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Story Idea by AKIRA

Before the game starts:

Our protagonist (we will call him John from now on but later we will
choose a name) killed his girlfriend with a kitchen knife when they
were fighting. He fled to an old farm that was in his family’s name and
started living there. He would make a living selling wheat to a nearby

Game Start:
The game will start with a cutscene of John finishing his work on the
field. The wheat field is almost ready for harvest.

John will arrive home and do the dishes, he will also clean up around
and then he will go to sleep.

The game will work on days, and everyday he will come home from
the farm. The objective when he comes to the farm is to clean up the
house, fuel the generator and stuff like that.

This week is the same week that years ago the girl was killed.

The more time passes, the more John will hallucinate and remember
the past.
Example: It starts seeing someone watching him on the window, but the
person will disappear as soon as he sees it, then he will need a knife to eat
something and the kitchen knife will be covered in blood for less than a
He will start to hear footsteps outside, dogs barking, he can even
dream that the police are arresting him, and he will always see
strange things around his house, mainly in the dark rooms.

There is a creature created by a cosmic entity (an old god) waiting for
John to become aware of what he did and insane, so it can feed on
John, making the entity that created it stronger.

The player will have the choice of checking on his hallucinations and
learning more of the lore, with the con of John remembering more of
his past and becoming more fragile and insane. Or the player can
maintain John’s sanity by doing things that can make him forget
what he did, weakening the creature and having a good ending.

Game Endings:
Good Ending: John forgets what he did this year, but will have to go
through it again next year

Bad Ending: John is killed by the entity, but remembers what he did.
He doesn't discover anything about the entity in this ending.

Cultist Ending: John becomes fragile and the entity is summoned, but
John flees to the village through the wheat field, making the monster
lose sight of him. He reaches the village, discovering that the people
over there are dead, as they are the ones that called upon the old god
and offered John as a sacrifice for his summoning without knowing
that the god would take them as well.

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