya =ay · dN,a =dNyla -bya dNs• AN:a =a"'P AN{Ja•
ANSa =as· dN,a =dNs,a +b~ dNy• AN~a =ANsa
Aya =~ya =dylcx -bY"' tis,
Aaa =~sa =lis, a +b~ dy,
for N = 1, where a vertical bar denotes covariant differentiation with respect
to acxp. Also, in anticipation of certain results to be obtained presently, we record
the expressions
dN' dM=dN: dMy+O'NM> O'NM=dN~dM3>
dN · dM,cx =dN: AMya +aNMcx> O'NMcx =dN~ AMS<X> (7.16)
dN,cx · dM,p=AN:a AMyp+aNMcx{J• O'N Mcx{J = Airt. AMap
d. d=~. ~ =d"~ dy+a, a= (da)2,
d • d,cx=~ · Aycx+O'cx, O'u. =d3 Aaa> (7.17)
d,cx · d,p =flt,cx · flt,p =A:u. Ayp +aa{J> au.p =A~"' Asp
for N, M =1.
We further introduce the kinematic variables
2eu.p=aap-Au.{J• (7.18)
'XNia =ANia -ANia• 'J'Ni =dN;-DNi•
'Xi ex ='Xlia =A;, a -Aia> 'Yi ='J'li =d;, -D;,
where DN; and ANia• the reference values of dNi and ANia• are given by
D;, =D1 ; =A; . D,
an (7.20)
Aiu. =Alia =A;, · a(j~,
Dis defined by (7.9) 2 and A;, ={Ay,A 3} are the base vectors and the unit normal
of the surface I§; (i.e.,~ =0 in the reference configuration). We observe that the
kinematic quantities dN; and ANia• as well as those in (7.18)-(7.19), remain un-
altered under superposed rigid body motions. This can be easily verified in a
38 The kinematic variables (7.13)-(7.15) were employed by GREEN, LAWS and NAGHDI
[1968, 4] and GREEN and NAGHDI [1970, 2] but the variables (7.16)-(7.17) were not explicitly
introduced in these papers. The latter variables, which appear in (7.25)-(7.26), will sub-
sequently bear on the structure of the constitutive equations derived in Sect. 1 7 from the
three-dimensional theory.
Sect. 7. Kinematics of shells: II. Derived from 3-dimensional theory. 469
manner similar to the invariance conditions expressed in (5.54). We record here
the relative measures
dN · dM-DN · DM=dN". dM,-DN". DM,+sNM•
dN · dM,ct. -DN · DM,ct. =dN". AMyct. -DN". AMyct. +sNMct.• (7.21)
dN,ct. · dM,fJ-DN,ct. · DM,p=AN;ct.AMyfJ-AN;ct.AMrfJ+sNMct.fJ•
sNM =dN~ dMa -DN~ DMa• sNMct. =dN~ AMSct. -DN~ AMact.•
s NMct.fJ = AN~ct. AMafJ- AN~ct. AMafJ
and note that the expressions corresponding to (7.21)-(7.22) for N, M =1,
in the notations of (7.9) 1 , are:
d · d-D · D=(dl d,-D" D,) +s,
d · d,ct.-D · D,ct.=(d" A,ct.-D" A,ct.) +sct., (7.23)
d,ct. · d,p -D,ct. · D,p = (A".ct. Ayp -A".ct.A,p) +sct.fJ
s =(da) 2 - (D3) 2, sct. =d3 Asct. -D3 Aact.• sct.fJ =A~ct. Asp -A~ocAap· (7.24)
For later reference, it is desirable to calculate the components of a three-
dimensional strain measure in terms of the variables (7.13) referred to the base
vectors a•. For this purpose, using (7.10), we first record the expressions for the
components gif as follows:


oo (P-1
= L~P-l! L (P-M) M dP-M. dM .
P=2 M=1

A close examination of the series in each of the second expressions of (7.25)1 2

reflects a particular form for the dependence of gocp and gct. 3 on dN and odNfoO«.
To see this more easily, we write the right-hand side of each of (7.25k 2 3 in
expanded form indicating explicitly all terms involving only ~ and a~ja(}<%.
470 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 7.

Thus, with the notations of (7.9) 1 , (7.15) and (7.17):

8d od) od od
gexp=aexp+~ (ap. (}(jrx +aex. +.;2 (}(jrx. ()(}fJ + ...

=aex{J +~(Apex +A.exp) +~ 2 (A~ex A..p +O"exp) + · ··,

gexs=Uex·d+.;d. (}(jrx + ... (7.26)

= dex +.; (d• A.. ex +O"ex) + ···•

g33 =d ·d + · · • = dY dy + 0" + · •·,
which readily reveal the manner that the components of d =~and d ex contribute
to the components of gii· Results similar to (7.25) for the components Gii can be
calculated with the help of (7.2). We now recall the formula39
where rt; are the covariant components of a strain measure in the three-dimen-
sional (nonlinear) theory. Using (7.25) and the corresponding expressions for
Gii• the components of Yil may be expressed in the following forms:

2y:p =2eex{J +~ ("pex +"exp)


Again, in order to give an idea regarding the manner of dependence of yf; on the
components of dN and 8dNf8()ex, we rewrite (7.28) in expanded form similar to
(7.26) indicating explicitly only terms due to d =~,~.ex =d,ex and their reference
values. Thus
2y:p =2eex{J +~ ("pex +"exp) +~ 2 [(A.~ex A..p -A~ex A.p) +sexp] + ·· ·,
2y:3 =rex+.;[(d• A..ex-D•A.ex) +sex]+···, (7.29)
2y:3 = (dY dr -Dr Dy) +s + ... ,
where all terms in (7.29) not explicitly recorded arise from d N and D N for N ~ 2.
The kinematic variables (7.18)-(7.19) and (7.21 )-(7.24) which occur in (7.28)
are independent of .; and thus can be referred to as two-dimensional variables.
Given (7.1), the two-dimensional kinematic quantities may be regarded as an
exact characterization of the kinematics of shells; however, (7.18)-(7.19) and
(7.21}-(7.22) form an infinite set of variables and this is an undesirable
feature of such characterizations. It is therefore clear that the introduction of
suitable approximations is necessary in order to obtain useful measures of de-
formation for shells in line with the objective stated under (a) in (4.32). This
requires additional elaboration but we postpone further comments and take up
the question of suitable approximation later in this section and again in Chap. D.
au See, e.g., GREEN and ZERNA [1968, 9].
Sect. 7. Kinematics of shells: II. Derived from 3-dimensional theory. 471

{J) Some results valid in a reference configuration. Before proceeding further,

we dispose of some additional results which are independent of linearization,
although their utility in a linear theory is particularly significant. First, we
observe that the convected coordinates (}1 can always be so chosen in the reference
configuration that DN = 0 for N ~ 2. Hence, instead of (7.2), without loss in
generality we may write the position vector in the reference configuration of ~ as

with D specified by
From (4.23) and (7.30)-(7.31) 3 , it follows that the base vectors and the metric
tensor in the (initial) reference configuration are

Ga. =Aa. +~ D,a. =v~A11 +~ D,a.A3 , G3 =DA3 ,

Ga.p =v~v$ A 116 +~ 2 D,a. D,fJ• Ga.a =~DD,a. =i~(D 2),a., G33 =D 2,
We note for later reference that

v =Ddet t
(v~) = ( ~ =D[1-2~ DH +~2 D 2 K], (7.34)

with H and K being the mean curvature and the Gaussian curvature of the sur-
face ~ = 0 in the reference configuration defined by

K = det (Bp) =A-1 det (Ba.p) =Bl B~-m B~.
In view of (7.31) and our choice (7.30), the functions ANia. in (7.20) reduce to
Apa.=A1 pa.=-DBa.fJ• A 3 a.=A13 a.=D,a., ANia.=O (N~2). (7.36)
Since the convected coordinates 0 may be identified with the normal coordi-
nates (4.25) in the reference configuration of~. the initial position vector can also
be taken in the form (4.27) instead of (7.3Q). Recalling our notations for the base
vectors and the metric tensor associated with the coordinates (4.25), we have
G~=p,~Ay, G~=A3 ,
Ga.{J Y 6A yli> G~ 3 =0, G~ 3 =1,
where (4.27) has been used and where
p,~=t5~-c B~
p,= det (p,~ = A (G')i =1-2CH +C 2 K. (7.39)

From comparison of (4.27) and (7.30) with D specified by (7.31), we have

ya.=oa., C=D~ (7.40)
as the transformation relations between the coordinate system y' or (4.25) and
e• in the reference configuration. Moreover, under the transformations (7.40),
472 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 7.

from (7.37}-(7.39) and (7.32}-(7.34} follow the relations

It may be noted here that the metric tensors G;; and G;; become identical when
evaluated on the surface C= 0 (or ~ = 0) in the reference configuration and both
reduce to (4.29).
With reference to the condition (4.20), recall that k is independent of time
and suppose further that k is also independent of~. Then, for k=k((l''), (4.20)

Jk~d~=: (f32-a2}=0="la=-f3, (7.42}

since a<O. By (4.21) and (7.34}, the mass density in the reference configuration
can be written in the form
n*=kG-t= k=k(()(J.). (743}
t:O DAi[1-2~ DH +~2 D 2 K] ' .
In the case of an initially flat plate, for which both H and K vanish, the expression
(7.43} 1 is independent of~ and satisfies (4.20) and therefore (7.42} exactly. For
initially curved shells, on the other hand, the mass density 12~ depends on ~ or C
in view of (7.40} 2 • In terms of the principal radii of curvature of the surface
~ = 0 in the (initial) reference configuration,

H=-~(;1 +~J. K= 1
R 1 R2 (7.44)
and {7.43} 1 can be expressed as
l!o* = - - - - - - k (7.45}
DA*[1+({~+ ~J+(~J(~Jl'
where we have also used {7.40} 2 • Recalling the notation of (4.28} 2 , we may invoke
(4.31} for sufficiently thin shells and neglect C/R in comparison with unity in the
denominator in {7.45). Thus, if we approximate {7.45} by

eJ' is independent of C (or~) and the condition {7.42) is also satisfied to the order
of approximation used in the sense of (4.31).
With the above approximation for the initial mass density and with P specified
by {7.30)-(7.31), it follows from (7.42) 2 that the boundary surfaces (4.14) can be
regarded as symmetrically situated [approximately in the sense of (4.31)] about
the surface~= 0 in the reference configuration of the initially curved shells. Hence,
the limits of integration in such integrals as (4.17) and (4.20) can be replaced
by -{3, {3. Also, in view of (4.29), from (7.40) 2 and (7.42) 2 follows
D {3 = -2 , (7.47)

which relates {3 to D and h. In particular if D = 1 so that (7.31) 8 becomes D =A3 ,

the distinction between~ and r; in (7.30} and (4.27) disappears and we have
D=1, ~=C, f3=-a=2·
Sect. 7. Kinematics of shells: II. Derived from 3-dimensional theory. 473

y) Linearized kinematics. We now proceed to obtain the linearized version of

the foregoing kinematical results. Since the linearization procedure is analogous
to that employed in Sect. 6, details will not be given; but we note that a vertical
bar, in the linearized expressions, will denote covariant differentiation with
respect to Aatfl· Also, in the remainder of this section, instead of (7.2) we specify
the position vector in the reference configuration of Pi by (7.30)-(7.31) so that the
reference values (7.20)t, 3 for N~2 become 40

and put
u* =u*(Oat, ~. t) =u((Jat, t) + 1: ~N 6N(0at, t).


Introduction of (7.51) into (7.50), together with (7.1) and (7.30), results in
r=B+eu, U=u•A'=u'A•, v=eit,
d=~=D+e6, 6=61 =~,Ai, W=W1 =ed, (7.52)
The base vectors G, are given by (7.32) 1 , 2 and the base vectors g,, by (4.7) 1 ,
(4.23h and (7.52), can be expressed as


Ys = (D + e 6) + L: N ~N- 1 (e aN) 0


The above formulae on the surface ~ = 0 become

aat =gat(()'"~, 0, t) =Gat(fJ'"~, 0) +e u!(fJ'"~, 0, t)
=Aat (W) + e u ,at (0'"~, t),
d = g 3 (0'"~, 0, t) = G 3 (0'~', 0) + e u,~ ((J'Y, 0, t)
=D(O'"~) + e a(0'"~, t),

in view of (4.9) and (7.11).

We say (7.50h-(7.51) characterize the infinitesimal motion of the three-
dimensional continuum Pi if the magnitude of u* and all its derivatives are
bounded by 1 and if (6.3) holds. Also, we use the order symbol O(e") in the sense
of (6.4). The components of the vector functions u and 8N in (7.52) are referred
to the base vectors Ai or A' and subsequently the components of u at and aN at
will be defined with reference to A,. On the other hand, the components of the
vector functions dN and dN at are defined with respect to the base vectors a, or
a• [see (7.13)]. For this reason, in the sequel, we need to have the approximate
expressions for a, to O(e). We have already obtained the desired approximation
for aat to O(e) in (7.54) and the corresponding expression for the unit normal
&o As noted already, there is no loss of generality in writing the reference position vector
in the form (7.30). Later, in order to simplify some of the calculations, we also take D= 1
but the various formulae between (7-50)-(7-57) hold with D specified by (7-31).
474 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 7.

aa to scan be deduced from (7.54) 1 and (4.11)1 , 2 • Thus,

as =As+ efJ +O(e 2),
fJ ={J.. A"' =[J« A .. , {J.. = - (us,a. + B~ uA),
which together with (7.54)1 can be used to rewrite (7.18)-(7.19) in terms of
e u, efJ, eON and their derivatives. For example, the functions 'YN< in (7.19) 2 , 4 can
be written as
y.,.=e(A.. · o+ u,a. ·D) +O(e 2) =O(e),
y3 =e(A3 • o+fJ ·D) +O(e2) =O(e), (7.56)
'YN< =e(Ai ·oN) +O(e2) =O(e) (N 22).
Also, the variables "•a. and those in (7.24) upon linearization become
"pa. =e(u,p · D,a. +Ap · o,a.) +O(e2) =O(e),
"sa. =e(As · O,a. + fJ · D,a.) +0 (e 2) =0 (e),
s=2e[D(As · o+fJ ·D)] +O(e2) =O(e), (7.57)
s.. =e[D(As · o,a. +fJ · D,a.) +Asa.(As · o + fJ ·D) +O(e2) =O(e),
Sa.p =e[Asa.(As · O,p + fJ · D,p) +Asp(As · O,a. + fJ · D,a.)J +O(e2) =O(e)
and the expressions for other quantities in (7.21)-(7.23) may be put in similar
In what follows, in order to achieve some simplification in otherwise lengthy
and elaborate calculations, we confine attention to the case corresponding to
D = 1 as in (7.48). Thus, with D =As, in addition to the reference values
(7.49) we now also have
Da.=O, D=1, Apa.=-Bpa.• Asa.=O. (7.58)
The simplification resulting from (7.58) is rather substantial. For example, the
first term in (7.56) 2 reduces to e(A3 • o). Similarly, in view of (7.58) 3 4 , the last
three of (7.57) now become s =2"J's• s.. ="sa. and sa.p =0, respectively. Now
remembering the remarks made in Sect. 6 [between (6.10) and (6.13)] concerning
the linearization process, again we retain only terms of 0 (e); and after the
approximations, without loss of generality, we set e = 1 in order to avoid the
introduction of additional notations. In this way, the linearized kinematic meas-
ures resulting from (7.18)-(7.19) are
e.. p = i(ua.IP +uPia.)- Ba.p Us,
'Ya.=~a.-fJa., 'Ya=~a•
"pa. =~Pia.- Ba.p ~3 - B~ (u•IP- B.p u3),
"sa. =~s,a. + B~(~. -{J.),
"J'Na.=~Na.• "J'Na=~N3 (N~2),
"Npa.=~NPia.-Bpa.~Na• "Naa.=~Na,a.+B~~Np (N~2),
where the vertical bar now stands for covariant differentiation with respect to Aa.p·
The infinitesimal (three-dimensional) strain tensor, resulting from linearization
of (7.27), is given by
ytf = i(G• · uj + G 1 · u,~). (7.60)
The relationship between the two-dimensional kinematic variables (7.59) and the
infinitesimal (three-dimensional) strain tensor can be found either by linearization
Sect. 7. Kinematics of shells: II. Derived from 3-dimensional theory. 475

of (7.28), remembering also (7.49) and (7.58), or directly from (7.60) and (7.51).
Here, we record the final results:

2y:fJ = 2e!XfJ +.; (u!XfJ +up"')- 2.; 2 B"p B~ ep,v + ~ ~N (uNotfJ +uNfJ!X)

- ~ .;N+ 1 [B~uNyot+B~uNyfJ],
2y: 3 = 2yi"' =y"' +~ (u3 " ' - B~ y.) (7.61)

~ ~N- 1 [N YNot +~UNa at -N ~ B~YNv] •

Yia =ya + ~ N ~N- 1 YNa·

The complexity of the expressions (7.61) for ytf is perhaps suggestive of the
degree of the difficulties that can be encountered even in the development of
the linear theory. However, prior to consideration of an approximation scheme,
it is instructive to specialize (7.59) and (7.61) to the case of an initially flat plate
for which (6.26) holds. Thus, for an initially flat plate, the kinematic measures
(7.59) reduce to
e!XfJ =-! (u!XffJ + ufJfot) ,
yiX=b"'-fJ"', Ya=ba, f31X=-Ua,ot•

"fl"' =ypf"' -uafotfJ• "a"' =ra."'' (7.62)

YNot=bNIX• YNa=bNa (N~2),
UN {Jot =yN,8[ot• UN31X =yN3,1X (N ~ 2)
and the expressions in (7.61) assume the forms

Y:fJ =eot{J +~ U(ot{J) + j ~ ~N (uNot{J +uN{Jot),


l ~ N ~N- 1 YN"'+N=1
~ ~N "Na!Xl
=-! lN~ 1~N- 1 (N YNot +~ "Naot) l· (7.63)

Yaa=Ya + L.J'\' N00
.., YNa=
N i:N-1
<; YNa•
N=2 N=l
where the notation u(otfJ) stands for

U(otfJ) = j(uiXfJ +up"') =i(Yot[fJ +YfJ[IX) -UalotfJ (7.64)

and conforms to that introduced in (5.12).
The above kinematical results for initially flat plates, although simpler than
(7.61), still involve two infinite sets of variables bNi and uNiot· Nevertheless, some
observations may be made regarding the structure of YiJ in (7.63). The components
r:fJ are independent of bNi and uNaot while the components yf3 are independent
of uNfJ!X" This uncoupling of the effects of bNi• "Na!X and uNfJ!X immediately suggests
consideration of an approximate theory for thin plates in which an approximate
476 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 7.

expression for y:p. obtained from (7.63) 1 by ignoring 'XNp«(N'"ii;;.2), plays a domi-
nant role. 41 We return to this problem of approximations later.
!5) Approximate linearized kinematic measures. The complexity of the foregoing
linearized kinematic measures, especially for shells, clearly indicates the need
for a suitable approximative scheme which would make possible the development
of a complete theory which is both useful and manageable. However, in general,
the introduction of an approximation for the kinematic quantities alone (and
separate from the rest of the theory) is difficult to justify, since any approxima-
tion introduced here must be compatible with the entire theory including all
field equations and the constitutive relations. 42 Thus, strictly speaking, the
introduction of any approximative scheme should be postponed until a complete
theory (which includes all field equations and constitutive relations) from the
three-dimensional equations is developed. On the other hand, this may require
too much patience from the reader. For this reason and in anticipation of certain
results, whose range of validity and limitations will be spelled out eventually, we
discuss here a set of kinematic measures which are obtained by an approximation
from (7.61).
With reference to (7.59) and (7.61), suppose now that YNi and 'XNi« vanish
forN'ii;;;.2,i.e., YN;=O, 'XNi«=O (N'"ii;;.2). (7.65)
Then, in view of (7.65), by (7.59) 6 , 7 !5N;=O for N'ii;;;.2. Hence
ON=O (N'ii;;;.2), (7.66)
and (7.51) assumes the simple form
u*= u+~ o. (7.67)
We expect (7.67) to be a valid approximation for thin shells in the region oc <~ <{3
We postpone the justification of (7.65) or the limitations under which it may be
assumed; but, given (7.65), the simple expression (7.67) follows without further
assumption. 43
u The simple form of such an approximate expression for 'Y~/1• corresponding to the first
two terms on the right-hand side of (7.63h, is partially the reason for the success in the con-
struction of an approximate classical theory of plates as compared to that for shells. We
postpone further remarks on this until later in this section [Subsect. e)] and again in Sect. 20.
Here, however, we note that the development of the approximate theory just referred to
usually begins with a set of displacements (or special assumptions for the three-dimensional
strain tensor) which amounts to ignoring 'YNi (N~1), 7<Na« (N~1) and 7<NP« (N~2) or
equivalently 'Y:a and 7<Np« (N~2) in the kinematical results, but later include (through an
additional assumption) the effect of yf 8 in the constitutive relations.
'2 Some of the difficulties and inconsistencies in the past developments of shell theory
may be traced directly to the fact that approximations for kinematics were introduced at the
outset and without due consideration for their effects in the rest of the theory. To compensate
for these difficulties in the derivations of the linear theory of elastic shells, sometimes in
recent years use has been made of variational theorems such as those of the Hellinger-Reissner,
Hu-Washizu or variants thereof: HELLINGER [1914, 1], REISSNER [1950, 5] and (1953, 4],
Hu [1955, 4], WASHIZU [1955, 7], REISSNER [1964, 7], NAGHDI [1964, 6] and REISSNER
[1965, 7]. What these (three-dimensional) variational theorems have in common, apart from
the boundary conditions, is one form of the constitutive relations for linear elasticity as part
of their Euler equations; they differ from one another mainly in the degree of generality
provided by their additional Euler equations for the variational problem. For derivations of
an approximate shell theory by means of variational theorems (in the three-dimensional
theory} of the type mentioned above, see, e.g., [1963, 6] and [1964, 6] which contain additional
related references.
' 3 Alternatively, we may assume (7.67) together with (7.66) and conclude (7.65) but this
appears to be more difficult to justify. An assumption for the displacement vector in the form
(7.67) or a more specialized version of it is made in nearly all developments of the linear
theory of thin shells at the outset. In this connection, see also Subsect. e) of this section.
Sect. 7. Kinematics of shells: II. Derived from 3-dimensional theory. 477

With the approximation (7.65), the kinematic measures (7.59) can be written as
ea.p = i(ua.[fJ +up[a.) -Ba.p Us,
Ya.=~a.-fJa., rs=~s. Pa.=-(Us,a.+B~u).),
"'pa.=(!pa.-Ba.pYs· Usa.=eaa.+B~y...
(!pa. =yp[a.- "'Pa.• esa. =rs,a.• (7.68)
Up a. =Xa.p = [Ua[{Ja. + Bp[a. up+ B~ Uy[fJ + Bp Uy[a.- B~ BpfJ Us]
= -i(fJa.ltJ +fJp 1a.) +i[B~(eyfJ +rryp1) + Bp(epa. +rrya.1)],
Y£a.fJl =i (ua.[fJ -Up[a.},
where e.a. defined by the last three of (7.68) are introduced for later reference.
The components of Yt~ in (7.61) now simplify considerably and reduce to
r:p =ea.p +~ "'(a.fJl -~a Xa.fJ•
r:s =r:'a. =ra. +~ (!sa.• Y:'s =ys.
where u(a.fJl is the symmetric part of "'a.fJ and where we have put
Xa.p=Xa.p+ B~ Bp e;.,=Xpa.•
Xa.p =i(B~ xyp + B~ uYJ.
It is not difficult to see that the kinematic measures (7.68) are formally
equivalent to those given in Sect. 6 for a Cosserat surface [compare with (6.24)],
if the two surfaces ® and [I? are identified. However, we postpone such identi-
fications until later. Also, as might be expected, only the symmetric part of Xpa.
occurs in (7.69h.
e) Other kinematic approximations in the linear theory. The literature on the
linear theory, especially for shells, abounds with a variety of kinematic approxima-
tions. Most of these are variants, or a special case, of (7.67) and often constitute
the starting point in the development of complete approximate theories. 44 In
order to indicate here the nature of these approximations and at the same time
call attention to a certain kinematic approximation which is generally adopted
for classical theories of plates and shells, it is expedient to consider the case of a
flat plate.
Referred to the base vectors Ai, the approximate expression (7.67) in com-
ponent form reads
For initially flat plates, in view of (6.26) and the assumptions (7.65), the approxi-
mate kinematic measures (7.68) simplify and reduce to the first six relations in
(7.62). It is then easily seen that the linearized kinematic variables for initially
flat plates separate into two parts, namely
E ={ua., ~s• ea.y• Ys• Usa.},
F ={u3 , ~a.• Xya.• Ya.}·
The displacements ua., ~sin the former set E characterize the extensional motion
while Us, ~a. in the latter set F represent the displacements associated with the
flexural motion of a plate. 45 Moreover, with reference to (7.71), it is clear that the
tangential and normal components of u* are, respectively, even and odd in~ for
the extensional motion while they are odd and even in ~ for the flexural motion.
"An account of such kinematic approximations can be found in [1963, 6].
4 & This observation parallels that made in Sect. 6 [following (6.26)] for a Cosserat surface.
478 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 7.

Special cases of the kinematic variables listed in (7.72) correspond to those

employed in the classical theory of plates. 46 The classical extensional case does
not include <53 (and hence the components y3 , Xsat) and only admits the tangential
displacements uat. Such a kinematic assumption implies, in turn, inextensibility
along the normal to the plate. The kinematic variables for the classical flexural
(or bending) theory is obtained from the set Fin (7.72), if we put Yet =0. Then,
the relevant kinematic variables reduce to


The above results for the classical theory of plates is summarized in the dis-
placement assumption

which is known as the Kirchhoff hypothesis. 47 It is clear that the approximate

displacements (7.74) imply inextensibility (in the extensional case) along the
normal to the plate 48 and also include only the angular displacements Pat• so that
the effect of transverse shear deformation is ignored (in the case of bending
The kinematic assumptions in the derivations of the classical theory of shells,
beginning with LovE's paper 49 -known as Love's first approximation-are
similar to those in the classical theory of plates. In particular, it is assumed that
(i) normals to the undeformed middle surface remain normals and (ii) suffer no
extension. From these assumptions, sometimes referred to as Kirchhoff-Love
hypothesis (especially in the Russian literature), it follows that the components
of displacements must have the form (7.74) or equivalently can be obtained from 50


where fJ is defined by (7.55) 2 , 3 • With the displacement vector given by (7.75),

the components r:a and r:a (for transverse shear and transverse normal strain)
vanish 51 and since now y, =0 the variables (7.68) reduce to the set


where the expressions for eatfJ• 'iiatfJ• Pat in terms of uat, u3 and their derivatives are
those recorded in (7.68).52
The above remarks pertain to kinematic approximations in the classical
theories of plates and shells. Other displacement assumptions or numerous other
46 KIRCHHOFF [1850, 1].
47 Despite the implication of (7.74) regarding inextensibility along the normal, the effect
of the component of the strain tensor 'J'a*a is accounted for in the constitutive equations. This
seemingly inconsistent set of assumptions, however, leads to the correct linear constitutive
48 See also Sect. 20.
49 LOVE [1888, 1].
60 Given the kinematic assumptions (i) and (ii) above, the form (7.75) follows even without
the limitation to smallness of u• or its components. See Sect. 4 of [1963, 6].
51 Even though (7.75) imply the inextensibility along the normal to the middle surface,
the effect of y 8*8 is nevertheless included in the constitutive relations. This is similar to the
case of plate noted above.
52 The expressions for these kinematic variables have the same forms as those given by
(6.27) for a restricted theory by direct approach.
Sect. 8. Basic principles for shells: I. Direct approach. 479
ad hoc schemes have continuously appeared in the literature but we do not
elaborate on these here. 53
A derivation of compatibility equations, in terms of the kinematic measures
resulting from an approximate expression for the displacement u* in the form
(7.67) or the more restrictive assumption (7.75), may be accomplished in a manner
similar to the derivation by direct method given in Sect. 6 [Subsect.1'})]. We do
not include here such a derivation but note that the resulting compatibility
equations will be of the same forms as those given by (6.60)-(6.61) and (6.62).
In the literature on the classical linear shell theory, compatibility equations
[corresponding to those in (6.62) J are generally obtained using the equations of
Gauss and Mainardi-Codazzi as the starting point. A derivation of this kind is
readily available elsewhere and was first given by GoL'DENVEIZER. 54

C. Basic principles for shells and plates.

This chapter is devoted to the basic principles, derivations of the appropriate
field equations and related results for shells and plates. Again various developments
are pursued both by direct approach (Sects. 8-10) and from the three-dimensional
theory of (non-polar) classical continuum mechanics (Sects. 11-12).

8. Basic principles for shells: I. Direct approach. This section is concerned with
basic principles for a Cosserat surface, including conservation laws and invariance
requirements under superposed rigid body motions. Our developments are in the
context of a general thermodynamical theory. But a reader who prefers to con-
fine himself to the purely mechanical theory should be able to do so without
difficulty, although some adjustment and omission [especially that of Sub-
sect. /1)] will then be necessary.
The ideas of force, couple, stress vector, etc., are familiar from the three-
dimensional theory. Here, we need to define the corresponding quantities for a
Cosserat surface; and, it is not difficult to see that they may be introduced in a
manner which parallels the concepts of the external body force and the contact
force in the three-dimensional theory. However, prior to a statement of con-
servation laws, it is more enlightening (and perhaps even economical) in the
present development to introduce the notion of force and related quantities for a
Cosserat surface through their rate of work expressions.
a} Conservation laws. Let f!lJ be a part of ~ occupied by the arbitrary part &rc
of the material region of the Cosserat surface rr; (defined in Sect. 4) in the deformed
configuration at time t. Let c be any curve on ~which may also be taken as the
53 The nature of LovE's second approximation in which instead of (7. 7 5) terms involving
,; 2are also retained in the expansion of u* was examined and explored by HILDEBRAND,
REISSNER and THOMAS [1949, 4]. A further account of such assumptions for displacements in
the linear theory of shells may be found in [1963, 6]. Similar and other types of kinematic
approximations are used in the papers of PARKUS [1950, 4], RuDIGER [1959, 5], DuDDECK
[1962, 1], lERNA [1962, 8] and ZERNA [1968, 14].
54 GoL'DENVEIZER [1940, 1]. See also his book [1961, 3]. The earliest attempt to derive
the compatibility equations in shell theory appears to be by ODQVIST [1937, 1]. A short
account of compatibility equations in the context of the classical theory may be found also
in the paper of GoL'DENVEIZER and LuR'E [194 7, 3]. A derivation in lines of curvature coordi-
nates is given in N ovozHILov's book [19 59, 3]. Another derivation in general coordinates,
involving kinematic variables based on (7.75), can be found in [1963, 6] and its generalization
is considered by KoLLMAN [1966, 5]. Compatibility equations in lines of curvature coordinates
and in terms of physical components of the variables (7.76) are given by SANDERS [1959, 6].
A shorter version in general coordinates is included in [1963, 7] and another (in coordinate
free notation) is contained in a recent paper by STEELE [1971, 9].
480 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 8.

boundary o&' of&'. As the boundary of&', c will be a closed curve defined for the
points r in o&' of the deformed configuration at timet. Let ~=~(s) be the
parametric equations of the curve c, with s as the arc parameter; and let A. denote
the unit tangent vector to the curve c defined for the points r (~(s), t) on c. Then,
81' J..«= d8«(s)
as a.• ds

and the outward unit normal v to c lying in the surface is given by

V =l Xfla ='Jia. aa. ='Jia. a«= Ba.p )..fJ a«, (8.2)
where Ba.p is defined in (5.63). For later reference, we also note that l can be
expressed as
Letl N =N(O«, t; v) and M =M(O«, t; v), each a three-dimensional vector
field, be defined for points r on the boundary curve c of &' as follows: If for all
arbitrary velocity fields v, the scalar N ·vis a rate of work per unit length of c,
then N is called a contact force (or a curve force) vector per unit length of c.
Similarly, if the scalar M · w is a rate of work per unit length of c for all
arbitrary director velocities w, then M is called a contact director couple (or a
curve director couple) per unit length of c. It is clear that the definition
for M parallels that for N and can be obtained from the sentence preceding the
last if we replace the symbols N and v by M and w and the words velocity
and force by director velocity and director couple, respectively. The resultant
contact force Fe(&') and the resultant contact director couple Ge (&') exerted on
the part &' of the Cosserat surface t'(f at time t are defined by the line integrals
Fe(&')= J N ds,
Ge(&') = JM ds

over the boundary 8&' of f!IJ in the present configuration. 2 Moreover, it is clear
from the above definitions and the physical dimensions of v and w that N and M
have, respectively, the physical dimensions of force and couple per unit length,
phys. dim. N = [ M~r-2 ] = [MT-2],
phys. dim. M = [ ML~r-2 ] = [MLT-2],

where the symbol [T] designates the dimension of time and the symbols [MJ and
[L] for the dimensions of mass and length were introduced previously.
The vector fields N and M act across any curve on 6. In an analogous fashion
we may define/=/(~. t) and l=l(O«, t), each a three-dimensional vector field
per unit mass, for points r on the part &' of ": If the scalar f· v is a rate of work
per unit mass for all arbitrary velocities v, thenfis called an assigned force vector
per unit mass of d. The definition for the assigned director couple l parallels that
for f and can be obtained from the preceding sentence, if we replace the symbols
f and v by l and w and the words velocities and assigned force by director veloc-
1 To emphasize the dependence of such vector fields as N and M on the unit normal v.
it is customary to write them asN(v) and M(v)· Here we omit the subscript (v) from N(v)
and M(")• except on one or two occasions which may serve clarity.
2 In (8.4), (8.6) and other definitions in this chapter, the abbreviated notation introduced
in Sect. 4 [following (4.43)] is used. The designation of the left-hand sides of (8.4h 2 by Fe(B')
and Ge(B'), instead of Fe(B',..) and Gc(B',..), is in accord with our previous notational'agreement.
Sect. 8. Basic principles for shells: I. Direct approach. 481

ities and assigned director couple, respectively. The resultant assigned force
Fb (&') and the resultant assigned director couple Gb (&') acting on the part .9 of
the Cosserat surface rrl at time t are defined by the surface integrals
Fb (&') - ) eIda, Gb (&') j e Zda (8.6}

over .9 in the present configuration, where (! = (! (O'x, t) is the mass density of ~

defined by (4.}6) and the area element dais given by (4.19} 2 • In view of (4.37) it
is evident that the vector fields I and Zhave, respectively, the physical dimensions
of force and couple per unit mass, namely
phys. dim. I= [ M~2 ] = [LT-2], phys. dim. Z= [ ML~r-2 ] = [L2 T-2]. (8.7)
We assume that all forces and couples are continuously distributed. 3 The
assigned force I and the assigned director couple Z, each per unit mass, act
throughout an arbitrary part .9 of rrl in the present configuration; and the contact
force N and the contact director couple M, each per unit length, act across the
boundary o&' of .9 in the present configuration at time t. It is convenient to
record here the rate of work by these contact and assigned forces and couples in
the form R(&') = Rc (.9) + Rb (&'),
Rc(&') =I (N. v +M. w) ds, Rb(&') =I e(l. v +l. w) da. (8.8)
8~ ~

We now introduce some additional quantities which we associate with the

motion of the Cosserat surface rr/. We assume the existence of a scalar potential
function per unit mass e = e (811., t), called the specific internal energy. The surface
integral r! (&') =I (! e da (8.9)

defines the internal energy for each part .9 in the present configuration. We also
introduce a scalar field r =r({JIX, t) per unit mass per unit time, called the specific
heat supply (or heat absorption); and the heat flux, across a curve with the unit
normal v, by the scalar 4 h =h(()IX, t; v) per unit length per unit time. The integral 5
H(&') =I(! r da- I h ds, (8.10)
~ ()~

where o&' is the boundary of .9, defines the heat per unit time entering the part
.9 of rrl in the present configuration. The first term on the right-hand side of
(8.1 0) represents the heat transmitted into the surface by radiation and the second
term the heat entering the surface by conduction.
The kinetic energy :£ (&') for each part .9 of rrl in the present configuration
is defined by :£(&')=I l (! (v. v +ot w. w) da (8.11)

which includes a contribution lot w · w per unit mass due to director velocity
w, the coefficient ot=ot(O") being independent of time but possibly a function of
surface coordinates. We also define, for each part .9 of rrl in the present con-
a The terminology of director force and assigned director force was used in [1965, 4] for
M and I, respectively, in place of director couple and assigned director couple. The latter
terminology, adopted here, seems to be more suggestive.
' The use of the symbol h here is temporary and need not be confused with that in (4.30).
' Alternatively we can introduce the heat flux by a vector field q = q (00', t) such that
q · v=h. The negative sign in (8.10) is in accord with the usual convention, since q · v<O
at points where heat is entering the surface through the boundary curve. Here, our rand q
are the two-dimensional counterparts of q and -h (in a three-dimensional theory) employed
by some writers; see, e.g., Sect. 79 of TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 9].
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 31
482 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 8.

figuration, the integrals 8

the linear momentum: !£ (&J) = J ev da,

the director momentum: ~ (&J) = J ert w da, (8.12)


the moment of momentum: Jl (&J) = J e.91 da,

where d=rxv+dxrtw. (8.13)
Further, let A(&J) represent the sum of the resultants of the supply of moment
of momentum Ab(&l) due to f, land the flux of moment of momentum A.(&J)
due to N, M. Then,
A(&l) -Ab (&J) +A. (&l),

Ab(&l) = f [rxef+dxe l] da,
A.(&J) = f (rxN +dxM) ds. (8-14)

We also admit the existence of a vector field 7 m=m(Ocx, t), an intrinsic (or
surface) director couple per unit area of 11 which makes no contribution to the
supply of moment of momentum; the physical dimension of m is
phys. dim. m = [M~2r-2 ] = [MT-2], (8.15)
i.e., a physical dimension of couple per unit area. Recalling (8.6) 2 , we define the
combined resultant director couple due to el and m for each part &l of rc in the
present configuration as
G~ (&l) = f (el-m) da = Gb (&J)- f m da. (8.16)
~ 11'
Having disposed of the foregoing preliminaries, we are now in a position to
state the conservation laws (or principles) for a Cosserat surface. With reference
to the present configuration, these conservation laws may be stated in the forms s

:e Je da=O,

:t f e v da =Fb(&l) +F.(&l),
:t f ertwda=G;(&J)+G.(&l),


:t Je .91 da=Ab(&l) +A.(&J),

:t f e[e+ ~ (v·v+rttv·w)]da=R(&l)+H(&l).

6 The director momentum !lJ(BI') in (8.12) 2 has the dimension of moment of momentum,
since d was specified to be dimensionless. In other theories of directed media, where d more
conveniently may be defined to have the dimension of length, the expression corresponding
to !lJ(BI') would have the dimension of linear momentum.
7 In contrast to the contact force N and the contact couple M, m does not depend on the
unit normal v.
8 Apart from minor variations in form, these conservation laws may be regarded as the
two-dimensional counterparts of those in the three-dimensional theory of directed media with
a single deformable director: ERICKSEN (1961, 1], GREEN, NAGHDI and RIVLIN (1965, 3].
See also, in this connection, Sect. 127 of TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 9] which contains an
interesting approach to the conservation laws for linear momentum and linear director
momentum in the context of ERICKSEN's theory of liquid crystals [1961, 1].
Sect. 8. Basic principles for shells: I. Direct approach. 483

The first of (8.17) is a mathematical statement of conservation of mass, the

second that of the linear momentum principle, the third that of the director
momentum, the fourth is the moment of momentum and the fifth represents the
balance of energy for a Cosserat surface. The left-hand sides of the last four in
(8.17) represent, respectively, the rate of increase of the linear momentum, the
director momentum, the moment of momentum (including ordinary momentum
and director momentum) and the total energy, i.e., the sum of internal and kinetic
Assuming that e 1s continuously differentiable and recalling (5.66), from
(8.17h we obtain

which holds for each part fl1 in the present configuration. Hence follows

i! +e 'YJ~ =i! +e(v'\x -b~ v3) =0 (8.18)

as the spatial form of the continuity equation for the Cosserat surface in contrast
to the material form of the continuity equation expressed by (4.42). We postpone
the derivations of other local field equations as consequences of the remaining
conservation laws in (8.17) and consider first some additional thermodynamical
preliminaries. However, in anticipation of certain future results, we introduce
here vector fields f and i defined by
f=f-v, i=l-rxw. (8.19)
In (8.19), j is the difference of the assigned force f and the acceleration vector v
of the surface d and i is the difference of the assigned director couple l and the
inertia term due to the director velocity.
{3) Entropy production. We introduce now further thermodynamic prelimi-
naries. Let the temperature field be denoted by () = () (()'", t) which we assume to
have positive values, i.e.,
and define a scalar field per unit mass 'YJ ='YJ (0<", t), called the specific entropy.
The surface integral
£'(.c?P) = J e'YJ da (8.21)

defines the entropy of a part .c?P in the present configuration and we define the
production of entropy per unit time in a part .c?P (in the present configuration) at
timet by
T(.c?P) = :tIe
'YJ da- [
Je~ da-
I~ ds],
T(.c?P) =fey da,

where the scalar y per unit mass is the specific production of entropy. The quantity
rj() in (8.22) 1 is the entropy due to radiation entering .c?P and
is the flux of entropy due to conduction entering g; through the boundary o.c?P.
484 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 8.

For a given Cosserat surface f'(f, it is convenient to speak of a thermodynamic

process or simply a process if the set of twelve functions consisting of the vector
functions.,. and din (5.1), the scalar function 'YJ and the mechanical and thermal
fields !m, 1:, 18, namely
!m={N,M,m}, X={e,O,h}, IB={f,l,r} (8.23)
as functions of oa. and t and with {N, M, h} being also dependent on v, satisfy all
conservation laws in (8.17). We speak of an admissible process if the set of func-
tions !m and 1: in (8.23h, 2 are specified by constitutive equations (characterizing
the thermo-mechanical behavior of a given material) which hold at each material
point oa. and at all times. We return to the above terminology in Sect. 9 and
amplify the remarks concerning a process and an admissible process.
Recalling (8.22h, we now postulate the inequality
FG,O (8.24)
which we require to be valid for every admissible process describing the motion
and the thermo-mechanical behavior of the Cosserat surface. 9 The entropy
production inequality (8.24) is the two-dimensional counterpart of the Clausius-
Duhem inequality (in the three-dimensional theory) and is a statement of the
second law of thermodynamics. 10 The inequality (8.24) will be viewed as a con-
dition to be satisfied identically by every admissible process which describes
the motion and the material behavior of the continuum. Thus, it will narrow the
class of all admissible processes and will place restrictions on the functions in
(8.23}1 , 2 to be specified by constitutive equations.
y) Invariance conditions. Previously, in Sect. 5, we have considered motions
of a Cosserat surface which differ from (5.1) only by superposed rigid body
motions and have also obtained the transformation relations for various kine-
matical quantities under such superposed rigid body motions. We consider now
important invariance conditions to be satisfied by various dynamic and thermo-
dynamic quantities when the position vector .,.+ and the director d+ are specified
by (5.36).
Preliminary to our consideration of invariance conditions, we make certain
observations regarding (5.36h and its characteristic features. It is clear from
(5.36h that {T+, t+} and {T, t} are related by rigid transformations combined with
a time shift. An immediate consequence of (5.36h is that for each time t and
corresponding to any two material points (say oa. and 0 0a.} of the Cosserat surfacef'(/,
the magnitude of the relative displacement l.,.(oa.) -T(00a.)i remains unaltered:
IT+(Oa.) _.,.+(ooa.}i = 1.,. (Oa.) _.,. (oOcz)i ·
Hence, (5.36)1 is distance (or length) preserving and it follows that the element
of area of the surface d and therefore its mass density e remains unaltered under
the transformation. We have already seen in Sect. 5 that the relationship (5.36} 1
9 The point of view adopted here is that currently used in the three-dimensional theory
of continuum mechanics. For a more detailed treatment of the basic concepts in thermo-
dynamics of deformable media, we refer the reader to Chap. E of TRUESDELL and ToUPIN
[1960, 14] and to Sects. 79-81 of TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 9].
10 There is some discussion in the current literature regarding the limitation of (8.24) or a
more general form for the entropy inequality, but these need not affect our limited use of the
inequality (8.24) here. In later sections, we shall appeal to (8.24) only in the context of elastic
materials. Moreover, although our subsequent developments are carried out within the frame-
work of a thermodynamic theory, most of the results without much effort can be specialized
to the isothermal or the purely mechanical theory. Thus a reader who prefers to avoid the use
of the inequality (8.24) should be able to do so easily.
Sect. 8. Basic principles for shells: I. Direct approach. 485

induces certain transformations on various kinematic scalar or vector fields and

that some of these transform according to formulae of the type

v+= v. v+=Q(t) v. (8.25)

where V and V stand for a scalar and a vector field and Q(t) is the proper ortho-
gonal tensor appearing in (5.36). 11 However, not all kinematic quantities trans-
form according to (8.25) and this is plainly evident from (5.45), (5.51) and (5.55) 4 •
The foregoing remarks parallel corresponding observations that can be made
regarding the characteristic features of superposed rigid body motions in the
(non-polar) three-dimensional theory. In particular, since the relationship (7.7)
between the position p+ and p is distance preserving, volume elements and there-
fore the mass density e* remain unaltered under the transformation (7.7).
In order to motivate the invariance conditions sought, we deviate briefly
from our main task and consider the nature of invariance conditions under
superposed rigid body motions in the context of the classical three-dimensional
continuum mechanics. Confining attention for simplicity to the purely mechanical
theory, we recall that the mechanical fields which enter the linear momentum
and the moment of momentum principles in the three-dimensional theory are the
stress vector t =t(O', t; n) and the body force f* =/*(0', t) per unit mass; the
latter is defined throughout a region of space occupied at timet by a corresponding
material region of the body f!4 while the former is defined over the boundary
surface of the region in question at time t, with n as its outward unit normal
vector. Consider now a second motion of f!4 which differs from the given one at
time t only by superposed rigid body motions. The second motion imparts a
change in the orientation of the body, so that the outward unit normal vector
to the same material surface (in the present configuration) becomes n+ under
superposed rigid body motions; and, by virtue of (7.7), n+ is related ton through
n+ =Q n. Further, let f+ =f+(fJ', t; n+) denote the stress vector in the second
motion acting on the surface (in the present configuration) whose unit normal
is n+. Because the transformation (7.7) is distance preserving, we expect the
stress vector t+ (i) to have the same magnitude as t (which acts on the surface
whose unit normal is n) and (ii) to have the same orientation relative to n+ as t
has relative to n. These remarks, in mathematical terms, can be stated as
f+(fJ 1, t; n+) =Q(t) t(O', t; n); and hence, under superposed rigid body motions,
the stress vector transforms according to (8.25) 2 •
To examine the manner in which f* transforms under superposed rigid body
motions, we make use of the linear momentum principle (from the three-dimen-
sional theory) which holds for every motion and for each part 9'ia of the body f!4;
and, in particular, compare a statement of this principle for two motions, one
specified by pin (4.6) and another by p+ in (7.7) at timet. We observe that these
two motions differ by only superposed rigid body motions and that the comparison
in question is sought with reference to the same region of space (in the present
configuration) at time t. For this purpose let 9'i~ and 9'i~ refer to two different
materials rgions of the body f!4 with at least one material point in common.
Further let 9'i~ and 9'i~ occupy the same region of space at time t designated by 12
# with the common material point coincident in the present configuration at
11 In addition to the mass density noted above, examples of kinematic quantities which
transform according to (8.25) under superposed rigid body motions are a, a,0cc and 'IIX· See
(5.54h, (5.55) 23 and (5.38h.
12 Our notation here for &'Jj. and &'_i is temporary and in line with that adopted in Sect. 4
[following (4.42)].
486 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 8.

timet. The linear momentum principle corresponding to the motion (4.6) and for
the part 9}, in the present configuration may be stated in the form 13

Je*v*dv=fe*f*d v+ ftda. (8.26)

~ ~ a~

Similarly, we may write

J e*+ v*+ dv = J eu f*+ dv + J t+ da' (8.27)

~ ~ a~

corresponding to the motion (7.7) and for the part 9~ in the present configuration.
But, since t+ transforms by (8.25) 2 , the last integral in (8.27) can be written as

f t+ da =Q f t da =Q f e*(v* -/*) dv, (8.28)

a~ a~ ~

where (8.26) has been used. Substitution of (8.28) into (8.27) yields
Q J e*(v* -f*) dv = J e*+(v*+ -f*+) dv ~Q(v* -I*)= v*+ -f*+, (8.29)
~ ~

since (8.29)1 holds for each part f) and since e* transforms according to (8.25) 1 •
Thus, (8.29) 2 provides the relation between f*+ and f* under the distance pre-
serving transformation (7.7).
Returning to our main objective, we first observe that the mechanical fields
(corresponding to the stress vector and the body force per unit mass of the three-
dimensional theory) in the theory of a Cosserat surface under consideration are
specified by {N, M} and {f, l}. Each of the vector fields Nand M depends on the
unit normal vector v [defined by (8.2)] which transforms by (8.25) 2 under super-
posed rigid body motions. By an argument which entirely parallels that for the
stress vector in the paragraph preceding the last, we can motivate the manner in
which the curve force vector Nand the curve director couple Mare affected when
a second motion of f(J differs from (5.1) only by superposed rigid body motions.
In this way, we arrive at the conclusion that both N and M must transform
according to (8.25) 2 under the transformation (5.36)1 • Consider next the conser-
vation law (8.17) 2 • With the help of (5.66) and after invoking (8.18), (8.17) 2 can
be written in the form

,J e v da ,J e Ida+'"J N ds'

which is the analogue of (8.26) for the Cosserat surface. By repeating the steps
between (8.26)-(8.29) but now applied to the last equation, we arrive at the
conclusion that j defined by (8.19h must transform according to (8.25h. In a
similar manner, by considering the conservation laws (8.17) 3 , 4 and remembering
also that the director transforms by (5.36) 2 , we can motivate the manner in
which the vector fields m and i defined by (8.19) 2 must transform under superposed
rigid body motions (5.36). The above background consideration fortheinvariance
requirements can be extended to thermal fields. For example (as in the three-
dimensional theory), we expect such scalar fields as the specific internal energy,
entropy, temperature and the heat flux h to remain unaffected by superposed
rigid body motions.
13 In this form the conservation of mass is already invoked.
Sect. 8. Basic principles for shells: I. Direct approach. 487

The foregoing discussion was intended to serve as background and motivation

for invariance conditions under superposed rigid body motions which we now
!t =e. h+ =h, (8.30)
e+ =e, r;+ =r;, ()+ =0, (8.31)
N+ =Q(t) N, M+ =Q(t) M, m+ =Q(t) m (8.32)
r+=r, f+=Q(t)f, l+=Q(t) l. (8.33)
These conditions may be viewed as physical requirements-consistent with the
conservation laws-imposed on certain physical quantities when the motion of
the Cosserat surface differs from (5.1) only by superposed rigid body motions.
In subsequent developments, we shall frequently encounter functions and fields
[such as those in {8.30)-(8.33)] whose values are scalars and vectors and which
obey transformation laws of the type (8.25). For brevity we may refer to such
functions and fields as objective. 14
It is clear that the requirements (8.30)-{8.33) impose restrictions on the class
of admissible functions characterizing the thermo-mechanical response of the
material; however, we have imposed no restrictions relating to any symmetry
that the material may possess. Finally, we may adopt the terminology of equiv-
alent processes often employed in the three-dimensional theory of continuum
mechanics. Thus, recalling that a process is specified here by the motion of the
Cosserat surface, the entropy r; and the functions WC, % and ~ in {8.23), we say
two processes are equivalent if the motions are related by (5.36) and if the tem-
perature and the various functions in {8.23) are related by the transformations
(8. 30)-(8. 33)

<5) An alternative statement of the conservation laws. Starting with the balance
of energy (8.17) 5 which holds for every motion of the Cosserat surface, we include
here a derivation which shows that three of the conservation laws, namely
{8.17)1 2 4 , can be deduced from the energy balance together with the postulated
invariance requirements (8.30)-(8.33) under superposed rigid body motions. 15
Such a derivation, apart from any intrinsic value that it may have, is often
useful in the construction of a dynamical theory of the type under consideration
(or for other generalized continua) and provides some insight into the nature of
the conservation laws.
Consider first a special motion of the type (5.36), namely one for which
Q(t)=I, Q(t)=O. (8.34)
Recalling (5.45) and (5.52} 1 , we see that the superposed velocity v+ and the
superposed director velocity w+ in the above special motion include those which
may be obtained from the linear transformations of the forms
V--+V +b, b = const,

u The use of the term objective here is different from the corresponding usage by many who
appeal to the principle of material frame-indifference and thus allow Q to be an orthogonal
tensor and regard (5.36h as a change of frame. For a discussion of differences between in-
variance requirements under superposed rigid body motions and the requirements demanded
by the principle of material frame-indifference, see TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 9].
15 The invariance requirements (8.30)-(8.32) must be utilized in the development of
constitutive equations for all materials and are not additional assumptions in any complete
488 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 8.

the first of which corresponds to a superposed uniform rigid body translational

velocity of the continuum while the director velocity w remains unaltered.
Moreover, the fields
e. r, h, e, N, M,j, l
all remain unchanged under the above transformation, in view of (8.30)-(8.33).
On the other hand, the kinetic energy (8.11) and the rate of work expressions
(8.8k 3 become 16
:Yt -+:Yt +b. I e v da+i(b. b) e da,
& &
Rb-+Rb+b. I elda, (8.37)

Rc-+ Rc + b · J N d s,
since b is a constant vector. Also,
d<ff dC

(dd~ -Rb) -+(dd~ -Rb) +b · [d~ J e v da- J e Ida] (8.38)

+ 21 (b. b) dt.
e da.
& &

Thus, if in the balance of energy (8.17h we replace v and w by the transformations

(8.35) and keep in mind (8.37)-(8.38), then after subtraction we deduce

b·{:t f evda- felda- I Nds}+ ~(b.

& & a&
b) :t I
eda=O, (8.39)

which holds for all arbitrary b. By replacing b by fJ b, fJ being an arbitrary scalar,

from (8.39) we obtain the Eq. (8.17h for conservation of mass and

:t f evda- felda- f Nds=O,

& & a&

which is the conservation law (8.17) 2 •

Next, consider a motion of the type (5.36) in which the position r+ is related
to r by rotation alone whileD in (5.39) is a constant tensor, i.e.,
r+ =Q(t) r, d+ =Q(t) d, D=D0 = const. (8.41)
In this case, corresponding to (5.47),
Q(t) =Do Q(t), Q(t) T=Q(t) T Dl = -Q(t) T D0 , Q(t) =D~ Q(t), (8.42)

v+ =Q v +Q r =Q v +Do Q r,
v+ =Q v +2D0 Q v +D~Q r,
and the kinetic energy per unit mass due to velocity v+ is
}v+.v+=}(Qv+D0 Qr) · (Qv+D0 Qr)
= i v · v +v · QT D0 Q r + }(D0 Q r) · (D0 Q r)
16 In (8.37)-(8.38) and again in (8.52)-(8.53), for brevity we have used the symbols~ and :f
in place of the integrals in (8.9) and (8.11).
Sect. 8. Basic principles for shells: I. Direct approach. 489

with similar expressions for w+, w+ and t oc. w+ · w+ which we do not record here.
We now observe that
0 0 (8.45)
Hence the quantity QT D0 Q which occurs in the second term on the right-hand
side of (8.44) is independent of time and is equal to its initial value D0 for all
time. For later reference, we record here the identities
D0 Qv · Qv=QT D0 Qv · v=D0 v · V=O (8.46)
2D0 Q v · D0 Q T+mQ T · Qv=2D0 Qv ·D0 Q T+D0 Q T -DijQv
=D0 Qv ·D0 QT,
where in obtaining (8.46) we have made use of (8.45). By (8.33) 2 , (8.43) and
r =Q(f-v) +v+ =Q I +2DoQ v +D3Q T,
r. v+ =I· v +I· QT Do Q T +[(Do Q v). (Do Q T) + (D3 Q T). (Do Q T)]

with similar expressions for l+ and l+ · w+. Also, in view of (8.18) and recalling
(5.66), we have

:t f e[~ (Do Q
T) · (D0 Q T) da l
=I e[(DoQv). (DoQT) +(D3QT). (DoQT)] da,

where the quantity in the square bracket on the right-hand side of (8.49) is the
material time derivative of the third term on the right-hand side of (8.44).
Consider now a special case of the motion (8.41) with Q corresponding to
(5.46) so that (5.48) holds. Then, the superposed velocity v+ and the superposed
director velocity w+ of the special motion under consideration are given by the
linear transformations (5.57) 1 and (5.59h which correspond to a superposed
uniform rigid body angular velocity, the continuum occupying the same position
at time t. Under these transformations, the fields (8.36) all remain unchanged,
in view of (8.30)-(8.33). Keeping the results (8.44)-(8.49) in mind, with the use
of identities of the type
(w0 XT) · V =Wo · (T XV), V XV==: 0 (8.50)
and the temporary notation
if'"= (w0 xv) · (w0 XT) + (w0 Xw 0 XT) · (w0 XT)
+oc.[(w0 xw) · (w0 xd) +(w0 Xw0 xd) · (w0 Xd),
we see that the rate of the kinetic energy and the expressions for Rb and Rc trans-
form according to
df ~ ----
d f + w · -d
dt 0 dt
f n
.91 da + f n
if'" da ,
!1' !1'

f e[TXI+dxl] da+ f eirda,

Rb~Rb+wo ·
!1' !1'

Rc~Rc+w0 J(TXN +dxM) ds,

490 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 8.

since ro0 is a constant vector. Also,

d<ff d<ff
dt dt '

(da"':" -Rb)-+ (da"':"- Rb) +wo · {:t fed da -Ab.}.



Thus, if in the balance of energy (8.17)s, we replace v and w by the transforma-

tions (5.57) 1 and (5.59) 1 and use (8.52)-(8.53), then after subtraction and since
w0 is a constant vector we arrive at the conservation law (8.17) 4 or equivalently

:t Jedda- I e[rxf+dxl] da- J(rxN+dxM)ds=O,

&' &' 8&'

where dis defined by (8.13) and we have used (8.14) in writing the right-hand
side of (8.54).
In the foregoing derivation, the conservation of mass in the form (8.17) 1 ,
(8.40) and (8.54) have been deduced with the use of the invariance requirements
(8.30)-(8.33) and the balance of energy (8.17)s. This clearly shows that the four
conservation laws (8.17) 1 2 4 5 are equivalent to the balance of energy and the
invariance requirements uri.der superposed rigid body motions. 17
s) Conservation laws in terms of field quantities in a reference state. The con-
servation laws (8.17) have been stated with reference to the present configuration
and in terms of field quantities which are measured per unit length, per unit
area or per unit mass of 6 in the present configuration. For certain purposes, it
is more convenient to have available a statement of these conservation laws in
terms of field quantities which are measured per unit length, per unit area or
per unit mass of the material surface of'(/ in a reference configuration.
Although the basic structure of the conservation laws (8.17) remains un-
altered, certain modifications are necessary in the definitions of some of the field
quantities. We assume, in what follows, that a reference configuration of the
Cosserat surface is specified by (5.2) and do not insist that it be necessarily an
initial configuration. However, in order to simplify the notation as much as
possible, we continue (i) to refer to each part g;'lf of the Cosserat surface by ,90
as in (4.36), (ii) to identify the material surface of'i&' in the reference configuration
by !/ and (iii) to designate the mass density in the reference configuration by eo.
Now, let C be a closed curve on the reference surface !/which becomes a curve c
on 6 in the present configuration, let erx= ()rx(S) be the parametric equations of
17 The idea of this manner of obtaining the conservation laws from the balance of energy
and the invariance requirements under superposed rigid body motions was evidently known
to ERICKSEN (see the final remark in his [1961, 1] paper on liquid crystals). An explicit
derivation of this kind in the context of the three-dimensional theory of continuum mechanics
was first given by GREEN and RIVLIN [1964, 3], where Cauchy's equations of motion and the
local equation for conservation of mass are derived from the balance of energy and the in-
variance requirements under superposed rigid body motions. Although the spirit of our
development in Subsect. c'J) is patterned after that given by GREEN, NAGHDI and WAINWRIGHT
[1965, 4] for a Cosserat surface, the method of derivation differs somewhat from that in
[1964, 3] and [1965, 4].
The conservation law for the director momentum in the form (8.1 7) 3 cannot be deduced
from the balance of energy and the invariance requirements under superposed rigid body
motions. In their derivation of the field equations via the energy balance and the invariance
requirements, GREEN, NAGHDI and WAINWRIGHT [1965, 4] did not explicitly state a separate
postulate for the integral form of the director momentum principle but assumed a local form
of the equations of motion for the director couple which can be deduced from (8.1 7) 3 •
Sect. 8. Basic principles for shells: I. Direct approach. 491

the curve C with S as the arc parameter and let

0 v= 0v" A"= 0v" A" (8.55)
be the outward unit normal to C lying in the surface Y. Formulae analogous to
(8.1}-(8.3) hold also for 0v and the unit tangent vector 0l to ConY.
We introduce here a contact force and a contact director couple, each of
which acts across c on (l but is measured per unit length of ConY. Thus, the
three-dimensional vector field RN= RN(()", t; 0v} defined for points r on c and
measured per unit length of C will be called a contact force if the scalar RN · v
is a rate of work per unit length of C for all arbitrary velocity fields v. Similarly,
the three-dimensional vector field RM = RM(()<t, t; 0v} defined for points r on c
and measured per unit length of C will be called a contact director couple if the
scalar RM · w is a rate of work per unit length of C for all arbitrary director
velocity w. It is clear that the above definitions for RN and RM are analogous to
that of the Fiola-Kirchhoff stress vector in the classical three-dimensional theory.
In terms of RN and RM and the notation of (4.36), the resultant contact force
and the resultant contact director couple exerted on the part &'if of the Cosserat
surface at time t are defined by the line integrals
J RN dS'
.r RM dS'

the integration being over the boundary 8.9'0 of .9'0 in the reference configuration.
Also, let Rh= Rh (()", t; 0v} be the heat flux per unit time, acting across a curve c
on (l but measured per unit length of C in the reference configuration. The line
(8. 57)

where 8.9'0 is the boundary of .9'0 , defines the heat per unit time entering the
surface by conduction.
The expressions (8.56) and (8.57) in terms of RN, RM, Rh define resultants
which parallel the line integrals in (8.4) and (8.10). In a like manner, we introduce
now a vector field Rm= Rm (()", t) as an intrinsic (surface) director couple per
unit area of Y. The remaining field quantities were defined previously [Sect. 9,
Subsect. 1X)] per unit mass and hence require no new definition. The only modi-
fication occurs in the surface integrals such as those in (8.6) and (8.8)a, where now
e da is replaced by eo d.E and the integration is over .9'0 in the reference con-
figuration. With the above background, the conservation laws (8.17) can be
easily rewritten and expressed in terms of field quantities in the reference state
as follows:

Jt I eo d.E = o, :t- I
eo v d.E =I eo I d.E +I RN dS'
Ef', Ef', i!Ef',

:t I
eo IX w d.E= I (eo l- Rm) d.E+ I RM dS'
~ i!~

f eo d d.E= I (1·
xeof+d X eo l) d.E+ f
iJ Ef',
(rxRN+d xRM)dS' (8.58)

:tJeo[e+ ~ (v·v+IXw·w)]dE=Jeo(f· v+l·w+r)dE

Ef', Ef',

+ f (RN v + RM ° 0
w- Rh) dS 0

iJ Ef'.
492 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 9.

The conservation of mass expressed by (8.58) 1 is equivalent to (4.36). The re-

maining four conservation laws in (8.58), in the order listed, correspond to the
last four of (8.17).
For completeness, we also record here the entropy production corresponding
to (8.22) in terms of the field quantities in the reference state. Thus, the production
of entropy per unit time in a part of ((/ at time t and measured relative to the
reference configuration is defined by

and satisfies the inequality (8.24).

9. Derivation of the basic field equations for shells: I. Direct approach. We
derive in this section the basic field equations for a Cosserat surface from the
conservation laws of the previous section. As the local form of the conservation
of mass has been already given by (8.18), we shall be concerned with the remaining
four conservation laws, namely (8.40), (8.54), (8.17) 3 and (8.17) 5 • First we deduce
the basic field equations in vector form, using an invariant vector notation, but
subsequently we record these equations in terms of tensor components. In these
general results, a vertical bar stands for covariant differentiation with respect
to the surface metric tensor a«fJ; however, in the latter part of this section dealing
with linearized field equations and the basic equations in a reference state, a
vertical bar denotes covariant differentiation with respect to A«fJ of the reference
oc) General field equations in vector forms. Consider an arbitrary part of the
material region of the surface of((/ which is mapped into a part fYJ of the surface d
in the present configuration at time t. Let fYJ be divided into two regions &I_, fYJ2
separated by a curve fl on 6 in the present configuration (see Fig. 1). Further let
a~. 8fYJa refer to the boundaries of fYJl, fYJz, respectively; and let 8(!JJ', 8{!/J" be
the portions of the boundaries of~. fYJ2 such that 8fYJ' = 8{!/Jl () ofYJ, 8(!JJ'' =8fYJ2 () ofYJ.
The above description can be summarized as follows:
fYJ= &i u fYJ2, o{!/J= ofYJ'u 8(!JJ". 8fYJ1 = 8fYJ'u /1, 8(!JJ2 = 8fYJ"u 11· (9.1)

~ p

Fig. 1. A part of the surface d divided into two regions separated by a curve p

Application of the principle of linear momentum (8.40) separately to the parts

&I_, fYJ2 and again to fYJ1u fYJ2 in the present configuration yields

:t f (!Vda- f f!fda- f Nds=O,

11', 11', 89',

:t Jevda- Jefda- JNds=O


11', 9', 89',

Sect. 9. Basic field equations for shells: I. Direct approach. 493


The curve force vector N in (9.2) 1 acting over the boundary 8.9i (in the present
configuration) is due to forces exerted by the material on one side of the boundary
(exterior to &i) on the material of the other side (.9i). Parallel remarks can be made
for the curve force vector in (9.2) 2 and (9.3). Let v denote the outward unit
normal at a point on p when f1 is a portion of 8 &1 . Then, the outward unit normal
at the same point on p when f1 is a portion of 8&2 is -v. Keeping this in mind
and recalling (9.1 )a 4 , from combination of (9.2) 1 2 we obtain an equation which
must hold also for .9'i u &2 . Comparison of the latter result with (9. 3) gives 18
f[N(v)+N(-v)]ds=O (9.4)

over the arbitrary curve f1 of 3P in the present configuration. Assuming that N(v)
is a continuous function of position and v, from (9.4) we conclude that
N(v) = -N(-v)• (9.5)
an analogue of a familiar result in classical continuum mechanics. According to
(9.5), the curve force vectors acting on opposite sides of the same curve at a
given point are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Fig. 2. An elementary curvilinear triangle on d bounded by coordinate curves and a curve c

Next, consider an elementary curvilinear triangle on ~ (see Fig. 2) bounded

by the coordinate curves ()1, () 2 and a curve c with a unit tangent .A. and an outward
unit normal v defined by (8.1)-(8.2). Let ds and ds" denote, respectively, the
element of arc length of c and each of the coordinate curves ()". Then,
on ()1 and ()2 curves, respectively. The unit tangent vectors to 01 and 02 coordinate
curvesare 19 _A.(ll =a1 (a11)-t and _A.( 2l = -a2 (a 22 )-t. Using (8.2), the outward unit
normal vectors to 01 and () 2 curves are given by


Temporarily we use N(v) in place of N, in order to emphasize its dependence on v.

Here the sign of the unit tangent vector is chosen in accord with the convention that if
one proceeds along a curve in a closed circuit, the area is always kept to the left. This is
consistent with {v, l, a 3 } being a right-handed triad.
494 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 9.

respectively (see Fig. 2). Also,

.Ads= -"t (a11)-t ds1 +a2 (a22 )-t ds 2
=srxf3 Vrx ap ds =[2:rx,{J erxf3 ~vrx(arxrx)t]ds,

where the expression in the square bracket on the right-hand side of (9.8) 2 is
written with the help of (8.3) and (5.63k From (9.8) 1 and (9.8} 2 , we obtain the
relating dsrx to ds.
We apply (8.40) to the elementary curvilinear triangle described above. Over
the curve c with the outward unit normal v the physical curve force vector is
N(v). Let n(l) and n( 2) denote the physical force vectors acting on the sides of the
coordinate curves with the outward unit normals a 1J(a11)l and a 2J(a 22 )i, respec-
tively, so that by (9.5) the physical force vectors on the opposite sides of the
coordinate curves [corresponding to the outward unit normals (9.7)] are - n(1)
and - n ( 2). Assume that the fields (} v and (}I are bounded and that N is a con-
tinuous function of position and v. Next, estimate the surface integrals in (8.40)
and apply the mean-value theorem to the line integral. Then, in the limit, as the
point under consideration (the vertex of the curvilinear triangle in Fig. 2) ap-
proaches the boundary curve 20 c:
N(v) ds-n( 2) ds1 -n( 1) ds 2 =0. (9.10)
From (9.10}, after use of (9.9), follows the relation
N=N(v) = L; vrxn(rxl(arxrx)t=Nrxvrx,
Nrx =n(rx) (arxrx)t (no sum on Ot),
which also indicates that Nrx transforms as a contravariant surface vector. In
obtaining the above results, the point under consideration was taken to be an
interior point on d. But the argument can easily be extended to hold if the point
is on the bounding curve with a continuous tangent.
Assume now that N is continuously differentiable, (} v and (}I are continuous
and substitute (9.11} 1 into (8.40}. Then, recalling (5.66), using (8.18) and applying
Stokes' theorem to the line integral, we obtain
f [e(v -I) -Nrx1rx] da =0, (9.12}

which holds for each part f?J of the Cosserat surface. Hence, from the vanishing
of the integrand follows the local equations of motion
Nrxlrx +(}I=(} V' (9.13)
where a vertical bar stands for covariant differentiation with respect to arxf3.
Next, turning to (8.54}, with the help of (9.11) 1 we write the line integral
containing the term r X N as
J (r xN) ds = J (rxNrx vrx) ds = f (r xN') rx da
8/P 8@ @

= f (rxNrx1rx+arxxNrx) da.
20The argument in obtaining (9.10) parallels that in three-dimensional continuum
mechanics. See, for example, Sect. 203 of TRUESDELL and TouPIN [1960, 14].
Sect. 9. Basic field equations for shells: I. Direct approach. 495

By use of (9.14) and (9.13), as well as (8.18), (8.54) can be reduced to

J(aa.xNa.+edxi)da+ JMds=O, (9.15)

fl' afl'
where we have used (8.19) 2 and where we have introduced the field M, which has
the physical dimension of couple per unit length:

M=d XM, phys. dim. M= [ ML~ r-2 ] = [MLT-2]. (9.16)

Recalling (9.1), (8.4) 2 and (8.16), from the application of the director mo-
mentum principle (8.17h to the parts g'J1 , g'J2 and again to .9i v g'J2 we can deduce
the result 21
Since the contact director couple M(v) depends on the unit normal v, the vector M
in (9.16) 1 also depends on v. Moreover, as the director field d does not depend on v,
it follows that
Let m<1l, m<2l denote the physical director couple vectors (associated with
.lU=M(vJ) acting on the sides of the coordinate curves whose outward unit normal
vectors are a 1 j(a11)*, a 2/(a 22 )t; and let m<1 l =d xm<1l, m<2l =d xm< 2l be the
corresponding physical quantities associated with M = M(v). Assume d X e i is
bounded and that d xM (and therefore M) is a continuous function of position
and v. Then, with the help of (9.17) and by an argument similar to that which led
to (9.11), the application of (8.17) 3 to an elementary curvilinear triangle yields
M=M(vJ, Ma.=m<a.l(aa.a.)t (no sum on oc), (9.19)
and we also conclude that

Ma. =m(<X) (aa.a.)t =d xM<X =d xm(<X) (a<Xa.)t (9.20)

(no sum on ~X),

in view of (9.16) 1 . Assume now that M is continuously differentiable and that

d X e lis continuous. After introducing (9.20) into (9.15) and transforming the
line integral into a surface integral by Stokes' theorem, there follows the equation
as a consequence of the moment of momentum principle. Similarly, after introduc-
ing (9.19) 1 in (8.17) 3 , recalling (5 .66) and making suitable continuity assumptions,
transforming the line integral into a surface integral and using also (8.18), we
deduce in the usual manner the second set of equations of motion:

as a consequence of the director momentum principle. In view of (9.22), (9.21)
can also be written as
21 The argument leading to (9.17) is entirely similar to that used in obtaining (9.5). It
should be evident that a statement paralleling that made following (9.5) is applicable also to
(9.1 7) if we replace the word "force" by "director couple".
496 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect.9.

We consider next the energy balance (8.17)s. Recalling (5.66), using (9.11) 1
and (9.19) 1 , and after invoking (8.18), (9.13), (9.22) and rearranging the result,
we reduce the energy balance to

f [er-e e+N"' · v cx+m · w+M"' ·W "'] da- f h ds=O. (9.24)

9 ' ' 89

Assuming that the integrand of the surface integral is bounded and that h is a
continuous function of position and v, by repeated application of (9.24), first to
~, ,9J2 and ~ u ,9J2 defined in (9.1) and then to an elementary curvilinear triangle
on d, we get 22
h =h(v) = -h(-v)• (9.25)
together with
where h( 1l, h( 2l are the values of the flux of heat across the coordinate curves
whose outward unit normals are a1f(a11)l, a2f(a2 2)l and q«=q«(()Y, t) are the
contravariant components of the heat flux vector
Substituting (9.26) 1 into (9.24), making the appropriate continuity assumptions
and transforming the line integral into a surface integral, we finally obtain
er-q«1"'-ee+P=O, P=N"' · v,"'+m · w+M"' · w,cx· (9.28)
The scalar Pin (9.28) may be called the mechanical power and corresponds to the
stress power in the three-dimensional theory of continuum mechanics.
As the above energy equation is not in invariant form, we consider now the
previous argument about uniform superposed rigid body angular velocity, the
continuum occupying the same position at timet. From (9.26)c(9.27) and (8.30) 2 ,
it follows that under superposed rigid body motions q and q« transform according
to (8.25) 2 and (8.25h, respectively. Keeping this in J:llind and recalling (8.30)-
(8.32), then under superposed rigid body motions at time t in which the values
of Q and Qare specified by (5.48), we again obtain (9.23) and the local energy
equation is st 11 given by (9.28) 1 but with Pin the invariant form
P=N"'·Jtcx+m· (T-d"'Jtcx)+M"'· (T,"'-A~"''Ip) (9.29)
=N'"' · ""' +m · T+M"' · T,"',
where various kinematic results of Sect. 5 [including (5.57) 2 and (5.59)] have been
used and where we have introduced the notation
While the above expression for N'"' is a convenient notation, it should be noted
that the only values of (9.30) which occur in (9.29) 2 , namely in the term
N'"' · ""' =N'"'. 'f}p"' afl,
are the symmetric components
N'"'fJ =i-(N'"' · afl +N'fi ·a"'). (9.31)
The conservation of mass (8.18), the equations of motion (9.13) and (9.22),
the Eq. (9.23) [or equivalently (9.21)] and the energy equation (9.28) 1 are the
22 The arguments here again parallel those used previously in obtaining (9.5) and (9.11).
Sect. 9. Basic field equations for shells: I, Direct approach. 497

basic field equations for a Cosserat surface. Each of these five sets of equations
is a necessary and sufficient condition for the respective conservation laws
stated in (8.17). For completeness, we also obtain here a local entropy production
inequality. Recalling (8.24), we introduce (9.26) 1 into (8.24) and after transforming
the line integral into a surface integral, we obtain the local inequality

(! () y = (! () ~- (! r + q'\x - tf' ~'f- ~ 0 , (9-32)

which is deduced with the help of (8.18). From combination of (9.32) and the
energy equation (9.28)1 follows the inequality

-e s+e e~+P-qa. 00a. ~o. (9.33)

With reference to the terminology of a process (or a thermodynamic process)

introduced in Sect. 8, we now observe that to define a process it is sufficient to
prescribe the nine functions r, d, 'fJ and those in (8.23)1 , 2 such that {9.23) is satis-
fied. The remaining three functions (8.23) 3 can then be determined from (9.13),
(9.22) and (9.28)1 • Also, in order to specify an admissible process it is sufficient
to prescriber, d and 'fJ (as functions of position and time) and to specify the fields
(8.23h 2 by constitutive equations consistent with (9.23). Then, to each such
choice' of r, d and 'fJ, there corresponds a unique admissible process since the
functions (8.23) 3 can be so chosen that the field equations (9.13), (9.22) and (9.28)1
are satisfied. Moreover, since (8.24) was postulated to hold for every admissible
process, it follows that the inequality (9.33) will serve to restrict the class of
admissible processes or equivalently the constitutive equations which describe
the thermo-mechanical behavior of the material. In this connection, we note that
(9.23) is regarded also as a restriction on the constitutive equations.
The energy equation (9.28) 1 , which involves the specific internal energy e, can
be written in terms of an alternative thermodynamic potential, namely the specific
Helmholtz free energy. For this purpose, we introduce a (two-dimensional) Helm-
holtz function per unit mass 1p =1p (ea., t) by
1p=B-'fj(}. (9-34)
By use of (9.34), the energy equation (9.28) 1 can be expressed as

e r -qa. 1" -e ((}~ +0 'fJ) -e ,P +P=O (9-3 5)

and when this is combined with (9.32), we obtain the inequality

(J.+P -qa. o~
B.a. '-O ' (9-36)

where P is given by (9.28) 2 or the invariant form (9.29) 2 • The remarks made
following (9.33) refer to the energy equation (9.28h and the entropy inequality
in the form (9.33) and when the entropy 'fJ is regarded as an independent ther-
modynamic variable. If, on the other hand, the temperature () (as a function of
position and time) is regarded as the independent thermodynamic variable (in
place of 'f}) and the energy equation (9.35) and the inequality (9.36) are employed
instead of (9.28h and (9.33), the previous remarks [following (9.33)] require only
a minor modification. In particular, in order to specify an admissible process, it
will be sufficient to prescriber, d and() (as functions of position and time) and to
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 32
498 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 9.

specify the mechanical fields (8.23h. as well as1p, 'YJ and the components of heat
flux q«, by constitutive equations consistent with (9.23). 28
{J) Alternative forms of the field equations. The elegance and the simplicity
of the foregoing derivation does not display the relative complexity of the results.
For this reason and for future use, we now deduce the basic field equations in
tensor components. The contact force Nand the contact couple M, when referred
to the base vectors a,, can be written as
N=N'a,=N'xa<X+N3 aa, M=M'a,=M<Xa<X+M3 aa. (9.37)
Similarly, the assigned force f, the assigned couple land the surface couple m
can be expressed as
Since .N<X in (9.11h transforms as a contravariant surface vector, we can put24
Also, by (9.37)1 ,
where N<XY and N<XS are surface tensors under the transformation of surface
coordinates. In a similar manner, since Mt' in (9.19)1 transforms as a contra-
variant surface vector, we can set
and by (9.37) 2
where M<X Y and M<XB are surface tensors under the transformation of surface
coordinates. It is also clear that M defined by (9.16) and M<X in (9.20}1 may be
expressed as
the components M<X Y and M<XB being surface tensors under the transformation of
surface coordinates.
To obtain the equations of motion (9.13) in component form, consider the
scalar product of (9.13) with afJ and again with a 3 and deduce
(af1 · N<X) 1<X-.N<X · af11<X+e(f-v) · af1=o,
(as ·N<X),<X -N<X • aa1<X +e(f-v) · aa =o.
Introducing c' for the components of the acceleration vector by
C=V=c'a• (9.46)
and using (9.40) and (4.13) 2 , 3 , from (9.45) we deduce
N<XfJI<X -b~N<XB+e fll=e cf1, N<X 3 1<X +b<XfJ N<XfJ +e f=e c3 • (9.47)
23 The results in Subsect. Ot) can be easily specialized to the isothermal or the purely
mechanical theory. For the isothermal theory with the heat flux q<X=O, r in (9.28h or (9.35)
is a specified function in order to balance the energy equation.
2' Our notation for the order of superscripts Oti in N<Xi (and also in M<Xt to be introduced
presently) differs from that used by GREEN, NAGHDI and WAINWRIGHT (1965, 4]. The above
notation also differs from that used by GREEN and NAGHDI [1967, 4] but is in agreement
with a number of subsequent papers, e.g., [1968, 7] and [1971, 6].
Sect. 9. Basic field equations for shells: I. Direct approach. 499

In an entirely similar manner, using (9.42) and (9.39), we obtain from (9.22) the

where [i are the components of lin (8.19) 2 referred to the base vectors a;, i.e.,

In an analogous manner, from (9.23) we have
[cicc N"i+di mi+) M"i]=O ' (9.50)
or equivalently
s{Jrx[N"fJ+mfJd"+MYfJ A~y]=O,
(9. 51)
N" 3 + (m 3 d" -m" d3) +MY 3 A".y -1~1Y" .A.3.y =0 '
where siim and s{Jrx are defined by (5.43) and (5.63) and the components of A~"
are given by (5.28). In order to obtain the energy equation in terms of the tensor
components of the various quantities in (9.28) 1 or (9.35), it will suffice to record
here the expression for P in the form

P= N'rxfJ 'YJrx{J +mid; +M"i lirx> (9.52)

where N'"fJ defined by (9.31) can be written as
N'"fJ =N'fJ" =N"-fJ -m" dfJ -MY"- A~y· (9. 53)
The above expression is equivalent to (9. 51 )1 .
The various field equations derived in this section, including the component
forms (9.47)-(9.48) and (9.51) of the equations of motion, were obtained pre-
viously. 25 Although GREEN, NAGHDI and WAINWRIGHT did not postulate a director
momentum principle corresponding to (8.17)a, in the course of derivation they
assumed the local equation (9.22) from which (9.48) 1 2 result. Without such an
assumption, the right-hand sides of (9.48) 1 2 would 'be zero and the resulting
theory would be too restrictive for a Cosserat surface. Earlier in Sect. 4, we called
attention to a paper of ERICKSEN and TRUESDELL which contains a general
development of the kinematics of oriented media; this paper also includes a
derivation of equilibrium equations for shells by direct approach. 26 In the context
of an oriented surface, the equilibrium equations given by ERICKSEN and TRUES-
DELL are incomplete or restrictive; 27 and this is mainly because their basic
principles do not include a director momentum principle corresponding to (8.17) 3 .
However, if their basic principles are supplemented by (8.17)a [or equivalently
(9.22)], then their equilibrium equations can be shown to be of the same form as
(9.47)-(9.48) and (9.51). 28
2 5 GREEN, NAGHDI and WAINWRIGHT [1965, 4]. The equations of equilibrium contained
in the paper of CoHEN and DE SILVA [1966, 2], apart from a generality resulting from the
fact that they admit a triad of deformable directors at each material point of their directed
surface, are similar to (9.47)-(9.48) and (9.51).
26 Sects. 24-27 of ERICKSEN and TRUESDELL [1958, 1]. This derivation of equilibrium
equations for shells may also be found in Sect. 212 of TRUESDELL and ToUPIN [1960, 14].
2 7 The equilibrium equations of ERICKSEN and TRUESDELL are of the type obtained in
Sect. 10 for the restricted theory.
2s In this connection and with reference to Sect. 26 of the paper by El'tiCKSEN and TRUES-
DELL [1958, 1], we may note that their notations S, F, M, L correspond, respectively, to our
N, (!{, dxM, dX(!l.
500 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 9.

y) Linearized field equations. Previously, with reference to the linearization

of the kinematical results for a Cosserat surface (Sect. 6), it was assumed that all
kinematic measures such as erxfJ• X;rx and y;, as well as their derivatives with
respect to the surface coordinates and time, are of O(s). These must now be
supplemented by additional assumptions in a complete infinitesimal theory. Thus,
let () 0 and rJo refer to a standard temperature and entropy in the (initial) reference
configuration and also assume that the vector fields Nrx, Mrx, m are all zero in
the reference configuration. We further assume that Nrx, Mrx, m (or their com-
ponents) when expressed in suitable non-dimensional forms, as well as their
derivatives with respect to the surface coordinates, are of O(s); and that (0 -00 )/00
and ('f} -rJ 0 )frJo and their derivatives are O(s).
Recalling the linearization procedures of Sect. 6, we again avoid introducing
additional notations but now regard Nrxi, Mrxi, mi, etc., as well as() and rJ (measured
from their reference values), as infinitesimal quantities of O(e). As a result of
linearization, all tensors are now referred to the initial undeformed surface and
covariant differentiation is with respect to Arxp. It follows that in the Eqs. (9.47)-
(9.51) each term is O(s) and that b"-P' d;, A;rx must be replaced to the order e by
BrxfJ• D;, A;"-' respectively. We omit the details which involve a straightforward
calculation and merely record the linearized versions of (9.47)-(9.51) as follows:
N"-P 1"- -B! N"- 3 +eoFP =0, Nrx 3 1rx +Brx{J NrxP+n~::0 F 3 =0 • (9.54)
M«Pirx- B~ Mrxa +eo LfJ = mP, (9.55)
e{Jrx [NrxP+mP D«+MrP A('J.]
=0 '
N« 3 +(m 3 D«-mrxD 3 )+M"~ 3 Arx
-M"~«A 3·"I =0 ,
where eprx was introduced previously in (6.30), the vertical bar in (9.54)-(9.55)
and in the rest of this subsection stands for covariant differentiation with respect
to A "-P, all quantities are now referred to the base vectors A; of the initial Cosserat
surface and the notations Fi and V stand for the components of the vector fields j
and lin (8.19) referred to the base vectors A;, i.e.,
Fi=f·Ai, Li=l·A;. (9.57)
Also, upon linearization, (9.53) becomes
N'rxfJ =N'Pa =N«P -mrx DP -Mrrx A~r· (9.58)
Before recording the linearized energy equation, we note that the heat flux It
in the infinitesimal theory assumes the form
where Qrx defined by (9.59) 2 are the components of the heat flux vector per unit
length (in the reference configuration) per unit time and 0v« are the components
of the outward unit normal 0v = 0vo: Arx to the (}«-curves on the reference surface
!7. By virtue of the assumptions stated above and in view of (9.52), the energy
equation (9.35) becomes

eo r - Q('J./rx -eo (() ~ +'f} o) -eo ~ + p = 0,

P=N'rxfJ erx{J +miy'•·+Mrxiir,.'rx,
where N'rxP is given by (9. 58) and the infinitesimal kinematical quantities in (9.60) 2
are defined by (6.18). At this point the energy equation (9.60) 1 still contains terms
Sect. 9. Basic field equations for shells: I. Direct approach. 501

of up to O{e 2) such as 'YJO and those in P. However, as will become apparent later
(in Chap. D), these terms will cancel others resulting from 1jJ; and the final linearized
(residual) energy equation, after linearization of () iJ term, will only contain terms
of O(e) in line with the linearized versions of the other field equations.
It is instructive to discuss briefly special cases of Eqs. (9.54)-(9.58). Consider
first the special case in which the initial director is along the unit normalA3 speci-
fied by (6.21). In this case, A;" are given by (6.22) 2 3 and corresponding to the
alternative set of the kinematic measures (6.22)-(6.23),'we introduce the variables 29
V" =N" 3 =Dm"+DB~ MY 3 +Mil" D,il•
V 3 =Dm3 -D Brxil M"il +D,rx Mcxa.
The first of (9.62) satisfies (9.56) 2 while in terms of the above variables (9.58),
which satisfies (9.56) 1, becomes
N'"il =N'ilrx =N"il +MY" Be. (9.63)
The equations of motion (9.54)-(9.55) can then be written in the more compact
N"illrx -B~ V"+eoFil =0, V"t rx +Brxil &rxil+no:O pa=O • (9.64)
M"illrx +eo fil = Vil' (9.65)
where we have put
We now further specialize the above alternative forms of the equations of
motion to the case in which the initial director D is of constant magnitude and
coincident with the unit normal A 3 . With D =1, the distinction between .M"a.i
and Mrxi, fi and Li disappears while (9.62)-(9.63) and (9.56) 1 reduce to
V"=Nrxa=mrx+BrxMra va=ms-B Mrxil
Y ' rxil ' (9.67)
N'rxil =N'ilrx =Nail +Mra Be
Ep" [Nail - B~ MYil] = 0. (9.68)
Then, the equations of motion (9.64)-(9.65) can be expressed as 30

Naillrx-B~ va+eoFil=O, vata+BailNail+eoFs=o, (9.69)

Maillrx +eo Lil = Vil' M"ala +eo V = va. (9.70)
Also, with reference to the energy equation (9.60), we observe that the expression
for P can be expressed in an alternative form when D=A3 • Thus, in terms of
the kinematic variables erxil• (!;a• Y; in (6.24), P becomes
where we have used the definitions (9.67).
29 [1968, 6] and [1970, 7]. The variables (9.61)-(9.62) are of special significance in regard
to the classical linear theories of shells and plates. At this stage the forms of these new variables
can be easily motivated from the energy equation (9.60) with the help of the alternative
kinematic measures (6.22)-(6.23).
ao The equations of motion (or equilibrium) in the linear theory of a Cosserat surface, either
in the general forms (9.69)-(9. 70) or their special cases, have been used in a number of recent
papers, e.g., [1967, 4], [1967, 6] and [1968, 6]. A special case of the variables (9.61)-(9.62)
and the Eqs. (9.64)-(9.65) with Brxil = 0 have been employed in the application of the theory
with initial variable directors to plates of variable thickness [1971, 6].
502 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 9.

We close this subsection by making an observation regarding a special case of

(9.69)-(9.70) in the linearized theory of an initially flat Cosserat plate for which
(6.26) holds. In this case (9.67)-(9.68) reduce to

Hence, for a flat Cosserat surface, N"' 3 and m"' are identical, N"'fJ is symmetric
and the equations of motion (9.69)-(9.70) become
N"'Pla. +eoFP =O, M"'al"' +eo La= va, (9.73)
M"'l\. +eo LfJ = VfJ, V"''"' +eo Fa =O. (9.74)
Evidently the variables occurring in the above equations separate into two sets,
namely {N"'fJ, V 3 , M"' 3 ; Ff1, V} and {M"'fJ, Vf1; P, Lf1}, and this is analogous to
the separation of the kinematic variables in (6.25), as discussed following (6.26).
In fact, as will become apparent later, the former set governed by the equations
of motion (9.73) is associated with the extensional motion while the latter set of
variables governed by the equations of motion (9.74) is associated with the
flexural motion of the Cosserat plate.
b) The basic field equations in terms of a reference state. The various forms of
the field equations in this section deduced from the conservation laws (8.17)
involve field quantities which are measured in the present configuration. We now
proceed to obtain the counterparts of these results from the conservation laws
(8.58) which involve field quantities measured in the reference configuration.
First, we observe that by arguments similar to those used earlier in this section
[Subsect. ~)], we can readily deduce the results
RN= RNI'- oV"', RM= RM"' oV"', (9.75)
Rh=Rq"'oVa.=Rq 'oV, Rq = Rq"' A"' , (9.76)
where Rq"'= Rq"'(()Y; t) are the contravariant components of the heat flux vector
Rq defined by (9.76) 3 . The relation (9.75) 1 is the counterpart of (9.11), while
(9.75) 2 and (9.76) follow from the conservation laws (8.58) at a stage comparable
to that where (9.19) and (9.26) were obtained from those in (8.17). Next, making
smoothness assumptions similar to those made in obtaining (9.13) and using
(9.75) 1 , from (8.58) 2 we obtain the local equations of motion in terms of RNI'-:
RN'1a.+eol=eo v, (9.77)
where now the vertical bar stands for covariant differentiation with respect to
Aa.p of the reference surface. The remaining field equations are obtained in a
similar manner from the last three of (8.58). Thus, in place of (9.22), (9.23) and
(9.28) we now have
RM"'t"'+ l?o l= Rm, (9.78)
aa.xRN"'+d xRm+d."' xRM"'=O, (9.79)
(Jo r- Rq"'ta.-(lo e+ RNI'-. V,ot+ Rm. w+ RM"'' W,ot=O (9.80)
and we emphasize that the vertical bar throughout the present subsection stands
for covariant differentiation with respect to A"'p· Also, from (8.59) and (8.24), the
entropy production inequality in terms of the field quantities in the reference
state is given by
Sect. 10. Basic field equations of a restricted theory: I. Direct approach. 503

By use of (9.34), from combination of (9.80) and (9.81) follows the inequality

- (!o ip- (!o 'YJ 0+ RP- R£f 00a ;;;; 0' (9.82)
The inequality (9.82) is the counterpart of (9-36) and the mechanical power Rp
is the counterpart of (9.28h in terms of the reference state.
The structure of (9.77)-(9.80) is entirely analogous to that of the field equations
(9.13), (9.22), (9.23) and (9.28). The field equations in terms of a reference state
and in tensor components can be obtained from (9.77)-(9.80) but we do not
consider these in detail here. We note, however, that if we put

and also refer f, v, l to the reference base vectors A;, then the equations of motion
in tensor components resulting from (9.77)-(9.78) will be similar in forms to the
equations of motion (9.47)-(9.48).
It is of some interest to obtain the relations between the field variables
RNa, RMa, Rh and 'NIX, Ma, h which are measured in the present configuration. For
this purpose, recall the expression for the resultant contact force as defined by the
line integrals (8.4) 1 and (8.56) 1 . Their integrands, by use of (9.11), (9.75) 1 and for-
mulae of the type (8.1)-(8.2), can be expressed as

N ds=Naya. ds=at ea.fJ Na ).fJ ds=al ea.fJ Na d()fJ,

RN dS= RNa oYa. dS =At ea{J RNa 0)..fJ dS=AI ea.{J RNa d()fJ,

where ea.fJ is the permutation symbol defined in (5.63) and where 0 )..fJ are the com-
ponents of the unit tangent vector to the curve C lying in the reference surface.
Since for a given Cosserat surface in the present configuration, the resultants
(8.4) 1 and (8.56) 1 must be the same, it follows that N ds= RN dS and hence by
(9.85) and {4.41) we have

Similar results hold between Ma. and R~• between q"- and R¢'" and between m
and Rm. The latter follows from the fact that m da= Rm dE. For later reference,
we summarize the last results as

where we have also used (4.42).
10. Derivation of the basic field equations of a restricted theory: I. Direct
approach. Our derivation of the field equations by a direct approach in Sects. 8-9
is founded on the concept of a Cosserat surface whose basic kinematic variables
are the position vector r and the director d. As already mentioned in Sect. 5
[Subsect. y)], other developments by direct approach in which a director is not
admitted are possible. For example, we may consider a material surface embedded
in a Euclidean 3-space and construct a theory in which the basic kinematic
ingredients are the position vector of the surface and suitable first and higher
504 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 10.

order gradients (with respect to the surface coordinates) of the position vector. 31
Although we do not undertake a general development of this type in this section
or even a special case in which the basic kinematic variables are the position
vector r and the gradient 32 r ot (giving rise to velocity and velocity gradient
v ot =viot a'), we consider a restricted theory which bears on the classical theory
of shells. 33
In the developments of the restricted theory we retain, of course, the principles
(8.17h 2 but replace the remaining conservation laws with a different set. For
this purpose, we need to introduce certain quantities not defined previously. Let
a (tangential) vector field M=M(()ot, t; v) with components .Mr =M. a'~' be
defined for points r on the boundary curve c of the part (lJJ of 11. If for all arbitrary
angular velocity fields w
[defined in (5.61)], the scalar M· t(, is a rate of work
per unit length, then M is called a contact couple (or a curve couple) vector per
unit length of 34 c. Further, let a (tangential) vector field i = i ((}ot, t) per unit mass
with components z'r = l · a'Y be defined for points r on the part (lJJ of 11. Then, if
the scalar l · is a rate of work per unit mass for all arbitrary angular velocities
w, l is called an assigned couple per unit mass of 11. The resultant contact couple
Gc([l}J) and the resultant assigned couple Gb over a part (lJJ in the present con-
figuration are defined by

Similarly, corresponding to (8.14), the sum A([l}J) of the supply of moment of

momentum Ab ([l}J) due to the assigned force and the assigned couple, each per
unit mass, and the flux of moment of momentum Ac ([l}J) due to the contact force
and the contact couple, each per unit length, is defined by
A(.P') =Ab (.9') +Ac (.9'),
Ab(&) = J [rxe I +a3 xe l] da, Ac([l}J) =I (r xN +a3 xM) ds.
@ 8@

We also record below the expression for the total rate of work by the contact
force and the contact couple and by the assigned force and the assigned couple
in the form
R([l}J) = Rc ([l}J) + kb ([l}J),
Rc([l}J) =I (N · v +M · w) ds, kb([l}J) =I e(f· v +l· w) da.
8@ @
31 A theory of this type, concerned with a deformable surface with simple force multi-
poles in which 'I' and its first and second gradients ('~',ot• '~',otfi) are taken as the basic kinematic
variables, has been developed by BALABAN, GREEN and NAGHDI [1967, 1]. A similar theory,
but less general than that in [1967, 1], is given by CoHEN and DE SILVA [1966, 1] who have
subsequently modified their analysis [1968, 2]. The work of CoHEN and DE SILVA in [1968, 2]
may be compared wifu a special case of the results in [1967, 1], called the restricted theory of
simple force dipoles. Also, SERBIN [1963, 13] has considered an exact linear (isothermal)
theory of an elastic surface by direct approach; but, in early stages of his analysis, he assumes
a strain energy function for the linear theory which is too restrictive.
3 2 A direct theory in which 1' and '~',ce are regarded as the basic kinematic variables will
obviously have some overlapping features with that of a Cosserat surface; but, in general
the two theories are different in character.
33 In the existing literature, however, the classical theory is often derived from the
linearized three-dimensional equations.
3 ' The use of the term contact couple is justified in view of the physical dimension of w.
Sect. 10. Basic field equations of a restricted theory: I. Direct approach. 505

It is clear from the above definitions and the physical dimension of that llf w
and i have, respectively, the physical dimensions of couple per unit length and
couple per unit mass, namely

phys. dim. M = [ ML~ r- 2 ] = [MLT-2],

phys. dim.l = [~L~T- 2 ] = [P y-2].
Having disposed of the above preliminaries, we begin the development of the
restricted theory under consideration by adopting (8.17) 1 , 2 supplemented by

:e .f
e(rxv) da=Ab(&) +Ac(&),

:t J(e + -}v · v) da =R(&) +H(&),



which are stated with reference to the present configuration of the surface. The
conservation laws (10.5) 1 , 2 represent, respectively, the balance of moment of
momentum and the balance of energy in the restricted theory. 35 They should be
contrasted with (8.17k 5 ; and we note that (8.17) 3 has no counterpart here, since
the director is not admitted in the restricted theory. ,
In place of the invariance condition (8-32) 2 we now require that Mbe objective.
Similarly, since moment of momentum due to angular velocity is excluded,
instead of (8.33) 3 we require that l be objective. To summarize, it follows that the
invariance conditions under superposed rigid body motions in the restricted
theory consist of (8.30)-(8.31), together with
N+=Q(t)N, M+=Q(t)M (10.6)
r+=r, j+=Q(t)j, i+=Q(t) l. {10.7)
By (5.66), (8.18) and (9.13)-(9.14), (10.5) 1 can be reduced to
(a"' xN"'+e a 3 xl) da +
J a 3 XM ds =0. (10.8)

Using the temporary notation M(v) in place of M (in order to emphasize its
dependence on v), in the same manner that (9.5) and (9.17) were obtained, we
can deduce the result a 3 X [ M(v) + M( -v)] = 0. But since M(v) is a tangential vector
field, it follows that
Let ffl,(l), m(2) denote the physical couple vectors acting on the sides of the co-
ordinate curves whose unit normal vectors are a1 f(a11 )~, a 2f(a 22 )t, respectively.
Then, with the help of (10.9), application of (10.8) to an elementary curvilinear
triangle on ~ (Fig. 2) yields
3 5 In writing (10.5). the contributions of the moment of momentum and of the kinetic
energy due to the angular velocity have been excluded. These contributions are usually absent
in the classical (approximate) theories derived from the three-dimensional equations. Their
omission here does not lead to an essential limitation; they can be easily included if desired.
506 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 10.

