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To: manu.11@gmail.

Subject: some news 😊

Hi Manu.

Manu, I hope you are well, I sorry for didn't answer your email, because I was with my
family organizing the preparations for baby shower for give the welcome to Maria
Fernanda😊, the event will on October in my house, also I am very happy because Maria
Fernanda is my second niece.

my sister and her husband didn't want to do nothing, but we persuade until they said yes.
My mother is charging of make cake and food, because my mother cooks delicious, we are
buying the things for the decoration, my aunt Lida is the decorator of the party, she is very
creative for the events. She did buy silk paper of color pink, white and fuchsia. What’s
more I am doing a basis very nice for the reminders, it is shape of dancer, used icopor and
rose paint. Also, my mother bought much candies for the guests, who are family, friends of
my sister and neighbours.

For day of the event, we are going to do games for guests, as put the diaper to a doll,
other game is measure the belly of my sister with toilet paper and as last game is choose six
participating random, after they are drinking bottle prepared of beer, pepper and salt, these
games have gifts for the person that win. What more we will eat cake and the event will
finish when my sister and her husband open the gifts for the baby. I hope that everything
goes well 😊

Bye Manu,

Jasbleidy Melo

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