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Time – approximatly 35 minutes

( Includes reading the directions for each part)

In this section of the test, you will have an opportinity to demonstrate your ability to
understand conversations and talks in English. There are three parts to this section. Answer
all the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by speakers you hear. Do not take
notes or write in your test book at anytime. Do not turn the pages until you are told to do so.
Part A

Directions: In part A you will hear short conversations between two people. After each
conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and
questions will not be repeated. After you hear question, read the four possible answers in
your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have
Listen to an example.
On the recording, you hear:
(Man) : what are you doing there?
(Woman) : Nothing. I just wonder if there is any trout in here.
(Narrator) : what does the woman mean?
In your test book, you read:
(A) She doesn’t expect that there is any pickerel.
(B) She tells the man to catch the fish.
(C) She is wonder woman.
(D) She wants to know the truth.
Sample answer
You learn from the conversation that the man wanted to know what the woman is doing. The
woman stated that she surprises about the trout or pickerel. Therefore, the best answer is she
doesn’t expect that there is any pickerel (A).

Now begin work on the questions

1. (A) The food was so good.
(B) The man didn’t like the food.
(C) The woman got stomachache.
(D) They Enjoyed the food very much.
2. (A) The mowan is willing to help him.
(B) The woman ignores to help him.
(C) The woman feels not sure about him.
(D) the woman doesn’t have leisure time.

3. (A) She is able to visit the man’s house at 4.

(B) She must come at his house at 4.
(C) She is afraid of the man.
(D) She is not willing to visit his house at 4

4. (A) The man wants to go with John.

(B) John asks the woman to drive the car.
(C) The man agrees with woman’s opinion about John.
(D) The man disagrees with the woman.

5. (A) She is agry.

(B) She is happy.
(C) She is fine.
(D) She wants to study with the man.

6. (A) Martha has three children.

(B) Martha has five children.
(C) Martha has one children.
(D) Martha has nine children.

7. (A) The man is fine.

(B) The man ignores the woman.
(C) The man feels sad.
(D) The man feels angry.

8. (A) The man should be killed.

(B) The man should not take cigarette anymore.
(C) The man has bad habit.
(D) The woman doesn’t want to hurt him.

9. (A) The man doesn’t know about the woman.

(B) The man can’t answer the woman’s question.
(C) The man doesn’t want to answer it.
(D) The man doesn’t agree with the woman.

10. (A) The man prefers dolphins to chimpanzees.

(B) The chimpanzees are cleverer than the dolphines.
(C) The man doesn’t agree with the woman.
(D) The man has the same opinion as the woman.

11. (A) The woman has seen the movie.

(B) The woman has not seen the movie yet.
(C) The movie is not wonderful enough.
(D) The woman is not sure about the movie.
12. (A) The man will tell about it in another time.
(B) The man can not tell the accident.
(C) The man asks forgiveness to the woman.
(D) The man says thank you

13. (A) The man wants to buy a ring for the woman.
(B) The man has some problems and then call the woman.
(C) The man will not call the woman if there are not any problems.
(D) The man will see the woman at five.

14. (A) The woman has invited Cavin by phon

(B) The woman will not call Cavin he has come.
(C) The woman has not invited Cavin yet.
(D) The woman didn’t invite cavin.

15. (A) The man missess the woman.

(B) the man will go by bus.
(C) When the man arrived at home, he will see the woman.
(D) The man doesn’t know the woman’s home.

16. (A) He is agry.

(B) He doesn’t like strawberries and meals.
(C) He will go to the supermarket with the woman.
(D) he is very happy.

17. (A) The woman disagrees with the man’s opinion.

(B) The woman says the same opinion as the man.
(C) The woman thinks like the man too.
(D) The woman thinks so many things today.

18. (A) He will go there by plane.

(B) He will go there by car.
(C) He will go there by bus.
(D) he will go there by his wings.

19. (A) The man should do nothing.

(B) The man should go down.
(C) The man should not be there and go home.
(D) The man should not be panic.

20. (A) The man stays there for a moment.

(B) The man and the woman see the strange men.
(C) The man asks the woman to do nothing.
(D) The man ask the woman to go from that place.

21. (A) She is abusing the man.

(B) She is praising the man.
(C) She is mocking the man.
(D) She is angry to the man.
22. (A) The project cannot be decided by the headmaster only.
(B) The man agrees with the headmaster’s plan.
(C) the project should not be done.
(D) The man and the woman agree to add more classes.

23. (A) The woman stayed there nearly a week.

(B) The woman stayed there for two days.
(C) The woman stayed there for eight days.
(D) The woman stayed there during April.

24. (A) She was not able to speak French.

(B) She was practising French
(C) She often spoke French when she was in Franch.
(D) She spoke franch rarely.

25. (A) He probably goes to canteen.

(B) He probably leaves the class.
(C) He probably goes to the woman’s house.
(D) he probably goes to the class with the woman.

26. (A) She is not taking a computer course anymore.

(B) She is teaching a computer course in that place.
(C) She has finished the course.
(D) She has not finished the course yet.

27. (A) The man agrees with the woman’s opinion.

(B) The man has very much party.
(C) The man doesn’t like the party.
(D) The man enjoys the food at the party very much.

28. (A) She is bad now.

(B) She is on bed.
(C) She found a bat.
(D) She is fine.