With the use of (10.10) and under suitable continuity assumptions, from (10.8)
we obtain the equation

a"'xN"'+a3 xe l+(a3 XM"')Icx=O (10.11)

or equivalently
a"' X (N"'- b~ MY) +aa X (llfcxlcx + e l) = 0, (10.12)
as a consequence of the moment of momentum principle (10.5) 1 •
We now turn to the energy balance (10.5) 2 which, with the help of (8.8) and
(9.13), can be reduced to

J [er-ee+N"' · v ' "'+M"' · w ' cxJ da

&' (10.13)
+ f (M"'1cx+e l) · wda- J h ds=O.
&' a&'

Before proceeding further, we indicate a simplification which can be effected in

(10.13). To this end, consider the scalar product of (10.11) with a3 xw and obtain

By use of the formulae for scalar triple product and vector triple product of vectors,
U · (VxW) = (UxV) · W, (UxV) xW= V(U · W)- U(V · W), (10.15)
the various terms in (10.14) can be reduced as follows:

(aa XM"')Icx. (aa xw) = [(aa,cx xM"' +as xMcx,cx) xaa] . Ua

= [Mcx(a3 ,"' · a3) -a3 ,a(M"' · a3)
+M"'Ia(a3 • a 3) -a3 (M"'I"' · a 3] • a

=.M"',"'. w' (10.16)

(a3 xel) · (aaxw)=e[Z(a3 ·a3)-a3 (l·a3)] ·a3 =el·w,

(a"' xN"') · (a3 xw) = [N"'(a"' · a3) -a"'(N"' · a3)] · a3
= - (N"' · a 3) (a"'· a3) =N"' · (v3 "' a 3),

where temporarily we have recalled (5.61) and we have used (4.11) 1 , 2 and (5.10).
Substitution of (10.16) into (10.14) results in

The combination of the term N"' · v,a. in the first integral of (10.13) and the terms
in the second integral, in view of (10.17}, yield N"' · vY"' aY and the energy balance

which is the counterpart of (9.24) in the present development. The results (9.25)-
(9.27) still hold and, after making the appropriate continuity assumptions, from
(10.18) we obtain
Sect. 10. Basic field equations of a restricted theory: I. Direct approach. 507

It is convenient at this point to write (10.11) in component form. Since M

and i are tangential vector fields and since Ma. by (10.10) transforms as a contra-
variant surface vector, we have

Then, recalling (9.40), from (10.11) we obtain the equations of motion
MY\, -Na. 3 +e za. =0, epa. [Na.fJ -MYfJ b~] =0. (10.21)
The set of Eqs. (10.21) are the counterparts of (9.48) 1 and (9.51) 1 in the restricted
theory. 36 We also observe here that the differential equations of motion (9.47) and
(10.21) 1 can be easily written in alternative forms by elimination of Na. 3 • Thus,
substituting for Na. 3 from (10.21)1 into (9.47) 1 , 2 , we obtain

Na.fJla. -~ _Mya.1, +e JP =0, _Mya.Jya. +ba.p Na.fJ +e f3 =0, (10.22)

where we have set
Returning (10.19), as in Sect. 9, we now use the argument about uniform
superposed rigid body angular velocity, the continuum occupying the same
position at time t. Recalling that the fields which occur in (8.30)-(8.31) and
(10.6)-(10.7) [as well as qa.] are unaltered under such superposed rigid body
motions, with the use of (5.17) 1 and (5.62), we again obtain (10.21) 2 and the local
energy equation in the invariant form
er -q«1a. -e +P=O,
P=Nx. 'Ia.+ Mrz. ;,a.aA (10.24)
=Na.fJ'Yl"la.{J _i.Ja.ybya.•
where we have introduced the notation
and where Na.fJ which satisfies (10.21) 2 is given by
}va.P=jyPa.=l (Nx. aP+NP · aa.)
=Na.P +My a. b~ =NfJa. +MYP b~.
It is clear that the only values of Na.fJ =Na. · aP which are present in (10.24) 2 are
the symmetric components NCa.fJl. Also, the components Na. 3 =N« ·Us do not
occur in the energy equation and will be absent from an inequality resulting from
combination of (10.24h and (9.32). Moreover, since b,a. is symmetric, it follows
that only the symmetric part of Ma., occurs in the energy equation (10.24) 1 • We
may therefore replace Ma.y in (10.24) by M(a.y). This completes our derivation of
the basic field equations of the restricted theory. They consist of the continuity
equation (8.18), the equations of motion (9.47) and {10.21) [or equivalently (10.22)
36 Eqs. (9.48) 2 and (9.51) 2 have no counterparts in the restricted theory. Had we included

the moment of momentum due to the angular velocity in (10.5), instead of(! lin (10.11) we
should have (! (l-.,i,) representing the difference of the assigned couple vector per unit mass
and the inertia term due tow.
508 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 11.

and {10.21)] and the energy equation (10.24) which can also be expressed in terms
of the specific Helmholtz free energy. 37
Before closing this section we observe that the linearized version of the above
field equations can be obtained in the same manner as the linearized field equa-
tions of a Cosserat surface in Sect. 9 [Subsect. y)]. In particular, all quantities
are referred to the base vectors A;, covariant differentiation is with respect to
Ao;p and the components of M:x and l are now defined through

M"=M ·Ay, b=i ·A,.. M«=if«,. A,.. {10.27)

The linearized versions of (10.21) then become

11{«,.,,. -Nd +eo l« =0, (10.28)

Bpo;[N«P_if,.p B~]=O, (10.29)
where the notation Bo;p =Ai e«P was introduced previously in (6.}0). Similarly,
the linearized equations of motion corresponding to (10.22) can be obtained from
(10.28) and (9.54). Also, the energy equation in the restricted linear theory can
be written as
eo r-Q«I«-eoe +N«P e« 11 +M«"~,.« =0. (10.30)
In (10.30), Q« is defined in (9.59), N«P is of the form (10.26) with be replaced by
ne and x,.« [which can be obtained from the linearization of (b«P -Bo;p)] is given
by the symmetric ~xpression in (6.24). Again, since x,.« =x«,., we may replace
M«,. in {10.}0) by Ml«,.l.
11. Basic field equations for shells: II. Derivation from the three-dimensional
theory. Prior to our derivation of the basic field equations for shell-like bodies
from the three-dimensional equations of the classical continuum mechanics, we
need to recall some preliminary results from the three-dimensional theory for
non-polar media and also define certain resultants, including stress-resultants
and stress-couples. Since our developments are carried out in the context of a
thermodynamic theory, we also recall the Clausius-Duhem inequality and obtain
its analogue for shells. as
oc) Some preliminary results. A (three-dimensional) shell-like body fJI with its
boundary surface ofJI [specified by (4.14)-(4.15)] is defined in Sect. 4, where the
relation of the material surface~ =0 to the bounding surfaces (4.14) 1 2 is fixed
by the condition (4.20). Let 39 &a" refer to an arbitrary region of the material
87 These field equations can be brought into correspondence with those of the restricted
theory of simple force dipoles; see Sect. 8 of the paper by BALABAN, GREEN and NAGHDI
[1967, 1].
88 Our developments in this and the next section follow largely GREEN, LAws and NAGHDI
(1968, 4] and GREEN and NAGHDI [1970, 2] and to some extent NAGHDI (1964, 4] and GREEN,
NAGHDI and WENNER [1971, 6]. The thermodynamic results are mainly those obtained in
[1964, 4] and [1970, 2].
We again remark that there is some discussion in the current literature regarding the
limitations of the Clausius-Duhem inequality or a more general form for the entropy inequality,
but these need not affect our limited use of the inequality (11.20) here. Later, we shall appeal
to (11.20) only in the context of elastic materials. We further remark here that while our
subsequent developments are carried out within the framework of a thermodynamic theory,
most of the results can be easily specialized to the isothermal or the purely mechanical theory.
39 Although the symbol gtJ designating a part of the surface ; = 0 in the present con-
figuration at time t is the same as that used previously [in Sects. 4, 8-9] to designate a part
which the Cosserat surface rl occupies at time t, this need not give rise to confusion. If desired,
the two surfaces may be identified; but we postpone such identifications until later.
Sect. 11. Basic field equations for shells: II. Three-dimensional derivation. 509

surface = 0 which is mapped into a part g> in the present configuration and let
8& denote the boundary of &. Further let &J refer to an arbitrary part of 88
which is mapped into a part &* in the present configuration such that (i) &*
contains &>; (ii) the boundary 8&* of &* consists of portions of the surfaces
(4.14) 1 , 2 and a surface of the form (4.15) at timet; and (iii) the boundary 8&*
coincides with 8& on~ =0. Also, for later reference, let o&: refer to the part of
8&* specified by a normal surface of the form (4.15) so that o&: = 8&* = 8& on
~=0, and let o&n*c=o&*-o&n* refer to the complement of a&: in 8&*.
Recalling that e is a mass per unit area of 5 (the surface ~ = 0 at time t) given
by (4.17), we define the mass of any part&"' by

m (&~) = f eda, (11.1)


where the surface integral is over the part &> of the surface ~ = 0 at time t. Let
m* (&J) denote the mass of a part &J of the shell-like body 88. The mass density
of 88 in different configurations is determined by the motion of 88; it is a relation
between the physical mass m* (&J) and the volume of the region of the Euclidean
space occupied by &J in a given configuration as defined, for example, by the
volume integral in (4.18). From (4.18) and (11.1) follows the relation

A local form of the (three-dimensional) continuity equation has been stated
previously by (4.16). Integration of this equation with respect to~. between the
limits ~ =ex, {3, results in
(! ai = flo A l . (11.3)
The right-hand side of (11.3) is the reference value of (4.17) and

flo= eo (6'1.) = (! wx, 0)

is a mass per unit area of® (the surface~ =Oin the initial referenceconfiguration). 40
Assume that a shell-like body 88 and a motion of [Jj are given. Let if, not
necessarily the same as PP*, refer to an arbitrary part of [Jj in the present con-
figuration and let of# denote the boundary of&. Then, within the scope of non-
polar continuum mechanics, the system of forces acting over any part ~ of the
body [Jj in motion consist of the sum of two types of forces Fb* and F:' defined as
follows: Let f* =f*({i, t) be a vector field, per unit mass, defined for material
points in the region occupied by [Jj at time t; it is called the external body force
or simply the body force. The resultant body force exerted on the part I# at time t
is defined by the volume integral 41
Ft (£?f)= f e* f* dv (11.4)
4° Despite similarity and our use of the same symbols in (11.3) and the continuity equa-
tion (4.42) for the Cosserat surface, we emphasize that these two equations have been deduced
on the basis of different concepts. Clearly, they may be brought into one-to-one correspondence,
but we postpone such identifications until later.
41 Strictly speaking, the left-hand sides of (11.4) and (11.6) should be denoted as F[(9r~)
and F~ (9r~), respectively; however, in order to avoid cumbersome notation, we adopt the
simpler designations on the left-hand sides of (11.4), (11.6) and elsewhere in this section. Our
abbreviated notation which is similar to that in (4.44) should not cause confusion, since it
will be clear from the particular context [e.g., the presence of dv on the right-hand side of
(11.4)] which region of Euclidean space !!I occupies.
510 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 11.

over ~in the present configuration and the element of volume dv is given by
(4.19) 1 • Further, let
(11. 5)
be the outward unit normal vector at the material point on the boundary ofJJ
at timet and let t = t (Oi, t; n) be defined for the material points on the boundary
o# at time t. The vector field 42 t is called the contact force or the stress vector
acting on the part #of f16. The resultant contact force exerted on the part #at
timet is defined by the surface integral
F: (~) = Jt(o•. t; n) da
over the boundary 8~ of~ in the present configuration, where dais an element
of area whose outward unit normal is n.
Under suitable continuity assumptions, the principles of linear momentum
and moment of momentum for non-polar media imply 43 (i) the existence of
a tensor field -,;ii = -,;<i (Ok, t) such that
Tin· ··
t= -gt- ' =1:' 1 n.g.
' 1'

and (ii) the Cauchy equations of motion, which may be expressed as

T',;+e* f* gt =e* v* gt, Y; X Ti =0. (11.8)
In (11.7), -,;ii and-,;} are the contravariant and the mixed components of the stress
tensor and it follows from (11.7) 2 and (11.8) 2 that -,;ii is symmetric, i.e.,
We observe that if n is the outward unit normal to of16, then t(O•, t; n) reduces
to a function of position for points on of16, i.e.,
t =t(()i. t). (11.10)
where tis the surface traction prescribed on the boundary of16.
We introduce the following additional five quantities which we associate
with a motion of the body:
The specific internal energy e* = e* ( t).
The heat flux vector q* =q*(O', t).
The heat supply or heat absorption r* = r* ( t).
The specific entropy 'YJ* ='YJ*(O•, t).
The local temperature 0* = O*(Oi, t) which is assumed to be always positive,
i.e., 0* > 0.
Consider the eight functions consisting of the vector function pin (4.6) which
describes the motion of the body, the body force j*, the surface force Ti (or
equivalently the stress tensor -,;ii) and the five functions defined above. It is
convenient to speak of a thermodynamic process or simply a P1'0cess if the eight
functions are so prescribed that the conservation laws, namely the principles of
42 Often t is denoted by t{n) in order to emphasize its dependence on the unit normal n,
but we omit the subscript n here.
43 GREEN and ZERNA [1968, 9, Chap. 2]. We may observe here that the equivalence of the
conservation laws for mass, linear momentum, moment of momentum and energy and the
balance of energy together with in variance requirements under superposed rigid body motions
can be demonstrated in a manner similar to that in Sect. 8.
Sect. 11. Basic field equations for shells: II. Three-dimensional derivation. 511
linear and moment of momentum and balance of energy, are satisfied for every
part iJ of the body f!6. The internal energy tf*(iJ) of a part fJ and the heat H*(&F}
entering the part '&J per unit time are defined by 44

tf*(iJ) = J e* e* dv' H*(iJ) = f e* r* dv- f q* · n da. (11.11)

1¥ ti 8/¥

Also, the entropy j['*(iJ) of a part iJ of fJ6 and the production of entropy T* per
unit time in a part fJ are defined by

j['*(fJ) = f e* 1}* dv'

f e* y* dv = :t Je* 1J* dv -[J e* ;: dv -1 q~~
1¥ (11.12)
T*(fJ) = n da],
~ ~ ~ ~

where y* is the specific production of entropy, r*j()* in (11.12) is the entropy due
to radiation entering~ and - (q* · n)JO* is the flux of entropy due to conduction
entering fj through the boundary aiJ.
For later convenience, we recall the principle of balance of energy (for non-
polar media) over any part iJ in the form

:t j (e* + ~ v* · v*) e* dv = j (r* +I*· v*) e*dv + j(t. v* -h*) da, (11.13)

the left-hand side of which represents the rate of increase of the sum of internal
and kinetic energies, t · v* and f* · v* are rate of work by surface and body forces,
h*=q* ·n (11.14)
is the flux of heat entering ~through the boundary ofJ and all other quantities
have been defined previously. Making the appropriate continuity assumptions,
recalling (7.27) and using (11.8), we can write the local balance of energy as
e* r* -e i* +-r:'iy?j -q*"nk =0, (11.15)

where q*" and y i i are defined by

q* =q*"g,, (11.16)

and the double vertical line in (11.15) denotes covariant differentiation with
respect to the metric tensor gii' For later use, we record the local energy equation
in the alternative form

e* r* -e* e* +g-i[T' · v~-(q*" gi),k]=O, (11.17)

and note that this equation and (11.15) can also be expressed in terms of the (three-
dimensional) Helmholtz free energy function defined by
'P* = e* - ()* 1}*. (11.18)
u The negative sign in (11.11) 2 is in accord with the usual convention, since q* · n < 0 at
points where heat is entering the surface. The sign convention in (11.11) agrees with that used
by some writers (see, e.g., Sects. 2.7-2.8 of GREEN and ZERNA [1968, 9]) but differs from
that employed by others (see, e.g., Sect. 79 of TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 9]). Our r* and
q* correspond to q and -h in [1965, 9].
512 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 11.

Before stating the Clausius-Duhem entropy production inequality, we briefly

recall certain additional results from the (three-dimensional) theory of the classical
continuum mechanics. The invariance conditions under superposed rigid body
motions are assumed to be the requirements that physical quantities

e*. r*, h* (or q*)' e*, f]*, 0*, "P*' 7i. T:ii• (f*- v*) (11.19)
transform according to (8.25) and are therefore objective. 45 With reference to the
terminology introduced preceding (11.11), a process is said to be admissible if the
set of five functions -r:1i (or 7'i,) e*, 0*, 'YJ* and h* (or q*) are specified by con-
stitutive equations which hold at each material point and for all time. If the
vector function pin (4.6) and either 0* and fJ* are specified, then the body force
f* and the heat supply r* are uniquely determined from (11.8)1 and (11.15),
respectively, while (11.8) 2 [or the symmetry condition (11.9)] is assumed to be
satisfied identically.
The Clausius-Duhem inequality (in the three-dimensional theory) is specified by
T*(~)~o. (11.20)
which we require to be valid for every admissible process describing the motion
and the thermo-mechanical behavior of the body. From (11.20) and (11.12) 2 ,
after introducing the appropriate continuity assumptions, follows the local

Elimination of r* and (q*k gt),k between (11.15) and (11.21) yields the inequality


which in terms of the Helmholtz function "P* becomes

- e('YJ* O* +?jJ*) + -r:•i Yii- q;: o,k ~o. (11.23)

We observe that the left-hand sides of the energy equation (11.15) and the in-
equality (11.22), as well as the left-hand side of (11.23), remain unaltered under
superposed rigid body motions in view of the invariance requirements noted
above. Following a current procedure in continuum mechanics, we regard (11.21)
as a condition to be satisfied identically by every admissible process describing
the motion and the thermo-mechanical behavior of the medium. Thus, (11.22)
or (11.23) will narrow the class of all admissible processes and will place restric-
tions on the constitutive equations to be specified for the five functions -,:<i, e*
(or"P*), fJ*, 0* and q*k.
{3) Stress-resultants, stress-couples and other resultants for shells. We introduce
here the definitions of various resultants of the field quantities which occur in
the three-dimensional equations by suitable integration with respect to ~ between
the limits~=()( (0"') and~ ={J (0"'). First, however, we need the expressions for the
45 See in this connection the earlier remarks made following (8.25). Our use of the term
objective is different from the corresponding usage by many who appeal to the principle of
material frame-indifference which is concerned with invariance under a change of frame
employing orthogonal transformations. For a discussion of differences between invariance
requirements demanded by the principle of material frame-indifference and those under super-
posed rigid body motions, see TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 9].
Sect. 11. Basic field equations for shells: II. Three-dimensional derivation. 513

element of area of the surfaces (4.14) 1 2 • The outward unit normal vector to the
surfaces (4.14) 1 , 2 are: '
n =lf,M1X,1 gi +rx,2 g2 -gs] on ~ =IX (()«) ,
n =fuH -f3,1 Y1 -P,2 Y2 +Y 3J on ~ ={3 ({}«),
where a comma denotes partial differentiation with respect to surface coordinates
and where
l(a) = [(1X,1)2 gn + (rx,2)2 g22 +gsa+ 2 (1X,1 IX,2 gl2 -rx,l gl3 -IX.,2 g23)Ji (11.25)
with an analogous expression for f(lll. The elements of area on the surfaces
(4.14) 1 , 2 are then given by
da =f(a.J gt d() 1 d() 2 on ~=IX(()«),
da =fuJJ gl d(}l d()2 on ~ ={3 ({}«).
In each of the above expressions, g', gii, g are evaluated either at ~=IX (0«) or at
~ ={3 (()«) as indicated. If IX and {3 are constants, then both expressions in (11.26)
reduce to
d a = (g g33)l d ()1 d () 2 (for IX, {3 constants). (11.27)
Recalling (4.17) and (4.21), we put
ekN at= f ~N k d~ (N~2) (11.28)
and note that IX, {3 are not necessarily constants and an integral corresponding to
the right-hand side of (11.28) 2 with N = 1 has been introduced previously in
(4.20). We define two-dimensional body forces and a two-dimensional heat
supply by
II - -
eI at= e zo al = J e* I* gi d~ + [t gl l(fJJ]e=ll + [t gt f(a.)Je=a.
fJ a.
= J e* I* gt d~ + [ -{3,1 TI-(3,2 T2 + Ta]~={J (11.29)
- [ -rx,1 TI -rx,2 T2 + TS];=rv
fJ - -
e zN at= I e* I* gi ~N d~ + [t ~N gl l({JJ]~=II + [t ~N gl l(a.)]~=a.
=I e* I* gt ~N d~ + [~N (- {3,1 Tl- f3,2 T2 + T•)]~=~~ (11.30)
- [~N ( -rx,l Tl-rx,2 T2 +Ta)]~=a.

where fin (11.29)-(11.30) is the prescribed surface load on the surfaces (4.14) 1 , 2 •
Expressions for the stress-resultant and the stress-couples, in terms of the
stress tensor 7:1i or alternatively the stress vector t, can be defined directly using
(11.7). First, however, we need certain preliminaries. Remembering the boundary
surface (4.15), let v be the outward unit normal in the surface 5 (i.e., the surface
~ =0 at timet) to a curve of the form /(81, 82) =0, ~ =0 and let ds denote the
element of arc length of this curve. Then,
v=Ya.a"', y1 ds=atd() 2 , y2 ds=-ald() 1 • (11.32)
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 33
514 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 11.

Also, an element of surface area in a surface of the form (4.15) with outward unit
normal n =n' gi =ni gi is given by
n1 da =gt d() 2 d()S, n 2 da = -gt d()1 d()3,
da = (n1 d() 2 -n2 d0 1 ) gt d()3.
Let N=N(()rz., t; v) and MN =MN(()rz., t; v) denote, respectively, the resultant
force and the resultant couple vectors of order N (N = 1, 2, ... ), each per unit
length of a curve c on of!JJ in the deformed configuration. These resultants are
defined by the conditions
J Nds= ftda, f MN ds= J t~N da, (11.34)
i!fJ' i!fJ': i!fJ' i!fJ':
the integration on the right-hand sides of (11. 34)1 , 2 being over a surface of the
form (4.15) between~ =IX and~ ={J. The above conditions stipulate that the action
of Nand MN on a portion of the curve c is equipollent to the action of the stress
vector t upon a corresponding portion of the normal surface of!JJ! (which as defined
at the beginning of this section coincides with of!JJ on~ =0). Similarly, the re-
sultant heat flux can be introduced through the surface integral involving h*
in (11.13). Thus, the resultant heat flux h =h(()rz., t; v) per unit time entering f!JJ
through the boundary of!JJ is defined by the condition
f hds= J h* da, {11.35)
i!fJ' i!fJ':
which stipulates that the effect of the resultant heat flux h entering f!JJ is equivalent
to the effect of the flux of heat h* entering through a corresponding portion of
the normal surface of!JJ!. We also define the resultants Nrz. and MNrz. (N = 1, 2, ... ),
as well as qx, by

qx at= J q*rz. gt d~. {11.37)
Consider now (11.34) 1 and substitute fort from {11.7) 1 to obtain
f N ds = f g-i Ti ni da = f f (T1 d()2- T2 d()I) d~
~ ~; i!fJ'rz.
= J al(N1d()2-N 2 d() 1) = J Nrz.vrz.ds,
i!fJ' i!fJ'

where (11.33), (11.36) 1 and (11.32) have been used. From (11.38) follows the
relation 46
N=Nrz.vrz.. (11.39)
In a similar manner, we can deduce the results

' 6 This corresponds to (9.11h, but here (11.39) is obtained from the three-dimensional theory
through the condition (11.34h and the definition of the resultant Nrz. in (11.36h.
Sect. 11. Basic field equations for shells: II. Three-dimensi onal derivation. 515

As in (7.1), we assume that the temperature function 0*(0'"", ~. t) at a material

point in the deformed shell is an analytic function of ~ in the region r:t. < ~ < {3.
Thus, with the notation
Cf!o = () = 0 (Orr., t) = O*(Orr., 0, t) (11.41)
we write 47

0* = Cf!o + L ~N Cf!N• (11.42)


where Cf!N are scalar functions of the surface coordinates orr. and t. We also assume
that the series (11.42) may be differentiated as many times as required with
respect to any of its variables, at least in the open region r:~.<;<{3. We complete
our definitions of resultants by introducing the functions e" =e"(Orx, t),
(n =0, 1, 2, ... ) as
e e at = f e* k d~'
fJ (11.43)
ee"ai=fe*k~"d~ (n=0,1,2, ... ), eO=e,

together with the functions rt =rt(Orr., t) and 1p" =1Jl"(()rr., t), (n =0, 1, 2, ... ),
(! rt at= f 'Y)* k ~n d~' 'YJO ='Yj'
fJ (11.44)
e "Pn at= f "P* k ~" d~' "Po =1p.
The relation

"Pn = e"- L 'YJN+n Cf!N (11.45)


follows from (11.18) and (11.41)-(11.43). Our motivation for definitions (11.43)-
(11.45) will become apparent presently.
y) Developments from the energy equation. Entropy inequalities. First, with the
help of the resultants (11.29)-(11.31), (11.34}-(11.35) and (11.43) 1 , we deduce
a two-dimensional energy balance from (11.13). The expression for the kinetic
energy of the shell over PJJ*, using (7.5), {11.28} and (11.2) becomes

t f e* v* · v* dv =if e[v · v +2
~ kN v · wN+ ~ kM+N wM ·wN] da, (11.46)
iJI' N=2 M,N=1

where kN is given by (11.28) 2 and

ekM+Nat=UM+Nkd~ (M~1, N21). (11.47)

We note that kN, kM+N and k defined by (4.21} are functions of 01 , 02 but are
independent of t. The surface integral in (11.13) with o& identified with fJPJJ!,
47 This representation and associated definition for 'r}" in (11.44) were introduced in
[1964. 4].
516 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 11.

using (7.5), (11.36)-(11.37) and (11.39)-(11.40), can be reduced as follows:

f (t · V* -h*) da = f t ·
(v + ~eN WN) da- aa-;f h* da,
aa-; N -1

= ff (T d0 2-T2 d(Jl) · (v +~eN wN) de

o~ N=l

- JJ h*(n1 d0 2-n2 d(Jl)gid;

.. (11.48}
= J(Nrt.·v+ ~ MNrt..wN)v"ds- Jal(qldfJ2-q2 dfJl)
aa- N=l &&'

= J
(N ·v + ~ MN · wN) ds- J qrt. vrt. ds
N=l aa-

= f(N·v+~MN·WN-h)ds.
fJ&' N=l
Also, with the help of (7.5) and (11.29}-(11.31}, it can be readily shown that the
volume integral on the right-hand side of (11.13) with fJ identified with fl/'*
and contributions due to the surface integral in (11.13) evaluated on the surfaces
(4.14} 1 2 may be written as
f e*(r~ +f* · v*} dv+ .f (t · v*-h*) da = f e lr +f · v + ~ lN · wNJda. (11.49)
&'* iJ&':' &' N=l

By use of the results (11.46)-(11.49), as well as (11.43) 1 , the (three-dimensional)

balance of energy (11.13) reduces to

-Je fe(s+ ~ V·V+ ~kNWN·V+ ~ ~ kM+NwM-WN)da

f e r+f. v+ l:lN ·WN da+ f

@ ( N=2 co ) M,N=l( co ) (11.50)
= N. v+ l:MN ·WN-h ds
&' N=l o&' N=l

over fl/' in the present configuration. 48

In what follows, we require generalized forms of the energy equation and the
entropy production inequality and these can be obtained from (11.17) and (11.21).
Let (j)= cf>(O') be a scalar function of the coordinates (Ji. For example, a useful
form of cJ> used below in the development of shell theory is cf>=e" (n =0, 1, 2, ... ).
Now multiply (11.17} by cJ> and integrate over an arbitrary part fl/'* (not&) in
the present configuration. After some straightforward manipulation and using
(11.8), we obtain

-fft .r (e* + ~ v* . v*) e* cp d v = f (r* +I* . v*) e* cp dv

&'* &'*
+ J(t ·v* -q*. n) cf>da (11.51)

. . g-•
f [T'·v*-q*'s·] ,..! i 81/>
oOi dv.
48 The two-dimensional energy balance (11.50) was obtained in [1968, 4]. A less general
result was given previously in [1964, 4]. The derivation in the rest of this section closely
follows that of GREEN and NAGHDI [1970, 2].
Sect. 11. Basic field equations for shells: II. Three-dimensional derivation. 517

Again let 'P='P(fi), a non-negative scalar function of coordinates, be defined

over a part f!IJ* of PA:
'P;;;.o. (11.52)

Multiply (11.21) by 'P/0* and integrate over a part f!IJ* to obtain

dt. f
e* 'YJ* 'P dv-. e* 7f* 'P dv +
r* r .r
q*. n 'P da
111* 111*

It is clear that when fP and 'P are constants, (11.51) and (11.53) reduce to the
integral forms of balance of energy and the Clausius-Duhem inequality over a
part f!IJ* of fJ in the present configuration.
We now substitute fP=~" (n = 1, 2, ... ) in (11.51) and by a procedure similar
to that used in obtaining (11. 50) we deduce

:t l11I(} lre"+ ~k"v. v+ l: k'"+"wN. v+-~-M,N=1

f kM+N+nwM ·WN]

=I.(} r(r"
111 l
+ R" + l" . + ~ wN) v
zl'Hn . -m" . v
- f-n-mlV+n .w) da
N=1N+n J

+ I lrM". + l:
JUN+n. WN -h"] ds,

where we have introduced

mN al, =N f ~N-l T 3 d~ (N;;;.O) (11.55)

e R" a!= n f q*a ~n-1 gl d~' (11.56)

q"IX a~= J q*IX ~,. g! d~, h" =q"IX 'VIX, (11.57)

e,.. a!= <Xf r* k ~n d~- [~ h* g~ f(p)];={J- [~" h* gt f(at)];=cx• r0=r, (11.58)

in addition to resultants defined previously. Under suitable continuity assumptions

(11.54) can be reduced to

er"+e R"-e i"+(JU"<XI"'+e l"-m"). v+JU"<X. v,<X

+ [JU(N+n)cxlcx+e1N+n_ N:n mN+n] ·WN (11.59)

+ L JU(N+n)cx. wN,a. -q"<Xia. =0


(n =0, 1, 2, ... ) '

518 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 11.

where we have put

00 00

/=l 0=f-v- 2: kNwN, l=l 1 =l- 2: kM+LwM,

N=1 M-1
fN=lN-~v-2:kM+NwM (N~2).

In (11.59), for clarity, parentheses have been placed around the number N +n
which occurs as a superscript in M(N+nlo:. Henceforth, however, we shall omit the
parentheses and will write MCN+n)o: as MN+no:.
We postpone further consideration of (11.59) and tum our attention to the
inequality (11.53). Recalling (11.42) and the fact that 0* > 0, we introduce

L ~N f/JN,

(/)* = 01* = f/JN = f/JN(()l, ()2, t)' (11.61)

so that
q;0 fP0 =1, l:q;N<Pr-N=O (r=1,2, ... ), (11.62)
in view of {11.42). Also, remembering (11.52), we set
1[1= (-IX +~)n (11.63)
(IX~~ ~{3).

Substituting {11.61) and (11.63) into (11.53) and making the appropriate con-
tinuity assumptions, we obtain the inequalities

(! ~ (;) (-1X)n-r l~r-N~t+N (/JN]

+ i: (;) (-IX)n-r i: (q'+No:lo: f/JN +q'+No: <J>N,o:) (11.64)
r=O N=O

-e L (n-1) (-IXt-r-1 L
n-1 oo
n Rr+N+l (/>N ~0
r=O r N =0 r +N +1
(n=O, 1, 2, ... ).
Since CfJN and <PN are not defined for negative values of N, we may write
(11.62) 2 as

~ CfJN <Pr-N=O (r=1, 2, ... ), CfJM=fPM=O for M<O. (11.65)


Also, for later reference, we record here the identity


To verify the last result, let the left-hand side of (11.66) be denoted by g and

= "'
L.. "' '¥n'-N'
L.J n;. CfJN•'Y"n'+r
n'=N' N'=O
00 00

-_ L.. "' (/)n-N

"' L.. CfJN'Y"n+r
J '
n=O N=O
Sect. 12. Basic field equations for shells continued: II. Three-dimensional derivation. 519

where in the last of the above the first summation sign 1; has been replaced with
oo n-N
1; since tPn- N = 0 for N > n. Now the last expression can be written as
' (11.67}

But the term in the square bracket vanishes by virtue of (11.65} and the first
term on the right-hand side of (11.67) is tP0 rp0 il=il by (11.62)1 and (11.65) 2 •
Hence, (11.67) reduces to (11.66).
12. Basic field equations for shells continued: II. Derivation from the three-
dimensional theory. We continue here the development of basic field equations
for shells from the three-dimensional theory. After the derivation of the local
field equations, several related aspects of the subject are discussed including the
linearization of the field equations and their relations to the corresponding results
in the classical linear theories of shells and plates.
b) General field equations. The derivation of the equations of motion for shells
can be accomplished by direct integration of (11.8h 2 after their multiplication
by ~N(N;;;;;o) and with the use of the resultants (11.'36)1 , 2 , (11.55) and (11.29)-
(11.30). Here, however, we deduce the equations of motion for shells from the
energy equations (11.59) together with the invariance requirements under super-
posed rigid body motions. From the fact that the quantities listed in (11.19) are
objective in the sense of (8.25) and the definitions of the various resultants, it
follows that
M'"', mn, ln (n;;;;; 0),
en, rr.
rpn, tpn (n;;;;; 0), (12.1)
rn, Rn, qm• (n;;;;; 0)

are also objective and hence transform according to (8.25) under superposed rigid
body motions.
Consider now two special motions corresponding to those under superposed
rigid body motions when the body occupies the same position at time t. Then,
with Q and Q given by (5.48) at time t, the superposed velocities are given, re-
spectively, by the linear transformations
v*-v* + b, b = const., (12.2)
v*-v* + w0 X p, w0 = const., (12.3)
and these, in turn, imply the transformations

v-v+b, wN-wN, (12.4)

v-v+w0 XT, wN-wN+w0 XdN, (12.5}
in view of (7.1) and (7.5). The linear transformations (12.2) or (12.4) correspond
to superposed uniform rigid body translational velocity while (12.3} or (12.5)
represent uniform rigid body angular velocity, the (three-dimensional) continuum
occupying the same position at time t.
Since the energy equations (11.59) hold for every motion of the shell, by a
familiar argument and using (12.4)-(12.5), the equations of motion can quickly
be deduced from (11.59). Thus, if we replace v and wN in (11.59) by the trans-
520 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 12.

formations (12.4} and keep in mind that the functions listed in (12.1} remain
unaltered under superposed rigid body motions, then after subtraction we obtain


With the use of (12.6) and recalling the remark (concerning notation) following
(11.60}, the energy equations (11.59) can be reduced to

(n=0,1,2, ... ).

Next, considering a motion of the shell corresponding to (12.5) and again keeping
in mind that the functions listed in (12.1) remain unaltered under such super-
posed rigid body motions, from (12.7) we deduce the equations

(n=0,1,2, ... ). (12.8)

For n =0, (12.8} can be written in a more transparent form, namely


N"'xa"'+ L: (mNxdN+MN"'xdN,ot) =0. (12.9)


As noted earlier, the equations of motion (12.6) can also be obtained directly
from (11.8h while (12.8} can be deduced from (11.8} 2 and is therefore a conse-
quence of the symmetry of the stress tensor. 49
The Eqs. (12.6) and (12.8) are the equations of motion for shells in vector
form. For later reference, it is desirable to record these equations also in tensor
components. By (11.39)-{11.40} 1 , the resultants N' and MN"' transform as contra-
variant surface vectors. When referred to the base vectors a,, these vector fields
and the resultants mN can be written asso

Similarly, the resultants in (11.60} can be expressed as

(N ~2). (12.12}

u The equations of motion (12.6) and (12.8) in vector forms were derived by GREEN
and NAGHDI [1970, 2] and the component forms (12.13)-(12.15) were obtained earlier by
GREEN, LAws and NAGHDI [1968, 4]. Two-dimensional equations of motion (or equilibrium)
of this type, limited to the linear theory of flat plates, can be found in the papers of TIFFEN
and LoWE [1963, 15] and [1965, 8]. We also mention here an extensive work of CHIEN [1944, 2],
where his equations of equilibrium (corresponding to the equations of the restricted theory
in Sect. 10) are those which were derived in [1941, 2] by direct approach; however, in the
remainder of the series of papers [1944, 2], the stress tensor and the body force are expanded
in powers of the thickness coordinate. This procedure is not the same as that in which resultants
of the type (11.29)-(11.30) and (11.36) are employed.
•o The order of indices a.i in N<Xi and MNoti differs from those in (1968, 4] and (1970, 2]
but agrees with that in [1971, 6] and corresponds to the usual notation in shell theory.
Sect. 12. Basic field equations for shells continued: II. Three-dimensional derivation. 521

With the help of (12.10)-(12.12), the equations of motion (12.6) in component

form are 51
Ntt.Pltt. -bp Ntt. 3 +e fP =0, Ntt. 3 Jtt. +btt./J Ntt.P +e f3 =0, (12.13)
MNtt.Pltt. -b~ MNtt.a +e JNP =mNP,
MNtt.altt.+btt.pMNtt.P+etNs=mNs (N=1, 2, ... ).
In a similar manner and by recalling the kinematical results (7.13)-(7.15), from
(12.8) we deduce



(n=1,2, ... ),


+ ""(MN+nya A.N.y

tt. -MN+nytt. A.N.)'
a) =0 (n=1,2, ... ).

Eqs. (12.15) are the component form of (12.9) or (12.8) for n =0. It is clear that
the conditions (12.15)-(12.16), which result from the symmetry of the stress
tensor, are identities in the exact theory.
Recalling the kinematic variables (7.13)-(7.16) and using (12.8), the energy
equations (12.7) reduce to
P"=M'"tt./J'Yl"ltt.{J + ~
~ (_!!__mN+nlJ
N+n N•·+MN+ntt.i i N•tt.
. ), (12.18)
M'"tt.P is given by (12.16) 1 and we have introduced the notation
'Yitt.p=ett.{J=iatt.{J (12.19)
for the time rate of the kinematic measure (7.18). In terms of the resultants 'P"
defined by (11.44)a, the energy equations (12.17) can be expressed as

(! r" + eR"- (! [tp" + i: (~N+n f/JN + 'YJN+n lj?N)] + P" -q"tt.Jtt. =0. (12.20)
For completeness, we also record here the inequalities which can be deduced
from the combination of (11.64) and (12.20). In view of (11.66), we have

~'- ~ q}N [r+N + ~ 'YJM+li+r f/JM]

N-O M-0

=~'- ~ (/)N [ipr+N + ~ 'YJM+N+r <PM)- ~ ~ ~"+'(/)n-N f/JN (12.21)

N-O M-0 n-0 N-O

= _ ~ (/)N [r+N + ~ 'YJM+N+r <PM) .

61 These are deduced in a manner similar to (9.42) by considering the scalar product of
each of (12.6) with afJ and again with a 3 •
522 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 12.

Substituting for rn from (12.20) into (11.64} and using (12.21), we finally obtain
the inequalities52

to(;)(- (Xt-• L~ocpN [ -e (1jJ•+N +J;.o1JM+N+r tPM) +M'•+NexP 1Jexp

+ LJ
~ M
·+ LJ
~ MM+N+rexi ~M<ex. +~n
t: (12.22)
M=l M=l

+ };/N+rex C/JN,ex} ;;:;;o (n =0, 1, 2, ... ) .

e) An approximate system of equations of motion. Although the equations of

motion (12.6) and (12.8} or (12.13}-(12.16} are exact, they consist in an infinite
system of equations in an infinite number of unknowns. The complexity of this
system and a need for a suitable approximation are evident. As remarked in Sect. 7,
the introduction of an approximative scheme is premature at this stage and strictly
speaking should be postponed until the complete theory (including the constitu-
tive equations) has been developed. However, in order to give an indication of
the nature of the field equations of an approximate theory (derived from the
three-dimensional equations), we consider briefly a system of approximate
equations of motion but postpone its
Suppose that 54
Then, the equations of motion (12.14) for N;;;;_2 are satisfied if we specify
JNi=O (N;;;;_2). (12.24)
Eqs. (12.24) are usually satisfied approximately, since the quantities JNi (N ;;;;_2)
involve moments (of order greater than one across the thickness of the shell}
of body forces, applied surface loads and inertia terms. Recalling (11.60) and the
notation in (7.9), consistent with the above approximation, we also take

e kll at= f e* gl ~2 d~. (12.26}
With the notations
as a consequence of the above approximation specified by (12.23)-(12.25}, the
equations of motion (12.13}-(12.14} reduce to
NexPiex-b~Nexs+e fP=O, Nexsiex+bexp NexP +e fs=o, (12.28)
MexPlex- b~ Mex 3 + etP = mP, Mex 3 1ex +bexp MexP+nl
3 -m3
- • (12.29}
52 GREEN and NAGHDI [1970, 2].
53 The approximations under which the system of approximate equations of motion are
obtained were employed by GREEN, LAws and NAGHDI [1968, 4] and GREEN and NAGHDI
[1970, 2].
54 In view of the generality of our development leading to (12.13)-(12.16), conditions (12.23)
represent an approximation. On the other hand, in most of the existing literature on shell
theory confined to a less general development, the introduction of the resultants M Next and
mNi for N~ 2 is avoided and thereby the question of approximation (12.23) does not arise.
Sect. 12. Basic field equations for shells continued: II. Three-dimensional derivation. 523

while Eqs. (12.15 }1 , 2 become

N'a.fJ =N'f3a. =Na.f3 -ma. dfJ -M"a. ).,f3
Na. +m 3 da.-ma.d 3 +M" 3 J...~,-Mra. J...~,=O.

Also, the Eqs. (12.16) 1 , 2 reduce to

M' 1 a.f1 =Ma.f3 =Mf3a.,
M1a.a =Ma.a =0.
Although (12.16h 2 are identities in an exact theory, in general we cannot
expect that they be satisfied in an approximate theory. Indeed, from the restric-
tive nature of (12.31}, it can be inferred that they could be satisfied only in
special cases of an approximate theory. The identities (12.16h 2 and the question
of their subsequent approximations do not arise in most of the existing literature
on the classical theory of shells developed from the three-dimensional equations.
This is simply due to the fact that the introduction of certain resultants such as
MNa.i and mNi for N ~ 2 is avoided ab initio.
As our purpose of describing the above approximation at this stage is merely
to give an indication of the nature of a system of approximate equations of
motion, we do not dwell on the corresponding approximation for the temperature
functions in (11.61) and their subsequent effect, as well as those in (12.23}, on the
energy equations (12.20} and the inequalities (12.22). However, it is worth ob-
serving that if the surfaces ~ and ~ are identified, the set of Eqs. (12.28)-(12. 30)
are formally the same as the equations of motion for a Cosserat surface derived
in Sect. 9.
') Linearized field equations. Previously in Sect. 7, where the linearization
of the kinematic quantities was considered, the (three-dimensional) infinitesimal
strain tensor was expressed in terms of linearized two-dimensional kinematic
measures. In carrying out the linearization procedure, it was assumed that all
(two-dimensional) kinematic measures such as those in (7.59}, as well as their
derivatives with respect to the surface coordinates and time, are of O(s) in the
sense of (6.4). We now suppose that the continuum is initially stress-free and let
Ot and 'fJt refer to a standard temperature and entropy in the (initial) reference
configuration. We further recall that in a complete linearized (three-dimensional)
theory, Ti or the stress tensor yii when expressed in suitable non-dimensional
form, as well as its derivative, is of O(s}; (0*- Ot)/Ot and ('f]* -'f]t)/'f]t and their
derivatives are of O(s}; and that the internal energy s* includes terms of O(s)
and O(s 2) while the free energy 1p* is of O(s 2}. Keeping this in mind, the order of
magnitude of the various resultants defined in Sect. 11 is clear in a linearized
theory. In particular, the vector fields Na., MNa., mN (N ~ 1} or their tensor
components when expressed in suitable non-dimensional forms, as well as their
derivatives with respect to the surface coordinates, are of O(s).
Thus, in obtaining the linearized version of the basic field equations, all
tensors in these equations are referred to the initial undeformed surface ®,
covariant differentiation is with respect to Aa.f3 and in Eqs. (12.13}-(12.20), as
well as the inequality (12.22}, ba.f3• dNi• J...Nia.• e must be replaced to order B by
their initial values Ba.f3• DNi• ANia.• (! 0 , respectively. Similarly, in (12.10}-(12.11}
and in the definitions of the various resultants [e.g., (11.36)-(11.37), (11.55},
(11.43}], gi, ai, g and a may now be replaced with their initial values. We omit
the details of the linearization of all field equations but in the rest of this sub-
section confine our attention to the linearized versions of the approximate equa-
524 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 12.

tions of motion (12.28)-(12.30). Let P and 1.} denote the components of j and i
in (12.25) referred to the base vectors A,, i.e.,
P=/·A', D=l·A'. (12.32)
Then, upon linearization, (12.28)-(12.30) become
N«fl 1 a.-B~N« 3 +eoFfl =0, N«31« + B«fl N«fl +eo p3 = 0' (12.33)
M«fll«- B~ M« 3 +eo ftJ =mfl, M«31a. +Brxp M«fl +eo £3 =m3, (12.34)
N'«fl =N'fl« =N«fl -m« Dfl -MY« A~y•
N«S +m 3 D«- m« D 3 +MY 3 A~y- M'f« A~y = 0.
The above equations are the linearized equations of motion, obtained under the
linearized version of the approximations (12.23)-(12.25). 55 The Eqs. (12.33)-(12.35)
are formally equivalent to the linearized equations of motion for a Cosserat
surface given by (9.47)-(9.51).
1}) Relationship with results in the classical linear theory of thin shells and plates.
In our description of a shell-like body in Sect. 4 it was emphasized that the
surface E=0 is not necessarily midway between the surfaces (4.14h_ 2 , although
a reference configuration could be chosen in which E= 0 is the initial middle
surface. The various resultants which occur in the field equations of this section,
e.g., (12.13)-(12.16) or (12.28)-(12.30), are defined between the limits Ot, fJ and
in terms of 7'i (or equivalently the symmetric stress tensor -r'i) in the present
In what follows, we confine our attention to the field equations of the linearized
theory and assume that the position vector in the initial reference configuration
is given by (7.30) with D specified by (7.31) 3 • For sufficiently thin shells, we may
also adopt the criterion (4.31) which is generally assumed in the classical linear
theories of shells developed from the three-dimensional equations. Then, the mass
density is given by the approximate expression (7.46) and the limits of inte-
gration in the various resultants may be replaced by 56 -{J, {J. Moreover, in the
special case in which D =As, by (7.48) the limits of integration may be replaced by
. 2
h h

As noted above, within the scope of the linear theory, g,, a 1 , g and a may be
replaced by their initial values in the definitions of the various resultants. For
example, the resultants which occurin the linearized equations (12.33)-(12.35) can
be written in the forms
{J {J
N«fl = J11 -r«Y ~de, Nd = f P(e D,p -,;«fl +D-r« 3) dE,
-{J -{J
{J {J
M«fl = J 11 -,;«Y 11~ E dE, M«S = f 11(g D,p -,;«fl +D-r« 3) g dg, (12.36)
-{J -{J
{J {J
m« = J 11 -,;3 Y "'~ dE, ms= f ,(gD,a. rat+D-r33) dE.
-{J -{J
66 The equations of motion (12.33)-(12.35) are obtained by ignoring (12.31)LZ which result
from (12.16h 1 by approximation. As was noted earlier, the latter conditions do not arise if
(for thin shelis) resultants of the type MN«i and mNi for N"G_2 are not admitted. A further
remark on this point will be made later in this section.
6& In this connection, recall the remarks made following (7.46).
Sect. 12. Basic field equations for shells continued: II. Three-dimensiona l derivation. 525
The above expressions for thin shells have been obtained from the definitions
(11.36) and (11.55) with N =1 referred to the base vectors G, given by (7.32) 1 2 •
The resultants (12.36) are defined in terms of the stress tensor -c'i referred
to the convected coordinates (Ji. Let i'i denote the contravariant stress tensor
referred to the normal coordinates y' defined by the transformation relations
(7.40). The relationships between the components of -r•f and iii can be readily
found from (7.40) and the transformation law between two second order tensors.
?P =.,aP, ?a =~D,p -ra.P +D .,as,
i =~ 2 D ,<X D ,{J .,afJ +2~DD ,a -r" 3 +D2 T33.
33 (12.37)

We define a new set of stress-resultants and stress-couples in terms of i'i by

h/2 h/2
Na.fJ = j I' i«"~ I'~ dC, va. = J I' ?S dC,
-k/2 -h/2
h/2 ~ h/2
lffa.P = f I' i«Y I'~ CdC, Ma.a = J I' ?s CdC. (12.38)
-h/2 -h/2

where I'~ and I' are given by (7.38)-(7.39). Using (7.41), (7.47) and (12.37) in
(12.38) and recalling (12.36), we obtain
.ll{a.i=DMa.•, (12.39)

which relate the definitions (12.36) and (12.38). The definitions (12.38) are those
usually employed in the classical theories of shells. 57 The corresponding expressions
for initially flat plates are obtained by putting Ba.p = 0, I'= 1 and ,up= !5p. It is
clear from (7.48) that with D = 1 (corresponding to D =As), the distinction
between Ma.i and .ll{a.i disappears and that the two sets of resultants are equivalent,
apart from the expressions which involve ,-3 3 or -rss.
The linearized field equations and the linearized version of (12.22) can be
expressed in different forms depending on the choice of the definitions of the
type (12.36) or (12.38). We illustrate this with reference to the approximate
equations of motion (12.33)-(12.35) in which, along with the definitions (12.36)
and (12.38), corresponding expressions for the resultants F', L1 (and F', I•) with
the limits of integration
h h
-{J • {J and -2. -2

are used. 58 Below a catalogue of formulae is provided which, in particular, are

of interest in connection with the definitions of resultants and the equations of
motion in the classical linear theories of shells and plates. With reference to the
equations of motion (12.28)-(12.31), it was remarked earlier in this section that
the question of approximation does not arise and that these equations are exact
&7 The expressions corresponding to (12.38) 4, 5 are not defined in most of the literature on
the linear theory of shells. The results (12.39) relating the two sets of definitions (12.36) and
(12.38) were noted by GREEN, NAGHDI and WENNER [1971, 6].
58 These expressions are not listed here since they can be easily obtained from (11.29),
(11.30) with N=1 after linearization and use of (12.32).
526 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 12.

if the resultants corresponding to MN«t and mN 1 for N ~ 2 are not admitted in the
development of the theory. We now observe specifically that if (as in the classical
shell theory) only the resultants of the type (12.38) are admitted and Dis identi-
fied with As, then the resulting equations of motion recorded in Formulae C
below are exact.o9
Formulae A
D=DA3 , A~«=-B~«D, A 3 «=D,«.
Stress-resultants and stress-couples defined by (12.36),
N«fJI«- Bg N« 3 + eoFfJ = 0, (12.40)
M«fJI«- B~ M« 3 +eo LfJ =mP,
N'«fJ =N'fJ« =N«fJ +D MY« B~.
N« 3 - D m«- D MY 3 B~- MY« D,y = 0.

Formulae B
D=DAa, A~«=-BnD, Ah=D,«.
Stress-resultants and stress-couples defined by (12.38),
N«P1 «-B~ V«+eoFtJ =O, V«l« + B«tJN«fJ + e0 F 3 =0,
M«fJI« +eo ftJ = VfJ, .M«~I«+eo La= vs,
N'«fJ =N'fJ« =N«fJ +MY« B~.

V«=Dm«+B« MY 3 +MfJ« D,p V 3 =Dm3 -B _M«tJ+.lif«B D,«

Y D' «fJ D'

Formulae C
D=A3 , Ap«=-B«fJ• A 3 «=0,
h/2 11/2
N«P = J p, 't'"'Y p,~ dC, V« = J p, 1:"' 3 dC,
-h/2 -11/2
11/2 11/2
M«fJ = f p, 't'"'Y p,~ CdC, Md = f p, 1:"' 3 CdC,
-h/2 -11/2
V3 = J1-' (7:33 -
B«{J 't'"'Y 1-'~ C) dC, (12.42)

N«P1«-Bg V«+eoFfJ=O, P 1«+B«fJN«fJ+e0 F 3 =0,

M«fJI« +eo LfJ = VfJ, M«sl« +eo LB = vs,
N'«fJ =N'fJ« =N«fJ +MY« BfJY'
V«=N« 3 =m«+B~MY 3 , V 3 =m3 -B«fJM«fJ.
59 A derivation leading to the equations of motion in (12.42) from the three-dimensional
stress equations of motion and with the use of the resultants (12.38h,s,a is given in Sect. 5
of [1963, 6].
Sect. 12A. History of derivations of the equations of equilibrium:for shells. 527

h/2 k/2
N<XfJ= I ~fJdC, V<X= I ~ 3 dC,
-h/2 -h/2
k/2 k/2
M<XfJ = I ~{J c dC, M(1. 3 = I ~ 3 cdC'
-h/2 -h/2
V3= I T33 dC, (12.43)

N<XfJI<X + eoFfJ =0' Ml1.31(1. +eo ra = vs,

M<XfJI<X +eo LfJ = Vfl, V(1.1(1. +eo Fa = 0'

12A. Appendix on the history of derivations of the equations of equilibrium

for shells. A method of derivation of equations of equilibrium for shells which is
only partly direct was originated by LovE; it has long received acceptance and
has been widely practiced and reproduced in books on the subject. Briefly, this
method consists in two parts: (i) First the stress-resultants and the stress-couples
are defined by integrals of the type in (12.42), together with similar definitions
for load resultants [see (12.32) and (11.29)-(11.30)]; and then (ii) the equilibrium
equations for shells are derived not from the three-dimensional equations but by
consideration of the equilibrium of an element of the curved shell (or effectively
its middle surface) under the action of the stress-resultants and the stress-couples
(each per unit length of curves on the middle surface), as well as load resultant
(per unit area of the middle surface). As a whole, this method is neither direct
nor one in which the equations of equilibrium are derived fully from the three-
dimensional equations. It is the second part of the procedure which is direct; and,
hence this manner of obtaining the equilibrium equations for shells may properly
be regarded as a derivation by direct approach.
The derivation of the equilibrium equations for shells via the direct method
(and in lines of curvature coordinates) was given by LOVE. 60 In effect, this deri-
vation is equivalent to that of our restricted theory when the equilibrium equations
corresponding to those in Sect. 10 are specialized to lines of curvature coordinates
and are also expressed in terms of physical components. A neat vectorial treatment
of LovE's derivation (again in lines of curvature coordinates) was given by
REISSNER. 61 The corresponding derivation in general coordinates was supplied
by SYNGE and CHIEN. 62 A derivation of equilibrium equations by direct method
was also considered in 1958 by ERICKSEN and TRUESDELL to which reference was
made in Sect. 9 [Subsect. /J)J. This derivation of ERICKSEN and TRUESDELL
is shorter and more appealing than that of SYNGE and CHIEN or other earlier
80 Sect. 340 of LovE [1893, 2] and subsequent editions of his treatise, e.g., Sect. 331 of
[1944, 4]. Although LovE defines the stress-resultants and the stress-couples, these are not
used per se in his subsequent derivation of equilibrium equations according to the procedure
mentioned above. With the help of formulae of the type (A.4.11 )-(A.4.12) in Chap. F, the
equilibrium equations in lines of curvature coordinates can easily be obtained from (12.28)-
(12.30) or from (9.47)-(9.48) and (9.51). The corresponding results for the restricted theory
can be obtained from (9.47) and (10.21). See also Eqs. (A.4.13)-(A.4.14) in Chap. F.
61 REISSNER [1941, 1].
62 SYNGE and CHIEN [1941, 2]. Derivations of this type by direct approach and in terms
of tensor components are contained also in a paper by ZERNA [1949, 6] and Chap. 10 of GREEN
and ZERNA [1954, 1].
528 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 13.

derivations by direct approach. References to other recent direct derivations of

equations of motion or equilibrium (after 1958) have already been cited in
Sects. 9-10 and need not be repeated here.
The definitions of stress-resultants and stress-couples in terms of the three-
dimensional stress tensor, corresponding to the resultants in (12.42) but in lines
of curvature coordinates and for physical components of N«f1, M«f1, V«, are due
to The definitions of the resultants in general coordinates corresponding
to Na./1, M«f1, va. in (12.42) were given by ZERNA. 64 The earliest derivation which
can be regarded as fully derived from the three-dimensional equations appears
to be due to NovozHILOV and to NovozHILOV and FINKELSTEIN. 65 This derivation,
carried out in lines of curvature coordinates and in terms of physical components
of the resultants, is accomplished by integration of the (three-dimensional) dif-
ferential equations of equilibrium across the thickness of the shell; the derivation
is independent of any kinematic assumption and no approximation is involved.
An exposition of the derivation of N OVOZHILOV and of N OVOZHILOV and FINKEL-
STEIN (again in lines of curvature coordinates) is given by TRUESDELL and Tou-
PIN. sa A derivation in general coordinates (from the three-dimensional theory),
resulting in the equilibrium equations in (12.42) which involve Na.f1, Ma.f1, va., was
given by NAGHDI. 67 References to more recent derivations of equations of motion
for shells (from the three-dimensional equations) in terms of more general defini-
tions for resultants [such as those in (11.36)] are cited in Sects. 11-12.

D. Elastic shells.
This chapter is concerned mainly with the development of constitutive
equations for elastic shells, both by direct approach and from the three-dimen-
sional equations. 1 Nonlinear and linearized constitutive relations are discussed and
the complete theory is recapitulated. While we confine our attention here to
elastic shells, it may be noted that the previous developments (in Chaps. B and C)
are not limited to elastic materials. 2
13. Constitutive equations for elastic shells (nonlinear theory): I. Direct
approach. In this section, we introduce nonlinear constitutive equations for thermo-
63 Sect. 339 of LovE [1893. 2] and subsequent editions of his treatise, e.g., Sect. 328 of
[1944, 4]. The main ingredient for the definitions of the resultants of the type in (12.42),
namely the presence of the curvature factor, was noted by LAMB [1890, 2] and BASSET
[1890, 1]. In his paper of [1888, 1], LoVE defines the resultants approximately (without the
curvature factor) and obtains his equations of motion by integration of the (three-dimensional)
virtual work principle and in terms of displacements of the middle surface.
64 ZERNA [1949, 6]. See also GREEN and ZERNA [1954, 1] and [1968, 9).
65 NovozHILOV [1943, 1] and NovozHILOV and FINKELSTEIN [1943, 2]. A less general
derivation of this kind from the three-dimensional equations was given independently by
TRUESDELL [1945, 3] in a paper which deals chiefly with the membrane theory of shells of
88 Sect. 213 of TRUESDELL and ToUPIN [1960, 14] which also contains some historical
remarks concerning the definitions of resultants and derivation of equilibrium equations for
shells from the three-dimensional equations.
87 NAGHDI [1963, 6]. See also Chap. 10 (in 2nd edition) of GREEN and ZERNA [1968, 9],
where the equilibrium equations in general coordinates are derived from the three-dimensional
1 What we regard here as elastic materials are often called hyperelastic materials in the
recent literature on continuum mechanics. For an extensive account of the three-dimensional
(non-polar) theory of hyperelastic materials, together with thermodynamic aspects of the
subject, see TRUESDELL and NOLL [1965, 9].
2 With reference to elastic-plastic shells and plates, mention may be made of a paper by
GREEN, NAGHDI and OsBORN [1968, 8] which deals with an elastic-plastic Cosserat surface.
Sect. 13. Constitutive equations for elastic shells: I. Direct approach. 529

mechanical behavior of an elastic Cosserat surface and then deduce the restrictions
placed on them by the invariance requirements under superposed rigid body
motions, by the entropy inequality and by material symmetries.
Ot) General considerations. Thermodynamical results. We recall that a material
is defined by a constitutive assumption which characterizes the thermo-mechanical
behavior of the medium; the constitutive assumption places a restriction on the
processes which are admissible in a body-here the Cosserat surface CC. Pre-
liminary to the introduction of the constitutive assumption for an elastic Cosserat
surface, we recall the invariance requirements under superposed rigid body
motions and examine their implications regarding the tensor components of the
various vector fields in (8.30)-(8.32). Consider (8.32)1 according to which N
transforms as
where Q is a proper orthogonal tensor defined by (5.37). By (9.11) and (5.38h
and since v transforms as v-+Q v, Va-+Va, we readily deduce the transformations
N"-+QN", N"i-+N"i, (13.1)
for N« and N"i under superposed rigid body motions. Similar objective trans-

formations can be obtained for m,«, q or their components m•, M«i, cf', as
well as the temperature gradient 0 "' all of which follow from the invariance
conditions (8.30)-(8.32). Collecting these results, in addition to (13.1), we have 4
m-+Qm, M"-+QM", N'«-+QN'", q-+Qq, (13.2)
as well as
O,a-+O,a. (13.4)
An elastic Cosserat surface is defined by a set of response functions which
depend on appropriate kinematic and thermal variables. For example, if in
addition to the kinematic variables, the temperature and the temperature gradient
are also taken as the independent variables, then the response functions consist
of the six functions 5
(13. 5)
or an equivalent set
We introduce constitutive equations which must hold at each material point
and for all t in terms of the response functions (13.5). 6 In this connection, we
s While Na transforms as a vector under superposed rigid body motions, Nai (with six
components) transform as six scalars; this is because of our use of convected coordinates.
4 Recalling the definitions (9.30)-(9.31), the transformations for N'a. and N'afJ follow
from (13.1), (13.2h, 2 • (13.3) 1 , 2 and (5.54).
5 The overbar in (13. 5) is introduced temporarily for added clarity and in order to distinguish
a function from its value. The notation .Ma. in (13.5) should not be confused with the previous
use of the same symbol in (9.20) and (9.44).
6 Often, in the three-dimensional theory of (non-polar) continuum mechanics, the material
point in a body is identified with its position in a reference configuration and the constitutive
equations are then introduced relative to the reference configuration. Although such a proce-
dure is also possible here, it is simpler to introduce the constitutive equations at each material
point of 'if relative to a material coordinate system, rather than in terms of the response func-
tions relative to a reference configuration. Thus, our developments in the first part of this
section [between (13.8)-(13.57)] are independent of any reference configuration; and, until
further notice in this section, we disregard the fact that the coordinates representing the
particles (or the material points) of 'if were identified previously (Sect. 4) with the convected
coordinates on the surface in the (initial) reference configuration.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 34
530 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 13.

recall that the displacement function r in (5.1) 1 is the place occupied by the
material point ()~-' (representing a typical surface particle of ~) in the present con-
figuration; and, similarly, the function din (5.1) 2 is the director at the material
point in the present configuration. Thus, apart from temperature and its gradient,
the local state of an elastic Cosserat surface ~ can be defined by the functions in
(5.1) 1 , 2 and their gradients at each material point in the present configuration,
r, r,a• d, d,r·
But, since the response functions must remain unaltered under superposed rigid
body translational displacement, dependence of the functions (13.5) on r must be
excluded. Hence, the last three in the above set, or equivalently
a"', d, d,r• (13 .7)
can be regarded as the primitive kinematic ingredients which define the local
state and which occur in the constitutive equations. Keeping this in mind, we
assume that the constitutive equations for an elastic Cosserat surface depend
on the kinematic variables (13. 7), as well as () and (),"'. We therefore write 7
1p =iji (a"', d, d ,y• (), (),a; {)P),

TJ =ij(a(%, d, d,y• (), o,<X; {)11),

N"'=N"'(a(%, d, d,y• (), o,<X; (}11), (13 .8)
m =m(aa, d, d,y• (), o,<X; {)11),
M"'=M"'(a"', d, d,y• (), 0,~~.; {)11),
The above constitutive equations, which characterize the thermo-mechanical
response of the medium, are assumed to hold at each particle {)P of the Cosserat
surface and for all times t. Any dependence of the response functions on inhomo-
geneity, anisotropy or a (physically) preferred reference state is indicated through
the argument 0~-'. Moreover, the constitutive equations (13.8)-(13.9) represent the
response of the medium relative to a material coordinate system and would be
different relative to another material coordinate system. This latter has not been
explicitly exhibited in (13.8)-(13.9); and, strictly speaking, a constitutive equa-
tion such as (13.8) 1 should be recorded as
1p="ip(O~")(a~~., d, d,y• {), fJ,a; {)11),
where the subscript (fJP) attached to 1p indicates the choice of coordinates in
contrast to the argument {)P which signifies the choice of particle. To elaborate,
let ()' tJ be any other material coordinate system related to 011 by
()'"' = ()•11 (()•) and ()~-' = (}11 (()'•) ,

where the function (), the inverse of 0'"'. Further, temporarily let the surface
base vectors and the gradients of the director and the temperature relative to the
7 These constitutive equations satisfy equipresence, which appears to be viewed by some
writers as a physical principle. Here, we regard the notion of equipresence as a convenient
mathematical procedure. A statement of equipresence, as currently understood, is as follows:
An independent variable present in one constitutive equation should be so present in all,
unless its presence is contradicted by the conservation laws, the entropy inequality or a rule
of invariance. For further background information on equipresence, see Sect. 96 of TRUESDELL
and NOLL [1965, 9].
Sect. 13. Constitutive equations for elastic shells: I. Direct approach. 531

primed coordinate system be written as

or od oO
a(f'ri' -o(J'Y ' oO'a '
respectively. Then, under the coordinate transformation, the response function
for the free energy relative to the primed coordinate system is related to 1p(O") by

- ( or d od 0 oO . 0, ~-')
"PW"l oO'a, , 8lYi, , oO'a,

where the argument fJI' refers to the particle identified by fJ~'= 0~-' (fJ'•). According
to the last relation, from the knowledge of the function "PWl and the coordinate
transformation we can readily calculate the response function in any other co-
ordinate system. Having discussed the nature of the dependence of the response
functions on the material coordinates, in order to avoid cumbersome notation
in what follows we do not explicitly display this dependence, and we continue
to write the response functions, as in (13.8)-(13.9), without the subscript (fJ~')
attached to them.
Before proceeding further, we first effect a certain simplification in our
constitutive assumptions (13.8). We had previously postulated that the in-
equality (8.24) must hold for every admissible process. We now introduce the
constitutive equations (13.8)-(13.9) into the inequality (9.36) which [since it is
obtained from (8.24)] must hold for every admissible process. From (13.8) 1 ,
we have
_,_ o:;p • o:;p · o:;p · o:;p • o:;p •
'lf=aa·arx+ od ·d+a--,r-·d,y+ae
~ ,y
0 +~ 0 .rx

= ( ::
-d" %~ -A~y o~ip_,y__ ). ""
o:;p o:;p o:;p · oif ·
+ad · r + aii- · r, y + ao- 0 + ~ 0·"
,y ·"
a:;p ; a:;p ; a:;p ]
+ W,; a k [ ;
· ~rx cia" +d 8d +A.y od,y '
where (5.19), (5.26) and (5.29) have been used. After introducing the constitutive
assumption into (9.36) with P given by (9.29) 2 , we obtain an inequality which
must hold for all arbitrary values of 8
The coefficients of the above rate quantities in the inequality are independent
of the variables (13.11) and, as functions of time, can be chosen arbitrarily. It
follows that for a given time (say at the present time t), there exist admissible
8 For convenience we postpone the use of invariance requirements under superposed

rigid body motions which places a restriction on the function 1p in (13.8) and therefore i/lwhich
appears in the inequality. Operators of the form offox, where f is a scalar function whose
arguments include the vector ;r, occur in (13.1 0) and elsewhere in this chapter. By an operator
of this type, whenever it exists, we mean the partial derivative with respect to x, which
r f(x+{JV)-f(x) =~-v
/1~0 {3 ();r

for all values of the arbitrary vector V.

532 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 13.

processes such that all coefficient functions in the inequality and all rate quanti-
ties in (13.11) can be assigned arbitrarily. Consider now a process in which all
kinematic and thermal variables in the argument of the response functions in
(13.8)-(13.9) at timet, as well as all rate quantities in (13.11) at timet, except
IJ .. are prescribed. Then, all terms in the resulting inequality are fixed except
IJ: «. In order that the inequality holds for allO, «, the coefficient of the term before
last in (13.10) 2 must vanish:
o'P -
ao-o. {13.12)

Hence :;p must be independent of o,CI and {13.8)1 reduces to 9

tp=ip(a«,d,d,'Y,O; 0~'), (13.13)
where 1p is now a different function from that in (13.8h.
Having shown that the constitutive equation (13.8h can be reduced to (13.13),
with the use of the kinematic results in Sect. 5 and the remaining constitutive
equations in (13.8)-{13.9), we write the inequality (9.36) in the form

-e(n+ ::)o+[N'«-e(:~ -d«:: -A~ya~:JJ·,IX

+[m-e::]-r+[M"~-e::J·r:y-(q·a«) ;t ~o. 0

where the function :;p defined in (13 .13) must satisfy

,. [ . oip
e;km a · 15~ oa«
+d'. od +X~'Y od,y
oip ]

The condition (13.15) arises from the fact that the inequality (9.36) must remain
unaffected by superposed rigid body motions. It is not difficult to see that it is
deduced from the vanishing of the square bracket in (13.10} 2 if, in the notation
of (5.42), the skew-symmetric VV,., is expressed as ekim wm. As will become apparent
later in Subsect. {J), (13.15) will be satisfied identically after restriction arising
from invariance conditions under superposed rigid body motions is placed on the
free energy 'P·
The inequality (13.14) holds for all admissible processes and, in particular,
for all arbitrary values of 0, 'let• r, I',«. Consider now an admissible process such
that all kinematic and thermal variables which occur in the response functions
(including o,IXat timet), as well as 'let• r, T:ct at timet, are prescribed. Then, all
quantities in (13.14) are fixed except IJ, which may assume arbitrary values.
Hence, in order that (13.14) hold for all 0, its coefficient must vanish and we
must have
- oij
'Yj=-80. {13.16)
Next, consider an admissible process at time t corresponding to which {13.7),
the thermal variables 0 and 0 «and all rate quantities, except 'let• are prescribed;
but, since ap (and therefore uP) are tangent vectors at each point of 11, 'lct='fJtJ« afl
8 The argument here and those leading to (13.16)-(13.19) parallels similar arguments by
CoLEMAN and NOLL [1963, 2] in the (three-dimensional) theory of nonlinear elastic materials
with heat conduction and viscosity. We recall that the justification for such arguments
necessarily rests on the notion that the functions (8.23) 3 may be arbitrarily chosen and are
not assigned a priori.
Sect. 13. Constitutive equations for elastic shells: I. Direct approach. 533

can only be varied arbitrarily in the tangent plane and only the components fJpa.
may assume arbitrary values. Keeping this in mind and by repeating similar
arguments, from (13.14) we obtain the further relations

N'a.fl =N'fla. = 1- (N'a.. afl +N'fl · aa.)


= ~-e{(-8if_
2 aaa.
-d« aw
aw) .afl

+ (oap
a:;p -dfl a:;p -)..fl
a:;p ) .
.y od,y
a«} '
-- a:;p MY- _!1P (13.18)
m-e ad' -e ad ,y
and the inequality

sinceO>O.Also,inviewof (9.30), from (13.17)-(13.18) follows the expression for

the symmetric part of Na. · afl:


It is clear that the relations (13.20) and (13.18) are equivalent to the set
(13 .17)-( 13 .18).
Previously, we had shown that 1jJ must be independent of the temperature
gradient e,a.• but the remaining response functions in (13.8) are still dependent
on 0 a.· The relations (13.16)-(13.18) now show that the response functions
ij, N'~fl, m, MY, as well as N(a.f!l, which are determined by the partial derivatives
of 1jJ are also independent of e,a.· Hence, ij_ (or q') is the only response function in
(13.9) which remains dependent on the temperature gradient. It follows from
these results and (13.12) that the five constitutive equations in (13.8) have been
reduced to (13.13) and



Also, the constitutive relation for N(a.fJ) is now given by the right-hand side of (13.20) :

N(a. tJl a- · afl + __!~'_

= .!__ (} (__!~'_ a- · aa.) .
2 aa(% oap
The foregoing results have been deduced from (13.14) or equivalently from the
entropy inequality (9.36) with the mechanical power P given by (9.29) 2 • Alter-
natively, we could have used the inequality (9.36) with P ~efined by (9.28) 2 •
If the latter inequality is employed, then with the help of ;;p given by (13.10h
we should obtain slightly different results at this stage of our derivation. In
particular, with the use of (9.36) with P given by (9.28) 2 , an expression correspond-
ing to (13.15) does not arise and while the results (13.21), (13.23) and (13.19) are
534 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 13.

again recovered, instead of (13.22) we have

aw (13.24)

Recalling (9.40}, from (13.24) we can readily calculate the expressions for Na; 3 =
N< · a 3 and Na;fJ=N< · aP. The symmetric part of the latter is easily seen to be
the expression for N(a;fJJ noted above and at this point it appears that we also
have constitutive equations for Na; 3 and the skew-symmetric part of NrJ.fJ. However,
after allowance is made for the restriction placed on the free energy 1p by the in-
variance conditions under superposed rigid body motions, it will become evident
in Subsect. (J) [see (13.38}-(13.39)] that the expressions for Na; 3 and N[a;fJJ cal-
culated from (13.24) are identical with those resulting from (9.51). In this con-
nection, it is worth observing that substitution of (13.23) and (13.24} into (13.15}
at once yields (9.50). We further observe that in obtaining the relations (13.16)-
(13.18) or (13.21)-(13-24), as well as the inequality (13.19}, we have employed
the procedure that the entropy inequality be identically satisfied for every ad-
missible process defined by the constitutive equations. Thus (13.16)-(13.19) are
necessary conditions for the validity of the inequality (9.36) and it is easily seen
that they are also sufficient.
A different set of constitutive equations can also be obtained in terms of
the specific internal energy 8. Through (13.21}, ()can be expressed as a function
of 'YJ and the set of the kinematic variables (13.7). Recalling (9.34) and (13.13},
it follows that 8 has the form

and instead of (13.21)-(13.23) we obtain
() = 88 (13.26)
B1) '

2 e {(88
od ·Y Bd,y
ae)· fJ

+ ( aatJ
Be -dfJ Be -J.P
od ·Y
ae ) . aa;}
od,y '
m=e od' MY-
-e Bdae,y ·
The results (13.26)-(13.27) with e given by the response function in (13.25),
together with the inequality (13 .19}, may be obtained directly from the in-
equality (9.33) by a procedure similar to that used earlier in this section and after
introducing a set of constitutive assumptions similar to those in (13.8)-(13.9).
(J) Reduction of the constitutive equations under superposed rigid body motions.
As remarked previously, the local state of the Cosserat surface is defined by the
kinematic variables (13.7}, together with () and() a;· These kinematic and thermal
variables which occur in the function ip and other 'response functions are objective,
in view of (5.36) 2 , (5.38k 3 and (13.4}. Moreover, by virtue of (8.30}-(8.32) and
(13.1)-(13.3), 'YJ, (), O,a;• 8 (and therefore 1p), N<, m, Ma;, N'a;, q or their compo-
nents, all are objective under superposed rigid body motions.
In what follows, let a typical constitutive equation such as (13.13}, which is
an objective scalar, be written in the form
Sect. 13. Constitutive equations for elastic shells: I. Direct approach. 535
where for brevity dependence on () and the material point 0"' is temporarily
suppressed. Now a constitutive equation in the form (13.28) which holds for an
admissible process must also hold for a motion differing from the given one only
by superposed rigid body motions. This requirement is fulfilled if and only if the
response function f satisfies the identity
for all values of the arguments in the domain of rand for all proper orthogonal Q.
From Cauchy's representation theorem on isotropic functions, j may be expressed
as a (different) function of the inner products and the scalar triple products of
its arguments. 10 The inner products of the arguments of/ in (13.28) are the set
d. d, d. d,,. d,a.. d,,. (13.31)
while the independent scalar triple products in question are formed from the
vectors aa., d and d,,. However, before considering these scalar triple products,
it is expedient to examine further the inner products (13.30)-(13.31).
Let each of the two vectors d and d, a. be resolved into their respective tangen-
tial and normal components. Thus, we write 11
d=dT +dN, dT =da.aa., dN =ds aa.
. .
d a.=(d a.)T +(d a.)N,. (d,a.)T =A:a. a,, (d,a.)N =A~ a. "'a·

where dT and dN designate the tangential and normal components of d while

(d,a.)T and (d,a.)N stand for the tangential and normal components of d,a.· Ac-
cording to (13.28), f is determined by a response function which depends on
the variables characterizing the local state of the Cosserat surface; and we have
noted that j is expressible as a different function of (13.30)-(13.31) and the
scalar triple products. But the latter function already depends on the tangential
components dT and (d,JT, as is evident from (13.30ks· Hence, without loss of
generality, the set (13.31) may be replaced by the set of variables G, Ga., Ga.,
defined by
(1 =dN. dN = (d3)2, Cia. =dN. (d,a.)N =d3 Aaa.•
Cla.y = (d,a.)N · (d,,}N =As a. Aay•
Before proceeding further, we note that (5.25h can be solved for
aa= d3

and then (5.28} 1 can be expressed in the form

d ., = (.t.~.y - d~aa,) a+ a,a d.
~ (13-34}
As noted above [following (13.31)], the independent scalar triple products are
formed from the appropriate combination of the vectors~. a 2 , d, d, 1 and d, 2 •
10 For a proof of CAUCHY's representation theorem, see TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 9].
The scalar triple products must be included since the identity (13.29) is required to hold only
for proper orthogonal Q.
n The temporary notations for tangential and normal components in (13.32)-(13.33)
should not be confused, respectively, with the use of superscript T for transpose of a second
order tensor in Sect. 5 and the use of the index N in formulae of Sect. 7.
536 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 13,

One of these, namely [fit a 2 d] can be expressed in terms of (13. 30)1 , 2 , ( 13.3 3h and
-r: defined by

Clearly the magnitude of [fit a 2 d], but not its sign, is determined by (13.30)1 , 2 and
(13.33)1 • With the help of (13-34), it can be easily verified that the remaining
scalar triple products can be expressed in terms of (13.30), (13-33) 1, 2 and (13-35).
In addition, it is easily seen from (13.34) that the scalar d,a · d,,. can be expressed
in terms of the arguments 12 (13.30) and (13-33)1 , 2 ; hence O'ay may be suppressed
from the arguments of the response function 7. Thus, from the results between
(13.29)-(13.35), it follows that f may be expressed as a function of (13-35) and the
set of variables
jV: aap• d(l., lya• (13-36)
0'' O'a.

However, since we have considered only motions of a Cosserat surface which are
consistent with (5.1) 3 , -r: will always have the positive value 1. With this restriction,
(13.3 5) may be eliminated from the domain of the function which can be replaced
by a (different) function of (13.36) :13


By application of the result (13-37) to the function ip, the constitutive equation
(13.13), apart from its dependence on the material point ()P and temperature(),
can alternatively be expressed in terms of a different function of (13.36):

'ljJ =ip(aa, d, d,y• (); ()P)

=ip (aa.p, da., Apa.• a, a a., (); 0").

In order to obtain an alternative form for the constitutive equations (13.21)-

(13.23) in tensor components and in terms of the function ip, we first calculate the
partial derivatives which occur in (13.22)-(13.23) in terms of the partial de-
rivatives of ip. Thus, by chain rule differentiation,


Then, with the help of (13. 39) and recalling (5 .25 )2 , (5 .28) 2 , (9. 39), (9.40) and
(9.42), we can express the constitutive relations (13.21)-(13.23) in tensor compo-
12 This further reduction resulting in the suppression of d a. · d ,. was noted by Dr. S. L.
PASSMAN. l express here my appreciation to him for bringing it to my attention.
13 Such a reduction would result eventually for any material symmetry restriction char-
acterized by an improper symmetry transformation, i.e., one in which (13.36) remain invariant
and T ...... - T, even if we had assumed ["t a 2 d] 0 instead of (5.1) 3 •
Sect. 13. Constitutive equations for elastic shells: I. Direct approach. 537
nents as follows: 14

m"' =e-811'
"' (13.42)
M"'~' -e a;p__ M"'a =eda o!p .
- o.l.y"' oa"
It is clear from the above that only the symmetric part of N"'fJ or equivalently
N'"'fJ is determined by a constitutive equation in terms of if;. Also, using (13.39),
(13.24) and (13.41)-(13.42), the expressions for N" 3 and the skew-symmetric
part of N"'fJ are found from the restriction (13.15). These expressions are the same
as those provided by (9.51); and this is in line with earlier observations in this
section and the remarks in Sect. 9 [Subsect. 1X)] that (9.23) and therefore (9.51) is
regarded as a restriction on the constitutive equations.
For completeness, we also record here a reduced form of the constitutive
relation for the components q" of the heat flux vector. Recalling the transforma-
tions (13.3)r(13.4) under superposed rigid body motions, we see easily that the
conclusion (13.37) is also applicable to the response functions q"'=q ·a"' in (13.9).
Hence, the constitutive relation (13.9) reduces to
dy, Aay• CJ, (JY' (), o,y; {)P),
q"'=q(J.(ay~· (13.43)
and is subject to the restriction (13.19) with ?j"' replaced by q"'.
The foregoing nonlinear constitutive equations, namely (13.38) and (13.40)-
(13.43), are valid for an elastic Cosserat surface which may be anisotropic with
reference to preferred directions associated with the material points of rt'. Since
the response functions for 'YJ, N'"'f3, mi and M"'i are fully determined from the
knowledge of the response functions for the specific Helmholtz free energy, in
any discussion of the effect of material symmetry it will suffice to consider only
the response functions for the specific free energy and the heat flux vector. In
subsequent developments, however, we shall be largely concerned with the iso-
thermal case; and, in the discussion of material symmetries which serve to
restrict the form of the constitutive equations, we shall mainly consider the
symmetries associated with the function ip or ip.
y) Material symmetry restrictions. According to a primitive notion of material
symmetry, the isotropy group (also called the symmetry group) C§ of a material
is the group of density-preserving transformations of the material coordinates
which leave the response of the material unaltered. 15 Before describing the
14 Although we often write the partial derivative of a function with respect to a symmetric
tensor such as a"p in the form indicated in (13.41), the partial derivative of/!foa"p is understood
to have the symmetric form
1(o!p ofP)
-£ oa"p + 7iap" .
A parallel remark applies to all similar partial derivatives with respect to symmetric tensors
elsewhere in this chapter.
1• In general, the isotropy group consists of density-preserving transformations; but, since
we are concerned with elastic solids, we only need to consider length-preserving transforma-
tions. A clear development of the basic concepts of material symmetry in the three-dimensional
theory can be found in a paper by NoLL [1958, 4]. See also Sect. 293 of TRUESDELL and
TOUPIN [1960, 14].
P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 13.

consequences of such restrictions in mathematical terms, for background infor-

mation, it is desirable to elaborate briefly (in descriptive terms) on the primitive
notion of material symmetry with reference to the Cosserat surface rl. Con-
sider the tangent plane and the normal at each material point of rl, which point
may be regarded as the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system xm. We associate
with xm a set of orthonormal basis vectors Em such that E(f. are in the tangent
plane and E 3 is directed along the normal. If a typical vector Vis decomposed
in such a coordinate system along the unit vectors Em into tangential components
and a normal component, then under a change from one coordinate system in the
tangent plane to another the tangential components transform like the compo-
nents of a 2-vector under the orthogonal group and the third component remains
invariant. The symmetry of the material, defined by preferred directions in the
body manifold (i.e., the Cosserat surface) is then characterized by E(f. and the
appropriate group of (two-dimensional) transformations which specify the
equivalent positions of the vectors E(f. from one system to another and the con-
stitutive relations must then be form-invariant under each transformation of
this group. We consider here symmetries for which the associated group of trans-
formations is a subgroup of the full orthogonal group.
Since the body manifold-here the Cosserat surfacerl -has no metric property,
we begin our discussion of material symmetry by assigning a metric tensor to
the material surface of rJ; this is conveniently realized by assigning the (reference)
metric tensor 1_(f.p at_ea~h material pointl 6 ()!-'. Next, we introduce another coor-
dinate system 0~' ={01, 02} on the material surface of rJ by the length-preserving
such that


In other words, (13.44) is so restricted that at a given material point the compo-
nents H~ satisfy (13.45h.
The length-preserving coordinate transformation (13.44) relates two curvilinear
coordinate systems on the material surface of rJ; and it is not necessary, for our
present purpose, to be more specific than this. However, often it is simpler in
applications to introduce the length-preserving transformation by means of
two coordinate systems which are locally Cartesian at the material point in
question of the body manifold. Thus, let x(f. and X1' refer to two locally rectangular
Cartesian coordinate systems and let the origin of the former be identified with
the material point in question. Then, in line with earlier remarks (in this sub-
section) and instead of (13.44)-(13.45), we may introduce the length-preserving
transformation by
such that E(f. are the basis in the x(f. coordinates and !l (with components !l~)
is an orthogonal matrix which satisfies (13.46) 2 •
16 Since the assigned metric tensor is that of the reference configuration, in reality we are
considering symmetries relative to the reference configuration of "C. As we are concerned with
material symmetries possessed by the body manifold relative to a local reference configuration,
we have assigned the values of A(f.p to each material point (JJJ in order to render the notion
of distance on the material surface of CC meaningful.
Sect. 13. Constitutive equations for elastic shells: I. Direct approach. 539

For convenience, in what follows, we again employ (13.28) as a typical con-

stitutive equation and study first the effect of material symmetry on the response
functions land in (13.3 7). If a response function for an elastic Cosserat surface
[such as /in (13.28)] is form-invariant under a subgroup of the distance-preserving
transformations (13.44), then the material is said to have the symmetry repre-
sented by that subgroup. Hence, for each element in the symmetry group of the
material, we must have 17

1(:~. d, :; ; 0~') =1(-!-;a, d, ~'/v; 0~'), (13.47)

where 8rf80r~. and 8df80a by (13.44)-(13.45) are:


Evidently, under the transformation (13.44), a scalar V or a vector field Vremains

unaffected but tangential derivatives (such as 8Vf80a, 8Vjoffoc) transform accord-
ing to formulae of the type (13.48).
Under the symmetry transformation (13.48), (13.47) becomes
1(ar~., d, d,fJ; 0") = 1(H"& aY, d, HZ d,d; 0"). (13.49)
Similarly, recalling (13.37) and the variables "/" in (13.36), we see that the
material symmetry group of the response function J is the set of all length-
preserving transformations such that
j( "/"; 01") = h.Y; 0~') ' (13.50)
where f stands for the set of variables
17': H~ H~ a,., H~ dT, H~ H~ A.VT,
a, H~ aT

resulting from the set "/" under the symmetry transformations (13 .48).
We can now apply the result (13.49) to :;p or (13.50) to ip in (13.38). Considering
only the latter, we have
which must be satisfied by the response function ip for all H~ in '§. It should be
apparent that a result similar to (13.52) can also be recorded for the response
function qoc in (13.43), except that H~ 0 should be added to the variables il'.

Given a group of symmetry transformations (13.44) for an elastic material, the

identity (13.52) serves to restrict the response function if; and hence the con-
stitutive relations (13.38) 2 and (13.40)-(13.42). In particular, if the symmetry
group '§ consists of the set of all length-preserving transformations (13.44), the
elastic material is said to be isotropic with a center of symmetry. This completes
our discussion of material symmetry restrictions. However, independently of
material symmetries, a further restriction may be imposed and this is discussed
The material symmetries discussed above pertain to a given Cosserat surface~
and are valid irrespective of the choice of direction associated with the director
17 Previously in (13.28) the dependence of on the material point ()I' was suppressed; it is
included in (13.47) for clarity.
540 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 13.

at each material point of~- Suppose we require that the response functions be
also independent of the particular orientation of the director at each material
point of the surface which, in turn, implies that the constitutive equations remain
unaltered also under the reflection 18
d~-d (13.53)
and hence
Then, for a given Cosserat surface, aiX and therefore aa remain unaltered but the
kinematic variables d, and A.,IX transform according to
diX~-diX, da~-da.
it11 1X~-it11 1X. As<X~-As<X·
It is noteworthy that the variables a and a<X defined by (13.33) 1 2 remain un-
affected by the results (13.55). To summarize, under the added restriction (13.53),
the set of variables "''" in (13.36) becomes
"f/"': a<Xy> -diX, -it,.IX'
(J, (JIX
and hence
The restriction imposed by (13.57) requires that ip be an even function of the
ordered pair (it11 1X, d,.}. This must be kept in mind, if the restriction (13.53) is
introduced prior to considerations of material symmetry.
15) Alternative forms of the constitutive equations. It is sometimes desirable to
express the response functions in terms of relative kinematic measures such as
those in (5.31)-(5.33), which are obtained relative to a fixed reference configura-
tion. To this end and in view of the dependence of ijJ and q« in (13.38) and (13.43)
on the last two of the set (13.36), we introduce the relative measures
s =dN. dN -JJN. JJN = (d3)2 _ (D3)2,
SIX =dN. (d,IX)N -JJN. (D,<X)N =d3 Aa<X -D3A3<X•
where in line with (13.32)-(13.33) we have used the notations
JJN =D3A 3, (D,<X)N =A~<X A 3• (13.59)
The variable e<X11 defined by (5.31) is a kinematic measure in which a<X11 is computed
relative to its reference value AIX11 • Hence, a function of a<X11 can be expressed as a
different function of e<X11 and AIX 11 ; but it should be kept in mind that a constitutive
equation in terms of the latter function is now one that holds relative to a reference
configuration, with the material point identified with its position in the reference
configuration. Parallel remarks apply to more general response functions.
Henceforth, we identify the material point with its position in the reference
configuration and also restrict attention to materials which are homogeneous in
the reference configuration. It follows from the above remarks that a response
18 To give an interpretation of (13.53). we first recall the definition of the three-dimensional
shell and the observation in Sect. 4 that the magnitude of the director (say directed along the
normal to the material surface prior to any deformation) can be regarded as representing the
thickness of the (three-dimensional) shell. Then, the condition (13.53) can be interpreted as
reflecting the fact that a material filament above and below the surface ~ = 0 of the (three-
dimensional) shell possesses no intrinsic positive or negative direction.
Sect. 13. Constitutive equations for elastic shells: I. Direct approach. 541

function such as 1p in (13.38) may be replaced by a (different) function of tempera-

ture, the variables

and the reference values
i¥/R: Aa;p• Da;, Apa;>
(D3)2, va Aaa;.
In particular, the constitutive equation (13.38) 2 for the specific free energy may
be replaced by
The above constitutive equation holds relative to a fixed homogeneous reference
configuration which may be taken to be the initial configuration. It is now a
straightforward matter to obtain the constitutive equations in tensor components
and in terms of the function~ from (13.40)-(13.42). These are given by 19
TJ = - 80 (13.63)
N'«P =N'Pa; =e oip (13.64)
oert.p '
m3 = e (2d3 otp +;..a oip)
OS .a; osrt. '
Md = eda a;p .
Also, corresponding to (13.43), we have
Both sets of constitutive equations (13.38) 2 and (13.40)-(13.43) and (13.62)-(13.66)
hold at each material point of the Cosserat surface rc; however, in contrast to the
former set, the constitutive equations (13 .62)-( 13 .66) involve kinematic variables
which are measured relative to a fixed reference configuration. Moreover, the
response functions in (13.62)-(13.66) depend on the choice of the reference con-
figuration as indicated explicitly by the presence of i¥1R in the arguments of
~and qa;. We also observe that the response function q"' must satisfy an inequality
of the form (13.19) but with ?' replaced by qa;. Also, with the help of (13.62)-
(13.65), the residual energy equation can be obtained from (9.35) and (9.52).
The material symmetry restrictions discussed above [Subsect. y)] may be
readily extended to the response functions~ and qa;. Recalling that the material
point is now identified with its position in the reference configuration, it can be
shown that 8Rfo0" and 8Dfo0" also transform as in (13.48) under the length-
preserving transformation (13.44). Moreover, the material isotropy group C§ now
becomes identical to the isotropy group relative to the reference configuration. 20
18 The partial derivative oipjoea;fJ in (13.64) is understood to have the symmetric form

_!__ (- a;p + a;p )

2 oea;{J oepa; .
2o We may recall here that according to NoLL [1958, 4], the isotropy groups corresponding
to two different reference configurations of the same material can be brought into one-to-one
correspondence preserving the group structure or that, in more precise terms, they are con-
jugate and hence isomorphic.
542 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 13.

It then follows that the response function ip must satisfy the identity

where iW and ilflR stand for

iW: H~ H~ en, H~ y.., H; H~ "m (13.68)
s, H~ ST
ilflR: H~H~ATV' H~DT, H;H~AVT,
(Da)z, H~ (Da Aa,).

An identity similar to (13.67) holds also for qrx. The symmetry restriction (13.67)
serves to restrict the response function ip and hence the constitutive equation
(13.62). The previous remarks concerning the symmetry group C§ made with
reference to (13.52) apply also to (13.67).
Now let the director in the (initial) reference configuration be specified along
the unit normal to :7 so that
D=DA3 , Drx=O, D3 =D,
Aprx=-DBr xP• A3 rx=D,rx,
where the notation (13.70) 3 is introduced for convenience. Further, if D is of
constant magnitude and coincident with the unit normal A3 , we have
D=A3 , Drx=O, D3 =D=1,
Aprx= -BrxP• Aarx=O.
Then, corresponding to (13.71), the reference values (13.61) become simply
c?/~: A"'p' -Bap (13.72)
and the constitutive equation (13.62) reduces to
Yrx• "Pa• S, Srx, 0; c?/~) •
1fl =ifJ(erxP• (13.73)
where ip is a different function from that in (13.62). In our further developments
of the constitutive equations (both nonlinear and linear) by direct approach, we
shall restrict attention mainly to a Cosserat surface whose (initial) reference
director is specified by (13.71).
Previously [in Subsect. y)], with reference to (13.38)z and (13.40)-(13.43),
we also examined the consequences of an added restriction (13.53). This restriction,
which is separate from material symmetry restrictions, requires that the response
of the Cosserat surface be independent of the particular orientation of the director
at each point of the surface. Since the constitutive equations (13.62)-(13.66) hold
relative to the (initial) reference configuration, the added restriction requires
(13.5 3)-(13. 54) together with
D--*-D (13.74)
and hence

The conditions (13.74)-(13.75), in turn, imply

Drx--*-Drx, Da--*-Da,
Apa--*-A{Ja• Aaa--*-Aarx·
Sect. 13. Constitutive equations for elastic shells: I. Direct approach. 543

Under the additional restriction (13.53) and (13.74), the set of variables Ill! and
o/1R in (13 .60)-( 13.61) become
Ill!": erxy• -yrx, -Uyrx•
S, Sa;
"UR· A rx{J• - D rx• - A yrx•
(D3)2, D3 A3rx
and hence the response function 1j; must also satisfy
1j; (Ill/' () ; Ill/R) = 1j; (Ill/"' () ; Ill/~) ' (13.79)
in addition to (13.67) resulting from material symmetry restrictions. It should be
clear that the restriction specified by (13.53) and (13.74) could have been intro-
duced prior to any consideration of material symmetries.
The constitutive relations for N'rxfJ, mi and Mrxi can be expressed in somewhat
simpler forms than those in (13.64)-(13.65); but, this can be accomplished at
the expense of a loss in the representation for the function ijJ or 1/J. To elaborate,
consider the constitutive relations given by (13.62)-(13.65) which reflect, in
particular, the manner in which ip depends on the last two variables in each
of (13.60)-(13.61). Suppose, instead of (13.62), the constitutive equation for tp is
assumed to depend on the temperature, the kinematic variables (5.31)-(5.33)
and the reference values ArxfJ• D;, A;rx:
Then, from (9.36) with P given by (9.52) and by a procedure similar to that
used earlier, we can deduce the expressions21


N'rxfJ =N'fJrx =e 81J!' mi =e 881J!y;' Mrxi =e ~. (13.82)

8~{J· • 8~1%
Mathematically, the constitutive equations (13.80)-(13.82) and a similar con-
stitutive equation for qrx are as general as those in (13.62)-(13.66). But the simpler
forms (13.82) are gained at a loss in the representation for the specific free energy,
since the function tp' is not endowed with the property that its arguments y3 , u3 rx
and their reference values appear according to the forms of the last two variables
in each of (13.60)-(13.61). Of course, the constitutive equations (13-80)-(13.82)
can be supplemented by separate conditions reflecting the effects of (13.58) and
their initial values in the response functions. 22
We close this section with a remark concerning the nature of constitutive
equations in an alternative formulation of the theory of a Cosserat surface in terms
of a reference state [Sect. 8, Subsect. s) and Sect. 9, Subsect. b)]. We recall that
the basic field equations in terms of a reference state involve, in particular, the
21 The constitutive equations in the form (13.80)-(13.82) were derived by GREEN, NAGHDI
and WAINWRIGHT [1965, 4]. For a purely mechanical theory, results similar in forms to (13.82)
and in terms of a strain energy function were also obtained by CoHEN and DESILVA [1966, 2]
who admit three independent directors at each point of their directed surfaces.
22 In the context of the linear theory and on the basis of a different argument, a restriction
corresponding to (13.79) was introduced by GREEN and NAGHDI [1967, 4], [1968, 6] and
imposed by them on the linearized versions of the constitutive equations (13.80)-(13.82). In
this connection, see Sect. 16 [Subsect. y)].
544 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 14.


which are measured relative to a reference configuration. The constitutive relations

and related thermodynamical results for an elastic Cosserat surface in terms of the
variables (13.83) can be obtained from (9.82) in the same manner that various
results in this section [Subsect. ex.)] were deduced in terms of the variables
{N', m, ~. t'} from the inequality (9.36). However, any additional discussion
of this kind is unnecessary, in view of the relations (9.87} between the two sets
of variables. In fact, apart from a factor of f!off!, it is clear that the constitutive
equations for the variables (13.83} are also given by (13.24), (13.23} and (13.9).
14. The complete theory. Special results: I. Direct approach. We recapitulate
here the complete thermodynamical theory of an elastic Cosserat surface and
then separately discuss the constitutive equations of the purely mechanical
theory of an elastic Cosserat surface. Also, we briefly indicate the nature of some
special theories and some available special results and solutions within the scope
of the general isothermal (or mechanical) theory.
ex.} The boundary-value problem in the general theory. The basic field equations
of the nonlinear theory consist in the equations of motion (9.47}-(9.48), (9.51}
and the energy equation (9.28} 1 with P given by (9.28} 2 or (9.52). The constitutive
equations for an elastic Cosserat surface are specified by (13.38} 2 , (13.40)-(13.43} or
any of the alternative forms discussed in the previous section. Also the heat flux q«,
whose constitutive equation has the form (13.43), must satisfy an inequality of
the form (13.19).
The above field equations and constitutive relations characterize the initial
boundary-value problem in the nonlinear theory of an elastic Cosserat surface.
The nature of the boundary conditions in this theory is clear from the rate of
work expression R.(&) in (8.8) and the line integral in (8.10). In particular, the
force and the director couple boundary conditions are given by (9.41) and (9.43)
and these hold pointwise on the boundary c of the Cosserat surface with outward
unit normal vex.
The rather difficult question of existence and nonuniqueness for elastostatic
boundary-value problems has been considered very recently by ANTMAN, whose
analysis is confined to axisymmetric deformations in the isothermal theory of
a Cosserat surface. 23 Employing the direct methods of the calculus of variations and
imposing fairly mild restrictions on the material response, ANTMAN's paper deals
with existence, regularity and nonuniqueness of solutions for equilibrium problems
of shells of revolution (under a wide class of boundary conditions) subjected to
hydrostatic pressure and distributed axial load.
{3) Constitutive equations in a mechanical theory. It is desirable to indicate
briefly one way in which the constitutive relations of the purely mechanical
theory can be expressed in terms of an elastic potential. For this purpose, we first
recall the expression for the rate of work by contact force and contact director
couple for each part & of rt' in the present configuration. Thus, after introducing
(9.11} and (9.20) into (8.8} 2 and transforming the line integral into a surface
integral, the expression for R. (&) becomes
R. (&) = f [(Ncx · v) 1cx + (Mcx · w)/cxJ da
=- J e[f. v+i · w] da+1?1'J [N' · v,cx+m · w+M<X · w."J da,
23 ANTMAN [1971, 1].
Sect. 14. The complete theory. Special results: I. Direct approach. 545

where in obtaining (14.1) 2 use has been made of (9.13) and (9.22). Consider next
the reduction of the rate of work of the contact and the assigned forces and
couples in (8.8) 1 . Combining (14.1) and (8.8) 3 , recalling the kinematical results
(5.18)-(5.19), (5.26), (5.29) and using (9.23), we finally obtain

R(fJJ) = :t Jf'(fJJ) + f [ &

N'rr. · 'lrr. +m · r +Mrr.. T:rr.J da

= ~t Jf'(fJJ) + J
[N'rr.fl'fJrr.fl +mi di+Mrr.i Airr.] da,

where the kinetic energy f(fJJ) is defined by (8.11) and the integrand in the
second surface integral is the component form of the integrand in the first integral.
We assume the existence of a strain energy or a stored energy per unit mass
J.:(()rr., t) such that
N'rr. · 'lrr. +m ·T +Mrr. · T:rr. =N'rr.fl'fJrr.p+midi+Mrr.i Airr. =ei:
and we define the strain energy for each part fJJ in the present configuration at
time t by the surface integral
U(fJJ) = f e 1.: da. (14.4)
From (14.2)-(14.4), (5.66) and (8.18) follows

R(fJJ) = :t [f(fJJ) + U(fJJ)], (14.5)

which is the analogue of a familiar result in the three-dimensional theory. Accord-

ing to (14.5) the rate of work by the contact and the assigned forces and couples
R(fJJ) is equal to the sum of the rate of the kinetic energy f(fJJ) and the rate
of the strain energy U(fJJ).
Returning to (14.3), in parallel with the developments of Sect. 13 [Sub-
sect. or.)], we assume that for an elastic Cosserat surface the strain energy density
1.: at each material point of'?? and for all tis specified by a response function which
depends on the kinematic variables (13.7):
l:=l:(arr., d, d,y; 0~'). (14.6)
aI: · ol: ·
aI: . +---·d+--·d
oarr.rr. od od,y ,y

and since (14.3) is defined to hold for all arbitrary values of (13.11h, 2 , 3 or equiv-
alently 'fJrr.tJ• r, T:rr., from (14.3) we can deduce a condition of the form (13.15)
together with constitutive equations of the forms (13.22)-(13.23) but with 1p
replaced by E. Further, by an argument entirely similar to that which led to
(13.38) and (13.41)-(13.42), the constitutive equations can be reduced to

rr._ a£
m -efid'
rr. (14.9)
- oA.yrr.'
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 35
546 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 14.

Alternative forms of the constitutive equations in which the strain energy density
depends on the relative kinematic measures (13.60) and their reference values
(13.61), the material symmetry, as well as the restriction imposed by the con-
dition (13.53}, can be discussed as in Sect. 13.
The above results, in terms of the response function £, represent the con-
stitutive equations of the purely mechanical theory of an elastic Cosserat surface.
They can be regarded as a special case of the formulae (13.38) and (13.41)-(13.42)
when the temperature is constant. Alternatively, they can be regarded as a
special case of those resulting from (13.25)-(13.27) when the entropy is constant.
We note that the constitutive relations (14.8)-(14.9) may also be deduced from a
virtual work principle.
y) Some special results. We include here some remarks concerning certain
special results, including a class of large deformation solutions. Based on the
above theory and when the constitutive equations are restricted to correspond
to an elastic Cosserat surface which is initially isotropic with a center of sym-
metry, a class of static and dynamic solutions for finite isothermal deformation
has been given by CROCHET and NAGHDI. 24 The problems considered by CROCHET
and NAGHDI are concerned mainly with a sector of a circular cylindrical surface,
problems of a closed circular cylindrical surface and spherically symmetric
deformation of a spherical surface. The solutions are obtained without specializing
the form of the specific free energy (or the strain energy density) function and
are such that in all cases (i) the initial director is taken to be coincident with the
unit normal to the initial undeformed surface and (ii) the displacement gradients
and the director displacements are independent of surface coordinates, but are
either constants or functions of time. These solutions may be regarded as the
surface counterpart of a number of existing exact solutions in the three-dimen-
sional (non-polar) finite elasticity, often called controllable solutions in the recent
literature.25 We also note here that the theory of infinitesimal deformation
superimposed upon a given deformation of an elastic Cosserat surface can be
constructed by employing concepts similar to the corresponding developments in
the three-dimensional theory. 26
Within the scope of the purely mechanical theory of an elastic Cosserat surface
and with the limitation to elastostatic problems, recently ERICKSEN has posed
the question of what is meant by a uniform state for shells and has provided
conditions for the existence of uniform states. 27 In essence, ERICKSEN defines a
local state by the kinematic variables (13.7) and proceeds to obtain an equivalence
relation between local states at different points of the same surface at time t.
His motivation is based on the idea that easily analyzed problems in shell theory
will involve such uniform states.
b) Special theories. The theory of a Cosserat surface summarized above
[Sect. 14, Subsect. ex)] includes, or is more general than, a number of special or
restrictive theories of shells. Notable among these is the restricted theory whose
developments began in Sect. 10 and will be completed in the next section. Here,
we discuss two well-known special theories or special cases of the general theory,
namely the membrane theory and the inextensional theory.
24 CROCHET and NAGHDI [1969, 1].
25 A detailed account of such exact solutions in the three-dimensional theory can be found
in GREEN and ADKINS [1960, 5] and in TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 9].
26 General results concerning superposed small deformations on a large deformation of an
elastic Cosserat surface are contained in a paper by GREEN and NAGHDI [1971, 5].
27 ERICKSEN [1970, 1].
Sect. 14. The complete theory. Special results: I. Direct approach. 547

The membrane theory of shells can be obtained by returning to the general

principles of Sect. 8 and omitting the vector d. Alternatively, the membrane
theory follows from the general theory of an elastic Cosserat surface if we set
i =0 and assume that the free energy function in (13.38) is independent of d
and d,y· Then, M(J. and m vanish by (13.23) and from (9.51) and (9.53) we obtain

Hence, in the membrane theory, NrJ.fJ is a symmetric tensor and the equations of
motion (9.47) reduce to
N(J.fl1(J.+efP=ecfl, brJ.fJN(J.fl+e/3 =ec 3, sp(J.N(J.fl=o. (14.11)
The energy equation and the entropy inequality are still of the forms (9.35)-(9.36)
but with P =NrJ.fJ 'f/rJ.fJ' For completeness we record below the constitutive
equations for an elastic membrane which follow from (13.62)-(13.66):
a~ aA
1J! = ip (erJ.fJ, (); A(J.p), 'fJ =- "",
N(J.fl = Nfl(J. = e __J'._
where the response functions ip, qx are now different functions from those in
(13.62) and (13.66) and q(J. must satisfy an inequality of the form (13.19). Alter-
natively, the constitutive equations for an elastic membrane may be obtained
from specialization of (13. 38) and (13 .40)-( 13.43), in terms of the kinematic
measure arJ.fJ rather than erJ.fJ, but we do not record these here. The material sym-
metry restrictions discussed in Sect. 13 [Subsects. y) and !5)] with an obvious
modification (in the absence of d, d,y) apply also to the response functions in
(14.12)-(14.13}. In this connection, we observe that the appropriate material
symmetries could be used in application to thin shells reinforced with cords. 2s
It is perhaps worth observing here that such phenomenon as surface tension
can be described as a special case of the foregoing membrane theory. The classical
theory of surface tension may be summarized by the statement that the total
free energy is proportional to the surface area. In the context of the three-
dimensional theory, for a thin film, the reference (or middle) surface has about
the same area as the lower and upper surfaces so that adding their contributions
results in an energy proportional to the area of the reference surface. Within the
framework of the above membrane theory, the free energy can contain such a
contribution. Indeed, in view of (4.40), if the response function ip is assumed to
depend on at only or equivalently if 1J!=ifJ(at), then the expressions for NrJ.fJ ap-
propriate to surface tension can be calculated from (14.10)1 and (13.41). In the
special case that ip is quadratic in at; i.e., i/J={Ja, where {3 is a constant, the results
in lines of curvature coordinates will correspond to those usually given in the
context of the classical theory of surface tension.
We consider now a special theory, called the inextensional theory, wherein
the length of each element of the surface qJ' is assumed to remain constant
throughout all motions. This requirement can be expressed by the three equations
28 In the context of the purely mechanical theory, RrvLIN [1959, 4] has discussed the
deformation of a net of inextensible cords regarded as a membrane of fabric with two directions
of inextensibility at each point of the surface. Related problems of sheets reinforced with
perfectly flexible but inextensible cords can be found in Chap. 7 of GREEN and ADKINS
[1960, 5].
548 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 14.

which by (5.31) is equivalent to ea.p =0. The condition (14.14) implies that the
surface area is "preserved" for all times and it follows that (! =eo' in view of
the continuity equation (4.42). 29 It is clear that (14.14) is a restriction on the
class of possible motions and hence represents an internal constraint. We can
therefore deduce the inextensional theory from the general theory of a Cosserat
surface only by the introduction of additional assumptions appropriate to a
theory with internal constraints. Although we do not consider here a general
development of internal constraints for shells, the development of the theory in
the presence of mechanical constraints of the type (14.14) is fairly straight-
forward and may be patterned after analogous treatments of internal constraints
in the three-dimensional (non-polar) continuum mechanics. 30
From differentiation of (14.14) with respect to t follow the three constraint
equations aa.fJ = 0. These constraint equations remain unaltered under superposed
rigid body motions, and by (5.14) may be written as

'YJa.p=O. (14.15)
From the energy equation (9.29) and the conditions (14.15), it is at once apparent
that N'a. can no longer be determined entirely by constitutive equations in the
sense that a part of N'a. which occurs in
N'« · 'Ia. = (N'« · aP) 'YJa.p
is workless. It is evident that the indeterminate part of N'a., i.e., the part not
specified by constitutive equations, pertains to the tangential components N'a.fJ
defined by (9.31) and not to the normal component N'a. · a 3 • The indeterminate
part of N'a. may be thought of as the" forces required to maintain the constraint''
and for brevity may be referred to as the constraint response. 31
Keeping the above in mind, in the development of the inextensional theory
under consideration, we make the following assumptions: (i) The vector functions
N'a. are determined to within an additive constraint response in the form
where EN'« are specified by constitutive equations, while the constraint response
.;Va. are functions of position and time but are independent of the rate quantities
{13.11); (ii) the indeterminate forces .Ala. are workless in all motions consistent
with (14.15), i.e.,s2
,Ala.. 'Ia. =0, (14.17}
where 'Ia. is defined by (5.19) and (5.15). Now by any of a number of standard
procedures, from {14.15) and {14.17) we may conclude that .Afa. · aP=)..a.fJ or
29 The inextensional deformation specified by (14.14) implies!?= const (and hence'' surface
incompressibility"), but the converse is not true.
3 For an account of mechanical constraints in the three-dimensional theory, see Sect. 30
of TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 9]. A thermodynamical theory of a continuum in the presence
of thermo-mechanical constraints has been given recently by GREEN, NAGHDI and TRAPP
[1970, 3]. A development of the inextensional theory by direct approach, based on the theory
of a Cosserat surface subject to the conditions (14.14), is contained in a paper by CROCHET
[1971, 3].
31 This terminology is used in [1970, 3].
32 In the context of the thermodynamical treatment of constraints in [1970, 3], the
requirement (14.17) is equivalent to the assumption that the local production of entropy due
to ,Ala. is zero.
Sect. 15. The complete restricted theory: I. Direct approach. 549

where ;.a.P is an arbitrary symmetric tensor function of position and time. 33

It may be noted that since only the tangential components of N'a. are affected
by the constraint conditions (14.15), in the case of the inextensional theory we
could absorb the tangential components of EN'a. into .;Va. and replace (14.16) by
N'a.P =N'Pa. =Ka.P. In this way we wouldagainarriveattheconclusion.;Va.P =J..a.P.
We summarize now the field equations and the constitutive equations for an
inextensible Cosserat surface. The symmetric tensor ;.a.P in (14.18) is governed
by the equations of motion (9.13) or equivalently 34 (9.47) 1 , 2 . The equations of
motion of the inextensional theory are given by (9.48) and the components N[a.Pl
and Na. 3 are still determined from (9.51). The energy equation and the entropy
inequality are still of the forms (9.35)-(9.36) but instead of P in (9.29) 2 or (9.52)
we now have
=mid.1- +Ma.i l. j(X 0

The developments of the constitutive equations for an elastic inextensional

Cosserat surface now parallels that given in Sect. 13. Thus, except for N', we may
begin by introducing constitutive assumptions similar to those in (13.8) in terms
of response functions which, aside from their dependence on the material point
()P, are functions of
d, d,y• () (14.20)
and the temperature gradient () a.· Moreover, because of the constraint conditions
{14.15), instead of the inequality (13.14) we now have

-e(i7+ ~!)o+(m-e ~:)-r+(Mr-e ad )·r.y-(q·aa.) 0it ~o. (14.21)

where 1p is a different function from that in (13.14) and depends on the variables
{14.20). The rest of the developments, with obvious modifications, are entirely
similar to those in Sect. 13.35
15. The complete restricted theory: I. Direct approach. Previously, the field
equations of the restricted theory in which the motion is characterized by (5.1) 1
alone were derived in Sect. 10. Here we complete this theory for an elastic surface
in a manner similar to the more general developments of Sect. 13. Preliminary
to the introduction of the constitutive assumption appropriate to the restricted
theory, we observe that under superposed rigid body motions the results (13.1)
still hold but instead of (13.2) we now have the transformations
_Ma.-+Q Ma., Na-+Q Na., q-+Q q (15.1)
under superposed rigid body motions. It follows that the transformation (13.4)
still holds but those in (13.3) are now replaced by
jt[a.P-+ifa.P, Jva.P-+Jva.P, q"'-+q"', (15 .2)
where Jva.P and Jia.fJ are defined by (10.26) and (10.20) 3 •
)..a.{J play the role of Lagrange multipliers.
sa It is clear that
34 These equations may not always uniquely determine ).a.fJ throughout the surface of'?!.
35 Inasmuch as the variables aa. are absent from the argument of the response functions,
the inequality (14.21) is unaffected by the constraint equations (14.15). In the presence of
more general constraints of the type t' · ap = o, where t' are vector functions of a9 and the
variables (14.20), the inequality corresponding to (14.21) will be subject to the constraint
equations and this must also be taken into account when obtaining results similar to (13.18).
See, in this connection, Sect. 4 of [1970, 3] for a discussion of constitutive equations for an
elastic continuum subject to a general thermo-mechanical constraint.
550 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 15.

