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Hello, I'm going to talk about Mexico.

The capital of Mexico is the city of Mexico

The territorial extension is 1,964,380 km2
Although it is quite varied, the climate is tropical in most of the
A lingua é Spanish language;
More than 90% of the population is Christian. However, there is
no official religion in the country;
the Currency is Mexican peso;
the System of Government is Federal Presidentialist

Several places in Mexico are World Heritage Sites.

One of them is the Historic Center of Mexico City. It is one of
the largest metropolises in the world and maintains the Aztec
In it can be visited the Zócalo Square, which represents the
national identity of the Mexican people
Chichen Itza is an archaeological city located in Yucatan. It is
one of the most visited tourist spots in Mexico
In Teotihuacan there are many pyramids. At 65 meters high, the
Pyramid of the Sun is the largest of them.
The pyramid of Tepanapa, in the state of Póvoa, is the largest
monument in the world. In all, it has four point forty-five
million meters
The country has a rich culture, contemplated with a series of
dialects. This is the result of about five dozen indigenous
peoples living there.
The Mexican gastronomy is Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
One of the main characteristics of Mexican cuisine is its intense
and spicy taste. The country's typical foods are based on corn,
pepper and avocado.
In the music stand out the ranchera music and the mariachi.
Ranchera music has its love theme, especially the homeland.
Mariachi music is traditional from the interior
One of the most popular celebrations is the Day of the Dead. For
Mexicans, death represents liberation. Thus, in this celebration
celebrated between the days of October 31 and November 2, the
skeletons are venerated. There are candies and skeleton-shaped
toys for children

· One of the largest economies in Latin America is a

Mexican economy. Mexico is rich in mineral
resources and exclusively dedicated to mineral
exploration and industry.
· He is the world's largest silver producer. With
regard to oil production, Mexico is also well
positioned. The country in the list among the ten
largest oil producers internationally

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