29. (A) The man doesn’t know who Olive is.

(B) Olive is his kid’s friend.
(C) The man knows Olive very well.
(D) Olive has kids.

30. (A) The man doesn’t agree with the woman.

(B) The man buys a rose.
(C) The man has the similiar opinion with the woman.
(D) The man gives the woman a lovely rose.
Part B
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear longer conversations. After each
conversation, you will hear several questions. The conversations and questions will not be
repeated. After you hear question, read the four possible answers in your test book and
choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill
in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have choosen. Remember, you
are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.
Now begin work on the question.
(Woman): I didn’t sleep all night last night because I had to take care of my father. He
was hospitelized.
(Man): Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
31. (A) He couldn’t sleep last night.
(B) He was hospitalized.
(C) He took care of the woman.
(D) He was at home.

32. (A) The man expressed sympathy.

(B) The man expressed sadness.
(C) The man expressed happiness.
(D) The man expressed anger.
(woman): hmmmm, It’s sound nice. Snails with garlic have you never eaten it?
(Man): No, I dont like the taste. I like seafood better.
(woman): do you? It’s the opposite with me. I don’t like seafood at all. I’m allergic.
33. (A) He hates sea food.
(B) He hates garlic.
(C) He hates snails with garlic.
(D) He hate butter.

34. (A) Because she doesn’t like the taste.

(B) Because she is allergic.
(C) Because it is expensive.
(D) Because it is strange food.
(man): How was the movie last night?
(Woman): we thought that we had prepared for everything. I had bought the tickets two
days before. I had phone my cousin to accompany me. However, as soon as we arrived
to the cinema, we realized that we had left the tickets at home. So, we couldn’t see the
35. (A) Her cousin.
(B) Her friend
(C) The man.
(D) Her boy friend.

36. (A) She was forget.

(B) She delayed it.
(C) She cancelled it
(D) She didn’t bring the tickets.
(woman): Dick, the Tap is not leaking anymore. Did you fix it? I need it to wash these
(man): I got the plumber to fix it yesterday. It’s probably okey right now. Check it.
37. (A) The man.
(B) The woman.
(C) The man’s friend
(D) The plumber.

38. (A) The woman.

(B) The woman’s friend.
(C) The man’s cousin.
(D) The man.
Part C

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will hear
some questions. The talks and the questions will not be repeated. After you hear question,
read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your
answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the
letter of the answer you have choosen.

Here is an example

On the recording, you hear:

(narrator) : Questions 39 through 42.
Listen to a talk about capital town of Malaysia.
(woman) : Kuala Lumpur offers kinds of
activity, food, shopping center, museum,
park, and local theater. There is also federal
government center in Putrajaya which is
located south of Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur
has modern infrastructure like KLIA – Kuala
Lumpur International Airport.

Now listen to a sample question.

(narrator) : what does Kuala Lumpur offer?
On the test book, you read (39):
(A) Kinds of food and fashion.
(B) A great hotel and park.
(C) Kinds of activity and shopping center.
(D) A modern airport and harbour.
The best answer to the question, what does Kuala Lumpur offer? Is (C). This answer is based
on the begining part. Therefore, the correct choice is kinds of activity and shopping center
Sample answer
Now listen to another sample question
(narrator) : Where is Putrajaya’s location?
On test book, you read (40):
(A) South of Kuala Lumpur.
(B) Center of Kuala Lumpur.
(C) North of Kuala Lumpur.
(D) West of Kuala Lumpur.

The best answer to the question, Where is Putrajaya’s location? Is (A). This answer is based
on the middle of the talk. Therefore, the correct choice is south of Kuala Lumpur (C).
Sample answer

Now begin work on the questions.

39. (A) Center of graduate.
(B) Center for graduate.
(C) Graduate Center.
(D) Graduation Center.

40. (A) It provides graduate students with a range of facilities and support.
(B) It provides graduate students with exlusive classroom.
(C) It provides graduate students with the best sport area.
(D) It provides graduate students with library which serve many books.

41. (A) It opens throughout the year.

(B) It opens once a year.
(C) It opens once a week.
(D) It opens twice a year.

42. (A) Live in water.

(B) Water.
(C) Fishes.
(D) Mouth.

43. (A) They are drinking.

(B) They are taking a bath.
(C) Thehy are breathing.
(D) They are swimming.

44. (A) From the air.

(B) From the water.
(C) From the gas.
(D) From the plants.

45. (A) Head, trunk, tail fin.

(B) Head, feet, tail fin.
(C) head, trunk, wings.
(D) Head, truck, neck.
46. (A) shapes and colours.
(B) Shapes and ages.
(C) Colours and food.
(D) Foot and activities.

47. (A) Cough.

(B) Headache.
(C) Cancer.
(D) Influenza.

48. (A) The passive smokers breathe in ispooree toxic chemicals.

(B) The passive smokers breather in is richer toxic chemicals.
(C) The passive and active smokers breathe in is equal toxic chemicals.
(D) The passive smokers do not breathe toxic chemicals.

49. (A) 6 – 8 times.

(B) 5 – 6 times.
(C) 3 – 4 times.
(D) 1 – 2 times.

50. (A) 6 – 8 times.

(B) 5 – 6 times.
(C) 3 – 4 times.
(D) 1 – 2 times.



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