Recalling the general remarks concerning constitutive equations at the

beginning of Sect. 13 [between (13.4) and (13.8)], within the scope of the restricted
theory, we define an elastic surface by the following five response functions:
...L - ..l..
N"'( or NiX\1 , M"' , 1p, - -"'
- r;, q. (15.3)
We introduce constitutive equations, in terms of the response functions (15.3),
at each material point 011 of the surface in the present configuration; and we
assume that the response functions depend on the kinematic variables
(15 .4)
as well as the temperature and the temperature gradient. 36 For example, the
constitutive equation for the specific Helmholtz free energy will have the form

with similar constitutive equations for N"', M"', r; and q"' in terms of the response
functions in (15.3). These constitutive equations are assumed to hold at each
material point ()11 and for all times t.
From combination of the entropy inequality (9.32) and the energy equation
(10.24) 1 in terms of 1p in (9.34), follows the inequality

-eip-er; o+P-q"' 00"' ~o. (1 5.6)

which must hold for every admissible process and where P is given by (10.24) 2 •
After introducing the above constitutive assumptions for the restricted theory
in (15.6) and following the procedure of Sect. 13, we can show that ;;pin (15.5)
must be independent of O,ot· Hence, 1p can be expressed in terms of a (different)
response function of () and the variables (15 .4) :
1p=1{J(a"', as,r• (); 0~'). (1 5.7)

Moreover, the inequality (15.6) can then be written in the form

(1 5.8)

where the function ;;pin (15.7) must satisfy

e a"· [-
ot fJlji
- -bA--
=0 l (15.9)

and l"',. is defined by (5.61) 3 • The condition (15.9) arises from the fact that the
inequality (15.6) must remain unaffected by superposed rigid body motions. 37
Using arguments similar to those in Sect. 13 [Subsect. 1X)] and recalling our
36 Apart from the temperature and its gradient, the variables (15.4) define the local state
in the restricted theory. They may be contrasted with the kinematic variables (13. 7) which
define the local state in the theory of an elastic Cosserat surface. In fact, since the unit normal
to a surface is determined by the surface base vectors, the variables (15.4) representing the
local state in the restricted theory follow from (13. 7) with d = a 3 •
37 The inequality (15.8} and the condition ( 15.9) are, respectively, the counterparts of
(13.14) and (13 .1 5) in the restricted theory.
Sect. 15. The complete restricted theory: I. Direct approach. 551

constitutive assumptions, from (15 .8) we deduce the relations

- o!p (15.10)

Jia.P=fiPa.=__!_e{(o'P +b~~IP )·aP+(o'P +b~ oip

2 oaa. oaa,, oap oaa,,
.ll{!,a.> = __!_ o"ij . a"'+ -~ii -.a"}
e{ oaa,,
2 oa ,a.

and an inequality in the form (13.19) but with qa. now a function of 0, 0 a. and the
variables (15 .4). . '
Next, we consider the reduction of (15 .7) under superposed rigid body motions.
As in Sect. 13 [Subsect. /J)J, we observe that a constitutive equation in the
form (15.7) which holds for an admissible process must also hold for a motion
which differs from (5.1h only by superposed rigid body motions. This requirement
is fulfilled if and only if a response function such as 1ji satisfies the identity
for all proper orthogonal Q. An identity similar to (15.12) holds for qt. We now
use Cauchy's representation theorem for isotropic functions and express 1jJ as a
(different) function in the form
1p=tp(aa.f3• ~a.fJ• 0; 0"), (15.13)
where (4.12)1 , (4.13h and the definition (5.61) 3 for la.p have been used. With the
help of (15.7) and (15.13) and using the chain rule for differentiation, the con-
stitutive equations (15.1 0)-(15.11) can be reduced to 38
'YJ =- 86 . (15.14)


Also, the constitutive equation for the heat flux can be expressed as
~=q"'(ayd• ~6• 0, o,,; 0"). (15.16)
The discussion of material symmetry restrictions and other considerations for
constitutive equations can be pursued in a manner similar to that in Sect. 13.
We can also write the constitutive equations in terms of relative kinematic
measures and the reference values (13.72) but we do not record these.
The components N"' 8 are absent from the energy equation and also from the
inequality (15.6), as was noted in Sect. 10. Hence, the components N"' 3 cannot
be specified by constitutive equations and may be determined from the equations
of motion (10.21h. Moreover, as is evident from (15.15), the restricted theory
provides constitutive equations for only the symmetric jya.fJ and the symmetric
part of .ll{a.P or equivalently for N(a.{J) and .ll{!a.fJl. The skew:symmetric part of
N"'fJ is determined from (10.21h but the latter also involves M«P. Thus, in order
to obtain a determinate theory, we now assume that
.ll{[a.(J] =0. (15.17)
38 Once more we recall that in evaluating partial derivatives with respect to symmetric

tensors such as oijJjola.(J• the tensor la.P is understood to stand for t(lrz.p + Apa.l.
552 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 15.

Then, from (10.21} 2 , the skew-symmetric part of Na.fJ is given by

N[a.fJl = !{b~ ifCYfJI - {Jf, ifCya.l}. (15.18}
Further, with the help of (15.18), the differential equations of motion (10.22)
can be written in the alternative form
N{a.fJlla. -t[b~ ifCya.lJia. +t[b~ ifCYfJlJia. -~ ifCya.lly +e jfJ =0,
if<a.fJ)la.fJ+ba.fJ N<a.fJI +e /3 =0.
The above differential equations involve only the symmetric N(a.fJ) and ifCa.fJ).
They can also be expressed in terms of ifa.tJ and ifCa.fJ) as follows:
j{a.fJia.- {Jf,la. ifCy~:~.)- 2~ ifCya.)IY + f! fP = 0,
ifCa.fJila.fJ + ba.fJ j{a.fJ- ba.fJ b~ ifCya.) + f! fs = 0.
To summarize, the basic field equations and the constitutive relations for an
elastic surface in the restricted theory consist of the equations of motion (9.47}
and (10.21) together with (15.17) [or any of the alternative sets recorded above],
the energy equation (10.24) and the constitutive equations (15.13)-(15.16}. Also
the response function z;a. must satisfy an inequality of the form (13.19}. 39 It
remains to consider the nature of the boundary conditions in the restricted
theory. Recalling the expression for the rate of work of contact force and couple
in (10.3) and remembering (10.20} 3 , (15.17), (5.61) 1 and (5.24}, we have
kc(&) =I (N · v+M· w) ds
= I ya. {Na.i v.-
' ifCa.y) bfJy v{J - ifCa.y) v3,y} d s •

Let 8f8v stand for the directional derivative along the unit normal v to the
boundary curve c of the surface d in the present configuration. Then

where 8f8s is the directional derivative along the tangent to c introduced in (8.1).
Provided the quantities in (15.21) are single-valued on a (sufficiently smooth}
closed curve c, with the use of (15.22} and an integration by parts, (15.21} can be
reduced to
Rc(&) = J{P~
Vp +P3 v3 -G ~:3 } ds, (15.23}

39 These results, including the constitutive relations of the restricted theory for an elastic
surface, can be brought into correspondence with those of the restricted theory of simple
force dipole contained in the paper of BALABAN, GREEN and NAGHDI [1967, 1] and referred
to earlier in Sect. 10.
In the context of the purely mechanical theory, there exist in the literature derivations
(with various degrees of approximation) from the three-dimensional equations which are
aimed at the types of results supplied by the restricted theory. Such developments from the
three-dimensional theory which employ special or restrictive kinematic assumptions (e.g.,
NAGHDI and NoRDGREN [1963, 8]) are necessarily approximate in character; and although
they often contain formulae similar in form to those of the restricted theory [including those
corresponding to (15.15) with tp regarded as the strain energy density], they should not be
confused with the latter. The essential point here to be born in mind is that although the two
sets of formulae are similar, the constitutive coefficients in (15.15) are arbitrary and are not
predetermined from an (approximate) expression of the three-dimensional specific free energy
or strain energy density.
Sect. 16. Linear constitutive equations: I. Direct approach. 553

where we have put

pP =Vcx [N"P _ .1JlCcxy) lly], G=M'",>v" v1'' (15.24)

pa =vcx[MCPcxlJp+e l"]- :s [ep,11fCcxfJ) Vcx vY], (15.25)

and in obtaining (15.25) use has been made of (10.21h. The nature of the boundary
conditions in the restricted theory is now clear from (15.23). In particular, the
modified force and couple boundary conditions which hold pointwise on c are
given by (15.24)-(15.25). 40
As remarked earlier, the above restricted theory bears on the classical theory
of shells. 41 This will become apparent in Sect. 25, where the complete restricted
linear theory is discussed. We note here that the membrane theory follows also
from the above restricted theory by setting lcx=o and assuming that ijJ in (5.13)
is independent of icxp. Similarly, by introducing additional assumptions, an
inextensional theory-less general than that given in Sect. 14 [Subsect. ~)]-can
be derived from the restricted theory subject to the constraint equations (14.15).
16. Linear constitutive equations: I. Direct approach. Previously in Sects. 6
and 9. we considered linearization of the kinematic variables and the field equa-
tions in a systematic manner. Here, we complete the linearization procedure in a
complete theory of an elastic Cosserat surface and obtain explicit expressions for
the constitutive equations.
IX) General considerations. We begin our general considerations of constitutive
equations of the linear theory with the thermodynamical results (13.62)-(13.66).
However, as in (13.70)1 , we take the initial director D to be along the normal to
the reference surface !/'so that the set of variables dl!R are still given by (13.61)
but with values D, and A," in (13.70).
Since the kinematic variables y3 , "acx and their reference values occur in the
arguments of the response functions according to the last two variables in each
of (13.60)-(13.61), in addition to the linear kinematic variables of Sect. 6, we
need also the expressions resulting from linearization of (13.58). Thus, by the
procedure of Sect. 6 and recalling (6.8) 2 , (6.9) 2 and (6.13), we readily find
s=2e(D 3 y3) +O(e 2) =O(e),
scx=e(D3 Xacx+A?cxrs) +O(e 2) =O(e).
Recalling the earlier remarks concerning the linear theory [Sect. 9, Subsect. y)],
the response function :;p in (13.62) now becomes a quadratic function of the
appropriate kinematic variables either in the forms (6.22) or (6.23) together with
which are obtained from (16.1) in accordance with the linearization procedure
of Sect. 6. Moreover, since the left-hand side of each constitutive equation in
(13.63)-(13.66) is now of O(e), it follows that on the right-hand sides (;?, d3 , A?ex
must be replaced to the order e by (;?0 , D 3, A~ex• respectively. It is easily seen that
the linearized constitutive equations for 'YJ, N'"fl, mcx, M"Y will have the same
40 These results were given in [1968, 7]. They correspond to similar formulae obtained in
the literature on the classical linear theory of shells; see, e.g., [1963, 7].
41 A special case of the theory of Cosserat surface resulting in a system of equations
analogous to that of the restricted theory has been discussed by GREEN and NAGHDI [1968, .5].
The constitutive equations used in [1968, .5] are, however, those in the form (13.80)-(13.82).
554 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 16.

forms as those in (13.63)-(13.65) but the linear constitutive equations for m3

and Ma.a are

where ip is a different function from that in (13.62) and is quadratic in the argu-
ments ea.y• l'a.• xya.• s, sa. and 0.
The foregoing results are obtained from (13.62)-(13.65) for a Cosserat surface
whose (initial) reference director is specified by (13.70) 1 . Consider now a Cosserat
surface with its (initial) reference director coincident with the unit normal to
!/given by (13.71) 1 . For a Cosserat surface C(l so specified in its reference con-
figuration, in view of (13.71) 3 5 , the linearized expressions (16.2) to O(e) become
Then, the right-hand sides of (16.3) 1 , 2 reduce to
aip alp
eo ora and eo o"aa. ,
respectively; and the constitutive equations of the linear theory may be expressed
. 81p
m• =eo oy; ' (16.7)

In (16.5)-(16.7) () and 'YJ are now the temperature difference and the entropy
difference, each of O(e) measured from a standard temperature 00 and entropy 'Y/o
in the initial undeformed surface; and the response function tp is quadratic in the
temperature() and the kinematic variables ea.fJ• y;, X;a.· Also, instead of (13.66),
we now have a constitutive equation for the linearized heat flux Qa. defined by
(9.59) 2 • The response function for the heat flux, apart from its dependence on
q;-~, is now a linear function of the remaining arguments in (16.5) in addition
to O,a.· Moreover, instead of (13.19), in the linear theory we have the inequality
-Qa. o,a.;;:;;o, (16.8)
which places restriction on the response function Qa.. It then follows that Qa. must
be linear in the temperature gradient and can depend in addition only on the
reference values q;-~. We defer recording an explicit constitutive equation for
Qa. but note here that the residual energy equation in the linear theory becomes
eo r-eo Oo ~ =0, (16.9)
where the vertical bar denotes covariant differentiation with respect to Aa.p·
The above residual energy equation is obtained from (9.60) 1 with the help of
(16.5)-(16.7). Each term in (16.9) is of O(e) consistent with our linearization
procedure and in accord with the remarks made in Sect. 9 [Subsect. y)].
In the remainder of this section and in our further considerations of the linear
theory by direct approach, we confine attention to an elastic Cosserat surface
42 Here and in most of the developments that follow we return to our earlier notation
and often employ the same symbol for a function and its value without confusion.
Sect. 16. Linear constitutive equations: I. Direct approach. 555
with its (initial) reference director specified by (13.71} 1 . The constitutive relations
are then given by (16.5)-(16.7), apart from an equation for heat flux. 43 Moreover,
we observe here that the results (16.5)-(16.7) can also be deduced by linearization
of (13.80}-(13.82} with the reference values (13.71). It is rather striking that the
distinction between the two sets of constitutive equations (13.62}-(13.65) and
(13.80}-(13.82} disappears for the linear theory and with D specified by (13.71}1 .
If we recall the energy equation (9.60) 1 with Pin the form (9.71}, it becomes
evident that thermodynamical results corresponding to (16.7) can be deduced
also for N'a.fJ, Ma.i and Vi. Thus, in terms of the kinematic variables ea.fJ• f2ia.
and y i, the specific free energy in the linear theory can alternatively be expressed
1Jl=ip(ea.fJ• Yi• f2ia.• 0; 0/1~) (16.10)
and we can deduce the results


in place of (16.7). The relation for entropy is still of the form (16.6) but with the
function 'If' replaced by :;p.
The constitutive equations of the linear theory may also be expressed in
terms of the specific internal energy. Such results can be deduced in a manner
similar to those in Sect. 13 [between (13.25)-(13.27)] but will not be recorded
here. Instead we consider next a different set of constitutive equations for the
linear theory in terms of another thermodynamic potential, namely the specific
Gibbs free energy function cp. Occasionally, it is useful to be able to express the
kinematic variables such as ea.fJ• Yi• "'ia. in terms of(} and N'a.fJ, m•, Ma.i, regarded
as the independent variables. This can be achieved by introduction of the specific
Gibbs function cp defined by

cp=cp(N'a.f1,m•,Ma.i,();Ol/~)=1Jl- ;o [N'a.fJea.p+m'y.+Ma.i"'ia.J, (16.12)

where the specific Helmholtz free energy function 'If' is of the form (16.5). Then,
we have
rJ=-ao· (16.13)


instead of the relations (16.6)-(16.7).

{3) Explicit results for linear constitutive equations. Let the surface !/ in the
initial configuration of the Cosserat surface rt' be homogeneous, free from curve
force and director couple and in the state of rest at a constant temperature 00 and
entropy 'YJo. Then, to the order of approximation considered, it is sufficient to
express 'If' in (16.5) as a quadratic function of ea.fJ• Y•· "'•a. and 0. Thus, if we put

43 The constitutive relations (16.5)-(16.7), being valid for a Cosserat surface whose initial
director D is of constant magnitude, are intended for shells and plates of uniform thickness.
"The use of the symbol fii here should not be confused with a similar notation in Sect. 13.
In (16.10). fii is a quadratic function of temperature and the kinematic variables ea.{J• 7'i• f!ia.·
556 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 16.

'YJo =0, we have 45

(!o"P =lcrr.Py6 err.p ey6 +2Crr.Pr6 Urr.p uy6 +aCrr.Pr6 err.p uy6
+lcrr.Py Usrr. Upy +2Crr.Py err.p /'y
+aCrr.Py err.p Usy +4Crr.Py Yrr. Upy
+lCrr.P Yrr. Yp + 2crr.P Usrr. Usp +aCrr.P Yrr. Usp (16.15)
+4Crr.P err.p Ya +oCrr.P urr.p Ys +4C'rr.P err.p () +oC'rr.P Urr.p ()
+1Crr. Yrr. Ya + 2C<X Usrr. Ys +1C'rr. Yrr. () + 2C'rr. Usrr. ()
+ C(ys)2 + C' ()2 + C" Ys ()'
where some of the coefficients satisfy certain symmetry conditions, e.g.,
lcrr.Pr6 =lCPrr.y6 =~Crr.P6y =1Cy6rr.P,
2Crr.Py6 = 2Cy6rr.P, aCrr.Py6 =aCPrr.r6, 2Crr.Py = 2CPrr.r.

From (16.15), we can readily calculate explicit relations for 'YJ, N'rr.P, mi, Mrr.i
which would be valid for an anisotropic Cosserat surface, but we do not record
these here. For completeness we also record an explicit constitutive relation for Qrr..
Recalling the remark made following (16.8), we write 46
where the conductivity coefficients urr.P (assumed to be symmetric) depend on the
reference values Olt~ and satisfy the restrictions
imposed by the inequality (16.8). We emphasize here that the free energy function
(16.15) [and also the response function (16.17}1 ] is recorded for a Cosserat surface
with its (initial) reference director specified by (13.71 }1 ; and hence, in line with
the remark made in Sect. 4 [following (4-35)], is appropriate for a shell which
is of uniform thickness in the initial reference configuration. For a shell which is
of variable thickness in the reference configuration, the free energy is still of the
form (16.15) except that the various coefficients are now functions of the reference
values (13.61) [instead of (13.72)] and also the kinematic variables y3 and u3 rr.
in (16.15) must be replaced with sand srr., respectively. Moreover, in this case,
the constitutive relations for m3 and Mrr. 3 are found from (16.3) instead of the
corresponding expressions in (16. 7).
Henceforth, with reference to (16.15) and (16.17), we restrict our attention to
an elastic Cosserat surface possessing holohedral isotropy (i.e., isotropy with a
center of symmetry). In this case, a tensor basis is given by Arr.P and since there
are no holohedral isotropic tensors of odd order, it follows that all odd order
coefficients in (16.15) must vanish:
1Crr.Pr = 2Crr.Pr = 3 Crr.Pr = 4 Crr.Pr =0, 1Crr. = 2 Crr. = 1C'rr. = 2 C'rr. =0. (16.19)
45 Our results between (16.15)-(16.25) follow GREEN, NAGHDI and WAINWRIGHT [1965, 4].
The various coefficients in (16.15) are functions of the reference values "''IR in (13.72).
Since for simplicity we have specified the initial director to beD =A3 (with D 3 = 1), the
dependence of the various coefficients in (16.1 5) on (D 3 ) 2 and therefore the magnitude of D
is not explicit. [Recall the reference values (13.61).] Indeed, instead of specifying na = 1, we
could leave (D3 ) 2 as an arbitrary parameter in the various coefficients of (16.15).
46 This is simply the two-dimensional analogue of the Fourier law in the linear three-
dimensional theory.
Sect. 16. Linear constitu tive equation s: I. Direct approac h.
Moreover, the remaining coefficients in (16.15) must be homoge
neous linear
functions of products of Acxll so that, for example, Ccxlly/J may be written
1 as

But by (16.16) 1 , ex 2 =ex3 and the same conclusions can be reached
by (16.16) 2.
Similar arguments can be applied to other coefficients in (16.15).
In particular,
it can be shown that 3 Ccxllyo, as 1 Ccxlly/J, has only two independent scalar
but 2Ccxlly/J involves three independent scalar coefficients.
Keeping the above in mind, we can finally write the specific free energy
tion "P in the form
12o "P = i[exl Acxll AY{j + ex2 (A<XY All/J +Acx/J AllY)] ecxll ey/J
+iexa Acxll Ycx Yll + iex4(Ya) 2 +ex~ Ya 0 +iex~' 02
+Hexs Acxll AYIJ +ex6 A<XY All/J +ex7 Acx/J AllY] "cxll "y/J
+ iexs A cxll "a ex "all+ ex9 A cxll ecxll Ya +ex~ A cxll ecxll 0 (16.21)
+ [exlo Acxll AYIJ +exll (Acxy All/J +Acx/J AllY)] ecxll UyiJ
+ ext2 A cxll "cxll Ya + ex~2 A cxll "cxll e
+exta Acxll Ycx "all•
and by (16.7) we also have
N'cxll=[ex1 Acxll AY 0 +ex 2 (Acxy All/J+Acx/J AllY)] ey/J
+[ex10 Acxll AY 0 +ex11 (Acxy All/J+Acx/J AllY)] uy/J (16.22)
+ex9 Acxll y3 +ex~ Acxll e,
mcx =exa Acxy Yy +exta Acxy "ay•
ms =ex4 Ya +ex~ e +ex9 Acxll ecxfl +ext2 Acxfl "cxfl• (16.23)

Mllcx = [exs Acxll AYIJ +ex6 Acxy All/J +ex7 Acx/J AllY] "y/J
+[ex10 AcxfJ AY 0 +ex11 (Acxy All/J+Acx/J AflY)J ey/J
+ ex12 Acxll y3 +ex~ 2 Acxll e, (16.24)
!vfcx3 =exs Acxy "ay +exta A cxy Yy•
where the coefficients ex1 , •.• , ex13 , ex~, ex~', ex~ and
depend on the initial values
ex~ 2
AcxfJ• Bcxfl· We also note that for an isotropic material with a center
of symme try
the constitutive relation for Qcx in (16.17) reduces to
Qcx=-u Acxfle, fJ, u;:;;;o. (16.25)
Apart from dependence of the coefficients ex1 , ••• , ex 13 , ex~, ... , exi , ex~' on
2 the refer-
ence values o/1~ in (13.72), the foregoing results for an elastic Cossera
t surface
which is initially homogeneous and possesses holohedral isotropy
are not parti-
cularly simple even in the case of an initially flat Cosserat surface for
which (6.26)
holds. For this reason and for later reference we consider next an
additional re-
striction corresponding to (13-53) and (13.74) and examine its consequ
y) A restricted form of the constitutive equations for an isotropic materia
l. We
consider now a further restriction on the constitutive equations
previously in Sect. 13. According to this restriction, which is separat
e from
558 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 16.

material symmetries, for a given Cosserat surface the constitutive equations are
required to remain unaltered under the reflection (13.53) and hence (13.54) or

together with (13.74)-(13.75). 47 In order to obtain the appropriate transformation

relations for the kinematic variables (which occur in the constitutive equations)
under the restriction (16.26)1 , we should return to (16.2) and examine the effect
of (16.26h prior to the specification of D =A3 • For this purpose and with reference
to the constitutive equations resulting from linearization of (13.63)-(13.65) with
D along the normal to !/ [such as the constitutive equation (16.3)], suppose
that the initial director along the normal is of constant magnitude specified by
D =DA3 with Dbeing constant. Then, D 3 =D =canst, A3 .. =0 and the linearized
variables (16.2) reduce to

Keeping the above in mind, we see that the kinematic variables y.. , "Y"'' s, s..
which occur in the linear constitutive equations (with D = DA3) transform
according to


under the conditions (16.26). Now, without loss in generality, we put i5 = 1

(or D =As) and conclude that under the restriction (16.26) 1 the kinematic vari-
ables y,, "'"' [which occur in the constitutive equations (16.5)-(16.7)] must trans-
form according to

in view of the relations (16.4) between 48 s, y3 and s.. , "sex·

We restrict attention in the remainder of this section to the isothermal theory,
although this is by no means essential, and we return to our objective of obtaining
a restricted form of the constitutive equations (16.21)-(16.24). It is instructive
to consider first the case of an initially flat Cosserat plate for which the specific
free energy (or the strain energy density, since () =canst.) takes the form4D
where the kinematic variables in the argument of tp are given by (6.25). It is clear
that the constitutive equations obtained from (16.30) and (16.7), for an isotropic
material with a center of symmetry, will have the same form as (16.21)-(16.24)
except that the coefficients or:1 , ... , or:13 are now constants. We now introduce the
further restriction that tp be invariant under the reflection (16.26h which, in
47 See also the remarks made preceding both (13.53) and (13.74). The interpretation which
may be associated with (16.26h parallels that given in Sect. 13 with reference to (13.53).
48 Note that with D= 1, the expressions (16.27) reduce to (16.4) and the previous con-
clusion regarding the reduction of the constitutive equations (16.3) to corresponding expressions
in (16.7) holds.
49 This follows from (16.5) for an isothermal theory of an initially flat Cosserat plate for
which (6.26) holds.
Sect. 16. Linear constitutive equations: I. Direct approach. 559

view of (16.29), can be stated asso

1p(er:~.P• uyr:~.• Uar:~.• Yr:~.• Ya• Ar:~.p) =1p(er:~.P• -uyr:~.• Uar:~.• -y(J., Ya• Ar:~.p). (16.31)
The condition (16.31) is a further restriction on the free energy function 1p, separate
from that arising from holohedral isotropy (or isotropy with a center of symmetry),
and results in simpler expressions for 1p, N'r:~.P, mi, Mr:~.i. These expressions can be
obtained as special cases of (16.21)-(16.24), apart from the terms involving (),
if we put
We postpone recording the explicit form of these constitutive relations, but note
that the simplification leading to (16.32) can also be achieved in the case of
(16.10)-(16.11) by specializing (16.10) for the isothermal theory of an initially flat
Cosserat plate. For later convenience, we record the resulting expression for 1p in
the form
1p = ip. + ipb'
2eo ip. =[!XI Ar:~.P AY6 +1X2(Ar:J.Y AP6 +Ar:~.b APY)] er:~.p ey6
+1X4(Ya) 2+1Xs Ar:~.P flar:~. flap +21Xs Ar:~.P er:~.pYa• (16.33)
2(!o ;;pb = [1Xs Ar:~.P AY6 +IXs Ar:J.Y AP6 +IX7 Ar:~.b APYJ flr:~.p (!y6
+1Xa Ar:~.P Yr:~. Yp ·
We may note that the variable (!yr:~. in (16.33) may be replaced with uyr:~.• in view
of (6.25) 6 •
We now turn to the more general case (in which Br:~.p =I= 0) but discuss the
additional restriction with reference to the constitutive relations (16.1 0)-( 16.11).
Again, limiting the discussion to the isothermal theory, we see that the free
energy as a function of the kinematic variables (6.24) takes the form

where 1p is now a function different from that in (16.10). The additional restriction
that 1p remain unaltered under the transformations (16.26h and (13.74), in view
of (16.29) and (13.78) with D =Aa, implies that 51

1fl(er:~.P• flr:~.P• flar:~.• Yr:~.• Ya; Ar:~.P• -Br:~.p)

=ip(er:~.P• -er:~.P• flar:~.• -y(J., Ya;• ·

The restriction (16.35), together with that due to isotropy with a center of sym-
metry, enables us to write down the complete form for 1p which is quadratic in
er:~.P• flir:~.• Yi· The resulting expression will contain terms of the type in (16.21)
with !!;r:~. defined in (6.24), in addition to terms involving Br:~.p· As the latter terms
(which vanish in the case of an initially flat surface) are rather unwieldy, we may
regard the free energy to have the form (16.33) but with the kinematic variables
defined by (6.24). This is equivalent to the specification that the response function

50 The restriction (16.31) was introduced by GREEN and NAGHDI [1967, 4], [1968, 6] on
the basis of a different argument than that given here, but the results and the conclusions
remain the same.
51 The restriction (16.35) was introduced by GREEN and NAGHDI [1968, 6], [1969, 3] on
the basis of an argument different from that given here, but the results and conclusions remain
the same.
560 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 16.

iji be independent of Brxp· It should be emphasized that this is not an approxima-

tion but merely a particular choice for ;;pas a special case of the general theory. 52
<5) Constitutive equations of the restricted linear theory. The results in Sub-
sect. y) for a restricted form of constitutive equations of an elastic Cosserat
surface should not be confused with the corresponding set of linear constitutive
equations appropriate to the restricted theory (Sects. 10 and 15). It is not difficult
to see that the latter set (with different constitutive coefficients) may be obtained
in a similar manner by linearization of the nonlinear constitutive equations of
the restricted theory in Sect. 15. In particular, with the limitation to isothermal
deformations, the specific free energy in the restricted linear theory is a quadratic
function of the kinematic variables e«fJ• {!(fJ«l defined in (6.27). Hence, in parallel
with (16.34), we may write
1p='iji(erx{J• f!({Jrx); o//k), (16.36)
where ;pis a different function from that in (16.34).
We may also impose a condition similar to (16.35) on the response function
;pin (16.36) by requiring that the function ;p remain unaltered under the reflection
of the unit normal and hence its gradient: 53
Aa~-Aa. Aa,rx~-Aa,rx· (16.37)
Under the transformations (16.37), the linearized kinematic formulae of the
restricted theory [collected in (6.27)] transform according to

e«fJ~e«fJ• f!(fJ«l~-e(fJrxl·
Hence, the added requirement that ;p in (16. 36) remain unaltered under the
reflection (16.37) implies that
In line with the remarks made following (16.35), we now regard the response
function ;pin (16.39) to be independent of B«fJ but the kinematic variables in its
argument being those in (6.27). It then follows that for an isotropic material
with a center of symmetry, the constitutive equation for1p [in parallel to (16.33)]
can be written in the form
1p ='iji. + 'Pb•
2(!0 'ife = [/11 A«fl A1"' +f12(A«Y Afl" +A«" AflY)J e«fJ e,.,, (16.40)
2f!o ;pb = [/15 A«fl A"" +Ps(A«Y Afl" +A«" Afl")] f!<rxfJ) {!(ydl•
where {11 , {12 , /15 and /16 are arbitrary constants and do not necessarily have the
same values as the corresponding coefficients in (16.33). We postpone recording
52 The ultimate plausibility for such a special choice of the specific free energy (or the
strain energy) function depends, of course, on its usefulness and a demonstration of its relevance
to shell theory. Indeed, as remarked by GREEN and NAGHDI [1968, 6], the problem of choice
of the strain energy function here parallels the corresponding problem for a suitable choice
of the strain energy function in the three-dimensional theory of nonlinear or linear elasticity
and is a common feature of all general theories. Moreover, it is worth noting that in all existing
developments for a linear shell theory from the three-dimensional equations (beginning with
the paper of LovE [1888, 1]), an assumption that the strain energy density (after an integra-
tion with respect to the thickness coordinate) has the same form as the (integrated) strain
energy density for a flat plate is implicit or is implied by other assumptions. This corresponds
to the above special choice for iji.
53 The conditions (16.37) are the counterparts of (13.74)-(13.75) in the restricted theory.
We emphasize that (16.37) are conditions which should be imposed only on the arguments of
the response functions.
Sect. 17. The complete theory for thermoelastic shells: II. Three-dimensional derivation. 561

the constitutive equations for f.Vr~.tJ and _M(r~.fJl which can be obtained from (16.40)
and the linearized version of (15.15).
17. The complete theory for thermoelastic shells: II. Derivation from the three-
dimensional theory. On the basis of the three-dimensional equations of the classical
continuum mechanics, two-dimensional kinematical results, field equations,
entropy inequalities and related aspects of the subject were developed above
for shell-like bodies in Sects. 7 and 11-12. Here we first obtain the corresponding
two-dimensional constitutive relations and thermodynamical results for elastic
materials and then briefly summarize the basic equations of the complete theory
for thermo-elastic shells.
ct) Constitutive equations in terms of two-dimensional variables. Thermodynamical
results. We recall that in the three-dimensional theory of (non-polar) elastic
materials the constitutive relations for the specific free energy, the entropy and
the stress tensor can be expressed in the forms 54
VJ* =1/J*(y{j, 0*), (17.1)

-r:ii=e*~. (17.3)
In addition, the constitutive equation for the heat flux vector has the form
q* k = q*k (y'tj, 0*, 0* ,m) (17.4}
and the response function q*k is restricted by the inequality
-q*k O*,k~o. (17.5)
The results (17.2)-(17.3) and (17.5) are deduced from (11.23) and hold for every
admissible process. 55 Also, with the help of (17.2)-(17.3), the residual energy
equation is obtained from (11.15) and (11.18):
We now proceed to deduce the two-dimensional counterparts of the above
results in terms of variables defined in Sects. 11-12. To indicate the nature of the
reduction, using the chain rule we first observe the relations:



54 The functions ip* in (17.1) and q*k in (17.4) depend also on the reference values G;j,
although this is not exhibited in (1 7.1), (1 7.4) and elsewhere in this section. The partial derivative
of a function with respect to a symmetric tensor such as that in (17.3) is understood to have
the symmetric form
1 ( aip* a fP* )
2 ay;i +--
ayf'; .
55 See Sects. 79-82 of TRUESDELL and NoLL [1965, 9].
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 36
562 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 17.

The relation (17.7) follows directly from (17.1) when the argument y,~ is expressed
in terms of the base vectors g, and G, as in (7.27) 1 while those in (17.8) are ob-
tained with the help of (7.10) and (11.42). Consider now the constitutive equations
for the components .,;xi in (17.3)· Multiply both sides by g! gi and integrate the
resulting expression with respect to ~between the limits tX, {J to obtain

f e* g! orrx,
fJ fJ

Trx d~ =
oip*~ g1d~, (17.9)

where by (11.7) 2 we have used Trx=g! .,;xi g1. By (17.8) 1 , (4.21) and (11.44) 3 , 4 ,
the right-hand side of (17.9) can be reduced as follows:
fJ fJ

e*g! ot/J: Y;d~=Jk oip* d~=-~Jkip*d~=ea! o'ifi_. (17.10)
(J. 8Yrxi (J. oarx 8arx (J. oarx

From (11.36) 1 and (17.9)-(17.10), it is easily seen that the stress-resultants Nrx
are related to the partial derivatives oijJ* foarx and similar relations can be deduced
for other resultants. The relation

1f = e(Orx) ~l (0«) (Orx, ~) ip*(y:p, r:a, r:a, 0*) d~, (17.11)
where the arguments of ijJ* have the structure indicated by (7.28) and (11.42),
defines the function 1p which occurs in (17.10). 66 Clearly, with the help of (11.44) 3 , 4 ,
(17.11) may also be obtained from (17.1) and 1p can be regarded as a function of
the variables
a(J., dN, dN,rx• 'PM (N =1, 2, ... ; M =0, 1, 2, ... ) .
In a manner similar to that indicated above, from (7.28), (11.42), (11.28),
(11.36), (11.44), (11.5 5), (17.7)-(17.8) and (17.1)-(17.3), by direct calculations we
deduce the following two-dimensional constitutive equations: 67
tp="ip(arx, dN, dN,y• 'PM) (N =1, 2, ... ; M =0, 1, 2, ... ), (17.12)
M aw (17.13)
'YJ = - ocpM (M =0, 1, 2, ... ),

N(J.- o'ifi
-e oa(J. '
N- fJ"'iji MNrx=e"daw_ (N=1,2, ... ).
m -e odN' u N,rx

The above constitutive equations involve only the specific free energy tp corre-
sponding to n =0 in the definition {11.44)a and an explanation is necessary as
to why we have not used the expressions involving tp" (n = 1, 2, ... ). To elaborate,
consider for example (17.14)a which is obtained from the constitutive relation
for .,;xi in (17.3) after multiplication of both sides of the equation by ~N g! g1.
However, if instead of ~N g! g1 both sides of the equation are multiplied by
~N+n gl g 1 prior to integration, then

M(N+n)rx=e 0 ~W" (N=1,2, ... ;n=0,1,2, ... )

______ N,rx
56 The function ip* in (17.11) depends also on the reference values GrxfJ• Grxa• G33 •
57 The function 1p in (17.12) depends also on the reference values Arx, DN, DN y· These
reference values, although not exhibited in (17.12), arise from the duals of (7.2S) for the
reference values GafJ• Gaa• G33 in the arguments of ip* in (17.11).
Sect. 17. The complete theory for thermoelastic shells: II. Three-dimensional derivation. 563

will result instead of (17.14) 3 , where :;pn depends on the variables which occur on
the right-hand side of (17.12) and where for clarity we have again used the
notation M<N+nlcc [as in (11.59) ]instead of MN+ncc in (12.7). Similar results can be
obtained for
N""' n = 0, 1, 2, . . . )
'n(n+M) _!"'__m(N+n)cc (
'I ' n+N ' N=1, 2, ... ; M=O, 1, 2, ...
in terms of :;pn. It is clear that these constitutive relations for n ~ 1 are redundant
since those in (17.13)-(17.14) already hold for all integer values of N and M.
Hence, it will suffice to consider only the set (17.12}-(17.14} as the appropriate
two-dimensional constitutive equations.
The constitutive equations (17.1)-(17.4) are expressed in terms of response
functions which depend, in particular, on the relative kinematic measures YiJ and
are specially useful when we obtain their linearized counterparts later in this
chapter. Alternatively, the constitutive equations in nonlinear thermo-elasticity
may be expressed as functions of gi 1 (rather than y~}, apart from their dependence
on thermal variables and on the reference values G<i· Using a response function
for the specific free energy which depends on gif (instead of rm.
we can readily
record a relation similar to (17.11). In this latter relation, the arguments of .Y,*
(now a different function) have the structure indicated by (7.25) and (11.42); and
the response function for the two-dimensional specific free energy can be regarded
as a different function of Cf!M (M =0, 1, 2, ... ) and the variables
accfJ• dNcc• ANfJa.• aNK• aNKcc• aNKccfJ• (N, K =1, 2, ... ), (17.15)
where the lastfive of the above are defined in (7.13)-(7.17). Introducing the nota-
aN=a1 N=d 3 dNa• 11Na.=111 Na.=d 3 ANSa. (N=1, 2, ... ) (17.16)
and using the expression for a 3 in terms of d ( = t4) and its components [see the
equation preceding (13.34)], we can write dN and its partial derivatives as
'dN.3 aa= (d•
d N= d N."' ao:T d•aN)
N.--a- a. +aNd
G '
1 p
a. +II.N,cc
• -d•aN"')
a - a.
+ -----a- d ,

where a(=a1 ) is defined by (7.17) 2 • We now make an observation parallel to that

in Sect. 13 [between (13.32)-(13-33)] regarding the tangential components of dN
and dN,cc; and also, from the last two expressions, we note that the last three
sets of variables in (17.15) can be expressed in terms of (17.16) and the first three
of (17.15). It follows that aNK (for N~2), aNKcc (for N~2) and aKNo:fJ (for
N, K~ 1) may be suppressed from the arguments of the (two-dimensional free
energy) response function and that, instead of (17.15), the relevant variables are
"f/'N: aa.fJ•• ANfJa.• aN, aNa. (N = 1, 2, ... ) . {17.17)
Hence, we write58
1p=tp(a«, dN, dN,y> Cf!M)
=ip("f/'N, Cf!M) (N =1, 2, ... ; M =0, 1, 2, ... ),
where "f/'N stand for the set of kinematic variables (17.17). As in (13.40)-(13.42),
using the chain rule for differentiation, the constitutive equations (17.13)-
58 As already noted with reference to (17.12), the function Vi depends also on the reference
values Aa., DN, DN,y· Similarly, the function ip in (17.18) 2 depends also on the reference values
which are the duals of those in (17.17).
564 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 17.

(17.14) can be reduced to a set in terms of ?p and the tensor components of the
resultants defined by (12.10)-(12.11) and (12.15).
Before proceeding further, we make an observation regarding the representa-
tion of the two-dimensional specific free energy function. As long as no kinematic
approximation is introduced in the argument of -ip* in (17.11), the two-dimensional
function 1jJ (and therefore ?p) is exact. However, if instead of the exact expressions
(7.28) the kinematic variables in the argument of the response function tp* are
replaced by a set of approximate expressions, then neither 1jJ nor ?p will necessarily
reflect the structure of the original three-dimensional response function. 59 Because
of this, if an approximation is contemplated, it is equally acceptable to obtain
an approximate two-dimensional specific free energy from a function of the
kinematic variables aa.P• dNi• ).Nia. in the form 60
'If =1p'(aa.P• dNi• ANia.• ff!M) (N = 1, 2, ... ; M =0, 1, 2, ... ) . (17.19)
However, even though an approximation procedure will be considered in the
next section, in what follows we retain the constitutive equation for 1p in the
form (17.18) since the variables "f/'N in the argument of ?p do reflect the structure
of the leading terms in the expansion of gii and hence y!; [see (7.25)-(7.26) and
Returning to our main task in this section, instead of recording the two-
dimensional constitutive equations in terms of ?p, for later convenience we express
the two-dimensional specific free energy as a function of the relative kinematic
0//N: ea.p• YNa.• 'XNPrx• SN, SNa. (N =1, 2, ... ) (17.20)
and the reference values
Ro/IN: Aa.P• DNa.• ANPrx•
D 3 DN8• D 8 ANaa. (N=1,2, ... ).
The last two relative measures in (17.20) correspond to those in (17.16) and are
given by
SN=siN=aN-D 8 DNa• SNa.=s1Na.=aNrx-D 8 ANarx•
where s1 N, s1 Nrx and s1 (=s), slrx(=srx) are defined by (7.22) 1 , 2 and (7.24) 1 , 2 •
Thus, with
(N =1, 2, ... ; M =0, 1, 2, ... ), (17.22)
the constitutive equations corresponding to (17.13)-(17.14) are:
'YJ M =--Q- (M=0,1,2, ... ), (17.23 )
N'"P =N'Prx =e ofp (17.24)
oerxp '

mNa=n(da ofp +IJN

0: OS
~ { OSofp dM.a+~).
1 L... OS M.a.
a}) '
N M=l M Ma. (17.25)
MNa.a =eda Qofp (N = 1, 2, ... ) .
59 In effect, the approximation will partially mask the manner of dependence of the two-
dimensional free energy function on the detailed structure of rt; in (7.28).
so The form (17.19) is used in [1970, 2]. Two-dimensional constitutive equations of the
type (17.13)-(17.14), either in terms of fjJ or 1p', may also be obtained from combination of
(11.59) and (11.64) or from (12.22). This manner of obtaining the two-dimensional constitutive
equations will also include those in terms of ipn or 1J!'n (n ~ 1); but, as noted above, the ex-
pressions involving ipn or 1p'n (n ~ 1) are redundant.
Sect. 17. The complete theory for thermoelastic shells: II. Three-dimensional derivation. 565

The results (17.23)-(17.25) are obtained from (17.22} and (17.18} byusingthechain
rule and the tensor components of the resultants defined by (12.10)-(12.11) and
To complete our development, we now proceed to obtain the two-dimensional
counterparts of the inequality (17.5) and the residual energy equation (17.6).
Use of (11.42) and (11.56)-(11.57) followed by integration of (17.5) yields

-,to(;) (-cx}n-r l:J r:N e R•+N lPN +t+Nrr. IPN,rr.] ~0

(n =0, 1, 2, .. .),
where Rn and qnrr., which require constitutive equations, depend on the variables
in the argument of the function Y, in (17.22) or VI in (17.18) and IPN,rr.· Alternatively,
observing that the inequality (17.5) is equivalent to
q* k <!>*' k ;;;;, 0,
instead of (17.26), we can deduce the equivalent inequalities

~ (;) (-cx)n-·,~J r:N e R•+N <l>N+t+Nrr. <I>N,rr.] 20

(n=O, 1, 2, ... ).
In order to obtain the two-dimensional residual energy equations, we first multiply
(17.6) by ~n and then integrate over a part f!JJ*. The resulting equation, after
use of (11.42), (11.44) 1 and (11.56)-(11.58), becomes


from which follow the residual energy equations

e(rn+~)-eL IPMit+M_qnrr.lrr.=O (n=0,1,2, ... ). (17.29)

The foregoing two-dimensional results are obtained by direct integration of

(17.1}-(17.6) and with the use of various resultants defined in Sects. 11-12.
Alternatively, by introducing suitable constitutive assumptions, the results
(17.22)-(17.25), (17.27) and (17.29} can be deduced from the inequalities (12.22)
and the energy equations (12.20).
{3) Summary of the basic equations in a complete theory. In addition to the
constitutive relations and thermodynamical results (17.22}-(17.29) or an equiv-
alent set of results, the complete theory includes the equations of motion
(12.13)-(12.14), Eqs. (12.15h, 2 which give values for NfJrr. and Nrr. 3 and the set of
Eqs. 61 ( 12.16)1 , 2 • Earlier we observed that constitutive equations can also be
deduced in terms of the functions fl' or V'n (n ';?; 1) [and therefore also in terms
of y.n (n ';?; 1}], obtained from (11.44) 3 ; however, such results were not recorded
since they are redundant. Keeping this in mind, we see that the set ofEqs. (12.16)
is satisfied identically. As a result, there is some redundancy in the system of two-
dimensional equations obtained for shell-like bodies and we summarize below the
essential results.
The equations of motion are given by (12.13)-(12.15). The constitutive
equations in terms ofthe function Y, have the forms (17.22)-(17.25). The constitutive
61 Eqs. (12.15)-(12.16) arise from the symmetry of the stress tensor.
566 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 18.

equations for rfa. and q"a. and R", (n = 1, 2, ... ), depend on (/JM,a. and the variables in
the argument of the function~ in (17.22). The functions R" and q"a. satisfy the
inequalities (17.26) and the residual energy equations are given by (17.29).
Special cases of the above development can be discussed in a manner some-
what analogous to the special theory considered in Sect. 15 [Subsect. at)]. In
particular, the membrane theory can be obtained by assuming that the function~
in (17.22) depends only on ea.p and q;0 [or() in the notation of (11.41)] and by
introducing other appropriate specializations. The resulting theory, under iso-
thermal conditions, will be of the same form as the nonlinear theory of elastic
membranes discussed by GREEN and ADKINs. 82
18. Approximation for thin shells: II. Developments from the three-dimensional
theory. While the two-dimensional equations summarized in Sect. 17 [Subsect. p)]
have been obtained systematically from the corresponding three-dimensional
equations of thermoelasticity, they consist in an infinite set of equations for an
infinite number of unknowns. The desirability of an approximation procedure for
thin shells is, therefore, self-evident. Indeed, the need for a suitable approximative
scheme in conjunction with the exact two-dimensional results deduced from the
three-dimensional equations is already indicated in Sect. 7 [Subsects. at), <5)] and
in Sect. 12 [Subsect. e)]. Here, we first outline an approximation procedure
suggested by GREEN and NAGHDI 63 and then make some remarks pertaining to
the resulting approximate theory and other approximations.
at) An approximation procedure. Before introducing an approximation proce-
dure, we recall that the initial position vector (without loss in generality) can
always be taken in the form (7.30)-(7.31) so that, as indicated in (7.49), DN; and
AN;a. vanish for N ~2. In addition, henceforth we specify D3 =D = 1. Then,
(7.48) and (7.58) hold and the reference values (17.21) reduce to
We now assume that the free energy function~ in (17.22) for sufficiently thin
shells, can be represented by an approximate expression in terms of the kinematic

the reference values (18.1) and q;N (N =0, 1, 2, ... ) only. 64 Thus, we set85
approximately. The problem of how to determine the approximate form of 1p
in (18.3) from~ in (17.22) and therefore from (17.11) is not considered here.&a
62 GREEN and ADKINS [1960, 5].
63 [1970, 2].
64 At this stage it is not necessary to introduce an approximation for the temperature,
which can be considered separately. The kinematic variables (18.2) correspond to those in
(17.20) for N = 1 only; however, in introducing the approximation, we also write "<Pa.)
in place of "Pa. = x1 pa.. The latter is motivated by the fact that the leading terms of y;p in the
argument of f)l* in (17.11) contain only the symmetric "<Pa.>·
6 5 In (18.3) and throughout this section, we again use the same symbol for a function and
its value. Although not explicitly exhibited, the dependence of the function 'P in (18.3) on the
(initial) reference values (18.1) is understood. In view of (7.58), the variables 'Ya. and sa. in the
argument ofiJl can be replaced, respectively, by da. and O'a. defined in (7.17). But we retain the
set of variables (18.2).
66 Except possibly in very special cases, it appears to be exceedingly difficult to calculate 'P
in (18.3) from the free energy function ip* or ip in (17.22).
Sect. 18. Approximation for thin shells: II. Three-dimensional developments. 567

It follows from (18.3) and (17.25) that

MN(f,i=O, mN'=O (N~2),

approximately. 67 The equations of motion (12.14) for N~2 are then satisfied if
we also specify (12.24). The remaining equations of motion are given by (12.28)-
(12.30). The constitutive relation for 'YJN is still of the form (17.23) but with the
function ip replaced by that in (18.3). However, in place of (17.24)-(17.25} we
now have
N'(f,fJ=N'P(f,=n ihp , m(f,=n O'IJ! M(f,P=MC(f,Pl=n_!_L (18.4)
1:; oe(f,p 1:; 0')1(1, ' 1:; OK(p(f,) '

m3 =e(2d3 ~+).
3 ~)
,(f, os(f, ' MU=ed3 ~
os(f, ' (18.5)

where the notations of (12.27) have been used. As we have made no approximation
so far about the temperature, the residual energy equations are still given by
(17.29) and constitutive equations are required for q"(f, and R". These constitutive
equations must satisfy the inequalities (17.26).
Consider now the question of approximation for the temperature and the
remaining thermal variables. In view of (11.41)-(11.42), one possibility is to make
the approximation
0*(0(1,, t t) = ffJo (0(1,, t) +~ ffJJ. (0«, t), (18.6)
or adopt the more specialized approximation 68
0*(0(1,, ~. t) = 0 (0«, t) = ffJo (0«, t). (18.7)
In the former case we also assume that q"(f, = 0, R" = 0 for n ~ 2. Then, the
approximate expression for the free energy tp in (18.3) will depend only on f/Jo
and ffJ1 and the complete theory will involve only two energy equations and two
entropy inequalities corresponding to n =0, 1 in (17.29) and (17.26). On the
other hand, if the approximation (18.7) is adopted, we also assume that q"(f,=O,
R" = 0 for n ~ 1. The approximate expression for the free energy will now depend
only on 0 (in place of ffJN) and it follows from a relation of the form (17.23) that
'YJN =0 for N~1 and

where we use the notation of (11.44) 2 • Moreover, in this case r"=O for n~1 and
we have the single residual energy equation
er-e Oij -q«,(f, =0 (18.9)
for the determination of temperature and the single inequality
-q« o.(f,~o. (18.10)
in place of (17.29) and (17.26). It is worth observing that if the approximation
(18.7) was adopted at an earlier stage in place of (11.42), then there would have
been no need to introduce the thermal resultants e", 'YJ", tp", R" for n > 0; and,
as a result, we would obtain a single energy equation and a single entropy in-
67 These results, which were stated in (12.23), hold approximately, since they are obtained
with the use of (18.3).
68 The approximation (18.6) allows for temperature variation through the thickness of the
shell while the approximation (18.7) accounts only for temperature variation on the surface
568 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 18.

equality corresponding to (11.59) and (11.64) for n=O only. 69 A similar remark
can be made if (18.6} was adopted earlier in place of (11.42).
Apart from the approximation for the temperature, the constitutive equations
of the above approximate theory are functions of the kinematic variables (18.2)
and the reference values (18.1}. We now adopt the approximation (18.7} for the
temperature; and, for later reference and subsequent linearization, record the
two-dimensional free energy as
V' = V' (eap, Ya• X(pa)• s, Sa, 0), (18.11)
where V' in (18.11) is a different function from that in (18.3) and depends also on
the reference values (18.1). The constitutive equations for 'YJ, N'aP, ma, M(a{J),
m3 , M(/. 3 are still of the forms in (18.4}-(18.5) and (18.8} but withVJ now given by
that in (18.11}. Also the constitutive equation for q"" depends on 0, O,a• the
variables (18.2) and the reference values (18.1). 70 One further remark should be
made regarding the nature of the equation of motion in the above approximation
procedure, either with V' given by the approximate expression (18.3) or (18.11).
In considering the approximate equations of motion [Sect. 12, Subsect. e)], it
was observed that while (12.16h, 2 are identities in an exact theory, they cannot
in general be satisfied in an approximate theory. In addition to the remarks
made following (12.31), we note that since the expression (18.3) [or (18.11)] for
the free energy is no longer exact, we expect that some of the equations in
(12.16) 1 2 may not be satisfied by the approximation procedure used in obtaining
(12.28)_.:(12.30), (18.4)-(18.5) and related results. In fact, in view of (12.23) which
follow from the constitutive relations and the approximate expression for the
free energy, only equations corresponding to n=1 in (12.16) 2 are violated
and these reduce to (12.31) 2 •
{3) Approximation in the linear theory. We summarize here the main results
of the linear theory for thermoelastic shells based on the above approximation
procedure but confine our attention to the case in which the free energy is speci-
fied by (18.11). Some aspects of linearized kinematics and the forms of the linear-
ized field equations were discussed previously in Sect. 7 [Subsect. y)] and Sect. 12
[Subsect. C)]. In particular, we recall that when the reference values D;, A;a are
specified by (7.58), the variables s and sa to O(e) become 2y3 and Xaa• respec-
tively, as was noted in Sect. 7 [see the remarks following (7.58)]. Thus, when
the components of D are specified by (7.58} 1 2 , the distinction between the
linearized kinematic variables corresponding to' those in the argument of V' in
(18.11} and the set defined by (7.68), namely
ea{J• Yi• X({Ja)• Xaa (18.12)
disappears. Also, the temperature 0 is now measured from the reference tempera-
ture O't and is of O(e) [see Sect. 12, Subsect. C)].
The field equations and constitutive relations of the approximate theory can
be linearized in the same way as their counterparts in the exact theory. In
particular, the specific free energy of the approximate linear theory has the form 71
The approximation (18.7) for the temperature is employed by GREEN, LAWS and NAGHDI
[1968, 4] prior to consideration of constitutive equations.
70 These constitutive equations of the approximate theory with the free energy specified

by (18.11) are ofthe same form as those in (13.62)-(13.66), apart from an extra generality for
the skew-symmetric part of Mar in (13.65)a.
71 In (18.13) and subsequent results for the approximate linear theory, we no longer
emphasize the symmetry of up" and, for convenience, write x;" for {upa. u3 "}. However, it is
understood that XfJrt.• as well as Mrt.fJ in the constitutive relation (18.4) 3 are symmetric.
Sect. 19. Approximation procedure in the linear theory: II. Three-dimensional developments. 569

where 1p is quadratic in the variables (18.12) and the temperature 0 (measured

from the reference temperature) and depends also on the reference values (18.1).
It can be readily seen that the remaining constitutive equations upon linearization
of (18.8), (18.4)-(18.5) and by virtue of the reduction of s, siX mentioned above
reduce to

• 01jJ
N' IX{J = N' {JIX = (! _!_JJ_
0 oeiXfJ' m'=eo oy;, (18.15)

where 17 in (18.14) is measured from the reference entropy nt

and is of O(s) [see
Sect. 12, Subsect. C)]. The approximate linear constitutive equations (18.13)-
(18.15) have the same forms as (16.5)-(16.7), apart from an extra generality for
the skew-symmetric part of MIXfJ in (16.7)a.
Recalling (7.37)-(7-39) and the linearized version of (11.37), the definition of
the heat flux resultant is now given by
QIX=q·AIX, QIX=fflq*IXdC, (18.16)

where QIX are the contravariant components of the heat flux resultant q and are
measured per unit length (in the reference configuration) per unit time. The
stress-resultants, the stress couples and the equations of motion of the approximate
linear theory are given by (12.42). The residual energy equation (18.9) now
reduces to
(!oY-(!o 00* n-
- (18.17)
where the vertical bar denotes covariant differentiation with respect to AIXfJ·
The constitutive relation for QIX will be of a form similar to that stated in Sect. 16
and its coefficients will be restricted by an inequality in the form (18.10) but with
qiX replaced by QIX. Our above discussion of the approximate linear theory utilizes
the approximation (18.7) for the temperature. A more general development can
be pursued in the presence of the approximation (18.6) and has been given in
some detail by GREEN and NAGHDI. 72
19. An alternative approximation procedure in the linear theory: II. Develop-
ments from the three-dimensional theory. The central point in the approximation
procedure outlined in Sect. 18 is the assumption that the specific free energy can
be approximated by an expression of the form (18.11) or in the case of the linear
theory by a function which is quadratic in the infinitesimal temperature 0 and
the variables (18.12). However, even in the linear theory an explicit form of the
function 1p in (18.13) was not obtained from the full three-dimensional expression
for the free energy so that the constitutive coefficients (of the linear theory) still
remain arbitrary and unrelated to the elastic constants in the three-dimensional
72 GREEN and NAGHDI [1970, 2]. In the older literature on the linear theories of elastic
shells and plates, thermal effects were generally confined to thermal stresses without full
thermodynamical considerations. Within the scope of the classical plate theory and in the pre-
sence of steady state temperature distribution of the form (18.6), thermal stresses in plates have
been discussed by MARGUERRE [1935, 1] and by MELAN and PARKUS [1953, 1]. A more
general derivation of heat conduction equations in the linear theory of shells is given by BoLo-
TIN [1960, 1] and is used in [1962, 6] in connection with a formulation of non-isothermal
elastokinetic problems of shallow shells; BoLOTIN's approximate equations do not account for
thermo-mechanical coupling effects. The results given in [1970, 2] with the use of approxima-
tion (18.6) for the temperature and upon the neglect of thermo-mechanical coupling effects
reduce to those obtained by BoLOTIN [1960, 1].
570 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 19.

theory. In order to provide explicit constitutive relations (for the approximate

linear theory) in which the coefficients are related to the elastic constants in the
three-dimensional theory, we outline in this section an approximation procedure
in terms of the specific Gibbs free energy function. This approximation procedure
will be helpful in effecting an explicit derivation of the constitutive relations for
thin plates and shells from the three-dimensional equations. 73
Our developments in this and the next section are carried out in the context
of elastostatic theories of shells and plates and are also confined to isothermal
deformation and to isotropic materials. However, the latter limitations are not
essential and are adopted in order to focus attention on the main features of the
approximation procedure.
We recall that the constitutive equations of the isothermal linear theory of
elasticity may be expressed in terms of the (three-dimensional) specific Gibbs free
energy function q;* in the form 74
* =-eo*
ch:ii , (19.1)

where the infinitesimal strain y~ is given by (7.60),

q;* =q;*(-r'') ='f'*(y.j)- e: -r'' rt
1 ..

and q;* and 'I'* are quadratic functions of their arguments and both also depend
upon the reference values Gt;· The Gibbs function q;* (or the complementary
energy function in the isothermal theory) for an initially homogeneous and iso-
tropic material can be expressed as

- [-
eo* ffJ *- 1 +v Gim Gin
~ " Gii Gmn] T•; Tmn•
+ 2ff (19-3)

where G,; is the initial metric tensor defined in (4.23), E is Young's modulus of
elasticity and vis Poisson's ratio. 7&
Within the scope of the linear theory and remembering the remarks made
following (7.46), corresponding to the resultant (11.43) and (11.44)3 with n = 1,
we define


where q; is a two-dimensional Gibbs free energy (or a complementary energy in

the isothermal theory). With the use of the linearized versions of (11.7) 2 , (11.36),
(11.55), (12.10)-(12.11), as well as (19.1)-(19.2) and (19.4), in a manner similar
to the development in Sect. 17 we can show that the constitutive equations of
78 The approximation procedure in terms of the Gibbs function is proposed by GREEN,
NAGHDI and WENNER [1971, 6] and is used by them to obtain an approximate theory for
plates of variable thickness from the three-dimensional equations. This procedure has some
features in common with an approximation procedure employing a variational theorem in
which assumptions are admitted simultaneously for both stresses and displacements.
7' The partial derivative 8rp*f8-r:ii is understood to have the symmetric form

1 ( 8rp* 8rp* )
2 8-r:ii + 8-r:ii .

75 The use of the letter v in (19.3) and other constitutive relations should not be confused
with that in (7.34).
Sect. 19. Approximation procedure in the linear theory: II. Three-dimensional developments. 571

the linear isothermal theory may also be expressed in the forms

eo cp =eo (j; (N'a.fJ, MNa.i, mNi)
=eo'f/J- { N
fJ ea.p +N=l
L (MNrxi ~Nia. +mNi 'YNi)
00 }

"N•a.=-eo oMNa.i. (19.6)

In (19.5), cp is a quadratic function of its arguments, 1p is a quadratic function of

ea.fJ• "Nia.• YNi and both 1p and 1p depend also on the reference values (18.1).
The constitutive equations (19.5)-(19.6), together with the linearized version
of the equations of motion (12.13)-(12.16), form a system of infinite equations
in an infinite number of unknowns. In parallel to the approximation procedure
of Sect. 18, we now assume that the Gibbs free energy function (j; can be repre-
sented by an approximate expression which is independent of MNa.i, mN> for
N "if;. 2. Thus, using the notations of (12.27), we set

approximately, where cp is a different function from that in (19.5). Using (19.7)
it follows from (19.6k 3 that
/'Ni =0, "Nia. =0 (N "if;.2).
approximately. 76 We also assume that in the linearized equations of equilibrium,
MNa.i, mNi and LNi (for N"i;;.2) can be neglected so that these equations reduce
to (12.33)-(12.35) with D;, A;a. given by (7.58) and with F', L' in place of F•, L•,
respectively. Moreover, as in the approximation procedure of Sect. 18, the linear-
ized versions of the conditions (12.16} are satisfied approximately, except those
for n = 1. These reduce to the forms (12.31}, which may be violated in an approx-
imate theory and about which we have already remarked in Sect. 18 and in
Sect. 12 following (12.31}. By means of the above procedure, the constitutive
relations of the approximate theory are easily seen to be 77
ofP a;p a;p
ea.{J =-eo oN'a.fJ • ~ia. =-eo ~i)}Ma.i • 'Yi =-eo omi , (19.8)
where cp is the function in (19.7). Alternatively, the constitutive equations (19.8) can
be expressed in terms of the variables ea.fJ• e(fJa.)• &a.• y; [see (7.68)] and those
in (12.42). Thus, writing e;a. for {e<Pa.>• &a.}. we have

where (pis a function of N'a.fJ, Ma.i, v• [and also depends on the reference values
Further conclusions may be obtained from the above procedure without additional
assumptions. We recall again that the initial position vector can always be taken
76 These results which were stated in (7.65) hold approximately, since they are obtained
with the use of (19.7).
71 Although in (19.7)-(19.8) and elsewhere in this section we have written "ia. for {xpa.• "sa.}
and Ma.i for {Ma.fJ, Ma. 8 }, it is understood that "Pa. and Ma.fJ in the constitutive relations (19.8) 2
and (19.7) are symmetric tensors. This is analogous to the notation adopted in (18.13) and
572 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 20.

in the form (7.30), with the initial values of D, andA,co specified by (7.58). Then,
as discussed in Sect. 12 [Subsect. d)], itfollows from (7.65) and (7.59) that consist-
ently with the above approximation procedure the displacement u* has the form
(7.67) and by (7.68) the relevant (two-dimensional) kinematic measures are either
the set ecofJ• "<co• 'Yi or ecofJ• f!ico• 'Yi·
20. Explicit constitutive equations for approximate linear theories of plates and
shells: II. Developments from the three-dimensional theory. Usingthe approxima-
tion procedure of Sect. 19, in this section we obtain explicit forms for constitutive
equations in approximate linear theories of thin plates and shells of uniform
thickness h. Although our derivations are carried out in the context of elastostatic
theories, some remarks regarding dynamical problems are also included. Moreover,
we confine attention to isotropic materials but the extension to anisotropic
materials will be essentially similar.
ex) Approximate constitutive equations for plates. Prior to the calculation of an
explicit form for the approximate expression (19.10), we need to dispose of
certain preliminaries. For this purpose, recall (7.48) and let the surface loads on
the bounding surfaces C= ± h/2 of the initially flat plate be specified by
P" =P"co Aco -P" Aa on C=2·
P'=P'coAco+P' As on C=-2.

Then, in the absence of three-dimensional body force f*, from resultants of the
type (11.29)-(11.30) we find
eopa.=p"co+p'co, eoF3 = -P" +P',
eoLco=: (p"co-p'co), eoLB=-: (P"+P').
The outward unit normals to the surfaces C= + hj2 have the components
{nco=O,n3 =±1}. Hence, by (11.10) and {11.7h, the surface tractions on
C= ±h/2 are
Taco= { p"co} on h
-p'co C=±2'
~3= {-P'
-P"} on C=±-.

In order to calculate an approximate expression for ip in the form (19.10),

we need to introduce suitable assumptions for the stresses T<i in terms of the
resultants Ncofl, Mcoi, v• defined in (12.43). Also, in the calculation of rp, we shall
assume that the effect of surface loads is negligible and attempt to satisfy the
following conditions as closely as possible: The stresses must satisfy (i) the
definitions of the resultants in (12.43) and (ii) the boundary conditions (20.3)
with p', p", p'co, p"co all zero.7s
Since the two-dimensional equations governing the behavior of isotropic
plates separate into those for bending and extensional theories, it is instructive
78 We could delete (ii) and satisfy the boundary conditions in the presence of p', p", p~. p',J.;
but then the effect of the surface loads will appear in the constitutive relations. It may be
noted that the effect of the surface loads is sometimes retained in the constitutive equations
of the approximate linear theories of shells and plates. See, e.g., Sect. 7.7 of GREEN and
ZERNA (1968, 9].
Sect. 20. Equations for approximate linear theories: II. Three-dimensional developments. 573

to carry out the calculation for (pin (19.10) in two parts. Thus, employing again
the same symbol for a function and its value (in line with our earlier notation),
we write
where Te is associated with the extensional theory and Tb with the bending
theory, and calculate separately the approximate expressions for eo rp, and
eo Tb·
Consider first the case of bending and introduce the following approximate
expressions for stresses:

6Mrx.fl -' -
T"fl = ---~-
h/2 ' r"a = ra" = _i_ V" [1 - (-')2] (20.5)
h2 2h h/2 '

The expressions (20.5) meet the conditions (i) and (ii) stated above. 79 Introducing
(20.5) into (19.3) and using the resulting expression in (19.4), we obtain

eo Tb = £~3- [v A"'p Ay 6 - 1 ;v (Arx.r Ap +Arx. Apy)] M(a;f!l M<r 6

6 6 l
- _(j_(~±vl A fJ V" Vfl
SEh " '

where we have written M(rx.fl) for Mrxfl in order to emphasize that M"'fl in (20.6)
is symmetric. The constitutive equations for (!(rx.fl) and Yrx. can be obtained from
(19.9) and (20.6). Thus,

e<rx.Pl = -}~3 [ -vArx.pAy 6 + (1 +v) Arx.r A 116 ] M<r 6l,

Yrx. = _! 2 ;~~_l') Arx./1 VII

and there is no constitutive relation for !?[rx.fJl since the symmetric M(rx.f!) occurs
in (20.6).
For the extensional theory of plates, we again assume that the effect of
surface loads (in the constitutive relations) are negligible and write the following
approximate expressions for stresses:

T"fl= N:~-, r"a=ra"= ~~ M"a[h~2 -(J;}2 )l raa= : 3 • (20.8)

The expressions (20.8) meet the condition (i) above and also satisfy (20.3) 1 with
P'" =P"" =0. The approximate expression forrp, can now be obtained from (19.3)-
(19.4) and (20.8). Thus,
eoT.- _1___[A
v rx.{J A y6 -
1 +2 11 (A rx.y A {!6 -1-A
I rx.6 A)]N"flNY

+ _v_A N"flya _ __ (20.9)
Eh rx.fJ 2Eh
- 1~2_ _1±_1>_ A M"a Mila
7 Eh 3 rx./1
79 Our assumption for ,aa in (20.5) could be easily modified so as to satisfy (20.3) 2 . But,
as already mentioned, this would result in the effect of the surface loads appearing in the
constitutive relations. We also note here that (20.Sh, 2 satisfy the local forms of the first two
of the three-dimensional equations of equilibrium Ti,; = 0, rather than merely the integrated
forms of equilibrium equations.
574 P. M. N AGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 20.

and the constitutive relations for err.{J• earr.• y3 are found from (19.9) and (20.9):

err.fJ = ;h [ -v Arr.fJ Ay~ + (1 +v) Arr.y Ap 6] NY~- ;h Arr.p V 3 ,

- 1 ya v A Nrr.fJ (20.10)
Ya-Eh -Eh rr.fJ '
_ 240 1+v A MfJa
earr.--7~ Eha rr.fJ .

The constitutive equations (20.10) and (20.7) with the help of the dual of
(4.12) 6 , i.e., Arr.yA"Il=!5g, can be easily inverted to give the relations

Nrr.fJ =(1-v) c{[-v-Arr.fJ AY~+Arr.Y AfJ"] e

·+ _v_Arr.f1y}
yu 1~2v 3 '

1~v fJ
V3 = 1 ~ 2 vC[(1-v)y3 +vArr. err.p], (20.11)

Mrr. 3 = ~7- (1 -v) B Arr.ll eap


for the extensional theory and the relations

M(rr.{J) =B[v Arr.fJ AY 8 +(1-v) Arr.y Af1~] e(y~)·
vrr. = ~ f-l h A rr. {J r {J

for the bending theory. In (20.11 )-(20.12), the shear modulus of elasticity f-l and
the coefficients C and B are given by
f-l = 2(1 +v) '

Also, the approximate Helmholtz free energy function corresponding to ip in

(19.10) can be calculated with the help of (19.5), (7.65), (20.9), (20.6) and (20.11)-
(20.12). Thus
"P = "Pe +"Pb'
eo"Pe= 1 ~v c{[ 1.:2;Arr.ll AY" + ~ (Arr.y AfJ"+Arr.o Af1Y)]err.{Jeyo
+ /~v (ya)2 + ~v2v Arr.fJ err.fJ Ya} + :o (1 -v) B Arr.fJ earr. eap,
1 (20.14)
n m
o:O rb = _1_2 B [v Arr.ll AY 6 + 1 ~v
(Arr.y AfJo +Arr.o Af1Y)l o:(rr.{J)
n n

+ /2 f-l hArr.fJ Yrr. Yp·

The constitutive relations (20.11), apart from the presence of V 3 and Mrr. 3 ,
correspond to the classical result for the extensional theory of isotropic plates. so
The constitutive Eqs. (20.12) for equilibrium problems in the bending theory of
80 The relation between (20.11 )1 and the constitutive equation for Na. fJ in the classical
extensional theory (i.e., for generalized plane stress) will become apparent below in Subsect. {3).
The value of 270 ( 1- v) B for the coefficient of (20.11}a is a consequence of our approximation
(20.8) and was also obtained in [1971, 6]. An explicit relation of the form (20.11) 3 has not been
discussed previously in the literature and there is no evidence available at present regarding
the reasonableness of (20.11) 3 as an approximate relation for Mrt. 3 •
Sect. 20. Equations for approximate linear theories: II. Three-dimensional developments. 575

plates were first derived by REISSNER, using a variational theorem. 81 This theory
includes the effect of transverse shear deformation y"' in the constitutive equations
and requires the specification of three boundary conditions at each edge of the
plate. These are either the displacement conditions 82
or the boundary conditions for the resultants (in the bending theory)

where 8~ refers to the boundary ~ of the middle surface ~ = 0 of the plate and
0v"' are the components of the outward unit normal 0v to 8~. This is in contrast
to the classical bending theory of plates which, as will be seen below, requires
only two boundary conditions at each edge of the plate.
A theory similar to REISSNER's but for flexural vibrations of plates is developed
by MINDLIN. 83 In MINDLIN's development, the constitutive equation for the shear-
stress resultant corresponding to (20.12) 2 is obtained as follows: In the early
stage of his derivation he assumes a constitutive relation in the form
V"' =p/ hA"'13 y13 , p,' =x 2 p,, (20.17)
where x 2 (and therefore p,') is a constant but unspecified. Then, at the completion
of his derivation by comparing the solution for the circular frequency of the
thickness-shear vibration with the corresponding exact three-dimensional solution
due to LAMB, 84 MINDLIN makes the identification x2 =n 2/12 [a value which is
very close to REISSNER's 5/6 in (20.12) 2 ].
p) The classical plate theory. Additional remarks. We recall that the constitutive
relations in the three-dimensional theory of elasticity, referred to normal coordi-
nates (4.25) with metric tensor components of the type in (7.37), may be expressed
in the form
7:"'p-2P, [1~--;Y
v *.<G *]
J. ot/3 +Yot/3 + 1 _v
v 7:aa Got{J•

7:0<3 =2p, ria. (20.18)

*_ v J.
Yss--~-;Y .<
* + 1=-v2,Urss·
1 - 2v 1

The constitutive equations of the classical theory of plates is generally obtained

from integration of (20.18) or from the counterparts of (17.1) and (17.3) in the
linear isothermal theory with ip* being a quadratic function of the linearized y2f,
81 REISSNER[1945, 2]; see also [1944, 5], [1947, 5] and [1950,5]. A derivation of REISSNER's
theory of bending of plates from the three-dimensional equations of classical elasticity is
given by GREEN [1949, 2] and may also be found in GREEN and ZERNA [1968, 9]. Some related
additional references on the subject include the papers by BoLLE [1947, 1], SCHAFER
[1952, 3], NAGHDI and ROWLEY [1953, 2] and EssENBURG and NAGHDI [1958, 2]. The last
contains a derivation of constitutive equations [corresponding to (20.12)] for plates of variable
82 The nature of the boundary conditions for the bending of plates in REISSNER's theory,
as well as those for the extensional theory, is clear from an examination of the linearized
balance of energy or a corresponding virtual work principle.
83 MINDLIN [1951, 1]. A previous development for flexural vibrations of plates was given
by UFLYAND [1948, 1]. Related aspects of the subject are discussed in several papers by
MINDLIN: E.g., [1951, 2], [1955, 6] and [1960, 8]. For extensional vibrations of plates at
moderate or high frequencies, reference may be made to the papers by MINDLIN [1960, 8],
[1961, 8], [1963, 5] where additional references are cited.
8' LAMB [1917, 1].
576 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 20.

after introduction of the kinematic approximation (7.74) and certain additional

assumptions. These assumptions pertain to (a) the neglect of the effect of" trans-
verse shear deformation" due to r:s and (b) the neglect of transverse normal stress
-r33 in the constitutive equations. From the displacement approximation (7.74)
and the assumption (a) follows the expression (7.73h for f3rt.· In view of assumption
(a) and (20.18) 2 , it is clear that there will be no constitutive equation for the shear
stress-resultant Vrt. defined in (12.43). Further, by assumption (b) and the defi-
nitions for Nrt.P and Mrt.P in (12.43), constitutive equations of the classical theory
of plates can easily be obtained from integration of (20.18) 1 .
Alternatively, the constitutive equations of the classical theory for Nrt.P and
Mrt.P in (12.43) may be deduced in the following manner: The expression for the
three-dimensional response function appropriate to the linear theory (mentioned
above) can be calculated from et ~*(y2j) = t -r•i y2j, where~* is a quadratic function
of the infinitesimal strain tensor. Substitute for -r33 from (20.18) 3 into (20.18)1
and introduce the resulting expression along with (20.18) 2 on the right-hand
side of ~*. Then, after invoking the assumptions (a) and (b) and using the dis-
placement approximation (7.74), integration of ~* by means of the linearized
version of a formula of the type (17.11) yields a two-dimensional function 1p
which is quadratic in ert.p and fl<a.P> calculated from (7.74). Remembering the
procedure by which the approximate constitutive equations of the linear theory
were obtained in Sect. 18 and observing that the resultant va. will not occur in
the energy equation [as a consequence of assumption (a)], we are led to con-
stitutive equations of the type (18.15) with 1p replaced by 1p for N'rt.P =Nrt.P
and M<rt.P>.
The discussion in the preceding two paragraphs should indicate the manner in
which the constitutive equations of the classical theory of plates are usually
derived. Here, in keeping with our development in Subsect. oc), we obtain the
constitutive equations of the classical plate theory by the approximation method
of Sect. 19. For this purpose, however, we must return to (20.5), (20.8) and modify
the assumptions for stresses. With reference to constitutive equations of the
type (19.9) in terms of a two-dimensional Gibbs free energy function (or a comple-
mentary energy function in the isothermal theory) and in view of the remarks
made following (7.74), since Y• =0 in the classical theory, it follows from (19.9) 2, 3
that~ in (19.10) cannot depend on Vrt., Ma.3 and V3 • Hence, consistently with this
observation, we introduce the following assumptions for stresses: 85
p_ Na.P 6Mrt.P C
~ --h-+~ h/2' (20.19)

Using the assumptions (20.19), from (19.4) we calculate the approximate expres-
q; = q;. + (/Jb•

flo q;, = 2 ~h [vArt.p A, 6 - 1 ;v (Art., Ap 6+Art. 6 Ap,)] Nrt.P N" 6, (20.20)

Eha [A - (A rt.y A P6+ A rt.6 A Pr )]M(a.PlM(r l
V rt.p A , . , -i+v

85 The approximate expression (20.19h represents combined contribution to both stretching

and bending of a plate. The first and the second term on the right-hand side of (20.19h are
the same as (20.8h and (20.Sh. respectively.
Sect. 20. Equations for approximate linear theories: II. Three-dimensional developments. 577

and also obtain

ea.fJ = E~ [ -vAa.fJ Ar 6 + (1 +v) Aa.y Ap 6] Nr6,
!!<a.fJ> = ~~a [ -vAa.p Ar 6 + (1 +v) Aa.r Ap 6] M<r 6>.
The above results can be easily inverted to yield
Na.fJ=C[vAa.fJ AY 6 +(1-v) Aa.r Af1 6] er 6 ,
M(a./ll = B [vAa.fl AY 6 + (1 -v) Aa.r Af1 6] '2<rd>·
Similarly, the approximate expression for the Helmholtz free energy function in
the classical theory can be calculated from (19.5) and in a manner similar to that
in (20.14). Thus, for the classical theory,
1jJ =1p. +"Pb•

n •" =
o::O n
_1_ C [vAa.fJ AY 6
+ 1 -2 11 (Aa.r Af1 6 +Aa. 6 Af1r)] e e 6
a.{J Y ' (20.23)
Qo"Pb= ~ B[vAa.f1Ar 6 + 1 ~ 11 (Aa.rAf1 6 +Aa. 6 Af1r)]e<a.fJ>l!<r 6>.

The constitutive equations (20.21h 2 or equivalently (20.22h 2 are those for

the classical extensional theory (corresponding to generalized piane stress) and
the classical bending theory of plates. The boundary conditions in the classical
theory are four at each edge of the plate, two for the extensional theory and two
for the bending theory. For the extensional theory they are specified by8 6

and for the bending theory by

or (20.25)
M<rx.r> 0va. 0vr, ova M<f1a.> 1p- ~
[efly M(a.fJ) ova. ovY] on 8@5,

where 8@5 refers to the boundary of the middle surface ~ = 0 of the plate and
8f8vo, ofoso denote the directional derivatives along the normal and the tangent
to the boundary curve 8@5, respectively. The Kirchhoff boundary conditions
(20.25) 3 4 should be compared with the boundary conditions (20.16) in REISSNER's
theory.87 In this connection, we may recall that the differential equations of the
classical bending theory (which requires the specification of two boundary condi-
tions at each edge of the plate) can be reduced to the fourth-order partial differen-
tial equation
- p
V4 ua-Ji· (20.26)

86 These boundary conditions may be derived in a manner similar to those for the restricted
theory in Sect. 15.
87 The classical theory of plates, prior to KIRCHHOFF's paper [1850, 1], was considered by
PoiSSON (1828) and by CAUCHY (1828). References to these as well as some remarks on the
history of the subject may be found in LovE's [1944, 4] Historical Introduction. An account
of the controversy over PmssoN's boundary conditions, KIRCHHOFF's derivation of plate theory
with correct boundary conditions and KELVIN and T AIT' s interpretation (186 7) of KIRCHHOFF's
boundary conditions can be found in ToDHUNTER and PEARSON [1886, 1], Sects. 488-489 and
[1893. 3], Sects. 1238-1239.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VIaf2. 37
578 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 20.

where J72 is the two-dimensional Laplacian and where we have used the notation
P=e0 F3 in place of that in (20.2) 2 •88 In contrast to {20.26), the differential
equations of REISSNER's theory (which requires the specification of three boundary
conditions at each edge of the plate) are equivalent to a system of sixth-order
partial differential equations.
With a view toward an assessment of the effect of transverse shear defor-
mation, we note that the system of differential equations in REISSNER's theory of
bending of plates is characterized by the appropriate equilibrium equations in
(12.43) and the constitutive equations (20.12). While this system of equations
after elimination of V<X includes as a special case (with y<X =0) the corresponding
system of differential equations in KIRCHHOFF's classical theory or equivalently
the fourth-order differential equation (20.26), the practical significance of the
former should not be exaggerated. Indeed, it is well known that for most purposes
the solution of the simpler Eq. {20.26) compares favorably with the solution for
the displacement u3 of the corresponding equilibrium boundary-value problem
in REISSNER's theory. On the other hand, the additional ingredients in REISSNER's
theory (including the presence of three boundary conditions instead of two) may
be significant in certain circumstances. Roughly speaking, the effect of transverse
shear deformation may give rise to a noticeable contribution, if the equilibrium
boundary-value problem in question involves a geometrical parameter which has
the dimension of length and which is smaller than any other characteristic length
on the middle plane of the plate but not so small as to be of the same order of
magnitude as the plate thickness. Such a parameter may arise due to the presence
of a hole in an infinite plate, from a distributed load acting over a small area on
the middle plane of the plate or when a small portion of the surface is constrained
against normal displacement. Some idea along these lines can be gained from a
number of existing solutions in the literature; 89 and, in particular, from REISSNER' s
solution of the "stress concentration" (or rather stress-couple concentration)
problem of an infinite plate with a circular hole subjected to a uniform state of
plain bending (and twist) at infinity. 90
The above discussion regarding the effect of transverse shear deformation is
limited to elastostatic flexural problems. For dynamical problems of plates,
where a parameter corresponding to wavelength is always present, the significance
of the effect of transverse shear deformation (and rotatory inertia) for moderate
frequencies has been brought out in extensive studies by MINDLIN and others.91
y) Approximate constitutive relations for thin shells. We obtain here a system
of constitutive relations for thin elastic shells using the approximation procedure
88 An account of the classical bending theory of plates can be found in LovE's treatise
[1944, 4] or in the books by NADAl [1925, 1] and TIMOSHENKO and WOINOWSKY-KRIEGER
[1959, 7].
89 Among such solutions we mention those in [1945, 2], [1953, 2], [1956, 1] and [1962, 2].
90 REISSNER [1945, 2]. For a ratio of hole radius to plate thickness afh < 5, the results
(especially the stress-couple concentration factor) differ substantially from the solution
of the corresponding problem according to the classical theory by GooDIER [1936, 1]. In this
connection, the discussions of the solution in [1945, 2] by DRUCKER [1946, 1] and by GooDIER
[1946, 2] are particularly interesting. The solution for the stress-couple concentration problem
in [1945, 2] should not be confused with the solution of the corresponding stress concentration
problem within the scope of the three-dimensional theory. The latter three-dimensional
problem has been considered by ALBLAS [1957, 1] on the basis of an exact formulation of
plate theory given by GREEN [1949, 3]. The work of ALBLAS also includes a comparison with
REISSNER'S solution.
91 For example, MINDLIN [1951, 1], [1960, 8], MINDLIN and 0NOE [1957, 3] and MIKLO-
WITZ [1960, 7]. Additional references may be found in [1960, 8] and in TIERSTEN's mono-
graph [1969, 5] on vibrations of piezoelectric plates.
Sect. 20. Equations for approximate linear theories: II. Three-dimensional developments. 579
of Sect. 19. Again our derivation is limited to elastostatic problems and, for
simplicity, attention is confined to isotropic materials. As in Subsect. ot), let the
surface loads on

be specified by (20.1). Then, Fi, L' are given by (20.2) and the boundary conditions
are specified by (20.3).
Again, we calculate an approximate expression for q; in the form (19.10) and
this requires the introduction of suitable assumptions for the stresses Tii in terms
of the resultants NrxP, Mrxi, Vi in (12.42). In this connection, we assume that the
effect of surface load is negligible in the evaluation of fp and attempt to satisfy
the conditions (i) and (ii) stated above [in Subsect. ot)] as closely as possible.
With this background and remembering the definitions of the stress-resultants
and the stress-couples in (12.42), we write the following approximate expressions
for the stresses :
, fJ _ NrxfJ 6MrxfJ _C_
!:' ~ P,y - h + h2 h/2 '
3_ r rx -_
!:' ~ - !:' ~
3 vrx [
( C
)2] + h2
rxa [h/2
( C )s]
h/2 • (20.27)
ya ( NrxfJ 6MrxfJ C )
p,•aa=T+CBrxfJ -h-+~ h/2.
The expressions (20.27) meet the condition (i) above, and they satisfy the boundary
conditions (20.3h with p'rx =P"rx =0. However, as in the case of flat plates, the
boundary conditions (20.3) 2 with P' =P" =0 are not satisfied. 92 In view of the
expression for N'rxfJ in (12.42), (20.27) 1 becomes
fJ _ N'rxfJ MYr¥- fJ 6MrxfJ C
!:' ~, p,,- -h-- -h- B, +~ h/2. (20.28)
Since D = 1 in the present development, C=~ by (7.40). Hence, use of (7.37)-
(7.39) in (19.3) yields
!:'e: q;* = - 12+; p,-1 [A.,. Aoe !:'~ P,p (p, oflY p,~) (p, ~A p,~)
+ 2A.,. p,~ p,"p (!:' ~ 3) (!:' ofl 3) + (p, r 3) 2J (2o.29)
+ ;E p,-1[A.,.p,~(p, ~fJ p,"p) +p, 033]2.
In writing (20.29) no assumption is introduced beyond those already made in
(20.27). However, before calculating q; from (19.4), we invoke the condition (4.31)
and also make the following approximations in (20.29):


sa We can modify (20.27) 3 so as to satisfy the boundary conditions (20.3) 8 but then the
effect of surface loads will appear in the constitutive relations. See [1957, 4].
580 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 20.

where in obtaining (20.30)a the term

MYrt. . 6Mrt.P '
- h - B~, which is 0 [(h B~)] hmes -h-
2 - h/ 2 ,

has been neglected in view of (4.31). Also, since by (20.30) 1 , 2 the left-hand side
of (20.30) 3 is now fJ, -ra.y 1'~--ya.P =-rPa., we have replaced Ma.P in (20.30) by its
symmetric part so that
M[a.Pl =0.

The approximation (20.30) need not be made at this stage and could be post-
poned: Since fJ,-1 can be expressed as a convergent series in 93 , , (20.29) can be
integrated without the introduction of the approximation (20.30). This is however
a lengthy procedure and since approximations are eventually introduced after
the integration, the development is tantamount to adopting (20.30). 94
Using (20.29)-(20.30) and (20.27) 2 in (19.4) yields the approximate expression

2£?0 ~ = ;h [vAa.p A.,IJ- (1 +v)Aa. 6 Ap.,] N'a.P N'Y 11

+ -~A N'a.Py3 __1_(V3)2- 240(1+v) A Ma.3MP3 (20.32)

Eh a.p Eh 7Eh 3 a.p

+ ;: 3 [vAa.p A., 6 - (1 +v) Aa.IJ Ap.,] M<a.Pl M(y<IJ- s!h Aa.p ya. VP.
The remaining constitutive relations, obtained by direct calculation from (19.9)
and (20.32), are:

ea.p = ;h {[-vAa.p A.,IJ + (1 +v) Aa.., Ap 6] N'Y 8 -YAa.p V3},

6- A a.fJ yP ' 1- [V3 -
- -Eh
Ya.- -5p,h Ya- y A a.fJ N'a.P] '
l?<a.fJ> = ~~3 [ -YAa.p A., 6 + (1 +v) Aa.., Apd] M<Y 6l,

From comparison of (20.32)-(20.33) with corresponding results in the case of flat

plates, it is easily seen that the approximate expression for ~ in (20.32) is of the
same form as the combination of ~. and ~b in (20.9) and (20.6) and that the
constitutive equations in (20.33) are of the same forms as those in (20.10) and
(20.7). It follows that the inverted constitutive relations (20.33) will be of the same
form as those in (20.11)-(20.12) but with Na.P replaced by N'a.P. Also, the approxi-
mate expression for the Helmholtz free energytp obtained from (19.5) and (20.32)
will be of the same form as (20.14). We postpone further remarks on the con-
stitutive relations (20.33) or their inverted forms and consider next a derivation
of the constitutive equations of the classical theory.
15) Classical shell theory. Additional remarks. It was indicated in Sect. 7 [Sub-
sect. e)] that the displacement vector usually employed in the derivations of the
93 Such convergent series representation for p.-1 and p.-1 rp are given by NAGHDI [1963, 6].
94 In essence the approximation (20.30) will yield an energy function without coupling
terms, i.e., one which has the same form as that for a flat plate. If the lengthier procedure is
adopted and if the approximation of the type (20.30) is adopted after the integration, then the
consequences of the two derivations will be the same.
Sect. 20. Equations for approximate linear theories: II. Three-dimensional developments. 581

classical theory (under Kirchhoff-Love assumptions) has the form (7.75). In order
to obtain the constitutive relations of the classical theory by the procedure of this
section, we must return to (19.4) and introduce a different set of approximate
expressions for stresses. Since the classical theory ignores the effect of transverse
shear deformation and the transverse normal stress in the constitutive equations,
instead of (20.27) we now write
IXY {3- N<Xf3 6M<Xfl__ _,_
f1 i fly - h + h2 h/2 '

We can then calculate the expression for (p in a manner analogous to that in

Subsect. {J): First f.ll?o q;* can be calculated using (19.3), (7.37)-(7.39) and (7.48}.
Next we introduce the assumptions (20.34) and use the approximation (20.30) 1 2
to obtain the function q; for the classical theory. This function will have the same
form as that in (20.20) but with N<Xf3 replaced by N'<Xf3 and I?{<Xfl) by that for shells
in (7.68). For ease of reference, we record below these constitutive relations in
the form
N'<Xf3 =C[vA<Xf3 AY 6 + (1 -v) AIXY Af3 6 ] ey 6 ,
M(<X{J) = B [vA<Xf3 AY 6 + (1 -v) AIXY Af3 6 ] l?(rb),
eyd = !(urld +u~IY)- Byd u3, l?(yd) = -xyd•

where xyb is given by (7.68)9.

The above linear constitutive equations of the classical theory involve the
kinematic variables e1Xf3 and 1?({31X)· They can also be deduced from expressions of
the type (18.15), namely

N'<Xf3-N'f3<X_ ~ M<<Xf3>-n ~ (20.36)

- -l?o oe<X{3' - o:O Of!((J<X) '

where 'lfl is a function different from that in (18.15). In fact, as in (20.23), 'lfl in
(20. 36) is a quadratic function of e1Xf3 and l?(f31X). We consider now an alternative
form of the constitutive equations of the classical theory employing a slightly
different set of kinematic variables. For this purpose, put

e(IX{3) = (!(IX{3) + !(B~ e.p + B'/J e. IX) 0 {20.37)

Assuming now for 'lfl the form

we can then deduce the results

N<<Xf3) =e0 av;. {20.39)
oe1X{3 '
N<Xf3 = N<<Xf3) + N[<Xf3l,
N(<Xf3) =N'<Xf3_!(M;.IX B1+M;.f3 B~), (20.40)
N[<X(3] =HE~ MJ.f3 -B1 MAIXJ 0

Because of the approximations of the type (20.30) already used in the calculation
from the three-dimensional expressions for q;*, i.e., the neglect of all terms of
O(h/ R) or smaller compared with those in 1jJ [or a function q; in the form (20.20) J,
to the same order of approximation we can neglect the second and the third terms
582 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 20.

on the right-hand side of (20.40) 2 and write

N<a.Pl=N'a./3. (20.41)
It should be evident from the above development [between (20.34)-(20.41)] that
the two sets of constitutive relations (20.36) and (20.39) are equivalent. These
equations are effectively of the type originally given by LovE (in lines of curvature
coordinates) but with added recent improvements. 95
To summarize the system of differential equations which characterize the
(classical) bending theory of shells with the approximation (7.75) for the displace-
ment, we first recall that resultants corresponding to (12.38) 4 5 are not admitted
in the classical theory. Moreover, in line with the approxirri.ations used in the
derivation of the constitutive equations and in order to render the theory deter-
minate, the skew-symmetric part of Ma./3 is specified by (20.31). Then, Ma./3 can
be replaced by M(a./3) also in the equations of equilibrium (or motion) while the
skew-symmetric part of Na.f3, calculated from (12.35) 1 or the corresponding
expression in (12.42), is given by

It follows that the equilibrium equations in the classical bending theory are given
by the first three differential equations in (12.42) in the absence of the inertia
terms and with L' =0. These equations involve the resultants va., Na./3 and the
symmetric M(a./3) by virtue of (20.31). The shear stress-resultant va. may be elimi-
nated from the equilibrium equations in (12.42) in a manner similar to that in
Sect. 15 [see (15.19)-(15.20)]. Thus, from the three equilibrium equations in
(12.42), we obtain either the set96
N'a.f3ia. -Bela. M(ya.) -2 B~ M(ya.lia. + !?o FP = 0,
M<a.Plla.P+Ba.p N'a./3- Ba.pBe M(ya.) +e0 F 3 =0
or the set
N<a.Plla.-! [ B~ M<Ya.l] 1a. + t [B~ M<YPlJ 1a.- Be M<Ya.lla. +eo FP = 0,
M<a.Plla./3 + Ba.p N<ocPl + l?o pa = 0.
95 The constitutive equations (20.35) or (20.36), as well as (20.39), possess a certain sym-
metry in structure and the kinematic variables ll(a./3) and 7ha.p) are unaffected by infinitesimal
rigid body displacements. This is in contrast to corresponding kinematic quantities in various
versions of LovE's first approximation (see Sect. 21 A). The set of constitutive equations (20.39)
when expressed in a form similar to (20.3 5) and specialized to lines of curvature coordinates have
features which are essentially those contained in a derivation first given by NovozHILOV [1946, 3].
(For further details, see Sect. 21 A.) The kinematic measure 7ia.p was introduced by SANDERS
[1959, 6] in lines of curvature coordinates and by KeiTER [1960, 6], [1961, 5] in a form which
can be expressed as in (20.37). The choice of 7J(a./3) by SANDERS is motivated mainly from his
consideration of a (two-dimensional) virtual work principle for shells. KoiTER [1960, 6], who
does not introduce a displacement assumption such as (7.75), obtains his expression for ?!a.p
by approximation and begins his calculation of a strain energy function by assuming that the
state of stress as in (20.34) is approximately plane so that transverse shear stress and transverse
normal stress may be neglected in the (three-dimensional) strain energy density; and he
subsequently defines a modified stress-resultant and obtains his equilibrium equations by a
variational method. An account of SANDER's and KeiTER's contributions may be found in
[1963, 6]. Our derivation of (20.35) or the relations that follow from (20.39) is patterned after
that given by NAGHDI [1963, 7] and [1964, 5], who used a virtual work principle for shells
derived from the corresponding principle in the three-dimensional theory. See also NAGHDI
[1966, 7].
96 The Eqs. (20.43) can be deduced from the original differential equations in (12.42) even
without the specification of (20.31). See Eqs. (3.8) in [1963, 7].
Sect. 20. Equations for approximate linear theories: II. Three-dimensional developments. 583

Both sets of equations are remarkably free from the skew-symmetric N[a.fJJ. The
former involves only the symmetric N'a.f3 and M(a.f3) while the latter is expressed
in terms of the symmetric part of Na.fJ and M(a.fJ).
It is now clear that the classical theory may be characterized by two entirely
equivalent systems of differential equations: Either by the system of Eqs. {20.43)
and (20.36) or by (20.44) and {20.39). 97 The boundary conditions appropriate to
the classical theory may be obtained by considering the linearized (three-dimen-
sional) rate of work expression. After integrating with respect to Cbetween the
limits h h
2 ' 2
and using the definitions of the resultants in {12.42), the procedure to be followed
is similar to that in Sect. 15 [between (15.21)-{15.25)]. For equilibrium problems,
these boundary conditions are either 98
0va. [N'a.fJ- 2 B~ M(a.yl], M(a.y) 0va. 0vy,
v M(f3a.)lf3 -
0 (/. aaso (ep y M(a.{J) 0v(/. 0vY) on ace;
and hold pointwise on the boundary oCS. The boundary condition (20.46) 1 can
also be expressed in terms of N(a.fJl.
The derivation of the approximate constitutive equations in Subsect. y) is
based on the assumption {20.27) and leads to (20-33) or their inverted forms,
including a constitutive relation for Ma. 3 • These constitutive equations are
appropriate for a bending theory whose equilibrium equations are given by those
which can be obtained from (12.42) in the absence of inertia terms. Also, it is
clear that the number of the independent boundary conditions in this theory are
six at each edge of the shell. This is in contrast to the four boundary conditions
in the classical theory given by (20.45)-(20.46).
We consider now briefly a (slightly less general) system of equations of the
linear theory in which the resultant Ma. 3 is not admitted. The equations of equi-
librium are then given by those associated with the first three differential equations
in (12.42) and V3 = !?o V. The derivation of constitutive equations in this theory
can be accomplished in just the way that led to (20.33) but with a modification
in the initial assumption for stresses. In the present development, we retain
(20.27) 1 3 but (since Ma. 3 is not admitted) replace (20.27) 2 by

fi i(/. 3 =fi i 3 (/. = ]_~(/. (1 - (-~2n.

The above expression will still meet the boundary conditions {20.3)1 with
p'a.=p"a.=O. The rest of the development parallels that in Subsect.y) with
obvious modifications, in view of the absence of Ma. 3 • In this manner we finally
obtain a system of constitutive equations which are the same as the first four of
97 In the recent literature, sometimes preference is indicated in favor of the constitutive
equations (20.36) or (20.39) together with (20.41) [or a variant of (20.40)] and with ?ha.fJ)
expressed in terms of the components of rotation about the normal to the middle surface.
In view of the equivalence of the two systems of equations indicated above, such a preference
can only be argued on the basis of convenience or a possible simplification resulting with
reference to a specific problem. BuDIANSKY and SANDERS [1963, 1] have argued in favor
of a set of constitutive equations corresponding to (20.39); the label of "the 'best' first order
linear shell theory" adopted by them and repeated by others is misleading.
98 The boundary conditions (20.46) can also be derived (from the three-dimensional
theory) even without the specification of (20.31). See Eqs. (4.20) in [1963, 7].
584 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 20.

