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CATUDAY, Katherine Venus M.


STS 0002-59

Assignment 1.2
Essay. Answer the following questions:
1. Among the science and technology discoveries and inventions, which do you think had the
greatest impact in the ancient society? Why?
- It would have to be their application of mathematics and their insights into agriculture. Their
buildings that still exist today have survived because of the advanced engineering that the people
in these eras have projected in the infrastructure recovered in the present times. Additionally,
their agriculture has also been detailed and supported their daily needs for those that receive the
luxury of water.

2. Among the ancient civilizations, which do you think had the greatest contribution in the
development of ancient society? Why?
- It is difficult to pinpoint which of the early civilizations created the ‘greatest’ contributions.
They have faced different situations that gradually changed their approach in many aspects of
their society. In a personal opinion, the civilization that significantly contributes to the
community would be the one that utilizes their people to produced great projects that build and
supports collective goals. The previous societies have their form of communication and have
their ways of navigating the community. The competition may as well be in the way of life in the
institutions in ancient times.

3. If you were to live during the ancient times, what civilization would you want to be part of?
- I want to have a chance to live in the Greek Civilization and have an opportunity to travel
towards China. These two were the ‘center’ of the western and eastern ancient civilizations.
Having the chance to talk to different philosophers that astounded the world with their world
views would count for a fascinating and knowledgeable conversation. I would be honored to be
in their presence.
Essay. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the relationship between science and technology?
- Science is using experiments by doing methods, investigation, observations, studying variables,
etc., to learn or acquire new knowledge through constant researches of already existing materials.
Technology, on the other hand, is simply the application of science.

2. What is the greatest impact of science and technology in the society?

- At its very core, humans use science and create modern technology to make life easier. It
allows us to ‘control’ our environment for studies that result in even more progress. By venturing
towards further research and innovations, science and technology shall bloom even more with
the persistence humans give.

3. How does society affect the development of science and technology?

- By acknowledging the needs of society, people find new ways to maneuver through
adversaries, whether it be to battle nature, discovering new medicine to eradicate diseases,
among many other things. An example would be coal-reliant motors because of the demand
during the era of steam engines. By then, a lot of people were using this for transportation
purposes. Studies proved that the accumulated greenhouse gases have been unhealthy to the
atmosphere, thus evoking humans to find another way to protect the environment. As well as not
stopping towards their advancement, this created the idea of sustainable development.
Converting plastics from trash to concrete would be an example of this change. In other words,
society makes things that satisfy human needs, but it is also their responsibility to act on
something that may also change in the future.

4. Specify the greatest contribution in each civilization.

- Sumerian
- form of writing (cuneiform), number system, irrigation system, wheeled vehicles,
agriculture, sailboat, medicine, plow
- Babylonian
- weapons, number system
- Egyptian
- temple, mummification, hieroglyphics, medicine irrigation system, mathematics,
calendar, wigs
- Greek
- theater, trade, philosophers
- Roman
- building materials, Roman aqueducts, architectures, roman numerals,
- China
- tea production, compass, silk, gunpowder

5. What are your realizations in life after discussing science and technology in ancient
- Needs are the fundamental driving force for humans to act and study. After all, humans cannot
live in this world without changing their environment. Also, greatness won’t last forever, but it is
carved through history. Intent may be lost in the documents, but these civilizations have shown
their might and genius to the people of today, and by their contributions, humans have learned
from them.

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