(20.33). For later reference, we record below the inverted forms of these con-
stitutive equations:
N'«fl=(1-v) c{[-v-A«fl
1 - 2v
A'"'+A«Y Afl"] e 6 +-v-A«fly}
3 ,. 1 - 2v '
M!~fll =B[vA«fl A""+(1-v) A«Y Afl"] ec,. 61 ,
V«= ~ phA«fly11 ,
1-v 11
V3 = 1_ 2v C[(1 -v) y3 +vA"' erz 11 J.
The above constitutive equations include the effect of transverse shear deforma-
tion and transverse normal stress. 99 The boundary conditions in the above linear
theory with constitutive equations (20.47) are either the displacement boundary
conditions Urz, Ua, Yrz on as (20.48)
or the resultant boundary conditions
The boundary-value problem of the linear bending theory characterized by the
appropriate equations of equilibrium (noted earlier in this paragraph), as well as
(20.47)-(20.49), include certain features in common with REISSNER's plate theory.
Remarks similar to those made at the end of Subsect. {J) can also be made here.
Before closing this section some additional remarks should be made regarding
the nature of the foregoing derivations of constitutive equations for shells and
plates from the three-dimensional theory. Although an effort was made to be
as systematic as possible, the shortcomings of the derivations associated with the
approximations are self-evident. Moreover, no attempt has been made here to
provide clear-cut justifications (which can be supported by analysis) for the
approximations or to obtain an estimate of the" error" involved in the use of the
approximate constitutive equations. As remarked previously (Sect. 4), the
problem posed under (b) in (4.32) regarding a scheme for estimating the" error"
involved in the use of the (approximate) two-dimensional equations of the classical
theory of shells or more general linear theories, as compared to the three-dimen-
sional equations of linear elasticity, has not been solved with finality even in
the case of the linear bending theory of plates.1oo
eo Constitutive equations of this type with various degrees of generality and from different
points of view have been given previously: HILDEBRAND, REISSNER and THOMAS (1949, 4],
GREEN and ZERNA (1950, 2], REISSNER [1952, 2], [1964, 7] and NAGHDI [1957, 4], [1963, 6],
[1964, 6]. These papers (except for [1964, 6]), however, employ a kinematic measure different
from (l(y") in (20.47) 2 •
100 With reference to the classical bending theory of plates, however, MoRGENSTERN
[1959, 2] has shown that the stresses and strains obtained from a solution in plate theory
converge in a mean square sense to a solution in elasticity theory as the plate thickness ap-
proaches zero. A recent related paper by NoRDGREN [1971, 7] contains an explicit estimate
of the mean square error for the stresses obtained from a solution in plate theory with respect
to the exact solution of the corresponding problem in the three-dimensional theory. By con-
structing a somewhat more elaborate three-dimensional displacement field than that in
[1971, 7], an improved estimate for the error in the classical bending theory of plates has
been obtained by SIMMONDS [1971, 8]. A more ambitious effort toward the problem posed
under (b) in (4.32) was undertaken by jOHN ([1965, 5] and [1969, 4]) in the context of a
nonlinear theory, as was noted earlier. A comparison of a linear shell theory with the exact
three-dimensional linear theory, based to some extent on the work of joHN [1965, 5], is
given by SENSENIG [1968, 11]. The question of "error" estimate in the linear theory of
shells has been considered recently by KOITER [1970, 4]. KolTER's analysis is carried out in the
spirit of earlier works of MoRGENSTERN [1959, 2] for the bending of flat plates and MoRGEN-
STERN and SzABO [1961, 9] for generalized plane stress.
Sect. 21. Three-dimensional development of approximate linear and nonlinear theories. 585

21. Further remarks on the approximate linear and nonlinear theories developed
from the three-dimensional equations. In this section, we first supplement the
previous remarks on the classical linear theories of shells and plates and then
briefly discuss the nature of some of the approximate nonlinear theories obtained
from the three-dimensional equations. Preliminary to the discussion which follows,
we recall that certain mathematical rules or procedures (such as those pertaining
to dimensional invariance, coordinate invariance, consistency, equipresence, etc.)
are observed or employed directly in the construction of the constitutive equa-
tions.101 In particular, we recall here that the constitutive equations must fulfill
the following requirements: (a) They must be consistent with all conservation
laws and equations resulting therefrom-hence they must be consistent with the
equations of motion, the energy equation and all energetic theorems and related
results; (b) they must remain unaffected by rigid body motions ;102 and (c) they
must remain invariant under the transformation of coordinate systems or, in the
present context, under the transformation of the middle surface coordinates. 103
Ordinarily, most of the rules of invariance or procedures referred to above are
not explicitly stated; and often, especially in the case of linear theories of con-
tinuum mechanics, it is taken for granted that the derived constitutive equations
meet all of the above requirements. Yet, as the history of the subject shows,104
the above requirements have not always been satisfied in the case of the constitu-
tive equations of the linear theory of elastic shells. These shortcomings stem
largely from the trend in which the bending theory of elastic shells has been
historically developed -often piecemeal and in an ad hoc fashion, in contrast to
the developments of both the three-dimensional and two-dimensional (plane)
linear elasticity theories-but also from the difficult nature of the topic, as well
as the use of special coordinates (e.g., lines of curvature coordinates) or special
shapes (e.g., cylindrical and spherical shells).l05
The constitutive equations derived in Sect. 20 [Subsects. y) and b)] meet all
invariance requirements mentioned above. However, some of the linear con-
stitutive equations employed in the current literature on shell theory and even
recent books on the subject violate one or more of the invariance requirements
(see Sect. 21 A). Although the extent to which the latter constitutive equations
violate the requirements of the type (a) to (c) may be insignificant in most
practical applications, such shortcomings are nevertheless undesirable from a
theoretical standpoint.l06
10 1For an account of these rules, see Sect. 293 of TRUESDELL and ToUPIN [1960, 14].
1o2 In the case of linear theory, this requirement implies that the constitutive equations
must remain unaffected by infinitesimal rigid body motions.
1oa This requirement guarantees that the response of the material is unaltered by a dif-
ferent coordinate description; in the case of shell theory, it is easily fulfilled by deriving the
equations in tensorial or similar general forms.
104 A brief history of the derivation of the constitutive equations of the linear theory of
elastic shells, beginning with the work of LovE [1888, 1], is given in Sect. 21 A.
105 Some of the trends have surprisingly persisted throughout the years; even in
very recent and current literature, it is not uncommon to find the use of lines of curvature
coordinates in discussions intended to reveal features of a general theory.
106 The foregoing remarks are not intended to detract from most of the specific results
and solutions in the literature which have been obtained in the past with the use of somewhat
simpler sets of constitutive equations [such as the set which includes (21 A. 7) and described
in Sect. 21 A], despite their shortcomings. As noted by KOlTER [1960, 6], if the non vanishing
physical component of the rotation [corresponding to that in (21 A.S)] is small or of the same
order of magnitude when compared with the physical components of ea{J• then from a prac-
tical point of view the use of the simpler set of constitutive equations may be justified. On
the other hand, as brought out by KNOWLES and REISSNER [1958, 3] and by CoHEN's [1960, 2]
analysis of a helicoidal shell, if the physical component of rotation is large in comparison with
components of eafJ• then the use of the simpler set of constitutive equations [e.g., the set
which includes (21 A. 7)] can lead to serious errors.
586 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 21.

Having disposed of the foregoing preliminaries, we return once more to the

discussion of an approximate linear theory of elastic shells obtained from the
three-dimensional equations. Our derivation of linear constitutive equations in
Sect. 20 is carried out in the spirit of earlier developments (from the three-
dimensional equations) in Chap. D. Alternatively (and with some adjustments in
the initial assumptions), the same results can be deduced from the generalized
Hooke's law or with the use of the (three-dimensional) virtual work principle or any
of the variational theorems of three-dimensional linear elasticity. The latter
approach has been popular over the years beginning with a paper of TREFFTZ. 107
An entirely different approach to the linear theories of plates and shells,
based on the use of asymptotic expansion techniques, has attracted considerable
attention in recent years. This approach which begins with the three-dimensional
equations of linear elasticity, roughly speaking, may be described as follows: With
the initial position vector of a material point specified by (4.27), first suitable
scaling of the coordinates and, in turn of the displacements uf and stresses -r:•i
are introduced. This scaling is such that it gives distinction between the tangential
components u:, -r:"'Y and the components u:,
-r:• 3 along the normal to the middle
surface of the shell. Next, with a view toward separate consideration of the
"interior" problem (i.e., for the region away from the edge of the shell or plate)
and that of the boundary-layer region, all equations are expanded in powers of a
small parameter (say e =hfR)1°8 and successive approximations to the three-
dimensional equations are deduced for the interior and the boundary-layer
regions. Inasmuch as a fairly detailed and recent account of the asymptotic
expansion procedure for shells is available elsewhere (Chap. 16 of GREEN and
ZERNA),109 we confine ourselves here to only a few remarks in order to give an
indication of the nature of such developments.
In the case of flat plates, the earliest derivation by an asymptotic procedure
is included in a paper by GooDIER.U0 The subject was considered anew by FRIED-
RICHS and DRESSLER with particular reference to the boundary-layer equations
for elastic plates. 111 In essence, the lowest order approximation to the "interior"
problem leads to the classical Kirchhoff theories for stretching and bending of
plates. However, the interior equations are not uniformly valid in the immediate
region of the edge surface of the plate in the sense that it is not possible to satisfy
arbitrary specified boundary conditions on the edge surface with the interior
equations and the boundary-layer problem must be considered. From the latter
and by a method first used by GREEN,112 the usual Kirchhoff boundary conditions
107 TREFFTZ [1935, 2]. The use of variational theorems of a virtual work principle are
prominent in a number of papers cited in Sect. 20 and are also employed in most books on the
subject: E.g., NovozHILOV [1959, 3], GoL'DENVEIZER [1961, 3] and AMBARTSUMIAN [1964, 1].
10s It is usual in the case of shells to introduce two parameters, one given by e and another
associated with the deformation pattern on the middle surface which implies dependence on
the nature of the solutions of the differential equations sought. However, this is not essential
and can be avoided as indicated by GREEN and NAGHDI [1965, 2].
109 GREEN and lERNA [1968, 9].
110 GOODIER [1938, 1].
111 FRIEDRICHS and DRESSLER [ 1961, 2]. For related papers on asymptotic expansions
and boundary-layer equations for elastic plates, see REISS and LocKE [1961, 11], GoL'DEN-
VEIZER [1962, 3], Fox [1964, 2], GoL'DENVEIZER and KOLOS [1965, 1] and LAWS [1966, 6].
The above papers are all concerned with derivations of classical plate theory by asymptotic
expansions of the equations of (non-polar) linear elasticity. GREEN and NAGHDI [1967, 5] have
shown that the equations of the linear theory of an elastic Cosserat plate can be obtained as a
first approximation to an asymptotic expansion of an exact linearized three-dimensional theory
of a generalized continuum which admits a director. See also a related paper by ERINGEN
[1967, 3] concerning the derivation of plate equations from a theory of generalized continua.
112 GREEN [1962, 5]; see also GREEN and LAWS [1966, 3].
Sect. 21. Three-dimensional development of approximate linear and nonlinear theories. 587

can then be deduced and these must be applied to the major terms of the interior
stresses. 113
As might be expected, the derivations by asymptotic methods for elastic
shells are both more complex and laborious than that for flat plates, but the
essence of the ideas (though not the details of the method and results) are similar.
Asymptotic derivations of this type have been discussed by joHNSON and REISS-
NER, REISS, GREEN and others. 114 Roughly speaking, four sets of approximate
system of equations for shells are obtained by the asymptotic procedure and these
correspond to (1) membrane approximation, (2) inextensional approximation,
(3) a simplified system of equations for bending and (4) boundary-layer equations.n5
The four sets of Eqs. (1)-(4) do not constitute a complete system of shell equations
in the sense of the classical shell theory obtained in Sect. 20 [Subsect. ~)], but
they may be regarded as a basis for obtaining approximate solutions to shell
problems. In fact, in the context of the asymptotic procedure used, the Eqs. (20.39)
of the classical shell theory contain a significant contribution of an order higher
than the first as was noted by GREEN and NAGHDI. 116 In any case, the derivations
by asymptotic expansion techniques for shells (and plates) do not appear to be
conclusive, especially with regard to the problem posed under (b) in Sect. 4.117
The derivations by asymptotic expansion techniques, at first sight, may appear
to be free from ad hoc assumptions; but, in fact, this is not the case. The scaling
of stresses and displacement is tantamount to a priori special assumptions
regarding the transverse components ut and -,;03 , although subsequent develop-
ments are carried out systematically. Moreover, no proof is available that the
expansions obtained are asymptotic and of uniform validity over the entire
region of the shell or plate.
We close this section with some remarks concerning the nature of the existing
approximate nonlinear theories of elastic plates and shells derived from the three-
dimensional equations. In nearly all of these approximate theories, the underlying
kinematic assumptions are such that the strains are small while the rotation may
be large or moderately large us and linear constitutive equations are assumed to be
113 Boundary conditions for plates have been discussed by FRIEDRICHS [1949, 1], [1950, 1],
FRIEDRICHS and DRESSLER [1961, 2], REISSNER [1963, 9] and others. Some of these papers
use a "matching" procedure between the interior and the boundary-layer stresses, but the
simpler method of GREEN [1962, .5] is used by LAWS [1966, 6] to obtain the classical Kirchhoff
boundary conditions.
114 The earliest papers are by jOHNSON and REISSNER (1959, 1] and REISS (1960, 12] who
confined themselves to symmetric deformations of cylindrical shells. Subsequently, the case
of axisymmetric deformation of shells of revolution was considered by REISSNER [1960, 13]
and the unsymmetric deformation of cylindrical shells was dealt with by REISS [1962, 7].
General derivations of the interior and the boundary-layer equations for shells were given by
GREEN [1962, 4], [1962, 5]; see also GREEN and LAws [1966, 3]. Some simplifications in the
procedure, as well as extension of the results to dynamical problems, were noted by GREEN
and NAGHDI [1965, 2]; For other related references, see the papers by GoL'DENVEIZER [1963, 3],
jOHNSON [1963, 4] and REISSNER [1963, 10].
115 The system of equations in each of the categories (1)-(4) represents an approximation
to the three-dimensional equations. Sometimes the approximations (1) and (2) are referred
to as the membrane theory and the inextensional theory, respectively. But the latter termi-
nologies may possibly detract from clarity here, since what is sought in an asymptotic develop-
ment are approximations to the three-dimensional equations. While the approximate system
of equations in each of the categories (1)-(4) may violate one or more of the requirements
stated under (a) to (c) above, it should be noted that this is simply a consequence of the
particular approximation used.
116 [1965, 2].
117 This is perhaps partly evident from GoL'DENVEIZER's recent effort [1969, 2] with regard
to the interaction of boundary layer and interior stresses for thin shells.
118 A discussion of such kinematic assumptions is given in Sects. 48-49 of NovozHILOV
[1953, 3]. See also the review of [1953, 3] by TRUESDELL [1953, 5].
588 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 21.

valid. In general, however, a systematic development of such approximate theories

is not available; and even those few contributions which have striven toward
a more satisfactory derivation either employ assumptions which are too special
or else still contain a number of ad hoc approximations. Nevertheless, it should
be noted that these approximate developments have been largely motivated by
applications and have served a useful purpose over the years. The origin of such
approximate theories for initially flat plates goes back to papers of F6PPL (in which
bending effects are ignored) and VON KARMAN.119 The latter contains the well-
known von Ka.nmin equations for nonlinear bending of thin plates characterized
by a system of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations in terms of a
stress function and the normal displacement. 120
With reference to initially curved shells, a general derivation of the non-
linear membrane theory (in the context of nonlinear elasticity) is given in GREEN
and ADKINS. 121 This derivation does not contain approximations for the tangential
components of strain measures and employs nonlinear constitutive equations.
A more special nonlinear membrane theory in which the strains (but not the
displacements) are assumed to be small was given earlier by BROMBERG and
STOKER.122 A number of approximate nonlinear theories have been developed with
reference to special geometries. Notable among these are the papers by DoNNELL
for cylindrical shells,l28 MARGUERRE for shallow shells 124 and by REISSNER for
axisymmetric deformation of shells of revolution. 125 Finally, we note that more
general approximate nonlinear theories have been obtained in recent years with
different aims and varying degrees of generality.126
no FoPPL [1907, 1], voN KARMAN [1910, 1].
1 20 An account of voN KARMAN's equations can be found in STOKER's [1968, 12] monograph
and in TIMOSHENKO and WOINOWSKY-KREIGER [1959, 7]. Related and more general deriva-
tions are contained in the papers by REISSNER [1953, 4] and ERINGEN [1955. 1]. Large in-
extensional deformations of plates are discussed by FuNG and WITRICK [1955. 2], MANSFIELD
[1955, 5] and ASHWELL [1957, 2].
121 GREEN and ADKINS [1960, 5].
1 22 BROMBERG and STOKER [1945, 1]. Related results pertaining to nonlinear membrane
theory are contained in the papers of STOKER [1963, 14], ERINGEN [1952, 1] and BUDIANSKY
[1968, 1].
123 DoNNELL [1933, 1]. A linearized version of DONNELL's equations, because of their
relative simplicity, has been extensively employed in applications but not without concern
regarding their accuracy. In this connection, see a paper by HoFF [1955. 3] which contains
a discussion of the accuracy of DoNNELL's equations as compared to those of FLti'GGE [1932, 1].
1 24 MARGUERRE [1938, 2]. The papers of MARGUERRE and DONNELL are also significant
because of the linearized versions of their developments in [1938, 2] and [1933, 1]. In fact,
MARGUERRE's paper contains, as a special case, the first satisfactory derivation of the linear
theory of shallow shells.
Equations equivalent to those given by DoNNELL [1933. 1] and MARGUERRE [1938, 2]
or variants thereof were independently discovered and utilized by others, e.g., VLAsov and
MusHTARI. For references, see VLAsov [1958, 5], NovozHILOV [1959, 3], ONIASHVILI [1960, 11]
and MusHTARI and GALIMOV [1961, 10]. The effect of nonlinearity in [1933, 1] and [1938, 2]
is accounted for in a manner similar to that in voN KARMAN's equations. A linearized version
of DoNNELL's equations may also be deduced as a special case of the differential equations for
bending of circular cylindrical shells in GREEN and ZERNA [1968, 9]. Similarly, a linearized
version ofMARGUERRE's theory of shallow shells maybe found in GREEN andZERNA [1968, 9].
125 REISSNER [1950, 6], [1960, 13] and [1963, 11].
126 We mention, in particular, the papers by LEONARD [1961, 6], RuDIGER [1961, 12],
NAGHDI and NORDGREN [1963, 8], SANDERS [1963, 12], KOlTER [1966, 4] and BIRICIKOGLU
and KALNINS [1971, 2]. All of these papers invoke the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis or a similar
equivalent set of assumptions and most (but not all) of them employ linear constitutive
equations. However, a nonlinear theory in which the strains are small but the constitutive
equations (through their coefficients) contain nonlinear effects has been also discussed by
ZERNA [1960, 15] and WAINWRIGHT [1963, 16].
Sect. 21 A. History of the derivation of linear constitutive equations for shells. 589

21A. Appendix on the history of the derivation of linear constitutive equations

for thin elastic shells. We begin our account of the history of the derivation of
linear constitutive equations for elastic shells with that of LovE's first approxima-
tion (LovE's theory of 1888). However, as remarked in Sect. 1, the reference to
LovE's first approximation in the contemporary literature is often confusing, as
there are at least three different versions which bear his name. 127 In order to
distinguish between these and also provide a basis for their comparison with our
results of the classical shell theory (Sect. 20), it is expedient to record the con-
stitutive equations of the classical theory corresponding to one of the alternative
forms (20.36) or (20.39) in lines of curvature coordinates and in terms of physical
components. Here we choose the latter, since the constitutive equations of LovE's
first approximation involve resultants which correspond to N(afl) and M(afl)
instead of N' afl and M(afl).
Thus, we refer the surface coordinates in the reference configuration to lines
of curvature coordinates so that A12 = B12 = 0 and also introduce the notations
(AI) 2=An =JA1j 2• (A2) 2=A22=JA2j 2,
B - - (A2)2 (21A.1)
B22=- _1__ 22- R2 ,
R' 2

where R1 and R 2 are the principal radii of curvature of the initial reference surface
and the notations A 1 , A 2 are introduced for convenience. Further, let the physical
components of tensors of the type eafl, Nafl be designated as e<afl>, N (afl>. Then 128
- ea{l (no summation over a, {J),
e<afl>- ---·-
eafl =Aa Ap e<afl> (no summation over a, {J),
(21 A.2)
N(a{l) =A a Ap Nafl (no summation over a, {J),
Nafl = ]./_<afl) (no summation over a, {J).
We record below the physical components of the symmetric strain measures erxfl
and erx{l' namely
e<n> =A!_ [u(1),1 + + ~a '
A_.:,2 u<2>]
1 2 1

e(22) = -f- [u<2),2 + A}I u(1)] + ]l-' (21 A.3)

e(12) =e(21) = ~ {~~ [ ~~:-L + ~: [ u~:> ]J

2 1 2

l- [ l
e< )11 =- _1_ [ Ua,1
A1 A1
- U(1)
R1 ,1
Ua,2 -
R1 ,

e22 _ _ _ _!__[U3,2- U(2)] -~[U3,1- U(1)]


( ) - A2 R2 ,2 A 1A 2 A 1 R2 '

2!?(12) _ _ _ {·
-2!?(21)- 1
A-A- [(A1) 2 ( U(1) )
AR + (A 2)2 ( ATU(2) ) (21A.4)
1 2 1 1 ,2 2 2 ,1

+ A 2A- [- Ua, 12 + ;.• Ua, 1+_A~, 1Ua, 2]}

1 2 1 2

+ (~;- ~J 2A:A (-(:::iy {(A1) 2
u<1>b- (A
1J2 {(A2)3 u<2>b)].
127 LovE's original derivations [1888, 1] and [1893, 2], as well as related subsequent
developments, were carried out in lines of curvature coordinates and in terms of physical
components of the stress-resultants and the stress-couples.
128 See Sect. A.4. of the Appendix (Chap. F).
590 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 21 A.

The physical constitutive equations for N(a.fJ) and M(a.fJ) which follow from (20.39)
in the case of initially homogeneous and isotropic elastic materials are then given
by relations of the type
N<11 >= C [e< 11 >+v e< 22 >],

N((12)) = N((21)) = (1- v) C e(12),

M<n> = B [e<n> +v e<22>J,
M(12) =M(21) = (1-v) B e(l2),

where the kinematic measures are those in (21 A.3)-(21 A.4). Also, the physical
equation for the skew-symmetric part of becomes

N<I2>- N<21) = ( ; 2 - ; 1) M<I2> · (21 A.6)

Returning to LovE's first approximation, we first observe that a derivation

of LovE's constitutive equations in lines of curvature coordinates is contained in
a paper by REISSNER. 129 This formulation of LovE's first approximation, as will
become apparent presently, is different from that in LovE's treatise or the version
originally given by LovE in 1888. The essential difference between the physical
constitutive equations (21 A.S) and the version of LovE's equations as derived by
REISSNER is in the expression for M< 12 >, namely 130
M<l2) =M(21) =-2-B r,
(21 A.7)
r=(~:)[P~:> L+ (~:)[P~~ L·
where {3< 1>, {3< 2>are the physical components of f3a. given by (7.68) 4 • The remaining
constitutive equations of LovE's theory (as derived by REISSNER) are the same
as the corresponding equations in (21 A.S). Thus, the difference between the two
sets of constitutive equations lies in the kinematic measures which occur in
(21 A.7) and (21 A.5) 4 , respectively. An easy comparison between rand (i<12 > can
be made if, with the use of (20.35) 4 and the second expression for ua.fJ in (7.68),
we write (20.37) in the form
ea.p =i(f3a.IP +f3fila.) -i(B~ YrvfJl + B(J Y!va.l). (21 A.8)
It is then easily seen that the expression for r in (21 A.7) 2 arises only from the
first parenthesis on the right-hand side of (21 A.S). As noted above, the version
of LovE's theory as given in his treatise differs from that which includes (21 A.7)
and has also been used extensively in the literature (at least until the early
1950's). The version of the constitutive equations in LovE's treatise differs from
the set derived by REISSNER only in the relation for M <12 >, where the expression
corresponding to the kinematic measure r is not symmetric in u<1 > and u< 2>; and
hence, in this sense, the constitutive equations in LovE's treatise are considered
unsatisfactory. 131
129 REISSNER [1941, 1]. A similar derivation is included in [1949, 4].
1 30 The difference of the factor oft in the coefficients of (21A.5) 4 and (21A.7h is due
to the definition of T in (21 A. 7) 2 •
181 See Sect. 329 of LovE [1944, 4] or the corresponding sections of earlier editions of his
treatise. Still, shortly after his [1941, 1] paper, another version was proposed by RErssNER
[1942, 1]. The constitutive equations in [1942, 1] contain higher-order terms in h/R in com-
parison with the set of equations which include (21 A. 7); and, in particular, those corresponding
to M <u> and M ( 21 ) are not the same.
Sect. 21 A. History of the derivation of linear constitutive equations for shells. 591

Almost immediately after its appearance, LovE's work of 1888 drew criticism
from Lord RAYLEIGH 132 who, favoring his own inextensional theory, objected to
the application of LoVE's equations to extensional vibrations of shells. 133 Shortly
thereafter, LAMB 134 published a paper in which he derived by another approach
equations essentially equivalent to those of LovE. But despite LAMB's praise of
LovE's work, at the time LovE appears to have been pessimistic about his own
1888 derivation of the general bending theory of thin shells. 135 Responding to
RAYLEIGH's criticism,136 LovE after again pointing out that the inextensional
theory violates the boundary conditions and agreeing that the extensional theory
will not predict the lowest frequency of free vibrations, 137 also notes that it may
be necessary to retain higher-order terms in h/ R as was done by BASSETT in special
cases.l 38 In this connection, it may be noted that LovE's second approximation 139
does contain some higher order terms in hf R.
During the past two or three decades, when speaking of LovE's first approxima-
tion, some authors have in mind the version of LovE's theory with M<12>=M< 21>
given by (21 A.7) while others (especially the Russian investigators) have reference
to the equations originally supplied by LovE or those in his treatise mentioned
above. Neither of the two sets of constitutive equations of LovE's first approxima-
tion (i) satisfies the equilibrium equation arising from the symmetry of the stress
tensor or equivalently (21 A.6). Nor are they (ii) invariant under infinitesimal
rigid body displacement.l 40 Objections to LovE's first approximation (in the form
given originally by LoVE) were first raised by VLAsov 141 who, in addition to the
above shortcomings (i) and (ii), also pointed out that LovE's equations (iii)
violate a reciprocity theorem, i.e., a two-dimensional analogue of the (BETTI-
RAYLEIGH) reciprocity theorem in three-dimensional linear elasticity. The version
of LovE's first approximation as derived by REISSNER also has the shortcomings
(i) and (ii) but not (iii); and, moreover, REISSNER's version can be put in a ten-
sorially invariant form, i.e., in a form which remains unaltered under the trans-
formation of the middle surface coordinates. 142
Subsequent attempts to remedy the unsatisfactory state of the subject that
existed around 1940 were largely confined to derivations within the framework
132 RAYLEIGH [1888, 2].
1 33 In his paper of [1888, 1], after deriving the equations of the bending theory, LOVE
considers the special cases of the extensional vibrations of cylindrical and spherical shells.
134 LAMB [1890, 2].
135 LOVE [1891, 1].

1 36 In his response to RAYLEIGH's criticism and with reference to his own theory of [1888, 1],
LovE writes ([1891, 1]) "it would most probably be sufficiently exact for the application of a
method of approximation."
137 However, the argument given by Lord RAYLEIGH [1888, 2] is faulty since the inexten-
sional and the extensional displacements both violate the boundary conditions; and, therefore,
RAYLEIGH's principle as used in the argument does not apply.
1 38 BASSETT (1890, 1].
1 39 See Sect. 330 of [1944, 4]. A discussion of LovE's second approximation is included also
in [1949, 4].
140 In the case of (21 A.7), this can be easily verified with the use of expressions of the
type (6.44h and (6.45) 3 for infinitesimal rigid body displacements of the shell. See also Sect. 6
of [1963, 6].
141 VLAsov [1944, 6]. See also his book [1958, 5].

142 With reference to REISSNER's version of LovE's first approximation [1941, 1] the short-
comings (i) and (ii) above were also mentioned by KNOWLES and REISSNER [1958, 3]. The
fact that this version admits a reciprocity theorem was noted in [1960, 10] and the observation
that it can be put in tensorially invariant form was made in [1963, 6].
592 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 21 A.

of the Kirchhoff-Love assumption. 143 In this connection, we now indicate the

nature of a system of constitutive equations, derived under the Kirchhoff-Love
assumption [see Sect. 7, Subsect. s)], where higher-order terms in the thickness
coordinate (i.e., in h/ R) are retained. For this purpose, we introduce the notations


and also observe that the above quantities are such that y~ +yg = 2e<12> and
-r -r.
-r1 + 2 = Then, referred to lines of curvature coordinates and in terms of
physical components, the constitutive equations under consideration can be
written in the form 144

N<n>=C{[e<n>+ve(22)]+ :: (~ 1 - ~J(e~~> -e<n>)}.

N(22)=C{[e(22)+ve<II>J+ :: (~ 2 - ~J(e~:> -e<22>)}.

M<ll) = B {[e<u> +v e<22>J- ( ~~ - ~J e<u>},
M(22>=B{[e<22>+ve<u>J -(~ 2 - ~Je<22>}·
M<12>= 1~ v B {-r- (; 1 - ;J y~},
M<21)= 1 ~ 11 B{-r-(; 2 - ;Jrg}.
ua An exception is the work of CHIEN [1944, 2] which, although quite general in scope,
does not appear to have directed itself toward the resolution of the issues that existed at
the time. Criticisms of CHIEN's work can be found in the papers of GoL'DENVEIZER and LuR'E
[1947, 3] and GREEN and ZERNA [1950, 2].
u•In the literature on shell theory, (21 A.1 0)-(21 A.11) are often referred to as the Flilgge-
Lur'e-Byrne equations. These constitutive relations were originally derived in the case of
cylindrical shells by FLuGGE [1932, 1] and in general form by LuR'E [1940, 2]. Similar develop-
ments were constructed independently in general form by BYRNE (1941) and for shells of revo-
lution by TRUESDELL (1943). The paper by LuR'E [1940, 2] did not become known until after
World War II and the works of BYRNE and TRUESDELL were evidently delayed in publication
(BYRNE [1944, 1] and TRUESDELL [1945, 3]); see also, in this regard, the remarks by TRUESDELL
in the last paragraph of [1953, 5], where references to the original works of BYRNE (1941) and
TRUESDELL (1943) are cited. In view of this background, the relations (21 A. 10)-(21 A. 11)
may be referred to as the FLUGGE-LuR'E-BYRNE-TRUESDELL equations. For accounts of
constitutive equations (21A.10)-(21A.11) see also FLUGGE's books [1934, 1], [1960, 4] and
"Notes to Chapter I" at the end of the book by LuR'E [1947, 4]. A general derivation of
(21A.10)-(21A.11 ) can be found in [1963, 6].
In recording the constitutive equations (21A.10)-(21A.11), so far as possible, we have
employed the same notations as in (21 A.5). As should be apparent from (21 A.S) when special-
ized to lines of curvature coordinates, the measures ii<n> and ii<u> in (21 A.10)-(21 A.11) are
equivalent to the physical components of fla.I{J for values of a.= fJ. It is the latter variables
that occur in the constitutive equations (21A.10)-(21A.11) as used in the literature on shell
Sect. 21 A. History of the derivation of linear constitutive equations for shells. 593

If the second set of terms on the right-hand sides of the above equations, i.e.,
those involving

are neglected, then we recover the version of LovE's first approximation which
includes (21A.7). The constitutive equations (21A.10)-(21A.11) do not have any
of the shortcomings associated with different versions of LoVE's first approximation
and, in particular, are invariant under infinitesimal rigid body displacement and
under transformation of the middle surface coordinates. 145 However, it is quite
clear that the additional terms in (21 A.1 0)-(21 A.11) which involve
are of O(h/ R) and thus these equations represent more than a first approximation
in the linear theory. Mention should be made here of several related derivations
which include the effect of transverse shear deformation and sometimes also the
effect of transverse normal stress. 146 Most of these results are such that upon the
neglect of the latter effects, they reduce to (21 A.10}-(21 A. H) or variants thereof.
A noteworthy contribution toward a satisfactory derivation of the con-
stitutive equations of a first approximation theory was published in 1946 by
NovozHILOV. 147 This derivation, which is carried out in lines of curvature co-
ordinates, remained virtually unknown in the Western hemisphere until the
early 1960's. NovozHILov's constitutive equations have certain features which
(in lines of curvature coordinates) appear to be close to those in (21 A.5). 148
Whereas NovozHILOV's equations remain invariant under infinitesimal rigid body
displacement, satisfy the equilibrium equation resulting from the symmetry of
the stress tensor and also admit two-dimensional energetic theorems (including a
reciprocity theorem), nevertheless they are not entirely satisfactory. For example,
these equations do not attain a simple form for spherical shells and NovozHILOV
himself recommends the use of the constitutive equations (21 A.1 0}-(21 A.11) in
this case. 149 Moreover, NovozHILov's equations are not invariant under the trans-
formation of the middle surface coordinates. This shortcoming no doubt is because
approximations were made in lines of curvature coordinates rather than in a
derivation carried out in general coordinates; however, if this deficiency is
remedied and the set of equations given by NOVOZHILOV is put in an invariant
form, then part of the simplicity is lost and some of the equations will contain
additional terms of O(h/R) similar to those in (21A.10)-(21A.11). 150 References
to other and more recent contributions concerning the derivation of constitutive
equations of a first approximation theory are cited in Sects. 20-21 and need not
be repeated here.
145 For details on these and related discussions concerning the constitutive equations
(21 A.10)-(21 A.11), see [1963, 6] and [1966, 8].
146 Among these we mention the derivations by HILDEBRAND, REISSNER and THOMAS
[1949, 4], GREEN and ZERNA [1950, 2], REISSNER [1952, 2] and NAGHDI [1957, 4], [1963, 6].
A criticism by GoL'DENVEIZER (cited in [1960, 9]) to the effect that the constitutive equations
in [1957, 4] are not invariant under infinitesimal rigid body displacements has no basis. This
was acknowledged by him later, as was noted in [1960, 9].
147 NovozHILOV [1946, 3]. See also the English translation of his book [1959. 3]. According
to NovozHILOV [1959, 3, p. 54] similar approximate constitutive equations were obtained
independently by L. I. BALABUKH. The reference to the work of BALABUKH (1946) is cited on
p. 83 of [1961, 3].
us See NOVOZHILOV'S equations (10.16) in [1959, 3].
149 See the remark on p. 54 of [1959. 3].
uo A more detailed discussion of NovozHILov's equations can be found in Sects. 6.3 and
6.4 of [1963, 6].
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vlaj2. 38
594 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 22.

22. Relationship of results from the three-dimensional theory and the theory
of Cosserat surface. We return to the field equations and the constitutive relations
of the approximate nonlinear theory (derived from the three-dimensional equa-
tions) and consider their comparison with the corresponding results derived by
direct approach (and summarized in Sect. 14). A close examination of the field
equations (9.47)-(9.48) and (9.51) readily reveals that these equations are of the
same form as (12.28)-(12.30). Moreover, the set of constitutive equations (13.64)-
(13.65) for the Cosserat surface has the same form as (18.4)-(18.5), apart from an
extra generality in Sect. 18 for the temperature. I£ we also adopt the approximation
(18.7) for the temperature, identify the surface 5 of the (three-dimensional) shell-
like body with ~ and (11.1) with (4.36), then the field equations and the constitu-
tive equations for elastic shells in the two developments are formally equivalent.
In the theory of a Cosserat surface, the skew-symmetric part of MafJ is specified
by a constitutive equation which has no counterpart in the approximate develop-
ment from the three-dimensional equations. The latter is due to the nature of the
approximation adopted for the (two-dimensional) specific free energy tp in the
derivation from the three-dimensional theory. Our reasons for this choice of an
approximate expression for tp were discussed in Sects. 17-18. Alternatively, a
specification of a different (and equally acceptable) approximate expression for tp
could result in a constitutive equation for MafJ rather than M(afJl.
Although the constitutive equations in Sect. 18 are obtained from the three-
dimensional equations, they involve an approximate function for the free energy
and, as already remarked, in general it is difficult to evaluate this approximate
expression from the full three-dimensional expression for the free energy. On the
other hand, given the Cosserat surface f{! as a model for a thin shell and the balance
principles stated in Sect. 8, the resulting theory is exact; but, it requires the addi-
tional (and sometimes difficult) considerations regarding the interpretations of
the results and identification of the constitutive coefficients.
The contact force Nand the contact director couple Min the theory of a
Cosserat surface, as well as N"' in (9.11) and M"' in (9.19), have respectively the
physical dimensions of force per unit length and couple per unit length, as indica-
ted in (8.5). Moreover, these vector fields have the same physical dimensions as the
stress-resultants and the stress-couples defined by (11.36). Hence, in view of the
formal equivalence of the two developments noted above, we may identify Na
and Ma (in the theory of a Cosserat surface) with the corresponding stress-resultants
and stress-couples. Similar identifications can be made for other quantities,
including the identification of the assigned force f and the assigned director
couple l with the corresponding load resultants in (11. 30) with N = 0, 1. Further,
recalling (8.19), we may identify fi- ci = fi and Ji in (9.47)-(9.48) with the cor-
responding quantities in (12.28)-(12.29). The identification of [i in the two sets
of equations entails also that we put the director inertia coefficient oc in (8.19) 2
equal to k11 in (12.25) 2 , i.e.,
oc=k11 . (22.1)
With (22.1) the identification is complete and the equations of motion (9.47)-(9.48)
correspond exactly to (12.28)-(12.29).
While a one-to-one correspondence can be established between the various
quantities in our two developments, namely that by direct approach and from
the approximate three-dimensional theory, the relationship of the latter to the
results in the classical theory of shells needs further elaboration. In the classical
(approximate) linear theory of shells developed from the three-dimensional
equations, where the initial position vector is of the form (4.27), the stress-couple
Sect. 22. Relationship of three-dimensional and Cosserat results. 595
resultant is defined by a tangential vector field 151
.Ita= f (A 8 X T') CdC,
- h/2 (22.2)
=MaPA8 XAp.
On the other hand, in the linearized version of the field equations as derived
(from the three-dimensional equations) in Sects. 11-12 and with the initial
position vector specified by (7. 30)-(7.31), it is the quantity D XMt'- or
D xMa = DA8 x Mai Ai,
=DMaPA8 XAp.
which corresponds to (22.2). In view of earlier remarks, a similar comparison
also holds between D X Ma (in the theory of a Cosserat surface) and .Ita as defined
by (22.2). It is therefore clear that in the comparison with the classical theory
(where Ma 8 is not defined) it is the quantity DMaP [or DxM"£] which must be
identified with MaP in (22.2). This is simply due to the fact that in the classical
theory of shells MaP is defined through (22.2), or through the stress-couples in
(12.42) 6 , and not by Jta= Mai Ai. In this connection, see also the remarks made
in Sect. 12 [Subsect.17)].
Before closing this section, we calculate explicitly the value of the inertia
coefficient k11 in (22.1) appropriate to the linear theory and when the position
vector of the shell-like body in the initial reference configuration is given by
(7.30) with D=A8 . Recalling (4.21), (7.46) and (7.48) 1 , 3 , from (12.26) we readily
k11 ai =n*
12 (22.4)
But eo =et h by (4.17) and (7.46) and eat =eo Ai by (4.41)-(4.42). Using these
results, in (22.4) yields k11 =h 2/12. Hence, the director inertia coefficient()( which
occurs in D of the linearized equations of motion (9.55) is given by
12 '
in view of the identification (22.1).

E. Linear theory of elastic plates and shells.

This concluding chapter, though limited only to the linear theory, is a cul-
mination of the point of view adopted earlier in Sect. 4 regarding shells and
plates. Our starting point here is a system of equations for the linear theory
derived in the previous chapters by direct approach. After providing for ease
of reference a brief summary of the field equations and the constitutive relations,
the remainder of the chapter is devoted to the detailed considerations of the
linear theory. Special attention is given to the determination of the constitutive
coefficients, proof of a uniqueness theorem and certain results pertaining to the
classical linear theory of shells and plates.
In order to concentrate attention on the main aspects of the subject, especially
in regard to the identification of the constitutive coefficients, we limit ourselves
to the isothermal theory. We note, however, that this limitation is not essential.
Moreover, it should be clear that the developments of this chapter can be regarded
151 See for example Chap. 10 of GREEN and ZERNA [1968, 9].
596 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 23.

as appropriate for the purely mechanical theory in line with the remarks made
in Sect. 14 [Subsect. p)].
23. The boundary-value problem in the linear theory. In this section, we sum-
marize the field equations and a system of constitutive relations in the linear
isothermal theory of a Cosserat surface which characterize the initial boundary-
value problem of elastic shells and plates. However, the case of a flat plate is
considered separately from that of the initially curved shell, as this will be more
oc) Elastic plates. It is convenient to recall here the basic equations for elastic
plates with reference to rectangular Cartesian coordinates. Thus, let the surface
coordinates on the initial surface [/' be identified with the rectangular Cartesian
coordinates xot. Then, referred to rectangular Cartesian coordinates, the equations
of motion (9.73)-(9.74) can be written as
Notp,ot +eoFp=O, Mota, at +eo La= J-;, (23.1)
Motp,ot +eo Lp = Vp, Ya,ot +eo Fa =0, (23.2)
where a comma denotes partial differentiation with respect to xot and all quantities
in (23.1)-(23.2) are now referred to rectangular Cartesian coordinates so that no
distinction between the position of the indices (subscripts and superscripts) in
such quantities as NotP, Mot', Li is necessary. The above equations of motion
include the effect of inertia due to both displacement u and director displacement ~.
The latter, which corresponds to "rotatory inertia", occurs through I; defined
by (9.57) 2 and (8.19) 2 with the director inertia coefficient oc given by (22.5).
The constitutive relations of the linear theory considered here are those for
an isotropic Cosserat plate obtained under the restriction (16.31). Recalling (16.33)
and (9.72), from (16.11) referred to rectangular Cartesian coordinates, we have
the following constitutive relations for initially flat elastic Cosserat plates:
Not{J = Np rz =OCt (Jrz{J eyy + 2oc2 erz{J + OCg CJrxp Ya'
The kinematic measures in (23.3)-(23.4) are those in (6.25) referred to rectangular
Cartesian coordinates so that now covariant differentiation in (6.25) is replaced
with partial differentiation.
An examination of the equations of motion (23.1)-(23-2) and the constitutive
equations (23.3)-(23.4) readily reveals that the differential equations of the linear
theory of an isotropic Cosserat plate separate into two systems of uncoupled
equations: One system, consisting of (23.1), (23.3) and (6.25) 3 4 5 , represents the
stretching (or the extensional motion) of the plate while the othe~, given by (23.2),
(23.4) and (6.25) 6 , 7 , characterizes the bending (or the flexural motion) of the plate.
Among the features of the extensional theory, we note the presence of five con-
stitutive coefficients in (23.3), a constitutive equation for the normal force Va
(corresponding to that for the normal stress-resultant) and a constitutive equation
for Ma 3 (corresponding to that for the shear stress-couple). Similarly, the bending
theory 1 contains four constitutive coefficients in (23.4) and includes a constitutive
1 Apart from the presence of a constitutive equation for M[rz{Jl, the equations of the bending
theory are of the same form as those in REISSNER's plate theory discussed in Sect. 20.
Sect. 23. The boundary-value problem in the linear theory. 597

equation for V<X (corresponding to that for the shear stress-resultant) in terms of the
kinematic variable yot; the latter can be regarded as representing the effect
of "transverse shear deformation".
The nature of the boundary conditions in the above linear theory is clear
from the linearized version of the rate of work expression (8.8). In particular, the
force and the director couple boundary conditions are given by 2
Ny =N<X'Y 0v<X, M 3 =Mota 0v", N3 = V,. 0 vot, My =Moty 0v<X, (23.5)
where 0 vot in (23.5) are the components ofthe outward unit normal to the boundary
curve of the initial surface !/' referred to rectangular Cartesian coordinates. The
boundary conditions (23.5) hold pointwise on the boundary 8!/'.
{3) Elastic shells. We recall the equations of motion for shells in terms of the
variables NotfJ, Moti, v• and in the forms (9.68)-(9.70) which correspond to those
in (12.42). The equations of motion (9.70) include the inertia terms in D arising
from the director displacement. These terms, with director inertia coefficient oc
given by (22.5), represent the effect of "rotatory inertia".
The constitutive equations considered here are those for an isotropic material
which are obtained under the restriction (16.35) with the further stipulation thatip
be independent of BotfJ· Thus, in line with the discussion following (16.35}, we
assume that ip is specified by (16.33) and from (16.11) obtain the desired con-
stitutive relations for an elastic Cosserat surface. These constitutive relations,
which are similar to those in (16.22)-(16.24), can be expressed in the form
N'otf1=[oc1 AccfJ AY 6 +oc2 (Accr Af1 6 +Acc~ Af1Y)] er 6 +oc 9 AccfJ y3 ,
MfJcc = [oc5 AotP Ar6 +ocs Accr Af16 +oc? Accd APY] (!y6

ycc =oca A<XY Yr• ya =oc4 Ya +oc9 AccP eccfJ• (23.7)

M<X3 =IXs A<X'Y ear• (23.8)
where the kinematic measures are defined in (6.24). The above constitutive
relations have been expressed in terms of the variables N'otP, Moti, V' and the
kinematic measures eotfJ• f!icc• i';· Alternatively, we could adopt the set eotP• uiot• y,
as the kinematic variables for the linear theory and record the constitutive relations
corresponding to (23.6) in terms of N'otf1, Moti, m•. We note that upon specializa-
tion and with Bccp =0, (23.6)-(23.8) reduce to (23.3)-(23.4), since for flat plates
f!iot =U;ot·
We again observe that the nature of the boundary conditions is clear from
the linearized version of the rate of work expression (8.8). In particular, with
reference to the above forms of the equations of motion and constitutive equations,
the force and the director couple boundary conditions for shells are given by
where 0vot are the components of the outward unit normal 0 v to the boundary
curve 8!/' of the initial surface !/' defined previously in Sect. 9 [Subsect.y)].
It should be noted that the components Nccr in (23.9) 1 involve both the symmetric
components N{otrl and the skew-symmetric part N[otrl. The former is calculated
from (23.6h and (9.67) 3 while the latter is given by 3
2 These follow from linearized versions of (9.41) and (9.43), as well as (9.72).
a Recall that only the symmetric part of NotfJ has a constitutive equation. The expression
(23.10) follows from (9.68).
598 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 24.

Before closing this section, we briefly indicate the manner in which a (slightly
less general) system of equations for the linear theory can be obtained as a special
case of those stated above. 4 Let
and hence 5

Then, the differential equations of motion are given by (9.69)-(9.70h and in

place of (9.70) 2 we have

The constitutive equations are given by (23.6)-(23.7) and the specification of

five (instead of six) boundary conditions are required at each edge of the shell.
These boundary conditions are either the displacement boundary conditions
ua., Us· {Ja. (or l'a.) (23.14)

or the force boundary conditions (23.9)1 , 2 and


Among other features of this theory we note the presence of: (i) a constitutive
equation for va. representing the effect of "transverse shear deformation" ; (ii) a
constitutive equation for the normal force VS per unit length (corresponding to a
normal stress-resultant); (iii) a constitutive equation for the skew-symmetric
director couple M[lla.J; and (iv) eight constitutive coefficients in (23.6)-(23.7).
24. Determination of the constitutive coefficients. The relationship and the
correspondence between the theory of a Cosserat surface and the theory of shells
and plates obtained from the general three-dimensional equations have been
already brought out. Moreover, in view of the observations made in Sect. 22, we
may identify Na.fJ and Na.S (or va.) as stress-resultants and shear stress-resultants,
M(l,fJ and Md as stress-couples and shear stress-couples and V3 may be called a
normal stress-resultant. In the constitutive relations (23.6)-(23.8), as well as in
(23.3)-(23.4), the coefficients IX]_, ... , oc 9 are so far arbitrary; however, as will
become evident presently, most of these coefficients can be identified by com-
parison of certain simple solutions with corresponding exact solutions in the
three-dimensional theory of linear elasticity. In what follows, we first consider
the determination of the constitutive coefficients for initially flat plates and then
discuss the constitutive coefficients for shells separately.
ex) The constitutive coefticients for plates. Before proceeding with the identifica-
tion of the constitutive coefficients, we elaborate once more on the relationship
between the variables Na.fl, M(f,'· V' and the stress-resultants and the stress-
couples defined in the course of our derivation from the three-dimensional equa-
tions. For this purpose, consider a (three-dimensional) plate of uniform thickness h.
Let the plate, referred to a system of rectangular Cartesian coordinates x,, be
defined by its middle plane x3 = 0 and the region
k k
--sx s-.
2- 3 -2

'The system of equations discussed below [between (23.11)-(23.15)] correspond to those

in Sect. 20 with constitutive equations (20.47).
6 It should be noted in obtaining (23.12) no restriction is placed on ~3 or /Jay·
Sect. 24. Determination of the constitutive coefficients. 599
Further, let fit; denote the Cartesian components of the symmetric stress tensor
and consider the resultants
~ ~ ~ ~
I fla.p dx8 , I fla.a dx8 , I fl33 dx8 ,

-h/2 -h/2 -h/2

I fla.p X3 dx8 ,
I fla.a x3 dx3 • (24.1)
It follows from {12.43) and the remarks made in Sect. 22 that the resultants {24.1),
in the order listed, may be identified with Na.fJ• TJ;., Va. M(a.fJ>• Ma.s in the linear
theory of a Cosserat plate. 6
We now proceed to identify the constitutive coefficients in (23-3)-(23.4). We
consider, in particular, three simple elastostatic problems, namely pure bending
of a plate, extensional deformation in the plane of the plate and a plate under a
uniform hydrostatic pressure. From a comparison of solutions of these simple
examples with the corresponding exact solutions in linear three-dimensional
elasticity, we determine seven of the nine coefficients in (23-3)-{23.4). In addition,
we also make some remarks pertaining to the specification of the remaining
coefficients. In this connection and for later reference, we recall here the three-
dimensional linear constitutive relations for transversely isotropic elastic materials.
These constitutive relations which involve five independent coefficients are
given by 7

fl22 =Cu eft +cu eta +Cta e:'a, fl31 =2cu e:'t> {24.2)
flaa = 'ta (eft+ el2) +Cas e:'a, flu= (cu -Ct2) efa,
where etare the Cartesian components of the three-dimensional strain tensor
defined by {7.60) which is now referred to rectangular Cartesian coordinates and
the coefficients c11 , ••. , c44 in {24.2) are the elasticity constants. In the case of an
isotropic material, the coefficients c11 , •.• , c44 assume the values
C11 = C83 =A+ 2,u, c12 = C13 =A, c44 =,u, {24.3)
where A and ,u are the Lame constants.
(i) Pure bending of a plate. Consider a rectangular Cosserat plate in equilibrium,
bounded by the lines (or edges) x1 =tZt, a 2, x2 =b1, b2, and subjected to uniform
couples of constant magnitudeM1 andM 2 along the edges x1 = const. and x 2 =const.,
respectively. The appropriate boundary conditions in this case are 8
M11 =M 1 , M12 =Ji=O on x1 =tZt.,a2 ,
M 21 =1i';=O on
The differential equations for elastostatic bending problems of a Cosserat
plate subjected to edge tractions alone are given by (23.2) and (23.4) in the
absence of Lp and _.Fa. We seek a solution of these equations for which
"tt = - u3,11 = const. , x 22 = - u3, 22= const., "t2 = -Ua,12 =0.
8 It should be recalled that in the linear theory of a Cosserat plate characterized by
(23.1)-(23.4), the initial director is of constant length and coincident with the unit normal
to the initial surface (i.e., Da. = 0, D8 = D = 1). Also, since Ga.fJ is symmetric, only the sym-
metric part of Ma.{J• namely M(a.fJ_)• can be identified with (24.1),.
7 See GREEN and ZERNA [1968, 9, p. 178].
s Since we are concerned with bending of an isotropic plate, it is not necessary to consider
the equations of the extensional theory. However, for the example under consideration, we
no~ that~ zero solution for {Na.{J• J.j., Ma. 3 } identically satisfies (23.1) and (23.3) in the absence
of Fp and L 3 .
600 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 24.

It then follows that all equilibrium equations in (23 .2) with L11 =Fa = 0 are identi-
cally satisfied and the only non-identically vanishing constitutive relations are
those for M11 and M 22 from which we obtain
-Ua,u ="u = a.( 1 -ps) • (24.6)
where we have put
IX = IX6 +IX6 +IX7 , P___
The solution of the system of differential Eqs. (24.5) 4 and (24.6) is
Us= -!(~1 ~ +"22 x~), (24.8)
where the constants "t_ 1 and " 22 are given by the right-hand sides of each of the
expressions in (24.6)1 , 2 and where the arbitrary constants of integration have been
set equal to zero without loss in generality. The solution (24.8) includes those for
bending of a Cosserat plate into a spherical surface (~ 1 ="22 , M11 =M22 ) or into
an anticlastic surface ("t- 1 = -"22 , M 11 = -M22).
Consider now a three-dimensional rectangular plate of uniform thickness h
which initially is transversely isotropic with respect to the normals of the plate
and let the plate be subjected to uniform bending couples of magnitude M 1 and
M 2 , each per unit length, along the edges parallel to x2 and x1 directions, respec-
tively. From an elementary result in three-dimensional elasticity, the solution
of this example for "u and "n
has the same form as those given by the right-
hand members in each of the expressions (24.6) and the solution for Us (on the
middle plane only) is of the same form as (24.8). 9 Hence, by comparison, we set1°
IX8 +IX7 = 12 (c11 -c12), IX6 -IX 7 =0,

n8 Cu Caa- cfa
IX& = - -==--='------=-=--
12 c88
where ~1 , c111 , c18 , Cas are the elastic coefficients for a plate which is transversely
isotropic with respect to its normals. In the case of an isotropic plate, these
coefficients are given by (24.3) and the coefficients (24.9) reduce to
1X6 =vB, 1X8 =1X7 =!(1-v)B, (24.10)
where the flexural rigidity B is defined by (20.13) 3 and vis Poisson's ratio.
(ii) Extensional deformation of a plate. Consider a rectangular Cosserat plate
in equilibrium, bounded by the lines x1 =a1 , a 2 , x2 =b1 , b2 and subjected to
uniform forces per unit length (in the plane of the plate) of magnitude N1 and N2
along the edges x1 = const. and x 2 = const., respectively. The appropriate boundary
conditions in this case areu
~~=Nt, N12 =M13 =0 on x1 =a1 , a 2 ,
N22=N2, N21 = M 23 = 0 on x2 = b1 , b2 •
8 In the case of transversely isotropic materials for which the components Gta of the stress
tensor vanish, the results can be easily deduced using the equations given in GREEN and
ZERNA [1968, 9, p.178]. The corresponding solution for an isotropic plate may be found in
LOVE [1944, 4, p. 132], or in TIMOSHENKO and GOODIER [1951, 3, p. 255].
10 In making such comparisons we put a.8 - a.7 = 0, since the coefficient (a.a- a.7) has no
counterpart in (non-polar) three-dimensional linear elasticity. The results (24.9) and (24.10)
were given previously by GREEN and NAGHDI [1967, 4] through consideration of pure bending
of a plate as discussed here.
11 Since we are concerned with extensional deformation of an isotropic plate, it is not
necessary to consider the equations of the bending theory. However, for the example under
consideration, we ~ote th~t a zero solution for {M,.11 , V,.} identically satisfies (23.2) and (23.4)
in the absence of Lp and Fa.
Sect. 24. Determination of the constitutive coefficients. 601

The differential equations for elastostatic extensional problems of a Cosserat

plate subjected to edge tractions alone are given by (23.1) and (23.3) in the
absence of Fp and L3 . Here we seek a solution of these equations in the form
y8 =const.,
e11 =u1 , 1 =const., e22 =u 2 , 2 =const., e12 =u1 , 2 =0.
From (23.3) 3 we have Mats =0 and, in the absence of Is, (23.1) 2 yields Va =0
which along with (23.3) 2 gives

The equilibrium equation (23 .1 h with Fp = 0 is identically satisfied and the only
remaining non-identically vanishing constitutive relations are those for N11 and
N2 2 from which we obtain

U 1,1 ps_a_2 =const. =11, 1 (say,)

= PNz-ri.Nl
P~-ri.Nz , ( )
u2, 2 = ps _ IX2 = const. = 112 say ,
{J- =lXI- -IX
IX' -
y- = - (24.15)
& IX&

and we have introduced (24.15) 3 for later convenience. The solution of the system
of differential equations (24.14) and (24.12) 4 is
where the constants 1.1 and 1.2 are those in (24.14h, 2 • Also, by (24.13) and (24.16),
y3 can be written as
Consider now a three-dimensional rectangular plate of uniform thickness h,
as defined earlier in this section. The plate is initially transversely isotropic with
respect to its normals and is subjected to uniform tractions N1 and N2 , each per
unit length, along the edges parallel to the x1 and x2 directions. The boundary
conditions in this case can be written as
<1u = k ' <1u =<113 =0 on xi =a,., aa,
Nz (24.18)
<1u=T· <1n =<12a =0 on x2 =bl, b2,
<1s• =0 on Xa=±2·

From an elementary result in three-dimensional elasticity for extensional de-

formation of a plate, the (three-dimensional) displacements are


With the use of (24.19), (24.2) and the boundary conditions (24.18), the solutions
for eti> e:2 and et8 are easily found to have the same form as those given by the
602 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 24.

right-hand members in each of (24.14} and (24.17). Hence, by comparison, we

may set
ii=oc1 +2oc2- IX: =h(cu- c~a), P=oc1- IX~ =h(c12- cfa),
IX, Cas IX' Cas (24.20)
- IX9 cl3
y=-=-- .
IX' Cas

The results in (24.20) provide only three relations involving the four coefficients
oc1, oc2, oc4, oc9 ; and, before the coefficients oc1, ... , oc 9 can be solved in terms of the
elastic constants c11 , c12 , Cta• c33 , we need a fourth relation which is obtained next.
(iii) A plate under a uniform hydrostatic pressure. Consider a plate of uniform
thickness h subjected to a uniform hydrostatic pressure and recall first its solution
as an elastostatic problem in the three-dimensional theory. The solution for the
stresses is simply

where p is a positive constant. The above solution satisfies all stress boundary
conditions and the (three-dimensional) equilibrium equations in the absence of
body forces. Using (24.21), the constitutive equations (24.2) yield

ef1 =e:2 = - [ c1s -Cas ] p =A (say),

2cfa- (c11 c12) c33

p_* - - [ 2c13 - (cu + cu) p -X (say). (24.22)

-a 3 - 2cfa - (cu + cu) Caa -

All other e;.~ = 0.

From (24.22) and the strain-displacements relations, we readily obtain the


for a body under a uniform hydrostatic pressure.

Consider now the same example within the scope of the theory of Cosserat
surface. Thus, for a Cosserat plate in equilibrium bounded by the lines (or edges)
x1 = ~, a2, x 2 = b1, b2, we specify the boundary conditions by
N11 =-hp, N12=M1a= O on xl =~, a2,
N22=-hp, N21 =M23 =0 on x2 =bl, b2,
and putl2
flo La= -h p. (24.25)

The relevant differential equations in this case are given by (23.3) and (23.1) in
the absence of ~ and we seek a solution of these equations 13 in the form
y3 =const., e11 =e22 =const., ~2 =0. (24.26)
Then, from (23.3), we have M~~. 3 =0, N12 =0 and we also conclude that the
components N11 , N22, Va given by
Nn =N22 = 2 (ai +oc2) ~1 +oc9 Ya• Va =a4 Ya + 2ocg ~1 (24.27)
12 The specification of (24.25) is suggested by the definitions (12.32h and (11.30) for
13 If one considers the remaining Eqs. (23.4) and (23.2), it is easily seen that these are
identically satisfied with Lp
= 0, Fa-= 0.
Sect. 24. Determination of the constitutive coefficients. 603
are constants. It follows that (23.1)t is identically satisfied and (23.1) 2 yields
Va =eo La. (24.28)
From (24.27)-(24.28) and (24.24)-(24.25) we obtain
2 (Ott + oc 2) e11 + ot 9 y3 = - h P, oc4 y3 + 2 oc 9 e11 = - h P. (24.29)
Introducing the notation

and solving for t1.t and y3 from (24.29) we finally obtain the expressions
t1.t=e22=- "«+P hp, (24.31)

where oc, p, ji are defined by (24.15). By comparison of (24.31) and (24.22), we

may set
k(1-jl) k(8-2y) 2c13- (~1 +~sl
rx+f:J (24.32)
rx+P = +
2cf a- (ell cu) Caa •

The previous expressions for oc, ji given by (24.20) identically satisfy (24.32) 1
and when used in (24.32) 2 result in
(J = 2(f1.t +rxs) = ~1 +~s .
rx, Caa

The four relations in (24.20) and (24.33) can be solved for Ott, oc2 , oc4 , oc9 as follows:
att=h£1. 2, 2oc 2 =h(c11 -c12), oc4 =hc33 , oc9 =hc13 • (24.34)
For an isotropic plate, using (24.3), the above coefficients become
- 11(1-11)
Ott- 1-211
c, 1-11
oc2=-2-C, oc., =
(1-11) 2
1-211 C, (24.35)

where Cis defined by (20.13) 2 and 11 is Poisson's ratio.

This completes the determination of seven of the constitutive coefficients in
(23.3)-(23.4) for initially flat Cosserat plates.14• In the theory of a Cosserat plate
characterized by (23.1)-(23.4), the coefficients oc6 and oc7 or equivalently (oc6 +oc 7)
and (oc6 -oc7) are arbitrary and there is a constitutive relation for M[oclll which
involves the coefficient (oc6 -oc7). However, since we have undertaken to deter-
mine the coefficients by direct comparison with the exact three-dimensional solu-
tions, then we should put oc6 = oc 7 in view of the symmetry of the stress-tensor in
the three-dimensional theory.
Two other coefficients, namely Ota and oc8 which occur in (23.4) 2 and (23.3) 3 ,
remain arbitrary and we note that these coefficients have the orders of magnitude
0ta =O(C), oc8 =O(B). (24.36)
The coefficients Ott· oc 2 , oc4 , oc 5 , oc6 , oc 7 and oc 9 in (24.10) and (24.35), apart from
their dependence on the thickness h, are expressed in terms of material properties
which are constants in the three-dimensional theory. By contrast, a little reflection
will reveal that the coefficients Ota and oc 8 in (24. 36) cannot be determined as
14 The determination of the constitutive coefficients (24.10) and (24.35) has been discussed
in a number of papers: [1967. 4], [1967, 6], [1968, 6], [1969, 3] and [1970, 2]. However, the
identification (24.35) was achieved by different procedures in these papers.
604 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 24.

constants from comparison with the three-dimensional solutions.15 Even for a

slightly less general system of equations [discussed following (23.10}], where the
coefficient oc8 = 0 and M ar:a = 0, we still have oc3 unspecified. Instead of assigning
a definite approximate value to oc3 , it seems preferable to allow oc3 (and also oc8
when a constitutive equation for M"' 3 is present) to have different possible values
depending on the particular context in which the theory of Cosserat surface is
used. This requires elaboration but first we consider below a further example
which will be helpful in our subsequent discussion.
(iv) Torsion of a rectangular plate. Consider a rectangular Cosserat plate in
equilibrium and let the boundary lines (or edges)

be traction free while the boundaries x2 = ± l rotate and are free from normal
tractions. These boundary conditions can be stated as
M11 =M12 =~ =0 on x1 =± 2 , (24.37)
M 22 =0, <51 ==f 0 l, u 3 = ± {j x1 l on x2 = ±l, (24.38)
where 0 is the angle of twist per unit length. We assume Mar:tJ• V: to be independent
of x2 so that the kinematic variables f!ar:p and Yo: are also functions of x1 only. In
the absence of Lp andlf;, Eqs. (23.2) reduce to

Mu,l = ~. Ml2,1 = Ji;, ~.~ =0. (24.39)

Keeping the boundary conditions (24.38} 2 , 3 in mind, we assume the displacement
solutions in the form

From (24.39) 1 , 3 , (23.4) and the kinematic results (6.25}, as well as the boundary
conditions (24.37k 3 and (24.38} 1 , it follows that

Y1=0, Y2=Y2(x1)=!52+0xl,
f!u=f!22=0, f!12=-0, e21=Y2,1-0, (24.41}
M 11 =0, M 22 =0, fi =0.
By use of the expressions for y 2 and f!1 2 in (24.41), the remaining constitutive equa-
tions in (23.4) becomele
A differential equation for y 2 can be obtained by substituting (24.42) into (24. 39h.
From the solution of this equation for y 2 (which we expect to be an odd function
of x1) and the use of the boundary condition (24.37} 2 , we readily deduce

y2 =A Sinh ~1 , A = 2A.O
a (24.43)

15 This will become evident also in the example (iv) considered below.
16 Since we have already determined the coefficients oc6 and oc7 according to (24.10), only
the symmetric part of Map is given by a constitutive equation and M[ar:{Jl = o.
Sect. 24. Determination of the constitutive coefficients. 605
We do not record here the final expressions for M<12> and~ but note that the
resultant torque is given by


in view of (24.39) 2 and the edge conditions (24.37). For a rectangular strip of
breadth a and thickness h, the expression for the torsional rigidity resulting from
(24.44} is easily found to be

r 3
a [1--tanh-
ha- 2A
2A '
l (24.45}

where p. is defined by (20.13}1 and we have also used the value of rxe given by
{24.10} 2. The above expression, for a wide range of afh, will be in remarkably
close agreement with the prediction of the corresponding result in the Saint-
Venant theory of torsion if we choose A. 2 =h2/10 or equivalently

This completes our consideration of torsion of a rectangular plate.17
We return now to our previous discussion concerning the coefficients !Xa· a:8
and also recall the remarks made following {24.36). As far as {24.36h is concerned,
at present we have no definite evidence regarding a suitable approximate value
for 18 a:8. However, in a theory which is only slightly less general than that
characterized by (23.1)-(23.4}, Ma.a is absent and the coefficient a:8 =0 or does
not arise.l 9
With reference to {24.36}1, in view of the conclusion reached in example (iv)
above, we may specify !Xa by the approximate value (24.46} for elastostatic prob-
lems. On the other hand, for dynamical problems, we can determine !Xa by comparison
of an appropriate elastodynamic solution of the system of equations of the bending
theory [i.e., the system of Eqs. {23.2) and (23.4} with values {24.10}] with the
prediction of the corresponding exact (three-dimensional) solution due to LAMB 20
for the circular frequency of the first anti-symmetric mode of thickness-shear
17 The approximate value for a 3 is the same as that in REISSNER's plate
theory discussed in
Sect. 20. Our above solution for torsion of a rectangular plate [between (24.37)-(24.44)]
parallels that contained in REISSNER's [1945, 2] paper. It is perhaps of interest to indicate
here the nature of a corresponding result for torsion of a rectangular plate of variable thick-
ness, with the thickness being dependent on one coordinate (say x1), as given by EsSENBURG
and NAGHDI [1958, 2]. Using constitutive equations appropriate to plates of variable thickness
(derived from the three-dimensional equations), they have shown that when the cross-section
is an ellipse or an equilateral triangle the results agree exactly with the corresponding solutions
in the Saint-Venant theory of torsion. A solution parallel to that in [1958, 2] is included in
the paper of GREEN, NAGHDI and WENNER [1971, 6] who employ the theory of a Cosserat
surface with the initial director in the form (6.21) and with D as a function of x1 •
18 A value for a 8 is suggested by the coefficient in (20.11 ) • This
3 value is a consequence of
the approximation (20.8) 2 and there is no evidence in the existing literature as to its being
a reasonable approximate value, as remarked also following (20.14). However, it is possible
to specify an approximate value for as by a suitable comparison of an extensional solution of
(23.1) and (23.3) with the corresponding solution of a simple two-dimensional problem in
elasticity theory.
19 The nature of this linear theory, in the absence of Ma.s• was discussed
following (23.10).
This type of linear theory already includes all existing linear theories of shells and plates
currently employed in the literature.
20 LAMB [1917, 1].
606 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 24.

vibration in a plate. Such a comparison leads to the value 21


which is very close to (24.46). In subsequent developments in this chapter, we

shall not record (or utilize) the constitutive equations for "fa and M<XB with specific
values assigned to the coefficients (24.36); but the foregoing discussion regarding
the specification of ot8 and rJ.s will be understood.
{J) The constitutive coefficients for shells. It is clear from the developments of
Sect. 16 that the constitutive coefficients in the linear theory of shells depend,
in general, on Ba.p· However, the constitutive relations (23.6)-(23.8) are deduced
by assuming a special form for the Helmholtz free energy function which does not
depend explicitly on 22 Ba.p. Moreover, since these constitutive relations must
reduce to those appropriate for flat plates, we adopt the values of the coefficients
(24.10) and (24. 35). Hence, the constitutive relations (23 .6)-(23 .8) can be written as

N'«P=N'fJa.=CHa.fJy{Je +-'~~-Aa.P V3
y{J 1-v '
M«P =MPa. =BHa.fJy{J e, 6 ,
ya. =Na.a =rJ.s Aa.fJ 'YP• (24.47)
VB=C (1-v)2 +C v(1-v) A«P e
1 - 2v 'Ya 1- 2v a.fJ'
M«3 =ots A«Y ea,.
Ha.fJ""=l{A«Y Afl"+Aa.a APY +v[2Aa.P A"{J-Aa.y AfJ{J_Aa." APY]}
=i{Aa." AP" +Aa.a AP" +v(B«" sfl" +ea.a Bfl")} (24.48)
and e«P is an e-symbol defined previously in (6.30).
For reasons stated earlier in this section, we have left the coefficients ot3 and ot8
unspecified in (24.47). However, we emphasize that the discussion at the end of
Subsect. ot) is also pertinent to the constitutive coefficients in (24.47) 3, 5 • In
particular, the values suggested for exa can also be used for shells. We further
observe that some of the remaining coefficients in (24.47) can be determined by
means of solutions of special examples in the theory of Cosserat surface with
Ba.p =1=0 (rather than those for initially flat plates). For example, the coefficients
ot2 , ot6 and ot 7 with values the same as those in (24.35) and (24.10) can be deter-
21 This manner of determining the value of IXa for dynamical problems is similar to that
used by MINDLIN [1951, 1] and mentioned previously in Sect. 20 [Subsect. a)]. As noted with
reference to (20.17), in the early stage of his derivation of plate equations for dynamical
problems (from the three-dimensional equations), MINDLIN assumes the coefficient cor-
responding to a 8 to be unspecified; but subsequently he determines this coefficient by a com-
parison with LAMB's solution [1917, 1]. This manner of determining the constitutive coef-
ficients is in accord with our point of view in this chapter; in fact, the use of the equations
of the Cosserat surface (whose constitutive coefficients are not predetermined) supplies a
justification for MINDLIN's procedure.
22 As already remarked in Sect. 16, the ultimate plausibility for such a special choice of
the free energy (or the strain energy) function depends, of course, on its usefulness. In the
context of the three-dimensional theory, it is clear from comparison of (16.33) and (20.14)
that the relations (23.6)-(23.8) correspond totheneglectoftermsofO(k/R) or smaller compared
with those in the special free energy function (16.33).
Sect. 25. The boundary-value problem of the restricted linear theory. 607

mined from a comparison of the solution for torsion of a cylindrical Cosserat

surface with the corresponding results in the Saint-Venant theory of torsion. 23
25. The boundary-value problem of the restricted linear theory. For convenience,
we first summarize below the linearized field equations of the restricted iso-
thermal theory. Thus, it follows from the linearized versions of the results in
Sects. 10 and 15 that the equations of motion are given by (9.69) and
_M(yex) =Vex Bexp[Nexfl -.M<rfl) ~] =0. (25 .1)
IY '
The above equations are the same as those in (10.28)-(10.29), together with
(15.17), except that in (25.1) we have used vex in place of Nex 3 forreadycomparison
with (9.70) 1 and we have also put 24 Lex=O. We recall here that in the restricted
theory only .M<rcxl and the linearized expression corresponding to (10.26), namely
the symmetric
are specified by constitutive equations; and that vex, which is not specified by a
constitutive equation, is determined from (25.1h. Remembering the brief re-
marks included in Sect. 16 [Subsect. !5)] concerning the linear constitutive equa-
tions of the restricted isothermal theory, from (16.40) we obtain the following
constitutive equation for an isotropic elastic material:
J:lexfl = [p1 Aexfl A~'" +P2 (A"''~' Afl" +A"'" Afir)] er"'
lJ!!exfJl =[P5 Aexfi A'~'"+P 6 (Aexr Afi"+Aex" AfiY)] er"·
The kinematic measures in (25.3) are defined in (6.27) and the coefficients p1 ,
P2 , P5 and P6 are arbitrary constants and do not necessarily have the values
obtained previously in Sect. 24 for the corresponding coefficients in (23.6).
We proceed to identify the constitutive coefficients in (25.3) in a manner
entirely similar to that employed in Sect. 24. On this occasion we only need to
consider two simple elastostatic problems, namely those for flexural and exten-
sional deformations of a plate, discussed in examples (i) and (ii) in Sect. 24. Thus,
by comparisons of these solutions with corresponding exact solutions in the three-
dimensional theory, we determine all four coefficients in (25.3) as follows:

pl =V C, R = 1-V C R - 1-v B
ps--2- . (25.4)
f'2 2 '

With the above coefficients, the constitutive equations (25. 3) can be expressed as
J:lexP =CHexflr" ey/J• n
_M<exfll =BHexfJylJ <:ylJ• (25.5)
where H"'fir" is given by (24.48).
The boundary conditions appropriate to the above restricted linear theory can
be obtained from the linearized version of the corresponding results in Sect. 15.
28 The determination of tX 2 , tX 8 and tX 7 in this manner can be found in [1967, 6]. The value
of tX1 appearing in Eq. (3.20) of this paper contains an error and should conform to that in
(24.35); however, this does not affect the remaining discussion in [1967, 6] concerning torsion
of a circular cylindrical Cosserat surface. Related results for torsion of a cylindrical Cosserat
surface, in which the edge curve perpendicular to the generator is not necessarily circular, are
given by WENNER [1968, 13].
24 This restriction is not essential. It is introduced here simply because a quantity cor-
responding to lex is usually absent or is neglected in the derivations of the classical theory of
shells and plates from the three-dimensional equations.
608 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 25.

These conditions require the specification of either the displacement boundary

u,., u3 ,
-~­ (25.6)

or the force and couple boundary conditions

oPfJ = o'V"' [N"'fJ- .M<"'Yl B~], oG = M(<Xy) oV"' ov,.,
(25 .7)
8- ['ip .M<"'Pl v vY]
oP = ov"' (M<P"'llp) - -050
y o ex o •

where 0v"' are the components of the outward unit normal 0v to the boundary curve
on the reference surface !7' and 8f8v0 , 8f8s 0 denote the directional derivatives
along the normal and the tangent to the boundary curve on !7'.
The system of equations and boundary conditions in the above restricted
theory correspond to those of the classical theory of shells and plates obtained
(from the three-dimensional equations) under the Kirchhoff (or the Kirchhoff-
Love) hypothesis or any other equivalent set of assumptions. The derivation of
the restricted theory (by direct approach) is, however, free of the inconsistencies
present in the usual derivations of the classical theory. 25 In this connection, we
emphasize that the constitutive coefficients in (25.3) are arbitrary and can be
assigned the specified values (25.4) without violating any of the kinematic as-
sumptions appropriate to the restricted theory. This is in contrast to the usual
derivations of the classical theory in which an additional assumption is introduced
(beyond that of the kinematic assumptions), in order to compensate for the fact
that the constitutive coefficients in an approximate expression for the three-
dimensional strain energy density are predetermined.
The system of equations of the restricted theory can also be obtained as a
special case of those in the linear theory of a Cosserat surface [Sect. 23, Subsect. p)]
under suitable constraints. To see this, with reference to (23.6)-(23.8), let

IXg=O, ~~oo 0 (25.8)

0(6 ~ , ""'~,
in such a manner that
V"'~finite limit. (25.9)
Then, M"' 3 = 0 and V"' is not determined by a constitutive equation. In addition,
under the condition (25.8) 3 , the kinematic measure e,."' in (6.24) becomes sym-
metric in the indices y, IX [see (6.27)] and hence the skew-symmetric part of MP"'
in (23.6) 2 vanishes, i.e., MfP<Xl =0. We also assume thattheassigneddirectorcouple
and the inertia terms due to director velocity are either zero or negligible so
that LfJ =0, P =0. Then, from (9.70) and (25.9), we have
M(ycxl 1,. = V"', V 3 =0, (25.10)
while the equations of motion (9.69) remain unchanged. In view of (25.10) 2 ,
the constitutive relation (24.47) 1 reduces to
and (24.47) 4 yields
25 These inconsistencies refer, on the one hand, to the kinematic assumptions in the
classical theory of shells and plates [discussed in Sect. 7. Subsect. e)]; and, on the other hand,
to the manner in which the constitutive equations with appropriate constitutive coefficients
are derived.
Sect. 25. The boundary-value problem of the restricted linear theory. 609

Further, by (25.8) and in view of the expressions for the symmetric xy., in (6.24),
eY" is now given by the last expression in (6.27) and (24.47h becomes
M(rx{J) =BHrxfJy6 ey6• (!y" = -;(Y"" (25.13)
Also, the remaining Eq. (9.68} takes the form
N'rxfl=N'Prx=Nrxfl+M(yrxl Be. (25.14)
The boundary conditions for the above special theory can be obtained from
the more general boundary conditions using (25.8)-(25.9) and other results be-
tween (25.10)-(25.14). These reduced boundary conditions will be similar in form
to those in (25.6)-(25.7) and hence will not be recorded. It should be clear that
the system of equations of the restricted theory characterized by (9.69), {25.1)-
(25.2) and (25.5) are formally equivalent to those of the special theory [discussed
between (25.8)-(25.14}] if we identify iJ(rxfJ) with M(rxfJ) and brxfJ with N'rxfl, apart
from (25.12) in the special theory.26
Returning to the restricted theory, we recall from Sect. 15 that the equations
of motion (after elimination of vrx) can be expressed in either one of the alternative
forms resulting from linearization of (15.19) and (15.20). The linearized equations
of motion in terms of brxfJ and iJ(rxfJ) obtained by linearization of (15.20)1, 2 ,
together with the constitutive equations (25.)} in terms of the kinematic variables
erxfJ and erxfJ• constitute a determinate system. However, in obtaining solutions
to boundary-value problems (or initial boundary-value problems), it is also pos-
sible to employ the equations of motion which result from the linearization of
(15.19) 1, 2 , namely
N(<Y.{J)!<Y.- HBe iJ(y<Y.)JJrx + HB~ M(Yfll]Jrx- B~ iJ(y<Y.)!Y + eoFfl = 0.
iJ(rxfJllrxfJ + BrxfJ N(rxPl +eo Fa= 0'
where the components ]:i are defined by (9.57) 1 instead of the linearized version
of (10.23) since we have put lrx=o. Although jJ(rxfJl in (25.15) can be identified
with M(rxfJl in view of the equivalence of the restricted theory and a special case
of the general theory noted above, we continue our use of the notations brxfJ and
jJ(rxfJ) in order to distinguish between the restricted theory and the general
theory. _ _
The equations of motion (25.15} involve N<"-Pl, M<"-Pl rather than N"-fl, M(rxfl>.
Hence, it is more convenient to express the constitutive equations also in terms
of the former set whenever (25.15) is employed. To this end, we introduce the
symmetric kinematic variable
e.,_p = (!.,_p +i (B~ e,p + Bp e,rx), (25.16)
where (!.,_p. e.,_p are defined in (6.27). 27 Assuming now for the specific free energy
(or the strain energy density) the form
tp = ~ (e.,_p. erxp; A.,_p. -B.,_p). (25.17)
we can then deduce the results 28

28 The reduction of the general linear theory to the special theory as discussed above is
contained in a paper by GREEN and NAGHDI [1968, 6] and is patterned after that discussed
by them [1968, 5] in a more general context.
27 The kinematic variable in (25.16) corresponds to that defined by (20.37) in an alter-
native formulation of the classical shell theory [Sect. 20, Subsect. 15)].
as The expressions (25.18) may be compared with (20.39) in the classical linear theory of
shells, obtained from the three-dimensional equations by approximation.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 39
610 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 26.

where ip is a quadratic function of eafJ and eap. Further, by imposing a restriction

on the function ip similar to (16.39) and for an isotropic material with a center
of symmetry, we can write the constitutive equation for "P in a form similar to
(16.40) but in terms of erJ.fJ and (!(J.p· The linear constitutive equations for N(rJ.fJl
and M(rJ.fJl in terms of erJ.fJ and erJ.fJ then follow but we do not pursue the matter
further. We note, however, the relationship between N(r1.{J) and NCJ.fJ, namely

which is obtained from (25.2). Also, from (10.29), the skew-symmetric part of
is given by
26. A uniqueness theorem. Remarks on the general theorems. This concluding
section is concerned mainly with a uniqueness theorem for solutions of the initial
(isothermal) boundary-value problems of elastic shells and plates. In addition,
some remarks are included here concerning the nature of the general theorems
which can be obtained in the linear theory. Although we establish a uniqueness
theorem below for the initial mixed boundary-value problems of the dynamical
theory, a parallel development can also be given for equilibrium mixed boundary-
value problems. We first obtain the conditions sufficient for uniqueness, using
the constitutive equations (16.11} with a quadratic specific free energy (or the
strain energy density) function ip in the form (16.1 0); 29 and then we further
examine the restrictions on the constitutive coefficients required by uniqueness
when ip has the special form (16.3 3).
Let .<7 be a bounded regular region of two-dimensional space occupied by the
initial elastic Cosserat surface. (By a regular region we mean one to which the
divergence theorem is applicable.) Let 8.<7 be the boundary and let .<7° denote the
interior of .<7 and introduce the regions of space-time by
at'={(O'", t): orxEY, t~o},
at'0 ={(0(J., t): (JCJ.E!/0 , t~O}.
Let 0v = 0v(J. A(J. be the outward unit normal to 8.<7 and 8!1;_, o..9; be arbitrary
disjoint subsets of 8.<7 such that of~;_ v o..9; = 8!7. Then, the initial boundary-
value problem of the isothermal linear theory of elastic shells is characterized by
the equations of motion (9.68}-(9.70) and the constitutive relations (16.11) with
the function 1p given by that in (16.10). We require that the free energy (or the
strain energy density) function ip be nonnegative, i.e.,
ip ::?: 0 for t ~ 0 . (26.2)
To the above field equations and constitutive relations, we supplement the
boundary conditions
V=V', W=W' on 8 !I;_ (fort ~0),
N=N', M=M' on 8 ..9; (fort ~0)
and the initial conditions
U=U0 , ~=~0 on .<7 (for t =0),
V=V 0, W=W 0 on .<7 (for t =0).
29 Since we are concerned with the isothermal theory, (J in the argument of 1p in (16.1 o) is
now a constant.
Sect. 26. A uniqueness theorem. Remarks on the general theorems. 611

Here u 0 , (; 0 , v 0 , w 0 , v', w', N',M' are prescribed functions on the appropriate

domains and the mass density (!o is a strictly positive constant.
We now state the following uniqueness theorem: Let u, (j be the displacement
vector and the director displacement vector which satisfy the above mentioned
field equations on ~; and let the assigned surface force f and the assigned director
couple l be prescribed. Then, provided (26.2) holds and that the director inertia
coefficient ex> 0, there exists at most one set of functions u, (j satisfying (26. 3)-
(26.4) such that urx., b; are of class C1 and u3 is of class C2 on~ while urx., b; are
of class C2 and Ua is of class C3 on ~0 .
Our method of proof is similar to the classical uniqueness proofs in three-
dimensional linear elasticity. 30 In essence, we consider the difference of two
possible solutions and make use of an equation for the mechanical balance of
energy, i.e., an equation in which the rate of increase of the sum of kinetic energy
and internal energy is equal to the rate of work by the contact and the assigned
forces and couples. Thus, assume that there are two sets of solutions to the
initial boundary-value problem under consideration, namely
(llu;, (llb;, (llN'rx.f3, (llMrx.i, (t)va.,
(2lu;, (2lb;, (2lN'rx.f3, (2lMa.i, (2)va.,

and denote the difference of the two sets of solutions by

Because of the linear character of all field equations and constitutive relations, it
is clear that the set of functions ii;, b;, etc., defined by (26.6) satisfy equations
of the forms (9.68)-(9.70) in the absence of the assigned force and the assigned
director couple Fi, D [defined as in (9. 57) J and also equations of the forms (16.11)
with fJ given by that in (16.10) as a quadratic function of its arguments. Moreover,
since each of the two sets of solutions in (26.5) satisfies the boundary conditions,
we have
v=O, w=O on a~ (for t~O),
N=O, M=O on a~ (for t~O).
We keep these in mind in what follows and for simplicity delete the overbar from
the difference functions in (26.6).
Since Pi and L; are prescribed, from the linearized versions of (8.8) and (14.2)
applied to the difference of the two solutions, we obtain

:t J~ e (v·v+cxtv·w)d.E+ j[N'rx.f3ea. +Viy;+Mrx.'e;a.]d.E

0 11

f (N·v+M·w)dS, (26.8)
f/' f/'


where the element of area d.E is defined by (4.39), dS is an element of length of

the boundary curve with outward unit normal 0v and we have omitted the over-
bar from the difference of the two sets of functions. Using (16.11) and the bound-
ao For the classical uniqueness theorems in three-dimensional elasticity, see LovE [1944, 4,
p. 170 and p. 1 76] or SoKOLNIKOFF [19 56, 2, p. 86]. The requirement that the free energy
function :;p be nonnegative can probably be relaxed as in the paper of KNOPS and PAYNE
[1968, 10], which is concerned with uniqueness in three-dimensional elastodynamics.
612 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 26.

ary conditions (26.7), (26.8) leads to

:t f g !?o(V • v +cxw · w) +eo1ii}dE=O.


Since 1ji is nonnegative and ex >O, it follows from (26.9) that the difference of the
functions for velocity and director velocity must vanish:
V=O, W=O. (26.10)
Moreover, in view of the initial conditions (26.4), we also have
U=O, lJ=O, (26.11)
which proves uniqueness.
The above uniqueness proof is valid for a general linear theory of shells and
is not limited to isotropic materials. Obviously, it is valid also for the initial
mixed boundary-value problem characterized by the equations of the restricted
linear theory [Sect. 16, Subsect. b) and Sect. 25]. 31 It is straightforward to obtain
corresponding sufficient conditions for uniqueness of the equilibrium mixed bound-
ary-value problem in which case instead of (26.2) we require that 1ji be positive
definite, i.e.,
1ji>O (26.12)
for all non-zero values of the kinematic variables; however, in view of the close
similarity of the proof with that given above, it will not be included here.
The above theorem provides sufficient conditions for uniqueness without
detailed specification of the quadratic function 1ji in (16.10). We now briefly
examine the restrictions on the constitutive coefficients (required by our unique-
ness proof) when 1ji is specified by (16.3 3) 32 for an isotropic material and further
limit ourselves to the case of flat plates. Since the differential equations charac-
terizing the streching of the plate and those for the bending of the plate separate
into two distinct sets (Sect. 23), the nature of the restrictions on the constitutive
coefficients can be examined separately. Consider first the extensional case and
introduce (16.33) 2 in the condition (26.2). It then follows that
Similarly, for the flexure of the plate, the condition (26.2) with 1ji given by (16.33) 3
31 In the case of the classical theory of plates (corresponding to equations for flat plates
resulting from the restricted theory), the uniqueness proof was given by KIRCHHOFF [1850, 1].
The earliest proof of uniqueness for shells, based on the constitutive relations (21 A.10)-
(21A.11), is contained in a paper by BYRNE [1944, 1]. A uniqueness theorem is also given by
GoL'DENVEIZER [1944, 3]; see also, GoL'DENVEIZER and LuR'E [1947, 3]. Uniqueness of
solution in the context of thermoelastic shells (using a system of differential equations which
include those recorded in Sect. 23), along with some related results pertaining to the nature
of the restrictions placed on the constitutive coefficients, is discussed in [1971, 4].
32 Recall that the constitutive equations for shells and plates in Sect. 23 are those which
are obtained from 'iji in (16.33).
Sect. 26. A uniqueness theorem. Remarks on the general theorems. 613

If we now make use of the values (24.10) and (24.35), the inequalities (26.13) imply

fl~O, -1~v<} (26.17)

while those in (26.15) give
p,~O, -1~v<1. (26.18)
The conditions (26.17) are the same as those found (by energy arguments) for
the initial boundary-value problem in the three-dimensional theory of elasticity
for isotropic materials. This is in contrast to the results of the classical theory of
generalized plane stress for the stretching of the plate, where the corresponding
conditions deduced by energy arguments are p, ~ 0, -1 ~ v < 1. These latter
conditions can be obtained by putting
a 4 y3 + 2a 9 Arx.fJ erx.fJ =0

in (16.3 3)2 before using (26.2) 1 . Returning to (26.18), we note that these conditions
are less restrictive than the corresponding conditions (26.17) for the stretching
of the plate. The conditions (26.18) are the same as those found for the bending
of the plate according to the classical thin plate theory [Sect. 20, Subsect. fJ)]
using energy arguments. This completes our discussion of the restrictions on the
constitutive coefficients required by the above uniqueness proof.
Before closing this section, we make a few remarks concerning the nature of
the general theorems for shells. It is not difficult to see that most of the general
theorems in the three-dimensional linear theory of elasticity have analogues in
shell theory. We have already used an analogue of a three-dimensional result
(in the above uniqueness proof), namely the linearized versions of (8.8) and (14.2)
according to which the rate of kinetic energy and internal energy is equal to the
rate of work by N, M and f, l. From this result and the structure of the linear
constitutive equations for shells (Sect. 23), it should be apparent that one can
easily obtain analogues of all variational theorems of classical elasticity (including
the minimum potential energy and complementary energy theorems), the analogue
of BETTI's (also known as the BETTI-RAYLEIGH) reciprocity theorem, as well as a
number of related representation theorems. 33
All of the general theorems mentioned above may be established using the
constitutive equations (16.11), with a quadratic function ;;p of the form (16.1 0)
specialized for isothermal theory, and thus their validity is not limited to isotropic
materials. Some of these theorems are analogues of those in the three-dimensional
dynamical theory and others represent the counterparts of the corresponding
theorems in the three-dimensional elastostatic theory. There exists, however, a
correspondence theorem for elastostatic problems of shells which has no direct
counterpart in the classical three-dimensional theory. This correspondence theo-
rem, known as static-geometric analogy, was introduced simultaneously and in-
dependently by GoL'DENVEIZER and LuR'E in the context of the classical theory
of shells. 34 According to this analogy, in the absence of the assigned surface
33 Theorems of this kind, over the years, have been obtained for shells with the use of a
variety of constitutive equations which are less general than those in Sect. 23. In particular,
an analogue of Betti's reciprocity theorem was first derived by GoL'DENVEIZER [1944, 3].
For this and analogues of related results, see also [1947, 3], [1960, 10] and [1963, 6].
34 The static-geometric analogy was introduced by GoL'DENVEIZER [1940, 1] and LuR'E
[1940, 2], within the scope of the classical shell theory under the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis.
Since the classical theory does not provide a constitutive equation for the shear-stress resultants
vex, the analogy in its most convenient form makes use of the equations of equilibrium cor-
responding to (20.43) or (20.44). Related to this is the idea of reducing the number of the
stress-resultants and the stress-couples on the one hand, and the number of the independent
strain measures on the other hand, which was apparently first suggested by LuR'E [1950,3].
614 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. 26.

forces {Fil, .FS}, a one-to-one correspondence exists between the equations of

equilibrium and the compatibility equations. 35 Although the static-geometric
analogy can be discussed with reference to the linear theory summarized in
Sect. 23, we confine attention here to the restricted theory since the analogy is
particularly useful in the latter framework.
In order to show (within the scope of the restricted theory) the truth of the
assertion concerning the static-geometric analogy stated above, it will suffice to
consider one of the alternative forms of the equilibrium equations resulting from
the linearization of (15.19) or (15.20). We consider here the former or equivalently
the equilibrium equations associated with (25.15). For this purpose, recall the
compatibility equations (6.62) 1, 2 for the restricted theory and write these in
terms of the kinematic variable eap defined by (25.16). Thus
erz.P {?· ce.alll + l(B~ eA.)jp -l(B; e.~.a),p] + B"A B~ e.~.ajp} = 0.
- J -0,_ (26.19)
e e [eaAI•Il- B .plha
where (4.13) 4 has been used. Introducing now the correspondence
N(«Pl ¢:::>- eaa ell• ea., Jft(alll ¢:::> eaa ell• ea•• (26.20)
we can verify easily that substitution of (26.20) into the equilibrium equa-
tions (25.15) with FP =P =0 yields the compatibility equations (26.19) and this
establishes the correspondence sought. 36 Moreover, by virtue of the correspond-
ence (26.20), the equilibrium and the compatibility equations can be combined
into a single system of complex differential equations. For this purpose, put
paP = N(afll - i K eaa ell• ii Qa.P = Jft(a.Pl + i K erz.a ell• e

where i=(-1)9 and K is an arbitrary (real) constant. Using (26.21), by a

suitable combination of (26.19) and (25.15) with F 1 replaced with pi we obtain
p«PIP- l[B~QPA]IP +HB1QAa]fp- B~QPA!P +eoF«=O,
~11iafJ + Brxp paP+ f!oF 3 = 0,
the real and imaginary parts of which yield the equations of equilibrium and
compatibility, respectively. The complex differential equations (26.22) can be
further reduced in the case of isotropic shells but we do not pursue the matter
here. 37
35 The static-geometric analogy, in lines of curvature coordinates, is discussed in the
books by NovozHILov [1959, 3] and GoL'DENVEIZER [1961, 3] and was also noted independ-
ently by SANDERS [1959. 6]. A related analogy has been discussed more recently by LuR'E
[1961, 7]. An account of these results can be found in [1963, 6]. Within the scope of the
classical shell theory and in terms of the variables employed in Sect. 20 [Subsect. !5)], different
versions of the analogy can be deduced. See, in this connection, [1963, 7], [1964, 5] and
[1966, 7].
86 As noted earlier, the correspondence theorem has no direct counterpart in the classical
(non-polar) three-dimensional theory. However, a static-geometric analogue can be shown to
hold in the three-dimensional linear theory with couple stresses. An observation of this kind
is made in [1965, 6], where it is also shown that the analogy in the non-polar case merely
degenerates to the representation of the stress tensor in terms of a Beltrami-Gwyther-Finzi stress
function; for the latter, see TRUESDELL and TOUPIN [1960, 14].
37 The complex differential equations (26.22) and their further reduction in the case of
isotropic shells were obtained by NAGHDI [1966, 7]. Similar complex differential equations,
together with their reduction for isotropic shells, were previously discussed by NovozHILOV
[1959. 3] in lines of curvature coordinates. However, in effecting the reduction, NovozHILOV
makes use of a different set of constitutive equations along with a further approximation
which renders his derivation rigorous only if Poisson's ratio is zero. The complex differential
equations {26.22) and the results in [1966, 7] have been utilized in a recent study by STEELE
[1971. 9].
Sect. A.1. Geometry of Euclidean space. 615

F. Appendix: Geometry of a surface and related results.

This Appendix contains various formulae from tensor calculus and selected
results from the differential geometry of a surface which are essential in our
development of the theory of shells and plates (Chaps. B to E). Some familiarity
with tensor calculus and elementary differential geometry is assumed. Our short
exposition is intended to serve mainly as background and to facilitate and shorten
some of the developments in Chaps. B to E. More elaborate accounts and detailed
proofs may be found in standard books on tensor calculus and differential geom-
Our notations in this Appendix generally correspond to that of the main text;
in particular, we use the same symbol for a function and its value without con-
fusion. Throughout the Appendix, all Latin indices (subscripts or superscripts)
take the values 1, 2, 3, Greek indices (subscripts or superscripts) have the range
1, 2, and the usual summation convention over a repeated index (one subscript
and one superscript) is employed. We use a comma for partial differentiation
with respect to coordinates, a single vertical line (I) for covariant differentiation

vertical linesm
with respect to the metric tensor of the (two-dimensional) surface and double
to designate covariant differentiation with respect to the metric
tensor of a Euclidean 3-space. Also, in general, whenever the same letter is used
for a quantity defined on a (two-dimensional) surface and a corresponding quan-
tity in a Euclidean 3-space, for clarity the latter is distinguished by an added
The contents of the Appendix are arranged in four sections as follows: In
Sect. A.1, we have summarized the essential results and formulae from tensor
calculus for a Euclidean 3-space with real coordinates. The restriction to three-
dimensional space is not essential and can be easily dropped. Although the results
in Sect. A.1 are collected with reference to Euclidean space, many of the formulae
hold in fact in Riemannian space. Sect. A.2 contains selected results from differen-
tial geometry pertaining to intrinsic and non-intrinsic properties of a (two-
dimensional) surface embedded in a Euclidean 3-space. In contrast to the develop-
ments in Sect. A.2, we consider in Sect. A.3 the geometrical properties of a surface
embedded in a Euclidean 3-space covered by normal coordinates. We also indicate
in Sect. A.3 the relationships between the components of space tensors and their
surface counterparts. Finally, in Sect. A.4 we briefly discuss the nature of physical
components of surface tensors and their tensor derivatives referred to lines of
curvature coordinates on a surface.
A.l. Geometry of Euclidean space. Let xi (i = 1, 2, 3) refer to a fixed right-
handed orthogonal Cartesian coordinate system in a Euclidean 3-space and let ()i
denote an arbitrary (real) curvilinear coordinate system defined by the trans-
The condition (A.1.1) 2 ensures the existence of a unique inverse of (A.1.1) 1 so that
()i=fJi(xl, x2, xa). (A.1.2)
Let O' be a new set of curvilinear coordinates and consider the invertible trans-
~arge-number of books and monographs pertaining to the subject are available: For
example, McCoNNELL [1931, 1], EISENHART [1947, 2], SYNGE and ScHILD [1949, 5], Ch. 1 of
GREEN and lERNA [1954, 1] (see also [1968, 9]), WILLMORE [1959, 8] and ERICKSEN [1960, 3].
616 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. A.1.

and its inverse defined by

We assume that the functions describing the coordinate transformations (A.1.3)-
(A.1.4) are single-valued and possess as many partial derivatives as required.
From (A.1.3)-(A.1.4), the transformation of differentials dO', d(fi are:


It is clear from (A.1.5) 1 that (A.1.4) induces a homogeneous linear transformation

on the differentials d()' and dfJ•, the coefficients of transformation being functions
of the coordinates.
Let T' = {TI, T 2 , P} and Ji = {7;., I;, :I;} be two distinct sets of 3 real
numbers associated with a point P of the Euclidean 3-space with coordinates O'.
Similarly, let there be associated with the same point of space two sets of real
numbers fi ={I\ 1"2, T3} and Ji ={T1 , T2 , T3} defined with respect to a coor-
dinate system e• obtained from (A.1.3). Then, r•(T;) are said to be components
of a contravariant (covariant) tensor of order 1 (in the coordinates O') or simply
contravariant (covariant) components of a vector at p if the numbers T' and r
(T; and f;) satisfy the relations
. (J(ji -.
T' = --=-: Tl' (A.1.6)

Ii=ao•~· (A.1.7)

Consider next a system of 32 real numbers, associated with the point P of the
Euclidean 3-space, which we designate by ]'ii and fii (i, f = 1, 2, 3) in the coor-
dinates ()' and fi', respectively. These numbers are called the components of a
contravariant tensor of order 2 (in their respective coordinates) if they are related
by the transformation laws
yii = (J(ji (J(}i -kZ
aek aez T '
f'ii = ae• ~~ ykl
(J(}k (J(}Z

The set of numbers ]'ii are the components of the contravariant tensor at P
in the coordinates()' and similarly T'i are the components of the same tensor at P
in the coordinates fi'. The transformation laws for the components of a covariant
tensor of order 2 can be defined analogously. Let Ji 1 and~~ denote a system of 32
real numbers (associated with the point P) in the coordinates ()' and 01, respec-
tively. These numbers are called the components of a covariant tensor of order
2 if, under transformation of coordinates, T; 1 and 1'; 1 are related by
a(jk aoz -
li;= fJ(}i fJ(}i J;.z,
_ (J(jk fj(}Z
Ji; = ae• aei Tk z·
More generally, let I;, ... ;/•···i• and ~ •...•• ~···· 1•(i1 , ••• ,i.,f1 , ... ,f.=1,2,3) be
two systems of y+• real numbers associated with a point P in the coordinates
Sect. A.t. Geometry of Euclidean space. 617

()i and 01, respectively. We say these numbers (in their respective coordinates)
represent the components of a mixed tensor of order r +s at P, covariant of
order r and contravariant of orders, if they transform according to the laws
. . a(jk, aOk• aoi. aoi. - z z
T . J. .. ·t•=--···--- --···~-T. , ... •,
........ . ()()it aoir 801• 801• k, ... k,.
T ;, ... ;,_ aok, ... ao"'._. aiJi• ... aoi· T. z, ... z,
i, ... i,.. . - aiji, a(jir aoz, aoz, k, ... k•.

For reasons that will become apparent later, in writing a mixed tensor such as
Ti!k or those in (A.1.10), we refrain from placing two indices above each other
(along the same vertical line). This is easily effected by reserving a vacant space
indicated by a dot.
The above definitions and transformation laws are those appropriate for
absolute tensors and require modifications in the case of the so-called relative
tensors. Definitions (A.1.6)-(A.1.9) may be regarded as special cases of (A.1.10).
A scalar, i.e., a quantity which remains invariant with respect to any coordinate
transformation, is called a tensor of order zero while a tensor of order 1 is also
known as a vector. A tensor is called covariant or contravariant if it has only
covariant indices (subscripts) or contravariant indices (superscripts), respectively;
otherwise the tensor is called mixed. If the relative order of two indices-either
both subscripts or both superscripts -of a tensor is immaterial, the tensor is called
symmetric with respect to these indices. A tensor, either covariant or contravariant,
is said to be symmetric if it is symmetric with respect to all pairs of indices. If two
components of a given tensor (either covariant or contravariant) can be obtained
from one another by the interchange of two particular indices (either both sub-
scripts or both superscripts) and a change in sign, the tensor is said to be skew-
symmetric (or alternating) with respect to these indices. A tensor, either covariant
or contravariant, is said to be skew-symmetric if it is skew-symmetric with respect
to all pairs of indices. Any covariant or contravariant tensor of order 2 can be repre-
sented uniquely as a sum of symmetric and a skew-symmetric tensor. Thus
1(ii) = i(Ji; + T;i)' 1[iil =i(Ji;- T;i) = -I[;i]•
where the notations 1(ii>• 1[iil stand, respectively, for the symmetric and the
skew-symmetric part of ~ i. Results analogous to (A.1.11) can be recorded also
for Tii.
Two tensors are said to be of the same type if they are covariant of the same
order and contravariant of the same order. By adding (at the same point in space)
the corresponding components of two tensors of the same type (say in the coor-
dinates 01), we obtain a third tensor of the same type (in the coordinates 01).
If we multiply every component of a tensor by a scalar, a tensor of the same type
will result. From this multiplication and the addition of two tensors of the same
type, it follows that the totality of tensors of the same type form a vector space.
If every component of a tensor such as Aii~~ is multiplied by every component of
another arbitrary tensor such as Bmn ~. there results
called the outer product of the tensor A and B. By (A.1.10), the outer product of
any two tensors is a tensor whose character is indicated by the position of its
indices; the number of covariant and contravariant indices of the resulting
618 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. A.1.

tensor Tis equal to the sum of the numbers of covariant or contravarian t indices
of the tensors A and B. Thus, the left-hand side of (A.1.12) are components of a
mixed tensor, covariant of order 4 and contravarian t of order 3. If a subscript and
a superscript of a mixed tensor are identified, so that the same index is repeated
with the implied summation, the process is called contraction. For example,
contraction of the iJ?-dices f and k of the tensor T,;mn~~~ in (A.1.12) results in the
mixed tensor T,;m/~ which is of order 1 less than the original tensor in both
covariant and contravarian t indices. In particular, for a mixed tensor of order 2
such as T~;. contraction results in a scalar T~.;. Multiplication of two tensors
accompanied by a contraction results in a tensor called an inner product. Con-
traction may be applied more than once and the number of inner products formed
from any two tensors depends on the number of indices involved. For example,
from the tensorsA/k and B":n different inner productsA/k B~n,A/kB":;. A/k B~;.
etc., can be obtained.

denote the position vector of a typical point (with coordinates O') in a region &I
of the Euclidean space. Then, the square of a line element is given by

are, respectively, the (covariant) base vectors and the metric tensor while a
comma denotes partial differentiation with respect to o•.
The reciprocal (contra-
variant) base vectors gi and the conjugate tensor gii are defined by
.. .. . . '§ii
g•l =gl• =g•·gl = g'

where l§<i are the cofactors of g;; in the expansion of the determinant g. The base
vectors as well as the metric and the conjugate tensors, in addition to those
indicated by (A.1.15) 2 and (A.1.16) 2 , also satisfy the relations
g •·g.--~~
1 ul' -gik gki-~i
gikgki- -u;. (A.1.17)

The vector products of the base vectors yield

9.; Xg;=eiikgk ,
g' X gi =siik gk,

where bj stands for Kronecker delta and the e-system is related to the permutation
symbols eiik• eiik, through

In contrast to eiik• siik which are absolute tensors and transform according to
(A.1.10), the permutation symbols are relative tensors and have different trans-
formation laws. We do not elaborate here in detail on relative tensors but note
that the permutation symbols eiik and eiik are relative tensors of weights -1 and
Sect. A.1. Geometry of Euclidean space. 619

+ 1, respectively, which transform according to

a(jm aiJn a(fp -
eiik = J -fi(JT oOi B(}k emnP•
e<ik = J-1 a!• o~i a~k -emnp
aom o0" oOP '

where ] 0 ~~) is the Jacobian of the transformation.

= det ( i)(}1
An index of a tensor can be raised or lowered through inner multiplication by
gii or g; 1• To illustrate this process, consider a tensor 1h;k which may be generated
from T~ik through inner multiplication by g11 ;:

It is clear from the right-hand side of (A.1.21) that through inner multiplication
by g11 ;, the superscript i is lowered into the vacant space indicated by a dot in
T~ik· Consider next the raising of an index by inner multiplication of g'" and 1h;k·
Thus, using (A.1.21) and (A.1.17) 2 , we have


which also shows that the process of raising and lowering indices is reversible.
However, in general, the expressions

are different. They become identical if T; i = T1;.
The Christoffel symbols of the first and second kinds are defined by

* =gmk F."/=
T.;k * j-[g;k, i +gjk, i -g;;,k] • r*ik-rk
ji• (A.1.24)
In view of (A.1.15) and since Y;,; =Y;, i• they can also be expressed as

F.;k * =Yk'Yt,;•
* =If;k * =gk·g;,; = -g;·gk,i
* =Ifi
F.1 (A.1.25)
and hence
Y;,;=F.1gk, *
g•,;=-If~gk. (A.1.26)
To indicate the nature of covariant differentiation of a tensor function, we record
below the expressions for covariant derivatives of a covariant tensor T;, a contra-
variant tensor T', a mixed second order tensor ~i and a contravariant second
order tensor T'i. Thus, designating covariant differentiation with respect to g; 1
by double vertical lines (jl), we have:

T.nk=T;,k-nk r,,
Tilik =T•,k +J;ik Tl,

620 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. A.1.

The covariant de~vative :P11 k (and also Tonk) has a simple geometrical meaning.
To see this, let T' and 7i be the contravariant and the covariant components of a
vector T so that
T = T' g. =Ji g•. (A.1.29)
Then, with the help of (A.1.25)-(A.1.26), from (A.1.29) 1 we can readily obtain
the expression
BT _ BTi Bgi · _ · 1 _ i
B8k- BOk g,+ BOk T"-{T',k+I'lkT}g.-Tiikgi.
*• (A.1.30)

Similarly, from (A.1.29) 2, we obtain

BT ·
B8k = T.\lk g•. (A.1.31)

The expressions (A.1.30)-(A.1.31) show that the covariant derivatives r•11 k(Jink)
are components of the partial derivative 8Tfo()k referred to the base vectors
g.(g'). We note here that the base vectors g., g•, the metric tensor g, 1 and its
conjugate g'i, as well as the tensor derivatives defined by (A.1.27)-(A.1.28), are
tensors whose covariant and contravariant characters are indicated by the position
of their indices. The Christoffel symbols do not transform according to (A.1.10)
and hence are not tensors.
We examine now the nature of two successive covariant derivatives of tensor
functions. For this purpose, it will suffice to consider the tensors Ti and Ji 1 whose
characters are indicated by the position of their respective indices. Then

* Tm,
Iintk -Iillki =R~iik *
T.illkl- T.illlk = R~w Tmf
+ R~ikiJim, (A.1.32)
where the mixed curvature tensor (also known as the mixed Riemann-Christoffel
tensor) is given by
According to the relations (A.1.32), the order of covariant differentiation does not
* = 0 which is both a necessary and sufficient condition for
commute unless R~ifk
the space to be Euclidean. Hence, in a Euclidean space, the order of covariant
differentiation is immaterial.
The covariant curvature tensor, namely
Rmijk =gmp R~ijk
satisfies the relations
Rpifk = *
-R;p;k = *
* (A.1.34)
* +Rmkij
+ Rmjki * =0, (A.1.35)

and the number of independent components of Rmiik * which depends on the

dimension of the space, with the aid of (A.1.34)-(A.1.35), may be shown to be2
f2N 2(N2 -1), (A.1.36)
N being the dimension of the space. For a 2-space, the covariant curvature tensor
has only one independent component as all of its components either vanish or are
2 See, e.g., p. 87 of SYNGE and SCHILD [1949, 5].
Sect. A.2. Some results from the differential geometry of a surface. 621

expressible in terms of R*1212 • For N =3, it follows from (A.1.36) that the number
of independent components of the covariant curvature tensor is six, which can
be shown to be
Ruu• * Ra221·
* Rau2• * R2a2a•
* R1313• *
* R1323· (A.1.37)
A. 2. Some results from the differential geometry of a surface. This section contains
a heterogeneous collection of certain results and formulae pertaining to (local)
intrinsic and non-intrinsic properties of a surface d embedded in a Euclidean
oc) Definition of a surface. Preliminaries. A surface d may be specified in terms
of parametric equations of the form
where xi (i = 1, 2, 3) are rectangular Cartesian coordinates of a point P on the
surface d and ocr: (oc = 1, 2) are parameters, as yet unrelated to the curvilinear
coordinates Oi utilized in Sect. A.1. We assume that the functions fi are single-
valued and continuous and also require that they possess as many derivatives as
may be required. The position vector r (with rectangular Cartesian components xi)
at P, in view of (A.2.1}, may be expressed as a function of the parameters 3 ocr:.
Thus, we write
where the function r in (A.2.2) has the same continuity and differentiability
properties as fi· With any point P of the surface, we can associate a set of base
vectors ~, a 2 defined by
where a comma denotes partial differentiation with respect to 0«-coordinates.
As will become evident presently, the condition (A.2.3) 2 on the vector product of
the base vectors ensures the existence of a unique normal at each ordinary point 4
on d.
We introduce new coordinates 01 , fi2 on the surfaced by means of the coordinate
det ( 8 ~) =l=O, (A.2.4}

so that the inverse transformation


exists. From (A.2.4)-(A.2.5), the transformation of the differentials dO« and dO«

In what follows an overbar will be placed on quantities at P associated with

coordinates (ja: in order to distinguish these from the same quantities at P asso-
ciated with coordinates ocr:. Thus, for example the base vectors at P associated
a These parameters are usually called curvilinear coordinates on the surface.
4 An ordinary point is defined by the condition (A.2.3) 2 • A point which is not ordinary,
such as the vertex of a cone, is called a singularity. Here we restrict the domain of (J<X such that
every point of dis ordinary.
622 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. A. 2.

with 0"" will be designated as a"". It can be readily verified that the property which
defines an ordinary point is unaltered under the coordinate transformation (A.2.4),
so that
_ _ or or
~ xa 2 = - - X-- =l=O
(}(jl (}(j2

[r being now a different function from that in (A.2.2)].

Definitions of covariant, contravariant and mixed tensors at a point P on ~
are similar to those given in Sect. A.1. In fact, with an obvious modification,
various tensor transformation laws between (A.1.6)-(A.1.10) and the subsequent
discussion until the end of the paragraph containing (A.1.12} hold for the Rie-
mannian space under consideration. For example, let a system of 2r+s real numbers
T,., ... r~./'···Y• (ot1 , ••. ,ot,,y1 , ... ,y.=1,2) be associated with a point P on~
(a Riemannian 2-space) with coordinates ()""and l~t Tr~., ... exr:,···Y• be the corre-
sponding 2•+• real numbers at Pin the coordinates()"" defined by (A.2.5}. We say
that these numbers represent a mixed tensor of order r + s at P, covariant of
order rand contravariant of orders, if they are related by the transformation laws

T y, ... y, = a(jfJ, ••. a(jfJr (}(jY, ••. (}(jY• I: 6, ... 6,

r~., ... rl.r. (}{jrl.l (}(jr!.r a(j6, a(j6. {J, ... /Jr.
T y, ... y, = aetJ, .•• (}(jfJr oOYl .•• dOY• T 6, ... 6,
""' ... "'' . a (jr~., a (jr!.r a (j6, d (j6, {J, .•. /Jr .

A curve on a surface ~ can be determined by a sufficiently smooth parametric

representation 0""=0""(u), where u is a real variable. The direction of the tangent
to a curve on ~ is determined by the vector
dr or d(J"" d{)rl.
a:u=a{)rl. d"U=a""-au' (A.2.8}

which, in general, depends on u. Since a"" (which are tangent to the coordinate
curves) are non-zero and independent, the tangent to any curve on ~through a
point P lies in a plane which contains the two vectors ~, a 2 at P; this plane is the
tangent plane at P. A vector U (in the Euclidean 3-space at P) which lies in the
tangent plane to ~ at P is called a tangent vector or a vector in the surface. Any such
vector (since it lies in the tangent plane at P) can be expressed as a linear combi-
nation of~' a 2 :
U=U«a"". (A.2.9)
The base vectors ~, a 2 defined by (A.2.3) are linearly independent, are
tangent to the 0""-curves through a point P on ~and span the tangent plane to ~
at P. The normal to il at Pis the normal to the tangent plane at P and is therefore
perpendicular to ~, a 2 • Let a 3 denote the unit normal to ~ at P, the sense of the
unit normal being fixed by the convention that ~, a 2 , a3 form a right-handed
triad. It then follows that
a3 = -1 a-
1 xa
a 1 xa2
1 '
Ia1 xa2 I ...1-0
The notation I VI in (A.2.1 0} stands for the magnitude of V and the last of (A.2.11)
follows from differentiation of (A.2.11) 1 .
Sect. A.2. Some results from the differential geometry of a surface. 623

{3) First and second fundamental forms. The square of a line element of the
surface is given by
and the base vectors af% are defined by (A.2.3h· The quadratic form (A.2.12)
is called the first fundamental form of the surface. The reciprocals of (A.2. 3)1 and
(A.2.13) are denoted by a« and a1%f1, respectively. They are defined for all ordinary
points of the surface, i.e., points for which 5
a= det (af%fJ) =I= 0, (A.2.14)
and are given by

where ,r,1«fJ are the cofactors of af%fJ in the expansion of the determinant a. The
(covariant) base vectors af%, the (contravariant) reciprocal base vectors af%, the
symmetric tensor af%fJ and its conjugate a~YofJ all satisfy the appropriate laws for
tensor transformations of the type (A.2.7). These vectors and tensors also satisfy
the relations
The raising and the lowering of indices is accomplished here with the use of af%fJ
and af%fJ; the process is similar to that discussed in Sect. A.1 [between (A.1.21)-
The vector products involving ~, a 2 , Ua are
af% X ap =ef%{1 a 3 , af%xafl=e«fla8 ,
Ua X afJ =ep;. a'-, a 8 X af1 = efli. a;.,

where ef%fJ, ef%fJ are the e-system for the surface defined by
ef%p =at ef%fJ, ef%f1 = a-i ef%fJ (A.2.18)

Let ()« = (JIY.(s) be the parametric equations of a curve c, where the parameter s
is the arc length; and let l denote the unit tangent vector to c defined for points
r({JIY.(s)) on c. Then,
~_d'l'_1f% A_f% = d{;l~Yo(s)
A - - - 1 1 . af%, (A.2.20)
ds ds '

which follows also from (A.2.8) if the parameter u is identified with the arc length s.
The outward unit normal v to a curve con IJ, through a point P, is a tangent vector
whose sense is fixed by the convention that v, l, Ua form a right-handed triad.
Thus, using (A.2.17),
v=l X fla=vf%af%=vf%a«=ef%fJ A,flaf%,
l=aa x v=e1%flvf%afJ.
We define the generalized Kronecker delta for the surface by
e«fl e;.,_. = (j~e (A.2.22)
5 The condition (A.2.14) is equivalent to (A.2.3) 2 •
624 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. A.2.

and note that

<5~~ = srxfl sAp= aAp, ap. srxfl s"• =art." aAp, = <5~,
<5~~ = <5~ = 2 .

Let yrxfJ (not necessarily in the surface) denote the components of a second-order
tensor defined at a point on the surface 6. Then,
Similarly, with the help of (A.2.22) and (A.2.19), it can be easily verified that
The magnitude or the length of a vector in the surface such as U in (A.2.9)
is easily seen to be I Ul = [arxp urx Ufl]t = [art.P Urx Up]!. We recall that the element
of area of the surface (by definition) is da =at d 01 d 02 and that the expression
for the angle between two vectors in the surface involves arxfJ· It is, therefore,
clear that the coefficients of the first fundamental form determine lengths, angles
and areas on a surface. This justifies the use of the term metric tensor of the surface
for arxfJ·
We now tum to the second fundamental form of the surface, defined by the
scalar product
-dr·da3 =brxp d(Jrt. dOfl, (A.2.26)
where by (A.2.3) 1 and (A.2.11) 2 ,
brxp=bprx = -arx·a3 ,p=a3 ·arx,fJ· (A.2.27)
The mean curvature of the surface is defined by
H=ib~ (A.2.28)
and the Gaussian curvature of the surface by
K =det(bp) =a- 1 det(brxp)
= b~ b~ - b~ b~ .

Recalling the well-known formula for the expansion of a determinant, namely

sAp, det(bp) =srt.P b~ b'/J, (A.2.JO)
then after multiplication by sAp, and using (A.2.22) and (A.2.23)s, we see that
(A.2.29) may alternatively be written in the form
K _l s:.rt.fJbAbp, (A.2.31)
- 2 UAp, rt. fJ•

It is clear from (A.2.28) and (A.2.31) that both H and K are surface invariants
which depend only on the coefficients of the second fundamental form brxp of the
surface. However, as will be seen presently, the Gaussian curvature can also be
expressed entirely in terms of the coefficients of the first fundamental form arxp
and its derivatives 6 •
y) Covariant derivatives. The curvature tensor. The operator representing the
covariant derivative with respect to the metric tensor of the surface will be
designated by a vertical line (I). In order to indicate the nature of covariant
differentiation of a tensor function defined on the surface, we record below the
6 See Eq. (A.2.52).
Sect. A.2. Some results from the differential geometry of a surface. 625

expressions for covariant derivatives, with respect to a"'fi' of a covariant tensor T"',
a contravariant tensor T"', a mixed second order tensor T~ fJ and a contravariant
second order tensor T"'fi:

4Jr =T"',r -I;}r I;,, T'XIr = T"',r +fl"'r T",

T~fJ/r =T~fJ,r +T;."y T~p -I{/"r T~ ,., (A.2.32)
T"'fi lr =T"'fi.r +!',"'
i.y y;.p +TP
i.y T"'" •
where the surface Christoffel symbols are given by

l;.py =ai'Y Trf'p =-!(a"'y,{J +a{Jy,<X -aap,y),

l;.py =Tp"'Y =ar·a<X,fJ• (A.2.33)
Trfp =T/a =aY·a<X,fJ = -a"'·ar,fJ·

We note that application of (A.2.32) to (A.2.13), (A.2.15) and (A.2.18) results in

By considering the second covariant derivatives of surface vectors and tensors,
we find the surface analogues of the expressions (A.1.32). For example
Ta/py- Ta/rfJ = R~"'ilY 1';,,
T<XiJ/y6- T;,p/dy = R~<Xyd T;,p + R:{Jyd T(J,AI (A.2.35)
T"'filrd- T"'fi/dr = - R~;.yd y;.p_ R~i.rd T"';.,

where the curvature tensor (also called the Riemann-Christoffel tensor) for the
surface is defined analogously to (A.1. 33) :
- r."
ay,p -r.i.
a.{J,y +T.!'
"''Y r;. "'{J ri.
1-'fJ -F.~' 1-''Y' (A.2.36)
The covariant curvature tensor for the surface is given by

R;."'ilr =a;.~' R~"'fJr (A.2.37)

and satisfies the identities 6 = -RfJ<XrtJ• R"'pr 6 = -R"'iltJr• R"'fir 6 =Rrd"'fi'
(A.2.38) 6 + Rrx.rdil + Ra.tJPr = 0.
It follows from (A.2.38) that in a Riemannian 2-space all components of R;,
either vanish or are expressible in terms of R1212 • We return to this later in this
section. It is clear from (A.2.35) that the successive covariant differentiations do
not commute in a Riemannian space. However, we note here the useful identity
T a.{J - y«il (A.2.39)
Jrx.p- Ill"''
where Pfi is not necessarily symmetric.
£5) Formulae of Weingarten and Gauss. Integrability conditions. At every point
P of the surface(), we have a set of base vectors a,={~. a 2 , a3} defined by (A.2.3)1
and (A.2.10). We examine now the partial derivatives, with respect to 0"', of
these vectors which can be represented as a linear combination of ai.
Consider first the partial derivatives a 3 , 1 and aa, 2 which by (A.2.11) lie in the
tangent plane to the surface spanned by~. a 2 . Hence, we put
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 40
626 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. A.2.

The coefficient k~ can be determined by taking the scalar product of both sides
of (A.2.40) with a11 :

It follows from the last expression and (A.2.27) that k~ = - b~ and we have

The relations {A.2.41) are known as the formulae of Weingarten.

Next, we write the partial derivatives of~. a 2 as linear combinations of ai
in the form

and determine the coefficients c~ 11 , crx.p by taking the scalar product of both
sides of (A.2.42) first with a;. and then with a 3 . In this way, using (A.2.27) and
(A.2.33), we obtain
c~ 11 arJ. =Ca.p.< =a;.·arx.,/1 =l;. 11 ;.,
Ca.p a 3 ·a3 =Ca.p =aa.,p·a3 =brx.p·

Hence, the relations {A.2.42) become


and are known as the formulae of Gauss. In view of (A.2.32) 1 , the last result may
also be written in the useful form
arx.l/1 = brx.p a 3 • (A.2.44)
Weingarten's formula may be used to define the third fundamental form of the
surface, namely
We now proceed to obtain certain integrability conditions which ensure that
the partial differential equations (A.2.41) and (A.2.43) [or equivalently (A.2.44)]
always have solutions. The conditions we derive are necessary but they can also
be shown to be sufficient for the existence of solutions of (A.2.41) and (A.2.43). 7
Assuming that (A.2.2) is at least of class C3 , we must have


After calculating the partial derivatives of (A.2.43) and substituting the results in
(A.2.46), we may rewrite the latter in the form
[ R~rx.Pr- (brx.r b116 - brx.p by d)] a~- (brx.fllr- brx.rl/1) a 3 = 0, (A.2.47)
where Rdrx.flr is defined by (A.2.37). 8 The scalar product of (A.2.47) with a3 yields
brx.p[y =brx.y[fl• (A.2.48)
which are known as the Mainardi-Codazzi equations. For {3 =y these equations are
identically satisfied, while for {3 =l=y they give the relations
See, in this connection, p. 119 of WILLMORE [1959, 8].
8 The result (A.2.47) can also be obtained from application of (A.2.35h to arx. and the use
of (A.2.44).
Sect. A.2. Some results from the differential geometry of a surface. 627

Also, from the scalar product of (A.2.47) with a"', we obtain the equations of Gauss:
It follows from the symmetry conditions (A.2.38) that the non-zero components
of R 6"'PY are those for which~ =j=oc and {J =f=y. Hence, there are only four non-zero
components of the curvature tensor for the surface and these are given by

R2112 =R1221 = - R1212 = - R2121·

R12 12 =b22 b11 - (b12) 2 =det(b"'p).

The Mainardi-Codazzi equations (A.2.48) and the expression (A.2.50) constitute

the integrability conditions for the formulae of Weingarten and Gauss. From
(A.2.51) 5 and the definition (A.2.29) follows the well-known theorem of Gauss,
K = Rl212 (A.2.52)
a ,

according to which the Gaussian curvature of a surface is independent of the

coefficients of the second fundamental form but depends only on the coefficients
a"'p of the first fundamental form and their first and second partial derivatives.
It is clear from (A.2.35) and (A.2.52) that, in general, the interchange of the
order of covariant differentiation is not permissible unless the Gaussian curvature
vanishes. In the special case when the surface (A.2.2) is a plane, the unit vector aa
is a constant and aa,"' =0. Hence, b"'p =0, R 1212 =0 and the order of covariant
differentiation is immaterial in the case of a plane.
The formulae of Weingarten and Gauss can be used to calculate the partial
derivatives of a vector which is not necessarily in the surface. To show this,
consider a three-dimensional vector field V defined on 6. Referred to the base
vectors ai, V may be expressed in the form
Using (A.2.41) and (A.2.44), the partial derivatives of V are found to be
V,"'=Vj"'=(V\.-b~ V 3 )a;.+(V3,"'+b).(f. V;.)a3
=(V;.I"'-b;."' Va) a;.+(Va,"'+b~Jil) a 3 .
e) Principal curvatures. Lines of curvature. The unit tangent vector ~ to a
curve on the surface at the point r =r(O"'(s)) is given by (A.2.21) 2 • Let ;~e(s),
where s is the arc parameter, be the curvature of the curve and let p denote the
(space) unit principal normal to the curve at the point T =r(O"'(s)). Then, the
curvature vector K defined by

can, with the help of (A.2.44), be written as

K= (da~ +Fd'pA."'A.P) a"' +b"'pA."' A.Ptza. (A.2.56)

It should be recalled that the unit principal normal vector p is independent of the
orientation of a curve while the sense of the unit tangent vector ~ depends on the
orientation of the curve.
628 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. A. 3.

The normal curvature of a curve at the point T =r(O"(s)) is obtained from

(A.2.56) through
which, in general, assumes an infinity of values corresponding to an infinity of
directions at each point of the surface. Except at points where "<n> is constant,
i.e., at umbilics, the directions for which the normal curvature "<n> assumes an
extremal value may be determined by the method of Lagrangian multiplier. This
leads to the following set of homogeneous equations :9
(b"p- "<n> a"p) ~,fl = 0, (A.2.58)
which has a nontrivial solution if and only if the values of "<n> are the roots of
det(b"p-tpa"p) =0, (A.2.59)
or equivalently
q;2 -2H tp +K =0, (A.2.60)
where H and K are given by (A.2.28) and (A.2.29). The roots "<t> =Xj_, "< 2>=x 2
are the principal curvatures of the surface at the point in question and the corre-
sponding directions are called the principal directions. It can be shown that the
roots of (A.2.60) are always real and that at any point which is not umbilic the
principal directions A~), A(2> are orthogonal. The principal directions A~) can be
determined in the usual manner from (A.2.58). At an umbilic, since "<n> =const,
"t = x2 and every direction is a principal direction.
We define the principal radii of curvature r 1 and r 2 by

"t +x 2 =2H, x1 x 2 =K. (A.2.62)
For later reference, we note that (A.2.61) are the solutions of
det(bp- q;- 1 bp) =0. (A.2.63)
The sign convention in (A.2.61) is in accord with the rule that r 1 and r 2 are
positive (negative) if the unit normal vector to the surface is directed away from
(toward) the center of curvature. to
A curve on a surface whose tangent at each point is along a principal direction
is called a line of curvature. If "t =x2 at every point, then all coordinate lines are
lines of curvature (the only cases being the spherical surface and the plane). For
"t =l= x2 it can be shown that the conditions necessary and sufficient for the coordi-
nate curves on d to be lines of curvature are
A. 3. Geometry of a surface in a Euclidean space covered by normal coordinates.
We begin the development of this section by identifying the curvilinear coordi-
nates (Ji of Sect. A.1 with a system of normal coordinates as follows: 11 Consider a
See, e.g., p. 210 of McCoNNELL [1931, 1] or p. 224 of EISENHART [1947, 2].
10 It should be noted that the sign convention in (A.2.61) is opposite to that usually
employed in differential geometry, but is in accord with that adopted in most investigations
dealing with shell theory. Also some authors prefer to define the second fundamental form as
negative of that in (A.2.26) and this in turn influences the signs of"'' and :1e2 •
11 For a general discussion of normal coordinate system, see p. 62 of SYNGE and ScHILD
[1949, 5].
Sect. A.3. Geometry of a surface in a Euclidean space. 629

singly infinite family of (two-dimensional) surfaces in the Euclidean }-space such

that 03 , regarded as a parameter, is a constant over each surface. Let O«(at = 1, 2)
be the coordinate system on one of the surfaces, say the surface 03 = 0 which we
can call the reference surface. Further, let the position vector and the unit normal
to the reference surface (03 = 0) be denoted by r = r (0«) and f1a = f1a (0«), respec-
tively.12 Then, adopting the notation 03 =C, we may represent the position vector
of any point of the space as
p=r+Ca3 , (A.3.1)
where rand f1a are functions of 0 , 02 only and satisfy the restriction

aa.·a3 =0, aa. =r,a.. (A.3.2)

It should be clear that various formulae of the previous section such as (A.2.3),
(A.2.11), (A.2.27), (A.2.41), and (A.2.43) which involve r, f1a and their partial
derivatives hold also here for the reference surfacer =p (Ocx, 0).
In the remainder of this section we consider the geometrical properties of a
surface, i.e., the reference surface (C=O) defined above, embedded in the space
(A.}.1) and also briefly discuss the relationships between the components of the
space tensors and their surface counterparts defined on C=O. Thus, in view of
(A.1.15), the covariant base vectors and the metric tensor for the space (A.}.1) are
Ya.=aa.+Ct~a,a.=fl~a,., Ya=aa (A.3.3)
ga.p=fl~p,~a•A• ga.a=O, gaa=1, (A.3.4)
where a. A=a. ·aAis the metric tensor of the reference surface and where
p,~ =c)~ -Cb~. (A.}.5)
b~ being the coefficients of the second fundamental form. The value of ga. 3 given
by (A.}.4) 2 is the characteristic property of normal coordinates and is a conse-
quence of (A.}.2) 1 • The nature of the reduction of the above formulae when
evaluated on the reference surface (C = 0) is evident. In particular, we note that
Ya.(O'~', 0) =aa., ga.p(O'~', O) =aa.p (A.}.6)
g(Oa., 0) =det(ga.p)k-o=det(aa.p) =a. (A.3.7)
Let Ba.p, t;«P denote the e-system for the reference surface. Then, the components
Ba.fJS• ea.fla of the space e-system in (A.1.19) when evaluated onC =0 become
Ba.p =Ba.palc=o =ai ea.fl•
t;«fl = ert.Palc- o= a-l ert.P,
where we have set = ea.p, ea.Ps = ert.P and the components of the permutation
symbols ea.fl• ert.fl are defined in (A.2.19). We observe that = (-!-t Ba.p• t

ert.P 3 = (; ea.P, (A.}.9)
which follow from the comparison of (A.1.19), (A.3.8) and (A.2.19). Also, from
12 The designation of the position vector and the unit normal of the reference surface by
the same symbols as those used for a surface in Sect. A.2 is made in anticipation of later
identification of the two surfaces.
630 P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. A. 3.

where Hand K are defined by (A.2.28)-(A.2.29). Using (A.3.10), we may rewrite

(A.3.9) in the form
e<XfJS =p,~p,~ e.;. =p,e<XfJ (A.3.11)
and a similar expression holds for e<XfJS.
The Christoffel symbols with respect to the reference surface are found by
evaluating (A.1.24) on C=0 and by using (A.3.3) and (A.1.25):

Fotp,Jc=o =Fatp, •
• =a<X·aa,p =
.l;rsJc=o -aa·art,fJ = - brp,
rral -as·a<X,fJ--
.t1%Pc-o- - -b<X{J•
a fJ ·as ,1%-

Tal%slc=o = 0,
where Fotp, is defined by (A.2.33). Using the values (A.3.12), the components of
the Riemann-Christoffel tensor (A.1.33) when evaluated on the surface C=0
can be put in the forms



* vanishes in a Euclidean space, the

where R~<XfJY is defined by (A.2.36). Since R":iik
left-hand sides of each of the last two equations are zero and we again obtain
formulae of the forms (A.2.50) and (A.2.48) for the reference surface C= 0.
In terms of general coordinates ()i of Sect. A.1, the volume element (by
definition) is dv =gT d() 1 d() 2 d0 3 • In a region of space covered by normal coordi-
nates, the volume element can be expressed in terms of the element of area
da =at d01 d() 2 of the reference surface (C =0) in the form dv =p, da dl; which
also involves the determinant p, defined by (A.3.10). In this connection, we ask
what restriction must be placed on the space (A.3.1) in order to ensure the exist-
ence of nonvanishing p, for all l;. For this puspose, we set
and observe that this equation has the same structure as (A.2.63). It follows from
(A.2.59)-(A.2.62) and (A.3.10) that the solutions of (A.3.15) m terms of the
principal radii of curvature of the reference surface are
C={r1, r 2}. (A.3.16)
Evidently, in view of (A.3.16), for p, =1=0 it is sufficient to require that1 3

ICI <r, r=min(lr1 1, lr2 1} =1=0. (A.3.17)

The restriction (A. 3.17h also ensures that the tensor p,~ is nonsingular and, there-
fore, possesses a unique inverse (p,- 1)~ such that
p,~(p,-1)~=<5~. (A.3.18)
13 Of course the restriction (A.3.17h is not a necessary condition for the existence of
nonvanishing p. We remark here that (A.3.17) is indeed a weak restriction from the point of
view of shell theory.
Sect. A.4. Physical components of surface tensors. 631

To obtain an expression for the inverse (f-t- 1 )~. multiply (A.J.11) 2 by e'Yfi, use
(A.2.22) and put the resulting equation in the form

f-t~ [~- r5~1 f-t~ = r5~.
Then, comparison of this last result and (A.J.18) yields the expression
( u-l)Y- _1_ t5YfJ 11.).
r " - P, <XI.rfJ·

In a region of space covered by normal coordinates, the relationships between

the components of space tensors and their surface counterparts involve the
determinant f-t, as well as#~ and its inverse. This is partly evident from (A.J.3)-
(A.J.4) and (A.3.11) which involve #~ and #· Other transformation relations
between space tensors and their surface counterparts, such as those between g"
and ar and between g"fl and arl., can be shown to involve the inverse (f-t- 1 )~ but we
do not elaborate on these here. 14
A.4. Physical components of surface tensors in lines of curvature coordinates.
We consider here briefly the physical components of tensors defined over a surface
and referred to lines of curvature coordinates, i.e., when the conditions (A.2.64)
hold. We also obtain explicit forms of the physical components of certain tensor
derivatives which will be useful in the discussion of the equations of shell theory
in lines of curvature coordinates.
From (A.2.58), the nonvanishing components of b(J in lines of curvature
coordinates are
"1 =hi= _/Jl_l
=- _1rl ,
=b~ = -~2_2_
=- _1_
r2 ,
where r1 and r2 are the principal radii of curvature defined by (A.2.61) and where
for convenience we have introduced the notations
When the coordinate curves on dare orthogonal (a12 =0), the components of the
Christoffel symbols in (A.2.33) are given by
r, aapp - a{J{J a 1 lr::--- ap
lP = - 2a
-ao£-- aaa
a()<Z og vapp-- (a )2 ap,"
(ot =F(J, no sum over ot, (J),
1 "p-J.p"- 2a""
1 aaiXIX - 0 1
-FOP___ a-{ifJ og
v- 1

(no sum over ot),

where we have recorded the formulae both in terms of the metric tensor a"fJ and
also in terms of a" defined by (A.4.2).
The physical components of tensors in an orthogonal basis are defined by 15


14 A general discussion of transformation relations between the components of space

tensors and their surface counterparts is given in Sect. 3 of [1963, 6].
15 A discussion of the physical components of tensors in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates
can be found in Me CoNNELL [1931, 1]. For a more general account of physical components of
tensors, see the papers by TRUESDELL [1953, 6], [1954, 2] and Sects.11-14 of ERICKSEN [1960, 3].
P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates. Sect. A.4.

where 1(« ... yfl .. . IJ> is the symbol designating the physical components. In parti-
cular, using the notation of (A.4.2), the physical components of the first and
second-order tensors are

(no summation over oc) ,

(no summation over oc, {J) ,

(no summation over oc) ,
(no summation over oc, {J) •


a 1 a 1 a
as{J = va;;p a8fl = a{J a8fl-
(no sum over {J) , (A.4.8)

from (A.4.3) we obtain

a - a (oc =f={J, no sum over {J),
F<flfl«> =--log
Vaflfl = - -logafl
r<«fl«> =~log Va =~log a (no sum over oc) .
as{J (f.(f. as{J (f.

The physical components of tensor derivatives can be readily obtained by

direct substitution from the definitions (A.4.4) and (A.4.7)-(A.4.9) into expressions
of the type (A.2.32). Thus, the physical components of 'P···~fl ... IJ!a can be
calculated from 16
T, _aT, T, a 1 a« ... aa,.
(cx ... y{J ... c7la>-~s (« ... yfJ ••• c7)- (« ... yfJ ... IJ>~s og a
ua Ua 'fJ'""CI

+ r<J.a«> r,(J.... y{J ... ">

+ ... +F<J.ay> r,(« ... J.{J ... IJ)
- r<flaA) T<(f. ... yJ.... IJ)- ... - r<IJaJ.) 1((1. ... y{J ... A)'
where use has been made of the fact that
ap ... a6 ~ [ a« ... a,.]
= ~log a« ... a,.
a(f. ... a"l asa a{J ... ad asa a{J ... ad .
We record below explicit expressions for the physical components of two tensor
derivatives, namely P-1« and P.fll«• which frequently occur in the field equations
of shell theory. Thus, for the physical components of P-1« we have

T<III> = ; 1 [ T<I),l + ;;22 1(2> l, (A.4.11)

1(212> = _!_
[T<2>, 2+ _aa1
2' 1 T<l>] ·

16 The rule (A.4.10) is a special case of a more general formula given by TRUESDELL
[1953, 6]; see Sect. 12 of his paper.
References. 633

Similarly, the physical components of ya.fila. are given by

T<uti>= ;~[T<u>,I+ a~~2 (T<I2>+T<2I>)],

T<22i2) = az1 [T<22), 2+ a~a11- (T<n> + T<2I>)],

T<2I12> = ~~ [T<2I),2 + a;~I__ (T<u>- T<22))],
T<I21I> = __1_
a 1 [T<I2),1 + ~a1 !2.2 (T<22>- T<Id]·
In obtaining (A.4.4) to (A.4.12), only the first of the two conditions in (A.2.64),
namely a12 =0, has been invoked. With the use of (A.4.11)-(A.4.12) and (A.4.6),
as well as (A.4.1), it is now a simple matter to write the various field equations,
kinematical results and the constitutive relations of shell theory in lines of
curvature coordinates and in terms of physical components. Thus, for example,
the equations of equilibrium obtained from (9.47)1.2 in lines of curvature coordi-
nates and in terms of physical components can be written as

l\T N N(as)
1V<l2Jl>+ (22J2>+ -,--
+e f <2>=o, (A.4.13)

l\T N(2aJ2>- ( ----;
+e ta=O.
Here, r1 and r 2 are the principal radii of curvature of the surface (5.1) 1 and the
components of N<a.aJa.> are given by expressions of the type (A.4.11). If we sub-
stitute formulae of the forms (A.4.11 )-(A.4.12) into (A.4.13), then after a slight
rearrangement more familiar forms of the equations of equilibrium in lines of
curvature coordinates follow:


1 {(a2~13) ) ,l+(llt N(23) ) , 2
N<11> +
} - (-;---
+e fa=O.
Results similar to (A.4.13) and (A.4.14) hold also for the equations of equilibrium
obtained from (9.48) 1 , 2 which have essentially the same structure as those in
(9.47)1, 2.
The list below is not a complete bibliography on the subject and is limited to works
referred to in the text. Entries in parentheses following each reference indicate the sections
or places in which it has been cited.1
1850 1. KIRCHHOFF, G.: "Ober das Gleichgewicht und die Bewegung einer elastischen
Scheibe. Crelles J. 40, 51-88 = Ges. Abh. 237-279- (1, 7, 20, 26)
1 The titles of several papers (in Russian) published in Prikl. Mat. Mekll. are listed in
English. The English versions of these titles are taken from a Complete Bibliography of
Vols. 1-21 in J. Appl. Math. Mech. (Transl. of PMM) 22 (No.6), pp. i-xxxix.
P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates.

1886 1. TODHUNTER, I., and K. PEARSON: A history of the theory of elasticity, Vol. I.
Cambridge: University Press= reprint, Dover Publications. (1, 20)
1888 1. LovE, A. E. H.: The small free vibrations and deformation of a thin elastic shell.
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A 179, 491-546. (1, 4, 7, 12A, 16, 21, 21A)
2. RAYLEIGH, (Lord): On the bending and vibration of thin elastic shells, especially of
cylindrical form. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A 45, 105-123. (21A)
1890 1. BASSET, A. B.: On the extension and flexure of cylindrical and spherical thin
elastic shells. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A 181, 433-480. (12A, 21A)
2. LAMB, H.: On the deformation of an elastic shell. Proc. London Math. Soc. 21,
119-146. (12A, 21A)
1891 1. LovE, A. E. H.: Note on the present state of the theory of thin elastic shells. Proc.
Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A 49, 100-102. (21A)
1892 1. LovE, A. E. H.: A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity 1. Cambridge.
ix + 354 pp. (1)
1893 1. DuHEM, P.: Le potentiel thermodynamique et la pression hydrostatique. Ann. Ecole
Norm. (3) 10, 187-230. (1, 4)
2. LovE, A. E. H.: A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity 2. Cambridge.
xi+327pp. (1, 12A, 21A)
3. ToDHUNTER, I., and K. PEARSON: A history of the theory of elasticity, Vol. II
(Parts I and II). Cambridge: University Press=reprint, Dover Publications.
(1, 20)
1907 1. F6PPL, A.: Vorlesungen fiber Technische Mechanik, Vol. 5. Miinchen: R. Olden-
bourg. (21)
1908 1. CossERAT, E., et F.: Sur la theorie des corps minces. Compt. Rend. 146, 169-172. (1)
1909 1. CosSERAT, E., et F.: Theorie des Corps Deformables. Paris. vi+ 226 pp. = Ap-
pendix, pp. 953-1173. of Chwolson's Traite de Physique, 2nd ed. Paris. (1, 4)
1910 1. K..l.RMAN, TH. v.: Festigkeitsprobleme im Maschinenbau. Encyklopadie der Mathe-
matischen Wissenschaften, Vol. 4/4. pp. 311-385 =Collected Works, 1, 141-207. (21)
1914 1. HELLINGER, E.: Die allgemeinen Ansatze der Mechanik der Kontinua. Encyklopadie
der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, Vol. 4/4, pp. 601-694. (7)
1917 1. LAMB, H.: On waves in an elastic plate. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A 93, 114-128.
(20, 24)
1925 1. NADAI, A.: Die elastischen Platten. Berlin: Springer. viii+326pp. (20)
1927 1. LovE, A. E. H.: 4th ed. of [1892, 1] and [1893, 2]. (1)
1931 1. McCoNNELL, A. 1.: Applications of the absolute differential calculus. London and
Glasgow: Blackie& Son. xii+318pp. (Appendix, A.2, A.4)
1932 1. FLUGGE, W.: Die Stabilita.t der Kreiszylinderschale. Ing.-Arch. 3, 463-506. (21, 21A)
1933 1. DoNNELL, L. H.: Stability of thin-walled tubes under torsion. NACA Tech. Rept.
No. 479. (21)
1934 1. FLUGGE, W.: Statik und Dynamik der Schalen. Berlin: Springer. vii+240pp.
1935 1. MARGUERRE, K.: Thermo-elastische Plattengleichungen. Z. Angew. Math. Mech.
15, 369-372. (18)
2. TREFFTZ, E.: Ableitung der Schalenbiegungsgleichungen mit dem Castiglianoschen
Prinzip. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 15, 101-108. (21)
1936 1. GooDIER, 1· N.: The influence of circular and elliptical holes on the transverse
flexure of elastic plates. Phil. Mag., Ser. VII 22, 69-80. (20)
1937 1. ODQVIST, F.: Equations completes de l'equilibre des couches minces elastiques
gauches. Compt. Rend. 205, 271-273. (7)
1938 1. GooDIER, 1. N.: On the problems of the beam and the plate in the theory of elasticity.
Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., Ser. III 32, 65-88. (21)
2. MARGUERRE, K.: Zur Theorie der gekrummten Platte groBer Formanderung. Proc.
Fifth Intern. Congr. Appl. Mech. (Cambridge, Mass.), pp. 93-101. (21)
1940 1. GoL'DENVEIZER, A. L.: Equations of the theory of thin shells [in Russian]. Prikl.
Mat. Mekh. 4, 35-42. (7, 26)
2. LuR'E, A. I.: General theory of thin elastic shells [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Mekh.
4, 7-34. (21 A, 26)
1941 1. REISSNER, E.: A new derivation of the equations for the deformation of elastic
shells. Amer. 1· Math. 63, 177-184. (12A, 21A)
2. SYNGE, 1· L., and W. Z. CHIEN: The intrinsic theory of elastic shells and plates.
Th. von Karman Anniv. Vol., pp. 103-120. (12, 12A)
1942 1. REISSNER, E.: Note on the expressions for the strains in a bent thin shell. Amer. 1.
Math. 64, 768-772. (21A)
1943 1. NovozHILOV, V.: On an error in a hypothesis of the theory of shells. Compt. Rend.
Acad. Sci. SSSR (Doklady) (N. S.) 38, 160-164. (12A)

2. N OVOZHILOV V., and R. FINKEL'SHTEIN: On the incorrectness of Kirchhoff's hypoth-

eses in the theory of shells [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 7, 331-340. (12A)
1944 1. BYRNE, R.: Theory of small deformations of a thin elastic shell. Seminar Reports
in Mathematics. Univ. of Calif. (Los Angeles) Publ. in Math. (N.S.) 2, 103-152.
(21A, 26)
2. CHIEN, W. Z.: The intrinsic theory of thin shells and plates (Parts I, II and III).
Quart. Appl. Math. 1, 297-327; 2, 43-59 and 12Q-135. (12, 21A)
3. GoL'DENVEIZER, A. L.: On the applicability of general theorems of the theory of
elasticity to thin shells [in Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 8, 3-14. (26)
4. LovE, A. E. H.: A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity (reprint of
[1927, 1]). New York: Dover Publications. xviii + 643 pp. (1, 12A, 20, 21A, 26)
5. REISSNER, E.: On the theory of bending of elastic plates. J. Math. Phys. 23, 184-191.
6. VLASOV, V. Z.: Basic differential equations in general theory of elastic shells [in
Russian]. Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 8, 109-140. [English Trans!.: NACA TM 1241 (1951)
58 pp.] (21A)
1945 1. BROMBERG, E., and J. J. STOKER: Non-linear theory of curved elastic sheets.
Quart. Appl. Math. 3, 246-265. (21)
2. REISSNER, E.: The effect of transverse shear deformation on the bending of elastic
plates. J. Appl. Mech. 12, A-69-77. (20, 24)
3. TRUESDELL, C.: The membrane theory of shells of revolution. Trans. Am. Math.
Soc. 58, 96-166. (12A, 21A)
1946 1. DRUCKER, D. C.: Discussion of [1945, 2). J. Appl. Mech.13, A-250. (20)
2. GooDIER, J. N.: Discussion of [1945, 2). J. Appl. Mech. 13, A-251. (20)
3. NovozHILOV, V. V.: A new method for the analysis of thin shells [in Russian].
lzv. Akad. Nauk SSR Otd. Tekhn. Nauk, No.1. (20, 21A)
1947 1. BoLLE, L.: Contribution au probleme lim!aire de flexion d'une plaque elastique
(Parts 1 and 2). Bull. Tech. Suisse Romande 73, 281-285 and 293-298. (20)
2. EISENHART, L. P.: An introduction to differential geometry. Princeton Univ.
Press. x + 304 pp. (Appendix, A .2)
3. GoL'DENVEIZER, A. L., and A. I. LuR'E: On the mathematical theory of the equi-
librium of elastic shells [in Russian]. (Review of works published in the U.S.S.R.).
Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 11, 565-592. (7, 21A, 26)
4. LuR'E, A. I.: Statics of thin-walled elastic shells [trans!. from 1947 Russian ed.].
AEC-tr-3798 (U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Tech. Info. Service). iv + 210 pp.
5. REISSNER, E.: On bending of elastic plates. Quart. Appl. Math. 5, 55-68. (20)
1948 1. UFLYAND, IA. S.: Wave propagation with transverse vibrations of bars and plates
[in Russian). Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 12, 287-300. (20)
1949 1. FRIEDRICHS, K. 0.: The edge effect in the bending of plates. H. Reissner Anni-
versary Volume, pp. 197-210. Ann Arbor, Mich.: J. W. Edwards. (21)
2. GREEN, A. E.: On Reissner's theory of bending of elastic plates. Quart. Appl.
Math. 7, 223-228. (20)
3. - The elastic equilibrium of isotropic plates and cylinders. Proc. Roy. Soc. London,
Ser. A 195, 533-552. (20)
4. HILDEBRAND, F. B., E. REISSNER, and G. B. THOMAS: Notes on the foundations
of the theory of small displacements of orthotropic shells. NACA TN 1833. (7, 20,
5. SYNGE, J. L., and A. ScHILD: Tensor calculus. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press.
xi+ 324 pp. (Appendix, A .1, A .3)
6. ZERNA, W.: Beitrag zur allgemeinen Schalenbiegetheorie. Ing.-Arch. 17, 14<}-164.
1950 1. FRIEDRICHS, K. 0.: Kirchhoff's boundary conditions and the edge effect for elastic
plates. Proc. Symp. Appl. Math. 3, 117-124. (21)
2. GREEN, A. E., and W. ZERNA: The equilibrium of thin elastic shells. Quart. J.
Mech. Appl. Math. 3, 9-22. (20, 21A)
3. LuR'E, A. I.: On the equations of the general theory of elastic shells [in Russian].
Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 14, 558-560. (26)
4. PARKUS, H.: Die Grundgleichungen der Schalentheorie in allgemeinen Koordinaten.
Oesterr. Ing.-Arch. 4, 16Q-174 and 6 (1952), 72. (7)
5. REISSNER, E.: On a variational theorem in elasticity. J. Math. Phys. 29, 9D-95.
(7, 20)
6. - On axisymmetrical deformations of thin shells of revolution. Proc. Symp.
Appl. Math. 3, 27-52. (21)
P.M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates.

1951 1. MINDLIN, R. D.: Influence of rotatory inertia and shear on flexural vibrations of
isotropic, elastic plates. J. Appl. Mech. 18, 31-38. (20, 24)
2. - Thickness-shear and flexural vibrations of crystal plates. J. Appl. Phys. 22,
316-323. (20)
3. TIMOSHENKO, S., and J. N. GooDIER: Theory of elasticity, 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill.
xviii + 506 pp. (24)
1952 1. ERINGEN, A. C.: On the non-linear vibration of circular membrane. Proc. First
U.S. Nat'l. Congr. Appl. Mech. (Chicago, 1951), pp. 139--145. (21)
2. REISSNER, E.: Stress-strain relations in the theory of thin elastic shells. J. Math.
Phys. 31, 109--119. (20, 21A)
3. ScHAFER, M.: tlber eine Verfeinerung der klassischen Theorie dunner schwach
gebogener Platten. Z. Angew. Math. Meeh. 32, 161-171. (20)
1953 1. MELAN, E., and H. PARKus: Warmespannungen infolge stationarer Temperatur-
felder. Wien: Springer. v + 114 pp. (18)
2. NAGHDI, P.M., and J. C. RowLEY: On the bending of axially symmetric plates on
elastic foundations. Proc. First Midwestern Con£. on Solid Mechanics (Univ. of
Illinois), pp. 119--123. (20)
3. NovozHILOV, V. V.: Foundations of the nonlinear theory of elasticity [trans!.
from the 1947 Russian ed.]. Rochester, N.Y.: Graylock Press. vi+233pp. (21)
4. REISSNER, E. : On a variational theorem for finite elastic deformations. J. Math.
Phys. 32, 129--135. (7, 21)
5. TRUESDELL, C.: Review of [1953, 3]. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 59, 467-473. (21, 21A)
6. - The physical components of vectors and tensors. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 33,
345-356. (A.4)
1954 1. GREEN, A. E., and W. ZERNA: Theoretical elasticity. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
xiii + 442 pp. (4, 12A)
2. TRUESDELL, C.: Remarks on the paper "The physical components of vectors and
tensors." Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 34, 69-70. (A.4)
1955 1. ERINGEN, A. C.: On the nonlinear oscillations of viscoelastic plates. J. Appl. Mech.
22, 563-567. (21)
2. FUNG, Y. C., and W. H. WITRICK: A boundary layer phenomenon in the large
deflexion of thin plates. Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 8, 191-210. (21)
3. HoFF, N.J.: The accuracy of Donnell's equations. J. Appl. Mech. 22, 329--334. (21)
4. Hu, H.-C.: On some variational principles in the theory of elasticity and plasticity.
Scientia Sinica 4, 33-54. (7)
5. MANSFIELD, E. H.: The inextensional theory for thin flat plates. Quart. J. Mech.
Appl. Math. 8, 338-352. (21)
6. MINDLIN, R. D.: An introduction to the mathematical theory of vibration of elastic
plates. U.S. Army Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories Monograph, Ft. Mon-
mouth, N.J. (20)
7. WASHIZU, K.: On the variational principles of elasticity and plasticity. Tech. Rept.
25-18, Contract N 50ri-07833, Mass. lnst. of Tech. (7)
1956 1. FREDERICK, D.: On some problems in bending of thick circular plates on an elastic
foundation. J. Appl. Mech. 23, 195-200. (20)
2. SOKOLNIKOFF, I. S.: Mathematical theory of elasticity, 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill.
xi+ 476 pp. (26)
19 57 1. ALBLAS, J. B.: Theorie van De Driedimensionale Spanningstoestand in een Doorboorde
Plaat. Amsterdam: H. J. Paris. viii+ 127 pp. (20)
2. AsHWELL, D. G.: The equilibrium equations of the inextensional theory for thin
flat plates. Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 10, 169--182. (21)
3. MINDLIN, R. D., and M. ONoE: Mathematical theory of vibrations of elastic plates.
Proc. 11th Ann. Syrup. on Frequency Control (U.S. Army Signal Engineering
Laboratories, Fort Monmouth, N.J.), pp. 17-40. (20)
4. NAGHDI, P.M.: On the theory of thin elastic shells. Quart. Appl. Math. 14, 369--380.
(20, 21A)
1958 1. ERICKSEN, J. L., and C. TRUESDELL: Exact theory of stress and strain in rods and
shells. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 1, 295-323. (4, 5, 9, 12A)
2. EssENBURG, F., and P.M. NAGHDI: On elastic plates of variable thickness. Proc.
3rd U.S. Nat'l. Congr. Appl. Mech. (Providence, R.I.), pp. 313-319. (20, 24)
3. KNOWLES, J. K., and E. REISSNER: Notes on stress-strain relations for thin elastic
shells. J. Math. Phys. 37, 269--282. (21, 21A)
4. NoLL, W.: A mathematical theory of the mechanical behavior of continuous media.
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 2, 197-226. (13)
5. VLASOV, V. Z.: Allgemeine Schalentheorie und ihre Anwendung in der Technik
[trans!. from the 1949 Russian ed.]. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. xi+ 661 pp. (21, 21A)
References. 637

1959 1. JoHNSON, M. W., and E. REISSNER: On the foundations of the theory of thin
elastic shells. J. Math. Phys. 37, 371-392. (21)
2. MoRGENSTERN, D.: Herleitung der Plattentheorie aus der dreidimensionalen
Elastizitatstheorie. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 4, 411-417. (20)
3. NovozHILOV, V. V.: The theory of thin shells [transl. from the 1951 Russian ed.].
Groningen: P. Noordhoof Ltd. vi+ 376 pp. (7, 21, 21A, 26)
4. RIVLIN, R. S.: The deformation of a membrane formed by inextensible cords.
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 2, 447-476. (14)
5. RuDIGER, D.: Zur Theorie elastischer Schalen. Ing.-Arch. 28, 281-288. (7)
6. SANDERS, J. L. JR.: An improved first-approximation theory for thin shells.
NASA Tech. Rept. R-24. 11 pp. (7, 20, 26)
7. TIMOSHENKO, S., and W. WorNOWSKY-KREIGER: Theory of plates and shells,
2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. xiv + 580 pp. (20, 21)
8. WILLMORE, T. J.: An introduction to differential geometry. Oxford: Clarendon
Press. x + 317 pp. (Appendix, A.2)
1960 1. BoLOTIN, V. V.: Equation for the non-stationary temperature fields in thin shells
in the presence of sources of heat. J. Appl. Math. Mech. (Trans!. of PMM) 24, 515-
519. (18)
2. CoHEN, J. W.: The inadequacy of the classical stress-strain relations for the right
helicoidal shell. Proc. IUT AM Symposium on the theory of thin elastic shells
(Delft, 1959), pp. 415-433. (21)
3. ERICKSEN, J. L.: Appendix. Tensor fields. Handbuch der Physik, Vol. III/1 (edit.
by S. FLuGGE), pp. 794-858. Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg: Springer. (Appendix, A.4)
4. FLUGGE, W.: Stresses in shells. Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg: Springer. xi+ 499 pp.
5. GREEN, A. E., and J. E. ADKINS: Large elastic deformations. Oxford: Clarendon
Press. vii+ 348 pp. (14, 17, 21)
6. KolTER, W. T.: A consistent first approximation in the general theory of thin
elastic shells. Proc. IUTAM Symposium on the theory of thin elastic shells (Delft,
1959), pp. 12-33- (20, 21)
7. MIKLOWITZ, J.: Flexural stress waves in an infinite elastic plate due to suddenly
applied concentrated transverse load. J. Appl. Mech. 27, 681-689. (20)
8. MINDLIN, R. D.: Waves and vibrations in isotropic, elastic plates. Proc. First Symp.
on Naval Structural Mechanics (Stanford, Calif., 1958), p. 199-232. (20)
9. NAGHDI, P. M.: A note on rigid body displacements in the theory of thin elastic
shells. Quart. Appl. Math. 18, 296-298. (21 A)
10. - On Saint Venant's principle: elastic shells and plates. J. Appl. Mech. 27, 417-422.
(21A, 26)
11. ONIASHVILI, 0. D.: Analysis of shells and other thin-walled spatial structures.
Chap. 5 of Structural mechanics in the U.S.S.R., 1917-1957, pp. 223-275. Oxford:
Pergamon Press. (21)
12. REISS, E. L.: A theory for the small rotationally symmetric deformations of cylindri-
cal shells. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 13, 531-550. (21)
13. REISSNER, E.: On some problems in shell theory. Proc. First Symp. on Naval
Structural Mechanics (Stanford, Calif., 1958), pp. 74-114. (21)
14. TRUESDELL, C., and R. TouPIN: The classical field theories. Handbuch der Physik,
Vol. III/1 (edit. by S. FLUGGE), pp. 226-793. Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg: Springer.
(2, 4, 8, 9, 12A, 13, 21, 26)
15. ZERNA, W.: tiber eine nichtlineare allgemeine Theorie der Schalen. Proc. IUTAM
symposium on the theory of thin elastic shells (Delft, 1959), pp. 34-42. (21)
1961 1. ERICKSEN, J. L.: Conservation laws for liquid crystals. Trans. Soc. Rheol. 5,
23-34. (4, 8)
2. FRIEDRICHS, K. 0., and R. F. DRESSLER: A boundary-layer theory for elastic
plates. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 14, 1-33. (21)
3. GoL'DENVEIZER, A. L.: Theory of elastic thin shells [trans!. from the 1953 Russian
ed.]. Oxford: Pergamon Press. xxi+ 658 pp. (7, 21, 21A, 26)
4. GuNTHER, W.: Analoge Systeme von Schalengleichungen. Ing.-Arch. 30, 160-186.
5. KorTER, W. T.: A systematic simplification of the general equations in the linear
theory of thin shells. Proc. Koninkl. Ned. Akad. Wetenschap., Ser. B 64, 612-619.
6. LEONARD, R. W.: Nonlinear first approximation thin shell and membrane theory.
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Field, Va.) (21)
7. LuR'E, A. I.: On the static geometric analogue of shell theory. Problems of con-
tinuum mechanics (N. I. MuskhelishviliAnniv. Vol.), pp. 267-274. Phila.: S.l.A.M. (26)
P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates.

8. MINDLIN, R. D.: High frequency vibrations of crystal plates. Quart. Appl. Math.
19, 51-61. (20)
9. MoRGENSTERN, D., and I. SzABO: Vorlesungen iiber theoretische Mechanik. Berlin-
GOttingen-Heidelberg: Springer. (20)
10. MusHTARI, KH. M., and K. Z. GALIMOV: Non-linear theory of thin elastic shells
[transl. from the 1957 Russian ed.]. Israel Program for Scientific Translations.
374 pp. (21)
11. REiss, E. L., and S. LocKE: On the theory of plane stress. Quart. Appl. Math.
19, 195-203. (21)
12. RuDIGER, D.: Eine geometrisch nichtlineare Schalentheorie. Z. Angew. Math.
Mech. 41, 198-207. (21)
1962 1. DuDDECK, H.: Das Randstorungsproblem der technischen Biegetheorie diinner
Schalen in drei korrespondierenden Darstellungen. Oester. Ing.-Arch. 17, 32-57. (7)
2. EssENBURG, F.: On surface constraints in plate problems. J. Appl. Mech. 29,
340-344. (20)
3. GoL'DENVEIZER, A. L.: Derivation of an approximate theory of bending of a plate
by the method of asymptotic integration of the equations of the theory of elasticity.
J. Appl. Math. Mech. (Transl. of PMM) 26, 1000-1025. (21)
4. GREEN, A. E.: On the linear theory of thin elastic shells. Proc. Roy. Soc. London,
Ser. A 266, 143-160. (21)
5. - Boundary-layer equations in the theory of thin elastic shells. Proc. Roy. Soc.
London, Ser. A 269, 481-491. (21)
6. NoRDGREN, R. P., and P.M. NAGHDI: Propagation of thermoelastic waves in an
unlimited shallow spherical shell under heating. Proc. 4th U.S. Nat'l. Congr. Appl.
Mech. (Berkeley, Calif.), pp. 311-324. (18)
7. REISS, E. L.: On the theory of cylindrical shells. Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 15,
324-338. (21)
8. ZERNA, W.: Mathematisch strenge Theorie elastischer Schalen. Z. Angew. Math.
Mech. 42, 333-341. (7)
1963 1. BuDIANSKY, B., and J. L. SANDERS, JR.: On the "best" first-order linear shell
theory. Progress in applied mechanics (The Prager Anniv. Vol.), pp. 129-140. (20)
2. CoLEMAN, B. D., and W. NoLL: The thermodynamics of elastic materials with heat
conduction and viscosity. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 13, 167-178. (13)
3. GoL'DENVEIZER, A. L.: Derivation of an approximate theory of shells by means of
asymptotic integration of the equations of the theory of elasticity. J. Appl. Math.
Mech. (Transl. of PMM) 27, 903-924. (21)
4. JoHNSON, M. W.: A boundary layer theory of unsymmetric deformations of circular
cylindrical elastic shells. J. Math. Phys. 42, 167-188. (21)
5. MINDLIN, R. D.: High frequency vibrations of plated, crystal plates. Progress in
applied mechanics (The Prager Anniv. Vol.), pp. 73-84. (20)
6. NAGHDI, P.M.: Foundations of elastic shell theory. Progress in solid mech., Vol. 4
(edit. by I. N. SNEDDON and R. HILL), pp. 1-90. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ.
Co. =Tech. Rept. No.15, ContractNonr-222 (69), Univ. of Calif., Berkeley (Jan. 1962).
(7, 12, 12A, 20, 21A, 26, A.3)
7. - A new derivation of the general equations of elastic shells. Int. J. Engng. Sci.
1, 509-522. (6, 7, 15, 20, 26)
8. -,and R. P. NORDGREN: On the nonlinear theory of elastic shells under the
Kirchhoff hypothesis. Quart. Appl. Math. 21, 49-59. (15, 21)
9. REISSNER, E.: On the derivation of boundary conditions for plate theory. Proc.
Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A 276, 178-186. (21)
10. - On the derivation of the theory of thin elastic shells. J. Math. Phys. 42, 263-277.
11. - On the equations for finite symmetrical deflections of thin shells of revolution.
Progress in applied mechanics (The Prager Anniv. Vol.), pp. 171-178. (21)
12. SANDERS, J. L., JR.: Nonlinear theories for thin shells. Quart. Appl. Math. 21,
21-36. (21)
13. SERBIN, H.: Quadratic invariants of surface deformations and the strain energy of
thin elastic shells. J. Math. Phys. 4, 838-851. (10)
14. STOKER, J. J.: Elastic deformations of thin cylindrical sheets. Progress in applied
mechanics (The Prager Anniv. Vol.), pp. 179-188. (21)
15. TIFFEN, R., and P. G. LowE: An exact theory of generally loaded elastic plates in
terms of moments of the fundamental equations. Proc. London Math. Soc. 13,
653-671. (12)
16. WAINWRIGHT, W. L.: On a nonlinear theory of elastic shells. Int. J. Engng. Sci. 1,
339-358. (21)

1964 1. AMBARTSUMIAN, S. A.: Theory of anisotropic shells [transl. from a 1961 Russian ed.].
NASA Technical Translation TTF-118. vi+ 395 pp. (21)
2. Fox, N.: On asymptotic expansions in plate theory. Proc. Roy. Soc. London,
Ser. A 278, 228-233. (21)
3. GREEN, A. E., and R. S. RrvLIN: On Cauchy's equations of motion. Z. Angew.
Math. Phys. 15, 29o-292. (8)
4. NAGHDI, P.M.: On the nonlinear thermoelastic theory of shells. Proc. lASS Sym-
posium on non-classical shell problems (Warsaw, 1963), pp. 5-26. (11)
5. - Further results in the derivation of the general equations of elastic shells. Int.
J. Engng. Sci. 2, 269--273. (20, 26)
6. - On a variational theorem in elasticity and its application to shell theory. J.
Appl. Mech. 31, 647-653. (7, 20)
7. REISSNER, E.: On the form of variationally derived shell equations. J. Appl. Mech.
31, 233-238. (7, 20)
8. TouPIN, R. A.: Theories of elasticity with couple-stress. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.
17, 85-112. (4)
1965 1. GoL'DENVEIZER, A., and A. V. KoLos: On the derivation of two-dimensional
equations in the theory of thin elastic plates. J. Appl. Math. Mech. (Transl. of
PMM) 29, 151-166. (21)
2. GREEN, A. E., and P. M. NAGHDI: Some remarks on the linear theory of shells.
Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 18, 25 7-276 and 20, 527 (1967). (21)
3. - - , and R. S. RrvLIN: Directors and multipolar displacements in continuum
mechanics. Int. J. Engng. Sci. 2, 611-620. (4, 8)
4. - - , and W. L. WAINWRIGHT: A general theory of a Cosserat surface. Arch.
Rational Mech. Anal. 20, 287-308. (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 16)
5. JOHN, F.: Estimates for the derivatives of the stresses in a thin shell and interior
shell equations. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 18, 235-267. (4, 20)
6. NAGHDI, P.M.: A static-geometric analogue in the theory of couple-stress. Proc.
Koninkl. Ned. Akad. Wetenschap., Ser. B 68, 29--32. (26)
7. REISSNER, E.: A note on variational principles in elasticity. Int. J. Solids Structures
1, 93-95 and 351. (7)
8. TIFFEN, R., and P. G. LowE: An exact theory of plane stress. J. London Math.
Soc. 40, 72-86. (12)
9. TRUESDELL, C., and W. NOLL: The non-linear field theories of mechanics. In Handbuch
der Physik, Vol. III/3 (edit. by S. FLUGGE). Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer
viii+ 602 pp. (2, 4, 8, 11, Chap. D-preliminary remarks, 13, 14, 17)
1966 1. CoHEN, H., and C. N. DE SILVA: Nonlinear theory of elastic surfaces. J. Math.
Phys. 7, 246-253. (10)
2. - - Theory of directed surfaces. J. Math. Phys. 7, 96Q-966. (4, 5, 9, 13)
3. GREEN, A. E., and N. LAws: Further remarks on the boundary conditions for thin
elastic shells. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A 289, 171-176. (21)
4. KolTER, W. T.: On the nonlinear theory of thin elastic shells. Proc. Koninkl. Ned.
Akad. Wetenschap., Ser. B 69, 1-54. (21)
5. KoLLMAN, F. G.: Eine Ableitung der Kompatibilitatsbedingungen in der linearen
Schalentheorie mit Hilfe des Riemannschen Kriimmungstensors. Ing.-Arch. 35,
1Q-16. (7)
6. LAws, N.: A boundary-layer theory for plates with initial stress. Proc. Cambridge
Phil. Soc. 62, 313-327. (21)
7. NAGHDI, P.M.: On the differential equations of the linear theory of elastic shells.
Proc. Eleventh Int. Congr. Appl. Mech. (Munich, 1964), pp. 262-269. (20, 26)
8. REISSNER, E.: On the foundations of the linear theory of elastic shells. Proc.
Eleventh Int. Congr. Appl. Mech. (Munich, 1964), pp. 2o-30. (21A)
1967 1. BALABAN, M. :M., A. E. GREEN, and P.M. NAGHDI: Simple force multipoles in the
theory of deformable surfaces. J. Math. Phys. 8, 1026-1036. (10, 15)
2. CROCHET, M. J.: Compatibility equations for a Cosserat surface. J. Mecanique
6, 593-600 and 9, 600 (1970). (6)
3. ERINGEN, A. C.: Theory of micropolar plates. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 18, 12-30. (21)
4. GREEN, A. E., and P.M. NAGHDI: The linear theory of an elastic Cosserat plate.
Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 63, 537-550 and 922. (6, 7, 9, 13, 16, 24)
5. - - Micropolar and director theories of plates. Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 20,
183-199- (21)
6. NAGHDI, P.M.: A theory of deformable surface and elastic shell theory. Proc.
Symposium on the theory of shells to honor L. H. DoNNELL (Houston, 1966),
pp. 25-43. (9, 24)
1968 1. BumANSKY, B.: Notes on nonlinear shell theory. J. Appl. Mech. 35, 393-401. (21)
640 P. M. NAGHDI: The Theory of Shells and Plates.

2. CoHEN, H., and C. N. DE SILVA: On a nonlinear theory of elastic shells. J. Mecanique

7, 459--464. (10)
3. CossERAT, E., and F.: Theory of deformable bodies. Translation of [1909, 1].
NASA TT F-11, 561 (Washington, D.C.). Clearinghouse for U.S. Federal Scientific
and Technical Information, Springfield, Virginia. (4)
4. GREEN, A. E., N. LAWS, and P.M. NAGHDI: Rods, plates and shells. Proc. Cam-
bridge Phil. Soc. 64, 895-913. (4, 7, 11, 12, 18)
5. -,and P.M. NAGHDI: A note on the Cosserat surface. Quart. J. Mech. Appl.
Math. 21, 135-139. (15, 25)
6. - - The linear elastic Cosserat surface and shell theory. Int. J. Solids and Struc-
tures 4, 585-592. (6, 9, 13, 16, 24, 25)
7. - - The Cosserat surface. Proc. IUTAM Symposium on mechanics of generalized
continua (Freudenstadt and Stuttgart, 1967), pp. 3H8. (9, 15)
8. - - , and R. B. OsBORN: Theory of an elastic-plastic Cosserat surface. Int. J.
Solids and Structures 4, 907-927. (Chap. D-preliminary remarks)
9. -,and W. ZERNA: 2nd ed. of [1954, I]. ix + 457 pp. (4, 7, 11, 12A, 20, 21, 22, 24,
10. KNoPs, R. J., and L. E. PAYNE: Uniqueness in classical elasto-dynamics. Arch.
Rational Mech. Anal. 27, 349--355. (26)
11. SENSENIG, C. B.: A shell theory compared with the exact three dimensional theory
of elasticity. Int. J. Engng. Sci. 6, 435-464. (20)
12. STOKER, J. J.: Nonlinear elasticity. New York: Gordon and Breach. xi+ 130 pp. (21)
13. WENNER, M. L.: On torsion of an elastic cylindrical Cosserat surface. Int. J. Solids
and Structures 4, 769--776. (24)
14. ZERNA, W.: A new formulation of the theory of elastic shells. lASS Bull. 37, 61-
76. (7)
1969 1. CROCHET, M. J., and P.M. NAGHDI: Large deformation solutions for an elastic
Cosserat surface. Int. J. Engng. Sci. 7, 309--335. (14)
2. GoL'DENVEIZER, A.: Boundary layer and its interaction with the interior state of
stress of an elastic thin shell. J. Appl. Math. Mech. (Trans!. of PMM) 33, 971-1001
and 34, 548, (1970). (21)
3. GREEN, A. E., and P.M. NAGHDI: Shells in the light of generalized continua. Proc.
Second IUTAM Symposium on the theory of thin shells (Copenhagen, 1967),
pp. 39--58. (6, 16, 24)
4. JOHN, F.: Refined interior shell equations. Proc. Second IUT AM Symposium on the
theory of thin shells (Copenhagen, 1967), pp. 1-14. (4, 20)
5. TIERSTEN, H. F.: Linear piezoelectric plate vibrations. New York: Plenum Press.
XV+ 212 pp. (20)
1970 1. ERICKSEN, J. L.: Uniformity in shells. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 37, 73-84. (14)
2. GREEN, A. E., and P.M. NAGHDI: Non-isothermal theory of rods, plates and shells.
Int. J. Solids and Structures 6, 209--244 and 7, 127 (1971). (7, 11, 12, 17, 18, 24)
3. - - , and J. A. TRAPP: Thermodynamics of a continuum with internal constraints.
Int. J. Engng. Sci. 8, 891-908. (14)
4. KolTER, W. T.: On the foundations of the linear theory of thin elastic shells, I and II.
Proc. Koninkl. Ned. Akad. Wetenschap., Ser. B 73, 169--195. (20)
1971 1. ANTMAN, S. S.: Existence and nonuniqueness of axisymmetric equilibrium states
of nonlinearly elastic shells. Arch. Rational. Mech. Anal. 40, 329-372. (14)
2. BIRICIKOGLU, V., and A. KALNINS: Large elastic deformations of shells with the
inclusion of transverse normalstrain. Int. J. Solids and Structures 7, 431-444. (21)
3. CROCHET, M. J.: Finite deformations of inextensible Cosserat surface. Int. J. Solids
and Structures 7, 383-397. (14)
4. GREEN, A. E., and P.M. NAGHDI: On uniqueness in the linear theory of elastic
shells and plates. J. Mecanique 10, 251-261. (26)
5. - - On superposed small deformations on a large deformation of an elastic
Cosserat surface. J. Elasticity 1, 1-17. (14)
6. - -,and M. L. WENNER: Linear theory of Cosserat surface and elastic plates of
variable thickness. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 69, 227-254. (6, 9, 11, 12, 19, 20, 24)
7. NoRDGREN, R. P.: A bound on the error in plate theory. Quart. Appl Math. 28,
587-595. (20)
8. SIMMONDS, J. G.: An improved estimate for the error in the classical, linear theory
of plate bending. Quart. Appl. Math. 29, 439--447. (20)
9. STEELE, C. R.: A geometric optics solution for the thin shell equation. Int. J. Engng.
Sci. 9, 681-704. (7, 26)
The Theory o£ Rods.


With 5 Figures.

A. Introduction. 1
1. Definition and purpose of rod theories. Nature of this article. A theory of rods 2
or, equivalently, a one-dimensional theory of solids is a characterization of the
behavior of slender three-dimensional solid bodies by a set of equations having
the parameter of a certain curve and the time as the only independent variables.
The formidable mathematical obstacles presented by three-dimensional continuum
theories dictate the need for tractable, accurate, and illuminating one-dimensional
We regard the study of rods as a mathematical science that must meet high
standards of rigor, logic, and precision. We concentrate on problems that help
clarify the structure of nonlinear continuum mechanics, employing linear theories
only for illustration. We do not treat technical theories of rods, which are developed
in a voluminous literature. Although many technical theories have achieved
marked success in applications to structural mechanics, the special nature of the
hypotheses underlying these theories tends to obscure the features common to
all one-dimensional continua. Our work however will indicate how linear technical
theories can be developed without the inconsistencies that arise from time to
time in elementary "derivations" and how such theories can be assigned a position
within a hierarchy of rationally constructed rod theories. We cannot do the same
for a great number of nonlinear technical theories that are based upon ad hoc
assumptions leading to the neglect of certain kinematic terms regarded as small.
These theories enjoy neither the accuracy and the generality of the complete
nonlinear theory nor the analytic simplicity of the linear theory. As often as not,
the equations of such approximate nonlinear theories are no easier to study than
the equations of the complete nonlinear theory itsel£. 3
1 Acknowledgment. This article was begun while the author, on leave of absence from
New York University, was a Senior Visiting Fellow of the Science Research Council of Great
Britain at the University of Oxford. It was completed at New York University under grant
GP-27209 from the National Science Foundation. The author is grateful to these organiza-
tions for their support.
2 We use ''rod'' as a generic name for ''arch'', ''bar'', ''beam'', ''column'', ''ring'',
"shaft", etc. We employ "rod" in both the intuitive sense of a slender body and in several
precise mathematical senses. The meaning will be clear from the context.
3 Such approximate nonlinear theories are developed by a procedure analogous to re-
placing the nonlinear eigenvalue problemy"+ A sin y = 0, y (0) = y (1) = 0 by the approximate
problem y" +}. (y- y 3 j6) = o, y (o) = y (1) = 0. The study of the latter is no easier than that
of the former, but the behavior of solutions for large y is markedly different in each case.
The behavior near the trivial solution y ~ 0 is nearly the same, so no advantage is gained
here. Indeed, a perturbation analysis of the first problem (which can be justified mathe-
matically in this case) leads to a sequence of linear problems whose solutions provide a more
accurate picture of the local behavior of the first problem than does an exact solution of the
second problem.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Yl a/2. 41
642 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 2.

This article consists of two main parts. In Chap. B, we examine several

rational developments of rod theories and the corresponding diverse interpreta-
tions of the role and scope of such theories. We are able to bring a certain unity
to these various approaches by showing that each of several distinct constructions
yields governing equations of exactly the same form, the variables entering these
equations enjoying the greatest latitude of physical interpretation. We can thereby
resolve some of the controversies that have beset our subject. In Chap. C we
treat a variety of problems in the theory of nonlinearly elastic rods. The different
topics in this chapter are substantially independent. A detailed study of Chap. B
is unnecessary for the understanding of Chap. C.
2. Notation. Our notational scheme is in the spirit of that described by TRUESDELL and
NoLL in Sect. 6 of The Non-linear Field Theories of Mechanics in vol. III/3 of this Encyclo-
pedia. Lower case Latin indices have the range 1, 2, 3 and lower case Greek indices have the
range 1. 2. These indices obey the summation convention. German indices are enumerative.
Let ;r = (xl, x 2 , x3) be a system of curvilinear coordinates for (a region of) the Euclidean
3-space tff3 and let -r(:r) denote the position vector to the point with coordinates :r. We define
the base vectors gp. their duals gP, and the components gpq and gPq of the metric tensor 1 by


where the dot denotes the inner product and b~ is the Kronecker delta. The cross product of
two base vectors is given by
gP X gP = yg epqs gs, (2.2)
where epqs is the permutation symbol and

g =det(gpq), yg = (gl X Y2l · Ya· (2.3)

We denote vectors in C3 by lower case bold-face symbols. Any vector v can be written as
a linear combination of the base vectors :

v=vPgp=vpgP, (2.4)
with vP = v · gP and vp = v · gp being the contravariant and covariant components of v,
respectively. Second order tensors in C3 are denoted by upper case bold-face symbols. A second
order tensor A with contravariant components APq is a linear transformation that assigns
to each vector u the vector
V=AU (2.5)
with contravariant components
The transpose of A is denoted AT.
The product AB of the second order tensors A and B is the second order tensor with
contravariant components AP5 B 5 q. The dyadic product u ® v of two vectors u and v is the
second order tensor with contravariant components uP vq. If tfo is a differentiable scalar
function of the vector v, then otfofov denotes the vector with covariant components otfojovP
and if 1p is a differentiable scalar function of the tensor A, then 01pj0A is the tensor with
covariant components 01pj0Apq. Generalizations are immediate.
We denote sets by upper case script symbols. We employ the standard notation of set
theory. In particular, the boundary of a set ,s;1 is denoted od. Iff maps a set ,s;1 into a set /JI,
we define the range of ,s;1 under f to be

f(d) ={bEf!l: b=f(a), aE .91}. (2.7)

When necessary we carefully distinguish between a function and its values, occasionally
denoting the function with values I (a) by I ( ·).
· In Chap. B, where we formulate the equations of rod theories, we make the usual assump-
tions that variables whose derivatives are exhibited actually possess such derivatives and that
the boundaries of regions are regular enough for the integral theorems that are used to be
valid. In Chap. C, where we discuss solutions of the equations, we precisely delimit the notions
of smoothness used.
Sect. 3. Background. 643
3. Background. The reader of this article is presumed familiar with the fundamental
concepts of three-dimensional continuum physics, detailed expositions of which may be
found in the treatises The Classical Field Theories (hereafter abbreviated "CFT") by TRUES-
DELL and TouPIN (1960) in vol. III/1 of this encyclopedia and The Non-linear Field Theories
of Mechanics (hereafter abbreviated "NFTM") by TRUESDELL and NoLL (1965) in vol. III/3
of this encyclopedia. In this section we summarize the principal relations to be used in Chap. B.
Let a body §I (NFTM, Sect. 15) consist of particles X. The smooth invertible mapping t
associates with each particle X its position 'I'= (X) in the body's reference configuration in tf3.
r(§l) accordingly denotes the region of tf3 occupied by §I in its reference configuration. The
position of X in the configuration occupied by §I at time t is denoted r = r (X, t). Hence the
region of tf3 occupied by §I at timet is r(fA, t). r(fA) is assigned a system of curvilinear material
coordinates X= (X 1 , X 2 , X 3 ) by the smooth invertible mapping X that associates with each
particle X E§I the triad X= X (X) in the region X (fA) of the real number space a~s. The smooth
r r
invertible mapping of X (fA) onto (fA) given by r = (X-1 (X)} is denoted r = r (X) and the
smooth invertible mapping of X(fA) cnto r(fA,t) given by r=t(X-1 (X),t) is denoted
If f is a function of A, y, s with values f(A, y, s), then we define
of oB of
f,p(B(X,t),X,t)= oA (B(X,t),X,t) oXP (X,t)+ oyP (B(X,t),X,t),

• of oB of
f{B(X, t), X, t) = -iJ]f (B(X, t)X, t) Bt (X, t) + BS (B(X, t)X, t), (3.1)
of , or of , or
oXP (B(X, t), X, t) = oyP (B(X, t), X, t), at (B(X, t) X, t) = Bs (B(X, t), X, t)·
Thus f p and i represent "total partial derivatives". (f is the material time derivative of f.)
If f depends only upon X, t, the history of f up to time t is the function f(l) defined by

f(t) (X, s) = f(X, t- s). (3.2)

The position, velocity, and acceleration of the particle with material coordinates X at time t
are respectively denoted
• 07' ) .. o2r (X )
r=r(X,t), r=Bt (X,t, t'=Btl ,t. (3.3)
The right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor C is defined by
Cpq =r,p. r,q· (3.4)
Since the governing field equations for solids are naturally formulated in material coordi-
nates, there is no restriction and there is considerable convenience in choosing the set of
spatial coordinate surfaces xP = canst to be the material surfaces whose particles form the
surfaces XP (X) = canst in the reference configuration. The coordinates XP are termed con-
vected material coordinates.' These coordinates are used throughout this article. We can
specialize expressions involving an arbitrary system of spatial coordinates;,;= (x1 , x2 , xS) to
convected material coordinates by formally identifying xP = XP. Thus the base vectors and
the covariant components of the metric tensor, defined in (2.1), are given for each configura-
tion of the body by
Yp=r,p. Ypq=r,p· r,q· (3.5)
Let G denote the value of g in the reference configuration. If !.>o(X) > 0 is the given density
at the particle X = x-
1 (X) in the reference configuration, then the density !.>(X, t) at the
same particle in the configuration occupied by the body at time t is defined by the continuity
!.> Vg=eo }"G. (3.6)
The continuity condition, expressing the impossibility of compressing a positive volume of
material into a zero volume, can be written as
gfG>O. (3.7)
4These coordinates are discussed in CFT, Sect. 66 b; NFTM, Sect. 1 5 ; and in the references
cited therein. They are particularly suitable for rods, being inherent in the concepts of refer-
ence curve and cross-section.
644 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 3.

The somewhat stronger requirement that no fiber of positive length can be compressed to
zero length is equivalent to the positive-definiteness of C:
Cpq vP vq> 0 (3.8)
for all v =1= 0. We term this the strong continuity condition.
We denote the stress vector acting across the material surface XP = const by
t:P=tPq Yq· (3.9)
where tpq are the components of the (Cauchy) stress tensor. We introduce convected represen-
tations of the Piola-Kirchhoff stress vector c-t Tp and stress tensor c-t T (CFT, Sect. 210;
NFTM, Sect. 43A) by

TP=fct:P, TPbfgtpq, TP=TPqgp. TP@gp=T. (3.10}

Let v be the unit normal to a material surface in its reference configuration. We set

T(y) = Tp Vp= TP9 Vp Yq. (3.11)

The equations of motion of an arbitrary nonpolar medium may be written as

T~p +eo JIG!= eo Veil' (3 .12)

gpXTP=O, orequivalently, T=TT, (3 .13)
where f is the body force per unit mass.
Let e.'. denote the temperature and let e, e-;. ,, 1p respectively denote the densities per
unit mass of the internal energy, entropy, and free energy. We call A the logarithmic temperature
and ' the temperature entropy function. These variables are related by

Our representation for the temperature ensures its positivity whenever A> - oo. The use
of the variables A and ' simplifies a number of formulae that follow.
Let G -! q denote the heat flux vector measured per unit reference area of a material
surface through which the heat passes. (In convected coordinates, the usual heat flux vector
per unit actual surface area is given by qffi .) q ·vis positive when heat flows in the v-direc-
tion. Let h denote the rate of heat supply per unit mass. The integral equation of energy
balance is
:t f(e+ ~ r·r)eoYGdX dX2dX 1 3= j(f·r+h)e0 VGdX1dX2dXa

~~ 1~
+ c-t(T(,l·r-q·v)dA,

where dA denotes the differential surface area of or(&'l). The use of (3.12) reduces (3.15) to
the local form 5
(3 .16}
r= grad A, (yp=A,p) (3.17)
the Clausius-Duhem entropy inequality 6 can be written as

eo VG(C _,;.) +q~ p- q · r -e0 VG h~o. (3.18}

The substitution of (3.16) into (3.18) reduces the latter to

-eo ]IG(lj! +dl +TP · r,p-q ·r~o. (3.19)

5 In our convected coordinates, 2TP · r p = TPq Cpq·
6 There remains some controversy over the range of validity of this relation. Its replace-
ment by some other thermodynamic inequality would not affect our general methods for
constructing rod theories, since the role of such an inequality as a restriction on the constitutive
relations would be unchanged.
Sect. 3. Background. 645
We restrict our considerations to simple solids (NFTM, Sects. 28, 29, 33) which have
constitutive relations of the form
-rP(X, t) =iP(.,.!~(X, •), A_(I)(X, •), l'(t)(X, •), X),
q(X, t) = q ('~'!~(X, •), A_(I)(X, •), l'(t) (X, •), X),
C(X, t) ='('~'!~(X, •), A.ltl(X, •), l'(I)(X, ·),X),
1p (X, t) = ijJ ('~'!~(X, •), A_(t)(X, • ), l'(t)(X, • ), X).

Here iP, q, ijJ are suitably valued functionals of the indicated histories? and of the real
variables X. The application of the principle of material frame indifference to (3.20) yields
the reduced constitutive relations (NFTM, Sects. 29, 96 bis) of the form
T(X, t) =T(C(I)(X, •), A_(t)(X, •), y(I)(X, •), X),
q(X, t) =q(C(t)(X, •), A_(I)(X, •), l'(I)(X, •), X),
C(X, t) = C(C(I)(X, •), A_(I)(X, •), l'(I)(X, •), X),
1p(X, t) =Vi(C(I)(X, •), A_(I)(X, •), l'(I)(X, •), X).
Whenever we employ the less specific form (3.20) for its formal simplicity, we assume that it is
nevertheless frame-indifferent. These constitutive relations must also be consistent with the
symmetry condition (3.13), the entropy inequality (3.18) or (3.19), and the strengthened
continuity condition (3.8). These relations discharge their responsibilities to continuum
mechanics by being incorporated into the constitutive equations&. They therefore play no
active role in the formulation of boundary value problems. Indeed, we can replace T, q, C. 1p
in (3.12) and (3.16) by their representations (3.20) or (3.21) in terms of 1' and A.. Eqs. (3.12) and
(3.16) thereby become a set of four equations for the unknown functions 1' ='l'(X, t) and
A.= l (X, t). We regard .,. and l as the fundamental dependent variables and the Eqs. (3.12)
and (3.16) as the fundamental equations of continuum physics.
In general, we prescribe
I =f(.,.(l), A_(l), X, t), h= k (1'(1), A_(t), X, t). (3.22)
Let {ep(X, t)} for XEC!X(£i') be a given set of three independent vectors and let {eP(X, t)}
be their duals: ep • eq = 15~. Let v denote the unit outer normal to 8 i' (£i'). For each X E ()X (£i')
and for each p, we specify either the functional 'ifv)

'r(v) · eP = t-fv) (1'(1), A_(l), X, t) (3 .23)

or else the components of 1" = 1" (X, t) such that

r · ep= fit-
or (X
, t) · ep(X, t) (3.24)
7 The replacement of J.(l) by the history of some other thermodynamic variable as an
independent variable in (3.20) and the consequent change in dependent variables causes no
difficulty. The form (3.20) is most convenient for our purposes.
s The treatment of the strict inequality (3.8), (or of (3.7)) necessarily differs from that
for the entropy inequality. We adopt the view that real materials cannot violate (3.8) for
finite values ofT, q, ?;,1p (cf. ANTMAN, 1970b, 1971). We can ensure this by requiring that at
least one of the dependent constitutive variables T, q, C.1p becomes unbounded as any eigen-
value of C approaches zero.
Had we employed the temperature rather than the logarithmic temperature as an in-
dependent constitutive variable, we would have had to postulate that the temperature be
positive. The condition that at least one of the dependent constitutive variables becomes
unbounded as the temperature approaches zero is equivalent to the condition that one of
these dependent variables becomes unbounded as the logarithmic temperature approaches
- oo. It is clear that these conditions are closely connected to questions of regularity: If the
constitutive relations are such that reasonable problems have bounded solutions l, then the
temperature must be positive. The analogous treatment of (3.8) by the introduction of a
new tensorial measure of strain whose components take values on (- oo, oo) awkwardly
complicates the kinematic relations. As we shall see from the treatment of the corresponding
one-dimensional problem in Sects. 19-22, the choice of an appropriate new strain measure is
strongly influenced by the requirements of a well-set boundary value problem.
646 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 4.

is determined. Conditions (3.23) and (3.24) ensure that

~ G-t (T(v)- T(vj) · (f- :f) dA = 0,

where T(v) is any vector satisfying whichever of the conditions (3.23) are prescribed and where
:f is any vector satisfying whichever of the conditions (3.24) are prescribed. We also specify
q · v= q(v) (r(t), ).(1), X, t) (3.26)
i. =A(X, t) (3.27)
for each XE8X(al'). These boundary conditions generalize accepted conditions for elastic
bodies. 9

B. Formation of rod theories.

I. Approximation of three-dimensional equations.
4. Nature of the approximation process. We are confronted with a straight-
forward mathematical problem: To construct a rational scheme for approximating
the system of field equations of Sect. 3, having the four independent variables X, t,
by a system in just the two independent variables of a space coordinate and t.
Such a scheme would yield a sequence of one-dimensional problems of increasing
complexity, the solutions of these problems converging in some appropriate sense
to a solution of the three-dimensional problem (provided the latter exists). Our
development must also be consistent with the physical objectives ofrod theories
in that the resulting approximating equations be useful and accurate and that
the variables entering these equations have relatively simple physical inter-
pretations. We meet these requirements by using a generalized form of projection
methods,l 0 which is explained in the rest of this subchapter. In Sect. 13, we
discuss asymptotic methods.
Our development is far more general than necessary for any practical purpose.
We employ it because it explains the form invariance enjoyed by rod theories
constructed by apparently dissimilar processes. Moreover, it contains as special
cases the most general constructions heretofore proposed.
For simplicity, we restrict our attention to simple thermo-mechanical mate-
rials. It is clear that our projection methods readily handle materials with addi-
tional kinematic and physical structure.
Those bodies to which we can apply our approximation scheme are termed
rods in this subchapter. Precisely, a rod is a pair (81, X) consisting of a connected
(but not necessarily simply-connected) solid body 81 and a smooth invertible
mapping i that assigns material coordinates to 81 such that (i) X1 (81) and X2 (81)
are bounded sets of real numbers, and (ii) there is a real number m such that
G(X) <m for each XEX(81). These requirements ensure that rods have finite
This concept of rods clearly includes bodies that are not slender. For such
bodies, the utility of the resulting one-dimensional equations may be seriously
impaired, although the approximation procedure may still converge. We comment
further on this question in Sect. 11.
9 A definitive listing of appropriate boundary conditions for a given body must await
the verdict of existence theorems. The conditions given here are based on plausible physical
assumptions and are consistent with those for variational problems.
10 Special cases of such processes are usually associated with the names of RITZ, GALER-
KIN, and KANTOROVICH. See Sect. 11 for references.
Sect. 5. Representation of position and logarithmic temperature. 647
Note that we do not require the X 3-axis to be a curve of centroids for the reference con-
figuration of the body. For segments of a cylinder and for other bodies of simple reference
geometry, it is clear that there exists a curve of centroids. But for arbitrary bodies, it is not
evident how to define this curve conveniently and unambiguously. Were such a definition
possible and were a given body to possess a curve of centroids, the actual construction of the
curve from geometrical data would remain a formidable practical task. Moreover, for a given
problem, the curve need not be the most natural choice for the X 3-axis.
We frequently denote the distinguished coordinate X 3 by 5 and use the sub-
script ", 5" in place of ", 3". We set

We permit 5 1 and 5 2 to be infinite. 5 =51 and 5 =5 2 are called the ends of the rod.
We set
Y= ai(.?4) n{X: 51 <5 <5 2},
.si(T) =X(.?4) n{X: 5= T}.

The lateral surface of the rod is r(Y, t) and the cross-sectional surface at 5= T
is r (.st (T), t).
We introduce surface parameters U, V for r(Y) by

If v denotes the unit outer normal to r ( Y), then
ax a.
Y,. BU =0, (4.4)

The differential surface area on r (Y) is given by

dA = 1 ~va (~·I; v1 - ~~ y2)dU d5. (4.5)

5. Representation of position and logarithmic temperature. Let rft denote an

ordered set of ~ + 1 vectors and l\2 , an ordered set of ~ + 1 scalars:
rft={r,,f=O, ... ,SI}, A2 ={A.1,(=0, ... ,S!}. (5.1)
We seek to approximate r(X, t) and A(X, t), the fundamental dependent variables
of the three-dimensional theory, by representations of the form
r(X, t) r-..J b (rft (5, t), X, t), (5.2)
A(X, t) r-..J {J (l\2 (5, t), X, t), (5.3)
where the sets of functions rft (5, t) and l\2 (5, t) are to be determined. Here
b(rft, X, t) is a given vector function on ~a(Mt) xX(.?4) x~ and (J(l\2 , X, t) is a
given scalar function on ~E+t xX(.?4) x~. It is often useful and illuminating to
regard the representations (5.2) and (5.3), not merely as approximations for r
and A, but as exact expressions of permissible forms of r and A for a class of
constrained materials.U
Let {ep(X, t)} for XEY' be a prescribed set of three independent vectors (cf. Sect. 3).
If any of the four quantities {f · ep}, A is prescribed on parts of Y' for some intervals of time,
11 This interpretation was used by VoLTERRA (1955, 1956, 1961). It was developed further
by ANTMAN and WARNER (1966). We can interpret the work of GREEN, LAWS, and NAGHDI
(1968) and of GREEN and NAGHDI (1970) in this context. See the discussion in Sect. 11.
648 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 5.

we may employ the following process to construct representations so that {b · ep}, {3 have the
same specified values on the same parts of !I' for the same intervals of time. Suppose that
1' • ep = up(X, t) for X E !I'p(t) ( !I',
A= u 0 (X, t) for X E!1'0 (t) (!I',
where Uq, q =0, 1, 2, 3, are prescribed functions of X, ton the time-dependent subsets yq(t)
of !I'. Let {~~(X, t)} be a family of sufficiently smooth func?ons for which ~~(X, t) = 0 is
the equation of any surface containing !l'q(t). (Note that ~~(X, t) =0 for XE!I'q(t). See
Fig. 1.) By choosing a vector function b* (X, t) and a scalar function {3* (X, t) such that
b* · ep=Up for XEfl'p(t), {3* =Uo for XE!/0 , (5.5)
and by choosing b - b* and {3 - {3* such that
(b- b*) · ep = 1:~~(X, t) ka(r.~t, X, t),
f3- {3* =
1: ~~(X, t) xa(i\£, X, t),
where ka, xa are sufficiently smooth functions of their indicated arguments, we ensure that
b · ep =up for X E fl'p (t), {3 = u 0 for X E!1'0 (t). (5.7)

L------------------------- --------;F'
Fig. 1. The intersection (in X-space) of the surfaces !/, !l'q (t), and ~~(X, t) = 0 with the
plane X 3 = const.

If (5.4) is time-independent, there is no need forb and {3 to depend explicitly on t.1 2

As special choices for b and {J we may take the linear relations
ft £
b=b*(X, t) + ~ Bf(X, t) rr(S, t), {J={J*(X, t) + L (Jl(X, t) ).r(S, t), (5.8)
l=O l=O
where b*, {Bf}, {J*, {(Jl} are a fixed set of differentiable functions of X, t. The generality
afforded by the use of tensors {Bf} instead of just scalars proves convenient in the treatment
of some important problems (see Sect. 11). It allows each component of 1' to have an indi-
vidual representation like that for A in (5.8) 2 • If position boundary conditions are not pre-
scribed on !1', we may choose b* to be the position vector to the particles in the reference
configuration so that b - b* represents the displacement from the reference configuration.
Moreover, we may assume that b* itself is approximated by an expansion of the form
1: B! rf. Then the representation for b would have the same form as if b* = 0.
If (5.4) holds and if (5.8) is used, we can ensure (5.7) by choosing b* and {J* as before
and by taking
BfT ep = ~~(X, t) w! (X, t), fJl = ~l (X, t) wl (X, t), (5 .9)
where w! and wl are sufficiently smooth functions of X, t. Note that eigenfunction expansions
in the transverse coordinates have this form.
12 The explicit presence of t in (5.4) produces difficulties like those caused by rheonomic
constraints in rigid body mechanics. In the case of elastic rods, this analogy is most apt.
Sect. 6. Moments of the fundamental equations. 649
For given infinite sequences {Bf}, {PI}, the assumption that 1' and A equal the infinite
series representations obtained formally by setting Sf= oo, .13 = oo in (5.8) is of course a much
sharper restriction on the class of positions 1' (X, t) and logarithmic temperatures A(X, t)
than the assumption that the representations (5.8) converge to 1' and A as Sf~ oo, .13 ~ oo.
In the absence of regularity theorems from the three-dimensional theory, caution must be
exercized in postulating infinite series representations for these variables. IS
The imposition of a set of constraints on a theory characterized by (5.8) may destroy the
linearity of the dependence of b and p upon the reduced set of kinematic and thermal un-
knowns. This possibility is accounted for in (5.2), (5.3).
In the sequel we shall employ the notation

nr = ~ti. [JI = :!-. (5.1o)

This is consistent with (5.8).
In accord with (5.2) and (5.10}, the base vectors gp =r,p are represented by
Yp ,_,_, b .P =up LJ

B rt,s +. axf

and the Cauchy-Green tensor C is represented by

cpq""'b,p. b,q· (5.12)

L (JI A.I,S + :1p.

Similarly, E
Yp = A,p "-'fJ,p + ()~ (5.13)
We approximate (3.7) by (b,l X b, 2). b, 3 > 0 (5 .14)
wherever the reference value of the determinant G is positive and we approximate
(3.8}by b,p ·b,q vPvq>O (5.15)
for all v =I= 0 14 . The acceleration is represented by b, which may be expanded
in the manner of (5 .11) by the chain rule.
6. Moments of the fundamental equations. Let {Af (r.ll, X, t)} be a fixed
sequence of independent differentiable second order tensors defined on !!43 (.ll+I) x
X(84) xf!4 and let {oc1(f..E, X, t)} be a fixed sequence of independent differentiable
scalars defined on ~E+l xX(84) x~. We define the following moments of the
dependent constitutive variables:
af(S, t) = f Af(r.ll(S, t), X, t) 't' 3 (X, t) dX 1 dX 2 ,
«Jf(S, t) = f A~p (r.ll (S, t), X, t) 't'P(X, t) dX 1 dX2,
q1 (S, t) = f oc1 (f..E(S, t), X, t) q3 (X, t) dX1 dX 2,
ijl(S, t) = f OC~p(f..E(S, t), X, t) q~(X, t) dX 1 dX2,

C1 (S, t) = .r oc1 (f..E (S, t), X, t) c(X, t) eo (X) vc-(X) dX 1 dX 2 '

o .<J1'(S)

C1(S, t) = f 0:1(f..E(S, t), X, t) C(X, t) eo(X) VG (X)dX1 dX 2 ,

1p1(S, t) = f oc1(f..E (S, t), X, t) 1p(X, t) eo (X) VG (X) dX 1 dX2 ,
~I (S,t) = .r 0:1 (f..E (S, t), X, t) 1p (X, t) eo (X) VG (X) dX 1 dX2 .

13 Formal power series in X 1 , X 2 appear in the work of GREEN (1959), ANTMAN and
WARNER (1966), GREEN, LAWS, and NAGHDI (1968), and GREEN and NAGHDI (1970), but
their use is not essential to the developments in these papers as we shall show.
14 There is no ambiguity in retaining the strict inequalities in (5.14), (5.1 5). provided the
position field is regarded as constrained in the sense described above.
650 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 6.

The special cases

lead to the most natural formulation of boundary value problems. In this case
we denote the stress moments and O:' by p,' and p' and the temperature-entropy
moments C1 and C1 by rJI and ~1 :
p,' = f BlT -ra dXI dX2'
-::til =f BlT -rP
dXl dX2 '
rJI = f [31 Ceo VC: dXl dX2'

~~ = f /JIC eo VC: dXl dX2.

It may still be convenient to retain the original level of generality so that uf, iJf, Cl. Cl
need not equal p.f, jil, TJI, ~~. respectively. In particular, we may wish to identify the resultant
force and moment at a section as members of {uf} while retaining the kinemantic versatility
inherent in (6.1). We can express uf, iil, Cl, Cl exactly in terms of {p.l,fil, r;l, ~I} if there are
tensors K!n (rjt, S, t) and scalars k~ (A£, S, t) such that
5t E
A'= ~ K~nmT, 0(1 = ~ k~f3n, (6.4)
m=O n=O
for then
O'f = ~ Kln p.m.
iif = ~ (K!n,s P.m + K!n jim),
E (6.5)
Cl = ~ k~ Tjn.
o1E •
C= ~ 'T}n (ki + ki 7/n).
[If (6.4) is just approximate, then (6.5) is also.] We observe that
~ K!n (p.~ _ ,Um) = O'f5 _ iJf. (6.6)
m=O ' '
In Sect. 11, we shall illustrate the construction of {K~} and {ki} for problems in linear elasti-
The differential force and differential heat flux across r (9') are
= [ I oX2 2}XI 1- _oXI
eu v2)] dUdS '
-r eu
-r eu
+ 1-rv
Ta va ( oX2
eu 11 (6.7)

G-! q. v dA = [ql oX2 -q2 oXl

oU oU
+ ~3_
1- v v 3
( oX2 vl- oXI v2)] dUdS.
oU oU

We define the combined moment contributions per unit of S of the body force
and the tractions on the lateral surface

I'= JA' leo VG

dX 1 dX 2 + 9)A'[-r
1 dX 2 --r2 dXl

+-r3v3 (1 -v3v3}-1 (v1 dX 2 -v2 dX1)] (6.9)

Sect. 6. Moments of the fundamental equations. 651

and the combined moment contributions per unit of 5 of the heat source and the
heat flux through the lateral surface
h1 = J rx1 he0 VG dA"~ dX2- ~ rxl [ql
dX2 -qz dXl

+q3 v3 (1 -v3 v3)-1 (v1 dX 2 - v2 dX1)] (6.10)

= , f rxI h eo v---
G dX 1 dX 2 -
~ ocl q · v(v 1 dX2 -v2 dX1)
1 -v v3
-- •

.d i!.#
If the traction boundary conditions are not prescribed over the entire lateral surface,
then, in general, Jf is not a well-defined functional of 1'(1), A_(l), X, t [see (3.23), (3.24)] and if
q · v is not prescribed everywhere on the lateral surface, hi is likewise not well~defined [see
(3.26), (3.27)]. We can remove this difficulty by judicious choices of {Af} and {ocl}. If (5.4)
holds, then T(,.) • eP is not known on 9"p(t) and q ·vis not known on 9"0 (t). By choosing
{Af}, {ocl} such that
Afep= ~~(X, t) wl(r.l\, X, t), ocl= ~~(X, t) roi(A£, X, t), (6.11)
where wf and wl are smooth enough functions of their arguments, we ensure that there are
zero contributions to the line integrals of (6.9) and (6.10) from wherever T(,.) · eP, q · v are
not prescribed. If (6.2) holds, the treatment of position and boundary conditions of Sect. 5
automatically includes this treatment since (5.6) and (6.2) imply (6.11). [Also cf. (5.9).]
To obtain useful consequence of the equation of motion (3.12), we multiply
it by A 1 and integrate the resulting expression over .91. Since
a~ 3 =
J (A1 -r3), 3 dX1 dX2 - i)g~A1 -r3 v3 (1-v3v3)-1 (v1 dX2 -v 2 dXl), (6.12)

we then obtain from KELVIN's transformation (STOKES' theorem) for the plane
that these weighted integrals of (3.12) can be written in the form 15
a's- ti' +f =
' ..,J A r eo VG dX
1 1 dX 2 • (6.13)

By multiplying the energy equation (3.16) by rx.1 and integrating the resulting
expression over .91, we likewise obtain

q~s -ql +ipl +CI-1/JI-CI-hl _ f rxl -rP ·r,p dXl dX2 =O. (6.14)

These equations are exact. 16 We shall use them to generate explicit one-dimensional
For the purposes of comparison, it is useful to have the equations of motion
for the stress resultant vector
n = f -r3 dXt dX2 (6.15)
and the couple resultant vector
m =f (r-p) x-r3 dX 1 dX 2, (6.16)

where p(5, t) =r(O, 0, 5, t). By setting A" =1 in (6.12), we get

n ' s +lo = ..,J r eo VG dX1 dX 2 ' (6.17)

15 If (6.2) holds then pf and pf satisfy (6.13). If (6.4) holds we can get Eq. (6.13) for the
IF's from the equation for the p's by multiplying the latter by~. summing over m, and
using (6.6). Eq. (6.6) is thus seen to be an explicit manifestation of the form invariance of
(6.13) for any choice of {Af}, {ocl}.
16 Eqs. (6.13), (6.14) generalize results of GREEN (1959), ANTMAN and WARNER (1966),
GREEN, LAWS, and NAGHDI (1968), and GREEN and NAGHDI (1970).
652 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 7.

where fo is the value off when A 1 = 1. The integration of the angular momentum
(rx-rP),p+l?o YGrxf=eo -yGrxr (6.18)
over S!l, the use of KELVIN's transformation, and the use of (6.17) yields 17

m s +P s xn+l =
' ' d
J (r-p) xf eo YG d)(ldX2, (6.19)
l= J (r-p) xf eo YG dX1 dX2 (6.20)

+ ~ (r -p) x [-r1 dX 2 --r2 dX1 +-r3 v3 (1 -r v3)-1 (v1 dX2 -v2 dX1)].
Note that (6.19) may be obtained by choosing A 1 = (r -p) X and using (3.13).
The symmetry condition (3.13) and the entropy inequality (3.18) or (3.19),
which are accounted for in the constitutive relations (3.20) or (3.21) and therefore
play no essential role in boundary value problems, are nevertheless fundamental
in describing the structure of the equations for continua. The one-dimensional
analogs of these relations, which have the same purpose, will be obtained from
the exact relations
f A(gpx-rP) dX1 dX2=0, (6.21)

J ex [eo YG(C -ci -h) +qtp- q · y] dX1 dX 2;;;;, 0, (6.22)

J ex [-eo YG(?jl +C i) +-rP. r,p -q. y] dX1 dX 2 ;;;;, 0, (6.23)

where A =A (X, t) is any second order tensor and ex =ex (X, t) is any non-negative
7. Approximation of the fundamental equations. To obtain approximations for
the governing equations, we replace r and .A. by b and fl. Thus we approximate
the acceleration terms on the right side of (6.13):

JA 1 r eo VG dX1 dX 2 ,._,af (r!l, ;.!\, ;:!\, s, t) == J A';; eo VG dX1 dX 2. (7.1)

d d

If (5.8) is used, then

af =Jf+ ~ [Jfm ;:m + 2JfJ' ;.m + Jf1 rm], f (7.2)

where the vectors Jf and the inertia tensors Jfm, Jf1 .if~ are computed from the reference
data by
jf(S, t) = J Af il* C!o JIG dXl dX2,
Jfm(S, t) = J Al Bm !?o VG dXl dX2,
Jwt(s, t) = J Al .Bm !?o ]IG dXl dX2,
J{2f(S, t) = J Al iim !?o VG dXl dX2.
17 Cf. GREEN (1959).
Sect. 7. Approximation of the fundamental equations. 653

We replace r<'l, A_!tl by b!ll, p<tl in (3.22), (3.23), (3.26), then substitute the result-
ing expression into (6.9), (6.10) to obtain the approximate relations

f',....,ft(r~' i\W S, t) =I d
A1 j(b<tl, p<tl, X, t) eo VG dXl dX2
+ ~ AI ep if.,) (b!tl, {J!tl, X, t) (vl dX2 -v2 dXl)
~ 1 -v2v3 '

h1 ,....,/t1 (r~' i\W, S, t) = f a.1 h(b<1l, p!ll, X, t) eo VG dX1 dX2

+ f otf q(.,) (b!ll,
{J(t), X, t) (v1 dX 2 -v2 dX1 ) •
1 -v3 v3

The development given in Sect. 6 shows that the functionals j 1 and h1 are well-
defined if A1 and a.1 are chosen appropriately. Using {7.1)-(7.4), we obtain the
approximate equations of motion

a,f 5 -a:;;f +~~~ ( rSt,/\.1!•

.(t) "\ (t) 5
,t) ,...,aI ( rft,Tft,Tft,
' ·· )
5 ,t. (7.6)
To get analogous results for the energy Eq. (6.14), we first define the additional
set of moments
a1= f a.1 (-8 {)_) · -cP dXl dX2,
at .P

all = f a.' Btr -ra dXl dX2, (7.7)


(iff=I a.1B~I -cP dX1 dX 2.

f rJ) -cP · r, PdX1 dX2 ,....,a1 +
~ (au· i-1, 5 +au· i-1). (7.8)
d 1=0

The substitution of (7.5), (7.8) into the energy Eq. (6.14) yields the approximations

q~s-i/1 +1f'+C1 -,P1 -C1 -h1 (r~, i\~l, S, t)

.!\ (7.9)
,...,a'+~ (a11 • r 1,s +a"· rr).
We supplement (6.3) with
f (~~) ·-cPdX1dX2,
1J = f ~~ c VG dX1dX2.

By (7.10) 1 we can approximate the total stress power over a section by

f -cP · r,p dX 1dX 2,....,# + ~ (p1 • rr,s + /i1 • r,). (7.11)
d ~0
654 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 8.

We may similarly generate approximations to thesymmetry condition (6.21)

and the entropy inequalities (6.22}, (6.23), but these may contain integrals not
reducible to combinations of the moments (6.1), (7.7) or their specializations (6.)},
(7.10) already defined. Because of the subsidiary role played by these conditions,
we do not exhibit general forms for them. We merely observe that for special
choices of b, {J, A 1, (/.1 these relations can be expressed in relatively simple form.
Thus ifA'=B=B1 1, where{B1} are scalars, and if A=l, then the symmetry
condition (6.21) is approximated by

r ob
axP x ~a dXl dX2 + L rr,s x P' ,_,o.

If (5.8} is used, then this reduces to the form

J b:'f, x~P dX 1 dX 2+ L: (rr,s xp1 +r1 xjP) ---0. (7.13)
d f=O

If (/. = (/.0 = 1, then the entropy inequalities (6.22), (6.23) for {= 0 are approxi-
mated18 by
2-::rl AI-1} -h0 (rj{l, A~l, S, t) +t.s -q0 - L ni Al,S -1& ~ 0,
0 0 A .{!
C0 -
1=0 1=0 (7.14)
.{! .1\ .{!
-ipo- L1J1i1-1J +p, + L (p' · i-r,s + JP·i-r)- L n 1 A1,s-n ~ 0, (7.15)
1=0 f=O 1=0
f {1 q3 dX dX2,
1 1 n= j :JP qPdXldX2. (7.16)

Further simplications attend the use of (5.8).

If st = 2 = (ID1 + 1) (IDl + 2)/2, where IDl is a non-negative integer, and if
{E'(X), f= 1, ... , st} ={(X1 )M(X2)n, o < m, n < m. o<m+ n <IDl}, (7.17)
then the assumption that Af = Bf = Ef 1, al = pl = El, yields relations of especially simple
form.1s In particular, all the sets of stress moments can be written in terms of a single set.
Similar simplifications arise if {Ef} is taken to be a suitable set of trigonometric polynomials,
or, in fact, any set of functions closed under multiplication.
8. Constitutive relations. Let M.l\.2 denote the collection of moments (6.1),
(7.7) for f = o, ... , sr, {= 0, ... , 2. To obtain approximate representations for
the constitutive relations for M.l\.2, we first substitute the unreduced constitutive
equations ().20} into (6.1), (7.7) and then replace r,p• A,"' by their approximants
(5.2), (5.)), (5.1)). We get
M.l\.2 ,_, Nj.Rf (r!t) rlt) '\It) '\II)
St , St,S, 1\,S ' 1\j!,S' S , t) , (8.1}
which is an abbreviation for
(If ,_,tlvt (rill rlt)
.1\ • .1\,S •
;_Ill ;_It)
f! • f!,S •
S • t)
=f A
1 ~3 (b!~, fJ11l, {J~~, X) dX1 dX 2 , l = 0, ... , ~. etc. (8.2)
18 Again, the interpretation of the fields (5.2) (5.3) as constrained in the sense described
above removes the ambiguity in the inequalities (7.14), (7.15).
18 Cf. ANTMAN and WARNER (1966), GREEN, LAWS, and NAGHDI (1968), and GREEN and
NAGHDI (1970).
Sect. 8. Constitutive relations. 655

Similarly, we may substitute the reduced constitutive Eqs. (3.21) into (6.1), (7.7),
and replace C, A., y by their approximants (5.12), (5.3), (5.13) to get
fNlE ,.•.•ii1RE (C(I) "l (I) "l
5\' "l! ' 1\.{!,S,
(I) 5 ' t) (8.3)
an abbreviation for

where b,p(S, t) is the value of b,p at any fixed )[1, X 2, say X 1 =X 2 =0, and where
CR denotes the set of algebraically independent combinations of rR and rR,s
whose components are found in b,i · b,i· E.g., if (5.8) is used then
CR ={rr, r1,5, r 1®rm, r,®rm,S• Tr,s®rm,s: f, m =0, ... , st'}. (8.5)
The constitutive functionals (3.20) are assumed to be actually in frame-
indifferent form and the constitutive functionals (3 .21) are in frame-indifferent
form. Hence the constitutive functionals ft1RE and I\1RE of (8.1)-(8.4) are ap-
proximately frame-indifferent if (5.2) is regarded as an approximation for r and
are (exactly) frame-indifferent if (5.2) is regarded as an exact expression for r
for a class of constrained materials. Since it is b, rather that the vectors 'R•
rR,s themselves, that has a well-defined behavior under change of frame, we
cannot in general expect these constitutive functionals to have a simple reduced
dependence upon these vectors.
This question is clarified by noting that it is possible to replace the variables rR with
another set PR = {pr, f = 0, ... , Sl:} that has simple transformation properties under change
of frame. We have much latitude in choosing the members of PR· We take

p 0 (S, t) = b (rR (S, t), o, o, S, t) (8.6)

and we may take
pr(S, t) =b(rR(S, t), Xf, Xr2 , S, t) -p 0 (S, t), f= 1, ... , Sl:, (8.7)
In these cases

p 0 -->-c(t)+Q(t)p 0 , Pr-->-Q(t)Pf, f=1, ... ,Sl: (8.9)

under the change of frame
1'-+C(t) +Q(t) 1', (8.10)
where Q (t) is orthogonal or proper-orthogonal depending on the version of frame-indifference
used. From relations such as (8.6)-(8.8), we obtain a system of the form
Pt=Pt(rft, S, t), f=o, ... ,St. (8.11)
Provided that
we can solve (8.11) for 'R as functions of PR and substitute these representations into (5.2)
to obtain an expression of the form
If the linear representation (5.8) is used, then in place of (8.13) we obtain an expression of
the form
b =d* (X, t) + ~ Df(X, t) Pt(S, t). (8.14)
656 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect, 9,

These representations (8.13), (8.14) meet all the position boundary conditions satisfied by
(5.2), (5.8) respectively. 20 Since b itself transforms like (8.10), it is easy to show that the
members of (8.14) have the transformations
Dl->-QDfQT, f=O, ... ,S"r, d*->-(1-QD0 QT)c+Qd* (8.15)
under the change of frame (8.10).
The advantage of the variables Pft is slight: In general, we can no more infer the desirable
conclusion that suitable components of Mftil depend only upon the inner products of

P~!s· P~t), P~~k. f = 1, ... , S"r, (8.16)

(and upon ?.Ml, A~~s) than we could when the representation (5.2) is used, for Mftil must be
regarded not only as a functional of pW, p~~s· ?.W, A~~s as in (8.1), (8.3), but also as a func-
tional of the suppressed arguments which are the functions b and {3. The possible explicit
dependence of Mftil on tis through the histories of the suppressed arguments. In particular,
if (8.14) and (5.8) 2 is used, the suppressed arguments are the histories of

d*, d:q' Df, D~q' {3*, fl:q' f3l, f3~q·

In this case, we conclude that these suitable components of Mftil can be reduced to a functional
of the inner products of (8.16) and of ?.W,
AM~s and a function of S, t only when

d* = 0, Dl = Dl 1, f= o, ... , S"r, (8.17)

where {Df} are 5calars. If in addition, D 0 =1, then the substitution of (8.14), (8.17) into
(8.3), (8.4) gives Mftil directly as a functional of the inner products of (8.16). Purely algebraic
considerations rna~ then be invoked to permit the elimination of {Pf,S · Pm,s. f, m = 1, ... , S"r}
as arguments of Mftil.
For any particular class of materials, the one-dimensional constitutive equa-
tions reflect the structure of their three-dimensional counterparts. We illustrate
this in the next section with the constitutive equations for nonlinear thermo-
9. Thermo-elastic rods. The constitutive relations for three-dimensional thermo-
elastic materials in unreduced form 21 are given in terms of two functions
ip(r,p, A, X) and ij(r,p, A,y, X) by
-rP(X, t) =e0 (X) 1 /r-
vu-(X) oip (r,q(X, t), A (X, t), X ) ,
8 ,.,P

q (X, t) =ij (r,q (X, t), A(X, t), y (X, t), X),
C(X, t) = - 8T (r,q(X, t), A(X, t), X),

VJ (X, t) =if; (r,q (X, t) A(X, t), X),

with ijJ satisfying the symmetry condition
rpx - , - (rq, A, X) =0 (9.2)
' u1',p '

and ij_ satisfying the heat conduction inequality

ij(r,q, A, y, X) ·y ~ o. (9.3)
We define the functions ijJ and ij_ by
ijJ (rft, rft,s, Ail, X, t) = ijJ (b,p, {3, X),
q (rft, rft,s, Ail, Ail,s, X, t) = ij (b,p, {3, f3.P• X).
20 Note that d* (0, 0, S, t) =0, D 0 (0, 0, S, t) = 1, Df(o, 0, S, t) = 0, f = 1, ... , 5t.
21 Cf. NFTM, Sect. 96, and GREEN and ZERNA (1968).
Sect. 9 Thermo-elastic rods. 657

From (5.11) we then obtain

a;p BfT aip .. --{JI aip-
a.,.,,s = aT,~ ' aJ.1 - aA. • (9.5)

We also define the following approximate representation for the total free energy:

We can now obtain simple constitutive relations for some stress and tempera-
ture-entropy moments as derivatives of IJ'. We substitute (9.1) 1 into (6.3) 1 and
use (9.5) 1 , (9.6) to get2 2
pfro--{i(r5\, r5\, 5 , ).2 , 5, t) =

J' BlT -a?-- !?o VG dX
1 dX 2
= ,. !'P__ (! VG dX 1 dX 2 = ---~'!__.
, a1'f,5 ° a1'f,5

We similarly find

I VI ( "),
'f) ,_,'f) r5\, r5\,5• A.\J,
5 , t) ---·a-il'
a'P (9.9)

{-l-'fj"-'jl,(r5\, r5\, 5 , t-.2 , 5, t) -ij(r5\, r5\, 5 , !-.2 , 5, t) = ?l[-. (9.10)

By introducing various moments of the free energy function, we can represent

the remaining moments of (6.1), (6.3), (7.7), other than the moments of q, as
derivatives of these new free energy moments. E.g., from the definition
![fl (r5\, r5\ 5 ,
t-.2 , 5, t) = Jrx.1 ip(r5\, r5\ 5 , !-.2, X, t)
~ '
(!o VG dX1 dX 2 , {9.11)
we obtain



The approximate constitutive relations for q1 and q1 are found directly from
(6.1) 3 , 4 and (9.1) 2 :
q1,_,(/(r5\, r5\, 5 , t-.2 , t-.2,5 , 5, t) = f rx.1 fl(b,p, {J, {J,p• X) dX1 dX2 , (9.15)

q1 ,_,qz (r5\, r5\, 5 , t-.2 , t-.2,5 , 5, t) = f rx.~, q' (b,p, {J, fJ.P• X) dX1 dX2 • {9.16)

Special choices for (5 .8) reduce many of these relations to especially simple form.
We note that the constitutive relations (9.1) reduce the energy Eq. (3.16) to the thermal
energy equation
We could use moments of this equation in place of (7.9).
22 A result of this form was first obtained by NAGHDI and NoRDGREN (1963).
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 42
658 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 10.

The one-dimensional constitutive relations obtained directly from the reduced three-
dimensional constitutive equations 23
T(X,t)=2~ 0 (X}rl7(X)
,fFTi- a;;
ac (C(X,t),I.(X,t),X,
) etc., (9.18)
are formally more complicated. We restrict our consideration to the linear representations
of (5.8). Following the same procedure as before, we define the new functions w and Q by

w(C!i\. Ail, X, t) =fP(b,l> · b,q• p, X), (9.19)

Q(C!i\. A.{!, S, t) = fw(Cfit, A.{!, X, t) ~ 0 lfG dX1 dX2• (9.20)
Since the elements of C!it are regarded as independent, we readily find

~ A~ ()Q
p '""'/l (C!i\, A.{!, S, t)- -8 -

+ m=O ()Q ()Q
LJ B(-10\'1' ) 'I'm+ 2 a(- 10\.,. )
"I\01 m,S .•I,SIOI m,S
'~'m,S ,

uf ~ - ()Q ~
p '""'/l {Cfit, A.{!, S, t)- - 8 - + LJ
'l'f m-o
[ ()Q
2 ()( 10\.,. )
1'!101 m
'I'm+ ()Q
()( 10\'1'
1'!101 m,s
) '~'m,S ,
l etc.

If we use the representation (8.14) with d* = 0, Df = Df 1, D 0 = 1, then C!it reduces to the

set of inner products
Po,s·Po,s. Po,s·Pr. Po,s·Pr,s. Pr·Pm. Pr'Pm,s. Pr,s·Pm,s. f.m=1. .... sr. (9.22)
and we can replace (9.21) by the simpler and obviously frame-indifferent relations 24

L [ 8(pf~!n,s
s. t) = m-o ) Pm +2 8(Pr
Pm ) Pm,s],

- ~ [
/l (C!i\, S, t)- m~o 2
8(Pr. Pm) Pm + ()Q
8(Pr. Pm,s) Pm,S '
in which the summation does not extend to terms formally including p 0 • {Thus If= 0.)
The one-dimensional constitutive equations for CoLEMAN's materials with
fading memory (NFTM, Sect. 96bis) are found in a similar fashion. Roughly
speaking, we merely replace the partial derivatives of tp that occur in these
one-dimensional constitutive equations of elasticity by Frechet derivatives with
respect to the corresponding histories.
10. Statement of the boundary value problems. The governing equations of the
approximate or constrained theory of order (Sf, 2) are obtained by replacing the
approximation relation "'""'" wherever it appears in Sects. 5-9 by equality "=".
From (7.6) we thus obtain
,(t) '\ (t) s t) 0 00
f -cr..,, +JAf (r.s\,/\1!•
6, 5 , =af ( r!it,r.s\,r!it, s, t) , f = 0 , ... ,.n, (10.1) fR\

where the functionals jr and the functions a' are prescribed. From (7.9) we get

q~s -ql +tj} +CI-1;,1- Cl-hl(rMl, A.W, S, t)

!it (10.2)
=d + L (6u · rr,s +au· r,), 1=0, ... , 2,

2a Since Cis symmetric, the tensor;~ has contravariant components ~ (aa: + 0~fjJ )
where fP is treated as a function of the nine components of C regarded as ind/p~ndent flf.
NFTM, Sect. 9).
24 Explicit forms of the equations when {Df} are homogeneous polynomials in Xl and X2
are given by ANTMAN and WARNER (1966), GREEN, LAWS, and NAGHDI (1968), and GREEN
and NAGHDI (1970).
Sect. 10. Statement of the boundary value problems. 659

where the functionals h1 are prescribed. The constitutive relations are

r<tl "A!tl "Aitl 5 t)
.It• St,S• 2• 2,S• •
or (10.3)
~2 =MR2(cu> 2,S• S • t) ·
/\2• "Au>
.It • ~<t>

The elements of MS\ 2 are listed in (6.1), (7.7) and the forms of fN\ 2 and MS\2 are
described in Sect. 8.
Our boundary value problem is to solve (10.1)-(10.3) 25 for r5\ and "A2 subject
to boundary conditions at 5=51 , 5 2 and to an appropriate specification of
temporal behavior necessary to ensure a well-set problem. We do not discuss the
nature of suitable temporal conditions, 28 since they depend strongly on the
particular form of (10.3). We limit our consideration to boundary conditions at
the ends s = sl, 52, the boundary conditions on the lateral surface having been
incorporated into the formulation of (10.1)-(10.3).
We wish to establish the one-dimensional analog of the rule embodied in (3.25).
By a judicious choice of the variables entering (5.5), (5.6), we can ensure that
!~ = b* at the ends of the rod. The power contribution of the tractions acting
at the ends
f -r3 • dX1 dX 2
r {10.4)
can then be approximated by
• 5\
f 't"3 • b* dXI dX 2 + ~ p1 • i-rls=S«· (10.5)
.w"(Scx) f=O

We need not worry about the integral of (10.5) because b* is a prescribed function
of X, t.
If the rod is a ring, i.e., if the ends consist of the same particles, we assume
that all the given functions of S (namely, reference geometry, loads, and con-
stitutive functionals) can be smoothly extended to the entire S-axis with period
s2 - sl in s. Then we require the unknowns of the problem to satisfy the periodic-
ity conditions
Otherwise we proceed as follows. For each f let {e~(S"", t)} be a given set of three
independent vectors and let {ef (S"", t)} be their duals : e~ · ef = ~~ . Then for each f,
each p, and each oc, we specify either
p1 (S"", t) ·ef(S"", t) =,u't>(r~>(S"", ·), "AW(S"", ·), S"", t), (10.7)
where ,u1f> is a given functional of its arguments, or else we specify

25 Component forms of (10.1)-(10.3) are readily obtained by taking the inner products of
the equations with a suitable set of independent vectors. The base vectors gp evaluated at
X 1 = X 2 = o naturally suggest themselves for this purpose, but in fact they are not nearly as
useful for the analysis and physics as an appropriate system of orthogonal unit vectors, which
generate physical components (cf. Sect. 17). Tensorial forms of these equations may be found
in the work of ANTMAN and WARNER (1966), GREEN, LAWS, and NAGHDI (1968), and GREEN
and NAGHDI (1970).
28 In elasticity such conditions would include initial and periodicity conditions.

660 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 11.

The expressions (10.4), (10.5) show that in each of the cases (10.6)-(10.8) the ends
make (approximately) zero contribution to the integral in (3.25).
We refrain from developing formal strategies for dealing with the most
general cases of mixed boundary conditions on the ends [see (3.23)-(3.25)]. If
position conditions are prescribed on the ends, we simply choose so that
b(, t), Xl, X 2, Sex, t) gives the best approximation to r(Scx, t). If traction
conditions are prescribed at the ends, we prescribe {p1(Scx, t)}. We also leave
open the question whether we can replace boundary conditions (10.7) on p' by
analogous conditions on a', when these moments are not equivalent by (6.4),
(6.5). This can only be settled by existence theorems. We note however that (10.7)
are well-defined conditions even when the stress moments employed are {a1}.
The thermal boundary conditions are analogous. In the ring case we specify
periodicity conditions of the form (10.6). Otherwise for each ( and each IX we
specify either
where q1 is a given functional of its arguments, or else we specify
11. Validity of the projection methods. The projection methods described
above produce well-defined one-dimensional boundary value problems for the
fundamental dependent variables, A.e. The substitution of a solution, t),
A.e (S, t) into b (, S, t), {J(A.e, S, t) yields approximate representations for rand A..
These may be substituted into the three-dimensional constitutive Eqs. (3.20) or
(3.21) to generate approximations for the dependent constitutive variables.
(Alternatively, we may construct approximations for these variables directly
from the moments 2 .) The resulting collection of approximations for r, A., T,
q, C. 1p is called a (Sf, 2)-approximation. For each (Sf, 2) we let denote the set
of all (R', £!)-approximations. The number of elements of may be zero, one,
finite, or infinite. We let U denote the set of all solutions to the exact three-
dimensional problem. It too may have any number of elements.
The fundamental problem underlying our projection methods is to determine
how accurately U is described by for a given class of problems and for a given
set offunctions b, {J, {A', l =0, ... , R'}, {1X1, ( =0, ... , 2}. (The class of problems is
defined by restrictions on material response, reference geometry, loads, and
boundary conditions. The efficiency of the projection methods may be con-
siderably enhanced by a choice of functions b, {J, {A1}, {1X1} reflecting the structure
of the class of problems under study.) To pose this problem precisely, we must
first define the concept of solution by interpreting the governing equations as
certain operator equations on a function space containing U and The size
of the members of a class of functionals depending upon U and serves as a
criterion for accuracy. The function space and the functionals defined thereon
should be suited for describing the physical and mathematical structure of the
three-dimensional equations. Two less useful but more accessible problems are
to show that the elements of converge to those of U and to determine the
rate of covergence.
Projection methods have been justified for many types of equations, the body
of results for linear equations being far more extensive than that for nonlinear
equations. 27 Unfortunately the results have not yet been extended to systems
NOSEL'SKII, VAINIKKO etal. (1969), LIONS (1969).
Sect. 11 Yalidity of the projection methods. 661

with the complexity of the three-dimensional equations of continuum mechanics. 28

Nevertheless, the available proofs for simpler problems and the body of com-
parisons of projection approximations with exact solutions suggest that we may
expect some sort of weak convergence. Less frequently, stronger modes of con-
vergence may obtain. Weak convergence is appropriate because rod theories are
developed to deliver the position of a reference curve and the values of the stress
resultants, rather than the pointwise behavior of the fields entering the three-
dimensional problem. The lack of uniformity in weak solutions is typical also of
the boundary layer behavior to be expected at the ends where the solution form
might have to change rapidly to accomodate the specified boundary conditions.
This question of uniformity is closely related to the validity of ST. VENANT's
principle, which is more naturally treated in a three-dimensional context by means
of appropriate estimates or by asymptotic methods. 29
Rod problems from linear elasticity. An examination of classical problem of linear elasticity
indicates the manner in which our projection methods work. We first study the St. Venant
problem. Let X= (X, Y, S) be a set of material Cartesian coordinates with corresponding
unit base vectors I, J, If. The reference configuration of a homogeneous, isotropic, linearly
elastic rod occupies the region bounded by the cylinder ¢J (X, Y) = 0 and by the two planes
S = 0, S = L. We assume that the S-axis coincides with the line of centroids of this region
and that the X and Y axes are along the principal axes of inertia of the cross sections. The
resultant force and moment over an end are

ll =E 11 Q1 I +E I 2 Q2 J +EA PI(,
m=E I 1 M 1 I+E l 2 M 2 J+DTK,

where £/1 , E/ 2 , EA, D are given constants depending upon the material and the cross-
sectional geometry. For zero traction on the lateral surface and for certain specified tractions
on the ends having n and m as resultant force and moment, this body undergoes the dis-
placement given (to within a rigid body motion) by

L;Bf(X, Y) rr(S), (11.2)
(~ ~).
(t(X2- Y2) X y
no=l, Bl=
0 X
B2 = X Y
() ~). {11.3)
B3 = ( 0
o 0 00 )'
f/J1 (X, Y) f/J 2 (X, Y) f/J(X, Y)


28 One of the difficulties is that physically reasonable conditions that ensure the existence
of solutions to the three-dimensional equations are generally not known. These conditions
may be quite delicate (cf. Sects. 19-22). Once existence has been established, it may then be
possible to employ these conditions to establish constructive procedures (in particular pro-
jection methods) to obtain it. E.g., cf. BROWDER (1967), PETRYSHYN (1967).
29 See Sect. 13.
662 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 11.

Here v is PoissoN's ratio and 1111 , 111 2 , Ill are functions determined from the cross-sectional
geometry with 1111 , 1112 depending on v.
We observe that the displacement has at least a cubic dependence on X and Y. This
is not surprising: A quadratic dependence would produce a stress field linear in X and Y
and such a stress field could not generally meet the boundary conditions of zero traction on
the lateral surface without causing a degeneracy such as the vanishing of v. If we seek to
approximate solutions to a class of problems by polynomials in X and Y (i.e., by a represen-
tation in the form (5.8) with .B! =Eft where Ef is defined in (7.17)), and if we demand as a
criterion of accuracy that these approximate representations reduce exactly to the St. Venant
solution (11.2) when the data is that of the St. Venant problem, then (11.2)-(11.4) require
that there be at least nine members in the collection {1'r(S, t)} of vectors to be determined.
Consequently, the resulting theory is quite complicated. On the other hand such polynomial
approximations uniformly approximate the solutions of arbitrary St. Venant problems and
yield exact solutions when 1111 , 1112 , Ill are polynomials.
We may seek to represent the displacements of a class of problems by (11.2), (11.3).
In this case, the class of approximations reduces exactly to the St. Venant problem and there
are but four vectors, 1'0 , 1'1 , 1'2 , 1'3 , to be determined. It is easy to see that it is impossible to
reduce the number of unknown vectors to fewer than four if the approximation must contain
the St. Venant solutions, if no= 1, and if B 1 , B 2 , B 2 depend only on X, Y and not on
P, Q1 , Q2 , T, M 1 , M 2 • We also note that with (11.2) we have p,0 = n. Since

(XI+YJ) X =G -10o 00) + (00o 00o 0o1)

-1 Bl B2, (11.5)
we find for linear problems that

00-10) + (00 00 01) (11.6)

-1 0 0 0 0
p,1 p, 2 •

If we relax these restrictions, then there are an infinite number of ways of embedding
ST. VENANT's problem in a larger class of approximations. The simplest such approach is to
represent the displacement by
u* (X)+ c (rJl, X, t)

where u* (X) is the St. Venant displacement field given by (11.2)-(11.4), cis a given function
of its arguments with c (0, X, t) = 0, and rJl is to be determined.
The comparison of approximate solutions with the St. Venant solutions as a test of
accuracy was promoted by N ovozHILOV (1948). We regard this criterion merely as a reasonable
expedient in the absence of sharp estimates. Such estimates would be free of dependence upon
closed form solutions. 30 If we lift this comparison criterion, we may still construct approxima-
tions that meet the traction boundary conditions on the lateral surface by using a device
analogous to that of Sect. 6. In particular, either we may exploit the fact that if ,P (X) = o
is the equation of the lateral surface, then [,P 2 (X)] p = o, or else we may expand 1' in suitable
eigenfunctions in X and Y. '
Technical theories of rods may be characterized as approximations for linear theories in
which the displacement varies linearly in X and Y. (Generally the displacement is subject
to further constraints, such as the Kirchhoff hypotheses.) In cases of technical interest, these
theories yield good results for displacements and stress resultants, but, as noted above,
furnish an inadequate description of shear [cf. LovE (1927) for further discussion].
All possible rod theories for linear elasticity based upon the linear representation (5.8)
have the same form for fixed st. (This is a consequence of the general result for any nonlinear
material.) Appearing in such theories are a number of functions of S that represent geometric
and material properties. The values of the functions depend upon the choice of {Bf}. We
may regard the one-dimensional equations as typifying all linear elastic rod theories. We are
then free to choose these functions to fit the data of a class of problems. This interpretation
30 This question is clarified by a consideration of the analogous problem of approximating
a given function f (x) on a finite interval by a finite linear combination L: rtBt (x) with the
coefficients {rt} to be determined. In general, the requirement that the curve pass through
st + 1 prescribed points does not produce the best solution. ("Best" is defined by the choice
of metric.) These prescribed points correspond to the St. Venant solutions.
Sect. 12. History of the use of projection methods. 66)

underlies the director theories discussed in Subchapter III. [Also of cf. GREEN, LAws, and
NAGHDI (1967).]
The treatment of dynamical problems is similar to that of static problems. The canonical
problem replacing the St. Venant problem is the Pochhammer-Chree problem of wave prop-
agation along an infinite rod with circular cross-section. While classical technical theories
give good results for low frequency waves, they prove inadequate for high frequency waves.
MINDLIN and HERRMANN (1952), MINDLIN and McNIVEN (1960), MEDICK (1966), and others
used special projection methods to obtain improved models for wave propagation in straight
rods. To have their results agree with the Pochhammer-Chree solution, these authors found
it expedient to alter some of the constants determined by the projection method. Such
alterations, justified by pragmatism, can be traced back to TIMOSHENKo's (1921) treatment
of shear deformation in rods. We prefer to justify these alterations by invoking the form
invariance of theories for linearly elastic rods obtained by projection methods. The projection
methods developed by VoLTERRA (1955, 1956, 1961) have been applied by him and his
collaborators to treat a variety of linear dynamical problems. NovozHILOV and SLEPIAN
(1965) examined the validity of a dynamic St. Venant principle for theories obtained by
projection methods.

12. History of the use of projection methods for the construction of rod theories. The idea
of constructing one-dimensional rod theories from three-dimensional models by averaging the
stress over a cross-section was introduced by LEIBNIZ in 1684 and was further developed in
LovE, and others. A comprehensive historical analysis of the work on rods up to 1788 is given
by TRUESDELL (1960). No comparable study of subsequent work is available. Guidance to
the research of the nineteenth century may be obtained from CFT, Sects. 63A, 214, TOD·
HUNTER and PEARSON (1886, 1893), LOVE (1927), TIMOSHENKO (1953), TRUESDELL (1959).
Modern work has been devoted to the systemization of the derivation of rod theories
from the equations of three-dimensional continuum mechanics. HAY (1942) used expansions
in a thickness parameter to obtain a precise description of strain in a rod. His methods are
discussed in the following section. NovozHILOV (1948) developed nonlinear models for small
strain. MINDLIN and HERRMANN (1952), VOLTERRA (1955, 1956), MINDLIN and McNIVEN
(1960), VoLTERRA (1961), MEDICK (1966), and others represented the displacement by a
polynomial in the transverse coordinates to generate linearly elastic rod theories. These
theories were subsequently used to treat problems of vibrations and wave propagation (see
Sect. 11).
GREEN (1959) obtained the exact equilibrium equations for resultant force and moment
by integrating the three-dimensional equilibrium equations over a cross-section. ANTMAN
and WARNER (1966) represented the position by polynomials in transverse coordinates and
took moments of the equations of motion with powers of these coordinates to obtain a hier-
archy of theories for hyperelastic rods. They examined several possible approximation tech-
niques. GREEN, LAWS, and NAGHDI (1968) and GREEN and NAGHDI (1970), while retaining
some of the apparatus of ANTMAN and WARNER, attacked the problem from a different ap-
proach. They sought to construct thermodynamic rod theories that are independent of the
choice of representation for position and temperature. This aim was partly motivated by
the inadequacy, described in Sect. 11, of theories based upon a representation for position
that is linear in the transverse coordinates. 31 These authors represented position and tempera-
ture by formal power series in the transverse coordinates and took moments of the equations
of motion, energy, and the entropy inequality to generate a theory with infinitely many
fundamental dependent variables: r 00 , A00 • They constructed theories in just a finite number
of variables by replacing the constitutive functionals depending on r ro, "Aro by new constitutive
functionals depending only upon r.l\, A£. The replacement process was left unspecified. They
retained unchanged an appropriate finite number of field equations. We interpret fuis pro-
cedure as the imposition of an infinite number of constraints on r rTJ and A00 • This view is
incorporated in our representations (5.2), (5.3) for 1' and },. Thus our projection methods
generalize these diverse approaches.

31 GREEN, LAws, and NAGHDI (1967, 1968) noted that the theory of VoLTERRA (1955,
1956) and the first order theory of ANTMAN and WARNER (1966), which are of this form,
fail to provide results in agreement with those for the St. Venant flexure problem. On fue
other hand, the theory of VoLTERRA (1961) and the higher order theories of ANTMAN and
WARNER, which are correspondingly more complicated, do not suffer from this defect (cf.
Sect. 11). The chief disadvantage of these refined theories is their complexity, not their lack
of accuracy. Tacit in the work of GREEN, LAws, and NAGHDI is the concept that a simple
theory should suffice to describe the typical problems of rod theory.
664 S. S. ANT MAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 13.

Work on the theory of rods is closely related to that for the theory of shells. Indeed,
there is a formal duality between these theories: If Y 1 and Y 2 represent convected material
coordinates for the reference surface of a shell and if Y 3 is a convected material coordinate in
a transverse direction, then the interchange
xoc~ Y3, X3~ ya
effectively converts the equations for rod theories into those for shell theories and vice-versa.
The reader is referred to NAGHDI's article on shells in this volume.

13. Asymptotic methods. The construction of rod theories by the asymptotic

expansion of the variables of the three-dimensional theory in a small thickness
parameter has advantages not enjoyed by other methods: The role of thinness is
explicit, boundary layer effects are readily accounted for, and the procedure for
correcting a given order of approximation requires the solution of just linear
equations. On the other hand, the elegant structure of the nonlinear theory
obtained by projection methods [as exemplified by (9.7)-(9.10)] is suppressed and
the corrections may require the solution of equations in more than one variable.
There are numerous ways of representing the solution by a formal 32 asymptotic
expansion. Their variety reflects the range of possible interrelations between the
thickness parameter and the other parameters supplied in the data. 33
HAY (1942) treated the equilibrium of curved nonlinearly elastic rods of
uniform cross-section subject only to tractions at the ends. 34 He employed a
special nonlinear stress-strain law. He scaled the transverse normal coordinates
X« by
where e is a ratio of thickness to length. He assumed that the variables entering
the equations have power series expansions in X 1 , X 2 • The substitution of (13.1)
into these power series generates expansions in powers of e and the substitution
of these e-series into the governing equations yields equations for the unknown
coefficients of powers of e. Using these in conjunction with equations for the
resultants, HAY found the orders in e that the external load must have in order
to produce small displacements, small strains but large displacements, and large
strains. These results depend strongly on the stress-strain law used. HAY did not
treat boundary layer effects.
NARIBOLI (1969) treated axisymmetric longitudinal waves in a circular,
linearly elastic rod. Using (13.1), he represented a typical variable u, regarded as
a function of ~a.. S, t by the interior expansion

u(~"', S, t, e),...._ 2.: u(k)(~a., S, t) ek. (13.2)


Substituting such expansions into the governing equations, he obtained a sequence

of equations for the coefficients of the powers of e. He showed that the leading
term in the expansion for the longitudinal displacement satisfies the classical
wave equation and he examined the question of recovering the correction of
RAYLEIGH [d. LovE (1927, Sect. 278)]. He did not study the boundary layer.
32 There are but few proofs that a solution of a partial differential equation has a given
asymptotic character.
33 If the thickness parameter is chosen to be the ratio of thickness to length, other dimension-
less parameters can be constructed from radii of curvature and torsion, wavelengths, size of
solutions, amplitude of applied forces, frequency of applied forces, etc. An important goal
of asymptotic methods is to determine, if possible, the asymptotic representations that lead
naturally to various classical and engineering theories and thereby assign a precise asymp-
totic meaning to these theories.
3 4 His work generalizes that of GooDIER (1938) for straight, linearly elastic rods.
Sect. 14. Definition of a Cosserat rod. 665

REISS (1972) used the method of matched asymptotic expansions 35 to obtain

both the interior and boundary layer behavior for the planar flexural motion of a
linearly elastic beam with square cross-section. Using the scaling (13.1) and
setting T = et, he sought a (formally) uniform asymptotic expansion of a typical
variable u, regarded as a function of ~", 5, T, in the form

uw•, 5, T, e),...._, Lco u(k) w, 5, r) ek + Lco[ Ul(k)

(~", ..5~--
' r)
k~O k~O
+ U2(k) (~", s2 ;5, r)] sk.
The second sum accounts for boundary layer behavior. Substituting (13.3) into
the governing equations, he obtained equations for the coefficients of powers of
£in (13.3). He employed matching conditions to relate the interior and boundary
layer coefficients. He found that the leading term in the interior expansion for the
transverse displacement satisfies the classical equation for flexural motion. The
usual boundary conditions were found directly from the matching conditions.
The leading term in the boundary layer expansion is the solution of the three-
dimensional equilibrium problem (depending parametrically upon r) for a semi-
infinite rod with a stress-free lateral surface. A similar analysis for longitudinal
motion shows that the leading term of the interior expansion for the longitudinal
displacement satisfies the classical wave equation.

II. Director theories of rods.

14. Definition of a Cosserat rod. We now adopt an alternative concept of a
rod as a material curve c in !&'3 together with a collection of vectors assigned to
each particle of c that deform independently of c. Precisely, a Cosserat rod 36 is a
set of vector fields
Psd5, t) ={p,(5, t), 51 ~ 5 ~5 2 , f =0, ... , Sf} (14.1)
that transform according to the rules
p 0 (5, t)-+ c(t) +Q(t)p0 (5, t), (14.2)
Pt(5, t)-+ Q(t)pr(5, t), f=1, ... , Sf (14.3)
under the change of frame
r -+ c (t) + Q (t) r, (14.4)
where Q is orthogonal or proper orthogonal depending on the version of frame-
indifference used. 37 The relevant kinematic significance of Pst is embodied in
(14.2), (14.3): Relation (14.2) indicates that r=p0 (5, t) defines the position of a
material curve in !&'3 , which we denote c, and (14.3) indicates that {Pr. f = 1, ... , St}
35 This method is essentially due to FRIEDRICHS (1949, 1950).
36 Such models of continua were introduced by DuHEM (1893) and by E. and F. CossERAT
(1907, 1909). A resurgence of interest followed in the wake of ERICKSEN and TRUESDELL's
(1958) paper, an account of which appears in CFT, Sects. 63, 214.
37 Our development in this subchapter is logically independent of the preceding work.
For heuristic purposes we nevertheless retain some notations identical to those used above.
The discussion in Sect. 8 indicates that (14.2)-(14.4) represent a rather sharp restriction on
the kinematic versatility of the theory.
666 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 15.

behave like differences between position vectors. The members of {Pr. f = 1, ... , ~}
are called directors. The thermal state of a Cosserat rod is characterized by a set
of scalar fields
i\1!(S, t) = {.I.I (S, t), ! = 0, ... , £}. (14.5)
For simplicity, we restrict our attention to the important special case 38
st'=2. 2=0. We require that the vectursp0 , 5 ,p1 ,p2 be independent:

Po,s · (p1XP2) >O. (14.6)

We term (14.6) the continuity condition. 39
15. Field equations. Having defined the kinematic and temperature variables
for a one-dimensional theory, we must now supply the remaining ingredients of
a general continuum theory: equations of motion and energy and an entropy
inequality. Since Cosserat rods are not three-dimensional bodies, the appropriate
forms for these relations are not altogether obvious if no appeal is made to a
three-dimensional model. Below we examine several intrinsically one-dimensional
formulations of these relations. Rather than attempting to maintain the level of
generality of Subchapter I, we pursue the more modest course of studying the
restricted models that have been developed in the literature. By comparing the
forms of the resulting equations with those of Subchapter I, we are able to classify
precisely the nature of the special assumptions underlying these Cosserat theories.
Here and in the rest of this article we frequently use a prime in place of ", S ".
IX) Direct postulation of the relations in integral forms. The most straight-
forward way of obtaining the one-dimensional balance laws and entropy in-
equality is simply to postulate them: There are fields p0 (5, t) ==n(S, t), p(J.(S, t),
p(J.(S, t), qO(S, t), 1Jo (5, t), "PO(S, t) satisfying
the balance of linear momentum


the balance of director momentum

v v

[prJ.]~ + (f - ji(J.) dS =
L rm Pm dS, (15 .2)

the balance of angular momentum

v v
:t .{

[p0 xn+p(J.Xp(J.]~+.{(P0 X[0 +p(J.xf)d5=

L pmprXPmdS, (15-3)
u l,m=O
38 This model has sufficient kinematic structure not only to account for flexure, torsion,
and axial extension, which characterize the simplest rod theories, but also to account for the
shear of three pairs of perpendicular directions and for transverse extensions. In short, this
model encompasses all the kinematic phenomena that have names. The case ~ = 3 has also
been developed extensively in the literature, although the only particular virtue that we can
attribute to it is that it permits the representation for r based upon (11.3). The case~= 2
is obtained naturally from Si: = 3 by means of the constraint p 3 =Po 3 • By taking 2 = 0, we
allow just the usual one-dimensional heat flow. '
39 The nature of the restrictions that (14.6) imposes upon p may be ascertained by
comparing (5.14), (8.6)-(8.17). We shall discuss the analog of the strong continuity condition
(5.15) in Sect. 17.
Sect. 15. Field equations. 667

the balance of energy

[n ·Po+ p"' ·.P.. -q 0]~ +
J (h0 +fO ·Po +I"'· p..) dS
(15 .4)
= -(ii r
v( o o
u +n + 2 L
1 2 • )
d lm •
1p J Pt. Pm dS'
and the entropy inequality

v v
~ e-A·n°dS- e-A, hods+ [e-A•qO]~~ o, (15.5)
u u
for all intervals [U, V] in [51 , 5 2]. Here {11m= Jm 1} are given functions of S,
and {I', h0 } are given functionals of p~>, ;.~>, S, t. We need not postulate conserva-
tion of mass since we employ a strictly material description.
The reduction of (15.1), (15.2), (15.4), (15.5) to local form 40 yields special cases
of (10.1) with f=O, (10.1) with f=IX, (7.9) with 1=0, and (7.14), respectively. To
obtain the local consequences of (15.3), we set
m =p.. x p"', l =p.. xf"'. (15.6)
Then from the local forms of (15.1) and (15.3) we readily obtain
m ' +PoXn+ ..
"\' ]"'m PaXPm•
l = '- (15.7)

which corresponds to the Sl' =2 approximation of (6.19). From (15.7) and the local
form of (15.2) we get
p~ xn +p~xp"'+p .. x"ji"'=O, (15.8)
which is a special case of (7.13). We regard both {15.5) and (15.8) as constitutive
We can expose the tacit assumptions underlying the postulates (15.1)-(15.6)
by examining the special choices of b, p, {A'}, {1X1} used to generate the correspond-
ing equations in Subchapter I. We find that
b=p0 +D"'(X)p.. , P=/.0 , A 0 =1, A"'=D"'1, IX0 =1. (15.9)
It is clear that the greatest restrictions on the generality of Subchapter I occur in
the acceleration terms. (In the literature, ] 0 "' is usually taken to be zero. This can
be effected by choosing D"' appropriately, which corresponds to locating the
curve c appropriately in a cross-section.)
From (15.4) we can read off suitable boundary conditions at the ends S =51 , 5 2 .
These are identical with those given in Sect. 10. In particular, if the rod is a
ring, we have periodicity conditions. Otherwise, for l =0, 1, 2, let{e~(S.. , t)} be
a given set of three independent vectors and let {ef (S .. , t)} be their duals. For each
f, p, IX we specify either
p1(S .. , t) · ef(S.. , t) =,u'P (p~>(s.. , ·), Alfl (S..,·) s.. , t), (15.10)
where ,u'P is a given functional of its arguments, or else we specify
.Pr (S.. , t) · e~ (S... t). (15.11)
40 The integral forms (1 5.1 )-( 15. 5) not only imply the corresponding differential equations,
but also jump conditions at discontinuities. We shall not use these.
668 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 15.

The differential equations corresponding to (15.1) and (15.3) for the equilibrium of rods
in a plane were laid down by EuLER. A penetrating analysis of the precedents of this work
is given in TRUESDELL'S (1960) historical treatise. CLEBSCH, following KIRCHHOFF (c£. LOVE,
1927), provided the differential equilibrium equations for (15.1) and (15.3) for rods in space.
A careful modern postulation of these equations was given by ERICKSEN and TRUESDELL
(1958) and reproduced in CFT, Sect. 214, where further historical details are supplied.
To render determinate the rod theories based upon these six scalar equations, it was
found necessary to restrict the number of geometric variables to six or fewer. This reduction
was usually effected by the use of "KIRCHHOFF's hypotheses" (c£. LovE, 1927), which re-
quire plane cross-sections of the rod normal to a given material curve in the reference con-
figuration to remain plane, undeformed, and normal to the same material curve in an arbi-
trary configuration. (Our previous work shows that this same reduction can be achieved by
introducing any of a large class of constraints in place of KIRCHHOFF's hypotheses. In the
nonlinear theory, the mathematical structure of the resulting problems is invariant under
the choice of constraints from this class.) To retain the full kinematic generality of the case
!t = 2, it is necessary to supplement the six scalar equations of motion (15.1), (15.3) by three
others, or equivalently to replace (15.3) by six scalar equations and regard (15.3) essentially
as a constitutive restriction. In confronting this problem, GREEN and LAws (1966) first
obtained the differential equations (15.1), (15.3) by the method discussed below. They then
obtained the differential equations corresponding to (15.2) by effectively postulating them,
although their treatment obscures this. Rather than stating (15.2) directly, in their equation
(3.17) they defined (in our notation)

the variables on the right side of this equation having been introduced previously. They then
prescribed constitutive relations for p« and ;p, thereby elevating this definition of if'" to a set
of fundamental differential equations for the problem. In addition, GREEN and LAWS laid
down integral laws equivalent to (15.4), (15.5). DESILVA and WHITMAN (1971) elaborated
these results, giving a complete postulational formulation equivalent to (15.1)-(15.5).
{3) I nvariance of energy balance under superposed rigid motions. From the
postulate that the energy balance (15 .4) be invariant under the change of frame
(14.2)-(14.4) with C=0, c=O, Q=l, Q=O, GREEN and LAWS (1966) obtained
(15.1), (15.3). DESILVA and WHITMAN (1971) refined their analysis by showing
that such invariance forces Jfm to be time independent. LAWS (1967a) used this
approach in his treatment of the relationship of dipolar rod theories to planar
The advantage of this method is that the single scalar law (15.4) yields con-
sistent forms of (15.1), (15.3). The energy balance is easy to construct because the
physical concepts entering it have standard mathematical forms: Kinetic energy
is a quadratic form in the generalized velocities, mechanical power terms are
bilinear forms in the generalized forces and velocities, etc.
The disadvantage of this method is that it does not yield (15.2). The remedy
for this difficulty is implicit in the three-dimensional treatment of GREEN and
NAGHDI (1970): Two additional laws of energy balance must be provided. The
requirement that these be invariant under change of frame yields (15.2). From
the viewpoint of Subchapter I, it appears however that this approach works only
when products of {D1} can be expressed as linear combinations of {D1} as would
be the case if {D1} were taken to be homogeneous polynomials in XI, X 2 •
y) Variational methods. 41 That variational principles could yield the equations
for elastic rods was recognized by D. BERNOULLI, proved by EuLER, and further
developed by LAGRANGE (cf. TRUESDELL, 1960). KIRCHHOFF initiated the use of
variational formulations as a device to ensure the consistency of boundary value
' 1 The role of variational principles in continuum mechanics in general, and in elasticity
in particular, is analyzed in CFT, Sects. 231-238; NFTM, Sects. 88, 89. These discussions do
not treat the virtues of direct variational methods in analysis.
Sect. 16. Constitutive equations. 669

problems for rods. This program was continued by E. and F. CossERAT (1909).
The development by variational principles of theories for nonlinearly elastic
Cosserat rods was carried out by MEISSONNIER (1965), TADJBAKHSH (1966),
CoHEN (1966, 1967), WHITMAN and DESILVA (1969). The exploitation of the
analytic advantages of variational methods has begun in the work of TADJBAKHSH
and 0DEH (1967), ANTMAN (1968c, 1970b) (cf. Sects. 19-22).

16. Constitutive equations. We employ the entropy principle as interpreted

by CoLEMAN and NoLL (cf. NFTM, Sect. 96) to obtain the constitutive relations
for thermo-elastic Cosserat rods. 41 a We define a thermo-elastic rod by its con-
stitutive equations

n(5, t) =ii(p"(5, t),p~(5, t),p~(5, t), J.o(5, t), ~(5, t), 5),
p"(5, t) =p"(Pa(5, t),p~(5, t),p~(5, t), A0 (5, t), A~(5, t), 5),
ji"(5, t) =Ji"(Pa(5, t),p~(5, t),p~(5, t), A0 (5, t), A~(5, t), 5),
qo(5, t) =q 0 (p"(5, t),p~(5, t),p~(5, t), A0 (5, t), A~(5, t), 5),
r/(5, t) =~0 (p"(5, t),p~(5, t),p~(5, t), J.o(5, t), A~(5, t), 5),
1p0 (5, t) =lf'(Pa(5, t),p~(5, t),p~(5, t), J.o(5, t), A~(5, t), 5).

We simplify the local form of (15.4) by using (15.1), (15.2), and then substitute
the resulting equation and (16.1) into the local form of (15.5). We get


Since this inequality must hold for arbitrary thermodynamic processes, we have

n= -----


Frame-indifference requires that lJI and q0 have the forms

lJI (Pa.·P~. p~. Ao, 5) =D (p" · Pfi• p~ · Pfi• p~ · p~. p~ · p~. A0 , 5), (16.5)
q 0 (p",p~.p~. A0 , A~, 5) = ljO(p" · Pfi• p~ · pfi,p~ · p~. p~ · p~. Ao, A~, 5). (16.6)
It is easy to show that (15 .8) is automatically satisfied by (16.1), (16.5).
The constitutive relations for Cosserat rods of other materials have been
obtained. GREEN, LAWS, and NAGHDI (1967) have treated linearly elastic rods;
GREEN, KNOPS, and LAWS (1968), elastic rods linearized about a large deforma-
tion; LAWS (1967b), elasto-plastic rods; SHACK (1970), viscoelastic rods; and
DESILVA and WHITMAN (1971), rods of simple material with no memory. GREEN,
LAWS, and NAGHDI (1967) and GREEN, KNOPS, and LAWS (1968) studied the
question of material symmetries.

41a Our analysis is equivalent to that of GREEN and LAws (1966).

670 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 17.

III. Planar problems.

17. The governing equations. We formulate the equations of planar rod prob-
lems in terms of physical components that seem most suitable for applications. 42
We restrict our considerations to purely mechanical theories of the Cosserat rods
defined in Subchapter II by assuming that the constitutive relations for n, pr:r., p.r:r.
are independent of Jl0 and Ac;.
Let x, y, z denote Cartesian coordinates for tff3 and let i, j, k denote the cor-
responding unit base vectors. The position vector to any point in space is
'l'=xi+yJ +zk. (17.1)

A problem is planar if the equations are invariant under reflection through a

plane. Taking the x, y-plane as the locus of c, we can ensure this result by restrict-
ing the forms of the kinematic variables, the mechanical variables, the external
forces, the boundary conditions, and the material response.

Fig. 2. The planar configuration of a rod.

We begin by requiring the vectors p 0 , p 11 p 2 to have the form

p 0 (5, t) =x(5, t) i+y(5, t)j, (17.2)

p 1 (5, t) = et (5, t) [-sin cp+(5, t) i +cos cp+(5, t) j] (17.3)

P2(5, t) =e2(5, t) k, (17.4)

51~5~52. (17.5)
Let 0(5, t) denote the tangent angle to the curve (17.2):
() =arctan (y' / x') . (17.6)
Not enough analytic results are available for motion in space of Cosserat rods to deter-
' 2
mine canonical forms for the governing equations.
Sect. 17. The governing equations. 671

e~ = [(x')2 + (y')2Jl, (17.7)
we may set
p 8 (5, t)=p~(5, t) =x'(5, t) i+y'(5, t)j
= ei (5, t) [cos() (5, t) i +sin() (5, t) j].
Let v denote the unit normal to (17.2)

V= k X -·- · ()"+
Pa ·=-Sill l J
COS ()" (17.9)
and let fJ be the angle between v and p 1 with the orientation shown in Fig. 2.

Since the reference configuration need not be stress-free, there is no loss of

generality in taking
et =1, fJ=o (17.11)

in this configuration. The reference configuration is thus defined by

p 0 =X(5) i+ Y(5)j, (17.12)

p 1 = -sin<P(5) i +cos<P(5)j, (17.13)

<P(5) =arctan[Y'(5)/X'(5)] (17.15)

for 5 in (17.5). Here X(5), Y(5), and thus <P(5) are prescribed. Thus 5 is the arc
length parameter for the curve'?/ given by (17.12) and the vector P1 of (17.13)
is the unit normal to '?I. Relation (17.11) implies that et are stretches. We set


so that the reference configuration is characterized by the vanishing of !?k, t/J.

We require
!?k>-1, -n/2</J<n/2. (17.17)

This ensures the continuity condition (14.6) and in fact is a strong continuity
condition in the sense of the definition of Sect. 3.
The assumption of planarity reduces the strains

Pk ·p,., p~ ·p,., k, m = 1, 2, 3 (17.18)

to functions of the septuple

w=(!?l. !?2· es.{J. e~. e~. t/J'). (17.19)

672 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 17.

As a second condition of planarity we require the stresses and loads to have

the following forms:
!?a .

pl=G(:t-)+H( ~~ ;-r ), (17.21)

/i=G (ft-)+H (-''-~Pt)' (17.22)

p 2 =K k, (17.23)
/i =K k,
2 (17.24)
m=p(J.xp(J.=Mk=ei Hk, (17.25)

/ 0 =IN(-:!-)+ IQ v, (17.26)

f1 =!G (-:t-) + IH (k_fll-)' (17.27)

f2=1Kk, (17.28}
l=p(J.xr=tk=ei IHk. (17.29)
We also restrict the material properties 43 of the rod by requiring
j02=Jl2=0. (17.30)
For simplicity, we follow the customary practice of choosing'(! such that
jOl =0. (17.31)
We set jOO=A, jll=f, j22=j. (17.32)
The substitution of (17.20)-(17.32) into the local forms of (15.1), (15.2) and
into (15.7), (15.8) yields the nontrivial equations of motion for the planar problem:
N'- O'Q+ IN =X (S 0 , t) cos O+y (S 0 , t) sin 0
s .
+ A s.J W!a (5' t) - e; (s' t) 0 (5' t) Jcos [0 (s' t) - 0 (5' t) J
+ [2 ea (5, t) e+ e; (5, t) iJ (5, t)] sin [0 (S, t) - 0 (S, t)]} dS
-A (x cos 0 +Y sin 0),
Q' +0' N + IQ=-x(S 0 , t) sin O+:Y(S0 , t) cos 0
s .
+A J {-[(i3 (S, t) -e;(5, t) 02 (5, t)]sin[O(S, t) -O(S, t)]
+ [2e3 (S, t) iJ + e; (S, t) iJ (5, t)] cos [0 (S, t)- 0 (5, t)]} dS
- A (- sin 0 + y cos 0) ,
G'- (¢+)' H -G + IG =l((it- ei ~ 2 ), (17.35)
H' + IH =1(2et ~ + ei ¢)'
(<fJ+)'G -H + (17.36)
K'-K +IK=Je2, (17.37)
M' +e; Q+t =I ei (2el ~ +ei ¢L (17.38)
e; Q+ e~ H- ei (<fJ+)'G+ ei H =o. (17.39)
43 Note that when such material properties are interpreted in a three-dimensional setting,
they include not only the material properties but also the geometric properties of the three-
dimensional body. This requirement implies a symmetry in the mass distribution about the
plane of motion.
Sect. 17. The governing equations. 673

Note the redundancy in (17.36), (17.38}, (17.39) (cf. Sect. 15). We regard (17.39)
[corresponding to (15.8)] as a constitutive restriction. We are then free to choose
whichever of the other two equations is more convenient.
Our final requirement for planarity is that the constitutive equations ensure
the consistency of (17.2)-(17.4) with (17.20}-(17.25). The general constitutive
equations for purely mechanical theories of rods in space are of the form

n = n ((p1 · P1)C1l, (P1 · P2)(tl, (p1 · P3)C1l, (p2 · P2)(t), (P2 · P3)Cil, (p3 · P3)(l)' (17 40 )
(p~ · P1) (t), (p~ · P2) (I), (p~ · P3) (t), (p~ · P1) (t), (p~ · P2) (I), (p~ · P3) (I), 5), etc. .

For (17.20) to be consistent with (17.2)-( 17.4) we require n to satisfy

0 -- k . n~ (1X1v
(I) 0 (I) 0 (I) {3(1) 0 (3(1) 0 (3(1) 0 5)
, IX13• 1X22• , IX33• 111 ' 13• , 22• , (17.41}
for arbitrary IX(I)
11• IX(I)
13• IX(I) 33• f3(11>
22• !XCI) 1l {3(13•
1) (3(22
1) in the domain of n~ . We treat the
other constitutive functionals analogously.
Temperature independence reduces the constitutive equations for thermo-
elastic rods of Sect. 16 to those of hyperelastic rods. In this case the material
response is characterized by the strain-energy (free-energy) functions

'P(p1,p2,p3,p~,p~, 5) = Q (Pk · p.,.,p~ · Pm• 5). (17.42)

When (17.2)-(17.4} hold, Q reduces to

Q ( (et)2, 0, ei e; sin {3, (e2)2, 0, (e;)2,
e~ ei, o, e; (e~ sin f3- ei c/J' cos {3), o, e~ e2, o, 5) .
We guarantee that (17.2)-(17.4) is consistent with (17.20)-(17.25) by requiring


PI · P2 = Pz · P3 = P~ · P2 = P~ · PI = P~ · Pa = 0 · (17.45)
This assumption on Q means that any aeolotropy is consistent with planarity.
Since we seek only planar solutions, we introduce a new strain energy function
with values
W(ei• ez, !?a• {3, e~. e~. ¢', 5). (17.46)
We define (17.46) to equal (17.42).
Using (16.4), (17.2)-(17.4), (17.8), (17.42), we find
~ _ o'P _oPa__ n_Pa -N (17.47)
oea - opa . oea - e; - .
In this way we obtain the constitutive relations 44
+ ow ow
ea Q = of3-' M = o~~ , (17.48)

G+(cjJ+)'H=-~:, K= :~, (17.49)

44 Relations equivalent to (17 .48h_ 3 were found by TADJBAKHSH (1966). The simple
forms shown here are due to ANTMAN (1968a).
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a{2. 43
674 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 18.

A constitutive equation for H may be determined from (17.39). On the other hand,
we may simply ignore (17.36) and (17.39) because of their equivalence to (17.38).
Special planar theories were developed by TADJBAKHSH (1966), ANTMAN
(1968a). LAWS (1967a) obtained a theory with the generality of this section by
showing that a special class of Cosserat theories was physically meaningful in
the planar case. Also cf. GREEN and LAWS (1966}, ANTMAN and WARNER (1966).

18. Boundary conditions. Because this Cosserat theory has more kinematic
structure than classical rod theories, we cannot expect to describe boundary
conditions unambiguously by such terms as "hinged", "cantilevered", etc. Here
we investigate the nature of the simpler boundary conditions (15.1 0), (15.11) for
planar problems.
If the rod is a planar ring so that the ends consist of the same particles, we
smoothly extend the functions defining the data of the problem to the entire
S-axis with period 5 2 -51 inS (cf. Sect. 10). We then require the variables

X, y, ~. r!2• ea. {3, cf>, e~. e~. cf>', N, Q, G, H, K, M, G, H, K (18.1}

to satisfy the periodicity conditions

For the conditions on x, y, cf> to hold in the reference configuration, (17.11),
(17.12), (17.16) require
J exp i 4>(5) dS =0. (18.3)
If the rod is not a ring, we treat the boundary conditions in three groups
corresponding to the separate terms in the power of the end tractions in (15 .4).
One set of boundary conditions from each of the groups I, II, III must hold.
I. (i) The position of the end is prescribed:

(ii) The end is constrained to move on a smooth time dependent curve
f;.(x, y, t) =0, (18.5)
given parametrically by
(cf. Fig. 2), and the component of n tangent to the direction of motion is prescribed.
Thus the boundary conditions are

X (5 0., t) =Xex (.E(t), t), Y (Sex, t) = Yex (.E(t), t),

[N(Sex, t) cos 0 (Sex, t) -Q (Sex, t) sin 0 (Sex, t)] xex(.E(t), t)
+ [N(Sex, t) sin O(Sex, t) +Q(Sex, t) cos O(Sex, t)] Yex(.E(t), t) (18.7)
= Bex (.E(t), E(t), t),
where Bex is a given function. If !;., xex, Yex do not depend explicitly upon t, we
fix .E by setting
Sect. 18. Boundary conditions. 675

[Thus we are requiring the curve (18.5) to pass through the reference position of
the end.] In the static case we replace x"' and Ycx by :] and -~~ .
(iii) The end is free of geometric restraint. The stress resultants at the end
are prescribed :
II. (i) The director p 1 is prescribed:
et(Scx, t) =!!1cx(t), (18.10)
(ii) The director p 1 at Sex is required to describe a smooth time dependent
and the component of p1 tangent to this motion is prescribed. Thus the boundary
conditions are
et(Scx, t) =etcx{L'(t), t), </>(Sex, t) =</>cx{L'(t), t),
G(S"', t) 1cx {.E(t), t) +M(S"', t) ~"' (.E(t), t) =Ccx(L'(t), i(t), t),

where CCX is a given function. In the static case we replace elcx and ~ex by aa~"' (.E)
and ~~-(.E).
(iii) The director p 1 is free of geometric restraint. We prescribe
G(Scx, t) =Gcx(t), M(S"', t) =Mcx(t). (18.13)
III. (i) The director p 2 is prescribed:
!?2 (Sex, t) = i?2cx (t). (18.14)
(iii) The director p 2 is free of geometric restraint. We prescribe
It is important to note that nowhere do we prescribe {J(Scx). (This is consistent with the
absence of the history of {J' from the arguments of the constitutive functionals.) Consequently
we cannot prescribe 6(Scx), as we could for classical rod theories. Rather than being a defect
of the theory, this fact indicates how the displacement boundary conditions for a three-
dimensional body can be more closely approximated by those for our Cosserat theory than
by those for a classical rod theory. This is illustrated in Fig. 3. (We use the geometric inter-
pretation of directors suggested by our work in Subchapter 1.) In Fig. 3a, we show a neigh-
borhood of the end S = 0 of a rod in its reference configuration with X(o) = Y(O) = tP (0) = o.
In Fig. 3 b, we show an arbitrary configuration of the neighborhood of this end satisfying

Fig. 3 a-c. Comparison of welded and clamped end conditions.

676 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sects. 19, 20.

the boundary conditions x (0, t) = y (0, t) = (h (0, t) = t/J (0, t) = 0. In Fig. 3 c, we show a con-
figuration with x (0, t) = y (0, t) = (h (0, t) = 0 (0, t) = 0. The boundary conditions for Fig. 3 b,
which are special cases of I (i), II (i), correspond to the welding of the end to a rigid wall, a con-
dition typical of the three-dimensional theory. On the other hand, to cause 0 (0, t) to vanish
as in Fig. 3c, we must not only weld the end to a rigid wall, but must also clamp the lateral
surface of the rod near this end. To attain this situation in both our Cosserat theory and in
the three-dimensional theory, we must impose an additional geometric constraint correspond-
ing to this clamping and leave free some combination of surface tractions and body forces
to accomodate this constraint. In classical theories, there is insufficient geometric structure
to distinguish between Figs. 3 b and 3 c. The introduction of the material constraint {J = 0
into our theory would cause (18.10) 2 to degenerate into O(S<X, t) = ijox(t).
Simple geometric models involving rollers and hinges can be made for each of possible
combinations of boundary conditions described above. We could introduce various couplings
in the specification of boundary conditions I, II, III by requiring the functions X"ox, Yox· ...
appearing on the right sides to be functionals of the past history of other geometric variables.
This would correspond to the introduction of nonlinear viscoelastic springs, the use of follower
forces, etc.

C. Problems for nonlinearly elastic rods.

19. Existence. Existence theorems for the equations of linear elasticity are
of a simple form: For reasonable data, there exists a unique classical solution.
The inherent complexity of three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity has so far
prevented the proof of global existence theorems. Still open is the problem of
determining physically consistent restrictions on the strain energy function that
ensure the existence of solutions in appropriate circumstances. 45 By the direct
methods of the calculus of variations, we can however prove a number of global
existence theorems for planar equilibrium problems for elastic Cosserat rods,
thereby solving this open problem in this one-dimensional case. The delicate
nature of parts of our work emphasizes the difficulties posed by the three-
dimensional problems.
By limiting our treatment to planar problems, we naturally simplify some
details of the work. But this restriction also enables us to treat the physically
interesting problem of hydrostatic loads. The resulting existence theorems serve
to illuminate the physics.
20. Variational formulation of the equilibrium problems. We introduce appropri-
ate variables that enable us to express clearly the hypotheses that both describe
the physics and ensure the success of the mathematics. We define the complex
strain variable
w + = 1 + w =w3+ +.~w 4 =e 3+ exp ~"{3 , {20.1)
w; is a weighted measure of the stretch e3; w4 is a weighted measure of director
rotation. From (17.17) we obtain
w3 > -1. (20.2)
The strict inequalities (17.17), (20.2) cause difficulties for the analysis. (A con-
vergent sequence of approximating solutions satisfying these strict unilateral
constraints need not have a limit satisfying them.) To remedy this, we introduce
in place of these constrained variables, a new set of strains that can assume
values on (- oo, oo). We define a class of one-to-one mappings ~. h2 , h3 h of =
' 5 To appreciate the difficulty of this "main open problem of nonlinear elasticity"
(NFTM, Sect. 20), one need only compare the account of physically motivated restrictions
on the strain-energy function in NFTM, Sect. 87, with the account of mathematically moti-
vated assumptions for variational problems given by MoRREY (1966). It is apparent that
freedom in selecting appropriate hypotheses is sharply curtailed.
Sect. 20. Variational formulation of the equilibrium problems. 677
(-oo, oo) onto (-1, oo) by
e =hk(y}' -00 <y<oo, (20.3)
where hk is twice continuously differentiable on (- oo, oo),
h~(y)>O, hk(O}=O, h~(0)=1,
hk(y)-+-1 as y-+-oo, hk(y)-+oo as y-+oo,
yh"(y) ~0. (20.5)
If et (5}, e 2(5), w3 (5) are measurable, then the composite functions

Y1(5) =hi1 (et(5)), Y2(5) =ha1 (e2(5)}, Ya=h- 1 (w3 (5)} (20.6)
are also measurable [cf. VAINBERG (1956, Chap. 6) or KRASNOSEL'SKII (1956,
Chap. 1)]. The functions Yk are just new strain variables with the desirable
property that if they are bounded functions of 5, then f!t, e2 , w3 are not only
bounded, but also satisfy the inequalities (17.17), (20.2).
We let u and v denote the septuples of real variables
v = (Y1• Y2• Ya· w4, y~, y~. c/>') · (20.8}
These differ only in the third argument. We denote by
u =h(v) (20.9)
the mapping of seven-dimensional real space /.H7 onto /.H 2 x ( -1, oo) X /.H4 induced
by h. We introduce new strain-energy functions depending on u and v in terms
of the strain-energy function W of (17.46) depending on the septuple w of (17.19)
W(w, 5) = U(u, 5) = V(v, 5), (20.10}
U(h(v), 5) = V(v, 5), etc. (20.11)
We assume that U, V, W are twice continuously differentiable functions of
their eight arguments on the respective domains of these arguments.
Replacing the coordinate functions x(5), y(5) by their indefinite integrals
obtained from (17.8}, (17.10), we can reduce the set of unknowns to any of
the three sets
w= (et' '!2' ea' {J, cf>, e6 [X (51) - X(51)], e~[y (51) - Y(51)J}'
U= (y1, y 2 , w3 , w4 , cf>, e6 [ x (51) - X(51)], e6 [y (51 ) - Y(51)]}, (20.12)
U= (y1, y2 , y3 , w4 , cf>, e6 [ x (51) -X(51}], e6 [y (51) - Y(51)]},
where e6 = 0 if the end 5 =51 is fixed and e6 = 1 otherwise. We denote the mapping
of measurable u into measurable u induced by (20.9) by
and its inverse by ~-1 .
We explicitly represent the coordinate functions x (5), y (5) by
x(5) +iy(5) =~[u, 5] +it)[U, 5]
5 (20.14)
== x(51} +i y (51)+ J w+ (T) exp icf>+(T) dT.
678 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 20.

The external distributed loads (body forces) for our problem are taken to have
the form
[d. (17.26)-(17.29)]. The term -A2 e3 v represents a hydrostatic pressure. A2
measures normal force per unit length of c. The term As~ i + A4 F;.i represents a
dead loading. 48 A3 and A4 are just numerical parameters.
We treat several cases of the boundary conditions of Sect. 18. We first consider
the conditions of class I. If the position of the end 5 =51 is fixed, then
If the position of the end 5 =5 2 is also fixed then
As a special case of (20.17) we have the ringboundaryconditionsforwhichX(51) =
X(5 2), Y(51) = Y(5 2). When the ring conditions hold, we require the body forces
to be self-equilibrated:
s, s,
A-sf ~(5) d5=0, A4 f F;.(5) d5=0. (20.18)
s, s,
(The hydrostatic pressure is always self-equilibrated on a ring.)
If the position of only one end is fixed, we take it to be the end 5 =51 . If the
end 5=52 moves on the curve f;(x, y) =0 of (18.5) then
and we may prescribe an external concentrated dead load at the end 5 =5 2 :
This load plus the normal reaction of the curve f;(x, y) =0 gives the total con-
centrated force n (5 2) at this end. If the end 5 =51 also moves on a curve I;_ (x,y) =0,
I;_(x(51),y(51 )) =0 (20.21)
and we may also prescribe an external concentrated dead load at 5 =51 :
A5 i + Asi. (20.22)
If both (20.19) and (20.21) hold, then x (51) and y (51) are unknowns: e6 = 1. In
this case we must restrict the form of the curves I;_ (x, y) = 0, I; (x, y) = 0 to
exclude problems in which equilibrium can be lost by a degenerate process as
would happen if the curves I;_ (x1 , y) =0, l;(x, y) =0 were parallel lines: the
application of a hydrostatic pressure to the rod would cause it to accelerate along
the lines. To ensure that the curves f'r. (x, y) = 0 exert sufficient restraint on
possible deformations, we require
Hypothesis G. I I both ends move on curves and if x1 (.E) + i y1 (.E) is un-
bounded, then
jx2 (L'2) +iy 2 (L'2) -x1 (L') -iy1 (.E)j ~oo as jx1 (.E) +iy1 (.E)j-+oo
for arbitrary fixed x(5 2) +iy(5 2) =x2 (L'2) +iy2 (L'2).
46 A dead loading is a system of force functions depending solely upon the material co-
ordinates. It is independent of time and of the configuration occupied by the body.
Sect. 20. Variational formulation of the equilibrium problems. 679

If the end 5 =51 is fixed and the end 5 =5 2 is free, then we require A.2 = 0.
(If not, the problem would fail to be variational.) In this case we prescribe the
dead load
We assume that the boundary conditions of classes II, III are all homogeneous.
This causes no loss of generality since a problem with nonhomogeneous boundary
conditions is readily transformed into one with homogeneous boundary conditions
and nonhomogeneous equations. There is no inconsistency since we do not require
the reference configuration to be stress-free. The homogeneous geometric boundary
conditions for tu are members of the set

~h (51) = e1 (52), e2 (51) = e2 (52), ¢(51) = <P (52)'

e1(5") =O, e2(5") =O, ¢(5J=O,
and correspondingly, the homogeneous boundary conditions for U and U are
members of the set

Y1 (51) =y1 (52), Y2(51) =y2(52), ¢(51) =¢(52),

y1 (5") =0, y 2 (5")=0, cP (5rx) =0.
We now define the functionals that arise in our variational problem. The tota
strain energy is

If each end is either fixed or constrained to move along a curve, then the area
swept out by c in a deformation from the reference configuration to an arbitrary
configuration is well-defined. It is the area of the shaded region of Fig. 2 and is
given by

U2, [u] = f I) [u, 5] [w; (5) cos ¢+(5) -w 4 (5) sin ¢+(5)] d5,
~~1 1:2 (20.27)
U2,[tt] = f y 1 (.E) x~(L') dL'- f y 2 (L') x~(L') dL',
0 0
C = JY(5)X'(5) d5,

with 1.'1 , 1:2 determined by

Note the Cis a given number. We also define
U3 [U] = f ~ [u, 5] .F,(5) d5, (20.29)
U5 [u] =x(51) -X(51), U6 [u] = y (51)- Y(51), (20.30)
U7 [u] = ~ [u, 5 2] - X(5 2), U8 [u] =~[u, 5 2] - Y(5 2), (20.31)
u9 [u] = ~ (x (51), y (51))' U10 [tt] =l;(~[u, 5 2], IJ[U, 5 2]). (20-32)
680 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 21.

The potential energy function is given by

U[u] = l: A; U1[u] (20-33)
where At=1.
We shall consider the problem of extremizing U [u] subject to any of the
following sets of constraints

U1[u] =0, jE m -{5, 6, 7, 8} (e 6 =0), (20.34)

U;[U] =0, jEm={5, 6, 10} (e 6 =0), (20.35)
U1[u] =0, jE m ={9, 10} (e6 =1), (20-36)
U1 [u] =0, jE m {5, 6}, ;.2 =0, (e 6 =0) (20.37)

and subject to whichever of the homogeneous boundary conditions (20.25) are

prescribed. We also treat the reciprocal variational problems that have Euler
equations of the same form. We shall show that the Euler equations for the
variational problems are equivalent to the complete boundary value problems
for the equilibrium of planar elastic rods given in Sects. 18, 19.
We define the functionals

iB[iJ] =U[~(iJ)], 181[iJ] =U;[~(iJ)], j=1, ... , 10, (20.38)

which will play a fundamental role in the subsequent analysis.
21. Statement of theorems. We introduce a set of physically reasonable re-
strictions on the strain energy function V.
HypothesisH1 . There are constants x>O, a;>1, j=1,2,3,4,5, with
aa = oc4 and there is a function 1{, (5) integrable on [51 , 5 2] such that
V(y1, Y2• Ya• w4, y~, y~, </J', 5)
~ x(e1IY1I"'' +e2IY2I"'• + lral"'• + lw41"" + lr~l"'' +lr~l"'• +I </J'I"'•) + Vo (5)'
where e"' =0 if Yoc (51 ) =0 or Yoc (52 ) =0 and e"' = 1 otherwise.
This condition implies that the rate of growth of V as a function of v is greater
than linear for large values of the arguments. This suffices to ensure that 181
must get large as the strains get large in a sense to be made precise.
Hypothesis H 2 • The strain energy function V(v, 5) is strictly convex in the
variables y3 , w4 , y~. y~. ¢' for fixed values of the remaining variables. (Since Vis
assumed to be twice continuously differentiable in its arguments, v, 5, the Hessian
matrix of second partial derivatives of V with respect to y3 , w4 , y~. y~. ¢', is
positive definite.)
This hypothesis is analogous to those proposed by CoLEMAN and NoLL (see
NFTM, Sect. 87). It ensures that the stress resultants corresponding to the
strains y3 , w 4 , y~, y~, ¢' are monotonically increasing functions of these strains
for fixed values of the remaining arguments and that the stress-strain relations
for these variables can be inverted.
The properties of the mapping h listed in (20.4), (20.5) enable us to show
immediately that H 2 implies the strict convexity of U with respect to its argu-
ments w3 , w 4 , y~. y~. ¢'.Moreover, convexity of U with respect to w3 , w4 implies
the convexity of W with respect to !?a [see (20.1 0)].
Sect. 21. Statement of theorems. 681

Hypothesis Ha. The strain energy function V(v, S) satisfies


(v, I
S) ~k(1 +lr~l,., +lr2l,.• +lrala.+lro41cc. +lr~l,.•+lr~l,., +I<P'I ... )
where k is a positive constant and vi is the t'-th component of v given in (20.8).
We now define the admissible class of functions for our variational problems.
We denote by llwl~ the (Lebesgue) fRp norm of the function won (S1, S2):
s, 11/P
llwl~ = [!,iw(S)!PdS (21.1)

and by llwi~.P the (Sobolev) "ff/.p1 norm of w (S) on (S1 , S2):

llw!~.P =llwl~ +llw'l~· (21.2)
Here w' denotes the distributional derivative of w. We assume that
Y1E~~. Y2E~~. YaEfR..,, ro4E!R..,, c/JE~!· (21.3)
It is understood that the functions in these spaces are defined on the interval
(S1 , S 2). We define the norm of b [see (20.12) 3] to be

lib II= 11r~11~ ..., + llr2ll1,,., +lira II..,+ l ro411... +II <PI~ .... (21.4)
+e6 (lx(S1) -X(S1)1 +ly(S1) - Y(S1)1).
We denote by fJI the real Banach space of elements b defined by (21.3), (21.4)
that satisfy whichever of the homogeneous linear boundary conditions (20.25)
are prescribed for the given problem. This space is well-defined, i.e. these boundary
conditions are meaningful, because a special case of the Sobolev embedding
theorem ensures that "ff/.p1 can be identified with a subspace of the continuous
functions provided the elements of "ff/.p1 are defined only on a finite interval of
the real line.
The domain of the functionals )Bk, k = 1, ... , 8 is n C k (0) where m is defined for
each type of boundary condition in (20.34)-(20.37). The boundary conditions
not included in this specification of domain are produced as natural boundary
conditions by the variational process.
Let ~ denote the set of those integers 1, ... , 8 not belonging to m. Let .e denote
any subset of ~. .e may be the empty set. The complement of .e in ~ is denoted
.ec. Let

We can now state our results. 47

Theorem 1. Let hypotheses G, H1 , H 2 hold. Let~. F;.E21 •
(i) Let 1E .ec. If IXa =oc4 > 2 or if 2E .e, then for arbitrary fixed values of
{A.k, kE .ec, k=l= 1} and for arbitrary fixed values of {ck, ku}, there exists an element b
47 These theorems generalize those of ANTMAN (1970b) and are closest in spirit to the
results for shells given by ANTMAN (1971). Earlier investigations along these lines were made
by TADJBAKHSH and 0DEH (1967), ANTMAN (1968c). TADJBAKHSH and ODEH showed the
advantages of replacing the coordinate functions x (S), y (S) by indefinite integrals.
682 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 22.

that minimizes 1; Ak l8" on tS~m and there is a corresponding element n =~(b) that

minimizes ~ A" U" on ~ (G~m)·


(ii) Let 1 E.e. For arbitrary fixed values of {A,., kE e} and for arbitrary fixed
values of {c,., kE.e} there exist elemenst that b, b respectively minimize and maximize
1;A,.l8,. on tS~m and there are corresponding elements U=~(b), U=~(b) that

respectively maximize and minimize ~ Ak U,. on ~(Gem)·


Theorem 2. Let hypotheses G, H 1 , H 2 , H 3 hold. Then the extremizers of

Theorem 1 are solutions of the corresponding boundary value problem and have as
much smoothness as the smoothness of F., and F, permits. In particular, if F., and F,
are continuous, then the solutions are classical solutions. Moreover, (h > - 1,
(>2 > -1, Wa > -1 everywhere.
Remarks. These theorems show that there are solutions of all sizes. But the
existence of solutions for all values of the pressure A2 is assured only when IXa = oc4
exceeds the critical value 2. In Sect. 23 we show why this is essentially a best
possible condition. We note that the analysis leading to the determination of this
critical value is quite elementary (see Lemmas 1 and 2 in Sect. 22).
This result holds important lessons for the construction of special nonlinear
theories of elastic rods. It has been a common practice to retain true nonlinear
strain-displacement relations, but to employ a linear relation between stress
resultants and the particular strain measure chosen. Thus if the measure of
extensional strain is chosen to be the extension ea the corresponding constitutive
relation is usually taken to be
N=EA ea. (21.7)
whereas if the strain is taken to be the material strain ea l (ea) 2 the corresponding
constitutive relation is usually taken to be
N =EA [es +l(ea) 2]. (21.8)
Here EA is a material constant. These two laws clearly agree for ea small. But
for ea large and positive, relation (21.7) corresponds to IXa = 2 and (21.8) to IXa = 3·
Thus these two commonly used measures of extensional strain produce strikingly
different qualitative behavior in the large. These relations are also unacceptable
for large deformations because only a finite force N is needed to compress a
positive length of rod to zero length. Needless to say, these same comments
apply to three-dimensional and shell theories.
Our analysis in the next section shows the essential role played by the complex
strain w: the replacement of the convexity of U with respect to w3 , w4 , y~. y~. cf/,
which is a consequence of H 2 , by the convexity of another strain energy function
(say W) with respect to a different set of arguments (say ea. {J, ei. e~. cf/) would
destroy the proof that the solutions of the boundary value problems are regular.
22. Proofs of the theorems. The principal tool used in the proof of Theorem 1 is the
Minimization Theot"em: A (sequentially) weakly lower semicontinuous functional on a
bounded (sequentially) weakly closed nonempty subset of a reflexive Banach space attains its
minimum there. [Proof of this result and relevant definitions are given by VAINBERG (1956),
RoTHE (1968), and others.] For the spaces we use, sequential weakness is equivalent to
weakness. We prove Theorem 1 by proving a sequence of lemmas that ensure that the hypo-
theses of this Minimization Theorem are met. We adopt the convention that C represents a
positive constant, specific estimates for which are available but unnecessary for our purposes.
If C appears more than once in any expression, it need not have the same meaning in each
Sect. 22. Proofs of the theorems. 683
Lemma 1. If hypotheses G and H 1 hold, then ~ 1 [U]-:.oo as llull-+oo.
Proof. !lull-+ oo if and only if at least one of the terms on the right side of (21.4) ap-
proaches infinity. Hypothesis H 1 immediately implies that ~ 1 [U] _,. oo as any one of the norms

approaches infinity. That ~1 --+ oo as llr1 IIIX, (when e1 = 0) or l rziiO<, (when e2 = 0) approaches
infinity, is an immediate consequence of the Poincare inequality: If w (5) is a function in
if/P1 with w(5 0) =0 for some 5 0E [51, 5 2 ], then there is a positive number C such that iiwl\p<
C iiw'iip· Similarly, if tP (51)= 0 or tP (52)= 0, then ~ 1 --+ oo as I tPIIO<,--+ oo. If tP is not required
to satisfy one of these boundary conditions, then we observe that the problem is invariant
under the addition of multiples of 2n to tP· We then define the branch of tP for any given
configuration to have mean value satisfying

Then tP- (52 - 5 2)-1 f tP(5) d5 satisfies the Poincare inequality. Thus I tP'IIO<, and therefore
~ 1 approach infinity as I tPIIO<,-+ oo. Finally, if lx (51) -X(51) I+ Iy (51) - Y(51) I can approach
infinity, then hypothesis G and an elementary estimate ensure that IIYaiiO<t+ llro4 IIO<,-+ oo so that
~1-+ 00. 048

Lemma2. Let F,,l'yE!l!1 and let hypotheses G and H 1 hold. Let 1Ee'. If rta=a4 >2
or if 2Ee, then for arbitrary fixed values of {A.k, kEe', k =!= 1}, L A.k ~k_,. oo as !lull-+ oo.
Proof. The inequalities
l~zl ~C[1 +llral~. +llro,I~J.
8 (22.1)
l~kl ~ C[1 + llral~. + IJro,J~.l.
obtained by the Holder inequality and the hypothesis H 1 , ensure the result. 0
Lemma 8. Let Fz. FyE !1!1 . The functionals Uk• k = 2, ... , 10, are (sequentially) weakly
continuous on IJ(.~) ( ai'.
Proof. The (sequential) weak continuity of llk means that

The Riesz Representation Theorem implies that a sequence {wj} in !l! p (p > 1) converges
weakly to w if and only if

for arbitrary gE !l!p• where (1/P) + (1/P*) = 1 and that a sequence {wj} in "11//(P > 1) converges
weakly to w if and only if
{{[wj(5)- w(5)] g(5) + [wj(5)- w' (5)] g' (5)} d5 --+0 (22.4)
for arbitrary gE i!pL where again (1/P) + (1/P*) = 1. The weak convergence of Xj(51) to
x (51 ) and of Yi(51) toy (51) is the usual numerical convergence. Thus Uj-+U weakly when the
components of Uj converge weakly to the components of U in their respective spaces.
Now let Uj-+U weakly as j-+ oo. From (20.14) and (20.31) we have
u7 [Uj] - u7 [U] + i (lls [Uj]- Us [U]) = Xj(51)- X (51)+ i [yj(51) - y (51)]
s, s2 (22.5)
+ J (wj- ro) exp i tP+ d5 + f wt (exp tPt- exp i tP+) d5.
s, s,
The first integral on the right side of (22.5) approaches zero by (22.3). Since can be com- "//'f
pactly embedded in the space '6'[51 , 5 2] of continuous functions with the maximum norm,
48 The symbol 0 indicates the termination of a proof.
684 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 22.

the elements of the sequence {~;} are (equivalence classes) containing continuous functions
converging strongly (i.e. uniformly) to ~ in 'ii'[S1 , S 1]. Since the sequence {wj'} is weakly
convergent in Za.,. it is bounded in norm. Thus the second integral of (22.5) is less than

(S,f'lmtl ds) [Smax

.. 5
(exp i ~t -exp i ~+) -+0.

By the hypothesis of weak convergence, x;(S1) -+x(S1), Y;(S1) -+y(S1). Thus U7 and U. are
weakly continuous. The same reasoning yields the weak continuity of the rest of the func-
tionals uk.k = 3.... , 10, the proofs for Ua and u,
being expedited by a change in the order
of integration.


Fig. 4. The area L1DCGH = U2 [U;] - U. [U).
The proof of the weak continuity of U. is more delicate. We first examine Fig. 4. Here
the curve DC represents 'il' and the curve HG represents the curve determined by u;. The
area of the quadrilateral DCGH is denoted L1nCGH. We use an analogous notation for other
areas. Thus

L1EFGH =Us,[Uj] +i{~[U;. S2] t)[Uj, S2] -x;(S1) Y;(S1 )},
L1ABCD =Us,[U] +t{~[U, S 1 ) t) [U, 5 1 ) - x(S1 ) y(S1 )},
L1EADJ= -y(S1 ) [x;(S1 ) -x(S1 )],
L1BF]C =t) [U, SsJ {~ [Uj. S 1 ) -~ [U, S 2J},
L1mH=0(1x;(S1) -x(S1)I·IY;(S1) -y(S1)1),
L1c]G = 0(1~ [Uj. S 2] -~ [U, 5 2 ) I ·It) [Uj. 5 2 ] -t) [U, S 2 ] 1).

From (22.6), (22.7), and from the weak continuity of U7 , U8 , we find that Us, [Uj]- Us, [U] -+0
as i-+ oo, so that U1, is weakly continuous.
Now (20.27) 2 implies that

U1, [U;] - U2, [U] = - Im f

(mt exp i ~t - m+ exp i ~+) ~ dS + J (~;- ~) mt exp i ~t dS, (22.8)

~(S) =~[U, S] -it)[U, S], ~;(S) =~[U;. S] -it)[U;. S]. (22.9)
Our previous arguments show that the first integral on the right of (22.8) approaches zero
and that ~;(S) -~(S) approaches zero pointwise as f-+oo. The uniform boundedness of
llmt l a.. and the Holder inequality enable us to show that the sequence of continuous functions
{~;}is uniformly bounded and equicontinuous and therefore has a uniformly convergent sub-
sequence by the Arzela-Ascoli Theorem. The entire sequence{~;} itself must converge uni-
formly to zero (or else we could extract a subsequence violating the pointwise convergence
to zero). Thus the second integral of (22.8) is bounded above by
C max ~~~-~1-+0.
[s.. s,]
Hence U2 , is weakly continuous. 0
Sect. 22. Proofs of the theorems. 685

Lmnmo4. Let :f denote the closed ball {': llull ~a} in .si'. The closure of I)(%), denoted
Cll) (:f), is weakly closed.
Proof. The convexity of the function I h- 1 1 defined in (20.4), (20.5) enables us to show
that I)(%) is midpoint convex. The lemma follows from the results that the closure of a
midpoint convex set is convex and that a strongly closed convex subset of a Banach space
is weakly closed. 0
We require the lower semicontinuity theorem of FICHERA (1967): Let F(a, b, S) be a
continuous real valued function bounded from below for aEfJIP, bE[Jlq, SE [51 , 5 2] and let F be
convex in the components of a for fixed b, S. Let 1 be a bounded linear map of a Banach space
.si' into [9'1 ]1> and let m be a compact linear map of .si' into [9'1 ]q. Then the functional
iY [f] = f F((lf) (S), (mf) (S), S) dS
is sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous on the set of all fE .si' for which iY [f] is defined.
We can now prove
LemmaS. Let hypotheses H 1 and H 2 hold. Then U1 is (sequentially) weakly lower semi-
continuous wherever it is defined on .si'.
Proof. We merely apply FICHERA's theorem to ul. identifying

and noting that the requisite convexity of U is an immediate consequence of H 2 • The Sobolev
embedding theorem ensures the compactness of m. 0
Proof of Part (i) of Theorem 1. Lemmas 1 and 2 imply that~ A.,.~,.-+ co as llull-+oo.
Therefore we need only seek minima for ~ A.,.~ k on % n If, m where % is some closed ball of
radius a centered at the origin of .si'. An elementary geometric construction ensures that
%n8,m is not empty. Since the functionals ~k have the same values as the functionals Uk
for corresponding arguments, we study the minimization problem for~ A.,. on l) (% n Ifem). u,.
By Lemmas 3 and 5. ~ A.,.Uk is weakly lower semicontinuous on Cll)(%). By Lemmas 3
and 4, Cll)(%n<f,m) is weakly closed. The Minimization Theorem implies that~ A.kUk
is minimized on Cll) (% (") tffeml· Thus~ A.k~k is minimized on the pre-image of Cll) (.:fn Ifem)
(which consists of all' that are taken into Cll)(%n<f,m) by I) and which may be an
unbounded set). But we have shown that if~ Ak~k is minimized on C,m it must in fact be
minimized on% n tff,m itself. 0 kEe•
We need some additional results for the proof of Part (ii) of Theorem 1.
Lemmo 6. Let .5u'. The functionals ~ k, k = 2, ... , 10, have Gateaux differentials (first

at u in the direction 6u and the functionals U,., k = 2, ... , 10 have Gateaux differentials U/. [U] .5u
at u =I) (U) in the direction 6u =I)' (U) 6u, where I)' (V) is the Gateaux derivative of 1).
Proof. We use the mean value theorem to represent the integrands of

in the form b(e) · 6v, where b(e) depends on septuples v intermediate to v and ve+6v.
These integrands are uniformly bounded by integrable functions for Iel ~ 1. This follows
for~~•• ~8 • ~ 4 by the presence of indefinite integrals in their integrands and for ~ 7 • ~ 8 by
standard arguments. Since the integr.1nds converge pointwise to their obvious limits as
e -+0, the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem implies that the limits of these integrals,
namely ~/.[u] 6u, k = ~. 3, 4, 7, 8, exist. The differentiability of I; as a function of its argu-
ments x, y then guarantees the existence of ~~0 [U] 6u. ~~. is treated as in (22.6)-(22.8). The
Gateaux differentials of ~ 5 , ~ 6 • ~8 are just ordinary differentials. The existence of U/. [U] .5U
follows from the chain rule for Gateaux derivatives. 0
686 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 22.

These Gateaux derivatives are readily calculated by the usual procedures of variational
a_ , -
Lemma 7. If l>lk$k [U] bu = 0 for arbitrary bu in some dense subset of :!1, then laFx = o,
~Fy=O and J:k=O, k =2, 5, 6, ... , 10.
Proof. If ~ = o, the use of the explicit representations for the Gateaux differentials and
of the arbitrariness of bu leads to the conclusion of the lemma. If I 2 =1= 0, a calculation shows
that 1 + h (y3 ) = 0 everywhere, implying that y3 = - oo everywhere, which is absurd. D
Proof of Part (ii) of Theorem 1. Let

so that 8'§ = C1 (c1). '§is bounded, for if not, there would be a sequence {u k}E '§with llukll--+ oo.
But Lemma 1 would then imply that $ 1 [U k]--+ oo, violating the definition of '§. The properties
of I) ensure that I)('§) is likewise bounded. Since U1 is weakly lower semicontinuous wherever
it is defined on :!1, it follows that I)('§) is weakly closed and thus -*'==I)('§ n C.,m) is weakly
closed. It is readily shown that this set is nonempty. Thus by Lemma 3, L; A.kUk is weakly
continuous on the bounded weakly closed nonempty subset -*' of :!1. The Minimization Theo-
rem then implies that L; A.kUk attains both its maximum and minimum on-*'·
We wish to show that these extrema are actually attained on 8-*'. If such an extremum
were attained at an interior point of -*'· then L; A.k Uk [U] bu = 0 at that point. By Lemma 7
and the chain rule for Gateaux differentials, A.k = 0, k Ee" so that L; A.k U/. [U] bu would be
identically zero on -*' and trivially maximized on the boundary. Since I) is continuous, the
pre-image of 8-*' is the closed set 8.-m. so these results immediately carry over to L; A.k$k
which has the same values on '§as L; A.kuk has on 1)('§). 0 kEe•
For the proof of Theorem 2, we require
Lemma 8. Let e6 bx(S1), e6 by(S1) be arbitrary fixed real numbers, let by8 (S), bw,(S) be
arbitrary fixed piecewise continuous functions, and let by1 (S), by2 (S), b,P(S) be arbitrary fixed
piecewise smooth functions in :!1. Let bu denote the element of !!I consisting of these components.
If hypothesis H 3 holds, then \81 has a Gateaux differential \8i_ [V] .5v at v in the direction of this
bu. and ulhas a Gateaux differential UJ.[u] bu at u =I) (U) in the direction bu =I)' (U) bu.
Proof. The proof imitates that of Lemma 6, using H 3 to obtain a uniform bound on the
integrand of e-1 [$1 [U + ebu] -$1 [u]] by an integrable function for I ~ 1. Dei
Proof of Theorem 2. 49 We just prove the result for the case in which = {1}. The proofs
for the other extremizers are identical. The Multiplier Rule implies there are real constants
J.k, k = 1, ... , 10, not all zero, such that
10- , 10- ,
L; A.k $k [U] bu = L; A.k Uk [U] bu = 0 (22.12)
k=J k=l

for arbitrary bu of the type described in Lemma 8 and for bu =I)' (U) bu. where. the fs are
determined by a normalizing condition and the side conditions

Now l 1 does not vanish, for if it did, Lemma 7 would imply that the remaining ),'s vanish,
in violation of the Multiplier Rule. We therefore normalize the fs by taking ~ = 1.
We now invoke the Fundamental Lemma of the Calculus of Variations in the following
two forms: Let f(S) E!l'1 • If f f(S)g' (S)dS = 0, for all piecewise smooth g(S) with compact
~ ~
support on [51 , 5 2], then f(S) =constant function a.e.; if ff(S)g(S) =0 for all piecewise
Our proof modifies the standard regularity theory of ToNELLI for single integral varia-
tional problems in order to account for the analytical difficulty of our problem. Cf. AKHIEZER
(1955). FuNK (1962), MoRREY (1966, Theorem 1.10).
Sect. 22. Proofs of the theorems. 687

continuous g (5) with compact support on [51 , 5 2], then f (5) = 0, a.e. We change the order of
integrations in some terms of (22.12) 2 and integrate some terms by parts in such a way that
the terms remaining in the integrands have one of the functions Jw3 (5), Jw4 (5), Jy~ (5),
t5y;(5), t5tP'(5) as factors. We then apply the Fundamental Lemma and exploit the possible
arbitrariness of Jy1 (51 ), Jy2 (51 ), !5tP(51 ), Jx(51 ), Jy(51) to obtain

au (u (5),
5) = Ja,(].au
(u (T), T) dT + const, (22.14)
ow (u (5), 5) = -A (S) cos tP+ (S) -B(5) sin tP+ (5), (22.15)

· ··· (u(5), 5) = -B(5) cos tP+ (5) +A (5) sin tP+ (5), (22.16)
~~' (u (5), 5) = [wt (T) cos tP+ (T)- w 4 (T) sin tP+ (T)] B(T) dT

s (22.17)
[wt(T) sin tP+(T) +w 4 (T) cos tP+(T)]A(T) dT+const,

A (5) '='- l 2 [wif ( T) sin tP+ (T) + w 4 (T) cos tP+ (T)] dT

B(5)==l2 (cwt(T) cos tP+(T) -w4 (T) sin tj~+(T)] dT

+X, Fy(T) dT +Is+ I1o ~~- (nu, 52], t) [u, 5 2 ]).
Eqs. (22.14 )-(22.1 7) hold a.e. We also obtain the following alternatives for boundary conditions:


tP(51 ) =0 or f[wif(T) cos tj~+(T) -w4 (T) sin tj~+(T)] B(T) dT
s, (22.20)
- f [wt(T) sin tP+(T) +w4 (T) cos IP+(T)]A(T) dT=O.



Since tP E ~:,it is continuous. Thus the right sides of (22.14)-(22.17) represent continuous
functions of S. The strict convexity of U with respect to w3 , w,, y~, ).;, tP', which is a conse-
688 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 22.

quence of Hz, allows us to apply the Implicit Function Theorem to (22.14)-(22.17) and
conclude that we can solve these equations for the ala• ro4 , yi_, y;, ~·that appear as arguments
of the derivatives of U in terms of the other members of the equations:
where G is a differentiable function of its arguments and P(S) represents the right sides of
(22.14)-(22.17). Since the arguments of G are continuous functions of S, it follows that
ro3 , ro4 , yJ., ,..;, ~· are continuous functions of S. (The uniqueness of the distributional deriv-
ative implies that y~. ~· are classical derivatives of ""'' ~.) If .Fx. Fy are continuous, this
last result implies that the arguments of G are then continuously differentiable functions of S
so that ro3 , ro4 are continuously differentiable and""'' ~are twice continuously differentiable.
This smoothness of u enables us to differentiate (22.14)-(22.17) with respect to S. We obtain

d ( 8U) 8U
dS a,~ = a,.. ·
ddS ( :~ cos ~+- :~ sin ~+) = - I 2 (ro; sin ~+ + ro4 cos ~+) + la F",
ddS ( :~3 sin ~+ + :~, cos ~+) = A2 (ro8 cos ~+ -ro4 sin ~+)+I, Fy.
d ( 8U) 8U + 8U
dS d~' =ro, 8ro3 -roa 8ro4 •

These are readily shown to be equivalent to the equations of Sect. 18.

By (20.6), the variables !h· 'Ia are twice differentiable images under h1 , hz of the twice
differentiable functions i'1> y 2 • The continuity of y1 , y 2 ensures that {11 > -1, 'lz > - 1
everywhere. Since ro8 is a continuous function and the image of the ~... function y3 under
h, it follows that ro8 > -1, a.e. To show that ro3 > -1 everywhere, we proceed thus: We use
(22.12h, thereby obtaining in place of (22.14)-(22.17) a similar system with derivatives of
Von the left and with h'(y3 (S)) among the expressions on the right. Hypothesis Hz enables
us to use the Implicit Function Theorem to express y 2 (S) as a continuous function of S, ""' (S),
and P(S), the right side of this system. Since h'(y3 (S)) appears in P(S), P(S) need not be
continuous. But the inequality I k' I < 1 implies that P (S) is bounded, whence it follows that
y8 (S) is also bounded. The properties of h then imply that ro3 (S) =k(y3 (S)) is bounded below
by a number greater than - 1.
We now tum to the study of natural boundary conditions. Following the standard pro-
cedure, we integrate by parts the expression


appearing in (22.12}z and use the arbitrariness of !5y"' to conclude that if r .. (s.) $0, then

a ' (u(S.), s.) =O, (22.25)

Similarly, we find that if ~ (S.) $0, then

8 ~, (u(S.),S~)=o, (22.27)

Sect. 22. Proofs of the theorems. 689
Setting 5=5 2 in (22.15), (22.16), we find

~U (u(5 2 ), 5 2) cos ljJ+(5 2 ) - ~U (u(52). 5 2) sin ljJ+(52 )

uro3 uro4
- - 0~
= - A1- A10- 8:;- (~; [u. 52J. tJ [u. 52J).

(u(52). 52) sin ljJ+ (52)+ ~u (u (52). 52) cos ljJ+ (52)
- - 0~
=- ;,s- A10 -8;. (~; [u. 52J. tJ [u. 52Jl.

Now we remove the restriction that "c = { 1} and consider the whole range of possibilities for
boundary conditions at the end 5 =52 : (i) If the position of this end is free, then we set
'X:to = 0 because the boundary condition (20.19) is not operative. If the horizontal component
A1 of end load is prescribed, we replace I 7 by }.7 • Eq. (22.29) then becomes a boundary con-
dition. On the other hand, if we prescribe the horizontal component of displacement for this
end, then 117 = c7 and (22.29) is an equation giving the force I 7 necessary to maintain such
a displacement in terms of U and c7 • Analogous results hold for (22.30) with respect to vertical
components of load and displacement. (ii) If the position of this end is fixed: 117 = c7 , Us= Cs,
then we again set 110 = o. Eqs. (22.29), (22.30) determine the reactions Is necessary to x7.
maintain this state. (iii) If this end moves on the curve ~ (x, y) = 0 then (20.19) holds. If we
prescribe the horizontal component of displacement at this end, but leave the vertical
component free, then the boundary conditions are (20.19) and ll7 =c 7 , with (22.29), (22.30)
- - 0~ - - 0~
used to determine the reactions A7 + A10 -, As + A10 -"~ needed to maintain this state. If
OX uy
we further prescribe the vertical component As of the external end load, we merely replace
Is by A8 • Anaolguos results hold when the vertical component of displacement is prescribed
and the horizontal component is left free. If }. 7 and ). 8 are prescribed, then we replace 7. 7 , 18
by ). 7 , }.8 and eliminate 7.10 from (22.29), (22.30) to obtain

a~ . +)
( 0~ cosi/J + ----smi/J au
---- (. a~----smi/J
. ++
. oy ox OWa oy
- - r.'
- '7
.£~ + ,.;8 ar~
oy · ax at 5 = 52 •

The boundary conditions are then (20.19) and (22.31), with (22.29) or (22.30) used to deter-
mine the reaction X10 •
The boundary conditions at 5 =51 are treated analogously. Eqs. (22.21) correspond to
(22.29). (22.30). If },5 and A6 are prescribed, we can eliminate X9 from these equations to
obtain a boundary condition corresponding to (22.31).
It is readily shown that all these conditions reduce to those of Sect. 18 when the variables
of w, given in (17.19), are used.
We finally turn to the ring which has the periodicity conditions (20.25h, 2 , 3 , (22.26),
(22.28) and
[See remarks following (20.17).] Substituting (22.32) into (22.15). (22.16), (22.18), we get

Since U has period 5 2 -51 in 5, we can write the five Eqs. (22.26), (22.28), (22.33) in the form

au au
~, (u(5 ). 5 )=-~, (u(5 ), 5 ),
2 1 1 1 etc., (22.34)
oy"' oy"'
which we regard as a system for determining y~(5 2 ),y;(52 ),ro3 (52 ).ro4 (52 ), I/J(52) in terms
of y~ (51), y~(51 ), w3 (51), w 4 (51), 1/J (51). Since the Jacobian of this system is just the nonzero
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 44
690 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 23.

Hessian determinant of U with respect toy~, y~, w 3 , w 4 , tP· this system has a unique solution
which must be
Thus we can recover all the periodicity conditions (18.2).
This completes the proof of Theorem 2. D

23. Straight and circular rods. The planar equilibrium problems of a straight
rod under axially directed end tractions and a circular ring or arch under hydro-
static pressure throw light on the theorems of Sect. 21. The reference configuration
for these rods is defined by
<P'(S) =!J(const). (23 .1)
For a straight rod we take
!J=O, X(S)=S, Y(S)=O, A.k=O for k=f=1,7, (23.2}

and we prescribe either A. 7 or c7 • For a circular rod we take

!.!=1, X(S)+iY(S)=expiS, A.k=O for k=f=1,2, (23.3)

and we prescribe either A.2 or c2 • We assume that the rod is homogeneous, i.e.,
W does not depend explicitly on S. We also require
ow ow ~} =0 if == ((h, e2, ea. 0, 0, 0,
ar=o, oe~ =O, w = ((}, 0) 0). (23.4)

We seek solutions of the equilibrium equations of the form

w = (q, 0) =(el, e2, es, 0, 0, 0, 0}' (23.5)

where {ek} are constants. Under these assumptions the nontrivial equilibrium
equations from (17.33)-(17.35), (17.37), (17.38) reduce to
N'=O, fJN=A.2 e3, G =0, K=O. (23.6)

If the rod is straight (23.6) 2 is an identity. We append a set of boundary conditions

consistent with (23. 5). 50
There need not be solutions of the algebraic equations (23.6) even though the
hypotheses of the existence theory are met because (23.5) may exclude the only
solutions that exist. We must therefore impose an additional restriction on the
material response to ensure the existence of "trivial" solutions of the form (23.5).
We require the pair of algebraic equations
8 (g, 0) =0 (23.7)
to have solutions

for each es > -1.

Using this property and the constitutive equations (17.48}, (17.49}, we can
reduce (23.6) for straight rods to

50 Note that if G = 0, th<m (!~ = 0, if K = 0 then f!a = 0, if M = 0, then tP' = o. This followg
from (23.4), hypothesis H 2 , and (17.48), (17.49).
Sect. 23. Straight and circular rods. 691
If c7 is prescribed, then ea = c1 (52- 51) -1 (provided X (51) =51) . The axial stress
0. -
resultant N = A.7 is then determined from (23.9). On the other hand if we prescribe
N(5 2) cos 0(52) -Q(52) sin 0(52) =A-7 , (23.10)
which (23.5) reduces to
then N = A. 7 . Now hypotheses H1 and H 2 imply that
--+- oo as ea--+ -1,
~~ --+oo as ea--+oo. Since ~w is continuous, (23.9) has a s~lution for each A.7 •
uea uea
The situation for circular rods subject to hydrostatic pressure is more delicate.
The condition specified by (23.7), (23.8) reduces (23.6) to

~~ (e1 (ea). e2 (ea). ea. 0) = ;.2 (1 +ea). (23.12)

If c2 is prescribed, ea
is determined and the pressure ;.,2 necessary to effect the
deformation is given by (23.12). Thus there are solutions of all sizes. If A. 2 is
prescribed then the situation is more complicated. In Fig. 5 we plot a typical
~w andthefamily of rays A.2 (1
u~ ~w
+ea) asfunctionsof1 +ea· Since ~w --+-oo as
n..--+- oo
o:a a(es)2 · > 0' we find
and since ----
(i) For all A. 2 ~o. there is at least one solution e of (23.12).

(ii) If there are constants x > 0, IX> 2 such that ~: > x [ (ea)cc- 1-1 J for
ea > 0, then there is at least one circular solution for each ;.2.
(iii) If there are constants x > 0, IX ~ 2 such that ~w ~ x [ (ea)cc-1+ 1] for ea > 0,
then there is a positive value of A.2 above which there are no circular solutions.
These results illustrate the significance of the hypotheses H1 - H3 underlying
our existence theorems.


Fig. 5. oWfoe8 and .A2 etas functions of et for circular rods under hydrostatic pressure.
692 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 24.

24. Uniqueness theorems. We present a sampling of uniqueness theorems. The

hypotheses for these theorems, which are far more stringent than those necessary
to ensure existence, reflect that unqualified uniqueness in nonlinear elastostatics
is exceptional. We first consider the planar equilibrium problem for the straight
rod defined by (23.2) and the boundary conditions
x(O) =0, y(O) =y(S2) =0, M(O) =M(S2) =0,

We allow any conditions on the director amplitudes. We assume that

~~ = 0 if {3 = 0. : : = 0 if t/J' = 0 (24.2)
and that

Theof'em. 51 If hypothesis H 2 and relations (23.2), (24.1)-(24.3) hold, if A.7;;;:;:; 0,

and if -n < () <n, then the classical solutions of the planar equilibrium problem
y(S) =O, {3(5) =0, t/J(S) =O for o ~S~S2 • (24.4)

Proof. Since the only external force is the tensile force A.7 , we can replace
the equilibrium equations for (17.33), (17.34), (17.38) and the constitutive relations
(17.48) by
aw aw , + •
-,- = A.7 cos 0, ----ajJ = - ,.7 es stn 0 , (24.5)

with y satisfying
y' = (?s sin () . (24.6)
If A-7 =0, then H 2 , (24.2), {24.3), (24.5) 2 , 3 imply that {J=O, t/J'=O. Thus 0'=0.
Relations (24.1) 2 , 3 , (24.6) then imply that 0=0, y=O. If A. 7 >0, we assume for
contradiction that y$0. Conditions (24.1) 2 , 3 then require y or -y to have a
positive interior maximum. We need only treat the case in which y is maximized
at S 0 E (0, 5 2):
y(S0 ) > 0, y'(S0 ) =0, y"(S0 ) ~0. (24.7)
Eqs. (24.6), (24.7) and the positivity of es imply that sin() (5 0) =0. The restriction
of() to the range ( -n, n) then requires() (50 ) =0. Differentiating (24.6), we obtain

y"(So) = es (So) O'(So) · (24.8)

The inequality (24.7) 3 then implies
0 (50) ::; 0. (24.9)
Evaluating the derivative of (24.5) 2 at 5 0 , we obtain
Wpp {3'(So) = - A.1 e3 (So) O'(So) = - A.7 e3 (So) [{3'(So) + t/J'(So)J, (24.10)
where Wpp denotes the value of 82 Wf8{3 2 at 5 0 • We solve this for {3'(50) in terms
of t/J'(S0 ). We then get
O'(S0)={3'(S0)+t/J'(S0)= w.
l!a o 7
t/J'(S0). (24.11)
51 The theorem and its method of proof generalize results of GREENBERG (1967).
Sect. 24. Uniqueness theorems. 693

Now H 2 , (24.2) 2 , {24.5) 3 , (24.7)1 imply that c/> 1 (50 ) > 0, so that 01 (50 ) > 0 in
contradiction to (24.9). 0
Some other boundary conditions can be treated similarly. The restriction
that OE (-n, n) prevents solutions with loops that are known to exist for the
elastica (cf. LOVE, 1927). There is no reason to expect uniqueness to hold for (!rz·
Indeed, the absence of such uniqueness may correspond to modes of extensional
failure, such as "necking down".
Sharper theorems for more special classes of materials are available. These
ensure uniqueness for a range of negative values of .1.7 corresponding to compressive
thrusts. REISS (1969) gave a simple proof of uniqueness for the classical elastica
for -A< .1.7 < 0, where A is the smallest eigenvalue of the problem linearized
about the trivial solution, by exploiting the minimizing properties of A. OLM-
STEAD (1971) obtained uniqueness for a range of compressive thrusts for a material
with constitutive relations

His techniques may be applicable to more general classes of materials. MEISSON-

NIER (1965) has treated uniqueness for some very special forms of W.
The follower load problem. We now consider the planar equilibrium problem for
the straight rod with reference configuration defined by
~(5) =0, 0 ~X(5) -5~5 2 , Y(5) ==0, (24.12)
subject to boundary conditions
x(O) =0, y(O) =0, c/>(0) =0,
N(5 2)=P, Q(52) =0, M(52) =0.
Thus the load applied at 5 2 remains tangent to c at 5 2 and is accordingly termed
a follower load. This load and the reactions at 5 = 0 are the only external forces
applied to the rod. We allow any conditions on the director amplitudes. We
assume that
~; =0 if and only if fJ =0, ~; =0 if cp =0. (24.14)

TheOTem. If (24.14) and H 2 hold, then classical solutions to this follower lower
load problem satisfy
y(5)-0, {3(5) 0, c/>(5)==0 for 0~5~5 2 •

Proof. From (17.34), (17.35), (24.13), (17.48) 2 we get

~~ =Pe; sin[O -0(52)]. (24.15)

Relations (24.14) and {24.15) imply that {3(52) =0. Now we substitute (17.48)
into the equilibrium equations for (17.34) and (17.38) to get
oW + o2W )fll + o2W ,1,11
oe3 -
(!a o{32 of3 oi1 '+'
ow e~ o2W o2W
1 ow ,~,~
= of3 et - op oek (!k- of3oe;- (!rz- oe3 '+'
o2W Io2W II o2W o2WI o2W
II ow
o¢n{l f3 + 8fi') 2 cf> = - ot/J' oek (!k- ot/J' oe~ ef/. - ot/J' as - -&11 ·
694 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 25.

By letting e3 be any positive continuously differentiable function and letting

ei, e~ be positive twice continuously differentiable functions, we may regard
{24.16) as a third order system for {3 and l/J. We examine this system subject to
initial conditions
It is easy to show that H 2 implies that the determinant of coefficients of {3' and
l/J" is positive. The smoothness of W then ensures that the solutions of (24.16),
{24.17) are unique and (24.14) requires that these solutions be given by {3(S)=O,
l/J(S) =0{S 2). Condition {24.13)3 then implies that O{S 2) =0, l/J(S) =0 and (24.6)
implies that y (S) = 0. D
The follower load problem is a celebrated example of a nonconservative problem in
elasticity. Since the equilibrium equations for this problem in the classical linear beam theory
also have just the unique trivial solution, it was erroneously concluded that the straight
state is "stable". BECK (1952) showed however that solutions to the linear dynamic problem
become unbounded when P assumes certain critical values. (This still does not ensure non-
uniqueness of the straight state for nonlinear equations.) Further examples and historical
commentary on related problems are given by BoLOTIN (1961), PANOVKO and GUBANOVA
(1967), HERRMANN (1967), VoL'MIR (1967), LEIPHOLZ (1968), ZIEGLER (1968), NEMAT-NASSER
25. Buckled states. If a boundary value problem depending on several para-
meters has a simple, explicit solution, called a trivial solution, for a range of the
parameters, then the study of multiplicity of solutions for this parameter range
is greatly simplified. In Sect. 23, we studied straight solutions of initially straight
rods under end thrust and circular solutions of initially circular rods under hydro-
static pressure. These solutions may be regarded as trivial;· the parameters in-
volved are the end thrust - A.7 and the hydrostatic pressure A.2 • In this section,
we survey methods by which the existence and properties of nontrivial equilibrium
states, called buckled states, can be determined for rods.
If a problem known to have a solution that minimizes a variational functional
admits a trivial solution, 62 then the simple device of showing that the trivial
solution does not furnish the variational functional with even a local minimum
ensures that the minimizing solution and the trivial solution are distinct. This is
accomplished by exhibiting an admissible variation for which the second variation
of the variational functional is negative at the trivial solution. 53 By this process we
can determine a range of load parameters for which there is a nontrivial solution.
Results of this sort have physical content because local minimizers can be
characterized as stable and other extremizers as unstable according to a number
of well-defined criteria of stability. (See NFTM, Sect. 89, and the article by
KNOPS and WILKES in this volume.)
TADJBAKHSH and 0DEH (1967) gave an elegant application of this approach
to the problem of the inextensible ring elastica under hydrostatic pressure. They
showed that the minimizing solution is nontrivial for all external pressures ex-
ceeding the lowest eigenvalue of the problem linearized about the trivial solution.
ANTMAN (1970b) used this method to study the buckling of an extensible, non-
linearly elastic circular ring under hydrostatic pressure. The ring's material
response is characterized by the strain energy function
W= W(es. l/1') with {3=0, es> -1. (25.1)
ANTMAN gave sufficient conditions on W to ensure the existence of nontrivial
solutions for certain ranges of pressure. For this problem it may happen that
52 Cf. Sects. 19-23.
53 See FuNK's (1962) treatment of the elastica.
Sect. 25. Buckled states. 695

there is a maximum external pressure above which the only solution is the trivial
solution. This possibility arises because the uniqueness of the trivial solutions for
large deformations depends upon the relative strengths of the ring in resisting
compression and flexure.
The existence and behavior of other branches of nontrivial solutions may be
studied locally or globally. Such branches may represent stable configurations.
The goals of a local study are to show that bifurcation actually occurs at the
eigenvalues of the problem linearized about the trivial solution 54 and to determine
the relationship between the solution and the parameter. If, as in Sect. 23, the
trivial solution is not an identically zero solution, then the characteristic equation
for the eigenvalues of the linearized problem may have a very complicated
structure. For the trivial solutions of Sect. 23, the characteristic equations reduce
to a set of nonlinear algebraic equations involving various derivatives of W at
g, 0. The solutions of these equations given critical values of g from which the
buckling loads (eigenvalues) can be determined. No general conclusion about
the number or ordering of these eigenvalues can be inferred. In fact this algebraic
system need not have any solution. This variety of behavior was found by GREEN-
BERG (1967) for straight rods with constitutive relations 65

1!3> -1 (25.2)

and by ANTMAN (1970a, b) for rings with constitutive relations (25.1). The
constructive local study can be effected by the methods of POINCARE (cf. KELLER,
1969) or of LYAPUNOV and SCHMIDT (cf. VAINBERG and TRENOGIN 1962, 1969).
POINCARE's method has been used by 0DEH and TADJBAKHSH (1965) to study the
steady states of a rotating straight elastica, by TADJBAKHSH and 0DEH (1967)
to study the buckling of a ring elastica under hydrostatic pressure, by KELLER
(1969) to study the bucking of a nonhomogeneous straight elastica under end
thrust, and by ANTMAN (1970a) to study the buckling of a circular ring of material
(25.1) under hydrostatic pressure. The method of LYAPUNOV and SCHMIDT was
used by 0DEH and TADJBAKHSH (1965) in the work just described and by BAZLEY
and ZwAHLEN (1967). STAKGOLD (1971) illustrated both these methods for the
straight elastica under end thrust. In cases when the computational effort for
these constructive techniques becomes excessive, either because the system is of
high order or because the eigenvalue has high multiplicity, the existence and
certain local behavior of bifurcating branches may be determined by topological
methods (cf. KRASNOSEL'SKII, 1956). The most useful result for conservative
problems in elasticity is the Theorem of KRASNOSEL'SKII (1956, Chap. 2,
Theorem 2.2) that for sufficiently well-behaved variational problems, bifurcation
always occurs at the eigenvalues of the problem linearized about a trivial solution.
The Leray-Schauder degree theory (cf. KRASNOSEL'SKII, 1956), suitable for non-
variational problems, has been applied by 0DEH and TADJBAKHSH (1965) and by
GREENBERG (1967) in the work described above.
The problem of describing the global behavior of branches is much deeper.
The few results for rod problems have been obtained by techniques relying on
54 There are nonlinear problems for which bifurcation does not occur at the eigenvalues
of the problem linearized about the trivial solution. See the references cited at the end of this
55 Note that f/et =()'Jet is the curvature. Because of the special uncoupling employed,
these equations are not of the variational form (25.1). The methods used by GREENBERG can
be extended to special cases of the general constitutive relations: M = M ((!3 , ,P'), N = N((!3 , ,P'),
696 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 26.

the availability of first integrals to the governing equations. These are discussed
in Sect. 26. There are however a number of techniques including shooting 56 and
topological methods that have proved effective for other kinds of equations and
that should be useful for the more complicated equations of rod theories. For
further details on this subject, consult PRODI (1967), KELLER and ANTMAN (1969),
PIMBLEY {1969), VAINBERG and TRENOGIN {1969), STAKGOLD (1971), and the
references cited therein.
26. Integrals of the equilibrium equations. Qualitative behavior of solutions.
We obtain certain integrals of the equilibrium equations for circular and straight
rods and indicate how these may be used to determine the qualitative behavior
of the collection of solutions.
IX) Rods in space. We consider the equilibrium equations corresponding to
(1 5.1 )-( 15.3) and (15. 7) :
n'+fO=O, m'+p~xn+l=O, (JII")'-pa+r=o. (26.1)
l£f0 =0, l=O then from (26.1) 1 , 2 , (15.6), {16.4), we get
a'P a'P
--- =a (const) , PaX -,----,--+p0 Xa=b (const). (26.2)
ap~ uPa
More generally, if 'l' does not depend explicitly on S and if there is a function T
depending only on Po, Pa such that
r=-aPa, (26.3)

then from {16.4), (26.1)1 , 3 , (26.3) we get

, ( a'P )' , ( a'P )' , a'P , aT , aT (26.4)
Po . ap;, +P"' . -apa -p"' . Bp~- +Po . apo +P"' . Bpa = o,
which can be integrated to yield 57
, a'P , a'P 'l' T
Po· <l'+Pa ·~- + =const. {26.5)
uPo upa
{J) Rods in the plane. We study the equilibrium problem for (17.33)-(17.38)
with constitutive equations (17.48), (17.49). We assume that the only distributed
loading is a hydrostatic pressure. Thus IQ = - A2 e3 and all other load components
vanish. We eliminate Q from (17.33), {17.34), (17.38) to get

(}' M'+ea N'=O. {26.6)

Multiplying (26.6) 1 by M'/e; and using (26.6) 2 , we get

2 et + 21
1 ( M' )' 2
N 2 +A2 M=a (const). (26.7)

From {17.38) we then obtain

!{Q 2 +N 2) +A2 M =a. (26.8)
56 A beautiful application of the shooting method was given by KoLODNER (1955).
57 A result like (26.5) was found by ERICKSEN (1970).
Sect. 26. Integrals of the equilibrium equations. 697

If the rod is homogeneous so that W does not depend explicitly upon S and if the
reference state is straight or circular so that(/>' =const, then from (26.6) 2 , (17.35),
(17.37), (17.38), (17.48), (17.49), we get

(c/J'+(/>') (-~)' -{3' ~; +e; (-::r +e~(:~r -e~ :~ =o, (26.9)

which can be integrated to yield ss

"'' +.,.,
('+' a¢i + ea, ilea-
rli') ow ow - w= const. (26.10)

y) Qualitative behavior. If the strain energy function W is independent of

{eiX' e~}, then we can reduce the entire problem to quadratures, and more im-
portantly, determine some of the qualitative behavior of the solutions. If A2 =0,
then the planar form of (26.2) gives

~W = A7 cos () + A8 sin (),

e; ~r- = - ), 7 sin () +As cos (),
}j~' = y A7 - x A8 + const, or ( ~~ )' = e; [A 7 sin() -A 8 cos()].

Eqs. (26.11 )1 , 2 are just algebraic relations between ea, {3, cjJ', S. If these equations
can be solved uniquely for ea and {3 in terms of c/J' and S (for some range of A7 , A8)
and if these results are substituted into (26.11) 4 , then (26.11) 4 becomes a non-
linear second order ordinary differential equation for c/J. This represents a con-
siderable simplification of the original system. In particular, if W does not depend
explicitly on S and if the reference configuration is straight or circular, then the
equation for cjJ is autonomous and can be studied by phase plane methods. STAK-
GOLD (1971) has carried out this program in detail for the compression of a straight
hinged rod with invertible constitutive equations of the form

ea=f!a(N), c/J'=fi,(M), f3=0. (26.12)

[These equations are a special case of (25.1).] STAKGOLD showed the solutions have
substantially the same qualitative behavior as those of the elastica. If (26.11) 1 , 2
has a multiple-valued solution for ea and {J in terms of c/J', S, then the resulting
equation for cjJ' is also multiple-valued but still susceptible of analysis.
If A2 =1= 0, the approach is similar. If ~r;- -0 and if the reference state is
straight or circular, then (26.8), (26.10) are a pair of algebraic equations for
ea. {3, c/J' yielding single- or multiple-valued representations for ea andp as functions
of c/J'. The substitution of such representations into (26.7) yields a (single- or
multiple-valued) first order autonomous equation for c/J' that is in a form im-
mediately available for a phase plane analysis. ANTMAN (1970a) investigated the
qualitative behavior of a ring of material (25 .1). He showed that the algebraic
equation (26.10) has unique solutions of ea in terms of cjJ' for sufficiently small c/J'
and obtained estimates for the range of c/J' in terms of W for which the solution is
unique. [If the material (26.12) is used, then this solution is unique for all c/J'. J
Using this result he showed that the entire qualitative structure of solutions
inherited from the linearized problem is preserved as long as (26.10) has unique
solutions. In particular, for this range each solution has at least two axes of
symmetry. Earlier results of this form for the ring elastica were obtained by
TADJBAKHSH and 0DEH (1967) and by ANTMAN (1968b).
58 Eqs. (26.7), (26.10) were derived by ANTMAN (1968a).
698 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods. Sect. 27.

15) The elastica. The planar inextensible elastica theory, characterized by the
constitutive equations
M=B(5) if>', e3 =0, {3=0, (26.13)
was formulated by ]As. BERNOULLI in 1691. EuLER (1744) determined the quali-
tative behavior of the solutions. The extension of this theory to inextensible rods
in space was achieved by KIRCHHOFF and CLEBSCH (cf. LOVE, 1927). Compendia
of solutions for elastica problems are given by PoPov (1948) and by FRISCH-FAY
(1962). These works and the survey of EISLEY (1963) have extensive biblio-
graphies. The variational theory of the elastica in plane and space is given by
FUNK (1962). Kov.ARI (1969) has treated some buckling problems for the elastica
in space.
27. Problems of design. In design problems for rods, certain properties of the
solution are prescribed, and certain properties of the reference configuration and
the constitutive relations are left to be determined. Simple examples of such
problems were treated in Sects. 17 and 23, where we obtained conditions on the
strain energy function to ensure the possibility of planar solutions for initially
planar rods and of circular solutions for initially circular rods.
EuLER (1744) determined the curved reference configuration that an elastica
must have in order to be straightened by an assigned terminal load. TRUESDELL
(1954) treated an analogous problem for the elastica under hydrostatic pressure.
These problems have practical significance for the design of load-bearing members.
TRUESDELL observed that such inverse problems are simpler than the correspond-
ing boundary value problem.
Classes of problems that admit trivial solutions are suitable for bifurcation
analysis. The determination of such classes is a design problem. CARRIER (1947)
showed that a homogeneous (B (5) =const), inextensible, elastica ring of arbitrary
reference shape has a trivial solution provided
/q(S) -
IP'(S) --fN(5). (27.1)

For the hydrostatic loading of planar rods with a strain energy function W (ea, if>', 5)
with {3=0, ANTMAN (1970b) showed that if r/>(5) =0 is to be a solution of the
equilibrium problem, then

(1)'(5)>0, W(ea,rf>',5)=(1)'(5)H(/fs) ,a(5)rf>'), (27.2)

where the functions H and a are arbitrary.
For a material characterized by a strain energy function
IJI= IJI(p~,p~' ,p~~.,p~, 5), (27.3)
which is a generalization of our two-director theory, ERICKSEN (1970) has ex-
amined the circumstances for which there are uniform states. These are solutions
Po, P~~. of the equilibrium equations that satisfy
p~(5) =Q(5)p~(51), p~' (5) = Q (5) p~' (51),
P~~.(5) =Q(5)p~~.(51 ), p~(5) =Q(5)p~(51 ),

where Q is an orthogonal tensor, Q (51) = 1. 119 By employing theintegralsof Sect. 26oc,

ERICKSEN was able to describe the nature of solutions, showing that Po (5) must
!ill The set of uniform states is not enlarged by dropping the requirement (27.4) 2 •
Sect. 28. Dynamical problems. 699

represent a helix, possibly degenerate. When ~~ -o, he reduced the problem

to an algebraic one, obtaining restrictions on the reference state.
The problem of optimal design of a rod has long received much attention.
It yields a variational problem with isoperimetric and unilateral constraints.
TADJBAKHSH (1968) has treated the problem of determining B(S) [cf. 26.13)] that
minimizes the maximum deflection of a cantilevered elastica subject to a transverse
end load. Here J B (S) dS, which represents the volume, is fixed. This is ap-
parently the only optimal design problem in the nonlinear theory of rods to have
been treated. There is a large body of results for linear theories. We just mention
the work of KELLER (1960), TADJBAKHSH and KELLER (1962), NIORDSEN (1965),
KELLER and NIORDSEN (1966) on maximizing the minimum eigenvalue for
linear rod problems. We refer to the comprehensive surveys of WASIUTYNSKI and
BRANDT (1963) and of SHEU and PRAGER (1968) for further details.
28. Dynamical problems. The governing equations for the dynamics of rods
form a system of nonlinear equations with just two independent variables S, t.
For nonlinear elastic rods these are partial differential equations. The advantage
of having just one space variable is partly offset by the high order of the system.
The problem of developing methods for treating the difficulties presented by such
a system lies on the frontier of present day research. Rigorous results have been
obtained chiefly for second order equations. Although such one-dimensional
models serve as useful constitutive prototypes, they are far too special for in-
clusion here. 60 We refer to the review literature for further details.
There are but few results ensuring periodic solutions for nonlinear second
order wave equations, scarcely any for nonlinear hyperbolic systems. Even in the
degenerate case of planar "breathing" vibrations of a homogeneous circular ring
under hydrostatic pressure, in which
and for which (23.3), (23.4) hold, we are confronted with the still formidable
system of ordinary differential equations
I th+ aw .. aw
1 !?2+7Ji;=O, A.. aw , ( ) (8 )
a(h =0, !?a+ oes-+11.2 1+ea =0, 2 .2

obtained from (17.33)-(17.35), (17.37), (17.48), (17.49). Only when (25.1), (24.2) 2
are used does the problem reduce to a tractable second order ordinary differential
equation for ea. The periodicity of solutions is then assured by the convexity
o2 W
requirement -0 9 >O (cf. TADJBAKHSH, 1966).
Formal perturbation methods, which generalize rigorous procedures for
ordinary differential equations, can be used to determine the local behavior of
oscillatory solutions near an equilibrium solution. The mathematical apparatus
of these methods has been carefully described by KELLER and TING (1966).
Perturbation solutions for the vibrating elastica have been found by ERINGEN
(1952), KELLER and TING (1966), and WooDALL (1966). Others have similarly
treated nonlinear technical theories. These methods are also effective for forced
eo We merely note that the solutions of the second order hyperbolic systems that can
describe the longitudinal motion of a nonlinear elastic rod manifest a typical lack of regularity.
E.g., see MACCAMY and MIZEL (1967).
700 S. S. ANTMAN: The Theory of Rods.

Both local and global behavior can be studied by the projection method of
KANTOROVICH in which the spatial dependence is averaged out and the partial
differential equations are approximated by a finite system of ordinary differential
equations. For further details consult BoLOTIN (1956, 1961), EvAN-IWANOWSKI
(1965), HERRMANN (1967), LEIPHOLZ (1968), METTLER (1968), NEMAT-NASSER
(1970) and the accompanying bibliographies.
DICKEY (1970) and REISS and MATKOWSKY (1971) examined the initial value
problem for special nonlinear models of a compressed beam. They sought a
dynamic description of the buckling process. DICKEY proved the existence and
uniqueness of solutions to the coupled infinite system of Duffing equations
obtained by separating the original partial differential equation. For sufficiently
large compressive loads, he showed that the solutions would move about either
one or both the stable buckled states depending upon the initial conditions. 81
REISS and MATKOWSKY employed a two-time asymptotic expansion to examine
the behavior of a beam subject to a load slightly larger than critical. Assuming
small damping, they determined the manner in which the solutions spiral down on
the buckled equilibrium states.
Stability of motion for elastic Cosserat rods has been treated by GREEN,
KNOPS, and LAWS (1968) and by WHITMAN and DESILVA (1970). They employed
LYAPUNov's second method adapted for partial differential equations. (Cf. the
article by KNOPS and WILKES in this volume.) DUPUIS (1969) has also examined
this question.
This list of works cited reflects neither the historical development of the theory of rods
nor contemporary research motivated by engineering applications. Italic numbers in paren-
theses following the reference indicate the sections in which it has been cited.
AKHIEZER, N. I. : Lectures on the calculus of variations [in Russian]. Moscow: Gostekh-
teorizdat. (English translation by A. H. FRINK, 1962. New York: Blaisdell.) 1955. {22).
ANTMAN, S. S.: General solutions for plane extensible elasticae having nonlinear stress-
strain laws. Quart. Appl. Math. 26, 35-47 (1968a). (17, 26).
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BAZLEY, N., and B. ZwAHLEN: Remarks on the bifurcation of solutions of a nonlinear eigen-
value problem. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 28, 51-58 (1967). (25).
BECK, M.: Die Knicklast des einseitig eingespannten, tangential gedriickten Stabes. Z. Angew.
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CARRIER, G. F.: On the buckling of elastic rings. J. Math. Phys. 26, 94-103 (1947). (27).
81 BALL (1972) has obtained existence and regularity theorems for the actual partial
differential equation for this problem.
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Namenverzeichnis. -Author Index.

Abraham,M. 40, 276. Berg, C. A. 63, 64, 98, Bufler,H. 295.

Adkins, J. E. 302, 344, 546, 294. Burckhardt,J .J. 71,292.
547. 566, 588. 637. Bergman, S. 187, 283. Burgatti,P. 99. 139, 278,
Adler, G. 133. 289, 290. Bernikov, H. B. 141, 292. 279.
Agmon, S. 388. Bernoulli, D. 668. Burgers, J. M. 42, 280.
Ainola, L. I. 218, 292. Bernoulli, James (Jakob) Butty, E. 176, 247, 281.
Airy, G. B. 54, 156, 274. 663, 698. Byme,R. 592, 612, 635.
Akhiezer, N. I. 686, 700. Bernstein, B. 38, 287, 420,
Akilov, G. P. 660, 701. 422, 423. Cakala, S. 173. 293. 295.
Alblas,J.B. 578,636. Berry, D. S. 233. 286. Campanato, S. 294, 422,
Albrecht, F. 90, 92. 282. Bers,L. 257, 290. 423.
Alekseev,A. S. 256. 286. Betti, E. 1, 93. 97. 98, 140, Carlson, D. 1, 54, 56, 292,
Alexsandrov, A. Y. 139. 184, 188, 189, 274, 591, 293.
288, 290, 291. 613. Carrier, G. F. 173, 281, 698,
Al-Khozai,S. 191, 192, 196. Bezier,P. 165. 171, 173. 700.
291. 293. Carroll,M.M. 425.
Amaldi, V. 423. Bickley, W. G. 203, 285. Cauchy,A.-L. 1, 44, 68, 75,
Ambartsumian , S. A. 586, Biezeno, C. 139, 279. 90, 91, 213, 214, 235.
639. Biot,M.A. 310, 344. 246, 247, 273. 577. 663.
Anderson, C. A. 100, 292. Biricikoglu, V. 588, 640. Cesaro, E. 41, 263. 276, 277.
Antman, S. S. 544, 640, Bishop, R. E. D. 234, 283. Chadwick, P. 233. 293, 328,
645. 647. 649. 651. 654. Bland, D. R. 97, 283. 330. 331. 342-345.
658. 659. 663. 669, 673. Bleich,H.H. 218, 287. Chen, Y. 225, 290.
674. 681, 694-697. 700. Blinchikov, T.N. 40, 280. Cheung, Y. K. 128, 293.
Aquaro, G. 134, 282. Blokh, V. 54, 62, 139, 282, Chien, W. Z. 520, 527, 634,
Arzhanyh, I. S. 54. 187, 286, 288. 635.
243. 282-284. Boggio, T. 105, 237. 277. Childs, S. B. 139, 294.
Ashwell, D. G. 588, 636. Boley,B.A. 41, 193, 286, Chree,C. 62, 97, 275.
Auerbach, F. 87, 278. 287. 311, 344. Christoffel, E. B. 250, 254,
Aymerich, G. 113, 284. Bolle,L. 575. 635. 256, 274.
Azhmodinov, T. 263. 292. Bolotin, V. V. 569, 637, 694. Churikov, F. 139, 283.
700. Clapeyron, E. 90, 91, 213,
Babich, V. M. 239. 256, 286, Bondarenko,B .A. 233, 235 273.
288. 285, 287. Clebsch,A. 104, 160, 233,
Babuska, I. 205. 284. Born,M. 122, 277. 263, 274. 663. 668, 698.
Baikuziev, K. 294. Bourgin,D.G. 247,289. Cohen, H. 669, 701.
Balaban,M.M. 504, 508, Boussinesq, J. 1, 40, 139, Cohen, J. W. 446, 452, 499,
552, 639. 141, 173. 190, 191, 274, 504, 543. 585, 637, 639.
Balabukh,L.I . 593,637. 275. 640.
Ball, J. M. 700. Bramble, J.H. 107, 130, Coker, E. G. 152, 279.
Barenblatt, G. I. 150. 292, 139, 183, 288-291. Colautti, M.P. 295.
416. Brandt, A. 699, 703. Coleman,B.D. 71, 73, 290,
Barr,A.D.S. 295. Brdicka,M. 54, 139, 141, 302, 307, 311, 345, 532,
Basheleishvili, M. 0. 173. 283-285. 638, 658, 669, 680.
285. Bromberg, E. 588, 635. Colonnetti, G. 111, 112,278.
Bassett, A. B. 528, 591, Bross, H. 173, 293. Cooperman,P. 121, 283.
634. Browder,F.E. 105,284, Cosserat,E. and F. 40, 105,
Bazley, N. 695. 700. 661, 700. 107, 276. 426, 427, 445.
Beatty,M.F. 98, 293. Brugger, K. 247. 291. 446, 634, 640, 665. 669,
Beck,M. 694, 700. Brun, L. 217, 222, 223, 701.
Beltrami, E. 1, 40, 54, 92, 291, 294, 331, 332, 338, Cotterill, J. H. 62, 112, 117,
275. 345. 274.
Ben-Amoz,M. 225, 292. Buchwald, V. T. 256. 286. Courant,R. 17-19, 128,257.
Benthien, G. 1, 231, 294. Budiansky, B. 583, 588, 264, 268-271, 278. 283,
Beran, M. 111, 292. 638, 639. 285, 289.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 45
706 Namenverzeichnis.- Author Index.

Cristea, M. 328, 329, 344. 291, 425, 445, 446, 452, Galerkin,B. 141, 279, 646.
Crochet,M.J. 546, 548, 639, 482, 490, 499, 527, 546, Galimov, K. Z. 588, 638.
640. 615, 631, 636, 637, 640, GA.rding, L. 388.
665, 668, 696, 698, 701. Garibaldi,A.C. 134, 285.
Dafermos, C. M. 38, 293, Erim, K. 191, 282. Gazis,D.C. 80, 289.
338, 345. Eringen,A.C. 310, 345, Geckeler,J.W. 87, 278.
Dana, J. S. 71, 287. 586, 588, 636, 639, 699, Gegelia,T.G. 294.
Day, W.A. 1, 309, 345. 701. Giraud, G. 421, 423.
Deev, V.M. 139, 286, 287, Essenburg,F. 575, 605, Gobert, J. 38, 289, 388,
295. 636, 638. 422.
DeHoop,A.T. 243,286. Eubanks,R.A. 95, 139, Goldberg,R.R. 106, 288.
DeLaPenha,G. 1, 139, 143, 145-147, 149, 173. Gol'denveizer,A.L. 479,
294. 174-179. 187, 235, 237, 586, 587, 592, 593,
Deresiewicz,H. 330, 343, 283-285. 612-614, 634, 635,
344. Euler, L. 78, 273, 663, 668, 637-640.
De Silva,C.N. 446, 452, 698, 701. Goodier,J.N. 176, 191,
499, 504, 543, 639. 640, Evan-Iwanowski,R.M. 700, 280, 281, 283, 578, 586,
668-701, 703. 701. 600, 634-636, 664, 701.
De Veubecke, B. F.122, 291. Goursat,E. 160, 276.
Diaz,J.B. 21,133,134, Fadle, J. 205, 280. Graffi,D. 66, 218, 219,
183, 200, 281, 286, 289. Famell,G.W. 246, 288. 280, 281, 284, 289.
Dickey, R. W. 700, 701. Fedorov, F.I. 244, 247, 248, Green, A. E. 302, 344, 425,
DiMaggio,F.L. 218, 287. 289-291. 438, 441, 446, 451, 452,
Domanski, Z. 173, 293, Fichera, G. 1, 14, 20, 38, 458, 459, 466, 468, 470,
295. 102, 109, 117, 133, 167, 482, 490, 498, 499, 504,
Domke,O. 112, 117, 278. 270, 282, 283, 288, 289, 508, 510, 511, 516, 520,
Donati,L. 62, 92, 111, 112, 294, 388, 423, 685, 701. 522, 525, 527, 528, 543,
117, 275, 276. Filon,L.N.G. 152, 164, 546-548, 552, 553, 556,
Donnell, L. H. 588, 634. 277, 279. 559. 560, 566, 568-570,
Dom, W. S. 54, 56, 117, Filonenko-Borodich, M. M. 572, 575, 578, 584, 586,
119, 285. 54, 283, 285. 588, 592, 593. 595, 599.
Dou,A. 191, 292. Finkelstein,R. 528, 635. 600, 605, 609, 615,
Dougall,]. 179, 183, 184, Finzi,B. 54, 57, 157, 158, 635-640, 647, 649, 651,
187, 276, 277. 256, 279, 281, 282, 285. 652, 654, 656, 658, 659,
Doyle, J. M. 24 3, 292. Flamant,A. 101, 160, 263, 663, 668, 669, 674, 700,
Dressler, R. F. 586, 587, 274. 701.
637. Flint, E. E. 71. 282. Green, G. 82, 111, 233,
Drucker,D.C. 578, 635. Flugge, W. 588, 592, 634, 246, 273.
Duddeck,H. 479, 638. 637, 639. Greenberg, H. J. 183, 281.
Duff, G. F. D. 257, 287. Fontaneau,M.E. 139, 143, Greenberg,J.M. 695, 701.
Duffin,R.J. 105, 131, 139, 275. 276. Grioli, G. 423.
167, 171, 208, 285, 296. Foppl,A. 588, 634. Grodski, G. D. 139, 143,
Duhamel, J.M.C. 310, 316, Foppl, L. 134, 283. 279.
343, 344. Fosdick,R. 54, 105, 107, Gubanova, I. I. 694, 702.
Duhem, P. 233, 250, 256, 156, 207, 293. Giinter,N.M. 423.
276, 277, 330, 345, 427, Fourier,}. 44,273. Gunther, W. 54, 56, 284,
445, 634, 665, 701. Fox, L. 156, 281. 459, 637.
Duke,C.E. 310, 328, 343, Fox,N. 586, 639. Gurtin, M. E. 22, 44, 54-56,
344. Frank,P. 23, 281. 58, 59. 65, 105, 111,
Dupis, G. 700, 701. Frederick, D. 636. 117-119, 139. 141, 142,
Duvaut, G. 295, 422, 423. Fredholm, I. 105, 173, 276, 165-167, 168, 170, 171,
Dzhanelidze, G.l. 139, 283. 277, 388, 419. 173. 208, 209, 222-226,
Freiberger, W. 143, 282. 228-231, 233, 287-291,
Edelstein, W. S. 105, 107, Fresnel, A. 44, 75, 246, 293. 294, 297. 298, 302,
293. 274. 307, 309, 311, 313-326,
Ehrling, G. 388. Fridman,M.M. 150, 282. 328, 329, 331-333.
Eidus,D.M. 38, 283, 421, Friedrichs, K. 0. 38, 128, 336-341, 343, 345.
423. 131, 257. 278, 280, 281, Gutman, C. G. 139, 281.
Eisenhart, L. P. 61 5, 628, 291, 388, 420, 422, 586, Gutzwiller, M. C. 239, 289.
635. 587, 635. 637. 665, 701. Gvozdev, A. A. 256, 286,
Eisley, J. G. 698, 701. Frisch-Fay, R. 698, 701. 287.
Elliott, H. A. 173. 282. Fubini, G. 388. Gwyther, R. F. 54, 278.
Ericksen, J .L. 1, 93, 105, Fung, Y.C. 588, 636.
106, 107, 109, 189, 208, Funk, P. 686, 694, 698, Hadamard, J. 111, 250,
256, 283, 285, 287, 289, 701. 251, 256, 276, 277.
Namenverzeichnis.- Author Index. 707

Halmos, P.R. 8, 9, 80, 286, Kantorovich, L. V. 646, Lagrange, J.-L. 668, 703.
388. 660, 700, 701. Lai,P.T. 295.
Hardy,G.H. 203, 287. Karal,F.C. 256, 287. Lamb,H. 528, 575, 591,
Hashin,Z. 111, 289, 293. Karman, Th. v. 588, 634. 605, 606, 634.
Haughton, S. 111, 273. Kamopp, B. H. 225, 292, Lame, G. 1, 76, 90, 91, 95.
Hay, G. E. 663, 701. 293. 140, 213, 233, 247, 244.
Hayes,M. 105, 223, 289, Kawatate, K. 54, 289. Lanchon, H. 422, 423.
292, 293. Keller, J. B. 111, 128, 193, Langhaar, H. 54, 284.
Hearmon, R. F. S. 87, 281. 255. 256, 287, 290, 291, Lauricella, G. 187, 276, 388,
Hellinger, E. 124, 278, 4 76, 294. 695. 696, 699. 701, 419, 420.
634. 702. Laws,N. 441, 466, 468,
Herrmann, G. 663, 694, Kellogg,O.D. 13, 16, 19, 508, 520, 522, 568, 586,
700-702. 21, 184, 279. 423. 587, 639. 640, 647, 649,
Herrmann, L. R. 139, 290. Kelvin, Lord (W. Thomson) 651, 654, 658, 659. 663,
Hieke,M. 315, 344. 1, 105. 140, 165, 173. 668, 669, 674. 700-702.
Hijab,W.A. 139,287. 176, 208, 233. 273-27 5. Lax,P. 388.
Hilbert,D. 128, 257, 264, 277. 419, 423, 577. 651, Leibniz, G. W. 663
268-271, 283, 289. 652. Leipholz, H. 694, 700, 702.
Hildebrand, F. B. 4 79, 584, Key, S. 128, 292. Leonhard,R.W. 588,637.
593. 635. Kilchevskii,M.O. 233, 293. Lessen,M. 309, 310, 328,
Hill,R. 105-107, 111,222, Kirchhoff, G. 1, 40, 87, 104, 343, 344.
250, 286, 288, 289, 293. 111, 225, 273. 274, 425, Levchuk, 0. F. 233. 293.
Hille, E. 388. 478, 577. 578, 612, 633. Levi-Civita, T. 423.
Hlavacek, I. 96, 122, 124, 663, 668, 698. Levin,M.L. 256, 285.
130, 225, 293. 294, 295. Klein, F. 54, 277. Levine,H.A. 338, 345.
Hobson,E.W. 21, 279. Klyushnikov, V.D. 62, Levy,M. 98, 155. 156, 275,
Hoff, N.J. 588, 636. 284. 276.
Horak, v. 124, 293. Kneshke, A. 225, 289. Lew,J. 36.
Horgan,C.O. 295. Knopoff, L. 243, 285. Lewy, H. 257, 278, 422,
Horvay, G. 205, 286. Knops,R.J. 1, 104,105, 424.
Hsu, C. S. 139, 288. 107' 130, 172, 223, 290, Lichtenstein,L. 18, 91, 187,
Hu,H.-C. 122, 139, 218, 291, 293-295, 338, 345, 251, 278, 279, 388, 419.
264, 283, 284, 286, 476, 611, 640, 669, 694, 700, Lifshic, I. M. 173, 281.
636. 701. Ling, C. B. 139, 284.
Hugoniot, H. 254, 256, Knowles, J. K. 130, 196, Lions, J.L. 295, 422, 424,
275. 200, 202, 205, 206, 292, 660, 702.
Huilgol, R. 1. 295, 585, 591, 636. Littlewood,J.E. 203,287.
Hurlbut, C. S., Jr. 71, 287. Kogan, S. Y. 421, 423. Locatelli,P. 62, 117, 191,
Koiter, W. T. 582, 584, 585, 225, 280, 281.
Iacovache,M. 141, 214, 282. 588, 637. 639. 640. Locke, S. 586, 638.
Ibbetson, W. J. 156, 263, Kollman, F. G. 479, 639. Lodge,A.S. 103, 285.
275. Kolodner, 1.1. 247, 292, Love,A.E.H. 54, 87, 92,
Iesan, D. 337, 339, 340, 696, 702. 97. 111, 147, 152, 160,
342, 345. Kolos, A. V. 586, 639. 173. 176, 179, 184,
Ignaczak, J. 214, 220, 287, Kolosov,G.V. 164,277, 187-189, 209, 225, 239.
289, 336, 337, 345. 278, 279- 240, 243, 256, 277, 278,
Indenbom, V. L. 98, 187, Komissarova, M. L. 139, 425, 426, 428, 445. 479.
287, 293. 290, 295. 527, 528, 577. 578, 585,
Ionescu, D. 141, 284. Komkov, V. 225, 292. 589-591, 593, 600, 611,
Ionescu-Cazimir, V. 141, Korn,A. 38, 93, 143, 187, 634, 635, 662-664, 668,
282, 331, 332, 338, 345. 277. 278, 388, 420. 693. 698, 702.
Ionov,V.N. 54,290. Kotchine, N. E. 254, 278. Lowe, P. G. 520, 638, 639.
Kovalevski, S. 235. 275. Lur'e, A. I. 54, 139, 176,
Jeffrey, A. 254, 290. Kovari, K. 698, 702. 179, 285, 479, 592,
Jeffreys,H. 310, 344. Krasnosel'skii, M.A. 660, 612-614, 634. 635. 637.
John, F. 200, 257, 289, 291, 677. 695. 702. Lyapunov,A.M. 695, 700,
388, 444, 584, 639. 640. Kroner, E. 139, 173, 703.
Johnson,M.W. 587, 637, 283-285.
638. Krutkov, Y.A. 54, 139, 282. MacCamy, R. C. 699, 702.
J ouguet, E. 254, 276. Krylov, 660, 701. Maisonneuve, 0. 295.
Kupradze, V.D. 93, 98, Maiti,M. 183, 294.
Kaczkowski,Z. 103, 285. 1 so. 167' 261' 290, 294, Makan,G.R. 183, 294.
Kalandya, 1 50, 292. 388, 421, 423. Mamatordiev, G. 263, 292.
Kalnins, A. 588, 640. Kurlandzki, J. 295 Mandzhavidze, 150, 292.
Kanwal,R.P. 183, 294. Kuzmin, R. 0. 54, 281. Mansfield, E. H. 588, 636.
708 Namenverzeich nis.- Author Index.

Marcolongo, R. 388, 419. 466, 468, 476, 482, 490, Padova,E. 40, 275.
Marguerre,K. 54, 139, 279, 498, 499. 504, 508, 516, Pailloux,M.H. 247, 285.
285, 569, 588, 634. 520, 522, 525, 528, 543, Panovko, Ya. G. 694, 702.
Martin,]. 217,290. 546, 548, 552, 553. 556, Papkovitch,P.F. 139. 141,
Matkowsky, B. J. 700, 703. 559. 560, 566, 568-570, 143, 279. 280.
Maxwell,J.C. 54, 55,155. 575, 580, 584, 586-588, Paria, G. 328, 344.
156, 250, 274. 593. 600, 605, 609, 614, Parkus,H. 479, 569, 635,
Maysel, V.M. 320, 344. 636-640, 647, 649, 651, 636.
McConnell, A. J. 615, 628, 654. 657-659. 663. 669, Passman, S.L. 536.
631, 634. 701, 702, Pastori,M. 54, 256, 282,
McLean,L. 111, 122, 292. Nagy, B. Sz. 389. 290.
McNiven,H.D. 663, 702. Nariboli, G. A. 256, 292, Payne,L.E. 38, 104, 107,
Medick, M.A. 663, 702. 664, 702. 130, 133. 139, 183, 200,
Meissonnier, B. 669, 693, Navier,C.-L.-M.-H . 1, 75, 223, 288, 289-291, 294,
702. 90, 213. 273. 274. 295. 338, 345. 422, 611,
Melan, E. 569, 636. Nec:\as, J. 96, 294. 640.
Melnik, S. I. 196, 290. Nemat-Nasser, S. 694, 700, Payton,R.G. 218, 290.
Mettler, E. 700, 702. 702. Pearson,C.E. 233, 287.
Michell, J.H. 92, 147, 152, Neuber,H. 139, 143, 146, Pearson,K. 426, 577, 634,
155. 158. 159. 161, 276. 279. 280. 663, 703.
Mikhlin [Michlin], S. G. 38, Neumann,F.E. 87, 222, Peretti, G. 54, 282.
105-107, 111, 120, 128, 223, 261, 275. 310, 344. Petrashen, G.I. 256, 286.
134. 239. 281, 283. 286, Nickell,R.E. 337, 339, 340, Petryshyn, W. V. 661, 702.
292, 295. 388, 421, 424. 342, 345. Phillips,H.B. 17, 18, 158,
Miklowitz,J. 578, 637. Nicolesco,M. 21, 280. 279.
Mikusinski, J. 25, 242, 287. Nielsen, T. 32, 279. Phillips, R. 388.
Milicer-Gruzewska, H. 173, Niemeyer, H. 295. Pian, T. H. H. 127, 128,
293. 295. Nikolsld,E.N. 421, 424. 293.
Miller, G. F. 246, 285. Niordsen, F. I. 699, 702. Picone, M. 22, 280, 388,
Mills,N. 290. Nirenberg, L. 388. 422.
Minagawa, S. 54, 289, 291. Noll, W. 29, 49, 51, 53, 65, Pimbley, G. H. 696, 703.
Mindlin, R. D. 173. 280, 68, 70, 71, 73. 80, 105, Piola, G. 60, 273.
284, 575. 578. 606, 636, 141, 147. 149, 167, 171, Pipkin,A.C. 307, 344.
637. 638, 663. 702. 208, 256. 286, 290, 299. Platrier, C. 139, 281.
Minnigerode,B. 87, 275. 302, 305, 307, 344, 345, Podstrigach, Y. S. 331, 345.
Miranda, C. 388. 429, 446, 448, 481, 482, Poincare,H. 21, 264, 275,
Mises, R. v. 23, 65, 190, 191, 484, 487, 511, 512, 528, 276, 695.
196. 277. 281. 530, 532, 535. 537. 546, Poisson, S.-D. 1, 44, 68, 75,
Mi~icu,M. 105, 284. 548, 561, 636, 638. 639. 78, 90, 213, 233. 234,
Mizel, V. J. 44, 293, 302, 642, 643, 645. 656, 658, 263. 264, 577. 662, 663.
307, 311, 345. 699. 702. 668, 669, 676, 680, 694. P6lya, G. 203, 287.
Moisil, G. 92, 141, 282, 283. NOno, T. 54, 56, 282, 290. Popov, E. P. 698, 703.
Molyneux, J. 111, 292. Nordgren,R.P. 425, 552, Poritsky, H. 164, 281.
Moreau, J. J. 423, 424. 584, 588, 638, 640, 657. Powdrill, B. 342, 345.
Morera, G. 54. 55, 276. 702. Prager, W. 111, 122, 130,
Morgenstern,D. 584, 637, Novozhilov, V. V. 479, 528, 161, 281, 293. 422, 424,
638. 582, 586, 587, 593. 614, 699. 703.
Moriguti, S. 62, 282. 634-637. 662, 663, 702. Prange, G. 2, 111, 112, 124,
Morinaga, K. 54, 56, 282. Nowacki, W. 315, 330, 331, 278.
Morrey,C.B.,Jr. 105, 284, · 344, 345. Predeleanu,M. 235, 286.
676, 686, 702. Nowak,M. 239, 294. Prodi, G. 696, 703.
Mi1ller, I. 309.
Murtazgev,D. 173, 239, Odeh, F. 669, 681, 694, Radok, J. R. M. 156, 284,
289. 695, 697. 700, 702, 703. 285.
Musgrave,M.J.P. 246, 284, Odqvist,F. 40, 280, 479, Radzhabov,R.R. 187, 292.
285, 288. 634. Rafalski, P. 339, 345.
Mushtari, KH.M. 588, 638. Oliver,M. 1. Ralston, T. 1.
Muskhelishvili,N .I. 105, Olmstead, W. E. 693, 702. Rankine,W.J.M. 254.274.
150,160,164,171 ,278. Oniashvili,O.D. 588, 637. Rayleigh, Lord (John
279. 284, 291, 292, 420, Onoe,M. 578, 636. William Strutt) 125,
424. Oravas, G. 111, 122, 281, 591, 613, 634, 664.
292. Reiss,E.L. 586, 587, 637,
Nadai,A. 578, 634. Orlov, S. S. 187, 293. 638, 693. 700, 703.
Naghdi,P.M. 139, 288, 441, Ornstein, W. 56, 284. Reissner,E. 124, 282, 286,
446, 451. 452, 458. 459. Osborn, R. B. 528, 640. 288, 291, 476, 479. 527,
Namenverzei chnis.- Author Index. 709

575, 577, 578, 585, 587, Signorini,A. 61, 62, 64, Tait,P.G. 140, 173, 275,
588, 590, 591, 593, 596, 102, 279, 287, 422, 424. 577, 634.
605, 634-639. Simmonds, J. G. 584, 640. Tang,L.-M. 139, 290.
Rektorys, K. 205, 284. Sirotin, Y. I. 87, 287. Tedone,O. 91, 139, 140,
Rellich, F. 20, 279. Skuridin, G. A. 256, 286, 141, 233, 26~ 27~ 27~
Richter, H. 306, 344. 287. Teleman, S. 294.
Rieder, G. 54, 55, 287, 290, Slepian, L. I. 663, 702. Temple, G. 203, 285.
294. Slobodyansky , M.G. 139, Teodorescu,P .P. 150, 156,
Riemann, B. 254, 274. 143, 145, 280, 284, 287. 214, 235, 286, 288, 290,
Riesz, F. 389. Smith, G. F. 71, 87, 286. 291.
Ritz, W. 125, 277, 646. Sneddon, I. N. 156, 233, Ter-Mkrtycha n, L. N. 139,
Rivlin,R.S. 71, 87,286, 283, 286, 328, 343. 281.
307, 344, 446, 482, 490, Sobolev,S.L. 131,279,282, Thomas, G. B. 479, 584,
547, 637, 639. 389, 421, 424. 593, 635.
Robinson, A. 206, 207, 292. Sobrero, L. 54, 139, 158, Thomas, T. Y. 256, 286.
Roseau,M. 294. 279, 280. Thomson, W. (Lord Kelvin)
Roseman, J. J. 200, 206, Sokolnikoff, I. S. 41, 92, 1, 105, 140, 165, 173,
292, 293. 117, 120, 143, 164, 285, 176, 208, 233, 273-275.
Rosenblatt, A. 338, 344. 318, 344, 611, 636. 277, 419, 423, 577, 651,
Rothe, E. 682, 703. Solomon, L. 1, 92, 124, 139, 652.
Routh, E. T. 63, 277. 145, 164, 286, 288, 293. Tiersten,H.F. 578,640.
Rowley, J.C. 575, 636. Solovev, I. I. 139, 288. Tiffin, R. 171, 283, 520,
Rozencveig, L. N. 1 73, 281. Solyanik-Kras sa, K. V. 139, 638, 639.
Rubenfeld, L.A. 111, 294. 286. Timoshenko, S. P. 176, 283,
Rubinowicz, A. 25 7, 278. Somigliana,C. 1, 93, 141, 5 78, 588, 600, 636, 63 7,
Riidiger,D. 124, 225, 173, 183, 187, 233-235, 663, 703.
287-28~ 331, 345, 47~ 243, 27 5-277, 330, 419, Timpe,A. 42, 139-141, 277,
588, 63 7. 638. 424. 278, 282, 283.
Rutitskil, Y a. B. 660, 702. Southwell, R. 62, 117, 156, Ting, L. 699, 702.
Rytov, S.M. 256, 285. 191' 278, 280, 281. Ting, T. W. 422, 424.
Stakgold, I. 695-697, 703. Titchmarsh, E. C. 25, 287.
Sackman,J.L . 337, 339, Stampacchia, G. 422, 424. Todhunter, I. 426, 5 77, 634,
340, 342, 345. Steele,C.R. 479, 614, 640. 663, 703.
Sadaki,Z. 244, 247, 281. Sternberg, E. 1, 22, 95, 105, Tonelli, L. 686, 700.
Sadowski, M.A. 139, 283. 110, 111' 130, 139, Tong, P. 127, 128, 293.
Saenz,A.W. 173, 245,284. 141-143, 145-147, 149, Tonti, E. 62, 122, 124, 225,
Saint-Venant, A.- J .-C. B. de 150, 165-168, 1 70-179, 292, 293.
1, 40, 190, 274, 661 662. 182, 183, 187, 190-193. Toupin,R.A. 29, 38, 44, 51,
Sanders, J.L., Jr. 479, 582, 196, 208, 209, 215, 218, 54, 60, 65, 80, 85,
583, 588, 637, 638. 223, 233, 235-243, 25~ 105-107, 191, 196, 200,
Sbrana,F. 134, 283. 261, 283-289, 291-294, 208, 223. 246, 250-252,
Schaefer, H. 54, 55, 58, 59, 330, 34 5. 254, 256, 285, 287,
139, 156, 284, 285, 287. Stetsenko, V. Ya. 660, 702. 289, 291, 302, 345, 420,
Scha.fer,M. 575, 636. Stevenson, V.C. 164, 281. 422, 423, 429, 445-447,
Schechter, M. 25 7, 290, 389. Stickforth, J. 62, 291. 484, 494, 499, 528, 537,
Schiffer,M. 187, 283. Stippes,M. 54, 139, 143, 585, 614, 637, 639. 643,
Schild, A. 54, 56, 117, 119, 145,247,284,2 91-294,297. 644, 665, 668.
285, 615, 620, 628, 635. Stoker, J. J. 588, 635, 638, Trapp, J. A. 425, 548,
Schmidt, 695. 703. 640. 640.
Schoenfliess, A. 71, 27 5. Stokes, G. G. 1, 65, 78, 90, Trefftz, E. 111, 112, 120,
Schuler, K. W. 54, 156, 293. 213, 239, 254, 273, 309, 139, 158, 176, 187, 278,
Sehultz,M.H. 126, 294. 344, 651. 586, 634.
Schumann, W. 193, 284. Stroh,A.N. 245, 289. Trenin, S. 139. 284.
Segenreich, S. A. 206, 294. Strubecker, K. 156, 289. Trenogin, V.A. 695, 696,
Sensenig, C. B. 584, 640. Sun, H.-C. 139, 290. 703.
Serbin, H. 504, 638. Supino, G. 191, 279. Tricomi, F. 421, 424.
Serini, R. 139, 278. Sveklo, V. A. 156, 288. Trowbridge, E. A. 233, 293.
Shack, W. J. 669, 703. Synge, J. L. 134, 1 73. 183, Truesdell,C. 1, 29, 44, 51,
Shapiro, G. 139, 281. 246, 282, 285, 286, 527, 53, 54, 60, 65, 68, 70, 71'
Sherman, D. J. 105, 107, 615, 620, 628, 634, 635. 78, 80, 91' 99, 139. 246,
280. SzabO, I. 584, 638. 247, 250-252, 254, 256,
Sheu, C. Y. 699, 703. 287, 288, 290-293, 299,
Shield, R. T. 100, 173, Tadjbakhsh, I. 80, 289, 669, 302, 305, 309, 311, 345,
292. 673. 674. 681, 694. 695. 425. 429. 445-448. 452.
Shtrikman, S. 111, 289. 697, 699, 700, 702. 481, 48~ 48~ 487, 49~
710 Namenverzeichnis.- Author Index.

499. 511, 512, 527, 528, Vvodenskil, G. A. 54, 290. Whitman, A. B. 668, 669,
530, 535. 537. 546, 548, Vycichlo, F. 205, 284. 700, 701.
561, 585. 587. 592, 614, Wieghardt, K. 54, 277-
631, 632, 635-637. 639. Wainwright,W.L. 446, 451, Wilkes, E. W. 694, 700.
642-645. 656. 658. 663, 452, 458, 459. 490, 498, Williams, W. 0. 1, 44, 293.
665. 668, 669, 676. 680, 499. 543. 556. 588, 638. Willmore, T. J. 615, 626,
694, 698. 701, 703. 639- 637.
Turteltaub, M. J. 172-174, Walsh,E. 1. Witrick, W. H. 588, 636.
182, 183. 187. 190, 293. Wang, C.-C. 311, 345. Woinowsky-Kreiger, W.
294. Warner,W.H. 647, 649, 578. 588, 637.
651, 654. 658, 659. 663. Woodall, S. R. 699, 703.
674. 700.
Udeschini,P. 82, 281. Washizu, K. 62, 122, 183,
Uflyand,Ia.S. 575.635. Yang,K.L. 139, 284.
225, 284-286, 294, 476. Young, T. 78, 273.
Umov,N. 65, 274. 636. Youngdahl, C. K. 139. 294.
Wasiutynski,Z. 699. 703. Yu, Y.-Y. 225, 291.
Vainberg,M.M. 677. 682, Waterman,P.C. 247. 287.
695. 696, 703. Weber,C. 54, 139, 278,
Vainikko, G.M. 660, 702. 282. Zabreiko, P. P. 660, 702.
Va.Icovici, V. 214, 283. Weinberger,H.F. 38, 288, Zanaboini,O. 139. 191, 196,
Van Hove,L. 105, 281. 376. 388, 422. 206, 280.
Vekua,I.N. 420. Weiner,J.H. 41,287. 311, Zaremba, S. 257, 278.
Verdet,E. 75, 274. 338. 344. Zeilon,N. 173. 278.
Vlasov,V.Z. 40,281, 588, Weingarten, G. 42, 250, 276. Zemph!n, G. 254, 277.
591, 635. 636. Wenner,M.L. 425, 459. Zerna, W. 438, 470, 510,
Voigt, W. 71, 87, 140, 156, 508, 525, 570, 605, 607, 511, 527, 528, 572, 575.
275. 276, 278. 310, 322, 640. 584, 586, 588, 592, 593.
323, 328, 344. Westergaard,H. 139, 141, 595. 599. 600, 615. 635.
Volkov, S.D. 139, 290, 280, 283. 636-638, 640, 656, 701.
295- Weyl, H. 207, 208, 270, Ziegler, H. 1, 694, 703.
Vol'mir, A. S. 694, 703. 278, 389. 420. Zienkiewicz, 0. C. 128, 293,
Volterra, V. 41, 42, 187, Weyrauch, J. J. 247, 275. 294.
243. 276. 277. 347. 373. Wheeler, L. T. 1, 215, 218, Zorski, H. 105,291,330,344.
389. 647. 663. 703. 239-243. 257. 261, 294. Zwahlen, B. 695. 700.
Sach verzeichnis.
Bei gleicher Schreibweise in heiden Sprachen sind die Stichworter nur einmal aufgefiihrt.

abstrakte einseitige Probleme, symmetrischer Arbeit, Definition, work, definition 60.

Fall, abstract unilateral problems, sym- - , geleistete, beginnend im Ruhezustand,
metric 391. done, starting from rest 217.
- - - , unsymmetrischer Fall, non- - , - , fiir einen Dehnungsverlauf, along a
symmetric 395. strain path 82.
adiabatisch, adiabatic 304. - , - , von einem isotropen Korper, by an
adjungierte, dem Kelvin-Zustand ent- isotropic body 207.
sprechende Felder, adjoint fields Arbeitsleistung durch Kontaktkraft und
corresponding to Kelvin state 1 75. Direktorkraftepaar, rate of work by contact
- Transformation 369. force and director couple 60, 6 5. 544.
adjungierter Operator, adjoint operator 355. - - Kontaktkrafte und Kraftepaare sowie
adjungiertes, dem Stokesschen ProzeB ent- Volumkrafte und Kraftepaare, contact and
sprechendes Zugkraftfeld, adjoint traction assigned forces and couples 481.
field corresponding to Stokes process 240. Arbeitssatze in der Elastizitatstheorie, work
Airy-Funktion, Airy function 15 7. theorems in elasticity 9 5. 208, 211.
Airysche Losung, Airy's solution 54, 156. - - - Thermoelastizitat, thermoelasticity
akustischer Tensor, acoustic tensor 243-248. 320.
Amplitude, Welle der Ordnung n, amplitude, astatisches Gleichgewicht, astatic equilibrium
wave of order n 254. 63, 64, 98, 193.
Analogon zum Prinzip der minimalen poten- asymptotische Entwicklungsmethoden fiir
tiellen Energie, analog of principle of Schalen, asymptotic expansion techniques
minimum potential energy 229. for shells 586, 587.
analytisches Feld, analytic field 11. - Methoden fiir Stabe, methods for rods
Analytizitat, elastische V erschiebungsfelder, 664.
analyticity, elastic displacement fields - Verteilung von Eigenwerten, distribution
131. of eigenvalues 420.
- , thermoelastische V erschiebungs- und aufgebrachte Leistung, Satz, theorem of power
Temperaturfelder, thermoelastic displace- expended 65.
ment and temperature fields 318. Aufteilung, partition 27.
anfanglich flache Cosserat-Flache, initially Ausbreitung elastischer Wellen, propagation
flat Cosserat surface 460. of elastic waves 386.
Anfangsbedingungen, initial conditions 219, Ausbreitungsbedingung fiir fortschreitende
335. Wellen, propagation condition for
Anfangswerte, initial data 218. progressive waves 246.
Anfangswertproblem fiir Stabe, initial-value - - isotrope Korper, isotropic bodies 247.
problem for rods 700. Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit, speed of
anisotropes Material, anisotropic material propagation 246, 248, 343.
7. 87-89, 530. Ausbreitungsprobleme, propagation
Antennenpotential, antenna potential 420. problems 371, 377.
Antwortfunktion in der Elastizitatstheorie, Ausbreitungssatze, propagation theorems
response function in elasticity 80. 256.
- - - Schalentheorie, shell theory 529, Ausdehnbarkeit in Richtung der Einheits-
531. normalen zur Bezugsflache, extensibility
- - - Thermoelastizitat, thermoelasticity in the direction of the unit normal to a
301, 302, 304. reference surface 460.
Aquiprasenz, equipresence 530. Ausdehnungsbewegung, extensional motion
aquivalente Prozesse, equivalent processes 460.
487. - , Deformation einer Platte, deformation of a
- Systeme von Gleichungen, klassische plate 600.
lineare Schalentheorie, systems of equa- - , Schwingungen von Platten, vibration of
tions, classical linear theory of shells 583. plates 57 s.
712 Sachverzeichnis.

Ausdehnungsbewegung, Theorie von Platten, Bezugstemperatur, reference temperature 308,

klassisch, extensional motion, theory of 312.
plates, classical 577. Biegungstheorie, dtlnne Schalen, bending
Ausgangswertprobleme, initial-boundary theory, shells, thin 425.
value problems 371. -,Platten, klassische Theorie, plates,
Auslegungsprobleme fiir, design classical theory 57 7.
problems for rods 698. - , - , v. Kannans nichtlineare Theorie,
li.uBere Korperkraft, external body force 509. v. Karman's nonlinear theory 588.
li.uBeres Gebiet, exterior domain 14, 165, - , Schalen, klassische Theorie, of shells,
261. classical 582.
- Kraftsystem, external force system 95, biharmonisches Feld, biharmonic field
215, 327. 20.
- Kraft-Temperatur-System, force- Bilanzprinzipien (s. auch Erhaltungssli.tze)
temperature system 313. fur Schalen, balance principles (see also
- Produkt von Tensoren, outer product of conservation laws) for shells 483.
tensors 617. - -, Direktorimpuls, rods, director
- thermisches System, thermal system 327. momentum 666.
axialer Vektor, axial vector 6. - - - , Drehimpuls, angular momentum
Basisvektoren, allgemein, base vectors in - - - , Energie, energy 667.
general 439, 618. - - - , Impuls, linear momentum 666.
- auf einer Oberflli.che, on a surface 621. - - 3-dimensionale Theorien, Energie,
Beltrami-Losung, Beltrami's solution 54. 3-dimensional theories, energy 511.
Beltrami-Schaefer-Losung, Beltrami- - - - - , Impuls, momentum 42.
Schaefer solution 58. - - - - , Impuls einer Welle, momentum
Beschleunigung, Definition, acceleration, of a wave 254.
definition 43. - - - - , Impuls in Raum-Zeit, momen-
- in Schalentheorien, in shell theories 494. tum in space-time 67.
- in Stabtheorien, in rod theories 649, 652. - - - - , Impuls und Drehimpuls, linear
Beschleunigungswelle, acceleration wave and angular momentum 44, 52.
253. 254. - - - - , Krli.fte, ftlr Zustli.nde,
beschrli.nktes regulli.res Gebiet, bounded forces, for singular states 181.
regular region 13. - - - - , Momente, moments 306.
Betrag eines Tensors, magnitude of a tensor - - - - , Krli.fte und Momente, forces
7. and moments 300.
Bettischer Reziprozitli.tssatz, Betti's bilineare Integrodifferentialform, bilinear
reciprocal theorem 98, 99, 170, 211, 419. integra-differential form 361.
Beugebewegung, flexural motion 460. Boggioscher Satz, Boggio's theorem 237.
Beugeschwingungen von Platten, flexural Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber-Losung in
vibrations of plates 57 s. der Elastizitii.tstheorie, allgemeine Form,
bevorzugter Bezugszustand, preferred Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber solution in
reference state 530. elasticity, general form 139-142, 235.
Bewegung einer Cosserat-Flli.che, motion of - - - - , Elimination des skalaren Po-
Cosserat surface 449. tentials, elimination of scalar potential
- eines Korpers, of a body 43, 299. 143.
Bewegungsgleichungen in Elastizitli.ts- - - - - , Elimination einer Komponente
theorie, equations of motion, elasticity 4 5, des Vektorpotentials, elimination of
64, 212. component of vector potential 146.
- - Schalen, abgeleitet aus der 3-dimen- Boussinesq-Somigliana-Galerkin-Losung in
sionalen Theorie, shells, derived from der Elastizitli.tstheorie, Boussinesq-
3-dimensional theory 520. Somigliana-Galerkin solution in elasticity
- - - , direkter Zugang, direct approach 141, 142, 235. 236.
494. BoussiNESQs LOsung in der Elastizitli.ts-
- - - , Katalog, catalogue 526. theorie, Boussinesq's solution in elasticity
- - - , eingeschrli.nkte Theorie, restricted 147.
theory 552. Brunscher Satz, Brun's theorem 217, 223.
- -, rods 653, 658, 672.
- - Thermoelastizitli.t, thermoelasticity Cartesisches Koordinatensystem, Cartesian
326. coordinate system 438.
Bezeichnungen, Liste, notation, tables 2-5, Cauchy-Green-Tensor, Darstellung in der
298. 299. 432-438. Stabtheorie, Cauchy-Green tensor,
Bezugsdirektor, reference director 447. representation in rod theories 649.
Bezugsflli.che, reference surface 425. Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana-LOsung der
Bezugskonfiguration, reference configuration Elastizitli.tstheorie, Cauchy-Kovalevski-
299· Somigliana solution in elasticity 235-237.
Sachverzeichnis. 713

Cauchy-Poissonscher Satz, Cauchy-Poisson Dehnungsrate, strain rate 43.

theorem 44. Dehnungs-Temperatur-Beziehung, stress-
CAUCHYs Bewegungsgleichungen, Cauchy strain temperature relation 312, 326.
equations of motion 510. Dehnungsverlauf, strain path 82.
- Darstellungstheorem fiir isotrope Funk- Dehnungs-Verschiebungs-Relation, strain-
tionen, representation theorem for iso- displacement relation 31, 89, 212, 312,
tropic functions 535, SSt. 326.
- Hauptwert eines Oberflli.chenintegrals, Deresiewicz-Zorski-Losung, Deresiewicz-
principal value of a surface integral 181. Zorski solution 330.
- Reziprozitli.tssatz, reciprocal theorem Determinante, determinant 6.
45. Dichte, density 43, 299. 309.
- Integrale, singular integrals 419. Dicke einer Schale, thickness of shell 443.
- Spannungstensor, stress tensor 51, 53, Dicke-Scherschwingung, thickness-shear
305. vibration 57 S.
C00-glatt, C00-smooth 3 70. differenzierbare (r -1)-Zelle der Klasse en,
C•-glatt, C•-smooth 369. differentiable (r-1)-cell of Class en 402.
charakteristische LOsung fiir das freie Diffusionsprobleme, diffusion problems 373,
Schwingungsproblem, characteristic 377. 386.
solution for free vibration problem 262. Dilatation, Definition 31.
- Verschiebung fiir das Schwingungs- - , gleichforming, uniform 34. 77.
problem, displacement for vibration problem Dilatationswelle, Gleichung, dilatational wave
262. equation 213, 328.
- Werte des Elastizitli.tstensors, values, direkte Bezeichnung, direct notation 297.
elasticity tensor 76. direkte Ableitung der Schalentheorie, direct
- - - Schwingungsproblems, vibration approach to shell theory 448.
problem 263. Direktor, Definition, director, definition 446,
charakteristischer Raum, characteristic space 467, 666.
8. Direktorgeschwindigkeit, director velocity
Christoffel-Symbole erster und zweiter Art, 449. 467.
Christoffel symbols of the first and second Direktorimpuls, director momentum 482,
kinds 619. 483.
Clausius-Duhem-Ungleichung, Clausius- Direktorkrli.ftepaar, vorgeschriebenes, director
Duhem inequality 301, 484, 512, 532. couple, assigned 480.
Cosserat-Flii.che, allgemein, Cosserat surface, Direktortrli.gheitskoeffizient, director inertia
in general 430, 446, 449. coefficient 594--596.
- , Beziehung zur 3-dimensionalen Theorie, DIRICHLET• Problem, Dirichlet problem 3 75,
relation to 3-dimensional theory 594. 449.
Cosserat-Stab, Cosserat rod 665. - Randbedingungen, boundary conditions
curl 11. 370.
dispersierte Wellen, dispersed waves 343.
Darstellung des elastischen Verschiebungs- Divergenz, Definition, divergence, definition
feldes im Unendlichen, representation of 11.
elastic displacement field at infinity 16 5. - , Satz, theorem 16, 28.
- - Verschiebungsfeldes, displacement Doublet-ProzeB, doublet process 241.
fields 160. Doublet-Zustand, doublet state 177, 178.
- - Gradienten, gradient 187. Drehimpuls siehe Impuls, angular momentum,
- harmonischer Felder im Unendlichen, see under "momentum' '.
harmonic fields at infinity 22. dreidimensionaler Korper B, three-
- von biharmonischen Feldem im Unend- dimensional body B 438.
lichen, biharmonic fields at infinity 22. Druck, gleichmli.Big, uniform pressure
- - Dilatation und Rotation, dilatation so. n.
and rotation 188. Dualitli.t von Stli.ben und Schalen, duality
Deformationsgradient, deformation gradient between rods and shells 664.
29, 299. diinne Schalen und Platten, thin shells and
Deformation, Definition 29. plates 438, 524.
- , infinitesimal 28, 4 56. dunner Film, thin film 54 7.
Dehnungsenergie (gesamte gespeicherte dynamisch zulli.ssiges Spannungsfeld,
Energie) in der Elastizitli.tstheorie, strain dynamically admissible stress field 230.
energy (total stored energy), elasticity 94, dynamischer ProzeB, dynamical process 44,
110, 208, 216. 49.
- - - - , Schranken, bounds 113. dynamisches Problem fiir, dynamical
- in Schalen, in shells 54 s. problem for rods 699.
- in der Thermoelastizitli.t, in thermo-
elasticity 324. ebene Dehnung, plane strain 151.
Dehnungsfeld, strain field 31, 39, 43, 461. - Dehnungslosung, strain solution 152.
714 Sachverzeichnis.

ebene Dehnung, konvexe Menge, plane Einheits-Kelvin-Zustand, unit Kelvin state

strain, convex set 417. 178.
- Probleme fur, problems for rods Einheitsnormale einer Flii.che, unit normal to
670. a surface 440, 622.
- Spannung, verallgemeinert, stress, Einheitsnormale einer Kurve, unit normal
generalized 1 52, 577. to a curve 623, 627.
- starre Verschiebung, rigid displacement Einheitstangente einer Kurve, unit tangent
39. of a curve 623.
- Verschiebung, displacement 39. - und Einheitsnormale einer Kurve in der
ebener elastischer Zustand, plane elastic Flii.che, tangent and unit normal to a curve
state 154. lying in the surface 623.
ebenes Problem, plane problem 150, 151. einschrii.nkende Bedingung an Antwort-
Ehrling-Lemma 354. funktionen bei Spiegelung des Direktor,
Eigenfunktionen, vollstandiger Satz, eigen- restriction of response functions under
functions, complete set 369. reflection of direction 540, 542.
Eigenschwingungen, normal modes 269, - - fiir die Spannung bei gleichformiger
271. Dilatation, on stress due to uniform
eigentlich regular, properly regular 14, 38, dilatation 73.
351. - Bedingungen fur elastische Materialien
eigentliche orthogonale Gruppe, proper aus dem zweiten Hauptsatz, restrictions
orthogonal group 7. placed on elastic materials by the second
Eigenwert, Definition, eigenvalue, definition law 302.
369. einseitige Zwangsbedingung, unilateral
Eigenwertprobleme, eigenvalue problems constraints 403.
386. einseitiges Problem, abstrakt, unilateral
Einbettung, embedding 35. 352. problem, abstract 39, 395.
Eindeutigkeitssatz, allgemeines Problem, - - , symmetrische koerzive bilineare
uniqueness theorem, general problem Form, symmetric coercive bilinear form
130. 422.
- , ii.uBeres Gebiet, exterior domain - - , elliptische Operatoren, elliptic
171. operators 399.
- der Thermoelastizitii.t, dynamisch, - - , Membran, membrane 422.
thermoelasticity, dynamic 338. - - , elastischer Korper, elastic body 402.
- - - , statisch, static 322. - - , Elastostatik, elastostatics 423.
- , drittes oder gemischtes Problem, mixed - - , lineare Operatoren der angewandten
("third") problem 104, 112. Mathematik, linear operators of applied
- , ebenes Problem, plane problem 154. mathematics 422.
- , Elastodynamik, elastodynamics 222, - - , Differentialoperator, differential
261. operator 422.
- fiir Schalen, for shells 61 0. Elastika, elastica 697, 698.
- - Stabe, rods 692. elastische Bewegung, elastic motion 233.
- , inkompressibler Korper, incompressible - fortschreitende Welle, progressive wave
body 212. 246.
- , innere konzentrierte Last, internal - Koeffizienten, Elastizitatsfeld,
concentrated load 190. elasticities, elasticity field 68, 75.
einfach zusammenhii.ngend, simply-connected - Verschiebungsfelder, displacement fields
13. 131.
einfache Ausdehnung, simple extension - Welle der Ordnung n, wave oforder n
34. 255.
- Scherung, shear 34. 77. elastischer ProzeB, process 215.
eingeklemmte Platte, unterstutzt in einem - Zustand, state 95, 102.
Teilgebiet, clamped plate, partially - - mit im Unendlichen verschwindender
supported on a subdomain 406. Spannung, with stress vanishing at
eingeklemmter Rand, clamped boundary infinity 168.
314 - - - im Unendlichen verschwindender
eingeschrii.nkte Form der Materialgleichungen Verschiebung, displacement vanishing
fiir ein isotropes Material, restricted form at infinity 167.
of the constitutive equations for an iso- - - , Eigenschaften, properties 133.
tropic material 55 7. elastisches Material, elastic material 301.
- Kegelhypothese, cone-hypothesis 382. - Potential 380, 386, 544.
- Theorie, theory 455. elastisch-plastisches Torsionsproblem,
Einheits-Doublet-Zustand, unit doublet elastic-plastic torsion problem 405,
state 178. 422.
Einheitshauptnormale einer Kurve, unit Elastizitii.tsmodul, Young's modulus 78,
principal normal to the curve 627. 570.
Sachverzeichnis. 715

Elastizitatstensor, allgemein, elasticity tensor, Erweiterungen des Fundamentallemmas,

general 67-69, 309, 313. extensions of the fundamental lemma
- fur isotrope Materialien, isotropic 115, 116, 223.
materials 75, 317. Existenz- und Eindeutigkeitssatz fiir das
elementares krummliniges Dreieck, elemen- gemischte Problem, existence and
tary curvilinear triangle 493. uniqueness theorem for the mixed problem
Elemente von Flache und Volumen, elements 223.
of area and volume 441. Existenzsatze, allgemein, existence theorems,
elliptischer Operator, elliptic operator 3 55. general 368-387.
374. - fur das verallgemeinerte Signorini-
endliche Deformationen, Definition, finite Problem, generalized Signorini problem
deformation, definition 28. 407.
- - in der Elastizitatstheorie, in elasticity - - Stabe, rods 680.
80. - und Nichteindeutigkeit fiir
- starre Deformation, rigid deformation 30. elastostatische Randwertprobleme,
endlicher Dehnungstensor, finite strain and nonuniqueness for elastostatic
tensor 29, 80, 306. boundary-value problems 544.
Energie (s. auch ,Leistung" und ,Arbeit"), - , Naherungslosungen, approximate
energy (see also "power" and "work"). solutions 126.
- , freie, free 497. 511, 555, 570.
- , innere, internal 481, 510. Faltung, convolution 25, 332.
EnergiefluBvektor, energy-flux vector 214. Familie singularer elastischer Zustande,
Energiefunktional, energy functional 385, family of singular elastic states 192.
391, 403. Familie von Belastungsgebieten, die sich auf
Energiegleichung, allgemein, energy einen Randpunkt zusammenziehen,
equation, general 326. family of load regions contracting to a
- im Gleichgewicht, in equilibrium 312. boundary point 191.
- fUr Schalen, abgeleitet aus der 3-dimen- FATOUs Lemma, Fatou's lemma 384.
sionalen Theorie, shells, derived from Federov-Stippesscher Satz, Federov-Stippes
3-dimensional theory 51 5. theorem 247.
- - - , direkte Ableitung, direct approach Fehlerabschatzung in den linearen Theorien
481, 482. von Platten und Schalen, error estimate in
- - Stabe, rods 653. 658. the linear theories of plates and shells
Entropiebeziehungen, entropy relations 584.
303. 306. Feldgleichungen fiir Elastizitatstheorie,
Entropieprinzip fiir Materialgleichungen, field equations of elasticity 89-94.
allgemein, entropy principle for con- 212-215.
stitutive relations, general 302. - - nichtlineare Thermoelastizitat, non-
- - Schalen, shells 512. linear thermoelasticity 307.
- - Stabe, rods 669. - - Schalen, abgeleitet aus der 3-dimen-
Entropieproduktion, entropy production sionalen Theorie, shells, derived from
483. 492, 511. 3-dimensional theory 508, 519.
Entropieungleichung (CLAusms-DuHEM), - - - , ausgedriickt durch den Bezugs-
allgemein, entropy inequality (Clausius- zustand, in terms of reference state 502.
Duhem), general 301, 510, 511. -- - - , direkte Ableitung, direct approach
- fiir Schalen, abgeleitet aus der 3-dimen- 492, 498.
sionalen Theorie, for shells, derived from - - - , eingeschrankte Theorie, restricted
3-dimensional theory 616. theory 503.
- - - , direkte Ableitung, direct approach - - - , linearisiert, linearized 500, 523.
483. Flachenbasisvektoren und reziproke Basis-
- - Stabe, rods 667. vektoren, surface base vectors and their
.s-System 618. reciprocals 623 .
Erhaltungssatze (s. auch Bilanzgleichungen), Flachendeformationsrat e, surface rate of
conservation laws (see also balance deformation 451.
principles). Flachengeometrie, surface geometry 621.
- , ausgedruckt im Bezugszustand, in terms Flachenkraftfeld, surface force field 59.
of a reference state 490. 215.
- der Masse, of mass 440, 483. Flachenspannung, surface tension 547.
- fiir eine Cosserat-Flache, for a Cosserat Flachenspintensor, surface spin tensor
surface 479, 482, 487. 451.
erste und zweite Fundamentalform einer Flachenvektoren, surface vectors 450.
Oberflache, first and second fundamental FlachenwarmefluBmom ente fiir Stabe,
forms of a surface 623. surface heat flux moments for rods 651.
erster Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik, first Flachenzugkraft, surface traction 44, 93,
law of thermodynamics 300. 95. 211, 313, 319. 327.
716 Sachverzeichnis.

Fliigge-Lur' e-Byrne-Truesdell-Gleichungen gerade Stabe, straight rods 690.

in der linearen Schalentheorie, Flugge- Gesamtenergie, total energy 216, 332.
Lur'e-Byrne-Truesdell equations in the gesamte Randflache, eingeklemmt, entire
linear theory of shells 592. boundary, clamped 263.
Folgelastproblem, follower load problem 693. Gesamtimpuls, total moment 44.
fortschreitende Welle, progressive wave 245. Gesamtkraft, total force 44.
Fredholmsche Integralgleichungen, Fredholm Gesamtmoment, total moment 44.
integral equations 419. Geschichte der Schalentheorie, history of
freie Energie in Schalen, elastische Cosserat- shell theory 527, 589.
Flache, free energy in shells, elastic geschlossene konvexe Menge, closed convex
Cosserat surface 55 7. set 391.
- - - Schalen, lineare Theorie, shells, - regulare Oberflache, regular surface 13.
linear theory 556. geschlossener Dehnungsverlauf, closed strain
- - - Staben, rods 649, 657. path 82.
- - , dreidimensional, three-dimensional 301. Geschwindigkeit, Definition, velocity,
freier Korper, free body 315. definition 43, 467.
Frequenz einer Schwingung, frequency of gespeicherte Energie (Dehnungsenergie),
vibration 261. Funktion in der Elastizitatstheorie,
Fresnel-Hadamard-Ausbreitungsbedingung, stored energy (strain energy), function in
Fresnel-Hadamard propagation condition elasticity 82, 94.
246, 256. - - , - - Schalen, shells 545.
fundamentale Losungsmatrix, fundamental - - , - - Staben, rods 673, 677, 680.
solution of matrix 419. glatt ausbreitende Welle, smoothly propaga-
fundamentales Lemma, fundamental lemma ting surface 248.
20. - in der Zeit, smooth in time 24.
- System von Feldgleichungen, system of glattes Feld, smooth field 11.
field equations 89. gleich bis auf ein starres Verschiebungsfeld,
Fundamentalform einer Flache, dritte, equal modulo a rigid displacement 104.
fundamental form of a surface, third gleichformige Dilatation, uniform dilatation
626. 34, n.
- - - , erste und zweite, first and second Gleichgewicht in jedem belasteten Gebiet,
623, 624. equilibrium in each load region 193.
Funktionaldeterminante, Jacobian of Gleichgewichtsgleichungen, allgemein,
transformation 619. equilibrium, equations of, general 49, 59,
90, 312.
GAuss, Gleichungen von, Gauss, equations of - fiir Stabe, Integrale, for rods, integrals
46, 627. 696.
GauBsche Forme!, Gauss' formulae 625, 626. - in rechtwinkligen, zylindrischen und
- Kriimmung einer Oberflache, Kugelkoordinaten, in rectangular,
Gaussian curvature of surface 624. cylindrical, and polar coordinates 93.
Gebiet, Definition, domain, definition 348. - , Losung, solution 53.
- , EinfluB-, of influence 257. - mit Kriimmungslinien als Koordinaten,
gedampft, damped, attenuated 343. in lines of curvature coordinates 633.
geknickte Zustande fiir Stabe, buckled states Gleichgewichtsproblem in diinnen Platten,
for rods 694. equilibrium problem in thin plates 377.
gekoppelte Warmeleitungsgleichung, - - heterogenen elastischen Medien,
coupled heat equation 328, 335. heterogeneous elastic medium 386, 421.
gemischter Tensor, mixed tensor 617, 622. - - der Elastizitatstheorie, in elasticity
gemischtes Randwertproblem fiir die dynami- 380.
sche Elastizitatstheorie, mixed boundary - astatisch, astatic 63, 64, 98, 193.
value problem of dynamic elasticity 219. - von Kraften, of forces 63.
- - - - - Thermoelastizitat, thermo- - , Warmeleitungsgleichung, heat equation
elasticity 335. 317.
- - - - statische Elastizitatstheorie, Gleichgewichts-Spannungsfeld, self-equili-
static elasticity 102, 377, 379, 385. brated stress field 55, 59.
- - - - - Thermoelastizitat, thermo- gleichmaBiger Druck, uniform pressure
elasticity 321. so, n.
Geometrie einer Flache im Euklidischen Gleichungen fiir das Innere, interior equations
Raum mit Normalkoordinaten, geometry 586.
of a surface in an Euclidean space covered globale Reaktion auf die Stiitzungsbedin-
by normal coordinates 628. gung, global reaction exerted by the con-
geometrische Multiplizitat, geometric multi- straint of support 416.
plicity 369. Goursatscher Satz, Goursat's theorem 160.
- Symmetrie, geometrical symmetries Gradient der Deformation, gradient
297. deformation 29, 299.
Sachverzeichnis. 717
Gradient der Direktorgeschwindigkeit, homogener Korper, elastisch, homogeneous
gradient director velocity 4 52. body, elastic 68.
- der V erschiebung, displacement 29. - - , isotrop-elastisch, isotropic elastic 380.
- des Direktors, director 452. - - , isotrop-thermoelastisch, isotropic
Gradientenfeld, gradient field 10. thermoelastic 317, 327.
Graffischer Reziprozitii.tssatz, Graffi' s - - , thermoelastisch, thermoelastic 327.
reciprocal theorem 218, 243. homogenes Verschiebungsfeld, homogeneous
Green-Lame-Losung, Green-Lame solution displacement field 33.
233. 236, 237. Hu-Washizu-Prinzip, Hu- Washizu principle
GREENs Forme! fiir den Laplace-Operator, 122, 125, 226.
Green's formula for the Laplace operator hydrostatischer Druck, hydrostatic pressure
419. 678, 690.
- Funktion des Dirichlet-Problems, hyperelastische, hyperelastic rods 673.
function of the Dirichlet problem 421.
Greensche Zustii.nde, Green's states 186. Impuls, momentum, linear 43, 44, 51, 254,
Grenze, border 402. 482, 483.
Grenzschichtgleichungen, boundary-layer - , Direktorimpuls und Drehimpuls in
equations 586. Stii.ben, in rods (angular, director, linear
Grenzwertdefinition der Losung von KELVINs momentum) 666.
Problem, limit definition of solution to - , Drehimpuls, angular momentum 44, 52.
Kelvin's problem 174. - in Raum-Zeit, momentum, space-time
groBe Deformation, Losungen fiir, large 67.
deformation solutions 546. - in Schalen, shells 483.
grundlegende Gleichungen, lineare Thermo- infinitesimale Bewegung eines 3-dimen-
elastizitii.t, basic equations, linear sionalen Kontinuums, infinitesimal
thermoelasticity 310, 311. motion of 3-dimensional continuum 473.
- , Schalentheorie, shell theory Deformation, deformation 28, 456.
565. Direktor-Verschiebung, director displace-
Prinzipien fiir Schalen, principles for ment 456.
shells 479. Rotation, rotation 461. Losungen, Elastodynamik, starre V erschiebungen, rigid-body
singular solutions, elastodynamics displacements 30, 462, 463.
239. Volumenii.nderung, volume change 30.
- - , Elastostatik, elastostatics 173. infinitesimaler Dehnungstensor, infinitesimal
strain tensor 461.
halbkoerzive bilineare Form, semi-coercive Inhomogenitii.t, inhomogeneity 530.
bilinear form 422. Inkompressibilitii.tsbedingung, incompres-
Halbkoerzivitii.t, Hypothese, semi-coerciveness sibility condition 404.
hypothesis 392. inkompressible Korper, Materialien, in-
halbstetig bez. schwacher Konvergenz, lower compressible body, material 210.
semi-continuous with respect to weak con- innere Energie, internal energy 300, 481.
vergence 393. - konzentrierte Belastungen, concentrated
Hamilton-Kirchhoff-Prinzip, Hamilton- loads 179.
Kirchhoff principle 225, 226. - Zwangsbedingungen, constraints 403,
harmonische ebene fortschreitende Welle, 548.
harmonic plane progressive wave 342. inneres Direktorkrii.ftepaar, intrinsic
harmonisches Feld, harmonic field 20. director couple 482, 491.
Harnackscher Konvergenzsatz, Harnack's - Produkt aus Tensoren, inner product of
convergence theorem 21. tensors 618.
Hauptdehnungen, principal strains 35. - - - Tensoren zweiter Ordnung, second-
Hauptkriimmung einer Flii.che, principal order tensors 7.
curvatures of a surface 628. - - - Vektoren, vectors 5.
Hauptrichtung, principal direction 8, - - - Vierer-Vektoren, four-vectors 27.
628. Integral-Darstellungssatz fiir Losungen der
- der Dehnung, of strain 35. gemischten Probleme, integral represen-
- - Spannung, stress 50. tation theorem for solutions of mixed
Hauptspannungen, principal stresses 50. problem 18 7.
Hauptwerte, principal values 8. In tegrale der Gleichgewichtsgleichungen fiir
Hellinger-Prange-Reissner-Prinzip,, integrals of the equilibrium
Hellinger- Prange- Reissner principle equations for rods 696.
124, 125, 228. Integral-Identitii.t fiir den Verschiebungs-
Helmholtzscher Satz, Helmholtz's theorem gradienten, integral identity for the
19. displacement gradient 184.
heterogene Medien, heterogeneous media Integrodifferentialgleichungen, integra-
421, 422. differential equations 3 73.
718 Sachverzeichnis.

Invarianzbedingungen, invariance conditions kinematische MaBe fiir Schalen linearisiert,

484, 485, 487. abgeleitet aus der 3-dimensionalen
isentropisch, isentropic 304. Theorie, kinematic measures for
isochore Bewegung, isochoric motion 210. shells, linearized, derived from 3-
- Geschwindigkeit, velocity 213. dimensional theory 474.
isotrope Materialien und Korper, elastisch, - - - - , Katalog, catalogue 4 58.
isotropic materials and bodies, elastic - Naherungen in Platten und Schalen,
71, 74, 85, 86. approximations in plates and shells
- - - - , elastische Platten, elastic 478.
plates 573. - Resultate fiir Schalen, results for shells
- - - - , thermoelastisch, thermoelastic 471.
311, 317. kinetische Energie, kinetic energy 65, 216,
Isotropie, transversale, isotropy, transverse 481.
72. Kirchhoffsche Randbedingungen, Kirchhoff
iterierter Laplace-Operator, iterated Laplace boundary conditions 577, 586.
operator 3 77. - Theorien fiir Dehnung und Biegung von
Platten, theories for stretching and
Kataloge der Schalentheorie, Bezeichnungen, bending of plates 586.
catalogues for shell theory, notations Kirchhoffscher Satz, Kirchhoff's theorem
432-438. 32.
- - - , lineare kinematische MaBe fiir eine Klasse eM, N, Class CM, N 24.
Cosserat-FHiche, linear kinematic -eN 11.
measures for Cosserat surface 4 58. klassische Theorien der Platten und Schalen,
- - - , Resultierende und Bewegungs- classical theories of plates and shells
gleichungen, resultants and equations of 575-577. 582, 585.
motion 526. Knowlesscher Satz zum Saint-Venant-
Kegelhypothese, cone hypothesis 354. Prinzip, Knowles' theorem on Saint-
Kelvin-Problem, Kelvin problem 173, 176. Venant' s principle 200-206.
Kelvinscher Satz, Kelvin theorem 208. Koerzivitat, coerciveness 422.
Kelvin-Zustand, Kelvin state 174, 176, Kofaktoren, cofactors 618.
178-180. Kolosovscher Satz, Kolosov's theorem 164.
Kern der nichtnegativen quadratischen Kompatibilitat, compatibility 39.
Form, kernel of the nonnegative quadratic Kompatibilitatsgleichungen fiir ebene elasti-
form 392. sche Zustande, compatibility equations for
- des Funktionals F, of the functional F plane elastic states 1 55.
392. - - Schalen, shells 463, 479.
- des Operators T, of the operator T 391. - - - in der eingeschrankten Theorie,
Kinematik der Cosserat-FHi.che, kinematics restricted theory 466.
of Cosserat surface 449. - - 3-dimensionale Korper, 3-dimensional
- - orientierten Medien, oriented media bodies 39, 40, 41, 62, 63, 211, 318.
445. Kompatibilitatssatz fiir ebene Verschiebun-
- - Schalen, abgeleitet aus der 3-dimen- gen, compatibility theorem for plane
sionalen Theorie, shells, derived from displacements 41.
3-dimensional theory 466. - - dreidimensionale Deformationen,
- - - , eingeschrankte Theorie, restricted three-dimensional deformations 40.
theory 455. komplementare Energiefunktion, comple-
kinematisch zulassiges Dehnungsfeld, mentary energy function 570.
kinematically admissible strain field komplexe starre Verschiebung, complex
112. rigid displacement 39.
- zulassiger ProzeB, admissible process Kompressionsmodul (s. auch Elastizitat),
225. modulus of compression (see also
- - Zustand, state 111, 212, 324. elasticities) 74, 97.
- zulassiges Verschiebungsfeld, admissible Kompressionszentrum, Rotationszentrum,
displacement field 112. center of compression or rotation 179.
kinematisch und thermisch zulassiger ProzeB, konjugierter Tensor, conjugate tensor
kinematically and thermally admissible 618.
process 341. Konsistenzbedingung, consistency condition
kinematische MaBe fiir eine Cosserat-Flache, 129.
kinematic measures for Cosserat surface Kontaktdirektorkraftepaar, contact director
452. couple 480, 491.
- - - Schalen, abgeleitet a us der 3-dimen- Kontaktkraft, contact force 480, 491, 510.
sionalen Theorie, shells, derived from Kontaktkraftepaar, contact couple 504.
3-dimensional theory 468. Kontaktproblem, contact problem 129.
- - - - , eingeschrankte Theorie, Kontraktionsabbildung, contraction mapping
restricted theory 460. 396, 422, 618.
Sachverzeichnis. 719

kontravariante Tensoren, contravariant Lage, Darstellung in Stabtheorien, position,

tensors 617, 622. representation in rod theories 647.
konvektierte Koordinaten, convected coordi- Lagevektor, Feld, position-vector field
nates 431, 439, 449. s. 439.
Konvergenz von Naherungslosungen, Lame-Koeffizienten, Lame moduli 76, 311.
convergence of approximate solutions 125. Landau-Symbol, Landau symbol 356.
konvexe Hiille, convex hull 417. langenerhaltende Transformationen, length-
- Menge, set 392, 417. preserving transformations 538.
konvexes Gebiet bez. [/, convex region with Laplace-Operator, Laplace operator,
respect to ff 16. Laplacian 11, 375.
konzentrierte Last, concentrated load 174, Laplace-transformierte, Laplace transform
179. 25, 231.
- Spannungen, stresses 416. Lebesgue-Ableitung, Lebesgue derivative
konzentriertes Kraftesystem, system of 415.
forces 43. Lebesgue-Zerlegung, Lebesgue decomposition
- Lastsystem, concentrated loads 1 79. 415.
Koordinatensysteme, coordinate systems Leistung, rate of working 300.
438. - und Energie, Satz von, theorem of
Koordinatentransformationen, coordinate power and energy 216, 331.
transformation 531, 615. Leitfahigkeit in isotropen Materialien,
Kiirper, Definitionen, body, definitions 12, conductivity, isotropic materials 311.
14, 299. Leitfahigkeitstensor, conductivity tensor
- , Kraft, Analogon in der Thermoelastizitat, 307, 309.
body force analogy in thermoelasticity Levyscher Satz, Levy's theorem 156.
316. Liapounov-Randflache, Liapounov boundary
- , - , Definition 44, 299. 309, 485. 419.
- , - , Momente fiir Stabe, moments for rods lineare Elastizitat, Stabprobleme, linear
650. elasticity, rod problems 661.
- , - , zweidimensionale, two-dimensional - Materialgleichungen fiir Schalen, con-
513. stitutive equations for shells 553, 555,
kovariante Ableitung bez. aa.fJ• covariant 556, 571.
derivative with respect to aa.p 4 50. - Theorie fiir elastische Platten, theory for
- - - A 456. elastic plates 585, 596.
- - - erster Fundamentalform (metri- - - - elastische Schalen, elastic shells
scher Tensor), first fundamental form 595. 597.
(metric tensor) 431, 624. - - - - - , abgeleitet aus der 3-dimen-
- - - Euklidscher Metrik, Euclidean sionalen Theorie, derived from 3-dimensio-
metric 619. nal theory 578.
- Tensoren, tensors 617, 622. - - - - - , Bemerkungen, remarks on
Kraft im Unendlichen, force at infinity 170. 613.
Krafte, parallel und nichttangential zur linear-elastischer inkompressibler Korper,
Randflii.che, forces, parallel and non- linearly elastic incompressible body 210.
tangential to the boundary 193. linearisierte Feldgleichungen fiir Schalen,
-,System 43. linearized field equations for shells 500,
- , Direktorkraftepaar, vorgeschriebenes, 523.
director couple, assigned 480. - kinematische MaBe fiir Cosserat-Flachen
Kraftepaar, resultierender Vektor, couple und -Schalen, kinematic measures for
resultant vector 6 51. Cosserat surfaces and shells 456, 460,
- , vorgeschriebenes, assigned 504. 474.
Kraftvektor, vorgeschrieben, force vector, Listen der haufig benutzten Symbole,
assigned 480. indexes of frequently used symbols 2-5,
kreisfiirmige, circular rods 690. 298, 299, 432-438.
Kristallklasse, crystal class 72. Losung der Gleichung der Elastizitats-
Kronecker-Delta, Kronecker delta 618, 623. theorie, solution of equation of elasticity
Kriimmung der Oberflache, GauBsche, 102.
curvature of surface, Gaussian 471. - des allgemeinen Problems der Elastizitats-
- - - , mittlere, mean 471, 624. theorie, of general problems of elasticity
- - Randflache, of boundary 378. 129.
Kriimmungstensor, curvature tensor 620, - - gemischten Problems, mixed problems
625. 102, 220, 321, 335.
Kugelflachenfunktionen, surface spherical Losung des verallgemeinerten gemischten
harmonic 21. Problems, solution of generalized mixed
Kugelfunktion, spherical harmonic 22. problem 185.
Kurve auf der Flache, curve on the surface LovEs erste Naherung, Love's first approxima-
622. tion 478, 582, 589, 590.
720 Sachverzeichnis.

LovEs Integralidentitli.t in der Elastizitli.ts- materielle Systemunabhli.ngigkeit, material

theorie, Love's integral identity in frame-indilfMence 80, 305, 487.
elasticity 24 3. - Zeitableitung, time-derivative 431, 449,
- LOsung in der Elastizitli.tstheorie, 453.
solution in elasticity 14 7. materieller Punkt, material point 229, 439,
446, 530.
Mainardi-Codazzi-Gleichungen, Mainardi- maximale Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit,
Codazzi equations 626. maximum speed of propagation 245. 256,
MaB, measure 414, 415. 257.
Massendichte einer Bezugskonfiguration, - Energie, complementary
mass density in ref61'ence configuration energy 125.
440, 472. - potentielle Energie, potential enMgy
- - Cosserat-Flli.che, Cosserat surface 44 7. 125.
- - deformierten Konfiguration, deformed maximaler elastischer Koeffizient, maximum
configuration 440. elastic modulus 85.
Materialgleichungen fiir elastische Maximalprinzipien, maximum principles
Materialien, constitutive equations, elastic 120, 375-
matMials 6 7. Maxwell-Beziehung, Maxwell relation 304,
- - Schalen und Platten, ausgedril.ckt 310.
durch materielle Koordinaten, shells and Maxwellsche Losung in der Elastizitli.ts-
plates in terms of matMial coMdinates 529. theorie, Maxwell's solution in elasticity
- - - - - , ausgedrtickt durch relative 54.
MaBe, in terms of relative measures 540. Maxwellscher Kompatibilitli.tssatz, Maxwell's
- - - - - , ausgedrtickt im Bezugs- compatibility theorem 250.
zustand, in terms ofref61'ences state 544. mechanische Leistung, mechanical pow61'
- - - - - , Cosserat-Flli.che, elastisch, 496.
CossMat surfaces, elastic 528. Membran, am Rand festgehalten und tiber
- - - - - , Cosserat-Flli.che, unaus- ein Hindemis gespannt, membrane fixed
dehnbar,Cosserat-surfaee, inextensible 549. along boundary and stretched over obstacle
- - - - - , eingeschrli.nkte lineare 405.
Theorie, restricted linear theory 560. - , einseitiges Problem, unilatMal constraint
- - - - - , elastische Schalen, elastic 422.
shells 528, 533. 53 7. Membrantheorie von Schalen, membrane
- - - - - , elastische Schalen, aus der theMy of shells 54 7.
3-dimensionalen Theorie, elastic shells, metrischer Tensor fiir den Raum, metric
from 3-dimensional theMy 561, 564. tensM of space 618.
- - - - - , linear, ausgedrtickt durch - - - die Flli.che, surface 624.
die Gibbs-Funktion, linear, in tMms of Michellscher Satz, Michell's theorem 163.
Gibbs function 571. minimale Energie, minimum
- - - - - , linear, f1ir Cosserat-Flli.che, complementary enMgy 125, 324, 325.
linear, for CossMat surface 553. - potentielle Energie, potential energy
- - - - - , l i n e a r , ftir Schalen ein- 111, 125.
heitlicher Dicke, linear, for shells of - - - , Umkehrung, converse 116.
uniform thickness 556. - transformierte Energie, transformed
- - - - - , mechanische Theorie, enMgy 231.
mechanical theory 544. minimaler elastischer Koeffizient, minimum
- -, rods 654, 657. 659, 669, 673. elastic modulus 85.
Materialien mit .,Gedli.chtnis", matMials Minimalprinzip ftir das Schwingungs-
with "memory" 373. problem, minimum principle f01' the
Materialkoeffizienten in der linearen Theorie vibration problem 262, 266, 267.
der Cosserat-Flli.chen, constitutive coeffi- - - - Spannungsfeld, stress field 232.
cients in linear theMy of Cosserat surfaces - - - Verschiebungsproblem, displace-
598. 606. ment problem 209.
- - - - - - Cosserat-Platten, - - den kleinsten charakteristischen Wert,
Cosserat plates 600, 603. lowest charactMistic value 264.
- - - - - - Schalen (eingeschrli.nkte - - die Elastodynamik, elastodynamics
Theorie), shells, restricted 607. 230.
Materialrelationen s. Materialgleichungen, Minimax-Prinzip, minimax principle 268.
constitutive relations, see constitutive Mittelwert einer Funktion, mean value of a
equations. function 314.
materielle Flli.che, matMial surface 439. Mittelwertsatz fur elastische Zustli.nde, mean
- Symmetrie in der dreidimensionalen value theorem for elastic states 133-138.
Theorie, symmetry in three-dimensional - - harmonische und biharmonische
theory 69-74, 87-89. Felder, harmonic and biharmonic fields
- - in Schalen, in shells 537, 539, 541. 21.
Sachverzeichnis. 721
mittlereDehnung, mean strain 37, 38, 97, 98. nichtiiberlappend, nonoverlapping 402.
- Krfimmung, curvature 471, 624. Norm 348.
- Spannung, stress 96, 97. Normalkoordinatensystem, normal coordinate
- - und Dehnung, ausgedriickt durch system 442, 628.
auBere Kraft und Temperatur, and Normalkriimmung einer Kurve, normal
strain in terms of external force-temperature curvature of a curve 628.
315. Normalspannung, transversale, transverse
Moment-Drehimpuls, moment of momentum normal stress 584.
482. normiertes Vektorfeld, normalized vector
Moment im Unendlichen, moment at infinity field 186.
170. Novozhilovsche Ableitung der klassischen
Momente der MaterialgroBen in Stabtheorien, linearen Schalentheorie, N ovozhilov' s
moments of constitutive variables in rod derivation of classical linear theory of
theories 649. shells 593.
Momentenbilanz, balance of moments 306.
MoRERAs Losung in der Elastizitiitstheorie, objektiv (s. auch systemunabhangig),
Morera's solution in elasticity 55. objective (see also frame-indifference) 487.
Multiplizitiit, multiplicity 369. offene Kugel, open ball 12.
optimale Auslegung eines Stabes, optimal
Nabelpunkte, umbilics 628. design of a rod 699.
Nachgiebigkeitstensor, compliance tensor orientierte Medien, oriented media 445.
69, 71, 77. 310. orthogonal 7.
Nachwirkungselastizitat, hereditary orthogonale Gruppe, orthogonal group 7.
elasticity 423. - Projektion, perpendicular projection
Nachwirkungsprobleme, hereditary problems 9. 129.
377, 386. orthogonaler Projektor, orthogonal projector
Niiherungen in der Schalen- und Platten- 392.
theorie, approximations in shell and plate orthogonales Komplement, orthogonal
theory 476, 522, 566-568, 570, 587. complement 385, 395.
Niiherungssatz, approximation theorem 128. Orthogonalitat charakteristischer Ver-
natiirliche Konfiguration, natural configura- schiebungen, orthogonality of characteristic
tion 380. displacements 264.
NAVIER• Gleichung der Elastizitiitstheorie, orthotrope Materialien, orthotropic material
dynamisch, Navier's equation of elasticity, 72.
dynamic 213.
- - - - , statisch, static 90. Parsevalscher Satz, Parseval theorem 366,
Neumann-Problem, Neumann problem 375, 381.
419. partielle Ableitung nach Oberflachen-
Newtonsches Potential, Newtonian potential koordinaten (}a, partial differentiation
19. with respect to surface coordinates (}a 4 31.
Nichtausdehnbarkeitstheorie von Schalen, partikuliire Losung der Gleichgewichts-
inextensional theory of shells 546, 548. gleichung, particular solution of the
nichteindeutige Randbedingungen, ambigu- equation of equilibrium 59.
ous boundary conditions 405, 414. Permutationssymbole, permutation symbols
Nichtexistenzsatz fiir Elastizitiitstheorie, 453. 455. 618.
nonexistence theorem of elasticity 109. Photoelastizitat, photoelasticity 1 56.
nichtkoerzive, unsymmetrische bilineare physikalische Interpretation der Airy-
Formen, non-coercive non-symmetric Funktion, physical interpretation of Airy
bilinear forms 422. function 158.
nichtlineare Materialgleichungen fiir Schalen, - Komponenten von Tensoren, components
nonlinear constitutive equations for shells of tensors 631.
528. Piola-Kirchhoff-Spannung, Piola-Kirchhoff
- - - - , eingeschrankte Theorie, stress 51, 53. 229, 305, 491.
restricted theory 549. Piolascher Satz, Piola's theorem 60.
- - - - , Membrantheorie, membrane Platte unter hydrostatischem Druck, plate
theory 566, 588. under hydrostatic pressure 602.
- - - Stiibe, rods 654. POINCARE• Ungleichung, Poincare inequality
- - - thermoelastische Materialien, 350.
thermoelastic materials 297. Poisson-Kirchhoff-Theorie fiir die Biegung
nichtsymmetrische Form, nonsymmetric von Platten, Poisson-Kirchhoff theory for
form 395. bending of plates 524.
nichttriviale Losung des gemischten Poissonscher Quotient, Poisson's ratio 78,
Problems mit Nullwerten, non-trivial 318, 570.
solution of the mixed problem with null - - fftr verallgemeinerte ebene Spannung,
data 109. for generalized plane stress 153.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. VI a/2. 46
722 Sachverzeichnis.

Poissonscher Zerlegungssatz, Poisson's Randbedingungen, eingeschrankte Schalen-

decomposition theewem 234. theorie, boundary conditions, shell theewy,
positiv definite elastische Konstanten, restricted 5 53.
positive definite elastic constants 153. - , Elastizita.tstheorie, elasticity 102, 129,
positive Arbeit, Satz von der, theory of 314, 403, 405, 414, 420.
positive wewk 95. - , Einklemmung, clamped 263, 314.
positiver Elastizitatstensor, positive elasticity - , lineare Schalentheorie, shell theory,
tensor 69, 85-87. linear 583.
- halbdefiniter Elastizitatstensor, semi- - , Stabtheorien, rod theewies 648, 659, 667,
definite elasticity tensor 69. 674. 678.
--Tensor 84. - , Thermoelastizitat, thermoelasticity 314,
- Operator 369. 321.
positives Elastizita.tsfeld, positive elasticity - , Zwangsbedingungen, constraints
field 104. 403.
Potential von Einfach- und Doppelschichten, Randflache eines Korpers, boundary of body
potential of double and simple layers 102, 440.
419. Rand- und Anfangswertprobleme in der
Prinzip der Aquiprii.senz, principle of Elastizita.tstheorie, boundary-initial-
equipresence 530. value problems of elasticity 33 5.
- - maximalen komplementaren Energie, Randwertoperator, boundary-value operator
maximum complementary energy 121. 402.
- - minimalen Energie, Randwertprobleme fur Elastizita.tstheorie,
minimum complementary energy 112, allgemein, boundary value problems of
130, 212. elasticity, general 129, 185.
- - - potentiellen Energie, potential - - - , gemischt (.,drittes"), mixed
energy 111, 112, 121, 130, 212, 231. ("third"} 102, 381, 420.
- - Systemunabhangigkeit, material - - - , nicht-eindeutig, ambiguous 405,
frame-indifference 80, 305, 487. 414.
- - Zerlegung thermoelastischer Zustande, - - - , Verschiebung (.,erstes"), displace-
decomposition of thermoelastic states ment ("first") 103, 220, 380.
313. - - - , Zugkraft (.,zweites"), traction
- des Impulses, linear momentum ("second") 103, 220, 381.
483. - - harmonische Funktionen, harmonic
Problem .,der schiefen Ableitung", oblique junctions 419.
derivative problem 376. - - Schalen, allgemeine Theorie, shells,
- freier Schwingungen, free vibration general theory 550.
problem 261. - - - , eingeschrankte lineare Theorie,
Produkt zweier Tensoren, product of two restricted linear theory 607, 609.
tensors 6. - - - , lineare Biegung, linear bending
Produktion von Entropie, production of 584.
entropy 483, 511. - - Stabe, rods 658.
Projektion, orthogonale, perpendicular - - Theorie der Thermoelastizitat, Ver-
projection 9. 129. schiebung, thermoelasticity, displacement
Projektionseigenschaft, projection property 321.
31, 32. - - - - - , Verschiebung und Tempe-
Projektionsmethoden fur Stabtheorien, ratur, displacement and temperature
projection methods jew rod theories 663. 335-
ProzeB, dynamischer, process, dynamical - - - - - , Zugkraft, traction 321.
44, 49. Raume Hm(A) und Hll,(A), spaces Hm(A)
- , thermodynamischer, thermodynamic and Hll, (A) 349.
484, 497. 510. raumliche Kugelfunktion, solid spherical
- , thermoelastischer, thermoelastic 327. harmonic 22.
Pseudo-Differentialoperatoren, pseudo- Raum-Zeit, space-time 27.
differential operatews 421. Rayleigh-Ritz-Methode, Rayleigh-Ritz
Pseudo-Volumenkraftfeld, pseudo body force procedure 125-129.
field 66, 218, 332. Reaktion eines isotropen Materials, response
Pseudo-Warmezufuhrfeld, pseudo heat supply of isotropic materials 74.
field 332. Reduktion von Materialgleichungen durch
Pseudo-Zugkraftoperator, pseudo-tension Dberlagerung starrer Bewegungen,
operator 420. reduction of constitutive equations under
superposed rigid body motions 534.
qualitatives Verhalten von Staben, qualita- reduzierte Formen, reduced jewms 306.
tive behavior few rods 697. - Spannung, stress 316.
quasistatische Theorie, quasi-static theory - Volumenkraft, body force 316.
311. regulare Flache, regular surface 13.
Sachverzeichnis. 723
reguHire Hyperflache, regular hypersurface Richtung der Bewegung (oder Verschiebung)
252. einer fortschreitenden Welle, direction of
- Unterflache, subsurface 14. motion (or displacement) of a progressive
regularer Punkt der Randflache, regular wave 245, 343.
point of boundary 14. - - Verschiebung, displacement 343.
regulares Gebiet, regular domain 349. Riemann -Christoffel-Tensor einer Flache,
- Problem der ,schiefen Ableitung", Riemann-Christoffel tensor of a surface
oblique derivative problem 3 76. 462.
Regularisierung, Regularitat, allgemein, - im Raum, in space 620.
regularization, regularity in general 370, Riesz-Fredholm-Theorie kompakter Opera-
422. toren, Riesz-Fredholm theory of compact
- auf oder in der Umgebung der Rand- operators 369.
Hache, at or near the boundary 357, 401, Ring (Stabtheorie), ring (rod) 659, 697·
411. Ring, a 415.
- bei Staben, of rods 680. Rotationsfeld, rotation field 31.
- im Innem, interior 408. Rotationstragheit, rotary inertia 578, 596.
Regularitat im Innem, interior regularity Rotationsvektor, rotation vector 31, 39.
355, 401. Rotationswellengleichung, rotational wave
reine Biegung einer Platte, pure bending of a equation 328.
plate 599.
- Dehnung, strain 33. s-Ableitung, s-derivative 350.
- Scherung, shear SO, 77. SAINT-VENANTS Prinzip, Saint- Venant' s
reiner Zug, pure tension 50, 78. principle 190-207.
REISSNERs Plattentheorie, Reissner' s plate Saint-Venant-Problem, Saint- Venant
theory 575, 578, 584. problem 661.
relative Tensoren, relative tensors 618. Schalen, verstarkt durch Fasem, shells
Rellich-Lemma, Rellich's lemma 20. reinforced with cords 54 7.
Rellichsches Auswahlprinzip, Rellich schalenartiger Korper, shell-like body 411,
selection principle 3 52. 425, 438, 440, 442.
Restspannung, residual stress 8, 308. Schalendicke, shell thickness 443, 447.
Resultierende fiir spezifische innere Energie Schalentheorie, shell theory 444, 44 S.
und Entropie, resultants, specific internal Scherdeformation, transversal, shear
energy and entropy 515. deformation, transverse 460, 575, 578,
- , Katalog der Definitionen, catalogue of 584.
definitions 526. Schermodul, shear modulus 74, 76, 210,
resultierende Kontaktkraft, resultant contact 311, 574.
force 480, 510. Scherspannung, shear stress 50, 51.
Kraft, force 514. Scherung, einfache, simple shear 34, 36, 77.
- Kraftepaarvektoren, couple vectors schief, skew 6, 61 7.
514. schiefsymmetrische r X r Matrix, skew-
- Volumenkraft, body force 509. symmetric r X r matrix 384.
- vorgeschriebene Kraft, assigned force Schockwelle, shock wave 253, 254.
481. Schranken fiir Dehnungsenergie, bounds for
resultierendes Kontakt-Direktorkraftepaar, strain energy 113.
resultant contact director couple 580. schwach geschlossen, weakly closed 393.
- Kontaktkraftepaar, contact couple - kompakt, compact 394, 398.
504. schwache Losung, weak solution 355.
- vorgeschriebenes Direktorkraftepaar, - Unstetigkeiten, mild discontinuities 253.
assigned director couple 481. Schwarzsche altemierende Methode,
- vorgeschriebenes Kraftepaar, assigned Schwarz' alternating method 421.
couple 504. Schwingungsamplitude, amplitude, vibration
reziproke Basisvektoren, reciprocal base 261.
vectors 618. selbstadjungiert, self-adjoint 385.
Reziprozitatssatz fiir Elastodynamik, a-Ring 415.
reciprocal theorem for elastodynamics Signorini-Problem, Definition, Signorini
66. problem, definition 404, 413.
- - Elastostatik, elastostatics 101, 207. - in der Theorie der Viskoelastizitat, in
- - singulare Zustande, singular states viscoelasticity 423.
182. - , verallgemeinert, generalized 404, 408.
- - synchrone auBere Kraft, synchronous Signorinischer Satz, Signorini's theorem 61.
external force 219. singulare Flache der Ordnung n, singular
- - Thermoelastizitat, thermoelasticity surface of order n 250.
320, 332. - - - - Null, zero 249.
Richtung der Ausbreitung, direction of Integralgleichungen auf einer Kurve,
propagation 245, 248, 343. integral equations on a curve 420.
724 Sachverzeichnis.

singuHire Menge vom MaB y, singular set of spezifische innere Energie, specific internal
the measure y 415. energy 481, 510.
singularer elastischer Zustand, singular - Warme, heat 304.
elastic state 1 79. - Warmezufuhr, heat supply 481.
skalare raumliche Kugelfunktion, scalar Sprung an einer singularen Flache, jump
solid spherical harmonic 21. across a singular surface 249, 421.
skalares Feld, scalar field 10. Spur, trace 6, 353.
- Produkt, product 399. Stab, Definition, definition of rod 646.
Sobolev-Lemma, Sobolev lemma 354. Stabtheorie, Definition, theory of rods,
Somigliana-Fundamentalmatrix, Somigliana definition 641.
fundamental matrix 419. stark elliptischer Elastizitatstensor, strongly
Somiglianascher Satz, Somigliana's theorem elliptic elasticity tensor 86, 8 7, 24 7,
183. 256.
Spannungen, unabhangig von den elastischen - - Operator 365, 422.
Konstanten, stress, independent of elastic - elliptisches elastisches Feld, elliptic
constants 163. elasticity field 105.
- , Bewegungsgleichung, stress equations of starke Ableitung, strong derivative 349,
motion 214. 357.
- , Kompatibilitatsbeziehung, stress equation - Bedingung fur die Existenz der Losung
of compatibility 92. des Signorini-Problems, condition for
Spannungsenergie, stress energy 11, 324. existence of solution of Signorini problem
Spannungsfeld, stress field 4 5-64. 417.
- fur die Losung des gemischten Problems, starken Sinne, im, strong sense 416.
for solution of mixed problem 103. starre Verschiebung, rigid displacement
spannungsfreier Zustand, stress-free state 31-33. 61, 68, 104.
323. starres Feld auf oB mit Kraft und Moment,
Spannungsfunktionen, stress functions rigid field on oB with force and moment
53-59. 185.
Spannungsimpulsfeld, stress-momentum statisch-geometrische Analogie, static-
field 67, 253. geometric analogy 613.
Spannungskraftepaare, stress-couples 512, statisch zulassiger Zustand, statically
513, 595. admissible state 114.
Spannungsleistung, stress power 65, 216, 300, Sternbergscher Satz zu ST. VENANTs
496. Prinzip, Sternberg's theorem on St. Venant' s
Spannungsmomente fur Stabe, stress principle 193.
moments for rods 649. sternformiges Gebiet, star-shaped region
Spannungs- oder Spannungs-Dehnungs- 14.
Beziehung, stress or stress-strain relation stetig in der Zeit, continuous in time
89, 212, 302, 305, 306. 24.
Spannungsresultierende, stress resultant Stetigkeitsgleichung, continuity, equation of
512, 513, 651. 448.
Spannungs-Temperatur-Gleichung (Kom- Stokes-ProzeB, Stokes process 239. 240.
patibilitatsbeziehung), stress-temperature Stokesscher Satz, Stokes' theorem 17.
equation of compatibility 318, 319, 321. Strahl, ray 249, 257.
Spannungs-Temperatur-Modul, stress- stuckweise glatt, piecewise smooth 14.
temperature modulus 311. - kontinuierliche Funktion, continuous
Spannungs-Temperatur-Tensor, stress- function 14.
temperature tensor 309, 313. - regular, regular 14, 25.
Spannungstensor, stress tensor 45-64, 513. Superpositionsprinzip fur elastische Zu-
Spannungsvektor, stress vector 43, 485, stande, superposition principle for elastic
510. states 95.
Spannungswelle, stress wave 254. - - thermoelastische Zustande, thermo-
spektrale Zerlegung und Theorem, spectral elastic states 313.
decomposition and theorem 8. Symmetrie, geometrische, symmetry, geo-
Spektrum, spectrum 269. metrical 297.
spezielle Schalentheorien, special theories of - von Green-Zustanden, of Green's states
shells 546. 187.
spezifische Entropie, specific entropy 483, Symmetrieachse, axis of symmetry 73,
510. 248.
- Entropieproduktion, production of Symmetriebeziehung fiir Stabe, symmetry
entropy 483, 511. condition for rods 6 54.
- Gibbssche freie Energie, Gibbs free energy Symmetriegruppe, symmetry group 70,
555. 570. 210.
- Helmholtzsche freie Energie, Helmholtz Symmetrietransformation, symmetry
free energy 497, 511. transformation 70.
Sachverzeichnis. 725
symmetrische, beschrankte bilineare Form, thermomechanisches Verhalten von elasti-
symmetric-bounded bilinear form 391. schen Cosserat-Flachen, thermo-mechanical
symmetrischer Elastizitatstensor, symmetric behavior (response of), elastic Cosserat
elasticity tensor 69, 84, 85, 247, 256. surfaces 529.
- Gradient 11. - - - Korpern, bodies 512.
- Operator 369. - - - Schalen, shells 497.
- Tensor 6, 617. Topologie von Hm(A), topology of Hm(A)
synchrone auJ3ere Kraftsysteme, synchronous 401.
external force systems 219. Torsion einer rechteckigen Platte, torsion of
Systemunabhangigkeit, materielle (s. auch rectangular plate 604.
,Objektivitat"), in der Stabtheorie, frame- Toupinscher Satz von Sr. VENANTs Prinzip,
indifference, material (see also" objective"), Toupin's theorem on St. Venant's
rods 655, 669. principle 196.
- , - , dreidimensional, three-dimensional Trager von u, support of u 349.
80, 305, 306. Transponierte eines Tensors vierter Ordnung,
transpose of a tensor, fourth-order 10.
Tangentialebene, tangent plane 622. - - - zweiter Ordnung, second-order 6.
Tangential- und Normalkomponenten des Transporttheorem, zweidimensional,
Direktors und des Direktorgradienten, transport theorem, two-dimensional 4 56.
tangential and normal components of transversale Isotropie, transverse isotropy
director and of director gradient 535. 72.
Teil, part 14, 300. - Normalspannung, normal stress 584.
Teilflachen g;_ und .9'2 , subsurfaces g;_ and .9'2 - Scherdeformation, shear deformation
12. 460, 57 5. 578, 584.
Temperatur, absolute, temperature, absolute - Welle, wave 246-248, 254, 343.
301, 483, 510. typisches Oberflachenteilchen, typical
- , Bedingung, condition 335. surface particle 530.
-,Beziehungen, relations 305.
- , Darstellung in Stabtheorien, representa- iiberlagerte starre Bewegungen, superposed
tion in rod theories 649. rigid body motions 452, 532.
- , Differenzfeld, differrmce field 312. Umgebung des Unendlichen, neighborhood of
- , Gleichung, equation 328. infinity 16 5.
- , Gradient 301. Umkehrungsprinzip der minimalen poten-
Temperatur-Entropie-Momente fiir Stabe, tiellen Energie, converse principle of
temperature-entropy moment for rods 649. minimum potential energy 116.
Temperaturgradient-Temperaturbeziehung, - - - Komplementarenergie, comple-
thermal gradient-temperature relation mentary energy 11 7.
326. unbeschranktes regulares Gebiet, unbounded
Tensor, Art, tensor, type 617. regular region 13, 257.
- , Definition 6. ungekoppelt, uncoupled 311, 312.
- , kovariant, kontravariant, gemischt, ungekoppelte quasistatische Theorie,
covariant, contravariant, mixed 617, uncoupled quasi-static theory 325.
622. uniforme Zusta.nde, uniform states 546.
- , relativer, relative 618. - - fiir Stabe, for rods 698.
- , Transformationsgesetze, transformation universelles Verschiebungsfeld, universal
laws 616. displacement field 91.
- vierter Stufe, fourth-order tensor 9. Unstetigkeitsflachen, surfaces of discontinuity
Tensorfelder, tensor fields 10. 248.
Tensorflache, tensor surface 631.
Tensorkomponenten, tensor components Variationsmethoden, elastische Stabtheorie,
498. variational methods, elastic rod theory
Tensorprodukt, tensor product 7. 668.
thermischer Ausdehnungstensor, thermal - , dreidimensionale Elastizitatstheorie,
expansion tensor 310. three-dimensional elasticity 125-129.
- Ausdehnungskoeffizient, Variationsprinzipien und -satze, Elastizitats-
coefficient of thermal expansion 311, theorie, variational principles and
316. theorems, elasticity 122-125, 223-232.
thermodynamischer ProzeJ3, thermodynamic - - - , hyperelastische Stabe, hyperelastic
process 484, 497, 510. rods 676.
thermoelastische Schale, thermoelastic shell - - - , Schalentheorie, shell theory 476.
561. Vektor in einer Flache, vector in a surface
thermoelastischer ProzeJ3, thermoelastic 622.
process 327. Vektorfeld, vector field 10.
- Stab, rod 656, 669. vektorielle raumliche Kugelfunktion, vector
- Zustand, state 313. solid spherical harmonic 22.
726 Sachverzeichnis.

Vektorprodukt, vector product 5. v. Mises-Sternberg-Version des Prinzips von

Vergleichssatz der Elastizitatstheorie, SAINT-VENANT, v. Mises-Sternberg version
comparison theorem of elasticity 269. of Saint- Venant' s principle 190.
Verschiebung, Bedingung, displacement, V oraussetzungen der Theorie der Thermo-
condition 102, 220, 321, 335. elastizitat, assumed data of thermo-
-,Definition 29, 43, 299. elasticity 335.
- , Feld, field 31.
- , Feld fUr gemischtes Problem, field solving Wachstum charakteristischer Werte ins
mixed problem 103. Unendliche, infinite growth of the
- , Gleichung fUr Bewegung, equation of characteristic values 270.
motion 212. Warme, iibertragen durch Strahlung und
- , - - Gleichgewicht, equilibrium 90. Leitung, heat transmitted by radiation and
- , Gradient 29. by conduction 581.
-,Problem 102, 220, 231. Warmeabsorption, heat absorption 510.
Verschiebungen, Satz fiir eindeutige, theorem WarmefluB, Bedingung, heat flux condition
on single-valued 161. 335.
verschiebungsfreie Zustande, displacement- -,Definition 327.
free states 322. WarmefluBmoment fiir Stabe, heat flux
Verschiebungs-Temperatur-Gleichung bei moments for rods 649.
Bewegung, displacement-temperature WarmefluBvektor, heat flu.-r vector 300,
equation of motion 328, 33 5. 510.
- fiir Gleichgewicht, of equilibrium 317, Warmeleitungsgleichung, heat conduction
321. equation 312, 326.
Verschwinden bei einer Flache, vanishing Warmeleitungsungleichung, heat conduction
near a surface 20, 223. inequality 303, 307.
Vertauschungssatz, commutation theorem Warmeoperatoren, heat operators 329.
9. Warmequellenmomente fiir Stabe, heat
vieldimensionale singulare Integralgleichung, source moments for rods 6 51.
multidimensional singular integral Warmezufuhr, heat supply 300, 510, 513.
equation 421. WEINGARTEN• Forme!, Weingarten's formulae
vielfacher Index, multiindex 348. 625, 626.
Vierer-Tensor, four-tensor 27. Weingartenscher Satz tiber singulare
Vierer-Vektor, four-vector 27. Flachen, Weingarten's theorem on singular
Viskoelastizitat, visco-elasticity 386. surfaces 252.
Vollstandigkeit der Eigenschwingungen, Welle der Ordnung n, wave of order n 253.
completeness of normal modes 271. - , Impulsbilanz, balance of momentum 254.
- , Minimalprinzip fiir das Schwingungs- Wellenausbreitung in geraden Staben, wave
problem, minimum principle for the propagation in straight rods 663.
vibration problem 267. - in 3-dimensionalen Kiirpern, 3-dimensional
- , Liisungen von BELTRAMI, solutions of bodies 24 3-261.
Beltrami 56. Wellengleichungen, wave equations 328.
- , - - BELTRAMI-SCHAEFER 58. Wellenoperatoren, wave operators 213, 328.
- , - - BoussiNESQ-PAPKOVITCH-NEu- Wheeler-Sternberg-Lemma, Wheeler-Stern-
BER und BOUSSINESQ-SOMIGLIANA- berg lemma 257.
GALERKIN 141. wirbelfreie Felder, irrotational fields 17.
- , - - CAUCHY-KOVALEVSKI-SOMI- - Geschwindigkeit, velocity 213.
- , - - GREEN-LAME 233. o:v;-konvexes Gebiet, x;-convex region 15.
- , - - LovE-BousSINESQ 147, 149.
- , vollstandige Liisungen, Elastizitats- Zanaboni-Robinsonscher Satz zu SAINT-
theorie, complete solutions, elasticity VENANTs Prinzip, Zanaboni-Robinson
138. theorem on Saint- Venant' s principle 206.
- , - - , Elastodynamik, elastodynamics Zeitintervall, time-interval 23.
232. Zentralchse, central axis 417.
- , - - , Thermoelastizitat, thermoelasti- Zerlegungssatz fiir einfache Scherung, decom-
city 329. position theorem for simple shears 36
Volterra-Integralgleichung im Banach- - - reine Dehnung, pure strains 35.
Raum, Volterra integral equations in - - - - , isochor, isochoric 36.
Banach spaces 374. - - singulare Zustande, singular states
Volumenanderung, volume change 30, 31, 180.
37, 97- - - Spannungsfelder, stress fields 59.
v. Karmtm-Gleichung fiir nichtlineare Zufuhr von Drehimpuls, supply of moment of
Biegung dunner Platten, v. Karman momentum 482.
equations for nonlinear bending of thin Zugkraftbedingung, traction condition 102,
plates 588. 220, 321, 335-
Sachverzeichnis. 727

Zugkraftproblem, traction problem 102, 220, Zwangsbedingung, Reaktion, constraint

321. response 548.
zulassige Bewegung, admissible motion 43, Zwangsbedingungen, einseitig, constraints,
326. unilateral 403.
zulassiger ProzeB, admissible process 215, zweidimensionale Krafte, two-dimensional
327, 484, 512, 531. 532. body forces 513.
- thermodynamischer ProzeB, - Warmezufuhr, heat supply 513.
process, thermodynamic 302, 304. zweidimensionales e-System, two-dimensional
zulassiges Spannungsfeld, admissible stress e-system 455.
field 59, 313. - Transporttheorem, transport theorem
- zeitabhangiges Feld der Temperatur- 456.
differenz, temperature difference field, - Vertauschungssymbole, permutation
time-dependent 326. symbols 455.
- - Spannungsfeld, stress field, time- zweiseitige Zwangsbedingungen, bilateral
dependent 49, 326. constraints 403.
- - WarmefluBfeld, heat flux field, time- zweiter Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik
dependent 326. (Clausius-Duhem-Ungleichung), second
- Verschiebungsfeld, displacement field law of thermodynamics (Clausius-Duhem
59. 312. inequality) 301, 484, 512, 532.
Subject Index.
(English- German.)
Where English and German spelling of a word is identical the German version is omitted.

abstract unilateral problems, non-symmetric, analyticity, thermoelastic displacement and

abstrakte einseitige Probleme, unsymmetri- temperature fields, Analytizitiit,
scher Fall 395. thermoelastische Verschiebungs- und
---,symmetric, symmetrischer Fall Temperaturfelder 318.
391. angular momentum, see under "momentum"
acceleration, definition, Beschleunigung, Drehimpuls s. Impuls.
Definition 43. anistropic material, anisotropes Material
- in rod theories, in Stabtheorien 649, 652. 7. 87-89, 530.
- - shell theories, Schalentheorien 494. antenna potential, A ntennenpotential 420.
- waves, Beschleunigungswellen 253, approximation theorem, Niikerungssatz 128.
254. approximations in shell and plate theory,
acoustic tensor, akustischer Tensor 243-248. N iiherungen in der Sckalen- und Platten-
adiabatic, adiabatisch 304. theorie 476, 522, 566-568, 570, 587.
adjoint operator, adjungierter Operator 355. astatic equilibrium, astatisches Gleichgewicht
- fields corresponding to Kelvin state, 63, 64, 98, 193.
adjungierte, dem Kelvin-Zustand ent- asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues,
sprechende Felder 1 75. asymptotische Verteilung von Eigen-
- traction field corresponding to Stokes werten 420.
process, adjungiertes, dem Stokesschen - expansion techniques for shells, Ent-
Prozef3 entsprechendes Zugkraftfeld 240. wicklungsmethoden fur Schalen 586, 587.
- transformation, adjungierte Transforma- - methods for rods, Methoden fur Stiibe
tion 369. 664.
admissible displacement field, zuliissiges attenuated, gediimpft 343.
Verschiebungsfeld 59. 312. axial vector, axialer Vektor 6.
- heat flux field, time-dependent, zeit- axis of symmetry, Symmetrieachse 73, 248.
abhiingiges W iirmefluf3feld 326.
- motion, zuliissige Bewegung 43, 326. balance principles (see also conservation
- process, zuliissiger Prozef3 215, 327, 484, laws) for 3-dimensional theories, energy,
512, 531, 532. Bilanzprinzipien ( s. auch Erhaltungs-
- - , thermodynamic, thermodynamisch siitze) fur 3-dimensionale Theorien,
302, 304. Energie 511.
- state, Zustand 94, 313. - - - - - , forces, for singular states,
- stress field, zuliissiges Spannungsfeld Kriifte, fur singuliire Zustiinde 181.
59. 313. - - - - - , forces and moments,
- - - , time-dependent, zeitabhiingig Kriifte und Momente 300.
49, 326. - - - - - , linear and angular
- temperature difference field, time- momentum, Impuls und Drekimpuls
dependent, zeitabhiingiges Feld der 44, 52.
Temperaturdifferenz 326. - - - - - , moments, Momente 306.
Airy function, A iry-Funktion 15 7. -----,momentum, Impuls 42,
AIRY's solution, A irysche Losung 54, 156. 51.
ambiguous boundary conditions, nicht- - - - - - , momentum in space-time,
eindeutige Randbedingungen 405, 414. Impuls in Raum-Zeit 67.
amplitude, vibration, Schwingungs- - - - - - , momentum of a wave,
amplitude 261. Impuls einer Welle 254.
-,wave of order n, Amplitude, Welle der - - for rods, angular momentum, fur
Ordnung n 254. Stiibe, Drehimpuls 666.
analog of principle of minimum potential - - - - , director momentum, Direktor-
energy, A nalogon zum Prinzip der impuls 666.
minimalen potentiellen Energie 229. ----,energy, Energie 667.
analytic field, analytisches Feld 11. - - - - , linear momentum, I mpuls 666.
analyticity, elastic displacement fields, - - for shells, fur Schalen 483.
A nalytizitiit, elastiscke V erschiebungs- base vectors, in general, Basisvektoren,
felder 131. allgemein 439, 618.
730 Subject Index.

base vectors on a surface, Basisvektoren auf boundary-value problems of elasticity,

einer Oberfliiche 621. ambiguous, Randwertprobleme
basic equations, shell theory, grundlegende fur Elastizitiitstheorie, nicht eindeutig
Gleichungen, Schalentheorie 565. 405, 414.
- -,linear thermoelasticity, lineare - - - - , displacement ("first"),
Thermoelastizitiit 310, 311. Verschiebung (,.erste") 103, 220, 380.
- principles for shells, Prinzipien fur ----,general, allgemein 129,
Schalen 4 79. 185.
- singular solutions, elastodynamics, ----,mixed ("third"), gemischt
singuliire Losungen, Elastodynamik 239. (.,dritte") 102, 381, 420.
- - - , elastostatics, Elastostatik 173. ----,traction ("second"), Zugkraft
Beltrami-Schaefer solution, Beltrami- (.,zweite") 103, 220, 381.
Schaefer-Losung 58. - - , harmonic functions, karmoniscke
BELTRAMI's solution, Beltramische Losung Funktionen 419.
54. - - , rods, Stiibe 658.
bending theory, plates, classical theory, - - , shells, general theory, Sckalen,
Biegungstheorie, Platten, klassische allgemeine Tkeorie 550.
Theorie 577. - - , - , linear bending, lineare Biegung
- -,plates, v. KARMAN's nonlinear theory, 584.
Platten, v. Karman's nichtlineare Theorie - - , - , restricted linear theory, einge-
588. schriinkte lineare Theorie 607, 609.
- - of shells, classical, Schalen, klassische - - , thermoelasticity, displacement,
Theorie 582. Theorie der Thermoelastizitiit, Ver-
- - , shells, thin, dunne Schalen 425. schiebung 321.
BETTI's reciprocal theorem, Bettischer - - , displacement and temperature,
Reziprozitiitssatz 98, 99. 170, 211, 419. Versckiebung und Temperatur 335.
biharmonic field, biharmonisches Feld 20. - - , - , traction, Zugkraft 321.
bilateral constraints, zweiseitige Zwangs- bounded regular region, besckriinktes regu-
bedingungen 403. liires Gebiet 13.
bilinear integra-differential form, bilineare bounds for strain energy, Sckranken fur
Integrodiflerentialform 361. Deknungsenergie 113.
body, definitions, Korper, Definitionen Boussinesq-Papkovitch-Neuber solution
12, 14, 299. in elasticity, elimination of component
- force, analogy in thermoelasticity, Kraft, of vector potential, Boussinesq-Papko-
A nalogon in der Thermoelastizitiit 316. vitck-Neuber-Losung in der Elastizitiits-
- - , definition 44, 299. 309, 485. theorie, Elimination einer Komponente
- - , moments for rods, M omente fur des Vektorpotentials 146.
Stiibe 650. - - , elimination of scalar potential,
- - , two-dimensional, zweidimensional Elimination des skalaren Potentials 143.
513. - -,general form, allgemeine Form
BoGGIO's theorem, Boggioscher Satz 237. 139-142, 235.
border, Grenze 402. Boussinesq-Somigliana-Galerkin solution
boundary of body, Randfliiche eines Korpers in elasticity, Boussinesq-Somigliana-
102, 440. Galerkin-Losung in der Elastizitiitstkeorie
- conditions, elasticity, Randbedingungen, 141, 142, 235. 236.
Elastizitiitstkeorie 102, 129, 314, 403, BoussiNESQ's solution in elasticity,
405, 414, 420. Boussinesqs Losung in der Elastizitiits-
- - , rod theories, Stabtheorien 648, 659, tkeorie 147.
667, 674, 678. BRuN's theorem, Brunscker Satz 217, 223.
- - , shell theory, linear, lineare Schalen- buckled states for rods, geknickte Zustiinde
theorie 58 3. fur Stiibe 694.
- - , shell theory, restricted, einge-
sckriinkte Sckalentkeorie 553. C 00-smooth, C00 -glatt 370.
- - , thermoelasticity, Thermoelastizitiit C•-smooth, CO-glatt 369.
314, 321. Cartesian coordinate system, Cartesisches
- - , clamped, Einklemmung 263, 314. Koordinatensystem 438. ,
- -,constraints, Zwangsbedingungen 403. catalogues for shell theory, linear kinematic
- - , regularization, Regularisierung 401. measures for Cosserat surface, Kataloge
boundary-initial-value problems of der Schalentheorie, lineare kinematische
elasticity, Rand- und Anfangswert- Maf3e fur eine Cosserat-Fliiche 458.
probleme in der Elastizitii.tstkeorie 335. - - - - , notations, Bezeichnungen
boundary-layer equations, Grenzsckickt- 432-438.
gleickungen 586. ----,resultants and equations of
boundary-value operator, Randwertoperator motion, Resultierende und Bewegungs-
402. gleichungen 526.
Subject Index. 731

Cauchy equations of motion, Cauckys Be- compatibility, Kompatibilitiit 39.

wegungsgleickungen 51 0. - equations for plane elastic states,
- principal value of a surface integral, Kompatibilitatsgleickungen fur ebene
H auptwert eines Oberfliickenintegrals 181. elastiscke Zustiinde 155.
- reciprocal theorem, Reziprozitiitssatz - -,shells, Sckalen 463, 479.
45. - - , - , restricted theory, in der einge-
- representation theorem for isotropic schriinkten Theorie 466.
functions, Darstellungstkeorem fur iso- - - , 3-dimensional bodies, 3-dimensionale
trope Funktionen 535. 551. Korper 39-41, 62, 63, 211, 318.
- singular integrals, singuliire Integrate - theorem for plane displacements,
419. Kompatibilitatssatz fur ebene Ver-
- stress tensor, Spannungstensor 51. 53. schiebungen 41.
305. complementary energy function, komple-
Cauchy-Green tensor, representation in rod mentiire Energiefunktion 570.
theories, Cauchy-Green- Tensor, Dar- - regular subsurfaces, reguliire Teilfliicken
stellung in der Stabtkeorie 649. 14.
Cauchy-Kovalevski-Somigliana solution in complete solutions, elasticity, vollstiindige
elasticity, Caucky-Kovalevski-Somi- Losungen, Elastizitiitstkeorie 138.
gliana-Losung in der Elastizitiitstheorie - - , elastodynamics, Elastodynamik 232.
235-237- - - , thermoelasticity, Thermoelastizitiit
Cauchy-Poisson theorem, Cauchy-Poisson- 329.
scher Satz 44. completeness, minimum principle for the
center of compression or rotation, Kom- vibration problem, Vollstiindigkeit,
pressionszentrum oder Rotationszentrum Minimalprinzip fur das Sckwingungs-
179. problem 267.
central axis, Zentralachse 417. -,normal modes, Eigensckwingungen 271.
characteristic displacement for vibration - , solutions of BELTRAMI, Losungen von
problem, ckarakteristiscke Verschiebung Beltrami 56.
fur das Schwingungsproblem 262. - , - - BELTRAMI-SCHAEFER 58.
- solution for free vibration problem, - , - - BoussiNESQ-PAPKOVITCH-NEUBER
Losung fur das freie Schwingungsproblem and BousSINESQ-SOMIGLIANA-GALERKIN
262. 141.
- space, charakteristischer Raum 8. - , - - CAUCHY-KOVALEVSKI-SOMI-
- values, elasticity tensor, charakteristische GLIANA 235.
W erte des Elastizitiitstensors 76. - , - - GREEN-LAME 233.
- - , vibration problem, des Schwingungs- - , - - LovE-BoussiNESQ 147. 149.
problems 263. complex rigid displacement, komplexe starre
Christoffel symbols of the first and second Verschiebung 39.
kinds, Christoflel-Symbole erster und compliance tensor, N achgiebigkeitstensor
zweiter Art 619. 69, 71. 77. 310.
circular rods, kreisformige Stiibe 690. concentrated load, konzentrierte Last 174,
clamped boundary, eingeklemmter Rand 179-
314. - stresses, Spannungen 416.
- plate, partially supported on a subdomain conductivity, isotropic material, Leitfiihig-
eingeklemmte Platte, unterstutzt in einem keit, isotrope M aterialien 311.
Teilgebiet 406. - tensor 307, 309.
class CM,N, Klasse CM,N 24. cone hypothesis, Kegelhypothese 354.
-eN 11. conjugate tensor, konfugierter Tensor 618.
classical theories of plates and shells, conservation laws (see also balance princip-
klassiscke Theorien der Platten und les) for a Cosserat surface, Erkaltungs-
Schalen 575-577. 582, 585. siitze ( s. auch Bilanzgleichungen) fur eine
Clausius-Duhem inequality, Clausius- Cosserat-Fliiche 479. 482, 487.
Duhem-Ungleichung 301, 484, 512, 532. - - in terms of a reference state, ausge-
closed convex set, geschlossene konvexe druckt im Bezugszustand 490.
Menge 391. - - of mass, der Masse 440, 483.
- regular surface, reguliire Oberfliiche 13. consistency condition, Konsistenzbedingung
- strain path, geschlossener Dehnungs- 129.
verlauf 82. constitutive coefficients in linear theory of
coefficient of thermal expansion, thermischer Cosserat plates, M aterialkoeflizienten in
A usdehnungskoeflizient 311, 316. der linearen Theorie der Cosserat-Platten
coerciveness, Koerzivitiit 422. 600, 603.
cofactors, Kofaktoren 618. - - - - - - Cosserat surfaces,
commutation theorem, V ertauschungssatz 9. Cosserat-Fliichen 598, 606.
comparison theorem of elasticity, V ergleichs- - - - - - - shells, restricted,
satz der Elastizitiitstheorie 269. Schalen ( eingesckriinkte Tkeorie) 607.
732 Subject Index.

constitutive equations for elastic materials, convex hull, konvexe Hulle 417.
M aterialgleichungen fur elastische - region with respect to f/, konvexes Gebiet
Materialien 67. bezuglich f/ 16.
- - - rods, Stiibe 654, 657, 659, 669, - set, konvexe Menge 392, 417.
673. convolution, Faltung 25, 332.
- - - shells and plates, Cosserat surface, coordinate systems, Koordinatensysteme
elastic, Schalen und Platten, Cosserat- 438.
Fliiche, elastisch 528. - transformation, Koordinatentransfor-
- - - - - - , Cosserat surface, in- mation 531, 615.
extensible, Cosserat-Fliiche, unausdehnbar Cosserat rod, Cosserat-Stab 665.
549. - surface, in general, Cosserat-Fliiche, allge-
- - - - - - , elastic shells, elastische mein 430, 446, 449.
Schalen 528, 533, 53 7. - - , relation to 3-dimensional theory,
- - - - - - , elastic shells, from 3-di- Beziehung zur 3-dimensionalen Theorie
mensional theory, elastische Schalen, aus 594.
der 3-dimensionalen Theorie 561, 564. Cosserat-Ericksen-Toupin theorem,
- - - - - - , in terms of material Cosserat-Ericksen-Toupinscher Satz
coordinates, ausgedruckt durch materielle 106.
Koordinaten 529. couple assigned, Kriiftepaar, vorgeschriebenes
- - - - - - , in terms of reference 504.
state, ausgedruckt im Bezugszustand - director, assigned, Direktorkriiftepaar,
544. vorgeschriebenes 480.
- - - - - - , in terms of relative - resultant vector, resultierender Vektor
measures, ausgedruckt durch relative M af3e 651.
540. coupled heat equation, gekoppelte W iirme-
- - - - - - , linear, for Cosserat leitungsgleichung 328, 335.
surface, linear, fur Cosserat-Fliiche 553. covariant derivative with respect to .aa.P•
- - - - - - , linear, for shells of kovariante A bleitung bezuglich .arr. p 4 50.
uniform thickness, linear, fur Schalen - - - - - A 456.
einheitlicher Dicke 556. - - - - - Euclidean metric, Euklidi-
- - - - - - , linear, in terms of sche Metrik 619.
Gibbs function, linear, ausgedruckt durch - - - - - first fundamental form
die Gibbsfunktion 571. (metric tensor), erster Fundamental/arm
------,mechanical theory, (metrischer Tensor) 431, 624.
mechanische Theorie 544. - tensors, Tensoren 617, 622.
- - - - - - , restricted linear theory, crystal class, Kristallklasse 72.
eingeschriinkte lineare Theorie 560. curl 11.
- relations, see constitutive equations, curvature of boundary, Krummung der
Materialrelationen, s. Material- Randfliiche 378.
gleichungen. - - surface, mean, Oberfliiche, mittlere
constraint response, Zwangsbedingung, 471, 624.
Reaktion 548. - - - , Gaussian, Gauf3sche 471.
constraints, unilateral, Zwangsbedingungen, - tensor, Krummungstensor 620, 625.
einseitig 403. curve on the surface, K urve auf der Fliiche
contact couple, Kontaktkriiftepaar 504. 622.
- director couple, Kontaktdirektorkriifte-
paar 480, 491. damped, gediimpft 343.
- force, Kontaktkraft 480, 491, 510. data of thermoelasticity, Voraussetzungen der
- problem, Kontaktproblem 129. T heorie der T hermoelastizitiit 33 5.
continuity, equation of, Stetigkeitsgleichung decomposition theorem, pure strains, Zer-
448. legungssatz fur reine Dehnung 35.
continuous in time, stetig in der Zeit 24. - - , - - , isochoric, isochor 36.
contraction mapping, Kontraktionsabbildung - - , simple shears, einfache Scherung 36.
396, 422, 618. - -,singular states, singuliire Zustiinde
contravariant tensors, kontravariante 180.
Tensoren 617, 622. - - , stress fields, Spannungsfelder 59.
convected coordinates, konvektive Koordina- deformation, definition 29.
ten 431, 439, 449. -,infinitesimal 28, 456.
convergence of approximate solutions, Kon- - , gradient 29, 299.
vergenz von NiiherungslOsungen 125. density, Dichte 43, 299, 309.
converse principle of minimum comple- Deresiewicz-Zorski solution, Deresiewicz-
mentary energy, Umkehrung des Prinzips Zorski-Losung 330.
der minimalen Komplementiirenergie 117. design problems for rods, Auslegungsproblem
- - - - potential energy, potentiellen fur Stiibe 698.
Energie 116. determinant, Determinante 6.
Subject Index. 733
differentiable (r- 1)-cell of Class en, dilferen- dynamically admissible stress field, dynamisck
zierbare (r -1)-Zelle der Klasse en 402. zuliissiges Spannungsfeld 230.
diffusion problems, Dilfusionsprobleme
3 73, 3 77, 386. Ehrling lemma 354.
dilatation, definition 31. eigenfunctions, complete set of, Eigenfunk-
- , uniform, gleickformig 34, 77. tionen, vollstiindiger Satz von 369.
dilatational wave equation, Dilatationswelle, eigenvalue, definition, Eigenwert, Definition
Gleickung 213, 328. 369.
direct approach to shell theory, direkte Ab- - problems, Eigenwertprobleme 386.
leitung der Sckalentkeorie 448. elastic displacement fields, elastiscke Ver-
- notation, Bezeicknung 297. sckiebungsfelder 131.
direction of displacement, Ricktung der Ver- - material, elastisckes Material 301.
sckiebung 343. - motion, elastiscke Bewegung 233.
- - motion of a progressive wave, Be- - potential, elastisckes Potential 380, 386,
wegung einer fortsckreitenden Welle 245. 544.
- - propagation, Ausbreitung 245, 248, - process, elastiscker Prozef3 215.
343. - progressive wave, elastiscke fortsckreitende
director couple, assigned, Direktorkriiftepaar, Welle 246.
vorgesckriebenes 480. - state, elastiscker Zustand 95, 102.
- , definition, Direktor, Definition 446, 467, - -,properties, Eigensckaften 133.
666. - - with displacement vanishing at
- inertia coefficient, Direktortriigkeits- infinity, mit im Unendlicken ver-
koelfizient 594-596. sckwindender Versckiebung 167.
- momentum, Direktorimpuls 482, 483. - - - stress vanishing at infinity, im
- velocity, Direktorgesckwindigkeit 449, Unendlicken versckwindender Spannung
467. 168.
Dirichlet boundary conditions, Dirickletscke - wave of order n, elastiscke Welle der
Randbedingungen 370. Ordnung n 255.
- problem, Dirickletsckes Problem 375, elastica, Elastika 697, 698.
449. elastic-plastic torsion problem, elastisck-
dispersed waves, dispersierte Wellen 343. plastisckes Torsionsproblem 405,
displacement condition, Versckiebungs- 422.
bedingung 102, 220, 321, 335. elasticities, elasticity field, elastiscke
- , definition, Versckiebung, Definition 29, Koelfizienten, Elastizitiitsfeld 68, 75.
43, 299. elasticity tensor, general, Elastizitiitstensor,
- , equation of equilibrium, Gleickung fiir allgemein 67-69, 309, 313.
Gleickgewickt 90. - - , isotropic materials, isotrope
- , - - motion, Bewegung 212. Materialien 75, 317.
- field, Versckiebungsfeld 31. elementary curvilinear triangle, elementares
- - solving mixed problem, fiir gemiscktes krummliniges Dreieck 493.
Problem 103. elements of area and volume, Elemente von
- gradient, Versckiebungsgradient 29. Fliicke und Volumen 441.
- problem, Versckiebungsproblem 102, 220, elliptic operator, elliptiscker Operator 355,
321. 374.
-,theorem on single-valued, Versckiebung, embedding, Einbettung 35, 352.
Satz fiir eindeutige 161. energy (see also "power" and "work"),
displacement-free states, versckiebungsfreie Energie ( s. auck ,Leistung" und
Zustiinde 322. ,Arbeit").
displacement-temperature equation of - equation, general, Energiegleickung, all-
equilibrium, Versckiebungs- Temperatur- gemein 326.
Gleickung im Gleickgewickt 317, 321. - - , rods, Stiibe 653, 658.
- - - motion, bei Bewegung 328, - - , shells, derived from 3-dimensional
335. theory, Sckalen, abgeleitet aus der
divergence, definition, Divergenz, Definition 3-dimensionalen Tkeorie 51 5.
11. - - , shells, direct approach, Sckalen,
- theorem, Divergenzsatz 16, 28. direkte Ableitung 481, 482.
domain, definition, Gebiet, Definition 348. -,free, Energie, freie 497, 511, 555,
- of influence, Einfluf3gebiet 257. 570.
doublet process, Doublet-Prozef3 241. - functional, Energiefunktional 385, 391,
- state, Doublet-Zustand 177, 178. 403.
duality between rods and shells, Dualitiit von -,internal, Energie, innere 481, 510.
Stiiben und Sckalen 664. energy-flux vector, Energiefluf3vektor
dynamical problem for rods, dynamisckes 214.
Problem fiir Stiibe 699. entire boundary, clamped, gesamte Rand-
- process, dynamiscker Prozef3 44, 49. fliicke, eingeklemmt 263.
734 Subject Index.

entropy inequality (CLAUSIUS-DUHEM), error estimate in the linear theories of plates

general, Entropieungleichung (Clausius- and shells, Fehlerabschatzung in den
Duhem), allgemein 301, 510, 511. linearen Theorien von Platten und
- - , rods, Stabe 667. Schalen 584.
- - , shells, derived from 3-dimensional existence and nonuniqueness for elastostatic
theory, Schalen, abgeleitet aus der boundary-value problems, Existenzsatze
3-dimensionalen Theorie 51 5. und Nichteindeutigkeit fur elastostatische
- -,shells, direct, Schalen, direkte Ab- Randwertprobleme 544.
leitung 483. - of approximate solutions, von
- principle for constitutive relations, N aherungslosungen 126.
general, Entropieprinzip fur Material- - theorems, general, Theoreme, allgemein
gleichungen, allgemein 302. 368-387.
- - - - - , rods, Stabe 669. - theorem, generalized Signorini problem,
- - - - - , s h e l l s , Schalen 512. Theorem fur das verallgemeinerte
- production, Entropieproduktion 483, Signorini-Problem 407.
492, 511. - - for rods, fur Stabe 680.
- relations, Entropiebeziehungen 303, 306. extended uniqueness theorem for the mixed
a-system 618. problem, erweiterter Existenzsatz fur das
equal modulo a rigid displacement, gleich bis gemischte Problem 223.
auf ein starkes Verschiebungsfeld 104. extensibility in the direction of the unit
equations of motion, elasticity, Bewegungs- normal to a reference surface, A usdehnbar-
gleichungen, Elastizitatstheorie 45, 64, keit in Richtung der Einheitsnormalen zur
212. Bezugsflache 460.
- - - , rods, Stabe 653, 658, 672. extensional deformation of a plate, Aus-
- - - , shells, catalogue of, Schalen, dehnungsdeformation einer Platte 600.
Katalog der 526. - motion, A usdehnungsbewegung 460.
- - - , shells, derived from 3-dimensional - theory of plates, classical, A usdehnungs-
theory, Schalen, abgeleitet aus der theorie von Platten, klassisch 577.
3-dimensionalen Theorie 520. - vibrations of plates, Ausdehnungs-
- - - , shells, direct approach, Schalen, schwingungen von Platten 575.
direkte Ableitung 494. extensions of the fundamental lemma,
- - - , shells, restricted theory, Schalen, Erweiterungen des grundlegenden Lemmas
eingeschrankte Theorie 552. 115, 116, 223.
- - - , thermoelasticity, Thermoelastizitat exterior domain, aufleres Gebiet 14, 165, 261.
326. external body force, auflere Korperkraft 509.
equilibrium, astatic, Gleichgewicht, astatisch - force system, aufleres Kraft-System 95,
63, 64, 98. t 93. 215, 327.
-,energy equation, Energiegleichung 312. - force-temperature system, aufleres Kraft-
- equations, general, Gleichungen, allgemein Temperatur-System 313.
49. 59. 90, 312. - thermal system, aufleres thermisches
- - , in lines of curvature coordinates, System 327.
mit Krummungslinien als Koordinaten
633. family of load regions contracting to a
- - , in rectangular, cylindrical, and polar boundary point, Familie von Belastungs-
coordinates, in rechtwinkligen, zylindri- gebieten, die sick auf einen Randpunkt
schen und Kugelkoordinaten 93. zusammenziehen 191.
- - , rods, integrals, fur Stabe, Integrale - - singular elastic states, singularer
696. elastischer Z ustande 192.
- - , solution, Losung 53. FATou's lemma 384.
- heat equation, Warmeleitungsgleichung Federov-Stippes theorem, Federov-Stippes-
317. scher Satz 247.
- in each load region, in fedem belasteten field equations, elasticity, Feldgleichungen,
Gebiet 193. Elastizitatstheorie 89-94, 212-215.
- of forces, von Kraften 63. - - , nonlinear thermoelasticity, nicht-
- problem, elasticity, Problem in der lineare Thermoelastizitat 307.
Elastizitatstheorie 380. - -,shells, direct approach, Schalen,
- - , heterogeneous elastic medium, direkte Ableitung 492, 498.
heterogenen elastischen Medien 386, 421. - - , - , derived from 3-dimensional
- -,thin plate, dunnen Platten 377. theory, abgeleitet aus der 3-dimensionalen
equipresence, Aquiprasenz 530. Theorie SOB, 519.
equivalent processes, aquivalente Prozesse - -,-,in terms of reference state, aus-
487. gedruckt durch den Bezugszustand 502.
- systems of equations, classical linear - - , - , linearized, linearisiert 500, 523.
theory of shells, Systeme von Gleichun- - - , - , restricted theory, eingeschrankte
gen, klassische lineare Schalentheorie 583. Theorie 503.
Subject Index. 735
finite deformations, endliche Deformationen GAuss, equations of, Gaufl, Gleichungen von
28. 46, 627.
- elasticity, Theorie endlicher Deformationen GAuss' formulae, Gauflsche Formel 625, 626.
80. Gaussian curvature of surface, Gauflsche
- rigid deformation, endliche starre De- Krummung einer Oberfliiche 624.
formationen 30. geometric multiplicity, geometrische Multi-
- strain tensor, endlicher Dehnungstensor plizitiit 369.
29, 80, 306. geometrical symmetries, geometrische
first and second fundamental forms of a Symmetrie 297.
surface, erste und zweite Fundamental- geometry of a surface in a Euclidean space
form einer Oberfliiche 623. covered by normal coordinates, Geometrie
first law of thermodynamics, erster Hauptsatz einer Fliiche im Euklidischen Raum mit
der Thermodynamik 300. Normalkoordinaten 628.
flexural motion, Beugebewegung 460. global reaction exerted by the constraint of
- vibrations of plates, Beugeschwingungen support, globale Reaktion auf die
von Platten 57 5. Stutzungsbedingung 416.
Fliigge-Lur'e-Byrne-Truesdell equations in GouRSAT's theorem, Goursatscher Satz 160.
the linear theory of shells, Flugge-Lur'e- gradient, deformation 29, 299.
Byrne- Truesdellsche Gleichungen in der -,director, Direktor 452.
linearen Schalentheorie 592. - , director velocity, Direktorgeschwindigkeit
follower load problem, Folgelastproblem 452.
693. -,displacement, Verschiebung 29.
force at infinity, Kraft im Unendlichen 170. - field, Feld 10.
- vector, assigned, Kraftvektor, zugeordnet GRAFFI's reciprocal theorem, Graffischer
480. Reziprozitiitssatz 218, 24 3.
forces, parallel and non-tangential to the Green-Lame solution, Green-Lame-Losung
boundary, Kriifte, parallel und niche- 233, 236, 237.
tangential zur Randfliiche 193. GREEN's formula for the Laplace operator,
-,system 43. Greensche Formel fur den Laplace-
four-tensor, Vierer-Tensor 27. Operator 419.
four-vector, Vierer- Vektor 27. - function of the Dirichlet problem,
fourth-order tensor, Tensor vierter Ordnung Funktion des Dirichlet-Problems 421.
9. - states, Greensche Zustiinde 186.
frame-indifference, material (see also
"objective"), 3-dimensional, System- Hamilton-Kirchhoff pri:2ciple, Hamilton-
unabhiingigkeit, materielle (s. auch Kirchhoffsches Prinzip 255, 226.
,Objektivitiit"), 3-dimensional 80, 305, harmonic field, harmonisches Feld 20.
306. - plane progressive wave, harmonische
-,-,rods, Stabtheorie 655, 669. ebene fortschreitende Welle 342
Fredholm integral equations, Fredholmsche HARNACK's convergence theorem, Harnack-
Integralgleichungen 419. scher Konvergenzsatz 21.
free body, jreier Korper 315. heat absorption, Wiirmeabsorption 510.
- energy, 3-dimensional, Energie, 3-dimen- - conduction equation, W iirmeleitungs-
sional 301. gleichung 312, 326.
- -,rods, in Stiiben 649, 657. - - inequality, Wiirmeleitungsungleichung
- - , shells, elastic Cosserat surface, in 303, 307.
Schalen, elastische Cosserat-Fliiche 557. - flux condition, W iirme/luflbedingung
- - , shells, linear theory, in Schalen, 335.
lineare Theorie 556. - -,definition, Wiirmeflafl, Definition
- vibration problem, Problem freier 327.
Schwingungen 261. - - moments for rods, W iirmefluflmoment
frequency of vibration, Frequenz einer fur Stiibe 649.
Schwingung 261. - - vector, Wiirmefluflvektor 300, 510.
Fresnel-Hadamard propagation condition, - operators, Wiirmeoperatoren 329.
Fresnel-Hadamardsche A usbreitungs- - source moments for rods, Quellenmomente
bedingung 246, 256. fur Stiibe 6 51.
fundamental form of a surface, first and - supply, Wiirmezufuhr 300, 510, 513.
second, Fundamentalform einer Fliiche, -,transmitted by radiation and by con-
erste und zweite 623, 624. duction, Wiirme, ubertragen durch
- - - - -, third, dritte 626. Strahlung und Leitung 581.
- lemma, fundamentales Lemma 20. Hellinger-Prange-Reissner principle,
- solution matrix, fundamentale Losungs- Hellinger- Prange-Reissnersches Prinzip
matrix 419. 124, 125, 228.
- system of field equations, fundamentales HELMHOLTz's theorem, Helmholtzscher Satz
System von Feldgleichungen 89. 19.
736 Subject Index.

hereditary elasticity, Nackwirkungs- integral identity for the displacement

elastizitat 423. gradient, I ntegralidentitiit fiir den Ver-
- problems, Nackwirkungsprobleme 377, schiebungsgradienten 184.
386. - representation theorem for solutions of
heterogeneous media, keterogene M edien mixed problem, Integraldarstellungssatz
421, 422. fiir LiJsungen des gemischten Problems
history of shell theory, Geschickte der 187.
Sckalentheorie 527, 589. integrals of the equilibrium equations for
homogeneous body, elastic, homogener rods, I ntegrale der Gleichgewichts-
Korper, elastisch 68. gleichungen fiir Stiibe 696.
- - , isotropic elastic, isotrop elastisch integra-differential equations, Integro-
380. differentialgleichungen 373.
- - , isotropic thermoelastic, isotrop interior equations, Gleichungen fiir das
thermoelastisch 31 7, 32 7. Innere 586.
- -,thermoelastic, thermoelastisck 327. - regularity, Regularitiit im Innern 355,
- displacement field, homogenes Ver- 401.
schiebungsfeld 33. internal concentrated loads, innere konzen-
Hu-Washizu principle, Hu-Washizusches trierte Belastungen 1 79.
Prinzip 122, 125, 226. - constraints, Zwangsbedingungen 403,
hydrostatic pressure, hydrostatischer Druck 548.
678, 690. - energy, Energie 300, 481.
hyperelastic rods, hyperelastische Stabe 673. intrinsic director couple, inneres Direktor-
kriiftepaar 482, 491.
incompressibility condition, I nkompressibili- invariance conditions, Invarianzbedingungen
tatsbedingung 404. 484, 485, 487.
incompressible body, material, inkompressible irrotational fields, wirbelfreie Felder 17.
Korper, Materialien 210. - velocity, Geschwindigkeit 231.
indexes of frequently used symbols, Listen isentropic, isentropisch 304.
der haujig benutzten Symbole 2-5, 298, isochoric motion, isochore Bewegung 210.
299. 432-438. - velocity, Geschwindigkeit 213.
inextensional theory of shells, Nichtaus- isotropic materials and bodies, elastic,
dehnbarkeitstheorie von Schalen 546, 548. isotrope Materialien und Korper,
infinite growth of the characteristic values, elastisch 71, 74, 85, 86.
W achstum charakteristischer Werte ins - - - - , elastic plates, elastische
Unendliche 270. Platten 573.
infinitesimal deformation, infinitesimale - - - - , thermoelastic, thermoelastisch
Deformation 28, 456. 311, 317.
- director displacement, Direktorverschie- isotropy, transverse, I sotropie, transversale
bung 456. 72.
- motion of }-dimensional continuum, iterated Laplace operator, iterierter Laplace-
Bewegung eines 3-dimensionalen Kon- Operator 3 77.
tinuums 473.
- rigid-body displacements, starre Ver- Jacobian of transformation, Funktional-
sckiebungen 30, 462, 463. determinante 619.
- rotation, Rotation 461. jump across a singular surface, Sprung an
- strain tensor, infinitesimaler Dehnungs- einer singuliiren Fliicke 249, 421.
tensor 461.
- volume change, infinitesimale Volumen- Kelvin problem, Kelvin-Problem 173, 176.
anderung 30. - state, Kelvin-Zustand 174, 176, 178-180.
inhomogeneity, Inhomogenitat 530. - theorem, Kelvinscher Satz 208.
initial-boundary value problems, A nfangs- kernel of the functional F, Kern des
und Randwertprobleme 371. Funktionals F 392.
initial conditions, Anfangsbedingungen 219, - - - nonnegative quadratic form, der
335. nichtnegtiven quadratischen Form 392.
- data, Anfangswerte 218. - - - operator T, des Operators T 391.
initial-value problem for rods, Anfangswert- kinematic approximations in plates and
problem fiir Stabe 700. shells, kinematische N iiherungen in
initially flat Cosserat surface, anfiinglich Platten und Schalen 478.
flache Cosserat-Fliiche 460. - measures for Cosserat surface, Maf3e fiir
inner product of four-vectors, inneres eine Cosserat-Fliiche 4 52.
Produkt aus Vierer- Vektoren 27. - - - shells, catalogue, Schalen,
- - - second-order tensors, Tensoren Katalog 458.
· zweiter Ordnung 7. - - - - , derived from }-dimensional
- - - tensors, Tensoren 618. theory, abgeleitet aus der 3-dimensionalen
- - - vectors, Vektoren 5. Theorie 468.
Subject Index. 737
kinematic measures for shells, linearized, limit definition of solution to Kelvin's
derived from 3-dimensional theory, problem, Grenzwertdefinition der Losung
kinematiscke MafJe fur Sckalen, von Kelvins Problem 174.
tinearisiert, abgeleitet aus der 3-dimen- linear constitutive equations for shells,
sionalen Tkeorie 474. lineare Materialgleickungen fur Sckalen
- - - - , restricted theory, eingesckriink- 553, 555, 556, 571.
te Tkeorie 460. - elasticity, rod problems, Elastizitiit,
- results for shells, Resuttate fur Sckalen Stabprobleme 661.
471. - momentum, linearer Imputs 43, 51,
kinematically admissible displacement field, 482, 483.
kinematisck zuliissiges Versckiebungsfeld - theory, elastic plates, lineare Tkeorie fur
112. elastiscke Platten 585, 596.
- - process, zuliissiger ProzefJ 225. - - , - shells, Sckalen 595, 597.
--state, zuliissigerZustand 111,212, - - , - - , derived from 3-dimensional
324. theory, abgeleitet aus der 3-dimensionalen
- - strain field, zuliissiges Deknungsfeld Tkeorie 578.
112. - - , - -,remarks on, Bemerkungen 613.
- and thermally admissible process, und linearized field equations for shells, tineari-
tkermisck zuliissiger ProzefJ 341. sierte Feldgleickungen fur Sckalen 500,
kinematics of Cosserat surface, Kinematik 523.
der Cosserat-Fliicke 449. - kinematic measures for Cosserat surfaces
- - oriented media, orientierten Medien and shells, kinematiscke M afJe fur
445. Cosserat-Fliicken und -Sckalen 456, 460,
- - shells, derived from 3-dimensional 474.
theory, Sckalen, abgeleitet aus der linearly elastic incompressible body, tinear-
3-dimensionalen Tkeorie 466. elastiscker inkompressibler Korper 210.
- - -, restricted theory, eingesckriinkte LovE's first approximation, Loves erste
Tkeorie 455. lViikerung 478, 582, 589, 590.
kinetic energy, kinetiscke Energie 65, 216, - integral identity in elasticity, Integral-
481. identitiit in der Elastizitiitstkeorie 24 3.
Kirchhoff boundary conditions, Kirckkoff- - solution in elasticity, Losung in der Elasti-
scke Randbedingungen 577, 586. zitiitstheorie 14 7.
KIRCHHOFF's theories for stretching and lower semi-continuous with respect to weak
bending of plates, Kirckkoflscke Tkeorien convergence, kalbstetig bezilglick sckwacker
fur Deknung und Biegung von Platten Konvergenz 393.
- theorem, Kirckkoflscker Satz 32. magnitude of a tensor, Betrag eines Tensors 7.
KNOWLES' theorem on SAINT-VENANT's Mainardi-Codazzi equations, Mainardi-
principle, Knowlesscker Satz zum Saint- Codazzi-Gleickungen 626.
Venant-Prinzip 20G-206. mass density, Cosserat surface, Massen-
KoLosov's theorem, Kolosovscker Satz dichte einer Cosserat-Fliicke 44 7.
164. - - , deformed configuration, deformierten
KoRN's inequality, alternative, Kornscke Un- Konfiguration 440.
gleickung, Atternativform 96. - - , reference configuration, Bezugs-
- -,first, erste 38, 381, 384. konfiguration 440, 472.
- -,second, zweite 381, 384. material frame-indifference, materietle
Kronecker delta, Kronecker-Delta 618, Systemunabkiingigkeit 80, 305, 487.
623. - point, materielter Punkt 229, 439, 446,
Lame moduli, Lame-Koeftizienten 76, 311. - surface, materielle Fliicke 439.
Landau symbol, Landau-Symbol 356. - symmetry in shells, Symmetric in Sckalen
Laplace operator Ll 2, Laplace-Operator Ll 2 537. 539, 541.
375. - - - 3-dimensional theory, der
- transform, -transformierte 25, 231. 3-dimensionalen Tkeorie 69-74, 87-89.
Laplacian, Laplace-Operator 11. - time derivative, Zeitableitung 431, 449,
large deformation solutions, gro{Je Deforma- 453.
tion, Losungen fur 546. materials with "memory", Materialien mit
Lebesgue decomposition, Lebesgue-Zerlegung ,Gediichtnis" 373.
415. maximum complementary energy, maximale
- derivative, Lebesgue-Ableitung 415. komplementiire Energie 125.
length-preserving transformations, liingen- - elastic modulus, maximaler elastischer
erkattende Transformationen 538. Koeflizient 85.
L:Evv's theorem, Levyscker Satz 156. - potential energy, maximale potentielle
Liapounov boundary, Liapounovscke Rand- Energie 125.
fliicke 419. - principles, Maximalprinzipien 120, 375.
Handbuch der Physik, Bd. Vla/2. 47a
7)8 Subject Index.

maximum speed of propagation, maximale mixed boundary-value problem of elasticity,

A usbYeitungsgeschwindigkeit 24 5, 256, dynamic, gemischtes Randwertproblem
257. fur die dynamische Elastizitatstheorie 219.
Maxwell relation, Maxwell-Beziehung 304, - - - - - , static, statische Elastizitats-
310. theorie 102, 3 77, 3 79, 385.
MAXWELL's compatibility theorem, - - - - thermoelasticity, dynamic,
Maxwellscher Kompatibilitatssatz 250. dynamische Thermoelastizitat 33 s.
- solution in elasticity, Maxwellsche Losung - - - - - , static, statische Thermo-
in der Elastizitatstheorie 54. elastizitat 321.
mean curvature, mittlere Krummung 471, - tensor, gemischter Tensor 617, 622.
624. modulus of compression (see also elasticities),
- strain, Dehnung 37, 38, 97, 98. Kompressionsmodul (s. auch elastische
- stress, Spannung 96, 97. Koeffizienten) 74, 97.
- - and strain in terms of external force- mollifiers 420.
temperature, Spannung und Dehnung, moment at infinity, Moment im Unendlichen
ausgedruckt durch auf3ere Kraft und 170.
Temperatur 315. - of momentum, Drehimpuls 482.
- value of a function, Mittelwert einer moments, balance of, M omentenbilanz 306.
Funktion 314. - of constitutive variables in rod theories,
- - theorem for elastic states, Mittelwert- Momente der Materialgrof3en in Stab-
satz fur elastische Zustande 133-138. theorien 649.
- - - - harmonic and biharmonic momentum, angular, Impuls, Drehimpuls
fields, harmonische und biharmonische 44, 52.
Felder 21. -,linear, Impuls 43, 44, 51, 254, 482, 483.
measure, Maf3 414,415. -,rods (angular, director, linear), Impuls,
mechanical power, mechanische Leistung Direktorimpuls und Drehimpuls in
496. Staben 666.
membrane, fixed along boundary and - , shells, in Schalen 483.
stretched over obstacle, Membran, am - , space-time, in Raum-Zeit 67.
Rand festgehalten und uber ein Hindernis MoRERA's solution in elasticity, Moreras
gespannt 405. Losung in der Elastizitatstheorie 55.
- theory of shells, M embYantheorie von motion of body, Bewegung eines Korpers
Schalen 54 7. 43, 299.
-,unilateral constraint, MembYan, ein- - - Cosserat surface, einer Cosserat-
seitiges Problem 422. Flache 449.
metric tensor of space, metrischer Tensor fur multidimensional singular integral equation,
den Raum 618. vieldimensionale singuliire Integral-
- - - surface, die Flache 624. gleichung 421.
MICHELL's theorem, Michellscher Satz multiindex, vielfacher Index 348.
163. multiplicity, Multiplizitat 369.
mild discontinuities, schwache Unstetigkeiten
253. natural configuration, naturliche Kon-
minimax principle, Minimax-Prinzip 268. figuration 380.
minimizing sequence, Minimalisierungsfolge NAVIER's equation of elasticity, dynamic,
393. Navier-Gleichung der Elastizitatstheorie,
minimum complementary energy, minimale dynamisch 213.
komplementare Energie 125, 324, 325. - - - - , static, statisch 90.
- elastic modulus, minimaler elastischer neighborhood of infinity, Umgebung des
Koeffizient 85. Unendlichen 165.
- potential energy, minimale potentielle Neumann problem, Neumann-Problem
Energie 111, 125. 375, 419.
- - -,converse, Umkehrung 116. Newtonian potential, N ewtonsches Potential
- principle, displacement problem, 19.
Minimalprinzip fur das Verschiebungs- non-coercive non-symmetric bilinear forms,
problem 209. nichtkoerzive, unsymmetrische bilineare
- - , elastodynamics, die Elastodynamik Formen 422.
230. nonexistence theorem of elasticity, Nicht-
- - , lowest characteristic value, den existenzsatz der Elastizitatstheorie 109.
kleinsten charakteristischen Wert 264. nonlinear constitutive equations, rods, nicht-
- - , stress field, das Spannungsfeld lineare Materialgleichungen fur Stiibe 654.
232. - - - , shells, Schalen 528.
- - , vibration problem, das Schwingungs- - - -,-,membrane theory, Membran-
problem 262, 266, 267. theorie 566, 588.
- transformed energy, minimale transfor- - - - , - , restricted theory, ein-
mierte Energie 231. geschriinkte Theorie 549.
Subject Index. 739
nonlinear constitutive equations, thermo- piecewise continuous function, stuckweise
elastic materials, thermoelastische kontinuierliche Funktion 14.
M aterialien 297. - regular, regular 14, 25.
nonoverlapping, nichtiiberlappend 402. - smooth, glatt 14.
nonsymmetric form, nichtsymmetrische Fiola-Kirchhoff stress, Piola-Kirchhoffsche
Form 395. Spannung 51, 53. 229, 305, 491.
non-trivial solution of the mixed problem FIOLA's theorem, Piolascher Satz 60.
with null data, nichttriviale Losung des plane convex set, ebene konvexe Menge 417.
gemischten Problems mit Nullwerten 109. - displacement, Verschiebung 39.
norm 348. - elastic state, ebener elastischer Z ustand
normal coordinate system, Normalkoordina- 154.
tensystem 442, 628. - problem, ebenes Problem 150, 151.
- curvature of a curve, Normalkrummung - problems for rods, ebene Probleme fur
einer Kurve 628. Stiibe 670.
- modes, Eigenschwingungen 269, 271. - rigid displacement, starre Verschiebung 39.
- unit, of curve, Einheitsnormale einer - strain, Dehnung 151.
Kurve 623, 627. - strain solution, Dehnungsliisung 1 52.
- - , - surface, Fliiche 440, 622. - stress, generalized, Spannung, verall-
normalized vector field, normiertes V ektor- gemeinert 152, 577.
feld 186. plate under hydrostatic pressure, Platte
notation, tables of, Bezeichnungen, Liste der unter hydrostatischem Druck 602.
2-5. 298, 299. 432-438. Poincare inequality, Poincares Ungleichung
NovozHILov's derivation of classical linear 350.
theory of shells, N ovozhilovs A bleitung der Poisson-Kirchhoff theory for bending of
klassischen linearen Schalentheorie 593. plates, Poisson-Kirchhoffsche Theorie
fiir die Biegung von Platten 524.
objective (see also frame-indifference), PoissoN's decomposition theorem, Poisson-
objektiv ( s. auch systemunabhiingig) 48 7. scher Zerlegungssatz 234.
oblique derivative problem, Problem ,der - ratio, Quotient 78, 318, 570.
schiefen Ableitung" 376. - - for generalized plane stress, Quotient
open ball, offene Kugel 12. fiir verallgemeinerte ebene Spannung 153.
optimal design of a rod, optimale A uslegung position, representation in rod theories, Lage,
eines Stabes 699. Darstellung in Stabtheorien 647.
oriented media, orientierte M edien 44 5. position-vector field, Lagevektor, F eld des
orthogonal 7. 5. 439.
- complement, Komplement 385, 395. positive definite elastic constants, positiv
- group, orthogonale Gruppe 7. definite elastische Konstanten 153.
- projector, orthogonaler Projektor 392. - - elasticity field, definites Elastizitiits-
orthogonality of characteristic displacements, feld 104.
Orthogonalitiit charakteristischer V er- - - elasticity tensor, definiter Elastizitiits-
schiebungen 264. tensor 69, 85-87.
orthotropic material, orthotrope M aterialien - operator, positiver Operator 369.
72. - semi-definite elasticity tensor, positiv
outer product of tensors, iiufJeres Produkt von halbdefiniter Elastizitiitstensor 69.
Tensoren 617. - - tensor 84.
- work, theorem of, positive Arbeit, Satz von
Parseval theorem, Parsevalscher Satz 366, der 95.
381. potential of double and simple layers,
part, Teil 14, 300. Potential von Einfachschichten und Doppel-
partial differentiation with respect to surface schichten 419.
coordinates ()a, partielle Ableitung nach power and energy, theorem of, Leistung und
Oberfliichenkoordinaten ()a 4 31. Energie, Satz von 216, 331.
particular solution of the equation of equili- - expended, theorem of, aufgebrachte
brium, partikuliire Losung der Gleich- Leistung, Satz von 65.
gewichtsgleichung 59. preferred reference state, bevorzugter Bezugs-
partition, Aufteilung 27. zustand 530.
permutation symbols, Vertauschungssymbole pressure, uniform, Druck, gleichformig 50,
453. 455. 618. n.
perpendicular projection, orthogonale principal curvatures of a surface, Haupt-
Projektion 9. 129. kriimmung einer Fliiche 628.
photoelasticity, Photoelastizitiit 156. - direction, Hauptrichtung 8, 628.
physical components of tensors, physikalische - - of strain, Hauptrichtung der Dehnung
Komponenten von Tensoren 631. 35.
- interpretation of Airy function, Inter- - - of stress, Hauptrichtung der Spannung
pretation der A iry-Funktion 1 58. so.
740 Subject Index.

principal strains, Hauptdehnungen 35. qualitative behavior for rods, qualitatives

- stresses, Hauptspannungen 50. Verhalten von Stiiben 697.
- value, Hauptwert 8. quasi-static theory, quasistatische Theorie
principle of decomposition of thermoelastic 311.
states, Prinzip der Zerlegung thermo-
elastischer Zustiinde 313. rate of work by contact and assigned forces
- - equipresence, der .Aquipriisenz 530. and couples, Arbeitsleistung durch
- - linear momentum, des Impulses 483. Kontaktkriifte und Kriiftepaare sowie
- - material frame-indifference, der Volumkriifte und Kriiftepaare 481.
Systemunabhiingigkeit 80, 305, 487. - - - - contact force and director
- - maximum complementary energy, der couple, Kontaktkraft und Direktorkriifte-
maximalen komplementiire Energie 121. paar 544.
- - - potential energy, potentiellen rate of working, Leistung 300.
Energie 121. ray, Strahl 249, 257.
- - minimum complementary energy, der Rayleigh-Ritz procedure, Rayleigh-Ritz-
minimalen komplementiiren Energie Methode 125-129.
112, 130,212. reciprocal base vectors, reziproke Basis-
- - - potential energy, potentiellen vektoren 618.
Energie 111, 112, 130, 212, 231. - theorem for elastodynamics, Reziprozi-
- - superposition for elastic states, Super- tiitssatz fur Elastodynamik 66.
positionsprinzip fur elastische Z ustiinde - - - elastostatics, Elastostatik 101,
95. 207.
- - - - thermoelastic states, thermo- - - - singular states, singuliire Zustiinde
elastische Z ustiinde 313. 182.
process, dynamical, Prozef3, dynamischer - - - synchronous external force,
44. 49. synchrone iiuf3ere Kraft 219.
- , thermodynamic, thermodynamischer - - - thermoelasticity, Thermo-
484, 497. 510. elastizitiit 320, 332.
-,thermoelastic, thermoelastischer 327. reduced body force, reduzierte Volumenkraft
product of two tensors, Produkt zweier 316.
Tensoren 6. - forms, Formen 306.
production of entropy, Produktion von - stress, Spannung 316.
Entropie 483, 511. reduction of constitutive equations under
progressive wave, fortschreitende Welle 245. superposed rigid body motions, Reduktion
projection methods for rod theories, Pro- von Materialgleichungen durch Uber-
jektionsmethoden fur Stabtheorien 663. lagerung starrer Bewegungen 534.
-,perpendicular, Projektion, orthogonale reference configuration, Bezugskonfiguration
9. 129. 299.
- property, Projektionseigenschaft 31, 32. - director, Bezugsdirektor 447.
propagation condition for isotropic bodies, - surface, Bezugsfliiche 425.
A usbreitungsbedingung fur isotrope - temperature, Bezugstemperatur 308, 312.
Kiirper 247. regular domain, reguliires Gebiet 349.
- - - progressive waves, fortschreitende - hypersurface, reguliire Hyperfliiche 252.
Wellen 246. - oblique derivative problem, reguliires
- of elastic waves, Ausbreitung elastischer Problem .,der schiefen Ableitung" 376.
Wellen 386. - point of boundary, reguliirer Punkt der
- problems, Ausbreitungsprobleme 371, 377. Randfliiche 14.
- theorems, A usbreitungssiitze 2 56. - subsurface, reguliire Unterfliiche 14.
proper orthogonal group, eigentliche ortho- - surface, reguliire Fliiche 13.
gonale Gruppe 7. regularization, regularity at or near the
properly regular, eigentlich regular 14, 38, boundary, Regularisierung, Regularitiit
351. auf oder in der Umgebung der Randfliiche
pseudo body force field, Pseudo- Volumen- 357. 401, 411.
kraftfeld 66, 218, 332. - , - in general, allgemein 370, 422.
pseudo-differential operators, Pseudo- - , - interior, im Innern 408.
Differentialoperatoren 421. - , - rods, bei Stiiben 680.
pseudo heat supply field, Pseudo-Wiirme- REISSNER's plate theory, Reissnersche
zufuhrfeld 332. Plattentheorie 575. 578, 584.
pseudo-tension operator, Pseudo-Zugkraft- relative tensors, relative Tensoren 618.
operator 420. Rellich selection principle, Rellichsches
pure bending of a plate, reine Biegung einer A uswahlprinzip 3 52.
Platte 599. RELLICH's lemma 20.
- shear, Scherung 50, 77. representation of biharmonic fields at
- strain, Dehnung 33. infinity, Darstellung von biharmonischen
- tension, reiner Zug 50, 78. Feldern im Unendlichen 22.
Subject Index. 741
representation of dilatation and rotation, Dar- rigid displacement, starre Verschiebung
stellung von Dilatation und Rotation 188. 31-33, 61, 68, 104.
- - displacement field, des Verschie- - field on 8 B with force and moment,
bungsfeldes 160. starres Feld auf oB mit Kraft und Moment
- - - gradient, Verschiebungsgradienten 185.
187. ring (rod), Ring (Stabtheorie) 659, 697.
- - elastic displacement fields at infinity, ring, a 415.
des elastischen Verschiebungsfeldes im rod, definition, Stab, Definition 646.
Unendlichen 165. -,definition of theory, Stabtheorie,
- - harmonic fields at infinity, harmoni- Definition 641.
scher Felder im Unendlichen 22. rotation field, Rotationsfeld 31.
residual stress, Restspannung 81, 308. - vector, Rotationsvektor 31, 39.
response function in elasticity, Antwort- rotational wave equation, Rotationswellen-
funktion in der Elastizitiitstheorie SO. gleichung 328.
- - - shell theory, Schalentheorie 529, rotatory inertia, Rotationstriigheit 578, 596.
- - - thermoelasticity, Thermoelastizitiit Saint-Venant problem, Saint- Venantsches
301, 302, 304. Problem 661.
response of isotropic materials, Reaktion SAINT-YEN ANT's principle, Saint- Venants
eines isotropen Materials 74. Prinzip 190--207.
restricted cone-hypothesis, eingeschriinkte scalar field, skalares Feld 10.
Kegelhypothese 382. - product, Produkt 399.
- form of the constitutive equations for - solid spherical harmonic, skalare riium-
an isotropic material, Form der Material- liche Kugelfunktion 21.
gleichungen fur ein isotropes Material 55 7. Schwarz alternating method, Schwarzsche
- theory (kinematic) of shells, Theorie alternierende Methode 421.
(kinematisch) der Schalen 455. s-derivative, s-Ableitung 350.
restriction of response functions under second law of thermodynamics (Clausius-
reflection of director, einschriinkende Be- Duhem inequality), zweiter Hauptsatz der
dingung an A ntwortfunktionen bei Thermodynamik (Clausius-Duhem-
Spiegelung des Direktors 540, 542. Ungleichung) 301, 484, 512, 532.
- on stress due to uniform dilatation, fur self-adjoint, selbstadfungiert 385.
die Spannung bei gleichformiger self-equilibrated stress field, Gleichgewichts-
Dilatation 73. Spannungsfeld 55. 59.
restrictions placed on elastic materials by the semi-coercive bilinear form, halbkoerzive
second law, einschriinkende Bedingungen bilineare Form 422.
fur elastische M aterialien aus dem zweiten semi-coerciveness hypothesis, H albkoerzivitiit,
H auptsatz 302. Hypothese 392.
resultant assigned couple, resultierendes vor- shear deformation, transverse, Scher-
geschriebenes Kriiftepaar 504. deformation, transversal 460, 575. 578,
- - director couple, Direktorkriiftepaar 584.
481. -modulus, Schermodul 74, 76, 210, 311,
- - force, resultierende vorgeschriebene 574.
Kraft 481 -,simple, Scherung, einfache 34, 36, 77.
- body force, Volumenkraft 509. - stress, Scherspannung 50, 51.
- contact couple, resultierendes Kontakt- shell-like body, schalenartiger Korper 411,
kriiftepaar 504. 425, 438, 440, 442.
- - director couple, Kontaktdirektor- shell theory, Schalentheorie 444, 445.
kriiftepaar 480. - thickness, Schalendicke 443, 447.
- - force, resultierende Kontaktkraft 480, shells reinforced with cords, Schalen, ver-
510. stiirkt durch Fasern 547.
- couple vectors, Kriiftepaarvektoren 514. shock wave, Schockwelle 253, 254.
- force, Kraft 514. a-ring 415.
resultants, catalogue of definitions, Resul- Signorini problem, definition 404, 413.
tierende, Katalog der Definitionen der 526. - , generalized, verallgemeinert 404, 408.
-,specific internal energy and entropy, fur - in viscoelasticity, in der Theorie der
spezifische innere Energie und Entropie Viskoelastizitiit 423.
515. SIGNORINI's theorem, Signorinischer Satz
Riemann-Christoffel tensor, Riemann- 61.
Christoffel- Tensor 620. simple extension, einfache A usdehnung 34.
- - in space, im Raum 620. - shear, einfache Scherung 34, 77.
- - of a surface, auf einer Fliiche 462. simply-connected, einfach zusammenhiingend
Riesz-Fredholm theory of compact 13.
operators, Riesz-Fredholm- Theorie singular elastic state, singuliirer elastischer
kompakter Operatoren 369. Zustand 179.
742 Subject Index.

singular integral equations on a curve, Stokes process, Stokesscher ProzefJ 239, 240.
singuliire I ntegralgleichungen auf einer STOKES' theorem, Stokesscher Satz 17.
Kurve 420. stored energy (strain energy), function in
- set of the measure y, Menge vom MafJ y elasticity, gespeicherte Energie ( Dehnungs-
415. energie), Funktion in der Elastizitiits-
- surface of order n, Fliiche der Ordnung n theorie 82, 94.
250. - - , - - rods, Stiiben 673, 677, 680.
- - - - zero, Null 249. - - , - - shells, Schalen 545.
skew, schief 6, 617. straight rods, gerade Stiibe 690.
skew-symmetric r X r matrix, schiefsym- strain energy (total stored energy), elasticity,
metrische rxr Matrix 384. Dehnungsenergie ( gesamte gespeicherte
smooth field, glattes F eld 11. Energie), in der Elastizitiitstheorie 94,
- in time, glatt in der Zeit 24. 110, 208, 216.
smoothly propagating surface, glatt sick aus- - - , elasticity, bounds for, Elastizitiits-
breitende Welle 248. theorie, Schranken fur 113.
Sobolev lemma 354. - -,shells, Schalen 545.
solenoidal fields solonoidales F eld 18. - - , thermoelasticity, Thermoelastizitiit
solid spherical harmonic, riiumliche Kugel- 324.
funktion 22. - field, Dehnungsfeld 31, 39, 43, 461.
solution of equation of elasticity, Losung der - path, Dehnungsverlauf 82.
Gleichung der Elastizitiitstheorie 102. - rate, Dehnungsrate 43.
- - general problem of elasticity, des strain-displacement relation, Dehnungs-
allgemeinen Problems der Elastizitiits- Verschiebungs-Relation 31, 89, 212, 312,
theorie 129. 326.
- - generalized mixed problem, des ver- stress-couples, Spannungskriiftepaare 512,
allgemeinerten gemischten Problems 185. 513, 595.
- - mixed problem, des gemischten stress energy, Spannungsenergie 111, 324.
Problems 102, 220, 321, 335. - equation of compatibility, Spannung,
Somigliana fundamental matrix, Somi- Kompatibilitiitsbeziehung 92.
glianasche Fundamentalmatrix 419. - - - motion, Bewegungsgleichung 214.
SoMIGLIANA's theorem, Somiglianascher - field, Spannungsfeld 4 5-64.
Satz 183. o
- - for solution of mixed problem, fur die
spaces Hm(A) and Hm(A), Riiume Hm(A) Losung des gemischten Problems 103.
- functions, Spannungsfunktionen 53-59.
und Hm(A) 349. - , independent of elastic constants,
space-time, Raum-Zeit 27. Spannungen, unabhiingig von den elasti-
special theories of shells, spezielle Schalen- schen Konstanten 163.
theorien 546. - moments for rods, Spannungsmomente
specific entropy, spezifische Entropie 483, fur Stiibe 649.
510. - power, Leistung 65, 216, 300, 496.
- Gibbs free energy, Gibbssche freie Energie - relation, Spannungs-Dehnungs-Beziehung
555, 570. 89, 212, 302, 305, 306.
- heat, W iirme 304. - resultant, Spannung, Resultierende 512,
- - supply, Wiirmezufuhr 481. 513, 651.
- Helmholtz free energy, Helmholtzsche - tensor, Spannungstensor 45-64, 513.
freie Energie 497, 511. -,transverse normal, transverse Normal-
- internal energy, innere Energie 481, 510. spannung 584.
- production of entropy, Entropieproduk- - vector, Spannungsvektor 43, 485, 510.
tion 483, 511. - wave, Spannungswelle 254.
spectral decomposition and theorem, stress-free state, spannungsfreier Zustand
spektrale Zerlegung und Spektralsatz 8. 323.
spectrum, Spektrum 269. stress-momentum field, Spannungs- I mpuls-
speed of propagation, A usbreitungsgeschwin- Feld 67, 253.
digkeit 248, 343. stress-strain relation (see also stress relation),
spherical harmonic, Kugelfunktion 22. Spannungs-Dehnungs-Beziehung ( s. auch
star-shaped region, sternformiges Gebiet 14. Spannungsbeziehung) 89, 212.
static-geometric analogy, statisch-geometrische stress-strain temperature relation, Dehnungs-
A nalogie 613. Temperatur-Beziehung 312, 326.
statically admissible state, statisch zuliissiger stress-temperature equation of compatibility,
Zustand 114. Spannungs- Temperatur-Gleichung ( Kom-
- - stress field, zuliissiges Spannungsfeld patibilitiitsbeziehung) 318, 219, 321,
112, 324. - modulus, Spannungs-Temperatur-Modul
STERNBERG's theorem on ST. VENANT's 311.
principle, Sternbergscher Satz zu St. - tensor, Spannungs-Temperatur-Tensor
Venants Prinzip 193. 309, 313.
Subject Index. 743
strong condition for existence of solution of temperature condition, Temperatur-
Signorini problem, starke Bedingung fur bedingung 335.
die Existenz der Losung des Signorini- - difference field, Temperaturdifferenzfeld
Problems 417. 312.
- derivative, Ableitung 349, 357. - equation, Temperaturgleickung 328.
- sense, im starken Sinne 416. - gradient, Temperaturgradient 301.
strongly elliptic elasticity field, stark - relations, Temperaturbeziekungen 305.
elliptisckes Elastizitatsfeld 1o5. -,representation in rod theories, Tempera-
- - elasticity tensor, elliptiscker Elastizi- tur, Darstellung in Stabtkeorien 649.
tatstensor 86, 87. 247, 256. temperature-entropy moment for rods,
- - operator 365, 422. Temperatur-Entropie-Moment fur Stiibe
subsurfaces !1'1 and !1'2 , Teilflacken !1'1 und !1'2 649.
12. tensor components, Tensorkomponenten 498.
superposed rigid body motions, uberlagerte - , covariant, contravariant, mixed, Tensor,
starre Bewegungen 452, 532. kovarianter, kontravarianter, gemischter
supply of moment of momentum, Zufukr von 617, 622.
Drekimpuls 482. - , definition 6.
support of u, Trager von u 349. - fields, Tensorfelder 10.
surface base vectors and their reciprocals, - product, Tensorprodukt 7.
Flackenbasisvektoren und reziproke -,relative, Tensor, relativer 618.
Basisvektoren 623. -, surface, Tensor in einer Placke 631.
- force field, Flackenkraftfeld 59. 215. - transformation laws, Tensor- Transforma-
- geometry, Flackengeometrie 621. tionsgesetze 616.
- heat flux moments for rods, Flacken- - type, Art 617.
warmeflu{Jmomente fur Stabe 651. thermal expansion tensor, tkermiscke A us-
- of discontinuity, Unstetigkeitsflacken deknung, Tensor der 310.
248. thermal gradient-temperature relation,
- rate of deformation, Flackendeformations- Temperaturgradient- Temperatur-
rate 451. Beziehung 326.
- spin tensor, Flackenspintensor 451. thermodynamic process, tkermodynamiscker
- spherical harmonic, Kugelflackenfunk- ProzefJ 484, 497. 510.
tionen 21. thermoelastic process, tkermoelastischer
- tension, Flackenspannung 54 7. ProzefJ 327.
- traction, Fliickenzugkraft 44, 93, 95. 211, - rod, tkermoelastiscker Stab 656, 669.
313, 319, 327. - shell, tkermoelastische Sckale 561.
- vectors, Flackenvektoren 450. - state, thermoelastiscker Zustand 313.
symmetric bounded bilinear form, symmetri- thermo-mechanical behavior (response) of
scke besckriinkte bilineare Form 391. bodies, tkermo-mechanisches Verkalten von
- elasticity tensor, symmetriscker Elasti- Korpern 512.
zitatstensor 69, 84, 85, 247, 256. - - - elastic Cosserat surface, elastiscken
- gradient 11. Cosserat-Flacken 529.
- operator 369. - - - shells, Sckalen 497.
- tensor 6, 617. thickness of shell, Dicke einer Sckale 443.
symmetry condition for rods, Symmetrie thickness-shear vibration, Dicke-Scker-
Beziekung fur Stabe 654. sckwingung 575.
-,geometrical, geometriscke 297. thin film, dunner Film 54 7.
- group, Symmetriegruppe 70, 210. - shells and plates, dunne Schalen und
- of Green's states, Symmetrie von Greens Platten 438, 524.
Z ustiinden 18 7. three-dimensional body B, dreidimensionaler
- transformation, Transformation 70. Korper B 438.
synchronous external force systems, syn- time-interval, Zeitintervall 23.
ckrones au{Jeres Kraftsystem 219. topology of Hm(A), Topologie von Hm(A)
system of concentrated loads, konzentriertes 401.
Lastsystem 1 79. torsion of rectangular plate, Torsion einer
- - forces, Krajtsystem 43. rechteckigen Platte 604.
total energy, Gesamtenergie 216, 332.
tangent plane, Tangentialebene 622. - force, Gesamtkraft 44.
-, unit of a curve, Einkeitstangente einer - moment, Gesamtimpuls 44.
Kurve 623. TouPIN's theorem on ST. VENANT's principle,
tangential and normal components of Toupinscher Satz zu St. Venants Prinzip
director and of director gradient, 196.
Tangential- und Normalkomponenten des trace, Spur 6, 353.
Direktors und des Direktorgradienten .)35. traction condition, Zugkraftbedingung
temperature, absolute, Temperatur, absolute 102, 220, 321, 335.
301, 483, 510. - problem, Zugkraftproblem 102, 220, 321.
744 Subject Index.

transport theorem, two-dimensional, uniqueness theorem, elasticity, incompres-

Transporttheorem, zweidimensional 456. sible body, Eindeutigkeitssatz der Ela-
transpose of a tensor, fourth-order, Trans- stizitiitstheorie, inkompressibler Korper
ponierte eines Tensors vierter Ordnung 212.
10. - -,-,internal concentrated loads,
- - - - , second-order, zweiter Ordnung innere konzentrierte Lasten 190.
6. - -,-,mixed ("third") problem, drittes
transverse isotropy, transversale I sotropie oder gemischtes Problem 104, 112.
72. - - , - , plane problem, ebenes Problem
- normal stress, Normalspannung 584. 154.
- shear deformation, Scherdeformation - - , rods, fiir Stiibe 692.
460, 575, 578, 584. - -,shells, fiir Schalen 610.
- wave, Welle 246-248, 254, 343. - - , thermoelasticity, dynamic, der
two-dimensional body forces, zweidimen- Thermoelastizitiit, dynamisch 338.
sionale Kriifte 513. - - , - , static, statisch 322.
- e-system, zweidimensionales e-System unit doublet state, Einheits-Doublet-Zustand
455. 178.
- heat supply, zweidimensionale W iirme- - Kelvin state, Einheits-Kelvin-Zustand
zufuhr 513. 178.
- permutation symbols, zweidimensionale - normal to a surface, Einheitsnormale
Vertauschungssymbole 455. einer Fliiche 440, 622.
- transport theorem, Transporttheorem - principal normal to a curve, Einheits-
456. normale einer Kurve 627.
typical surface particle, typisches Ober- - tangent and unit normal to a curve lying
fliichenteilchen 530. in the surface, Einheitstangente und Ein-
heitsnormale einer K urve in der Fliiche
umbilics, Nabelpunkte 628. 623.
unbounded regular region, unbeschriinktes universal displacement field, universelles
reguliires Gebiet 13, 25 7. Verschiebungsfeld 91.
uncoupled, ungekoppelt 311, 312. upper and lower bounds for strain energy,
- quasi-static theory, ungekoppelte quasi- obere und untere Schranke fiir die
statische Theorie 325. Dehnungsenergie 113.
uniform dilatation, gleichformige Dilatation
34, n. vanishing near a surface, Verschwinden bei
- pressure, gleichmiif3iger Druck 50, 77. einer Fliiche 20, 223.
- states, uniforme Zustiinde 546. variational methods, elastic rod theory,
- - for rods, fur Stiibe 698. V ariationsmethoden, elastische Stab-
unilateral constraints, einseitige Z wangs- theorie 668.
bedingungen 403. - - , 3-dimensional elasticity, 3-dimensio-
- problem, abstract, einseitiges Problem, nale Elastizitiitstheorie 125-129.
abstrakt 39, 39 5. - principles and theorems, elasticity,
- -,differential operator, verkniipft mit Variations-Prinzipien und -Siitze,
Differentialoperator 422. Elastizitiitstheorie 122-125, 223-232.
- - , elastic body, im elastischen Korper - - - - , hyperelastic rods, hyper-
402. elastische Stiibe 676.
- - , elastostatics, in der Elastostatik 423. - - - - , shell theory, Schalentheorie
- - , elliptic operators, fiir elliptische 476.
Operatoren 399. vector field, Vektorfeld 10.
- -,linear operators of applied mathe- - in a surface, Vektor in einer Fliiche 622.
matics, verkniipft mit linearen Operatoren - product, Vektorprodukt 5.
der angewandten Mathematik 422. - solid spherical harmonic, vektorielle
- -,membrane, fiir eine Membran 422. riiumliche Kugelfunktion 22.
- - , symmetric coercive bilinear form, velocity, definition, Geschwindigkeit,
bzgl. symmetrischer koerziver bilinearer Definition 43, 467.
Form 422. - , director, Direktorgeschwindigkeit 449.
uniqueness theorem, elasticity, displacement - of propagation of a wave, Ausbreitungs-
("first") problem, Eindeutigkeitssatz der geschwindigkeit einer Welle 246.
Elastizitiitstheorie, erstes oder Verschie- visco-elasticity, Viskoelastizitiit 386.
bungs-Problem 105. Volterra dislocation, Volterra- V ersetzung
- - , - , elastodynamics, Elastodynamik 42.
222, 261. - integral equations in Banach spaces,
- - , - , exterior domain, iiuf3eres Gebiet Volterra-Integralgleichung in Banach-
171. Riiumen 374.
- -,-,general problem, allgemeines volume change, Volumeniinderung 30, 31,
Problem 130. 37, 97.
Subject Index. 745

v. Karman equations for nonlinear bending, WEINGARTEN's formulae, Weingartens

of thin plates, v. Kdrmdn-Gleichung Formeln 625, 626.
fur nichtlineare Biegung dunner Platten - theorem on singular surfaces, Satz uber
588. singuliire Fliichen 252.
v. Mises-Sternberg version of Saint-Venant's Wheeler-Sternberg lemma 257.
principle, v. Mises-Sternberg- Version des work, definition, Arbeit, Definition 60.
Prinzips von Saint- Venant 190. - done along a strain path, geleistete, fur
einen Dehnungsverlauf 82.
wave, acceleration, Beschleunigungswelle - - by an isotropic body, von einem
253. 254. isotropen Korper 207.
-,balance of momentum for, Welle, - starting from rest, beginnend im
lmpulsbilanz fur 254. Ruhezustand 217.
-,dispersed, Wellen, dispersierte 343. expended, Arbeitsleistung 60.
- equations, Wellengleichung 328. - theorem in thermoelasticity, Arbeitssatz
- ofordern, WellederOrdnungn 253. in der Thermoelastizitiit 320.
- operators, Wellenoperator 213. 328. - theorems in elasticity, Arbeitssiitze in der
- propagation, straight rods, Wellenaus- Elastizitiitstheorie 9 5, 208, 211.
breitung in geraden Stiiben 663.
- - , 3-dimensional bodies, in 3-dimensio- re;-convex region, x;-konvexes Gebiet 15.
nalen Korpern 243-261.
-,transverse, Welle, transversal 246--248, YouNG's modulus, Elastizitiitsmodul 78, 570.
254. 343.
weak solution, schwache Losung 355. Zanaboni-Robinson theorem on SAINT-
weakly closed, schwach geschlossen 393. VENANT's principle, Zanaboni-Robinson-
- compact, kompakt 394, 398. scher Satz zu Saint- Venants Prinzip 206.

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